Look at this cute ass keyboard I got
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I wonder if I can shove a whole boiled egg down my throat without choking or blocking my air waves.
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Wtf was Derek's main goal he thought he was achieving. He seemed to have so many through FCU-When Angels Fall that I can't tell anymore. Saying "his main goal was to be an asshole" is not really.. A goal? It also does not sound like Derek's character.
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This Is A whole Judgmental Villain Post
I am going to be judging how good of villains each of these idiots are, if they have a low score I can hardly call them a villain. These are specifically MyStreet villains for now.
Ein. He definitely meets the criteria for a villain but he's just not... That good of one. First of all, how the fuck did he go from genuine emotions to "oh wow I was faking it to become the alpha and bla bla bla"? No one fakes emotions that good, this story plot was bullshit. His main goal is to... WaiT what's his main goal again? There's the turn everyone into a werewolf supremacist thing, the fuck lemme make out with this basic ass chick thing, the uwu get revenge on ultima thing[get in line with everyone else lol], and then there's the simping for Michael thing. The main one is probably the last one in season six cause that's all he talked about. He got a lot of people killed but he can't do it without help. He is nothing but a sidekick. 3\10.
Zack. he doesn't meet any criteria why the fuck is he in the villain place. The whole reason he even worked with Michael was money yet his dumbass wasn't willing to kill for it? He's pathetic as fuck. His main goal was to threaten and torment Derek in Starlight, that's not intimidating to the rest of the group at all. if he actually did something besides torment and be a condescending asshole to his ex boyfriend then maybe he's meet the criteria, but he doesn't. The cheating doesn't make him a villain, as that would put so many other characters as villains too. Yeah he's an asshole and all, just not really a villain. 0\10.
Elizabeth. The fuck she do besides kick Garte's kneecaps out and have a fairly seductive voice? She also saved Zack from drowning, how dare she he wanted to die anyways[which is sad but let's not talk about that]. She'll probably be better in the future so I give her 4\10.
Derek. No. No no no. He is not a villain in the slightest he is an antagonist, there is a BIG difference. His actions are more fucked up then the others though so he gets to be talked about. First of all the nicest thing he did to Aaron was get him a dog, then lose it. Now for the actual options, Derek has a weird way of showing he cares about Aaron. That includes making agents stalk him to make sure he doesn't hang out with humans he could put in danger, hiring some weird stoner dude to assault his son then hug him, intentionally calling his son a monster whenever he does anything wrong, throwing a temper tantrum and breaking his phone, and he's also really good at lying. probably learned it from Michael cause there's no way he picked it up himself. Oh also 7\10 for creativity.
Xavier. Best villain 100% \s. He really needs to take a break from the internet because it is damaging his emotional health and also his villain vibes, I can't really take a computer need who's really only obsessed with seeing the ultima seriously. He gets really fucking emotional when it comes to exposing the ultima so it messes up all his Damn plans. He only stayed in FCU because he's only a villain meant for college. 5\10 cause I feel bad for him.
Ivan. This bitch could've just stayed a player and saved his pathetic life from becoming an asshole, yet he chose the wrong path because he's really stupid. All he does is prank people and harass Lucinda, and also turn people into babies. He's literally nothing but a kindergartener to everyone. 1\10
Michael\The Demon Warlock. Wow someone who literally could give less of a fuck about Aphmau and Aaron's relationship's existence? Perfection. Amazing. Anyways, some of the bad things he did were controlling people to kill others for him, kill Terry's dad who apparently existed, beat up Travis because he's a nuisance and he's in the way, try to kill a useless God who does nothing for the community, didn't kill Derek cause Derek killed himself, killed one of his partners daughters cause he doesn't give a fuck, and he also killed Rachel. The fuck is up with that. How dare he. His main goal is to kill Irene cause fuck if I know I guess they broke up or something. He is also weird and predatory just like Terry, which is why I can't tell them apart. 9\10 cause the Katelyn thing ruined his intimidation.
That is all for now.
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Derek has the most long-lasting blowjobs, they could last for days.
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Okay but, why did Jason need to ask what she was touching? I thought she would've just touched the stomach but nope, she apparently might've touched something else.
This leads to weird thoughts but yep- let's totally ignore this. I don't know why I brought this up it just came up after watching starlight again.
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It is a good day to look back and make fun of my old writing.
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How To Cope With Murderous Thoughts: Write Fiction About It And Get Clout For It.
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I hate appearance descriptions. But they are needed.
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I am basically just shipping Eiron but with more proof and chemistry, this is exactly what this ship is.
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Well nevermind I'll have to use one of my old ones, since the registration isn't working right now.
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Time to make another quotev account for my Zackrek fanfictions. That way no one knows me and I can write whatever I want in peace.
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The Good and The bad side both hate Derek, he's just so fucking unbearable to both that neither can side with him without being paid.
Besides Zack, because Zack is weird and has mixed feelings about him.
I don't have mixed feelings on Derek because I kin him, and I want myself to die. So that would probably mean I want him to die too.
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Alright, done being an emotional asshole about everything now. Back to headcanons.
Zack's a yandere for Derek and I will not be taking criticism. [Also if you think it needs criticism: It's a headcanon, chill out and make your own this is my life.]
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You know what's annoying? People keep mixing Zack and Derek up.
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Derek has and will always be my kin
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Derek has toxic masculinity AND internalized homophobia inflicted in his brain.
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