#and then changed right back in the next episode
poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 days
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Hey now, Let her cook!
#dungeon meshi#chilchuck tims#senshi#laios touden#marcille donato#izutsumi#oyasumi punpun#<- In case you are wondering what the source for the little bird guy is.#Yeah that's right. I'm back to my extremely obscure crossover BS.#Punpun is one of those series that falls under the category of 'Good! but I cannot responsibly recommend this to anyone."#If Dungeon Meshi is like a friend asking you to go on a quick errand and you accidently go on a life changing roadtrip -#Punpun is your friend asking to go on a quick errand and they pull up to the vet and tell you your dog is being put down.#Then they explode into sludge. Melting your car. You hitchhike back but the person who picked you up is an axe murderer.#I could not finish it. My friends who did say it was good. But agree it was for the best I did not finish it.#Hey speaking of tone twists...We are one episode away from one of my favourite chapters being animated!#WHO'S READY FOR THE SENSHI BACKSTORY! WHO IS READY TO CRY!#ME! I AM! I spooked my flatmate with how energetic I was this morning. I'm vibrating with energy I was not designed to contain.#I should talk about today's episode here: It was very good. I love how they animated the familiars.#And!!! Anime only people now are in the loop on the Chilchuck lore. Part 1 of many. He still contains multitudes.#They all do to be honest! If this episode told us anything it was that we still don't know these characters as well as we think!#See you guys next week. I'll be inconsolable.
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stars444hearts · 3 days
big reputation || 2
caitlin clark x actress! reader masterlist - prev - next warnings: none
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Liked by kate_martin03, yn_ln, and 820,508 others
caitlin_clark22 by the grace of whatever’s up there 🙏🙏🙏 Tagged: kate_martin03
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kate_martin03 caption’s tuff →caitlin_clark22 enough. 
user1 WAIT IS IT A NOD TO Y/N’S TWEET →user2 its def not they don’t even know each other →user3 NO Y/N LIKED THE POST
Y/n smiled as she read through Caitlin’s comments. After the eye-opening conversation she had with Kate last night, Y/n had become more open to the idea. 
She also thought the caption was cute. 
Y/n groaned as her stomach grumbled. She placed her phone on her bed, stood up, cracked her spine, and walked into her kitchen. 
Y/n decided to make something easy, then sit on her couch and binge-watch crappy reality tv. This was her first week off in months and she would spend it rotting in her living room like every normal 21-year-old. 
Y/n couldn’t tell you the number of below-deck episodes she had binge-watched, but by the time she finished, the sun was down and the crickets were chirping. She begrudgingly stalked back to her bedroom, changing into her pajamas and throwing herself down on her bed. 
She picked up her phone, only to drop it a second later in shock. 
[yn_ln]  Caitlin Clark                            4h ago sent you a message
Caitlin, on the other hand, was freaking out. She had never even spoken to Y/n before, but Kate had convinced her to DM her. 
Caitlin probably typed and retyped her DM 50 times before settling on a ‘hey !’
Caitlin groaned and shoved her phone down after finally hitting send. She couldn’t help but picking up her phone every ten seconds to see if Y/n had opened or responded to her DM. 
After 10 minutes, Caitlin had eventually given up hope of a response and sighed, turning off her phone and putting her head in her hands. 
Caitlin buisied herself by ordering doordash and sitting on her couch, rewatching film her coaches gave her to look over. She lost track of time and found herself mindlessly picking at her fingers, only coming to when she realized it was past midnight. ]
She groaned as she stood up from the couch, attempting to rub the sleep from her eyes. Caitlin walked into her bedroom as she sat on her bed. She picked up her phone and almost threw it when she saw her most recent notification. 
[caitlin_clark22] Yn Ln                            20m ago sent you a message
Caitlin  hey !
Y/n hey yourself sorry for leaving you on delivered i was binge-watching below deck
Caitlin which one?
Y/n mediterranean, duh
Caitlin good. That's the best one Yn liked this message
Y/n so, i’m assuming kate told  you to dm me?
Caitlin well, to be honest, i had kinda been wanting to ever since i met you on facetime with kate. 
Y/n brother that was 6 months ago 💀
Caitlin LEAVE ME ALONE, OK i'm just a girl
Y/n SO REAL whenever people tell me im doing  something wrong i get so annoyed  like im just a girl that curb shouldn’t have been there 😠
Caitlin LMFAOO Anyways, yeah, kate finally bullied me into texting my celebrity crush who she just  happens to be best friends with
Y/n 🤨🤨 is that all i am to you?? a pretty face?
Y/n LMFAOO im just fucking with you anyways, going back to that… celebrity crush, you say? 🤨😏
Caitlin 😶 moving on…
Y/n no, no i wanna know
Caitlin umm… basically i’ve just been really obsessed with your show lately and kate told me i should shoot my shot but im now realizing maybe i should save that for the court
Y/n LMFAOO nah, kate was right she showed you my tweet, right?
Caitlin yeah, why?
Y/n because i wasn’t kidding. 
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shaunashipman · 3 days
But buck didn’t need to prioritize Eddie last episode it’s not like Eddie was in a life or death situation he should have went on his date with Tommy and then asked Eddie who Kim was the next day
i disagree. seeing a woman looking just like your friend's dead wife who implies they're dating your friend is something you should immediately deal with. it's not life or death but it is Something.
i also wouldn't really call that prioritizing. he stopped by to have a quick conversation, a check-in. if they'd had a bad call that day that eddie was taking hard, he may have done the same thing. and then gone on to meet tommy, like he did in the ep. nothing implied he cancelled, or really even was late, we don't know what their plans were. netflix and chill doesn't have a reservation.
now if the conversation went bad and it was obvious eddie was in a really bad way, (which the conversation didn't imply and really neither did eddie's actions afterwards. he knew what he was doing was messed up, readily admitted it to buck, and told her the truth the next day. he is responsible for chris walking in on all that, because he let kim in when she came back and went along with her "therapy", but he didn't know she would do that. up until she showed up with the wardrobe change, he had taken the healthy steps to fix what he had fucked up in the first place) then buck would have needed to make the choice to prioritize him, which would have been the right call.
but just checking in with eddie wasn't prioritizing. it was essentially a responsibility as someone with various loved ones. check in on your friend, drop off that book for your sister, pick up that item for team lunch, go to dinner with your boyfriend. all just things you do throughout your day, and sometimes need to make adjustments for.
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momowoah · 1 day
Okay but I really think that the worst part is that this is season seven. Unless they're planning to turn 9-1-1 into the new Grey's Anatomy the chances of us being already in the final half of the show are huge. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any drama, but the characters should've started to go forward, and yet nearly all of them feel stuck in the same place they have been for several seasons. Or should I say 2-3 seasons?
tldr: all/most S7 storylines were either useless in the long run or recycles. The only characters who had storylines on the good side of the scale (as in, they helped the characters develop and move to a new place in their lives) were Maddie and Chimney (and maybe Buck but he's on thin ice). All the characters are back to the same place they were in s4/s5. It's probably TM's fault. This shouldn't be happening in a 7th season.
(really long post under the cut but worth it imo)
Bobby and Athena had a whole seven episodes for their storylines and yet it didn't significantly change anything about them or their relationship. The doubts of how they are when they're at peace that were brought up in ep1 ended up not being addressed at all. We started the season with what was supposed to be this huge thing in their relationship and it was just never brought up again! Instead they put bathena through distress again just for the sake of being dramatic. And while I'm extremely glad we got Amir and think there were several high points in his storyline, what difference did it make in the long run? Yes, it brought up interesting things to Bobby's storyline, such as more insight into his childhood and the chance for him to explore another side of the fire he caused, but is it going to change anything? No! Bobby will be reinstated in S8 bc that's just how these things go, and I doubt they'll put any effort to continue the survivors storyline. I'd bet it'll just be ignored in the next seasons.
Hen and Karen have been trying for YEARS AND YEARS to adopt a child and they just can't let them! As a wlw, do you know how awful that is to watch? Seeing them fail time and time again and have their family broken up once again just because??? It was one thing with Nia, she got a happy ending, but that wasn't the case with Mara. The best thing for everyone involved would be for her to stay with Hen and Karen, but they blew it up. I know she's with Madney, but it's not the fucking same. Why do they have to go through this again? Why can't they finally get the family they've spent years fighting for? Why can't the drama be about anything else, why does it have to be about failed adoptions? I've seen this enough times before. Why not let them be able to adopt???? Why? I'm genuinely upset abt this btw, probably more than about anything else that went down.
Buck got to finally come out and it was great but instead of taking it as an opportunity to let him grow into himself they just threw him right back into the hamster wheel of dating people who are either not fully into him or who he's not fully into. (if you like bt probably skip the rest of this paragraph but I'd also be upset about how they're handling them if I liked the ship bc I liked the previous bt and they did something similar to them lol) Tommy's behavior could be explained away at first, but I feel like time and time again the show goes the extra mile to make him uninterested in Buck or just straight up an asshole to him? Instead of taking the small opportunities of portraying them as a healthy happy couple they just consistently screw up their relationship? They're not the couple I support but even then I wanted them to be good together bc I want Buck to be happy, and yet all we get is this?
I don't even have words about Eddie, especially considering what rg has said about him destroying his life and possibly reverting back to military no emotions mode next season. WHY CAN'T HE BE HAPPY? We already saw him break down, WE'VE ALREADY HAD A STORYLINE ABOUT HIM REBUILDING HIS LIFE, but happiness is boring so now he has to ruin his relationship with his son too right? It just pisses me off how they go about his character sometimes. I liked that they were bringing back the Shannon storyline because he was supposed to be able to finally move on, but this wasn't about that. No, it was about retraumatizing Eddie and Chris and splitting them up at a time when they should be leaning on each other and healing, because Chris has also been suffering with the Shannon stuff. We saw it in fucking ep 1. Don't even get me started on the Marisol stuff because idek why she was there at all. Literally don't get it. We had an off-screen breakup anyways. She wasn't relevant at all to anything that happened. Why was she even there? I'm genuinely asking. The only Eddie arc that has some positive potential for next season is him dealing with his relationship with religion (especially if they tie it to the military and the way he lives his life for others' expectations), but tbh I don't trust them not to fuck it up.
Finally, I don't have complaints about madney, except for why tf was Maddie so absent this season? The wedding episode was all about Chimney (who was also maybe kinda missing tbh), and although I love him and his backstory and the opportunity to see Kevin again, I really wanted it to be about their relationship, since it was their wedding, yk. Dispatch was also severely under utilized. We did get the 7x07 Maddie plotline and it might've been bc it was a shortened season but yeah, I'm still not that satisfied.
So, we have all the characters stuck in places they've been before. More specifically, in the place they were in season 4/5. Bathena relationship problems followed by a life threatening situation? Check. Henren struggling with adoption? Check. Buck getting into what was supposed to be a good relationship only for it to end up going really bad? Check. Eddie struggling with relationships and his mental health going to hell? Check. Madney in a good place with a new child and about to have an awful fucking time? Hopefully just check for the first part. And you know which question this makes me ask? It's whether Tim Minear is just reverting everyone to their s4 state out of spite for the seasons he was away. And even if it is a genuine attempt at getting the show back on the track he wanted out of good intentions, it still sucks, because it doesn't change the fact that it is just a repeat of old storylines. I actually complained at this before the show even aired, but (iirc) I ended up deleting my post because I thought that I was just overreacting. Guess what? I fucking wasn't, bc that's EXACTLY what they did.
Now, going back to the start of this post, the reason why all these storylines suck so much is not that they are bad. It's not even that they aren't original. No, it's the fact that we're doing storylines that belong in the fourth or fifth season of a show in its seventh season. Even the Gerrard plotline, which is new to 9-1-1, feels like it came too late, because the split up crew/villain captain storyline tends to happen much sooner in procedurals, and for a reason. Besides the fact that this was never really a big bad type of show and I don't get why they are making it one all of a sudden, and ignoring the fact that Gerrard being brought back as captain, especially to the 118 of all places, makes no fucking sense, that kind of plotline is one that it's obviously always temporary. No one believes he'll still be the captain by the end of 8A, much less by the end of the season. He'll hardly survive the first 3-5 episodes. That's ultimately a filler storyline. It helps the show go on for longer, it might even help in the development of a couple characters, but at the end of the day it doesn't change anything, which appears to be a recurring theme when it comes to 9-1-1 storylines.
The reason I have a problem with this is that we don't need a filler storyline, because no one knows whether the show has the luxury of taking its sweet time. Yeah, it has a huge audience and it is doing good numbers, but it is still a fucking money pit that was already cancelled once and it's unsustainable on the long run. It might not end that soon, but is it honestly going to reach season 14? Does anyone truly think that we've only seen half of it (or less) so far? Because I don't. Not many shows make it that far, and there's a reason for that. We have three huge names who are extremely important to the show. What happens if they get tired? What happens if someone gets a better offer? What happens if we're still revisiting old storylines when that happens? Do we get an incomplete story or a rushed one?
The show should be moving forward, even if there are no plans for it to end soon. We have the drama of the huge disasters 9-1-1 loves. We have the drama of the cases. We have a myriad of new possible dramatic storylines for the characters that show development without being too final. Athena could have so many different job related storylines (from moving up in her career to abandoning it), and her and Bobby's storyline from the beginning of the season about being boring together can be played in a good and dramatic line. Henren and Madney have a whole world of parenting issues that they could go through. Buck and Eddie both still need either an endgame love interest (whether it's each other or not) or to get to the point where they are fine not having one, and we have all of the relationship trouble that comes with that. This show can give us new things, storylines that are good for the characters, without losing the dramatic factor (which, if I'm being honest, would not be a deal breaker for me). Yet, it refuses to, and probably not for a good reason, because it comes down to either Tim wanting to rewrite history or just trying to drag this show for as long as possible (which apparently he only knows how to do by refusing to make the characters happy). And you know what? I'm fucking mad about it, and I think you should be too.
Btw, this is not to say the whole season sucked. We got Madney and Henren together multiple times which was great. We finally got Bi Buck. There were several amazing acting moments for both the main and recurring actors. As a standalone season, it was good. It just doesn't work when you look at the bigger picture.
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i desperately need a tf141 beach day episode.
What comes next? A firework episode? A sick episode? The manly males of the masculine franchise Call of Duty becoming members of a 2006 Shojo Anime?
You got it.
CW// Bad attempts at humor, don’t take anything serious, the big boys deserve a break and so do you. Drink water, stay hydrated, eat your favorite snack and pat your pets like I do all the time. Plus, whatever happened in Canon universe, stays in Canon Universe, this is a happy family.
And I hope this was what you meant, just plain old TF141. Not TF141 + Reader. Now I’m having a crisis, not wanting to disappoint :(
Wordcount: 905 Words
A Day at the Beach means a Day away from Base
“That’s it, boys. You need a break.”
If anything Kate was as thick headed and stubborn as a mule, there wasn’t much that could move her from a position she took.
“No, Kate. What we need is finding Makarov and hanging this fucker from the ceiling. He almost killed Soap. I’m not letting this maniac walk around…” Price started, hands still firmly planted on the table where various files about Makarov and his associates were scattered around, before getting cut off by a sharp glance coming from Kate.
Sometimes he wanted to strangle the woman with bare hands.
“It’s a bit like Mom and Dad fighting.” Gaz whispered between Soap and Ghost. “Just missing the bloody popcorn.” He got elbowed by Ghost for that, Gaz knew he deserved it.
“Vacation. Now. MacTavish almost, almost died. This should be enough to give you a reason to start with fresh eyes, which you can’t if you’re as tense as you bunch are right now. Just a few days. A week at max, I’ll keep the operation going, we’ve got enough eyes and ears on the ground and the air… we’ll find Makarov but not if you can’t see the woods for the trees.“
A week later Price sat by the back porch of a small bungalow at the beachside of the Netherlands. It wasn’t like this American movie beaches but damn, it was nice to stretch out his legs, sip his, to be honest very sucky, tea and listen to the annoying screams of the seagulls over their heads.
“Kate was…” Ghost started but got cut off by Prices’ hand in his face.
“Don’t say it.”
“Kate was right.” Ghost snorted and stepped onto the fresh grass, it had rained the night prior and Ghost was barefoot.
A moment later Soap and Gaz sprint out of the bungalow, both dressed in swim shorts, Soap with a water gun in his hands and Gaz carrying a big floaty, both of them looking proud as peacocks. “You two stay where you are. I won’t let any of you madmen out of my sight after last time.” Price reminded them, making them stop in their tracks.
An hour they still sit by the bungalow, this time huddled under the tarp as heavy rain fell down, again. “We could have been swimming in the damn ocean for at least an hour by now!” Soap complained while gripping his mug of coffee. Not even a moment later there is lightning cutting through the sky.
“You would be grilled if you got hit by lightning while swimming in the ocean, Johnny.” Ghost reminded him while watching the rain fall.
For the next three days it was a constant battle between simple rain and heavy storms outside the bungalow.
“Wasn’t this vacation supposed to relax us?” Gaz asked from his spot on the couch, some stupid cartoon running as a background noise. “I am everything but relaxed!”
They had been scooped up for most of the vacation now. It wasn’t any different to when they were out of deployment, just that here they aren’t in the danger of getting shot at. One plus point.
“Blame Laswell.” Price called from the bathroom. “If she hadn’t make us go on a damn vacation we could be back at home, hunting down Makarov and…”
“Sun’s out, clouds are gone. Move your damn asses mates, we gonna drown in the open sea.” Ghost called and pushed the sliding doors open. Within seconds they all had changed.
This was probably the last chance they got to actually relax at the sea, and even if the window for that kind of good weather was a small one, they would use even the smallest chance.
So an hour later Ghost lays on a towel, Price sitting next to him, nursing a bottle of Heineken while keeping an eye on Gaz and Soap who have a water fight with a group of other tourists. And they were pathetically losing right now.
“Sometimes I wonder how they grew up and why they are still alive?” Price snorted between two sips of beer.
“Not everyone can be grumpy assholes like us two when they grow up.” Ghost joked and propped himself up on his elbows, watching Soap getting dunked by Gaz, who in return gets hit with a shot from a water gun.
They clank their bottles against each other while watching Soap and Gaz race through the water, diving under water for a moment or two until the sun started to settle slowly at the horizon and the two Sergeant crawled out of the water and hiding under their towels at the spot on the beach.
“It’s fucking peaceful.” Gaz said after a moment of drying himself and removing algae from his hair, throwing it away and leaned back on his hands.
The sky turned orange, pink and yellow as the sun set, slowly disappearing behind the line of water.
“That’s what Kate had been talking about when she threw us onto this vacation.” Price said as he handed out fresh bottles of beer.
This night they returned real late to their bungalow, enjoying the cloud free sky full of stars over their heads.
A few weeks later a single picture frame decorated Prices office, showing Price, Ghost, Soap and Gaz, all grinning into the cheap camera they had brought for their vacation. A bunch of great memories were made in those few days.
Please don’t hesitate to send in more requests <:
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justanancientfangirl · 15 hours
Helluva Boss's 2x8 had some ups and downs for sure.
Cletus' voice makes me want to tear my ears off . Not relevant to anything, just...maybe let the goat girl have more lines next time.
Why does IMP think Blitzø is gonna mess it up? I mean they all know he's a mess, but it's been going just fine for a while. Not super important really, just thought it was a bit deus ex machina that they were there, even if the fight was lit.
As far as Blitzø and Stolas...both have valid points. In this particular case though, though I feel bad for Stolas, Blitzø I think has a bit more of a leg to stand on?
Probably an unpopular opinion, but hear me out.
Stolas has been planning this for a while. He's been all in his feelings, parsing through what he wants and what he feels and why. He's been doing a TON of soul searching. Which is excellent! It's growth! We love to see it.
Before that though, everything we see him say to Blitzø is a little condescending, or in the context of their deal. He only really seemed to start wanting to get to know Blitzø at all in the Ozzie episode, but we don't really see them talk much except in Seeing Stars, when he is more worried about getting Octavia back than anything. And when they do talk, Stolas is kind of snippy, except when he is being overtly sexual
The point being: though we know Stolas has been thinking about this deal for sometime, and know he has come to some conclusions about the whole thing, he hasn't really seemed to change much in how he outwardly treats Blitzø.
He has been telling Blitzø he doesn't have to come since he got hurt (I am guessing) but suddenly asks him to come back? It seems like Blitzø hasn't been getting any since he stopped sleeping with Stolas. Or at least, nothing that he's as excited for, even if he talks a bit game about it being for work.
He is worried that he isn't good enough in general, and spends the whole episode getting things he thinks Stolas will like. He knows he doesn't like beads, knows he will like a giant dildo, he likes the fancy stretchy harness and the rhinestone blindfolds...like, he is actively trying to make sure that Stolas has a good time. So he keeps him around. And we, the audience, know it's not just to keep the grimmoire.
So Stolas gives Blitzø a panic attack by first requesting the book back permanently, saying that their deal is off. Anything after that, Blitzø was never going to hear right away, because not only will it feel like Stolas is throwing him away, he's also taking away everything Blitzø has built for himself.
Stolas does give him the crystal and explain what it is and what it does, but Blitzø is still processing 'give me the book back permanently ' and probably re-living every time Stolas has reminded him of their differences in station, called him a 'plaything' or a 'little imp'.
He and Stolas have never really talked. Every time they got close, Stolas backtracked. So suddenly Stolas is being really serious and emotional, and is all dressed in his finest clothing and telling Blitzø that the arrangement is over ... Yikes.
The thing is, Blitzø is totally right to need a minute to process. Stolas drops a bombshell, gets upset when Blitzø treats it like part of the game they've BEEN playing, because there's no reason for Blitzø to assume that they are doing emotions now.
Then, when Blitzø realizes that Stolas was serious he calls Stolas out for just dismissing him when he didn't react the way Stolas wanted. Stolas has had time to process his emotions, Blitzø hasn't. It's not fair to just sweep away and say 'well, good luck, see you never, guess you don't feel for me' like...way to put words in his mouth, Stolas.
And then when Blitzø demands to talk about it, when he lashes out and accuses Stolas of treating him like he is nothing just like all the other royals, Stolas portals him out of the house.
Like... Stolas didn't want to take advantage of the power imbalance anymore, right? The point was supposed to be to give Blitzø a choice. And then, as soon as he gives Blitzø the crystal, and Blitzø doesn't react in the exact way Stolas wants, he makes yet ANOTHER unilateral decision.
He didn't even give them a chance to talk about it like adults. Not that Blitzø was going to talk about it like an adult, he was probably going to yell some more, and insult Stolas more too, but at least at first, after he realized that Stolas was serious, he DID seem like he would have been amenable to a conversation.
He didn't start yelling till Stolas swept out of the room and didn't look back.
And then, Stolas just makes the decision for him AGAIN, and portals him away. Stolas is devastated, and hurt that it seems like Blitzø thinks really lowly of him, but...he's also very much doing exactly the same thing that he has always done.
He hasn't lessened the power imbalance at all. He's just reminded Blitzø of how deep that gulf really is. He didn't even ask him to leave, just forced it on him, which is kind of shady.
Also, it's not like Stolas has ever been particularly kind to any of the other imps-not his employees (IMPloyees, lol) not Moxie and Millie...he is still kind of an asshole to other imps Blitzø knows, and being someone's exception is...not really a great feeling.
This post got away from me.
Basically though, it distills to Stolas said he wanted to give Blitzø a choice and have them be equals, but as soon as things didn't go the way he wanted, he shut Blitzø down immediately and made a unilateral decision for the both of them. That's not something partners do. If he had talked with Blitzø on LITERALLY any other day, had offered the crystal first, had allowed them to make a decision together...THEN I would be a little more on his side here. He is allowed to be devastated and hurt by Blitzø's words. He's allowed to feel rejected. But he is not without fault in this. They've been shit at communicating from Day 1. If this is gonna be endgame, they HAVE to do better. And Stolas can't escape from painful conversations by magically transporting Blitzø away when Blitzø can never hope to reciprocate that kind of treatment.
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ravilson23 · 19 hours
The Full Moon ep is finally here! Warning, this post has a ton of spoilers.
I think it may be the best episode of the second season. Though i feel like its still nowhere near as good as ep 6 and 7 of the first one. I like the starting song, the contrast is good and the emotions of characters are clear. Its also a nice set up.
I especially love how everyone interacts with each other in this episode. Moxxie and Blitz seem like friends and their talk about sex is hilarious cause of Moxxies attitude. "Fuck him good, sir " was a brilliant line only because he was the one to say it. He seems too proper for this, maybe too shy. Blitzos good mood and his cackle after teasing Mox was also good to hear. Maybe cause he wasnt offensive this time. Anyway it just brought a lot of joy since its quite some time since they had a moment like this.
Then we have Blitz and his shopping trip. I liked when he went to buy candles. I think it has really shown that for Blitz sex isnt and probably never was about intimacy. He understands mood just as "horny" and honestly its very fitting. Though its not shocking i heve never thought about it . We know he is afraid of intimacy, but i thought about it strictly as an emotional closeness. I didnt think that sex could be so... one-dimensional for him in general.
Next we have cherubs. Tbh i didnt like this part mostly cause i dont think like it changed anything. If they were killed, well that would be awesome especially since i see no reason why it didnt happen already. They had been beaten and yet the I.M.P. has just send them back. Makes no sense, they are assasins and the cherubs are their enemies. Unless cherubs cant be killed without blessed weapons then well its somewhat fine. But still nothing they did was interesting or suprising. It feels like they were there to fill half of the time so the ep wouldnt be too short. Unless its more of a set up. But if so it still was somewhat weak. Maybe as i was so interested in Stolitz i just didnt have enough patience to care about cherubs. The fight was fun though, as was their reaction to Blitzos shopping. I am glad the I.M.P. got a chance to shine too. Especially Moxxie and his bitch line.
So now one last thing left. The ending. Obviously the best part. I loved how confused was Blitz and honestly i think his anger was understandable. After all he had no idea how Stolas felt and how he planned to end their arrangment. Blitz was both vulnerable and safe thanks to their deal, he was in a position of a "plaything" but also didnt have to be emotionally invested. He clearly hates himself, is insecure and generally cant imagine someone truly wanting him. So its not suprising that he reacted the way he did. In a way Stolas once again was the one to decide everything. He started the deal and then ended it. Without talking with Blitz. And to be clear, i dont think its fair to really blame Stolas. He tried his best. But well, they both lack the understanding. Stolas isnt aware that Blitz didnt believe in his love because of his own self-hatred. He now believes that Blitz simply hates Stolas. And Blitz really didnt have time to comprehend anything that happened so he acted harshly and in the end didnt even get the chance to apologise. I would like to also say sth about music in this scene. The fact that it was very emotional right from the beginnig even when Blitz was still in horny mood, it just selled it. It felt like real life when sth is wrong, but u notice it a little too late and then u just kind of crumble, get down from your high way too quickly and get a whiplash. It made it painfull to watch. I didnt cry though i heard many people did.
Anyway i am rather excited to see what will happen next and i really hope the episodes will hold some standard. Cause boy, the second season failed me a little to often.
Thanks for reading, hope u found sth interesting and sorry for any grammar mistakes and such.
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sonkitty · 1 day
Crowley S2 Hair Post #62
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 4, The Hitchhiker, shades
Sideburns Check
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The above image is brightened.
The sideburns are short, like they were at the start of the minisode. I think the "short" sideburns are the "supernatural" reading as a reversal to the present day for most of the scenes in this minisode.
The space is the bookshop.
The bookshop gave longer sideburns earlier.
The context of the story within the minisode has changed. These two are not visibly planning another outing for the night. Crowley is making no claim to pretend to be a human in this scene or the near future. There is not a direct reference to him being a demon, but it is implied when Aziraphale talks to Crowley about how evil he tries to paint himself as.
The previous scene had everyone aware that Crowley is a demon.
Fire is present due to candles in the space. Fire was present earlier in the church before and after the bombing and surrounding the Bentley during the drive to the theater. The sideburns were shorter in those scenes too.
Both Aziraphale and Crowley sit down for the entire scene while Crowley keeps his hat on the whole time too.
I mainly think it's the context of the minisode's story, character presence, and dialogue that are affecting the length.
I'm noting the other things because that seems to be what the story wants noticed.
Brighter Red Streak Check
Crowley has his hat on for the whole scene, so the more saturated streak of red hair is not visible.
Hairstyle Changes
The sideburns are short. Otherwise, the hat makes things such that no other changes are visible.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects)
The scene starts with Crowley's right thumb in a close-up view of holding the photograph. He asks the question, "How?" His touch with at least two other digits is confirmed in the next cut.
Crowley has his back to a chair.
He's also touching a glass of wine, but there are only two fingertips visible with the touch. That, theoretically, helps him not earn point for such a touch.
Meanwhile, Aziraphale is bringing his glass closer and then lowers to receive credit for a drink. He has four fingertips visible, but only two are visibly touching the glass.
Not only that, he might actually have his back to a chair!
He has a mysterious vendetta against backs of chairs in this story.
Crowley sets the picture down and ends up touching the table.
Aziraphale picks up the photograph. He asks a question as well but nullifies it by answering it.
He repeats the magic words we went over earlier in Post #57 (hook).
By dropping the picture and having to pick it up again, Aziraphale at least manages to get his back off the chair for awhile. That could still be something for mysterious vendetta against the backs of chairs.
Crowley has a question with, "Shall we retire the act?"
Aziraphale touches the wine bottle to pour Crowley more wine.
The camera cuts away to Aziraphale just as Crowley starts to drink, then returns to Crowley as he finishes. So, his act of drinking is not fully shown on camera.
The two clink their glasses together, and then they both are visibly drinking on camera to close out the whole scene.
For paying attention to the pockets...
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The most noticeable pocket to me happens when Aziraphale bends down to pick up the picture. The camera work shows that there are two sets of lights that resemble candles on the wall that are visually above and pocketed between Aziraphale and Crowley. Further pocketed between them are the four actual candles on the table.
That makes for 10 visibly lit "candles".
Anything special about the number ten? Well, with the Earthly Objects game in mind, it's the number Crowley said "ten" twice before he shot out lightning in episode 1. That was part of an extensive sequence with game tutorials and an implication that the scene preceding it was edited to hide whatever originally happened. Coincidentally, I go over it in Post #10 of this series.
Other than that, if Crowley wants Overhead Lights, he might get some, but there are multiple lamps behind him messing with me on such a guess. The one that seems most likely to give him Overhead Lights is the one furthest to his left with two lights on it. Those are the ones that most qualify as to to his left and above his left ear in some cuts.
(For reference: The Rainbow Connection Part 4: The Door Trick and The Door Catch)
I said this minisode had clues for The Door Catch, so let's look for clues about The Door Catch.
The main clue this scene gives is the clue for Gray in the findable poem that's a quatrain.
This clue is the most obvious of the bunch, helping to lead to the others, because the dialogue is almost spelling it out.
The dialogue spoken says, "shades of gray," further referring to both dark shades and light shades.
I've guessed the line in the poem goes, "Gray shades."
Within The Door Trick, there are three cuts of Crowley from his front. In the second cut, there is a girl who walks by Crowley that I've named Yawning Yellow. Her jacket is a light yellow, and she is wearing gray pants. So, as the theory goes, the gray shades her yellow to a proper yellow for the Rainbow Connection.
The colors "black and white" are also in the dialogue given the context of the "gray shades." That's three of the four shades from the poem.
But what about brown? Is brown in the dialogue? No, but "nutmeg" is. The shades I find with a Google search vary, but many of those variations are indeed brown.
For more on "nutmeg" within the magic words, please see Post #57 (hook).
Even though shoes aren't visible this time, Aziraphale's reflection is. It can be found behind him. In The Door Catch, his reflection is part of what helps catch the Metatron's reflection where it ends up on the relevant cut.
Another thing stated in the dialogue is "blur the edges." There's plenty of blurs in the game, so I'll mention two things that come to mind when thinking about this particular bit of dialogue and my own play in the game.
When Aziraphale is linked into the Pocket Chain, my theory goes that's based on the bag strap of a particular human linking up with another human pocket user. When that link happens, the bag strap is a little blurry.
More broadly, blurred edges are quite relevant to figuring out the Tied Hands exist. Then the Tied Hands are surprisingly important to figuring out the more complex mechanics linking The Door Trick and The Door Catch because of the Rainbow Connection.
Story Commentary
With the glasses clinking together and the drinking visibly on screen, I find this ending to the last minisode quite fitting with my theory about the shared home loan in the present day to form a special connection.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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nixariel · 1 year
More trivia! (this time with Extra Maps™)
For interest's sake I was trying to figure out where in Poitiers Cleo’s hôtel particulier might be, plus identify the train stations featured during Carmen's trip to Paris—and I think I’ve figured (most of) it out.
First of all, Carmen is supposed to be fifty yards from the townhouse in this shot.
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That puts the building somewhere on the east side of the River Clain, slightly north of the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre de Poitiers, but not too far from what looks like the Pont Joubert (the little bridge in the lower right corner). The Caserne d’Aboville (barracks for the 9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine) would be a reasonable stand-in for location, and even looks a little similar in terms of architectural style.
The station Carmen flies in to also bears a more-than-passing resemblance to the real Gare de Poitiers
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but the pattern of terrain she passes over doesn’t quite fit with what appears to be a southerly approach.
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However! This particular background gets rotated and recycled about ten seconds after initial use (left being its first appearance, rotated for comparison; right is unaltered but from ten seconds later), and if we go by the second version,
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the curve of the river is a close-enough fit for having taken a path like so
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with the little arrow being her upcoming destination, the Gare de Poitiers. Unfortunately I could not match the station Carmen’s train briefly stops at to a real location en route to Paris
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so if anyone recognizes it, please let me know! Which leads me to the other ‘???’ moment I had while working on this because
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...yeah. Yeah, I’ve got NO idea what’s going on with Player’s map here. He's got France oriented in the usual 'up is north' way, but that just makes it weirder? Because by that compass, Carmen is moving south—even though Paris is east and NORTH of Poitiers.
Though this show does get a little fuzzy with its geography at times*cough*Interpol's HQ is in LYON*coughcough*and Devineaux’s conspiracy map has the Canary Islands on the WRONG side of Africa*cough*
Anyway, after Player regains Carmen’s signal, her GPS marker is heading in approximately the right direction
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answering exactly zero questions about where it was going earlier, but all’s well that still ends (somehow) in Paris, I guess? The Gare du Nord then looks to be the best match for where Carmen makes her exit
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even if all direct trains from Poitiers to Paris seem to go to Gare Montparnasse instead.
Update: this seems to have turned into a bit of a series, so check the reblogs to get an episode-by-episode for the rest of S1! A full-show overview is here. Also, the street Chase and Julia are driving down at the very beginning of the episode looks to be none other than the Rue de la Cathédrale, as the structure behind them is consistent with the Cathédrale Saint-Pierre’s south tower. From a cartographic standpoint, it does place them on the wrong side of the Clain as well as moving in the opposite direction of Cleo’s residence, but that’s where the artistic licence comes in, I guess. ;)
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kitnita · 1 month
whatever, i've reached a state of zen about it all actually. i don't want to blow up the team -otter with my mind anymore. they're just trying to build on the near-reverse-sweep vibes of last year's playoffs and lull all of vegas into a false sense of security by sucking as much as humanly possible
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bahoreal · 8 months
the way theyre so out of sync with each in where they are in the relationship (stede is 100% in but ed is hurt and overwhelmed, whereas when they first kissed ed was 100% in but stede was overwhelmed) but they're so weirdly in sync in their view of themself (ed desperately wants to be someone different to improve his view of himself but doesnt know what that is and stede is trying so hard to be different, to be his idealised view of himself - a pirate - even if that doesnt suit him) and when they move too fast theyre liable to just run away (stede to mary, ed to a fishing boat) they keep coming back to each other theyre always circling each other they absolutely love each other but theyre both so bad at dealing with it
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heartshattering · 29 days
5 AM
Just me and my overactive mind facing the nighttime again 🙃
#hopefully the meds work but while waiting for them to kick in I get so damn nervous#and sometimes I do get nights where even on my full dose my anxiety is too overpowering and I just. Do Not Sleep#I mean I do eventually but not without spiraling first :')#way before I was prescribed sleep meds my longest was 3 nights without sleep while on a VERY stressful trip#I felt like I was gonna die and I did not sleep until I got off the plane and was back at home#(this was like 15 years ago already but it still haunts me fhfgsgdh)#my best friend and I were having a conversation today#and she was like 'not sleeping can make you hallucinate right?'#and I was like :') I get the hallucinations in other scenarios too#BUT I also get what she meant#not sleeping is really bad for me mentally which is why I can't do 'sleep restriction therapy'#and fun fact#a lot of my OCD obsessions revolve around sleep!!!#which is 'awesome' because laying in bed with insomnia makes my OCD flare up so like#the two get to feed off each other and make my life a living hell!!!#and don't even get me started on my sleep paralysis episodes#(which I like to think of as just my brain misfiring but that my aunt tells me is saints or demons trying to talk to me)#'cause she hallucinates too but hers are like 'spiritual' or whatever#same with my mom's hallucinations as well#and to add fuel to the dumpster fire of my mind and body is the fact I've been overcaffeinating again#which I've known not to do ever since I was in middle school and saw the pediatric cardiologist who specifically said 'hey don't do that'#fast-forward to adulthood and I still haven't learned how to handle anything#like. I have heart meds and sleep meds and migraine meds and IBS meds#and yes meds are good but like. I know you need to incorporate lifestyle changes as well#which I do for like 2 weeks until the next time I fuck up#I've been so irresponsible lately but like. ESPECIALLY today#didn't eat#took some meds on an empty stomach and forgot to take my other ones at all#had too much caffeine#stressed out over some stupid situations thanks to overthinking
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cherrymoonvol6 · 10 months
the worst part about flapjack's death is that luz and hunter's friendship died right along with it lmao
#idk it's just funny. TTT goes so fucking far in order to say that luz and hunter have built a strong bond between them#to the point that luz calls him family#then luz is the only one who refuses to fight possessed hunter#she only gets close to him to hug him and do the 'this is not you!' middle school couple trope on him#not only that but flapjack entrusts his powers for luz when he sees what's become of hunter and THAT is what she CHOOSES to do#you know. flapjack who was caleb's palisman. who was there for the entirety of caleb and evelyn's romance to the point that belos-#-considers him a symbol of caleb's betrayal (his love for evelyn)#this is the same flapjack that looks at phillip trying to harm 'caleb' again and decides to literally put his powers in luz's hands#and ultimately his sacrifice means neither caleb or evelyn have to die again#which is kinda confirmed by the way hunter goes like 'there's a reason you and i are alive and here right now and it's because-#-it's our turn to defeat belos' like i didn't even have to reach for this. hunter says it himself#and this is all great and compelling and makes sense except for the fact that the show just forgets about this on the next two episodes#and so where the first episode establishes that luz and hunter are close friends FTF and WAD are like 'do they even know each other?idk idc#and i get to stare at the camera because OBVIOUSLY if hunter and luz were a couple this wouldn't be a problem to begin with#and flapjack's death loses meaning when it turns out that nothing about evelyn or caleb or the previous confrontations between belos and-#-the other grimwalkers has any bearing in the plot anymore#flapjack gave its life to preserve the love that changed the world back then but because it's just never acknowledged it's like. who cares#someone had to die and we can't kill one of the kids#shrugs#sorry i have so much resentment in my heart#but do not get it twisted. it's HILARIOUS to me that TOH is at its most compelling when the lunter/witteclaw parallels are at its strongest#and then shoots itself in the foot when they realize that they paired off both characters with other people#okay that's all i have to say by now#lunter#is this anything
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milo-is-rambling · 11 months
I am so high I love you dabs I love you big bong rips I love you huge heavy bong I love you only having 20 dollars to my name and no plans but getting high and ignoring it I love you oh no I’m thinking about it
#I want to take an ice cold shower and scream and smoke a whole pack of cigarettes and lock myself in a closet for 72 hours in the dark with#no distractions to figure out what I actually want to do with the rest of my life and to face every bad thought I have and struggle to#ignore even years later like ugh I just need to be at the bottom of the ocean floating sinking alive dead in between for like a month and#then pull me back up and either I’ll be normal or I’ll be so fucked up they just put me back in there#like either way I am vibing at the bottom of the ocean (I have been desperately imaging a sensory deprivation tank all day)#(put me in a fucking sensory deprivation tank until something in my fucking brain rewires and I get worse or better than I am now this#inbetween stage is fucking killing me like what do you mean I’m not a horrible person but also what do you mean I struggle every day but I’m#normal but I have things about me other people don’t and alienate me to the point of near total isolation but also this is just how humans#are and I need to take meds and actively struggle to fit into a perfect little box of what a person should be like god damn I am so tired of#getting better and worse and better and worse and better and worse and better and worse and I’m miserable and I’m happy and I’m sobbing and#I know a month from now I’ll be depressed again or I’ll be the best I’ve ever been and it’s so fucking horrible to be in the middle stage#where I actually have to step up and admit shit is wrong and face it like why can’t I just lay in bed forever until I become the bed and not#like get a job and have a future. ugh. depression is so fucked esp bc most things in my life are normal I guess or like easier than my#friends like we all have seperate challenges but I’m the only one still living off their parents (ha. parent. forgot for a second.) and the#only thing wrong with my life is the mental health issues but I won’t step up and deal with it bc I feel like I’ve been depressed for so#long I like fucked up the foundational shit and like I know it’s fine but also I feel so behind and I feel like I’ll be behind and unhappy#forever even when im happy I know the next depressive episode is right around the corner and I give up again. ugh. I hate knowing that’s#what’s wrong with me but still not having the energy to step up and fix it. im so pathetic I want to cry. my brain is me but my brain is#destroying my life. anyways. im high and now im sad and have dry mouth. I think im gonna drink ice water and change into shorts+lay in bed)
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i tried using new eye defaults for like a month but alas my heart is owned by remussirion eyes
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piperamitt · 9 months
Rare moment: I have free time and I choose to write in it.
What happened to me?!
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