#aphmau rachel
zack-shalashaska · 1 year
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Derek does not have access to his credit card anymore because he's stupid enough to give people his credit card number on facebook when they ask him "if your credit card number was the amount money you had, how much money would you have?", so Rachel had to cancel the credit card and get a new one. And never give him it again.
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rachel-lycan · 1 year
I’m going fight sylvana she better leave my husband alone
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valentineemoryy · 2 months
♡Welcome To My Blog♡
i’m val ! - she/they - aspec sapphic - eighteen - esfp - uk <3
ʚɞ my fandoms: ʚɞ
- Aphmau ! [ see @aphblrconfess ]
- Andi Mack !!
- Heartstopper
- Musicals / theatre
- IT / Stranger Things cast
- Glee !!!
- Miraculous & other disney channel shows <3
- Horror, romcoms & 80s movies
- Taylor, Olivia, Sabrina, Reneé, Chappell, Maisie, Conan, Paramore, MCR, P!ATD
- probably more but this is what i can recall off the top of my head, but i guarantee i like everything
~ My Socials ~
i LOVE making friends, u can find me on instagram most of the time which is the same username as this, and on my tiktok too !! please don’t hesitate to DM me with something interesting from a shared fandom it will make my day <333
(yes i remade this post bc i wanted to be more specific and aesthetic sue me)
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goat-guy-tm · 3 months
So my rarepair loving ass made an insane poly ship of Aaron/Lily/Michi/Diana (yes the ladies are dating each other as well dw) but I was sitting here and decided that in at least my MYS rewrite that polyamoury is common place if not expected in Ultima Werewolf culture.
Not werewolf culture in general, as it's common that wolves themselves mate for life and my autistic ass cannot go against that (poly werewolves still exist dw, this is getting hard to explain??) but for Ultima's specifically an ultima having multiple partners is somewhat expected and encouraged.
Yes I am giving Melissa multiple wives as well, yes one of them is Lucinda, and the reason why Derek only has one is cause only Rachel could deal with his dramatic ass. Believe me he tried.
Anyways TLDR; Ultima culture is pro polyamoury
{including Ultima mifwas which yes are also a thing in my rewrite I might make a post about that too idk}
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gendervoid-zane · 6 months
Mystreet AU where Aphmau didn't invite Rachel, Derek, and Melissa for Christmas, they just showed up on their own because they're... Y'know.
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Melissa is also an abuser
Sense I blocked most of aphtwt I know is on here and I don’t wanna post Aphmau content to twitter anymore I’m gonna start spewing my bullshit here.
can we just talk about Melissa for a second and why I hate her?
she gaslit Aaron so much to the point it made me feel genuine rage like not “oh my god she’s so annoying rage” rage that you feel when your reminded of shitty things that happened in your past type shit.
I don’t get why she gets a pass for her shitty behavior by the fandom but Derek and Rachel don’t???? Do y’all forget she excepted blackmail from Michi just to get her brother to come back home because “Awoon you gotta help the compwany it’s what dad and mom want,” and she’s literally either to brainwashed or to scared to stand up to her shitty parents?
Then when Aaron leaves she’s just like “go to your Aphmau” like bitch your half the reason he was separated from her in the FIRST PLACE.
I get it it’s hard to stand up to abusive family members. Believe me I know. But Jesus FUCKING Christ she is just as malicious and vindictive as her mom in season 3.
she guilt trips Aaron, doesn’t fact check the black mail she got from Michi, lies to him.
I need y’all to bring the same energy you have towards Derek and Rachel to Melissa as well ong. She is also a victim but that doesn’t excuse her actions, she’s still an abuser and enabler. She’s not a child, she’s an adult, there is no excuse.
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ging-dong · 7 months
hey guys!
new fall of forever chapter drop 🤭
as always, thank you to all of you who read this! it means the world
i said this already in the pre-chapter notes, but i’ll tell you all again that this is essentially the first part to a two part chapter and the next part i’m very excited to get written and published
thank you guys 🥰🫶🏻
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New chapter as promised!!
WOOO! Les goo!!
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duin-i-guess · 4 months
Employee Info.
Rachel: shes the one running the diner her parents gave it to her before passing on, she's not really a fan of running the diner but her parents cared about it so she'll keep it going.
Aaron: Aaron is 23, he's been working at the diner for four years and he works as a cook, Aaron enjoys cooking he finds it peaceful, and he's pretty good at it.
Garroth: Garroth is also 23, he's been working at the diner for two years as a waiter. Aaron had asked his mom to hire Garroth and she was more then happy to hire him, it had only been her and Aaron working there so she was forced to be the waiter, she was over joyed to be able to stop, and Garroth's pretty charismatic so he's a good fit for the job.
Aphmau: Aphmau is 19, she's been working at the diner for a year as a waiter. as soon as she graduated high school she moved out of her mom's house and moved in with her friend Katelyn, Aphmau needed a job so she just found the closest place because she didn't own a car and she didn't want to bug Katelyn by asking to drive her around.
Kim: Kim is 24, she's been working at the diner for 4 months as a cook. Kim moved into town 3 days before applying for a job at the diner. she's not very talkative, for the most part she only really talks if she needs to for work, with one exception that being Garroth, Garroth was able to befriend Kim they even hang out outside of work sometimes.
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If Derek and Rachel had lived long enough, how would they react to Aphmau having a baby? Specifically Alina
Derek would be a little upset that wasn’t a son, ever since Jacob was born and hadn’t carried the curse, he wanted to have more examples of it, to further test why it was (he couldn’t really accept that it was just because Aaron made a comfortable vessel)
Rachel would’ve been pleased. She would also probably be the only one of the two allowed to actually see her. She would also be there to give Aphmau tips for the child birth, as someone who had four children with a man much taller than herself (I realise how many pairings there are with taller men in my rewrite, I promise this one is solely because of what kinds of werewolves they are) and would buy Alina lots of little clothes and toys because this would be her first shot at actually being a grandmother, since she’s still not allowed to meet Jacob because of Derek’s weird fixation on him not being the ultima.
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zack-shalashaska · 2 years
Why do I feel like my husband like pancakes more then me hmph Like you married me give me some love to
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aphmau-prompts · 1 year
Instead of Aphmau, Rachel is blackmailed in PDH.
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teonys-jf · 1 year
so we follow sadie {sylvanna}, a mermaid who lives with her older brother pascal {pierce} in queen elinor {elizabeth's mother/travis' grandmother} castle with her daughter eliza {elizabeth}. after their parents passed away protecting their children from a shark attack, the kids were left with mirroring scars going down their arms
years ago, tavari fell for a human couple. he talked with them easily, and they weren't disturbed by his tail. so tavari decided that they would be good examples of how humans could help the mermaid population
they asked hazel {hyria} and locke {luke} to meet them by the ocean at night. tavari managed to capture hazel, but locke was late and tried to fight tavari, but he forgot that he couldn't swim or breath like tavari can underwater
so locke became a regular at drake and uma's {dr doctor and urla's} bar, trying hard everyday to band people together for help. no one believed the couple as they talked about tavari, and all assumed hazel left after a certain point and let locke blame the merman
tavari would try and get zale {zianna} to help a potion that turns someone into a different species, but needed the proper things for it to work {like hair or skin}. eventually, tavari couldn't find a willing participant after queen elinor their ideas, and tried to find another way to make it work
he decided to turn into a human instead, after being shunned by all the other mermaids. he couldn't be close enough to land to get some hair, and needed someone with human arms help…
after helping thea {teony's mom} practice for her guard certification, eliza asked her friends if they could swim with her for a bit. they got pascal to come with and, once far away enough, eliza revealed that she stole one of her mothers sea crystals
thea immediately tried to reprimand eliza, pascal joining in, before sadie grabbed it to get a better look at it. she had been sent over the coral walls that were heavily guarded, and started to freak out
eliza tried to show her what to do, sharing that she had done it before, but thea was yelling {worried for friend} and pascal was yelling {for his sisters safety}
eventually eliza talked over the mers who were freaking out and said that she would come back with more sea crystals. little did they know, sylvie {ivy's mother} had caught eliza stealing the queens sea crystals and turned her in. she got called a goody-two-fin and was told about the situation after eliza was locked in her room. later, sylvie would come to help thea and pascal, but for now
thea and pascal stayed on the other side of the coral fence by sadie. eventually, sadie saw a whale and told the other two her plan: to swim up by the whale and ask if they could swim her over the city to get back home. the coral almost reaches the top of the sea, and whale's like to go up there sometimes
thea was excited and said to do so, but pascal was worried for his sisters safety. he was reassured, and reluctantly let her try her idea
turns out! that whale was a boat. captain garrisons boat.
garrison {garte} was a loud, foul-mouthed sailor who grew up on the ocean with his father and sister. once he was out in the world on his own, he went right back into piracy
he picked up most of his behavior from what he had seen while on land as a child thanks to the crew and townspeople. no one really talks to him about it, since his crew don't really care and they don't stop at places for too long
he is, however, rivals and sworn enemies with the meteli ship and their captains. johnson, harrison, and solaire {joh, hayden and glenda/luna {head meteli guard woman, shadow knight}} have even brought kids onto their ship. leo, piper, and abram {laurence, cadenza, and caleb} are small, with piper being the oldest at 7 and leo at 5, but still won't be all that fun to try and censor himself around smaller ears when insulting the meteli captains
anyway, to sadie the whale is 'singing loudly' and she tries to check up on it. she sees humans singing instead, dancing on two legs and a boat full of laughter. sadie is enraptured by their joy and watches for a moment…
garrison notices a beautiful woman in the ocean watching his crew, and tries to invite her onto the ship. she's scared away and ducks underwater. he's too drunk in the middle of the day to notice that she doesn't come back up for air
after this, sadie notices that the strange whale had led her farther from home. she heads lower into the ocean and catches sight of a mers fin
she tries to catch up, and finds a merman sitting around as if he was waiting for her. he explains that he wants help, because the 'witch' who's passed out in the glass chamber trapped them as a merman. he explains that they fought for a bit, and now he has to wake her up to get the recipe for a permanent solution to his problem
sadie, having heard stories of witches {and not knowing that they were about tavari themselves}, gladly helps. tavari says that they had been up above the ocean for too long, and needed to rest for a few days and stay underwater. zale comes around and suggests that sadie helps in their place, promising to help keep her safe and keep track of time while she's on the surface
everyone says it sounds like the best solution, and tavari tells sadie how to be safe with the potion and to take it around the top of the ocean and to keep her upper half above the water
tavari pulls zale aside and tells her again to make sure sadie is okay, as her help is required for his plans. zale salutes and takes sadie to the top of the ocean
garrison had reached land after seeing sadie and docks. he promised diego and river {derek and rachel} that he would pay them after the prince pays him first. they roll their eyes and say 'sure' before maho {nana's mother su-ji} comes up to speak with all 3 of them
garrison tries to 'welcome' her into his presence, but she doesn't care and instead takes all of them to prince tobias {terry}
tobias tells them about his wants of marrying someone who loves him romantically, not just for power or anything like that. at first the for-hire mercenary couple don't really care until tobias says he'll double {possibly triple} everyone's pay. they gladly accept after this
tobias gives them a couple conditions: they must find someone together, because garrison can find people easy and the married couple would be the most likely to tell who would be the most compatible in the long run with him
the head guard, alexa {originally amber} secretly watches over them because she doesn't trust garrison to do his job properly after tobias sends everyone on their way, maho hangs back to talk with tobias before going to drake and uma's to see how this will go- and to spend time with her friends mica and nelson {martin {vylad’s dad} and michi's dad}
as garrison prepares to talk with people and sets everything up, the couple go to their hang out spot by the ocean to prepare for headaches
they see sadie come up from the ocean with a crab in her arms, barely covered up in a soaked cloth that looked like an old pirate flag
the couple try to help warm her up and talk with her. zale snuck in a language translation potion before sadie entered the cave. the 3 of them talk for a while before garrison goes out to look for river and diego. he makes fun of them for 'not inviting him' to their get together, the couple groans as they leave. sadie asks to come as well, and she's sent to the bar at DaU's {'dow' from dowry}
maho talks with her friends as garrison accidentally falls into his habit of being creepy towards women before they walk out. river smacks the back of his head to try and regulate him, diego sighs and compliments her. some of the suitors hit on members of the team and have to be sent away before the married couple kills them
alexa, watching from across the room, is disappointed and unimpressed with their work. she eventually wants to come over and ask if she can just… give them someone to work with, but mary {michi's mother} walks up to the table with confidence before coming across as the perfect fit for tobias {or close enough to by everyone's standards. they want to be paid quick}
sadie sits and talks with maho, nelson, and mica. nelson and mica point and laugh at garrison as he's almost slapped a bunch, and maho sarcastically debates on going up to the table to give them pointers and tips. once mary gets there, though, nelson is too distracted to hear his qpr partner point out the head guard leaving the establishment. maho notices, though, and sighs before trailing her
sadie leaves the queer-platonic couple at the bar and goes to follow maho. zale has been able to come along this far because sadie has been saying that she helps her calm down. which isn't wrong, but it isn't completely true either
sadie loses track of them outside the bar. she sees oscar {gene and dante's father}, and locke fighting in the center of a street. alexa is breaking it up as some of the normal guards show up, telling both of the men that they're drunk. locke waves it off and tries to leave, oscar taunts him about hazel before alexa has to step back at the force locke threw himself
sadie notices maho watching everything going down and tries to scoot next to her to talk some more. she happily obliges, and tells sadie the whole story about hazel, locke, and the 'merman' that befriended them before trying to kill them
sadie immediately tries to set the record straight, saying that a mer would never do such a thing. maho eyes her, unsure of what to do with this information. eventually, after talking some more, maho goes back to the castle to check up on tobias. she tells him what she thinks of this new person called 'sadie' and tobias immediately wants to know more about her. maho lightly bonks his head, chiding him for his childish interest in mermaids and such
tobias asks if he could meet her and asks if she really is a mermaid. sadie doesn't care to try and stop him, and as they go to leave, Alexa tells tobias that the pirate and mercenaries found him a bride and that he has to come immediately before they try to get the money early. she wants to make sure that they mesh well before giving one of her closest friends away to his job and such, knowing that she'll miss him and that her position can only interact with his before rumors try to spread after marriage
tobias sighs and agrees to go. maho, alexa, and tobias go to garrison’s boat. garrison had to be stopped from hitting on mary many times by alfredo and randall {rhys}. randall would use physical roadblocks as alfredo logic's his way out- but garrison is usually upset by alfredo no matter what and has him thrown under the ships deck. sad!
as that was going on, sylvie had finally reached thea and pascal with 7 sea crystals. thea was shocked, as sylvie always did as the queen asked. pascal took the crystals as sylvie sheepishly admitted her blunder and that this is how she's trying to make up for it. before they all go, though, eliza comes barreling towards them with guards behind her. she crashes into her friends, activating the crystals just before the guards reached her
as everyone tried to catch their water, sylvie told them that she got out of her room. her mother saw, and since she was still mad, sent the guards after her to safely get her back home. syvlie and thea rubbed the area by their gills to try and calm down before pascal pointed out that he saw a mers fins from far away
sadie, back on land, is by the seashore and talking with zale. sadie is sad that she can't get the hair right, and zale tries to cheer her up {mostly because she doesn't want tavari to be mad} and tells sadie that the potion she took only lasts 24 hours. sadie realizes how much time she's wasted before picking herself back up, not noticing her family and friends coming out from the ocean the opposite way she was walking
the couple had gone back to their cave to try and calm down from the day, and instead found the same sight from before but with 4 people instead. they're annoyed and irritated, wanting them gone as soon as possible. they give them some of their own clothes and give short answers to their questions before sending them away. they finally have a chance to relax in each others arms, and do so for a while
the 4 go down the beach in the direction of sadie before seeing someone playing a string instrument by the seashore. they sit and listen. at the end of the song the performer opens her eyes and introduces herself as bella {betty's parent}. they all talk for a bit before bella tells them what she saw that had to do with their friend. she saw the fight between oscar and locke, saying that maho had walked away
she did notice, however, their mouths moving to form the word 'merman', shrugged, and went back to playing
tavari is anxious {and getting mad} about his plan. he wants to go check up on how it's going, but bella and oscar would notice him immediately. he regretted giving the others some of his hard-made potions in exchange for their help
they did, however, get a kick out of having to explain that they'd have to do it sneakily. not just 'going up and taking some' like eliza and pascal said, or 'asking them nicely' like sylvie and thea countered with. tavari laughed to themselves and went up to the glass box containing hazel
he misses her. he misses locke. he gave up on trying to turn her into a mermaid, not wanting to stay like this himself any longer than he has to. he runs a hand by hazel’s face and goes to work on a temporary potion once more. it's difficult getting human objects naturally for this, but he's been doing it for this long and it's fine by now…
sadie had reached the ship and saw that there were 2. she wasn't sure about which one had the people she knew, and headed toward the 2nd one
she stepped on board and saw children coming up to her. sadie, always being a sucker for guppies, immediately started coddling them and making them laugh. she heard someone laugh and ask how she's so good with children. sadie looked up to see 3 adults in front of her, smiling as she played with the children. the woman had a baby in her arms as sadie stood up
she apologized for coming onto the ship without asking, and the parents waved her off and thanked her for distracting the kids. they all heard yelling from the next ship over. garrison was yelling for the throuple to 'come over and fight him like men', waved his hand and added that solaire could kick his a… butt anytime
they rolled their eyes at their friend's antics and waved to him. sadie sees maho, river, and diego and excuses herself. the parents say that she's welcome to come back at any time as long as they're docked. piper had asked to hold zale earlier, and after asking zale if it was okay and going over proper safety, sadie handed her over. sadie, however, forgot to pick the crab back up. zale is yelling after sadie and pinching her claws as piper gets amped about crabs with leo
sadie realizes that she's been so focused on the task at hand, that she hasn't properly shown niceties towards the humans. she goes out and finds some flowers to make wreaths, only finding enough for a couple crowns and bracelets, and walks aboard as she focuses
mary is getting ready with river's help, helping mary do her hair and such. diego silently watches garrison try to talk to him, giving up and instead talking to himself or randall. randall tries to calm his captain down
randall points to what's happening above deck and sends garrison, tired after the captain talks at, with, and around him. diego pats the barrel next to him, and randall takes a seat
maho pointed towards sadie as she came aboard, telling tobias that she was the possible mermaid. alexa starts to say something about being sarcastic in the right spots, but tobias is already giving a formal greeting
he bent to one knee, took sadie's hand and brushed his lips over his knuckles, and gave her his full name. alexa was aghast, as this is what people do for tobias' family to show respect. maho sees her friends face and starts laughing loudly, attracting the attention off the ship's crew towards the sight of the prince and sadie
alexa swats her friend's arm and tries to get tobias to stand up, telling sadie that she should be doing that instead if the prince was in her presence. tobias turns to speak with alexa about being proper with mermaids before sadie holds out the wreath she was in the middle of making. everyone pauses to see what's going on, crew pretending to work
sadie says that she couldn't make wreaths for everyone, but that her people make these for introductions. she puts the wreath around tobias' shoulders, then goes around and asks for maho and alexa's hands to give them bracelets. they're all stunned as tobias' eyes shine and sadie asks where the others are
alexa silently points to the lower deck, sadie stops by garrison to give him a flower ring before getting to river and diego. tobias starts to go on about his theories for mermaids and such, the crew gets back to work and pretends like they weren't watching. garrison messes with the ring on his hand, cursing that he missed the chance to hit on another girl today
alexa hears this and starts to run after garrison, who gives a high-pitch scream as his crew laughs
diego sees sadie and rubs the bridge of his nose. sadie asks for his wrist, gives him a flower bracelet, and asks where river was- diego realizes that sadie doesn't know either his or his wife's name
he jerks a thumb to the changing room, saying that river is helping mary and that sadie will have to wait. as sadie sits on the ground, the women come out from the double doors
sadie excitedly gives river the bracelet and asks if mary would like a ring. she declines, saying that she's about to be rich and won't need flowers. sadie is taken aback, as that's usually the sign of disrespect and wanting to avoid the offer-er in mer culture. she's still stunned as mary walks to the deck
mary sees that the others have flowers and starts to get bad. why would that woman give her man flowers, and he should be making an expression like that because of her! not some--
mary is cut off mid thought as she hears yelling from the side of the ship. on land, two of the town's music men were trying to get her attention. well, one was. the other did not look too excited
mica, sour expression, was holding nelson on his shoulders. nelson proclaims to mary, holding his arm out to her, declaring that he fell in love with her the moment she saw him and that he would love to spend the rest of his life with her. mica rolls his eyes, annoyed that nelson is doing this
mary looks to the prince, wrapped up in flowers, and accepts nelsons proposal. she hikes her dress up and jumps to the men, all of them falling over. the new couple starts laughing as mica is sour about the whole thing. the 3 hear laughing from the next ship over, and see the crew congratulating them on their relationship and getting a kick out of the scene that played before them. nelson is bashful as mary pulls him up and dips him for a kiss. mica sits and simmers on the ground as they do this
bella saw this from far away, small images that looked like mary jumping off a ship to nelson and mica. she laughed to herself and started to head into town to tell everyone at DaU's
by now, sylvie and pascal complain that their weird tubes hurt. thea and eliza push on, agreeing that it's strange, but that they need to find sadie. eliza reminded everyone that this potion would only last so long before their scales, fins, and gills come back. pascal told eliza that tavari said the gills would come in about 30 minutes after the others, she then thanked him for the correction
they eventually leave the town and see the pirate ships. sylvie asks if it's a whale, and eliza refutes her with a slight bump on the head. sylvie calls her mean as they head towards the ships
alexa tells tobias that his date just jumped overboard into the arms of another man as river and diego come up to see what all the noise was about. river starts to pull out a small knife that she carries, saying that she worked too hard on her hair for her to skip out on this. diego puts a hand on her shoulder and points towards tobias- specifically the flowers
river looks down to her wrist and puts it together. she puts the knife away before going up to sadie and asking if she wants her hair done. sadie happily agrees, not knowing that she is about to be courted
as they go back under the deck, diego tells tobias and alexa that sadie is getting ready. tobias thanks him profusely as he dances around with the wreath. diego shakes his head at the princes behavior, not caring enough to stop him
garrison tries to offer sadie help with her dress before river smacks him on the side of the head. she tells him that sadie is the prince's new target of love, and garrison deflates. he huffs out a 'fine' and goes back to talking with randall about whatever pops up
eventually, the meteli captains notice that their kids are stressing out the crab and tell them that they have to take it back to the nice lady sadie. leo and piper groan, not wanting to stop playing with zale, but zale clips her claws in vivid agreement to the throuples words. they giggle at the crab before handing off abram to their second in command
they walk the kids over to garrisons ship, happily greeting the crew as they usually do. they ask around where sadie went, and alfredo calls up that she's getting ready for her date with the prince. they thank him and go to sit while waiting. piper lost hold of zale, who ran away as fast as she could. leo starts to try and go after her, not wanting to see his sister sad, but johnson puts a hand on his sons shoulder and reminds him why they're there in the first place. he apologizes and gets his hair ruffled, harrison saying that it was okay as solaire went to sit on the ground in-between the kids
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eraldkarma · 6 months
Ok so my hyper fixation on aphmau has sparked u again, I've decided to share my little Au with the world because my friends are getting tired of hearing about a minecraft roleplay from... oh god it's been that long? Jeez.
Anyway here is what I'm changing about the base cannon of mystreet before I throw in any crazy AUs like Ein being a decent person and living with Aph and Sylvanna during S2 of PDH or mystreet Dante getting stuck in MCD when everyone ditched him.
So I don't know I can fit my whole four years worth of brain rot in one post so we are going to start with the big blaring walking red flag himself Aaron.
What needs to change?
So so muck For starters, apparently, Aphmau needed to listen to sylvannas internet safety lectures a bit more because SHE STILL GIVES A STRANGER HER ACTUAL PHONE NUMBER!!! Sorry sorry this is a post about Aaron not how nieve aphmau is.
Anyway the guys 18 and is dating aphmau who is probably 14/15. This guy is going off to college in a year and aphmau still talks her stuffed cat and hides in a closet before her first day of high school.
Also at first I defended Aaron becouse I thought he just didn't know how old she was when they were strangers texting each other but they have a whole conversation about how nervous she is ABOUT HER FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! Sorry again 😔 but if I was Aaron and I found out that the person I was talking to was actually a young girl who was probably fourteen or fifteen (younger actually since they've known each other and have been texting for atleast a couple months) and knowing that I am seventeen or eighteen would break it off and probably unfriend them not keep texting them about it and then start to ask them to reveal there real name.
Then there's the whole like ultima thing I know it wasn't actually written in until like season 4 of mystreet but I have a question 🤔 if darek knew what kind of life was in store for his son having the curse if he feels so bad about having to isolate his son if he knew the curse is a possibility why have him? Why risk have biological children? Or why not stop after milisasa since for some reason the curse only effects the males of a blood line. (You're telling Me the lycan family has never had an all female generation? Is the curse just dormant in females?) I'm changing that we need to change dark put him on the list right above Sylvanna but under KC.
There's also like why are you the alpha of the werewolf pack? Like I get it in highschool but after in season five? You don't know anything about the culture and Daniel ran the highschool pack for four years you don't have to be the alpha now? I genuinely think that was from Jason wanting his self insert to be the ' powerful hot alpha oc trademark do not steal'
So how an I gonna fix this?
Well we are going to start with Aaron's age, He's aphmaus age or well hes sixteen but so were Garothand Laurence. Plane and simple hes sixteen hes a softmore who was homeschooled is life becouse of his secret ultima curse. He does switch schools temporarily for S2 of PHD becouse dark was worried about how frequently Aaron was loosing control and how he still hadn't had a grasp on the curse, I'm gonna get to that hold tight.
That leads me into my next fix how Aph and Aaron met! They were put in the same online schooling class because Rachel is a bissness major, and Sylvanna is the type of mom to make you cry when she helps you study for your spelling bee (she loves her daughter but she does not have enogh patients to be a teacher.) Anyway they meet in the online class and find out they're both into the same things including a popular Online game and being lonely homeschooled kids latch onto each other, (I would imagine that Aaron went under a different name for the homeschooling program since he can't have the media tracking him down or asking questions y'know?) Then once they get to the age were they have phones reluctantly trade Instagram (aph made a separamount. Just for talking to Aaron and not posting pics because her mom follows her mian and Aaron makes his very first acount and only follows aph who goes by Shu on that account.)
Now to fix the lycann family.
Let's start with the curse, like I said makes no sense as to why Dark still had kids with Rachel biological when he Knew what his kids would go through. So the ultima curse effects all offspring male or female and it isn't usually as strong as Aaron's. In my head not being able to control there eyes was grown out of around five years old to seven years old and then there eyes stop turning red without wanting them to they still pose the danger it's just not that hard to control. It's like potty training they learn as they grow up. But for whatever reason Aaron never really grew out of the uncontrollable eyes thing, infact they were almost always red when he was young. This scared Darek who grew up on these stories about what will happen to them if the curse is ever discovered in they're family blood line, (which is why they still hide that they're werewolves.)
Aaron lived his life in solitude while millisa got to go out and experience the world she got to go the boarding schools in Germany and go with mom and dad on they're business trips while he stayed in they're house in falcon claw with either one of his parents or trusted staff. (This is not how millisa sees it BTW but we'll talk about her later.
I hope you enjoyed my brain dump.
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soulless-angel25 · 5 months
Finally gone through and selected which characters and fandoms I'll be doing for Multiamory March! Some of these are just flat-out unhinged pairings that I chose at random.
Day 1, Kiss: Genshin Impact Lumine/Childe/Zhongli Day 2, Hope: Doctor Who Rose/Amy/Rory Day 3, Negotiation: The Arcana MC/Portia/Nadia Day 4, Misunderstanding: Percy Jackson (books) Percy/Annabeth/Rachel Day 5, Online: Twisted Wonderland Yuu/Lilia/Idia Day 6, Gifs: KOTLC Sophie/Fitz/Keefe Day 7, Allies: Miraculous Ladybug Ochako/Izuku/Toga Day 8, Hurt: Keeper of the Lost Cities Sophie/Tam/Fitz Day 9, Acting: Mystreet (Aphmau) Aphmau/Travis/Katelyn Day 10, Neighbors: Doctor Who (AU) Donna/Rose/Martha Day 11, Double: Doctor Who Ganger Eleventh Doctor/Rose/Eleven Day 12, Struggling: Obey Me MC/Mammon/Diavolo Day 13, Fantasy: Obey Me Asmo/MC/Beel/Belphie Day 14, Mentor: Alice in the Country of... Blood/Alice/Elliot Day 15, Caring: Miraculous Ladybug Marinette/Luka/Kagami Day 16, Fiction: Doctor Who Twelve/Rose/Jack/River Day 17, Comet: Twisted Wonderland Lilia/Yuu/Cater Day 18, Team-up: Fairy Tail Lucy/Loke/Gray Day 19, Break: Percy Jackson (books) Percy/Annabeth/Rachel Day 20, Journey: Doctor Who Thirteen/River/Rose Day 21, Wonder: Coffee Talk Barista/Gala/Hyde Day 22, Pirate: Mystreet (Aphmau) Aphmau/Katelyn/Kawaii-Chan Day 23, Begging: The Arcana, Nadia/Apprentice/Lucio Day 24, Night: Harry Potter Harry/Ginny/Luna Day 25, Commitment: My Hero Academia Ochako/Izuku/Toga Day 26, Matchmaker: Miraculous Ladybug Luka/Marinette/Kagami Day 27, Steal: Fablehaven Bracken/Kendra/Ronodin Day 28, Swap: Doctor Who Thirteen/River/Rose Day 29, Blade: Genshin Impact Lumine/Kaeya/Dainsleif Day 30, Touch: Shadow and Bone Alina/Darkling/Nikolai Day 31, Co-Living: Coffee Talk Barista/Gala/Hyde
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