#a home without war
cruilty-ink · 1 year
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AHWW!Leo when he found out about the multiverse
yeaaaa he did not know how to react, and he is now terrified
(Cont worry, he won’t lose an arm… I think)
Also the last panel is just bonk by @blueskiesofsaturn
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gideonisms · 9 months
eowyn should have been a lesbian. Eowyn/faramir is like, fine, but it misses the point of eowyn for all baby dyke eowyn stans which is not that she longs for glory in battle and doesn't realize war is ugly and brutal, but that she's caught between two awful options and she doesn't want to be given one based on her gender. She's not in love with aragorn, she envies him because she finds the tasks he has in life more preferable and she hero worships him. Is this the point Tolkien was trying to make? Well, no,
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ok but can we talk how in Legendary, Antinous asked a question. he’s being as rude as possible but “when’s your tramp of a mother going to chose a new husband” is a question. a question that Telemachus does not want to answer. and yeah, the immediate follow up of “why don’t you open her room so we can have fun with her” makes it seem rhetorical, but rhetorical or not, it’s definitely a question. and I’ve always wondered why Telemachus is offended by ‘tramp’ when the ‘why don’t you open her room’ thing is a million times worse. 
But what if Telemachus wasn’t offended that Antinous called Penelope a tramp? The suitors have probably been saying stuff like that for ten years, he’s used to it. What if, more than anything else, Telemachus wanted to make them forget about the question they asked? What if he was just trying to distract them?
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Today’s thoughts are about Rebels and the theme of home, and more specifically about Ezra Bridger.
One thing I love about Rebels is how each of the characters has their own reasons for choosing to fight the Empire—Hera grew up in this fight, Zeb is responding to his past inability to protect his people, Sabine is trying to make amends for her past decisions, and Kanan is just trying to survive after Order 66, figuring out what it means to be a Jedi. They’ve all had to, in some way, leave their people behind to pursue this fight, and that’s where we are when we meet them—when Ezra meets them.
And the thing about Ezra is that he doesn’t want the fight. He doesn’t want to join the rebellion, he wants to fix his home. But, when he gets dragged off anyway, he hears about the wookies being taken from their home, and it resonates with him; and because Ezra is, at his core, a good person, he helps them—and then he can’t stop himself from helping, and with his new family by his side, he doesn’t want to.
During the show, each of those characters faces reckonings with their past, not just once, but repeatedly. Not only does Zeb help the Lasats they meet, he is constantly coming encountering Kallus, who puts a face to the loss of his people. Hera has to work with her father, and then Thrawn steals her Kalikori. Sabine has to fight against her people, and then fights for them. And Kanan trains Ezra, immersing himself back into that life he had to run from, in many ways, with Order 66. In episodes one and two, the troops are shocked to see a Jedi, but he and Ezra slowly become well-known—he stops hiding.
In the midst of all of his family reencountering their homes is Ezra, refusing to leave his behind. Ezra never falters in his commitment to Lothal, and to its people. It’s Ezra who saves the governor, it’s his voice that gives the people hope, it’s him who pushes for the rebellion to act. He never gives up on it, never loses sight of his home, and I think that’s a big part of what draws the others back to their own homes.
By the time you reach the final moments of the battle on Lothal, Ezra has made peace with his decisions. He’s resisted the pull of the dark side, overcome the devastation of losing a master, and even denied Palpatine’s temptation for him to be reunited with his parents. In the rebellion, Ezra has grown into something more than he was before, and this time he chooses to rebel, and to do it in the name of Lothal. And he does it by using the force, not to fight, but to flee—except now, he’s not running from something out of fear, but out of determination. This time, Ezra makes the choice to leave his home behind, so that he can make the galaxy a better place for its people.
And his final message to Sabine was that he was counting on her. He didn’t say what for, but he didn’t have to, because she knew. He was counting on her to bring him back to his home, just like he helped bring the rest of them back to theirs.
Ezra Bridger is the heart of Rebels in so many ways, but this is and will probably always be my favorite.
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muninnhuginn · 5 months
no but like. spy x family shows time and again that you need not just the larger picture but also to take into account what's closer to home
[redacted]'s dad pointing out that ostanians aren't monsters, but still slapping his own son and making [redacted] terrified to even consider lying to him.
donovan desmond. regardless of whether his role in government is "in the right", he still prioritises his aims over his family. both damian and demetrius have estranged relationships with him and I don't even know where to start with whatever is going on with melinda.
handler. lost her own family and this forms part of her current motivation towards heading off war. but it's shown that her personal life is in tatters. that she's only living for her job with nothing at home for her anymore. it's unhealthy for her, but the connection with her new dog is a start.
twilight. increasingly at odds between "his mission" and his family. and yet, the whole reason for his mission is to protect the smiles of children. to make it so that they don't have to experience what he did. if he completes his mission and then leaves, he's still inflicting that same heartache onto his family.
at the same time. twilight's mantra that "ignorance is sin" comes from the right place. if tensions are ignored. if people aren't actively leveraging the information they can obtain. that's how war happens.
all the adult characters have experienced war in some capacity and they recognise the pain and suffering it can cause. that's why they work so hard to avert it. but they have to be careful that they don't echo that conflict down onto their own personal lives and younger generations. that they aren't so held back by the spectre of war that they forget to live for themselves.
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Clone wars headcanons that I'm posting just in time for May 4th
Anakin can’t finish a movie or tv show by himself to save his fucking life like something in his brain prevents him from finishing it without someone there to talk about it 
But he’ll try over and over and over again to a point where he will have the first half of the show memorized but still not know how it ends
He needs someone to keep him there and actually pay attention and there’s very few people that actually have the time or determination to do it (Aka Ahsoka) 
Ahsoka and Anakin watching a movie or show together is very different than watching it with the group cause Obi-Wan and Rex need total silence to enjoy a show (they’ve snapped at the duo a couple of times cause they kept asking “Okay so what the kriff does that mean”)
Padme doesn’t mind the talking as much as Rex and Obi-Wan but after a while the constant talking and theorizing and rewinding gets to her as well 
Unfortunately Ahsoka and Anakin need to talk to process media so half the time they just send emotions or questions through their bond to keep everyone happy 
I once saw a post say “do you think Ahsoka remembers how Anakin’s laugh sounded” and that question knocked the wind out of my lungs and made me cry for longer than I’d like to admit  
But it also made me realize that I can’t remember what their laughs sound like cause I don’t think they do so very often which means I get to create new laughs for them 
Anakin’s laugh is a strange and awkward little thing and sometimes people comment that it sounds like it hurts him (because he’s an emo little weirdo who doesn’t like to show he laughs) 
It’s very clunky and sometimes sounds like ill-fitted gears shifting but it’s also weirdly infectious and fills a lot of people with warmth
Ahsoka’s is equally as weird and infectious it’s very animalistic kind of like a fox’s laugh (aka very high-pitched and fucking adorable) she’s very giggly around the people she’s comfortable with 
Anakin would say that Padme’s laugh sounds like a wind chime and that's true for her fake ass senator laugh that’s controlled and most of the time forced 
But her real laugh that she lets out with family is a snorty hiccupy little thing that puts a stupid smile on Anakin’s face 
Obi-Wan’s laugh is breathy sounding sometimes wheezy but otherwise quiet sometimes people will catch him off guard and they get a kinda loud “HA” out of it but that’s the loudest it’ll get 
I know we technically heard Rex’s laugh in the clone wars movie but you can’t tell me this man wouldn’t cackle 
Like fully body doubled over laughter that shakes a damn room Anakin has joked once or twice that Rex has blown out his eardrum which just makes him laugh louder 
There is one person in the whole galaxy that Anakin trusts to fix his prosthetic and that’s Ahsoka 
He didn’t even trust the arm at first which made him take it apart entirely no one asked him questions about how he got the parts to fix it they all just let him fiddle with it because they thought it was his way of coping 
He normally gets pretty twitchy and cagey when people hold his prosthetic (besides Ahsoka obvi) Padme usually gets the best reception and by best reception I mean he doesn’t snatch it out of her hands 
Obi-Wan swears to this day the first time he picked up Anakin’s prosthetic the boy almost dislocated both their shoulders trying to get it back 
The first time Ahsoka fixed his arm was also when Anakin physically couldn’t because he was in too much pain
He talked her through the repair process tho and thanked the universe that he was hyped up on pain meds because he was sure that’s the only reason he was so calm 
Even after he recovered he showed her the proper way to fix the arm and let her take it apart and put it back together a couple of times 
He would never admit it but it is kind of a relief to have someone who can fix it the same way that he does
And everyone else is grateful that it’s kind of given the young togruta something to do when her master is injured because otherwise she’d be restless 
Sometimes when Anakin and Ahsoka want to confuse Obi-Wan they’ll act like he’s their biological father and blame stuff on him and those conversations will go something like this:
“Honestly Soka it’s not your fault you have ADHD” “You’re so right Skyguy the same could be said about you being autistic we both inherited from Obi-Wan”
The first couple of times he didn’t know how to react (because how tf do you react to that) but after a while he would start telling them “You do know we’re not actually related right?”
To which the duo whips out the most overdramatic reactions that entail Ahsoka covering Anakin’s ears and him doing the same to her montrals and they usually take turns to respond with “Master there are younglings present!”
I’m fully convinced that if Tiktok existed in the Star Wars universe Ahsoka would have one and it would be 1. Strangely popular and 2. The weirdest amalgamation of stuff
You’ve got her prank videos (mostly aimed at Anakin), story times (mostly about Anakin Rex and Obi-Wan), get ready with me’s (mostly to hang out with Padme), and her favorite: forcing the boys to dance with her 
The only videos that she has of Obi-Wan dancing are the ones of them dancing at formal events (mostly cause ballroom dancing is the one kind he knows)
Anakin, Rex and the boys are her most frequent victims and my sweet baby angel’s bless their hearts are stiff as goddamn boards
They’ve got a decent rhythm down and they can all pick up routines pretty fast but Ahsoka has had to train them to let loose a little bit 
It obviously took Anakin the longest to loosen up and that process mostly took place in their shared quarters but it also made me think of a hilarious scenario that goes something like this:
Cody was woken up at 3 am by an unexpected message from Obi-Wan well to be specific it was two messages one video and a text titled “Why are they like this”
When he plays the video he sees Anakin and Ahsoka doing some silly little (obviously choreographed) dance in the kitchen as something is baking in the oven (knowing the duo probably cookies)
Cody’s laughter could be heard throughout the barracks that night
When Ahsoka finally gets her hands on that video (because she does get her hands on that video) she edits the clips of her dancing with Obi-Wan and her dancing with Anakin 
With the caption being something cute and lowkey cheezy like “How I dance with my Dad vs how I dance with my brother” which people eat up because it’s fucking adorable 
There are also a couple of videos that she couldn’t post because it’s Rex her and the boys dancing and goofing off as mission lights and alarms go off in the background
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art-question-mark · 1 year
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““I’m not used to people sticking around when things go bad,” she said, by way of explanation.
She didn’t know if Cassian really understood, but he said, “Welcome home,” and she knew she was.”
-Rogue One Novelization by Alexander Freed
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faeriekit · 10 months
One underrepresented genre in Star Wars fics seem to be individual clone-centric narratives, especially in time travel fics, which are my favorites. Not just clone culture- and I LOVE speculative takes on clone culture- but picking your favorite guy in particular, separating him out from the whole of the brotherhood of the clone army and going "okay, what will he do now?"
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marvelstars · 1 year
I can go anywhere I want just not home: Ahsoka and Anakin
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So my favourite part of the chapter was the way the actual ages of Ahsoka and Anakin played a part in their interaction, Ahsoka tells Anakin that he looks the same and Anakin answered that she looks old, which is true, Ahsoka is close to aging beyond Anakin´s age of death at 46 and while Anakin "looks" like clone wars Anakin, he isn´t just Anakin, this is post ROTJ Anakin, someone who already lived 23 years in the light and 23 years in the darkness, he is Vader, he is Anakin, he isn´t young at all and he is living in a whole other level in the force compared to the one Ahsoka lives, because she is still alive.
In fact the first question Anakin ask Ahsoka is if she still remembers Baylan Skoll, because that means she is still alive, she can still come back, "That´s good" he says.
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I love how adult Ahsoka automatically reverts to her teenager personality when she noticed Anakin, she smiles, her eyes bright up, she makes jokes and teases Anakin just like in the good old times, because she missed him so much, in many ways he is her home and if he wasn´t there anymore she could not return home, as simple as that, she could not act as if Vader was Anakin, he was a broken version of her master, consumed by darkness, she probably was happy to hear from Luke Anakin died in the light but he was dead and she didn´t get the chance to say goobye but THIS, this is her brother/father, he is back, he looks the same, she can lower her guard, smile and tease because he is here to take care of things like he used to do when she was a child.
She only gets serious when Anakin isn´t automatically teasing her as well, when he says he needs to teach her one more thing, when he gets serious, then Ahsoka remembers Anakin isn´t just Anakin anymore, she knows him but he´s grown into someone she doesn´t know anymore either.
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So Anakin begins by teasing her back, putting her at ease and then, he sends her to the heart of what´s bothering her, the clone wars. In many ways, she is still that child fighting over and over again, she no longer has a particular reason to keep fighting and she is tired. It´s such a good contrarts how while adult Ahsoka is teasing with Anakin, child Ahsoka is grumpy, she complains, she questions, she asks, just like she did in the past, this child is adult Ahsoka allowing herself to be a child again, to not have all the anwers and to complain to Anakin to give her a reason to keep fighting and explain why does it matter anymore. She could not do this with Hera and Sabine because Hera is her friend but they are not that close and she is also her superior in the alliance and Sabine depends on her to make the decisions and guide her but Anakin? He is family, she can complain all day long knowing he will try at least to listen to her and try to guide her to the best of his hability and this isn´t teenager Anakin either, this is post Vader Anakin so she knows she can get snippy, angry, mad and hostile with him all she wants, she has all the right to be and he will take it.
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Anakin doesn´t just listens anymore, he counsels but he also pushes her into talking about what she doesnt want to talk about
"Do you really want a padawan?" "Being a teacher isn´t all that"
Low key Anakin is giving her the freedom of not being a teacher if she doesn´t want to be, Ahsoka looks at him affronted but it´s true, she accepted Sabine because Hera wanted her to and Sabine wanted her to but she herself isn´t sure she wants a padawan, in fact she already abandoned Sabine once, what is keeping her from doing the same again? and part of the reason she doesn´t know the answer is that she wants to be able to give Sabine or any other padawan something more than war, death and the training to be a warrior as a legacy but she is convinced there isn´t anything else she can give, because emotionally she is still that little girl forced to fight in a war, mourning for each death, mourning for her master fall and she believes that´s all she is ever going to be in the future. She fears her master fate because she believes that is going to be her fate too.
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So Anakin, Vaderkin, tries to explain she has to adapt to the times, his master teached him to be a guardian of peace because that´s what he was, Anakin teached her how to be a soldier because they were fighting in a war and she would have died if he didn´t teach her how to survive war but this doesn´t mean she can´t adapt to the times she and her padawan are living and this is precisely what Ahsoka is refusing to do, she is stil in mourning so she can´t enjoy her present.
Anakin tells her she is more and even if she believes she can´t because she has his teachings in her, she is more because he also is way more than Vader.
So when Ahsoka answers him "you are more but more dangerous and powerful than anybody thoguht" and if that´s what he is, then what hope is there for her if she has inside herself his legacy, his teachings?
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Is this what this is about? I gave you a choice live or die
Here Anakin gets mad because she isn´t understanding, she has his legacy but she isn´t him, his fall, his redemption, his good and his bad side are his own, not hers and in time she will have to make her own decisions, adapt, grow and teach her padawan what she had learned, they are the legacy of previous masters but they are also MORE, they are also what each one of them adds to that legacy.
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So Anakin brings his other half, Vader, to teach her and test her with the same lesson Anakin learned along with Luke, his Son, you are more, you make your own choices and you can choose again and again and that´s what defines you, only you can define yourself, not others. He pushes Ahsoka with Vader´s persona to defy her to live once again but he also pushes her by showing her , her deepest fear, her falling, her becoming a darksider and he gives her an ultimatum, kill him and die herself, not just physically but the light inside of her, or live and stay in the light.
Ahsoka chooses the light and lets her lightsabers fall, just like Luke did, her lightsabers are no longer her life, she is more than war, she is more than just a warrior fighting in an eternal war but more than that, she is still herself and it´s her choice if she wants to stay being herself or die and fall.
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Anakin reverts back from Vader to himself again, proud of her, happy with her choice, he reverts to show her how if he, who was in darkness for so many years, buried and dead inside could still come back, then there´s so much hope for her to make her life anew by not letting her past or her lightsabers define her anymore and this is symbolized with her being taken away from the water towards safety.
In the end, he didn´t just wanted to teach her how to live physically again or how to leave behind her past, enjoy her present and enjoy life, he also wanted her to learn she must live by not falling to the darkness and even if she falls, there´s "Hope for her still" because there was also hope for him as well and now Ahsoka can remember him without mourning, without regret.
Just so many great interactions between them. Loved this chapter. Hope we see what other scenes Anakin is going to have because this story isn´t done yet.
PD: Post ROTJ dead Anakin is so relaxed, happy and vibing, love it, honestly, good for him.
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baejax-the-great · 8 months
Assuming Agamemnon makes it to Elysium (which is a big assumption but the criteria are mystery to me), do we think that every single person there who fought at Troy pummels his ass on sight? Do you think every time there is some wild dog pile of flailing soldiers all trying to stab the man at the bottom, some guy leans on his spear and says to his buddy, "Agamemnon must have shown his scraggly face again," before they both shrug and go join the fray? Do you think Menelaus is the only person who doesn't join in, maybe saying a weak, "Hey, guys, maybe we've done this enough times" before giving up and just kinda watching his brother's shade get beaten to death again?
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ssruis · 3 months
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There is so much u can read into with this one line… I’m going to go insane… tsukasa as a kid seeing his sister and parents actually be happy for once and they’re all in the same place and enjoying themselves as a family… tsukasa “family is everything” tenma internalizing that specific moment for the rest of his life bc he’s like “finally here’s something I can do to help” when he’s been unable to do anything to help saki or his parents (mostly saki bc lbr saki has always come first for him but I think seeing his parents stressed over saki definitely factored into this) & being like “its my job to make everyone happy because that’s what I *can* do.”
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He undoubtably loves shows now (to an insane degree) but it fascinates me that his love for them originates from his love for his sister. Obsessed with them. Also has… so many implications wrt dazzling light and the period where he was really focused on the piano instead of shows. Saki is doing worse -> using piano as a way to deal with his feelings over that.
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Saki is feeling better and recovering -> “I can play anything” (I don’t feel like I need to say anything abt that)
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“She’ll be back (and I’ll be waiting for her) (at home)” head in hands. So much of what I hate about the overly angsty reading of tsukasa in middle school is that it completely ignores *why* he was more subdued/down at that point, which is that the person he loves more than anything and would do anything for is suffering and there’s nothing he can do to help her.
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Saki is literally the most important thing in the world to him to the point where it’s shaped just about every aspect of his life. I have tenma siblings induced mental illness and it’s lethal I fear.
Speaking of saki:
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“Was it (tsukasa’s interest in shows) all for me?” The implication that saki (who hates the idea that people feel compelled to inconvenience themselves for her which. Is an entirely different conversation) thought he was still following this path for her and her alone… That’s such an insanely heavy burden to carry… SAKI………. (Soung of crying)
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cruilty-ink · 1 year
Master post ig
Hiya! I dont really know what to put here, but this is just gonna be links to my projects that I'm working on. Like my fan fics and comics
Random shit:
the BOX
this is my youtube, if u just wanna see funny shit ig
My new DTIYS
sona ref
Heres is where you can find my fanfics:
{2 lives, 1 yokai} ( oc insert story)- currently on hiatus
{stuck together} (mini Leo meets bigger Leo)
My comics:
Is this right?(fin) / can't we go back (discontinued)
Leo, Donnie, Mikey, Raph
Pt.1, pt.2, pt.3, pt.4 pt.5, Pt.6, pt.7 pt.8 pt. 9 pt.10 pt.11 pt.12 pt.13 pt.14 pt.15 pt.16 pt.17 pt.18 pt.19 pt.20 pt.21 pt.22 pt.23 pt.24 end
The mindscape
Le discord for ITR
Guilt trip (fin)
(warning for blood & Gore ig)
Worm tv
where sea meets sky
#1, #2
Thats it for now
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worstloki · 10 months
People who think Palestinians wanting equal rights to live on their own land equates to wanting to genocide Jewish people are actually telling on themselves
#‘millions of Jewish people will be killed’ your Jewish majority state is going to have deaths if constantly engaging in warfare and genocide#if it wasn’t happening because of that then maybe it’s because your Jewish majority state professionally harasses civilians#instead of any form of oppositional military force while invading their land#the arrogance#‘millions of Jewish people would be displaced’ have you not heard of negotiating#have you not seen millions of Palestinians been displaced from their literal homes#this is not to mention the amount of refugees in the surrounding countries due to wars already#if you think a lack of Jewish supremacy in the area is tantamount to ‘killing millions of Jews’ idk what to tell you#Palestinians want to not die and Zionists are out here saying that means they want to kill everyone#and then they will accuse you of not knowing what Zionism is or what genocide is or what apartheid is or what oppression looks like#they will accuse you of not knowing what the word indigenous means#clownery#Palestine#if you pretend being in support of Palestine is about hating Jewish people instead of trying to resolve ongoing genocide by a colonial state#then you’ve lost legitimacy#there is enough antisemitism out there that you don’t have to conflate a struggle against oppression with it to prove it exists#the same way you don’t need to prove who is endorsing to commit genocide when people deny that is what’s happening#the same way you don’t need to prove which side wants peace in the region and which side continues torturing children even without a war
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parchmentknight · 5 months
realizing that i am an outlier in fandoms because i do not ship anyone with anyone
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
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ah yes, she's concerned about the aggressor and attacker who was invading them six months ago. something is wrong with the empire right now, poor edelgard; whatever could've happened to her? :(
like... what. why do you care about what's going on with her specifically when she's the person who made the decision to invade leicester? does the whole war just mean nothing to marianne? it's just totally fine that all those people died in a war edelgard started? poor edelgard, something happened to her after she started her attack? you're concerned about the leader who gave the order to attack your home?
hopes has stupid lines but this one is top tier of the top tier and just an excuse for more edelgardjerking from the writers.
#DCB Three Hopes Run#like no sorry if someone attacked the country i live in and then suddenly their army was a mess#i would /nooot/ be concerned about the leader who ordered an invasion of my home#you'd never see a character being like wow i sure am worried abt dimitri and claude#who are just defending themselves and fighting for their lives out there#but here we get marianne being worried abt the person who declared war on her people#this game tries so so SO hard to make edelgard seem justified and doing a good thing#and also has tons of characters being like wow i sure do just want the best for her#like no i would not want the best for someone who invaded my country unprovoked#being worried abt the civilians in the empire is one thing bc the imperial army was out of control#but just wanting edelgard specifically to be okay? uhhhh. seems like this was just#the only way the writers could keep it in their pants without having shez make a sex joke at edelgard like byleth can#like does marianne not realize the end goal here was to defeat and thus kill edelgard?#it doesn't happen bc of the plot bc thales' magic and yadda yadda#but ultimately without that happening she would've had to be killed to be truly defeated#she's not like claude who would prioritize survival. she would fight to the end#like if you're that concerned about the person who started this war then why are you fighting against her?#either join her side or stay out of the war. really don't understand why anyone from leicester in ag would be worried abt her#they can't even use the classmates excuse bc they weren't even classmates for that long (and it's a stupid excuse even in gw)#but like no rly this game just has ppl love up on edelgard for absolutely no reason#she comes in and starts killing their soldiers for her conquest and marianne six months later is like wow i sure am concerned abt her!!#literally like imagine someone from crimea being like ''im concerned abt ashnard''
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rklf001 · 1 year
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2,024 days without my sweet boy, hoping this helps 🤞
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