#a headsup
rielzero · 1 year
Just a little headsup for my tiny amount of followers
idk who on here reads my webcomic or comes for my other posts, but given that my autism is currently freaking out over baldur’s gate, my energy and interest for other things is very suppressed right now. I have not gained a new hyper-fixation that has excited me to these extremes for YEARS. 
The last time this happened was when I started collecting and reading comic books (Mostly marvel.) But Marvel is very restrictive in how fruity it allows itself to be if you catch my drift. And I haven’t watched secret invasion because of the stupid AI shit they pulled. Writer’s strike/actor strike is happening. I feel very disillusioned with the MCU even if I still enjoy it.
I’m craving something more appealing right now which is much more satisfying.
I’ve been craving something like Baldur's gate for YEARS and its finally happening?? Huh?? I’ve also been very excited about developing this character for the game that I intend to play and have played in the early access. I crafted this elaborate backstory for him (Which might change a tiny bit if the character customization would have me adjust it.)
I honestly have wondered if something like this would ever happen to me again. I used to swap hyper fixations almost weekly when I was much younger, then marvel has kept my heart for a long time- and then my own stories.
I have not lost interest in those other things yet though, but looking at this realistically I cannot force myself to work on things when my brain is freaking out like this- the only result would be that my interest for something will lessen if I force myself.
Given my floppy health, and my insecurity with my webcomic (I do wish to draw more mature looking things) it might be best to put it on hiatus while I work this out with my new hyper fixation, else I’m going to break my brain.
My Warlock Character is a Half Elf Urchin named Locke, and I’ll likely be obsessing over him and bg3 for some time, and I’ll likely end up drawing tons of stuff and practice drawing certain things with it. I see this as a good time to pick up experience perhaps. Maybe some comics strips inspired by it. I’m stoked.
TLDR: My stupid gay brain too fixated on BG3, do not expect anything from me for a while, except for maybe art inspired by my soon to be BG3 playthrough(s)
COUGH also don’t be afraid to ask about my TBA Tav insert (Isn’t that what they call it?) I want to ramble about my evil blorbo so badly ASJGhgjgh
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*dies* can someone revivify me thanks
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inutiliacapra · 2 months
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GRIFFIN!!! OF SELF CARE!! i did alot of self care today :D
self care includes: having a good therapy sesh.. got sum melatonin gummies and getting 8 hours of sleep tonight... showered really good.. brushed teeth and used lotion... took my meds on time... and also made myself dinna (sausage and garlic bread :3)
i also finally used the rest of the wood from my closet, so back to digital art!!!!
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mellific · 1 year
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hey everyone i'm BACK with a new and updated cat commission format! here is the deal:
this form will be open 8AM - 8PM pacific time tomorrow july 15th
pay-what-you-want on completion
these will be slow, i'm hoping to get a pool of cats that i can randomly pull from over like.... many months
essentially what you're signing up for is "probably a cat picture one to twelve months from now" at pwyw rates! $20 per would be lovely but slkfdslkj these are going to happen so far out so please pay whatever circumstances permit at the time
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memedrome · 9 months
Just because someone slows down doesn't mean they are not interested anymore!
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I have seen anxiety-inducing posts about partners drifting apart and having lost interest when not interacting, but real life happens fam. Yes, when we are low on brain juice, we choose to reply to threads that appeal the most to us at that time to not get swamped in threads too much.
But we REALLY need to stop assuming the worst about our partner right away when our thread is not among the few chosen ones and takes longer to get replied to.
Maybe your partner wants to tend to your reply when they feel less tired, to give you the best they can do? Work and private stress can also take a while to subdue, so please be patient with your partner and don't just softblock because your brain assumes only bad things.
Sometimes we are in a bad place ourselves and need to step back a bit instead of projecting our own insecurities onto our partners in these moments. And taking time for yourself is perfectly okay. Being chronically online is not healthy in the long run.
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azuphere · 6 months
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sweet like cinnamon
insp by this photoshoot for the 'better kind of best friend' mv by xana
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optiwashere · 2 months
It's been a minute since I've done any sort of month-long challenge thing, and I want to get back into the groove with something small after my break.
Fluffy ficlets for August, anyone? I won't be posting links to this every day that I update, but here's the first one for the month. Hopefully I'll be able to do all 31, but I might skip a few days if life is hectic.
Rating: T as a precaution for themes later in the month
Category: F/F
Ship: Shadowheart/Trans Fem Tav
Archive Warnings: None
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embersign · 1 year
The amount of "Hyper-Realistic" Commissions popping up in the FFXIV community that are v clearly AI paintovers is actually awful rn. Seeing a lot of it in rando discord servers and stuff. Research your commissoners before getting art done. Don't pay for AI. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Don't trust sketch processes that look too similar to the final product/look traced over. -Demand to see many WIPs that show the process between rendering, not just flat colors then sudden renders. -Be wary of varying style changes & ability between sketch and final product.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Be careful out there! Don't pay for scammers!
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nocturnalazure · 1 month
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Author's note: The 'hey/hey yourself' thingy is an echo of how they used to greet each other.
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tokowwdefox · 23 hours
➥ sᴜɴᴛɪᴏ ᴅᴏᴏᴅʟᴇ ᴅᴜᴍᴘ 🪽 × 🦉
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shinyzango · 9 months
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Ko-Fi sketches drawn for maybee_azul on Twitter. Thanks again for buying a sketch, highly appreciated!
--- Beef Ko-Fi sketches are currently unavailable, but I'm planning on opening a few slots in the future for anyone interested!
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sleepyminty · 2 months
In the sphere of project moon fandom, there are always the leonardo da vinci of pm artists
NishikujiC and kankan my beloved
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bandgie · 6 months
I am making a fic ft. Chan that involves dd/lg themes, I understand not everyone is comfortable with that, hence why im posting this as a heads up lmao. ill also be putting detailed warnings in the actual fic too! this is something I've thought about for a long time and wanted to do, but I was very iffy since I wasn't too into it myself and I wasn't sure how people would react. in the end, I realized that I can do what I want and this is merely words on a pixilated screen.
no idea when I'll post it! but it's in the works :p
ALSO! in my rules I did state that I don't really do ageplay, but I am breaking my own rules for myself but this doesn't give the green light for everyone else to! thank you for understanding :)
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kays-artstuff · 6 months
Do the friends ever learn about Clover in "Lucky" Clover?
me answering that is a biiiiit spolier-ey but what I can say is that clover has a lot of issues to work out and guilt from leaving their friends to sacrifice their soul.
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plus i like to think (based on my interpretation of clovers backstory) that they're a very emotionally mature child and shoulders burdens they really shouldn't at their age
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memedrome · 15 days
Please read your partner's rules!
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Read the rules before you follow someone, and re-read them once every while to make sure you don't accidentally overstep boundaries or use triggering topics that may make them uncomfortable! It may seem like such an obvious thing, but it is actually a serious and rampant problem that people in fact DON'T read their partner's rules.
If someone has a password, then send it. You also have to message partners to send memes and prompts in, so don't tell me sending a password is a problem. Read these rules, send that password. If the password is an IC thing, clarify in your message that you only send this to confirm that you read the rules and don't want to make a big thing out of this.
If someone has an interest checker and it is a mandatory part of their rules, just fill it out. It can make it easier for your partner to decide which muse to send you if they run a multimuse and it shows that you read the rules and are genuinely interested in interacting with the other. If someone asks for specific things to be tagged, then tag them! Don't trigger your partners and then pull a surprised Pikachu face when you end up blocked. Respect your partner's demand for trigger warnings if they have them in their rules. Also, keep your tags simple! TRIGGER TW / TW TRIGGER. That's it. No fancy letters and emojis needed.
Too small text? Can't read? Message your partner and ask them for an alternative if you can't read their rules. I'm sure they can set up a doc or carrd for you with the rules in normal font-size without the use of obnoxious fonts and colors. It's all a matter of communication, which is and should be a basic thing in the RPC.
Please read the rules. Show your partner respect.
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ink--theory · 3 months
some person on twitter liked, followed and went through the trouble of making a whole ass custom header using my art without even asking me LMAOOOO 😭😭😭
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dreambones · 1 year
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I usually try to clean a bit more my concepts before showing them anywhere, but given how busy I am lately plus kind of lack of content here due that, I decided why not.
Designs are not set 100% but I am surprisingly mostly happy with both in this first try, been a while I was happy with a design this fast. My main struggle is the art style as always but I'll try crossing that bridge once I go back to it.
Meanwhile no names, thinking of calling her "Rana" which is just Frog in spanish, gator still unsure. No story yet aside some ideas here and there, I know I want to try doing pastel gore again, plus a mix of silly cartoony but horror. For now they are giving me some very needed rest by the end of the day, plus it's so different to JHN that it helps me stay motivated with work.
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