#a derek lycan kin
How the hell am I supposed to run my company when I am dead
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I should probably stop stressing since I'll probably make everyone else stressed along with it, but for fuck sake this is important.
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zack-shalashaska · 1 year
Do you like mee?
If you are a Derek lycan kin ofc I like you^^
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The Good and The bad side both hate Derek, he's just so fucking unbearable to both that neither can side with him without being paid.
Besides Zack, because Zack is weird and has mixed feelings about him.
I don't have mixed feelings on Derek because I kin him, and I want myself to die. So that would probably mean I want him to die too.
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mzkora · 3 years
Scott McCall Appreciation Week—Day 5–AUs
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Rating: Gen
Tags: Not!fic, AU concept, Fandom Fusion—Firefly/Teen Wolf
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So, I got this notion of Teen Wolf IN SPAAAAACE Where Scott is Captain of a rundown, old ship called Serenity given to him to operate by his boss Deaton for things like supply runs and cargo transport and the like but also so Scott and co could go off on adventures, have a life beyond their backwater moon Lycan.
Going with Scott is of course his best friend and pilot Stiles Stilinski who is a complete smart-ass disaster until he’s behind the wheel. Right there next to him is his wife and co-pilot Lydia, the brains of the operation from a wealthy but stifling family.
Also part of the crew is Allison “Al” Argent as weapons specialist. Born out on the Rim to a wealthy, corrupt, and violent family, Al has struck out on her own seeking redemption and a better way to live. With her is Isaac, (secretly a werewolf) and former slave of her family that she fell in love with. They’re both on the run from her family’s organization: The Silver Chain.
Then there’s the beautiful but abrasive Companion, Jackson. Abandoned on a Core World and raised by a wealthy family before joining the Companion’s guild and getting trained. Now he’s out in the black seeking his birth family and fighting his feelings for the annoyingly kindhearted and hopeful Captain McCall.
The last original member of the crew is Kira from a dusty moon-world like Lycan but smaller. She comes aboard as the perky, positive engineer that keeps their boat afloat with smiles and hard work.
On a particular run Captain McCall opens the ship to passengers and here is the odd assortment:
1) Miss Erica, a beautiful mysterious young woman seeking a new life somewhere, anywhere.
2) Shepherd Boyd, a young man orphaned by war and raised in a monastery. Having recently joined the order, he is now off to minister and guide, but unofficially he is seeking his long lost sister.
3) Doctor Derek Hale from the Core, traveling with his invalid uncle Peter Hale who is in a profound catatonic state having survived a terrible fire that claimed the lives of the rest of their kin. Shady and pampered Derek is slow to trust and not at all forthcoming about the events of his life nor about his family’s secret werewolf nature.
4) Theo Raeken, secretly a chimera working for a deeply mysterious organization known by some as the Dread Doctors, a group of amoral scientists who like to experiment on people and werewolves in order to create perfect beings. His task? Track and retrieve a certain Alpha that was rescued from the clutches of his employers and creators before their experiments could be concluded. His cover? Lawman.
Join the Serenity and her crew as they come up against secrets and rogue Alpha werewolves and dangerous hunters and seemingly ubiquitous corruption on their quest to survive and thrive and love and live in their own terms.
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lupuslxna · 6 years
Send ☸ and I’ll generate a number between 1-20 to see where our muses meet.
   ⊰ ☾ ⊱~; It was not often that his parents took him along when going in a pair to meet someone, be it a friend or an allay from another pack; those were many and Derek had often seen them whilst they visited. But not all too much when it came to it was time to move the location of the meeting, that was something that the Alpha-pair rather kept their offspring from, only sometimes letting Laura join them since it had been obvious since her birth that she is to become an Alpha of the new generation. So it was for the younger wolf quite exciting, yet scary, to be trusted enough with this. He puffed out his chest while holding his father’s hands tightly, reassurance, safety, and stability as always seeping from him with a gentle redolence.   Now, what Derek did not expect was that they would be walking up to the one building where his kin rarely made a stop to- a hospital. Scrunching his nose the youngster had to shake his head slightly- as if that would help in any way to keep the strong odor of this place away. It was filled with so many people, some normal while others left a tingly aftertaste on his tongue, others came off as too sweet, salty, burning his lungs with the added chemicals that were used by the doctors and nurses. Grief and sorrow were united with sweltering pain, relief and hop tasted like those salted caramels that sometimes he would borrow-not steal- from Laura, they were good even if not too sweet. So many sentiments waved through this institution, clogging it up and making it almost impossible to breathe if one concentrated solemnly on that, thus it came in handy that he tried using the methods which were taught to him by his parents in order to avoid situations where their senses would be overwhelmed. Breath in, and out. Try to concentrate on the strongest scent among them all which attracts you the most, pushing aside everything else as if it were just background noise.   ‘You alright there kiddo? Looking a bit pale…told ya you could wait outside.’ Aaron had given him a wide, toothy grin when he shook his head furiously, adding a little ‘’I’M fine!’’ whilst squeezing his father’s hand even tighter. He could do this, he would not let this get to him. Wanting to prove his own place and ‘importance’ this was exactly the right ‘up play’ for the 8year old lycan. Little did he know that this day would stay in his memory quite long, together with the disgusting odor of death.   What he saw was not as important as what he heard, a very loud and energetic voice reverberated from the room they walked into, bright pair or emeralds and vivid flames dancing above it. There was some shouting involved where this…person? Just wanted to go out since they were ‘fine’. The doctor did not agree. But once the man’s attention was all on them,-more on Aaron-, his smile grew larger and those eyes shimmered with something bright. Derek….did not like it. And since this man, guy, teen-whatever- was now heading towards his father with a jump in his quick steps, the young beta acted on instinct and moved right between them while letting out a barely noticeable growl.”Stay away!’’  And that was it…how he and Lavi met for the very first time. A bit tense, a bit ridiculous since Aaron had then continued to laugh for quite a while, the Alpha actually teared up. Derek, on the other hand, was embarrassed, and maybe that kicked in the bit hostile feelings against the redhead in the start.
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    “Hey @inkxpapers  , remember how we first met?!”A smile danced lightly on the now older male, his gaze landing on the same vivid flame-like hair and emerald hues which seemed a tad more radiant today.
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Definitely already dead. But at least my therapist can't get me from here.
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Well, my therapist is going to kill me again because I didn't write in here for months. But whatever. I have decided to post again from the afterlife, there is absolutely nothing interesting going on and I cannot find my wife. Somehow I found my father instead though. Not a good day today.
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The afterlife may have internet shit but it's not enough to contact more than one living. Absolute rubbish.
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Why the fuck won't Rowan answer his phone?
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Ohh... I have not been posting a lot in here. Fuck. Well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind um.. Three months of missing it when I come back. Hopefully.
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it's literally like November and we're still on the Island, it's literally getting colder. I left all my fucking winter clothes at the house I am going to die.
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I thought vacation was supposed to be non-stressful than suddenly there's an idiot here. It's probably his fault.
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I feel.. sad. I don't know why. Maybe it's because Zack is still breathing, maybe it's because Rachel's out, who knows.
Definitely the first one.
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Starlight doesn't even have a bar- how is this a vacation place? This is more like hell not vacation they don't have hard enough drinks.
The mountain dew won't do either.
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Well she came back but I’m still sad.
Must be because I know what’s gonna happen next.
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