#a bit short in neck and body and a gay tail
fjordfolk · 1 year
i think shelties should be outcrossed to fox terriers specifically to make them Worse
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rikustarlight · 2 months
I started fully re-designing the Nejiten kids. YEARS ago (like 10 years ago) I made designs that didn’t make much sense. Even the names were a bit out there. But, I wanted to try again and this time take more effort into pulling character traits from both Neji and Tenten into their kids; appearance and behavior wise.
So, the twins are a modernized alternative to Neji’s design. I swapped the over pulled jacket for a side zipper and a cowl neck. Under the jacket, there is a black spandex tech top to give a nod to the green pander tech suit Lee wears. Their hair is also tied back in the low pony tail, however with their bangs out. In order to tell the twins apart (more for myself LOL) I changed the location of the bandages, just as Neji would wrap on side of his body as a gennin.
Meiten’s outfit is a modern crop and high waisted cargo pants in brown. I think I will change the coloring to the top to red and white to match Tenten and give a nod to her current/Shippuuden look. She wears pink elbow pads as well and sandals instead of shinobi gear. These designs would be about two or three years before the Boruto gang became gennin. Meiten is the same year as her cousin Boruto, and her brothers have been active gennin already.
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These are sketches of fully flushed out designs for Boruto Next gen. If you read my head cannons for Neji and Tenten’s kids, you’d see that the twins would be chunnin around this time as their cousin Boruto started running a muck. Their styles are heavily inspired by Chinese street fashion and mixed with some Neji and Tenten touches. I wanted their color palletes to be simple and opposite. The idea of these two wearing white didn’t fit well in my mind so I let it as red and black. I also changed the narrative to where Nozomi is on Team Lee and Hizashi is on Team Inuzuka. Both Lee and Kiba had to deal with Hyuga’s on their team growing up, might as well keep it pushing lol
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I also loved the idea of Meiten and Metal being super close friends/ “cousins” (since they address Lee as “Uncle”). If it were up to me, they would’ve made the next gen Team Gai. Keeping with Tenten’s gennin color combo, I also modernized Meiten’s outfit to high waisted shorts. I was debating on giving her weights as well for her wrists, but I’ll keep thinking about it.
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For present time Naruto/ Boruto Next gen, Tenten’s design does not change she’s perfect in my eyes, however, I did think of a design for Neji;
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trans-duckling · 3 months
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KakaGai Week 2024: Lost words in transcription
Words: 2,207 Pairing: KakaGai Promt: Books A/N: Sorry if you find grammar mistakes, I barely slept today so I'm fairly sure it won't be perfect ^^"
Kakashi’s day began as any other, with a bed full of dogs in the place where his husband should be. That was about right, as Gai still went out at sunrise to train, even if the exercises had to be lighter at almost sixty years old.
Decided to not leave the bedroom until he had his morning kiss, he turned to the side to sink his hands in dog fur. Judging by the tact of it, that morning it was Uhei who had managed to press himself against the Hatake’s side, while the rest had to conform with any other space available, which with nine dogs in total was not a lot.
Years had not only caught up with Gai and him, but also his ninken. They were all retired now —his initial team, at least— and enjoyed a calm life. He knew their joints were getting old; walks had to be shorter and some of them needed help to go back home from time to time. Kakashi tried not to think much about it.
The front door made a strained noise as it was opened and then closed, probably indicating it required some oil in its joints as well. Knowing what was coming next, the Hatake hugged Uhei with his arms and tried to put on a sad face while facing the entrance to the room.
“Rival!” his husband exclaimed loudly. “You’re still in bed?”
It had become some kind of ritual between them. Gai would leave for training and Kakashi wouldn’t get up until he was back and kissed him good morning. The same question was asked every day, and every day the scene repeated itself. It was a rather enjoyable routine.
“I’m still waiting” he pouted.
With a huff, he heard his husband approaching the bed and sensed him bending forwards while avoiding the ninken just to kiss him a second after. They both were in need of a shave, the short hairs on their faces brushing against each other as lips met. It took Uhei about a minute to get tired of being sandwiched in between them and lift his head to separate their mouths.
“Ugh, Uhei, if you wanted a kiss you just had to said so” the Hatake complained even if smiling.
“What I needed was air, boss.”
With the dog still in his arms, Kakashi used the opportunity to stick his tongue out and lick him from neck to head, at which Uhei responded by battling out of his hold.
“I hate you, boss” the ninken said while trying unsuccessfully to remove his saliva with a paw. “I’m far from a puppy for you to do that.”
“He’s also too human to do that” Gai added.
“Hey, don’t insult me!” Kakashi protested.
He was sure his husband rolled his eyes.
“Ok, time for breakfast” the man said a moment after. “I have a small present for you, rival, so you better hurry up.”
“Ooh, so a present, eh?” the Hatake playfully commented, patting the mattress to grab Gai’s hand and bring him down into another kiss. “This is going to be a fun meal, then.”
“Ugh, boss, we’re still here” Uhei complained, jumping off the bed.
“It’s not that kind of present, rival” his husband laughed as his weight left the mattress as well. “Come on, they’re in the living room. I’ll go and heat up some food and you can take them afterwards, ok?”
Now curious about what that was about, the Hatake nodded. As he heard the other man’s steps abandoning their bedroom, he started to nudge his other dogs to wake them up. Half of them were deaf and the others were on their way to become it, so the majority of the time they didn’t wake up just by Gai and him talking over them.
“Guys, breakfast is going to be ready soon” he said as they began to move a bit. Then, he added louder. “Don’t you want to eat?”
That made it. The few ones that still heard something shook their bodies and started to wail their tails, which quickly told the others what magical word had been mentioned. In about a three minutes, once Kakashi had pet each and one of them, the ninken jumped off the bed and disappeared towards the kitchen. All except one.
Endal had been his latest addition to the pack just a few years ago, back when he was a puppy uncapable of standing up on his four legs. His parents had rejected him, so both Kakashi and Gai had become his family together with the other dogs. In exchange, Endal decided to guide him once the Hatake started to lose his sight about a year and a half ago.
Choroideremia. A strange genetic disease that should have taken his eyes’ functionality back when he was twenty years old, but that for some reason had decided to remain latent until way later in his life. A lucky bastard, was what Sakura had called him after the diagnosis.
It had been an adjustment, especially because the loss of his sight was not something that happened from one day to another, but rather a progressive disease. At the beginning, he stopped being able to see when it was dark. Then, small spots started to appear in his visual field and, finally, tunnel vision. At that point, Kakashi could barely see a few centimeters circle ahead of him and very blurry. Medically, he was considered blind.
A lot of changes had to be made in his and Gai’s lives to accommodate the new situation, but they pulled through, just as they had done with everything before that. They hadn’t been walking on a flower field until then, after all. And besides, Endal was of great help. At home, Kakashi rarely needed help to move around, things never changing positions and dogs and tortoises either moving away if he walked towards them or advising of their presence. Outside was a completely different story.
Konoha was a very busy city now, which meant a lot of people, smells and noises that made Kakashi want to stay at home for the rest of his life. Unfortunately, neither Gai, his dogs or his friends would let him. Endal didn’t walk attached to a leash as other guide-dogs did, mostly because he was not only a dog, but also a shinobi and had the ability to talk. Wherever they went, he moved brushing against the Hatake’s left leg, head under his hand. With simple movements, he was able to indicate him if there was any danger or situation ahead of them, and if not he could simply tell him so. They made quite a good team, and so far Kakashi hadn’t suffered any kind of accident while being guided by him.
“You can go with the rest, Endal” he indicated with a pet over the dog’s head. “I’ll be right behind you.”
The ninken didn’t need to be told twice, his paws making a funny noise against the wooden floor as he left the bedroom. Once alone, the Hatake put on some clothes —it was summer and he refused to wear nothing more than his underwear— and passed through the bathroom before reaching the kitchen.
It smelled like bacon and eggs, with made him realize how hungry he was as he took his seat at the table, waiting for Gai to serve him a plate. It tasted delicious with his coffee, which helped to camouflage the disgusting flavor of the pills he had to take for his anxiety and other age-related problems. As always, his few leftovers were fed to his ninken, even if they had already had their breakfasts.
“And you complain if anyone else does the same” Gai chuckled.
“I cannot say ‘no’ to those puppy eyes.”
He knew his husband rolled his eyes at that. But, hey, even if he could only see his dogs’ expressions in his imagination now, it didn’t mean he was unaffected!
As Gai finished his way larger breakfast, Kakashi started to clean the pans and dirty dishes, already an expert at it even if blind. The last item that joined the sink made it in company of a couple of hands that latched themselves around his waist. When a soft kiss was pressed against the wrinkled skin in his neck, he let out a happy sigh.
“Is this my present?” he asked as he finished cleaning the last mug. “Because I’m ready to unwrap it.”
“We’re still here, boss!” Pakkun complained this time.
Just as any other good owner would do, Kakashi tried to shoo him away with his foot, even when he didn’t know where exactly the grumpy pug was. Gai, however, let go of his waist while laughing, grabbing one of his hands instead to pull him towards the living room. Once there, they sat around the wooden table they only used when having guests over. Not wanting to appear too interested in the presents —even if he was rather curious at that point—, he avoided taunting the surface for them.
“Here, rival” his husband said after a bit, pushing something against his hands. “Hope you like them.”
There was no paper wrapped around the gifts, and after a few second of touching them Kakashi realized they were books. The size and thickness felt similar to those that they had at home; pocket size, perfect for their travels.
“Should I worry about you getting dementia, Gai?” he joked. “Or did you just simply forget about…”
The Hatake passed a hand over his eyes.
“Very funny, rival, but don’t be stupid” his husband huffed, hitting his arm softly.
“Ok, then, new books for you to read me, right? What are they about?”
“Why don’t you tell me, rival?”
“Ah… I feel like we need to go back to my first question” Kakashi commented with a frown.
A part of him started to worry for real at the circular conversation that seemed to be taking place, but his brain stopped dead when his fingers touched a familiar set of bumpy circles. He had been playfully touching the books up until that moment, so he tracked back the part of the cover he had just passed his fingers over and realized that there was something written in there. Something he could understand because it was in braille.
His confused expression changed into a surprised one. Focused now on the task, he accommodated the book in the right position and read the title, eyes wide upon understanding what it said.
“B-But this is…” he mumbled, opening the book to confirm that, indeed, all the pages were written in braille. “How? Only a few books have been translated yet, and I’m sure Icha Icha Paradise is not one of them.”
“Well, it was not easy, that for sure, but I made it work” Gai chuckled. “Now you can read your favorite books again without my assistance, dear husband.”
“W-Wait, you…? But, all of them?” he gasped, checking that the three novels were in fact fully translated to braille under his hands. “How?”
It was the first time in years that he felt lost for words, too many emotions running through his body. There was, however, one that surpassed any other: adoration.
“Do you remember when I told you I needed to use some of our money to repair my electrical orthosis? Well… I lied” his husband admitted, voice slightly nervous. “I, uh, used that money to buy a braille typewriter. Here, let me bring it to you.”
Kakashi opened his mouth to say something, but nothing managed to get out. In the time he required to recover normal brain functioning, Gai had come back with a heavy machine, leaving it in front of the books he had transcribed. Before he could move his hands away, the Hatake grabbed them to feel his fingertips. They were rough, more than usual, and he could even feel some cuts probably due to all the movement of the paper while preparing the novels.
“You did all this, in a week?” he asked, pressing his husband’s hands against him. “For me?”
“I would do anything for you, rival” the other man answered with complete honesty. “Even transcribing your pornographic books by hand.”
That did it. Kakashi pulled him in for a kiss, mouths colliding loudly. Gai’s response was immediate, his body moving to fit the new position and hands leaving his to attach around the Hatake’s neck as their tongues met each other. He blamed the sappiness of old age for the wetness in his eyes.
“You shouldn’t have” he murmured against his husband’s lips. “This machine is very expensive, and our travels…”
“Oh, so it is fine to use our money for my orthosis, but not for something that would make your life easier?” Gai intervened with a light tone. “That doesn’t sound fair, rival.”
Kakashi wanted to protest some more, but the other man kissed him again.
“I don’t accept complains, I’m sorry.”
The Hatake chuckled against his husband’s mouth, shaking his head and sighing happily. Then, he moved his arms to pick Gai up and started to walk towards their bedroom.
“Well, then I’ll show you my gratitude in an appropriate way, rival.”
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The Arrangement
Title: The Arrangement
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 3,376
Warnings: Hunt Gone Wrong, SPN Level Angst, Anxiety, Mentions of Sex,  Tears, Cuddles, Fluff. 
Summary: After a hunt gone wrong, you take Dean up on the extremely useful  arrangement you both agreed on many years ago to help you get through the night. 
Squares Filled: Hurt/Comfort ( @spngenrebingo​)  Hunt Gone Wrong ( @spndeanbingo​)
A/N: Here is a lovely comfort fic for your Sunday evening! I hope y’all enjoy this one! It’s one of my favourites I've written in a while. This one was to cheer up my friend Help You Anon! Happy Reading!
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 There were three things you were certain of in your life. One, monsters were most definitely real. Two, Bert and Ernie are gay. And three, you only have one person in the world that is solely made for you. Granted believing number one single handedly goes with number three and number two you know because Dean embedded in your head all those years ago. Either way, you knew them all to be true.
 You had been in the backseat of Dean’s ‘67 impala since you were twenty years old. Twenty and terrified of what had just happened right before your eyes. You were in the midst of studying for your midterm in the middle of the night. You had taken up the fourth couch in the library, not wanting to go back to your dorm room with your bitchy roommate still in there. You were about to fill up your cup of coffee when the lights flickered and the library went cold suddenly. You never believed in that sort of thing before. Not until you saw it with your own two eyes. An angry lady standing by the coffee station, blood dripping from her eyes as she stepped closer to you. You screamed and cried out, only to be thrown into the bookshelf. She almost finished you off when someone came rushing to you, slicing through her with what was a rod you used for a fireplace.
 Dean Winchester.
 You had been thrown pretty hard according to Dean. He helped you pack up your stuff before taking you to the hospital to get checked out. You had a minor concussion and needed about eight stitches for your arm that you didn’t even realize. He sat with you, making sure you were okay before he gave you what was now known as the talk.
 After that, you decided to join him on the road. Knowing what you know, you were never going to be able to live the same. You were going to be paranoid and vulnerable and you didn’t want to live your life scared. He offered to train you up and teach you what he knew about everything. You never looked back and most days, you didn’t regret it.
 In that time, Dean became your best friend. He was your mentor, your best friend, your partner in crime. That’s all it ever was. You knew each other like the back of your hand and it came in handy a lot of the time. You knew all his tells better than Sammy, and he knew all of yours. Somewhere along the line, it became the unspoken arrangement between the two of you. Eventually, the two of you came up with a check in system that seemed to work well for the arrangement. Purple means I’m not doing good and really need you right now. Black means sex. Green means I’m okay, I just don’t want to sleep alone tonight. Red means I need a distraction. White being I need to be alone for a little while. And blue, everything is okay.
 Over time, you became less and less about talking and more about taking what you need without asking permission for it. At first, it was a little awkward, but you grew into it quickly. After a rough hunt, you’d share a bed and curl into one another for that safety you needed. It started out that way. Some hunts were worse than others and needed special attention. Cuddling would sometimes turn into sex. Sometimes it was just sex. It was something that worked between you when nothing else did. When nothing else seemed to make it better. You found the comfort in his touch and the feel of his skin on yours. But it never went any further than that. You knew the life you lived. You knew it was short and dangerous. It was no life for love.
 You were on your way back from a hunt in Omaha. One of the hardest ones you had in awhile. Maybe it felt so bad because things had been looking up and this was a major set back. Or maybe it was the fact that things had gone so horribly wrong in the blink of an eye. All you knew was that you felt like a failure. Dean hadn’t said a word since the warehouse and for the first time in a really long time, Sam was pissed at both of you. It made for a really awkward ride home. Granted it was only three hours, but it felt like a lifetime.
 Dean pulled into the bunker’s garage just after midnight. Sam was the first one out, slamming the car door before stalking off into the bunker. Dean only got more angry as soon as the door slammed, following him back into the bunker, hot on his tail. You took a deep breath, kicking your door open to head in. You hated it when they fought. Every argument was the worst, more so when one of them stormed off without coming to terms with everything.
 You tiptoed into the library, both of their voices filling the bunker loud and clear. Hell, even if you were on the other side of the bunker you could hear them going at it. You swallowed hard, knowing full well that you didn’t want to get involved in it.
 “You knew full well what we were getting into and you still thought it was a good idea to go in just the three of us instead of waiting like I said we should have done,” Sam pointed out. His eyes narrowed at Dean as he stood on one side of the table.
 “None of us knew what we were walking into in there and you know it. None of us could have been ready, regardless of how many people we had,” Dean argued. “Besides that, who could have helped us Sam? Last I checked all we had was the three of us. Bobby is dead. Cas is MIA. Garth is a werewolf with a family to take care of. What, you want to call Rowena? Better yet, let’s take Jody and Donna, who have never handled demons before and have them play back up. What the fuck is your problem?”
 “My problem?” he scoffed. “My problem is this stupid macho ‘I can handle anything’ shit attitude you have when something doesn’t seem to be going our way. You give up at the first sign of trouble and jump into bed with her instead of having your head in the game. It’s shit like this that keeps happening and I’m sick and tired of losing, over and over again.”
 “We had one bad hunt,” you breathed out. “One in the last how many months?”
 “Sam, look. We’re all tired -”
 “Save it. I’m going to bed,” he scoffed, taking off out of the library and down the hall to his room. You let out a shaky breath, trying to gather your thoughts. Dean stood there with his hands on the back of the chair, trying to control his breathing. You knew this was going to go one of two ways. The chair was going to go flying into the wall, or he was going to walk over and pour himself a drink.
 “You okay?” he asked you, turning his head to look at you.
 “Yeah,” you nodded, your voice barely there. “I’m just gonna go shower.”
 “Don’t wait up,” he swallowed hard. His words made your heart sink in your chest. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, wondering if you should say something to him. Maybe that you lied when you said you were okay. He turned and headed over to pour himself a drink. There was no use. He had his mind set.
 You slowly wandered down the hall to your room. You knew you didn’t need a shower. You showered in the motel room to get all the blood off of you. If you scrubbed anymore, you’d start to bleed.
 You twisted the knob to your door, stepping inside before shutting it behind you. The room felt incredibly large. So much space for one person. You let out a shaky breath, closing your eyes to try and relax. Visions of the hunt came crawling back. The bodies hanging from the rafters in the warehouse. Families. Loved ones. Demons were evil, nasty sons of bitches. Now that Crowley wasn’t King of Hell, they thought they could do whatever they wanted. You were seconds too late and couldn’t exorcise the guy before he killed his vessel in the worst possible way. It was jobs like this that made you hate your job as a hunter. It was things like this that made you want to hang it up and never look back.
 You shook your head, trying to get the searing image out of your head. You opened up your drawer, grabbing a pair of comfortable pyjama pants and an oversized shirt. You could feel the heavy weight settling in your chest. Your hands were starting to shake. You knew you had about ten minutes, fifteen tops before everything came crashing down. Fifteen minutes to get yourself to safety.
 You slipped out of your room as soon as you got changed. Your feet took you quickly to Dean’s room. If he couldn’t be there, then at least the smell of him was. Your hand twisted the knob, kicking the door open as you took another deep breath. The light in his room was already on and much to your surprise, Dean was in his room, standing at the end of his bed in his sweats and his navy blue henley. You wasted no time. You were over at him in an instant, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him into you. Seconds later, his arms slipped around your back, holding you close to him.
 You had no idea how much you needed it until you got it. The smell of his body wash filled your nose, and his warmth coursed through you like a good glass of top shelf whiskey. This was exactly what you needed to begin to process the events that happened. He was what you needed.
 “Colour?” he muttered into the crook of your neck.
 “Purple,” you stuttered, tightening your grip on his shoulders. “You?”
 “Purple,” he whispered. “And a little bit of red.”
 “What do you need me to do?” you asked him.
 “I just want to feel you for a while,” he admitted. “What do you need from me?”
 “Close proximity,” you swallowed hard.
 “Climb into bed and I’ll be right in,” he assured you. You didn’t want to let go of him. You were needy and clingy and you didn’t want the cool air to hit you as soon as you let go. You knew he was coming right back to you. You reluctantly released him, slowly making your way over to his bed. The memory foam mattress did wonders for your back. His sheets were soft and his pillows were comfortable. His bed was the greatest place in the world, and the only thing that made it worth sleeping in was the man next to you. It was just a plain bed without him.
 Dean flicked the light out and shut the door completely. You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him to slip into the bed with you. You could feel the tightness growing once more. Dean was the only one who seemed to make that go away. That’s why you were so certain that he was the one made for you. He was the one who was there for you, no matter what time or what it was about. He got you like no one else did. He was your one.
 He slipped his arm around your waist tugging you close to him. He positioned himself close to you, his leg fitting between yours, half of his chest pressed to you. His hand traced up to your cheek before he leaned in, giving you a soft peck on the lips that had your heart aching for more. You took a deep breath, settling against him. Your arms wrapped around his back, feeling the warmth of his muscles beneath your palms.
 “You lied to me,” he said with a soft smile.
 “You were mad. I didn’t want to push you after Sam,” you said softly. “Regardless, I still came in here looking for you. If I didn’t find you, I would have come back to the library. Or I would have texted you purple.”
 “It was a losing battle tonight,” he breathed out. “We weren’t going to make a damn difference even if we had gotten there two days before that.”
 “How can you be so sure?” you questioned.
 “Call it a gut feeling. They know how to toy with us,” he started. “They like theatrics. Chances are, that meatsuit was deep fried extra crispy before we got there. He would have been a mess.”
 “Doesn’t take away what happened in there, Dean. It doesn’t take away the fact that I saw those poor lifeless bodies hanging there. All that blood. This job sucks so much sometimes,” you confessed. “And it’s terrifying to know that it could happen to you and Sam and take the two of you away from me. I don’t know what I’d do if that happened.”
 “We’re not going anywhere,” he assured you. “Even if Sam’s pissed at us right now.”
 “He’s cranky,” you shrugged. “He might be better in the morning.”
 “Yeah. Sleep usually helps him,” he nodded. “What about you? Are you going to be okay?”
 “I don’t know yet,” you swallowed hard. “I’m so on edge right now. My chest is tight, and I feel shaky. Like at any second, I’m going to have a panic attack and it’s only the start.”
 “So definitely purple for you,” he frowned.
 “I’m trying to be okay,” you mouthed, tears welling in your eyes. You felt a lump forming in your throat as you looked away from his gorgeous green eyes. You knew you would cave and everything would come crashing down.
 “I know you are,” he mumbled. “But it’s okay if you’re not. This life is hard, and it’s rough. We always get the short end of the stick. All we’ve got is each other to get us through the really bad stuff. And there is some really bad stuff.”
 “I hate the bad stuff,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. “And not being able to save people.”
 “I know, sweetheart,” he said softly, brushing the back of his knuckle over your cheek.
 “Purple,” you sobbed out, burying your face in the crook of his neck. You tightened your arms around him, squeezing him hard, as if he was going to disappear before your eyes. You felt his arms shift, pulling you into him. You felt the tears running down the sides of your face and into your hair. Your nose was filling with snot and your bottom lip quivered. You felt it with your entire body. At the same time, you felt a bit of release. You were safe in his personal space, like he had this bubble around you that no one could penetrate but you. All the warding in the world there to protect the both of you from harm's way.
 “It’s okay,” he whispered. “Let it all out. I’ve got you.” Man, did you let it out. You quaked beneath him as the sobs shot through you. The tears kept on coming, sliding down the sides of your face and into your hair. Dean’s hold never let up. His body was warm and welcoming with every tear that fell. His breathing was even, giving you something to match yours to.
 Eventually your nose got stuffed up and the tears fell less and less. Your breathing began to even out. You nuzzled into Dean’s neck a little more, relishing in the warmth of him so close to you. You never wanted to let go of him. You didn’t want to feel that cold fill the space between you again.
 “Colour?” you whispered.
 “To be determined,” he answered. “How are you holding up now?”
 “Better. Crying helped,” you nodded.
 “It usually does for you,” he half smiled. “I’m proud of you. You’re good at letting go when you need to and asking for help.”
 “So are you, Winchester,” you said, clearing your throat. Your voice hoarse from the tears. “You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit for how good you are doing. I draw my strength from you on the bad days. The days where I feel like shit, you’re there to pull me out of my funk. You’re the bestest friend a girl could ask for.”
 “I got scared tonight,” he confessed. “When I saw that family and the way he was looking at you. For a split second, I thought he was going to target you and take you away from me. That’s why I charged at him and why I didn’t question what I was doing. It was reckless and stupid, but when it comes to you - I don’t want to go through the pain of losing you knowing I could have done something about it. I won’t.”
 “Then you have to know that I won’t go through it again either, Dean. How many times have I lost you? How many times has something gone wrong to take you away from me?”
 “Too many,” he answered. “But you can get out of this life. Settle down somewhere and do whatever it is you want to do. You have a world of options. I have you and I have Sammy. That’s my life. I won’t lose either of you if I can help it.”
 “See, that’s where you are wrong, Winchester,” you swallowed hard. “I have you and I have Sam. You know the reason why I’m still in this with you. I can’t do this alone. Hunter life or regular life. At least when I’m here with you, I have a family. I need you and I need Sam. End of story.”
 “You’re just saying that because I’ve ruined all other men for you,” he winked.
 “Shut up, loser,” you scoffed playfully. “You got an answer for me?”
 “Green. Just need you to sleep next to me tonight,” he breathed out.
 “Big spoon or little spoon?” you questioned.
 “I’ll be big tonight. You look like you could use some arms around you still,” he smiled. You nodded your head as your eyes flicked up to his gorgeous green orbs. In a moment of confidence, you arched your head up, capturing his lips with yours in a sweet kiss.
 “Night De,” you muttered, turning in his arms. He settled down behind you, wrapping his arm tightly around your middle. He rested his head against yours, making himself comfortable. You placed your hand on his, nuzzling into the pillow.
 “Night Y/N.”
 Your eyes fluttered shut as you found comfort in his arms. A small smile played on your lips at the feel of him pressed against your back. There was no one else in the world you’d rather be with right now than Dean. Not even Sam could replace this man’s spot in your heart.
 “Mmmh, plaid,” you muttered.
 “Plaid?” he asked, confusion evident in his voice.
 “Multiple colours,” you whispered. “It’s a new one for us. Unless you want to use kaleidoscope instead.”
 “Depends,” he paused. “What does this one mean?”
 “It means, in this fucked up world we live in, there is no one in the universe I’d rather have next to me than you,” you revealed. “All the colours and then some in one. It’s my way of saying that I love you, Dean Winchester.”
 “Well then, plaid it is,” he chuckled. “‘Cause I love you too.”
 “Mhh, good,” you yawned. “Besides, I’m fairly certain you’re my soulmate at this point.”
 “I know you’re mine,” he said, tightening his arms around you. “Made for each other.”
 “And now everytime I steal your shirt, you’ll know I love you,” you giggled.
 “Best arrangement we’ve ever come up with,” he breathed out. “Sweet dreams, pretty girl.”
 “Night handsome.”
Did you like it? What was your favourite part? Share your thoughts with me via reblog, reply or send me an ask! Your response is what keeps me going! 
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princeanxious · 4 years
I love your dragon au, may I have some headcanons?
Uh sure! You weren’t ship specific so i’ll try and be a lil broad and touch on a few for all of em! (Theyre all interconnected in a way but often spend much of their time together apart from the others bc thats how dragons be, even if these dragons are much more social than the average dragon)
Demus- Dragon Remus x Prince(ess) Janus
- Janus is ftm trans! His parents were never supportive and actively tried to hide that from that kingdom at every turn, so, he may have secretly gotten a certain mage’s help “cursing” him with snake/dragon scales & additional certain masculine attributes so that he’d be sent away and get time to live his life without royal duties breathing down his neck. Even if he’d have to live the rest of his life as a prince locked away in a tower.
-Remus is a Dragon that’s known to be very curious, driven to hoard things that intruige him. He lives in a castle he and his brother Roman overtook years ago, and they guard it and their hoards within it well. However, one day a nearby kingdom reached out to them with an offer: if they guard and protect Prince Janus while the kingdom scrambles to figure out what to do, the dragons will recieve offerings to add to their hoards along with provided meals and the means to provide for Janus. All the kingdom requests is to keep Janus safe and happy.
-and of course, they agree to. And Remus falls head over tail inlove in a matter of days. Janus follows soon after he finds that Remus is completely unbothered and supportive of Janus’s transition.
-Janus and Roman also get along super well, tho not in a romantic sense, especially after Roman learns of Janus’s love for plays and acting skills. Roman also gifts a few intricate outfits to Janus from his Hoard of beauty and passion bc they fit the short prince quite well, and because Janus wasn’t given anything to wear from his kingdom aside from tailored princess dresses(which he doesn’t usually mind the skirts portions now w/ his new body but somedays the disphoria would spike back out if he looked in the mirror while wearing one). Roman also helped cut Janus’s hair, and both dragons would growl threateningly at any kingdom official who dared look at Janus’s attire change questioningly. If anyone asked, it was because it made Janus happy and feel safe, and that was their job, was it not?
-Janus loves his new Dragon Boyfriend and his new Dragon brother-in-law(technically?) and this result just solidifies his confidence in the decision he made to get here. Roman and Remus know about the secret behind the curse and what Janus did to get here, they think he’s super fcking clever bc of it. And, Ro and Re swear on their hoards that they’ll never spill the secret if Dee doesn’t want them to, one because the Kingdom would then have a lead on trying to Reverse the Curse, and two, because it would put the life of the mage who was asked to do it in danger, and three, because their dragons and dragons are very very good at protecting what they love.
Logince- Dragon Roman x Knight Logan
-Logan is a prince to a neighboring kingdom, and he was betrothed to Janus in an arranged marraige sort of settup. Niether of them loved the other like that, but they were best friends and Logan respected(and defended) Janus being trans. So when he finds out something happened to Janus, he’s alarmed and upset that he wasn’t informed sooner. Then he finds out Janus is being guarded by dragons, of all things! And well, he needs to make sure Janus us safe, and find out whats wrong, what happened? And no one stops him from traveling out to the castle that houses the dragons to find out. The least he can do is make sure Janus is okay and respected by the dragons, but like hell is he going to wait for Janus’s scrabling kingdom to catch up.
The first thing he’s greeted by is a tall red scaled dragon, and he’s immediately on guard. The dragon grins and drops into a defense position. They don’t ask the other questions, which Janus will give both of them shit for later, but both parties are fueled by challenge and protective goals. And they launch into battle without a word.
-Roman is immediately intruiged and excited to find how Logan matches him in a fight, actually standing a pretty solid chance despite his weight and height. Logan is a skilled swords man, the best in his kingdom, its a shame his only downfall is that Roman has twice the height on him and more than twice the muscles, figuratively and literally. But even then Logan isn’t deterred and is capable of flipping the dragon onto his back which is p hot roman cant lie, so its a p even scuffle bc Romans highly entertained w/ this mysterious attacker.
-they kinda get caught up in the scuffle for a good while till Remus comes out to investigate and Logan disengages and dashes into the forest bc he’s smart enough to know he can’t really win the fight w/ one dragon, two is a death sentence.
-roman spends the whole night heated and excited as he rambles about the gorgeous short knight who nearly kicked his ass. Logan spends the whole night rethinking his strategy and trying not to get distracted by the memory of the infuriatingly hot smirk the dragon kept aiming at him.
-they scuffle twice more, filled with witty remarks and snarky quips that progressively get more flirty before they think to speak about /why/ Logan wants into the castle b4 the truth comes out.
-both are a little sheepish when Janus finds out just who Roman’s been waxing poetic about kicking his butt in an even match and spend a good 20 minutes scolding their gay af selves. Then Logan gets updated on the whole situation, including his not so subtle transition and his new dragon bf. Logan gets the dragon’s permission to visit so long as he keeps things a secret, and he scoffs that they’d think he’d even dare to try to ruin his best friends happiness.
-niether of them really knows when their little rivalry picked back up, but Roman and Logan spend their time together bickering and taunting eachother while playing a semi-unbalanced game of cat and mouse. Logan’s not allowed into the castle w/o playing their game first, and he honestly doesn’t mind. Their interactions get way more flirty and theyre just gay disasters that take way to long to admit their developing feelings till it all kinda rushes out the moment Roman pins Logan to a wall and Logan reaponds by locking his legs around the other, daring to keep him there.
-yeah they express their feelings to eachother in many ways that day. And Logan ends up secretly(to his kingdom at least) dating Roman, and Roman gets a prince bf of his own. They still taunt and play their game of cat and mouse tho, now its just accompanied by a ton more kissing.
Moxiety- Dragon Patton x Mage Virgil
-Virgil is the mage that helped Janus transition in secret, they’d been friends for a long while and meeting in secret to plan it. Virgil’s a pretty powerful mage and talented at what he does, and Janus’s trasition was a spell he cast himself, and its irreversable(on purpose, by Janus’s request/demand)
-Virgil travels alot now adays, never staying in one public place too long in fear of Janus’s knights suspecting him and capturing him. He knew the risk and was willing to pay the price to make Janus happy. He knows he must lay low for a while, and hes not very open about being a mage in fear of that being found out.
-well, one day he finds himself in a town not so open to the idea of magic in general. Its one slip up hes not sure he regrets to heal an injured child, but he finds him self tied to a wooden stake that same day, surrounded by a village chanting about how all magic is evil.
-and then a dragon swoops over and snags him from the fire as it ignites, just barely sinking his clothing before hes up in the sky. He promply blacks out from shock.
-and when he wakes up, he finds himself tucked carefully into a hammock with a soft blanket. The room he’s in is filled with an interesting assortment of things, haphazardly placed enough to register as a hoard than any other kind of room in this tower. That and the dragon that rescued him is resting nearby, his blue scaled wing outstretched and draped over Virgil protectively is kind of a dead giveaway too.
-Virgil would learn later that Patton had been following him, lead by how his hoarding instincts weirdly worked. He’d be thankful then, that they saved his life, despite the fact that he now technically counted to Patton’s instincts as part of his hoard. Patton was adamant that he’d been trying to rid himself of the attachment before, but once Virgil was in danger his insticts had been set aside to save the poor human. He couldn’t help that touching Virgil just solidified his instincts’s claim.
-Patton lets Virgil know he’s welcomed to leave any time he wants to, that they were safely away from the dangerous village now. Virgil finds he doesn’t want to leave just yet, and they settle on becoming friends.
-Patton is friends with Roman and Remus, and often visits them when he’s feeling too lonely. He’s plenty friendly with Janus and Logan at this point, being a much softer natured dragon than the twin dragons.
-the group finds it very, very coincidental and very ironic the first time Patton brings Virgil with him to hang out.
-their love story is a bit slower, but lets just say one day months down the line, Virgil pulls Patton into a really shy kiss and Patton all but startles Virgil with the happy purr that bursts from the back of his throat. Its not to much longer after that that theyre relationship is fully established.
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corvus--rex · 3 years
Another one that's soundly asleep and not abandoned. Non-canon compliant, and all 7 of them are lgbt+ (I also may, possibly, be projecting onto Keith - just a little). And Lance is a they/them enby.
Liberating the planet Artrax was the easy part. Eliminating the Galra presence was simple. Voltron’s Paladins had done their job in securing the planet’s freedom. No different from any other occupied planet they’d been to. The Artraxians were holding a celebratory festival both in honor of the Paladins and in anticipation of joining the Voltron Coalition. Not complicated. It wasn’t something they hadn’t done many times before. And while every planet’s traditions and customs were different, they more or less knew what to expect. At least, they thought they knew what to expect. They were apparently wrong about that.
Allura dropped into her usual seat at the head of the dining table with a heavy sigh, the tablet in her hand clattering to the table’s surface. A lack of her usual composure was evident in the way her shoulders slumped, the annoyance and displeasure clear on her face. She sighed again before facing the Paladins.
“I’ve just spoken with Artrax’s leaders. They are going forward with the celebration in our honor and over joining the Coalition,” she said, heavy with exhaustion.
“I’m sensing a ‘but’,” Lance said cautiously.
“The Artraxians have a very rigid society when it comes to gender roles and sexuality. They are also insisting that, as distinguished guests, we are to dress according to their standards. At the very least I got them to agree to modify their fashions to our anatomy. But they will not back down from their views on gender. Not even for us. Alteans may not believe in those strict lines, but they do.”
“And combined with their enhanced sense of smell, especially when it comes to hormones and pheromones, there’s no way we can get around it,” Pidge noted disappointedly.
“Unfortunately. Please know that I would never ask any of you to do something that makes you uncomfortable in that way. But they would consider it a personal insult not to attend, or abide by their customs. And their trade routes are invaluable to the Coalition. I am so sorry.” Allura slumped back into her seat, gaze dropping to the table.
The room was silent for a long minute as they all considered their options and what the Artraxian societal standards meant for them. Three fifths of the Paladins didn’t identify with their assigned genders and none of them, Allura and Coran included, were straight. Hiding their sexual orientations was manageable, their gender identities far less so. Neither Lance nor Pidge in any way liked the idea of being forced into presenting as their assigned genders. After expanding their wardrobes beyond what they had worn into space, there was no telling what Lance would appear in on any given day, while Pidge’s remained as non-gendered as physically possible.
It had only been a few months since Pidge had come out to the team as agender, aromantic, and asexual. “Triple-A Queer” they had called it. They had known for some time before, but their disguise to get into the Galaxy Garrison was important to their self-imposed mission to find Sam and Matt, and so allowed everyone to believe that they were male. Lance, on the other hand, had never made their semi-fluid nonbinary identity a secret. Being bisexual and nonbinary at the Garrison had been an unpleasant experience at times, until the day when Tommy Bailey was harassing them for it again and Hunk simply appeared behind Lance without a sound, glaring. Tommy was too afraid of Hunk after that to try anything again.
While Lance and Pidge – as much as they hated it – could power through the discomfort of dressing to their physical sex, it was a little harder for Keith. He had kept it a secret at the Garrison, Griffin’s homophobia and “teasing” about Keith’s parents was bad enough. The only ones who had known were Shiro, Adam, and Garrison medical staff. He figured his life was hard enough being the gay, orphaned, golden boy without adding his trans status on top of it. His recovery time after top surgery was dismissed (by him) as having been sick, and hormone shots as being for specific, undisclosed allergies. (“Yeah, I’m allergic to being female,” he’d told Shiro with a laugh when they decided that was going to be the “official” story.)
He’d been off hormones since not long after leaving the Garrison, and told the team shortly after settling into the castle. He wanted to, but even if he hadn’t, it was going to show itself sooner or later. He’d rather they were prepared for bitchy, PMS-ing Keith, followed by angry, period Keith. It was not a side of himself he liked anyone seeing, but without access to his hormones, they were going to whether he liked it or not. He had the grace of the gods in that respect. Shiro handled it the same way he always had – from a distance and with care. Pidge was right there with him, commiserating over a bodily function neither of them wanted. Hunk had two moms and a younger sister, so he understood, even if it was from the outside. It was the same for Lance, with both of their sisters, one of whom was their twin, so they’d seen what she went through a little more closely than they’d wanted. Allura and Coran didn’t understand human reproductive cycles, but understood that it was an uncomfortable process, and did what they could.
But all that meant that he was going to be the one out of all of them in the most discomfort. It had been years since he’d had to pretend like he wasn’t in the wrong body, and now he was having to face that all over again. He knew that if they’d had any kind of leeway, Lance and Allura would be there to help him to be as comfortable as possible while stuck in a dress. But they didn’t. They were going to be in a modified version of the planet’s inhabitants’ traditional costume. None of the paladins knew what it looked like, but from how upset Allura was, it couldn’t be good.
Keith decided to rip off the band-aid. “So, what do these outfits look like?” he asked.
Allura played with the tablet she’d brought with her for a moment before turning it on. The images projected over the table were of the Artraxian people modeling their traditional clothing. Their race was in an eternal transitional period between reptilian and avian. Mostly scaled, and more closely resembling their reptile ancestors, they also had patches of brightly colored feathers and slightly wing-like arms with retractable membranes. The feathers that grew along their shoulders, forearms, and thighs were short, and nearly mistakeable for scales if it weren’t for their texture. They also had feathers that grew in a swath from forehead to neck, but these were longer, some trailing down their backs. Artraxian scale colors ranged from pale, leaf green to deep forest, those colors determined by regional origin. Unlike what the paladins would have expected of either reptiles or birds, Artraxians were a live-birth species, and so had some features more like Earth mammals, most notably two close-set rows of three breasts. Six-titted aliens was not what they were expecting. But combined with their long, thick, tapering tails and wing-arms, the paladins could see why their clothes would have to be adapted for human and Altean anatomy.
The clothing itself was as brightly colored as their feathers. It appeared light, soft, and silky, but was wrapped around their bodies like bandages, ultimately not leaving much to the imagination. Some of the wrappings were sheer, showing off the scales beneath. The females wore a two-paneled, A-line skirt over their leg wraps that ran to mid-calf, completely sheer and split at the sides to the waist. Males wore something similar, but slightly shorter and opaque. Both sexes went barefoot, no doubt a necessity due to their sharp claws. All five paladins looked over the projection with varying degrees of curiosity, anxiety, and fear.
“We’ll be providing the Artraxians with our physical measurements from here, and they will send us our…outfits,” Allura said, eyeing the female Artraxian with trepidation.
Keith was sorry he’d asked; he felt sick.
Lance was sitting directly across from him and was the first to notice it. Leaning over the table slightly, they nudged his foot. “You ok?” they asked quietly.
“No.” It was all he could get out before bolting from the room.
Shiro started to get up, but Lance stopped him. “I’ll go. No offense, but I don’t think a cis guy is what he needs right now.”
“Want me to come too?” Pidge asked.
“Maybe in a little bit. I think too many people will be too much for him.”
Pidge nodded at the same time Shiro spoke. “I’m not offended, Lance. You’re the best suited out of all of us to talk to him right now.”
“Thanks, man. I’ll call if I need anyone.”
Lance paused in the hallway, considering the possibilities of where Keith was most likely to be. Training deck? Always a possibility, but it didn’t seem as probable at that moment. He’d been genuinely upset, not just aggravated or frustrated. So not there. Holed up in his bedroom? Maybe, but it felt a little too obvious. The shock of seeing what he was expected to wear had made him bolt, and Lance knew he’d gone to ground. Ok, so not his bedroom either. The castle was not a small place, but there were only a handful of places Keith would go. If not the training deck or his bedroom, he had most probably run for his favorite of the observation decks, and that was where Lance set off for.
Walking the halls of the castle, Lance enjoyed the feeling of the soft fabric of their long skirt and fluffy cropped sweater. They liked the way the silky material flowed around their legs, and how their sweater floated and felt like it was made of clouds. It also made them think about their own coming out process. How their twin sister Rachel was the first person they’d told at age 12. Barely a month before their thirteenth birthday, Lance had taken Rachel on the short walk to the beach, to the spot away from where even the locals stayed. Their favorite place where they went swimming all summer long. Where their older siblings taught them to surf, and where their mother had shown them the constellations and sparked a love of space in Lance.
That’s where they’d gone with Rachel on a hot day in June. Lance remembered standing ankle-deep in the warm, clear water. They couldn’t look at her, too nervous about what she’d say. But looking out over the Atlantic, they’d found the courage they needed, and told Rachel everything. About how they’d been thinking about how they noticed they liked girls ok, but also boys and nonbinary people too, and considered themselves bi. It led them into talking about their own gender. That they didn’t feel much like a boy, but that they felt kinda like a boy sometimes, kinda like a girl sometimes, but mostly felt nonbinary. Lance told her that they felt like gender didn’t matter as much to them, and that while they didn’t feel the need to change their name, their preferred pronouns going forward were they and them.
Rachel had sat on the beach and listened. She thought it over while Lance was talking, and when they were done, she got up without a word, left her flip flops on the sand, and joined her sibling in the water. She crushed them in the tightest hug of their life and told Lance that they were her twin, nothing in the known universe could stop that, and that the absolute most important thing was that they were comfortable in their own skin. If there were a few tears before they left for home, no one needed to know. With Rachel firmly beside them, they told the rest of the immediate family that night, getting almost the same reaction from them as they had from their twin. Their father Diego was only a little more reserved, admitting that he didn’t understand the nonbinary part, but as long as Lance was safe and happy, that was all he cared about. By the time Lance had left Earth, Diego had come to understand what being nonbinary meant and that those five years of expressing themselves freely had been the happiest of Lance’s life.
The memory of that summer day made them smile to themselves as they walked, but also made them miss home and family all over again. With a sharp shake of their head, they remembered what they were coming up to the observation deck for. They knew Keith understood how important this party was, but being forced into that was more than enough to cause that kind of reaction. Ironically, Lance thought, the Artraxian male fashion sense was actually feminine-leaning, non-gendered by human standards and didn’t bother them as much as they thought it would, although it still did upset them. But that was them, not Keith. Especially with what Artraxian women wore, they knew how much it upset Keith. And that was why they were there. Not to try to convince him to wear it, but to be supportive. Let him know that both they and the team had his back with this. That Lance would be there for him however he needed.
Lance knocked on the door, walking in when they didn’t get an answer anyway. Keith was sitting on the floor with his arms wrapped around his knees as he watched the stars. Lance curled up beside him without looking over.
“Hey. It’ll be ok. I know it really, really, sucks, and I wish we didn’t have to do it, but we do. We’re all here for you, you know that right?”
Keith sighed, rolling his head from where it rested on his knees to look over at Lance. “I know you are. Doesn’t make it any easier. I thought I was past all that. Having to pretend to be something I'm not. It’s been hard enough being out here without even the possibility of access to my T shots. And now this. I think I would have been more ok with it if it didn’t look like that.”
“Yeah, I get that. Kinda exposes almost everything. None of us like it, even if I know Allura and Shiro are gonna look amazing in it, but Pidge and Hunk will be really uncomfortable. Hunk doesn’t like going to the beach without a shirt on unless he’s really comfortable with the people around him. And I don’t think I can even imagine Pidge in anything girly, let alone that. And even I’m not really comfortable with it. Way too much skin on display, y’know? I mean, I say this while wearing a crop top, but…” they trailed off with a soft laugh and turned to face Keith. “Really what I’m saying is that we’re all uncomfortable. I know it’s not exactly the same, but you’re not alone. If you need to stay close to one of us for the party to feel safe, it’s ok. No one will mind.”
Lance thought that the soft huffing sound that came from Keith might have been a laugh until they heard the sniffle and realized that he was wiping away tears.
“Thanks, Lance,” Keith said softly.
“Anytime, Samurai.”
It was barely a day after transmitting the team’s measurements to the planet’s surface before an unmanned shuttle landed onboard the castle. They realized that color preferences hadn’t been asked of them, and that their “outfits” were all individually wrapped in black tissue and labelled with their names. Coran busied himself with handing out the packages and sent Allura and the paladins off to change.
“Hey, Lance?” Keith called quietly.
They turned to him and immediately saw the discomfort and anxiety all over his face. “Hey, it’s ok. What do you need?”
“I think I need to call in that favor.”
“Ok. Would having Allura there help?”
Keith thought for a few seconds. “…Yeah, I think so.”
Lance turned to where the princess was making her way across the pod bay floor. “Allura, I have a question for you.”
She stopped and waited for both of them to catch up with her. “Yes? What is it?”
Lance looked to Keith first for his silent confirmation before continuing. “Keith’s gonna need some help with this. I figured you being the only girl here would help with making him as comfortable as we can.”
“Oh, yes, of course. Allow me to change and then we can meet.”
“My room?” Lance suggested.
Links to the rest of the series:
1 | 2 | 3* | 4 | 5* | 6* | 7 | 8 | 9* | 10 | 11 | 12* | 13 | 14 | 15* | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19*
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degrassi-fanatic · 4 years
Happy Birthday
From all the way over in the living room, Sakura can hear the bickering voices of Lee, Tenten, and Gai, as well as the perpetual clinking and clanking of cooking equipment. With the exception of Team Gai, who were stationed out in the kitchen to prepare the food for this evening and Hinata, Kiba, and Akamaru, who were out to pick up the cake, the rest of Konoha 11 (and then some) were situated outside in the living room as they worked hard on readying everything for the party. 
Choji and Shikamaru have taken it upon themselves to rearrange the living room; pushing, pulling, and rotating furniture until they have what they deem an adequate amount of space for everything and everyone. 
 Their wives, Karui and Temari inflate balloon after balloon until they have accumulated a massive pile of pink, silver, and white on the floor in front of them. Meanwhile, Shino and Kurenai hang up coordinating reflective pink and silver streamers from the ceiling, stopping every so often to pull away both Kurumi and Aiko-chan from trying to yank at the frail pieces of cellophane. 
 In a corner, Sai and Sasuke struggle to figure out how to play the music through the speaker system. To their right, Naruto is stuck on babysitting duty and attempts to keep watch on all four kids (plus one ninken puppy and one pre-teen) with a one-year old baby hoisted on his hip uncomfortably. He seems to be struggling quite a bit as he tries to keep all the kids from tugging on Kurumi’s tail.
 “Kakashi-sensei,” Sakura says as she finishes taping off her end of the ‘Happy Birthday’ banner, “Go help Naruto with the kids.”
 “Maa, I’m not good with—”
 “Oh, cut the crap, sensei.” she interrupts, not wanting to tiptoe around today, “Don’t act like I haven’t seen you doting on Akari.”
 “Fine.” Kakashi huffs out.
 In under a minute or so, Kakashi teaches Naruto how to hold a baby properly and has all of the kids engaged in some entertaining yet blissfully quiet game (that doesn’t require them to pull on Kurumi’s tail.)
 God, Sakura needs to learn how to do that. 
 From behind her, she hears Sasuke groan in frustration over the lack of progress on the speaker system. 
 “I don’t know why we have to go all out for Akari’s birthday.” he complains as he shoves whatever he was working on into Sai’s hands, “She’s only turning one. It’s not like she’s going to remember it.”
 “Oi, idiot,” Shikamaru says, wiping sweat off his brow as he sets the coffee table down somewhere new for the umpteenth time, “It’s Ino’s birthday too.”
 “Oh, right, Ino-buta’s turning….” he trails off as he tries to calculate the years only to inevitably give up, “How many years old?”
 Balling her hand up into a tight fist, Sakura punches Sasuke in the back. At the touch, the man doubles over, letting out a loud hiss before attempting to straighten up again. 
 “Don’t call my wife Ino-buta!” Sakura exclaims, “Only I can say that!”
 “She calls me worse!”
 His retort is readily ignored (even though his claim is true). Sakura simply rolls her eyes and glances down at her watch.
 Which was definitely a bad idea because soon she’s hyperventilating. 
 A wave of panic washes over her as she realizes what time it is. Tsunade-sama is supposed to bring Ino back to the house in no less than ten minutes, and they haven’t finished up yet; Lee and the others were still in the kitchen, Shikamaru and Choji have only just settled on the placement of everything in the living room, the only thing Sai’s figured out about the speaker system is how to turn it on and off, and Hinata and Kiba aren’t even back with the cake yet—
 “Hey,” she hears Sasuke murmur, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder, “Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”
For any other birthday, Sakura wouldn’t have cared this much about getting everything perfect but this wasn’t just any other birthday; today was Akari’s first ever birthday, and it was the first time Ino would be sharing her birthday with her daughter. 
 “Ino will like whatever you do for her.” he reminds her, “And Akari literally won’t remember this.”
 A laugh escapes through Sakura’s mouth. 
 She takes a moment to close her eyes and breathe; in and out, in and out. Then, she opens her eyes up and turns to look at Sasuke, giving him a nervous smile. 
 He was right, though she loathes to admit it.
 Ino wouldn’t care if the speaker system was being janky. Or if the cake was a little late. Or if the arrangement of the furniture in their living room was impractical. 
 All she would care about is the fact that her wife was trying to give her a good first-shared-birthday-with-their-daughter party. 
 Before Sakura can utter her thanks to Sasuke, Tenten strolls into the living room, carrying trays of food, while Lee wheels Gai into the living room behind her.
 “Finally done!” Tenten exclaims as she drops the food onto a nearby table, “And with no help from those two!”
 Her ears tune out of the conversation/argument/whatever going on at hand. Instead, she mentally ticks off food from her list of things to finish up.
 Then, her ears tune back in to hear the soft beginnings of hers and Ino’s favourite song playing through the air. She whips around to find Sai giving her a thumbs up and a non-practiced smile before quickly flicking the machine off. 
 With the music finally being taken care of, that only leaves the—
 Her train of thought is interrupted by the front door bursting open to reveal Hinata rushing into the house, holding onto the cake, with Kiba and Akamaru following behind closely. 
 “We’re here!” she exclaims, a little out of breath, “And I am happy to report that neither Akamaru nor Kiba have licked the cake!”
 “Alright,” Sakura murmurs to herself, “Decorations are up. Food’s here. Drinks are in the fridge. Akari is in clean clothes. All our guests are here….”
 Then, why does it feel like she’s missing something?
 Setting her hands on her hips, Sakura takes a glance around the room. Is it the presents? No, they’ve got a pile of those. Do they need more decorations? Probably not, considering that every available surface/wall is covered in something pink or white. Maybe, it’s the—
 “Sakura!” she hears Naruto exclaim, “You’re not dressed yet!”
 She looks down to realize that he’s right; her hair and makeup may be done but she’s still in a baby-food-stained sweater and sweatpants. 
 “Thanks, Naruto!” she says over her shoulder as she races down to the bedroom to change. 
 Once she’s in front of the bedroom door, she yanks the door open and swiftly kicks it shut in a quick succession of movements. She finds her party clothes right where she left them out on the bedspread. 
 Years of shrugging on clothes in the dead of night to fight enemies, and the recent months of having to figure out how to change quick enough without Akari realizing she’s left the room, has left Sakura with a knowledge of the best techniques for a wardrobe change. In only under a minute, she finds herself dashing back into the living room wearing a loose, red floral dress.
 Just in time too because the moment she steps into the living room, Kakashi is flicking off the lights and everyone is crouching behind something. 
 For a few moments, the only sounds are of the ninkens’ loud breathing and the hushed, excited giggling of the children. 
 Then, Sakura hears an exchange of soft murmurs between Ino and Tsunade-sama, as their footsteps begin to get louder and louder the  closer and closer they get to the front door. 
 Peaking over the chair she’s hiding behind, Sakura can just barely notice the way the doorknob twists as the door opens up. 
 As soon as the lights are turned on, everyone in attendance jumps up and out to scream ‘surprise’. 
 The birthday girl yelps as she places a hand to her chest. It takes her a moment to register everything that's going on but when she does, she lets out a loud laugh as she thanks everyone. Her eyes immediately go searching until she finds Sakura’s own. 
 She walks past all of their guests and beelines to Sakura. With a hand on the back of her neck, Ino tugs her in for a soft kiss that Sakura sighs into. She can practically feel all of the party planning tension leaving her body. 
 Eventually, after all of the cake cutting and all of the dancing and all of the gift-opening, the night begins to wind down. At least it has for the adults, the kids on the other hand have no qualms about dragging their Uncle Shino into some game they’ve made themselves. 
 For what feels like the first time all day, Sakura finally gets to hold her daughter in her arms. She sits next to Naruto, away from all of their other friends who are conversing over food. More to herself than to her daughter, Sakura quietly hums along to the song that's playing as she rocks Akari to the rhythm.
 Although, it seems like Akari's attention is elsewhere. She keeps trying to crawl into Naruto's lap and after the fifth attempt, Sakura decides to let her have what she wants; which just so happens to be the necklace hanging from Naruto's neck. 
 As Naruto realizes what's going on, his eyes immediately light up. He scoops the baby into his arms so her short little arms can reach his dangling necklace. 
 “This is the First Hokage’s Necklace, Akari,” he explains in a high-pitched-baby-talk voice, “Do you want to be Hokage? Do you, Akari-chan?”
 All Akari does in response is smile and lightly thwack Naruto across the face with her fist. He doesn’t seem to mind though because he only laughs at her antics.
 “So you and Kakashi thinking about—”
 “What!” Naruto exclaims, garnering the attention of their friends for a moment.
 “C’mon,” Sakura says as she jostles her shoulder with his, “You guys are the only couple without kids.”
 The tips of Naruto’s burn bright red, as does the bridge of his nose. 
 “If I ever have a mini-me, the village is definitely going to burn down to the ground,” Naruto mumbles, ducking his head down to hide the flush on his face, “Or at least, be overrun by sexy no jutsus constantly.”
 Sakura tries to get that disturbing image out of her head. 
 “But, if you have a mini-Kakashi,” she says, “Then, the village is definitely going to prosper.”
 Out of seemingly nowhere, Kakashi pops up next to the couch with two plates full of food. He sets one of them down by the side table. 
 “I heard my name.” 
 Kakashi's sudden appearance and all of the baby talk must have done something to Naruto's brain because the next words to come out of his mouth are—
 “Do you want to have kids!”
 Sakura smacks herself in the forehead. Then, again, what else should she expect from Naruto, of all people? Subtly was not his most refined skill. 
 “That’s my cue to leave.” she says while pushing herself off the couch. 
 The mumbling of Naruto and Kakashi’s conversation fades away as Sakura makes her way over to her wife, who is leaning against the wall and eating what must be her third slice of cake that night. 
 All of that baby talk with Naruto must have done something to Sakura's head too because now she can only picture Ino holding another baby in her arms as Akari totters around her legs. 
 Shaking her head, she tries to dissolve the image from her mind. The two of them do not need another baby; they’ve already got their hands full with one and they’re both working adults with full time jobs and two kids would require much more time at home or at least paying for a daycare would run them dry and that—
 “Hmm?” she murmurs around the fork in her mouth. 
 Oh God, Sakura wants another baby. 
 “I want another baby.”
 She pulls the fork out of her mouth with a pop. Soon, she’s setting aside the plate, in favour of tugging Sakura down to lean on the wall with her. 
 “Yeah?” she asks softly, barely audible over the sounds of the party.
 “Okay, then.” she says smiling widely, with pink frosting stained teeth. 
 Reaching down, Sakura clasps her hand around Ino’s before pulling it into her lap; she fiddles with Ino’s wedding band absentmindedly as she looks out to the rest of the living room. Her eyes wander around from scene to scene until they settle on the sight of Kakashi and Naruto huddled around Akari. 
 “By the way," Sakura adds, "Naruto and Kakashi are probably going to have a kid soon too.” 
 “I don’t want to think of the implication of our baby and theirs being in the same class at school.”
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amysgiantbees · 3 years
Head-cannons for me for MHA DND
Urarka is grey ace pan. She likes to perform cantrips or float a little to alleviate stress. Socialist, ACAB. Trains with Bakugo regularly, they’re very close friends. Her parents are poor builders. They live in the poor area of the city and do a lot of community and charity work. 
Kirishima is a trans man. Loves meat, particularly red meat. Big protein guy. A whole homosexual. He has two mothers, one is a gladiator, the other is a stay at home mom. He does yoga and meditation. Absolute golden retriever, mourning person. He cracks his knuckles when stressed. Always goes for a mourning run. He knows how to speak Bakugo so he knows when is or isn’t being a dick. 
Denki is nonbinary they/he, Bisexual. Denki loves flirting with people’s parents especially Bakugo’s. His parents are awful and resent him for being chosen by Kord as they are very stuffy, devout followers of him for years and never recieved similar attention. Dyslexic and ADHD - ticks ALL the boxes, like can pick up talents very quickly, like the lyre. Night owl, puts all his work off till night then sleeps till noon. Gets jitters and ticks when stressed. Massive flirt. No filter. Lack of self preservation. Would be a fantastic dancer if he didn’t overthink it so much. Was in Jiro’s band.  Lichtenberg figure. When he short circuits it’s numbing. He can’t think and his thoughts come slowly too him at best. He often ends up drooling. He can’t focus on his surroundings. Can’t feel anything so people can easily take advantage. Usually can only form enough thoughts to reassure people and put his thumbs up to show he’s okay. 
Sero is nonbinary, they/them. Demisexual panromantic. Skateboards exist just for Sero. He is from a large family. Two fathers, one mother. They’re part of a traveling commune. Sero is just sleepy, isn’t a morning or a night person. Best wingman, very observant. Very laidback. Rubs arm and elbow when stressed. His family are tattoo artists, did his elbow tattoos as his magic focusses before he left for high school. 
Whole Bakusquad are Kord fans. 
Mina is ace/aromantic. her parents are assassins' that specialize in poisonings. Night owl. Loves fashion, and visiting Bakugo’s parent’s store. Sensible one out of the Bakusquad. Bakugo is usually the brains behind their plans but she’s the primary authority on whether they go ahead. Kirishima tends to hesitate - look to others for advice, Sero hesitates too - wants to think it over and take his time, Denki just dives in on instinct - what feels right, Bakugo is impatient - does not hesitate at all and often doesn’t factor in people’s feelings. Mina is the perfect balance of everyone. Thinks it through, has good instincts, is brave, doesn’t need to ask but is open to suggestions. 
Aoyama is gay. He has IBS (Alcohol, chocolate, caffeinated beverages are potential culprits as are certain types of carbohydrate known as FODMAPs). He massages his face when he’s stressed. 
Tsuyu is ace and homoromantic. Her dad is a grung florist and her human mother is the accountant for the flower business. She has two little siblings, a twin brother and sister. 
Jiro is a sex positive ace bisexual. Jiro’s family are very popular travelling bards. Songwriters too, they’ve patented songs. Night owl. She plays with her hair when stressed. Plays instruments to relax. Can get stage fright. Likes to sing to calm down people after a monster attack, help people with both her talents. Loves her parents. 
Nejire Hado grew up as an orphan raised by the local temple of Sune. She has grown to have a stronger connection with Mystra now as she’s grown into her own person but she still loves and worships Sune. Nejire asks more questions than she answers. Gets over excited very easily. 
Bakugo is pansexual - he just likes them strong. His mother is half-orc and a model and fashion designer for her and her husband’s clothing business. It’s called Green with Envy. Masaru has terrible shyness when it comes to modeling. So all of their clothing is made to be gender neutral and Mitiski models everything for the flyers and posters. Totally has ADHD, impulsivity, avoids lengthy tasks, feels restless, can’t stay seated. Never drinks, this man treats his body like a temple, he has a bed time, morning person. Bakugo cracks his neck and joints when stressed. Can play drums, was in Jiro’s band.
Tokoyami is ace and grey aromantic. He can play the lyre, was in Jiro’s band. Dark Shadow likes to collect shiny things. He pets and talks to her her when stressed. He loves poetry and ballads. Often spends nights in taverns listening to dark songs. Writes his own poetry. Only his best friend Shoji and crush Aoyama get to read it though and even then it’s very reluctantly. 
Shoji is very nervous to date, very insecure. grey ace, panromantic. 
Ojiro is pan. Everyone likes to play with his tail when he grows it. He plays with it when stressed. 
Koda is ace and aromantic. Likes to hide, be somewhere small and confined when stressed. Terrified of bugs, but mostly just the crawly, scary ones. 
Sato is grey ace aromantic. Stress eats. Solves other peoples problems with food too. Giving gifts is his love language. 
Izuku is also pan he really likes them strong. His mother has a tiny cake shop in her house next door to Green with Envy. Night owl, anxious. ADHD - shows in impulsivity, distracted, very observant, fidgeting, can’t stay focused, talking excessively, interrupts, intrusive. He fidgets with his hands when nervous. Holds grudges and guilt trips when upset. can’t forgive himself, apologizes too much. Stubborn, doesn’t know when to give up. 
Heroes are gladiator esque. They have posters, dolls, figures, homemade wood carvings. They work as adventures but some are paid by the heroes commission to remain in one city and participate in gladiator battles (not to the death) too. 
All Might is currently ranked number 1 in the world by the hero commission and has permission to teleport anytime to other countries to help but is based in Faerun, Masfutu. 
Izuku and Bakugo try every year to win behind the scenes tickets to the coliseum. 
All Might is ace/aro. He’s always been naturally talented at picking up new skills - ADHD - and is thrown that he hasn’t quite taken so well to teaching. Struggled for a bit but is taking it seriously and putting in the work finally. 
Grand Torino and Recovery Girl are in love and they spend their dates hassling and messing with the Youth. 
Cementos is struggling with a divorce
Mic and Aizawa are married. They have been since a couple of years after school. Aizawa had a whole flamboyant, elaborate proposal planned for Mic, but the day he was going to propose Mic said “we should get married” while gazing lovingly in his eyes and Aizawa was so relieved. 
Mic is nonbinary trans he/they. Before he got married to Aizawa and teaching when they took a break from each other he was a world famous Bard. He sings in class and Aizawa has to always bang on the wall to get him to shut up when it gets to loud. 
Aizawa is trans and Shinso is son with an ex he jumped into a relationship with after he finished UA. He was never a “hero” in the coliseum, didn’t want the attention, he was a freelance adventurer for a little bit before becoming pregnant, then teaching. 
The reason Power Loader never wears a shirt is because he is a huge fashionista and he doesn’t want any of his clothes getting wrecked because he refuses to own no more ugly clothes than required. 
Ibara Shiozaki is straight. She’s from a whole family of temple worshippers. (Fantasy) bible before boys. 
Jurota Shishida is the lone survivor of a werewolf attack and an orphan. He lives at the school permanently. 
Iida is mostly straight. He swings his hands when stressed and musts his hair. plans everything. Morning person. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 
Yaoyorozu is the local royalty. She has lead a VERY sheltered life. Never left the city except when directly teleporting to other fancy locations. Iida is very dedicated to her as his family is one of her family’s vassals. She rubs her chest when stressed. Absolute capitalist. Only knows how to ball dance and can play the piano. Was in Jiro’s High School band. Doesn’t get to do her own shopping a lot so loves to whenever she can. Loves spoiling people. Kind of naïve. 
Cementous and Exoplasm are the oldest teachers at UA and best friends. 
Shouto is a grey ace demiromatic gay man. He darts his eyes when nervous. He’s autistic. Knows how to ball dance.
Hawks is pan. He’s a workaholic so he’s up at the crack of dawn. Always seems laid back but is VERY observant. High alcohol tolerance. He plays with his feathers when nervous but is aware of this tell so tries to just do nothing and only does it if very stressed. Favourite food is birds, like chicken, as that’s hawks primary food. He has tetrachromats eyes so can see ultraviolet light. Female hawks are generally larger than males. Hawks prefer open habitats, like deserts or fields. Probably lives on the outskirt of the city, lots of windows. His preferred time to work is just before nightfall. He will likely only live to his 30s at most. He’s mostly based on red-tailed hawks. Perfectionist. Orphan, is the adopted child of the head of the commission. 
Shouto’s father is so desperate to find him and keep him because he knows that news of his reputation is vital. Enji is not royalty by blood but by marriage. He’s aware that if he doesn’t keep a tight leash on his family they could ruin his reputation as he’s human (mostly) and the rest are half-elves. So they’ll all outlive him. He’s already lost Touya so he’s desperate to as discreetly as possible find Shouto. Momo is helping him run away and hide out and paying for his school tuition. Enji was at first a hero like All Might until he managed to secure his marriage with Rei. He’s very aware that there’s only so much he can control his reputation as his whole family will outlive him. So will he redeem himself or double down? 
Dabi is the League’s reluctant big brother. Likes to mess around with Toga most of all, she reminds him of his little siblings. 
Vlad King is one of the founders of UA and is over 100 years old. 
* These are purely notes for myself for a dnd game coming up for myself which is why I’ve nicked ideas from tiktoker lia_faye. 
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tastyliltina · 4 years
Coconut conundrum (sim sized vore)
A/n: Aka Tina being absolute GARBAGE for a little bit TwT. Haven’t written anything with @princesaltines ‘ sona and mine being gay together in a minute so...cue indulgent writing XD
I keep having?? Ideas in the shower so please excuse my second opening shower scene. There’s something fun about writing them pwp
If you like this story and want one like it for yourself, check out my commissions! tinascommissions.carrd.co/
All stories are currently on sale until Dec. 10th!
Tina’s skin burned. It felt like a glowing mass of magma, boiling beneath the heat of a deserved hot shower. Steam swirled in the air, coiling and curling against the pull of the humming fan above her before it vanished. Every breath felt heavy yet refreshing, opening every part of her pores and lungs as a toasted coconut smell filled the air. She’d long been finished scrubbing herself, her new body scrub settled to the side. For now she stood.
The water felt like fingers running through her hair, a sensation that locked her in place. Hands traced along every curve of her figure, soaking in her exhaustion and insecurities and whatever she wrestled with before washing it all down the drain. Pricks of sleep teased her eyes, and the thought of curling up in bed became impossible to ignore. Soft, fluffy sheets, nestling her face into the curve of her pillow… Tina sighed. She leaned into the shower wall. If she stood here much longer, she’d fall asleep again.
She turned, staring at the faucet. God she didn’t want to. She didn’t want to face the world beyond the shower curtain. Slowly, she forced her hand to close around the faucet. It turned. The stream of water stopped with a hiss, leaving only the echoes in its wake. Steam danced around Tina as she pushed the shower liner aside, stepping out and onto a bath mat. The air was hazy, heavy, but refreshingly warm. Tina supposed a forty-five minute shower had that effect.
Her towel felt rough against her skin. Tina patted away the excess water, bending herself in half once she felt dry enough to wrap her hair in the towel. Once it was secure, she grabbed her lotion. Toasted coconut, it was a new smell but one she’d been meaning to try out for weeks. Nimble fingers lathered the cream up and down her legs, arms, shoulders. If the smell of coconut hadn’t clung to her before it sure as hell did now.
Tina took her time putting on her sleepwear. It wasn’t anything fantastic, a tank top and some short shorts. Somehow, despite the air conditioner being set to the lowest setting she managed to overheat at night… She was thankful her roommate was the same way. Removing her towel, Tina took a moment to replace it on the hook and sighed. She opened the door.
Cold air rushed at her almost instantly. Goosebumps pricked her arms as she stepped out of the bathroom, an explosion of steam at her back. Her tail dragged from the damp bathroom tile to the cool and clean wood of the hallway, further driving the chill into her bones. It felt amazing. Quiet steps padded down the hallway as she moved to the living room and peered inside. Ollie was stretched over one of the couches, their too-big frame awkwardly sprawled across the arms. She smiled.
Creeping into the kitchen was hardly a problem for Tina. She’d been compared to a mouse time and time again, and being quiet as one almost came naturally. Slowly, she headed for the fridge to grab a water. A nice cool drink was the perfect way to enjoy a fresh break from the shower. Cuddles didn’t sound too bad, either...she doubted Ollie would mind if she joined them on the couch.
Tina scooped a water bottle from the fridge, using the tip of her tail to close it as she pulled away and took a sip. The brunette sighed. She turned slowly, yawning as she did to head into the living room. Something solid and warm blocked her path. Tina squeaked. Her eyes flew open, instantly trapped in a gaze much larger than her down.
“OLLIE!” the human-sized hybrid shrieked, dropping into a squat with a shaky laugh. “God-shit, hon! You scared me…”
“Sorry, sorry…” their voice was a croon. Tina grumbled, forcing herself to her feet so she could properly glare up at them. She wiped her face, dispelling any flustered blush on her cheeks.
“It’s...you’re fine,” with a huff, she stepped back to meet their gaze.
Their eyes were groggy, but not completely as brown-rimmed drops of blue burned into her. Even their hair matched the sleepy look. It was an absolute rat’s nest...hers was no better, she imagined. Still dripping wet, too.
“Hm,” Ollie hummed. Tina nodded slowly, about to speak up before they stepped closer. She matched their step, though got no farther than a step before the fridge pressed at her back. The metal was strikingly cold and earned a gasp from the hybrid. Before she could complain, Ollie’s hand placed itself a few inches from her arm. Oh no. Oh no no no, no she knew what this meant.
If at any time Tina felt like the mouse she was constantly compared to, it was at that moment. That very second Ollie’s hand pressed into the wall behind her, preventing any escape. She’d never run from them. But that didn’t stop her heart from kicking into overdrive, the frantic beating only worsening as Ollie hiked a brow.
“Something the matter, little mouse?~” as they spoke, Ollie leaned in closer, flashing their fangs in a wicked grin. The scales on their face shimmered in the dimming kitchen light, and Tina’s mind flickered to a snake posing to strike before a defenseless mouse. Fitting. Too goddamned fitting.
Her mouth opened. Closed. Opened again. “I-it’s, you...I’m….I can’t move,” the words fell out of her mouth, awkwardly hanging in the air. All the while, her pitch grew higher and more frantic.
“Of course, can’t have my little treat running off~.”
Something like a laugh was the only response Tina had.
“But you wouldn’t run away from me, would you…” Ollie leaned in further, further. Tina’s entire gaze was taken up by their face, the heat of their breath warm against her skin. Goosebumps lined her arms. When they spoke again, Tina could feel their voice rumble in her core. “Princess?~”
A shriek-like laugh tore itself from Tina’s lips in a bubbling cackle. She pressed into the fridge at her back but found no relief. Instead, Ollie’s face moved all the closer. Something pricked at her skin-just along the nape of her neck. Light pressure that grew to a point as breath cascaded over her. Tina’s mind struggled to form a coherent thought around the wonderfully familiar and radiating sense of primal terror coursing under her skin.
When they pulled away, whatever ounce of retort she had absolutely puddled at her feet. Tina slouched into the fridge, her eyes wide and locked on Ollie’s while her fingers slid to the area. She could feel the divots. No blood, of course, but there was definitely a mark. Her cheeks reddened again.
Tina looked up just to catch Ollie’s grip snaking around her back. All in one motion, Ollie tugged her away from the fridge and towards them. With her support gone, Tina melted into their grip and allowed their hands to grasp her wrists. She had an idea of what they were going to do, but she didn’t fight.
“I know you just got out of the shower,” Ollie continued, “but I think it’s time I put you to bed~.”
She whined sheepishly. Their fingers laced through her palms, absolutely consuming her hands in theirs. Ollie’s eyes shone mischievously, their oblong pupils glittering while they drew Tina closer. Eventually, her hands landed on something soft and warm. Their lips. Tina tittered again, knowing all too well what lay beyond the barrier of skin beneath her hands.
Tauntingly taking their time, Ollie’s lips began to part. This revealed the living cavern of blue beyond, framed by shining and sharp fangs that glittered in the light of the kitchen. Despite her innate desire to pull away, the feeling that she needed to run, Tina remained rooted to the spot. Ollie’s mouth flexed, the blue flesh beyond pulsing in an almost inviting manner. Beckoning her forwards. A silent promise that inside, she’d be safe and snugly tucked away.
If she hadn’t been sure before Tina knew exactly where she was going now. It rang especially clear as Ollie shifted, their tongue wiggling to life. The forked muscle slid out and slathered Tina’s wrists in saliva. Tina flinched, the warm and squishy feeling biting against the previous chill. But, Tina got the idea Ollie wanted to move things along. Their tongue continued to creep up her arms, all the while blotting and drenching her in a heavy dose of drool. All the while, they purred above and around her, the baritone noise resonating through her.
Ollie shifted, carefully drawing Tina’s hands further into their mouth. The delicate taste of coconut mingled with her mocha flavor, encouraging them to go further and faster. Tina’s fingers shifted in their mouth, the little digits pressing and exploring the back of their gullet while they drew out the tease. Eventually, they decided they’d postponed long enough...bed was calling. With a hefty swallow, they drew TIna further inside. Pleasant shivers ran along their back at the feeling of weight in their throat and they swallowed again. Again. As they worked Tina inside, their hands trailed down her figure to help guide her around their teeth and ensure she was comfortable. It wasn’t any fun if their lady wasn’t enjoying herself, after all…~
Long, shuddering gulps tugged Tina deeper into Ollie’s core, and eventually the warm and living weight sank into their stomach. Ollie tilted their head back, focusing fully on the sensations and movements trailing into their middle. It had been so long, too long since they’d indulged...another gulp left only Tina’s legs poking out of their mouth, the odd sight making Ollie’s lips quirk. How weird this would have looked to wandering eyes…
Ollie steadied themself, eyes fluttering closed. They stood there a moment, head tilted to the sky and Tina’s form almost completely hidden within their chest. When they were ready, they swallowed a final time. There was a feeling like a propulsion, an awkward rock dropping in their abdomen and settling there. Ollie crooned, now able to feel every little shift and twitch of Tina inside. Their hands slid to the bulge hidden beneath the sweater they wore, mapping out just where Tina was and squeezing in to ensure she was safely snuggled up. By the pressure and wriggles inside it seemed Tina was doing just fine.
“Ugh...mmm~,” their purrs deepened as they straightened and sighed. Really, they hadn’t planned on eating anyone tonight-not that they were complaining. Something like a primal urge stirred in them the instant they smelled that coconut, something that encouraged them to pounce on their little lady. Ollie’s hand traced over the curve of their middle. “You comfy in there, little mouse?”
For a moment, it was quiet.
“I’m okay!” her voice was muffled and squeaky, no doubt a result of their tease. Tina broke into a yawn. The noise itself was soft, nothing too eccentric-but the nuzzling movement inside set Ollie’s cheeks into a blush. If Ollie was butter, they would have melted into a puddle...so much for being the big bad wolf to their little mouse. Dammit.
“Good,” they smiled. Patting their middle, they regarded the living room. Sleeping on the couch didn’t sound like a bad way to go...but stretching out in bed didn’t, either. They muffled a yawn behind their wrist and decided on the bed. It was a longer walk, sure, and with a heavy temporary meal it wasn’t comfortable to walk too far, but snuggling under blankets with Tina tucked away sounded heavenly… Slowly, they began to meander down the hall, unable to ignore the swaying motion in their gut.
“You...did not have to go….you didn’t have to go...that hard-at me, I mean…” Tina’s muffled voice trailed up to them. Ollie smirked, patting their middle as they stepped into their bedroom.
“Oh, I know~,” trailing into a chuckle, Ollie approached their bed and turned, carefully setting atop it. “But you didn’t have to wear that coconut lotion, either...you know I love the taste of coconut~.”
“I-well, it wasn’t-I didn’t!”
Ollie grinned as Tina faltered, kicking their legs onto the bed. “Of course you didn’t, Sweets~. Absolutely no thought went into what came after you went around smelling like the little treat you are,” their eyes fell to their middle. “Unless…”
“Unless nothing!” Tina cut them off, breaking into a squirming fit. Ollie purred, both from the pleasant feeling of movement inside and the fact they’d riled her up again.
“Right, right, well,” slowly, Ollie shimmied under the covers. They drew the blankets up to their neck, rolling over so they could curl around their middle. “Whatever you say, love~. You can think about all that while we get some sleep, hm?”
“Mmh..” her voice was a grumble, but Ollie could feel Tina settling down. Another yawn reached their ears. They felt something press out and stretch against them, eventually trailing into another nuzzle. “Fine…”
“Good.” Ollie sighed, relaxing into their pillow with a purr. “Love you, lady~.”
“Love...you, too…” there was another yawn, and Tina fell still. It never took Tina long to fall asleep-and Ollie followed soon after.
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desertdragon · 3 years
First ever Lewena PoV has been sitting for months on my phone but I finally powered through finishing it; I’m mixed a little bit bc I started wanting to be done already but for my first try its still ok- she meets Vaste and Gan for the first time and listens in on a conversation out of her league, C’taya is there being gay but Lewena is a bimbo and doesn’t know her much yet 
Edit: I realized this technically counts as the first time I played with the idea of Vaste being partially Primal before I committed it to any HC as I have since
TWs: body horror
Lewena had stopped being able to see clearly five seconds ago. The tomes stacked a few heads high above her; their dust trickling down in visible waterfalls. She felt a thin layer formed on her hair and scowled. Her arms would wobble at the weight were she not assistant to Weyd Calderon. Such a soul was tempered to discipline.
She knew how many steps to the table by habit. The stack made a hearty thump and rattled it. The voice behind her still jolted Lewena to this day. There were many ways it did so; this one was alarm.
"By Shatotto girl you'll cave this in faster than I can open my purse. Treat these volumes like a lover. Not that you'd have experience I imagine."
Standing at the barest reach of Lewena's hips, Weyd held her own stack. More than one volume stretched thicker than her head. At two ilms over three fulms, she hopped as high as she could to sit in a carved chair. Her round childlike face and short pointed ears at once deceived. More than one fool had been delivered to ashes at her ire.
Weyd Calderon wore an inquisitive look pouring over 'Gods Beyond The Veil: An Ascian Account'; built by decades of desiring to know, to observe, to master. Though they'd worked together six years never had it wavered. A gesture ordered Lewena toward the side kitchen.
"The Warrior of Light and her guest will have to make due with six sugars. Heavens help us if their tea remains bitter. Unless you've retrieved another sack at market?"
Lewena stiffened and her eyes widened. Her teacher's (The one woman she'd call Mother, but the world might as well end before she tried it.) words echoed from the living room like a cracking whip. She searched the cabinets. By the end they resembled the aftermath of a robbery. Her heart raced and pounded in her ears.
"If you'd wish I'll go straightaway for more." She yelled back staring in horror at the large gap within pantry stores.
There was a moment of silence.
"Bah there's no use they'll arrive any moment. Hurry lest you embarrass us for lack of refreshments."
She sighed in relief.
"However, Lewena."
Oh fuck.
"The minute our meeting has concluded you will fetch Lominsan sugar; you will purchase two ponz, and you will carry it home on a summon."
She knew better than to complain thus held her tongue. Fifteen minutes later a knock rattled the oak door. Lewena emerged carrying a full tea tray; Weyd arrived first. A wave of the hand saw it opened.
Before them loomed a man so tall both felt neck pangs to view him. Glare off the chandelier obscured what little could be seen of his face. Lewena was unable to stave away an incredulous look. He tilted his face toward them. The massive set of black horns pointed inward were his ears. Their darkness melded with the shadows where his shockingly green eyes glowed. An effect of limbral rings, Lewena remembered. An Au Ra man.
"I apologize. Your chandelier threatened to sway when I entered."
"Ahh Gan I'm glad you were able to fit."
"Vaste, I feared I left you behind." He said looking back.
"If you do break anything though...you're payin for it."
The woman behind him stopped at his side; the badge on her blouse shirt glinted silver. She stood shorter than Gan barely reaching his chest at the catlike ears perched atop her head. Taller than Weyd yet a few ilms smaller than Lewena herself. The end of a groomed tail swished peaking from behind her before disappearing again. A Miqo'te. Her blue-black hair became an inky pool under light. Like a water pool reflecting off a cavern. As she chatted soft and friendly with him, Lewena heard Weyd hiss.
"Bow Lewena. No matter their antics."
As they did so Lewena felt her head spin on confusion's wheel. She whispered groping for answers.
"Is, is the giant man not the one?"
"If he were I suspect a tad more force and my chandelier would be out the windows. He must be a companion of sorts."
They felt eyes upon them. The room slunk into silence. A key moment of inquiry passed without words; Were they true guests, or had they invited a kicked hornet's nest? That sentiment sprung upon her from a deep corner. The one place within her mind she'd rather out of reach, that had not seen rule since she'd scraped with tooth and nail.  
Lewena's stomach churned on such an isolated stage. In her habit she glanced to Weyd for safety. Her composure was impeccable. Only the Sultana herself had ever drawn out such solemnness. Weyd cleared her throat.
"You honor us with your presence Lady Valescoere. Before the champion of Man we stand humbled."
"Oh no the honor is mine, Arch-Mage Calderon."
Vaste tightened her expression and nudged Gan's side. Together they returned a short bow. She continued.
"Lift your heads. To tell you the truth I embarrass easily in these settings. I appreciate clearing your schedule for me."
Without needing a word Lewena moved to excuse herself. The cups and saucers had yet to be set and-
"I didn't know you took assistants, Arch-Mage."
"Fear not Lady Valescoere she is my right hand. Nothing shall see the light of day if you wish so."
Lewena froze to her spot unsure to move forward or back. They were looking at her, inspecting, judging. A familiar tightness twisted in her chest. She stiffened her face. Her mind took hold of her aether, entwined with its comfort. No one aimed to harm her; Weyd if all else would be sure of it. She continued setting the lounge table.
It'd passed in a moment as she worked and voices became backdrop sounds. She'd seen the Warrior of Light's eyes. They were neither hateful nor joyous, not even filled with rage or lust. Not even like the dignified calm heroes exalted in stories. Instead she gazed into a void. One made long before she'd ever know.
Lewena was more than familiar; each time she saw another with those eyes, the world darkened another shade. She stole another glance as they sat down. She would refrain asking. That was the subconscious pact those under heel of the world made. Weyd sipped her tea (two sugars of course) and cleared her throat.
"Now then madam and sir I understand your sore need for knowledge. You'll be happy to know you've made a wise choice. My selection of tomes rivals only Her Highness in depth."
A darkness clouded over her expression. Not unlike that before a rumbling storm. It chilled all but Vaste just the same.
"I've worked with sorcery since I learned my first word. I must warn you even I shudder to imagine the daunting complexity behind Ascians. Primals can pose an equal conundrum. Luckily Lewena and I possess a foothold. Lewena, if you'd please."
Three from the selection they'd pulled were placed before them. Weyd gestured and the Warrior of Light scrunched her face. Her voice wavered.
"Before we continue I should tell you both...I can't read very well. Something like this is beyond me."
"...I see. What of you young sir?"
Gan couldn't hide his blink of surprise at being noticed. His hand twitched as if he wanted to bury his face. He thought better of it.
"I'm in the same state as Vaste. I come from deep in the Azim Steppe so..."
From the corner of her eye Lewena spied Weyd threaten breaking her composure. Instead she nodded and requested the left tome be handed over. A copy of 'Forsaken Powers Vol. 15' pristine as the day it was bound. She cleared her throat upon opening it; Lewena's hands fidgeted.
"No matter I shall lead discussion on the subject. As is known all living beings comprise of aether. Primals are no exception. The one distinction between us lies in their ability to exist not just physically- but also in spirit. They are if compared, akin to bursts of flame before they die. Even when reduced to ashes another may relight them."
She paused at a section and gave a grave look above the cover.
"They are in a way both living and dead. This may well explain your 'affliction' since becoming the Warrior of Light. If the words in your missive are true...if the Mother Crystal herself indeed brought you to her realm, if she is a grander Primal..."
They watched her tap the page like squashing a bug. For the first time Lewena saw Vaste appear to sweat. To tremble with what she read as fury. Beside her Gan sat restraining worry though he pat her shoulder. Lewena felt her stomach turn; to imagine anything disturbed the world's hero so completely. Weyd sighed before continuing.
"Then I can hypothesize your aether at that time was restructured. You are beyond mortality from a change slight enough to maintain your form.  Such power only a Primal can possess. Not even Ascians are known to be as capable. To be Her champion, logic follows you be remade in her image. That conversely is a key. A weakness within strength."
Weyd shook her head; her ponytail resting high on her head resembled a swaying pineapple stem. For the briefest moment Lewena almost thought illusion, Vaste and Gan restrained a giggle. Taken with herself and theories Weyd didn't notice.
"It's crazy and yet you might damn well do it. As they distort your aether for manipulation so too may you return the favor. This passage is a hint."
Again Weyd cleared her throat for clarity. She read.
"Continuous experiments under Sharlayan academia have repeatedly contested aether itself. The dominant theory maintains an idea of stasis. Primals rest their intangible energies within the Aetherflow. Upon invocation and sacrifice by mortals, they assemble from belief to reality. It is during this stage the chief conundrum lies. Is it the power of belief, or souls ready for enthrallment that nourish a being to existence?"
They sat faces shut out to all but concentration. Vaste was (as she always had been the commander of disarray) the first to speak. There was a shift in the briefest moment to her gaze. She seemed a kaleidoscope; one moment detached then restless in embracing an overflowing humanity. No, Lewena thought as she retraced her words. It was like a nervous child perceived to be fickle.
It was now Vaste finally spoke as a determined force. An agent of nature itself.
"Does this mean taking their aether is possible?"
"I wouldn't deny the chance."
"That's all the assurance I need, Arch-Mage." Vaste said with such belief Lewena wanted to see it done, to carve it further into Vaste's legend.
As the thought materialized so too did those eyes fall on her. She stood firm. The Warrior of Light looked upon the girl who at a glance never saw a trouble in her life with a message. 'I see through the curtain at the wolf you buried.'
I should be offended, Lewena thought. Yet the longer it stewed within her the greater she could laugh. Of course she'd know. Face to face, they felt one and the same. Well, not in all ways. No...the Warrior of Light couldn't have been under whips and chains. Under the dead gaze of those unsaved; forced to survive on rats.
That was the self pitying arrogance speaking. She wrung her hands and settled into her aether once more; her mind grew clear. Useless thoughts were pushed away. 'I sense an enormous power within you, greater than my own. You have a gift though I know your feelings on it. In the same breath it makes you sensitive. You must steady yourself when tempted greater than any other.'
Weyd's voice grounded her; steadied her heart. She'd survived worse than this. She was better than this. She glanced at the serving tray and found it half finished. Already? Since when? Now she'd have to bake double the amount for their cookie reserves, which meant more sugar to buy.
'And it'll be so heavy...'
It was true her aether seemed to run a malm for an ounce these days. In her opinion facts didn't make training any more rote than it could be. But wait! What if...
Her eyes flit between their guests. Both were exceptionally built at a glance. Their muscles tightened their clothes; Vaste in particular demanded a good tailor. Without such skills she'd rip any seam by breathing. Unquestionably their help would make sugar carrying child's play. Generosity got her into this mess; it would get her out of it. Then she'd have energy for dance practice before bed!
Operation Free Time, start!
A lull in the conversation soon blessed her and Lewena struck. In that time the serving tray had gone empty. She motioned toward Weyd and whispered in her ear.  
"Er...they've finished the last of the sweets. You've asked me to shop at the markets so I'm unable to make more..."
"They what? Unacceptable. Go to market before the sun sets. I will deal with them here."
"Damn it's all gone. Gan did you eat the last or was that my doing?"
"I took them one by one. At one point you had three in your mouth at once."
There was an instant where Vaste paused, mouth slightly slack and eyes not quite narrowed. Like her mind wrestled to form the next thought. Lewena swallowed back a laugh. She stuck out a hand and found herself smiling.
"As it turns out I need to shop. Would you two mind coming along?"
She watched them look at one another sitting in her satisfaction. Her heart raced while they discussed amongst themselves; happiness crept up watching their modesty relent. Weyd shot her a knowing look through piercing eyes that called her a cheeky little shit. It made her hum, never dropping the smile.
New people, people her age, meant questions to pose and stories to explore. The sugar is half an excuse the longer she studies their faces. Maybe even since the moment they sat down. Her earlier caution melts; they know how to smile and laugh together.
"We accept. What's your name?"  Vaste asked.
"I'm Lewena! It's a short walk to the Sapphire Exchange. You'll be there and back then off in no time."
"If that concludes our business I appreciate your boundless generosity Lady Valescoere. My services await your call anytime."
Weyd stood and stuck out a hand above her head. The height gap when Vaste stooped to shake it was ignored. If she dared guess then the smile on her mother's face carried hope. The rare sign of a belief not in herself.
"Likewise Arch-Mage."
"Call me Weyd, if it pleases you."
"Vaste then if it's all the same."
For an Ul'Dah summer the air had the rare scent of rain. Not that of a downpour or drizzle but anticipation like raising a shield. It no longer made her skin crawl but to her dismay her heartbeat quickened. She wouldn't need to take cover, she wouldn't need it. Yet hollowness hung over the reminder as much as it grounded her.
So instead Lewena let the rhythm of the Sapphire Exchange flow. It's sellers shouting, its wares shining, it's people chatting and bustling past one another some with arms linked- today they were a haven. Tomorrow they may shift altogether; she would meet that when it came.
Behind her followed Vaste and Gan side by side. Their shadows eclipsed hers on the paved street and turned all three to one. Together they seemed far more imposing. She smiled to herself.
"Consider any expenses on me." Vaste said.
Kyaaa! The Warrior of Light had addressed her directly! Excitement pushed her old observations aside. It lasted an instant before she remembered. Those, paired with the questioning look Vaste was giving her, let sense return. Now she had stayed quiet too long she felt sure.
"Thank you. I won't have to dip into allowance; Mother already spends enough financing the Sciences."
Vaste made no attempt hiding the surprise on her face. Almost as if the notion Lewena spoke honestly redefined conversations. Did her position bother her that much?
"Mother? I took you for her helper back there."
Gan had a voice to match his imposing figure. It still carried just enough youth as proof he'd recently entered manhood. Lewena liked that in people. The world hadn't stolen them.
"I know we don't look the part at all but it's a long story. My birth parents were Hyur."
"...Sorry for asking."
"It's nothing. I'm not sad."
They should be, after what they'd done. What were their names again? Whenever her mind wandered remembering the words slipped. Fine by her. She'd heard the guilt in his voice and smiled up at Gan instead. He returned it to her surprise.
"I know someone who can get all the bare necessities half marked. That way it's less asked of you Va- Lady Valescoere."
"You can call me by my given name too."
She heard a giggle accompany that reply. More than any of the talk before, she took it as a sign. Today was a good day.
The little stall she adored sat near the center of the Exchange. This made it hidden under crowds on the best days; but otherwise decorative whenever customers realized better variety lay elsewhere. It's tan cloth awning didn't do it any favors against every building around either.
If Lewena was honest with herself that made it feel hers and hers alone. No one knew it as she did.
Today the stall keep yawned before resting her chin on her palm. Sacks and piles of whatever'd gone unsold boxed her in save for behind. Knowing C'taya's boss that included everything from produce to secondhand raw materials off guild suppliers, except now a quarter more expensive. To Lewena's credit she rarely saw the man and didn't like his callous face. C'taya gave her discounts, and though she didn't know her beyond a name, it made her a nice person.
The moment their eyes met C'taya straightened up. Her furry Miqo'te ears flicked in a swift motion. She greeted them with a bow, all traces of boredom lost. For whatever reason only when she saw Lewena did the life to her go from practiced courtesy to excitement.
"Evening. Lovely night it seems. What'll it be?"
How much had Mother asked for again? Was it two or three? No, maybe five. Five was a good number. A solid number. She held up her hand to indicate.
"Five ponz please. Powdered sugar. Roped together if that's alright."
"Certainly. That'll be fifty gil flat."
There followed a pause as Vaste dug into her coin purse. All eyes locked on her; Lewena had never witnessed the expression shifting on C'taya's face. Layers upon layers of curiosity, stall keep indifference, vague recognition, and...jealousy. Was C'taya upset finding Lewena with other friends?
"Here. There's a little extra as a thank you."
"Much appreciated. I'll get to work."
The money was quickly exchanged. C'taya looked them over one more time before letting her eyes linger on Lewena. Something felt off; the pleasant air took on a tension leaving her uneasy. It caused her to stiffen in a dreadful malaise. So instead she bent down and helped.  
After six years her muscle hadn't remained the same; indeed if memory served she could've once done the task alone with bundles to spare. But just because she spent her days writing, housekeeping, and researching didn't mean her strength vanished. The moment her fingers touched canvas aether rippled though her, earthbound and invisible to the eye.
In her mind the image of an earthen chunk appeared. Amber colored lines pulsated across it and lit the darkness. The pulse pumped slow like it held a breath. Lewena's arms remained unchanged, but instantly power twice her mortal limits was hers. Titan had answered. Upending one sugar sack onto another had the weight of stacking feathers.
She could've asked Vaste to take her place, maybe, once she felt a degree tired when they'd finished. That however negated the fun, and hindsight was wiser anyhow. First name basis with the Warrior of Light and Lewena entertained thinking of asking her to prepare groceries? That sudden thought chastised her back into some sense.
C'taya had the honor of tying the binding rope with deliberation that made Lewena think she wanted her attention. The odd glances ceased after Lewena summoned an Emerald Carbuncle. Thankfully this was one of the easier creatures in her catalog. She merely imagined it in her mind and the little thing appeared. It glowed a greenish blue as they piled the sacks on its back. A flick of the tail and it trotted to Lewena's side.
This time she felt her aether drain though no more forceful than a stream. It was gentle yes, taken to easier than breathing. That made how easy negligence could kill her all the more conscious. Such a concern was among the first subjects Weyd taught her.
She gave C'taya a smile and thanked her for everything. In turn the woman's face blushed a stark color on her brown skin. She spotted her tail fight not to swish excitedly. Was something bothering her still? Did she feel unwell? Lewena didn't think it her place to pry, not now at least. She heard her stammer a 'No problem' back before they were on their way again. The Emerald Carbuncle trotted behind without so much as a tilt from the sacks.
"Sorry about her if she did anything to offend. For some reason she always looks feverish when I take my leave."
"It's alright we've had our share of worse. Ul'Dah's as different as I imagined."
Gan sounded confident in his answer and Lewena couldn't deny it eased her nerve. Beside him however she swore she heard Vaste straining back a laugh at one point. Oh well, she knew she had a knack for imagination.
She led them backtracking through the twisting streets, cutting into Pearl Lane. The shortcut would shave minutes off their return. Here the alleys grew dark with dancing shadows for lines of hanging wash. Those few who watched lay on straw mats, several emaciated, or fingered knives or clothing or coins. A few shouts signaled a gambling game somewhere. More than one brothel stood marked by its sensuous choice of drapery and jovial guests leaving. That reminded her to drop off a cake for them later.
Cutthroat Lane may be the better name for it, but she had come far from the vacant girl who scavenged rats beside its worst. No one here could touch her even in their dreams. Therefore no matter her company or alone she used this way as it suited her.
So it was that when the thief who'd stalked them for twenty paces revealed himself, Lewena began humming a song for amusement. Pickpockets and other brigands here weren't known for their sense over persistence. The man flashed a knife, his smirk marking him as oblivious to the Warrior of Light among them. Lewena knew now only those in the know or direct witnesses recognized Vaste by sight.
Good. She could show off with no interruptions. She didn't bother turning her head but heard her friends sigh, annoyed. Part of her itched to see what Gan was capable of if he found this an inconvenience. With how many souls she sensed trained on them through the ground that was impressive.
"Everything on your pet and in your pockets, and I'll let you walk unharmed girl."
"Yes I'm sure. Right in front of you I take it?"
"You're smart then, but not enough to have dodged while you had the chance."
The curling of his smirk dug under her skin.
"How honest of you."
She couldn't fault him too much at heart. His shoes had once been hers; she'd never been half as good at it however.
Lewena heard Vaste's breath hitch as if on the brink of speaking and she held up a finger. The thief chuckled.
"Planning on playing hero little la-la...dy...lad...y?"
A sound like joints popping and bone crumpling inward echoed. The tissue of her jaw flexed in a deliberate motion. Sinew extended and she felt the acclimated strain as her mouth hinged open to her cheekbones. Indeed it almost reached her temple by the moment her right arm hardened into a serrated texture like hardened clay. An earthen smell of damp soil wafted off and through her. Titan took the most effort this way without damage. Her robe swelled but did not tear.
She glared at him down her nose wearing far too many teeth. Screams erupted in a chorus from the hiding spots around them. There wasn't a moment where you could pinpoint when it started, rather it burst into being. A rush of footsteps pounded in sprints away from them within seconds. Cries both intelligible and unintelligible rang across the alleys. Some named her for a Voidsent; she retracted her body slowly until she stood an unassuming girl.
When she turned around Vaste and Gan had their mouths hung. They stared at one another with bugged out eyes before looking at her. The silence prevailing from them all said more than words. Lewena dusted her hands and chuckled low impulsively.
"We should book it before Sultansworn bring their company."
They nodded and divvied up the sugar sacks. Then with a curse from Vaste in a language she didn't know they sped home. She felt from her heart she'd found new friends.
Weyd, Mother, stood tapping her foot with arms crossed. Without a twitch to betray their arrival her eyes found them. Nothing got past the Lady Calderon. She could know your name before your parents ever crossed paths. Suddenly an aura faint enough to mislead for a heat haze cloaked her. Lewena looked to her friends and knew they felt their hearts jump too. The doors to the Calderon Estate apartments never loomed so tall yet flimsy behind their Mistress.
Before anyone said a word she'd stomped right up to them.
"Lewena. Bend toward me please."
Licking her lips her tongue went dry though she obeyed. Her body braced itself. The twist on her ear forced a yelp from her; barely any force had been used, for someone like Mother anyhow.
"Dishes scrubbed young lady. Including the pots in my lab. We have much to discuss."
Lewena groaned but away then from prying eyes, she smiled anyway.
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elderling-magic · 4 years
Character Descriptions: Farseer Trilogy
FitzChivalry Farseer: He is tall for a Buck man (Chivalry’s height) and his fine curly hair is not as coarse as most of them. Fitz has the jaw, the folds of his eyelids and the curve of his lower lip equal to Shrewd’s and Regal’s. He is only a bit wider and muscled than Regal and neither of them are close to Verity’s body features. Fitz has a dark tan, black hair, noticeable cheeckbones and gets a wiry curled unruly beard in AQ that is then trimmed by Starling and shaved at one point. Fitz cuts his hair for mourning throughout the series and likes to tie it in a warrior’s tail when the hair is long enough. He gets a scar on his left shoulder after fighting the Forged in AA and a scar under his eye and down his right cheek along with a broken nose and a white streak of hair above his brow that reminds him of wolverine’s markings after the events in RA. Fitz gets the Fool’s fingerprints in his left wrist in the events of AQ.
Fitz is 6 years old at the start of AA and 15 by the end of it. In chapter of AA Fitz gets the following clothes: 2 outfits in the ordinary brown most children wear and 1 thin blue cloth that on the breast has a buck’s head  done in silver thread with a red stitching that cut diagonally marching right over the design (This symbol for Fitz is later changed by Verity for a buck’s head ready to charge. Men at arms and Burrich wear a leaping buck, Verity and Regal a buck’s head.). Shrewd’s pin: red stone in a nest of silver. Lady Grace gives Fitz a tiny pin in the shape of a fish’s bones in RA.
Fitz wears a brown blouse and green trousers that everyone thinks is an awful combination as his first outfit after he arrives in Buckeep in RA.
In AQ Fitz wears the following clothes to go see Kettricken: White loose-sleeved shirt of soft warm wool, dark leggins and a short dark surcot the color of the leggins. In the Mountains quest he wears a coat that closes on the throat, a shirt and sacklike boots (no mention of pants so make of that what you will).
Shrewd Farseer: Brown eyes, beard and hair freshly groomed, clothing immaculate, folds of silk at his troat, has a scar on his left temple covered by grey hair.
Verity Farseer: A stocky man with a widely muscled built. He has black eyes and a bushy disarray of dark hair and beard. He has heavy brows, a barrel of a chest, shoulders that strained the fabric of his shirts and fists square and work-scarred. When Fitz meets him in AA he is wearing a jerkin closed with an intricate buckle shaped like a buck’s head. Verity dresses as his men dress - in pratical woolens, sturdy weave and subdued colors. Crest with gold and silver thread on his breast. In AQ Verity is old and thin, has a lot of grey in his coarse black hair and beard, ragged garments grey with stone dust, a smear of grey in one cheek, knees scabbed and bloody showing through his trousers, feet wrapped in rags and hands and forearms covered in silver.
Verity’s Dragon: Dragon with black eyes and turquoise scales with silver.
Regal Farseer: Dark hair curlier than Fitz’s and finer features, his jaw, folds of his eyelids and the curve of his lower lip is the same as Shrewd’s. He is only a bit less wide and muscled than Fitz (neither of them close to Verity’s body) and has a different skin tone than Fitz’s. Regal often wears silver on his throat and hands. 
When Fitz first sees him in AA he is like Verity around the jaw and eyes, his cheeks are beardless and he has scented and smoothed brown hair. He is dressed in scarlets and primrose with a cloak drooped with twice the width of cloth needed to cover a man. The doublet beneath it is a rich cream, laden with lace and he wears a scarf secured with a leaping stag done in gold, with a green gem for an eye. Regal in RA has black hair and in the horse riding scene he is wearing glossy black boots and gloves and is dressed in scarlet and gold with a riding cloak flung back from one shoulder. 
Burrich: Angular and narrow tanned face, brown eyes, black unruly hair and beard, long-fingered hands and bad right leg. Burrich dresses in a fine thin cloth of brown and yellow with a bit of silver chain across his jerkin to go see the king in AA. Women say he has a small scar shaped like a crescent moon high on his hip. Burrich has a stripe of white hair where the Chyurda guard hit him in AA.
Molly Chandler: Short, rich brown eyes (Fitz says they shift to dark amber according to her mood because he never heard of the effects that light has over colors. But nice use of Amber there, Fitz :3) and has dark hair with a bit of red. As a child she had bruises on her face and thin arms in shades of purple, blue and yellow. Her hair used to be in sensible braids behind her ears and she dressed in a jerkin and loose trousers. When Fitz sees her again at15/16 years old her hair falls free past her shoulders and she is dressed in a blouse and a woolen red skirt. She has a read shawl and a red cloak. (2 years older than Fitz)
In RA her hair is in two thick braids and pinned about her head like a crown, her dress is of a simple blue and has a collar of delicate white lace and lace cuffs (work).
Fool: Bird-boned, lean cheeks, high forehead, long straight narrow nose, narrow lips, firm chin, long and thin fingers and bony wrists. In the first 2 books he has very pale blue eyes, white skin with a pale pinkness to it and pale dandellion fluff hair. He has small white separate teeth like a baby in the first book. In AQ at first his skin is the colour of old ivory and his hair is the colour of fresh ground flour. He has a tint of yellow to his eyes and his body is lean, slight and muscled as tumblers are. By the end of AQ his skin is a pale gold, there is a tawny edge to his hair and his eyes are a pale topaz (wth). The Fool has 3 silvered fingertips in his left or right hand (Fitz doesn’t know left from right because it changes), according to the events in AQ.
As the king’s jester he wears a motley of black and whites in Winter and a blue and red silk motley jacket and trousers in the Summer. In RA he wears a new motley of black and white with sleeves embroidered with black vines crawling up his arms like ivy, a black collar and silver bells for Winterfest. The Fool changes his rat sceptre, Ratsy. One time it’s a rat set atop the wand as if prancing and another is only a rat’s head.
In the Moutain Kingdom in AQ when Fitz first sees him he is wearing a soft robe of white wool with a round collar, his hair is smoothed back sleek on his skull and confined to a single plait. To go see Kettricken he wears a woolen dark blue robe with embroidery at the sleeves and hem. In the Moutains quest he wears a fur-rimmed hood coat and a gay (nice one Hobb) woolen hat with a tassel on the end of it that bobs as he walks.
(Fool’s mom had long dark curly hair and green eyes, his fathers were 2 cousins: one broad and swarthy, ruddy-liped with brown eyes and bronze skin and the other narrow with golden skin and blue eyes. He had an older sister with blonde hair.)
Chade Fallstar: Dirty white hair and beard, green eyes, has tiny pox scars of angry pinks and reds like small burns on his face and bony white hands with tendons showing. Red scars in the back of his left hand. The brow, the way his ears are set and the line of his lower lip are the same as Shrewd’s. Chade dresses in a robe the color of undied sheep wool. In AQ his white hair is in a warrior tail and he has a short grey beard. Chade uses a band of leather across his brow and centered on his forehead is a medalion with a silver buck with antlers lowered to charge. To see Kettricken he wears a white shirt and dark leggings with a long woold vest gaily embroidered.
Kettricken: Tall, has blue eyes, a straight nose, a solemn mouth, muscular arms and an immense mass of long yellow hair. Kettricken cuts her hair short in mourning in RA and it doesn’t reach her shoulders. In AQ she is thin and has the bones and planes of her face showing, her hair is too short to be confined well. In the moutains quest she has a short scruffy braid.
When Fitz first sees her she has some of her hair braided and coiled about her head and some flowing loose down her back. She usually has braids on her hair even if the hairstyle changes. Her riding clothes consist of loose trousers in crocus purple adorned with intricate embroideries in rich colours and tucked into her boot-tops. Her boots are almost to her knees. She wears a short jacket of voluminous white fur with a high collar, black gloves and a knitted cap of every bright color. Later in RA when she is wearing simpler clothes Kettricken has a soft grey tunic and leggings and a simple single necklace of green and blue stone beds. Usually she wears a simple style in purple with white. Sometimes she wears light blue.
Patience: Dark, short, slender, hazel eyes, straight mouth and dark curly hair that she tries to restrain but ringlets of it escape at her forehead and neck.
Lacey: Plump, round face with dimples and birdlike bright eyes.
Starling (AQ): Handsome, has dark hair and eyes and is no taller than Fitz’s shoulder. She had the two smaller fingers of her left hand broken during the events of AQ. While traveling she wears blue leggins and a tunic, no earrings and rings. When Fitz meets her again on the tavern she is dressed with a black thick woolen cloak trimmed with yellow embroidery, a belted tunic, laced boots and has small silver rings in her ears. The hair is fastened with a couple of small combs. In the mountains she binds her wet hair into smooth braids coiled to her head and pinned down.  
Kettle (AQ): Sharp black eyes, black hair with some white and obviously from Buck. When Fitz first sees her she is swathed all in black, well bundled in a cloak, hood and shawl, with traveling blanket on her knees. She has an headscarf from Chalced and the embroidery on her black cloak is also black. 
Celerity: Dark blue eyes, hair dark and sleek cut short, high cheeckbones. (14 years old in RA, 2 years younger than Fitz) 
Faith: Celerity’s older sister. She has dark blue eyes and sleek black hair too.
Duke Brawndy: Grey hair and beard.
Galen (AA): Skinny cheeks, pale eyes and has a hawk’s nose. So skinny that bones show through his skin. He is about Burrich’s age, dresses well and wears a chain with 3 gems given by Queen Desire. Clothes in the first Skill lesson: Fur at his collar and neck, amber beading so thick on his vest it would have turned a sword, clothing tailored snugly, high boots fitted to his calves, carries a little quirt and wears a shirt as tight as cat skin.
Serene: Long midnight hair, thin face and has hands like claws. When Fitz first sees her for the first time in RA she is wearing a midnight blue robe richly embroidered, silver on her neck and fingers and hair bound back intricately with burnished wire strung with ivory ornaments.
Justin: Tall, gangly and dressed in a dark blue robe. (2 years older than Fitz)
Will: Dark and slender with half lidded dark eyes. One eye sunken deep in its socked, clowdy in the dephts after RA events. Wears well tailored clothes in dark blue, a single chain of silver, a silver ring and silver earrings in AQ.
Burl: Big husky boy, fat and has dark hair that he curls in immitation of Regal’s in AQ. He is shorter than Fitz.
Carrod: Sort of a dandy with the ladies, wears ribbons and charms on his clothes and has dark skin.
Rosemary (RA): Dark curly head, dimpled smile.
Verde: Handsome, blonde, very tall and fair. Wears a badge of the Mountwell with a Farrow’s golden oak and a Farseer buck overleaping it in AQ.
August Farseer (AA): 2 years Fitz’s junior, dark as the Farseers are, broad built like Verity.
Rurisk (AA): Jade eyes, straight nose and solemn mouth. Kettricken’s older brother and alike her as a twin save his hair is cut severely short at the collar. 
Jofron: Blonde with blue eyes.
Nik Holdfast (AQ): Brown hair, blue eyes and dressed in leather. (25 years old)
Pelf (AQ): Nik’s sister. 12 years old and dressed the same way as the brother.
Tel (AQ): short young woman with a mass of red hair.
Tassin (AQ): Blue eyes and no more tha 16 years old. 
Cob (AA): Short and dark. (10 years old when Fitz meets him in AA) 
Hands: Has hands. (Fitz says literally nothing about him so I’m just assuming)
Harper Josh (AQ): Gray hair, eyes hazed over grey (blind).
Honey (AQ): About Fitz’s age and has long black hair.
Piper (AQ): Blue eyes and black hair. (14 years old)
Rolf (AQ): Small black eyes, wrinkled face and a beard.
Holly (AQ): Short hair sleeked to her head like an acorn’s cap, brown/black eyes (Fitz make up your mind).
Nettle (AQ): Baby with black curled hair.
Hap (AQ): Black hair, one brown eye and the other blue. He was seven when he was presented to Fitz and nearly 10 at the end of AQ. 
Woman with Chade in AQ: Long brown hair past her shoulders in warrior tail, sword scars down her ribs, not young (from Fitz’s POV) and almost as tall as Chade.
Nosy, Vixen (AA): hounds, stick tails (Vixen: old with whitened muzle and one torn ear) (Nosy: half-grown pup with green eyes - copper eyes as an adult and red fur)
Smithy (AA): Black terrier, black nose, short smooth coat, thick neck, mouth like a coal scuttle, short tail, one white spot on his chin, another on his left hind foot.
Nighteyes: A grey wolf. Green eyes when a cub and dark eyes as an adult, dark muzzle, buff at the base of his ears and throat, coat peppered with stiff black guard-hairs, especially on his shoulders and the flat of his rump, and huge feet.
Hilda (AQ): Brown bear with little eyes deep set above her muzzle.
Sleet (AQ): Small hawk.
Jeppas (AQ): wide flat feet spread in the snow as much as the wolf’s did.
Girl on a Dragon (AQ): Emerald green dragon with a woman on top (Salt) with frozen tears in her cheeks and dressed in a sleevless jerkin, leggings and sandals. (Salt reminds the Fool of his older sister).
Realder’s Dragon (AQ): Knobs of bone at the apex of its wings (similar to those on a gander), barbed tail. 
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trunkzbriefs · 4 years
Any Son and/or Briefs family headcanons? Spicy hot takes? Truths Toriyama and Toyotaro themselves can not handle? Straight up lies?
GODDAMN SORRY this took a while cause i suck at putting thoughts together. i apologize for my obvious briefs bias i have more hcs for them than the son family despite loving them both :pensive: anyway heres some random stuff
briefs hcs:
all of the briefs are pros at non-verbal communication. i hc that saiyans have their own language (and also in my own Mind Canon they still have their fuckin tails) and a lot of it is done through tail movement/body posture/grunts/etc. etc so theyve all sort of picked that up. even bulma, who doesnt have a tail, is pretty good at getting across what she means without actually speaking. they still do speak normally but it comes in handy sometimes considering that both trunks and vegeta are prone to running out of speaking energy or getting very frustrated with words, so having another way to communicate works very well for them
vegeta is fffffffffffffffffffurry. without getting too deep into my own General Saiyan hcs (thats why i made a whole ass four subspecies!!) i think that the entirety of planet vegeta tended to be very hot aside from the part where the castle was, where the temperature would drop. meaning that saiyans working in the palace would grow thicker fur around certain parts of their body, and in the royal saiyans theyd be Especially fluffy. he kept it down on earth, but he has thick patches of fur around the bottom parts of his arms and legs. kind of like snowy boots and gloves! he also has fur that grows in on his neck like a lions mane.
future trunks is an actions sponge, vegeta is a words sponge. vegeta will pick up words VERY quickly regardless if he fully understands the meaning of it or not (completely inspired by 'THATS RIGHT BOYS... MONDO COOL' in z) and future trunks will unintentionally mimic the actions of people - around people he looks up to he might take a few small mannerisms from but this extends to copying the disposition of anyone; he's just very adaptive. this is the most obvious (and funniest) when he's around vegeta bc it really shows like. yeah damn that sure is vegeta's son
vegeta & bulla have an intimidating bastard smirk naturally. their natural smiles are pretty frightening and they have to put effort into a 'normal' one. this also extends to current trunks, his default smile is the Vegeta Bastard Smirk but he learned to have a normal smile quicker than his father and sister. future trunks has a slightly unnerving natural smile (the fact that his pupils are always drawn so fucking small makes me hc that he just has a very intimidating look of 'cat thats about to pounce on an unfortunate trapped mouse' whenever he smiles) but he learned to look normal even quicker than current trunks since he's around humans a Lot and is sort of their uh, Hope. don't want to look scary to the people who depend on you!
bulma has some fighting knowledge and mildly good ki control. vegeta taught her it as a just in case so that she'd be able to defend herself against Bigger threats if he wasn't there and also so she could raise her own ki to alert someone to her if she had to.
vegeta is extremely clean and can not stand to have things disorganized for more than like... an hour before he has to tidy everything up. every time he goes down to the lab and bulma is passed out in a pile of bolts and circuit boards it kills him inside just a little bit
future trunks has little concept of power control. since his timeline was always in danger it wasn't really an important thing for him to learn. the amount of mugs he's accidentally crushed is impressive
vegeta tends to not sound like he's asking questions when he is. he doesn't add the proper infliction to the end of his questions and just sounds flat most of the time. it's confusing to people who dont know him well.
im not even gonna lie, im a BIG fan of the chill demon panchy headcanon so i love the idea that the briefs have a Lil bit of demon in them but just dont know it ghjnkm
[banging my fists on the 'hcs that not even got could take away from me' table] future trunks has OCD
vegeta doesn't really get labels but he's bisexual & "debatably a man", bulma is bisexal & bigender transfem (sometimes shes Wamen and other times its like "gender? no"), bulla is a nonbinary lesbian, current trunks is a bisexual trans man & future bulma forgot to explain the concept of gender and sexuality to future trunks so he's a little confused on that front and his gender & sexuality are "i have literally never thought abt these concepts in my life but i think men are nice. i refuse to think about gender though" (i actually have two main hcs for future trunks which are either gay trans man or more-feminine-presenting nonbinary bisexual)
son hcs:
goku is Not as fluffy as vegeta at all, but he does have fur on certain parts of his body. namely on the back of his elbows + ankles, down his back connecting to his tail, and on his shoulders. its inherented from gine!
gohan is learning saiyan language from vegeta! vegeta acts grumpy about it but he's glad to have someone to teach. when gohan learned that most of the history had been lost he basically wished shenron for a big ol book on saiyan culture and gave it to vegeta just as an act of kindness and vegeta was like [in an angry voice but very touched] "Ok. Sit down. You're learning." by extension gohan is also teaching the rest of his family!
i will take ox king being actually non-human to my grave so like, chichi has horns and a very short ox tail! gohan and goten both have horns, but they're hidden by hair. goten's horns are bigger than gohans.
goten also has a more ox-like tail, with a little puff of fur at the end. generally, gohan looks more saiyan-like and goten looks more ox/human-like.
although he keeps up his cheery demeanor very well, goku is still haunted pretty badly by like... everything that’s happened in his life. he still has frequent nightmares about cell & buu specifically.
gohan will freak out at worse, zone out at best, if he's even tapped on the neck. it reminds him of the whole 'getting his neck snapped on namek' so that area is pretty off limits to everyone
goten gets along really well with android 17. they both have a love for nature and 17s kind of like his chill uncle, so whenever he gets too stressed out or just needs a break you can find him face down on the ground outside of 17's place on monster island.
goku is really really good at remembering completely random shit. bulma uses this to her advantage whenever she's working and has him memorize random technology stuff. a week later goku can not remember what he had for breakfast that morning but as soon as bulma asks "hey do you remember what i told you last week" hes like "oh yeah sure i have no idea what it means but [blurts out three hours worth of technical garble]"
oh boy is this a headcanon that has a lot more depth to it than just a bullet on a tumblr post, but gohan has DID!
goku, like vegeta, doesnt get labels either, and does not even Try, ask him about any of it and hes like "i dont get the gender thing but i think lots of people look nice :)" gohan is gay and like vegeta, "debatably a man", goten + chichi are both bi nonbinary, & pan is a lesbian trans woman.
bulla and pan are both into music! i think theyd mess around making their own stuff w/ launchpads
i have a general hc of ki mixing or shielding, essentially, if youre close enough to someone people wont be able to tell apart your ki and you can also 'shield' someone with your ki for a small amount of time. if vegeta has his energy low, his and bulma's energy are the same. same thing with goku and chichi! goten and trunks are near impossible to tell apart, and same thing with gohan and videl.
though goten and trunks are both protective over their younger siblings, gotenks is that protectiveness times a thousand. look at bulla or pan wrong for 2 seconds and you're going to have an angry gotenks in your face asking if you have any last words. i like to think that trunks and goten fused casually a lot, especially around the time where bulla and pan were young, so its basically goten and trunks own attachment to them PLUS gotenks' attachment to them as his own person combined.
i like to pretend end of z did not happen the way it did so uub, using nimbus, travels back and forth a lot. goku isn’t the only one who teaches him how to fight as goten, gohan and trunks all think of him like a little brother and love training with him!
fuck you letters to toriyama/toyotaro hot takes:
cell, as cool of a villian as he is, definitely should have had a creepier final form. or multiple- just something that really drives in the fact that he's made up of other's dna & fuckin ABSORBS people. also his first two forms should have had a different absorbtion method other than the tail thing (not the drinking thing thats fine) it just feels.   Weird. not good
it would have been far more interesting to keep the bitter attitude towards vegeta that future trunks had imo... in super trunks was going through a Lot granted but the fact tht he wasnt more confrontational to vegeta being a dick to him seemed kind of off considering his attitude in z i just.. think it would be interesting and far better if they had more of a back and forth 'family but lowkey hate each other' relationship
i dont want to rant about super so heres some super condensed takes, goku black arc specific because thats 90% of what ive seen of super:
mai is a fucking freak ass weirdo, why did they not just make another character to pair with trunks
trunks not flipping the fuck out at his timeline being erased feels... out of character. also trunks deserved the win against zamasu
future bulma did NOT need to die
trunks should have just stayed in the current timeline
please fucking let trunks and goten grow up. we SAW a version of trunks who looked 14 (history of trunks....) and the versions of goten & trunks we have r/n in super do not look 13/14 respectively what in the goddamn hell is going on in the character design department
super definitely should have taken place later down the line
supers version of bulma and videl look awful. why are they That stick like.
vegeta needs to kill frieza. just once.
fu has enough potential to be a very interesting mainline character and i am so sad he's not
i would actively enjoy a sdbh anime with more  budget that isnt just a promo anime and has a plot that makes sense... i think db should have more wild spinoffs
xenoverse deserved a better story that went FULL in on the 'what if' type of timelines- like they did in raging blast which is a FUCKING GREAT GAME
straight up lies:
dragon ball z is a good series
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necromaniackat · 4 years
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It started with a dare. That’s all it was. That’s all it was supposed to be. A dare. Not even a good one at that. Although, it wasn’t a bad one either.
It started one uneventful Saturday night, after dinner someone -Tony- convinced the team that playing games was how they’d spend their night off. His drug of choice was Monopoly, but everyone protested against that idea, saying he was too good at that game and by the end of it he’d have all the properties and money, leaving everyone broke and pissed with him. Plus, that game could go on for hours and nobody had the patience for that. Eliese, the mind master 2.0, suggested Mario Kart and that won by popular vote. Steve and Bucky sat the first few rounds out, learning how to use the controllers and understand how the game worked. Eliese made a snide comment about how their ages were showing, this earned a playful headlock from Steve and a spirited tap on the wrist from Bucky. Mario Kart turned into Jack Box after about two hours of watching Steve and Bucky drive off the edges of Rainbow Road a billion times. Then regular Jack Box turned into drunken Jack Box very rapidly. Steve left the room very quickly when a game of Tee K.O became overly sexual after Eliese’s shirt was presented reading ‘More anal, more power’ with the abstract drawing of something nobody could quite make out. The conversation then went ass over handlebars down the rabbit hole of sexual experiences. 
“I think ‘Liese has us all beat when it comes to the amount of experiences,” Tony announced from one end of the sectional sofa, tipping his drink back against his lips. Eliese cocked an eyebrow at his comment. A pale pink covered her already rosy cheeks as she was soon thrown into the deep end of the conversation after spending the majority of the time silently listening to the others ramble on about their good and terrible experiences.
“Why do you say that?” She piped up curiously from her spot on the ottoman beside the sectional sofa. Natasha scoffed, almost choking on her drink.
“Because we live here too. And we see the people trying to sneak out without being noticed the morning after,” She laughed into the opening of her beer bottle.
“People?” Bucky emphasised on the word with an arched eyebrow. This caused Natasha to giggle into her beer while the rest of the team looked at the hundred-year-old super soldier as though he was way behind the learning curve, and it was the most amusing thing to behold. Eliese’s face darkened in redness and she groaned to herself, knowing where this was headed.
“Boys. Girls. People who we can’t quite figure out their genders,” Tony listed the genders of the people who’ve left the newest Avenger’s bedroom for a fun time. The pale red colour on Eliese’s rosy cheeks deepened into an almost maroon colour. She bowed her head down between her shoulders, letting her thick dark hair hide her away from being seen. This earned an awe and a pat on the knee from the red-haired assassin. Bucky turned his attention to Eliese with a puzzled expression.
“So, you’re gay, doll?” He quizzed, almost sounding disappointed. Eliese snapped her head up at his inquiry and shook her head with a goofy smile. Never in her life did she think she’d ever hear the words gay and doll put together in a sentence. It was rather amusing in her mildly drunk mind.
“No,” She drew the word out slightly. “–Gay is liking the same gender as you.” Eliese corrected the super soldier, still holding her goofy grin as she did so. This did not clear things up for him in the slightest. He held the puzzled expression, if anything the creases between his furrowed brows deepened. Eliese figured out quickly she was going to have to spell this out for him. She turned her body to face him, he sat on the other side of Natasha at the end of the sectional while she sat on the ottoman on the opposite side of the feisty red head and clasped her hands together in her lap with a heavy sigh.
“Bucky,” She uttered his name in a monotonous way. “–I’m pansexual. This means I like having sexual interactions with people of all genders. Basically, if you’re game, I’m game. I don’t care what you identify as.” The redness of Eliese’s cheeks died into a pale pink colour once again. She’s usually okay with educating people about the different sexual orientations and gender identities, but for some reason having to explain it to Bucky made her feel exposed and vulnerable. It was easier to explain this stuff to Steve than it was to explain this to Bucky. Why was this so difficult to explain to him? She’s gotten the same responses from the whole team; she knew they were accepting and understanding. But for some reason, spilling the beans about her sexual escapades to Bucky, even in the least amount of detail, made her feel extremely exposed. Like she was just caught being naked in public.
“So, you date all sorts of genders, doll?” Another uncomfortable question from the ex Winter Soldier. Eliese was all for explaining these things to people who wanted to know, as long as it didn’t include her orientations. She was always afraid of judgement, coming from a very religious State where she was a Pastor’s daughter and attended church every Sunday as well as Sunday school. This was before she high tailed it out of there when she was eighteen and headed to New York to pursue a career after university of course. New York was a far better suit for her, all things considering.
“‘Liese doesn’t date!” Tony exclaimed in a bout of hysterical laughter. This earned an even more confused look from Bucky.
“But you…”
“–Hook up sites.” ‘Liese cut the question from Bucky short. “–I don’t usually date people. It’s not my thing.” Her face was now beet red, even her neck and ears were glowing like the embers of a campfire on a hot summer night.
“Hook up sites?” Bucky drew the words out with an arched eyebrow and a grim line drawing his lips.
“Websites or apps where you can meet people for meaningless sex, Buck.” Bruce answered hastily, sensing ‘Liese really didn’t like all these questions being asked about her and what goes on in her private life. She could only nod along with Bruce’s very clear explanation about what a hook up was.
“Oh,” Bucky breathed as though he hadn’t taken a breath of air in a long time.
There was a small bout of silence as the blue-eyed man processed the information he’d been given. He had a lot of questions, but he didn’t want this to turn into an educational night seeing as Tony would probably kill him for being a buzz kill. And boy, was Eliese glad he didn’t have anymore questions. She could feel her heart beginning to beat a bit faster than usual making her body heat up exponentially. Her head fell back down between her shoulders and she pulled the draw strings of her black hoodie to castle her reddened face behind the scrunched-up fabric. The sudden rush of heat radiating off of the young woman sitting next to her caused Natasha to sit upright and glance over at a red faced Eliese.
“‘Liese!” Natasha exclaimed with a mock Louisianan accent. ‘Liese jolted her head up in sudden excitement, throwing the hood of her sweater back.
“Truth or dare,” She added completely out of left field. This made everyone sitting in the living room swift with an antsy feeling. Eliese drew her eyebrows together at Natasha confusedly. She wasn’t sure if she heard the assassin correctly.
“Excuse me?”
“Truth or dare,” Nat repeated herself, knowing full well which one ‘Liese was going to pick. Eliese was a feisty master mind, and mind master, from bible thumping Louisiana who couldn’t pass up a good dare, even in her junior years. Unbeknownst to Eliese, this was a trap and the smirk that curled half of her face evilly said dare me.
“Dare,” She replied, leaning towards the assassin cockily. Natasha shared an equally evil smirk as she matched Eliese’s body language, leaning towards the twenty-four-year-old. Nat wiggled her finger to pull Eliese closer so she could whisper the dare. ‘Liese followed the untold instructions and leaned in real close.
“I dare you to show Terminator over there what your sexuality really is,” Nat whispered to Eliese in broken Cajun French. Eliese cocked an eyebrow curiously.
‘How so?’ Eliese planted the question in Nat’s mind, intrigued and giddy to see how and where this will go.
‘Show him everything you’ve ever done or wanted to do with someone.’ The words were cooed into Eliese’s mind in response. Eliese’s onyx coloured eyes found the super soldier, he was curious as to what was being said even though he could hear it, he had no idea what was being said. His icy gaze was trained on Eliese’s face with a look of trepidation.
‘Like plant the thoughts in his head or?’ Eliese questioned mentally. She pulled away from Natasha who was nodding with an evil smile writing devious all over her face. This made ‘Liese smirk at her knowingly.
‘And the purpose of this is?’ She asked curiously, wanting to know why this was such a big deal. Eliese was sure he’d just ask her to help him Google all of this, or even ask Steve for some education.
‘Super soldier hasn’t gotten laid in an exceptionally long time. This is just to get under his skin a bit. Y’know, show old school the new school ways.’ Natasha was evil, she really and truly was. ‘Liese guessed she’s been wanting to do this for a while now. Now she has a weapon slash accomplice, a motive, and a plan. Truly evil.  
“Now?” She asked out loud, realizing they hadn’t said anything out loud in a few moments. Natasha laughed and shook her head, waving a hand at the young woman.
“Take your time. Whenever you want to do it, do it.” Natasha just made things very interesting. Very interesting indeed.
After an extremely exposing game of truth or dare that lasted until the wee hours of the morning, everyone packed up shop and went to bed. But not before ‘Liese imbedded a tiny innocent thought in Bucky’s head before they parted ways in the hallway. It was nothing over the top, nothing that would make him think she was the one who put it there. Just the image of her holding hands with another girl which slowly switched to the image of her holding hands with a boy. Bucky had looked back over his shoulder at her, she saw his reflection in the doorknob. She felt his eyes scanning her up and down, taking in her appearance from behind before he scurried into his dark room. Eliese didn’t go to bed right away. She sat cross legged on her bed for an hour or so, scheming away cunningly.
The next morning Eliese was one of the first ones awake. She went down to the kitchen and made herself a bowl of multi grain Cheerios with a cup of coffee. The racket she made woke most of the team up and they came trickling in, in search for coffee and food to help cure their hangovers. Steve, on the other hand, was just fine, even though he had his fill of beers last night. Hell, he even went for a run that morning. He and Eliese made pleasant conversation about several things including the next week’s training schedule. Somehow, his schedule was changed when he wasn’t looking –Gee I wonder who could’ve done that– and put ‘Liese and Bucky in the gym to train together, alone.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear! Sauntering in was a freshly showered Bucky. His wet dark hair was slicked back from his face and he seemed to glow a very clean glow. Like polished silverware in sunlight. The Sargent sported mildly baggy grey sweatpants, a white wifebeater underneath a black hoodie that was halfway zipped up.
Eliese was mid way to her mouth with a spoonful of cereal when he came in. Her dark amber eyes watched him like a hawk, almost forgetting the clever plan she had put together when she went to bed last night. But the moment his brilliant blue eyes fixated on her; she threw the image into his head of her lustfully kissing an androgynous looking boy, or girl. Eliese couldn’t remember that person’s actual gender. His eyes immediately fell from her to the countertop between them. ‘Liese so badly wanted to smirk at his reaction, but that’d give her away to him.
The rest of the day was filled with doing an ungodly amount of paperwork. Eliese had a fair amount of paperwork to do, mainly sorting through bills and budgeting for the next few weeks. ‘Liese hated relying on the government for her funds to live. So, she did freelance podcasting for some extra cash in between saving the world and training. For most of the day, Bucky loomed by Eliese with his nose a few hundred pages in a protocol handbook. Whenever ‘Liese felt his gaze on her for longer than a few seconds, she’d imbed innocent images and thoughts of her and various gendered lovers in his head. His eyes would evade her quickly soon after.
Monday was your typical Monday. Everyone was up at an unreasonable hour of the morning, weaving in and out of the kitchen and living areas. Bucky actually avoided being in the same room as ‘Liese most of the morning. He wanted to avoid having the thoughts he’s been having and the only salvation he’d get was when he wasn’t around her. Although, he couldn’t avoid her when she came into the empty gym early that afternoon to do some training with him. Luckily, his laser focus kept him from thinking about her in such ways. But that didn’t save him from the thoughts and images that invaded his mind during dinner and the hours after dinner before bed.
Tuesday Natasha pulled Eliese aside and asked if she could amp up the antics a bit more. Eliese took that as the green light to unleash the wrath of her desires and her past experiences. So, after breakfast Eliese scouted Bucky out. She found him swimming laps in the pool outside. ‘Liese went to the poolside and began doing some yoga on her plush mat, wearing a pair of loose black short shorts that flared out around her thighs and a matching loose black racer back tank top overtop of a purple sports bra. Bucky nearly drowned when she implanted a very NSFW scene in his head. He, in a very fast sequence, escorted himself from the pool, muttering curses under his breath as he tied a towel around his waist and stomped his way back into the tower. Natasha was so pleased to have been there to witness this. She hysterically laughed into a decorative pillow on one of the lounge chairs. The rest of the day was uneventful. Eliese did not want to over do it and blow her cover.
Wednesday Eliese left Bucky well enough alone, even during training and especially when the topic of sex came back from the grave, the same way Church the cat did in Pet Semetary. With revenge and pure inhumane evil. This time, Eliese excused herself from the group to avoid having the topic becoming directed towards her again. But it didn’t stop her from thinking about past experiences and hopeful future experiences. This time, Bucky was the one to get into her head. It only made her more vengeful to get under his skin.
Thursday started with Eliese waking up much earlier than everyone else. She quickly got dressed and then tiptoed her way across the hall to the super soldier’s door. She silently hovered outside as she fed the unconscious man a very sexual dream. Not too long after she began feeding him this scene, she could hear the faint muffled groans and moans through the door. Soon after, Natasha woke up and came out of her room, eyeing Eliese outside the man’s room, holding in her giggles. She smiled to herself and pat ‘Liese on the back as she wandered past on her way to the kitchen. When Eliese heard Bucky jolt awake, cursing to himself, she scattered away and went back to her room as quickly and quietly as she could.
Unbeknownst to Eliese, Bucky was cursing to himself because he woke up when he spoiled his newly cleaned bed sheets. But she got the hint that he did in fact enjoy the dream when the two of them opened their bedroom doors in unison, coming face to face with each other. Eliese’s face became a pale shade of red, the same shade as Bucky’s. He was holding his balled-up bedding in his arms. The two of them walked side by side to the kitchen, Bucky dumping his dirty bedding into the laundry shoot on the way. Eliese couldn’t help herself. She had to replay snippets of the scene she had fed him in his head as they walked and chatted about that day’s plans. Eliese had to admit it though, he could keep his composure very well. But she was unrelenting and amped up the images and scenes, adding her wildest desires which included him binding her hands and feet together with her own clothes and spanking her until her ass was red and bruising before he face fucks her and makes her gag on his engorged manhood and finally for the big bang of a finishing act, edging each other into a tailspin of pure jubilation.
Bucky cracked under the pressure, avoiding her for the entire day after breakfast. He didn’t even show up to their training session. Which frustrated and aggravated Steve since Eliese needed a training partner and according to the schedule Bucky was supposed to train with her. So, he was upset and rather confused when he saw her in the gym all alone, beating a dummy to a pulp. When Steve found Bucky later that afternoon, he chewed him out about it. Bucky could only say he got caught up with something else, which wasn’t a complete lie. Bucky did get caught up in something else, after he went to the gym and saw Eliese doing pre warmup warmups in tight black shorts that rode up in places he hasn’t been able to keep out of his head the last few days, a loose fitting black graphic tee shirt that also rode up her stomach and back as she stretched into extremely flexible yoga poses. He had to leave after seeing that. The images and sounds that have taunted him since Saturday caused him to flee to the privacy of his room. Eliese didn’t even know he showed up, so she didn’t get the chance to plant more thoughts in his head. And she didn’t see him all afternoon.
He only showed his face at dinner, silently praying he could keep his mind elsewhere. But his efforts were fruitless. The moment he saw her sitting at the table his breathing hitched, and unfortunately for him, the last spot was right next to her. This time, when Eliese implanted images in his head, they weren’t as heavy handed as this morning. They were sweet and sensual. Bucky didn’t stick around after dinner; he had his third cold shower of the day and then went to bed early.
Friday, Bucky was up earlier than everyone else, including Eliese. He had his breakfast quickly then went into hiding, staying as far away from Eliese as he could possibly get. The team was beginning to think they had some sort of falling out about something. Natasha and Eliese knew better. Their plan was coming together rather nicely. To be honest, ‘Liese thought it’d take much longer than a few days to even begin to get under his skin. He mustn’t have gotten laid in a long time if it’s this easy to get his blood rushing. But her heart would break a little whenever she’d find him in one spot, he’d immediately get up and leave to go somewhere else. Avoiding her because he was flustered was one thing, but this wasn’t that thing. He was avoiding her out of anger now. He was angry, and it made her feel incredibly guilty for playing with him like this.
Eliese let out a heavy sigh as she entered the gym, setting the heavy bag down on the floor by the wall and giving the empty gym a once over. She couldn’t see or hear anybody else in there. Bucky wasn’t there. She doubted he’d even show up.
‘He probably has Steve or someone else coming to train with me.’ She thought sadly. When she got the training schedule, she was happy that finally she was having some alone time with Bucky. Dare or no dare. She just wanted to feel him close to her. Not just in a sexual way either. That revelation scared ‘Liese half to death. She isn’t one for romance. Lust is her game, and romance is her biggest fear. But with him, she wanted him to woo her and she wanted to woo him too. She’s begged Steve to let her train with Bucky for months but Steve didn’t think it was a good idea considering their size differences. He was scared Bucky might get a little too into it, like he usually does, and seriously hurt Eliese by accident. And then on Sunday when the schedules were given out, ‘Liese knew Nat had tampered with it so she and Bucky were in the gym together alone. But that didn’t stop Eliese from being elated with the idea of being that close to him. Dare or no dare.
Eliese squatted down and pulled her phone out from the pocket of the gym bag. She opened the text messages she shared with Natasha and frowned.
Okay. I think I’ve gotten under his skin enough. Do I win the dare yet?
Immediately her phone pinged, signalling a new text.
Not yet. Just a little longer and we should be good. 😉
‘Liese let out exasperated sigh as she examined the empty gym. She didn’t like this. Yes, this was fun in the beginning but now it’s not. Bucky’s her friend and teammate. She didn’t want to lose him at the expense of a damn dare.
“It wasn’t even a good dare,” Eliese whispered to herself harshly, throwing her phone onto the bag in frustration.
“What wasn’t a good dare, doll?” A raspy male voice asked from behind her. ‘Liese jumped to her feet, spinning around to see who was there. To her dismay, it was Bucky. He was standing a few feet away tying the draw strings to his loose-fitting grey sweatpants. Eliese looked from Bucky to her phone then back to Bucky in a quick succession with her mouth hung open, flabbergasted.
“Ugh.” ‘Liese was at a loss for words. “–Nothing,” She added then rethought that answer. Clearly it was something and he’d pick up on that. Eliese closed her eyes for a moment, trying to come up with something to say.
“A friend. Back in Louisiana was dared to do something extremely stupid and now she and somebody else are suffering.” She opened her eyes to see a bemused Bucky standing in front of her.
“What was she dared to do?” He asked curiously, crossing his arms over his puffed-out chest. As if his shoulders and chest could get any bigger!
“Lead somebody on.” The words fled Eliese’s mouth in shame. She pursed her lips and looked down at the floor in disgrace. ‘Really? That’s what you came up with? Why not just tell him that Natasha dared you to implant those thoughts in his head and play with him like a goddamn toy? How mad can he be? You know, not having control over his own mind for seventy years and all. Oh god, he’s gonna be pissed. I’m gonna die. He’s gonna kill me.’ ‘Liese thought to herself cruelly.
“Yeah, that isn’t a good dare. Playing with some else’s emotions is a very dangerous game,” Bucky mumbled, nodding in agreement. ‘Liese nodded as well. She jumped when Bucky clapped his hands. Her ochre coloured eyes found his again, a playful smile was spread across his face as he rubbed his large hands together.
“Let’s train, shall we?” Bucky was eager to get this over with. ‘Liese nodded again.
The two of them began with stretching and warmups. A few laps around the gym, Bucky taking the lead in front of a much smaller Eliese. Her eyes couldn’t help but wander his form from behind as he jogged, taking in the way his hips moved with each step. Then came a harsh round of push ups and jumping jacks. Again, her eyes couldn’t seem to pry themselves away from the way his dark grey tee shirt rode up his torso with every jump which had his arms hanging above his head for a brief second. Or how his shoulder muscles flexed and relaxed with every push up.
Eliese was done with this dare. She wasn’t going to put anything else in his head, if anything she wanted to undo everything she’s done. She was completely and utterly finished with getting to his head. But now, he was getting to hers. Especially now that they’ve begun stretching and most of the stretches required physical contact from the partner of some kind.
‘I deserve this.’ She thought gruellingly as she raised her hands above her head and leaned back as far as she could. She nearly toppled over when she looked over at Bucky, his shirt had ridden far up his upper body. His sweatpants hung extremely low on his hips, showing even more skin. A small trail of dark hairs led up his abdomen and under his shirt from the band of his sweats. Eliese had to look away and tightly close her eyes, scrunching her nose.
‘I deserve this! I deserve this! I deserve this!’ Eliese repeated this like a mantra to herself. She hated this but she also knew this was karma coming back to bite her in the ass.
‘I deserve this.’ She kept repeating to herself over and over again. Deeply and desperately believing this was true. She deserved the cruel merciless punishment karma was serving icy cold on a silver platter.
If Eliese thought warmups and stretches were torture, when they finally got on the mat to begin hand on hand combat; she was really in for it. Bucky was in no way gentle with her which caused ‘Liese to think that maybe the others were going easy on her and she really wasn’t that good of a fighter. This only egged on her need to prove herself as a rightful part of this team. But Bucky was not going to make that an easy task to do. He continuously threw her to the floor and he even chuckled about it.
Eliese scrambled to her feet after being thrown to the ground for the hundredth time. She was huffing and puffing but it wasn’t from the intense workout, it was out of pure frustration. She was sweat soaked, making the thin material of her tank top almost see through and her dark hair to cling to her skin. Her already rosy cheeks were a very deep shade of red now.
“Give up yet, doll?” Bucky asked in a mocking tone. He could only stand there looking down at Eliese with his signature smirk tugging half his face. He had barely broken a sweat. ‘Liese snickered at him and shook her head.
“I don’t give up that easily,” She replied, throwing her right leg forcefully up at him, aiming for his waist and lower ribs. There was no way she was going to aim for the shoulders, she’d break her leg against those things! To Eliese’s dismay, Bucky didn’t even blink even when he grabbed her ankle. His entire hand was able to wrap around it. ‘Liese braced herself for the inevitable fall to the floor. But it didn’t come. Instead, Bucky strode closer to ‘Liese with her ankle still in hand. His blue eyes only left her amber coloured ones when he stood a few inches away from her, holding her ankle perpendicular with the floor. He gave the view in front of him a once over. His eyes greedily eating her alive as he licked his lips. His eyes found hers again, sharing a glimmer of artfulness with another half smirk.
“Oh, I know.” He drily said. “–You’re a merciless little dame.” A shiver was sent screaming down Eliese’s spine as his came out as a raspy half whisper.
“And you need to be put in your place.” Bucky gave a swift kick to her other ankle, taking it out from under her as he let go of the one he’d been holding. Eliese landed on her back on the floor with a loud grunt. A cunning plan hatched in her head the moment her body hit the mat. She coiled her body into a ball on the ground, hands holding onto her hip as she cried out in pain. A weight crashed into Bucky’s chest as he gazed down at her rolling onto her side in anguish. His nerves became shattered as he dropped to his knees in a panic, quickly examining her for any obvious broken bones. He didn’t mean to hurt her. He didn’t think that would hurt her.
“Oh shit, ‘Liese. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean,” His apologies were cut short when Eliese twisted around, propelling her legs upwards until they wrapped around his shoulders and she thrusted her weight to the side. Bucky didn’t know what happened, one second she was crying in pain and the next she was straddling his upper chest with his arms trapped at his sides between her legs.
‘Liese shot him a cocky smile and settled her weight down on him, pinning his much larger body under hers. Although, her cocky smile was wiped away when a low growl erupted from Bucky’s chest, sending reverberations rampaging through Eliese’s lower body. This caught her off guard. Unwillingly, her eyes tightly squeezed closed, she hummed in enjoyment at the sensations and fell forward, her hands caught herself before she ended up smothering Bucky with her chest. When Eliese shifted her weight so the majority of it was off his chest, Bucky hooked his arms around her legs and pulled himself into an upright position.
‘Liese didn’t even notice this, not until her back was gently laid down on the cool mat. Her hips had slid down his torso until their hips were pressed together. Eliese opened her eyes slowly, widening in mortification when her gaze landed on the obvious wet spot on his shirt where she was once settled. The look on her face caused the super soldier’s brows to fall together confusedly. He followed her gaze down to the very obvious wet spot on his dark grey shirt. The air got caught in the back of his throat when he realized what had happened, or rather, why that happened.
He let out a nervous chuckle and looked at the red-faced girl laying on the ground between his outstretched legs. Eliese snapped out of her horrified state and met his gaze. Her heart was racing inside her chest and the words she wanted to say slipped away before she could say them.
“Buck...–I’m sorry. That wasn’t,”
“–Ah, that’s okay, doll. Nothing to be ashamed of,” He confidently supposed with a chuckle. Before she even could do or say anything, he tucked his legs underneath him and leaned forward. His arms still wrapped around her now shaky legs, bringing her hips up until they were snuggly pressed into his as he loomed over her. He lowered his face down, stopping beside Eliese’s ruby red face.
“I’m not ashamed of what I’m doing to you,” He huskily alleged in her ear. The feeling of his body heavily pressing into hers and then the way he whispered to her, this caused Eliese sharply inhaled as goosebumps rose up on her skin.
“Are you ashamed of what you’ve been doing to me?” His voice had dropped an octave or two as she spoke into her ear. His hot breath tickling her skin as he spoke. Eliese was only able to manage a shameful nod. Bucky chuckled again, sending vibrations searing through Eliese’s tiny body underneath his. It was like being set on fire from the inside, a slow torturous burn that could go on forever and ever, and ever.  
“Don’t be,” He said lowly, his voice was almost a guttural growl. This was getting too much for the smaller to handle. She knew she wanted him in ways she’s never wanted anybody else, but that was just a fantasy. This was getting too real. She couldn’t handle the excited and immoral feeling bubbling in her stomach and the wildfire roaring through her veins.  
With all her might, Eliese tried to wiggle her way from underneath him. But her efforts were futile when the super soldier tightened his arms around her legs and dragged her back towards him, pulling her hips flush against his. Eliese had to bite back the staggered and, to some extent, excited squeal when she felt something big and hard press against her butt firmly. And it wasn’t his leg. Although, for the sake of comedic relief, one could say it is a third leg. A very big, hard leg. And now it was firmly nestled against the apex of Eliese’s thighs. To both of their reliefs.  
“Oh no, no, no. Where do you think you’re going, doll?” He darkly chortled, holding her firmly against him. He pressed some weight down onto her to keep her from being able to wiggle away again. She could only lay there staring up at him wide eyed, her flushed face was glowing a hell fire red and her body was throwing off the same heat.
“Bu…  –Bucky, please,” ‘Liese pleaded in shallow pants. She pleaded with her entire being to him. Her dark eyebrows were pulled together, and her dark amber coloured eyes begged him to let her go. Her mind was begging him to let her go, but her shaking body deserted her with her desires, begging him to make a move already, otherwise she was going to explode with tension.
“Please, what?” He goaded. His iron gaze never left her trembling body or her pleading face. He licked his lips as his stare stayed on her.  
“You don’t like it when people play games with your emotions?” He questioned, his voice dipping lower than before. His usually bright blue eyes were darkened with lust as they bore down into Eliese’s soul. As if he was watching every secret desire she has, like a movie on the silver screen. This made the smaller female feel exposed and vulnerable, but she’d be lying if it didn’t entice her to keep going, see how far this could go before either of them broke.
“With your desires?” He asked, again dropping his voice lower and lower. Eliese could feel tears beginning to form behind her eyes. The look of fear made itself known across her flushed face. This made Bucky unwrap his arms from her legs, giving her the option to get up and leave. But she didn’t move an inch. ‘Liese stayed half laying over his lap and half on the polyester mat that was sticky from sweat and the heat from their bodies. Bucky took this as a sign she wanted to stay, even though she was scared senseless.
“FRIDAY lock the gym doors,” He demanded in a raspy voice. He kept his eyes locked on hers, watching the fear transform into need and want; a primal selfishness that darkened her already dusky eyes. Without thinking, Bucky dipped his head down until his lips crashed against hers in a burst of needy passion. He grinned into the kiss when her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to her as the lust fuelled kiss became needier and needier. Her hand found the nape of his neck, tangling in the long strands that were dampened by the light sheen of sweat seeping from his hairline. Eliese could swear hell wouldn’t be nearly a hot as her skin felt in that moment. Especially when his hand found her hip tightly. This made ‘Liese gasp unwillingly in excitement and surprise. Bucky took this opportunity to slip his tongue past her lips as the hungry kiss became more heated.  
His large hand easily engulfed her narrow hip, his fingers curved over the round of her butt while his thumb sat in the crease of her thigh. His fingers dug into the fabric flesh of her butt headily. Eliese so desperately wished for his thumb to extend so it’ll follow the natural valley to where she wanted him the most, to where she needed him the most. To utter her dismay his hand did the exact opposite and disappeared, as did his lips crushing hers.
Oxygen flooded her brain as she opened her eyes to see where he had gone, and why he had gone. But the newly found air inflating her lungs leaped from her chest when she saw his once vibrant blue eyes were now a midnight blue and nearly overwhelmed by his dilated pupils. His dark hair had fallen from the bun, shadowing his face and his dark eyes burrowing into her soul. His broad chest heaved deep breathes, his lips parted slightly. He was now sitting upright between her quivering legs. The way he looked down at her, it was as though he was looking at her like she was his prey and there was no getting away. It both terrified and thrilled the smaller.
He carefully wrapped his hands around her hips and slid her off his lap until she laid on the mat at his side. Eliese was finding it impossible to do anything beyond laying still, staring wide eyed at him as she forced her lungs to take in any amount of air. Her body shivered noticeably when his hands moved from her hips up to the waistband of her black yoga pants, hiking up the black tank top to reveal the thick band of her pants. His darkened eyes moved from hers to the fabric wrapped around the pale flesh of her waist then back to hers. He fingered the thick band as though asking if this was okay. Eliese had lost any ability to speak so in response to his unasked consent, she jerked her hips up from the floor.
Prudently and excruciatingly slowly, he began pulling them down inch by inch. A gasp of air got caught in the back of her throat when his knuckles grazed over her thighs. A jolt of nervousness and exhilaration screamed up her spine at the feeling of his skin brushing one thigh while the cool metal of his other hand touched the other. Bucky stopped immediately and watched her face, looking for any signs that she wanted him to stop what he was doing. But there were none. So, he continued, pulling the black leggings down her jittery legs. An amused grin fell across his face when he saw the white fabric of her panties, tie-dyed with greys, purples and oranges. Obviously one of the many Halloween themed panties in her collection.
“I never took you for a tie-dye person,” He said, admiring Eliese’s charming choice of panties. “–Eat me, hey?” He cocked an eyebrow at the shimmery purple lettering on the front of the panties. Eliese couldn’t help but hysterically and nervously giggle at this moment. When she chose her underwear this morning, she wasn’t thinking they’d be seen by anyone but her, nevertheless by the super soldier she’s been playing a game of cat and mouse with for a week. But it didn’t break either of them from continuing the moment. Bucky resumed back to pulling the black leggings down until they were bunched up around Eliese’s ankles. His eyes took in the dark red and purple-blue splotches that littered the smaller’s legs. ‘Liese stifled a laugh, knowing he was wondering where, why and how the many bruises came to be.
“I bruise like a peach.” She tried to sit up on her elbows, but she fell back down with force when Bucky’s hands pressed on her shoulders, pushing her back down into some sort of submission. ‘Liese let out a squeal when her bound legs were yanked on until she lay diagonally from her previous position, and her legs were hoisted up on Bucky’s shoulder. He leered at the small woman as he leaned forward until his hands were on either side of her head and his hips loomed over hers teasingly. He tauntingly tilted his head as he looked down at her, a devious smirk curving half his face.
“You like them, don’t you?” He asked dryly. He rocked his body forward slowly, making sure not to let his hips touch hers. He wanted to tease her until she’s begging him. He loves it when she begs him. Whenever he’d tease her in a joking way; holding something she wants above her head, just out of her reach and she’d beg him to give it back; that is the first time he wondered what she’d sound like if she was begging him to make her orgasm after a long string of teasing. She didn’t need him to put those thoughts in his head, they were already there. Those thoughts are what made Bucky go to Steve and determinedly request not to put him and ‘Liese in the gym to train together.
Eliese let out a penurious whimper as he steadily rocked his body over hers, avoiding any contact between their hips. Her brows rutted as she tried to wiggle her hips for any sort of friction. Bucky darkly chuckled and shook his head.
“If you don’t answer me, I’ll keep you like this. And you know I can keep this up all day,” He began. “–I’ll ask again, do you like it when your lovers mark you, leave bruises and love bites?” He asked as he ghostly rolled his hips over hers, just enough to let her know he was there but not enough to give her any satisfaction. Frustrated and lust fuelled tears spilled from Eliese’s dark eyes as she tried to find her voice which had once again abandoned her. She could only whimper beneath him. She so desperately wanted to answer him, but she couldn’t. She could see him growing impatient above her which only scared her voice away further.
In the blink of an eye Bucky had sat up and flipped Eliese over onto her stomach. He rested his chest over her back lightly, brushing her dark hair behind her ear. He leaned his face down until his hot breath smothered the side of her face. Eliese could only let out shaky pants of air as her cheek was pressed against the blue wrestling mat. From the corner of her eye she saw Bucky’s form over hers.
“Because judging by what you showed me yesterday, you love it.” With that Bucky brought back a hand, raising it above his head before it swiftly moved through the air until it met the pale flesh of Eliese’s ass. Eliese let out a gaudy lude yelp as the cold metal met her soft flesh harshly. A vibrant red handprint was left in its wake. He waited a moment for her to answer him, and when she didn’t, he repeated his actions with a tad bit more power. Each time his hand contacted her she’d let out an equally loud and lude cry, which caused a noticeable twitch from Bucky’s untouched erection each time. Tears made puddles on the plush wrestling mat around Eliese’s face, out of pure frustration, nervousness, and needy want.
“Eliese, if you don’t tell me, I’ll leave you here. Untouched. Exposed. A mess. Horny to the point where only I will be able to satisfy you,” He said to her lowly, after bringing his body and hands away from her. Eliese let out a barely audible needy cry that was mixed with hindrance. She turned her head away from him, burying her face into the mat under her to hide whatever emotion was most prominent on her flushed face. She shook violently, begging her voice to come back so his promise went undone and she could get some form of release. Bucky hummed at the sights and sounds in front of him.  
“Yes,” She whispered shakily. She took a deep, uneven breath. “–Yes, I do.” This earned an approving hum from the super soldier before he planted gentle kisses across her shoulder blades. She could only let out shaky whimpers when his assault on her backside subsided and was replaced with the soothing feeling of his cool hand gentling rubbing the scorching abused skin. Eliese closed her eyes at the feeling, turning her face so her cheek was back to being pressed against the mat.
“Do you want me to mark you up?” He asked, gently but firmly tapping the dark red bruising skin. A wave of pain ridden but satisfactory shakes screamed through her body. Eliese’s face scrunched as she took a steadying breath.
“Mhm,” She could only hum in response. Bucky chuckled as he ran his fingertips over the dark red spots where his abuse of her ass was more evident.
“I need words, doll,” He said, giving another light tap to the purpling place amongst the redness. Eliese inhaled sharply, her body tensing at the feeling. She had to stabilize herself with quick shallow gasps.
“Yes, what?” Bucky demanded forebodingly; his hand gently followed the curve of her backside to between her shuddering thighs. His touch ghosted over the wet, hell fire like heat between her legs. Unwillingly, Eliese’s hips jerked back to follow his trace but his other hand firmly grasped the back of her neck to hold her in place.
“Bucky,” She squirmed under his grasp.
“Yes, what?” His voice dripped with dominance and the will to drive the smaller into submission. As lightly as he could he ran his fingers the length between her throbbing clit and her desperate and soaking wet entrance. Eliese shuddered at the feeling.
“Please,” ‘Liese innocently begged as all morality began to vanish from her mind.
“Yes, what?” This time his voice came out as a sinister command. Eliese’s face scrunched at the feeling of his fingers ghosting over the drenched part of her panties. The tips of his fingers taunted her entrance lightly. And with that, Eliese snapped into submission.
“Yes! I want you mark me. Please!” She cried as loudly as her trembling voice allowed. A grim chuckle left Bucky as he rested his hand on the small of her back and removed the one from the back of her neck.
“Now,” He whirred against her ear as he rested over her trembling body. “–Was that so hard?” ‘Liese peeled her eyes open and took in the shadowy figure that loomed over her. She let out a soft sigh when his lips pressed against the shell of her ear. Without thinking she reached back to touch whatever part of him she could get her hands on. Her fingertips ghosted over his cheek, feeling the rough stubble that shadowed his jaw. He turned his face into her touch momentarily to kiss her palm before going back to pressing his lips to her ear.
He pulled away from her, causing ‘Liese to wince at the lack of contact. But she gasped when his large hands had found themselves wrapped around her waist and flipped her over onto her back again. Bucky took in her appearance, noting how the fearful expression was entirely gone now and was replaced with a heavenly semblance. Her face was still flushed and wet from tears. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, catching quick breathes between her parted lips to supply her brain with the oxygen she’s struggling to obtain. Her half-closed dark eyes seemed to be entirely black due to her blown out pupils.
He smiled at the sight of her completely consumed by the state he catapulted her into. He leaned down, placing his lips on hers gently. Eliese sighed against his lips as her hands found their way into his soft hair.
“Such a good girl,” Bucky purred against her lips. His mouth formed his classic smirk when she softly moaned against his lips in response to his praise. His smirk broadened when she stifled a whimper when his hand gently trailed down her exposed stomach to the bright orange lacy band of her underwear. His hand stayed there, curling, and uncurling his fingers gently over her skin. Unknowingly to Bucky, Eliese untangled one of her hands from his hair, letting it fall onto her torso before it sneakily travelled from her body to his. His nerves became fiery when he felt her hand linger over his flexed thigh, delicately brushing the back of her hand up it. This time it was his turn to gasp in surprise when her fingertips danced over his needy erection.
The super soldier had to pull away from ‘Liese, bowing his head down against her breastbone as his breathing hitched and his once sturdy arms shook. The steady, rushing rivers of pleasure coursed through his entire body and his mind was merely river rafting down it, with only the blind hope he’d make it out on the other side in one piece. He hadn’t realized exactly how badly he wanted to be touched until her fingers lightly skated up and down his length.
“‘Liese,” He breathed against her chest, lifting his head to look at her equally pleasured expression. “–You need to stop that.” Eliese watched his jaw clench when she curled her fingers over the obvious figure pressing against the grey sweatpants. Her dark eyebrows furrowed in playful curiosity, lighting grabbing hold of him.
“Why?” She innocently asked, flexing and unflexing her fingers around him in a rhythmical way. His entire body violently shivered at the feeling.
“Because,” He panted heavily. “–I’m close.” ‘Liese shared a quizzical expression as she continued her actions. He’d twitch in her hand with each delicate and calculated movement.
“Close? Close to what?” She questioned in an equally innocent demeanor, but it was laced with playful mischief. Eliese continued to gently touch Bucky’s erection, loving the reaction she was pulling out of him. She yelped when Bucky swiftly grabbed her wrists with one hand, pinning them down against the plush mat. Eliese twisted her hips around so her ass was facing his hips, getting ready for the inevitable. With his other hand he pulled at the waistband of his sweatpants, pushing them down around his knees. Bucky pushed Eliese’s panties aside and in one swift motion he entered her.
Both of their minds reeled at the feeling. ‘Liese loving how his large cock stretched her, pressing against her walls firmly. She couldn’t help but twitch and squirm underneath him. Bucky held himself inside of her, loving the feeling of her walls pulsing around him. He was amazed by how hot and wet she was as she squeezed him. He stayed there, letting them both get used to the physical feeling of their bodies being connected.
“Are you okay?” Bucky breathlessly asked, peering down at Eliese. Her dark eyes were practically rolling at the feeling of being filled like this. A dopey smile fell across her face, she nodded blissfully.
“You can do something now,” She said softly. Bucky nodded in acknowledgment. He slowly, pulled his hips back until the head of his erection was barely inside her before roughly thrusting back into her. This earned a low moan from the smaller. He continued his movements, still pinning her wrists down.
His thrusts began to get faster and harder. Bucky was beginning to lose himself in the moment, completely enjoying the experience and sensations overrunning his mind and body.
“Is this what you wanted, little girl?” He growled, wrapping his free hand around her throat firmly. “­–You wanted me to fuck you like this?” Bucky began to squeeze his right hand that was wrapped around her throat. Eliese’s mind was entirely vacant of any coherent thought. Feeling his cock stroking every inch of her walls with each thrust, on top of his hand firmly squeezing her throat, had sent her mind and body into a state of euphoria. Her head was lost in the clouds and her body felt like it was floating.
“You wanted me to fuck you like a slut?” He remarked through gritted teeth. Eliese let out a high pitched moan, loving the wet sounds coming from their lower regions mixed with Bucky’s growling degradation.
“Is that why you showed me how badly you wanted me? Wanted me to make you my slut?” He snarled lowly. He released her wrists momentarily to rip open the gym shirt and sports bra, exposing her chest to the cool air of the gym. Her nipples immediately hardened from the contact the air condition room. He gripped her throat a little tighter, making sure not to choke her out but enough to send her into a dizzy haze. His leaned down and bit her left breast hard enough to break the skin. Small pools of blood immediately showed up and a dark blue-purple mark accented the bite mark. This earned a loud cry of pleasure from Eliese. Bucky continued to thrust into the smaller at a fast and rough pace while biting down on Eliese’s chest, leaving more bite marks and bruises.
Eliese could feel it, the inevitable rollercoaster approaching the highest point feeling. The air in her body lifted as her skin cooled down. Tingles ran from her toes to her knees. Her eyes tightly closed to shield herself from the drop that was coming next.
“Mmmmmm,” She hummed as the approach was getting closer. “–Bucky…almost…there,” She murmured between heavy breathes.
“Not yet, you’re not.” Bucky smirked to himself, stopping all movement. He released her throat and wrists, sitting up with his cock still inside her. Eliese groaned in disapproval, trying to wriggle her hips in such a way in hopes Bucky’s stilled erection would hit that one special spot to send her flying into euphoria but she couldn’t find it.
The super soldier pulled out of her, earning another disapproving groan from the elfin woman. He grabbed her hips, flipping her onto her knees. He hoisted her ass up while keeping her face against the mat. Bucky, grabbed onto the hem of her panties and pulled them down her thighs, stopping at her bent knees.
Eliese had no idea what he was up to. She started to twist around to get a better view of him but that was interrupted by the feeling of a hot and wet tongue dipping into her core. Eliese squealed in delight. She fell down, face planting into the wrestling mat as her legs shook.
Bucky grinned to himself as he lapped his tongue from her clit to her entrance, probing the wet entrance confidently. With his left hand he reached between her legs and found her clit. He gently pinched it between his forefinger and thumb. Every time Eliese would moan Bucky would hum in response, probing his tongue deeper. He chuckled in amusement when ‘Liese screamed in pleasure when the metal touching her clit began vibrating. Her legs shook as she rocked her hips back against his face. Bucky removed his mouth from her entrance and watched as she kept rocking her hips back towards him.
“Mmm, you taste fucking delicious,” He told her, slapping her bruising ass with his right hand. Eliese shrieked loudly, clenching her thighs around Bucky’s hand. Bucky chuckled again, running his right hand from her welting and bruising rear to the soaking wet entrance. He gently traced her opening with his fingertips while he kept his other fingers wrapped around her clit. Sending a new wave of tingles rushing through Eliese’s legs and toes.
Finally, Bucky pushed two fingers into her core. He began slowly stroking her walls. Eliese’s moans became broken as her eyes rolled. A loud cry erupted from her when she felt Bucky’s fingers curl against her A spot.
“Please, please, please,” Eliese mindlessly begged. “–Please let me cum!” Her cry came out wobbly and desperate. Bucky thrusted his fingers into her deeper and faster, curling his fingers against her walls.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. Can you say that again?” Bucky mocked in a low voice. Eliese gave him a throaty moan, throwing her hips back into his hand. She so badly wanted more. Her greedy cunt wanted more.
“Bucky, please!” She cried out loud. “–Please let me cum.” Eliese’s begs and pleads caused Bucky to darkly titter at her. Eliese swore her legs were going to give out before Bucky was done with her.
“You’re a greedy little slut aren’t you?” Bucky asked, pushing his fingers knuckles deep into her core and curling them against her walls. He grinned widely when he felt her walls begin to pulse around him, signaling her orgasm was near.
“Yes, I am,” She huffed. “–I’m a greedy little slut,” Eliese practically screamed. Her sore throat was somewhere in the back of her hazy mind, but she was too busy floating around in the euphoric feeling Bucky was supplying her.
“And you want me to let you cum?” He quizzed with an arched eyebrow. From his point of view, Eliese was looking like a slice of heaven on the floor. Her body trembled, a light sheen of sweat glistened over her flushed skin. Eliese’s eyes were clamped shut, brows furrowed, and lips parted slightly.
“Yes, please. Please let me cum!” She replied with a hoarse voice. Eliese let out a whine when Bucky’s fingers left her. But she was soon filled to the brim once again. Bucky thrusted his cock into Eliese without warning. His hands were tightly holding onto Eliese’s narrow hips, sure to leave dark bruises in their wake.
Eliese was completely blissed out at this point. Bucky could throw her at a wall, and she wouldn’t care. She was lost in all the sensations overruling her body. It felt as though she was floating along a lazy river. Her head was swimming. And these sensations translated to her core squeezing and pulsing around Bucky’s member.
This made him thrust into her faster and harder. He grabbed onto her ponytail and pulled it, bringing her back to meet his chest. His other hand wrapped around her throat. Bucky could feel Eliese’s heart beating quickly in the artery in her neck.
“Okay doll,” Bucky murmured in her ear. “–Cum for me,” He gravelly growled against her ear. That was all Eliese needed to hear. She didn’t even realize she was consciously holding back her orgasm until she could just let go. Warm tingles erupted up her legs into her spine. Her mind being catapulted over the highest point of the rollercoaster. Eliese’s body violently shook against his as he continued to thrust into her, riding out her orgasm and chasing after his high.
After a few more thrusts Bucky’s hips stiffened, burying his cock deep inside of Eliese. He was overcome with the feeling of warm water rushing through his groin. His entire body exploded with tingles as his mind was sling shot into the same euphoria Eliese was currently lost in. All while his cock was filling Eliese’s core with his cum, letting it drip out and down her thighs.
The pair of them collapsed onto the plush wrestling mat. Bucky, being careful not to land on top of the smaller. They both panted heavily as they came back to their senses.
“That was…”
“Ugh-huh,” Bucky agreed, knowing what Eliese was about to say.
“You were… wow,” Eliese was at a loss for words. Bucky laughed and nodded in flattery.
“You were wow too,” He told her. Eliese immediately beginning to giggle from all the emotions and sensations her body just went through. Bucky couldn’t help but chuckle along with her. Their giggles were silenced by Eliese’s phone pinging from across the room.
“Looks like you won the dare,” Bucky said. Eliese closed her eyes and nodded in agreement.
“I totally won the dare.”
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starwriterulia · 4 years
For Nothing
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Introduction + Hero Bios — A Fervid Greeting — For Nothing
Chapter Warnings: Graphic violence, swearing
Word Count: 5799
The corridor had white laminate specked with light beige and a tacky turquoise trim, the walls white and sparsely decorated. The doors were identical to the one that led into the area. There were no windows looking outside until the fourth door. The turquoise curtains were drawn open to view the snowy Ocean. Sometimes, while passing these first four rooms, the boys and officers peeked inside.
The first and second floor housed low and medium risk patients. Two patients were asleep, and a third was curled up in their bed, shaking and crying. The nurse seated beside them on the bed quietly soothed the patient, rubbing their back and singing. A fourth sat in bed, quietly reading a book with a nurse who sat on the bed with them. Changbin looked behind him and stretched his neck, stopping his progress through the hall as the group passed the third bedroom.
The police walked around Changbin, a couple glancing at him as they passed. Felix and Chris halted, seeing their friend had stopped moving. "I know it's our order to go as a group," Said Changbin. "But I can't help but think that the others might need us."
"It's unlikely, seeing as we're the ones going downstairs," Chris replied. "But I understand how you feel, Changbin."
Felix said, "They have their radios. If anything goes wrong, we'll know, all right?"
Changbin nodded. "Right. Sorry for holding us up, like this."
Chris patted his shoulder. "It's fine, mate. We understand. Come on, let's catch up." Changbin nodded again, then the three hustled to rejoin their group. After the first window was a long wall on the right hand side.
At the end of the corridor was a turquoise staircase, an elevator and a right turn. Five bedrooms were on the left side of the continued hallway, the nurse's station on the other side. Next to the door was a hallway and two more bedrooms. The hall ended with a vending machine. One of the officers had pressed the service button for the elevator. The group heard the machine climbing up the shaft.
Suddenly, Seungmin snapped his head up from his loitering stare at the floor to the elevator door. "Something is in the elevator." He said. "Get back, get back."
"Get away!" Echoed Blossom. They hurried to distance themselves from the door.
"I have no idea what's inside." Seungmin spat to the Kids.
"What does its energy feel like?" Hyunjin quickly asked.
Seungmin closed his eyes. "Wait, there are two beings inside. They're giving off different but similar magic signatures. Guys, one of them is—!" The elevator arrived, and the doors opened with a chime. Some of the police and Kids gasped at the sight.
To the left was a frail bodied, white humanoid with the head, legs and folded wings of a bird. Its hands were human with talon-like digits, and its eyes were covered by a white lace blindfold. It was six feet tall and wore a white tunic with a golden rope that had an empty leather hook for a weapon. Its hands were locked with those of the black, muscular humanoid with the head, legs and tail of a bull. It was naked and a foot taller than the other creature, its skin was brittle and its knuckles and claws resembled those of a lacertelia.
Hearing the humans, the creatures paused and looked. Recognizing and remembering the bird from the party, the Kids traded quick glances with each other. 'Angel!' Seungmin mouthed to Hyunjin and Changbin, who nodded. The bull bellowed and broke its contact with the bird to charge at officer Lambert. Shouting in surprise, Portman, Bridges and Walker fired at it.
The bullets clanged against the demon's skin and were launched back into the nearby Lambert, Portman, Alley and Bridges. The officers shouted in pain as bullets penetrated their arms and legs. Walker was unfortunate enough to have a pair of bullets pass through his neck. The others were quick enough to cower and move before they could be injured by the returning fire. The elevator doors began to close. Nevada was closest to the elevator, so he slammed his hand on the button to keep the doors open.
Chris glanced at the angel, which held gave a coo of distress. The monster pounced on Lambert and bit into his left arm, tearing it off and devouring it. The man screamed in agony and dropped his gun. Gay and pointed their weapons at the white being, which held its hands by its head but kept looking to the demon.
Chris decided he needed to take the initiative and said to the angel, "Please, help us!" The bird gave a short coo, then rushed forward, grabbed the behemoth by its waist and heaved it away from Lambert as the bull dug its claws into his other arm. The angel threw itself onto its back, the beast hollering and thrashing. Changbin, Seungmin and the officers went further into the hallways as two men carefully removed Lambert from where he laid.
The bird slammed a hand onto the floor. With the bang of a rifle, a fiery magic circle that burned and frostbitten hands sprang from appeared beneath it. The bull broke free before its rival could reach its arm back around its hulking body. The bird gave a shrill cry and began to rise to its feet. The beast roared and lunged forward to attack the man he had been feasting on.
Seungmin stepped forward and reached out his arms. Five purple rings of light enveloped the monster's torso, humming emitting from the rings. Seungmin yanked his arms to his chest, and as the screaming demon whipped its arms to grasp something, it was pulled towards Seungmin in the air. The angel reached up and caught the bull's legs. The bird gave a call that sounded as much like a song as it did a war cry. Seungmin's eyes flew open, understanding the bird, and rested his arms to stop his powers.
The bird and bull were pulled into the circle, the bird giving a shout of triumph and the bull crying out in what sounded like pain as its body disintegrated. The circle disappeared with a bang, and the humans took a second to collect themselves. "We need to get you outside and to the hospital." Nevada said to Lambert, who nodded a little. He was evidently struggling to keep himself awake, much less from constantly crying in pain.
"I'll call us in." Said officer Gay. "Johnson and Ulysses have Alley and Bridges. I'll take Portman."
"We'll carry Walker out." Tailor said, he and Evelyn standing over the dead officer.
"Very well." Dance nodded, then the group hurried away.
"Holy shit." Said Fort, one of the remaining officers. "That was intense."
"That's eleven of us gone, already." Said the other, Captain Dance.
"We could wait here for those six," Said Hyunjin. "And then we'll only be four down."
"Good idea, Ghost." Fort replied.
"That's a hell of a way to confirm what we're dealing with, here." Said Dance.
"Charlie and David to Dispatch, Adam and Boy: the south wing of the facility is clear. Repeat: the south wing is clear. Over." Said a voice on the radio.
Chris gave a low whistle to call the boys in for a huddle. One of the officers was obligated to listen, standing outside of the circle. Fort filled in this position. "OK, so that was a taste of what's to come." Said Chris.
"Dispatch to Charlie and David, understood. Adam and Boy, what is your status? Over."
"We're in trouble." Said Felix.
"If we stick to our routines and work together, we should be all right." Said Changbin. The other boys nodded, but Seungmin was dormant.
Dance replied, "Adam and Boy to Dispatch: we have had contact with one hostile entity and one, uh..." He looked at Seungmin, who was looking around to sort his thoughts. Seungmin shrugged and looked at Chris, who shrugged to the officer in a more exaggerated fashion.
"You OK, Seungmin-ie?" Chris inquired.
"One other unknown, possibly friendly entity. Four of us are injured, one dead from ricocheted bullets. Six of us are coming out with the wounded and casualty as we speak. Over."
"I just have the worst feeling about all of this, Chan." Said Seungmin, his voice shaking. His body began to shiver. Chris pulled the boy in for a hug, and Seungmin was barely keeping himself from crying.
The police chief said, "Dispatch to Adam and Boy: where are you? And what happened? Over."
"Sh, Seungmin. I've got you." Chris whispered, patting the boys' head. Seungmin's body heaved. Hyunjin and Changbin came in to hug Seungmin, and so did Felix.
"Adam and Boy to Dispatch: we are at the northern wing, in front of the elevator..."
Seungmin nodded a little looked up into Chris' face. "You good, now?" He nodded again, this time more confidently. "Good. We'll do this together, all right?"
"Yeah. Right." Seungmin replied.
"Our experience means we aren't going in with our hands tied," Said Changbin. "But with what we just saw, we have no idea what else we're up against."
"Yeah," Felix said. "We do have a lot of advantages, but what's down there—" He looked over his right shoulder to the elevator. "—Is just so mysterious and dangerous. I feel what Seungmin is feeling." He wrapped his arms around himself and swept his eyes along the floor. "I hate this, already."
"I think we all hate this, Felix." Chris responded. "You're right, it's going to be scary, down there. Our job won't be easy. But we have our colleagues here to help us however they can."
He looked at the officers. They each gave a reassuring nod. Chris placed his hands on Felix's shoulders. "We will bring Minho and Jisung to justice, and Faith will be fine. Just like us, if we just don't panic."
"So, we just make sure our friends don't shoot at any more demons, and we'll be fine?" Said Changbin. Chris, Hyunjin and the nearby officer chuckled.
"Pretty much, yeah." Replied Chris.
"Is everyone feeling better, now?" Chris asked. "Ready for the big reveal?" All of the boys nodded.
"Good." Chris said, nodding. "Want to cheer for good measure?"
"Yeah." Answered Seungmin, Hyunjin and Felix, Changbin nodding.
The five got into position, struck their pose and declared, "Step out! We are Stray Kids!" Then they applauded and hollered for themselves, high-fiving each other as the officers cheered, the energy of the boys contagious.
The female voice returned. "Dispatch to Adam, Boy, Charlie and David: please rendezvous at the elevator to the third level of Alicia to proceed with the men you sent our way with the injured. Over."
"Guess we'd better get back into formation." Said Felix, glancing at the officers in their area as marching steps came from the southern end of the corridor.
"Charlie and David to Dispatch: understood. We're on our way. Over."
"Yep yep." Replied Chris. They gathered with the officers in front of the elevator.
"Adam and Boy to Charlie, David and Dispatch: understood. Over." Said the officer. He blew air through his lips after releasing the button.
"You good, Captain?" Asked Chris.
He nodded. "Yeah, fine. Thanks, Chan."
Fort looked over the heroes. "They sure are coming in a hurry."
"All of them?" Dance questioned.
"Yeah: Charlie, David and our own guys."
"Good. We shouldn't waste any more time." Soon, the twelve members of Charlie and David and the six of Adam and Charlie joined the Kids and two officers. "Dispatch, this is Dance: all have arrived. Over."
"Dispatch to Dance: understood. Over." Changbin pressed the elevator service button. Moments later, the lift arrived, and the Kids, Captain Dance and Marley entered. Changbin hit the button inside the elevator, and the machine's doors shut. They descended, and the doors opened to view a small lobby.
The flooring was unpainted concrete, and the bare white drywall and trim added to the brightly lit atmosphere in a unfriendly manner. Two pairs of backless wooden benches were in front of a walled-in desk area with a long window that had a space for objects to be slid beneath. The hall attached to the room was south bound, and after the four doors before them was a crossroads. As they moved into the room, Dance spoke into his radio. "To all officers upstairs: the Stray Kids plus Dance and Marley have arrived at the lower floor. Area is clear. Over."
Looking ahead, Changbin and Chris gave each other faces of puzzlement. "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Chris said.
"You mean the footprints burned into the floor?" Replied Changbin, nodding twice. "Yeah, I see them."
"Adam, Boy, Charlie and David to the boys downstairs: understood." Answered a male officer from the first floor.
"Wonder if they belong to a demon." Marley said to Changbin and Chris.
Changbin said, "No, they look human."
"They do, yeah." Chris replied. Within a minute, the remaining fifteen officers came to the basement.
"Adam, Boy, Charlie and David to Dispatch: all have arrived safely. Over." Said Captain Dance.
"Dispatch to Adam, Boy, Charlie and David: understood. Proceed to the intensive care unit. Take care down there. Over." The assembly advanced into the hallway. The officers in the row behind the boys who were closest to the wall peeked into the rooms as they passed them.
"Orval reporting: Kang Jongwoo is present in his cell and is laying on his back in his bed, reading his Bible. Over." The officer on the right radioed.
"They might be the prints of something that has human feet, or made their feet look human." Replied Seungmin.
"Weaver reporting: Chevy Mars is present in his cell and is humming to himself while sitting on his bed. Over." Said the other male officer.
"You make a good point, Seungmin-ie." Said Chris.
"Orval reporting: Spencer Hall is present in his cell, laying in his bed, doing nothing. He appears to be asleep. Over."
Jinyoung's voice was back on the radio. "Dispatch to Orval: please have one officer speak to Hall to confirm his activity. Over." Everyone paused. The Kids looked among the officers as they did themselves. The woman from the third row raised her hand.
"I'll stay." She said.
"Are you sure, Chance?" Replied Gay. Chance's surname tag was Reed.
She nodded. "I'm sure. It'll only take a moment, anyway."
"I'll stay outside in case you need help." He said. Chance nodded, then she and the other officer entered the bedroom.
A third officer said, "Dispatch, this is Jameson. Maxwell and Reed have followed orders to inspect Hall. Over."
The woman replied, "Dispatch to Jameson: understood. Over."
"Let's move!" Said Vale, a male officer from the fifth row. The twenty-three people continued.
Orval looked into the final room before the junction. "Orval reporting: Mitchell Schneider is present in his room, painting a... hold on. Kids, get a look at this." He said, and stepped closer to the window to view the mural on the left wall of the room. The group stopped, again. Mitchell's arm stroked the same place endlessly, his face inches away from the wall.
"Dispatch to Orval, what are you seeing? Over."
Orval stepped aside for Seungmin to see. "It appears to be a nude woman missing her jaw, and she's covered in blood."
"It's Faith, again." Seungmin finished. Orval gave him an astonished look and subconsciously let go of the button on his radio. The three officers exited Hall's room. "Sorry to interrupt."
"Dispatch to Orval: was that one of the Kids, just now? Over." Jinyoung said.
"Orval to Dispatch: yes, that was Clover. Would you like him to describe the painting? Over."
"Dispatch to Orval: yes. Give radio access to Clover, please. Over." Said the chief. Officer Orval unhooked his radio from his pocket and gave it to Seungmin.
Seungmin pressed the button on the radio. "Clover to Dispatch: the woman is short, around four feet tall. Schneider didn't use any other colours than black, red, purple and a small amount of dark pink. Her torso, especially her chest and collar bones, are covered in blood. Her thighs are bruised, and, as Orval noted, her jaw is missing. Her eyes are blacked out. Over."
About fifteen seconds passed, then Jinyoung's voice returned. "Dispatch to Clover and Orval: Schneider was committed for schizophrenia. He may have been affected by what's going on. Over."
"Clover to Dispatch: I agree. I think Schneider might be trying to tell us what to expect, if our enemy succeeds. Over."
"Dispatch to Clover: Thank you. To all: Please move on and report on what else you find. Over."
"Thanks, Orval." Seungmin said with a smile.
"No problem, Clover." The officer smiled back.
"Oh, wait." Seungmin turned to Chris. "Should I tell Dispatch about the spider we encountered?"
"That's a good idea." Chris answered. "We'll go on a little further, without you. Check on the other patients."
Seungmin nodded, then said into the radio, "Dispatch, this is Clover. I'd like to report on something we found earlier but neglected to report on due to our mission priorities. Permission to debrief? Over." Hyunjin and Chris went down the left path with half of the officers, besides the one whose radio Seungmin was using, while Felix and Changbin went the other way.
The woman replied, "Dispatch to Clover: permission granted."
"Dispatch is busy with Seungmin," Said Hyunjin. "So we'll have to wait to report on what's down here."
"And for us to report on Hall." Said Jameson.
"How was he, by the way? Fine, right?"
Jameson nodded. "Yeah, he was sleeping."
"That's good." Chris commented. "Everyone seems fine this way."
"I'm impressed." Said officer Cruise. "I thought more of them would have reacted like Schneider."
"It's good that no one else has." Said Shorts.
Cruise said, "At least, on this end of the—"
"Everyone! Come and look! We found something!" Hyunjin called. Along with the group who had gone down the eastern way who turned around and hustled to join the others, Seungmin and Orval glanced and watched Russell, a male officer, and Vale enter the third door on the left.
"It was obvious the footprints came from here—" Said Maxwell.
"—Holy hell." Remarked Vale.
"—But we had to check the other rooms, anyway."
"We have casualties, here." Said Russell.
"Dispatch to Clover: understood. Thank you for your report. You are free to continue. Over." Said the woman. Dance entered the room, so Russell and Vale stepped aside.
The metal bed attached to the wall right of the door was scorched. The white mattress was blown to shreds, and a massive black ring was burned into the walls and floor near the left side of the bedding. Two nurses laid within the ring, their clothes and hair burned away and their skin pitch black. "Damn." Dance muttered. "If this is any kind of sign as to what's in the morgue..."
"There's no way we're ready for it." Said Tailor.
"You guys will be behind us," Said Changbin. "We'll get the worst of whatever's inside."
Maxwell said, "But if demons can make portals like that... angel could, they could come up from behind us."
"Jesus, Chance." Said Johnson.
"Sorry. It's just speculation so we aren't totally surprised."
"Maxwell has a point." Chris said. "There's a possibility that the back row will be ambushed. Maybe half of us Kids should go to the back."
"I like that idea." Dance said, nodding.
"I'd be willing to go in the back." Said Felix.
"Me too." Seungmin added.
Dance nodded more. "All right. Why don't you all go wait outside the morgue while I report this?" Some of the officers and Kids nodded, then they backtracked to the main direction of the hall. "Dance to Dispatch: we have found casualties in the residence of Yang Jeongin."
Chris halted abruptly and made eye contact with Gay, Island and Weaver, who were closest to him. "J-Jeongin? That was his room? I thought he was rooming upstairs." His eyes glossed over, on the brink of crying.
Blossom stepped closer, nodding as she raised her head. "His condition worsened. The doctors had to put him down here." The assembly came to a stop some ten feet away from the steel doors of the morgue. "You remember when you Kids set out to save Woojin from Minho, when all of this started?"
"Yeah." Chris whispered, breaking eye contact with Blossom.
"That was... the night that changed our lives." Mumbled Felix. He sniffled and shuffled around so he faced the wall. Changbin stepped close to him and rubbed his back.
"I thought Jeongin came out of the party powerless?" Said Hyunjin.
"Apparently he didn't." Blossom said. "I guess Minho and Jisung brought it out of Jeongin. I was saying that this might be connected to the party." Dance joined the group.
"It must be." Said Hyunjin. "The hosts were looking to summon demons 'cause they were nuts, and they succeeded."
Felix said, "Remember how after the angels helped us and gave us our powers, they said that if the demons came back, or if Minho became too much of a problem, they'd come to help?"
"Yeah, of course."
"I guess they held up on their promise." Said Chris.
"All right," Dance said. "Let's get into position, everyone." Several officers sniffled and coughed as the people moved around to reform the lines.
"It sure is quiet, in there." Said Addison.
"I'll open the doors with my powers." Seungmin stated, looking to Chris and Dance. They both nodded. Seungmin raised his arms at chest level, palms towards the doors. He pushed his arms forward and the doors opened one centimetre. They flung outwards as the area exploded in a flash of white heat.
Chris shut his eyes and groaned. His ears were blasted with wind and screams behind him that were cut short. He collapsed and blacked out. He opened his eyes some time later. His ears rang as he looked around him.
The officers were skeletons and scraps of clothing on the ground. Small parts of the floor of the basement were intact, but the building had been reduced to rubble that formed ugly obstacles in the crater. Chris distinguished the roofs of the other buildings and hoped the police chief and other officers weren't dead or injured. The ringing in his ears transitioned to the grunts and yells of Changbin, Hyunjin, Seungmin and Felix fighting, the screams of a young woman in pain, and of sirens in the distance. There were voices from behind a wall of rubble beside him, to the west. The police were picking away at the ruins. Chris then knew that some of the police were alive. He hoped Chief Park was with them.
Chris closed his eyes, too dazed to think of anything more. He let out a broken cry at the thought of how the officers and everyone in the buildings had been killed just like that. They had come for nothing. But killed by who? Jisung? Minho?
"No," His eyes peered open, not focusing on anything and recalling the burned footprints in the hallway. He cleaned his mouth with the back of one hand. "Jeongin. Jeongin was behind the door. He did this."
Chris wiped the moisture from his eyes with his other hand. Chris he felt a hand softly rest on his left shoulder. He swiveled his head and saw Changbin kneeling behind him. Changbin carefully looked into his leader's eyes. "Good to see you're up, Chan. We need your help."
"Sounds like it. How long was I out?"
"A little more than two minutes. You won't believe how many demons we had to dance around with to keep them from stepping on you. It was intense shit. I told the others to keep the last swarm of flies away from us so I could chat with you. We noticed that if we don't talk to Minho, he doesn't bring out more demons."
Chris glanced over Changbin's shoulder to watch. The dog sized flies demons with eyes the size of dodgeballs were disgusting to look at. There was a few more than a dozen of them. Hyunjin darted around, slashing several with his dan geum until they fell to the ground dead, and Felix kicked and back-handed one that lost flight moments later. Felix stomped the demon to death and made a noise of disgust at the thick red blood on his shoe. Seungmin was throwing flies at the western wall with his powers, keeping back five feet. One of the four he was playing with died while Chris watched.
"They're doing pretty good." Said Chris. "You feeling all right?" He pointed at Changbin's two foot long royal blue scepter with a gold speckled diamond the size of a plum core that Changbin loosely held in one hand. "I imagine you've used your beauty a lot, already."
Changbin frowned. "I'm feeling a bit faint, yeah. Nice thing about chatting with you is that my body gets a break. My water bottle was eaten by a demon after I summoned it, though."
"Oh no!" Chris laughed. Changbin laughed, too.
"Uh, what else... oh! Hyunjin used his invisibility, when Jeongin blew everything up, and he saw Jeongin sink into the floor in a fiery magic circle. When the light cleared, we saw the black dome Jisung and Faith are in. It was..." Changbin glanced aside for a moment. "Hard, watching them die. Seungmin and Felix threw up."
Chris clicked his tongue and pouted. "Aw, I need to give them a hug, when we get home. Need to give you all a hug." Changbin blew air from his nose with a little smile.
Minho said, "You guys are done with those, already? Want some more to play with?"
Chris exclaimed, "Wait, no!" Minho turned his palms down, and five magic circles appeared on the ground.
"I guess I'll explain the rest later." Changbin said. Chris laughed. "Let me help you up." Changbin rose to his feet and gave Chris his hand.
Chris was pulled to his feet, then he shook his head and huffed, bouncing in place and rolling his shoulders to warm up his joints. He felt better, even though the area stank of an oily aroma he could only assume was demon blood. He felt his powers swelling in his muscles. Chris met his friend's fearless eyes with his own. Changbin nodded, then ran to the other Kids with his scepter raised above his head.
"Shining Beat Beam!" The core heated up with white light, and Changbin lowered his arm and spun around towards the five demons the other Kids were fighting. A thick beam of light spewed from the scepter and burned into the furry skin of the two nearest demons, resembling black rams. The magic tore through their middles, sawing them in half. The top halves slid onto the ground and turned to ash, the lower halves disintegrating as the knees moved towards the ground like jello.
The other monsters gave war cries and turned to charge Changbin, who flew past them and took his place beside Hyunjin. Hyunjin threw his dan geum into the neck of the red and black hyena demon in front them. Its body shook while trying to grab the knife. Seungmin and Changbin each grabbed an arm of the two remaining demons and threw them as far away from Hyunjin as possible. The hyena was jumpy, likely because the weapon hit a nerve. Hyunjin sprang onto the demon, holding its fur, and jabbed the dan geum into different parts of the monster's flesh.
The demon's legs buckled, then Hyunjin tore his knife around its throat with such force that its head popped off and landed behind it. Hyunjin let go of the corpse and took a step back as it turned to ash. He looked to either side of him while catching his breath. Changbin and Felix stood by the disappearing pink and black leopard demon, a hole in its gut and its face an eyeless mess. Seungmin and Chris had dealt with the green and black tiger, its limbs grossly broken and its torso torn open like curtains.
"You guys are gross." Hyunjin said.
Felix replied, "Not our fault these guys are squishy on the inside."
"Done with those, too?" Minho said. "Jisung, do you need more time?" He looked at the dome for a second, then nodded with a hum.
Chris said, "Minho, wait—"
Minho pouted. "Oh, but you look bored." He smirked. "Let me give you something bigger to chew on." He pivoted and placed his left palm on top of his right hand. "Brachyura, come play with us!"
A magic circle with a radius comparable to that of a monster truck's tire appeared on the ground behind Minho, to his left. A massive, dark red crab demon shot out of the circle high into the air. The rubble it landed on broke instantly. It loitered, its creepy eyes baring down on the kids.
"That thing's at least ten feet tall." Said Seungmin.
"It is," Minho yawned, not covering his mouth. "I'll let it target... two of you, and the rest it'll ignore. I'm tired, so that's the last freak you have to play with, for a while."
"What happens if we try to come close to you?" Chris asked.
"Did Changbin not tell you, while you were having your little chat?"
"No, you sent out more demons before he could finish explaining things."
"Well, if you come within five feet of me," Minho threw his arm to the side, and an iron device materialized in his hand. "I'll throw my favourite toy at you." Chris didn't need to ask if that was a Scavenger's Daughter. It looked like what Changbin had described, and he figured that if he asked, Minho would throw it at him.
How would they get it off, if they had no key for the locks? Would Changbin be able to break it with his scepter's beam? Or Seungmin, with his telekinesis? It was best to move on. "OK, fair enough. Give us a second to talk it over, please?"
"Sure. No time limit. I'm not that mean. I'll be talking with the angels, so don't worry about me overhearing or spying on you." Minho said. The Kids scrambled into a huddle.
"OK, that thing's gonna be fast." Said Chris. "Its shell is probably too strong for Hyunjin's dan geum, and it's going to be moving too fast for you, Seungmin, to seize with your telekinesis."
"It's a crab, so it oughta be weak to heat." Changbin moved the hand he held his scepter with.
"Probably. But it'll be moving too fast for you to get a good shot."
"Yeah. I might end up blasting into the crater or at the angels. So count me out."
"Guess that leaves you and me, Chan." Said Felix.
"Right." Chris said. "I doubt that we can outrun it, even if your power is about speed."
"If I try hard enough, I might keep pace with it."
"Yeah! So then," Chris drew a curve in the air with a finger. "You're going to lead Brach..." His eyes shifted to Seungmin. "Yura?"
"Yep," Seungmin nodded. "Brachyura'. It's the crustacean infraorder that crabs belong to." The Kids laughed a bit.
"OK. So you lead Brachyura around the dome to the west," Chris drew in the air with is finger again. "And when you come to a wall, climb up using whatever you can—" He grabbed the air with either hand.  "—And get on Brachyura."
"I'll run underneath or behind you, and when the crab comes to a wall, I'll try and swing up—" Chris swung his left arm down. "—Onto the crab with its legs. Then we'll pull off its legs," He 'squeezed' the air multiple times with his hands. "One by one. Eventually, it'll lose its balance, fall on its back," He flipped one hand open to show his palm "And then..." Chris paused, his eyes on Changbin. "Would he could call that cheating?"
Changbin raised his brows. "Oh, so you want me to deal the final blow with my scepter? Chan, that's so smart! But yeah," He peeked over Seungmin's head to see Minho. He didn't look his way. "He might. And then we'd be up against more demons. Or worse, more giant ones."
"Don't jinx it, man." Seungmin whined.
"What if, after Changbin kills Brachyura," Said Chris. "We come running over? Minho's demon obviously falls for temptation easily. Felix, you're going to run right past him, and that'll get him faced away from me so I can tackle him."
"Do you think you'll be strong enough to hold him down?" Asked Felix.
"I'll have to be. I wonder... if the demon isn't strong enough to fight with his fists, maybe that's why he uses a tool?"
"Seems like a valid reason." Seungmin said.
"Did the angels tell you how long they think it would take them to break the dome?"
"They said twenty minutes, since Minho's up and about."
"So if Minho can't do anything, do you think the angel's will suddenly break through?" Chris said. The others looked among themselves and at Chris with expressions of consideration and curiosity.
"You know what?" Hyunjin said. "That just might be our solution."
"It's still cheating." Changbin grimaced.
Chris raised his hands. "It's the only idea I've got. You with me?"
"Yeah, of course." Changbin nodded.
"Yeah." "Yeah!" The other boys chorused.
"OK, let's go." Chris said, then the boys broke up the circle. Noticing they weren't in a circle anymore, Minho trailed off his other sentence in Latin, said a little more to the angel, who bowed its head.
Minho asked, "You ready, now?"
"Yeah, we're ready." Chris answered.
"Who did you choose?"
"Me and Felix."
"OK." Minho chimed. "Brachyura," He pointed to Chris and Felix. "Those two. Kill."
The demon rushed forward at a terrifying pace, the ground trembling like God was unleashing a meteor shower onto the crater. Hyunjin, Seungmin and Changbin ducked so they wouldn't fall, and Felix and Chris sprinted southwards. Felix sprang over the pile of concrete and metal that he soon came in contact with. Chris took a sharp left around the same heap. Brachyura stepped around the other boys so closely that the wind whipped around them. Hyunjin flinched with a squeak because one leg slammed down in front of his face. One of the demon's swimming legs moved dangerously close between Changbin and Seungmin. Once it passed, they looked up to watch their friends race Brachyura to the south-facing wall.
Hyunjin sighed and made himself sit. "Shit." Seungmin and Changbin chortled and guffawed and sat down with Hyunjin, who laughed at himself.
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fatbottombucky · 5 years
Sometimes... I think he’s here *Billy Hargrove x Reader*
Summary: Reader suffers ptsd after the Mind Flayer battle. Most importantly, everywhere he turns he sees Billy. Reminded of his once friend, and past crush.
Pairing: Implied/platonic Billy X [M]Reader
Warnings: Stranger Things spoilers/ character death/ angst mixed with feels, and a lot of gay fluff- use of the words “fag” -light homophobic tendencies
Note: I know Billy is this ignorant asshole but I get a feeling within me that he’d actually like attention from anyone. So when reader, Will’s older brother (but year younger than Jonathan) helps him pick up chicks, whilst having a gay crush on him- he wouldn’t be as dick-ish to him. He’d still be a complete asshole, but he’d have moments. And those moments are what reader keeps remembering
Idk really know what I wrote. I just really feel like Billy was screwed over. They had a chance to really pull another Steve, give a shitty character a good character development, but they kinda did it- only to kill him (and before people come at me, I hated s1 Steve a bit. But he redeemed himself, ya know)
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First time you interacted with Billy was at Byers house. The night he beat Steve up and you high tailed outta there with his car- Max driving.
~~The second time... you’re alone at the video store. Picking some stupid movie to watch as you did homework. He walked in, an air of calmness about him. His hands deep in his jacket pockets, the white shirt underneath hardly buttoned. His hair hardly styled at all- you assumed anyway.
He languidly walked to the horror section, meaning his standing opposite you, flipping through the VHS covers with a laziness of movement. He doesn’t even look at you or even realise you’re there. Does he even care? Probably, not. Max said he’s pretty much not talked to her, but they seem to be on mutual playing fields.
“Tammy loves horrors,” you find yourself speaking up but your eyes cast at the trashy romance movies in front of you, you can feel his stare. “She’s the one you’re seducing tonight, right?”
He scoffs, “what’s it to you?” His voice is deep with his demand of an answer.
“She’ll completely ignore your advances if you pick a horror, trust me. I grew up with Tammy, the girl is a horror junkey.” You pluck a movie, making show of turning it to read the summary on the back.
There’s a silence and you think he’s wondered off, steering clear of your weirdo self.
“What would you suggest then, Byers?” You look up in time to see him cock an eyebrow, his head nodding for you to go ahead and make his night.
You turn around abruptly and walk towards the action section, Billy hot on your tail.
“Oh, there he goes,” Arms crossed across his broad chest; amused by this. He watched as you pick up a movie, First Blood.
“She hates action, she’ll get bored and likely make the first move,” you watch as he frowns with your choice. “Don’t Like First Blood?”
“Love it,” that surprises you. “Snuck into the theatre to see it when it came out,” he takes the movie from you and flashes a grin. “Thought you were queer, and hated me.”
Statement not entirely false. You look away because that seems to be the news, you’re gay and that means clearly there’s something adherently wrong with you. You disliked Billy, yes. He’s an asshole, especially to your friends.
“Uh-I guess, I’m feeling super gay enough to help you out,” you shrugged and expected him to leave, but he laughed.
“I appreciate the insider knowledge, especially if it gets me laid, Byers,” he pays your shoulder a little too roughly but you smile slightly. “If you’ve screwed me over though, Imma beat you up worse than I did to Harrington.” ~~
You’re staring blankly at the empty action aisle. Your eyes emotionless, body slack and complacent. You didn’t know how long you’d be off in your own little world, long enough to get Steve and Robin concerned, both watching as you blink out of your trance.
“Y/N, bro, you okay?” Robin calls and you look at her, nodding quickly and walking over to the duo. “Been staring at that crappy Rambo movie for a good ten minutes,” she tilts her head.
“First Blood isn’t crappy,” you defend a little harshly, Steve raises his eyebrows, “uh-sorry. I’m feeling a little tired, I’ll see you later,” you softly touch Steve’s shoulder before exiting.
You get into your car and start it up, a deep sigh leaving your body.
It had been two months since that night. The night you battled the Mind Flayer, the night Eleven (and you) got to Billy, finally, only it was all in vain. At least, he was himself when he died but he shouldn’t have died anyway.
You stop at a red light, almost home.
“Byers,” you look up from the drivers window to see Hargrove stepping to you, smirk settled on his pretty face, “I owe you one.”
You frowned, eyebrow raising at his cocky smile. Only it fades when he leans down, resting an arm on top of you car, his face at level with your own. You short circuit cause, woah, his eyes are that blue. His earring dangles as he tilts his head, a smirk pulling up the right side of his mouth.
“Wow,” you’re snapped outta your daze, “you’re such a fag.” He taps the roof and raises his eyebrows in a mocking expression, “just wanted to tell ya it worked, got into Tammy’s pants last night. But clearly you’re getting some gay boner over me,” he chuckles when you scoff, rolling your eyes.
You sighed a little, “You’re welcome, Billy. Glad I got you laid,” he smiled brightly at that. “Betta get going before everyone at schools think you’re gay too, cause that’s how it works- clearly.”
Billy stopped you, “Ohh, no, you’re not getting off that easy. I’ve scored a date with Stacey... Dw-“ he stops himself to think and you raise your eyebrows, “she’s got really big boobs and, I think, blonde hair.”
“You think?” You chuckled as he shrugged, “sounds like Jessica Randell,” he nodded, clicking his fingers because it sounded familiar to him, “I swear, what girls see in you, I don’t know, you’re impossible.” ~~
A car honking draws you from the memory, you quickly start your car back up, signalling an apology before driving home.
You laid down on your bed, room half packed up and memories all boxed away. Except one. The red lifeguard cap, sitting aimlessly on top a pile of clothes. It sparked interactions you had forgotten, willed yourself to not dwell on, only because it’s what sparked... a weird thing between you Hargrove, an unspoken thing. Working that summer job, with Billy, was singularly the best decision you ever had.
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~~He walked with such an air of confidence you forgot to get down from the lifeguard chair. The whistle was carelessly drapped around his neck, swaying with each precise step he took.
Everyone noticed him. Girls watched with seductive eyes - even mums, kind of disturbing but you didn’t dwell on it- guys watched from afar, either willing to be him or loathing him.
Working this job has been kind to Billy. It gave him the ability to rule all, to assert his dominance across the swimming civilians. It allowed him to have attention, something you’ve realised he craves, a lot. He likes people looking at him. He also got a nice tan, plus he was allowed to use the gym within the building for free, so he really toned up.
“You know,” his voice snaps you back, “I was grossed out by your staring for a while but it’s growing on me.”
You quickly step down, cheeks and body warming up at being caught, plus his words. You can’t look at him, even through his aviators you can feel his smug stare.
“Do me a favour?” He leaned against the chair, crossing his arms as does, “go get me a bottled water?” His smile is infectious, too.
You nod silently and walk off towards the vending machine, passing the lounging mothers who are bidding for Billy’s attention. You turn to see who he’s picked today, his up in the chair, glasses on his head but he’s watching you like a hawk.
Almost tripping into the building you run to the machine, grabbing the loose change in your trunk pocket and shakily punching the buttons for his water. Why are you acting this way over him? It’s Billy Hargrove. You have no chance. Doesn’t mean you can’t admire and crush on him. **
In the locker rooms, as the other staff leave. You’re left alone with your thoughts. Only half dressed you can’t find it within yourself to actually get up and Leave.
“Byers,” Billy’s unsurprised voice makes you jump, you look up to see Billy in a towel as he walks passed you to his own.
This past week working alongside had been... weird. The comments, the looks, the weird attention he gave you. It was like he was messing with you, only it felt very serious and... flirty.
“I think,” you begin, “I might quit.” You don’t know why you tell him your plan, you look up to gage his reaction. He stops and looks at you.
“Gonna leave me?” Be fakes being wounded by your confession, but eyes give him away, he’s hurt by this news- maybe it’s because you’re actually friends with him. You go to speak but he stops you, “let me guess, to work at Scoops Ahoy?”
Venom laces his words. For the first time, in a long time, this is the Billy everyone knows making an appearance to you. He dislikes people walking out on him, leaving him first. He prefers to be the one to leave, you don’t know why and you’ve come to terms with the fact you’ll never really know him.
“Work alongside Steve Harrington, right?” He steps to you, you stand up and shake your head, “Don’t lie, Y/N, I know you’ve got some fucked up crush on him. I saw how you acted when he came by yesterday,” so he is watching you.
“...I’ll stay,” you mutter, “if you want me to.”
His breathing his rapid. Making his shoulders move up and down with his intakes and exhales, his nostrils flare and he frowns. He looks away, confusion and worry etching on his face... he’s scared.
“It’s okay,” you mumble, “besides... be a fool to give up this job,” he looks at you, “I mean, get paid to see you shirtless. Kinda a win, right?” You nod once, an affirmation of understanding.
You both dress in silence. Not looking at one another due to what just happened, he may have not outright said it but you got it. He doesn’t want you to quit, or leave him, he may not know why... but you do. And you’re not gonna pressure him because it’s Billy, he still likes girls; you’re just some weird exception.
You glance at Billy, who is pulling on his jacket and not looking at you. Clearly having a mental battle of his own, you feel slightly guilty for putting him in there. Turning to the door, you sling your bag over your shoulder and grab the handle.
Then your slammed against it, pulled to face Billy. The air being slammed out of you, you barley have time to comprehend what’s happening before you feel lips on yours. They’re soft but dominant. The kiss radiates a lot of pent up emotions, it’s full of hatred passion, yet it’s nice.
His hands are pulling you to him, gripping the lapels of your jacket, your own are just softly holding his shoulders. He tilts your head up a bit, deepening the kiss and you taste mint- peppermint bubblegum to be exact. ~~
“Boys!?” Your mother calls loudly, shutting the front door. You don’t answer straight away, you will yourself up and towards the kitchen, “Oh, there he is. I haven’t seen you since yesterday morning-“
Her voice becomes faint to you as you stand staring at something on the table. Eyes unable to not look at it, they tear up because you had been searching for it.
“Where did you find that?” You choked out, Joyce looks at you and then to the table.
Motel 6 key lays casually on top. Door number 106, motel a few miles away from Brimbone Steel Warehouse.
“Oh, it was in that tattered up jacket of yours,” she studies you for a moment. You nod, a faint “Oh” leaving you. “...wanna talk about it?” Voice soft.
~~ “Leaving so soon?” You look up, a smile gracing your face as Billy saunters up to you.
You hadn’t talked about the kiss, well, kisses. Heavy make out sessions would be accurate, they’re always late at night. Secluded areas where no one can see you, often a few days between because Billy will kiss you but leave, won’t talk to you for a while- ends up talking to some girl at the pool- but comes back.
“Uh-Gotta pick up Will, take him to the mall,” you make show of grabbing your keys from your pocket. “See you tomorrow?” You step away but Billy grabs your forearm.
He steers you seat from prying eyes to a closet, you chuckle into the darkness about to make some stupid comment but lips are slotted over yours. Shutting you up.
Another set of keys is placed into your other hand, you pull away and look down in confusion before at Billy.
“I’ll see you tonight. Ten o’clock, don’t be late,” he pushes away from you before leaving the closet- not casting a look back. Your heart is beating rapidly cause you know what this means, and you’re nervous but excited. ~~
Your mother holds you as you cry into her shoulder, holding the key in your hand. The last day Billy was... Billy, he hadn’t shown up at the motel 6, you figured he changed his mind. You didn’t blame because, well, you weren’t anything special to him. Some weird game or phase, you didnt really care or minded. You don’t hear the front door open or feel the few stares at you.
“Sometimes... I think he’s still here,” you whisper. “I keep seeing him everywhere I look, I want to forget because I know- I know I didn’t matter to him, but-“ you break off and pull away.
“It’s okay,” you shake your head at her words, “he was your... friend, you’re gonna miss him.”
You sighed, finally seeing Max and Eleven watching you. A faint understanding of who you’re talking about, heck, apparently you were a significant memory in Billy’s life- so El says. You want to believe her, even if you did help Billy in his last moments, but you know, deep down, it was just a summer fling.
“I just want to leave this town,” you mutter.
Eleven watches you slink off to your room. The door closing softly.
~~ “Billy, look at me,” he blinks up from Eleven to you, tears running down his face as he holds Eleven under him.
Half himself, half the Mind Flayer still. His face tells you he wants to break free, his body and hands are still under its spell.
“Remember that day, at the video store?” Mike and Max tilt their head in confusion, “and I helped you pick a movie to bore Tammy into having sex with you? I like to think that was the start of our friendship,” you somehow chuckle despite the situation, Eleven glances from you to Billy, his hands softening enough for her to wiggle free. “Then I spent almost three hours with you, planning a date for Jessica- only she bailed, so we went to the arcade and you stole those kids tickets and I beat the high score on Mind Tricks.”
The noises around you becomes nothing as Billy stands, he’s panting and looking confused, yet terrified. Finally, he looks at you, blinking a few times.
“I bailed on Jessica,” he stutters out and you choke a little, “I bailed on her.” Is all he says before he faces the Mind Flayer. ~~
Your door opens and you see the girls, smiling softly at you. You raise an eyebrow at them, you hadn’t talked about that night with anyone. It was an unspoken request that no one brought up Billy around you, especially Max. You didn’t want them to ask about it because you don’t have answers, you just know that, you and Billy, had this unspoken connection- relationship- friendship- whatever it was.
Sometimes you get the feeling that if you never took that summer job... he’d still be alive.
“Wanna watch Back to The Future?” El asks with a soft smile.
(Check out my Steve Harrington fic HERE, let me know what you think also)
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bxrningambitions · 4 years
All the questions (The two guys)
Kinky Questions, make my muse uncomfortable--go! 
1: Kitchen Counter, Couch, or on top of the dryer?-Any of it really, though I do love the counter for its height possibilities, the couch for its comfort and the dryer for its warmth 2: Your last sexual encounter: Good or Bad and why:-Wonderful, always is with these two 3: A fictional person that you think would be good in bed:-That priest from that show perhaps? Also Takeshi Kovacs and Jopari 4: Something that never fails to make you horny:-Richie’s hands, Rin’s eyes, that look when I’m about to get in trouble, also biting my neck in that spot...thought that is a bit above just horny, isn’t it? 5: Where is one place you would never have sex:-Anywhere kids might pop up. Stepfather’s grave 6: The most awkward moment during a sexual experience was when _ I got too cold and turned into a dragon, mood killer 7: Weirdest thing that ever made you horny:-Hand tattoos and scar tissue 8: What is the best way to sexually bind someone: Handcuffs, Rope, or Other [if other please explain]:-Rope 9: What is the fastest way to make you horny:-Bite my neck or call me little dragon 10: Top or bottom?-Switch 11: We were about to _(have a quiet night in)_ but then _(RIchie came home still in costume)_ [example: we were about to have sex but then his mom walked in] 12: Is one orgasm enough? Are multiple orgasms necessary?- I like multiples, but one will do in a pinch 13: Something that you have hidden in your room that you don’t want anyone to find:-That manuscript 14: Weirdest nickname a significant other has ever called you:Firebutt hated it 15: Two things you like [or dislike] about oral sex:-Touch and taste 16: Weirdest sexual act some has performed [or tried to perform] on/with you:Brazillian blow torch 17: Have you ever tasted yourself? [If no, would you?] [If yes, what did you think?]-I have, I’m alright I guess, sort of sweet 18: Is it ever okay to not use a condom:-Trying to start a family, sure 19: Who was the sexiest teacher you ever had?-Ummmm next question 20: A food that you would like to use during a sexual experience:-Chocolate 21: How big is too big:-15 inches 22: One sexual thing you would never do:-Feet, scat, urine, mummification 23: Biggest turn on:-Them more specific, eyes, voice, arms, muscles, scars. 24: Three spots that drive you insane:-Neck, down there, inner thigh 25: Worst possible time to get horny:-Church 26: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans:-Love it 27: Worst sexual idea you ever had:-Hammock, fell through and got caught up in it, just a lot of naked spinning, not fun. 28: How much fapping is too much fapping:-I have no idea, more than twice a day, might have a problem? 29: Best sexual complement you ever got:-Mix between my oral skills and that thing I do with my tail 30: Bald, landing strip, Jumanji:Bald, why bother with the landing strip, just finish the job 31: Is it good sex if you don’t nut:-Not at all true, as long as all parties involved enjoyed themselves, sometimes, its about taking care of the other person/persons. 32: Fill in the blank: "If they _(Bite my neck, are married to me)_, we are fuckin" 33: What your favorite part of your body:-I like my eyes and my tail 34: Favorite foreplay activities:-Oral, kissing, touching, mostly Richie’s wings and Sev’s short leg 35: Love (>,<, or =) Sex For those of us who don’t remember our math thats “greater than, less than, or equal to]-Greater than  36: What do you wear to bed?-Nightgowns, their shirts or nothing, depends on my mood and what they are wearing 37: When was the first time you masturbated:-No clue, try not to think about any of my first times 38: Do you have any nude/masturbating pictures/video of yourself?-Not into that, but yes I do 39: Have you ever/when was the last time you had sex outside?-Before it got too cold. 40: Have/would you ever have sex outside?-Yes, I have, we love it. 41: Have/would you ever had a threesome?-In a triad, so yes, things have happened... 42: What is one random object you’ve used to masturbate?-there was this interesting phallic looking rolling pin that was made out of marble.... 43: Have/would you ever masturbate at work/school?-No, I work mostly on rooftops, that would be weird 44: Have/would you ever have sex on a plane?-Of course, who hasn’t? 45: What is one song you’d like to have sex to?-I don’t really pay attention to that. 46: What is something nonsexual that makes you horny?-Richie’s hand tattoos, when Rin’s accent gets thicker, when Richie whispers, Little Dragon, things like that. 47: Most attractive celebrity?-Quite partial to Andrew Scott, Joel Kinnamon for some odd reason 48: Do you watch gay/lesbian porn? why/why not?-No, why would I? All I have to do is watch them 49: If a child was born on the occasion of the last time you had sex, how old would that child be right now?-Two hours old? 50: Has anyone ever posted nude pictures of you online?-Yes, but they were removed, both the person and the pictures. 51: What is one thing that NEVER makes you horny?-Being called slave during that is a giant no, I will get up and walk away 52: Do you have stretch marks? (How do you feel about them? Has anyone ever had a problem with them?)-No I do not 53: Do you like giving head? (why/why not)-Love it! Just something about it, the control, the surrender, the taste, the sounds.  54: How do you feel about tattoos on someone you are interested in?-I apparently really like them, really 55: How would you feel about taking someones virginity?-Nope nope nope 56: Is there any food you would NOT recommend using during a sexual encounter?-Cheese? 57: Is there anything you do on Tumblr that you would not like your significant other to see?-wtf is a tumblr? Where did the e go? 58: Do you own any sex toys? (what is it? (how long have you had it?)-I may have a few.....not telling, a long time. It gets a lot of enjoyment and use. 59: Would you give your significant other unrestricted access to your Tumblr for a day?-No idea what that is. 60: Would you be offended if your significant other suggested you get plastic surgery?-Unless it was for my safety, yes I would be 61: Would you rather be a pornstar or a prostitute?-Been both, against my will, never again 62: Do you watch porn?-Nope 63: How small is too small?-An inch or two?
64: Have you ever been called a freak? Why?-Yes I have, don’t mind it, I have a tail, scales, and breathe fire post orgasm, comes with the territory. 65: Who gave you your last kiss? Did it mean anything?-It definitely did, it was from the man that I love dearly and he got me pregnant. I’ll let them figure out which I mean. (But disclaimer, I love and married the other man too <3) 66: Would you switch phones with your significant other for a day?-Why? That is such a controlling move?? Maybe Richie’s so his doesn’t get dropped, broken, or lost for a day. 67: Do you feel comfortable going "commando"?- No unless asked nicely. Or no pants Thursday 68: Would you have a problem with going down on someone if they hadn't shaved their pubic hair?-I would prefer at least trimmed, not really into flossing 69: If you could give yourself head, would you?-Nahhh 70: Booty or Boobs?-Booty, but I do like playing with boobs too 71: If you had a penis, what would you name it?-Bob (In the most basic American accent) 72: Have you ever been on an official date?-Mm, maybe one or two...I am married. 73: Have you ever cheated on someone? (Why?)-No, never why cheat? Just break up 74: If you were a stripper, what would your name be?-Pixie Stick, because I am short and sweet? 75: Have you ever had sex in your parents bed? (Would you?)-....I don’t want to talk about this 76: How would you react if you found out your parents had sex in your bed?-Again just no 77: What was your reaction the first time you saw a penis/vagina-I cried, moving on 78: If you had a penis/vagina for a day, what are five things you would do?-Helicopter dick,write my name in the snow, sex, jack off, that’s all I can think of. 
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