#a breakup is not the only way to give a couple drama
purrincess-chat · 5 months
Ironically, "Marinette is dumped by Adrien, then gets into romantic relationship with Chat Noir" is more or less beginning of "Chat Blanc"
It's basically as if (some) MariChat shippers want first half of "Chat Blanc" (where Chat Noir has "happy romantic relationship with Marinette" after finding out that she is Ladybug and deciding to don't tell her about it) to happen, but without "second half" (where Gabriel finds out that "Adrien = Chat Noir" and exploits it to akumatize Chat Noir into Chat Blanc)
There's a really weird double standard in the fandom, and a lot of people infantalize Adrien and are weirdly protective of him. So, I think a lot of people are taking the secret keeping personally, but the thing about it is, it shouldn't fall on Marinette to reveal all of the dirt on his family. Nathalie tried to have Gabriel tell him two seasons ago, but they never did and never pushed it again. I think if anyone should tell him, it should be Nathalie. Ya know, an actual adult in the situation who knows more than Marinette does.
Marinette has had her own share of trauma the past few seasons and has had to deal with way more than she should have. I think one telling moment to me that a lot are overlooking throughout this whole discourse is in Migration when Adrien is talking to the blue boy about Marinette keeping secrets from him back then. He wasn't pressed about knowing the secret; he just didn't want her to feel guilty about it. Because he has secrets too. I can maybe see a similar situation happening in s6 where she feels guilty about it, and maybe it does cause some contention in their relationship, but it doesn't necessarily mean they have to break up over it. They could and probably will work through it. I doubt she will ever tell him, at least not as Marinette bc that would mean a reveal, and we know the writers are milking that for all it's worth, so I doubt the secret is going to break them up necessarily.
The main and most plausible threat I could see is Lila/Cerise/Iris/whoever the fuck. But we will have to see.
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lurkingshan · 1 year
The Ride or Die Drama Couples List
So the other night I got a little sassy on main because some of the girlies were complaining that King the Land is focusing more on the couple moments (aka relationship development) between Gu Won and Sa Rang and doesn’t have enough plot. Which is a very typical fandom complaint about romcoms that I absolutely hate, because in a good romance the relationship is the plot, people! It’s bizarre attitudes like this that get us random murder plots spliced into every other romcom for the ratings, and I am begging y’all to stop the madness. 
Ahem. Anyway, that post seemed to resonate with some folks and get them discussing other dramas, and so inevitably @troubled-mind wandered into my notes and said gee Shan, it seems like maybe you should make a list of dramas that show us couples in a relationship and explore how they make it work and ultimately stay together. And I’ve warned y’all before, if you make a stray comment in my direction there will be a list coming your way. So here I am again, doing the absolute most.
Today I present to you a list of my favorite dramas that show you not only how the couple gets together, but also how they stay together. Criteria:
The couple doesn’t have to be together when the drama starts, but they do have to actually begin their romantic relationship no later than halfway through the drama’s run so that we have substantial time with them as a couple
The relationship development between the couple is a primary plot driver (so no dramas where there’s a great long term couple just hanging out in the background)
The relationship story may include some physical separation or even a temporary breakup, but not the betrayal kind–these are the sort that actually force an unaddressed issue to the surface and ultimately bring the couple even closer 
Happy endings only, these pairs are sticking together 
Ride or Die Drama Couples
Bad Buddy - Pat and Pran
(Thailand, YouTube)
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This is tumblr so do I really need to tell y’all about Pat and Pran? There is a reason we all lost our minds over this show and it’s because we got to be in this relationship with them so intensely and see them fight to stay together despite it all. Their ending is bittersweet because of their families, but the show leaves us no doubt that they both think the other is worth it and they will always stick it out together. 
Dark Blue Kiss - Pete and Kao
(Thailand, YouTube)
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Shout out to the OGs! Pete and Kao originally got together in the Kiss series (you can watch it, but you really don’t have to, fam) and Dark Blue Kiss brings them back three years into their long-term relationship to give us a peek into their struggles with the closet and the toll it takes on both of them individually as well as the strain it puts on their relationship. 
Flower of Evil - Hee Sung and Ji Won
(S Korea, Netflix or Viki)
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Hee Sung and Ji Won are already married (with an adorable daughter) when this drama begins, and the backstory of their relationship is unspooled alongside the larger mystery at the heart of the show. One of the most fascinating and heart wrenching love stories I have ever seen, centered on a character who is so emotionally damaged that he genuinely believes he is incapable of love even as love pours out of him. Damn, I’m gonna make myself cry into my oatmeal.
It’s Okay, That’s Love - Jae Yeol and Hae Soo
(S Korea, Viki)
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Speaking of crying, lord. Ahhhhhhh. Let me pull myself together. It’s Okay, That’s Love is a healing drama about two people who fall in love and support each other through serious mental health challenges. I don’t really want to say much more than that. Bring tissues, besties!
La Pluie - Patts and Saengtai
(Thailand, iQIYI)
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My beloved! This Thai drama is about a pair of soulmates–or are they–who find each other and try to make their relationship work. That’s it, that’s the show. In this drama, the relationship truly is the plot, despite some of the fantasy elements being used to highlight its themes. La Pluie is about the importance of choice and a rebuke of romantic fantasies that fate and destiny will handle your love life for you. I and many others have written about it extensively, so if you decide to watch, you can go nuts on meta. 
Lighter & Princess - Li Xun and Zhu Yun
(China, Viki)
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I really love this show. This is a long format drama so there will be longer stretches where the couple still has not officially gotten together, but the relationship between them is the heart of the entire show, and we get the distinct pleasure of watching them fall in love twice, and the second time figure out how to make it stick. Such a treat.
One Spring Night - Ji Ho and Jung In
(S Korea, Netflix)
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Oh how I love this quiet little drama about two people who fall for each other while one is still in a relationship with someone else, and figure out how to untangle the mess they’re in. We get to see them not only fall in love, but figure out how to become a unit who can withstand the harsh judgment coming their way and become a family on their own terms. Bonus adorable child alert!
Tomorrow With You - So Joon and Ma Rin
(S Korea, Viki)
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This time travel melodrama is one of those that I started with no expectations and then sat up part way through and said what gave you the right to be this good! This is another one where the relationship begins for dubious reasons, but the suspect motives are quickly taken over by genuine feeling. We really get to live with the relationship in this one and the message is all about treasuring the life and time we have together. 
The Rebel Princess - Awu (Wang Xuan) and Xiao Qi
(China, Viki)
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I think the phrase Ride or Die was actually invented for them. Talk about a power couple. Once these two get to know each other (this is a historical so as per usual, their marriage wasn’t actually their choice but rather the result of some asshole’s machinations in a quest for power, joke’s on them though) they are in, baby, and their devotion and loyalty never wavers. This is a historical epic in war time, so the couple will be physically separated multiple times, but it only makes them stronger and each of their reunions sweeter. Their relationship is the heart of the show and the throughline in their chaotic lives.
What Did You Eat Yesterday? - Shiro and Kenji
(Japan, the ether)
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Saving the best for last because this right here is the GOAT in this category. It sits at the top of my all-time favorite dramas list and I love it passionately. Because y’all? This drama is explicitly about a middle-aged couple learning how to be together in a long-term relationship. That is the entire plot. And it’s fantastic. Stop reading this and go watch it!
Honorable Mentions
Yumi’s Cells - Yu Mi and Goo Wong 
(S Korea, Viki)
This one is not on the list proper because (gasp) the couple doesn’t end up together. I know, I’m still sad about it, too, even though I went into this drama fully aware of the concept (a season about each of Yu Mi’s major relationships). But man. Yu Mi and Goo Wong just have that something, you know? Even knowing they don’t stick it out, it’s a delight to watch them fall in love and settle into a relationship together. Technically there is a second season featuring Yu Mi’s next relationship (Babi? I don’t know her), but I don’t want to recommend it and you can’t make me.
I must also give a shout out to the bl season 2s that exist expressly for the purpose of showing how the characters settle into a relationship after the first season get together:
Gameboys 2 (Philippines, Gaga) - Cairo and Gavreel
Minato’s Laundromat 2 (Japan, Gaga)- Shin and Minato 
SOTUS S and Our Skyy (Thailand, YouTube) - Kongpob and Arthit
Still 2gether (Thailand, YouTube) - Tine and Sarawat
Utsukushii Kare 2 (Japan, Gaga) - Hira and Kiyoi
And because this is my post and I make the rules, I am also doing some honorable mentions of the friends to lovers slow burns where technically they are not together until the final arc of the story but let’s be serious they are together the whole time and just don’t realize it yet so you know exactly what their relationship is going to look like:
Fight for My Way (S Korea, Viki) - Dong Man and Ae Ra
Happiness (S Korea, Viki) - Sae Bom and Yi Hyun
Hospital Playlist 1 and 2 (S Korea, Viki) - Song Hwa and Ik Jun
My Only 12% (Thailand, iQIYI) - Seeiw and Cake
My Ride (Thailand, Gaga or YouTube) - Mork and Tawan 
Romance is a Bonus Book (S Korea, Netflix) - Dan Yi and Eun Ho
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo (S Korea, Viki) - Joon Hyeong and Bok Joo
Whoops you woke the beast @troubled-mind. @rocketturtle4 @neuroticbookworm @chickenstrangers here are more for your mile long rec lists. :)))
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
Re: To the anon asking about Rory.
They’ve been close friends for AGES. He’s not going anywhere sadly.
I don’t really like his vibe
Hey, I’m the one who asked about Rory—thanks for replying. I know they’ve been besties forever, but what I meant was if Rory was a huge part of L’s life before HBS. I don’t remember seeing him much when L and J were together, except in a couple of stories and the singing vids. Also, are Tom and Charmaine married? I like them for some reason; they don’t give me the ick like Rory and his gang do.
Continuation of my earlier ask:
My BFF and I talked to two of our male friends, and they patiently listened. We just finished filling them in on the drama from yesterday and today. We’ve been chatting since 5 am lol. Here’s what they had to say:
Luke and Nic are in love: There’s a lot of eye-fucking to prove it. The tension suggests they haven’t acted on it, which is expected. The guys think Nic wouldn’t be okay with that, and Luke seems decent enough not to have crossed that line. However, they do believe they might have hooked up before Luke had his HBS. They could be reevaluating their relationship, using intimacy tools to see if it’s genuine affection or just heightened emotions and sexual tension from filming their season.
Luke’s friend group seems toxic: By friend group, they mean just Rory. The others seem fine. L dating a young girl soon after Rory did confirms Rory as the alpha of the group, and L as gullible since none of his other friends are doing the same. Maybe J dating someone young also influenced L dating A. It could be an ego thing, a guy thing, or both. L will probably cringe at this situation looking back. They said this whole relationship has nothing to do with Nic. This is Luke’s problem—a midlife crisis, even—and he needs to figure it out, which won’t happen as long as he’s with Rory and his gang.
A is super insecure: It doesn’t make sense because she’s the one who bagged the hot Netflix lead and goes on vacations with him. But her social media behavior reeks of insecurity and constantly seeking validation. This confirms that L isn’t invested in the relationship, which confirms to us he’s VERY much into Nic. So, think about this whenever A’s trolling upsets you. 😉
Nicola doesn’t care: The guys think L and N might have discussed their feelings, but Nic sees that L has issues to deal with—mainly himself. She’s hustling and thriving, not caring about his current relationship. Posting their pictures shows her character and work ethic. This only benefits her, and Luke should learn from it. They think L should make a final thank you post, even if people find it disingenuous. It’s better than nothing.
A needs to chill with the Hailey Bieber cosplay: The white outfit was an exact recreation of Hailey’s, and it’s weird. She keeps track of her comment section and allows comparisons to Hailey, which is embarrassing to say the least. The guys think A will stick around as long as she can. L seems to struggle with breakups, and now that A’s integrated into his friend group, it’ll take a lot of time to end things. She might be playing into his guilt, which is why he’s still liking her posts. She's young but smart enough to understand that. They think the only way out is for L to keep busy with work, but he doesn’t seem to have any now. Expect things to get worse before they get better. If he works, he can slowly distance himself from the relationship, and it will inevitably end. Either that or he’ll meet Nic, talk, realize they still have feelings, and that will give him the courage to end it with A. Even then, he has to make it up to Nic for all the shit he’s pulled.
Nic and Newts dating: Once they start dating, we won’t get a hard launch or pap pics. They might return to their old social media banter and comment and like each other’s posts.
So yeah, I’m really grateful to have my brother and these friends who indulge and listen to me. I think it’s safe to say they’re roped into the ship as well lol. Love to see what you guys think. Omg, also, I watched a TikTok of Luke singing as a teen, and the guy in the back looks like Rory. If it is, HE’S the one who glowed up, not L lol.
It is Rory in the background looking jealous AF
Thank you for sharing anon, love seeing the different perspectives
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steddieasitgoes · 11 months
written for @eddiemonth Day 16 Prompt: Library & Curious a/n: This one might be my favorite one I've written yet! It's set at the start of season 2! read on ao3 | link to my ao3 Edde Month series
Eddie’s well aware there are a lot of stupid classes that Hawkins High requires its student body to take. Algebra (there’s no reason for the alphabet and numbers to mix, except in very rare cases, like D20 type cases), Physics (what more do they need to know beyond what goes up, must come down), French (as if anyone from Bumfuck, Indiana could afford to go to France — okay maybe some can, but Eddie’s certainly not one of them that’s for damn sure), goddamn Physical Education (only way he’s running is if someone is chasing him, thank you very much). But the stupidest class of all has to be Study Hall.
An entire class dedicated to doing work for other classes? What kind of idiot dreamed this one up? Instead of letting them out an hour early, some guy, probably in a suit because all bad ideas come from guys in suits, decided to hold them hostage to do more work. It’s ridiculous. Not to mention, it’s one of the few times, outside of lunch, that the grades get to mingle with each other. Sure, lots of studying goes on in between freshmen drooling over seniors and sophomores paying juniors for last year’s test answers.
The only time Eddie actually liked study hall was during his sophomore year when he had it first period and could do all the homework he neglected to do the night before. It’s the only time it actually made sense. And the only time, thus far in his high school career, that Eddie actually turned in more assignments than not.
But now, he’s a senior stuck with study hall as his last class of the day, and he wants to die. Okay, maybe not die die. But die in the sense that he’d rather risk bodily harm escaping the hellscape that is the Hawkins library during 6th-period study hall than sit here. His freedom is so close — nothing but a few windows and a brick wall separating him from the brisk late-October air. Eddie can’t risk it, though. He’s already reached his detention quote for the semester, and if he wants to keep using the drama room for Hellfire meetings, he has to sit in this damn library seat and at least pretend to get some work done.
Which, honestly, isn’t the worst thing in the world. At least it gives him time to work on his latest Hellfire campaign without the prying eyes of Jeff and Gareth or the unnecessary questions from Freak. Sure, he’s supposed to be working on an essay for English Lit, but he doesn’t think Ms. Washington is going to appreciate his take on Frankenstein, so he’ll worry about coming up with a dumbed-down idea another day.
Besides, even focusing on his new campaign is hard enough with the idle chatter going on that the librarian is either pretending not to hear or is too tired of shushing them for.
It’s the usual sort of study hall gossip. Who’s screwing who. What teacher is going to pull a pop quiz tomorrow and become the biggest asshole at Hawkins High. The occasional nervous whispers of the geeks actually studying.
It’s all mindless chatter that drifts into the background when the topic of Tina’s Halloween Bash comes up. That’s the real gossip of the night. Who got the keg, and what other alcohol is being provided? Who is going to be the best dressed? What couple is going to get caught screwing in Tina’s parent’s bed? Are there going to be any good fights or breakups?
Eddie rolls his eyes. Jesus H. Christ, can’t anybody be original around here?
Unfortunately for Eddie, there’s no escaping Tina’s Halloween Bash since he’s been summoned to provide some extra party favors, as the “cool” kids like to call them. Eddie, never one to back down from being a thorn in a “cool” kid’s side, always responds with the same spiel: “Drugs. What you want is drugs, right? Or should I go raid Melvald’s for you?”
Whatever. Money is money, and Eddie can take all the money he can get his grubby hands on if he wants to get out of this shit-hole town when he graduates in June.
Glancing at his watch, he tips his head back in a silent groan of annoyance. Only ten minutes have passed since he slunk into the uncomfortable library seat. Christ, why does time move so slow, sometimes? Eddie tries to focus on his Hellfire notes in front of him, and he’s successful for all of thirty seconds before something catches his attention in the corner of his eye.
Nancy Wheeler and the former Hawkins High King, Steve Harrington, are whispering to each other by the pencil sharpener. He rolls his eyes. Of course, no one else in the library is paying them any mind. And why would they? Harrington fell from grace last year, and Wheeler isn’t exactly the “look at me” type. Still, Eddie finds them morbidly interesting in a way he finds all the tragic heterosexual couples in this stupid small town interesting.
Before Eddie has a chance to fall deeper into his cynical outlook on this stupid Hawkins High couple, Wheeler starts tugging Harrington toward the private study room in the back of the library. It’s a move that shocks Eddie to his core. Don’t get him wrong, he’s heard all bout Harrington’s little trysts in that very room over the years (thank you gossip mill for the very cheap porn), but he never would have assumed Wheeler would be the one tugging him toward it.
It’s that detour from who she’s supposed to be that has Eddie peeling himself off his chair.  At least, that’s what he tells himself as he saunters toward the stack of books in the back of the library closest to the private room. If he hears moaning or anything remotely sounding like they’re hooking up, he promises himself he’ll leave. He’s a freak in many ways, but a creep, he is not.
Glancing over his shoulder, Eddie can see the two of them in the small room. They’re close but not close enough to be doing anything beyond talking. From the look on her face, doing anything of that sort isn’t even on her mind.
Eddie creeps closer.
“Barbara. It’s like nobody cares. Except her parents. And now they’re selling their house.”
Wheeler rants about something, but he misses most of it. Only catching the very end.
“It’s destroying them.”
No shit, Eddie thinks with another dramatic eye roll. Of course, losing their only daughter is destroying them. The Hollands are one of the few families around here that actually have a heart. At least they did before Barbara tore it from them by running away. Or so the story goes. Eddie’s always been a bit suspicious of Holland’s disappearance. He knows the runaway type, and a straight-A girl, with a well-off family who loves them like Holland had doesn’t fit the bill.
“I know. Okay? I get it,” Harrington says, glancing away from Wheeler to peer out the window. Eddie grabs the first book on the shelf and buries his face in it. It must fool Steve because he starts talking again. “But listen, there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“Yeah, we could tell them the truth.”
“This isn’t some game, Nance. If they found out that we told any…” He trails off again, and Eddie reaches for another book.
Eyes peering over the pages, Eddie watches as he shuts the blinds before presumably returning to Wheeler. With the blinds shut and their voices even lower, he can no longer hear what they’re talking about. Which is a damn shame because Eddie’s never been more curious about what the disgraced King was about to say than right now. 
+ + +
“M’telling you guys. It was weird,” Eddie says through a mouthful of Doritos.
They’re hanging out in Gareth’s garage. Jeff sits in the old recliner while Gareth stays perched behind his drum kit. Freak is running late, as usual, though Eddie’s not too pressed about it today. Too distracted filling the boys in on what he overheard in the library.
“I don’t know man; it sounds like she was just concerned about her best friend,” Gareth says, lightly tapping his drumsticks on his snare.
“Yeah, those two were inseparable, remember.”
“All the more reason why it’s weird she’s been mopping around lately. Obviously, she knows where Holland is. Or what happened to her.”
“Not this again,” Jeff groans, sinking further into the recliner.
“Yes, this again,” Eddie retorts, throwing Jeff an intense glare. “This town is weird as shit. If the Byers kid can come back from the dead—“
“I thought they proved it wasn’t actually Byers they found in the quarry,” The Freak says, finally joining them in the garage. 
“They did, but Eddie still thinks—“
“Shut up!” Eddie shouts, taking a moment to throw a Dorito at all of their heads. “Let me level with you for a second, okay? Yeah, sure, they said that kid wasn’t Byers, but they never said whose kid it was, which is weird. And then right after that, they “find” Holland’s car? It’s too coincidental, man. You know a story isn’t right when it’s too easy.”
“This isn’t one of our campaigns,” Gareth sighs. “Sometimes things really are just accidental coincidences.”
Eddie shakes his head, running his Dorito-stained fingers over his face. “Nah, man, m’not buying it this time. Harrington and Wheeler know what really happened to Holland. And I think they’re responsible for it.”
“So, what?” Jeff asks, leaning forward so his elbows rest on his knees. “You think they made her disappear or something.”
“Maybe Harrington got Holland knocked up, and his family gave her money to leave.”
“See!” Eddie shouts, slapping his hands together as he jumps on the balls of his feet. “Freak gets it! That’s the kind of thing I’m talking about.”
“Okay, but if Harrington knocked Wheeler’s best friend up, why would she still be dating him?” Jeff asks.
“And why would they both be hiding her from her parents?” Gareth adds.
Okay, so maybe these are valid questions, but Eddie doesn’t appreciate the doubts they’re throwing at him. “I don’t appreciate you doubting me,” he says plainly. “You’ll see. M’gonna figure this out.”
“Right, just like you figured out that Ms. O’Donnell was actually failing you for a reason and not because she had some vendetta against Wayne for not dating her.”
“Hey. That was a good theory, okay. One I still think is true, by the way.” Turning his back on the boys, Eddie crosses the room and tosses the empty bag of Doritos into the trash bin before heading towards his badly parked van.
“I thought we were practicing!” Gareth shouts after him.
“Just let him go,” Jeff sighs. “He’s impossible to work with when he’s in conspiracy theory mode.”
Eddie flips Jeff off, climbing into the van. “I’ll see you boys tomorrow.”
+ + +
Eddie’s been at Tina’s party for an entire hour and a half, and there’s still no sign of Harrington or Wheeler. Not that he’s actively searching them out, of course. He’s just had some downtime in between upselling Hagan for the world’s shittiest pot he could get his hands on, and explaining to some cheerleader how Special K hits differently if you snort it. Plus, his supply ran out about ten minutes ago, so he’s just buying time before someone notices him lingering and kicks his ass to the curb.
He’s about to save himself and whatever jock gets thrown his way the trouble, when he spots Harrington and Wheeler arguing by the punch bowl. He’s too far away to hear what they’re saying, but he has a sneaking suspicion it has less to do with the conversation he heard in the library and more to do with Wheeler’s drunken state. Case in point: the red liquid she just spilled all over her blouse.
Chasing after her, Harrington cuts through the crowd and makes his way toward one of the bathrooms. Eddie waits a minute before following them down the crowded hallway. Thankfully, no one is in line for this bathroom — still too early in the night for the alcohol to have hit their bladders — so he’s first in the unofficial bathroom line. Leaning casually against the wall, Eddie angles his ear closer to the door so he can hear inside.
It takes a minute for his ears to tune out the music and nonsense chatter, but when they do, he can clearly hear Wheeler slurring her words.
“You’re pretending like everything’s okay. You know, like we didn’t… like we didn’t kill Barb.”
Eddie’s never experienced shock before, at least, he doesn’t think he has; the early days of his life are a little hazy around the edges, but that’s the only word he thinks fits what he’s experiencing right now. Part of him wants to shove his ear closer to the door to continue listing, while the other part of him wants to run for the hills, screaming in victory. And if he’s straight with himself, maybe screaming in fear a little, too. Harrington and Wheeler murderers? Who knew?
He knew, that’s who!
He knew there was something shady going on between those two.
Pressing his ear closer, he can hear Wheeler slurring more words, though he’s not exactly sure what she’s saying. Honestly, he doesn’t really care what she’s saying. He’s listening for Harrington’s response right now. What does the mighty King have to say about the bomb she’s just dropped?
“This is bullshit,” she slurs.
“Like we’re in love?” Steve asks.
Huh, clearly, Eddie missed a step or two in his shocked state.  He’s not exactly sure how the conversation strayed from them killing Holland to their, clearly, toxic relationship, but the fact it did is all the proof Eddie needs. If they didn’t kill her, Harrington would have been vehemently denying her claim. And yet, he sounds like a kicked puppy dog right now because she doesn’t love him.
Join the club, Harrington.
The doorknob starts to jiggle, and Eddie bolts. It’s not that he’s afraid about coming face-to-face with the two who apparently killed Holland. It’s just that, well, he needs a minute to think about the information he’s just learned.
+ + +
With Gareth and Freak both busy supervising their siblings around Hawkins and Jeff on candy duty for his family’s house, Eddie has no one to share the good bad news with. RIP Holland and all that, but he’s sitting on some serious dirt right now.
The good part of Eddie’s brain knows he should head straight for the police station. Pull good ole’ Chief Hopper aside and gloat about how he did his job for him. But Eddie’s spent enough time at the stuffy station to know no one is going to believe him especially not against Harrington and Wheeler. He’d have better luck marching in there and turning himself in for her murder. Not that he’s going to do that.
He supposes he could tell Wayne about it, but he doesn’t need to be dragging his uncle into any more of his messes. And since Eddie has no proof beyond overhearing a drunken confession, a mess it’ll surely turn into.
So, he opts for the third option and heads out to Skull Rock to do some thinking.
Maybe Freak is right, and it was some sort of jealous rage brought on by a Holland-Harrington pregnancy. Or maybe Holland saw something she shouldn’t have; the possibilities are endless, and Eddie’s imagination is limitless.
Eventually, he circles back to what he’s supposed to do with this information. Should he turn them in? Maybe not Wheeler; she seems like she’s experienced enough guilt as it and the girl has a bright future or whatever it is the teachers are always talking about. Harrington, though? Harrington, he should turn in, right? I mean, he didn’t even seem phased when Wheeler brought up the murder. Eddie’s watched enough horror movies to know that’s psychopath behavior right there. Besides, it would be nice to see the King behind bars. But then again, he hasn’t been the King in a while. And Harrington’s never really done anything to Eddie beyond standing idle while Hagan threw slurs at him. But he’s not hanging out with Hagan anymore, so maybe he should cut him some slack.
Though they did murder someone.
Jesus H. Christ.
Maybe this is why they say curiosity killed the cat — Eddie’s head is throbbing. He’s about to take another hit from his joint when he hears leaves crunching in the distance.
Someone’s coming.
Snubbing out his joint against the rock, Eddie tries his best to make it seem like he’s just here, escaping the busy Halloween night. Which, like, he definitely is, but he can’t be too safe. Especially not when there are two teenage murderers on the loose.
“She thinks m’bullshit? She’s bullshit! Bullshit.”
The voice is unmistakable.
Jesus H. Christ could tonight get any weirder.
Eddie’s only escape is to run deeper into the forest, and he’s not about to do that so he makes himself comfortable on top of Skull Rock like a fucking sitting duck. Searching the pockets of his vest, he yanks out a pack of cigarettes and his lighter. Neither of which he was looking for. Of course, he left his pocket knife in his van. Stupid. So stupid!
There’s a moment of silence before Harrington emerges from the clearing. The moon is bright above them, making Steve’s tear-stained cheeks and red-rimmed eyes glow in the otherwise dark forest.
Maybe he is feeling guilty after all.
“Ah, fuck,” Harrington groans, stumbling to the ground.
Eddie watches as he rolls around for a moment, struggling to find his footing. If Eddie were a mean person, he might let Harrington suffer. But something about his behavior reminds him of a wounded animal, and Eddie’s always had a soft spot for bruised and broken things.
“Shit, Harrington, you okay?” Eddie asks, jumping down.
Eddie’s boots crunch against the leaves, startling Harrington. He manages to pull himself into a seated position and brandishes a near empty beer bottle in Eddie’s direction. “Stay back!”
“Woah, man,” Eddie yelps, hands raised in surrender in front of him. “Don’t kill me.”
“Oh, s’you,” Steve says, slumping against the tree behind him. He tosses the beer bottle aside and runs both his hands over his face. “Jesus. Why does everyone think I would kill s-someone?”
“Uh,” Eddie stutters, glancing around. Now’s his chance to make a break for it. Put those hours of physical education to good use and sprint to the van before Harrington has a chance to make him his next victim. But there’s something in Steve’s sad eyes and dejected voice that makes Eddie stay. “‘Cause you have killed someone before?”
“Man, what the hell are you talking about?” Harrington snaps, fumbling to get out of his jacket. “I’ve n-never killed anyone.”
“So, you didn’t kill Barbara Holland, then?”
“No! Jesus, ‘course not. Barb was… Barb was nice. She was good. Like Nance. Better than Nance, maybe. I don’t know,” Harrington whines, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Barb she’s… yeah, man, she’s dead. But I didn’t have anything to do with that. N-not in the way you think I did, at least.”
Harrington’s not making a lot of sense, which only spurs Eddie’s curiosity on more. Closing the distance between them, Eddie hops to a squat in front of him. “But you did have something to do with what happened to her?”
“Shit, man,” Harrington groans, words slurring more more. “S’complicated, okay. I can’t talk about it with you or her parents or anyone. Or else they’ll come for me or Nance or our families and then we’ll all be toast like Barb. And that… that thing that came out of the Byers’ wall.”
Complicated? Jesus H. Christ, Eddie’s never heard anything more complicated than the jumble of words that just left Harrington’s mouth. He can feel his heart racing in his chest, the realization that they’re alone in the woods talking about something someone doesn’t want Harrington talking about.
“What?” Eddie says more to himself than to Steve. “Harrington, what thing in the Byers wall? You’re not making any sense!”
“The thing. You know, the… the,” Steve hiccups. “The thing we can’t talk ‘bout, else they’ll come for us next.”
Someone will come for him and his family if he reveals what happened to Barb? And the thing in the Byers wall? He wants to ask who would come. What would happen? Is he being blackmailed? There are so many questions dancing on the tip of his tongue, but none of them win the war.
“Harrington, man,” Eddie says, shaking his head. “Are you in trouble? Do you, like, need help or something?”
Finally, freeing himself from his jacket, Harrington lifts his head and looks up. There’s a moment where Eddie’s life flashes before his eyes, but then the sad replay of his life is interrupted by Harrington’s hand on his cheek. A dopey-looking grin on his face as he squints up at Eddie.
“You have pretty eyes, M-m-munson. Anyone ever tell you that?” Steve slurs before promptly passing out against the tree.
What the hell has Eddie gotten himself into?
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art3misg33k · 6 months
i see ur most recent post and obviously i have to ask abt trent
My favorite character right out the gate lets go!!
(Ok wow this got sooo long I am sorry)
Starting with my personal takes & headcanons Trent is so nonbinary to me. They give such vibes of being like “idk man I’m just existing” as well as at first thinking they just really didn’t care about gendered stuff bc society is stupid about it but then realized just how deep those feelings were. I also love just any headcanon of Trent not being cis in general. The gender queer vibes are so strong with that one. In terms of sexuality I’m really not sure? I think they’re to multiple genders but idk in what way. Bi, Pan, and Unlabeled are the ones I’m stuck between.
On a slightly more analytical note in I think in Island they are well showcased as a nice chill person but also having the capacity to stand their ground and be intimidating (that one scene with Cody).
I don’t think they’re really good with social queues and may be a bit gullible seeing how things went down with Heather. On the outside has that mysterious energy but can be a real goober when you get to know them. Insane silliness potential that was wasted in my opinion.
Crossing into the semi-headcanon but also canon implied type stuff is their neurodivergence. In TDA it’s obvious that Trent has some neurodivergent tendencies. I personally think OCD and autism. I hate the way it was handled, not because they gave Trent these traits in the first place but how they framed them as a crazy person. That treatment was definitely very damaging to Trent and most likely made them go to heavily masking, even more so than before. Being pitied so much also felt incredibly frustrating to them.
The way that Trent was launched into fame right after a messy breakup on international television definitely made things worse. They seemed like they were thriving while the band was together but in reality they were only being seen for their music and not who they really are, pointedly ignoring their neurodivergence, flaws or any wrongdoing on their part. It hurt seeing how they were treated so horribly when it came to their mental health but as soon as they started singing they were suddenly this sweet, emotional, amazing guy.
And in terms of my headcanon they were also dealing with a ton of dysphoria being seen a guy in the Drama Brothers because they were closeted. I personally think that they had only found out a couple of months before Island so they weren’t comfortable telling anybody yet. They felt like they could tell someone close like Gwen eventually but didn’t want to come out on tv so they said nothing. I think in the days between the finale and TDA Trent became afraid again not wanting to ruin things with Gwen in fear of her being upset that they wouldn’t be the cool talented boyfriend that she expected. On the Aftermath they didn’t really have anyone truly there for them only having those who pitied them or who thought they were an awful person, leaving them isolated not just about dysphoria but just their existence in general.
I do believe that between TDA and WT as well as onwards that Trent was able to build a genuine friendship with Justin, Harold, and Cody despite how messy things got with the band at times. Unintentionally they started unmasking a bit around them closer to when WT started and when they weren’t met with judgement (maybe a bit that was just genuine misunderstanding that got corrected but still) Trent was starting to more and more feel like they could be themself. (Back to more headcanony for a sec) After WT Trent came out to the three of them and was met with acceptance! From there Trent is able to progressively come out more and more from their shell and from the closet to more people!
Also hopefully patching things up and becoming friends with Gwen eventually but that’s just like a wish I have
I think I just unintentionally typed out a whole outline of what I think their life is instead of just my opinion on them in general but yeah.
Some random headcanons!!:
- (Stolen from Courtney-deserved-better) A lot of people think that Trent looks so cool and mysterious but in actuality they are usually just zoned out
- Biggest sensory issues are with sound. They’d go insane without headphones/earbuds bc the music is nice and their noise as opposed to how horribly loud life can be (Kinda projecting on this one but it makes sense for them so shhh)
- Listens to most genres but especially the ones within the general indie/alternative umbrella. A good amount of ppl think that they only listen to mainstream pop type stuff so when they’re with Trent and some darker/depressing type shit like CSH comes on from one of Trent’s playlists they are so surprised.
- Likes some of what the Drama Brothers made but a lot of their brand was pushed into them by producers and the whole band kinda hated how fake things felt at times. After WT they manage to get away from that company and the band gets a lot more creative freedom making what they want. (Also changing the band name eventually bc of Trent if we’re talking in a world with my nb headcanon. Not sure when or if Trent would publicly come out but if not before the name change then they all just make something up about rebranding)
About ships! - I personally love tons of td ships being a massive multi shipper, especially with characters that are my faves (With an exception of Raj I don’t rlly see him with anyone but Bowie). Gwent was the first ship I ever got into with Total Drama and it has a special place in my heart. It’s not my absolute favorite but I still love seeing them together and au’s where they actually work things out healthily during Action or where Action and or TD didn’t happen. I love a lot of other ones too like Trustin and Trody and a lot more! I think my favorite Trent ship may actually be Trenoah, it’s really my favorite rare pair. Ik they didn’t really interact but the POTENTIAL!! They would play off of each other so well and ahhh dude I think I’d need to make a separate post just taking about those two
And that’s the basics of my thoughts on Trent! (well maybe not the basics but trust me it’s not all that I have to say about them).
I think in the future I’ll make a post about what I think their potential backstory is bc I got carried away and didn’t rlly cover that here. @ashyjingles if you want me to @ you in that just let me know!
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jeskoholic · 1 year
A Little Piece of You Chapter 14: An Excess of Kwangya
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This is a chapter from an on-going series. If you missed out on the previous entries, you can check my masterlist.
Previous chapter: The Mending and the Melancholy
Word count: 4,515
Tags: Male OC, Sister Irene, College Friends, Slight angst
Sorry it took so long for an update. I've been busy.
It was like a scene from a drama. The medical students eavesdropping through their building’s windows probably never saw a scene as intense and emotional like that. It was a common knowledge that breakups were not really rare for people around their age but confrontations similar to that surely were, especially when they were just having their breaks from their normal laboratory rounds. One quick slap was what ended everything as the girl finally ran off and left the guy drenched in the rain, a lopsided umbrella lay on the floor with its purpose utterly defeated. If only the young man did not pick up the umbrella upon realization and went on off ahead, the show would have continued. He would have been the seen through a lot of cameras, being remembered as the man who stood under the rain.
Yoon Jae-in ran as fast as he could away from the scene with the thoughts of the unintended commotion with Soyeon, as well as the consequences that came with it, only brought shame to his already faulty dignity. He was prepared in case something would break out for sure, but on that grave of a circumstance it cannot be helped. The rain was just another insult to the already obvious injury and all he could do was to hang his head low in the hopes that his wet hair could conceal his face from the general public. It was unfortunate that he managed to get out of a huge commotion almost at the same time as the dismissal of the other classes, in turn causing him tread through a large swath of North Line students. Perhaps a sliver of prayer would be the best to give, hoping for none of his friends to see him in that rather unusual predicament.
Fuck, I need to get out of here.
Those were perhaps the very words that served as a mantra for him while he sprinted towards the university’s main gate. With everything that happened, he could not even put his head on the breakup with Soyeon, as his concern that time was primarily to get away from his inevitable shame. He was soaked all over: clothes, hair, shoe… perhaps the only thing that was dry in him was his heart; maybe including a couple of papers that his seemingly water-resistant bag could protect. Yoon Jae-in finally reached the final stretches of stairs, eyeing the outskirts of the university’s front street filled with students heading to and fro. Like how it contributed to his physical challenge, the rain made it so that almost every cab was either occupied or eagerly waited. Even if he dreamed to board one home, it would seem to not be the most plausible option at that very moment.
It was even weirder to think about that most of the students were surprised upon seeing a student soaked with the hard rain from head to foot despite holding a folded umbrella on one hand. Clearly, something really bad happened to this one particular North Liner in that particular afternoon.
Jae-in walked a couple of metres from the front of the university just so that he could lessen the chance of bumping into someone, while still keeping the mystery of how to head home an utmost priority. At that rate, he was already too soaked to walk towards the bus terminal or even the train station, so either way he was really in such a bad luck.
It was so out of nowhere but it came as quick just as lightning flashed once more on the grey skies. It was fast, and yet he was sure that he felt it. Jae-in immediately moved to the left-most side of the roofed street path, steering clear of the incoming flux of students and moved to fish out his phone. Clearly, the first person that might even contact him would naturally be the person who would know about the breakup right away. He had a huge hunch that it would be Ningning, considering he could really see Soyeon contacting her first before everyone else. If that was truly the case, then she’s really quick on messaging him.
How long has it even passed since that slap; ten minutes or about half an hour already?
That is, if it was actually her that messaged him but it would turn out that it was not. In fact, for Jae-in’s situation the sender of the message was perhaps better if not the best person who could send one.
New message from: Noona Prettiest
The rain is strong so I got a shoot cancelled. Do you want me to drop by North Line so I can drive us home together?
Well, this is like a scene from a drama.
“Okay, now that we’re actually home and you’re all dried up,” I heard noona’s voice call from the living room as I exited the bathroom, hanging my soaked clothes as well as changing into new ones. “Can you please tell me how on earth were you so wet with rainwater when I came to your school? You did not forget your umbrella now, did you Jae-in? What would have happened to you had I not decided to fetch you, huh?”
“I’m sorry noona… I hope that I didn’t get the car seats wet. I just… something huge happened and me getting soaked was just one of the after effects of it, I guess. I really apologize… things just have been rough lately… and that is coming from someone who never really let school things a bother…”
Joohyun noona raised an eyebrow, albeit it appeared to be springing from a concerned expression rather than a pissed one.
“Ehh…? Is there something going on?”
“No it’s… I’ve actually sorted things out now, noona. You have no idea how relieved I am despite looking so cold in front of you… it looks bad but I really am happy.”
As I was busy drying my hair with the towel, I felt Joohyun-noona approach me and hold my hand with her ever soft palms. I did not see the entire ordeal as I was really busy so it came as a shock that she actually went off and did exactly just that. I don’t even know why she would do that in the first place.
“Come with me… sit on the couch and let’s talk about it,” her voice turned soft. It sounded really concerned by I got concerned with it. It felt as if it was the calm before the storm of her anger towards me.
Was that even the case?
“You’re not… mad?”
“Sit, Yoon Jae-in,” She commanded rather sternly. Of course, despite being so soft she still had that tone of authority and concern blending carefully well. I have nothing else to do but silently follow after her. Next thing I know, I sat on the couch with a towel over my head and Joohyun-noona disappeared to her room, only to appear seconds later with a blanket on her grasp.
“Here,” she said as she draped the towel over my shoulders and body. I wonder if it was her personal blanket; I assumed that it was because it had that sweet, velvety smell to it. “I know that it should have been a while back, but I had no expectations for you to show up dripping wet like that. Use my blanket. Don’t worry, it’s clean.”
She then proceeded to sit beside me and placed her right hand over my shoulder.
“I’ll be honest; I was a supposed to get angry at you when I saw you board the car. I don’t mind getting the car wet; for me that was the least of my concerns. I was really on the brink of being furious yet your face… your face when you entered the car door was different. It was quite unlike what I saw from you before, so I just resorted to rush home and keep you warm as much as I could.”
“I… I had that different look on me, noona?”
Joohyun-noona nodded.
“Your eyes looked different. You sure look sad but relieved at the same time. I don’t exactly understand why you would have that kind of look with you, but you did. It was weird. Do you mind elaborating about that?”
“Actually… I… I got slapped just now… not that long ago when we saw each other… the real reason why I was soaked when you saw me was anchored with that, noona… I have no idea how else I would have gotten home if it were not for your fetch. I got fortunate that your shoot got cancelled when it did.”
“Wait, wait, wait… did I just hear that right, Jae in?” I saw noona’s expression change. If she was not curious before, she definitely was now. Her eyes displayed nothing but pure inquiry. “Did I hear that right? You got slapped?! How… how on earth would you even get slapped? Did I just hear that wrong or were you really slapped across you face? Who would even do that to you and why would they do that?!”
I shifted a bit on my end of the couch. Things are about to come out to her now.
“Do you… do you remember that time when I was staring at Wonyoung’s letter…?”
“Of course I do… wait, did that girl do this to you!? Was Wonyoung the one who slapped you across your face?!”
“What…? No! Noona… please listen to me first… it’s…. I told you that night that I was keeping it as a reminder… I fished it out of my drawer for that very reason, all before you even asked me to tell the story about my ex-girlfriend. Today… today I felt like I just prevented a possibility of another Wonyoung situation from happening again, noona. Actually… there’s someone that confessed to me that they liked me and…”
The awkwardness of this whole thing never really sank in me until I was about to tell Joohyun-noona of everything that happened. Oh my, now there’s no real way to back out in this impending conversation.
However, on hindsight I really should have told her of the situation. She, of all people, could help me the best.
Maybe not entirely in detail, but… whatever….
“… And earlier today, I have given things a fair bit of thought and decided that… with all the signs from before, the way that this girl acted as well as the things I learned from my ex-girlfriend, Wonyoung… I figured I was not yet ready for the kind of relationship that this particular girl was aiming for. I could easily just have went with the flow and agreed to date her once and for all, but in good conscience I just could not do that. I think no human being deserves to have that.”
“So, you never really liked this girl and you finally said ‘no’ today?” Joohyun-noona asked. “Is that why she slapped you?”
I nodded.
“I figured that it was bound to happen, noona. I just hope that she would understand why I did that in the long run. At least by then, I could say that the pain across my face was worth it.”
“Why are you soaked then?”
“She… she left me under the rain...After the slap, there was a commotion and I just... I just stood there until she went off. I didn’t even realize that I was standing in the rain.”
“Does it still hurt? Can I see that?”
I was about to tell her that it was fine, honestly. Soyeon’s slap was strong to the point that I could still feel the force of her palm just as I arrived home but I could hold it in. However, before I could even protest, my step-sister already moved from her side of the couch towards my direction, placing her soft palms over the left cheek of where I was slapped previously. She brought her face dangerously close as well that I could see every small detail of her beautiful presence right before my very eyes. Her warm breathing was grazing softly against the skin of my chin.
I don’t know, but I immediately panicked on the spot. I never got this close with noona ever.
“N-noona,” I blurted out which clearly startled her. My head immediately formulated the first reasonable question it could produce at that moment. “H-how did you know that… that I got slapped right there?”
“I mean, if she was right handed, this is where her palm would land first.”
She gave my cheek a light tap and admittedly, it stung. Perhaps I was too obvious with that as Irene-noona immediately withdrew from being relatively close to me. Despite that, she still kept her hand planted on my cheek.
“It still hurts then. Let’s get that treated, Jae-in. Also, tell me what you like to eat. Even if it’s something that I can’t cook, we can just get it delivered.”
“No, that’s not necessary now, noona… I could make do of whatever you could cook there, heck I don’t even mind cooking myself; you don’t need to go out of your way and even go online just for me.”
She tapped her hand on my cheek again, inciting another painful reaction from the stinging sensation it gave.
“Yah,” she frowned and I must admit: her eyes felt like they were already talking to me. “At least let me treat you. You already got slapped. Plus, you’ve decided to do the right thing for whoever this girl was… just think of this as a form of me showing my appreciation for your decision, for your maturity… And also, there’s a huge tendency for you to get sick because of what you did so let me treat you with healthy food. That way, your body can combat the natural reactions.  I’m better off feeding you with something than take care of you because you’re sick; you little bean of a Jae-in.”
“I… okay then, noona… I’ll… I’ll let you do that.”
“Okay, it’s decided. I’ll leave you here for a bit and I’d get some stuff from the shops down below. Hopefully there’s something there that I would take a liking to. That way, we can eat right away and not even wait for the delivery to arrive. In the meantime, there’s hot water on the container. If you need something hot to drink, you can get some from there.”
Joohyun-noona stood up and brushed her shirt, but not before moving to give my head with soft series of pats. With how gentle she did it, her soft palms barely felt like it even grazed my crowning glory.
I nodded silently as she finally headed towards her room. That was, to my assumption anyway, to change into something that could combat the cold from the outside. It was no longer raining, thankfully, but that does not mean that the post-rain evening’s coolness was something to scoff at.
As I bade another soft farewell to noona while she exited through the door, I headed towards the kitchen and fished out the electric kettle just as she mentioned. At that moment, there was only a single sentence among a lot of things that solidified my train of thought for the evening:
I was so damn lucky to have a sister such as Bae Joohyun.
 Ever since she invited me to live with her, things have drastically altered my life for the better. I do not know if I could even make the decision I chose back there had I not have her advice on the back of my head. I would have definitely turned into another person for sure.
One more thing; I could easily have been ground meat the moment that she saw me soaked. Her not getting angry, among the plethora of things that seemed to align on this very day… it was just fucking amazing. There are a lot of things that happened today for sure, but this impending dinner with my ever so loving step sister felt like it was indeed a reward for what happened.
I just did it.
Things have not even sunk in me just yet… until now that I was alone with nothing else to think about.
I finally let go of Jeon Soyeon.
I did exactly what I said I would do.
Whatever comes after that; I must be brave to face the consequences. I must be able to uphold this decision as firm and as dedicated as I could.
I bet that at this point in time, something must have already happened within the messaging group. I would be really surprised if there wasn’t.
Worse case was… maybe Soyeon would have gone drinking with some other friend group of hers once again. If that was the case, then I don’t think that was still on me. That would already be on her. I did what I came for and that was to end everything once and for all. It had to be done for the greater good.
I have a feeling that this would not be the final interaction between Soyeon and me. I’m sure in the future; we’ll be able to talk again as friends. I could only hope so much, however.
The thought of the group’s reaction intrigued me beyond comprehension and I can’t keep everything to myself. With that in mind, I moved to fish out the phone placed on top of the oven toaster previously. I had a feeling that I would head to the kitchen after the shower and so I placed it there beforehand, fetching it before I went back to the dining table to enjoy the hot chocolate I made.
I connected my phone into the internet and pushed the icon of the messaging group, and that one push was all that I needed before my entire notification bar was flooded with messages from…
‘United Kwangya’…?
What even is that?
And then it hit me: it was a messaging group. In fact, it was the very same messaging group from before; the one that I had with Kyungsoo and the others, just under a different name… only now that everything was wrought in chaos. I don’t know who or what was the reason why they changed the name, but I trust that it was another product of the chaos that was happening. It might be an aftermath, it might not be, but it’s nothing short of confusing for sure.
What is going on?
Yoon Jae-in took a good sip from his prepared hot chocolate drink and proceeded to open the said conversation. The thought of the chaos being tied to him and Soyeon was already there and perhaps he, too, wanted a confirmation. However, his inner curiosity with regards to the previously unnamed group’s new peculiar group chat name weighed heavier, especially the perpetrator. He opened the group and almost everyone else was typing at the same exact time. Their portraits with multiple ellipses showed as he scrolled down to the most recent messages.
Kyungsoo: Hey, who the hell did that? Please just leave her be. I think there’s something going on so let’s just not barge in if Soyeon’s not interested to be added back. Stop being jack-asses.
Shinwon: Oh, something happened for sure otherwise she would not leave without even a message. I’m sure she’s told someone already, or we could just wait for Jae-in to go online and ask him.
I’m pretty sure Shinwon connected the dots already, Jae-in thought to himself. It’s not that long ago when we talked about her after all. It would take time before he would realize, though.
Kino: They could have had an argument or something. That’s just normal; it’s not like it’s something new. Let’s just shut up. It’ll pass. Who knows; maybe they’re even smashing RN and do not want to be disturbed. People do that to make up to each other right?
Kyungsoo: Hey, watch your mouth @Kino. We have other people here. Please don’t give them the wrong idea about us.
Yeri: I’m sorry. I think Soyeon left because I just got added: (. Maybe she got uncomfy that I got added here.
Kyungsoo: @Yeri, don’t worry about that. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you.
Wait, since when was Yeri added to the chat?
Jae-in, with curiosity already getting the better of him, moved to scroll past the arguing bunch and actually give context to what was going on. It was evident from the talk that Soyeon has left the group, somehow Yeri got added into the mix and then the group chat’s name got changed. His scrolling fortunately yielded answers to his queries, and things seemed to have become worse the more that he continued to read on upwards.
About an hour after the pair of them argued, the first thing that notified the group was Soyeon leaving without any response or message whatsoever. He also saw that Hongseok and Kino repeatedly attempted to add her back towards the group only for her to do the same thing of leaving without a message. It was quite obvious; she did not want to be in the same chat with Yoon Jae-in.
Then of course, Jae-in moved to open her private messages to him via the chat tab, hoping to confirm what he already had in his mind.
This person is unavailable.
Of course, it was quite the expected reaction. At that rate, had Soyeon not block him right away it would have been more surprising. That kind of development never really surprised Jae-in by any means. There was a part of him that was appreciative of the absence of message; surely, it was quite expected for her to throw in some words before blocking him for good. It was perhaps for the better that she did that.
Jae-in minimized the header for Soyeon’s portrait and moved to scan the unopened messages. Aside from the chaos of the group chat, United Kwangya, Doh Kyungsoo had a good amount of private messages directed to him. The first one that was on the face of it; the one message that Jae-in need not to even open to know what he said contained the following:
Kyungsoo: I don’t want to interfere but things are getting out of hand. Soyeon’s not replying to me, or to other members for that matter. Maybe you and her just…
The rest of the message was cut. Jae-in wanted to open the chat and message Kyungsoo in explanation of everything. He was, after all, the person who introduced Soyeon to him so if there was anyone who deserved an explanation first-hand, it would be him. However, just the tone of that heading chat already intimidated him. He somehow heard the voice of a very disappointed Kyungsoo messaging him that he could not bring himself to open the messages and reply to what followed.
Surprisingly, it was not Kyungsoo’s tab that was on the very top. Ning Yi Zhuo’s portrait flashed, signalling a recent message that she brought to him privately. Despite the initial decision to draw the attention away from the chaos, Jae-in moved and opened her chat tab hoping to converse with her.
Ningning: Jae-in, I know what happened with you and Soyeon and I’m sorry if it was not your intention to let me know.
Ningning: Soyeon came knocking at the front door of my dorm, all wet from the rain and asking if she could stay for a while. She unintentionally blurted out everything while she was changing clothes, so here we are. I decided to take her in because it’s too stupid to bring her out in the rain at this time.
Ningning: Please don’t think that I’m messaging you to guilt-trip you or anything. Soyeon might be my friend, but you are as well. I don’t think that I’m on the position to tell you what my side of the equation is without placing more fuel to the already bad looking fire. I just wanted you to know where she is because I figured you’re worried.
Ningning: She told me repeatedly that she would block you the first chance she gets. If you can’t message her now, it means that she already did it. Don’t worry; I’ll take care of her while she’s still on a huge emotional mess. That’s all I can assure you of her for now.
Ningning: Please, I don’t want to talk to the others because they might ask her of me. Can you be the one to tell them to not add her back for the time-being? Doing that would not help her to any degree while the wound is still fresh.
Jae-in’s heart leapt out of his chest the moment that he read Ningning’s soft message. A huge thorn just got shot out of his chest knowing Soyeon was safe with Ningning and not on some bar whatsoever. For now, he could relax and lull in his mind while the situation cools itself down.
Grateful, he moved to open the replier and provide a simple appreciation message for Ningning’s actions.
Jae-in: Hey, you have no idea how relieved I am to know that she’s with you. Take care of her while she’s there, okay? Thank you so much, Ning. You’re such a huge help.
Surprisingly, she replied almost immediately after she saw the message.
Ningning: We’re cool. Give her space for a bit and maybe you two can talk in the future. Take care, Yoon Jae-in.
Whether he would want to reply more to that or not was already behind him. The thought of Soyeon being in a safe place was already a reward in itself for Yoon Jae-in; he was so relaxed that he opened the chat tab subconsciously, with the conversation wildly being tossed around by Hongseok, Kino, and Kyungsoo. Everything was so out of context but he did not care; savouring on the recent topic of Kino’s screen being cracked after the hand phone slipped off from his grasp.
A soft squeak of the apartment door finally signalled his step-sister’s return. Joohyun showed up holding two paper bags that stood high up towards her shoulders, giving a wide smile towards Jae-in as she finally entered the apartment after closing the door behind her.
“Wait, let me help you there noona,” Jae-in said as he enthusiastically left the phone and went towards Joohyun’s direction.
And just like that, Jae-in left the messaging group generating disorder within its own members; and as Jae-in helped Irene set the respective food on the table, ‘United Kwangya’ repeatedly teased Kino for sending a screenshot. He figured that it was a good proof of showing everyone else in the chat that his phone’s screen really cracked, and he was not even able to realize what was wrong with that until Jae-in eventually fished his phone back in preparation for the upcoming dinner.
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dbnightingale24 · 2 years
Turning A Dream Into Reality
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The final installment to ‘You’ve Always Been My Dream’
Part 1, Part 2 
When I tell y’all that my personal life has been INSANE, that’s putting it nicely. I’m so sorry this took so long, but I’m so happy to finally be posting this! I love this chapter so much, and I hope you all enjoy it! Also, for those of you who are still upset with me for the ending of that Lloyd story, I hope this makes up for it.
Thank you to @emerald-evans for this amazing mood board! I love it so much and I love you!
Word Count: 44,888 (listen, you’ll understand why when you read it)
Warnings: SMUT (18+, MINORS DNI), Fluff, Angst, Arguing, Daddy Kink, Family Drama, Swearing, Anxiety, Public Arguing...I’m sure I missed something, but this is truly mainly fluff
Song(s) That Inspired This Chapter: All of you, all of me 
Summary: As everything starts to come to light, in a less than ideal way, you start worry that maybe it’ll be too much for Andy. However, Andy is willing to do whatever it takes to show you that he’s all in.
I do not give consent/permission for my stories/works to be posted elsewhere. I do not condone this type of behavior, this is for entertainment purposes only.
“What the fuck, Y/N?! You fucking looked me in the eyes-”
“I know, Jake. I know and I’m sorry,” you apologize for what feels like the millionth time.
You all have been in the kitchen for over an hour and it feels like you’re getting nowhere, but it’s not like you’re surprised. You already knew Jacob wasn’t going to handle it well, but him catching Andy filming you two while fucking? Any hopes of it going at all well went out the window after that.
“So, you’ve just been fucking my dad?!” Jacob exclaims as he finishes his third drink.
“I’m dating him, Jake.”
“Jacob, just hear me out-”
“It’s not enough for you to wreck every other family in Newton? You had to fuck with mine too?”
“JACOB!” both Sarah and Andy exclaim.
“No,” you sob, “he’s angry with me so just let him get it out.”
“Babe-” Andy starts.
“Jesus, can you not call her that?!” Jacob interrupts. “Can you not confirm that you two are an actual fucking couple?!”
Can the floor of your loft just swallow you whole?
“Is this why you were pushing so hard for my parents to breakup? So you could sink your claws into my dad?”
“You know that’s not it! Even before I came along, it wasn’t-”
“How long has this been going on? How long have you been sleeping with him?!”
“How long?!”
“ Dating him? Almost two years. In love with him? Three.”
“Goddammit, Y/N!”
“Jacob, please just calm down and-”
“How fucking stupid was I to trust you? To believe that you had my best interest at heart?”
“We were going to tell you! That’s what tonight was supposed to be about, but we got carried away and lost track of time...we tried, Jacob. We tried so hard to fight it and just walk away but-”
“You didn’t fucking try hard enough!”
“Jacob, please just sit down and hear me out-”
“Just fucking save it. Save your bullshit and go fuck yourself.”
“Jacob!” Andy snaps.
“Fuck you too,” he bites back towards Andy before turning his attention to Sarah, “I’m fucking leaving.”
And with that, he’s out the door.
“He’ll get over it,” Sarah promises both you and Andy before rushing after him.
Your tears start falling the second the door closes.
“It’s going to be ok, sweetheart. He just needs time,” Andy tries to reassure you as he wraps his arms around you.
“He hates me so much!”
“No, he’s just upset. He’s hurt and he feels betrayed, and he has a right to that. We lied to him and right now, it doesn’t matter that we did it for a good reason, it only matters that we lied. He won’t be mad forever and he will calm down and talk to us.”
“How are you so calm about this?!”
“Because I know my son. He loves you and when Jacob loves someone, he never stays mad at them. It might take him a while, but he comes around,” he sighs.
“I wanna go home.”
“Lets go, sweetheart,” Andy mumbles into your hair before kissing it.
In the weeks that follow, you’re basically useless. Besides going to work, you don’t do much of anything. You finally clear out your loft since there’s no reason for you to keep it anymore, you attempt to decorate the house but you just end up crying every time, and if you don’t have to, you don’t leave the bed. Sarah tries to talk to you, but all you can find yourself responding with one word answers, if you bother to respond at all.
Andy doesn’t complain at all. On the days when you’re too depressed to shower he bathes you himself, when you’re not in the mood to eat he only asks you to eat half a sandwich and drink water, and when you don’t get out of bed he stays right beside you.
If anything, it makes you feel worse because you can’t even begin to imagine how he feels. You want to be there for him, but you can barely get the hell out of bed for work.
But you need to be there for him. You love him and you want to be there for him the way he’s always been there for you.
“I’m going to the grocery store, sweetheart. Do you want anything?” Andy asks as he walks into the bedroom.
“I’ll go with you,” you respond softly from under the covers, popping your head out just a little.
“Are you sure? You don’t have to-”
“I have to stop. I can’t keep moping around and waiting for him to call me. We have our own life to lead and...I have to get back to living. Let me shower and we’ll go, okay?” you smile weakly.
Andy walks over and kisses you softly on the forehead, “take as much time as you need, honey.”
While in the shower, you realize that this is going to be the first time you and Andy are going out in public as an official couple.
If you weren’t feeling a panic attack coming on before, you definitely are now.
“Are you okay?” Andy asks as you come out of the bathroom.
“I’m fine, I just realized...we’re going out in public together...as a couple.”
“It’s our first time,” you humorlessly chuckle as you throw your towel onto the bed and start to get dressed.
“Honey, if you’ve changed your mind-”
“I haven’t. I still...I want to go, it’s just a big realization, ya know?”
“Please don’t push yourself if you’re not ready.”
“Andy, I’m not ashamed of you or our relationship. I-”
“I know, sweetheart-”
“Just...just hear me out,” you breathe as you pull on your Pearl Jam shirt. “I love you so fucking much and sometimes, I really don’t think you realize just how much that is. I don’t want people to think less of you because you’re with me. I know you say you don’t care, but I do. I don’t want this relationship to be a secret anymore, I’m just...I don’t want us to go out and you hear everything they say, see the stares, and decide that it’s too much. Between Jacob and them...I wouldn’t blame you.”
“Y/N, I love you and I’m not going anywhere. I know it’s all just words to you, because a lot of people have said a lot of things to you and then have turned around and hurt you, so I know I have to show it. I have no problem doing that and I’ll wait as long as I need to. Fuck this entire town, fuck Laurie, and fuck everyone who has ever made you feel less than or undeserving. I’m not ashamed of you and I’m not ashamed of our love.”
You make your way over to him and wrap your arms around his neck, “I love you so much.”
He picks you up and kisses you deeply, and you wrap your legs around him. “I love you too, Y/N. I always will,” he breathes once you two break apart.
“I believe you, Andy...when you say the things you do...I believe you. It’s not just words to me...I’m still just getting used to all of this. I half expected you to leave after everything with Jacob, but you’ve been so fucking patient and loving. You’ve been amazing and I’ve been-”
“You’re processing, and that’s okay,” he quickly defends.
“You’ve needed me and-”
“You being here is more than enough. Your kisses, you holding me, you staying by my side...it’s more than enough.”
“You truly believe this is gonna work?”
“I know it will.”
He kisses you again and this time, you’re the one that deepens it as run your hands through his hair. He walks back a little and soon enough, he’s sitting on the bed and you’re grinding yourself against him.
“Sweetheart,” he breathes before he starts to trail kisses down your neck; his hands slowly make their way down to your ass and he grips it tight.
“I’ve missed you. Missed making you feel good.”
“Andy...Andy, we have to go,” you giggle.
“We can go later.”
“When we get back, I promise. I miss you too.”
“God, what the fuck am I gonna do with you?” he husks as he looks up at you.
“Love me,” you smile down at him.
You pick a random pair of shorts and pull on your low top Converse, before grabbing your phone and wallet. You look yourself over in the mirror and take a deep breath.
It won’t be so scary after you get the first time out of the way.
You give Andy a small smile as you make your way over to him and take his hand.
You can do this.
The entire ride (which really isn’t that long), you’re bouncing your leg nervously while holding his hand. You don’t mean to let your nerves get the best of you, but it’s not like you can exactly stop it. You’re not lying when you tell Andy you’re all in, but it just really fucking sucks when your life has been full of letdowns and disappointments. You feel terrible that there’s so much weight on Andy’s shoulders, but you truly are trying your best.
“I take it you didn’t make a list.”
“When do I ever make a list?” Andy smirks as he grabs a cart.
“That’s what I thought,” you laugh as you two make your way inside. “I feel like cooking tonight, so we can just split the bill-”
“No, I’ll cover it,” he counters as you two make your way down the produce isle.
“We already split the bills, let me take care of the groceries this time, and you can cover it next time.”
“You are...annoying,” you grumble, grabbing a head of broccoli as he laughs.
“We could just open a Savings account together.”
“You trust me so much so fast?”
“It only took us forever to get here,” he shrugs, “we may as well just do what couples do.”
“Bite your tongue, Barber,” you giggle as you grab a plastic bag, “we need apples.”
“Please get green apples.”
“They’re too tart!”
“They taste better!”
“Andy, at your age-”
“Watch it.”
“Oh, you’re gonna get touchy about the age difference now?”
“You don’t have to bring it up while we’re grocery shopping.”
“That’s especially when I need to bring it up. Also, we need to get you vitamins. You’re running out.”
“Haven’t you been in bed depressed?”
“I’ve been snooping,” you smirks and and he bursts out laughing. “I have a feeling this little trip is about to get expensive.”
“Probably...shit,” Andy mutters as he looks ahead.
You follow his gaze and anxiety starts up all over again, “fuck. We are so bad at this.”
“Are you fucking serious?!” she exclaims, gaining more than a few looks. “Nothing’s going on?! Isn’t that what you told me?! You weren’t in love with her?!”
“Laurie, this isn’t time or the place,” Andy mutters, taking your hand in his.
“You’re a fucking piece of shit, Andy! Do you fucking...Jesus! You told me-”
“Back off,” you warn quietly.
“Excuse me?”
“Leave him alone, Laurie. He didn’t do this, you did. You cheated, you lied...you don’t get to attack him in the middle of the fucking grocery store because you’re mad that you fucked up.”
“You little bitch!”
“Back off, Laurie. I fucking mean it, this is your last warning.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a fucking promise. Jacob’s told you enough stories so you know that I’m not fucking joking. I may be older now, but I still know how to throw a right hook.”
“This is what you left me for? A fucking violent whore?!” she scoffs in disbelief at Andy.
“We’ll talk about this another fucking time,” he all but growls before starting to push the cart and you both start walking off.
You feel her glare on you as you reach the end of the isle, and you turn around and cock your eyebrow.
If she really wants an all out brawl, you’re more than ready for it. In the end, all she does is flip you off before disappearing around the corner.
“Well that was fucking fun,” Andy mutters, “ what else do you need you from this isle?”
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I can handle her and her wrath. I’ll go see her on Saturday and we’ll...we’ll talk it out. Jacob doesn’t need anymore shit to deal with.”
“Have you spoken to him recently?”
“Sort of. He asked me to come by for his birthday, so I guess that’s something.”
“That’s good!”
“I asked if it was okay that I bring you and he said he’s not sure.”
“No, don’t worry about me. I told you, his relationship with you is more important than my relationship with-”
“No, you’re apart of my life and that isn’t gonna change. He has to accept you at some point. He has to accept that we’re together.”
“We are one,” he says sincerely as he stops and looks at you. “I love you and I’m with you.”
“Lets finish up, huh?” you smile as your eyes start to water.
He dips down and cups your face before kissing you deeply in front of everyone. “I love you, Y/N. I love you, I love you, I love you. I will always and forever love you.”
“I love you more than you’ll ever know,” you smile back with a small giggle.
Well, it’s out in the open for sure now.
As you two finish up shopping, both of you notice how much people are staring at the both of you. Andy senses your anxiety getting worse and he takes your hand in his.
“They don’t matter,” he tells you softly.
“The first time is always the hardest, right?”
“That would explain why the first time I filmed us, Jacob ruined it by bursting in, unannounced,” he mutters and you can’t stop the full bodied laugh that leaves your mouth.
You’re laughing so hard that your sides hurt, but you don’t care because it feels good. You spent so long moping, wallowing, and crying, and it just feels so damn good to smile. It feels so damn good to be happy, to feel joy instead of pain, it feels good to feel safe with the person you’re with, and it feels good to not have to hide.
It feels so damn to good to truly be in love.
“I hate you so much for making me laugh at such a shitty joke,” you breathe once you finally calm down, wiping your eyes as you finally turn your attention to Andy who is just looking at you with the softest smile. “What?”
“Lets finish this up and get home,” he chuckles, walking down the isle, quickly grabbing a bag of kettle chips.
“What?” you laugh as you follow behind him.
“I just love you so damn much.”
“Lets get home,” he smiles at you.
You two make your way to the checkout isle, and while Andy pays for all of it, you can’t help but wonder if this is hows hes always been. Always so loving, open, honest, and genuine.
Always so loyal.
“Alright, I’ll get started on making dinner and-”
You’re cut off by Andy backing you into the kitchen and kissing you hard, hoisting you up and you instinctively wrap your legs around him.
“Andy...oh God, Andy! Stop, stop, stop! We have food that needs to go into the freezer! We finally your favorite ice cream!” you moan as he starts to bite and suck on your neck.
“Let it melt, I can go back and get more,” he growls as he starts towards the stairs.
“Missed you so much, sweetheart. Hated not being able to satisfy you. Not getting lost in your love,” he husks, laying you down on the bed before taking his shirt off. “I just wanna get lost in you for a while,” he breathes as he starts to undo your shorts.
“You can do anything you want to me,” you whimper, biting your lip as he pulls off your shorts and gets on his knees.
His response is pulling your panties to the side and licking your soaked folds. He barely gives you a chance to prepare yourself before sliding two fingers into your soaked cunt.
“Fuck,” you sigh, arching your back and lulling your head back, gripping the sheets with one and his hair with the other.
“Look at you, so fucking beautiful,” he moans as he adds another finger.
“Missed... you so much, baby!”
“Yeah? You want me to pull you apart, sweetheart?”
“P-please, baby! I need it so much!”
As Andy’s head disappears between your legs and you feel his lips pulling on and massaging your clit, you close your eyes and find comfort in the fact that this is your life now.
Andy loves you as you are and for who you are. There’s no more hiding, no more guilt, and no more shame. It’s real and it’s forever.
“Jesus, Andy!” you mewl as you come apart for him.
“Been so long...needed to taste you.”
“Baby, please! I need to feel you!”
“Take your fucking shirt and bra off,” he demands as he gets up and takes his own shirt off, “I wanna fucking see all of you.”
You’re quick to take off your remaining clothes as he rips off your panties and for once, instead of feeling anxious or insecure, you only feel love and happiness as he looks you over.
“You’re mine, Y/N,” he declares as he thrusts himself inside of you.
“Mine and mine alone, I’m gonna love you forever,” he groans as he starts to move within you.
“Then show me, baby. Show me just how much I belong to you.”
You and Andy spend the next few hours getting lost in each other, ignoring your phones and the outside world. It doesn’t matter that Laurie knows and it doesn’t matter that Jacob hates you. All that matters is that you two have and are committed to each other.
It only matters that you two are insanely in love with one another.
“Fucking give it to me, sweet girl,” Andy moans as he fucks into you another orgasm.
“Too much!”
“I know you can take it, baby! I know you can give me one more...ahh shit!”
“ANDY!” you scream as you hit your climax, making a mess all his cock and the bed.
“Fuck, Y/N!” he groans as he spills his release inside of you.
As he rides out both your highs, you wrap your arms around him and press soft kisses onto his arm, running your fingers through hair, just relish the feel of him his love. When he finally comes down from his high, he softly collapses on you, resting his head on your chest and sighing in content.
This is heaven.
“I think we should adopt a dog,” you say after a moment, still running your fingers through his hair.
“What?” he laughs incredulously, looking up at you.
“Lets adopt a dog,” you repeat, looking down at him.
“You wanna get a dog?”
“Why not? You said you wanna have kids-”
“We don’t have if you don’t want to.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to, Atticus, I just feel like it’ll be good practice, for me anyway. You’ve already had a child.”
“Why do you think you need practice? You’ve been taking care of Jacob since you were 15.”
“That’s different,” you laugh. “I don’t know, it’s not like I had the best role models, and I’m scared to fuck it up. I figure that a dog is basically a child, and if I don’t fucking kill it, maybe I won’t be so bad at it.”
“I think you’ll make a terrific mom, but we can adopt a dog if you want,” he chuckles before kissing your shoulder, before propping himself up. “We can go to the shelter on Saturday, after I get back from my talk with Laurie.”
“Sounds good, where are you going?”
“To put the groceries away,” he laughs.
“I’ll go down with you,” you sigh as you sit up.
“You can stay up here, I know how to put groceries away,” he scoffs as he pulls on his boxer briefs.
“That’s debatable,” you smirk as you pull on his ‘Alice In Chains’ shirt, “but I’m not going to monitor you, I have a home to decorate.”
“Yes you do,” he smiles before dipping down and kissing you.
As Andy stands in the kitchen, putting things away, and you put up pictures of you two, a feeling happiness washes over you like you’ve never felt before, and everything feels as it should.
For the next few days everything is perfect, and you feel like you’re living someone else’s life. You and Andy quickly fall into a routine of getting up and showering together, you make the both of you lunch while he makes you both coffee, and you kiss each other before leaving for work.
You text each other throughout the day and since you’re usually home first, you get started with dinner, Andy comes home and greets you with a kiss before setting up shop in the kitchen and getting started on work. During dinner, you two talk about your days and try to come up with a plan for the weekend, mainly trying to figure out a time to go to the shelter. When you’re both all done, Andy cleans up while you go upstairs and take a shower which he always ends up joining you in. The nights usually end with sex, a movie, or both, and fall asleep holding each other tight.
It’s so domestic, simple, loving, care free and every thing you’ve ever wanted. It’s picture perfect and you slowly start to believe that maybe life can get better than it has been.
Too bad reality always fucking finds you.
“Just friends with the Barber family?” your boss, Mr. Hathaway, smirks.
“Excuse me?”
“My girlfriend saw that little exchange between you, Laurie, and Andy Barber at the grocery store on Monday. Didn’t wanna cheat on your boyfriend, huh?”
“That’s extremely unprofessional and I’d really rather not talk about it. Especially with you. Why do you even keep hitting on me if you’re in a relationship?”
“I like to play around, no big deal,” he shrugs as if it’s nothing, “no need to get upset, I just didn’t know you had it in you to steal someone else’s husband,” he scoffs before making his way back to his office.
You feel your blood boil and want to text Andy, but you know he’ll show up and punch him in the face. Things are going so well, so you just swallow it down and do your best to work to the best of your ability.
You do your best to focus, but all you want to do is cry. It’s not like you didn’t know you would have to deal with shit like this, but at your fucking job? It can’t be that big of a deal though? Yeah, Andy’s a hot shot lawyer, but not that many can really give a shit about his relationship status...can they?
The second you reach your car, you burst into tears. You don’t want to be so hurt and upset, and you know you shouldn’t be, but it feels like a repeat of what happened between you and Mr. Matthews. You aren’t even the reason Andy originally wanted a divorce, it was Laurie. However, you know there’s no use in pleading your case or saying anything to anyone, because you have a reputation and so does Laurie.
Hers will win over yours every time.
By the time you get home, you just want to hide under the covers and disappear, but you don’t want to worry Andy. So, you change into one of his t-shirts as always and get started on dinner like nothing’s wrong.
“I’m home, sweetheart,” Andy calls as he enters the home you two share, and you quickly wipe your eyes. “Whatever you’re making smells amazing and I need it after...hey, what’s wrong?” he questions, instantly dropping his briefcase and quickly making his way over to you.
“Nothing, I’m fine,” you lie all too quickly as you give the best smile you can muster.
“Why are you lying to me?”
“I’m not lying, it’s just not a big deal. I’m overreacting.”
“You don’t cry over just anything.”
“Tell me what’s going on.”
“Just some shit I had to deal with at work. People apparently have heard about the grocery store incident that happened, and it’s automatically my fault. I stole you from Laurie.”
It’s not like you’re lying.
“Jesus fucking Christ!”
“Andy, it’s fine. It’s really not a big deal.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong-”
“And we know that, so that’s all that matters. We knew that people were gonna talk, it just caught me off guard. We’ve been having such an amazing week and I wasn’t ready for it.”
“Honey, are you okay?”
“I will be. Honestly, it just caught me off guard and it fucked up my day. I’m alright.”
“You can tell me the truth-”
“Baby, I am. It’s nothing for either of us to get worked up about. Now, tell me about your day.”
“I wanna hear about your day, Andy. Please.”
Andy sighs in defeat and finally starts to let it go. “I’ve got another murder.”
“Well fuck!”
“I don’t know, I think I’m just gonna quit soon. It’s been nothing but murder cases and abuse lately, and I think I’ve reached my limit.”
“I wouldn’t blame you.”
“You’d be okay with that?”
“Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I won’t be making as much money and-”
“Andy, I don’t care about the money,” you scoff, putting the spatula down and looking at him. “I didn’t fall in love with you because of how much money you make. I fell in love with you because of you. Who you are.”
“I know but-”
“But nothing. You can collect trash for a living and I wouldn’t give a shit. I just want to be with you. We’ll figure it out together, it’s nothing to worry about.”
“Even if I’m a teacher?”
“You can sign me up for one of your classes any time you want,” you smile at him.
“I love you so fucking much,” he chuckles before kissing you.
As he makes his way upstairs, you do your best to let go of your pain, frustration, and anxiety and carry on with the night, but it just won’t go away. You can tell that Andy knows that something is off as he makes his way back downstairs, but he doesn’t press because he knows better, and he tries to play along, but when you basically attack him while you two are watching ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’, he knows something off.
“Sweetheart...wait...what’s...what’s wrong?” he asks as he forces you two apart.
“I just want you, daddy,” you moan, grinding yourself against him, going to kiss him again, but he turns away. “Andy-”
“What happened at work?”
“I already told you-”
“Who was the one who said it?”
“Why does it matter?”
“Because you’re not acting like you. You’re not here with me.”
“It’s not like it matters.”
“That’s not fair. You know I don’t only want sex from you. I never have.”
“That’s not what I mean...you’re right, that wasn’t fair and I’m sorry.”
“Honey, what’s going on with you?”
“It’s just...this is how we end our nights and-”
“Listen, I don’t care how we end our nights as long as I end them with you. I love you. Every part and everything about you. Not just sex. I’ll admit that I am a little more eager with you, because it’s never been this good for me, even with Laurie when we were younger. I could never be this open or experimental, but it’s not what keeps me around. I love you, Y/N. I love you for who you are, not for what you have to offer physically.”
“Andy...” you trail off as you start to cry.
God, what the fuck is wrong with you?
“Hey, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“This is all I’m good for! This is all I’ll ever been seen for-”
“By them! Not by me! You should know better-”
“I’m just so fucking scared, Andy. I’m not worthy of you and-”
“If anything, I’m not worthy of you! I’m not going anywhere, I promise. I love you.”
“It’s already going around at my job, so it’s only matter of time before it gets around at your job and-”
“So what? Y/N, so fucking what? Who gives a shit? I don’t! My love for you isn’t changing. I know you! I know you inside and out and I know how sincere and genuine you are. I don’t care what anyone else has to say.”
“Please hear me, Y/N. This is real and it’s never changing. I want you, I need you, and I love you. I will always choose you. Your parents aren’t going to scare me away, I don’t care how Jacob feels about us, I don’t care what anyone has to say about us, I just care about you, how you feel, and how I feel about you. I just care about us.”
“You say that now but-”
“It’s not changing, sweetheart. I just want you and I just need you,” he promises as you sob with a sniffle. “Please just tell me what happened at work.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“It does when it makes you feel like this.”
“I never feel like I’m worthy of you.”
“We’re gonna have to work on that,” he sighs, turning off the TV before wrapping his arms around you and standing up.
“What are you doing?” you ask as you wrap your legs around his waist.
“We’re going to bed because you need rest.”
“No, I’m fine. I just-”
“We’re gonna rest, honey. Don’t try and stop me.”
“I got you all worked up.”
“This isn’t the first boner I’ve gotten that’s gonna have to go away by itself,” he laughs as he carries you up the steps.
“Just rest. Rest and we’ll talk about all of this more on our way to adopt a dog.”
“I mean it. We’ll figure all of it out, we just need to rest for now,” he reassures you as he lays you down on the bed before getting into next to you.
“I’m so sorry,” you sob as you turn to face him.
“There’s nothing to be sorry for. You had a rough day and are understandably upset. Please just rest,” he begs gently as he wraps his arm around you and pulls you close.
“I love you, Andy.”
“I love you too, sweetheart,” he reassures you before kissing your forehead.
As you try to calm down enough to go to sleep, you find yourself finding comfort and peace in Andy’s arms. Finally starting to believe that he’s in it for the long haul, and just maybe, having to endure hell won’t be so bad after all.
When you wake up, your head is on Andy’s bare chest and he’s leaning against the headboard, reading the paper.
God, you love your life.
“Hi,” you mumble softly.
Andy looks down at you and smiles before kissing your forehead, “good morning.”
“What time are going to see Laurie?”
“In an hour. I figure I’ll get it out of the way and then we’ll have the rest of the day to ourselves.”
“Do you want me to go with you?”
“You stay here. I can only keep my cool if she isn’t hurling insults at you,” he mutters, finally putting his newspaper down.
“Andy, about last night-”
“Don’t apologize again. I told you that I’ll be patient and will spend the rest of my life just how much I love you. Yesterday was rough and I understand. It’s hard to not get upset when you have to constantly deal with that shit.”
“Yeah, but what I said was...that mean and a low blow. I know that you don’t want just sex from me, it’s just...I’m still learning, Andy. I’m still learning how to be loved. Truly loved. It feels so good but it’s terrifying at the same time, because I’m still so afraid. I’ve never felt anything like this...I’ve never had anything like this before and I’m just so afraid that it could go away at any moment. I get scared of losing you, because you’re the best thing that’s ever been mine,” you sniffle, hoping you don’t sound like a complete idiot to him.
Andy dips down and kisses you passionately and you run your hands through his hair.
“You’re the best thing that’s ever been mine too, sweetheart,” he breathes once you two break apart. “I know that we’re gonna have setbacks, arguments, and there will be days when you just need reassurance. I’m fine with that. I’m never going to stop wanting you. Wanting us. I’ll never stop loving you,” he promises with a soft and sincere smile.
“Wanna shower together?”
“I’d love to.”
The entire shower, Andy won’t stop kissing you and you can’t stop giggling. It’s not sexual or lustful, instead it’s just sweet and innocent, and you wish it could always be like this. You wish it could always be just you and him and that you could always feel this safe.
However, you’re not a child and you know that’s not how the real world works.
“I’ll text you when I leave so you can get ready,” Andy tells you as you two make your way downstairs. “Do you know which shelter you wanna go to?”
“The Boston Animal Care and Adoption Center.”
“Sounds good. As soon as I’m done with all of this shit we’ll go, okay?”
“Okay,” you smile before getting on your tiptoes, “kiss please?”
“Needy,” he laughs before giving you a quick kiss on the lips, “I love you.”
“I love you, hurry back,” you pout as he turns to leave.
“Will do,” he calls over his shoulder, “trust me.”
And with that, he gets into his car and drives off.
For the first thirty minutes everything is perfect. You’re laying on the sofa, eating a fruit bowl you made for yourself, watching ‘Singles’, and waiting to hear from Andy. So, of course you’re happy when your phone finally goes off, but your smile soon turns into a scowl as soon as you see who it is.
“Good morning, mother,” you sigh as you pause the movie.
“I raised you better!” she slurs and you roll your eyes.
“Jesus Christ! It’s only 9:30 in the morning and you’re already drunk?”
“I’ve been drinking since last night! Trying to deal with the fact that I have you for a daughter! Forcing myself not to go to your place and-”
“What the hell are you talking about and how do you know where I live?”
Anger activated.
“I’m sorry, come again?” you question you feel your cheeks start to burn with rage.
“It’s bad enough that you’re flaunting your relationship with Andy Barber and didn’t even have the decency to tell me yourself, but I have to hear about it from other people? How you stole him from her? After everything your Father put us through, you pull this shit?!”
“Who the hell did you hear this from?” you all but growl as you turn off the TV and make your way upstairs, looking for something to wear.
It’s not like you can beat Laurie’s ass in sweats and Andy’s torn up old t-shirt.
But then again, you can.
“From the women at the fucking gym! They were asking me what happened and if I’ve spoken to you since everything happened! Laurie has been telling her friends about how you took her husband and broke up their marriage!”
Fuck it, you are just gonna beat Laurie’s ass in Andy’s t-shirt and your sweatpants.
“That still doesn’t explain how you got my address.”
“She gave it to me!”
“Excuse me?”
“I text her to apologize for the pain and destruction that you caused and she gave me your address, asking me to talk to you and see if I can-”
“She did what?!”
A murder might just happen today.
“What else is she supposed to do, Y/N?! You’re destroying her life! I don’t even know how to tackle this situation, so I gave your address to your Father and told him to handle this situation, since you’ve grown up to be just like him. I’m so fucking disappointed in you, Y/N! Honestly!”
“I have to go,” is all you say before hanging up.
You’re moving before mind can even process anything. You race out of the house and get into your car, and before you know it, you’re at Laurie’s house. You don’t even recall actually driving, you’re just at her house now.
Rage is a hell of a thing.
You quickly get out of the car and race up the steps, checking under the porcelain frog for the spare key, but when you can’t find it you decide that pounding on her door like a mad woman will suffice.
“OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR, LAURIE!” you roar, pounding on her door like it stole something from you.
When the door opens, you’re met with Jacob’s worried and scared face.
Even better.
“Y/N, what’s-?”
“WHERE IS SHE?!” you scream as you push past him and make your way inside. “GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE YOU FUCKING BITCH!”
“Y/N, please calm down and tell me-”
“THERE YOU FUCKING ARE! YOU FUCKING BITCH!” you yell as you grab the closest thing to you (which lucky for her is a tissue box) and throw it at her.
“Sweetheart, calm down!” Andy yells, standing in front of Laurie just in time to block it. “What happened?!”
“ARE YOU THAT FUCKING STUPID?! YOU DIDN’T THINK I WOULD FUCKING FIND OUT?!” you rage, lunging towards Laurie but Jacob catches you just in time. “FUCKING TELL THEM! TELL THEM WHAT YOU FUCKING DID!”
Laurie stands there, frozen in fear, and says nothing.
“Y/N, just calm down and-” Sarah starts reassuringly but you don’t want to hear it.
You’re done being nice.
“Jesus Laurie! What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Andy shouts as he turns around to face her.
“For fucks sake, mom!” Jacob sighs and out of the corner of your eye, you see Sarah balling her fists and fighting the urge to say something.
“Y/N-” Sarah tries to interrupt.
“Wait...what?” Jacob asks, clearly in shock.
“That’s right, bestie!” you smile sarcastically, turning to face him, “she fucking cheated on Andy with his best fucking friend after the trial because she felt wronged! She had a full blown fucking affair and then, because she was afraid that I would steal her fucking husband at 15 years old, she made sure to keep him out of the house when she knew I’d be coming over! Which is why I didn’t fucking meet him until I was in my fucking 20’s!”
“Jesus, Y/N, I’m so fucking-”
“And the first time I fucking met him was when I went to get those fucking beers while we were watching ‘Borat’, and I had the pleasure of overhearing them arguing because she didn’t want her husband being around the town whore!”
“And you know what fucking sucks the most?” you continue, your eyes brimming with tears of anger as turn your attention back towards her. “I kept your fucking secrets! I was fine with Jacob hating me as long as it meant that he wouldn’t hate you! You went out of your fucking way to not hurt Andy, but hurt me and I’ve done nothing to you! For years I’ve done nothing but respect your wishes, even though it fucking hurt to know you thought so little of me. When I discovered I had feelings for Andy, I did my best to stay as far away from him as possible! I have done nothing to deserve this from you!”
“You broke up my family!” Laurie finally shouts back and you’re ready lunge at her again, completely forgetting that Jacob is still holding you. “Andy’s in love with you, Jacob’s in love-”
“Jesus Christ mom, I know you ruined your own goddamn marriage, but can you not ruin mine before it’s even started?! Leave me out of your fucking shit show!”
“Oh c’mon Jacob! Everyone knows-”
“No one knows shit, because I’m not in love with Y/N! She’s just my best fucking friend! Yes, I had a crush on her for a moment, but that’s over and done with. She didn’t do shit to you! She didn’t turn me against you and she encouraged me to keep trying to have a better relationship with you! You’re a fucking bully! You bully Y/N, dad, and me! Hell, even bully Sarah! What’s in this family isn’t because of Y/N, it’s because of YOU!” he snaps, finally letting you go.
“If she hadn’t-”
“Jesus, Laurie! Just stop!” you yell, angry tears streaming down your face. “YOU are the reason you’re so fucking miserable! You never do anything, everything just happens to you, right?! Fucking grow up and learn how to take some fucking responsibility for your own goddamn actions! You have a wonderful fucking family and you treat them like shit! What the fuck did you think was gonna happen?! Andy is a fucking person! Not some damn toy that you turn on and off when you want fucking attention and to be entertained! He is good, pure, and genuine! He’s the sweetest man in the world and you fucking abused his love! You abused him! Of course he fell out of love with you! He fell out of love with you and fell in love with me, and I fucking fell head over heels for him! I honestly tried to stop and stay away, but it just didn’t fucking happen and I’m sorry that he chose me, but I didn’t fucking do this! I have been feeling guilty for years and for what?! You to pull this shit?! YOU are the reason you’re so fucking miserable, not me! Maybe, if you weren’t such a fucking cunt, you wouldn’t have lost your husband! MAYBE Jacob would wanna be around you more! You’re a fucking piece of shit, Laurie and that’s not my damn fault!” “Do you feel better now?” she sobs. “Are you happy that my fucking family hates me now?!”
“Your family will fucking forgive you because everyone in this room is too good for you! You’re upset that your family is rightfully mad at you? Try having the town and your family thinking the absolute worst of you because of a fucking lie!” you scoff. “From here on out, I never want to fucking see you again. You’re not welcome in our home and unless it’s extremely serious and has something with Andy, Jacob, or Sarah there’s no fucking reason for us to ever speak! I’m done with this shit! Fuck you and go to hell!” you spit before turning and starting to walk out.
“Y/N,” Jacob calls after you as he grabs your wrist, but you just pull away and keep walking.
You need to get out of there before you breaking something.
The second the door closes you hear the yelling match begin and you don’t feel bad at all. You’ve tried for years to do right by Laurie and this is the shit you get in return?
Fuck it all.
You practically speed home, ignoring your phone because you don’t think you’ll be able to talk to anyone without screaming at them. The second you’re home, you run upstairs to the bedroom and hide under the covers. Your phone won’t stop buzzing, so you toss it on the nightstand and just cry into your pillow.
You’re so tired of feeling pain, anger, and frustration. No, you shouldn’t have flown off the handle like that, but what fucking right did Laurie have? Yes, you and Andy started seeing each other before she signed the papers, but it’s not like he wasn’t adamant getting that to happen. You’ve spent years trying to respect Laurie and her wishes, and for what? So she can fucking lie about you to everyone?
And your mother.
Why was it so easy for her to believe everyone else? You know you two have had your fair share of differences lately, but she’s still your fucking mother. How could she not even think to defend you? She knows you well enough to know that you doing something like that is completely out of character.
“Sweetheart?!” Andy calls as he enters the house.
You don’t even have the energy to respond. You just curl into yourself and cry harder. God, for him to see you like that? You’re so fucking embarrassed. You truly didn’t mean to go off like that, but you’ve just had enough of everything. All you want is to be happy with Andy and live a good life.
Why is that so fucking hard?
“Honey, please don’t cry,” Andy begs as he gets in bed with you, getting under the covers and pulling you close.
“I’m so fucking sorry,” you sob as you lay your head on his chest.
“Hey no! None of that! She was completely out of line and she had no right! Your fucking mother?! What the fuck?!”
“I ruined everything!”
“You ruined nothing. Get rid of that thought right now.”
“No, it’s one thing for her to give us shit in person, but she spread a lie about you in public. She made sure to make you look like the villain when you aren’t one at all.”
“You were still married-”
“We both know why I was still married when we started seeing each other. It’s not some big secret that I wanted a divorce. By the time we had sex, you knew that I wasn’t even sleeping in the same room as her.”
“Still, I-”
“Still nothing. Laurie did this and then decided to make you the bad guy. I don’t blame you for going off today.You had every right.”
“It doesn’t help that I trauma dumped all over Jacob.”
“No, you were right to do it, because he needed to know.”
“Not like this!”
“Baby, it was long overdue. He had no reason to ever be angry with you and now he knows that. Just calm down.”
“Please calm down, honey. Everything is okay and as it should be. Just calm down,” he begs as someone pounds on the front door.
“Y/N! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!” your father yells.
“For fucks sake!” you mutter as you wipe your eyes.
“You stay right here. I’ll fucking deal with him,” Andy broods before getting up.
“You stay here,” he repeats as he walks out.
Andy races down the step, and even though he left the door open, you can’t make out what they’re saying. You hope and pray that it’ll be over soon, but the moment you hear both of their voices get louder, you know you need to intervene. You take a deep breath before putting your slippers on and making your way downstairs.
Today can go to hell.
“I’ll handle it, babe,” you say softly as you stand behind Andy.
“You’re supposed to be upstairs.”
“I don’t want you arguing with my father. I’ll take care of it.”
“Baby, I’ve got this.”
Andy sighs before answering you, “I’ll be in the living room if you need me.”
“Thanks baby,” you smile weakly as he walks away before turning your attention to your father. “What?”
“No, after the shit you pulled-”
“It is amazing how you think you have any right to say anything to me right now! After all of the shit you’ve pulled-”
“You’re not me!”
“Exactly! I’m not a piece of shit like you, so you should know better than to believe that bullshit!”
“He’s too old for you!”
“Your wife is too young for you!”
“No, this fucking conversation is over! You don’t get to come to our house, disrespect my boyfriend, and try and tell us what to do! I am madly and deeply in love with Andrew Barber and that’s not gonna change! We’re not breaking up so everyone can fucking get over it!”
“That is the end of this discussion now leave before I call the fucking cops!”
“I swear to God I’ll fucking do it! Do not test me!” you warn, crossing your arms across your chest.
He opens his mouth to say something, but just ends up sighing in defeat and just turns around and walks away instead. You wait until you seem him pull off to turn around and go back inside, slamming the door shut and locking it behind you.
You’re done with everyone for the day.
“Sweetheart, are you-”
Andy’s cut off by you pulling him close and kissing you with an insane amount of passion. You’re done talking, you don’t feel like crying, and you don’t wanna drink.
You just want Andy.
Thankfully, Andy picks up on this and picks you and carries you upstairs to the bedroom. He sets you down once he’s at the foot of the bed and you make quick work of getting his shirt off, before getting on your knees and undoing the button and zipper on his jeans and pulling them down along with his boxer briefs, before pulling his shoes and socks off. You slowly kiss up his body, loving the silent sighs and moans that leave his mouth, before getting back on your feet. You sit him down before taking off his shirt that you’re wearing and your bra.
Andy’s are trained on you as you take off your sweatpants and panties, before walking over and straddling him. You keep your gaze on him as stroke him a few times before sliding yourself down on his cock.
“Fuck,” you sigh, finally feeling content as he stretches you.
“Take what you need from me, sweetheart,” he groans, cradling you in his arms as if you’re a precious porcelain doll.
“Just want...need to feel better,” you moan as you start to grind your hips against his.
“I love you so much, Andy.”
“I love you, Y/N. Never gonna stop.”
You dip down and kiss him as you start to pick up your pace, sighing in content as your clit rubs against his pelvis. He starts a trail of hungry kisses down your neck and you feel yourself getting close. When he gets to your chest, you push him back because you know you aren’t gonna last long.
Even when he isn’t in control, he can still pull you apart in a matter of minutes. You place your hands on his chest in a weak attempt to keep yourself upright; riding him as if you’re attempting to remind him why he won’t ever be able to give you up. You push your hair back as Andy’s hands start travel up your body, stopping once they’re on your breasts and he’s massaging them, and whine like you’re in heat.
“You are so fucking beautiful! So fucking beautiful and perfect!”
“I can’t...fuck, I’m so close!”
“Give it to me, baby. I’ll take care of you.”
“Andy!” “Come on sweet girl, give me everything.”
And just like that, you’re cumming hard and digging your nails into his shoulders. With one swift move, he’s pulling you down and flipping you on your back.
“Oh my God!”
“You look so fucking beautiful when you’re riding me!”
“I just need...just need you,” you pathetically plead as he entwines his fingers with yours and raises them above your head so they’re resting against the headboard. “Baby...oh God, don’t stop!”
“You are my entire fucking universe, Y/N! I will do anything to protect you and keep you safe!”
“My perfect fucking girl!”
“FUCK!” you shout as your orgasm overtakes you and make a mess all over his cock and you’re sure the bed.
“Christ!” Andy growls into the crook of your neck as he fills you to the brim with his release.
As he rides out both of your highs, all you can think to do is wrap your arms around him and pull him close. Andy is your home and you never want to be without him.
“Are you okay?” he asks after a moment, pulling out and laying beside you.
“I feel better than I did before,” you humorlessly chuckle as you roll over and lay your head on his chest.
“I’m so fucking sorry, sweetheart.”
“No, I’m sorry. I fucking...I shouldn’t have gone off like that.”
“You had every right.”
“Still...I should’ve talked to you first, at least. Just storming in there like that...I just had to fucking sit here and listen to my mother say all of this shit. I was so hurt by her and then to find out that Laurie is the one who started it? I don’t know why I’m surprised that she did it, because she fucking sucks, but it still felt like a punch to the fucking gut.”
“Just know that it’s been dealt with.”
“How angry is Jacob?”
“He said a few choice words and I couldn’t really blame him. He’s hurt...really hurt. I thought he would’ve called or text you?”
“He probably has, I put my phone on my nightstand and have been ignoring it. It was going off like crazy and I just couldn’t deal with it. Jesus, how did all of this happen before 12pm?” you chuckle as Andy lets out a full bodied laugh. “This is something that would happen to us.”
“Who thought this would be such a big fucking deal?”
“I certainly fucking didn’t,” you mutter as you rub your face, “fuck me.”
“Do you still want this?” he asks softly and you can hear the fear in his voice.
“Hey, look at me,” you urge as you gently grip his face and force his attention on you, “I love you. I am so in love with you and I’m not going anywhere. The whole town can hate me, I don’t care. I just want to be with you. Are you sure you want to be with me?”
Andy cups your face and kisses you so passionately you’re worked up again, “I only want you and I’m only ever going to want you. No one and nothing is gonna make me doubt that.”
“Everyone knows now. There’s no more shit to deal with, no more hiding, and no more secrets. I love the fact that I can finally go out in public with you, and show everyone just how much I love you. Just how much we love each other. It’s not going to be easy, but I want this. I need to be with you.”
“You were made for me and I was made for you. The moment you stepped into my life, I finally felt like I could breathe. You’ve made me so fucking happy and I wanna spend the rest of my life showing you the same love and happiness you’ve selflessly given me time and time again. There’s never going to be a time when I look at you and don’t feel my heartbeat speed up and my body heat up. There’s never going to come a time when I won’t be in love with you,” he promises sincerely.
It feels so fucking good to cry for a good reason.
You pull him close and kiss him passionately, “lets go adopt a puppy,” you breathe with a smile once you two break apart.
You both get dressed in silence and the car ride is filled music from the playlist you made for the both of you, while you and Andy rest your entwined hands on the console. The day may have started shitty, but it’s turning out better than you could’ve imagined.
“Do you know what kind of dog you want?” Andy asks as he parks the car.
“Nah, I’ll know when I see it,” you smile and Andy just chuckles.
“Sounds good to me.”
“Do you care at all?”
“I’m just following your lead, babe.”
You know it’s silly, but the fact that you and Andy are about to adopt a dog together has you feeling more excited than you thought it would. It really is a huge step, and you know he’s not just going along with it to make you happy. Yes, Andy loves making you smile, but he’s not irresponsible. You’re more than sure that he knows the responsibilities that come with getting a dog.
He is an actual parent after all.
No, he’s not doing it just to make you happy, he’s doing it because he trusts you. He trusts you to love and care for it, be responsible, and not get bored or tired of it. He trusts you enough to parent together.
“Hello, how may I help you?” the receptionist smiles brightly at you as you and Andy make your way to the desk.
“Um, we’re looking to adopt a dog,” you answer shyly, realizing that you and Andy are actually about to take this giant step together.
It’s insane to you how your day went from being to a complete and total fucking nightmare to a dream come true.
“That’s great!” she beams with a sincere smile as she grabs two clipboards. “I’ll take you to the back soon, we just need you both to fill out these forms.”
As you look over the paper, you see that it’s simple enough and very much necessary, but when they ask for referrals you freeze up.
Currently, everyone in your life hates you.
“What’s wrong?” Andy asks softly as he notices the change in your demeanor.
“I don’t know who to put down for a referral.”
“Sarah and Jacob.”
“Sarah? Yes. Jacob...”
“Sweetheart, it’s fine.”
“Andy’s he still so mad and-”
“Believe me, you can put him down.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes,” he grins before going back to filling out his form.
Andy’s never let you down before, so you can really can’t think of a reason not to trust him now. You’re hesitant, but finish filling out the form and hand it to him so can turn it in along with his.
Your anxiety is really starting to get the best of you.
“Alright, everything looks good, lets head back,” she smiles as she gets up.
You take Andy’s hand in yours, take a deep breath, and follow the woman into the back area. You’re barely listening to the woman as she starts talking about the shelter and what they’re about. It’s not that you don’t care, but your  heart just breaks for all of the animals that have been mistreated.
Then you see a puppy crouched in the corner of its kennel and stop in your tracks.
“Who’s this one?” you ask as you slowly make your way over to the kennel and kneel down in front of it.
The poor thing looks terrified.
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“Oh, he’s one of our newer rescues,” she sighs. “We’ve named him Louie. We found him on the side of the highway in a thunderstorm. He’s sweet, but  very skid-dish.”
“He’s just a puppy!”
“Yeah, I said the same thing. It took him the first few weeks to warm up to us and really eat, but hes come a long way,” she smiles softly, looking at the frightened dog.
Louie is an awful name, but hes stolen your heart.
“Is it okay if I sit in there with him?”
You’re slow to get in when she opens the kennel door, not wanting to scare him even more, but soon enough you’re inside and settled on the other side of the kennel; wanting to come to you when he’s ready. You slowly hold out your hand, letting him sniff it, then softly go to pet him. It takes a few minutes, but he lets you move a little closer.
“I’m not gonna hurt you, sweetheart,” you tell him in a soft and gentle tone. “I just wanna meet you.”
After a few more minutes, you’re close enough to him and he’s making his way over to you, sniffing you just a bit before deciding to slowly make his way into your lap. You look up at Andy with tears in your eyes and a smile on your face.
“I think we found our pup,” Andy smiles at the woman who has tears in her eyes.
You stay in the kennel for a bit longer, before gently putting Louie down and promising him you’ll come back to see him. Even if they don’t let you adopt him, there’s no way you’re not gonna come back just to comfort him.
The woman asks for you and Andy to sign a few forms before telling you that someone will reach out to you both of you in a week or two.
“Who could do that to a puppy?!” you exclaim as soon as you two are back in the car. “He’s so sweet! Poor little German Shepherd!”
“His name is Louie.”
“That’s an awful name and you know it,” you scowl and Andy laughs softly. “Even if he doesn’t end up with us, I hope he finds a good home. I hope they all find a good home.”
“I’m pretty sure he’s ours, so you better start thinking of names.”
“I don’t wanna jinx it.”
“Sweetheart, I know you weren’t paying attention, but I saw how that woman was looking at you. You need to start thinking about a name.”
“Yeah, everything is great until she calls Jacob.”
“I told you, it’ll be fine.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do,” he smiles at you and pulls up to a stop sign.
“I just can’t wait to make you a mom.”
You and Andy spend the rest of the day cuddled up and watching movies. You both decide that the day has been long and stressful enough, deciding to ignore your phones and just enjoy one another for the rest of the day. Andy decides that he doesn’t want to let you go long enough to cook dinner, so you both decide on sushi.
When you’re finally ready to call it a night, you fall asleep feeling understood, loved, and at peace.
Finding the person you’re gonna spend the rest of your life with is truly something else.
“It’s not like I intended to almost break down the damn door, Andy,” you mumble, rolling your eyes as you make your way onto the back deck. “I just snapped. I haven’t raged out like that since the 11th grade.”
When you woke up, you were feeling much more calm than you were feeling yesterday, so you decided that you both should actually talk about what happened.
Ya know, you raging out and almost committing a murder.
“I still can’t believe you threw a box of tissues at her,” he scoffs, handing you a cup of coffee as he reads the paper.
“She’s lucky that’s all that was there and that Jacob held me back. She’d honestly probably be in the hospital right now.”
“I’m not gonna lie, it was extremely terrifying and sexy to see you like that.”
“I really did want to be rational,” you laugh, “but after hearing what my boss said at work, then getting that call from my mom-”
“Your boss is the one that confronted you at work?” Andy questions with a growl as he throws his newspaper down.
“What exactly did he say?”
“Please don’t get yourself worked-”
You sigh in defeat knowing that you’re about to ruin his day, “it was stupid. He said that his girlfriend-”
“He has a girlfriend and he’s hitting on you all the fucking time?!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Go on.”
“He said that she saw the whole thing at the grocery store and he figured that’s why I never wanted to sleep with him. He said that he didn’t think I had  it in me to steal someone’s husband. It just triggered me which is why I acted the way I did that night, because once again, I was just seen as some man stealing sex bot. Then, when my mom called and said that Laurie is the one spreading all these rumors and shit...I don’t know, I just fucking lost,” you finish with a heavy sigh.
When Andy doesn’t respond, you look over at him and see that one of his hands are clenching the arm of the lawn chair.
“Baby, please don’t-”
“Has he been making advances towards you lately?”
“Just the same shit as usual. Asking me out on dates, asking me to meet him at his place. He hasn’t put his hands on me again. Please don’t get worked up over this, it’s nothing I haven’t dealt with before.”
“That’s not helping me to calm down,” he mutters before getting up and heading into the house.
“Babe, where are you going?”
“For a run,” he gruffly replies before you hear his heavy footsteps going up the stairs.
About five minutes later, you hear him coming back down the steps and slam the door shut.
You sigh and grab the news paper, trying to give a damn about hometown politics, but it’s useless now. Andy’s upset and you hate it. Your boss is just a piece of shit, and neither of you can change that. You understand why he’s upset, but you just don’t feel like there’s a point to it. You’ve gotten used to it and he should too.
Your boss isn’t the first guy to treat you like shit and you’re sure he won’t be the last.
You grab both cups off coffee and the newspaper, deciding that it’s best to occupy yourself. Sitting around and waiting for Andy to come back won’t do anything besides cause you to worry. You pour out the coffee in both cups, but before you can start cleaning them, there’s a knock on the front door, and you’re quick to drop everything and run to it.
“Baby, there’s really no reason for you to be...oh,” you say as you open the door and see Jacob standing there. “I thought you were...”
“I can see that,” he mutters.
“He went out for a run and I don’t know when he’ll be back, so-”
“I uh...I came to see you.”
“Oh...okay then...come in, I guess,” you mumble awkwardly as you stand to the side.
You both walk in silence to the kitchen after you close the door and you feel like shit. You’ve never felt so far from Jacob in your life. Out of the corner of your eye you see him looking at the pictures of you and Andy, and you’re so tempted to ask him what he’s thinking.
“Do you want anything to drink?” you ask, grabbing yourself a glass.
“What are you having?”
“A whiskey neat.”
“Make two, I guess.”
“Will do.”
You quickly make the drinks in an awkward silence before leading him out onto the back deck. It’s been a while since you’ve had a drink before 11am, but you’re having a hell of a weekend.
“So...what’s up?” you ask after five minutes of awkward silence and you two just looking everywhere but at each other.
“I’ve been texting you, but you haven’t been answering me.”
“Yeah, I haven’t been on my phone since everything happened.”
“That bad?”
“Let me show you,” you smile sarcastically, putting your drink down before running inside to grab your phone from upstairs. “It hasn’t stopped going off since my mother called me,” you sigh, making your way back outside, tossing it to him.
“Holy shit.”
“Well, we need to talk.”
“I guess so.”
“You lied to me, Y/N. To my face, multiple times.”
“It’s not like you made it easy for me to tell you the truth. I wanted to and I tried-”
“You should’ve just told me!”
“How was I supposed to tell you, Jacob? How? I kept trying to drop fucking hints, and all you kept telling me was how you wanted them back together, and that you don’t want him with anyone else or anyone younger. I hated lying to you, we both did, but what was I supposed to do?! You think that was fun for me? Lying to you? Keeping secrets? Jacob, you’re my best friend and I wanted to let you know everything, there was just never a good time!”
“I wouldn’t have gotten so mad if you would have just told me from the beginning!”
“That’s bullshit and you know it. There was no right way or good time to tell you, so that’s why we decided to wait until after you proposed. We both thought you were going to propose during the Summer. You decided to wait and what were we supposed to do? Rush you? We knew that telling you would ruin the proposal, so we agreed to do it after. Then...then we fucked up and got carried away. It was never what we intended and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry that you found out like that. We had the whole thing planned...I’m truly sorry.”
“Yeah, walking in on my dad filming you two fucking? Hearing you call him ‘Daddy’?”
“Jesus, how much did you hear?”
“More than enough.”
“Jacob, I’m sorry, I really am, but you wouldn’t even hear me out. You just yelled, said a bunch of shit, and then stormed out.”
“What did you expect?!”
“I expected better from you! After everything we’ve gone through, I expected better from you!” you sniff, finally letting your tears fall. “I know I hurt you, but dammit Jacob! You hurt me too!”
“I know I did,” he sighs before taking a long sip of his drink. “Sarah chewed me out for two days. You’re right, this is something I would’ve never been ready for and me losing my shit was the only option. Then, yesterday...once we got home, Sarah told me everything. It’s not like I don’t know that you’re a loyal friend, Y/N...he’s my fucking dad!”
“Jake, I don’t know what to tell you, okay? I tried my best to stop it, I really did. I didn’t want to fall in love with him and the second I figured out that I had, I tried to stay away. We both tried to stop this, but it just...I love him, Jake. God, I am so insanely in love with him.It’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth.”
He’s thoughtful before he speaks, “what my mom did...what shes been doing...you didn’t deserve that. She fucked up, not you. That’s not right or fair to you at all.”
“Yeah well, that’s just Laurie being Laurie,” you mutter before taking another sip of your drink.
“You should’ve told me.”
“Jacob, all the clues were there, you’re just oblivious to everything. I can’t do anything about that. Them arguing over a girl that works in a library, Andy never being around when I’m there, that awkward ass family dinner. I wasn’t about to tell you something that would’ve put more of a strain on your relationship with your mother. Like I said yesterday, I’m fine with you hating me as long as you don’t hate her. Yeah, your mom fucking sucks and she’s not the greatest mom, but at least she gave you the benefit of the doubt when everything happened with Ben. My mother called me after hearing one bullshit accusation and she was calling me a home wrecking whore.”
“For fucks sake.”
“So yeah, the one of us that has two capable and functioning parents? I’m sacrificing myself for that.”
“You didn’t need to do that.”
“Yes, I really did.”
“Yeah well, we exchanged some choice fucking words after that. I’m not happy with her.”
“I’m imaging you’re not happy with anyone right now.”
“You’re not wrong.”
“Don’t be mad at Andy, Jake. He hated keeping it from you and he wanted to tell you before we left for Italy.”
“Then why didn’t he?”
“Because I told him that I didn’t want our first trip away together to be ruined by me crying because you’ll hate me. We both knew how angry you would be and we just wanted one real couple’s activity before everything went to shit.”
“Did you live out your ‘Roman Holiday’ dream?”
“I did,” you smile at him, pouring you both another drink.
“Well...what do we do now?”
“I mean...I’m not leaving Andy.”
“I don’t expect you to. I guess we just...take it one step at a time.”
“Can you handle that?”
“All I can do is try. It’s not lost on me how much happier you two have been since being together. Once I put everything together...I love you both and I want you both to be happy. If that means you two are staying together...I’m gonna try my best to learn how to deal with it.”
“Trying is a good place to start,” you smile at him.
“Still can’t believe you almost hit my mom.”
“That’s the second time I’ve heard that today,” you groan and Jacob chuckles softly.
“How’s he handling everything?”
“Much better than I am. He’s been keeping me sane.”
“Sweetheart, I’m back!” Andy calls as he makes his way inside the house. “The car outside looks like...oh, hey bud,” he greets awkwardly.
You know that now isn’t the time, but Andy’s been growing out his hair, and he’s currently covered in sweat. You pray that Jacob is ready to go.
“Hey, I’m on my way out. Just wanted to talk to Y/N.”
“I’m sorry if I interrupted-”
“No, we’re all done here. I’ve gotta get back home. Y/N, please text or call Sarah. She’s worried sick about you,” he nods towards you before getting up.
“I’ll text her soon.”
“I guess, I’ll see you around,” he smiles awkwardly before making his way out.
“Jake...are we...?” Andy asks softly.
“We will be...I just need time. I’ll see you both later.”
And with that, he’s out the door.
“Drinking already?” Andy asks, noticing the glasses.
“It’s not like it was a necessarily easy talk,” you shrug before scarfing down the rest of your drink.
“You two resolve it?”
“I mean...he doesn’t hate me as much as he did before, and he did apologize. We both did. I don’t know, time will tell.”
“That’s a good place to start,” he smiles before grabbing what’s left of Jacob’s drink and downing it.
“I take it your run didn’t do you any good?”
“Well, I’ve talked myself out of going to your job tomorrow and beating the shit out of your boss.”
“That’s very big of you and I’m proud.”
“Sweet girl.”
“He’s always going to be an asshole, baby.”
“That doesn’t make it okay,” he growls as he makes his way back inside.
“I never said it did, I’m just saying that there’s no sense in getting angry.”
“I’ve told you before, but I guess it didn’t stick; so let me remind you. You’re mine. Every part of you belongs to me and no one else,” he broods, turning to face you after putting the glass in the sink. “I don’t want him hitting on you, I don’t want him inviting you out to dinner, I don’t want him putting his fucking hands on you, and I don’t want him harassing you.”
You don’t say anything. You just take his hand and lead him upstairs, bringing him into the bathroom.
“You need to shower and unwind, daddy.”
“And how do you think I should unwind?”
“You tell me,” you suggest seductively as you take his shirt off of you.
Andy wastes no time getting undressed and turning on the shower, before pulling you in with him. He’s on his knees almost instantly, hooking your right leg over his shoulder before starting to devour your pussy.
“Fuck! Just like that, daddy! Use me until you’re satisfied,” you whimper, grabbing a fistful of his hair as you start to grind your pussy against his face.
You look down and see his heated gaze on you and it only makes you crave him in the sickest way even more.
That’s the thing about you and Andy’s love that makes it easy to understand why you can’t and won’t ever give him up. It’s not traditional, it’s not always easy, and it’s not always romantic, but it is always honest. There’s no part of either of you that you hide from one another. Even when you both just need to get your anger and aggression out, you show those sides of yourselves to one another.
There are no secrets.
Andy is the first and only person that you’ve been with that makes you feel safe and comfortable with whatever shade and mood you’re feeling. You don’t feel like there’s any part of yourself that you need to hide away to make yourself perfect for him, because he thinks you’re perfect already, and you feel the same about him. He’s not angry because he doesn’t trust you, he’s angry because he knows you deserve better. If he needs to fuck you until the anger and frustration has subsided, then you’re more than happy to let him do that.
He takes him time pulling you apart in the shower, making sure he’s satisfied with what a quivering mess you’ve become, before carrying you into the bedroom and taking you apart time and time again. By the time he’s through with you, you’re a limp mess on the bed.
“Are you okay, baby? Was I too rough?” he questions softly as he strokes your back.
“I’m perfect, Andy. You’re always so good to me.”
“I’m sorry I got a little carried away. I just...we gotta get you a new job, babe.”
“I know, honey,” you yawn, “I know.”
“I don’t wanna. I wanna spend time with you.”
“We’ll do something when you wake up.”
“Don’t argue with me.”
“At least lay with me?”
“Of course,” he laughs softly as he gets under the covers with you, pulling you close and pressing a soft kiss to your shoulder. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Andy. So fucking much.”
“Sleep, baby. Just rest up.”
“Just need...just need you,” you mumble as you succumb to sleep.
When you wake up, you’re in bed alone and the house is quiet. You give yourself a moment to adjust, your body still feeling a bit like rubber from your anger management session with Andy earlier, before getting up and looking over at your alarm clock.
You’re gonna have the worst time going to bed tonight.
You sigh in frustration as you get out of bed and go over to your dresser, grabbing a random old t-shirt and a pair of pajama shorts, before heading downstairs.
“Andy?” you call out.
Making your way into the kitchen, you grab a glass and pour yourself a drink, before going out onto the back deck and grabbing your phone. You head back inside, taking a seat on the sofa in the living room, before dialing the one person you were supposed to call hours ago.
“Are you okay?!” Sarah exclaims as soon as she answers the phone.
“I’m alright, I’m sorry. I haven’t answered or really looked at my phone since my mother called me. I’m supposed to be helping you plan a wedding and-”
“Do not worry about that right now. How are you?”
“I mean...it’s out, so at least there’s no more sneaking and hiding. There’s a huge relief in knowing that.”
“I can’t believe she did that shit! I told Jacob I don’t want her at the wedding.”
“No Y/N. Fuck her. I’ve been sick of her shit for a long time, but this is entirely too far. It’s not even like she just went to your parents. She purposely went to her little group and lied about everything. I don’t want her there.”
“She’s his mother.”
“Then why doesn’t she fucking act like it?”
“Lets talk about something else,” you sigh before downing your drink, grabbing the bottle under the coffee table, and pouring yourself another.
Sarah giggles before saying, “so you two record yourselves, huh?”
“Stop!” you burst out laughing and she laughs along with you. “That was the first time we’d ever done it too. God, that was such a shit show.”
“I told him to get over it. You’re both truly in love with one another and it’s obvious that you two belong together.”
“Sarah, his best friend is dating his dad.”
“Who gives a fuck? We’re all grown, so he needs to get the fuck over it. After all you’ve done for him? After all his dad has done for him? He can get over it. He’s being selfish and childish.”
“Someone is feisty.”
“Yeah well, my best friend isn’t okay and I’m pissed about it.”
“Everything will be fine in time. Wounds are still fresh and...he just needs time. We all need time,” you finish softly before throwing back another drink and pouring yourself another. “Now, how far along are you with the wedding?”
“We’ll talk about it in a few days. Give yourself time to regroup.”
“I mean it, babygirl. Let yourself process all of this and deal with it. We’ve got time, I’m not worried.”
“Thank you, Sarah. For everything.”
“That’s what best friends are for. I’ve gotta go though, Jacob just came home with dinner. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Sounds good. I love you.”
“I love you, get some rest,” she pleads before hanging up.
You check your phone and see that it’s now 6:20 and there’s still no sign of Andy, so you turn on the TV, have another drink and pour another, and get comfortable. You get through a movie and a half before the front door finally opens.
“Well, look who’s finally home,” you slur with a humorless laugh.
“Honey, what’s wrong?”
“Where were you?”
“I went to go see Laurie. Why are you drunk?”
“Why did you go to see Laurie?”
“I didn’t exactly get out everything I wanted to say yesterday. Now, put this down and talk to me,” he sighs, grabbing your glass and putting it down on the coffee table, before taking a seat next to you.
“Sarah doesn’t want Laurie at the wedding, my relationship with Jacob is up in the air and I think it’s starting to affect his relationship with Sarah, the town easily believes a full blown lie about me and so do my parents, and when I woke up you were gone. It’s been a hell of a week, babe.”
“Come here,” he sighs, pulling you into his lap and cradling you against  his chest. “I didn’t want to wake you up and I didn’t see the point in sending a text because you haven’t been on your phone.”
“No Andy, I don’t think you were out doing anything wrong. I’m lonely. I woke up and you were gone and I felt alone. Yeah, Jacob and I talked today, but I have never felt so far away from him in my life. Obviously, if he’s ever able to get over you and I being together, it’s still not going to be like it was before. Sarah’s annoyed with him for how he’s acting and wishes he would get the fuck over it, so I’m trying to give them space to just sort it out. The town is looking down on me even more now thanks to Laurie, so it’s not like I’m in any real rush to go out and make friends. My parents think I’m a whore as does my boss, and right now, this relationship is the one thing in my life that feels right. I know I can’t make you my only friend or comfort, and I don’t plan on it, but it’s just really tough right now. When you’re not with me, I feel so alone and I hate feeling that way right now,” you finish with a silent sob.
“Oh my sweet girl,” he coos as he rubs your back softly, “I’m so fucking sorry. I honestly never thought she’d take it this far.”
“You shouldn’t have to take care of me like this. I shouldn’t be so weak-”
“Hey no! None of that. The last thing you are is weak. You’ve had to put up with so much for so long and so much has happened since we got back from Rome. You’re not weak, you’re worn out and I don’t blame you. Anyone in your position would be fed up and worn out. Do not think of yourself as weak, because you’re the strongest person I know.”
“I mean it, sweetheart. I’ve told you, you don’t have to be strong all the time. You aren’t alone anymore. You take care of me all the time, please let me take care of you. Let me love you, because I love you so fucking much.”
You pull away slightly and look him in the eyes and they’re filled with the most genuine and pure love. He holds your chin with his forefinger before leaning in and kissing your tear soaked lips. It’s not desperate, there’s no lust, and there’s no eagerness. It’s tender, passionate, and filled with love.
“I love you, Andy,” you sob once you two break apart.
“Lets get you something to eat.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I’m not.”
“Have you eaten at all today?”
“Can you just eat half a sandwich for me?”
“Fine,” you begrudgingly agree.
Andy sets you up so that you’re straddling him before wrapping his arms around your waist and standing up. You wrap your legs around him and lay your head on his shoulder, not wanting to be anywhere else.
“What did you tell Laurie?” you ask quietly as he sets you down on the counter.
“A few things,” he mutters as he grabs a plate from the cabinet, “of course, it turned into a yelling match.”
“You didn’t have to say anything, Andy. I don’t want her yelling at you-”
“No,” Andy interrupts as he grabs spiced ham, cheese, and lettuce out of the fridge, “she doesn’t get to pull that shit and get away with it. You’re with me and she’s going to respect you. For her to spread that shit to the whole town? I told her she could make me look like the bad guy. Not you.”
“To her, I am the bad guy.”
“Stop that,” he sighs grabbing Nandos spicy and sweet mayo you love out of the fridge. “Stop showing her favor when she doesn’t deserve it.”
“I almost killed her yesterday, Andy. I’m not showing her favor, I’m just telling the truth. Laurie isn’t capable of ever holding herself accountable, so she’s always going to blame and see me as the bad guy. She doesn’t see why everyone’s so mad, because she’ll always see me as the problem.”
“Yeah well, I don’t give a fuck what she believes cause I know the truth. I told her that if she pulls some shit like that again, she’s not going to be happy with the consequences.”
“No Y/N. I’m done with everyone thinking they can treat you however they want. I know you say it’s fine because you’re used to it, but that doesn’t make it right,” he huffs as he puts your sandwich together. “I honestly almost went to go see your mother and yell at her too, cause she fucking knows better. I don’t fucking care how much she drinks.”
“What did you say to my father?” you ask, ignoring the arousal between your legs.
Hearing and seeing him get so worked up over you turns you on in the worst way.
“I told him that he’s not fucking welcome here and he needs to fucking go home. He told me I can’t talk to him like that and I told him I can talk to him however the fuck I want when he’s trespassing on our property.That’s when the yelling started.”
“Oh God.”
“He said that I should be ashamed of what I put my family through and I told him that he should be ashamed of the piece of shit that he is. He threatened to hit me and I told him to make a good hit because it’ll be the only one he’ll get in. He was about to say something when you came down and said you’ll take care of it.”
“I’m so sorry, hun.”
“I’m not. Fuck him. If he can’t treat you right, he’s not welcome here. Anyone who can’t treat you with an ounce of fucking respect is gonna deal with me.”
“I mean it, Y/N. I’m not tolerating that shit. I will yell at everyone in this fucking town if I have to,” he finishes with a huff, adding two pickles to your sandwich before putting on the top piece and cutting it. “Eat half and we’ll go to bed.”
“I don’t wanna go to bed.”
“You have work tomorrow.”
“I don’t wanna go.”
“I don’t want you to,” he scoffs. You keep your gaze on him and he chuckles, “what?”
“You’re growing your hair out.”
“You don’t like it?”
“i love it.”
“Eat,” he laughs softly.
“What will you eat? If I can’t sleep without eating, neither can you.”
“I’ll eat the other half.”
“No, I know you must be hungry.”
“You’re not getting out of eating, honey.”
“It’ll ruin my buzz!” you pout.
“Too bad. You’ve had coffee and whiskey all day. Eat.”
“Fine,” you mutter, grabbing your half of the sandwich.
The both of you eat in a happy and comfortable silence (you mainly happy just to be close to Andy again), exchanging glances and small smiles every once in a while. When you’re both all done, Andy washes the plate off, you hop off the counter and make your way into the living and collect your little more half finished drink.
“Here,” you offer, handing the glass to Andy when you’re back in the kitchen.
“What?” he laughs.
“I know you don’t want me to drink anymore, so you can have it.”
“You may as well finish it.”
“Are you sure?”
“Just this once. Next time, I’m pouring it out.”
“Why would you pour out something out that we paid for?”
“Just drink it so we can go to bed,” he laughs.
You cock an eyebrow before downing it in one shot.
“You both mesmerize and terrify me at the same time,” he comments as he takes the glass from you.
“I really love that I have that affect on you.”
“Bedtime,” he laughs, picking you up.
“My phone!” you whine as he starts heading for the steps.
“You don’t need it.”
“It’s my alarm and I have to charge it, Andrew.”
“You’re such a pain in the ass,” he chuckles, making his way into the living room and grabbing it off the coffee table. “Anything else, Your Highness?”
“That’ll be all, my sweet King. Thank you,” you smile at him and he just chuckles and shakes his head before starting for the stairs again.
Once inside the bedroom, Andy lays you down, before stepping into the bathroom and doing his nightly routine of brushing his teeth, and taking his pills that help him sleep.
You plug in your phone and as you’re about to turn over, it buzzes. You contemplate ignoring it, but you know you can’t keep ignoring the outside world forever.
You feel both excitement and anxiety when you see that it’s a text from Jacob.
The Dark Lord: I know it’s late and you have work in the morning, but I just needed to say this tonight. Yeah, today was weird and I have a feeling that it’ll be weird for a while, but I don’t hate you and I do miss you. I miss being best friends. It’s gonna take some time, but I do understand why you did things the way you did. You’re always looking out for others, especially me. It’ll take time, but I know we’ll get through this. I’ll talk to you later and I love you. Good night.
Y/N: I’m really happy you feel this way, Jacob. I do too. I miss you and our friendship. I love you and I’ll talk to you when you’re ready. Have a good night.
You place your phone on your nightstand feeling a bit more at ease as Andy gets in next to you, shutting off his light and turning on the TV.
“You’re not going to sleep?” you ask, turning to face him and resting your head on his chest.
“No, I’m not tired. You rest.”
“You don’t have to stay in here, baby. You can watch whatever downstairs if you want.”
“No, I’m happy to stay right here with you,” he promises as he wraps an arm around you. “I never want you to feel alone again.”
You can’t stop watching the clock as it gets closer and closer to lunch. When you woke up this morning, you were still worked up from seeing Andy so angry and protective of you last night. So, when you two showered together you basically pounced on him. No, you didn’t get exactly what you wanted, but you did blow him which led to him bending you over once you two got back into the bedroom and eating you out until your legs gave out.
You didn’t have time to make lunch, so Andy made coffee for the both of you and said he’d pick you up for lunch. Usually (if there’s no time to make breakfast), you get a small breakfast to hold you over, but there was no time. You barely made it to work on time, so now you’re starving and desperate to see Andy.
“You’re pretty distracted today,” your boss, Mr. Hathaway, smirks as he leans against your desk.
“I really wouldn’t do this today if I were you,” you mutter, looking back at your computer screen.
“I told you, I don’t give up easily, sweet thing.”
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t call me that.”
“You’re not going to tell me you only open your legs for Andrew Barber,” he scoffs, now sitting on the edge of your desk and you feel your blood boil. “What am I missing here?”
“You’re missing that she doesn’t fucking want you!” Andy snaps, grabbing the douche bag by his lapels and shoving him against the wall.
You were so focused on not focusing on your boss that you didn’t even notice Andy come in.
“ANDY!” you call, standing up and turning all of your attention towards the two men.
“I’m gonna start this off by saying that I don’t fucking like you. Never have and never will,” Andy growls. “That woman? She’s my girlfriend and I believe shes made it perfectly fucking clear that she isn’t interested in you, don’t you?”
“That’s District Attorney Barber, to you!”
“District Attorney Barber, I never meant to...I was just joking!”
“For almost four fucking years?! Yeah, I don’t fucking think so! Now, she isn’t going to be working here for much longer, but while she is here, you will respect her! Leave her alone or the next talk we have won’t be so fucking pleasant, understand me?!”
“Yeah, I won’t bother her again, I promise!”
“Good, I’m glad we got this all cleared up,” he smiles as he slowly releases your boss. “Also, if she has to deal with any bullshit because you’re an asshole, or gets fired out of nowhere, understand that you’ll get hit with a lawsuit so fucking fast and she’ll have the best fucking representation.”
“S-she has...s-she has h-her job for as l-long as she wants,” your boss stutters.
“Good,” Andy nods before turning to you, “are you ready for lunch?”
All you can do is nod. You grab your jacket and purse before following Andy out of the building, where all eyes are on you.
“Are you okay?” he asks once you two get into his car.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you mutter, looking out the window.
If you weren’t turned on as fuck last night, you sure as shit are now.
“I’m sorry if I scared you, I didn’t mean to. I just...I saw how uncomfortable you were and I know hes been making your life hell...I just lost it.”
“Andy, I promise I’m not scared of you, I’m just...surprised.”
Surprised and wet as fuck.
“You don’t have to lie to me, babe, You’ve never seen me act like that and-”
“I swear, I’m not scared at all. No ones ever stood up for me like that and it just caught me off guard,” you smile at him as he starts the car.
The entire time you two are at lunch, you try to play it off and make conversation as usual, and move as little as possible (even the smallest bit of friction makes you want to moan).
However, Andy isn’t an idiot and can tell that something is off.
“Honey, you don’t need to be afraid of me. I would never act like that with you. I would never put my hands on you,” Andy sighs as he parks his car in front of the building where you work.
“Baby, you’re really okay. Honestly. I just wasn’t expecting my Monday to go like this,” you laugh softly.
“Promise me?”
“I swear. I know you love me and that you would never hurt me. Now, we both have to get back to work,” you smile at him. “Be a good boy for the rest of the day, please.”
“Yes ma’am,” he smiles as he leans in to kiss you.
You cup his face and deepen the kiss, not meaning to get carried away, but you can’t stop yourself. Every single second of every single day, Andy Barber just makes you love him more and more.
“We can go back home right now if you really want,” he says with a breathy laugh after you two break apart.
“No no, it’s okay. We both have jobs to do, I just always get wrapped up in you,” you giggle.
“I love you and I’ll see when I get home.”
“Sounds good to me. I love you, be careful please. You have a tendency to go over the speed limit,” you warn as you cock your eyebrow.
“Only when I’m desperate to see you.”
“So, all the time?”
“Yup,” he smirks and you laugh. “Get back in there and I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Counting down,” you smile, giving him a quick peck on the lips before getting out of the car.
Shockingly enough, Mr. Hathaway doesn’t bother you for the rest of the day.
Yes, there are other difficulties that stand in your path for the rest of the day, but they all revolve around Andy. It’s not just the fact that seeing Andy worked up instantly makes you want to drop to your knees, but it’s also the fact that he’s protecting you. Yeah, Jacob has gotten into arguments for you, but this is much different.
This is so much more.
Andy knows how much he stands to lose if anyone files the smallest complaint against him, how it’ll reflect his job, what the repercussions could be, and he still came into your job ready to fight. He put you first and showed everyone just how serious and committed he is to you. In that moment, all that mattered was keeping you safe and making sure that you felt safe. Even with Laurie and your father, he made sure to set a boundary and let them both know that harassing you isn’t something he takes lightly and won’t tolerate.
He’s not just telling everyone that he loves you, he’s showing it.
The minute you’re out of work, you’re racing home. Yeah, you always home before Andy, but you want to make sure you look perfect before he gets home. The second you’re in the house, you’re racing up the steps and jumping in the shower, and it’s probably the fastest shower you’ve ever taken.
Andy is usually home 20-30 minutes after you, so you know you have time, but not too much.
You brush out your hair, look for the heels he goes feral over when he sees you in them, and take out the black lingerie you were saving till next week to reveal since that’s when your anniversary is (but he’s more than earned an early reward).
You look yourself over in the mirror, making sure you look perfect, before finally positioning yourself on the bed.
“Sweetheart, I’m home!” Andy calls as he closes the door behind.
Perfect timing.
“Up here!” you respond, propping yourself on your elbows and hiking up one of your legs.
“You okay? You’re usually...holy shit,” he groans once he’s at the bedroom doorway, dropping his briefcase.
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“Hi daddy,” you greet innocently.
“Sweetheart...what the fuck?”
“I just want to thank you for today...and yesterday.”
“What did I...oh, that’s why you were acting funny during lunch, isn’t it?” he smirks as he sheds his suit jacket.
“I wanted you so bad, daddy,” you whimper.
“Awh, my good little girl needed attention?” he questions as he makes his way over to the bed. “Daddy should’ve known,” he continues as he attempts to crawl onto the bed.
“You know what I want, daddy,” you pout, holding up your foot to stop him while also giving him a better view of your soaked panties.
“You know how I like it,” you whine, grabbing his tie with your right hand, “show me something first.”
“Your fucking panties are already soaked, sweet girl. At least let me see that pretty pussy,” he begs, leaning against the edge of the bed. “I at least took my jacket off.”
“How bad do you want me?”
“I think my pants are showing you just how bad I want you.”
“Only a look, daddy,” you warn innocently as you put your foot down.
Andy gently pulls your panties to the side and sighs, “I don’t think daddy can only look, sweet girl,” he moans as he licks two fingers on his free hand, sliding them into you with ease.
“Your fucking pussy is so desperate, sweet girl,” he coos, continuing to fuck you as he gets on his knees. “All I want is a taste.”
“The way this pretty fucking cunt shines for me, I think you want me to taste you.”
“Not until you-”
“Y/N! Dad!” Jacob calls as he rings the doorbell.
“Fuck!” Andy sighs against your clit, only making you moan. “You decide how long he waits, sweetheart. The quicker you cum, the quicker I’ll answer the fucking door,” he chuckles before licking your clit, fucking you harder and faster with his fingers.
“Jesus daddy!” you cry out as Jacob continues to knock on the door.
Andy’s only response is to suck and lick on your clit harder, and since your mind is in such a haze, you can’t remember if the windows are closed or not.
You pray they are.
“Dad!” Jacob calls again, banging louder as Andy adds another finger.
“Fuck! Keep it up! Keep...that’s it! I’m so...oh fuck!” you cry out, cumming hard all over Andy’s fingers.
You feel Andy’s smirk against your cunt and it only makes you clench around his fingers tighter as he fucks you through your high.
“Later, sweet girl,” he promises after he finishes cleaning you up. “Get yourself together and cover yourself up,” he chuckles as he makes his way out. “Also, you should call out tomorrow. You decided to look like this, so I’m deciding to destroy you,” he laughs before making his way downstairs. “Hey bud, I wasn’t expecting to see you today...” you hear Andy’s voice trail off.
You take a few moments to get yourself together before getting up; looking through your drawers for sweatpants and a t-shirt before finally making your way downstairs.
“Hey...guys,” you smile when you see both Jake and Sarah there, “this is a happy surprise.”
“I miss you, so I thought that, instead of calling, we’d just come by,” Sarah beams, engulfing you in a hug.
“I miss you too,” you laugh, wrapping her in a hug that’s just as tight. “What’s up?”
“Well, we were thinking that we’d all go out to dinner this Saturday,” she smiles at Jacob before turning back to you. “Nothing special, we just figured...it would be good for all of us.”
“We can just do dinner here-”
“No, lets get out. It doesn’t help anything to stay inside all day, so lets go out and do shit. Go bowling, skating, the movies, dinner...lets just fucking go out.”
“Sarah, what if people-”
“Who gives a fuck about people?” Jacob interrupts, and a smile is instantly painted across your face. “We know the truth and that’s all that matters. Lets just go out and have fun. We’re gonna have to get used to it anyway.”
“I guess you’re right,” you smile weakly, knowing that he has a point but still not wanting to deal with it. “I guess we can go to-”
“That Italian restaurant you love so much on North street,” Andy with interjects with a smile, looking at you.
“Are you guys okay with that?” you ask sheepishly, afraid of breaking any of the little progress that’s been made in the last two days.
“That’s actually perfect,” Jacob laughs, “Sarah’s been wanting to go for the last two weeks, so this kinda kills two birds with one stone. Are you two getting into anything tonight?”
“We actually were about to call the dog adoption center we went to the other day to see if there’s any news,” Andy lies with a smile.
Oh you’re definitely calling out of work tomorrow.
“Yeah, I have a voicemail from them, I was gonna ask about that. What kind of dog?”
“A German Shepherd!” you beam.
“I was not expecting that at all,” Jacob laughs softly. “I’ll get back to them for you. Sarah’s cooking tonight so say a prayer,” he chuckles and she flips him off. “We’ll see you guys this Saturday.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, hugging him first then Sarah.
You know that Sarah is the one who setup impromptu visit and you want to try and figure out what’s going on, but with the way Andy just gripped your hair and yanked it, you know won’t be able to think about anything for a while.
“Get upstairs, undressed, and on the fucking bed,” he growls hotly as they pull off.
You don’t need to be told twice.
You practically run up the steps, get undressed, and put the heels back on before getting back on the bed.
Andy loves fucking you in these heels.
“Now, where were we?” he questions, walking in and loosening his tie.
“You’re not playing fair, daddy,” you whimper, biting your bottom lip as he throws his tie to the ground.
“Don’t be a brat,” he warns as he unbuttons cuffs of sleeves; rolling them up.
“Daddy, please-”
“What did I say?” he chastises, slapping your clit as he gets on his knees. “Did you call out of work yet?”
“No,” you moan, running one of your hands through his hair and gripping it tight, as he licks your clit.
“Call him,” he demands, sliding two fingers into your soaked cunt.
“Call. Him.” he demands, adding a third finger.
You keep your eyes on him as you reach for your phone. As you start to dial Mr. Hathaway’s number, Andy starts to fuck you faster with his fingers. By the time you press the phone your ear, you barely aware of what words are.
“Such a good little girl,” he praises, before dipping down and sucking on your clit.
“Hello?” your boss answers as you gasp.
God help you.
“H-hello, Mr. Hathaway,” you gasp Andy starts pulling your clit with his lips.
“Y/N? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m f-fine, I’m just not feeling all that great. I-I...I won’t be able to make it in tomorrow,” you try to articulate as Andy curls his fingers, finding that makes you come to life for him.
You’re in love with a fucking menace.
“Yeah, you don’t sound so great,” he comments and you wonder how bad he has to be at sex to not get a woman to make the sounds you easily make for Andy every single time.
You lull your head and Andy slaps your thigh, “I’m hoping to be better by...by tomorrow. I’ll let...let you know,” you whine, focusing your attention  back on Andy, whose intense gaze is sending chills down your spine.
“Sounds good, get some rest,” your boss encourages before hanging up.
“FUCK!” you cry out, making a mess all over Andy’s face as he smirks against your clit and you toss your phone...somewhere.
“You did so good, baby,” he coos, fucking through your high. “You wanna taste?”
The only thing you can think to do is nod.
“Use your words,” he growls, slapping your cunt.
“Fuck! Yes daddy! I wanna taste, please!”
“Such a filthy little thing,” he chuckles kicking off his shoes as he slowly starts kissing up your body. “Talking to your boss while I fuck you senseless with my fingers and tongue? The way this pretty little cunt clenched around my fingers...desperate little whore.”
“Daddy please!”
“Open,” he demands as he removes his fingers from your cunt. When you instantly open your mouth, he mockingly laughs at you as he places his fingers in your mouth, “pathetic. Clean.”
Just as you start to suck and lick on is fingers, he’s pulling down the strap on the right side of your bra, and licking and sucking on your nipple. Your response is to moan, and grind yourself against him, desperate for any form of release he’ll be nice enough to give you.
“Gonna have to teach you a lesson in patience one day,” he husks after releasing your nipple with a ‘pop’. “However, daddy needs to be deep inside this perfect little pussy,” he smirks, sitting up and unbuttoning his shirt. “Take that fucking bra off before I rip it off.”
You sit up just a bit, unhooking your bra and quickly tossing it aside before starting to unbuckle his belt.
“Did daddy tell you to do that?” he questions, gripping your face after he tosses his shirt and wife beater onto the floor.
“Just wanna help, daddy!”
“Sure you do,” chuckles as he reaches behind himself and rips off your panties, throwing them onto the heap of clothes that’s on the floor.
“I’ll get you a new pair, now lay back,” he promises condescendingly, pushing back just a little as his hand travels down to your throat, gripping it tight. “You are so fucking perfect, ya know that?” he praises, shimmying out of his pants and boxer briefs.
“And you’re all mine, right?” he questions, thrusting himself inside of you.
“Fuck! Yes daddy! I belong to you only!”
“Good girl! Fuck, this pussy is so fucking wet!”
“Please, don’t stop! Been wanting this since...since last night!”
“You like it when I show people who you fucking belong to?”
You moan in response and Andy rolls his eyes and slaps one of your tits.
“Use. Your. Words,” he demands as he picks up the pace.
“Yes! I love...I love when...when you show people that I’m your whore!”
“Ya know, we never got to make that movie,” he teases with a sinister smirk and you clench around him. “Oh, you still want to?”
“I wanna do anything you want me to do,” you mindlessly mumble, digging your heels into the bed, hoping that you’re not ripping up the sheets too bad. “I love pleasing you, daddy! I love you!”
“Such a perfect girl,” he groans, grabbing his phone off the nightstand. “You are so fucking perfect!”
“Please! I need to let go!”
“I know, sweet girl, look at the camera,” he urges as his other hand wraps around your throat and he picks up his pace.
“Does it feel good when I fuck you like this? When I treat you like the whore you are?”
“Oh God, YES! You make my...my pussy feel s-so good!”
“Jesus, Y/N! You keep clenching me-”
“Feels...feels too good! Can’t stop!”
“The way your perfect tits bounce...God, has anyone ever told you that you’re the perfect little cum dumpster? This fucking pussy squeezes me like a fucking dream!”
“I can’t...fuck!” you mewl as your eyes roll back and you clench Andy’s shoulder.
“C’mon, sweet girl, look at daddy! Look at daddy when you cum!”
“Too much!” you shake your head as your body starts to shake and tears start running down your face.
“Look at me, sweet girl! Don’t make me punish you!”
“Fuck!” you cry out, turning your gaze back to him and his phone. “Do I look good for you, daddy? Do I look like your perfect slut?”
“Jesus, sweet girl! Give it to me! Cream on daddy’s cock!”
“JESUS FUCKING CHIRST!” you exclaim, squirting on his cock as you try to keep your focus on him as your whole reaches a new level of pleasure.
This is how it was supposed to go the first time.
“Look at those fucking tears! You look so beautiful, baby,” he praises, riding out your high. “Now, I want you choke on my fat cock while you clean it before I fuck that perfect little ass, and you watch yourself be the perfect little slut that you are.”
“Use me however you want, please,” you sob pathetically.
You’re so desperate to please Andy in any way that he wants, that you don’t care how desperate or pathetic you sound or look. If it’ll get him off on the days when you can’t you don’t care how desperate you look. You are desperate for him. For his love, his approval, his care, his touch, and his desire. Andrew Steven Barber can take and do whatever he wants from you, and all you’ll do is beg for more.
“Fuck, remember the first time you sucked daddy’s cock? My good little girl couldn’t take it without help from daddy, but now look at you! Look at how fucking well you take what daddy has to give you!” he groans, still filming you as you look up at him. “The perfect little cock whore!”
You whine, needing to feel him inside you again, and he smirks.
“Okay sweet girl, hands and knees for daddy,” he instructs once he stops recording, throwing his phone to the edge of the bed.
You don’t realize just how weak you are until you sit up and your legs start to shake.
“Don’t tell me you’re worn out already,” he teases as he slaps your ass.
“No daddy,” you moan, arching back as you hear him open the bottle of lube, “I need more of you!”
“That’s a good girl,” he coos as he coats your puckered hole. “Press play,” is all he says before pushing his way inside.
“FUCK, DADDY!” you cry out, hitting play and trying to pay attention.
“See how beautiful you look? So fucked out and desperate,” he grunts, gripping your hips as he starts fucking into you hard and fast. “Just the most perfect little whore!”
“Fuck! Daddy please don’t stop!” you whimper, doing your best to focus on the video in front of you, gripping the sheets as you try and hold on.
“I love looking at that gorgeous face, sweet girl! You take daddy’s cock so well and you look so fucking perfect when you’re all fucked out! Look at your fucking cream on my cock! The way you cry out with every thrust!”
“Oh my God!” you mewl, lulling your head back.
“No sweet girl, focus,” he coos as he wraps an arm around your waist and starts massaging your clit.
“Oh daddy!”
Between him fucking you into heaven, you watching him fucking you senseless, and hearing what he was saying only moments ago, you can’t even think straight.
“You’re not being a good girl,” he growls, using the hand he was massaging your clit with to grip your face and force your attention on his phone. “Look at how fucking gorgeous you are!”
“You see what I see every time I fuck this perfect little body? I want you to see just how beautiful you are!”
“Fuck daddy! Please!”
“You are mine. I’ll never let some asshole hurt or abuse you! Never let anyone make you feel small!”
“I love you so much, sweet girl!”
“I lo...I love...shit!”
“My sweetest girl, I will always love you,” he grunts as his movements become erratic, “look how well you take my fat cock!” he whispers against the shell of your ear before licking it.
“P-please! Need...need to...fuck!”
“You gonna explode for daddy?”
“Y-yes! I can’t...please! Feels too good!”
“Do it, sweet girl! Soak the fucking bed!”
“HOLY FUCK!” you cry out, legs almost giving out as you squirt hard all over the bed, clenching around nothing as Andy fills your ass.
He wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you close to his chest, ridding out his high as the video you two made still plays in the background. You whimper in dissatisfaction as he pulls out, even though you know you need a break, and grip the sheets tighter at the sound of him moaning as he watches his release seep out of your ass.
Who knew your knight and shining armor could be so filthy?
“Are you okay? Was I too rough?” he asks as he smooths one of his hands over your ass.
“No daddy, I’m perfect.”
“Good, cause we’re just getting started.”
Andy doesn’t take it easy with you, but it’s not like you’re “Little Miss Queen of Safety” either. You both take turns, marking each other up, leaving hickies on different spots of one another, getting lost in each other, filming one another, and surrendering to one another. You had no idea that your little ‘thank you’ would set him off so much, but it’s not like you’re mad about it.
“That’s right, baby! Ride daddy’s cock!” Andy encourages as brace yourself against his chest, knowing that this time will be the final time for you.
“Daddy...I can’t-”
“Yes you can, sweet girl! Bring us both off! Daddy loves the way you take his cock, sweetheart!” “Fuck! I’m so fucking...daddy!”
“I know, sweet girl! Be a good girl and give daddy everything, cause you are daddy’s good girl...right?”
Nodding seems to be the only thing you’re capable of at this point.
“Use your fucking words,” he demands, gripping your neck tight, only making you clench around him tight. “Shit!”
“You’re my good girl, right?!”
“J-Jesus! Fuck y-yes! I-I’m only yours, daddy! Made for you...fuck! I’m gonna...oh God!”
“Give it to me!”
“FUCK!” you cry out as your orgasm overwhelms you and you collapse against him.
“Good girl!” he praises as he spills his seed into you for what feels like the hundredth time.
You lay against him as he rides out both your highs and he wraps his arm around you tight. Neither of you says a word as you try to regulate your breathing; trying to come back down to earth.
“You...you okay, sweetheart?” he pants after a bit.
“Ye...yes, baby.”
“Did I take it too far?”
“Y...you never do.”
“I didn’t mean to get so s...selfish-”
“I love when you are.”
“I love you,” he smiles at you.
“I love you, baby.”
You give yourself a few more minutes before finally pushing yourself up and making your way off off him, and collapsing onto your back.
You wish you two always had time to make each other feel this good.
“Laurie...she didn’t like me defending or sticking up for her. At the time, I thought it was because I was embarrassing her or something, but then I figured out that she just didn’t want anyone to think we were too serious about each other. That she was serious about me.”
“You getting that worked up and excited about me protecting you...claiming you, it just got me...I keep learning, every day, that you show your love for me in different ways. I know that you’re learning how to accept and love, but so am I, sweetheart. I’m learning all over again and I’m so happy to learn with you.”
You turn over on your side, pull him close, and kiss him deeply. It’s nothing like the sensual and sultry kisses you two were giving each other for hours prior, but passionate and sweet. It isn’t necessarily urgent, but it’s longing. You’re longing for him to know just how much you’ll always love him and that you’ll never leave him. Desperate for him to know that he can take his time with trusting you and feeling secure in the relationship.
Desperate for him to know that you’re all in just as much as he is.
“What are we gonna do about dinner?” he breathes once you two breakaway and you burst out laughing.
“I’m gonna need at least another 20 minutes before I can confidently get out of bed.”
“Are you sure I wasn’t too rough? I know you like it, but I feel like I get too carried away.”
“Baby, I wish we could get carried away like this all the time,” you giggle as you caress the side of his face; his beard gently scratching your palm. “Yes, I love the softer and passionate sex, but they’re times I need it rough and you give me exactly what I need. I’m not some delicate little flower that you need to worry about. Until I say it’s too much, it’s not,” you promise.
“You are truly something else,” he smiles before pulling you in for another passionate kiss.
Eventually, you two get out of bed, shower, then make your way downstairs into the kitchen, and since your body is still recovering from your adventurous evening with Andy, he’s the one who makes dinner while you find you something to watch on TV. Once you decide on ‘The Misfits’, you join Andy in the kitchen, make yourself a glass of wine, hop on the kitchen island, and easily fall into a debate about why cookie dough ice cream is better than plain vanilla ice cream.
Once again, your life feels like a dream.
Dinner (lamb, broccoli, and mashed potatoes) is spent on the couch, barely paying attention to the movie, as you two continue your ice cream debate.
“I know you wanted to wreck my body, but why else did you want me to call out?” you question as you scoop more ice cream onto your spoon as Andy starts laughing.
“I miss hanging out with you. I thought we could just take the day to do whatever we want. We can go check on Louie and then do whatever we want from then on. Today and the weekend were a bit much, so I figured we should just take a timeout for a day.”
“You are the most thoughtful man in the world, did you know that?”
“You’ve mentioned it a time or two,” he smiles at you.
There’s truly no better feeling in the world than being loved by Andrew Barber.
He’s so patient and considerate with you, that you forget. You forget that he’s sorting out and working through his own shit. He never makes it as obvious as you do that he’s still healing. You can’t help but get frustrated with yourself for not noticing. It’s obviously not that you don’t care, but when he says nothing, it’s hard for you to get out of your own head for a single second, cause you’re still trying to accept that he’s sticking by your side and that all of this is real.
He’s real.
You two spend the first half of your day off at the pet store, because Andy’s more than sure that you two are going to adopt Louie, so he wants to make sure the house is ready. After everything is set up, you both spend an hour at the shelter just bonding with Louie (because unbeknownst to you, Andy’s been talking with the shelter since you fell in love with Louie), playing with and just making him feel comfortable. You find yourself getting emotional towards the end, because Louie can’t decide if he’s more in love with you or Andy.
Once again, the week feels like a dream because it’s just and Andy at the end of the day. No one at work gives you any shit, your boss seems to finally understand that he needs to back off, and you and Andy live in your own little world the second he gets home from work.
However, no dream lasts forever.
“Alright,” Sarah starts as you all walk in to Fiorella’s Cucina, “I need everyone to keep me on track tonight, cause this diet sucks and I want everything,” she whines and you laugh.
“You don’t need a diet!”
“I need to stay in shape!”
“One day of indulgence won’t kill you!”
“It leads you down a dark path, my friend,” Sarah jokingly forebodes as you all take your seats. “You’ll see once two are engaged,” she laughs.
You notice Jacob awkwardly squirm in his seat and instantly grab Andy’s hand under the table out of anxiety, “we’ve got time,” you laugh awkwardly.
“So, you two have talked about marriage?” Jacob asks after the waitress walks off with the drink order.
“In passing,” Andy shrugs, keeping an eye on his menu and in that moment, you’re truly grateful.
You’re grateful because he understands that you’re not shying away from the question because you’re ashamed, but because you’re afraid of screwing up any progress being made.
It’s obvious he is too.
“Hows work been?” Sarah smiles at you as she puts her menu down.
“Ha! Work has been...eventful, to say the least,” you snicker, closing your menu and placing it down. You notice a few tables that are whispering and glancing over at all of you, but you do your best to ignore it. “I’m thinking about leaving soon. I’ve been looking around, but I also don’t actually know what I want to do. I don’t know what I want to do. I don’t think I ever have.”
“You always figure it out in the end,” Jacob smiles softly as the waiter comes over and drops of the drinks.
“Are you ready to order or do you need more time?” he asks politely.
You’re all set to answer until you hear the lady at the table next to you say, “I know he’s the District Attorney, but does he really not have any shame? It’s not enough for him bring his murderous son everyone, but now he has to flaunt his new young whore around? God, I can’t even begin to imagine how or what Laurie must be feeling!”
“It wasn’t enough for her to ruin that teacher’s life, apparently. She clearly didn’t think the Barbers had gone through enough. What a tramp.”
One of these days, you’ll learn to control your anger, but today isn’t that day.
“You wanna say that again?!” you snap, turning around and facing them.
They both just stare at you with wide eyes while they stammer.
“What’s wrong? You were both chatty as hell a second ago! Go on! Andy’s an asshole, Jacob’s murderer, and I’m a tramp, isn’t that right?!”
“Sweetheart, just-” Andy starts, trying to calm you down.
“No Andy! Everyone seems to know everything, because your unhinged ex-wife made sure to spread her little bullshit story to everyone! So, since everyone knows all the fucking facts, I don’t see why they’re being so fucking quiet now!”
“Listen,” one of the women starts, “Laurie said-”
“Has it ever occurred to anyone in this stupid fucking town that they’re two sides to every story, and that unless you’re actually involved in the situation you should shut the fuck up and mind your own business?!”
Yes, all eyes are on you now, but it’s not like you actually give a fuck. You’re so over all of this shit and you want nothing more than to punch Laurie in the face.
“We’re sorr-”
“Shove it up your own ass,” you scowl, throwing your napkin down as you grab your purse before storming out.
The second you lean against Andy’s car, you start crying. Yes, it’s out of pure rage and anger, but you still find yourself annoyed with yourself because why do you keep letting it get to you? Why do you keep letting this piece of shit town bring you down? You know it’s never going to change, so why can’t you just ignore it?
“Oh sweetheart,” Andy coos as he approaches the car.
“I could wring her fucking neck, Andy. I swear to God.”
“It’s not going to solve anything, darlin’,” he sighs as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into a tight and loving hug. “The only real option is to move.”
“Why should we have to?! Why should either of us have to give up another fucking thing for Laurie?!” you sob angrily, clinging to his shirt as if it’s the only thing keeping you upright. “Why does she always win?!”
“This is all my fault. I should’ve-”
“No, it’s her fault! It’s this town’s fault!”
“Sweetheart, we can just-”
“I am so sorry!” Sarah proclaims as she comes up to you and Andy. “Those assholes had no right!”
“No, I shouldn’t have-”
“They should’ve kept their fucking mouths shut! You had every right to go off on them!”
“I really have to stop lashing out at people.”
“It’s long overdue if you ask me,” she huffs. “Do you wanna go back you guys’ place and just order something?”
“You still wanna hangout with me?” you chuckle humorlessly, wiping your eyes.
“Of course we do! Right, babe?” she calls over her shoulder to Jacob.
“Yeah,” he responds softly.
You can’t tell if he’s upset about what happened or something else but, at the moment, you don’t have the energy to ask. You just wanna go home and forget about dinner.
“I guess just follow behind us,” you encourage weakly before getting in Andy’s car.
The entire drive home, Andy keeps trying to calm you down, but you just disappear into yourself. You don’t mean to and you want to be there for him, but you feel like all you do is making things harder for and embarrass him. Why can’t you just swallow it down and not lash out? Andy, Sarah, and Jacob know the truth, so why can’t that just be enough for you?
It doesn’t help that you feel like you’re being incredibly selfish. No, he’s not going to say it because he doesn’t want to overwhelm you, but Andy needs you. If you’re pissed off, you know he is too. You want to look past your own rage, but in this moment, you just can’t see a way past it. You’re not just angry for yourself, you’re in a rage for him too. Yeah, hes told you time and time again that he doesn’t mind dealing with all of the negative and horrible things people say when it comes to him and him being with you, but you’re not.
Hes been through so much already and you just don’t see how you’re worthy of any of his patience and love. His or Jacob’s for that matter.
By the time you two get home, you have a headache from both your crying and the internal war you’re at with yourself.
“Hey, would it be okay if I talk to my dad outback for a bit?” Jacob asks once you’re all inside.
All you do is nod before kicking off your shoes and heading upstairs. You hear soft footsteps behind you and you know it’s Sarah.
“This is all my fault and I’m so sorry,” she sighs as soon as you two are in you and Andy’s bedroom.
“How is this your fault? You didn’t tell those two old bitches to be cunts,” you mutter as you rifle through Andy’s drawer for his Soundgarden t-shirt.
Yeah, it’s old and worn, they’re a few holes in it, and it swallows you whole; but it feels like a hug every time you put it on.
“Jacob and I...you know hes been pissing me off lately. No, I’m not about to break off the engagement, but I’m over his “poor me” attitude. He swears that you and Mr. Barber don’t have a hard time, and that he has to deal with the backlash of this. His mom, his friends, the town...his dad dating his much younger best friend. He gets so wrapped up in his own head sometimes that he really doesn’t fucking see anything else. I get it, the whole thing with the trial and everything...but he needs to realize that not everything revolves around him, so that’s why I pushed for dinner for tonight,” she sighs regretfully. “I only thought there would be stares or eye rolls, especially at a place like that,” she sighs as you finally find Andy’s shirt; quickly discarding your shirt and putting Andy’s on.
“I mean, it wasn’t the best plan,” you scoff, “but there’s still nothing for you to be sorry about. You didn’t tell those cunts to be assholes.”
“We wouldn’t have had to deal with it-”
“We wouldn’t have had to deal with it if Laurie wasn’t a cunt. Yeah, everyone in this town already sucks and is a total idiot, but Laurie made sure to spread her venom. I’m not going to be mad at you for looking out for me, you and Andy are the only people I’ve been able to depend on for a while.”
“Have you spoken to your parents at all?”
“Not since the outburst at Laurie’s house.”
“I can’t believe your mother just lashed out at you like that.”
“I can and I can’t at the same time,” you sigh as you lay back on the bed.
Sarah looks around the room and smiles before saying, “you two are really happy, aren’t you?”
“We really are,” you smile with teary eyes.
“It won’t always be like this, babe.”
“I know, Andy and I tell each other that all the time, but it’s just hard right now.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Not really, no. Thanks for making Jake understand that this isn’t simple or easy for us at all,” you chuckle humorlessly.
“He’s coming around,” she sighs as she takes a seat at the edge of the bed. “He just needs to get the fuck out of his own head.”
“Yeah, that’s always been a problem for him.”
“You’re not wrong,” she scowls.
“Babe! Y/N! Can you guys get down here so we can decide on dinner?!”
“Didn’t they shoo us away so they can have a talk?” Sarah mutters as you burst out laughing as you both get up and make your way downstairs.
“Have either of you decided on anything?” you question as both you and Sarah enter the kitchen; you walking over to the cabinet and grabbing four glasses.
“Well, I know you wanted Italian, but now you’re upset, so I was thinking Asian or Thai,” Andy suggests as he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of your head.
“I’m sorry about that,” you mumble, leaning into him before turning to face Jacob, “I’m sorry to you too.”
“No, you had every right to go off on those assholes. They were out of line,” he murmurs with a frustrated glare as he rubs the back of his neck.
You realize that you and Andy are probably making him uncomfortable, so you go to break away, but Andy’s hold on you only tightens.
Oh God, what the hell did they talk about?
“I feel like I know what everyone wants to drink, but I’ll ask just to be polite,” you smile.
“Wine, please,” Sarah whines as she takes a seat at the kitchen isle.
“Whiskey,” Jacob laughs, taking a seat next to her.
“You already know what I want,” Andy chuckles.
“So, I was right about everyone? Got it,” you smile as you try and get
out of Andy’s hold. “You have to let me go so I can make the drinks,” you laugh.
“Are you okay?”
“I will be. Still just adjusting, I guess,” you sigh, fighting back your tears of pure frustration.
You refuse to focus on it for the rest of the night.
“I love you,” he whispers into your hair before kissing it, finally letting go
of you so you can make the drinks. “So, what do you want?” he asks a little
more loudly, leaning against the sink.
“Lets do Asian.”
“Duck Sauce?”
“My sneaky little queen,” he smirks. “The usual? Spicy calamari,
steamed dumplings, and Saki?”
“You know me better than anyone else,” you smirk, getting on your tip
toes and kissing his cheek.
“Jake, I know you like the back of my hand, “Andy laughs, “Sarah, you
wanna help me set up karaoke in the next room while you tell me your order?”
he asks as he grabs his drink.
“Sounds good to me,” she smiles, grabbing her drink before hoping off
her seat and following Andy.
Just you and Jacob. Great.
“I’ve been a dick and I’m sorry,” Jacob sighs, sipping his drink as you
lean against the countertop.
“Please don’t. Just fucking don’t. You don’t owe me shit. I should know better, especially after all the shit I went through and I still...Sarah was right...God, I’ll never hear the end of it,” he scoffs and you chuckle. “It’s weird for me, Y/N. You’re my best friend and you’re in love with my dad. However, you’re my best friend and you’ve needed me.”
“Just let me say it,” he begs, taking another sip before taking a deep
breath. “You deserved better. You’ve been by my side through everything and I just...I let you down, Y/N. I can see it now. How much you two love each other, how dedicated you are to one another, how genuine all of it is...I can see it now. I think I was just being angry for my mom at first, but after everything happened, I was angry because you didn’t tell me, but how could you? How could handle my outburst when you already knew it would be a disaster? That wasn’t fair of me at all. You’ve gone out of way time after time to show just how much you love and will look out for me, and when the time came for me to show up for you...I failed. I failed on so many levels and I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.”
You take a moment before saying, “Jake, I need to know that you’ll be okay with this. I can’t keep dealing with you going back and forth. I am in love with Andy, your father, and that’s never going to change. I need you to accept that.”
“I do. We had a talk...I know how much you mean to him and how serious he is. When I thought about it, the times when I saw him after he moved out and I thought he discovered he just needed some space, he was with you. Since hes been with you, hes been so happy. The happiest I’ve ever seen him...and so have you,” he smiles softly as he gets up and rounds the isle. “All I’ve ever wanted is for the both of you to be happy, and now that you two have each other...I can handle it. The hell you have to deal with is so much more than I ever imagined. What makes it worse is that my mom is the reason for all of this being so terrible, but you two...he told me about the other day with your boss, then seeing you today...I know it’s real,” he finishes softly as he wraps you in one of tightest hugs hes ever given you and you sob into his chest. “I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m so fucking sorry. You needed me and I wasn’t there, but I promise it’ll never happen again.”
“I’ve missed you, Jacob,” you sob as you wrap your arms around him.
“I’ve missed you too, Y/N,” he sobs into your hair.
“We’re good?” you smile up a him as you back away.
“You tell me.”
“I was never mad at you.”
“Of course you weren’t,” he scoffs as he wipes his eyes, “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too,” you smile as you wipe your own eyes.
“Jesus, lets get in there, huh?” he laughs, sniffling a little.
“Sounds good,” you laugh in agreement.
As the night goes on, everyone relaxes and falls into a comfortable conversation. By the time the food arrives, you and Sarah have taken over karaoke, belting out ‘Just Like Heaven’ by The Cure, while Andy and Jacob just laugh and encourage the both of you.
On the one hand, everything feels so much better and lighter, and you finally feel like you can breathe again. On the order, you feel like all you do is make Andy’s life harder, and that’s the last thing you want.
“What’s wrong?” Andy sighs as you two get ready for bed.
“What do you mean?”
“Don’t, sweetheart. Please. You feel so far away and no matter how hard I tried tonight, I couldn’t reach you. What did I do?”
“You didn’t do anything,” you mumble; your eyes start to water because you feel awful.
It seems you always feel awful.
“I thought tonight went well? At least the ending.”
“It was a great ending,” you sob.
You and the fucking tears.
“I can’t keep making things harder for you! You need me and I’m so fucking selfish! Getting lost in my own fucking feelings and shutting down, lashing out at people-”
“Honey, you’re allowed all of those things! It’s okay to-”
“No it’s not! Not when you need me! I’m not the only one going through this! I’m not the only one who’s furious-”
“Do you love me?” he interrupts softly.
“Do you love me?”
“You know I do.”
“Then stop it. Please stop beating yourself up. The way defended me today? The things you said when you screamed at Laurie? I know how much you love me and that you’re always going to be here for me. I also know that you’ve never been with someone who lets you feel what you’re feeling. People take from you and give nothing back and you’re still adjusting. I always knew this wouldn’t be overnight thing and I’m fine with that. You don’t need to keep apologizing for feeling the things you do. Good or bad. You’re not making my life harder at all, and I’m still so damn happy and proud to be with you.”
“Andy...” you sob softly, trying to collect yourself.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” he sighs before grabbing his phone and making his way over to you. “You are perfect to me.”
“Andy, I’m not-”
“To me, you are. You are perfect and I wouldn’t change a thing about you,” he smiles as he wraps his arms around you. “It’s been a while since we slow danced.”
“You wanna slow dance now?” you scoff, wiping your eyes.
“I always want to dance with my perfect woman,” he smiles before hitting play on his phone before tossing it down.
When ‘Crown of Thorns’ by Mother Love Bone starts playing, you can’t stop yourself from laughing.
“You know this is an anti-love song love song, right?” you laugh as you two start to move as one to the music.
“Yeah, but this is my kind of love, and I’ll be happy to tell you that every day for the rest of our lives,” he chuckles softly as he holds you closer.
As you two move together in silence, you rest your head on his chest and think about all the hell you two have gone through to get to this point. All of the smiles, tears, pain, laughter, arguments and so much more...it’s all been worth it, and you can’t imagine yourself being any happier than you are now. No, it isn’t perfect and you know there will be more obstacles to come, but Andy’s right:
This is your kind of love.
Andy’s P.O.V.
It’s been two weeks since the incident at the restaurant and I’m still no closer to not wanting to scream at Laurie. Hell, the only reason I haven’t is because you begged me not to. Yes, there was that small bright spot when you got the call that we were going to be able to adopt Louie, but it was short lived.
God, you were so adorable that day. I didn’t think I could fall anymore in love with you than I was, but you proved me wrong.
“Babe, he’s fine,” I laughed as you looked down at the excited puppy in your lap.
“I just wanna make sure! What should we name him? Cause Louie is an awful name, isn’t it?” you asked the pup in a baby voice, and he just licked your nose. “Andy, I love him so much!”
“And he loves you.”
“We need a name!”
“Albert,” I smirked and your smile instantly went away.
“Andy, I love you with all my heart, but if you don’t take this seriously, I will leave you out of all decision making for the foreseeable future.”
“Okay, okay,” I laughed as I came up to a stop sign, “how about Lucky?”
“I feel like that’s such a common name for dogs.”
“Yeah, but he’s a lucky pup! He has you for a mom.”
“Don’t start,” you smiled at me as I pulled off.
I fucking love being the reason that you smile.
“Oh! What was the name of that stuffed dog you had when you were a child?”
“Yeah! Name him Buttons!”
“I don’t think he’ll respond to-”
When you were interrupted by a tiny little bark, I couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You like that?” you excitedly asked, only to be met with another bark. “Then Buttons it is!”
“Shit, I knew I forgot something,” I scowled. “Babe, we gotta go to the vitamin store.”
That’s when your demeanor changed.
“Um can you drop us off at home first?” you asked so softly I barely heard you. “I want him to get used to his new home.”
That was 100% unlike you. You used to love going to the vitamin store with me, but you love to give me shit about how many more I taken now than when we first started dating. When I looked over at you, your face said it all.
You were scared.
Between Laurie’s lie and your outburst at the restaurant, you’re afraid to go out anymore. Afraid of the stares, the murmurs, the judgemental glares...home is the only place you feel safe anymore and I hate that. I hate that I can’t just shield you from everything and everyone. I know you feel safe with me, but I also know that no matter how much I tell you not to, you worry about how people view me and what they’ll think of me when they see me with you.
You’re afraid to go out because you think you embarrass me and that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I know I can’t force you into anything, and I never would, but it’s so fucking frustrating to feel like we’re right back where we started.
All I want is to take you out and show you how happy I and proud I am that I get to be with you. How happy I am that you chose me. I’ve never been ashamed of you and I never will be, and I know that you’ll get there in time, but we had made so much progress and now this.
Fucking Laurie.
“Hey, Andy!” Neal calls after me once I’m outside.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“I wanted to know if you have a minute to talk.”
“I’m kinda in a rush right now, is it really important?”
“It can wait, don’t worry about it,” he smiles but it looks forced.
“You sure? Everything okay?”
“Yeah, we’ll talk about it another time,” he nods with an awkward smile.
What the hell is going on now?
I give him a quick wave before rushing off to my car and speeding to the florist. I don’t want to leave you by yourself for too long, not with how you’ve been feeling lately. No, you don’t lie to me, but you also won’t tell me what’s going on with you unless I ask. Before we started dating, you would tell me everything so easily. Now, you’re constantly afraid of needing me, depending on me, because you think it’ll push me away.
It’s the most infuriating thing because we got so fucking far. The moment you were finally feeling comfortable and secure in our relationship, everything went to shit, and now we’re fighting like hell to get back to where we were. I know you believe me when I say I’m not going anywhere, but it’s not like it’s hard to see why it’s so easy for you to slip back into your shell. Your parents and Jacob turned on you in an instant, so of course you keep wondering when something will happen that I’ll think is too much and turn on you. There’s nothing I want more than to propose, God knows I’ve had that ring for over a year, but not like this. Not when you’re still trying to get your footing and figure this all out. It’s not fair to you at all and I don’t want to add more pressure when you’re already feeling overwhelmed.
No, when I finally propose it’ll be perfect and what you deserve.
“Sweetheart!” I call out as soon as I step inside our home, greeted by a sleepy but very excited Buttons. “Hey bud, where’s Mama?” I ask as I squat down to greet him.
“In the kitchen, babe!” you call, and I swear it’s music to my ears.
I missed you so damn much.
“Lets go visit her,” I whisper to Buttons before getting up and starting on my short trip.
I’ve seen you in my t-shirts a million times, but it’s something I’ll never tire of. You will always be the most beautiful woman in the world to me, I don’t care what you wear.
“These are for you.”
“Andy! You didn’t...these are beautiful!” you beam as you take the bouquet of white lilies from me, eyes watering just a little.
“I wanted to. It’s long overdue. Hey, why don’t you throw on some shorts and we’ll go out. Take the night off.”
“No...no, that’s okay. I don’t mind. I finally decided on what to make-”
“Sweetheart, we can’t stay in the house forever.”
“I know and I don’t plan to, but-”
“But what?”
“It’s only been two weeks, Andy,” you sigh as tears start to well up in your eyes. “I can’t keep-”
“People can’t keep disrespecting you. Those women were out of line and Laurie was way out of line. I snapped on your boss in front of everyone, you don’t see me hiding.”
“That’s different, you’re you and I’m-”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’re well respected and I’ve never been-”
“Sweetheart,” I sigh, dropping my briefcase, “I love you. I worship the ground you walk on, and I adore the hell out of you. That’s never going to change.”
“Andy, I know-”
“Hey,” I coo, doing my best to show you that I’m not angry or annoyed as cup your face, “it’s me and you forever. We’ve got this. Are you in love with me?”
“You know I am,” you softly sob.
“And I am desperately in love, so please don’t worry. I’ve been telling you since we started this; I don’t give a fuck what anyone else thinks or has to say. The only thing I care about is your happiness.”
I’m sorry.”
“There’s nothing to apologize for, sweetheart, I promise. It’s all going to be okay,” I try to reassure you before kissing you.
We’ve kissed a million times, and I still go weak at the touch of your lips. Always soft, always welcoming, always meant for me; I could kiss you all day, every day, for eternity. Your grip tightens the second I go to pull away and you pull me closer.
How is it that you always leave me in a dazed and confused state every time we kiss?
“Honey...don’t,” I whisper as we break apart.
I don’t know why I ever put a fight because it’s not like I ever want to stop loving you. I need and want you all the damn time, so telling you ‘no’ is really a waste of breath for the both of us, but I always need you to know that this is what you want. You can control everything about us and I need to know that it’s what you want, and not just my baser instinct taking control.
“I just want you, Andy. I want you to make me feel only the way you can,” you hush, looking up at me with those innocent eyes of yours.
“You don’t have to-”
“I want you, baby. I’ve felt so far from you and I know that’s on me...I just want to get tangled up in you for a while.”
In almost no time at all, we’re upstairs in our bedroom, and you’re undressing me as if your life depends on it. You’re ready to get on your knees. Any other time I would happily accept it, but this isn’t the time.
“No sweetheart, take off the shirt and get on the bed for me.”
“Get on the bed, baby. Take off that shirt and let me watch you get warmed up for me. I wanna take my time with you,” I breathe, my gaze on your intensity as you slowly stand up, making your way to the bed.
Our bed.
“Open up those pretty little legs for me, baby. I need to see just how much you need me, right now,” I groan, stroking myself at the sight of you naked on our bed.
Our bed. Our home. Our room. I’ll never get over the fact that I get to spend the rest of my life with you. Every second of every day will be spent loving and taking care of you. I’m so fucking happy about that.
“Andy,” you whimper, slowly sliding two fingers into your pussy as your other hand plays with one of your breasts, “please, don’t keep me waiting!”
“Need to hear just how bad you want it, sweetheart,” I tease.
“You’re all I’ll ever...all I’ll ever need,” you whimper, your toes curling as you fight off your release.
“You sure, baby?” I question, maybe for my own sanity, as I make my way over to the bed and getting down on my knees. I grip your thighs tightly before pulling you closer to the edge.
“Fuck! Yes baby! It’s only you for me! Only one I’ll ever need!”
“That’s my girl,” I praise before diving between your legs.
Your scent is always enough to drive me insane, but tasting you brings out a completely different animal together. Your nectar is something I would happily devour all day and night. The way you grip my hair and moan my name as you grind your perfect little pussy against my face? I can’t get enough. I’ll never be able to get enough of everything about you.
“Oh fuck! Yes...fuck baby!” you gasp once I slide two fingers inside your soaking little honeypot.
My curiosity reaches an all-time high when I hear that breathy and desperate little voice of yours. Glancing up at you only makes me that much more desperate to be buried deep inside you. Your head is lulled back while your hand is playing with your breast, and your mouth is slightly agape. Usually I force your attention back on me, and I want to now, but seeing you like this...God, how did I get so damn lucky?
“Andy...baby, if you keep...fuck! I’m so close!” you whimper as I pick up my pace, desperate for you to come apart at the seams.
I adore you.
“Shit!” you scream, as you squirt all over my fingers and it drips off the corners of my chin.
The pleasure I get out of soaking my face and making love to you everywhere and anywhere I can is probably sick but fuck it. Every little thing about you brings out an animal in me that I never knew existed until I met you, and if parts of that animal are slightly deplorable then so be it.
“Baby...baby please!” you whine as I kiss my way up your body, my fingers still teasing your clit.
“You were made just for me, sweetheart,” I mumble against one of your breasts before licking your nipple.
“Never gonna stop loving you.”
“I love you so much, Andy! Fuck!” you whimper, gripping my hair tighter once I finally thrust myself inside of you.
The warmest welcome I’ll ever receive.
“How could you ever think that you’re not enough for me, sweetheart?” I question, pumping into you harder and faster than I mean to, but I can’t stop myself. I can never control myself when it comes to you.
“You’re too good...too good for me,” you sob, clawing my back as you start moving with me.
You and those fucking tears, I swear to God.
“No sweetheart...it’s you that’s too good for me! Always been too fuckin good for me!”
“It’s too...feels too fucking good, baby! Please! I need to...fuck!”
“You wanna cum for me, babygirl?” I groan as your perfect little pussy clenches me, sending me into in my own euphoric high.
“C’mon, baby! Give it to me! Show me just how much you want me!”
“Shit! I need you so much, baby!” you cry out, as you soak not only me, but the bed as well.
I can never get enough.
“Fuck, Y/N!” I growl into your neck as I shoot my load into you.
Yeah, I wanted this to last longer, but sometimes you just make it so hard for me to control myself.
That and I’m not as young as I used to be.
I would feel bad for Buttons, but by day three, he was more than accustomed to the sounds we make when the door is closed.
“Tomorrow...we’ll do dinner, okay?” you breathe, bringing me out of my own thoughts as you regroup.
“I wanna take you somewhere nice.”
“Let me spoil you just a little bit,” I plead and you smile up at me.
I could get lost in your smile all damn day.
“You spoil me just by loving me.”
“Doesn’t feel like it’s enough,” I murmur as I shower kisses along your neck.
“Andy,” you moan, running your hands through my hair.
And that’s all it takes.
“Say you’ll let me take you out,” I husk as I start moving within you again. “I wanna show you off.”
“The most gorgeous woman...all mine,” I grunt, sitting up and hooking your right leg over my shoulder, gripping your hips tightly, and slamming into your soaked pussy. “I can’t fucking get enough!”
“Baby please!” you whimper pathetically as you mindlessly claw at the bed.
So fucking perfect.
“Let me take you out,” I beg again, kissing and licking your calve.
“Come on, sweet girl. Say yes!”
“Oh my God, yes! Anything you want!”
“You wanna cum for me, beautiful?”
“Mhm,” you nod helplessly, finally meeting my gaze.
“You look so pretty when you’re all blissed out, baby,” I coo against your calve, reaching down and massaging your clit with my thumb.
“Come on, baby. Give me that sweet cum!”
“Fuck Andy!” you cry out, your body shuddering as you squirt hard, soaking our bed again.
“Always making a mess,” I tease as you try and regulate your breathing. “You want more, baby?”
“Please daddy.”
“I’ll take my time with you, sweetheart.”
As we entangle in one another, over and over again, it’s not lost on me just how lucky I am to have you: your patience, love, acceptance, grace, loyalty, and understanding. Everything about you is everything I’ve ever needed.
I’ll take my time and make sure that you know just how much I love you and how truly important you are to me. No one’s ever gonna make you feel ashamed or embarrassed about yourself ever again.
I’ll spend the rest of my life making sure of that.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“First Andy sounded angry over the phone, now you. What the hell is going on with everyone today?” you huff as you come to a red light.
“Laurie wants us to come over later and I just don’t have a good feeling about it,” Sarah huffs and you can hear the exhaustion in her voice.
“Talk to me, babe. What’s going on?”
“I’m just so fucking sick of dealing with her and her shit, and so is Jacob, but he’s not doing anything about it. So, we argue about it and I always come off as this mean bitch.”
“I’m sure he doesn’t think you’re some mean bitch, hun,” you sigh, pulling off as soon as the light turns green.
“He’s trying to be patient with her, because of everything with you and Andy, but he’s also sick of her shit. She’s been calling to cry and complain every other fucking day and I’m tired of it. I told him that I don’t want her at the wedding and he keeps saying it’s not right since she’s his mother.”
“Well babe-”
“Don’t. Don’t fucking sit here and say he has a point, because she’s the fucking worst.”
“You know how I feel about her, Sarah. Just hearing her name makes me wanna break something, but she’s also his mother. For better or worse, she’s his mother. I’m sure he wants her in the wedding photos and all that shit.”
“She doesn’t deserve it!”
“No, she doesn’t, but he’s being forced to deal with a lot at once, and at some point-”
“Yeah, I know. I’ve gotta cut him some fucking slack. I’m just fucking exhausted. It’s always something with her, then there was the while thing between you two, and now this shit. I’m trying to be strong for the both of us and it’s tiring.”
“Have you told Jacob about how you feel?”
“He knows and he feels awful, which makes me feel worse. I know he’s going through a lot, and I’m doing my best not to be a bitch, but I’m so fucking tired of Laurie and her shit. I have a feeling that whatever she wants to talk to Jacob about isn’t gonna be good.”
“I thought you said she wants to talk to the both of you?”
“She said she wanted to speak with Jacob, but Jacob said that whatever she has to say, she can say it to the both of us. I don’t have much say in it.”
“Well, I’m at Andy’s job now. Text or call me after and tell me how it goes. Also, your bachelorette weekend is in two weeks, you’ve got this.”
“I know, I know. Deep breaths. Tell me how it goes with your night and shinning armor.”
“Yeah, we’ll see how that goes,” you mumble, already upset because Andy was very obviously pissed off when you were on the phone with him earlier. “I love you.”
“I love you,” she sighs before hanging up.
You take a deep breath as you look up at the building where the love of your life works and takes a deep breath. Since he took you out almost three weeks ago, you’ve been feeling more secure in the relationship. Once again feeling like everything is truly happening.
He took you to Davio’s Northern Italian Steakhouse (you left Buttons with Sarah and Jake), and Andy couldn’t take his eyes off of you. He was constantly reaching for your hand, telling you how beautiful you look, and making you laugh like a teenager in love for the first time. Yes, he’d told you a million times (and he’ll probably tell you a million more times) that he’s not ashamed of you or the relationship, but after everything that had happened and you hiding yourself away, it was nice to have a fresh reminder.
However, with that being said, they’re still parts of his life that still make you feel small. His job being one of them.
“Hey Y/N,” Duffy greets you with a smile as you approach Andy’s office.”
“Hi! I’m sorry, I can come back-”
“No, we’re finished here. You both enjoy your weekend,” she smiles at you before nodding towards Andy.
You stand aside to let her out and close the door gently behind her, before turning your attention back to Andy, who has the look of pure rage in his eyes. Oh God, he’s probably going to be carrying you out of here.
“What’s wrong, daddy?” you question, leaning against the door.
“Come here, sweet girl.”
“You’re gonna wanna be a good girl for me today, sweetheart. Now, come here,” he growls and it’s enough to send you over the edge. You make your way over to one of the chairs when Andy sighs in disappointment. “You know where daddy wants you.”
“We can’t here!”
“Whose name is on the door?”
“Yours, daddy.”
“So, that means this is my office, doesn’t it?”
“Yes, daddy.”
“So, bring your ass over here and sit on my desk. Don’t make me tell you again,” he warns ominously, as he starts to undo his belt buckle.
You bite your bottom lip to suppress a moan, but do as your told.
“Tell me what happened, daddy.”
“I will after I’ve gotten rid of some of my stress. Lift up your skirt for me.”
“Now, sweet girl, you’re gonna make me punish you. Is that what you want?”
When you don’t answer he smirks and shakes his head as he unzips is his pants.
“Of course you wanna be treated like a whore, cause you’re daddy’s little dumb whore, aren’t you?”
“Mhm” you nod, as he wraps his hand around your throat.
“Maybe tonight, if you start being a good girl right now,” he teases before tightening his grip on your throat. “Now, lift up your fucking skirt.”
You moan as you clench around nothing, adjusting yourself a little so you can lift up your skirt.
“No panties?”
“Took...took them off in the car. Wanted to surprise you when we got home!”
“Shh, sweet girl,” he chuckles, using his index finger to to tease your clit, “such a sweet little thing. Your pussy is already soaked, making a mess all over my calendar.”
“I’m sorry, daddy!” you whine softly.
“It’s okay, baby. Gonna clean up this perfect little pussy before I fucking destroy it,” he promises as he gets on his knees.
“So wet for me,” he murmurers before licking your clit.
“Be quiet,” he demands before sucking on your clit.
You let out a silent gasp, tightening your grip on his desk tight, knowing that if you grind your pussy against his face, you both will be found out in a second. You force your gaze on him, getting lost in the intense and lustful focus he has on you, before you grab your phone (which has all but fallen out of your pocket) and take a picture of him in the compromising position. Yeah, it’s usually him holding the camera, but him eating you out on his desk? You definitely wanna capture this moment. He’s just about to slide two fingers into your aching cunt when there’s a knock on his door.
“Hey Lynn, can’t really talk right now, I’m pretty busy right now,” he smirks at you as he stands up, easily sliding his two fingers into you.
You bite your lip to suppress a moan and clench your eyes shut for a moment.
“Can it wait till Monday?” he asks, picking up his pace.
“I spoke to Neal and-”
“Yeah, I’d rather wait to talk about that,” he grunts as he starts fucking you faster with his fingers.
Oh God, what the hell happened?
“Just wanted to check in. We can talk about it on Monday. You’ve done more than enough work today, you can head home.”
“Soon, just a little bit more to finish up,” he smirks at you, adding another finger and you take a deep breath as your eyes go wide. You lull your head back and he snaps his fingers at you, forcing your attention back on him.
“Just don’t overwork yourself,” she sighs, “I’ll see you Monday.”
“Sounds good, Lynn. Have a great weekend, I know I will,” he smiles as you squirt on his fingers, scratching up the pristine wood you were already in the middle of damaging.
Andrew Fucking Barber is a menace.
“Give Y/N my best,” Lynn calls before her footsteps start to retreat.
“Will do,” Andy promises as fucks you through your high. “You did so good, sweet girl,” he praises softly. “You want daddy to fuck you stupid like the little slut you are?”
“Please!” you cry with a whisper.
“So desperate already?”
“Daddy please!”
“Turn around and lean against my desk. Gonna destroy this little fuck hole.”
“Do as I said!” he demands, slapping your clit.
Thank God tomorrow is Saturday.
“Daddy...please! Just need-”
“Daddy knows what you need,” he taunts as you hear his pants fall to the floor, “and he’s gonna give it to you,” he promises as he thrusts himself inside of you.
“Oh my God!”
“Such a good little girl!” he husks against the shell of your ear as he starts fucking you hard and fast.
“Holy fuck!”
“Anyone could walk into this room right now and you wouldn’t care, would you?”
“N-no, daddy!N Fuck me in front of anyone, I don’t care!”
“I’m so fucking tempted to rip that fucking blouse open....take that bra off and walk you out...just like that. You want that?”
“Sh...show them who I belong to, daddy!”
“Such a good little slut! Want me to fill this tight little cunt?”
“Please! Always...want to be full of you!”
“The way you’re clenching...shit! Cum for me now!”
“Jesus, daddy!” you whimper as you squirt hard, making a mess on his pants and the floor.
You’re more than sure Andy’s about to cum, but he stops short before pulling out, “Daddy wants to bring you off one more time, sweet girl,” he chuckles as he takes a seat in his chair.
“Turn around and unbutton that blouse for daddy,” he demands as he strokes himself.
Yeah, if you two keep it up you’re bound to get caught, but if he doesn’t give a damn, why should you? You quickly straddle him and slowly unbutton your blouse while holding his heated gaze.
“Unhook the front clasp, baby. Let daddy see you,” he encourages as his hands explore your torso. He groans as soon as your tits are exposed to him, “you are so fucking gorgeous,” he mumbles against one your nipples, before taking it into his mouth and sucking on it, massaging it with his tongue while his hand massages your other one.
“Daddy,” you softly moan, lulling your head back as you grip his shoulders and start to grind yourself against him.
He wraps his free arm around your waist and grips you close, and you somewhere through all the haze in your mind, you wonder how he’s able to make you feel so good by doing so little.
It’s not lost on you that things need to be discussed, but you’ve been with Andy long enough to know better. No, he’ll never take his anger out on you, but depending on what it is he’s angry about, he needs to do something before talking about it or he’ll end up yelling about it and will feel like shit about it later.
Usually, he’ll go for a run or a swim, but for him to choose fucking you in his office...
It’s gotta be pretty fucking bad.
“You’re all I need,” he breathes after releasing your nipple with a ‘pop’, “all I’ve ever needed.”
“Shh sweet girl, I’m gonna take care of you,” he coos, releasing your other tit and stroking himself, “ gonna fill you up till you’re leaking with my cum for days,” he promises as he aligns himself with your entrance before guiding you down.
“Gotta keep quiet, sweet girl,” he groans as you move against him, “cause your daddy’s good girl, right?”
“Y-yes,” you sob quietly, feeling your core tighten again, “only for you!”
“Shit! Come on, baby! Bring daddy off!” he husks, looking up at you as his hands grip your hips tight, and you can tell he’s using all of his energy to restrain himself from taking it over.
“I love you...love you so much! Gonna fuckin’...shit!”
“Jesus Y/N!” he growls into your chest as he fills you to the brim.
“Daddy!” you cry out softly, digging your nails into his shoulders as another orgasm fogs up your mind and leaves you in a euphoric high.
You’re more than sure you’ve made a mess, again, but you don’t care. Nothing matters besides Andy and how he feels.
“What’s...what’s wrong, baby? What happened?” you breathe, trying to come down from your high.
“Laurie,” is all he says as he peppers soft kisses all along your chest.
“Oh God, what happened this time?”
“She and Neal have started dating. Apparently, its been an on and off thing for a while.”
“Are you fucking shitting me?!”
“I don’t even care that shes opening her legs for him, but she’s not even doing it because she actually cares, it’s just to get back at me. She’s not even thinking about how upset it’ll make Jacob. After everything that happened with the case, the hell Neal went out of his way to put Jacob through, she goes and does this shit.”
“I spoke to Sarah before coming here and she said that Laurie wants to talk to them tonight.”
“Jesus fucking Christ.”
“Jacob is gonna lose his shit.”
“We gotta get home,” Andy sighs, leaning his head against your chest. “How did I fuck up so badly?”
“Hey,” you press softly, using your forefinger to softly force his gaze on you, “this isn’t on you.”
“I should’ve left her in college-”
“Stop it, Andy. You were in love and you thought she’d change. She made you believe that she would. Her being a vicious piece of shit is not on you. You don’t make her act the way she does, she’s just selfish and thinks everyone owes her. You did the best you could, with both her and Jacob, this isn’t on you.”
“Do you know how much I love you?”
“I think I have an idea,” you smirk as you dip down and kiss him.
You both take your time getting yourselves together, before walking out of his office hand in hand. When you both reach your car, he pins you against it and kisses you passionately.
“When we get home,” you giggle when you two break apart.
“I’ll be right behind you,” he smiles before walking towards his car.
Yes, you’re extremely angry, but Andy fucking Barber...he just makes you feel so damn loved.
Your drive home is easy and light, and for a moment, you relax just a bit.
Then your phone goes off the second your arrive home.
“SHE CAN’T COME TO THE FUCKING WEDDING!” Sarah screams as soon as you answer the phone.
Snap back to reality.
“Sarah, I know how frustrated you are, but please-”
“I know I know,” you sigh as you get out of your car, getting met with a confused look on Andy’s face. “Andy told me and-”
“I’M FUCKING DONE, Y/N!” Sarah screams as you unlock the door, getting greeted by a very excited Buttons. “THEN SHE HAD THE FUCKING AUDACITY TO CRY!”
“I fucking mean it, Y/N! I’m fucking DONE with that bitch!”
You put your phone on speaker before responding with, “how’s Jacob?”
“Do you not hear the fucking glass breaking in the background?!”
“Jesus,” you mutter while Andy drops his briefcase and lets out a frustrated.
“Sarah, I’m gonna change and I’ll head over.”
“Mr. Barber, I don’t know-”
“I’ll deal with him, don’t worry. I’ll be there in 20.”
“Yeah okay, I’ll let him know,” she sighs before hanging up.
“You should’ve let me beat her ass,” you mutter, sitting down and letting Buttons get comfortable in your lap.
“Yeah, I really fucking should have,” he mutters, running a frustrated hand through his hair. “Let me get ready. Do you want me to pick up something on my way home?”
“Honestly, I’m not even hungry at this point. Maybe we’ll order something when you get back.”
Andy only nods before rushing up the steps, leaving you on the floor with Buttons, who is giving you a quizzical look.
“I bet you have to pee, don’t you?” you smirk and he barks. When all he does is bark, you chuckle before placing him on the ground, “I thought so. Lets go.”
You get up and on your way outside, you grab a glass and a bottle of whiskey, pouring yourself a small drink before letting both you and Buttons out and grabbing his ball. You toss it around for about five minutes before you hear Andy come outside.
“Save some for me,” he asks, noticing the glass on the table and you scoff. “I should be home in about an hour.”
“Do you want me to come with you? We can bring Buttons, I’m sure he would be a great help.”
“No, I know that you’re tired of dealing Laurie and-”
“That’s not what I asked you, baby. Do you want me to come with you?”
Andy hesitates before meeting your gaze, “I do, but you don’t-”
“C’mon Buttons! Inside!” you call over your shoulder before turning your attention back to Andy, “I’ll be ready in 5 minutes.’
Rushing up the steps, you’re quick to pull off your blouse, skirt, shoes, and put on some panties. You put on a random pair of sweatpants and grab on of Andy’s ‘Nirvana’ t-shirts before making your way downstairs. You say nothing as you get Button’s leash on, smiling to yourself as Andy watches you with the biggest smile on his face.
“Lets go,” you smile at him.
Ever since the first car ride home, Buttons cries if he can’t sit in your lap. Yeah, he’s gotten a bit bigger, but you’re a sucker that just can’t say no. The entire drive to Jacob and Sarah’s, you’re blasting Soundgarden songs and singing along horribly, while Buttons howls along with you sounding equally as bad. Andy can’t even find it in himself to get annoyed, he just laughs and eventually  starts singing along with you.
By the time Andy pulls up to Jacob and Sarah’s place, you’d almost forgotten how serious the situation you two are walking into it, but Andy’s heavy sigh brings you back to reality.
You only have to knock once before the door swings open.
“Oh, thank God! You brought Buttons,” Sarah smiles with a sigh of relief as she steps aside to let the three of you in. “I cleaned up the glass, so feel free to take your shoes off.”
“Babe, I’m just gonna order...hey,” Jacob stops short at the sight of you and Andy.
“Heard you had a bit of a melt down,” you mutter, kicking off your slippers.
“Can you blame me?”
“You’re the one who held me back,” you shrug and Jacob lets out a small laugh. “You can’t go off the handle like that.”
“Fucking Neal of all people?”
“I’m not saying it’s not infuriating, and I know I need to work on my temper too, but c’mon Jake.”
“It’s not like I meant to just start throwing shit, Y/N. She just...God, you should’ve fucking been here,” he groans, plopping down on one of their sofa chairs.
“What happened, bud?” Andy sighs, sitting on the arm of their sofa, while Buttons makes his way over to Jacob.
“She came over and kept trying to get Sarah to go into the bedroom, so I was already annoyed. Once we settled on the fact that Sarah was going to hear whatever the hell she had to say, she started off by saying that even though we’ve had rough patches, she’s still my mother and that she loves. She then decided to follow that up with that if I can be happy for you and Y/N, I should be able to be happy for her too.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“She then proceeded to tell me about how shes been seeing Neal on and off for a while, and that she’s only telling me now because it’s getting serious. She understands that things have happened in the past, but if she’s able to give him a fair shot, I should at least be willing to try. That’s when Sarah walked out of the room.”
“I was ready to break her damn nose,” Sarah mutters, giving both you and Andy a glass of whiskey, before settling onto the floor next to Buttons who’s more than happy for the new company.
“So, when I don’t say anything, she keeps trying to explain herself. Then, I just kind of snapped. I asked her how she can compare Neal to Y/N when Y/N has never done anything to hurt me or make my life harder, and she calmly replied saying that she broke up our family. That’s when I kind of blacked out and that’s when Sarah came back in,” Jacob sighs, clearly ashamed with his actions.
“It’s not like I was any better. I just started screaming at her. I called her things and said shit I shouldn’t have, and she responded by telling me that Jacob shouldn’t be marrying someone who doesn’t respect his mother to which I said that I would respect his mother if she was respectable. That’s when the tears came and she was asking how we could accept you two but betray her, and I kicked her out.”
“Fuck,” you sigh, downing your drink while was already back in the kitchen and making himself another.
“I’m guessing Neal told you?” Sarah asks Andy softly.
“Yeah, he told me. He was scared shitless, so I have to give him some respect for at least telling me and not sending Laurie. Then again, Laurie probably made him do it. He told me that he wants to upfront with me and he doesn’t want things to be anymore awkward than they already are. I just nodded and thanked him for telling me before kindly asking him to leave.”
“Well, this is one hell of a Friday,” you mutter, running a hand through your hair. “Jake-”
“Don’t you fucking say it, Y/N. Just don’t.”
“She’s not lashing out at you. She’s lashing out at Andy. She’s out at both Andy and myself.”
“It’s not like she’s taking me into consideration!”
“I never said that she’s handling any of this well.”
“Why aren’t you-”
“I’m fucking furious, Jacob. Just because I’m not raging out, doesn’t mean I don’t wanna break her fucking nose. However, I can’t keep letting her win. I can’t keep getting in a rage over the petty and stupid shit that she does, which is why I’m telling you both,” you say giving Sarah a quick glance, “not to fly off the handle here. Everything she’s doing at this point is because she wants to get a rise out of Andy and/or myself. If you guys respond in a negative way, she’s just gonna continue to spin this story about how she’s some saint whose been kicked out of her family. If you both truly don’t want her at the wedding, then whatever. It’s your wedding and you guys do what you want, but don’t keep reacting. There’s no point and it’s a waste of time. You don’t wanna talk to her anymore? Just don’t respond to her calls or texts anymore. You don’t wanna see her on holidays or birthdays? Just don’t get. You can respond to her without actually responding to her. It’s just not worth it and she’ll only keep winning,” you scowl, leaning back into the sofa.
“When did you become so mature?” Sarah scoffs as you flip her off.
“I’m just too old and too tired. I’ve been fighting with the people of this stupid town for too damn long, and I don’t feel like doing it anymore.”
“Dad,” Jacob starts softly, “are you okay?”
“Honestly? No, not really. The issues your mother and I have are between her and I, so why she keeps letting it bleed out all over the rest of you...I’ll never really understand. However, Y/N is right. Snapping at and blacking out on her will only make it worse. Plus, I know she doesn’t act like it, but she truly does love you. She’s your mother and she’s just going through a hard time right now.”
“How are you so calm about all of this?”
“I’ve been dating Y/N for too long,” he mutter as you burst out laughing, laying your head on his arm after he resumes his seat on the arm of the sofa.
Jacob shakes his head before smiling at the both of you, “I’m happy you two have each other.”
“Yeah?” you smile.
You and Andy stay for a few hours, happy to watch Sarah and Jacob play around with Buttons for a bit and work through their anger and frustrations while also talking to them about the wedding and what they’ve been up to, before deciding to call it a day. Between the stress “relieving session” in Andy’s office, and the mental strength it took to not call Laurie and curse her out, you’re ready to rest up and spend quality with Andy and your fur baby.
The ride back home is quiet, but comfortable and Buttons gives you kisses ever so often. Andy stays focused on the road, but every once in a while he’ll grab your hand, and press a soft kiss to it. When he pulls up to the house, he does it one more time and you feel a calmness wash over you. Something is telling you that it may all be okay after all.
No. Something is telling you that it will all be okay.
“Pick a movie and I’ll order dinner,” Andy says as you lay down on the sofa with Buttons and he kicks off his shoes.
“And what exactly are we having?”
“Junk. We’ve earned it.”
“Andrew Steven Barber, are you about to eat a cheeseburger in front of me? It’s been so long!”
“Don’t you dare get used to it.”
“I would never imagine such a thing,” you smirk as he flips you off.
Soon enough, Andy joins both you and Buttons on the sofa and pulls you onto his lap, pressing soft kisses into your hair as Buttons settles into your lap.
In the last few weeks, no matter how chaotic or hectic the days have been, you always end them on the best note, and it always feels like heaven. Having Andy in your life was already better than you imagined, but now that you two have Buttons it feels like your own small little family.
The life you never thought you’d have, is now the dream you get to live every day. You’re finally able to let your guard down and don’t regret it at all. You life with Andy is everything you’ve wanted and more. Hell, even if he never proposes, you’ll still be happy if you two spend the rest of your lives as you are now.
However, you’d be lying if said you didn’t want one. God, the amount of times you’ve written out your name with his last name at work is embarrassing and you pray he never finds that notebook.
When the food arrives, he’s quick to gently put you down and make his way to the door, while you get up and make Buttons’ dinner. This is the routine you’ve tried to keep up since you got Buttons, because 1. he’s so occupied on his dinner he’s too busy to beg for scraps, and 2. you like eating together as a family. You walk back in with two beer bottles after bringing in Buttons’ dinner, while Andy sets up place settings for the both of you. You’re about to resume the movie when you giggle softly.
“Nothing, its silly.”
“Tell me.”
“The night you came over for drinks after I said we shouldn’t go out...the first meal we ever made together was cheeseburger and french fries,” nyou smile at him.
Andy cups your face and kisses you passionately, “I love you so fucking much.”
“The feeling is mutual, Barber.”
“Sounds good.”
As always, Buttons finishes before the both of you and gives you puppy dogs eyes, because you’re always the one who caves. You think Andy is caught up in the movie, so you sneak Buttons one of the last few fries on your plate.
“Stop feeding him from the table,” Andy grumbles as he pulls you onto his lap.
“One fry won’t hurt,” you giggle as he kisses your temple.
“It’s gonna become a habit.”
“Only if I do it all the time.”
“You do do it all the time.”
“Do not.”
“More times than not.”
You roll your eyes before quietly responding with, “I do not.”
“You’re hopeless,” he laughs, and you giggle into his chest.
“How do we feel about tonight’s movie?”
“Well,” he starts as he readjusts you on his lap, “I’m not necessarily a fan of James Cagney’s dancing, but overall I like ‘Footlight Parade’.”
“How can you not like James Cagney’s dancing?!”
“How can you?”
“Snob,” you snort and he playfully bites your shoulder. “I think someone is ready to go to bathroom for the night.”
“Yeah bud?”
All Andy gets in return is a bark and you both laugh.
“Lets go.”
“I’ll put the dishes away while you two have your guy time outside.”
“Then bed?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. God knows its been a long enough day.”
“At least we have the weekend,” he sighs into your hair before kissing it.
You’re quick to get up and scoop up the plates while Buttons and Andy make there way to the back and outside. Just as you’re finishing up the dishes, your phone starts going off in your pocket. After drying your hands on your pants, you quickly pull it out, but scowl when you see who it is and hit ignore. A few moments later, you roll your eyes when you hear it buzz. Against your better judgement, you lean against the counter and open the text.
Momster Dearest: I don’t blame you for ignoring my call, I would have too. I know...I fucked up. I fucked up and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for a lot of things, honey. I know I can’t make up for the last few years or what I said when I called you that day, but I can apologize. I can apologize and try to explain myself. I know I haven’t acted like or shown it in a while, but I do love you and I miss you so much. Please answer me.
You scowl in frustration and bite back tears as you thrust your phone back into your pocket. Why? Why can’t she just leave you alone at this point? And why does she choose today of all days to text you? Hasn’t enough happened? Now this?
“Alright, our baby boy is ready for...hey, what’s wrong?” Andy asks with alarm in his tone as he quickly makes his way over to you.
You don’t even say anything, you just hand him your phone before starting on your back into the living room and shutting everything off.
“I don’t even know if I can believe her, because this isn’t the first time shes sent a text like that. It wouldn’t be the first time that we’ve had a serious talk about how shitty of a parent she is.”
“But she wasn’t always like this, Andy,” you sob, turning to face him, “she wasn’t always like this and I miss her. I miss my fucking mom.”
“I know you do, baby. I know,” he sighs, wrapping you in a tight hug.
Why can’t you catch a fucking break?
“It’s been a long day and we’re both tired. Lets just get ready for bed and we’ll tackle it in the morning, okay?”
Nodding, you take your hand in his and lead the way up the stairs with Buttons following close behind. As Buttons makes his way to his playroom to sleep, one of his favorite places to sleep, while you and Andy made your way into the bedroom bathroom.
Neither of you says a thing as you both undress, and Andy steps in first to get the water ready and makes sure it’s perfect before stepping aside and letting you in. You don’t say a thing at first, not sure of what to say, and Andy starts to wash your body for you.
“You don’t have to...” you trail off as you start to cry and Andy pulls you close.
“Shh, it’s okay. You don’t need to cry, it’s alright. We’ll figure this all out.”
“I’m just so damn tired, baby.”
“I know and I don’t blame you. We’re gonna figure this all out.”
“I just want it all to be figured out at this point.”
“Don’t worry, okay? Just let yourself rest for now,” he begs softly.
You look up at him and pull him close, kissing him softly as you wrap your arms around him. The kiss starts out soft and sweet, but soon turns urgent and sensual.
“Sweetheart, we don’t have to-”
“Earlier today, you told me that if I was a good girl-”
“I just want you, Andy. I always need to feel you.”
Soon enough, Andy has you pinned against the wall with your legs wrapped around his waist as he fucks into you relentlessly. As you dig your nails into his back, moaning his name as he makes you feel everything you need and more, you find yourself wanting to bottle this moment. Not just because of the mind blowing sex, but because you know you’ll never need anything or anyone ever again.
Andy takes the time to find the problem and figure it out and figure you out. He doesn’t just fuck you because it’s what he wants or because you beg him. He makes sure that 1. you’re in the right state of mind, 2. that you know you don’t have to do it, and 3. that he knows how to treat you. He knows when you need him to be gentle, he understands when you need him to mean and rough, and he understands when you need him to gentle with his words but rough with his actions.
“You’re taking me so well,” he grunts, gripping your hips tight as he upthrusts into hard and fast.
After bringing you off three times in the shower, he carried you into the bedroom and laid down, telling you to take what you need from him. He left you in charge for a bit, but after you got yourself off for the third time, he couldn’t hold back anymore.
“Baby,” you whimper as you throw your head back, trying to move your hips with his as another orgasm builds up.
“You look so fucking beautiful, sweetheart. Do you know how much I love you?”
“Are you sure? Cause there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, honey,” he promises as he presses his thumb against your clit, making little circles and causing you to cry out in pleasure. “All I want is for you to be happy, baby. All I want is to love you!
“Baby...I need to....feels too fucking good!”
“You’re my world, Y/N! Nothing felt right until you came along!”
“I love you so fucking much!” you sob, squirting hard and making a mess all over Andy’s cock and the bed.
“Such a good girl,” he growls, filling you to the brim, gripping you tight as he tries to tries get the both of you through your euphoric highs.
Once you finally calm down, you slowly lean forward until your head is resting on Andy’s chest and his arms are wrapped around you tight, doing his best to regulate your breathing with his.
“You feel better, sweet girl?”
“Mhm,” you yawn with a nod.
“Was I too rough?”
“No baby, not at all.”
“I meant every word that I said, sweetheart.”
“I know you do, baby. I feel the same. We’re gonna figure all of this out together, just like we always have.”
“I know we will. I just got a little overwhelmed today, but I’ll be okay,” he smile up at him.
He presses a soft to your forehead and responds softly, “sleep?”
“Yes please.”
You take your time getting off of Andy, already knowing you’re gonna be a bit sore tomorrow, and he quickly makes his way to the bathroom. Ever the gentleman, he comes back with a damp wash towel and cleans up between your legs, while pepper your chest with soft and small kisses.
When all is said and done, he finally gets in and pulls you close, pressing a soft and sweet kiss to the top of your head. You’re almost asleep when you hear the door pushed open and four soft paws making their way to the bed.
“You wanna get up here, buddy? Come on,” you yawn, tapping your foot on the bed.
Buttons quickly jumps on the bed, but instead of laying at the foot of it like he usually does, he settles right between you and Andy.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Andy groans and you laugh, cuddling into the happy pup as he licks the side of your face.
“And you wanna have a kid,” you giggle.
“With you, I want everything,” he sighs in content, grabbing your hand softly as he drifts off.
With a smile on etched on your face, you quickly succumb to sleep knowing that everything is going to work out great.
For the first time in a long time, you’re not afraid of what the future holds.
“Andy, it’s your turn to let him out,” you mumble as Buttons starts to whine.
His way of letting you both know that he’s ready to go outside and start the day.
“Ten more minutes,” he groans, pulling his pillow over his head.
“If he pees in the bed, I don’t wanna hea about it.”
“You’re mean,” Andy yawns before getting up and a small smile comes to his face. You hear him dig around in his dresser before saying, “alright, bud. Lets get you outside before it’s too late.”
And with that, they’re both out the door and running down the steps.
You roll around for a bit, trying to hold on to sleep, but you know it’s a lost cause. You as you get up, fishing Andy’s band t-shirt off the ground and looking around for a pair of shorts.
At some point, you’ll be cleaning the room today.
You slowly make your way downstairs, laughing softly as you hear Andy calling for Buttons to let go of the ball, and get started on the coffee. You’ve just finished pouring both you and Andy a cup when the doorbell rings.
‘Who the hell could be here at 9am?’ you think to yourself as you make your way to the front door. “Hello, how may we...,” you trail off as you see who’s on the other side of your door.
It’s amazing how fast a good day can turn into a terrible one.
You hear paws clunking behind you followed by a growl.
Good boy.
“What do you want, Laurie?” you mutter through gritted teeth.
“I uh...I need to talk to you and Andy,” she responds with volume of a mouse.
“Hey babe, I think we should get our sweet boy...you need to leave,” Andy growls as he comes up behind you.
“Andy, please just-”
“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve,” he chuckles humorlessly. “You want me to get Jacob to talk to you, don’t you?”
“Andy, you and Y/N are the only ones he and Sarah will listen to-”
“Why the fuck should we help you, Laurie?!”
“Because you both owe me!”
“Fuck this shit,” you scoff, turning to leave, “Andy, you deal with her cause I’ll break her fucking neck. Buttons and I will be in the art room. Lets go, Button boy.”
You do your best to focus on finishing the painting in front of you, but between Buttons whining (wanting to get back to Andy), and Andy’s and Laurie’s raised voices, you can’t focus.
You look down over at the alarm clock on the desk and see that you’ve only been working on it for 15 minutes.
Fucking Laurie.
“You need to leave,” you demand as you come storming out of the room, Buttons at your heels.
“We’re not finished-”
“Yes you are! I believe I made it perfectly clear that you aren’t welcome here, and Andy doesn’t owe you shit! Nor do I for that matter! You want to pretend that you’re in love with Neal? That’s fine, you’ve never lived in reality or anywhere close to it from what I can tell, but there’s no way in fuck that you were delusional enough to believe that it wouldn’t hurt Jacob to his core. The man, who at times got pleasure out of fucking up Jacob’s life, is the man you want us all to believe you’re in real love with? Fuck you, Laurie.”
“You don’t know-”
“And just so you know, we did go over to Sarah and Jacob’s yesterday, and actually tried to plead your fucking case! Told them that you’re mad at us and and acting like this because of us! They’re fucking over it, Laurie! They’re over it and so are we! Now get the fuck off of our property!”
“You can’t-”
“Laurie, I swear this is the last time I’m gonna say it nicely. Get the fuck off of our property,” you warn in a murderously low tone.
“I won’t try and stop her this time,” Andy shrugs with his arms folded across his chest.
Laurie looks from you to him, letting a few pathetic tears fall, before finally turning and storming off towards her car.
“If she comes here again, I’m greeting her with a fist to the face,” you mutter as she drives off.
“C’mon, it’s only the beginning of the day, we can still salvage it,” Andy sighs as he closes the door.
“What did she say?”
“It doesn’t matter,” he mumbles as he makes his way into the kitchen, “do you want Bailey’s in your coffee, babe? Fuck, of course it’s cold now.”
“It’s going to get you worked up and drive me insane, so why does it matter?”
“Because you’re upset,” you state plainly as you lean against the kitchen entryway.
“She just blamed it all on me. Her cheating, the trial, why she told the fucking lie...it’s my fault. I forced her into that corner and made her like this.”
“You know that’s all bullshit!”
“Yeah, I know it is,” he mutters, pouring out both cups before refilling them, “but it’s infuriating that she just...”
“I know, baby, I know,” you sigh sympathetically as you make your way over to him, “but what do you always tell me?”
“Her bullshit is her bullshit.”
“Exactly. She’s going to constantly try and spin the story to work in her favor, so the best we can do is just let her spiral. Soon enough, she’ll slip up and the truth will come out. Especially with this new stunt that she pulled.”
“I’m just tired of her getting her fucking way all the time.” He pours Bailey’s into both cups before following up with, “I’m tired of her winning all the damn time.”
“Hey, look at me,” you coo softly as gently force his attention on you, “do you love me?”
“More than anything.”
“Are you happy that we’re together?”
“More than I’ll ever be able to express.”
“Then she hasn’t won a single fucking thing,” you smile, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. “It’s you and me, babe. None of the bullshit matters. We know who’s on our side and we have each other. She hasn’t won a fucking thing.”
“I love you.”
“I think pretty highly of you too, Barber,” you smirk, standing on your tip toes and giving him a quick peck on the lips. “Wanna skip the morning run and just jump into job searching?”
“I knew there was a reason you made coffee instead of grabbing our water bottles.”
“Always one step ahead of ya,” you laugh as the doorbell rings. “Oh, who the fuck is it now?” you grumble, letting go of Andy and grabbing your cup.
“I’ll answer it-”
“No no, you go calm down. I’ll handle whoever it is.”
With an aggravated sigh, you turn and make your way back to the front door, and take a sip of your coffee before opening the door.
“Jesus, what is this? ‘See everyone I can’t stand’ day?” you scowl.
“Please, I just wanna talk, okay?” your mother pleads softly.
Aren’t Saturdays supposed to be for peace and quiet?
“You’ve got twenty minutes,” you mutter, standing aside and letting her inside. “We’ll talk outside in the backyard.”
You make your way into the kitchen and grab two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.
“Honey, it’s not even 10am...oh,” Andy sighs once he sees your mother behind you. “For fucks sake.”
“Yeah, I’m throwing this day out the fucking window,” you mumble as Buttons sniffs your mother’s legs.
He licks her ankle before going over to Andy and sitting besides him. At least he didn’t growl at her.
“It’s gonna be fine,” Andy whispers before kissing your forehead. “If you need me, let me know.”
You just nod before leading your mother outside and closing the screen door behind you. Pouring the both of you a drink, you take a seat across from her and you both take a sip as you look at one another.
“I can’t imagine you ask him to put on a shirt often,” your starts, nodding towards the inside.
You look over and notice that Andy is only in sweats. “I hadn’t even noticed, honestly, but you’re right. I don’t.”
“Ya know, this is the first drink I’ve had in a week.”
“Picked a hell of a time to break your streak.”
“I have a feeling this isn’t going to be easy and I need all the help I can get.”
“I would’ve gotten back to you at some point.”
“The “at some point” is why I came over. I don’t want too much time to pass-”
“Not to be a bitch, but what you want doesn’t really fucking matter, does it?”
“No, and I guess...I know this rift is my fault and I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all of this.”
“Funny how this isn’t the first time we’ve had this talk. This isn’t the first time you’ve felt bad.”
“This isn’t the same as before, that I can promise you.”
“I know, this time you also have to make up for calling me a slut and a homewrecker. For choosing Laurie all because her little lie made you embarrassed.”
“No, I embarrassed myself and was asked all of those horrible questions at the worst possible time.”
“Well, what could you have possibly done that’s more embarrassing than anything else you’ve been doing for the last few years?”
“I slept with your father,” she finishes with a huff before downing the rest of her drink.
“Well, not only is that embarrassing but also extremely stupid,” you mutter, finishing your glass, before filling them both.
“There was a time when you would’ve told me about Andy. You would’ve told me everything that’s been going on, but you’ve been so distant these last few years, and that’s my fault. I already felt like shit for so many things, then I fucked up and slept with your father, and then to not only hear about your relationship, but to have to hear about it in such a nasty and vile way...I snapped. I knew none of it was true, but if I was dumb enough to sleep with your father...accidents happen, right? Anyway, I got out of there as quick as I could, got home and started drinking. Then, your father called because he wanted to come over and “talk”, but I just went off on him and basically said it was his fault that you turned into a whore which...it’s obviously not true. You’re the only thing we ever got right.
Anyway, he just wanted to make me happy, which is why he came over here and said all that shit he said to you and Andy, which I’m so sorry about. God, I owe Andy such an apology, I can’t believe your father threatened to hit him. I wanted apologize, honey. The second you hung up, I wanted to call you back, but I knew it wouldn’t be that simple. I’ve been trying to build the courage for a while now, but I knew I couldn’t just apologize like I’ve done in the past.”
“I miss you, Y/N. Before everything went to shit, before I became a shit mother, we had a really great bond.”
“Don’t,” you sob, taking a sip of your drink. “Don’t fucking start this shit again.”
“It’s not the same as it was before. I mean it, Y/N. I know it’ll take time for you to believe me and I completely understand, but I want to be your mom again. Not someone you only talk to when it’s necessary. Both your father and I do.
“God, don’t tell me you two are back together.”
“No, our little...tryst is over. If he can’t be faithful to his little wife he has now, he’ll never be able to be faithful to me. However, we’re both your parents and even though we stopped showing it, we do love you. We’ve both been keeping tabs you. Yeah, we were hesitant about you being with Andy, scandal set aside, there’s the age difference and the fact that he’s Jacob father, we didn’t want him to just use you until he was bored. We both see your posts though, we’ve seen you two around town, and after how he stood up to your father...we’re happy for you two, Y/N. Truly happy and we want to be apart of your life. Really apart of your life. I’m not saying there won’t bumps and that he and I won’t argue, but we want to do better. We want to at least try to be somewhat of a family again.”
“ Of course you decide this when damn near thirty,” you mutter, sipping your drink and looking over at the screen door.
Buttons is just laying there looking at you and feel so bad. He just wants to hangout with his parents and it keeps not happening.
“He’s cute. His name is Buttons?”
“Yeah, Andy figured we should name him after my favorite stuffed animal.”
“He would think of something sweet like that,” she smiles to herself before looking at you, “he’s a good man, honey.”
“I know,” you smile softly at her.
“Well, I’ll get going and call your father. He was going to come, but chickened out last minute.”
“Well, he and Andy did almost have a fist fight,” you murmur, finishing your drink as your mother does the same and gets up, “we can take it slow,” you tell her softly. “I can’t...I don’t know what will happen, but I am willing to try...again.”
“I’m really happy to hear that,” she smiles, “talk to me when you’re ready.”
All you do is nod as she leaves, leaving the door open for Buttons to run out and jump into your lap. Yes, in theory he is still a puppy, but his size is ahead of him.
“That seems like it went well,” Andy smiles as he occupies the seat next to you, and you just shrug. “You didn’t scream and you didn’t kick her out. That’s a start.”
“She wants to try again...again.”
“And how do you feel about it?”
“Part of me feels like it’s bullshit, but at the same time, she’s my mom. She wasn’t always a fucking mess, so maybe this time will be different. I keep wanting to believe it, but she always lets me down. They both always let me down.”
“You don’t owe anyone anything, sweetheart.”
“I can’t keep telling people to give those they truly love and care about second chances, and then not do it myself.”
“You’ve given them way more than second chances, baby. It’s okay if you’ve run out of chances to give them.”
“Yeah,” you shrug before taking a sip of your drink.
“If they fuck it up this time, I’m done, really done. I can’t keep doing this. I’m so tired of being angry all the time. I’m tired of arguing with this town, tired of arguing with Laurie, and I’m tired of arguing with my parents. For once in my life, I’m so in love and happy and I just want to live in that. I want us to be happy because we deserve it. We haven’t done anything wrong and I’m tired of made to feel like we did. If they can’t fucking get it right this time, then they’re out,” you sob with a shrug before finishing off your drink and pouring another.
Andy’s thoughtful before smiles at you and says, “you know what we haven’t done in a while?”
“Hm? What?”
“We haven’t had a lazy day. No job search today, no exercising, no laundry, no cleaning, lets just be lazy. We’ll play with Buttons, we’ll drink, we’ll dance around-”
“Andy, we don’t have to do this because I’m-”
“We both need it. It’s been a hell of a day and it’s not even 11:30am. I don’t even think it’s 11am,” he laughs. “We keep going from one battle to another, and we never take a break. After the wedding, we’ll take a real break. We’ll go on a vacation, the three of us, and take some time to just recuperate.”
“It’ll be good for us, babe. Just trust me,” he smiles at you sincerely.
So, for the rest of the day, you and Andy indulge in all of the things that make you both happy. From board games to video games, karaoke to rediscovering your love for albums that both forgot about, playing with Buttons to playing out in the backyard, and going back and forth between watching each other’s favorite movies, you and Andy do everything you’ve both been longing to do for a while but just haven’t had a chance to.
At around 2am, you both throw in the towel, falling asleep on the sofa while ‘Mr. Smith Goes To Washington’ plays softly in the background, while Buttons rests peacefully in his dog bed that’s setup right next to the sofa.
As you dream, you dream of the life that you hope you’ll have. You dream of a life where Andy is by your side every step of the day.
The months leading up to the wedding are some of the most stressful months you’ve ever experienced. Sarah’s bridesmaids are some of the most difficult women to deal with (and it doesn’t help that you went to high school with three of them), Laurie won’t stop calling and trying to get you and Andy to speak to Jacob on her behalf, Jacob has a breakdown over something every week and has attempted to change the venue twice, Sarah falls in love with a dress then falls out of love with it and you seem to be the only one who knows how to deal with her, you and Andy’s time together seems to get cut down in half, Buttons is irritable because so many people are over all the time, your parents keep trying to set up family dinner dates, and you’ve almost quit your job four times.
You can’t even catch a break on Christmas, because Sarah and Jake (and Sarah’s parents) want to have dinner at your place since it’s your first official Christmas as a real couple. You both know that Sarah and Jacob are just trying to show you both support, but you just want to have at least a day together. However, you both remember that you lied about the relationship for far too long (and the way Jacob found out), so guilt has you both agreeing to it.
The days goes off well enough, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t have fun, but the day leaves you both spent and the special night you both planned ends with you both knocked out in bed, cuddling each other.
It’s not even the fact that you can’t spend intimate alone time together, you just miss your boyfriend. You never expected a wedding so small to take up so much time and energy, but feels as if there’s almost something new every day. Sure, you can both lie and say you’re too busy (which really isn’t a lie since Andy is in over his head at work), but Jacob is Andy’s son and your best friend, and Sarah is your best friend. You can’t just bail because you’re tired of talking about linen patterns, and flowers, and telling Sarah that she looks amazing in her dress.
You’ve lost count of how many times Jacob has come over at 2 in the morning to talk to Andy about whatever crisis he’s having, and you get reeled into helping. The only reason you haven’t completely lost your mind is because Andy keeps promising you an uninterrupted trip, and he keeps finding small ways to surprise you with sweet gifts.
He has flowers delivered to your job, hides sweet notes in your lunchbox, has your favorite dinners delivered when he’s gonna be late, and he takes Buttons out on the mornings when you just need “five more minutes”. In return, you do your best to meet him halfway.
On the nights that he has dinner delivered, you make something and wrap it all up, and eat dinner with him in his office. When there’s no time to make lunch, you have his favorite lunch sent to him, you make sure to have the house as neat as possible, you don’t make a fuss when he calls you and tells you that he needs to stop off at Jacob’s to help with whatever, and you take Buttons out on his nighttime walks when gets home and is visibly exhausted.
No, it hasn’t been picture perfect, but you’re both trying and that what makes you feel so safe and secure. At first, you were sure that the lack of sex would cause tension, because no matter what that, fear is always there. Yes, there were times that tensions were high because you two didn’t seem to have time for anything more than quickies, but you two always found a way to talk. Whether he needed to go for a run first, or you needed to take a walk, you two still always resolve whatever the issue is before you two went to sleep.
That was promise you two made to another when you moved in together; no matter how long it takes, you two will always work things out.
“There you are,” Jacob smiles, pulling you out of your thoughts as he sits next to you on the front steps of Sarah’s parents house. “Can you believe the wedding is tomorrow?”
“Not in the slightest,” you scoff, taking a sip of your Jack and coke.
“Listen, I know Sarah and I kinda lost it on you guys, and I’m sorry. I really am. I don’t know, I think it just hit us at the same time that we were taking this giant step. It’s not like we’re scared or anything, but we’ve been together for so long and have been through so much...I don’t wanna end up like my parents and she doesn’t want me to get tired of her.”
“It’s no problem at all, you know there’s nothing Andy and I wouldn’t do for you. You and Sarah aren’t going to end up like your parents, Jake. What happened between your parents isn’t going to happen because...it just won’t.”
“You can shit talk my mother, it’s fine,” he chuckles, taking out a cigarette and lighting it.
“When did this start up?”
“After my mother told me that she’s fucking Neal Logiudice.”
“Yet, you still caved and invited her.”
“Only because I feel an obligation. I’ve always pictured both my parents at my wedding, and yeah I’m furious, I still want her there. She knows not to bring Neal though. I told her that if he shows up, she’s out.”
“Well look at you.”
“Yeah, I can’t afford to make excuses for her anymore. I’ve picked up another bad habit-”
“I don’t always talk to Sarah about what’s bothering me, and that’s why she’s afraid that I’ll get sick of her. I went from telling her everything to being moody and not explaining why.”
“Why don’t you tell her?”
“It gets exhausting. I’ve been complaining about my mother to her since Ben’s trial. Coming home and complaining about the same shit you’ve been complaining for years...I know that it’s my fault because I allow my mother to piss me off, but still. I can only bitch so much until I feel like I’m the one pushing her away.”
“Jacob, coming from the queen of bitching about parents, you’re fine. You’re with someone who loves you all of the things that come along with you. She’s been with you for so long and you two have been through so much, you know she wouldn’t stick around if she didn’t mean it.”
“I know I know, I just...I wanna get this right. I wanna have forever with her.”
“And you will. Both of you just need to take a deep breath and remember you two are all that matters. As long as you two have each other, love each other, and hold on to that love at all times, you two will be fine,” you reassure him before taking a long sip of your drink.
“Thank God my dad got it right,” he chuckles before taking another drag from his cigarette.
“What the hell does that mean?” you laugh.
“You’re just...you’re perfect for him. Hes always needed someone like you and I was scared he’d end up with someone who would take advantage him. I think that’s why I backtracked and wanted him to get back with my mother, even though I knew it would be bad in the end. You know how he is, that’s why you fell in love with him, and I’m really glad that you two found each other.”
“I think...I truly think that’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me since you found out your dad and I are together.”
“In my defense, it does take some getting used to,” he mutters and you roll your eyes. “He loves you so much. I don’t think he’s ever loved anyone as much, not even my mom.”
“You know you outrank me.”
“I outrank everyone cause I’m his son. It doesn’t count.”
“He wouldn’t stop talking about you during my bachelor party,” he chuckles, finishing up his cigarette. “He kept saying that he misses you and can’t wait to take you away, you’re the best cook and how thoughtful you are...you’re the best pet parent hes ever known,” he sighs. “He’s head over heels for you, Y/N, and I know you feel the same about him. I’m really happy for the both of you,” he smiles at you.
“Hey,” comes the soft voice of the last person you want to hear from.
“This is clearly for you so-”
“Actually, I uh...I wanna speak to you,” Laurie softly interrupts, “alone.”
You cock your eyebrow before downing the rest of your drink, “Jake, would you mind grabbing me another?”
“Y/N, are you sure?”
“I won’t kill your mother the day before your wedding. That would just be rude,” you smile at him sarcastically.
Jacob says nothing as he shakes his head and grabs your cup, “what was it?”
“Jack and coke. Heavy on the Jack please.”
“You got it,” he smiles, softly kissing the top of your head before making his way back inside.
Neither of you says a word to one another. Laurie’s picking at her fingers and you’re bouncing your leg up and down.
Great talk.
“I uh...I can’t seem to make anyone hate you,” she starts softly and you roll your eyes.
“Awh, come on, Laurie! You got the whole town to hate me, I think that’s a good amount of people.”
“I meant anyone in my family, but they all sure as shit hate me.”
“Is this the part where I’m supposed to feel bad for you, Laurie?”
“No, and I would never expect you to. You shouldn’t. It’s not like I forgive you-”
“Forgive me for what?!”
“You’re not 100% innocent in all of this-”
“Laurie, by the time Andy started doing anything physical, he’d been begging you for a divorce. When we started our friendship,” Laurie scoffs and rolls her eyes, “it started out as a friendship, Laurie. At this point, I don’t really give a fuck what you think.”
“You could’ve stayed away!”
“And you could’ve kept your legs shut!”
“That’s none of your-”
“Laurie, don’t you dare fucking tell me how it’s not my business! You had no business telling that lie! You had no business giving my mother my fucking address! You had no business coming to my apartment and telling me to stay away from a man that you cheated on, again!”
“Well, it doesn’t seem like it matters now, does it?”
“Of course it doesn’t matter to you. Jacob is still inviting you to the wedding and Andy will never be as cruel to you as you deserve, so no. You don’t care.”
“Spare me your bullshit! I know you lied to Jacob about-”
“Lets not fucking sit here and pretend we’re the fucking same, Laurie! Andy and I lied because we were trying to figure out the best way to tell him and not hurt him! You lied because you’re a selfish bitch! You didn’t just lie to Jacob, you lied to Andy too.”
“I wouldn’t expect you to understand-”
“I don’t need to understand, Laurie! What you did was fucked and you know it. Somewhere inside, you know it and all this shit you’re trying to pull won’t change a fucking thing! You put yourself in your own personal hell.”
“Listen, we’re never going to see eye to eye on this-”
“You got that right,” you mutter, wishing Jacob would hurry up with your drink.
“I’m just asking...I know we’re going through a hard time right now, but please don’t turn Jacob away from me, okay? He hangs on every word you say and I know-”
“Laurie, it was never my intention for anyone to hate you. I tried to get Andy to work things out, I’ve tried to get Jacob to talk to you, and even after all the hell you’ve put me through, I haven’t said a negative word to anyone besides those close to me. I didn’t start this war, you did.”
Once again, you both just look at each other and you can tell that this is the most you two are ever going to agree on anything.
Which really isn’t saying much of anything.
“Is everything okay out here?” Andy asks, voice authoritative as walks down a few steps before sitting next to you, handing you your drink.
“As good as its gonna get,” you mutter, grabbing your drink and taking a sip of it.
“You should go and see Jacob,” Andy sighs as he looks at Laurie, and you can tell that he’s just as drained as you.
“He sent you back out here-”
“He didn’t send me anywhere. I volunteered as soon as he told met that you two were outside alone together. You’re his mother and he invited you to the wedding after all the shit you pulled. Go in there and show him you want to be apart of it. Show him you want to be apart of his life,” he practically pleads as he takes your hand in his.
Laurie looks from you to Andy before rolling her eyes and making her way inside.
“I miss you,” Andy sighs once he hears the door close behind the both of you and you lay your head on his shoulder. “I miss you so much.”
“I miss you too. In fact, if I remember correctly, you’re my boyfriend...right?”
“After the wedding-”
“I know, baby. I know,” you smile at him. “Where are you whisking me away to anyway?”
“Someplace you’ve always wanted to go.”
“You already put in $250 for it,”
“Knowing you, that’ll amount to nothing.”
“The three of us will have fun. Besides, Lynn called in a few favors and it won’t be as expensive as you think.”
“Which means it’ll still be expensive.”
“Can you please just let me spoil you?”
“You always do,” you giggle before kissing the crook of his neck, “thank you, Andy.”
“Hm? For what?”
“It’s been a crazy couple of months and you’ve been so damn patient-”
“There’s no need to thank me for being a decent partner.”
“You’ve been so much more than decent.”
“It helps when you’re with someone who meets you half way.”
“I’d do anything for you. I love you.”
“And I love you,” he chuckles, kissing the top of your head. “What are the chances we can sneak out of here and-”
“There you two are!” Sarah beams, coming outside. “My parents wanna take pictures and won’t start without you two. Please, they’re driving me insane!”
“I don’t think we’re gonna be able to sneak anywhere,” you chuckle, the second Sarah is back inside.
“The wedding is tomorrow, the wedding is tomorrow,” he repeats as you get up.
“Come on, father of the year.”
“Yeah yeah.”
The rest of the rehearsal dinner goes off like a dream, and you force yourself not to cry when Jacob invites you to take pictures with the rest of the family; finally feeling like you’re accepted. While Sarah and Jacob make a small speech to thank everyone for coming and for being apart of their special day tomorrow, Andy pulls you down onto his lap and kisses the crook of your neck.
“Thank you, I love you,” he whispers before kissing you again.
Everything finally feels as it should. All of the hell you two have gone through, the tears you’ve shed, and all the pain you’ve felt in your heart have been worth it. Because Jacob and Sarah want to keep to tradition, Jake sleeps at you and Andy’s place, while you stay with Sarah. She keeps you up (along with multiple bottle of champagne), telling you how afraid she is of fucking everything up and that Jacob will leave her, but after a few sing-a-long and poorly put together dance battles, you convince her that everything is going to be okay and that she just needs rest.
You’re almost asleep when you hear your phone buzz.
My Heart: I know you’re gonna look beautiful tomorrow and I can’t wait to see you. I love you so much and I know our vacation is gonna be amazing. I love you so much and I miss you. Counting down the seconds till I can see you again.
As you drift off to sleep, you fall asleep knowing that everything you feel is reciprocated by Andy. The searching and crying is finally over.
You’ve found your only one.
“Why aren’t you partying with the rest of us?!” Sarah drunkenly yells as she reaches the head table.
“I will in a moment,” you laugh before finishing off your drink, “my feet just hurt.”
“Bullshit! I may be drunk, but I know when my best friend is sad! Talk to me!” she pleads as she rounds the table and takes a seat next to you.
“Sarah, it’s your wedding and I’m fi-”
“None of that, what’s going on? Who do I have to hurt?” she asks as she beckons a waiter with a tray of drinks over.
“No one,” you laugh, thanking the waiter with a nod as you grab a drink, “this is all just really nice.”
“And that has you feeling sad?”
“No! No, not at all! I just...it’s really not a big deal.”
“Y/N, you’ve been off all day, what’s going on?”
She isn’t wrong.
A sense of dread filled you the second you woke up. Maybe not dread...depression? You aren’t one hundred percent sure, but you know you’ve been upset from the moment you hit the snooze button on your phone.
Its not that you weren’t excited for Sarah and Jacob, but you felt a sense of...jealousy? Yeah, jealousy feels like a good word. Not because you want Jacob for yourself, but because you want to be married to Andy and you feel as if it’ll never happen.
Yeah, as the day went on and he saw you in your dress, Andy looked as if he was completely dumbfounded and it made you giggle a little. After all this time, it’s still so hard to believe that you can make Andy go weak in the knees. He watched you walk down the isle, he took all the family photos with you at his side, and hes done his best to keep you at his side, but you still can’t help but feel like...
“I’ll never have this,” you sigh before taking a sip of your drink. “Andy has been through this once before and got his heart broken in the worst way-”
“But hes found you and I think that’s worth doing this all over again.”
“In theory, it’s nice, but I truly can’t see him wanting to do this whole song and dance over again.”
“It won’t be a “song and dance”, babe. He’s so in love with you and you don’t even see it. It amazes me how much you don’t understand or see how much he loves and needs you.”
“That doesn’t mean-”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you hear Jacob’s voice interrupting in the speakers, “I’m just drunk enough that I can do this, but not drunk enough that I’ll forget. Y/N, you know what our song is and I promised you, on graduation day of high school-”
“Oh God,” you groan into the palm of your hand as Sarah looks from you to him.
“We swore that if I ever got married, we’d dance to this song, because it’s our anthem.”
“Jacob...please,” you cry out as the rest of the guests erupt into a fit of confused laughter.
“We’re keeping this pact, so you may as well get up off your ass,” Jacob laughs as ‘I’m Alright’ by Kenny Loggins starts playing.
“I don’t want to,” you groan.
“I don’t care, I’ve already made the announcement, lets go,” he laughs as he starts dancing to the song.
Sarah laughs as she gets you up and out onto the dance floor, and while dancing with Jacob makes you relax a little, it’s not enough to take your mind off of marrying Andy completely.
It’s not lost on you that Andy is in love with you, but just because someone is in love doesn’t necessarily mean they want marriage. Why should it matter though? Andy wants to spend the rest of his life with you, ring or not, he wants forever with you. It shouldn’t matter.
But it does.
God, you want to marry Andy so bad it fucking hurts. Yeah, it’s just a ceremony and a piece of paper to most, but for you it means so much more. It means everything. But how can you ask that? How can you ask him to do the whole thing all over again when it went so bad with Laurie? Yeah, he knows you would never do anything like that to him, but the pain is still there. The wounds, while mostly healed, are still there and you can’t blame him for not wanting to do it again. Sure, hes brought up marriage, but its been a few months and it’s just starting to feel like something that isn’t going to happen.
However, it’s not a deal breaker. At this point, you don’t really think anything is.
But God do you want it bad.
It’s not even about the fucking display. You two could get married in a courthouse or in a cardboard box, it really doesn’t matter to you. It’s not lost on you just how much Andy loves you, but someone committing to you? Someone acknowledging that commitment in the most final way? It’s what you’ve always dreamt of. Not only someone choosing you, but also just committing to you. Showing you that they love and want you above all else and aren’t ashamed of it. Aren’t ashamed of you.
By the time you two get home from the wedding, your mind is going a million
miles a minute, and you just want rest .
“Okay, so I know you said-”
You’re cut off by Andy pushing you against the wall and crashing his lips into
“Do you know how fucking hard it was for me to not rip this fucking dress
off of you?” he practically growls as he hoists your dress up and rips your panties off.
“You looked so fucking good and I had to be a good little boy and keep my hands to myself!”
“Didn’t want you to,” you moan as his finger tips start teasing your clit. “Daddy, we have to...oh my God!”
“Gonna keep you up till we have to leave-”
“Daddy!” you mewl, wrapping your legs around his waist after he hoists you up.
“You want that?”
“I want everything you have to offer,” you pathetically whimper, keeping your lustful gaze on him.
Andy’s true to his word and keeps you up until the alarm on his phone goes off. He lets you rest while he packs up the car and gets Buttons ready, and you do your best to figure out where the hell you two are going that he needs you to get you both up and ready by 3:30am.
“Alright, your parents have agreed to watch the house while we’re gone for the next two weeks, and-”
“My parents? Andy, what the hell is going on?” you scoff, half awake as you feel yourself becoming more and more unfamiliar with your surroundings.
“We’re going on a trip. A real trip.”
“Do you trust me?”
“You now I do.”
“Then don’t worry about it,” he smirks.
“I worry about it because you tend to do more than you should.”
“Only every once in a while.”
“Andy, where are we...are we going to the airport?”
“Andy! What did you do?!”
“We already knocked Italy off the list, where else have you been dying to go?”
“You didn’t! Paris is...Andy, it’s too much-”
“It’s not as expensive as you think,” he laughs, “besides, I told you I called in a few favors with Lynn.”
“Stop it. I wanted to do this for you. Besides, this is probably gonna be our last big trip for a while, so it may as well be nice.”
“What? Why?”
“I put in my two weeks.”
“What?! When?!”
“ A week ago. I’ll start teaching a month after we get back.”
“Andy, that’s amazing! Congrats babe!” you beam, leaning across the console and kissing his cheek as Buttons starts barking.
“You’ll still love me even though I won’t make as much?”
“Andy, you could work at McDonalds and I’d still be head over heels.”
He looks over at you and gives you a sweet smile and all of your fears instantly fall away. No matter what, you’re all in forever.
Ring or not.
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“Andy, this is gorgeous,” you gasp as you make you way into the hotel suite. “Were you wearing your glasses when you booked it?”
“This is exactly why I kept it a secret from you,” he groans and you laugh.
“This is exactly why you should have told me, because now I’m just going to tease you out of spite,” you taunt, sticking your tongue out at him.
While on the flight, you got up to use the bathroom and upon return, you saw Andy wearing reading glasses as he tried to decide what he wants to eat. He fessed up and told hes had them for a couple of months,and you’ve done nothing but give him hell since.
Truth be told though, he looks good as hell in them.
“Anyway, I guess did alright-off the bed, buddy,” Andy laughs as Buttons tries to set himself up. “Let me set up his bed, he’s probably exhausted.”
“I’ll do it, you’re pretty tired too.”
“I want you to do something else,” he smirks as he backs you against the wall.
“Now now, Mr. Barber, we have plenty of time for that,” you giggle.
“How am I supposed to contain myself while we’re in the city of love?” he husks against your neck before kissing it.
“Andy,” you moan.
“I want you to get yourself ready for me on the bed. Ten hours on a plane then an additional thirty minutes to get here? I’ve gone too long without you.”
“Daddy, I-”
“Gonna make up for all those nights I couldn’t take my time,” he promises as Buttons starts barking, “give me a second, Buttons,” he calls as he looks you over. “Go get ready,” he quietly demands before walking away.
Well, how the hell are you supposed to disobey him?
You slip into the bedroom and start to undress yourself before an idea pops into your head. It’s been so long and you want to take your time with him. You wanna get lost in and explore him all over again. You settled yourself into the center of the bed, lifting your dress just a little and leaving your heels on. You prop yourself up on your elbows, and anxiously wait for him to come back. Yeah, you two have made love a million times, but you still get so anxious every time. The way Andy looks at you is always so intense and he makes sure to pay attention to every part of you. There’s no hiding from him and it’s also so intense. Even when it’s fast.
“Now, I do believe I told you to get ready for me, sweetheart,” he sighs, rolling up the sleeves of black Henley shirt.
“You said you wanna make up for all the nights that we couldn’t our time. I figured we’d undress each other and take our time. Get lost in one another.”
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“Is that what you want, baby? For Daddy to slowly pull you apart?” he questions, pulling on one of the ribbons on your shoes and softly taking it off your foot.
“Mhm, I want it so bad,” you whimper, biting your bottom lip, holding his heated gaze.
“Then that’s exactly what we’ll do,” he promises you as he drops your other shoe to the ground.
He starts leaving a trail of soft kissing up your body, licking and sucking on your inner thigh (smirking at the sound of your desperate cries), hooking his fingers onto your panties and slowly pulling them down as you start to buck your hips.
“Daddy please!” you whine, gripping his hair as you try to feel more of him.
“I thought you wanted us to take our time?”
“I need to feel you! Please!”
“Always so desperate,” he chuckles before licking your clit. “You look so cute in this dress, honey,” he praises, sliding two fingers into your greedy channel. “Always so fucking beautiful.”
“I know much love red,” you moan, your toes curling as he picks up his pace. “I love looking my best for you!”
“You always look so beautiful, babygirl. I can never take my eyes off of you,” he hums before dipping down, sucking and licking on your clit.
You do your best to focus all of your attention on him as you grind your pussy against his face, but it just feels too damn good.Yeah, you knew that you missed him, but you weren’t aware of how much until now. Having him alone like this, just as desperate for you as you are for him? It’s heaven.
“I’m so close...daddy please! Don’t stop! I’ve needed you so...fuck, right there!” you cry out as you cum hard on his fingers.
Andy’s smirk is devious as he swirls his tongue around your clit and he picks up the pace. You try to keep your focus on him, but the pleasure is too much and you lull your head back in ecstasy.
“Eyes on Daddy, sweet girl,” he taunts, the vibration of his words almost sending you over the edge, as he adds another finger before curling.
“Feels so fucking good!”
“You know how I much I love eating this perfect little cunt, but eyes on me or I’ll stop.”
“Daddy please!” you whine pathetically, forcing your gaze back on him.
“Such a good girl,” he praises before resuming his assault on your clit.
“I...I love you so much,” you sob, feeling that knot in your tighten again, “you make....make me feel so fucking good! Fuck!”
A grunt of satisfaction leaves Andy’s mouth as you squirt hard, coating the lower half of Andy’s face and his fingers. As he fucks you through your high, you pray that Buttons is able to sleep.
Poor baby is probably all fucked up with the time change as it is.
“So fucking gorgeous,” Andy coos as he resumes kissing up your body, “you look so good when you come apart for me, honey.”
“Missed you so much, baby.”
“Oh, I know you did, sweetheart. I missed you too, baby. Gonna take my time showing you just how much,” he promises before kissing you passionately.
You start tugging on the hem of his shirt, desperate to see all of him as pulls down the straps of your dress, pressing sloppy kisses all along your shoulder. When you start to giggle, he stops and looks at you.
“We can’t be too loud, Buttons!”
“You really are the sweetest thing, aren’t you?” he laughs, sitting up and taking off his shirt.
“He’s our sweet baby boy! He needs rest,” you giggle as you unbutton his jeans. “He needs a break too.”
“We’ll make it up to him, I promise,” he smirks before dipping down to kiss you. “Waited so long to hear you scream for me.”
“Gotta get you out of this fucking dress,” he grunts, pulling your dress up and over your head. “Never get tired of seeing this perfect fucking body, and no bra? What a filthy little thing.”
“Gotta keep quiet,” you whimper, shying away slightly as he looks you over.
“Can’t wait to fuck a baby into this perfect little pussy. You want that, honey?”
“You know I do,” you whimper, losing your resolve to be a good pet parent as you pull his boxer briefs down. “I want everything with you.’
“Then that’s what I’ll give you,” he husks as he thrusts himself inside of you, “I’ll give you fucking everything.”
Andy grips your thighs tight as he starts fucking you hard and fast, snickering as your eyes roll to the back of your head as you mindlessly claw at him.
“Please...fuck! Daddy!”
“Already fucked so stupid? We’re just getting started, sweet girl.”
“It’s too much! Need to...need to cum!”
“Hold on for me, I know you can be a good girl and hold on,” he commands before starting to suck on the sweet of your neck.
“It’s too much! Please...oh my God! I can’t...fuck, I can’t...!”
“That desperate for me?” he smirks, licking his thumb before using it to massage your clit.
“Go ahead, make a mess for me, baby. Cream all over daddy’s cock, honey!”
“Andy!” you cry out, making a mess on his cock and you’re sure the bed.
“And we’re just getting started,” he smirks, pulling you upright with him, before resting back on his legs.
“So full, daddy,” you moan as you start to grind your hips against his.
“But you’re still so desperate?”
“Need so much more of you, daddy,” you whine before giggling. “Fuck.”
“Looks like someone’s up,” you smile, waving at Buttons.
“Go back to bed, bud,” Andy chuckles. “Mom and dad are just getting started.”
Andy takes his time pulling you apart over and over, telling you just how much he loves and needs you. How much hes been looking forward to a future with you and how you’ll all he’ll ever need anyone in his life besides you. As you two get tangled up in the fancy sheets of the French hotel, you tell yourself that you’ll need or want for anything or anyone else.
Andy is all you’ll need for life.
“Okay, I know we have to go back home in a few days, but what if we don’t?” you ask Andy as you three sit outside at the restaurant you both has come to to love, La Fontaine de Mars.
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“I would stay here with you forever if I could,” Andy laughs as he cuts into is roasted duck breast, “but we have lives to get back.”
“Yeah, but Newton, right Buttons?” you ask before taking a sip of your wine. When he barks at you, you nod at Andy, ���see?”
“While it’s definitely not been my favorite place for a few years, Jacob and Sarah are there.”
“They’ll totally move to Paris,” you grin and he chuckles.
“I promise we’ll come back.”
“No no, I’m just being spoiled,” you mumble, cutting into your red label salmon fillet.
“No, we both love it here,we’ll definitely gonna come back. It won’t be an annual thing, but it’ll be something that we’ll do again. Just us and Buttons,” he promises with a smile.
“Yeah? What about when we have kids?”
“Jacob is against them, so we’ll them with him,” Andy shrugs and you laugh much harder than you mean to.
“God, I love making you happy.”
“It’s something you constantly do.”
“I swear.”
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you, Andy.”
Once you’re both finished eating, and Buttons has had his fair share of treats, you resume your adventure hand-in-hand. You still can’t believe you’re in Paris, and you it’s even harder to believe that you’re in Paris with Andy. How can someone be this good to you? How can he love you this much?
“Okay, this is our last stop of the day,” he says as you reach the ‘Pont des Arts’. “To ensure that I keep my promise to you, we’re gonna put our initials on this locket, throw away the key, and we’ll come back whenever and find our locket. Sound good?”
“Andy Barber, you compete fucking sweetheart,” you beam as your eyes start to water a little.
He puts his initials first, then you put yours, before Andy finds a spot on the rail and secures.
“I love you and I promise a lifetime of more memories and adventures with you.”
“You are my whole world.”
“And you mine, mon amour,” he smiles before kissing you passionately.
Yeah, they weren’t lying when they said that Paris is for lovers.
“Baby, what the hell are you doing?” Andy laughs from the bottom of the staircase.
“I can’t find my fucking sunglasses!” you scowl, going through your dresser drawer again.
“We can buy you new a pair!” he laughs.
“But these are my favorite!” you pout, realizing you may have left them in Paris.
The three of you got back from Paris about two weeks ago, and it’s all you’ve been talking. With today being your anniversary, you wish you two could’ve stayed longer, but it’s not like you don’t understand why you two can’t.
Money doesn’t just grow on trees
“I think I left them in Paris,” you mutter as you make your way downstairs.
“We’ll get you a new pair,” Andy laughs as he picks you up and you wrap your legs around him.
“I don’t want a new pair.”
“Don’t be brat.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s our anniversary.”
“It is, isn’t?” you smile at him.
“You bet your ass, and I’m treating you.”
“You just treated me! What-”
“No, that was a vacation we all needed. This is me spoiling you with love because you deserve it.”
“Well, maybe I just want to spend the day spoiling you.”
“Too bad, I called dibs, so lets go. Buttons!” he calls and your favorite boys quickly makes his way over to the both of you.
“Where are you taking us?”
“So many questions with you.”
“It’s one question!”
“One question too many, now hush,” he laughs, setting you down before putting his shoes on.
You stick your tongue out at him, but toe on your sandals before leashing up Buttons and making your way outside to Andy’s car.
“Ready for the best day ever?” Andy asks, unlocking the car before opening your door for you.
“Everyday with you is the best day ever,” you smile as Buttons jumps in.
Andy only chuckles before shaking his head and giving you a kiss on your forehead. You think nothing of it because what really makes today any different from any other day?
“What exactly are we doing today?” you ask as he starts the car.
“Gonna take a little trip down memory lane, then watch a movie about us,” he smiles at you.
“A movie about us? What movie could that possibly be?”
“You’ll see,” he smirks.
“Enough questions. I love you and happy anniversary,” he laughs.
“You know, you spend entirely too much money on me.”
“You don’t even know what we’re doing!”
“It feels like it’s gonna be expensive.”
“Just hush and enjoy the day,” he laughs as Buttons barks.
“Uh huh, we’ll just see.”
“You’ll love it,” he promises as he takes your hand in it and kisses the back of it.
The day is better than anything you could have imagined. Andy spent the better half of the day, taking you to all of the places that are important points in your relationship. The Chinese food spot you two first bonded over, the park where you two would sometimes meet up and talk, the 24 hour ice cream where you two first hung out, the shelter where you both adopted Buttons (they were so excited to see him and how happy he was), and the bar where he begged you to not give up on the two of you.
He told you how happy he was that you kissed him that night and thanked you for being so patient and understand, while he was trying to get away from Laurie and set up a life for the two of you.
It’s safe to say you’ve cried more than once today.
“You look so beautiful in that dress,” he smiles as you two make your way back inside the house.
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“It’s old.”
“You make it look amazing.”
“Alright you,” you smile sheepishly, “what is this movie we’re watching?”
“It’s a movie about us.”
“What does that even mean?”
“You’ll see, it’s set up in the backyard.”
“Jesus, just come on,” he laughs, taking your hand and leading you to the backyard.
When you get outside, the little patio table is covered in rose petals, the chairs are facing the lawn where a screen and projector are set up, and there small candles set up around the patio floor.
“The story of us,” he smiles as he presses play on the remote.
‘Selfish’ by the Jonas Brothers starts playing as a slide show of the two of you starts. The first picture you two ever took together at the 24 hour ice cream place, the the video of making fun of your driving, the times spent in your loft eating Chinese, photos of you sleeping on his chest that you hadn’t even known he’d taken, videos of him laughing at you and Jacob dancing, some photos that you’re more than sure Sarah took of the two of you, the photos from Rome, videos of you making dinner in his crew neck, some photos of you and Buttons sleeping together, the pictures from Paris, and a selfie you took of you two kissing at the park.
It truly is the story of you two.
“Y/N, I know none of this has been ideal or easy, but we made it,” he starts as the slide show comes to an end. “All of the long nights, the tears, the drama...we are still here and deeply in love with one another. How i lived my life so long without you, I have no clue, but I know it’s something I never want to experience again. You are my best friend, my soulmate, and the love of my life. There is no one funnier, smarter, loyal, selfless, gorgeous, and loving than you. I want to keep buying you gifts that you think are too much, I want dance parties in the kitchen while we’re making dinner, I want you to keep picking on me because I have to wear glasses now,” he laughs and you giggle with a sniffle, “and I want every day and every night to keep starting and ending with you in my arms. I want you forever, Y/N. So,” he he clears his throat and gets down on one knee, pulling a velvet black box and opening it, “will you marry me?”
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The ring is gorgeous, but you barely get a chance to look at it because you tackle Andy with the biggest hug you’ve ever given him.
“Of course I’ll marry you!” you sob as cheers and applauds break out and you hear a champagne bottle open.
You look around to see your parents and Sarah and Jacob all tearing and clapping.
“You knew?!”
“We’ve known for a little over a year,” Sarah laughs as finally let go and wrapping her in a tight hug.
“You’re okay with this?” you ask Jacob, afraid that the dream might come crumbling down in a second.
“I couldn’t be happier for either one of you,” he promises reassuringly and you quickly wrap your arms around him.
“Thank you, Jacob. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
When you break away from him, you look at your parents. Despite all the hell you all have been through, things are actually getting better and your heart swells knowing that Andy put aside his issues with them and invited them.
The man really does get you.
“Thank you for being here and getting along,” you sob with a smile, hugging them both as tight as you can.
“Thank you for wanting us here,” your father whispers back, hugging you just as tight.
“Let him put the ring on!” you mother sobs with a laugh.
“Holy shit, the ring!” you exclaim as everyone laughs.
You quickly make your way back to Andy who just shakes his head as he slips it on your ring finger.
“I love you, Andy. So damn much.”
“Here’s to forever,” he smiles before dipping down and kissing you.
As drinks are poured and food is ordered, you look around you and see Jacob and Sarah playing with Buttons, while your parents talk with Andy about wedding plans. As tears of joy come down your face the reality that you are finally going to have the life that you’ve always dreamed of.
Fairy tale dreams really do come true.
6 Years Later...
“In the kitchen, babygirl” you call to your daughter, Ava, as you cut up lettuce.
Her hurried little footsteps mixing with the sound of Buttons excited big paws makes you smile.
“Hi Mama!” she beams, wrapping her arms around your waist.
“Hey babygirl, how was swim class?”
“Good! Right dad?!” she asks Andy as he makes his way into the kitchen, greeting you with a kiss on the forehead.
“She did amazing, she’s the fastest swimmer in the class.”
“With you as her dad, I’m not surprised.”
“Mama, can I play outside with Butty?”
“Only for a little bit. Dinner is gonna be ready soon, okay?”
“Thank you! Lets go Butty!” she beams before running out back, your sweet boy following right behind her.
Andy kept his promise and took you to Paris for the honeymoon, and wasted no time getting you pregnant. Constantly telling you that the best part of being pregnant, was getting pregnant.
He wasn’t wrong.
By the sixth month, you were over it and just wanted it out, but after 8 hours of swearing like a sailor, you welcomed Ava Rose Barber into the world. Andy was obsessed from the moment that he held her.
His teaching job isn’t exactly his most favorite thing, but he’s capable of having a flexible schedule, so he’s fine with it for the most part. You quit your job soon after you gave birth, and after some back and forth with Andy, you became a receptionist for a law firm. The hours aren’t awful, you make good money, and you’re home in more than enough to get dinner ready and spend time with Ava.
As for you and Andy, you somehow find yourself falling more in love with him. Every kiss still feels like the first time, every smile makes your heart melt, every touch still sets your skin alight, and every time you two make love he makes you feel that euphoric high that he’s only ever made you feel.
Your life is like a dream and it’s all because of Andy.
Your true home.
“That little girl has so much energy. Do they all always have so much energy?” he questions as he takes a seat at the kitchen island.
“Yes, my love, all children have entirely too much energy,” you laugh softly.
“Thank God we only have one.”
“Two,” you quip with a smile.
“Well yeah, but Buttons has four legs, he’s gotta get that energy out.”
“No Andy,” you laugh, “two.”
“Two...two? Who’s the other...TWO?!” Andy exclaims jumping up and running over to you. “Two?! You’re...?!”
“Took the test about two hours ago,” you laugh as he wraps his arms around you.
About two months ago, Jacob and Sarah took Ava and Buttons for the night so you and Andy could have a date night. Your little strip tease at the end of the night worked out a lot better than you thought it would, and Andy couldn’t keep his hands off of you.
Or remember to use protection.
“Shit! Honey, I fucking love you so much!”
“I love you too,” you giggle as you stand on your tip toes and place a kiss on his lips.
“This is the last one though.”
“Oh, this is definitely the last one, Atticus” you laugh, nodding in a agreement.
“What are we so happy about?” Jacob asks as he and Sarah make there way inside.
“What have I told you about using your key without letting us know?” you question, cocking your eyebrow.
“Yeah yeah, I know what I can walk in on,” he mutters as Sarah bursts out laughing, and you shake your head. “We were on our way to dinner and thought we’d have a family night. We haven’t had one in a while and I miss Ava.”
“That’s sweet, but I’m making dinner. You guys wanna stay? I know Ava would love it. Ravioli, garlic bread, a salad, and her big brother.”
“Sounds good,” he smiles, walking over to the fridge and grabbing a beer for both him and Andy.
“You and I missy, we need to have a wine night soon,” Sarah sighs, going to grab two wine glasses/
“Uh...I can’t have one for a few months. Seven to be exact.”
“OH MY GOD! CONGRATS!” she screams, wrapping her arms around you in a tight hug.
“Again? Don’t you two have any damn hobbies?” Jacob smirks as Andy lets out a full bodied laugh.
“Mama, is it-JAKEY!” Ava screams, running over to the one person she looks up to the most. “Hi!”
“Hey you,” he smiles, picking her up.
“Are you and Sarah staying for dinner?”
“Looks like it.”
“Can we watch Disney movies after?”
“We can watch one,” you interrupt, finishing up the salad, “you have your dance recital tomorrow, and your grandparents are taking us out to lunch after.”
“Oh fine,” she pouts before turning her attention back to Jacob, “do you and Sarah wanna help me set up the table?!”
“We’d love to,” Sarah laughs, grabbing plates out of the cabinet.
Andy feeds Buttons the rice and chicken mixture you’ve started making for him, before walking over to you and taking the garlic bread out of the oven and resting it on top of the stove.
He stands next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and you both lean against the sink, watching your family smile and laugh as they set up the table. Andy kisses your temple and you feel so happy and content in this moment. After all the hell you and Andy have been through, everything has finally come together.
You both finally turned the dream into a reality.
taglist: @emerald-evans, @maroonsunrise83, @whiskeytangofoxtrot555, @companionjones, @here4thefanfics, @nnormalgirl01, @patzammit, @sapphire-rogers, @jamneuromain, @yiiiikesmish, @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters, @liecastillo,  @autumnrose40, @pono-pura-vida, @fuckingbye,  @nomadstucky, @greeneyedblondie44, @mazda098, 
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pippin-katz · 6 months
I may be alone, but the only way I want a movie sequel is if it focuses around their courtship with the drama about his process to decide to give up his title.
Either that or focused on Pez / Nora with their new life in the background (this really needs June to work though imho).
Otherwise I am terrified about what they would introduce for an dramatic arc. I want to hold my happily ever after ending as lasting canon.
Well, I disagree that they need June for Pez & Nora's relationship, considering she doesn't exist in this version of the world, and that's okay. They can still create a brilliant story on them.
As for the other stuff, I don't know what I want to happen in the sequel, but I do know what I don't want to happen.
There would be nothing worse than if they create some kind of conflict between them and have them temporarily breakup. I would totally and completely despise it.
You do not need to make a couple struggle in their relationship to keep them interesting. It is unnecessary and annoying as fuck when movies, or more frequently shows, introduce some sort of contrived obstacle that creates tension between the pair. You do not have to do that! You can make an engaging plot with the couple united against the conflict. You do not need false tension and drama between your leads to keep the audience's attention.
If you can't write an interesting story without relationship drama, that's a skill issue in the writing room.
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djeterg19 · 1 year
There seems to be a contention that Only Friends is not a romance. And indeed it is absolutely not capital R romance. It is a drama with a love story. First, it's important to understand that a romance and a love story are not interchangeable. A capital R romance, per the RWA(an organization that we shall not discuss due to a myriad of reasons that are not important here), that has two main components. First, the main plot centers around individuals falling in love and struggling to make the relationship work. Second, it has an emotionally satisfying and optimistic ending which most aficionados of the genre simplfy to mean it has either a hea(happily ever after) or hfn(happy for now). And well Only Friends is not this. At all.
Now what is a love story? This is a sticking point because some people think all love stories should be considered romances. Isn't love and romance the same thing? No, not when we are discussing literature or movies/tv and genre distinctions. A love story can be part of any drama, or fantasy, or scfi. The romance is not the main focus of the story. It's just one element of the story. Also, the characters tend to be more complicated and flawed and a happy ending is not guaranteed. Often in a love story, the couple will get together early on but external forces(*cough*) separate them and that may or may not prevent them from ending up together since a happy ending is not guaranteed in a love story(any of this sounding familiar?).
Why do I think that TopMew is in a love story that is going to have a happy ending? First, they got together fairly early. Their main conflict was caused by an external force(Boston lying/manipulating Top into cheating). Their breakup was much earlier than in any romance(that waits until the third act which is why there's a dreaded 11th episode breakup/drama in BLs which are capital R romances). I literally wished for a breakup when we got one because that would give the show time to rebuild the relationship. We have four episodes left and there are signs that both are still in love and yearning for each other despite the pain they are in. Mew asking Top why he had to be an asshole is a sign that he still loves Top. That they would still be together without it. The song at the end of episode 8 starts playing as Top is staring down at Mew has the following lyrics play over their scenes:
The season is about to alter, The storm will soon be over
But it's not just the wind that will disappear
It takes you with it, far away from here
What am I doing after this, Is resist that strong wind
No matter how much pain I must take in
I'll wait until you are back by my side
You keep my dreams so much alive
I insist on waiting, I will be here loving
To keep us together, I'll do anything
It cuts away for the montage and comes back to Top and Mew and ends with the following lyrics:
I'll wait until you are back by my side
You keep my dreams so much alive
Now I know many people did not view that as a romantic scene for various reasons but...if it was not intended that way, then Jojo and the team picked the absolutely wrong song with the wrong lyrics if they were not trying to signal there is hope for this relationship to survive. And the music has been so well chosen this series I doubt that there could be such a serious miscommunication in intend with this song. This is the ending shot of the episode:
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And that speaks volumes in my opinion.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
fave age gap romances?
So for references, I will categorize an age gap romance as a romance with a 10+ year gap. The gap feels more significant, however, when we're 15+ years in. And like, I feel there are books that FEEL like an age gap, and books that adhere to this rule and don't feel like it. I believe Ash is about 10-11 years older than Greer in New Camelot (and Embry is one year younger than Ash, so he's 9-10 years older than Greer) but that series deeply doesn't feel like an age gap series to me. But Mark's 14 year gap with Isolde in the Lyonesse series (he's only like 7 years older than Tristan, who's then around 7 years older than Isolde, I think?) feels like a gap.
Act Your Age by Eve Dangerfield. Obvi! This is the one where the heroine accidentally hooks up with her boss (it was dark, he thought she knew it was him, she thought he was someone else) AND realizes they both have a massive daddy kink. It's both super sexy and really pretty emotional? I love the third act breakup in this book. It feels really real in a lot of ways. She's 25, he's 45, I believe.
Mercy by Sara Cate. A lot of Sara Cate books have age gaps, and Praise is good, and I recommend Praise, but I think Mercy is better so I'd like to give it more kudos. This is a smaller gap (12 years) but the heroine is older than the hero, she's friends with his dad (not in a weird way) and she's his domme. I love a good femdom romance, and this one has a bratty hero. We love to see it.
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time by Kylie Scott. This is the one where the heroine had a huge crush on her dad's friend and business partner, basically like, jumped him against his will on her eighteenth birthday, the dad walked in, the friendship was almost ruined, and she was more or less banished for years. She's back at 25 (I believe the hero is 15 years older) for her dad's wedding, the hero resents what she did, and... Yeah... It's messy. But I find the drama delicious.
Dark Romance:
Mila Finelli's Mafia Mistress and Mafia Darling duet—great books, definitely BIIIIG on the age gap (she's 18 and he's 38, daddy kink is very much their thing) and OTT mafia ridiculousness. The heroine is a mafia princess in Canada, and her dad, who's a lower-ranking guy, agrees to pay off a debt by giving her as a bride to an actual Italian don's son. Said don kidnaps her, she's engaged to the son, she's a BRAT and is like "fuck you", and he's like "... never mind she's gonna be my mistress instead of my son's wife". It's campy, it's hot, it's fun.
BUT EVEN MORE SO I would recommend the third book in the series (a standalone, but best read after the first two) Mafia Madman. The age gap is less focused on in that book, but it's still big lol. She's 20 and he's 38, he's kidnapped her to get revenge against the guy in the first book (who is this heroine's brother in law now; she's the little sister of the first heroine) and he's CRAZY. They're one of my favorite romance couples ever. Every time he tries to get one over on her, she's fucking ready. Every time she does something insane to escape or seduce him into compliance, he's iNTO IT. And then there's a followup scene where she dresses up in her old school uniform so he can punish her. We all win.
(For those historical romance readers not in the loop: Mila Finelli is Joanna Shupe's mafia romance pen name, and I recommend everything she writes.)
The Lyonesse trilogy by Sierra Simone. Again, Mark is 14 years older than Isolde, and they kick off the series in Salt in the Wound with their kinky arranged marriage/fake relationship shit. Isolde is... very young in that novella and she wants to be a nun, so she's quite innocent in some ways. and jaded in others. But because things initially end the way they do for those two, you get a very DON'T CALL ME KID DON'T CALL ME BABY vibe that adds to the age gap vibe when they reunite.
Again, this is an MMF romance, and Tristan is literally right in the middle of their ages lol, but tbh he's very naive in a lot of ways and he and Mark feel like an age gap situation. And then his dynamic with Isolde is just... really hot....
What I Did for a Duke by Julie Anne Long. Classic, the hero is a jaded duke (39) who wants to ruin an innocent debutante (20) in revenge for her brother cuckolding him lol. But she immediately figures it out and decides to use him to make this guy she likes jealous. JAL books are so funny yet emotional. After Dark with the Duke is also great, wherein a stern war hero (42) ends up having to give a scandalous opera singer he disapproves of (25) Italian lessons to make up for humiliating her. And then they become friends. And then....
Again the Magic by Lisa Kleypas actually has a fabulous secondary romance in which the hero is a jaded alcoholic businessman and the heroine is this much younger woman who's seen some shit but wants to have an affair with him and then like... believes in him... The primary romance is between childhood friends to enemies to lovers who are only a year apart, but both love stories are SO GOOD.
Grace Callaway has a lot of good "mild gap" romances (10-12 years) for those uncertain about dipping their toes in the water—Olivia and The Masked Duke (dad's friend, daddy vibes, brat vibes), Fiona and the Enigmatic Earl (marriage of convenience, both of them have secret identities), and Glory and The Master of Shadows (mentor/mentee, wuxia vibes) come to mind. I'd also recommend Regarding the Duke and The Duke Who Knew Too Much for this, plus The Gentleman Who Loved Me.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale uggggh dude. This is a 10-12 year gap I believe, but yeah... It's a villain romance, and he's crazy, and he forces her to marry him for political purposes (first encounter is noncon, to be clear) but then it's like... Oh. She's BRILLIANT. And he's a masochist, while she enjoys dominating him. And she's like... the only person who gets him and wants to learn from him... And she has her own agenda... One of my all-time favorites.
In Which Matilda Halifax Learns the Value of Restraint by Alexandra Vasti. Such a cute romance! The hero is rumored to be a Villain (he's not) the heroine has drawn erotic artwork of him and it left her hands so they end up on the road together... There's some light kink... Really fun.
Joss and The Countess by S.M. LaViolette. I recommend this a lot, check triggers, but it's so great and another rare book in which the heroine is the older one. Joss is around 27 and Alicia is 38-39. He's her footman/bodyguard and a secret former gigolo, she's looking for a lover, he realizes she needs to be DOMMED.... It's supposed to be sex and turns into waaaay more. GOD. GOD. This is also the book in which she touches herself while wearing his gloves, so.
Hyacinth by S.M. LaViolette. I forget how big the gap is here—I think Hyacinth is around 23 while Sylvester is late 30s or early 40s. Anyway, she's in disguise as a man while playing cards to save her family from destitution, he initially has NOOOO idea she's a girl until his valet tips him off, and they begin this like... buddy relationship that also consists of them absolutely demolishing each other in bed... JUST FOR FUN NO EMOTION... Hyacinth is neurodivergent and open about her kinks and desires, and her mom made her feel like a monster for it so she's convinced she can't love. It's actually both super hot and super beautiful and I recommend it to everyone. Selinan also has an age gap, in this case with an innocent virginal heroine who in a series of crazy circumstances becomes the housekeeper to a former rake who recently lost his sight and is a total dick to everyone. It's great. Aurelia, Phoebe, The Postilion, and His Valet also have age gaps, I believe. All good.
Princess is another recent favorite of mine. I believe the age gap is around... 14 years? The heroine is 20 and the hero is 34, she's a princess, he's the palace bodyguard/assassin/spy you know how it is... He was taken in by her parents and has known her... since birth... I'm gonna ignore it........... BUT YEAH. He's been avoiding her since she's clearly in love with him and he can't deal, and she's determined to fuck him before she has to marry this asshole for political purposes. So when she's sent to this safe house after a kidnapping attempt... Welp! Darius must go with her! To protect her!
The virgin lactation book.
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pandemoniusstuff · 1 month
I def think it’s real, and I’m under the impression it won’t last long. However, even with that statement he is into Doja. how “serious” it may be I don’t know. I feel like a lot of people are actually cheesed cause they immediately think like they’ll be togther forever. It can go either way…. But I’m here for the drama and if they do breakup IM THERE lmao
IMO he’s still kinda shitty for associating with her in that way, and I’m sure they have stuff in common (crazy fans, humor, and overall not caring about fans opinions). He’s just gotten big and he’s clinging on to what woman HE KNOWS was interested.
I’ve realized now than ever I have to seperate Eddie from Joseph (which I think I’ve done a decent job at). Also I feel like it’s “easier” to justify that Eddie would NEVER do this LOL he’s not real so who cares!!! (Please tell me I’m not crazy)
that’s not crazy! it’s better to do that with fictional characters anyways! i agree it won’t last long, doesn’t give me that vibe. people think being in a relationship automatically means marriage and he’s going to knock her up or something but also, this is a hollywood couple. they almost never last long. agreed that his actions with this are questionable and that’s where the grey part comes in. he’s choosing to associate with her, which is his choice and he’s allowed to but i personally know i could never be with someone who’s done all of that. that being said, this is going to be entertaining so people should just drop the whole fake thing and watch the ride. these pictures are only the beginning people.
being able to separate art from artist is a key i think we all need
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Your list of ride or die couples is iconic and has so many of my faves, flower of evil bad buddy it's okay that's love lighter and princess one spring night like yes give me a show where the entire story is two individuals willing to take on the world together and for each other, it's my favorite dynamic and we don't get a lot of it especially in heterosexual couples. You have amazing taste and I would take any other suggestions you have of the same dynamic.
Hi anon! Thank you for the kind words, I do agree that I have amazing taste. :) The Ride or Die list is specifically about drama couples who we get to see be in a confirmed romantic relationship for at least half of the drama's run, with their relationship development the primary focus of the plot. I think of them as battle couples; they face challenges together and stay loyal even when they struggle. There actually are not that many of these in dramaland, which is why they are so precious to me and why I hold them close.
That said, since I wrote that post I do think we have gotten a few more entries for the list, so here are some additional recs for you:
Won and Sarang, King the Land
(S Korea, Netflix)
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It was getting salty about fan reaction to this show that inspired the Ride or Die list in the first place, and I am happy to report that when it finished its run, these two were still a rock solid couple. This drama is entirely about their relationship and we get lots of time with them as an established couple getting to know each other and settling into a great relationship. I love it and will stab anyone who says it's boring.
Ten and Prem, Cooking Crush
(Thailand, YouTube)
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Ten and Prem, my beloveds! These two meet, start liking each other, and move into dating in relatively short order, and the back half of the show has them navigating a slew of external conflicts that would normally result in a lot of breakups and false starts. But not for them! They slay every relationship demon via the power of communication.
Maki and Haruta, Ossan's Love Returns
(Japan, Gagaoolala)
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This one comes with a caveat that this is technically a sequel season, and the first one would very much not qualify them for this list. But you don't have to watch that first season if you don't want to, and in this return they are a couple the entire time and there is just so much time spent on them navigating their relationship and facing every day life challenges. They're an extremely charming pair.
Yuanzhou and Ruyi, A Journey to Love
(China, iQIYI)
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The most literal battle couple on this list, we have ourselves an assassin and spy master pair here. They meet, she decides he's the perfect baby daddy specimen, and a hilarious pursuit begins. These two get together remarkably early for a cdrama and face just so many trials and tribulations, phew. But they face them together in their color coded costumes and look amazing doing it. CW: the plot is basically about them and a band of buds leading a suicide mission so, uh, there will be many deaths, and their ending can be read as ambiguous but IMO is actually quite a happily ever after in context.
Achi and Karan, Cherry Magic Thailand
(Thailand, Viu)
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Karan and Achi are so into each other it's embarrassing, and we get to see them build and deepen and maintain their relationship every step of the way. This one is a little harder to watch--you will need a VPN if you're not in Thailand--but so worth the effort, trust me. And you may recognize this actor pair from the main list, because they are in fact the same beautiful faces behind Pete and Kao of Dark Blue Kiss. Congratulations to Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom for being the only actors who have achieved the honor of making the coveted Ride or Die list twice.
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deke-rivers-1957 · 3 months
Girls! Girls! Girls! Review
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With the established success of Blue Hawaii, Hal Wallis and other Hollywood executives decided that comedy travelogues were the best way to go regarding Elvis films. In fact, to recapture the magic of Blue Hawaii, director Norman Taurog was brought to direct this movie. Additionally, 13 songs were included to match Blue Hawaii's 14 songs.
Filmed on location in Honolulu, Girls! Girls! Girls! captures not only the natural beauty of Hawaii but also the down to earth side. Surprisingly the movie managed to get nominated for both the Golden Globe award for Best Motion Picture - Musical and Elvis himself received a 2nd place Laurel Award for Best Male Performance in a musical. Did this movie deserve the praise through its own merit, or did it rest too heavily on Blue Hawaii's laurels? Let's find out.
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"Girls! Girls! Girls" is such a bizarre titular song given what happens in the movie. It's got a good upbeat tune, but for the title of this movie, it just feels out of place. We get introduced to Ross Carpenter, a young man living in Hawaii. He's seen helping a married couple on a fishing boat. At first the movie plays perfectly into the title showing Ross flirting with girls on the West Wind.
We very quickly go away from that when Mrs. Morgan is seen to flirt with him only for him to not at all return her feelings. I'm very glad that this doesn't last long. I just don't think it's very entertaining to have romance drama right off the bat. At least give us a chance to learn who these characters are without adding romance.
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For instance this scene alone allows us to learn more about Ross without romance. We know that he's working for this elderly couple because he wants to buy a boat. I love this couple as even though they don't have a big role, they give this movie a lot of heart.
Ross seeing them as family is so sweet. It makes him completely different than the loner edgy man he's portrayed. Not every Elvis character with missing parents needs to be so angry at the world. I think it's great to see that Ross is being productive with his grief. He makes connections with other people and creates his own family.
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It's interesting how we get introduced to Robin, yet she isn't the love interest. I think they used to be in a relationship yet for some reason Robin still feels very bitter about something. I can understand a girl feeling upset about a breakup because that makes them human, but she's just so bitter about seeing Ross and you just wonder why. It isn't as if he was caught cheating on her.
"I Don't Wanna Be Tied" is a good song. It's quite fitting for the scenery but it's odd that it's in this movie given what will happen not that long after this scene. We get introduced to Laurel. Even in her first scene I immediately like her character. Her going on a random spiel at the hotel about having birds that don't exist is so hilarious. I have no idea what it was about, but I liked it. She has that nice amount of randomness where it's charming. In a nice blink and you'll miss it moment, you can actually see Blue Hawaii posters in the background. I know the crew had absolutely no intention of making that movie exist in the same universe as this one, but you still can't help wondering how that would work.
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So Ross has to show off the boat to a potential buyer, Mr. Johnson. It's clear that he doesn't want to do this but his actions are understandable. He goes to see Laurel for their lunch date but immediately storms off when he sees her with another man. I'm so glad the drama of Ross seeing Laurel with another man is resolved quickly. It ended up being a complete nothing burger as the man she was meeting was her father, therefore it was completely harmless. The matter ultimately has no impact on the plot, but it shows that this couple has healthy communication skills. We don't get the cliche of having this be the drama that lasts the rest of the movie but is instead a misunderstanding that can easily be resolved with just a couple lines of dialogue.
Robin then shows up and I have no idea why she's so upset. Even though she had feelings for him, he's not at all obligated to stay loyal to her. Any romance that they had in the past is over. You basically get the idea that while Ross has moved on from the split, she's just too petty to do the same. Of course that doesn't stop Laurel from considering her as a rival.
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We get the Stavros' anniversary party and I think it's beautiful that Ross was allowed to bring Laurel with. It really demonstrates how much this old Greek couple means to him. I wonder how Elvis felt having to sing "We'll Be Together" knowing his relationship with Gladys. It's so touching for Ross to sing this to Mama and in general having him call her Mama is sweet.
Ross explains why the boat means so much to him. This gives genuine depth. It's not a 3rd act reveal meant to be a plot twist, but something we already learn so we have context for his actions. Him singing "A Boy Like Me, A Girl Like You" is nice. I think if we didn't have all these songs so close together, it would've been the emotional highlight of their relationship.
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I love how we get actual Hawaii in this movie. This isn't just pretty tourist Hawaii. This is actual Hawaii where the native people live and survive. Paradise Cove is a real tourist attraction for the island of Oahu. It makes perfect sense to film there since it's only about an hour away from Honolulu if you're driving.
I also love how we have a lot of genuine Hawaiian extras. It makes this feel like a real place as opposed to just a soundstage. It also makes Ross feel like a real person as he's shown being relatively familiar with everyone. The Yung family especially gives him a little spice that is well appreciated. It shows that he has made so many connections from various cultures.
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I love the Yung family and the Ling sisters. These are not Asian stereotypes but a real Asian family. I absolutely love the casting decision to include Chinese actors and the Tiu family. Like I mentioned about their sister Vicky Tiu, the Tiu family originally came from the Philippines before moving to Hawaii. Having them portray Chinese characters is not farfetched since Manila does have a relatively large Chinese population. Mr. and Mrs. Yung being played by Chinese actors really pays homage to the Chinese population in Hawaii. Because you allow the actors to portray experiences from their own culture and introduce it to an audience that for the most part didn't have that experience.
Seeing Ross use chopsticks correctly is so beautiful. It shows that their culture is not something to be made fun of, but a genuine part of who they are. It speaks volumes for him to eat with chopsticks even with Mr. and Mrs. Yung using forks because it shows how he's taken the time to learn how to use it properly. I also love how he gives Laurel a fork so she won't have to keep struggling to eat. This is a real concept when eating Chinese food. If you go to a Chinese household and struggle to use them properly, they won't mind if you use a fork. As a guest, they would rather have you use a fork and enjoy your meal, than misuse chopsticks and struggle. As long as you show that you're trying to use them properly that's all they can ask for.
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"Earth Boy" is amazing. It shows how Ross actually took the time to learn Chinese. Chinese is not at all easy to learn and given that Duolingo and other online translation services didn't exist, you would have to be really dedicated to learning it. This is why I think Ross is bilingual because even though he isn't entirely fluent in Chinese, he knows enough of it to be able to translate what the Ling sisters are saying in Chinese.
The song itself is pretty good. It doesn't feel out of place for him to be singing with these Chinese girls. Since we already established that he's known them for quite a while, it doesn't come off as nonsensical for Elvis to know Chinese. Now I'm not Chinese so I can't speak for how well his pronunciation is, but I give him props for at least trying to tackle it. I also wonder who did the instrumentals for this song since it's not at all a typical Elvis song. If anyone out there is Chinese I'd love to hear your thoughts on that scene and the use of Chinese culture in general in this movie.
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Ross and Laurel are one of the most real couples in an Elvis movie. Waking up in the middle of the night to cuddle during a rainstorm is so cute. The whole scene makes you think of the things you would do with your significant other as a teenager. I also love how Mrs. Yung knew that they snuck out but chose to do nothing. It was a quick blink and you'll miss it, but a nice detail. Laurel revealing that she's getting over a bad breakup and Ross supporting her is so wholesome. It's always important to be open about your situation and not string your partner along. Even though you can tell these two have obvious chemistry, you appreciate that they move along at their own pace that feels natural. You want to ignore that they've known each other for a day because it doesn't feel that way at all when you watch them interact.
The next day we found out that Johnson buys the boats. Even though Ross is upset, Johnson is not a villain. No one is the villain here. Mr. Stavros isn't a villain for wanting to sell them, Ross isn't a villain for wanting to keep the West Wind and Johnson isn't a villain for wanting to buy them. It's a naturally bad situation that Ross has no control over. I love the way this conflict is set up since it would be too unrealistic to make Johnson a cliche mustache twirling villain who wants to wipe out Mom and Pop shops. He doesn't even have a vendetta against Ross since he offers him a job. If Johnson was really a villain, giving him the chance to buy the boat wouldn't even be an option.
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So Ross decides his only option is to go back to the nightclub and work as a singer. He wants to tell Robin himself because for whatever reason he's worried that she's going to be upset. I know she's jealous that he's with Laurel, but it's pretty ridiculous for her to think that he'd want to see her get fired. The boss of course doesn't care and introduces Ross as his new singer.
"Return to Sender" is iconic. Funny thing is the word zone being used in the song. Not long after the song was released mailing zones were no longer used. They were replaced by what we know now as ZIP codes. Even though it's now considered anachronistic to use that term, you don't really care because replacing it with ZIP code or just code doesn't convey the same meaning.
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"Because of Love" is ok. Honestly with how many songs we have in the movie, the only way I can comment on all of them, would be if I talked about them solely on the soundtrack. The show ends and I have no idea what Robin's deal is. If she claims to know Ross so well, she should know that him working at the same nightclub is not at all meant to be an act of revenge. I don't get why on Wikipedia he's described as having to choose between Robin and Laurel. There is no big drama here. He's already made it clear that whatever relationship they had is over and he only wants to be with Laurel. Maybe I'm missing something but I just don't buy that this is a legit drama when from Ross' perspective the choice was already made.
Laurel being upset that she was stood up is very understandable. She already explained that she got hurt very recently and trusted him to keep a promise. Of course it's not Ross' fault because he was open about wanting to get money. Even though Laurel is wrong to say that he was doing it to be with Robin, you don't blame her for thinking that way. Given how quickly he gets the job as a singer, there's no way she could've known that. She did go too far by saying he should go back to Robin but I love the face she makes when she sees him leave altogether. It shows that he was genuine about only wanting the money and has the emotional maturity to not get in this back and forth when Laurel is clearly not thinking rationally.
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"Thanks to the Rolling Sea" is a pretty good song given that it has good audio for the middle of the ocean. Yeah it's pretty obvious that this song was pre-recorded but the song itself is an interesting sea shanty. Unfortunately the fishing nets were destroyed by I'm assuming the motor. Obviously that would have to be taken out of Ross' pay. Except it turns out that it won't. Because Johnson is so much of a villain that in exchange for giving Ross his fair share of the income, Johnson will take the loss on the fishing nets. How absolutely awful. This man is so terrible that he's willing to ruin his own business just to be fair to his employee who's done nothing but complain.
"Song of the Shrimp" is so unnecessary. It's good yes but this doesn't fit with the Hawaiian background. Especially when we outright hear New Orleans. It feels like this was just a holdover from when they had the idea of filming it in New Orleans before deciding on Hawaii. We just didn't need another song so soon after the one we just had. Especially since this is now the 2nd song within not even five minutes about some type of seafood. The spacing between each song is terrible. It works as a soundtrack but in a movie it's so distracting.
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As expected, Laurel goes to apologize and I love how this doesn't feel forced. Laurel has an established internal conflict that she opened up about. She instinctively reacted and realized she made a mistake. After allowing some time to really think about it, she goes back to apologize. This is a very healthy way to resolve conflict and it only emphasizes just how little romantic drama exists in this movie. There is no love triangle since you don't even consider Robin to be a threat to their relationship. Yes she does have feelings still, but she ultimately doesn't have a big enough role to make it feel like this big choice Ross has to make.
It really speaks to their relationship that Laurel invites him to her apartment for dinner with the full assumption that he'll show up. Ross snarks but ultimately doesn't deny it. It feels so realistic because it's totally normal for loving couples to be snarky with each other. It shows just how comfortable they are with each other's feelings that they know where to draw the line.
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In an act of foreshadowing about her background, it turns out that Laurel can't cook to save her life. She knows absolutely nothing about how to operate in a kitchen. She turns to Ross for help when her roast catches fire. It's incredible how we get genuine advice by seeing them looking for salt. Salt/flour is exactly what you put on a kitchen fire involving oils and grease if you don't have a fire extinguisher. Ross making dinner while Laurel burns herself lighting a match is the perfect amount of chaos. This whole time I'm thinking about how Ross is going to be the malewife while Laurel's the girlboss. Even though this was 1962, I genuinely see him as being the one to take care of the home while Laurel works simply because he actually knows how to keep house.
"The Walls Have Ears" has a wild set up. There's a couple arguing next door and results in a lot of banging noises. Laurel and Ross try to figure out what's happening and it's very much implied that the couple next door started having sex. So what do our main characters decide to do when the whole apartment starts shaking? They start to tango and makes you realize exactly what will go down in the bedroom. Ross being visibly aroused makes perfect sense even though it was not at all intended. The song itself is the highlight of the movie
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So because Laurel loves Ross so much, she decides to go to Johnson and buys the boat. I love how we see Laurel girlboss her away around. Even her father isn't immune to it. I admit for the 60s it was a little eyebrow raising when it's implied her father thought she was getting an abortion. I know such a topic existed back then, I just didn't think for a non-gritty Elvis movie it'd even be mentioned.
"We're Comin' In Loaded" is once again a good song that doesn't need to be here. This is now the 3rd song about seafood and you just wonder why. I'm starting to think this is now a musical about lonely fishermen who only have sea shanties to help pass the time. Elvis is after all dressed in a sexy sailor Halloween costume. It's honestly incredible how when he sees the boat was sold, he punched Johnson for being a rat. Johnson has the patience of a saint for not pressing charges. Because in real life, if you have an employee acting that way, you'd call the police.
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So Laurel meets with Ross at the restaurant for lunch as promised. Only problem is that now he's sore that she was the one who bought the boat. He considers it to be a real betrayal. At first you think he's being very unreasonable and think Laurel didn't do anything wrong. But it turns out that he has his own instinctive reaction. Ross grew up having to provide for himself. He feels like people are only pitying him by giving him charity. I personally don't understand it, but I do know that it isn't unrealistic to react this way. I think even in Elvis' life his family felt that way because admitting you need charity is admitting that you're failing as an adult. As much as this is drama, you can understand why this happened. It's not a moral failing in a new relationship to have a conflict between the two parties wants and needs. It's how they overcome this obstacle that tells you whether or not it will last.
I like how Laurel meets with Robin to find Ross. She's willing to talk to someone she can't stand. Robin meanwhile never gets her redemption as even when she tells Laurel where he could be, she's still so petty. I don't know what the intention was for her character but she's too unlikeable to consider her a genuine love interest for Ross. If anything, her behavior only makes me think that it was the reason why their relationship failed to begin with.
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I think it was funny that Mr. Yung has a cat named Kapu that he uses to tell the weather. As much as you think it's just a stereotype, I personally don't see it that way. While it is true that the Chinese doesn't have a superstition about cats predicting the weather, I don't think it's a stereotype to have him believe that. People having superstitions about predicting the weather isn't something that only Chinese people have. Every culture has superstitions and people can believe in things that others from their own culture would think is odd.
Naturally Mr. Yung is proven wrong as not only is a storm about to roll in, but Chen finds Laurel with Johnson on the West Wind. It's very telling that Ross' first instinct is to get on a motorboat with Mr. Yung and save her. Granted I never thought she was ever in any real danger, but given the low opinion Ross has about Johnson, his actions make sense. It's also very sweet how Mr. Yung is so supportive of his relationship with Laurel that he's willing to help. It really shows how much he sees Ross as an adopted son just like the Stavros.
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So we get the final fight scene and it's honestly incredible how quickly it's resolved. It also shows that Johnson was ultimately only an antagonist as opposed to being a straight up villain. Sure he was pushy with Laurel, but that only makes him a jerk. Johnson buying the boat back just because he got beaten in a fight proves that as much as he was annoyed by Ross, he really didn't have a vendetta against him. He was simply an obstacle that Ross had to overcome.
In a very quick blink and you'll miss it moment, the motorboat Laurel and Ross get back into actually crashes right into the West Wind. I have no idea if that was intentional since we do get a close up of Johnson's reaction. If it really was just an accident I'm very shocked they left it in, since that crash looked like it could've been very dangerous. This is the real Hawaiian waters so the motorboat could've easily capsized. And the last we ever see of Johnson ends with him saying Ross reminded him of himself, ultimately proving there was never any ill intent on his part.
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As promised, the Yung family has a party while Ross and Laurel talk. He realizes that making himself miserable just to have the chance to buy his dad's boat back isn't worth it. That his dad wouldn't want him to working for bosses he doesn't like just to keep his memory alive and that building a new boat with Laurel is a healthier way to cope with the grief. When it's implied that the two will get married, I can believe that. I don't get the feeling that this relationship was rushed at all. This movie shows us that they have the chemistry from the very start and shows us that they can overcome various obstacles. That's enough to believe that even if they only knew each other for say a couple months, that this couple will last. This is one of the most maturely written, most developed couples in an Elvis movie.
The reprise of "Girls, Girls Girls" is amazing. The movie finally lives up to the title by showcasing the various cultures that exist in Hawaii. As much as it's confusing to see kimonos being associated with the Ling sisters who are Chinese, there was a point in history where the Japanese got the inspiration from Chinese traders. Outside of that, it's still fitting to have various Asian cultures given that they make up a large portion of the Hawaiian population. Overall a cheerful tribute to the non-white cultures of Hawaii and a good way to end the movie.
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I was very shocked at how good this movie was. The title and the marketing is a complete injustice since you assume it's a cheap rom-com Elvis vehicle with little emotional substance. Might I suggest changing the title to "The West Wind" since that's the actual object of Ross' affection. It's incredible how this title completely influences your opinion only to surprise you with how little focus the girls actually get. Instead we get a pretty touching film about a man trying to reunite himself with the final physical tie to his deceased father. It's not a dramatic masterpiece similar to King Creole, but it's definitely not the throwaway cheap beach film you initially think it is.
Therefore I'm giving this a 9/10. The songs could've been spaced out better and the movie trying to market itself based on the sexual appeal of women just doesn't fit. That being said, if you look at the movie in regards to writing and its characters it's very solid. My only issue is that Robin's involvement in the plot is very weak. If the intent was to have her be a legit threat to Ross' relationship with Laurel, I'd say it was a failure because I never saw her as one. She just comes off as very petty with no real reason why or any chance at redeeming herself. Outside of that, I think this was a great ensemble cast and highly recommend giving it a chance.
An: Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there. I'm glad to have reviewed a movie that showcases how even adults have respect for their parents.
Tagging: @whositmcwhatsit, @hooked-on-elvis, @smokeymountainboy, @atleastpleasetelephone, @stitchlover0112,
@tupelomiss, @vintagepresley, @eapep, @almightybigbrain, @coltswael,
@cieloestrelladoluna, @huhhhhsthings, @arrolyn1114, @peaceloveelvis, @peskybedtime,
@mercsandmonsters, @tacozebra051, @valloos, @ilovequeen978, @elvisvideos,
@presleyhearted, @leiaorganaskywalkers, @kawaiiwitchy, @swingdownsweetchariot, @ruggednessworld,
@gentle-bunny, @atrophyingaphrodite, @jrbrandi13, @summer56, @elvismylove04,
@eptodaytommorowforever, @lookingforrainbows, @araiarts, @fharysa, @lett-them-eatt-cake,
@fryb0rg, @wanderlustingtomboy, @slayingjd, @wildhorseinkansas, @ilovequeen978,
and @jhoneybees.
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neeterloveschenford · 10 months
I get that people are upset at the thought of Chenford breaking up. But giving people grief because they would like to see this play out is not the way to go. Folks are entitled to their opinions about tv shows. It's ok that they enjoy that kind of drama. It's ok that you don't. And even if they do break up, it's not going to lead to any kind of a will they/won't they situation. We're talking a couple of episodes at the most. I mean the lead character and his love interest broke up for an episode. The only couple on the show that hasn't broken up is Grey/Luna. And all of the other couples that have gone through this kind of strife were early in their relationships. Do I want to see them break up? No. I'd prefer for them to have a fight about UC, one of them walks away and a few scenes later they show up on the others doorstep and they work it out instead of an actual breakup. But I don't really care if someone else does want them to breakup. It's somebody's personal blog about a TV show. If you don't like their opinions, just block them. I've done it many times. Life's easier that way.
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bumblesimagines · 10 months
do you want to hear what really happened?
you already missed your chance.
i've loved you since the day we met.
Mencia Blanco
do you want to hear what really happened?
you already missed your chance.
i've loved you since the day we met.
pronouns: they/them, gender neutral
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You had hoped that after a couple minutes of being ignored, whoever had continuously rang your doorbell would've gotten the hint. You kept your face buried into the silky pillow, praying and hoping whichever asshole standing at your door left soon. But when another three minutes passed and the doorbell continued ringing throughout the house, you groaned and rolled out of bed, taking a glance at the clock on your nightstand that read 3:00 AM in bright neon green. 
"Are you serious?" You hissed quietly into the dark room, snatching your phone off the nightstand and turning it on. No new messages from any of your friends bold enough to try awakening you at such an ungodly hour. Unless one of their phones had died, you couldn't fathom who else would show up at your door with a persistent attitude. 
On second thought, you knew exactly who. And it just so happened her number had been blocked for nearly two months. You automatically took in a deep breath at just the mere thought of your trainwreck of an ex. Pretty little Mencia Blanco, daughter of the insufferable principal and sister to the equally insufferable twins. The start of a headache began licking at your temple and you groaned, pushing yourself forward and flickering the light on. 
Making your way through the hall and down the stairs, you found yourself relieved your parents had gone away on a trip. Otherwise, it'd be hell to explain why a strange girl they barely knew was at their doorstep like a stray begging to be let in. You could only imagine what your mother would say as you neared the front door and unlocked it, tossing it open and confirming your assumptions. 
Mencia stood before you with a duffle bag secured in her hand. Her dark makeup smudged around her eyes and her lips had been twisted into an exhausted pout. Tear streaks stained her cheeks and you could already hear the explanation she'd give you. Another fight with Benjamin or another spat with her siblings, likely both. Always the same repetitive tale that she never seemed to escape despite her numerous attempts. She stared at you, big brown eyes filled with longing and sadness, and took a small step forward. 
"Can we talk?"
"About?" It was too damn early for this.
"Us." She answered simply and softly, her brows lowering and light red-tinted lips rubbing together. You stared at her and debated turning her away or calling one of her siblings. But Mencia would only resume her assault on the doorbell and you doubted either one of the twins would even pick up your call. You exhaled through your nose and tilted your body to allow her inside. She smiled and headed in, resting her duffle bag beside the couch and taking a peek at the living room she'd only briefly seen once. 
"You couldn't have chosen a better time to run away?" You asked, closing the door and turning the clock. Mencia laughed lightly and rubbed at her cheek, trying to clean away the subtle black lines from the wet mascara. She hadn't changed in the slightest since the breakup. She still remained the chaotic hot mess who silently wished to be taken seriously. Then again, none of the Blanco family were put together. Benjamin appeared more like a boss than a father, even when he put on his best fatherly act. The poised Ari seemed one shot away from a mental breakdown and often acted like a mother rather than a sister. And the attention-seeking Patrick only knew how to self-destruct and bring everyone down with him. They'd been entertaining to watch from a distance until you got sucked into their drama.
"I would've gone to a hotel but..." She trailed off and toyed with one of her rings, strands of chestnut brown hair sweeping over her face as she peered down at her boots. "Benjamin locked me out of my cards."
"Rebeka lives up the street. Go stay with her, or did you fuck that up too?" The bitter words slipped out faster than you could process them. Mencia winced and sighed, her arms and shoulders slumping. She made no move to deny it and you took in another deep breath, trying to keep the tired annoyance from slipping out again. 
"I do want to talk about us... about what happened. I... I hurt you, I know that. But, I've loved you since the day we met. I fell in love when you stood up to Benjamin, I fell for you more when I saw how you treated your friends like they were family. I loved you when you agreed to a date and I still love you. I fucked up. I... I let what Patrick said about me that night get to me and- and I believed him when he said you'd leave me-"
"I doubt Patrick told you to cheat on me with Rebeka." You sighed. "You already missed your chance, Mencia. You had two months to grow some balls and talk to me at school but you chose to act as if I didn't exist. Rebeka herself apologized for what happened and yet, the actual chick that fucked up couldn't." 
"I was planning on it at the drive-in last week but you disappeared! I went to your car but you weren't there and Cayetana had no idea where you'd gone." Mencia's voice grew louder and she grunted softly, lifting her hands to her face and massaging her temples. You stared at her, unable to shove away the memory of what had occurred at the drive-in. It almost amused you, in fact. 
"Do you want to hear what really happened at the drive-in?" You couldn't help but ask, and she dropped her arms to her sides. She nodded limply, completely and uttering unaware of the words about to tumble right out of your mouth. "I got into an argument with Samuel and Isadora made an offer 'cause she was pissed at Phillipe. We hooked up in her limo and then again at her place. That's why you couldn't find me and that's why I'm not giving you a second chance, Mencia. Even if she's a bitch and believes Phillipe's innocent... I think I'm starting to like her."
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squeakygeeky · 7 months
7 Days Before Valentine: Novella vs Drama
This write-up will contain complete spoilers. I know not that many people watched 7 Days Before Valentine, but I think you might still be interested in how things were adapted from page to screen, so the basic premise of both is that a guy who just experience a breakup gets visited by a 'cupid reaper' for seven nights, who gives him the chance each night to erase someone from existence in the hopes of changing things enough to make the breakup not have happened. Ultimately it's a story about acceptance.
Overall I'm actually calling this for the series, because the novella is very short, but the series is able to flesh everything out and really delve into the characters and the implications of the character's choices on everyone at large.
7 Days Before Valentine is based on a novella by the same title by Patrick Rangsimant. I've also read My Ride, I Love You and My Imaginary Boyfriend by him. I enjoy his writing and he's actually a doctor so you can tell from his writing that he's experienced a lot of things in life and his work tends to have a philosophical bent. This work was definitely the serenity prayer as a BL. He tends to write mostly dialog and introspection, a bit like I write actually. It's straightforward and a bit bare, so the vibes of the story and the series are very different. The overall ominous weirdness of the series came from the director/screenwriter, but I think the way it's very theatrical did suit the talky/thinky source material.
The series is also based on another novella, 7 Days Before Halloween, but that one doesn't appear to have an English translation or maybe hasn't even been published yet. The story we get for Q in the series (who goes by the slightly less cute 'Cue' in the novella) is all in there so I can't say how close that was to what we got in the series. Cue doesn't go into his backstory in the series.
The narrator of the novella is nameless and definitely feels like more of an Everyman compared to Sunshine. He's a little blase about erasing people from existence but feels like he could be anyone struggling to accept a major life change, which is the point. I don't remember him being described physically at all and we don't get any details of his life. This makes him way less frustrating than Sunshine, who begins the novel as a self-absorbed and selfish actor, but also not particularly memorable as a character, and it's less that the narrator experiences general character growth and more that he learns to deal with this specific life crisis.
There's no flower shop/bar in the novella. I was hoping we'd get some explanation for that guy who seems to be another supernatural entity like Q, but nope. Also, having the kid from the flower shop as a character gave the show the chance to point out that romantic love isn't the be-all-and-end-all of love, which is pretty unusual for a romance series and was a nice touch.
There also isn't any exploration of what erasing a person means for the world at large. For example, in the novel erasing the politician the couple argued about just doesn't work to fix things, while in the show Sunshine manages to create a whole dystopia. I think that aspect worked well in the series. Both do have the main character fixing things by wishing himself out of existence, only to be brought back by someone else's wish, but of course we don't get the explanation of that in the novella the way we do in the show.
There is a little romance between the narrator and Cue in the novella, but more just that they meet at the end and recognize each other. Yes the show was a slow burn, but I did like the way Q in the series progressed in his attitude, from antagonism to protectiveness to love towards Sunshine, and the way they both opened up to each other. The climax of Sunshine wishing Q out of existence in order to release him from being a reaper was just so perfectly devastating. In the novella it's much less dramatic since the narrator gets the opportunity to make a normal wish and wishes for Cue to be happy. In both cases this does lead to them having a new meet-cute as regular mortals, it's just 1000x more satisfying in the show both because they'd already fallen in love and lost each other at this point but also because we got to see how things clicked into place with a reaper version of Sunshine having been the Q to mortal Sky, who needed to learn his own lessons about loss and regret and letting go.
I think the bizarre oppressive atmosphere of the show really paid off in the final episode, because everything felt clearer and lighter and yes, the colors, and that added to the impact of Sunshine straightening his shit out and the whole last minute reunion. Anyway, I SWEAR THIS WAS GOOD GIVE IT A CHANCE.
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