#a conspiracy of cartographers
picascribit · 10 months
Word Count: 960 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Characters: Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Poppy Pomfrey Additional Tags: Friendship, Secret Crush, Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Canon Compliant, Animagus, Gender Identity, i haven't fully decided what this means for sirius yet, but sirius doesn't really know either Summary: On the Marauders' first night out together under the full moon, Remus notices something unexpected about Sirius's animagus form.
Sirius hung back. "You're really OK?"
"Yeah. Just tired and achey." Remus gave Sirius a sleepy smile. "Thanks. For ... you know ... doing all this for me."
Warmth bloomed in Sirius's chest. "Yeah, well, I -- we had to do something. Couldn't let a mate go through all that rubbish alone."
It had all been worth it -- the sleepless nights -- the months of research -- the dozens of failed attempts -- for Sirius to see that sweet smile on Remus's face, and know that he had helped lessen his friend's suffering, at least a little.
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radioprune · 9 months
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jumpscared trying to pick a county of maine for crabapple cove to be in
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aaand it's done! Things I have been trying to finish for a while but kept running into difficulties (mostly materials). Behold, a map of the Inner Lands from the Steerswoman series by Rosemary Kirstein.
details & process under the cut
Map is 18x24inches, copied and enlarged from the map included with book 4 (https://www.rosemarykirstein.com/the-books/mapbook4/). I wanted to see what Rowan sees, about the green around the Inland Sea that gives way to redgrass, which in turn gives way to the Face. I was originally going to do a watercolor wash, but then I discovered that the only paper I had in this size isn't watercolor paper (ugh) and also remembered how much I dislike watercolors (ugh). So that trashed one map, and I copied it out again (if you need to half-ass a lightbox, putting a table lamp in a laundry basket with a piece of plexiglass on top works surprisingly well. the laundry basket is important for ventilation otherwise the light gets hot) and just did it with colored pencils and fine tipped pens. Greenery and the Inland Sea have vertical strokes while native flora (the Ocean, mountains, desert, demon lands, and the Face) go horizontally, and the redgrass is at 45º. There's also some stippling in the shallows of the Inland Sea for texture. The compass rose has guidestars in the east and west, because that felt like a fun in-world detail.
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thoughtsaboutruins · 2 years
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Conspiracy of Cartographers
My first shot of this house was horizontal and I missed focus in a pretty drastic way. I can't remember if I noticed it at the time, but I immediately shot this take on it and moved on.
This entire day was bright and sunny until the end. The storms grew quickly and were some of the most intense I had experienced in a month full of storms.
That night severe storms with countless bolts of lightening and 50mph winds raged through my campsite. I kept an eye on the radar and moved to the car for an hour or so watching my tent trash about.
The storms finally passed, and I returned to the tent, still dry. The same repeated the next day, and the next. It was a week of nightly storm, maybe longer. I just wanted it to stop.
A few days later, it did. The skies cleared and the roads dried and the miles slid away.
'That Solemn War'
Camera: Mamiya RB67
Lens: Mamiya-Sekor 3.8/90
Film: Kodak TMax 100; 01/1991; 50iso
Process: 510 Pyro; 1+100; 11.5mins
July 2022
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everydreamhome · 2 years
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Conspiracy of Cartographers
North Dakota
This is a monument to David Thompson, a Canadian explore from the early 1800s. I was kind of surprised to find a monument to him in North Dakota. He's usually associated with the Columbia River, having mapped it in 1811.
As far as I can tell, this is the only monument to him in the United States. He passed nearby this location in December of 1797 when trying to establish a trade alliance with the Mandan and Hidatsa people living in what's now called the Knife River Indian Villages.
Camera: Chamonix 45F-2
Lens: Steinheil Rapid Antiplanet 6,5; 27cm
Film: Kodak Tri-X; x-01/1981
Exposure: f/12; 1sec
Process: FA-1027; 1+14; 10min
North Dakota
July 2022
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nevver · 2 years
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“Most of American life is driving somewhere and then driving back wondering why the hell you went.” Conspiracy of Cartographers
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ym-loreposting · 1 month
The Duscur Conspiracy
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The Tragedy of Duscur is an event that is particularly relevant to the Faerghus centered story lines in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes. It occurred 4 years before the start of both games and led to the assassination of Faerghus's king Lambert and the subsequent subjugation of Duscur. However, the exact events are mired in multiple layers of conspiracy from multiple factions within and outside Faerghus. For a while, I was confused as to what exactly happened and this is more or less my attempt to get it straight and to see who was involved. Spoilers for both games under the cut.
The surface of the Tragedy
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Credit to @cartographers-office for removing the names from the Fódlan map used in the above picture.
The Tragedy of Duscur is about the peninsula of Duscur, pictured above. It sits roughly northwest of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and was separated from it by the Sacred Gwenhwyvar mountains. According to the Dedue/Sylvain C Support and the Byleth/Dedue B Support in Three Houses, the two regions used to be friendly with each other for a long time and they were even allies.
This was to change in the Imperial Year 1176, when king Lambert, his son Dimitri, his second wife Patricia and some knights from Faerghus were visiting Duscur, were attacked. All of them were killed, except for Dimitri, who was saved by Gustave, a knight who had stayed behind in Faerghus. Among those killed was the knight Glenn, the older brother of Felix and fiancé of Ingrid.
In the aftermath, Lambert's older brother Rufus became regent of Faerghus and the people of Duscur were blamed for the assassination. As a result, the Duscur region was violently destroyed by the Kingdom as retribution. The land was burnt and many of the people were slaughtered. House Kleiman, a very minor noble house of Faerghus, played a large role in this subjugation according to the Register of Kingdom Nobles and was rewarded with the entire Duscur region as its feudal estate.
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In the year these events took place, together known as the Tragedy of Duscur, Lambert was also planning major political reforms in Faerghus. This is explained by Catherine in Chapter 3 of Three Houses on the Blue Lions route, as well as that this caused Lambert to gain enemies. Cristophe of House Gaspard, a minor noble house of Faerghus, was accused of being involved with the Tragedy and subsequently executed by the Church of Seiros.
Roots of the Tragedy
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That is the story of the Tragedy on the surface, but there is more to it and its roots run very deep. The earliest ones go back to the coronation of Lambert. As mentioned above, Lambert had an older brother named Rufus and in Chapter 3 of Azure Gleam, a Scholar speaks of the rocky relationship between the two. Rufus is said to be smart and unrivaled in politics, with Lambert being the polar opposite although he had a gift in tactics. Rufus did not have a Crest of Blaiddyd, while Lambert did, which is why Lambert became king despite being the younger brother. Rufus meanwhile became the Grand Duke of Itha, a small territory northeast of the central Blaiddyd territory, and may not have been necessarily happy with that arrangement.
The roots of the Tragedy of Duscur continue around the Imperial Year 1160, when Faerghus was beset by a plague. As explained by Sylvain during the exploration section of Chapter 8 of Three Houses:
"It wouldn't be unheard of. Almost 20 years ago, a terrible plague blazed through Faerghus. It even hit the capital city, taking the queen consort's life…or so I heard. The whole Kingdom was in an uproar over that loss."
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A Kingdom Knight in Chapter 18 of Azure Moon explains that the source of this plague was the poorly constructed water system in cities like the capital Fhirdiad. Cornelia, a scholar from the Adrestian Empire, advised that top priority should be given to improving the city's infrastructure. This made the diseases go away and in return, she was given a position in the royal court of Faerghus. In Chapter 19 of Azure Moon, Dimitri also says that before she was given this position, her personality entirely changed.
In the Imperial Year 1171, as explained in Chapter 8 of Azure Gleam and the Dimitri/Hapi support line from Three Houses, Adrestia grew politically unstable and Cornelia requested that her old friend Lady Anselma be rescued. Anselma was a consort of Emperor Ionius IX and the mother of princess Edelgard. She was banished from the court due to a political dispute and was rescued by Lambert. Around the same time, Edelgard and Anselma's brother Volkhard von Arundel also sought asylum in Faerghus and Cornelia arranged this. Eventually, Anselma and Lambert developed feelings for each other and got married, though Anselma went under the name Patricia.
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The fact that Patricia was from Adrestia and her very existence were kept obscure from the public, with Cornelia regulating the few visits she and Lambert were allowed to make with each other. The fact that Edelgard was kept in the Kingdom was kept a secret as well as to avoid the Empire demanding her extradition. Cornelia meanwhile told Patricia that Lambert kept Edelgard away from her, until Edelgard and Volkhard returned to the Empire in the Imperial Year 1774.
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Two years later, Lambert set out to perform his aforementioned political reforms. This made nobles in the west of Faerghus, specifically Viscount Mateus, Viscount Elidure, Viscount Gideon and the lord of Kleiman (who at the time ruled over a single castle) unhappy, but they did not wish to talk with the king about their concerns. This is because they were sure that they would be drowned out by the king's supporters in the east, such as Rodrigue, the Duke of Fraldarius, and Matthias, the Margrave of Gautier.
Truth of the Tragedy
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Due to all the existing tensions within the Kingdom, Cornelia was able to manipulate those unhappy with Lambert's reign into assassinating him. The western lords because they did not agree with his political reforms, while Rufus seemed to have desired the throne. She was also able to get Patricia to join in because she promised her that she would be able to see Edelgard again.
The conspirators arranged some Duscur guides, as explained in the Three Hopes Paralogue Wildflowers for the Future. When the attack happened, one of these guides was responsible for the death of Glenn according to Ingrid:
"That man played a key role in the Tragedy of Duscur. And he's responsible for Glenn's death."
Meanwhile, Rufus claims responsibility for killing Lambert in Chapter 3 of Azure Gleam:
"Every night since I killed my brother, I dream a lion is ripping out my throat."
The conspirators however were ordered to keep Patricia's carriage unharmed and Patricia herself was kidnapped, though Thales claims that she was killed at some point afterwards during Chapter 17 of Azure Gleam:
"A foolish question. She burned to ashes on the pyre of our ambitions long ago."
Dimitri was the only one to survive the Tragedy and saw his attackers, knowing they were not of Duscur and thus did not believe the official story behind the tragedy (as explained in his B Support with Dedue from Three Houses). He would ultimately be saved by Gustave, while Rufus was rewarded by becoming regent of Faerghus and the lord of Kleiman gained the land of Duscur and the title of Viscount. Everyone involved also received money and supplies from Adrestia as recompense according to Rodrigue in Chapter 3 of Azure Gleam:
Which leaves the lords Elidure, Mateus, and Kleiman. We believe they—as well as many powerful western lords—were accomplices in the assassination of the late king. Along with the grand duke, they seem to have received large sums of money and supplies from the Imperial nobility. Thinking this to be recompense for the assassination in Duscur, we investigated the link further.
This implicates the Empire as well, but explaining its role is perhaps best left for another time.
Those slithering behind the Tragedy
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All of this does not yet explain why Cornelia masterminded the Tragedy, why her personality suddenly changed and why she made life so awful for Patricia that she was convinced to kill her husband and stepson. This is because Cornelia was replaced by the Agarthan Cleobulus, who is the true mastermind behind the Tragedy of Duscur.
As for why Cleobulus did all of this, the answer is possibly found in the non-Crimson Flower routes of Three Houses. During the time skip in those routes, Cleobulus murders Rufus and frames Dimitri for it. This allows Cleobulus to take control of the Kingdom and to transform it into the Faerghus Dukedom, with it allying with the Adrestian Empire in the war in the second half of Three Houses.
In Three Hopes, Cleobulus seemingly attempts to set these events into motion early by manipulating Rufus into staging a coup against the major noble House Fraldarius. The claim is that House Fraldarius is trying to control Faerghus by eventually installing Dimitri as a puppet ruler, with Rufus attempting to gain the aid of the western lords again. If this were to succeed, Cleobulus could rule through Rufus without opposition, but the gambit doesn't pay off in the end as Rufus is killed and Cleobulus has to go on the run.
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sleepdepravity · 1 year
in celebration of one of my sister's friends admiring my "gamer swag" (all the games i've played that are apparently obscure) i've decided arbitrarily to try to dredge up some obscure games to share with you all in case people are interested in that sort of thing. in terms of determining the obscurity of the game, i think i'm gonna go with less than 1000 reviews, and/or looking at all-time peak concurrent player stats in steam charts. whatever i feel like maybe. Also, if there are absolutely no guides on steam or the internet, then i guess that's for sure obscure.
also these are all games that i've finished. some of them i finished a long time ago so i may not remember much about like. quality. or how good they are. shrug. they're interesting though.
Aviary Attorney
Chicken Police
Blacksad: Under the Skin
A Case of Distrust
The Flower Collectors
The Forgotten City
Hitchhiker - A Mystery Game
I hope she's ok
Legal Dungeon
Lucifer Within Us
Paradise Killer
The Occupation
Root Letter
The Shapeshifting Detective
Silicon Dreams
The Sinking City
Song of Farca
Visual/Sound Novel types (minimal gameplay)
Alone With You
428: Shibuya Scramble
Booth: A Dystopian Adventure
Neo Cab
Signs of the Sojourner
Adventure/Puzzle or whatever
A House of Many Doors
Battle Chef Brigade
Falcon Age
Genesis Noir
A Golden Wake
I Am Dead
Labyrinth City: Pierre the Maze Detective
Lemon Cake
looK INside
The Low Road
Mind Scanners
Minute of Islands
Mu Complex
Robot Island
Senna and the Forest
Small Radios Big Televisions
The Solitaire Conspiracy
Song of the Deep
The Spirit and the Mouse
Still There
Summer Paws
Tick Tock Isle
The Wake: Mourning Father, Mourning Mother
Yono and the Celestial Elephants
Four Last Things
Walk around a cool place and pick stuff up
Heaven's Vault
Deliver Us the Moon
An Airport for Aliens Currently Run by Dogs
Beasts of Maravilla Island
Ghost on the Shore
Haven Park
In Other Waters
The Magic Circle
Mail Time
Mu Cartographer
Paper Beast
Paradise Marsh
Penko Park
Here Comes Niko!
Sea of Solitude
Summer in Mara
Time on Frog Island
Train Station Renovation
The Horror of Salazar House
Moons of Madness
Subway Midnight
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maswartz · 2 months
Digimon Unity
During a class trip to a tech company six students stumble onto a hidden lab where they find six digivices and accidentally open a portal into the digital world. As they arrive in the digital world the six are scattered across the world and each find a trio of digimon who agree to help them find the capitol to find their way home. Along the way they discover the digivices allow them to unite with the digimon to defend themselves from the dangers of the world. When the six reunite they are told a legend of the Digidestined, a group of children who once saved the digital world, they also learn the tragic fate of the seventh digidestined. Upon arriving in the capitol they begin to discover a conspiracy that crosses the world leading to a betrayal upon their arrival home. With the help of a new ally they must act to save both worlds. Theo Crossman- Digidestined of Mind- A smart and cautious boy. Condormon- A strict and serious bird Toromon- A kind and strong bull Sharkmon- A sharp tongued shark Felicity Harte- Digidestined of Dreams- A girl obsessed with fantasy and the supernatural. PyroFaemon- Headstrong firestarter SparkSpritemon- An electric trickster FrostNymphmon- An icy elegant skater Grant Nichols- Digidestined of Heart- An athlete who would rather play for fun Cobramon- A wise thinker Webmon- A determined fighter Echomon- A silent striker Melissa Meadows- Digidestined of Endurance- A tomboy who loves the wilderness Kabumon- Always on guard Ladimon- An impatient speedster Kuwamon- A skilled attacker Riley Collins- Digidestined of Joy- A joker who laughs to hide her fears Dronemon- An eye for details Meltalmon- Daring adventurer Roborgmon- Reluctantly emotional Drake Walden- Digidestined of Creativity- A cynical and sarcastic boy used of hiding his true self. Soldramon- Loud optimist Lunadramon- Quiet pessimist Stellardramon- Friendly realist Full version below the cut
Years ago two young men accidentally stumbled into a world parallel to Earth, a world made of data and code. They found that this world was inhabited by beings calling themselves Digimon. One of the men embraced the digimon as friends while the other began to plan on how to exploit them. Over the following decades the men began a cyber-tech research and development company in the hopes of finding a way to make the worlds closer together. Eventually they created devices known as the Unity Digivices they could use to bond and merge with digimon. However when one of the men tested the process it nearly ended in tragedy. As he recovered the other man took the chance to initiate a hostile takeover of the company. Years later a high school class is visiting Cyber Zenith, a cybernetics company, on a field trip to learn about the latest in cutting edge technology. However six of the students, Theodore Crossman, Felicity Harte, Grant Nichols, Melissa Meadows, Riley Collins, and Drake Walden get lost and get on an elevator. Unknown to them the man who left the elevator before them put in a code to take them to a secret area known as Unit-D.
It is here that they find six experimental devices, the newest model of Unity Digivice. Picking them up they accidentally activate them opening a portal to the Digital World. When they get their bearings the teens realize they have been separated and soon they each encounter the inhabitants of the world, the Digimon.
One teen finds himself aided by a three digimon delivery company, another finds herself in the company of a trio of wannabe magicians, the third finds himself with a group of dark dwellers, the fourth finds herself with a trio of fighters, the fifth finds herself with a group of robotic cartographers and the last finds himself with a trio of dragons.
None of the digimon know how to get the teens back to the real world due to the natural gates being unreliable. A traveling Veedramon tells them that they can find the answers in Cyber City, the capital city of the Digital World. And so each of the teens begins their journey to the capital.
On their way the teens discover that in times of danger they can Unity Digivolve and merge with one of their digimon companions to become a digimon themselves to fight off the growing threats in the Digiworld.
Soon after the teens discover this they are given a warning by a Leomon who informs them that according to Digiworld legend any digimon who consumes a human gains the ability to manifest fully into the real world. As such many digimon will be after the teens to gain this power. Leomon also helps the teens learn to master their merged forms and truly fight like digimon.
In addition to this threat the teens each encounter a group known as the Gladiators who claim to have been tasked with eliminating all the weak digimon from the digital world.
After a while the teen all find each other and catch up on what each had learned about the world and their enemies. Soon after they reach RyCy Nursery where the digimon are shocked to learn from the Jijimon and Babamon running it that Digieggs have stopped showing up. At this point they meet the Veedramon again who dubs the group the Digidestined after an ancient Digiworld myth.
Along the way to Cyber City they meet many interesting digimon such as a cult that worships a floppy disk, a city where digimon dress and act like people and a group seeking out legendary artifacts.
Before reaching Cyber City the Digidestined meet up with Leomon again. The warrior brings them to a temple dedicated to the myth of the Digidestined and instructs them to place their Digivices within podiums in front of murals of ancient symbols. After a bright light they see that the case of their digivices have been marked with the symbols, each representing a trait. Mind for Theo, Dreams for Felicity, Heart for Grant, Endurance for Melissa, Joy for Riley and Creativity for Drake.
After this Leomon joins with them and they finally reach Cyber City but all is not well. Leomon learns from an Owlmon that the king, Victormon is acting suspicious and the warrior joins her in investigating.
Victormon meets with the Digidestined and explains that the royal gate has to be in sync with the gate on Earth in order to send them home. Fortunately this will happen soon so he allows them to stay in the city and enjoy the sights. During this time the Gladiators begin to attack causing the Digidestined to engage them in combat. During these battles the digimon gain access to their natural champion forms before the Digidestined reach their ultimate forms.
When the time comes to return home however the king betrays the Digidestined and directs the gate to Cyber Zenith’s lab where they are taken captive by security.
At this point the CEO of Cyber Zenith, Travis Wilson tells them the truth of the situation. He explains that he was one of the men who discovered the Digiworld and that when they did he began planning how to use the digimon to his advantage.
He was the one who came up with the idea for Unity Digivolution as a way to give humanity the power of digimon while the other man saw it as a way to strengthen the bond between them. However only the kind man was able to get the process to work and even then it nearly killed him due to a health issue.
So Travis came up with a new plan. Joining forces with Victormon with the promise of ruling the real world they set up the Gladiators to delete large numbers of digimon and redirect the Digieggs to a special server.
After experimenting Travis found a way to rewrite the Core Code of a digimon allowing him to force it to take any possible form. An Agumon for example could be forced to become Greymon, Allomon, Tuskmon or Tyrannomon and any of their variants. The process also removed all personality as well as leaving them devoid of color, nothing but mindless puppets. To make matters worse, due to the alteration of their Core Code if they are deleted they are unable to form a Digiegg meaning they die for real. In a final act of spite he calls these beings Cybermon.
When the Digidestined express shock and disgust he explains that digimon are nothing but zeroes and ones, a pale imitation of life. However he learned through Victormon that the teens are able to Unity Digivolve and he wants to know how so he prepares to experiment on them. Unknown to him one of the teens recorded him on their normal phone.
Fortunately an Ex-Veemon breaks in and rescues the Digidestined, retrieves their digivices and flies away. He lands at a mansion outside the city and brings them inside where he reverts to his rookie form Veemon and splits from his human partner. The man promptly collapses as the Digidestined help him into a bed for his staff of doctors to help. Veemon then returns to his preferred form of Veedramon, revealing himself to have been helping them all along.
Once stabilized the man introduces himself as Ron Jones, the other man who discovered the Digiworld. He fills in the gaps of Travis’s story and confirms the details. Explaining that after he lost the company he did not give up on the Digiworld and continued to monitor it with the help of Veedramon. Learning of Travis’s plans he set to work to thwart him leading to the Digidestined ending up in the Digiworld in the first place for which he begs their forgiveness.
At this point he opens a gateway allowing the partner digimon to enter the real world explaining that the legend of “consuming a human” really meant that they had to have DNA added to their data, which happened during the Unity Digivolution process. Now it is up to the Digidestined to stop Travis’s plans.
Travis does not take this lightly as he has his minions inject their DNA into Cybermon allowing them to enter the real world and be controlled like puppets. He has them create chaos as a way to show off the power he controls and to draw out the Digidestined. During the following battle the world learns of Digimon as well as the identities of the Digidestined.
As the Cybermon fall Travis has Victormon send the Gladiator Bosses to the real world by absorbing Core Code from many digimon. In the following battles the Digidestined reach their mega forms and defeat the Gladiators who oppose them.
Finally they battle Travis who by this point has learned how to Unity Digivolve with Victormon becoming Emperormon and now Zenithmon.
Backed against the wall Zenithmon absorbs the data of the fallen Gladiator Bosses gaining further power. To combat this the Digidestined combine as one to form Hexamon who keeps Zenithmon on the ropes until they play the video of Travis confessing about the Cybermon causing Zenithmon’s combination to fail as the various Gladiators each try to take control or escape in disgust and outrage. The fused warrior is able to defeat the unstable monster ending the threat as Travis is arrested for his crimes.
In the aftermath the Digidestined are named humanity’s ambassadors to the Digital World as Ron begins work to stabilize the gateways and create “digital DNA” allowing digimon to enter the real world.
The Digidestined and their partners of course are able to travel between worlds at will enjoying life in both.
Unity Digivice- Smart phone like devices with multiple functions such as scanning digimon information, maps, and communications.
Unity Digivolution- Unity Digivolution combines the data of a digimon with the DNA of a human being creating a hybrid of both based on the next level of that digimon. Natural versions of the result exist but are more bestial in nature, the rule of thumb is any mask on a Unity Digimon is an animal head on the natural version for example.
The Digital World- The Digiworld is comprised of data taken from the internet made physical. Older objects are more pixelated. The Digiworld spins backwards compared to earth with the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. Days last 20 hours with 10 hours in daylight and 10 hours of night. A year in the Digital World lasts 100 days without months or weeks.
The environment is a mix of nature and tech with trees having wires as vines. Water and other liquids have a paint like texture. Meat grows in the ground and is surprisingly safe for humans to eat.
Digimon “eat” by absorbing data from the environment. When a digimon is deleted the data they’ve absorbed is released back into the world while their Core Code returns to Rycy Nursery in the form of a Digiegg. If a digimon’s Core Code is damaged in any way it could risk their memories of their previous life. When a digimon absorbs enough data they can willingly return to a digiegg to begin again.
Multiple gateway arches dot the Digiworld allowing access to Earth. However they only open when the opening on both sides are perfectly aligned. Even then any digimon who passes through will only be a barely visible ghost like being in the real world. These “Wild Gates” also send the user to a random gate on Earth while the Royal Gate can select their destination manually.
There are two methods to allow a digimon to fully manifest on Earth. The first is to “consume a human” which many digimon take literally when it truly means to add DNA to their data. The second is to absorb a large amount of Core Code.
The Digidestined
Theodore “Theo” Crossman- “Digidestined of Mind”
16 years old- Brown scraggly hair, thick glasses and hazel eyes. Faded red t-shirt with blue jean shorts, white socks and blue sneakers. Dark red backpack. A cautious and skeptical boy, Theo was determined to get to Cyber City as fast as possible. However soon he learned he couldn’t ignore the trouble of those around him and began helping out wherever he could even when it delayed his journey. Theo prefers to plan things out before acting but in time learns to think with his gut as well as his mind. Ends up in a relationship with Felicity. Arrives in the digital world by the Modem Mountains Digivice: Red/Blue Symbol: A stylized image of a brain from the side
Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon: The three friends run a delivery business across the entire digital world using a wagon Toromon pulls. Their slogan is “only deletion will prevent us from delivering your package” and they intend to stick to it. Theo sticks a delivery label to his bag and uses it as a loophole to get them to take him to Cyber City without much hassle though before long the three consider the boy to be a friend instead of a package.
Condormon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Small Bird Digimon Family: Wind Guardians Appearance: A small bird digimon 4ft tall, black body with red tipped wings, light red legs and dark red beak and talons. Personality: Condormon runs the delivery business and takes his job very seriously. Only deletion will prevent him from completing a delivery. Special Move(s): Feather Blades- Flaps his wings at the enemy sending knife like feathers at them Digivolves From: Chickmon Digivolves To: CycloneCondormon
CycloneCondormon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Bird Man Digimon Family: Wind Guardians Appearance: A winged humanoid bird digimon wearing a dark red beaked mask 7ft tall. Armed with twin arm mounted crossbows. Black body and red feathers. Legs are light red with dark red talons. Natural Appearance: Natural CycloneCondormon are large bird digimon with a large crossbow on their back Personality: A mix of Theo’s intelligence and Condormon’s determination Special Move(s): Aero Arrow: Shoots an arrow surrounded by a whirlwind at the enemy. Digivolves From: Condormon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, Tengumon
First digivolved to fight Kabuterimon
Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Condormon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Condormon flies towards Theo as an image of a natural CycloneCondormon appears behind him.
“Condormon unity digivolve to..!”
Condormon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Wings grow from his back as his feet become talons. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the crossbows on each arm with the beaked mask being the last to form. The image of a natural CycloneCondormon appears behind them and spreads its wings.
As CycloneCondormon both Theo and Condormon speak as one
Toromon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Small Bull Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A small bull digimon with rocky horns. Brown body with rock like horns. 5ft tall and 5ft long. Personality: Kindhearted and mellow, Toromon is only stirred to anger when its friends are threatened in which case it’ll charge into danger to protect them. May not be “smart” but is “wise” Special Move(s): Rocky Charge- A rushing attack Digivolves From: Pebullmon Digivolves To: MineToromon
MineToromon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Bull Man Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A humanoid bull digimon wearing a mining helmet with rock bull horns poking out and rock like armor wielding a pickax. 10ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural MineToromon are large bull digimon with rocky horns and hooves, tail resembles a pickax. Personality: A mix of Theo’s brains and Toromon’s brawn. Special Move(s): Quaking Crash- MineToromon brings his pickax down with a quaking impact. Digivolves From: Toromon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, Quakemon
First digivolved to fight Gigasmon
Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Toromon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Toromon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Toromon charges towards Theo as an image of a natural MineToromon appears behind him.
“Toromon unity digivolve to..!”
Toromon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Horns grow from his head as he gains muscle mass. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the mining helmet and goggles being the last to form. He reaches out and grabs his pickax. The image of a natural MineToromon appears behind them and stamps its hoof.
As MineToromon both Theo and Toromon speak as one
Sharkmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Shark Digimon Family: Deep Savers Appearance: A small shark digimon, navy blue with purple highlights. 4ft tall. Personality: Sharkmon is proud and boastful, they brag that they’re the strongest fighter in the digital sea. For a while he tries to deny his friendship with Theo saying that he’s only with him to “deliver” him to Cyber City but in time he admits he’s fond of the human. Special Move(s): Surging Strike- Charges at the enemy covered in water Digivolves From: Floatsamon Digivolves To: SawSharkmon
SawSharkmon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Shark Digimon Family: Deep Savers Appearance: A humanoid shark digimon with flippers and a shark themed swim mask. Armed with twin fins on his arm that help boost his agility in the water and can be used as blades on land. 7ft tall. Body is dark navy blue with purple highlights Natural Appearance: Natural SawSharkmon are large shark digimon with sharp blades as fins and tail. Personality: A mix of Theo’s wit and Sharkmon’s arrogance Special Move(s): Ripping Currents- Sends a watery slash at the enemy Digivolves From: Sharkmon Digivolves To: Tribeastmon, SurgeSharkmon
First digivolved to fight Coelamon
Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Sharkmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Sharkmon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. Sharkmon swims towards Theo as the image of natural SawSharkmon appears behind him.
“Sharkmon unity digivolve to..!”
Sharkmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Theo as the boy glows. Fins grow from his body as his feet become flippers. As the glow fades clothes and armor form with the fins on each arm and the swim mask being the last to form. The image of a natural SawSharkmon appears behind them and chomps its jaws.
As SawSharkmon both Theo and Sharkmon speak as one
Tribeastmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Chimera Digimon Family: Unknown Appearance: A chimera like digimon with the torso of a bull, the wings and talons of an bird and the tail and fins of a shark. Head has horns of bull, beak of bird and jaws of shark. Has a visor covering his eyes. 6ft tall and 11ft long. Personality: Tribeastmon has adapted for battle in the sky, on the land and under the waves. Often has trouble holding back their power. Special Move(s): Triorb Blast- Their horns generates an orb of wind, stone and water before blasting it at the enemy. Digivolves From: CycloneCondormon, MineToromon, SawSharkmon Digivolves To: Trinitymon
First digivolved to fight Manticoremon
Digivolution: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Theo with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Condormon! Toromon! Sharkmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Theo as the boy glows. He falls to all fours as his hands become talons and his feet become hooves. His body grows as wings grow from his back and a shark tail emerges. Horns grow from his head as a beak forms with jaws biting. A visor covers his eyes as the glow fades revealing
As Tribeastmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
Trinitymon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Beast Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: An armored winged humanoid digimon with a helmet resembling Tribeastmon’s face with bull horns, condor beak and open shark mouth with a human mouth visible inside it. A gold condor face clasp sits on his chest. Golden gauntlet gloves with the left having a shark design complete with biting jaw and the right having a bull design complete with horns. Boots have a hoof design in the front with a fin on the back and wings on the outside. Wields the Trinity Blade made of MineToromon’s pickax, SawSharkmon’s fin blades and CycloneCondormon’s arrow. 12ft tall. Personality: Calm and calculating. Able to plan ahead of the enemy. Special Move(s): Slash of Life- A powerful slash with the Trinity Blade Digivolves From: Tribeastmon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved during a fight with Callismon
Digivolution: From base: Theo holds the Digivice screen first towards Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Theo. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with red and blue digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Theo with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Condormon! Toromon! Sharkmon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Theo as the boy glows. The image of Tribeastmon forms before breaking apart into code as armor forms along his body with wings growing from his back and the gloves forming next. The helmet is the last to form.
From Tribeastmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Tribeastmon is in the void when Theo’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into red and blue DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“Tribeastmon Digivolve to...!”
He stands up with his back legs becoming legs and his front legs becoming arms as armor and gloves forms on his body. The tail and fins fade as the wings change in size. The last bit formed is the helmet.
As Trinitymon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Felicity Harte- “Digidestined of Dreams”
16 years old- Long black hair with pink highlights and green eyes. Pink tank top over a short sleeve white shirt. Pink skirt with matching star pattern, black leggings with white socks and pink sneakers. White purse. An optimistic girl obsessed with fantasy and the supernatural, Felicity at first thought she was dreaming until a close call woke her up. She is cheerful and befriends all those she encounters on her way to Cyber City. Much later she learns one of the legendary digidestined wrote her favorite fantasy book series. Her parents are both lawyers with her mother covering criminal cases and her father civil cases. Ends up in a relationship with Theo. Arrives in the digital world by the Lan Lake Digivice: Pink/White Symbol: A thought balloon PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon: The trio are studying magic trying to become great mages. However after meeting Felicity the trio must decide why they want to become powerful as they join her on her way to Cyber City vowing to keep the girl safe.
PyroFaemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Fire Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A fiery fairy digimon. Small with orange flame instead of hair. Purple smoke follows them. Small fiery fairy wings. 3ft tall. Personality: Headstrong and boastful. She’ll rush into a fight to prove herself. Special Move(s): Fairy Flame- A burst of magical flame Digivolves From: Faemon Digivolves To: WilloWispmon
WilloWispmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Burning Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A burning fairy digimon. Wears fire pattern skirt that stops above the knees, crop top with bright red vest over it, calf high boots and fingerless gloves. Short bright red hair made of flame. Large burning fairy wings. Two orbs of flame orbit around her at all times. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural WilloWispmon are orbs of flame with faces and two smaller orbs orbiting them. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s cheer and PyroFaemon’s fieriness. Special Move(s): Scorching Spheres- Shoots flame from the orbs floating around her. Digivolves From: PyroFaemon Digivolves To: Fabledmon, Bansheemon
First digivolved to fight Tuskmon
Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards PyroFaemon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. PyroFaemon rushes towards Felicity as the image of a natural WilloWispmon appears behind her.
“PyroFaemon unity digivolve to..!”
PyroFaemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as flames forms her clothing and hair as wings grow from her back. As the glow fades the twin flame orbs blaze on. The image of a natural WilloWispmon appears behind them and flares out its flames.
As WilloWispmon both Felicity and PyroFaemon speak as one
SparkSpritemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Electric Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: An electric fairy digimon. Yellow with black clouds for shoulder pads with lightning spike on each shoulder. Lightning pattern flows from the cloud along arms. 5ft tall. Personality: Mischievous and tricky. Special Move(s): Boomerang Bolt- Throws lightning spike at the enemy. Digivolves From: Spritemon Digivolves To: StormSlyphmon
StormSlyphmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Thunder Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: An electric fairy digimon. Blonde hair in pigtails flows with electricity. Wears a minidress of clouds that stops at the knees, gloves reach to her elbows and knee high boots. Lighting spikes on the back of each hand and top of each foot. 7ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural StormSlyphmon have bodies of clouds with limbs of lightning. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s impulsiveness and SparkSpritemon’s trickiness Special Move(s): Thunder Strike Spike- Shots lightning from the spikes on her hands or uses them to stab or slash. Digivolves From: SparkSpritemon Digivolves To: Fabledmon, ThunderHarpymon
First digivolved to fight Coredramon
Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards SparkSpritemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards SparkSpritemon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. SparkSpritemon speeds towards Felicity as the image of a natural StormSlyphmon appears behind her.
“SparkSpritemon unity digivolve to..!”
SparkSpritemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as lightning forms her clothing with clouds forming her minidress. As the glow fades the lightning spikes form and her hair sparks. The image of a natural StormSlyphmon appears behind them and sparks its limbs.
As StormSlyphmon both Felicity and SparkSpritemon speak as one
FrostNymphmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Snow Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A frozen fairy digimon with a body of ice and frost. Wears a parka with a skirt and dark blue leggings. Wears ice skates. 3ft tall Personality: Graceful and elegant Special Move(s): Frozen Wake- Skates past the enemy leaving a wake of ice behind her Digivolves From: Nymphmon Digivolves To: Selkiemon
Selkiemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Ice Fairy Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A frozen fairy digimon wearing a seal pattern coat as well as arm length gloves. Ice skates are sharper and formed of pure ice. Blue hair is frozen with icicle style bangs over her eyes. Wields a spear. 6ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Selkiemon are seal digimon with icy flippers. Personality: A mix of Felicity’s self confidence and FrostNymphmon’s grace. Special Move(s): Snow Spear- Stabs with a frozen strike Digivolves From: FrostNymphmon Digivolves To: Fabledmon, BlizzardSelkiemon
First digivolved to fight FlareLizamon
Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards FrostNymphmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards FrostNymphmon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. FrostNymphmon skates towards Felicity as the image of a natural Selkiemon appears behind her.
“FrostNymphmon unity digivolve to..!”
FrostNymphmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as ice forms her seal coat and hair. As the glow fades the ice skates form and her spear appears. The image of a natural Selkiemon appears behind them and claps its flippers.
As Selkiemon both Felicity and FrostNymphmon speak as one
Fabledmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Vaccine Type: Fairy Godmother Digimon Family: Virus Busters Appearance: A fairy guardian who grants wishes to the innocent and punishes the guilty. Wears a pointed pink hat with a star on the end. A pink veil obscures her eyes. Pink and blue dress with wide sleeves. No legs, a pink orb comes out the bottom of the dress with three smaller orbs trailing behind. Glittering pink wings. Wields a star wand. 10ft tall. Personality: Kind and caring with a wrathful side. Special Move(s): Wonderful Wish- A defensive spell that creates barriers and heals wounds. Grim Wish- An offensive spell that harms the wicked. Digivolves From: WilloWispmon, StormSlyphmon, Selkiemon Digivolves To: Titaniamon
First digivolved to fight Sephirothmon
Digivolution: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Felicity with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“PyroFaemon! SparkSpritemon! FrostNymphmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Felicity as the girl glows. She grows as flame, lighting and ice covers her body forming her dress as her legs fade. As the glow fades her hat, wings and orb form and she claps her hands to form the star wand.
As Fabledmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
Titaniamon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Fairy Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: A humanoid fairy digimon in an elegant star patterned dress wearing an opera style mask with a starry pattern. A master of fairy magic. Glimmering wings. Wields a star scepter. 12ft tall Personality: Powerful and graceful Special Move(s): Bolt of the Burning Blizzard- Strikes the enemy with a lightning bolt that simultaneously burns and freezes them. Digivolves From: Fabledmon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved during a fight with Ghoulmon
Digivolution: From base: Felicity holds the Digivice screen first towards PyroFaemon, SparkSpritemon and FrostNymphmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Felicity. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with pink and white digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Felicity with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“ PyroFaemon! SparkSpritemon! FrostNymphmon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Felicity as the girl glows and grows. The image of Fabledmon forms before breaking apart into code as a star patterned dress forms along her body with an opera style mask. Her wings grow from her back as the glow fades. Her star scepter being the last to form.
From Fabledmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”
Fabledmon is in the void when Felicity’s form glows within her before breaking into pink and white DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“Fabledmon Digivolve to...!”
She twirls around as she grows. Her dress grows longer into a star patterned dress. The orb glows and forms legs. Her hat fades away and the star wand grows into a scepter. As the glow fades the opera mask forms as well as her wings.
As Titaniamon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Grant Nichols- “Digidestined of Heart”
17 years old- Short brown hair and brown eyes. Athletic build with strong arms and legs. Wears a dark red sports jersey with the number 97 in white. Blue jean shorts. Carries a dark navy duffel bag with some sports equipment in it. Grant is the school’s top athlete, a triple threat at soccer, baseball and football. Ironically his favorite sport is basketball which he’s horrible at. He’s smarter than he gives himself credit for. He has a natural talent for reading the emotions of others and does not enjoy seeing others suffer. As a result he has zero tolerance for bullies and when he learns about the Gladiators he vows to stop them even if he has to do it alone. His heart helps open his partners up to the world. Arrives in the digital world by the Circuit Caverns Digivice: Brown/Maroon Symbol: Two open hands side by side with a stylized heart between them Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon: This trio of virus digimon are used to others looking down on them or fearing them due to their typing. To their surprise however Grant put himself in harms way to defend them from an attacking Gladiator. In gratitude they join the boy to keep him company on his way to Cyber City.
Cobramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Snake Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Small Snake digimon with a wide hood with a brain like pattern on it. 3ft long. Personality: Silent and wise. Tends to overthink things before acting. Special Move(s): Psy Strike- A strike with psychic energy Digivolves From: Rattlemon Digivolves To: Nagamon
Nagamon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Snake Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Humanoid snake digimon with snake tail instead of legs. Snake head helmet, chest plate armor. A snake is wrapped around each arm and used as weapons or to focus her psychic powers. 7ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Nagamon have a scaly body with a snake head, arms end in snake heads. Personality: A mix of Grant’s heart and Cobramon’s wisdom. Special Move(s): Psychic Serpent- Shoots a snake of mental energy at the enemy from the snakes on her arms. Digivolves From: Cobramon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Gorgonmon
First digivolved to fight Harpymon
Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Cobramon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Cobramon slithers towards Grant as the image of a natural Nagamon appears behind him.
“Cobramon unity digivolve to..!”
Cobramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. His legs join together forming a tail as a snake wraps around each arm. As the glow fades the armor and helmet forms. The image of a natural Nagamon appears behind them and shakes its tail.
As Nagamon both Grant and Cobramon speak as one
Webmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Spider Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A small spider digimon with eight legs. Four eyes on each side of his head. 4ft tall. Personality: Determined to grow stronger and stronger. Refuses to let anyone push him around again. Special Move(s): Web Punch- A series of punches. Digivolves From: Arachmon Digivolves To: Tarantumon
Tarantumon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Spider Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A humanoid spider digimon with webbing gloves, walks on four of its legs using the other four as arms. Spider head helmet with four eyes on each eye. 8ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Tarantumon are spider digimon that walk on six legs using the front two to attack Personality: A mix of Grant’s protective nature and Webmon’s pride. Special Move(s): Tarantula Thrashing- A series of strong punches. Digivolves From: Webmon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Anansimon
First digivolved to fight NiseDrimogemon
Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Webmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Webmon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Webmon crawls towards Grant as the image of a natural Tarantumon appears behind him.
“Webmon unity digivolve to..!”
Webmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. His legs split into four as his arms split into four as well.  As the glow fades the spider helmet forms. The image of a natural Tarantumon appears behind them and shoots webbing.
As Tarantumon both Grant and Webmon speak as one
Echomon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Small Bat Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: A small bat digimon with a blindfold on. Large ears always moving to ear better. 5ft tall. Personality: Spiritual and silent. Only speaks when he has something to say. Special Move(s): Night Scream- A sonic blast attack Digivolves From: Batmon Digivolves To: Vampmon
Vampmon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Bat Man Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Humanoid bat with wings on his arms. Bat head helmet with pitch black lenses. Sees via sensing chi. 8ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Vampmon are bat digimon with eyeless faces. Personality: A mix of Grant’s empathy and Echomon’s spirituality. Special Move(s): Sonic Scream- A loud sonic blast attack Digivolves From: Echomon Digivolves To: Harmanicmon, Nosfermon
First digivolved to fight ShimaUnimon
Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Echomon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Echomon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. Echomon flies towards Grant as the image of a natural Vampmon appears behind him.
“Echomon unity digivolve to..!”
Echomon then turns into streams of code and flows into Grant as the boy glows. Wings grow from his arms as his posture changes. As the glow fades the bat helmet forms. The image of a natural Vampmon appears behind them and flaps its wings.
As Vampmon both Grant and Echomon speak as one
Harmanicmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Virus Type: Manic Digimon Family: Nightmare Soldiers Appearance: Three jewel eyes, bat head, snake body and tail, spider legs from back with webbing acting as wings. 5ft tall and 10ft long. Personality: Determined and powerful. Special Move(s): Disharmony Mantra- A wave of energy that disrupts the enemies balance of mind body and spirit. Harmonic Mantra- A wave of energy that boosts himself or his allies. Digivolves From: Nagamon, Tarantumon, Vampmon Digivolves To: Chakramon
First digivolved to fight Oboromon
Digivolution: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Grant with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Cobramon! Webmon! Echomon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Grant as the boy glows. He falls to the ground as his legs merge into a snake tail and his arms merge with his torso. Eight spider legs grow from his back with webbing between them. His head becomes that of a bat with three shining jewel eyes as the glow fades.
As Harmanicmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
Chakramon Level: Mega Attribute: Virus Type: United Balance Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Gem on each chakra point. Lean muscled warrior with staff. Bat wing cape with snake scale shorts with webbing combat wraps on arms and legs Personality: Wise warrior whose mind body and spirit are in perfect balance. Special Move(s): Shining Chakra Gems- The gems begin to shine and the light moves along the gems focusing in the third eye gem before firing a beam of energy. Digivolves From: Harmanicmon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved during a fight with Zanbamon
Digivolution: From base: Grant holds the Digivice screen first towards Cobramon, Webmon and Echomon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Grant. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with brown and maroon digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Grant with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Cobramon! Webmon! Echomon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Grant as the boy glows. The image of Harmanicmon forms before breaking apart into code as seven lights shine along his body. Lean muscles form as webbing combat wraps form on their arms and legs. The snake scale shorts form with the bat wing cape following. A staff forms in his hands. As the glow fades the shining lights become a gem on each chakra.
From Harmanicmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Harmanicmon is in the void when Grant’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into brown and maroon DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“Harmanicmon Digivolve to...!”
He stands up as the spider legs merge into arms and the snake tail becomes legs. The bat head becomes humanoid as seven lights shine along his body. Lean muscles form as webbing combat wraps form on his arms and legs. Snake scale shorts form followed by bat wing cape. A staff forms in his hands. The glow fades with the shining lights becoming gems on each chakra.
As Chakramon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Melissa Meadows- “Digidestined of Endurance”
16 years old- Short brown hair and brown eyes. Yellow tank top with orange hoodie tied around her waist. Brown cargo shorts green camouflage pattern with black socks and orange sneakers. Yellow backpack. Melissa is a tomboy who loves the wilderness and treats the Digital World as a challenge to overcome. She loves to spend time outdoors and knows many survival skills and carries vital items with her for emergencies. Arrives in the digital world in the WiFi Woods Digivice: Yellow/Orange Symbol: A flower growing from a seed Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon: This trio of siblings love to debate about which is more important in a fight, offense, speed or defense. When they find Melissa she’s in the middle of defending herself against a digimon impressing the trio with her skill. They dub her their queen, a habit Melissa tries multiple times to stop, and follow her to Cyber City.
Kabumon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Blue rhino beetle digimon with red highlights. carries a beetle shaped shield. 4ft tall Personality: Defensive and always on the look out for an attack. Special Move(s): Bug Barrier- Uses his shield to redirect attacks Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: ArmorBeetlemon
ArmorBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Armored Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid rhino beetle. Blue body with red highlights. Each arm has a kabuto beetle inspired shield. Helmet has kabuto horn. Back has armored wings. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural ArmorBeetlemon are giant beetle digimon with a large horn and shield like wings. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s skill and Kabumon’s protectiveness. Special Move(s): Beetle Barrier- Absorbs enemy attack and redirects it with the horns on her arm shields. Digivolves From: Kabumon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, GuardianBeetlemon
First digivolved to fight Gorimon
Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Kabumon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Kabumon flies towards Melissa as the image of a natural ArmorBeetlemon appears behind him.
“Kabumon unity digivolve to..!”
Kabumon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. She grows more sturdy as armor forms along her body. Armored wings form on her back as her arm shields form. As the glow fades her helmet forms. The image of a natural ArmorBeetlemon appears behind them and clicks its mandibles.
As ArmorBeetlemon both Melissa and Kabumon speak as one
Ladimon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Red ladybug digimon with black spots along her body. Always flying. 3ft tall. Personality: Impatient and always eager to move fast. Special Move(s): Bug Blitz- A series of quick strikes Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: RapidBeetlemon
RapidBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Swift Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid ladybug. Ladybug antennae with ladybug eye goggles. Wears a red sleeveless leotard with black spots that ends above her knees. Backpack has ladybug back with wings. Arm guards with three red ribbons with black spots, leg guards with three red ribbons with black spots. Boots and gloves. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural RapidBeetlemon are giant humanoid ladybug digimon with a booster pack on their back. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s endurance and Ladimon’s impatience Special Move(s): Beetle Blitz- A rapid series of blows. Digivolves From: Ladimon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, FlashBeetlemon
First digivolved to fight Yaksamon 
Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Ladimon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Ladimon and one towards Melissa . Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Ladimon flies towards Melissa as the image of a natural RapidBeetlemon appears behind her.
“Ladimon unity digivolve to..!”
Ladimon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. Ladybug wings emerge from her back as the leotard forms. The arm and leg guards form next with the ribbons coming off them. Next the boot and gloves form. As the glow fades the goggles and antennae form. The image of a natural RapidBeetlemon appears behind them speeding towards them.
As RapidBeetlemon both Melissa and Ladimon speak as one
Kuwamon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Crimson stag beetle digimon with blue highlights. Bladed mandible horns. 4ft tall. Personality: Cautious and always ready for a fight. Believes the best way to end a threat is strong offense. Special Move(s): Bug Blades- Slashes with bladed mandibles. Digivolves From: Mushimon Digivolves To: SaberBeetlemon
SaberBeetlemon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Slashing Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Humanoid stag beetle digimon with crimson armored chest plate. Arms and legs are lightly armored. Stag beetle helmet, armed with twin curved blades. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural SaberBeetlemon are giant stag beetle digimon with sharp mandibles. Personality: A mix of Melissa’s confidence and Kuwamon’s preparedness Special Move(s): Beetle Blades- A piercing slash with the curved blades. Digivolves From: Kuwamon Digivolves To: Scarabmon, BladeBeetlemon
First digivolved to fight Saberdramon
Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kuwamon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Kuwamon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. Kuwamon rushes towards Melissa as the image of a natural SaberBeetlemon appears behind him.
“Kuwamon unity digivolve to..!”
Kuwamon then turns into streams of code and flows into Melissa as the girl glows. An armored chest plate forms as armor forms on arms and legs. The twin blades form in their hands and as the glow fades the helmet forms. The image of a natural SaberBeetlemon appears behind them slashing with its arm blades.
As SaberBeetlemon both Melissa and Kuwamon speak as one
Scarabmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Virus Type: Scarab Beetle Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: A large insect digimon with kabuto horn, stag mandibles and ladybug wings. 10ft tall. Personality: Brash and bold, overly confident in their abilities. Special Move(s): Scarab Strike- A rushing strike. Digivolves From: ArmorBeetlemon, RapidBeetlemon, SaberBeetlemon Digivolves To: QueenBeetlemon
First digivolved to fight Matadormon
Digivolution: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Melissa with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Kabumon! Ladimon! Kuwamon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Melissa as the girl glows. She falls to all fours as an extra pair of limbs grows and all six become insect legs. Wings grow out of her back as a kabuto horn grows from her head joined by stag mandibles. As the glow fades she begins to hover.
As Scarabmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
QueenBeetlemon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Beetle Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Humanoid beetle with wings. Armored leotard, helmet is top view of a beetle with bug eye lenses and exposed mouth, from top is a rhino beetle horn with ladybug antennae on the outside with stag beetle mandibles on the outside of those. Gloves, boots, and breastplate have more armor. Legs, arms and back have jet boosters built in to boost speed and increase striking power. Personality: Less brash but still confident in their skill. Special Move(s): Beetle Beatdown- A series of high speed punches. Digivolves From: Scarabmon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved during a fight with GranKuwagamon
Digivolution: From base: Melissa holds the Digivice screen first towards Kabumon, Ladimon and Kuwamon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Melissa. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with yellow and orange digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Melissa with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Kabumon! Ladimon! Kuwamon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Melissa as the girl glows and grows. The image of Scarabmon forms before breaking apart into code as beetle wings grow from her back. An armored leotard forms with gloves and boots following. As the glow fades the gloves, boots, and breastplate gain additional armor. The last thing to form is the helmet.
From Scarabmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”
Scarabmon is in the void when Melissa’s form glows within her and stands up before breaking into yellow and orange DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“Scarabmon Digivolve to...!”
She stands up as her six legs turn into two arms and two legs. Her wings merge into the beetle wings as the armored leotard forms. The additional glove, boot and breastplate armor form as the helmet forms on her head and the glow fades.
As QueenBeetlemon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Riley Collins- “Digidestined of Joy”
14 years old- Blonde hair to her shoulders with blue eyes. Lime green t-shirt with a cartoon dog dressed as a detective chasing a cartoon cat dressed as a phantom thief. Text above them reads “The Adventures of Dogtective and LuPurr”. Blue jean shorts with white socks and green sneakers. Riley is the class clown, always ready with a joke to make someone laugh. Her philosophy is that a day she makes a stranger smile is a day not wasted. In time however her jokes become a coping mechanism to keep herself from breaking down from the stress of her situation, a situation the other digidestined are aware of and try to help. Arrives in the digital world by the Ping Plains Digivice: Lime Green/Cyan Symbol: A stylized smiley face Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon: This trio are dedicated to mapping out the digital world and tend to act more robotic than most digimon, however after meeting Riley they begin to open up and develop emotions. This isn’t always a pleasant experience but the three decide it’s worth the pain and dedicate themselves to protecting her as they escort her to Cyber City. Along the way Riley teaches them to truly experience the locations they map instead of coldly documenting them.
Dronemon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Drone Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A flying bronze robot digimon with two gas canisters for propulsion and wings. No legs and robotic pincer claws for arms. 3ft tall Personality: Inquisitive with an eye for detail. Soon develops an interest in photography. Special Move(s): Drone Dropper- Flies over the enemy and releases small bombs with explosive gas which detonate on impact. Digivolves From: Cammon Digivolves To: Aerobotmon
Aerobotmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Flying Robot Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Steampunk rocketeer with jetpack with wings for longer flight. Bronze armor along body. 6ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Aerobotmon resemble unmanned spy planes. Personality: A mix of Riley’s impulsiveness and Dronemon’s curiosity. Special Move(s): Airstrike Assault- Shoots a series of missiles from the jetpack which fly up high and rain down on the enemy Gas Missiles- Shoots missiles filled with explosive gas that detonates on impact. Digivolves From: Dronemon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, SkyStrikemon
First digivolved to fight Diatrymon
Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Dronemon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Dronemon flies towards Riley as the image of a natural Aerobotmon appears behind him.
“Dronemon unity digivolve to..!”
Dronemon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Bronze armor forms on her body as she grows in height. A jetpack forms on her back as missiles form on her forearms. As the glow fades wings extend from the jetpack and goggles form on her face. The image of a natural Aerobotmon appears behind them shooting missiles.
As Aerobotmon both Riley and Dronemon speak as one
Meltalmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Liquid Metal Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A small liquid metal digimon. Shaped like a water drop with the liquid metal within them flowing through their arms and legs. 2ft tall. Personality: Adventurous and daring. After an incident where Riley is hurt he finds himself overcome by fear and panic until she helps him learn that bravery isn’t the absence of fear but mastering fear. Special Move(s): Metal Spray- A spray of liquid metal from his hands. Digivolves From: Mercumon Digivolves To: Quicksilvmon
Quicksilvmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Quicksilver Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Liquid metal robot digimon with a tank of liquid metal on its back connected by hoses to its hands. Nozzles in fingers release the liquid metal as it uses the liquid metal to create weapons and barriers. 4ft tall Natural Appearance: Natural Quicksilvmon are amorphous blobs of metallic liquid. Personality: A mix of Riley’s humor and Meltalmon’s daring. Special Move(s): Quicksilver Slasher- Forms a slashing weapon and strikes the enemy. Digivolves From: Meltalmon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, Mercualmon
First digivolved to fight Reppamon
Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Meltalmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Meltalmon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Meltalmon rushes towards Riley as the image of a natural Quicksilvmon appears behind him.
“Meltalmon unity digivolve to..!”
Meltalmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Silver armor forms on her body as she changes in height. A tank forms on her back and fills with liquid metal. Hoses shoot out from the tank and insert into the back of her hands and a visor forms on her head as the glow fades. The image of a natural Quicksilvmon appears behind them flinging metallic goo.
As Quicksilvmon both Riley and Meltalmon speak as one
Roborgmon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Robotic Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Small robotic digimon with gold accents along his body. Gear shoulder pads and knee pads. 5ft tall. Personality: Strong and sturdy. Of the trio he is the least comfortable with emotions, especially after experiencing negative emotions from finding the ruins of a familiar village in the aftermath of a Gladiator attack. Special Move(s): Robo Blast- A shot from their hand Digivolves From: Botmon Digivolves To: Cybotmon
Cybotmon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Cyborg Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: Tall metallic robot digimon. Fingers can turn into guns and attacks depend on how many are used. A gold gear is on each wrist as a bracelet. The one on the right spins for gatling attacks. The left hand holds a large hammer. 10ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Cybotmon are robotic digimon with a hammer replacing the left hand and a gun for the right. Personality: A mix of Riley’s emotion and Roborgmon’s restraint Special Move(s): Steel Shot- Shoots from a single finger, often the index. Metallic Mallet- Slams the hammer down on the enemy Gatling Gear- Gear on right hand spins as all fingers fire for gatling effect. Digivolves From: Roborgmon Digivolves To: MagneTalosmon, Biobotmon
First digivolved to fight Kenkimon
Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Roborgmon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Roborgmon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. Roborgmon rushes towards Riley as the image of a natural Cybotmon appears behind him.
“Roborgmon unity digivolve to..!”
Roborgmon then turns into streams of code and flows into Riley as the girl glows. Metallic armor forms on her body as she grows in height. Armor plating forms on her chest and limbs. A golden gear forms on each wrist as a steel hammer forms in her left hand. A visor appears over her eyes as the glow fades. The image of a natural Cybotmon appears behind them and smashes its hammer down.
As Cybotmon both Riley and Roborgmon speak as one
MagneTalosmon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Ancient Robot Digimon Family: Metal Empire Appearance: A metallic warrior digimon held together by magnetism. Robotic warrior wearing greek styled armor and helmet. Blank face with no emotion. Each shoulder has a half of a horseshoe magnet with the north side on the right and south on the left. Each forearm has a half of a horseshoe magnet coming out of it as well, opposite of the shoulders. Magnets on boots allow for either sticking to objects or magnetic levitation. 11ft tall Personality:  Emotionless and stoic. Special Move(s): Polarity Blast- Shoots a blast of magnetic energy from the magnet on the arm. Magno Railgun- Places both fists together and shoots a spiral blast of magnetic energy at the enemy. Digivolves From: Aerobotmon, Quicksilvmon, Cybotmon Digivolves To: Plasmatonmon
First digivolved to fight Assaultmon
Digivolution: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Riley with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Dronemon! Meltalmon! Roborgmon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Riley as the girl glows. Her body grows as red and blue greek styled armor forms. Magnets form on her forearms and shoulders as well as her boots. The glow fades as the helmet forms.
As MagneTalosmon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
Plasmatonmon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Robot Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Shining Chrome Digizoid robot with streamlined armor. A sparking plasma core is visible where the heart should be. 14ft tall. Personality: Full of life sparking with energy. Special Move(s): Plasma Power- Charges a blast with plasma energy. Digivolves From: MagneTalosmon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved during a fight with Boltmon
Digivolution: From base: Riley holds the Digivice screen first towards Dronemon, Meltalmon and Roborgmon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Riley. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with lime green and cyan digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Riley with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Dronemon! Meltalmon! Roborgmon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Riley as the girl glows and grows. The image of MagneTalosmon forms before breaking apart into code as chrome armor forms on her body. The plasma core sparks to life sending energy throughout the body as the armor defines itself. As the glow fades the core flashes before stabilizing.
From MagneTalosmon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”
MagneTalosmon is in the void when Riley’s form glows within her and breaks into lime green and cyan DNA strands before flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“MagneTalosmon Digivolve to...!”
Her armor fades in a shining light as the plasma core sparks to life. Each pulse of energy defines the chrome armor more and more. As the glow fades the core gives a final burst before stabilizing.
As Plasmatonmon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Drake Walden- “Digidestined of Creativity”
17 years old- Short red hair and green eyes. Green t-shirt and black cargo pants with removable legs for warm temperature. Dark green sneakers with white socks. Dark purple backpack. A cynical and sarcastic boy, Drake believes in being brutally honest and not holding back judgement towards those who deserve it. He is a talented artist but keeps this to himself out of fear that his veteran father would disapprove, unaware that all his father truly wants for him is to be happy. In time he learns to open up to his partners and the other digidestined. Arrives in the digital world in an outpost by the Dotcom Desert Digivice: Purple/Green Symbol: A paint brush dripping paint Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon: A kindhearted trio of dragons who want to fight back against the Gladiators but don’t know how to stand against their power. With Drake’s guidance they each find their own power and fight to defend innocent digimon.
Soldramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Vaccine Type: Sun Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Golden Eastern dragon with white highlights. Holds an orb resembling the sun. 4ft long. Personality: Loud and active, optimist. Special Move(s): Solar Sphere- Shoots a solar blast from the sun orb Digivolves From: Sunlizmon Digivolves To: Bushidodramon
Bushidodramon Level: Champion Attribute: Vaccine Type: Dragon Samurai Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Eastern Dragon Samurai armed with a katana. Wears a bead necklace with each bead being a sun orb. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Bushidodramon are eastern dragon holding a sun orb in every hand. Tail ends in a sharp blade. Personality: A mix of Drake’s bluntness and Soldramon’s cheer. Special Move(s): Solar Slash- A slash with his shining katana. Digivolves From: Soldramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Samurdramon
First digivolved to fight DarkMaildramon
Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Soldramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Soldramon flies towards Drake as the image of a natural Bushidodramon appears behind him.
“Soldramon unity digivolve to..!”
Soldramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Cloth robes form on his body as his body turns draconic. A tail grows from behind him as the necklace forms. A samurai helmet forms on his head. As the glow fades he pulls out his katana and slashes at the air in front of him. The image of a natural Bushidodramon appears behind them and roars.
As Bushidodramon both Drake and Soldramon speak as one
Lunadramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Virus Type: Moon Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Black eastern dragon with dark purple highlights. Wings resemble crescent moons. 4ft tall. Personality: Quiet and watchful, pessimist. Special Move(s): Lunar Slice- Flaps wings sending moon slices at enemy. Digivolves From: Moonlizmon Digivolves To: Knightdramon
Knightdramon Level: Champion Attribute: Virus Type: Dragon Knight Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: European dragon knight armed with a mace and shield. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Knightdramon are european dragon with wings resembling shields and a mace tail. Personality: A mix of Drake’s sarcasm and Lunadramon’s watchfulness Special Move(s): Shadow Shield- Creates a field of shadows to defend him Midnight Mace- Attacks with his mace. Digivolves From: Lunadramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Kingdramon
First digivolved to fight Dinohumon
Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Lunadramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Lunadramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Lunadramon flies towards Drake the image of a natural Knightdramon appears behind her.
“Lunadramon unity digivolve to..!”
Lunadramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Knight armor forms on his body as his body turns draconic. A tail grows behind him as a helmet forms on his head. As the glow fades a shield and mace form in his hands. The image of a natural Knightdramon appears behind them and smashes its tail down.
As Knightdramon both Drake and Lunadramon speak as one
Stellardramon Level: Rookie Attribute: Data Type: Star Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Feathered winged serpent with a star pattern inside the wings. 4ft long. Personality: Friendly and loyal, realist. Special Move(s): Shooting Star Storm- Flaps wings sending stars at enemy. Digivolves From: Starlizmon Digivolves To: Quetzldramon
Quetzldramon Level: Champion Attribute: Data Type: Dragon Warrior Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Feathered Dragon Warrior armed with a star designed macuahuitl club. Armor has feathered pattern. 8ft tall. Natural Appearance: Natural Quetzldramon are feathered dragon with a star club tail. Personality: A mix of Drake’s honesty and Stellardramon’s loyalty. Special Move(s): Shooting Star Smash- Swings club at the enemy sending a storm of stars. Digivolves From: Stellardramon Digivolves To: Astrodramon, Coataldramon
First digivolved to fight Sagittarimon
Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Stellardramon. Two beams of light shoot out of each camera, one towards Stellardramon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Unity Digivolution”.
The pair ends up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. Stellardramon flies towards Drake as the image of a natural Quetzldramon appears behind him.
“Stellardramon unity digivolve to..!”
Stellardramon then turns into streams of code and flows into Drake as the boy glows. Feather pattern armor forms as his body turns draconic. A feathered helmet covers his head as a tail grows behind him. As the glow fades his club forms in his hand. The image of a natural Quetzldramon appears behind them and swings with its tail.
As Quetzldramon both Drake and Stellardramon speak as one
Astrodramon Level: Ultimate Attribute: Data Type: Space Dragon Digimon Family: Nature Spirits Appearance: Three headed dragon with each head wearing a mask, the right head wears a sun mask, the left a moon mask and the center a star mask. All heads speak in unison. Crawls on all fours and flies with wings on its back. 10ft tall. Personality: Often gets overwhelmed by influx of stimulation from all three heads at once. Special Move(s): Cosmic Blast- A blast of power from all three heads. Digivolves From: Bushidodramon, Knightdramon, Quetzldramon Digivolves To: Twilidramon
First digivolved to fight Orochimon
Digivolution: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Ultimate Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Drake with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Soldramon! Lunadramon! Stellardramon! Unity digivolve to..!” The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Drake as the boy glows. He falls to his hands and knees as his body turns draconic. Wings grow from his back as three tails grow behind him. His head splits into three as his necks grow long. As the glow fades a mask forms on each face.
As Astrodramon the four speak at once but their voices echo over each other.
Twilidramon Level: Mega Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Dragon Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Humanoid dragon in armor with a dragon head as shoulder armor with a dragon styled helmet. Each arm has a shield on the forearm with one designed after the sun and the other after the moon. Each has a star in the middle with one point extended into a blade. Has a cape with a sun and moon clasp and stars within it. 12ft tall. Personality: Single minded and determined to protect others. Special Move(s): Twin Twilight Slash- Each blade charges with light and shadow for a devastating slash with a star trail. Digivolves From: Astrodramon Digivolves To: Hexamon
First digivolved in a fight with Helheimon
Digivolution: From base: Drake holds the Digivice screen first towards Soldramon, Lunadramon and Stellardramon. Four beams of light shoot out of each camera, three towards the digimon and one towards Drake. Text on the screen reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution”.
The four end up in a black void with purple and green digital code floating around. The digimon charge towards Drake with their natural champion forms briefly appearing behind them.
“Soldramon! Lunadramon! Stellardramon! Unity digivolve to..!”
The digimon then turn into streams of code and flow into Drake as the boy glows. The image of Astrodramon forms before breaking apart into code as draconic armor forms. A shield forms on each arm with a star on each. A blade extends from one of the star points. A cape forms on his back. As the glow fades a draconic helmet forms on his head.
From Astrodramon: Text on the digivice reads out “Mega Unity Digivolution” Astrodramon is in the void when Drake’s form glows within him and stands up before breaking into purple and green DNA strands and flowing into the Digimon causing it to glow.
“Astrodramon Digivolve to...!”
He stands up as his wings become a cape. His tails vanish as his necks retract and his heads become one. Draconic armor forms along his body as his shield blades form on each arm. As the glow fades his dragon helmet forms.
As Twilidramon all four speak as one but now in total unison.
Hexamon- “The United Warrior”
Level: Ultra Attribute: Vaccine Type: United Warrior Digimon Family: Virus Buster Appearance: Androgynous six armed humanoid in golden armor with infinity symbol on chest plate. Inside the symbol are the six symbols of the digidestined traits. Top right arm ends with a shining blade emerging from the wrist representing Trinitymon. Middle right arm is coated in chrome digizoid armor and has a blaster on the wrist representing Plasmatonmon. Bottom right arm has a spiral design of flame, thunder and ice ending with a hand sparking with magic representing Titaniamon. Top left arm has a light armor coating and ends with an armored glove with beetle wings on the back representing QueenBeetlemon. Middle left arm is dark with combat wraps around key areas ending with a fist shining with harmonious energy representing Chakramon. Bottom left arm is armored and ends with a dragon themed gauntlet representing Twilidramon. Legs are covered in golden armor with the infinity symbol on each knee. A white cape flows behind them. Personality: A true unison of all the Digidestined and their partners. United in purpose. Special Move(s): Hexa Blast- A combined blast of power from all six arms. Digivolves From: Trinitymon, Titaniamon, Chakramon, QueenBeetlemon, Plasmatonmon, Twilidramon Digivovlved during the final fight with Zenithmon
The Legendary Digidestined
The children who created the legend of humans coming to aid the digital world during crisis. Not much is known about them except that they appeared in the digital world in the 80s to help protect it from a monstrous virus. Their digivices resembled pagers. The leader was a boy who who endured numerous trials by fire whose partner was a Coronamon who became Firamon then Flaremon and finally Apollomon. A girl whose heart was as big as the sea had an Otamamon as a partner who became Dolphmon and then Whamon and finally IsleWhamon (KingWhamon). A boy so joyful his laugh could shake the very earth had a Gotsumon partner who turned into Golemon and then Gogamamon and finally Blastmon. A girl whose creativity kept her mind in the clouds whose partner Hyokomon became Buraimon and then Butenmon and finally Eaglemon. A boy whose mind was always in high gear whose partner Junkmon became Tankmon and then Tankdramon and finally Machinedramon. A girl whose dreams grew like trees around her whose partner Mushmon became Woodmon and then Cherrymon and finally ElDoradimon. And last was a boy who sparked like lightning and kept the team united. His partner Pulsemon became Bulkmon and then Boutmon and finally Kazuchimon During the final battle the seventh child and his partner gave their lives go give the others an opening to defeat the virus. After the battle the fates of the other Digidestined are unknown. Some believe they returned home to bury and mourn their fallen friend. Others believe they remained in the Digital World to protect the world he gave his life for. The partner digimon on the other hand were said to have left after the battle. Apollomon is said to rest within a volcano. IsleWhamon is said to have swam beyond any map. Blastmon is said to hide within a deep cavern. Eaglemon is said to fly the skies higher than any cloud. Machinedramon is said to rest deep within an industrial complex. ElDoradimon is said to have become the foundation of a great city.
Ron Jones- 46- The mind behind the Unity project he hoped it would bring humanity and Digimon together in harmony. However during the first test Unity Digivolution with his partner Veedramon the stress on his body nearly killed him due to an unknown health issue. Afterwards he continued to keep tabs on the Digiworld hoping a day would come when humanity would be ready to learn the truth. Not long ago He discovered Dr Matthew’s plans and set to work to sabotage his schemes including orchestrating the events of the accident that sent the teens to the Digiworld. Through Veedramon he advised the teens and guided them in the right direction when needed. After the Digidestined are betrayed by Victormon and lead into Travis’s trap Ron has no choice but to Unity Digivolve with Veemon into Ex-Veemon to rescue them. As Ex-Veemon he brings them to his mansion where he opens a portal and brings their partners into the real world. At this point he defuses and his condition returns and he nearly collapses before his staff get him medical attention. Once he is stable he explains the truth of the situation and Travis’s true plan. He begs for the teens to forgive him for his role in sending them to the digital world and to his shock they do and agree to help protect both worlds. The Digidestined even dub him their seventh member saying that even though he cannot join in battle he has been helping them this whole time. Not to mention that his goal honors the trait of the fallen Digidestined from the legend. Digivice: Gold/Silver
A kindly traveler Veedramon holds many secrets and hides them beneath a silly persona. When the Digidestined arrive in the Digital World Veedramon guides them both towards Cyber City and towards any areas he knows need help. He also instructs Leomon to teach them how to fight like digimon in order to get the most out of the unity digivolution.
In time his secrets are revealed including his connection to Ron Jones and the fact he has claim to the throne but chose to live among common digimon instead. After the Digidestined return to the real world Victormon makes his move and reveals himself as the villain to the Digital World and in return Veedramon gathers a force of those willing to fight back.
After Zenithmon’s defeat Veedramon takes his rightful place on the throne and begins working towards his dream of a world where humanity and digimon coexist in peace.
When he merges with Ron he becomes Ex-Veemon.
An honorable warrior who fights with the ferocity of a beast. Leomon was once one of the Gladiator Bosses but grew disgusted by their mission and stepped down. After this he traveled the digital world advocating that the strong should use their might to protect those weaker than themselves not harass them. His words won over many but also earned him many enemies.
On Veedramon’s orders he sought out the Digidestined and taught them how to fight like digimon. Upon reaching Cyber City he learns from Owlmon how deep the enemy’s reach truly goes and that the king himself is involved.
Upon taking the throne Veedramon names Leomon leader of the Gladiators. Using this chance Leomon renames the group to the Guardians and instructs them to use their strength to protect those weaker to them and help them grow stronger.  
SnowAgumon and FlameGabumon
A pair of digimon who follow Leomon and train under him to get strong enough to defend themselves and others. In time they begin to digivolve allowing them to fight alongside Leomon and the Digidestined.
IcyGreymon: a quadrupedal snow lizard BurningGarurumon: a bipedal flame reptile
FrozenGreymon: Standing slightly upright it has armor of frozen ice VolcanGarurumon: Hunched over with a burning horn
WinterGreymon: A white and blue Wargreymon with armor and claws of ice MagmaGarurumon: A red and black MetalGarurumon with obsidian as armor
Eventually the pair learn to DNA Digivolve and form Omegamon Temperat. A mighty warrior of frost and flame.
After the crisis the pair join Leomon’s Guardians.
Cranemon, Ushimon , and Marlinmon
A rival delivery company on friendly terms with Condormon, Toromon and Sharkmon. They loved to compete for deliveries and raced to see who could deliver their packages the fastest.
However things took a tragic turn when the two groups along with Theo found a town under attack by the Gladiators. As Theo unity digivolved with his partners the others digivolved to Hurricranemon, Bulldermon, and Swordfishmon. However even all of them together were no match for the brutes. The three bravely stayed behind to buy Theo and his partners time to get as many civilians to safety.
After their deletion the trio’s Core Code was collected and months later when Travis needed an edge against the Digidestined he combined their code to create a Cybermon version of Tribeastmon.
After a fierce battle the original Tribeastmon reluctantly deleted the imitation permanently deleting their data.
A Koemon variant that carries a lute. After Drake saves his life he accompanies him and sticks by his side even after the group reaches Cyber City. He sings songs telling digital world myth and legend and writes songs about the digidestined. He prefers not to fight but if he must he can digivolve into Targetmon and then Etemon to help.
After Zenithmon’s defeat Veedramon appoints Bardmon as the royal bard.
Wizardmon, Sorcermon, Witchmon and Magemon Teachers of the mystic arts who each specialize in different elements. Wizardmon focuses on flame and earth, Sorcermon focuses on light and ice, Witchmon focuses on wind and water, Magemon focuses on darkness and lightning.
They eventually join Veedramon’s group as Mistymon, Wisemon, Bastemon and Doumon.
Owlmon A wise and kind digimon who loves to learn. As royal librarian she’s noticed that Victormon isn’t the benevolent ruler they seem and give the Digidestined as well as Leomon clues to lead them in the right path. She even discovers the stolen Digieggs. Upon Victormon’s betrayal Owlmon protects the partner digimon and safeguards them until Veedramon can arrange for them to be reunited with their partners. Upon taking the throne Veedramon names Owlmon his royal advisor in recognition of her wisdom. Plesiomon A kind and gentle giant of the sea who helps the cartographers when they need to map the oceans of the digital world. They assist the Digidestined in reaching a remote island to protect the village there from the Gladiators. Petermon and Kazemon
A mischievous trickster who mistakes Riley for his missing friend Tinkermon under a curse and attempts to “save her” however it turns out Tinkermon had digivolved into Kazemon. As the threat of the Gladiators grows more dire the pair open their forest up to any seeking shelter having digivolved into CaptainHookmon and JetSilphymon. After the crisis the pair join Leomon’s Guardians.
A recluse who reluctantly allows the Digidestined to use her tunnel network to evacuate a group of villages in the Gladiator’s warpath. Inspired by the Digidestined the villagers begin to train and digivolve with many reaching champion or even ultimate. Dokugumon herself digivolves to Arachnemon before returning to lead the villagers in saving Veedramon’s group from a Gladiator ambush. After the crisis she joins Leomon’s Guardians.
HolyAngemon, Angewomon, Darcmon and MagnaAngemon
A group of holy digimon who rescue the Digidestined from a horde of Devidramon. HolyAngemon and Angewomon are peaceful healers while Darcmon and MagnaAngemon are powerful warriors. The two pairs often disagree on methods but all agree that life must be protected. They later join Veedramon’s group having digivoved to Dominimon, LovelyAngemon, Ophanimon and Seraphimon respectively. After the crisis they join Leomon’s Guardians.
Beelzebumon and BeelStarmon
Twin representatives of the Viral Council, a group of high ranking virus digimon who agree that Veedramon’s rule would be best for all digimon and that the threat of the Gladiators must be stopped. The twins were sent as representatives to aid Veedramon’s group to this end. After the crisis they join Leomon’s Guardians to insure that virus type digimon are protected.
The original Digidestined After Travis’s defeat the original Digidestined reach out to the current group and they meet at Ron’s mansion. They reveal their names and what they’ve been up to since their adventures.
Taylor, the original Digidestined of Endurance, became a famous celebrity chef with a series of restaurants world wide.
Mary, the original Digidestined of Heart, became a marine biologist and pushed for stricter laws against polluting in the ocean.
Josh, the original Digidestined of Joy, became a physical therapist and takes great joy in helping people.
Sarah, the original Digidestined of Creativity, became a pilot and actually flew the group to Ron’s mansion.
Issac, the original Digidestined of Mind, wrote a series of fantasy novels called Mystical Adventures about their adventures altering them with a fantasy angle. So the digital world was a kingdom of magic, the partner digimon were elemental familiars and the digivices were pendants of power.
Mindy, the original Digidestined of Dreams, went on to create perfumes and now runs a perfume business nationwide.
Luke, the original Digidestined of Unity, did indeed perish in the final battle. In order to avoid looking insane the others made up a story about running away from home to go on a great adventure and that Luke died saving some of them from a flash flood. This way he was still remembered as a hero.
The group agrees to help the current Digidestined in their mission to unite the worlds and keep peace on both sides. However they make it clear their days in combat are long behind them and instead will help Ron with the background details.
Travis Wilson- 45- The head of Cyber Zenith and cause of the chaos in the digital world. His plan was to have the Gladiators delete weak digimon and using a special program to redirect the digieggs to Victormon’s palace where they are transferred to another server where he can reprogram and modify their data making them strong and obedient to him. He plans on selling his Cybermon to the highest bidders and as well as forming a small army. He views Digimon as nothing but pale imitations of life, weapons and tools, nothing more. The digidestined confuse and enrage him. In his mind they have the power he deserves. Digivice: Black/Gray Victormon Champion Black and Blue pallet swap of Magnamon Emperormon Ultimate, skipped over during the digivolution to Zenithmon. Zenithmon Mega Warrior in dark armor with glowing circuitry throughout it. Zenithmon Gladiator Mode Dark Mega Imperfect forced Union with the data of the Gladiators able to use their attacks. Armor is rusted, veins replace circuits, any exposed flesh is pale and diseased looking. Has an aura of code that changes to resemble a Gladiator when he uses their move. As they begin arguing amongst themselves they all appear in the aura.
The Gladiator Bosses
The leaders of the Gladiators who instruct their forces to delete as many “weak” digimon as they can. All but VictoryGreymon believe this is to weed out the weak and use their Core Code to travel to the real world. Unknown to all of them Travis redirects their data to his Digivice upon their deletion to use for Zenithmon Gladiator Mode.
The cruel and sadistic leader of the Gladiators. Victormon’s right hand mon. The only one other than the king to know the full truth of their mission. Deleted by Zenithmon to steal his power.
Solitary warrior with a frozen heart. Finds out the truth about their mission and turns on VictoryGreymon leading to his deletion.
Obsessed with death and destruction. Deleted by Trinitymon, Chakramon and Twilidramon.
Cold and calculating, able to scan for weaknesses. Deleted by UlforceVeedramon.
Proud and vain master of plants. Deleted by Titaniamon, QueenBeetlemon and Plasmatonmon.
Boltmon Electric berserker.Deleted by Plasmatonmon. Callismon Wild beast untamed.Deleted by Trinitymon Ghoulmon Leads armies of demon digimon. Deleted by Titaniamon. Zanbamon Seeks glory in battle. Deleted by Chakramon. Dinotigermon Master hunter and tracker. Rival of Saberleomon who replaced him after he deserted the Gladiators. Deleted in a final duel between the two. GranKuwagamon Twisted leader of the swarm, can mode change to GrandisKuwagamon. Deleted by QueenBeetlemon Helhiemon Fusion of Duskmon and Velgrmon. Wicked winged warrior and master of the dark skies. Deleted by Twilidramon.
Prominent Gladiators Dinobeemon
The brains to Paildramon’s brawn
The brawn to Dinobeemon’s brains
Gold Rapidmon
Trigger happy shooter who has to go first in battle to avoid catching comrades in their crossfire.
Silent sniper who strikes from afar.
Ogre Brothers Ogremon Fugamon Hyogamon
A trio of brothers who delight in cruelty and brutality.
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picascribit · 6 months
I am watching Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead for the first time in ages, and had completely forgotten until I got to that scene that it is the source of the title of A Conspiracy of Cartographers.
“What a shambles! We’re just not getting anywhere. Not even England! And I don’t believe it in anyway.”
“In what?”
“Just a conspiracy of cartographers, you mean?”
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goopi-e · 1 year
Conspiracy theory: WW Tingle may not decipher the Triforce Charts himself. His Terminian counterpart is a renowned cartographer, sure, but Termina is a world of doppelgangers, both similar and opposite to their Hylian counterparts.
Have you seen WW Tingle surveying the land to make maps? No, he's always too busy being either imprisoned or enslaving his family. He might not even have a balloon to fly around. And the map he's made to show you the way to his island? It's atrocious. I mean, you may play the devil's advocate here and say that he's observing the sea from atop his tower, and that the map was hastily drawn on the spot...
You know how one of his "siblings", David Jr., is infamously not related to the Tingle family and is just a random guy that's being held hostage ever since he got stranded on the Tingle Island at the tender age of seventeen? What if, as a sailor, he knew how to read and possibly chart a map? What if Tingle is exploiting David Jr. by making him decipher the charts, only to keep the money for himself? In this essay, I will—
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goatgazette · 2 months
just down nightwood road - thriller, horror, slice of life.
where the fyre family is plagued by the mundane horrors of depression and grief, more literal horrors begin to claw their way out of the floorboards as a man who went missing twenty years ago is suddenly not so missing anymore. hutchinson fyre is forced to face his own life, and eyhn fyre his death.
today's yesterday - adventure, mystery.
time travel is invented and the two scientists responsible raise their glasses in a toast. five years later, the dust has barely settled after the war, and a young detective from modern day is forcibly partnered with a perky private investigator from the 19th century. the merging of the two time periods was kindly to no one.
the sunlight status/hymns of light - going through a big rewrite. fantasy, adventure.
the young son of a northwode councilman runs away to become a cartographer and is only pulled back upon the news of his father's death. now stuck with an entire estate to call his own, the young man discovers through his inheritence the secrets of his family and a potential conspiracy leaching out of from seemingly every inch of the woodlands.
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datasoong47 · 6 months
Apparently there's a relatively new conspiracy theory going around about a so-called "Tartarian Empire" which was supposedly a super-advanced empire whose existence has been suppressed, based on the old name "Tartary". The claim is that, rather than just being a kind of generic named used by European cartographers for a poorly-known area, it was actually the name of a vast empire. I've only recently heard about this theory, but Wikipedia says it originated in Russia as early as the 1970s and has apparently started spreading on the internet in general since around 2016
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nixariel · 2 years
More trivia! (this time with Extra Maps™)
For interest's sake I was trying to figure out where in Poitiers Cleo’s hôtel particulier might be, plus identify the train stations featured during Carmen's trip to Paris—and I think I’ve figured (most of) it out.
First of all, Carmen is supposed to be fifty yards from the townhouse in this shot.
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That puts the building somewhere on the east side of the River Clain, slightly north of the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers, but not too far from what looks like the Pont Joubert (the little bridge in the lower right corner). The Caserne d’Aboville (barracks for the 9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine) would be a reasonable stand-in for location, and even looks a little similar in terms of architectural style.
The station Carmen flies in to also bears a more-than-passing resemblance to the real Gare de Poitiers
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but the pattern of terrain she passes over doesn’t quite fit with what appears to be a southerly approach.
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However! This particular background gets rotated and recycled about ten seconds after initial use (left being its first appearance, rotated for comparison; right is unaltered but from ten seconds later), and if we go by the second version,
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the curve of the river is a close-enough fit for having taken a path like so
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with the little arrow being her upcoming destination, the Gare de Poitiers. Unfortunately I could not match the station Carmen’s train briefly stops at to a real location en route to Paris
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so if anyone recognizes it, please let me know! Which leads me to the other ‘???’ moment I had while working on this because
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...yeah. Yeah, I’ve got NO idea what’s going on with Player’s map here. He's got France oriented in the usual 'up is north' way, but that just makes it weirder? Because by that compass, Carmen is moving south—even though Paris is east and NORTH of Poitiers.
Though this show does get a little fuzzy with its geography at times*cough*Interpol's HQ is in LYON*coughcough*and Devineaux’s conspiracy map has the Canary Islands on the WRONG side of Africa*cough*
Anyway, after Player regains Carmen’s signal, her GPS marker is heading in approximately the right direction
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answering exactly zero questions about where it was going earlier, but all’s well that still ends (somehow) in Paris, I guess? The Gare du Nord then looks to be the best match for where Carmen makes her exit
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even if all direct trains from Poitiers to Paris seem to go to Gare Montparnasse instead.
Update: this seems to have turned into a bit of a series, so check the reblogs to get an episode-by-episode for the rest of S1! A full-show overview is here. Also, the street Chase and Julia are driving down at the very beginning of the episode looks to be none other than the Rue de la Cathédrale, as the structure behind them is consistent with the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre’s south tower. From a cartographic standpoint, it does place them on the wrong side of the Clain as well as moving in the opposite direction of Cleo’s residence, but that’s where the artistic licence comes in, I guess. ;)
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spindrifters · 1 year
Zo hello hi!!! 43, 66 w Marginalia, and 72<3
43. Is there a trope or idea that you’d really like to write but haven’t yet?
Wolfstar raising Harry!
66. What’s a fun fact about marginalia?
I originally wanted to title it a conspiracy of cartographers based on the quote from Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, but there's a pretty well known older fic with the same title.
Rosencrantz: I don't believe in it anyway. Guildenstern: What? Rosencrantz: England. Guildenstern: Just a conspiracy of cartographers, then?
I'm pretty attached to the title as it is now, though, and I like what I went with instead.
72. What’s your favorite writing compliment you’ve gotten?
I have a word doc that functions as my AO3 comments hall of fame whenever I need an ego boost, but I don't have the bandwidth to dive into that right now. The one I remember off the top of my head might not be the highest compliment I've ever gotten, but it's definitely one of my favorites. Someone said their fiancé thought she was mad at him because she was walking around in a fugue state for like two hours after reading chapter 27 of marginalia.
ask me fanfic writing q's
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thatbiologist · 1 year
Joking conspiracy theory. Wars are started by cartographers in order to sell more maps.
Think about it, after a war, borders change; therefore there’s a need to buy an up-to-date map. Hence cartographers are war profiteers.
Just FYI, I don’t really think this. I think cartography is really fascinating, this is just a random shitpost.
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