#a job based on how the boys r doin
victimized-martyr · 1 year
4, 20, 33 for the asks if you'd like
4. Is kyle a hypocrite? 
YES wtf this shouldn’t be a question this is fact. Like this ain’t up to opinion, this is baked into the show. (s6) He lectures to open air about the immorality of sensationalizing conditions and deformities yet within 5 minutes does not hesitate to guilt Butters into faking a condition worth sensationalizing just so he Stan and Cartman can golf. (s16) Butters’ breakdown abt Kyle “ You just think you know everything, don't you Kyle?! Every little thing you gotta shoot your mouth off like you're the frickin' expert!” that’s so raw dude. It’s so real. These are the only two moments that pop off the top of my head but I’m certain there are more examples of Kyle bein a hypocrite. Not only is he a hypocrite, he can be a self righteous asshole.
20. Name what jobs the main 4 will have when they grow up
Nooo nuh uh nope I can’t answer that in confidence. The careers I’d tailor to these lil dudes are based on where their characters are at the moment and within a season’s notice Mattrey’ll be out here taking these characters into different directions and evolving them and it’d wipe my hard work off the table 😭
Ceo vs Repairman Cartman was Cartman’s definitive future 10+ years ago. Rabbi vs Homeless are the more likely futures Cartman faces now. Absolutely no one saw Kenny becoming a nobel prize winning scientist and philanthropist yet here we are.
As much as I love speculating based on what canon gives us, I gotta give this to Trey and wipe my hands clean.
33. Which SP character would be your SBF?
Kenny, but I say this bc my irl bestie identifies most with Kenny. so 👯‍♀️
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A Few Rays of the Light (Favored Ones, Part 28.)
Series description: Many things were surely fucked up in the year 2038, but no-one ever told anyone how all of it went down. What happened before a group of people left for Seattle to handle personal matters? Why did one girl refuse to leave all of it be? And why there were so many dead in the end?
Quote for the chapter: “Went out one night to make a little round. I met Little Sadie and... I shot her down.” - Crooked Still
Part summary: After everything that happened, you finally were ready to go home. All of you felt ready to set on your journey back.
A/N: x
Warnings: Depiction of torture, bone breaking, depiciton of blood and manslaughter, anxiety, rage, anger, a bit of fluff at the end.
Word count: 3 K
Tagging:   @nemodoren @xxgoldenhour @missdictatorme @davnwillcome @pickleriiick @jodiereedus22 @gladiosamicitias @tamkashi @eternallyvenus @avengerssstuff @fangirl-inthe-us @avery-miller @mikah-writes @mad-hatter-98 @sadiaafrin99 @flavorishy @gabymiller
Series master list: H E R E
Joel Miller’s playlist for the bonfire occasions: H E R E
Youtube playlists: JACKSON DAYS | SEATTLE DAYS
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Seattle, day three - early evening:
You've never felt so tired when you finally entered the theatre. Jesse was already there since he was the one opening the door for you. Quickly, you hugged him, closing your eyes. It was fucking disgusting to be hugged by you when you were so messed up, but Jesse was happy to hug you back, knowing you were safe and sound. Both of you. But meeting Jesse back in the base rose another suspicion - where was Tommy if Jesse was here?
There were three possibilities for why Jesse was there before you. The first one was that they'd simply found him and brought him back. The second possibility was that Jesse and Ellie weren't able to locate Tommy and gave up eventually. And the third was that... Well... They've found the man... Dead. Before you could ask, you heard a man speaking out to you. - "Damn, girl, you look like shit." - The man's rough voice poke fun of you. It was Tommy with his fucked up leg and his even more fucked up arm. Joel just gave his baby brother a warm look, but you straightaway ran for it, almost bringing him down.
"You fucking stupid idiotic moron." - A relieving sigh left your lips as you dragged Tommy closer to you, tugging on his jacket to assure yourself that he's real. Your brother-in-law just chuckled, bringing you closer. - "I thought you got your fucking ass killed. Oh Lord, are you real?" - You assured yourself, catching Tommy's face in your palms. He was looking like living hell walking on two legs. He was disgusting, but at least, he was alive.
"Not gonna lie, I almost did." - The man answered honestly, sending you a chilling smile. Based on your appearance, he assumed that if he wasn't able to get the job done, you and Joel managed to kill that girl. But boy oh boy, was he wrong. A glance over your shoulder sent chatting Joel and Jesse one clear message - you wanted to fuck them off, so you could have a one-to-one conversation with Tommy. - "How you're holdin' up? Huh?" - Tommy asked and followed you behind the bar, where you had the rest of the vodka hidden. You needed a shot. Or two. Or a whole bottle. You just needed to occupy your mind with something other than Owen's massacred face.
"Short version or the long one?" - You asked back, leading him to the sofa next to the entrance now. - "I'm fucking exhausted, Tommy. This shit... This was a lot. More than I can handle." - An irritated sigh filled the room between you two as you took your jacket off, throwing the bow and the backpack off you. - "I killed a bunch of people, I have a mess inside my head, I probably will never recover from the shit I've done here and I am disgusted with myself. Does that answer your question, huh?" - One of your eyebrows arched up as you threw the cap off the vodka, taking something that could be considered a good gulp.
"I know that feelin'. I had it too... A long time ago. But I'm tired too, I ain't be lyin'." - Tommy laid down on his back, closing his eyes. - "How did that feel?" - He asked suddenly, catching you off guard. What was he asking about? How did what feel? After seeing your confused face, Tommy knew he needs to specify what did he mean. - "Killin' her. After everythin' she has done to us. How did that feel?" - "How would I know?" - You asked back. Without Tommy having a clue, he was lingering over the topic you wanted to talk to him about. The Abby issue. There was no point in continuing - everyone was fucked up in their own way.  You needed to leave as soon as possible.
"Did Joel..." - Tommy immediately picked himself up on his elbows, looking you in the eyes with a furrow. If Joel would do that, there would be no difference for the other Miller. Abby was killed no matter what, that was why you came into Seattle in the first place. In every meaning, the problem would be solved. - "She just wasn't there. I haven't seen Abby since the cabin thing happened." - "Then we need to..." - "We don't need to do shit now, Tommy." - You hissed, stopping the moment before he could go on a wild rant. Before moving to your point, you gulped and looked around.
"We don't need to do shit. Look at what we've already done here, hm? We tore Abby's friends to shreds. We found each of them and killed them. I've seen each of them dead... Except for Nora. We've done enough here, so let's go home, okay?" - This was one of the more intimate, vulnerable moments you shared with Tommy. Normally, it would make Tommy soften. But there was no softening in Abby's case. Oh, no.
"But she is alive, she's a dangerous person to me, you and..." - "Is she? We've taken everything from her. We've killed her family, destroyed her word, we left a message she can't miss." - This made Tommy shut up for a face. Suddenly, you felt like a traitor in his eyes. He was giving you that look for sure. - "We're done."
"You and Ellie were the ones who came up with this in the first place, weren't you? You went to Seattle to get her. We all did. And now, when we're so damn close, you want to call it off? You want to run back home?" - "You aren't listening to me, Tommy." - You squealed suddenly. And he indeed was missing your whole point. - "Yes, I wanted to have the girl dead. I did. But I also see what this had done to me. You and Joel, you maybe are used to this pointless violence," - "Pointless fuckin' violence? Do you hear yourself, girl? I don't recall bein' the one just appearin' in Seattle, massacrin' and torturin' these people. She was the one who didn't have any reasonin' for doin' all of it." - Tommy argued back.
"That's where you're wrong. Abby had some kind of reason, some kind of motivation. And I can see now how far can this obsession take you." - You looked at Tommy who was caught off guard. This wasn't the way these revenge rampages were meant to go. No. Tommy and Joel were surviving for a long time and never in their lives someone just... Let them go. Never. - "She is somehow tied to Salt Lake. Owen told me that they were in Salt Lake... Not verbally, but he knew something only someone from this group of Fireflies could know. I don't know how, but I don't care at this point." - You whispered, putting your palm on Tommy's shoulder.
"We are shitty people. No doubt about that. But... Let's just pack our shit and leave for home. Let's not bringing this thing to an end, I already had my conclusion to the whole story, Tommy. Please. Let's stop ourselves before letting this cycle coming to an end, just like Abby was stopped. Let's be better than we are." - Another broken whisper left you and Tommy surprisingly saw the tears in your eyes which told him that you weren't lying at all. You've done enough, you've seen enough, and it hadn't brought any good. - "I have a life to protect now. I have a man I need to keep safe under any cost... And after I almost lost him yesterday, I don't wanna go to that stage ever again. Ellie has Dina here, who is pregnant and Jesse is in this mess because of us as well. Let's go before there won't be anything left to save." - You mumbled, pleading the man to change his mind.
If you wouldn't have any other choice, you'd leave Tommy in Seatlle in case he wouldn't be able to leave the whole Abby thing as it was. You'd pack yourself and the rest, leaving the other day at dawn no matter what choice was Tommy about to make. It was hard. It was seriously hard to realize such a thing about someone you were looking up to for so long... But you were 100% sure about doing it. Tommy furrowed even more and looked away from you, licking his lips nervously. Then he closed his eyes, shaking his head. - "I don't think I can ever... I wouldn't... I'm sure I can't... I..." - Miller tried to tell you something, but he couldn't get his point across at all.
"I will guard this fucking door with a shotgun to stop you if necessary." - Was all you answered without a hint of any emotion before taking another swing from the bottle. This was the point when Tommy finally broke the whole revenge thing, assuming you're probably right. This was enough. He himself had his revenge in a way, just like you told him you had yours. Abby got the message for sure by now. And if that wasn't enough for her or to stop her from coming, neither of you would be merciful this time. It was irony, to talk about mercy and leaving behind when you murdered the whole party from the Baldwin cabin, except the person you've come for and aside from the pregnant Mel. But it was showing mercy in one wicked way or another. And at that, Tommy finally nodded his head.
You were leaving Seattle the next morning, never coming back.
While this conversation was taking place, another emotional mess storm was started just in the other room between Joel and Ellie. At first, the girl was talking to Jesse about the quickest route home - but as she saw Joel coming closer to them, obviously meaning to talk to her, she wiggled her eyebrows and asked him to look out for Dina for a moment. When Joel nervously entered the theatre hall while fidgeting his fingers, looking around, Ellie was sitting at the stage, having a guitar leaned into her thighs. She noticed the incoming man immediately, although she seemed to be mentally far away from the place.
"Hey, kiddo. You doin' fine?" - Joel mumbled nervously as soon as his brain understood that he would have to be the one to speak first. Which was quite new to him, but all he could do was to get along with it. - "How ya doin'?" - "You already asked me if I'm fine." - Ellie answered and started to tune the guitar so she'd have something to divert her attention during the whole conversation. - "I've done some... Nasty and fucking disgusting things today. I just need to get a hold on those feelings inside my head." - She answered back, plucking the first chords.
"Yea, listen, I'm... I'm sorry, 'kay?" - Joel said abruptly, looking at Ellie's face while she didn't give him a single small gaze back. - "I was thinkin' a lot since we came here. This is all my fault." - The man sat down on one of the seats, looking at Ellie who was mindlessly playing some chords. She still didn't want to look at the old man because she felt that she wasn't ready. These few days were tough - and the more each of you fell into the hot pile of mess Seattle was, the more she became to be aware of all of this being tied to Joel's past in some way. Maybe even to hers, maybe not.
"Totally agree with this one. This is on you, old-timer. But we all came here because we kinda wanted to, so that's contradicting the fact that you've fucked up." - Ellie agreed emotionlessly, sighing at the was her own words were sounding. This was some nasty shit. And she could be like that. A stubborn brat who wasn't emotionally capable of forgiveness. But that was also the brat who Joel took as his daughter, so he knew this for a fact.
"I'm not talkin' only about Seattle. I'm sorry for everythin' that happened. I'm one helluva selfish fucker." - Joel sighed, remembering the passion Ellie screamed those words with at you. Finally, Joel recognized the song - an alteration of Take On Me. She wasn't sticking to the original chords, but hell, it still sounded good. You would've loved it. Finally, Ellie at least cracked a smile. - "I've thought about it too. About the whole Salt Lake situation... And it was fucked up, what you've done. It's fucking gross no matter which point of view I take to look at it. And I'm not even starting on how mad I was at you taking my chance to save some lives. Shit..." - Ellie shook her head during the intimate confession, licking her lips before looking at the man. - "But it was also fucked up from them to do that without at least telling me, or, in the better instance, asking me. And the more Y/N talks about it... The more I see the issue. Marlene wouldn't give the vaccine out to everyone either way. Yeah, it would save a few, but this thing wouldn't get outside the fireflies. I was so dumb, thinking that my life would've mattered..." - "But it does matter, girl. Cant, you see?" - Joel jumped into her speech abruptly.
The girl stopped playing and looked at him annoyedly, telling him that she wasn't done. Joel slowly sat back to the seat, not watching Ellie without a word.
"I was fucking stupid for thinking that my life would've mattered in one case only. If I'd die. But now I'm here and I can see... What I mean for all these people. I finally feel that I belong and that I matter. I made differences here, Joel, thanks to you." - With that, she looked into his eyes. - "I'm not over it, no, I am fucking not over it. But I'm working on myself, I'm trying to overcome the hate." - She told Joel just before someone else entered the hall. It was you, having the infamous bottle of vodka in your hand. While neither of them came back to the situation, there was a sense of sincerity and a kind of safety in the air, starting the connection between Joel and Ellie for real this time.
"Hey, you two. Sorry for interrupting the moment, should I leave now?" - You asked, pointing your thumb to the door you've just closed. - "No, I fucking missed you all day, baby. Come here." - Ellie told you with a smile, having the man smiling as well. Now, when they started to do something with their relationship, Ellie and you had the chance to repair yours again. It wasn't broken that much, but there was still some noise going around and some talking which needed to be done.
With a cheerful attitude and a swinging bottle in your hand, you walked to the stage, sitting next to the girl. She looked quite surprised when you started to wiggle the instrument to of her hands, catching it in your arms. - "Come on, you never played guitar." - Ellie cracked when you finally seized it, pushing her away with a burst of honest laughter.
"I can do things you don't even know about, honey," - With a concentrated expression, you tried to hear if the chords are tuned right. - "This sounds good. What are we playing? Any suggestion, dinosaur?" - Well, this just made Ellie laugh too. Could you know about the thing that had happened in Wyoming? When Ellie and Joel had visited the dinosaur museum? Or were you just shooting in the dark? If you were calling him names just to fuck around with him? In that case, this was sweet as hell.
"You can play whatever you feel like. It will all sound majestic, I'm sure of that." - The man answered tiredly, slipping down on the velvet seat. All he wanted to do was that he wanted to go to sleep. Yet it was a pleasure when he watched both of you sing some songs. Ellie was pushing her fingers into the chords to unfocus you, while you were trying to crawl away from the girl. Both of you were looking so... Happy and calm. As if you were still at home and you were just toying around during one of the bonfire occasions.
But soon enough, the time when you yawned loudly has come. Joel didn't say a word since you were an adult woman who was capable of deciding on her own, but it was time for you to finally go to sleep. Your body and mind had to be exhausted, there was no other way around it, and the sooner you'd catch some sleep, the sooner you could wander off to one of your dreams and finally get some good sleep you were missing since you came to Seattle. After you drank the rest of the vodka, you walked to the man on unsteady legs, offering him your palm in the process.
"Gross." - Ellie mumbled under her breath, watching both of you with a nasty smile after that. - "Fuck you too. I need a comfy pillow." - This was all you said before dragging Joel off to the small room in the entrance hall. You didn't even hesitate to go to sleep - you just crawled into the sleeping bag, making sure Joel was next to you before you closed your eyes. It was refreshing to know that in early the other morning, you'd finally set on your way home.
You both fell asleep for less than two hours before you've heard something going on in the entrance hall. You thought that maybe, just maybe, it was Ellie and Jesse, who had just some loud discussion. Without further hesitation, as you did previously, you climbed on Joel's lap, catching his mouth while waking him up, trying to make him understand that now, he has to stay quiet. Because no matter who was in the other room, you didn't know these people by voice. No matter if those were just some bandits, you knew that this situation requires slow and quiet approach.
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itsshellybitch · 3 years
This prompt has been sitting in my inbox forever, but I couldn’t think of anything to write until now.
Takes place just after the events of “The Ring.” Kenny has already resurrected after his syphilis death.
EDIT: I made some slight improvements
"I jus' can't believe it, Shells! There's no way that happened! He's jus' a kid!"
Shelly listened to her uncharacteristically agitated (when sober) friend vent as the two teens sat on her front stoop. She wasn't used to this role reversal. Usually, she was the one ranting and raving while Kevin quietly listened.
"It has to be a lie, right? Somebody's prankin' me!"
Gossip from the Pre-K to sixth grade part of South Park Elementary didn't normally reach the seventh and eighth grade wing of the school. However, this was an unusually juicy rumor and even the teenage inhabitants of the school were abuzz. It's wasn't every day that a fourth grade boy received a blow job.
"I ain't gonna listen to the guys callin' Kenny a stud no more! Next person who says something is gonna get a boot up their ass! I ain't gonna let them talk about my kid brother like that! He's too young for that shit!"
Shelly quirked an eyebrow. "Can I ask you something, turd?"
"Are you REALLY upset that Kenny got a BJ at nine years old or are you just mad that he got one before you did?"
Kevin's face reddened at that. "W- well I'm the older one! I'm s'posed to be doin' that stuff first! You know how it is, Shells! I can't even look at th' kid anymore, knowin' that he already got to third base when I ain't even kissed a girl yet!" His face turned even redder at that last sentence.
Shelly snorted. "Kisses are overrated, turd. At least your first kiss wasn't stolen by a pedo creep like mine was."
Kevin fell silent. He didn't know how to respond to that.
"Trust me, turd. Your brother might regret this one day, just like I regret getting involved with Skyler. I was so desperate and now look where I am! I wish that I could have a do over! You only get one first kiss, you know?"
Kevin finally spoke up again. "Well... who says that you can't get a do over?"
Shelly rolled her eyes. "This isn't something that you can just erase, turd."
"But this is different, Shells! That guy took advantage of you! You can still get a real first kiss from someone who cares about ya!"
"I guess. Too bad no guy wants to get a within one hundred feet of my ugly face," Shelly said bitterly.
Kevin fidgeted nervously. "What about me?"
"What do you mean?" Shelly asked curiously.
"I-i mean you need a proper first kiss. I ain't kissed anybody yet. Maybe we could... help each other out?"
Shelly considered this. Kevin was like a brother to her. In fact, she knew him even longer than she did her own turd brother. The idea of kissing him felt almost incestuous. On the other hand, I could always use some practice in case somebody who can overlook my hideous face comes along, she mused to herself.
Shelly took a deep breath. "Okay."
"R-really! I mean, cool."
The two thirteen year olds slowly leaned in until their lips touched. The kiss was awkward and clumsy and slobbery. Kissing with braces was cumbersome enough, but when both participants had braces, it was particularly challenging.
Shelly made sure not to apply too much pressure to Kevin's lips and she could tell that he was attempting the same. Skyler always mashed her lips against her brackets and she didn't want Kevin to experience that pain. She struggled to keep her lips closed. She had read that it was actually very rare for braces to get locked together while kissing, but she wasn't about to take that chance.
Slowly, but surely, the two teens eventually developed a rhythm and their lips began urgently moving together in unison. What started out as a kiss was evolving into a make out session. Kevin tentatively reached up and cupped Shelly's cheek. She wrapped her arms around his neck and finally dared to part her lips. She felt a fluttering in her stomach.
Where the hell did that come from?
The two finally came up for air. They sat there for a moment in silence, breathing heavily.
If Kevin's face was red before, it was positively crimson now. "I - uh. T - thanks."
"Whatever, turd," Shelly said dismissively.
That fluttering sensation still hadn't gone away. Clearly, that chicken tetrazzini she had for lunch today wasn't agreeing with her.
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iphoenixrising · 5 years
you know, I really love how badass and capable Tim is but I’m weak for the trope where a character gets in a bad sitch (maybe held captive) and their love interests go nuts trying to get them back and they’re furious seeing he’s hurt and restrained (baddie tied + gagged them too tight?)when they do rescue him maybe Jay and Dick are so tender and caring oof what are your thoughts?
WELL BABE. I mean with characters like Tim Drake and Tony Stark, overprotective (boy)friends tearing through bad guy installations with feral intent to get Tim/Tony back just waters my crops and clears my skin. It’s fucking beautiful.
I mean, let’s just say
Once and a while, every vigilante has a bad fucking night.
It just happen to be Red Robin’s turn.
The residual owfuck isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. That is, once he gets himself out of this before terrible bad guys with an apparent fetish for brass knuckles and knives come back to finish the job. After a lucky shot took his zip line out mid-leap, the night had gone from generally shitty to progressively worse. Catching a hard fire escape knocked him mostly out on the way down. He’d initially come to when the fist to his solar plexus is just about agonizing.
Whatever hits he’d taken on the way down to the street damaged the suit’s security, which is the only reason it didn’t shock the shit out of anyone when they grabbed him by the arms, held him there for the first round of blows.
It’s an occasional thing, for one of them to get balls deep in imminent fucking peril. There’s nights when sleep dep and stress, the day job and night job colliding, too many bads and not enough goods, nights when a one wrong step, one bad contingency, one hesitation, is enough for them to get the drop.
Which leads them to this disgustingly dingy, blood-splattered warehouse down on the East Side, where Red is dangling from a chain in the ceiling like a side of raw beef for the slaughter.
And while blood is sluggishly running down the side of his face and his jaw feels like it’s on fire, while his gauntlets are useless and the manacles are on fucking point, when his chest fucking hurts and the fire in his side makes his eyes water because really, just a concussion can’t be enough.
(R – Robert, heh.)
When he’s giving himself a few minutes to just breathe it out, take a second to let the pain settle, half in meditation to try getting mentally past this for an epic kind of escape he’s about to pull off.
Any minute now.
But really, he just had a rough night, and the fact these ass hats left the damn door open is really just a testament on how easy this is going to be once he feels up to taking down a few thugs or twenty.
(And just why did he have to walk into an impromptu gun fight between two rival gangs that decided to work together instead – against him. What’s taken the groups out of the room is arguments on who was going to get the glory and what bosses to call and inform. He’s pretty sure he’s got about at least ten minutes or so before everyone comes back for another few rounds of kick the shit out of the vigilante.)
So, he’s good. Totally got this.
It’s in the bag.
Ten minutes.
His forearms get tight, wrists immobile when he starts pulling his weight up to get some slack on the connecting chain, going to need to have room to pick the locks–
when the abrupt tremble and loud sounds of shit just breaking comes through the open door, jarring him too much for his warped brain pan to handle, and he drops back down a few inches, grunting with the jerking motions on his upper body.
Gunfire explodes and people are absolutely screaming. Things get a little more real because at this juncture, it could be anything from more fighting between themselves or another rival group walking in on an obvious base of operations.
It’s apparent he’s out of time when several come running back in, guns out, panicked and talking over one another.
Dammit. His brain hurts.
But even if his fingers are numb still in his glove, he’s slowly working the lock pick set out of his useless gauntlets, looking forward to getting free fast enough to take out the room before even thinking of taking on the fuckery happening behind that door.
What he expects is to get more roughed up before the night is over. What he doesn’t expect is for a body to slam into the room, blood arching in the same angle as the nice landing right at Red Robin’s bound feet dangling a few inches off the ground. The second body immediately following fell close enough for Red’s whiteouts to narrow down at the face beaten to hamburger, a thoughtful noise muffled through the gag shoved in his mouth.
He has a moment to register, that looks familiar, before the impressive silhouettes fill the door, and the calvary has apparently arrived.
To say he is literally boned is probably an understatement because he can see the tension all over them. Tight fists and forearms, shoulders squared, thighs tense, and game faces right the hell on.
It’s the terrifying vigilantes Nightwing and the Red Hood, towers of kicking ass and taking names –
and the thugs in the room gape at the picture those two make, blood sprays all over their suits, smoking barrels and sparking escrima sticks, lips curled up off N’s teeth to snarl, Hood to lower his chin enough that those whiteouts are fixed.
He catches a breath through his mouth since he’s pretty sure his nose is broken or dislocated, beaten body tensing for one of the thugs to get smart, turn, and fire at him.
But, it doesn’t happen because the Red Hood and Nightwing strike like an avenging wave of brutally beautiful justice. They move together like water, the fight never stopping until the bodies are piled high, a job well done. And as much as Red Robin would like to say he feels something crazily like relief, the all together different noise he makes through the gag is telling on what else watching them fight (for him) does to him.
“Aww, Big Wing, lookit what those fuckers did,” is slightly distorted through the synths, and he must have blinked a little too long because suddenly both of his vigilante boyfriends are right there, bracketing him in, being absurdly careful when they run gloved hands over him to find injuries. Hood goes for the gag tied so harshly, N hurriedly helping from behind him.
“Hey Baby, you with us?” is soft and gentle, the contrast to the savage beat-down N just had a hand in a few minutes ago.
Once the cloth is out of his dry mouth, gloved fingers rub the indents, and the helmet is tilted up at him.
“H-how did–”
“Shh, shh. Gonna getcha down, yeah? S’good, Sweets, we gotchu.” Already stretching up on his toes to work the manacles fast while N sweeps up his bound legs from behind, holding him up to take the weight off his wrists.
“There we go,” and a nuzzle against his face, sweet relief when his wrist and hands pop free, and he tries to work the feeling back in his fingers, laying against Nightwing’s chest for just a moment to be dizzy and relieved.
“Thanks for the save,” Red Robin woozily banters, “bad guys can be such ass hats.”
“Don’t I know it,” Hood gives a solid kick to one of the bodies twitching on the floor before coming around to gently fit a gloved hand on Red’s bruised jaw, thumb the mask so the whiteouts slide up and they can see how dazed his eyes are. He n’ N exchange a worried glance while Red pats the hand on his jaw and maneuvers himself out of the octopus hold, a little wobbly but still on point.
“All right, I’m on clean-up since I was the metaphorical damsel this time–” is cut off with a whoosh of breath when he leans over enough to brace a hand on the wall when owfuck gets a little more serious than he expects.
“Nothin’ doin’.” Is Hood nipping that little sitch in the bud, already a towering presence at his side, a heavy arm sliding around his back, “me n’ N done already gave the coppers a heads-up, you feel me, Sweets?”
“We’ve already tied up most the rivals in the building,” Nightwing soothes the one to step up into his space and tilt his face up this time, “and you are going right back to the Manor to be patched up. You’ve got a concussion and who knows what else.”
“Hey, it’s okay, really–” because missing a spleen anyone? He’s been through worse, worked through worse, and still brought out his inner bad ass. These two? Need to take a pill.
“Nu-uh. Ya try ta ged outta it, then we’re callin’ in the big guns. You feel me here?”
And oh no. No, no, no.
“Too late,” is growled somewhere in the vicinity of shadows over their shoulders.
When Red Robin spins on his heel and almost falls, Hood and Nightwing move fast to catch him by the arms so he doesn’t fall in front of the very stern-looking Robin suddenly steps from the shadows, both hands out to steady him by the hips.
Looming over him like Hood and N, Robin’s forehead is wrinkled in that special way when he’s scowling behind the domino. Red Robin manages to gasp before all six-foot-two of concerned vigilante is all over his everything.
Everyone is well-aware Robin doesn’t take any of his shit and is extremely efficient. What few, select people only know–
–he can also be extraordinary gentle.
This time, when Red Robin is swept up against another chest, another symbol, he doesn’t fight it, not when the youngest leans down and says something softly against his ear.
“Let us care for you, Beloved.”
He sighs a little and lists closer, throwing an around around those shoulders and idly fiddles with the cape.
“Better,” Hood uses a gloved thumb to run over his busted nose.
“I want a hot shower and bed,” Red admits wearily, “I can be a stubborn ass about it some other time.”
N chuckles sadly, leaning in to press a kiss to the top of his head. “That’s a good choice, Timmy. We’re going to find a second to eat between that, okay?”
He hums a little, trying to lay his face down on his arm somewhere that wouldn’t hurt. “I guess. Hot shower first, please.”
The bang of grapples echo against the sirens screaming in the night, and the Bats take off, flying over the rooftops to transportation not far off. Hood and N take driver and shotty so Robin can continue to cradle their bird on the ride back.
He might bitch good-naturedly about Hood driving the Red Bird like a literal bat out of hell, but it gets all kinds of shut down when Robin tenderly presses his mouth to the bruises on Red’s jaw and rubs soothing circles on the back of his neck.
Nightwing is the one that hops out and takes him from Robin to carry up to the Perch, talking low against his ear about the pick-up from the GCPD so he honestly feels better about where the night has taken him.
But it’s Jason Todd that runs a bath instead of the shower and strips down, runs gentle hands over the bruises and contusions, soaps him up to wash away the night. The two of them wrapped in towels while Jay sets his nose fast enough that it’s really not as bad as it could have been.
Dick towels his hair dry while he sits at the kitchen table, shivering, and Dami kneels by him to check out each injury with the first-aid tackle box in easy reach. Coffee is off the menu (a crime against humanity!) but the hot chocolate has been left to cool enough not to sting his sore mouth.
The eventual clothes are a combination from the communal drawer so he’s swimming in Dami’s shirt and Jay’s cut-off sweats, several ice packs bandaged over them on the worst of the swelling.
Grilled paninis and soup are utter heaven because A) Jay and Dami can cook, B) everything is easy to eat with a bruised face and cuts on the inside of his mouth, but also C) cute boyfriends keep giving him gentle kisses and touches whenever they come within a literal foot of him.
And they’re so good about it, taking care of him without being too smothering (at least no one has threatened to call his team – yet) through getting patched up and fed.
No, no, they wait for it.
Once he’s wrangled into bed, the three of them surrounding him in warmth and comforting touches, he’s pretty much trapped until morning.
Honestly, it’s probably the best part of the night.
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trashboatprince · 4 years
This one is written mostly for the sake of playing up on the book canon that Aziraphale and Crowley hired Francis and Ashtoreth to watch over and influence Warlock. But at the same time, the book also leaves it sort of open that it’s still these two idiots, but for the sake of this one-shot, they’re all different characters.
And I really wanted to write something sappy about a gardener having a crush of a satanic nanny that had nothing to do with them being Aziraphale and Crowley. Their appearances are based on my headcanons for the book/radio versions of the boys, just slightly tweaked so they don’t look one-hundred percent like their bosses.
Summery: Mr. Aziraphale hired Brother Francis and had warned him that the other side would have a wily counterpart to him to leave an influence on the Antichrist. He wished that the angel had warned him that she was a lovely dear…
Chapter Two: A Flower for Ashtoreth
Brother Francis was a good man, one that Mr. Aziraphale had put a large amount of trust into. A former clergyman who tended to church gardens, he had gotten involved in Mr. Fell’s ‘business’ a while back. He didn’t mind helping out, though this seemed like a rather big mission and he wasn’t sure why it had to be him.
Still, he couldn’t complain, it was nice to be helpful, even if he’s just tending to the massive grounds of the Dowling estate.
He had started work earlier this week, and so far, he had yet to encounter to the Antichrist, but that’s due to him being inside all day with his nanny. Francis had also taken note that he had yet to see the person who he was supposed to be the opposite for.
Mr. Aziraphale had warned him that Hell was going to send a human agent to influence the Antichrist to the wiles of evil, and that it was Francis’ job to thwart the influences with his own of good and kindness, for Heaven’s sake. He had told Francis that the person would work for a man named Mr. Crowley and that he had to keep an eye on this agent of evil.
Too bad he had no clue who this person was.
He sighed to himself as he looked at the flowerbed in front of him, oh dear, he wasn’t sure if he planted this right. Fruits and vegetation were where his gardening skills were best, along with certain trees, flowers and greenery were where he was weakest. He had wished he had more time to study up on this.
“I hope these grow right…” He mumbled as he removed a fern from a plastic planter and put it into a hole he had made in the ground.
“You’re doing that wrong.” Came a soft, Scottish voice, causing Francis to pause.
He turned and looked towards the source of the voice, blinking. There, not even two yards away, was a woman with a pram that was a dark maroon in color. She was tall, much taller than him, dressed to the nines in black clothing with hints of grays and red throughout it. Francis was reminded of Mary Poppins by her outfit choice, if not also by the influences of private businesses with gentlemen that could contact a certain type of woman through newspaper ads and phone numbers.
Her hair was pinned back, dark red in color, with a streak of gray on one side, her face held a few beauty marks, her eyes hidden behind dark glasses.
He felt his heart skip a beat as he looked at her, she was a beautiful flower in his garden, such a dark contrast to the blooming yellows and whites she stood near.
Then he noticed the necklace she wore, a snake eating its own tail, with a pentagram within the snake circle. The agent! This had to be Mr. Crowley’s agent to be a terrible influence on the child! The nanny? Perfect choice for Hell to make! She’d be right there to teach the child the worst of the worst!
Francis gulped, looking at the plant he had just put down. “W-what makes ye think ‘m doin’ this wrong, ma’am?”
“For plants like that,” She spoke as she stepped closer with the pram, “you break up the roots. They need to spread out, allows for them to grow better. What sort of gardener does not know this?”
“One whose spent more time with planting vegetation, I’m afraid.” Francis removed the plant, breaking up the clumped roots before replanting it. He dusted his hands off on his smock and gave a bow. “Brother Francis, at yer service, ma’am.”
She watched him behind dark glasses. “Nanny Ashtoreth, charmed.” She replied with a hint of a smirk on her painted lips.
He smiled a little at her before hearing a coo, letting his curiosity get the best of him as he peeked into the pram, seeing a baby body, bundled up in a blue blanket, gently chewing on the eat of a stuffed, black cat toy. “Ah! You must be Master Warlock, well aren’t cha just the cutest thing.” He grinned, wiggling his fingers at the baby.
“He’s only cute when he’s not raising hell.” Ashtoreth spoke. “Just a wee thing and already he is causing so much trouble.” There was pride in her voice.
“Ah, but ma’am, babies are always up to trouble, they’re not familiar with how the world works.” Francis spoke up, still smiling. “But in due time, he’ll learn to good and the bad.”
“Oh, he will.” She replied, her smirk showing her teeth. “He will learn.”
Francis was a good man, but he was also that, a man. And sometimes men had thoughts. Not that his mind ever strayed into the more adult-like thoughts that many men have had, but his were more focused on thoughts of a beautiful woman that he would love nothing more than to kiss the hand of.
It’s been months, nearly a year, since Francis arrived to the Dowling estate and had met the nanny. He had been keeping up with his work, tending to the garden, and to the house plants when the weather got too cold for most yard work. He had been reporting to Mr. Aziraphale on his days off, hard to track the man down sometimes with his bookstore hours being what they were, but he always found the man.
Francis let him know about the child, how he’s been rather good, though he does have a mean streak when he wants something and wants it now, even for someone who isn’t a year old yet. He also let Mr. Aziraphale know that he’s been doing his best to neutralize the influences of Ashtoreth.
However, he’s left out that the more time he spent around the estate, the more he’s been watching her. He’s seen how she acts around people, how she can be quiet and prim, proper even, when dealing with adults, but with a child? She’s as sweet as fresh honey. However, to those who tend to give her a hard time or even dare to touch her, she brings out a fury that would even have a demon blushing.
He couldn’t help but to observe how beautiful she was, with fiery hair always styled perfectly, clothing that was modest but still a bit devilish in its own right, and how she would sometimes smile at him when she caught him looking.
He bit his lip, looking at the flowers in front of him. They were a recent addition to the garden, black flowers, hard to find, but he still was able to get some for the garden. He had spent the time and effort to research dark flowers, to add a bit more to the garden rather than just the bright ones. For aesthetics, he told himself!
But these ones were special, a patch he had hidden away from the eyes of the household, growing near his cottage on the grounds. Bat orchids, though technically a deep brown, still looked black. And with a bit of help, these ones were black. He carefully picked one, standing up with a smile on his face as he crossed the yard to find Ashtoreth.
He knew she was outside, he could hear Warlock’s excited babbling and the like clear as day. He spotted them near a small ledge and steps to the upper portion of the garden and Francis blushed as he made eye contact with her, even with the shades on. “Brother Francis.” She greeted with a nod.
“M-Mornin’ Miss Ashtoreth!” He smiled as he stepped closer.
“Did you need something?” Ashtoreth asked, watching him carefully. She seemed to have noticed that he had a hand behind his back, raising an eyebrow at this. “Do you have something?” She corrected herself.
Well, it was now or never.
He approached her, bowing slightly as he held out the flower to her. She stared at it, tilting her head slightly. “This is fer you, my dear! It’s a Bat orchid, beautiful flower, also known as Devil Flower! It, uh, it reminded me of you, with all its bells and whistles. A pretty flower fer a pretty lady…” He mumbled, looking away.
Ashtoreth stared at the flower, reaching out to take it, but Warlock grabbed it instead. “Oh, well, this is rather nice of you, Bro-” She looked up from taking the flower away from the child, only to find that Francis was gone.
She looked at the orchid before smiling ever so, slipping it behind her ear. “Did you see that, my little hellspawn, the gardener gave me a gift. Now, I told you that people are terrible and should be crushed under your heels, but I think you can make an exception for him. He’s too kind for his own good, and maybe that’s a good thing.”
An hour later, when Warlock was down for his morning nap, Ashtoreth found Francis hunched over a patch of tulips, humming to himself. He didn’t seem to notice her as he stood up straight and she went in for the kill.
He didn’t see it coming as she planted a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you for the lovely gift, Francis.” She whispered at his ear.
His cheeks burned red as he looked at her, seeing her lower her shades to wink. She gestured at the flower, still tucked behind her ear, before she turned around. “I’ll see you later, Francis.”
“R-Right, yes, uh, see you later, Ashtoreth…!” He touched his cheek, feeling the faint touch of lipstick there, and smiled brightly. Oh, this mission was going to be a lot more interesting now.
This was fun, I might do more with these two as they are.
I really want to do one where Crowley and Aziraphale meet up with them years later, only to find out they’re married
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enigmari · 4 years
Oh my GOD Please infodump abt hatoful.... ive repeatedly tried to get into it but have no idea how/how to connect any of the lore. Thanos !
SKDFSKJSLKDFJ no worries anon, it happens to the best of us. Anyways, how should I start this…
So, if you’re totally new here, Hatoful Boyfriend is a visual novel dating sim whose basic premise is “what if cliched boyfriend archetypes… but birds?” And it takes this premise completely wholeheartedly, while still maintaining a comedic tone. You pick classes and club activities each in-game day to increase your skill points, and depending on your levels (and a few dialogue options) you’ll either successfully romance your birdie of choice or get a Bad End. Most of the birds make their interests/level requirements obvious from the start, and you have a bunch of save slots to work with if you wanna go the scum route. Pretty simple and straightforward.
(Actually, that’s a lie, it gets much more complicated later. Don’t worry about that right now.)
Most of HBF is framed through the perspective of the protagonist (I’m gonna use her canon name for convenience) Hiyoko, and she is… not the brightest bulb in the box. Especially in the first game, when events in one character’s route will be foreshadowed in other routes, she will rarely call them out or make note of them. Naturally, this also means some reveals will be spoiled depending on which order you do the routes in. You also unlock documents in the Archive section after completing each route, which adds another level of puzzle piecing to the mix. 
(No, this is not the complicated part I was talking about earlier. Sorry.)
In this next bit, I’m going to briefly run through the routes of the first game from least to most complex in terms of lore, as well as what things are foreshadowed when. I’ll also toss in the archive documents when I feel they’re most relevant to the information you have. We ready?
Okosan’s routes: Mostly joke endings, unless there is some greater plot significance to pudding that I’ve missed for all these years.
Ryouta’s route: Mostly about character building, the only real hint you get is that his mother is sickly and it’s implied he inherited this from her.
Azami’s routes: You could get here with the same stats as Ryouta’s route, but then you fuck it up by taking this job opportunity away from him. How rude, Hiyoko.
Sakuya’s first route: He opens up to you about his abusive and bigoted dad, and with some encouragement you encourage him to run away and become a musician like he always wanted. Mr. Le Bel is very important to multiple other characters in this game.
Sakuya’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same conversation about his dad, but he chooses to live with you instead. Your big hint is at the end, when Yuuya sends you a letter saying there’s “something he’s wanted to tell [Sakuya] for a long time. Something important.” 
Yuuya’s route: You don’t actually get to find out what the "important thing" is, whoops. You do find out that Yuuya’s a spy for the Dove Party, Shuu is one for the Hawk Party, and the school has been increasingly influenced by the Hawk Party as of late. 
BAD END: You may have gotten it earlier, but now you have context as to who’s killing you when you fail a route- it’s the Hawk Party. The reason why is still unclear.
[CW for gore, child death, medical abuse, suicide, and attempted genocide from here on! This game is a trip!]
Shuu’s first route: Absolutely not a romance route and if you ship Shuu/Hiyoko please block me and tab out immediately thank you very much. You learn that Shuu has been killing students for medical experimentation, confirming Yuuya’s suspicions about the quills in the student store and the food in the cafeteria.
Shuu’s second route (needs perfect stats/dialogue choices): Same ending where Hiyoko dies, but he’s attached enough to her that he takes her head in a jar when he goes on the run. You do learn that Shuu doesn’t care about the Hawk Party’s politics, just that they can enable his personal experiments.
Archive Note 11: Someone (Shuu) knew that Yuuya was a Dove Party agent from the start. He also notes that some of the students are “fascinating”, which you know from his route means they’re good experiment fodder. You learn that he has reason to believe his victims won’t oppose the experimentation, but not the details.
Archive Note 10: Shuu makes notes about human “adaptability measures.” Given that Hiyoko is the only human at the school, you can guess that this will involve her in some way.
Archive Note 06: Notes about the Spanish Flu, how deadly it was to humans, and the connection to an “Avian Influenza.”
Archive Note 04: Notes about a “Goodwill Ambassador” for humanity, who needs a strong natural immunity to Avian Influenza. Hiyoko’s stats show that she has a base level of 800 Vitality, so you can guess that she’s the ambassador. This is why she dies when you fail a route- the Hawk Party saw she didn’t build a good enough connection to the birds, so they take her as a lost cause.
Archive Note 07: Shuu makes notes about “carrier capacity” in the student body, inducing it in some way in a “normal” individual. You can guess this is the details of his medical experimentation, but not who the victim is. You can also guess that the disease to be carried is Avian Influenza.
Anghel’s route: It’s not actually that complicated, but I think you need to complete Shuu’s route before the “mad love of a fallen angel” option is available. (EDIT: you actually just need to complete one playthrough to unlock this option. Even the Azami solo ending will unlock it.)  This ending seemingly undermines all the things we learned about Shuu right before, but this is just Hiyoko’s perspective.
Archive Note 01: A certain student (Anghel) has hallucinogenic properties that can affect bystanders, putting them in a trance-like state. This explains why everything went totally off the rails in his route.
Kazuaki’s route: Again not a romance route (no matter what he says about “waiting”, ew) because the whole point is that Kazuaki is afraid to open himself up to love of any kind. You learn he had someone he cared deeply about in the past but lost, and now he’s been soured from the experience. You also learn that he smells like bleach.
Nageki’s route: You learn that he’s a ghost, that he killed himself in the school some years ago, and that he doesn’t have all his memories. He disappears before you learn anything more, but he’s happy so it’s okay and why am I crying agai-
Archive Note 02: Someone (Nageki) writes about how they are trapped, and can’t remember what happened to them.
Archive Note 05: Nageki remembers he made a promise to someone very important, but he can’t remember who or what it was.
Archive Note 03: Nageki once woke up in a place that wasn’t the library- somewhere with bright lights and a white ceiling. He’s not as trapped as he first thought.
Archive Note 14: Nageki notes that he can move between floors, going from the library to the chemistry lab below. You can guess that the place with the bright lights is somewhere below these two rooms. This also reveals that Nageki knew the layout of the school when he was alive.
Archive Note 12: Nageki notes that after meeting Hiyoko, he feels fulfilled “just as he did back then.” He still can’t remember everything, though.
Archive Note 08: Notes about an underground facility, a fire, and a Subject 00 whose remains are in storage. You can guess that the facility is the place with the bright lights, and Nageki is Subject 00. You can also guess that Nageki set the fire, since he said that he killed himself.
Archive Note 09: Notes about Subject 00′s relative, whose remains are also in storage. You can guess that this is the “important person” that Nageki made a promise to a long time ago.
At this point, the only documents left are Note 13, which is about a terrorist incident at the Heartful House orphanage in which only two birds survived, and Note 15, which is about another terrorist incident some years ago in which the Ave’s High City building was bombed. Nothing in the main routes hints at these notes, so it’s a good time to move to…
Bad Boys Love route: This route is literally the length of the rest of the routes combined, so we’re doin’ more sections, baby!
Kazuaki’s lost loved one and Nageki’s important person turn out to be each other. They were the survivors of the Heartful House incident, and Kazuaki (real name Hitori) took care of his little brother by himself. Nageki was sickly, so he volunteered himself for a medical experiment at the school that could potentially cure him to take the burden off of Hitori. 
Unbeknownst to them, the Hawk Party was already in control of the school and their real motive was to investigate the disease Nageki was carrying- Avian Influenza. Shuu was specifically the lead for this project, and he also witnessed the Heartful House incident when it happened. At the time, he went by the name Isa Souma and was a medical researcher. He worked with Ryuuji Kawara, Ryouta’s dad, until Ryuuji’s death from disease.
Ryouta and Hiyoko were also there, because her parents were former human ambassadors too. Unfortunately, they became some of the casualties, which left the two kids heartbroken. Shuu, seeing them and recognizing Ryouta, offered to grant them a wish. They both wished for a world where humans and birds would never fight anymore, which Shuu took to mean “kill all the remaining humans so they can’t fight the birds” because… he’s like that. 
Shuu decided that the easiest way to kill all the humans would be to spread the Avian Influenza, and this is why he sought out Nageki. Nageki was forced to kill humans as part of the experiments, and this traumatized him so much that he set the lab on fire to stop it, trapping himself inside. Hitori witnessed this too, and swore to get revenge despite Nageki asking him to destroy his remains and live a happy life. He bleached his feathers and swapped identities with another bird to fake his death, and applied to the school as a teacher under his new name. 
Nageki’s plan didn’t entirely work, and the Hawk Party was able to store some of his remains for future experiments with Avian Influenza. This brings us to the timeline of the main routes, where Shuu took advantage of Ryouta’s sickly constitution to make him a new carrier for Avian Influenza. Yuuya tried to interfere on behalf of the Dove Party, but Shuu blackmailed him with the knowledge that he killed his real half-brother because he hated Mr. Le Bel and wanted Sakuya to live instead. 
The new strain of Avian Influenza that Ryouta carried was enough to make Hiyoko sick and kill her. The death of the Human Ambassador kickstarts the beginning of this route, and Shuu planned for the humans who would retaliate to also be infected. It doesn’t go as he planned, of course, but that’s laid out pretty well in the rest of the route so I won’t re-summarize it here. 
Aaaand that’s about everything for the first Hatoful Boyfriend game! I’ll gladly do infodumps/lore summaries for Holiday Star or the other side materials if anyone wants, but this took almost three hours to write as is so I’m going to give myself a break.
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panzeriii-blog · 5 years
A little story (Part 3)
Also of the image of Andy as he sat there and slowly stroked his thick penis to whatever he was looking at on his PC. Looking in the mirror, once again I could see my areolas through the top. That was okay, I didn't mind if Brett got a little show and I was sure Andy wouldn't even notice. Maybe I would tease him a little while I was down there.
As I walked into the living room I didn't make any attempt at hiding my breasts as they jiggled and swayed under my top and as I plopped down on the couch next to Andy.
"What are you boys watching?"
"Um, just the news Mom, why, do you want to watch something else?" Andy asked.
"Nope, just wondering," I said as I picked up a magazine and feigned reading to see if I could catch Brett looking at my breasts.
Out of the corner of my eye Brett was making head gestures to Andy about my boobs, and I noticed Andy looking at them as he sat next to me.
I watched Brett as he mouthed the words to Andy, "Look at those tits Andy."
Andy mouthed back, "Yeah, see I told you!"
After seeing that I got up off the couch and walked into the kitchen, letting my breasts bounce all the way in to get a glass of juice. I stayed in the kitchen to see if I could hear what they were saying, and I didn't have to wait long.
"See, I told you she might wear that," Andy said.
Brett replied, "Damn man, those babies are nice, if she wasn't your mom I would make a move on that shit."
Andy snickered, "Hell man I don't care, do whatever you want."
That gave me an idea. Walking back into the living room I asked Brett, "So Brett, do you have a girlfriend or anything?" while plopping down on the couch intentionally to make my boobs bounce.
"No ma'am, I have been way too busy with the business to have a girl, hopefully Andy here will work enough to give me some free time," he replied, all the [time - while] looking at my breasts.
"Well you are welcome here anytime for dinner if that would make it easier on you." I said.
"Thanks Mrs.... er Maggie, I appreciate that, and I may just take you up on that if you don't mind."
"Oh not at all, it wouldn't be a bother." I said.
Andy moved to lie down on the couch and put his legs up in my lap and as I looked over at him I could see a bulge in his pants. Did he have an erection from looking at my breasts? I could definitely make out the bulge in Brett's pants as he watched TV.
"Well, I need to get going," Brett said as he got up out of the chair. "It's going to be a long day tomorrow. Andy, remember we have to finish that entire landscape job by the end of the day," he said as he put on his shoes.
"Yeah I know, we should be able to do it," Andy replied.
"Have a good night Maggie, and Andy, I will see you tomorrow morning, I will be here at seven a.m. sharp."
"Okay Brett see ya in the morning," Andy said.
I got up off the couch and walked Brett to the door. "Goodnight Brett, remember what I said."
Brett, looking down at my boobs, replied, "I definitely will take you up on that Maggie," [he said as he turned and walked - before turning and walking] out the door.
"Hey Mom," Andy yelled from the living room, "What did you get at the store?"
"Oh it's nothing, just some new tops for work," I said.
"Could you try one on and show me what they look like?" Andy asked as he sat up on the couch.
"Do you really want me to model them for you?" I asked.
"Sure, I like the way you dress for work, I bet you'll look great in them," he said.
"Okay, but bear in mind that I may not be able to wear them at work, they may be a bit too revealing."
"Yeah, no problem Mom, I won't be too critical," he said with an impish little grin.
"Be right back," I told him as I went to my bedroom.
Hmmmm, what should I do, wear the tops without a bra or just wear a black low-cut bra underneath, decisions, decisions. I first put on a pair of pantyhose and then slipped on a short gray shirt that was a little snug but not too bad. Next I removed my tank top and tried on the loose-fitting black sheer top without the bra.
I turned and looked in the mirror. "Not too bad, not too bad," I said to myself. You could make out my breasts but if I stood in the living room by the chair they wouldn't be too noticeable. I went with that look, I decided.
Slipping into my black heels I walked out towards the living room and told Andy to turn down the lights just a little, I didn't want to scare him I said with a chuckle.
"Okay Mom, ready when you are," he said.
With that I walked into the room giving a little twirl and stood far enough away that hopefully he couldn't make out too much, The problem was I discovered that my boobs were jiggling and swaying all over with just the slightest bounce in my step as the sheer gauzy fabric didn't provide the least bit of support.
"Wow Mom you look fantastic," Andy said with a grin, "I love the top. I can see why you might not be able to wear that to work, all the guys would get boners!"
"Andy!" I cried.
"No Mom, really, they would. Can I feel the fabric?" Andy asked.
"Sure," I replied and slowly walked toward the couch. As I stepped into the lighted area of the room my breasts came into full view.
"Wow Mom those... er, that looks really nice," and after running his hand along my side he said, "Yeah, that feels real nice. You said you had some other ones, could I see those too?"
Looking down at my son as he sat on the couch running his hand on my side through the filmy blouse, I replied, "I will be right back."
Changing out of my pantyhose and slipping on a garter belt, I put my new black stockings on and tried on the cream colored blouse. This one really allowed my boobs to show through, but I was so turned on by modeling my clothes that I forgot all about who was looking at them. Neglecting to put on panties I made my way back to the living room.
"Well, what do you think?" I asked Andy as I stepped into the room.
"Oh my God," Andy said. "Now you are giving me a boner."
I did notice that he had a good-sized bulge in the front of his pants once again.
"Andy, I'm your mother for goodness sakes."
"I can't help it Mom," he replied, "you have the biggest ones I have ever seen!"
"I am glad you like the tops, but now I am going to go to my bedroom to change and do some work on the computer. What are you going to do?" I said as I felt my nipples hardening under my blouse.
"I am going to bed I think," he said, "I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow. Can Brett come over for dinner again after work?"
Thinking of the little tease show I put on for Brett earlier tonight, I decided to take it a step farther if the chance presented itself. "That would be fine, I hope he won't mind leftovers.
"Oh no," Andy said, "maybe you could model for both of us, I know Brett would like to see your tops."
"You wouldn't mind if you saw your mother modeling for Brett?"
"No, that would be fine Mom, really" he said.
"Okay sweetie, I am going to my room, see you in the morning."
"Night Mom," Andy replied, "I hope you sleep good."
I got to my room and sat down on the bed and realized that my pussy was absolutely soaking wet! So wet, in fact, that it made a spot on the back of my skirt. No problem, I thought, as I slipped it off. I would wear a different one tomorrow night.
I reached over to the nightstand and wrapped my fingers around my favorite toy, walked to the desk, sat down at my computer and clicked on my IM to see if either one of my internet friends were on. Still wearing my blouse and stockings, I scooted forward on the chair, spread my legs, and inserted the dildo into my waiting, wet pussy.
It slid into me without the least bit of resistance. [All the way in - delete this] I pushed it, taking all eight inches at once, filling my hot pussy. Ping! I heard as an IM from Mowerman264 popped up on my screen.
Mowerman264: hi baby
Hotmommy51: Hi
Mowerman264: what r u up to
Hotmommy51: I am being really naughty
Mowerman264: mmmmm i like that what r you doin
Hotmommy51: I am sitting here playing with my toy
Mowerman264: omg, how u playing
Hotmommy51: I have it all the way inside me right now
Mowerman264: omg i wish i was there inside u would u want a big stiff young cock right now baby
Hotmommy51: Oh yes, I would love to feel you inside me, how big are you?
Mowerman264: 9 ½ inches
Hotmommy51: God yes, I want to feel that
Mowerman264: hav u evr had 9 ½ baby
Hotmommy51: No
Mowerman264: how big hav u had
David wasn't exactly that well endowed although he did know how to use it!
Hotmommy51: About 6-6 1/2
Mowerman264: i would luv to show u my cock in person would you like that would you suck it baby
Hotmommy51: mmmmm yes I would love to see it and suck it
Mowerman264: think u could take it all in ur mouth
Hotmommy51: I would try
Hotmommy51: BRB
Mowerman264: k
Letting the fat dildo slip out of my pussy, I sat it on the desk and put on my robe to go down the hall to the bathroom. Once again Andy's door was slightly ajar. As I walked past I looked in and saw him again in front of his computer screen. Moving out of his line of sight I stood there for a moment to see what he was doing.
He was moving his mouse with his right hand, the fingers of his left hand were wrapped around his enormous shaved penis and was stroking it up and down. My nipples became instantly erect and I felt a surge of wetness between my legs as I watched my son stroking his huge cock.
Up and down his hand went, ever so slowly, every now and then sliding up over the engorged cockhead and then back down to the base as he watched his computer screen. I had to walk away; this was my son for goodness sakes! I decided to give Mowerman one of the pictures of my wet pussy I took the other day when I got back to the room.
Hotmommy51: Still there?
Mowerman264: yep
Hotmommy51: I have a surprise for you
Mowerman264: what is it
I located the picture, me laying on the bed with my heels on, dildo all the way in my wet pussy, fuzzed out the face a little bit and sent it to him.
Hotmommy51: check your e mail
Mowerman264: k
Mowerman264: oh yeah baby u r so fucking hot i want to lick that hot pussy of yours and suck those big tits
Hotmommy51: Can I suck your big cock while you lick me? u look like someone I know
Hotmommy51: I do?
Mowerman264: yeah u kinda look like my mom she is hot to she was showin me her tits tonight i wanted to touch them
Oh my God, could this be, could I be having a sex conversation with my own son? I had to find out.
Hotmommy51: What are you doing right now?
Mowerman264: sitting at my computer
Hotmommy51: Is your mom home?
Mowerman264: yeah she is in her room working
It is! I am chatting and sending naked pictures of myself to my own son! It was too late to take it back, let's see what he is thinking.
Hotmommy51: Your mom showed you her boobs?
Mowerman264: yeah she was showing me a new top she bought and didn't wear a bra
Hotmommy51: You could see through the top?
Mowerman264: yeah she has big tits like you
Hotmommy51: Do you like your moms big boobs?
Mowerman264: oh yeah i would love to touch and suck them
Hotmommy51: Maybe she would let you
Mowerman264: i don't think so i think she would let my friend tho
Hotmommy51: who's your friend?
Mowerman264: brett i work for him he thinks she is hot too
Hotmommy51: He does?
Mowerman264: yeah he likes her tits and her ass
Hotmommy51: What do you think about that?
Mowerman264: I asked her to model her new top for brett tomorrow i hope she does maybe we will both get to see her tits
I couldn't believe what he was telling me, he wants to see his mother's boobs with a friend of his. I wonder what else he wants to see.
Hotmommy51: Maybe she will show you more than her boobs, would you like that?
Mowerman264: oh yeah baby i want to see her like the pic you sent me brett would to he wants to fuck her
Hotmommy51: Your friend wants to fuck your Mom?
Mowerman264: yeah i would like to do some things to
Hotmommy51: Like suck her boobs?
Mowerman264: yeah and maybe even more to
Hotmommy51: Like what?
Mowerman264: just what I would like to do to you baby u hav me soooo horny again
Hotmommy51: What do you want to do to her?
Mowerman264: i would like to put my cock in her mouth and let her suck it
Hotmommy51: You would!?
Mowerman264: yeah baby think she would like my big cock
Hotmommy51: yes
Mowerman264: brett has a big cock to baby think she would like it. Is it like yours?
Mowerman264: yeah maybe not as long but bigger around
Hotmommy51: Yes she would probably like that as well
Mowerman264: i hope she shows us tomorrow
Hotmommy51 I think she will
Mowerman264: y do u say that
Hotmommy51: Just a feeling I guess, I need to get to bed now what are you going to do?
Mowerman264: i am going to jack off to ur pic and go to sleep
I couldn't believe my son is going to masturbate while looking at a picture of me.
Hotmommy51: OK hon you have a good night, and good luck tomorrow night, IM me and let me know what happened OK?
Mowerman264: ok sure ur hot baby
Hotmommy51: Thanks night
Mowerman264: bye
I hurried home after work the next day, thinking about Brett and Andy and what kind of show they might want to see. They arrived a little after six p.m.
"Hi Mom, leftovers for dinner?" Andy asked as he walked in the door.
"Yep, you guys go ahead and get whatever you would like," I replied
"Hi Maggie hope you don't mind me joining you again," Brett asked.
"Oh no problem hon you are welcome anytime," I said with a quick smile.
After the boys finished their dinner they both came into the living room to watch TV. I was waiting for Andy to ask if I was going to model my tops, but he never asked until around nine o'clock, he must have been waiting for it to get dark.
Finally he asked, "Hey Mom, would you mind modeling your new tops for Brett?"
"I'm not sure Brett really wants to see them Andy," I answered bashfully.
"I would love to see them Mrs. Culver, if you wouldn't mind," Brett said from across the room. "Andy said you look very nice in your new clothes."
"Okay, if you want me too, Brett. Why don't you sit on the couch with Andy, that way you both can see," I said as I walked to my bedroom. "Andy, please turn down the lights a little in there," I yelled from my room."
"Okay Mom."
Stripping off my clothes, panties and bra, I looked though my closet and found a short black knit skirt that I used to wear for David when the kids were gone. Then I put on the same black garter that I wore the night before, along with the natural stockings. I slipped into the skirt and put on the black sheer top.
As I looked into the full length mirror I noticed that my nipples were already stiff and my entire chest could be seen quite clearly. Perfect, I thought as I raised my leg and placed it on the bed only to see that it exposed most of my shaved pussy as the skirt was [that - so] short.
"Oh that's perfect," I said aloud. "That will give them something to look at."
Slipping on my black three-inch heels I made my way toward the living room. Good, Andy had turned down the lights, I thought to myself as I slowly walked into the living room. Brett and Andy were across the room sitting on the couch as I left them. The lights were dim behind them so they wouldn't have that good of a look at me from there.
"Well, what do you think?" I asked.
"Wow," Mrs. Culver, you look fantastic," Brett said.
I let him call me Mrs. Culver as I thought it added a bit of sexuality to the evening.
"Yeah Mom, that's really something," Andy said with a quick grin.
"Could we get a closer look?" Brett asked.
"Sure thing," I said and walked a bit closer to the couch, my breasts bouncing and swaying as I walked. I noticed that both young men had erections considering the large bulges in the front of their trousers.
"Can I feel the material" Brett asked.
"Go ahead if you want Brett," I said. He leaned forward just a little and rubbed the material between his thumb and forefinger. "Mmmmm nice, feel it Andy." [Brett said. - delete]
Andy did the same thing, feeling the material. I could feel the skirt hiking up on my thighs as the boys felt my blouse, and after a quick look I could see the tops of my stockings were showing.
"God Mrs. Culver you look fantastic!" Brett said.
"Why don't you sit down here on the couch between us?"
"Don't mind if I do," I said as I sat down between the boys, crossing my legs and giving them a show.
Brett leaned toward me and took a deep breath of my perfume and said, "Mmmmm, Mrs. Culver, you smell really good."
"Why thank you Brett."
"Yeah Mom you do," Andy said as he once again touched the fabric on my blouse.
Unbuttoning the top three buttons of my blouse, I told them, "I hope you boys don't mind It seems to be getting hot in this room."
"Let me help you with that," Brett said as he reached over and slowly unbuttoned the fourth button. "I love your breasts Mrs. Culver," Brett whispered as he gently brushed his hand across my stiff nipple through the blouse.
On the other side I could feel Andy's soft touch on my right breast as he gently cupped the bottom of it. "Oh Mom, you have such big boobs," he said as he continued to gently cup and squeeze the bottom of my breast.
"Be careful young man," I whispered to Andy as Brett's hand slid down my blouse and he quickly released another button.
He softly pulled the fabric open and exposed my entire left breast. "Mrs. Culver," he whispered in my ear, "may I kiss your beautiful tits?"
"Mmmmm," I softly moaned as I felt his warm breath on my shoulder then down my breast and onto my stiff nipple. "Mmmm, you are such a naughty boy," I whispered as Andy also pulled away the fabric on his side and took a nipple into his warm mouth, flicking it with his tongue.
I reached my arms around both boys' shoulders, running my hands into their hair and guiding them as they suckle my erect nipples. Leaning my head back in ecstasy I expose even more of my breasts to their [waiting - hungry] mouths.
" Mmmm yes, please don't stop," I whispered huskily, guiding their mouths against my breasts as they both continued to lick, kiss and suckle each one, making soft suckling sounds.
Andy could hardly believe he was sucking his mother's big tit, he thought to himself as she gently pulled Brett's and his head away from them. He watched as she got up from the couch and turns to face them before straightening out her skirt, her big tits jiggling as she did.
Andy's big cock was straining to be released as he watched her kneel down in front of Brett. Running her small hands up the inside of his thighs and up to his waist she unfastened his belt and unzipped his jeans. He watched his mother reach into Brett's boxers, wrap her fingers around his already-stiff cock and pulled it out.
Brett leaned his head back and moaned, "Oh yeah baby, stroke my cock."
Andy looked on as his Mother slowly stroked his huge cock, occasionally looking over, giving him a sly smile, her breasts totally exposed and nipples erect. Oh my God, he thought to himself, she is jacking him off, wow, this is better than a porno movie.
Almost closing her eyes Andy's mom, while still looking at Andy, leaned forward and flicked the underside of Brett's mammoth cockhead with her tongue.
"Mmmmm yeah baby, lick it," Brett whispered.
She pulled the big cock towards her and licked around the swollen head, occasionally kissing down the rock-hard shaft as she still looked at Andy with her half-closed eyes. Brett's hands moved their way down along her sides and he squeezed her fat tits as they hung down.
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pvcked · 5 years
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s u r v e y :       d a r b y    b e l l e    m o n t p e l l i e r
written in purple gel pen. it be like that.
basic information
FULL NAME: darby belle montpellier PRONUNCIATION: DARH-bee bell mAHnt-pell-yer MEANING: without envy REASONING: darby belle was named after a beloved family dog who was tragically killed by an automobile the night before she was born. how… quaint. her mother insisted on adding “belle” to match her older sister, elody mae’s, “name flow”. her father never really approved, but he his second army deployment began just before her birth, so her mother went ahead and did it anyway. NICKNAME(S): darby, darbs, darby belle, belle, fruit loop, the singer from pelagia, dee, db. puck ( only by her late father ) PREFERRED NAME(S): darby, darby belle BIRTH DATE: march 3, 2001 AGE: 18 ZODIAC: pisces GENDER: cisfemale PRONOUNS:  she/her ROMANTIC ORIENTATION:  biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: bisexual NATIONALITY:  american. ETHNICITY: american. there are some french roots, way back, but they’re bastardized: her family pronounces their surname the southern way, not the french.
BIRTH PLACE: jonesborough, tennessee HOMETOWN: jonesborough, tennessee SOCIAL CLASS:  upper-middle. FATHER: eric montpellier. deceased march 2, 2014. suicide. gunshot wound to the head. ptsd resulting from military duty. MOTHER: kenna mae montpellier. deceased february 22, 2007. housefire. SIBLING(S): elody mae, legal guardian. 25. artist and interior designer. faceclaim. BIRTH ORDER: youngest of two. elody mae is 7 years older. PET(S): none. she gets the sniffles! OTHER IMPORTANT RELATIVES:  n/a. PREVIOUS/CURRENT RELATIONSHIPS: she’s been in a long-term relationship with clark beecher since the fall of sophomore year. ARRESTS?: nope! PRISON TIME?: nope!
occupation & income
SOURCE OF INCOME: darby’s band, pelagia., has paid gigs around town and in neighboring towns. they sold copies of their first ep, too. CONTENT WITH THEIR JOB (OR LACK THERE OF)?: yes!! between her and elody mae, they make things work. darby loves music; she practially lives and breathes in song. PAST JOB(S): she delivered papers for a lil’ while in tennessee. tagged along while elody mae biked. SPENDING HABITS: darby knows how to find herself a bargain! MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION: her dad’s dog tags, which she keeps hidden under her pillow. some of his old navy blue sweaters. she throws ‘em on days when she misses him a little extra.
skills & abilities
TALENTS: musicianship. performing. songwriting. agile skating. playmaking. interpretive dancing. making her friends laugh. going cross-eyed for long periods of time. rolling her tongue. SHORTCOMINGS: she can’t say no to anyone she loves. quick to blame herself for things she can’t control ( like her parents’ passings ). elody mae rubs her wrong a lot and it’s not her sister’s fault, but they’ll go several days at a time without talkin’ when things get tense. swallowing her pride: she’s stubborn. LANGUAGE(S) SPOKEN: english, enough spanish to get by ( acquired from high school classes, but her southern accent kinda bleeds through? so kids in class always kinda smirk when she tries out the speaking exercises  ). DRIVE?: no. never learned. JUMP-STAR A CAR?: no. CHANGE A FLAT TIRE?: no. RIDE A BICYCLE?: nope. her dad never got ‘round to teachin’ her. SWIM?: no. they never had a pool. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT?: countless. she sings, plays guitar, piano, drums, banjo. PLAY CHESS?: she prefers checkers. BRAID HAIR?: is the sky blue? yes. TIE A TIE?: mhm. PICK A LOCK?: nope, but that’d be cool!
physical appearance & characteristics
FACE CLAIM: natalia dyer. EYE COLOR: bright baby blue. HAIR COLOR: light brown. HAIR TYPE/STYLE: down to her shoulders, curly. typically up in a ponytail or some kind of quick style. GLASSES/CONTACTS?: nope. DOMINANT HAND: right. she plays right wing. but she likes to cut food with her left. HEIGHT: 5′0 even. WEIGHT: 108 lbs. BUILD: very, very thin. surprisingly muscular, though. not built like a typical hockey player but boy, does she command the ice. her strength, like… bewilders everyone. recruiters came to see her play this spring and fuckin’ lost their shit. this girl ?!  captain ?!  right wing ?!  does she disintegrate when she’s checked ?!?! EXERCISE HABITS: always movin’ and groovin’. darby loves going for runs. weight-lifting. playing pickup games with her boys. SKIN TONE: very fair. freckled. TATTOOS: none.  PEIRCINGS: she has her ears pierced but almost never wears earrings, due to rink rules. MARKS/SCARS: some burn scars from the housefire that killed her mom in 2007, on the back of her left forearm/wrist and across her stomach. she’s really insecure about them and almost always wears long sleeves because of it. she also has a birthmark shaped like canada on the arch of her left foot. when they were alive and darby was very young, her parents used to joke that god put that mark there because he knew their daughter was going to be a hockey star.
NOTABLE FEATURES: her eyes. her tiny size. her laugh. USUAL EXPRESSION: smiley, vibrant. CLOTHING STYLE: long sleeve sweaters, jeans, vans. graphic long-sleeve tees –– she really likes the nature designs on patagonia ones, or cool/eclectic designs. converse. timberlands, leggings, and oversized sweatshirts. denim jackets. in the winter, she’s always bundled up because she runs cold. honestly? she’d sooner wear a hoodie and shorts in the summer than throw on a t-shirt. she does wear short sleeves, but mainly for team workouts and runs. JEWELRY: she wears her father’s wedding band around her neck on a thin gold chain, always tucked under whatever top she’s wearing. her sister does the same with her mother’s. ALLERGIES: strawberries. peanuts. bees.  BODY TEMPERATURE: she runs real cold. are you using that sweatshirt? DIET: when elody mae cooks, darby eats well –– lots of pinterest recipes and plant-based meals.  left to her own devices, she reverts to ease: poptarts, protein bars, almonds. sunflower butter and jam sandwiches. she typically skips lunch at school to write, or free skate, or sneak into the weight room with whatever team’s rented it out that period. she always snackin’ on pretzels. PHYSICAL AILMENTS: insomnia, since her mother’s death. worsened with her father’s passing. i imagine it’ll get worse with her sister disappearing, too. her mild dependency on painkillers.
MORAL ALIGNMENT: chaotic good. TEMPERAMENT: sanguine. ELEMENT: air. MENTAL CONDITIONS/DISORDERS: insomnia. SOCIABILITY: she’ll talk to anyone and anything! she flits around west ham’s social sphere like it’s nothing. EMOTIONAL STABILITY: sensitive. doesn’t hide things well. PHOBIA(S):  snakes.  being stung by a bee.  never being loved  /  never having the wherewithal to find it.  not getting a hockey scholarship.  emptying the medicine cabinet.  not being able to call her dad’s cell to hear his voice.  losing elody mae.  losing everyone. ADDICTION(S): painkillers. but she’s in denial. DRUG USE: a little here ‘n there. if others are doin’ it. ALCOHOL USE:  about as standard as you’d expect, from a varsity athlete dating another varsity athlete. PRONE TO VIOLENCE?: if provoked. she’s got a hockey stick and she’ll use it, if you threaten anybody she cares for.
QUIRKS: bites her bottom lip and rolls it between her teeth when she’s thinking.  squints directly at the sun despite being scolded for it for years.  latches on to friends’ arms as if the universe might tug them apart at any moment, and navigating the school parking lot is exhaustively complex –– like she might get lost; like she might lose them.  calling instead of texting.  sniffing peanut butter: she can’t eat it, but she loves how it smells.  sleeping all curled up in a ball, on her left side, with the blankets tugged up tight against her chin.  wearing beanies and baseball caps indoors.  waking up early enough for church each sunday: getting dressed, beginning the walk across town, only to turn back halfway.  running drills at the rink instead of attending lunch hour.  jotting down lyrics on standardized tests.  humming in school stairwells, when she thinks she’s alone.  tapping her locker dial three times with her index finger before putting in her combo. wriggles her nose when she’s trying not to laugh. gaze always, always drifting to the nearest window.  funky patterned socks.  she has a pair with picasso. HOBBIES: hockey. guitar, banjo, piano, drums. singing. songwriting. running, weightlifting. elody mae tried to get her into yoga, but her headspace is far too cluttered.  making late-night ice cream runs to the local parlor, because she knows the owner and he’s always ready to give her a free scoop.   HABITS: tapping her fingers on flat surfaces.  skipping meals when she’s stressed.  texting thumbs-up emojis to avoid having to give an actual answer to “ how are you? ” .  masking darker thoughts with game suggestions and silly jokes.  deflection.  wearing her father’s old army tees to bed, and sniffing them each time as if the laundered clothing might still hold onto even just a whiff of his cologne.  falling for the wrong people.  believing.  letting her nail polish chip and chip and chip until all that’s left is a silhouette of pigment.  biting her nails.  midnight runs.  pressing leaves into notebooks to capture moments for which she lacks the words.  over-gifting outside her means, arguing with her sister about it later. NERVOUS TICKS: biting her lip. not making eye contact. rubbing together her left index finger and thumb. DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: honoring her parents’ memories. standing by elody mae. getting that hockey scholarship locked down, so her sister won’t have to give up more for her. making clark smile. oh, that boy’s smile. FEARS: the dark. heights. being stung by a bee. losing everyone.  elody mae might find out she kept their dad’s dogtags. POSITIVE TRAITS: saccharine, musical, virtuosic. NEGATIVE TRAITS: diaphanous, dewey-eyed, naive. SENSE OF HUMOR:  bubbly, giggly. she can find most things funny. DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: no! her parents used to wash her mouth out with soap. CATCHPHRASE(S): “ well, golly ! ”  &  “ i’ll be darned ! ”  &  “ who’d have thunk ? ”
ACTIVITY: making music, playing hockey. ANIMAL: she loves bees. even though she’s terrified of ‘em! BEVERAGE: water. BOOK: twenty-thousand leagues under the sea by jules verne. her father used to read it to her at night, chapter by chapter. it inspired her band name: pelagia .  it means the open sea. CELEBRITY: david beckham. adam mcquaid. COLOR: army green. DESIGNER: she likes thrifting. FOOD: pretzel sticks. FLOWER: daisies. GEM: amethyst. HOLIDAY: new year’s eve. she loves getting to blow party kazoos in everyone’s faces. MODE OF TRANSPORTATION: walking or running. MOVIE: he wedding date. she’s a sucker for those stupid rom-coms. the mighty ducks. slap shot. MUSICAL ARTIST: cigarettes after sex, stevie nix, amy winehouse, the band camino, daniel caesar, etc. QUOTE/SAYING: “ honey, you got a big storm comin’ ! ”  SCENERY: big open fields with bright green grass, wildflowers. SCENT: she doesn’t like candles, open flame. but she likes those lil’ air fresheners. eucalyptus, lavender, and peppermint calm her down. SPORT: hockey ! SPORTS TEAM: the west ham centurions, varsity girls hockey. she’s biased. she also likes the bruins. TELEVISION SHOW: bob ross specials. she used to watch ‘em all the time with her sister. WEATHER: warm ‘n breezy.  VACATION DESTINATION: ontario, it looks so calm.
GREATEST DREAM: make it big in the music industry. have that be her career. GREATEST FEAR: she’ll lose more people she loves. MOST AT EASE WHEN: she’s with clark. or making tunes. LEAST AT EASE WHEN: she’s alone in the dark. BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: selling out toad’s place for pelagia’s biggest show. BIGGEST REGRET: the last she said to her dad wasn’t i love you. MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: she punched a boy in second grade for calling her a wussy. and then his crying made her cry. BIGGEST SECRET: she prayed to make a deal with the devil to bring her parents back and bartered anything he wanted. she feels like her father’s death is her fault. TOP PRIORITIES: spending all the time she can with clark. lookin’ after tess, making sure grizz knows he’s being watched. taking care of elody mae, at least, as much as she can. securing that hockey scholarship for college. winning states. being a good captain. making music, and using that to help... mend.
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hiraethstill · 5 years
IMMEDIATE assault by eijun's handsome face
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every time the OP comes on im like where are the babies? THERE THEY ARE @ firsties
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the way i GASPED
haha poor audience member doesnt know sawamura is mostly good at swinging from the bunt stance
eijun... you have every right to be frustrated
ugh... the way he looks when he was a doormat to the ace... i feel this too much my chest hurts
"if i had pitched like furuya did today i wouldve been subbed out" TOO TRUE AND OUCH
lmao did eijun learn to run bases from mochi? now i want this
uhhh the announcer was wrong? the STANDS were all cheering and happy, it was mostly the dugout that was surprised
bc this is level of trust he gets from first string sigh
sorry all my frustration is here
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HAHA OKAY BUT why does this look gayalso sawamura's little "na!" with the pew pew is so cute wtf
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his lil cheeky face in the corner im hashjdlkdgj
haruichi and toujou in that shot look like they'd been helping him practice batting and it paid off 
hslkhg eijun and his "hips!" i cant
nice eijun is safe
haha i never know who to root for bc i love all the bois
okay but
has anyone ever talked about how cool amahisa's eyes are???
i mean
look at this
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so cool
yoooo wtf amahisa's voice in this part is really appealing??? damnn
so... kanemaru's a capable batter even if he's not top tier, why you gotta keep making him bunt
oh well, i like that face you're making kanemaru
it's okay kanemaru you did your best
cmon mochi bring him home!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats right mochi + other batters, give him the run support he deserves
"did he shave his eyebrows? he looks like a strong fighter" are you just checking him out
you'd want him to do those jump kicks amahisa
omg i feel the tinglings... of a rarepair... amakura.....................
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what was i saying about his EYES??
come the fuck ON dont leave eijun stranded on second!!!!!!
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(and u rite yall amahisa is yabai)
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whoaaa that slowmo pitching sequence!
oh hello eijun upping the tempo and looking great doing it
wow this super HD sparkle miyuki
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EIJUN IS BEAUTIFULLLL and lowkey this looks like the OP
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okay sun we gettin a lil cap happy
another pretty eijun shottttt
N* H* TT * R
i feel like i jinxed him sorry eijun
also i LOVE when the stands yell OSH OSH OSH back
wow toujou's voice was. so cute??
noriiiii i love you so much and thank you
furuya silently reflecting huh?
awww theyre all patting him i wanna pat eijun too
kanemaru's eyes are gray??
kousei-san.......... mayhaps i have.......... Feelings about this
"gureato" man tahara is great
kuramochi, amahisa, hyuuga from knb, alla dem yankees
oh my god is that suddenly shaved head amahisa still in first year he's so smol
wow kousei is so eccentric haha i love it
omg yakushi cameo!!
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wow this is so pleasant to look at and idk why??
his eyeeesss
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and this too omgg
omgggg are they who i think they are
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sorry mimei that was too much tension in a single glance not to be homoerotic
go shirasu-senpai!
wellll shit, rip zono and rip seidou
142 pitches???????? are they throwing out amahisa's arm imma fight
"that wouldnt be any fun" uh you do realize you're talking about a person's physical health right audience member???
the. ace. is. not. the. only. player.
its okay this is the peanut gallery they dont matter in the long run
omg are the first years wearing their school uniform slacks
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taku always worried about everyone and sawamura looking rather nice actually
omg was that a little bow eijun made at amahisa before moving on?
"something i want to ask you" are you boutta ask him out amahisa
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im sorry i love eyes too much
and also! eijun getting the recognition he deserves!! buuuut from another team rip
cmon eijun he's trying to be nice tbh
lmao koushuu and shirakawa should meet... resting bitch face club 
"i've never seen kousei-san take interest in another pitcher" THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO UNPACK IN THIS STATEMENT
my sonsssss
yes asada and kuki, be free! go move around!
asdkfh i just squee every time taku
and these lines on koushuu look so nice??
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intense son
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he's so happy and fired up to see koushuu fired up im
wholeass Sons™
lmao koushuu getting mad for sawamura
my inexperience... yes kataoka
teito and inajitsu coaches lmao
500K rivals to fwb to lovers
ive always thought kunitomo's neck crack is so funny
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mochi looking mighty fine in this shot
aw... ejun sitting alone....
just wanna say oda and kuroki very lesbian in the ED
ooh mei batting
sawamura and furuya watching so intently!!
aw... eijun turning to harucchi for support
oh man third years...
SUMMARY (7/16):
eijun DOUBLES!! 
rip seidou tho 
amahisa's eyes??? pretty??? 
taku offering to carry eijun's bag + serious senpai face 
careful amahisa your gay is showing 
koushuu mad on eijun's behalf lmao
inajitsu vs teito next!
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ah yes, that tension-filled mimei look
ooh this parallel of mei and mukai #1s
why does mei look so young at bat lmao
rather nice shot of mukai tbh
omg that tiny background akamatsu is adorable
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WOW i love this shot
hell yeah mei kicking ass and taking names
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boi... what you doin
kuraharu rights too!!
wow mochi's voice, never over it
lookit mochi bein a good senpai
ooh eijun finally said no huh
mochi and harucchi look so concerned tbh i am too
mm and miyuki and furuya too huh
oowada always cracks me up lmao
esp when mine is so grave next to her
oh so mukai likes gambling? im not surprised lmaooo
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omg the way tetsu says carlos sounds all proud and im soft
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omg two RBIs too good job shirakawa!!!
omg im so glad mei encouraged itsuki
have i ever mentioned
inui x mukai RIGHTS
that toujou face... some toujou and mukai art i saw comes to mind
also is carlos actually wearing his compression undershirt holy wow
he didnt used to at least
omg was that a little tiger next to inui SO CUTE
oh my god "mei-san mei-san" too cute
yoo mei you okay there
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okay why does he look so good please
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do you know how many times i had to rewind for this screenshot
shirakawa also looks good frustrated fuckle
mei stop shakin off signs dammit
ooh nice akamatsu shot
seidou shares one (1) brain cell in this screen
much too short a game damn...
ive heard we were robbed of itsuki's blush??? cause hello i need catcher catcher goodness with him and inui
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omg... they're literal children
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hahaha anyway im just laughing at carlos being a momentary harada
"mei-san" !!!
mei x mukai... so chaotic
wow amahisa looks so nice???
lmao they really didnt HAVE to put harucchi in the bg when miyuki's talking to furuya but they DID
miyuki... looking at mei too long not to be homo there
eijun :c
oh man
that really hurt
the face of a SON tho
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"so you are human after all" so many things i want to say about this
sawamura... doesn't seem to hold a grudge against furuya at all and honestly wow...
tho its def not furuya's fault i think thats a mark of him being pretty mature!
anyway im glad furuya wants to watch the video too
also nabe!!!!! i wonder how close eijun and nabe are and how many times eijun has bothered him for the videos haha
ochiai, a backup catcher... interesting
"he must overcome this on his own" do you know how many problems there are with this statement
yeah it wasnt fair
"for better or for worse" are you kidding
oh furusawa lmaoo
and nabe just patient over there
oh hello masayui and kanetou
anime fist clench
oh man miyuki introspection......... i know where this is going.........
appreciating sawamura's hard work and optimism!!!!!
how many more times does he have to prove it to you
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loveLY but also reused?
and the shadow of miyuki in the background... WOW
three months............. until the third years retire...........................................
im not okA Y............................
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all the things this smile hides
wow too many sons
SUMMARY (7/26):
mei kicking ass and taking names 
mukai and his fooken BLEP 
inui/mukai rights 
mei + mukai actual CHILDREN 
carloshira stop attaccing sun challenge f a iled 
eijun @ harucchi :c 
three months... 
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F.R.I.E.N.D.S Challenge
Hey! Long time, no see!  My sister and I absolutely love FRIENDS and totally want to do something different. Both big sims fans, we changed a few things around that made more sense to me + some packs were updated since.
Original challenge was created by:  ceinwynie https://forums.thesims.com/en_US/discussion/966990/f-r-i-e-n-d-s-challenge ____________________________________________________________ FRIENDS Challenge Intro
Friends is one of the most famous TV Show and this challenge is based on it. You will play for six generations and each generation will have some influences from the show. This challenge was created with a lot of love and I hope you enjoy playing it!
"I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too)"
“Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, What are they feeding you?​
Your mother past away and your father left, you had to learn how to take care of yourself, because of that, you start this challenge without anything
.You must place your Sim in an empty lot and you can only buy one guitar
Set your money to 0 by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C and typing money 0, click enter
​You must choose "Musical Genius" as your aspiration, but you don't need to complete it.
You can only earn money by playing the guitar.
You can have a tent on your lot - you must go off the lot to eat, use bathroom and shower.
When you have enough money, you rent an apartment. (If you don’t have apartments, make a small, humble 2 bedroom home)
Become a massage therapist and max out your wellness skill.
You can only work part-time.
When you reach adulthood, you can marry during the winter.
Must have three kids who move in with your brother who is rich
Before you die you leave your apartment to your eldest daughter (the heir)
Cats and Dogs: you must adopt an ugly cat and you may call it "Smelly"
My First Pet: have seven rats
“It's like all my life everyone's told me, 'You are a shoe!', 'You are a shoe!', You are a shoe!"
You always had everything you wanted because your parents were rich, but you want to find your own path and become an independent person, because of this, you move in to your moms old apartment. (If you don’t have apartments, make a small 2 bedroom home)
You must have a different haircut and you must change your style every week
Must leave one sim at the altar, to do so, you must have a wedding arch and when your Sim is getting married, you click on the arch and select the option "Cancel Wedding"
Career: you must work as a Barista until you reach adulthood, after that you must change your job to Style Influencer (or interior designer)
Aspiration: Soulmate
You must have a public whoohoo at least once
You must meet a sim, fall in love and break up, even though this sim is your soulmate
You must have a kid before marrying with your soulmate
You must reconnect with your kid's father and marry him
Have one more baby
The heir will be the oldest kid
Outdoor Retreat: you should try to catch a Red Crawdad to represent the lobster, do not throw it because we will need it for the next generation
“ You love divorce so much you’re probably gonna marry it! Then it won’t work out and you’re gonna have to divorce it, divorcing guy.”​​
You are a hopeless romantic and your mother always spoiled you. You want to have a marriage just like your parents.
You must collect all the fossils
Career: Education
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Must marry as soon as you become an young adult
Divorce during harvestfest, after you have a baby or during pregnancy.  Reason: Cheating Spouse
You must marry again with a Sim from another city, the marriage should last only one week and then you must get a divorce
Meet another sim and marry again, but you were drunk so you are going to get another divorce
Stay friends with your ex and have a kid
After your second kid is born, re-marry your ex
The eldest child will be the next heir
Outdoor Retreat: you should try to catch another Red Crawdad and put it and the other one in an aquarium
Cats and Dogs: you should have an exotic animal, create one in CAS to represent Marcel
"Hi, I'm Chandler, I make jokes when I'm uncomfortable"​
Career: Tech Guru - Start-up Entrepreneur Branch
Aspiration: Jokestar
Level 10 Mischief skill
Your life changed after your parents got a divorce during Harvest Fest and to deal with your pain, you started to use sarcasm. Hates Harvestfest
You must go on a vacation and have sex with your best friend there. If you have any expansion that allows vacations, then go there and stay one weekend. If you don't have any expansions, go to a community lot of another city.
You must marry your best friend and move to a white house with white fences
The marriage proposal should be cute (you can decorate the room with candles and flowers)
You must adopt two newborns, a boy and a girl, the girl will be the next heir
Get Together: buy the foosball table
"Now, I need you to be careful and efficient. And remember: If I am harsh with you, it's only because you're doing it wrong."
You suffered a lot when you were a teenager and you saw food as love. Your Sim must be fat and you must lose weight without cheats. You can use the potion that makes your sim fat, but you can only lose by doing exercises
Career: must become a Chef
Aspiration: Master Chef​
You must date an elder sim when you are young adult
You must marry your best friend when you become an adult
You must adopt two newborns, a boy and a girl, the boy will be the next heir.
Cat and Dogs: Must adopt a white and big dog after getting married
“ How you doin'?”
Your dream is to become famous and you will try everything to achieve this
Career: you must be an actor if you have 'Get Famous', if you don't, then you should be Entertainer - Comedian
Aspiration: World-Famous Celebrity if you have 'Get Famous', if you don't 'Fabulously Wealthy'
Ops, someone stole some of your stuff! Make your sim lose 5000 Simoleons. To do so, you press Ctrl + Shift + C and type money x, where x is the amount of money your sim will have, for example, if your sim has 6500, then type money 1500
You must wear blue lipstick for a week
You must have a stuffed bear named 'Hugsy' that will stay at your bedroom
Never marry, but this doesn't mean that you can't have a lot of romantic relationships
Order pizza every Sunday
If you have 'Get Famous', move to Sunset Valley, if you don't, move to another city
The challenge ends when your sim become famous. If you have 'Get Famous', you must write a custom inscription on the tile and place it down on the walk of fame. If you don't, then you have to top the comedian career
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imbriums-blog · 6 years
hello my angels ! i’m sorry this is so late but i’m sarah & i’m 18 yrs old & live in the hellhole that is ohio so the est timezone ! i’m ur token harry potter nerd & lover of all things musical... anyways u can hear more about 5/10 of my problematic children under the cut ! i’m gonna try to keep it short but i lov to talk so we’ll see ! if you’re willing to plot give this post a big mf like & i’ll come crawlin’ to ur ims !
— ✯ | barbara delaney savenkov ! + pinterest board !
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tw: death, murder
laura harrier, cisfemale, she/her — have you met barbara delaney savenkov yet ? the twenty-three year old is known for being both poised and enticing, but also very skeptical and deceiving. born in san francisco, barbie now lives in soho, waiting tables at the fork and assassinating people on the side for some extra cash. + wanted connections !
so barbara was born n raised in san francisco, california to a solidly middle class family. her parents were divorced growing up, although they were friendly & got along well enough to be friends & co-parent barbie. she’d always been quite an idealist like Yes The World Is Good but when she was twenty, her dad had died due to a rogue heart attack that seemingly happened for no reason & it completely shattered barbara.
that’s when a local gang found her, at her ultimate low, & roped her into their business. she stayed w them for two years or so & at some point or another barbara started to realize that she didn’t think this business & way to make money was a good one. eventually, they starting cutting pay & barbara started to feel like she was bein manipulated. working w the gang kind of made her give up her optimism & is what truly formed her into the stone cold but somehow still elegant & captivating barbie she is today ! her idealistic attitude & never-ending optimism died with all of the shady shit that gang made her do.
then barbara was offered a job as an assassin for a powerful man doin some shady shit & she was unable to refuse even tho her first instinct was to turn it down – it offered great money & stability, & with the impression that she’d only be hurting people who deserved it, barbara shakily accepted the deal & left the gang !
she’s not pleased w the fact that she’s murdering ppl for a living, obviously, but she tries to make do with what she has & tells herself that the ppl she’s killing deserve it but !! messy !
personality-wise, barbara comes off as super intimidating at first n like she just doesn’t have feelings… super proper n always sitting upright n stiff as fuck… scares ppl away bc she seems like a robot at first
she's that kid who studies for the test like 3 weeks before it actually happens and has color coordinated highlighting and bullet journals.. she wants to be on top of everything, constantly – she doesn’t like feeling unorganized or like she’s falling apart ? i think it’s partially bc she tends to over perfect areas of her life like that, and like color coordinating her closet and making sure everything is tidy to make up for the Mess that is her secret career ??
one of the most annoying things ever is how perfect she seems on the surface ?? like, she likes everybody n is probably the type of person who rescues stray kittens from trees n sings as little birdies fly down & comb her hair or some shit but anyone close to barbie in real life knows she is a hardcore mess
that friend who’s like “oh my god i look so fat in this picture” n literally everybody groans bc shut the fuck up karen ur perfect
could literally say “fuck off” to somebody n the tone of voice she uses would make them think she was complimenting them
— ✯ | cordelia esther king ! + pinterest board !
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alycia debnam-carey, cisfemale, she/her — have you met cordelia esther king yet ? the twenty-two year old is known for being both affable and buoyant, but also very whimsical and corybantic. born in salem, delia now lives in lambeth, working as a wedding planner and forming unrealistic expectations of true love.
so ngl cordelia is very inspired by jane from 27 dresses but w/ some twists so i’m not completely unoriginal
she was born to a pastor for a father in salem aka witch town ! cordelia was raised as kind of a perfect goody goody two shoes u know.. classic girl next door who sleeps w a teddy bear even at twenty-two & her entire room is covered in pink, she spends her spare time baking n blushing over boys smiling at her wtvr... she was always strong-willed & opinionated but shut up out of fear of being made fun of u know, kids these days r mean
so then when cordelia is old enough to leave her parents house ( let’s say like a year ago ) she decides that she’s tired of being the nice girl in the shadows & that she wants to live life more on the edge so she vows to start living life dangerously & being badass... whatever that means
it’s actually kind of funny, because she’ll stroll into a bar & bat her eyelashes at the bartender & single ppl in the room to try & get them to order a drink for her solely bc she doesn’t know the names of any drinks... has no common sense & is too naive for her own good ( what is a handjob... what does “on the rocks” mean ) but the girl’s trying to [ troy bolton vc ] break free so who am i to judge ?
she’s a wedding planner who’s actually in love with the idea of love & has watched the notebook 1 too many times... despite her being wildt nowadays she’s still into the whole “when i meet the one for me my foot will pop when we kiss & i’ll feel fireworks” thing.. it’s cute but also sad but ! cute !
personality-wise... she’s outspoken & friendly & incredibly flirty, but at the same time she probably either assumes you’re flirting w her when you’re really not or has no clue that you’re hitting on her when ur literally kissing her
is totally sandy at the end of grease when she’s like “tell me about it, stud” acting all badass but then doesn’t know what to do w her cigarette butt & looks nervously at her friends like WTF DO I DO
please come corrupt her or fuck her up... or be nice 2 her & teach her how to be a human being
— ✯ | dexter leroy bates ! + pinterest board !
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torrance coombs, cismale, he/him — have you met dexter leroy bates yet ? the thirty-one year old is known for being both inventive and idealistic, but also very farouche and indecisive. born in hackney, dex now lives in croydon, editing badly filmed videos and gluing himself to a camera 24/7.
basically a nerdy starving artist based on mark from rent with a lil bit of peter parker in him
a broke ass bitch living in croydon trying his best to make it as a photographer / film maker
he has huge dreams of hollywood but his films r probably kinda bad... but he tries his best n i love him for it
kinda nerdy & word vomit-y... super cute... would die for his friends but also would kill u for insulting one of them
is that nerd that is actually hot n buff n shit but u never notice bc he wears hoodies n hides behind a camera bc i lov stereotyping apparently
i don’t really have his backstory worked out yet tbfh so really ? go wild w connections for my son
— ✯ | davina leigh cordero ! + pinterest board !
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lauren jauregui, cisfemale, she/her — have you met davina leigh cordero yet ? the twenty-one year old is known for being both intuitive and diligent, but also very seclusive and obstinate. born in whitby, davina now lives in soho, studying journalism and avoiding as much human interaction as possible.
100% based on rory gilmore bc apparently even tho i’m on season 2 i luv the characters Too Much
basically everything i aspire 2 be in a person... hardworking as fuck, loves school so fricking much, antisocial as hell ! 
davina is deadass brilliant & her idea of wild is staying up past 11 on a school night or waiting to do her homework on saturday instead of friday
sweet, a lil bit awkward, but the cutest ever n i would die for her
would much rather be chillin w her books than anything else tbh & doesn’t know how to hold proper interactions but it’s more charming than anything else
grew up with only her dad mostly, since her mom worked full time & lived out of town for reasons but they both love her a ton. her dad would give her the whole world if he could, & owns a quaint little coffee shop in whitby & is constantly calling davina to check up on her... when she got older her mom moved back in w her dad so since then she’s gotten a lot closer to her but there’s still just such a bond between her dad & her u know
what is romance ? davina doesn’t know
come fuck her up
— ✯ | sawyer maisie pitman ! + pinterest board !
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josefine frida pettersen, cisfemale, she/her — have you met sawyer maisie pitman yet ? the twenty year old is known for being both undaunted and driven, but also very apathetic and blunt. born in bristol, sawyer now lives in wandsworth, being a tragically pathetic starving artist & student.
so sawyer was adopted as a baby, unnamed, to two moms who love her more than anything in the world. one’s a publisher & one’s an english professor, & they’re both huge fricking nerds, so she was named after tom sawyer !
as soon as she could walk she was talented with art & everything that had to do with it & not long after entering high school she decided that that’s what she wanted to do & nothing was going to get in the way of it
now, as a student & hopeful artist, sawyer is dead set on getting where she wants to be & has no tolerance for bullshit... like if u ain’t helping her further her career, ur unimportant to her
relationships ? cancelled. romance is a DISTRACTION from her work & only complicates her life !
blunt as fuck & doesn’t sugar coat things. she says things like they are & expects others to do the same bc she has no time for drama or whatnot
stubborn as fuck & nearly impossible to talk to sometimes bc she’s so set in her ways but hey love me a strong woman amirite
sharp-tongued & sarcastic as fuck but can be incredibly kind when the time is right !
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spectral-cervid · 6 years
hey i saw your tag so only the odd ones
oh my GOD
is this just gonna be a..recurring theme now? ( fine
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?Spotify. Pandora isn’t in canada anymore and soundcloud is horriblewhat color are your eyes?A brownish color with bits of amber-ish near the centerwhat is your relationship status? Dating a jerd (jock-nerd) (cryptid but very real) (he’s the best tbh?)what color hair do you have?Naturally it’s a weird...brownish red? It used to be dark blonde but I dyed it too much, speaking of I’m bleaching it white at some point
where do you shop?store
favorite social media accountLinkedIn...sarcasm aside, probably tungl so long as I avoid the Disk Horse. Facebook keeps trying to reconnect me to the half of my family that I’m estranged and disowned from
any siblings?I have two sisters, I’m the youngest
favorite snapchat filter?the one that makes your mouth rly big because I like scaring my friends at 3 AM with a “whatcha doin?” and a wide-eyed grin
how many times a week do you shower?Whenever my hair’s too greasy + depression allows it tbh
shoe size?I actually have no fucking clue but I think I’m a.... 9 or a 10 in canadian size?
sandals or sneakers?Sneakers because I do too much fucking about to risk a sandal falling off while going about my day
describe your dream dateProbably equal parts thrill and chill? Ziplining followed by cuddling n watching the landscape, sort of thing.
what color socks are you wearing?I am not wearing socks. Or pants, actually.
do you have a job? what do you do?Currently still just an artist taking commissions when I can. I was nearly a delivery courier, but I have too many balance and general nervous system issues to safely drive a motorcycle in the dead of winter in a city of reckless and aggressive drivers.
whats the worst thing you have ever done?Define worst. Morally worst? Embarassingly worst? Stupidly worst? I picked up a deer skull once only to find that a nest of very angry harvester ants was living underneath it. That was bad. Very, very bad.
3 favorite boy namesUhhh can I get back to you on this one? I don’t think I’ve ever thought about this one much tbh
favorite actor?I really admire and respect the talent of the entire Stranger Things cast tbh
who is your celebrity crush?Don’t think I have one? do fictional ones count
do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I read a lot when I find a good book or series, but it’s finding something that interests me that takes a while. I don’t think I really have one favourite?
do you have a nickname? what is it?Depending on if I’m using my first or middle name, it’s Lee or Jensi, both of which I don’t mind
top 10 favorite songsIn no particular order:- Lover, Lower Me Down! by Major Parkinson- sl0t by Mili (it’s been stuck in my head...all damn day)- This Is Transcendence by Ritual Howls - Golden Antlers - Glass Animals- Mykonos - Fleet Foxes- Honestly, the entire album “IV. - Wake” by American Murder Song- U,U,D,D,L,R,L,R,A,B,Select,Start by Deftones- Arsonist’s Lullabye - Hozier- Earth - Sleeping At Last- For The Best - Gregory And The Hawkwhat is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)....like skin? I’m not sure it’s not really anything
how many kids do you want? If I had kids I’d rather adopt (never mind that I can’t, physically, have kids if I wanted) and I’m not sure how many I’d want. I’d much rather adopt older kids and teens, to be honest, if I did. For one, the idea of having to...raise someone from infancy, teach it everything, be responsible for all those crucially formative years...... That terrifies me. That absolutely terrifies me and I do not want someone’s life in my hands like that. But for second, I’d like to be able to give some older kids some stability. Especially at an age where they really need that stability and accepting base.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)Rented Duplex (two-floor house split into two units, I live in the lower unit.)
what was the last compliment you received?“I WANT TO HUG THEM AND TELL THEM EVERYTHING’S GOING TO BE OKAY” - directed @ me about Vier. I consider that a compliment tbh
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?Already answered, 6ish I do believe
opinion on smoking?Don’t mind people that do, but it burns my lungs too much and sends me into the worst coughing fits without fail. No matter what’s being smoked. I require water if I plan on it.
what is your dream job? Already answered..? “I used to want to work on the trauma floor eventually, but I’m pretty sure my hands are screwed for dropping things so I’m going to settle for something else that I have a different sort of passion for- art and writing. I’d love to be on the creative team for a game developer some day, whether for concept art, writing, storyboarding, what have you. I’ve got a little ways to go but hey- I’ve got time.”
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?The only time I did, it was because they said “GAYLORD” on the labels and I’m a certified 12 year old
do you smile for pictures?Sssometimes?
have you ever peed in the woods? I’ve gone on week-long forest treks, they don’t build loos 10 miles out in bumfuck nowhere I’m afraid
I have fallen ass first over a short cliff trying to take a dump over the ledge.
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?Wendy’s has nuggets?
what do you wear to bed?skin, blankets, enough raw power to kill anyone who walks in on sight
what are your hobbies?Also answered! I’m getting back into metalworking mostly because I’d like to make a knife Because I Can, aaand other than that? Beyond art & writing, I do competitive target archery (or did, can’t afford to get out to practice these days), am a semi-professional vocalist and used to do traveling theatre when I lived in British Columbia. I also code things, but I haven’t been in the right brainspace for a while.
do you play an instrument?Several! I can play guitar, bass, harp, piano, violin & sing with reasonable proficiency. I used to play trumpet too but I didn’t like it too much.
tea or coffee?Both
do you want to get married?I have mixed feelings
are you going to change your last name when you get married?It depends, to be honest. I like my name now (picked it myself, I did) and god damnit it’s going to be a pain in the ass to get it changed twice
do you miss anyone right now? A few people. Friends too far away to visit anymore, my sisters, my sleep schedule
do you believe in ghosts?Yyyyup.
last person you called?Got a call about a job offer that sounded sketchier than an unmarked van with “KANDY” painted up the side
regular oreos or golden oreos? What, pray tell, the fuck, are golden oreos
what shirt are you wearing? None. A blanket wrapped around my shoulders?
are you outgoing or shy?I can act outgoing but honestly I’m naturally pretty shy.
do you like your neighbors? The person in the duplex unit on top of us is a cool guy and puts up with way too much.
have you ever been high? Yyyuuup.
last thing you ate?Piece of toast with cinnamon sprinkled on it for taste
summer or winter? I prefer winter aesthetically but my health issues prefer summer so long as I avoid the sun
dark, milk, or white chocolate? Milk, or semi-dark
what is your zodiac signI’m a cusp between Leo and Virgo.
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Stories, Tales & Facts (Part 1.) (Sriracha, Part 36.)
Series description: A problematic college student gets the worst summer job of the ‘83 - Jim Hopper, the Chief of police in your hometown will have you as his secretary since his old lady Flo has two months lasting holiday. It was agreed so Hopper could let you far away from all the trouble.
Part Summary: Hopper was about to speak up about his past - from where his trouble had started to where it ended just before few weeks. But you didn‘t know how much shit he was through.
A/N: Let‘s face it. This chapter contains huge spoilers for Hopper‘s which is completely named in novel Darkness on the Edge of Town. So it should be at least partially cannonical.
Word count: 3.8 K
Tagging:  @nemodoren​, @creedslove​, @missdictatorme, @ysljordy​
Master list: H E R E
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The next morning, you had woken up pretty early in the morning. At least, you fell asleep - Hopper was awake the whole time, just staring into the ceiling before he got out of the bed to eat something, make you a coffee and breakfast. Which made you smile a bit. He was still as thoughtful as he was before.
But you didn‘t even let him take a short breath before you asked the first question of the day.
“So, you said there‘s a lot.” - You mumbled and gave him a look as you sat down, gently pulling a bit away from him. - “That means you have to start from the beginning. Every tale has a beginning, the middle, and an end. Do you understand that friends don‘t lie?” - You asked Eleven‘s most favorite sentence. This sentence was bugging Jim off a lot back in the day. When you told him the sentence, you made him feel a bit better. It was a thing so known and nice.
“If you want to start from the beginnin‘ of my trouble, we will go way down back to the sixties.” -  Hopper told you honestly. At that, you chuckled.
“Jim, I already know that you were in Vietnam. That isn‘t anything new.” - You told him ironically. At that, he looked into your face.
“You know that I was there once. Wrong. I was there twice. The first time, it was in ‘62.” - Jim told you straight in your face. At that, your breath hitched in your throat. He was... Eighteen. He was fucking eighteen when he first was transported to that hell. - “And for your information, I went there voluntarily. Nobody asked me to go.”
You were looking him into the eyes. The questions in your eyes were completely vivid. Your lips were just opening and closing as you tried to tell him something back, but nothing hit your tongue.
“You don‘t understand how was it like in here back in the sixties. I didn‘t know what to do here, I was kinda... Lost. You‘re a psychologist, you should know what I was feelin‘. I wanted to feel like I‘m useful, not like I‘m just spendin‘ my life in the biggest asshole in the USA.”
“Then I went back for turnus number two in ‘68. After that, I met Diane. And believe or not, I was really happy with her. Not too long ago, in ‘71, Sara was born. And we left for New York, but you already know what I‘ve been doin‘ in there.” - He said without explaining to you any further.
Yeah, you‘ve heard that story already. How he was the big detective in Brooklyn‘s sixty-fifth district and how he went after something he called the card-murders, He almost killed a man back then. After that, Sara had died and Diane left him. Except for the Vietnam news, you hadn‘t known about any of that, you knew about everything. But the biggest shockers were just coming your way.
“I was hurt. Hurt. And then you came by and for a small while, everything seemed to be right. I felt good about myself for a time. That was when Will Byers disappeared." - Hopper took a deep breath, giving you a look. - "Promise me that no matter how crazy everythin' seems to be, you'll believe me. I won't ever make up anythin' like this. You promise?"
That was when you got quiet again, only drinking coffee while eating the mashed eggs he had prepared you. - "Friends don't lie. Tell me and we'll see how crazy this seems to be."
So Hopper did as you wished and told you about the November of '83. About Eleven, Papa, and the Lab. He didn't leave out a single detail. Jim didn't leave out any gore, he told you all about what Eleven can do, which was the first thing you weren't able to come around.
"Jim, she's a normal kid. I had raised my daughter for more than just a week. If there would be any red flags, believe me, I would notice." - You said a bit more aggressively than you anticipated. But you were sure that Jim is just fucking around with.
“You remember that one time we had a fight in the cabin and I fell flat on my ass? You thought I just lost balance.” - He told you rather seriously and you uncomfortably shifted into a different position. How would you be able to forget that argument? You were yelling, screaming, crying that night until Eleven came out of her room. - “Blood was drippin' out of her nose, which made you worried, remember?” - Jim whispered and you needed to look away for a second. You haven't noticed a single weird thing about your baby, she was just a normal, twelve-year-old girl when you met. But it all checked in, according to what Jim had told you.
After that, Jim proceeded to another part of the story - explaining why Will was getting worse and worse (that was because of a thing called the Mind Flayer), which you had noticed, what happened with the veins under Hawkins, the Demodogs, what Steve Harrington did which resulted in him and children being best friends, which you also knew. In detail, Jim described what happened underneath the Lab and that Eleven went to see Terry Ives, her biological mother. In the middle of the story, you had to take a short break to think about everything and to have another cup of coffee.
You started crying when you finally got to know what even happened to Joyce's Bob. You didn't believe a thing Jim said, it was so surreal, but you finally got an explanation. It didn't mean that the explanation would make you satisfied, but it was a piece of information with which you could fill the blanks you had in your head. He was eaten by some fucking Demogorgons, whatever that thing was. You had an idea of how did the monster look - once, you played D&D with the kids and something like that was in the game.
And when the Russians came to play, you couldn't understand anything anymore. You were just sitting there, listening to Hopper talking about Starcourt mall being invested with Russians living in an underground base. At the same time, the Mind Flayer got Billy Hargrove, that son of a snake who was Max's brother. It was literally - Mind Flayer got him. Because of the beast, the boy was dead. Jim didn't know that Billy was dead, but then you told him with a terrified expression.
When Jim finished Billy's part of the story, he proceeded to tell you what happened to him. The events happened to both you had met at one point - the moment when Eleven got out of the mall. Each one of you was there - you were hugging El in front of the mall while Jim and Joyce were trying to blow up the massive generator under Starcourt. That was the moment he had presumably died. That was something which Dr. Owens had come up with since they didn't find a single clue that Hopper had died in the generator room. For Hopper to have some time to catch some breath, Owens had decided to pronounce Hopper dead for the time they were searching for him - he found himself being in Russia, working in a gulag. He told you about how he had got out and contented Owens again, Sam helping him back into Indiana so Hopper could start a search for you once again. And because he was in such mental and physical state when he came back, he was taking Tuinal again.
You were back to the square one. Hopper was taking drugs, he was a stranger and on top of that, he was lying to you for almost three years in a row, which was quite impressive. You were slowly getting fed up and mad when you realized that three years, basically thirty-six months, every time something unnatural happened, every time some monster appeared, he figured out some lie to tell you. He was wrapping you in a silver lining after silver lining, again and again. Which had blown you away.
It was almost midday when he had finished - you were preparing some lunch so Hopper would have to eat something. You were just cooking some meat with vegetables, while Hopper let you get your mind sorted.
"I think that the drugs made something to your brain, Jim." - You snorted all of a sudden. It was one of your typical, ironical snorts. You put the potatoes into the oven, put your elbows over your chest, and looked at him. - "Because a single word of what you've said... These are all illusions and hallucinations. If you plotted all of this the six months you were God knows where it's really impressive. Hands down to you, my dude, you got me in the first half."
Jim looked at you. You weren't even crying. But... You cried when he told you what happened to Bob, you believed him, right? If you wouldn't believe him, why would you cry?
"And bringing almost everyone into that, the kids, Joyce, Steve, Bob, Powell, and Callahan... Dear Lord, you even put it onto a precise timeline. You are sitting here, in front of me, looking me dead in the eyes, telling me... All of this, expecting me to believe. Oh, God, James Hopper. You have disappointed me." - You put your palms on your hips, turning away from him with a burst of unbelieving laughter.
"You don't believe me? Fine, let's visit Mike and ask him. Ask Harrington about it. Even that Henderson boy would tell you that this is the truth. Not enough? Fine, Imma take you to the Lab. I will show you everything. Imma ask Nancy Wheeler to give me the photos of Demogorgon." - Hopper stood up in front of you, having his faces just inches from yours. His face was deadly serious and for a second, you thought about if you had poked some sensitive spot or what did you even do. You thought he went mental in the last six months.
"I hadn't told you because the government would be after you and if somethin' happened to you or her... I mean... Anythin'... How would someone like me even come across losing his loved ones? Once again?" - He took your shoulder to his palms, making you look into his eyes.
"In New York, a special agent of a secret state organization named Gallup showed me, how easy is for someone to disappear in a manner of an afternoon. And I'm sure that he would make Diane and Sara disappear the same, just as he told me he would in case I wouldn't want to cooperate with them in the Card murders case." - Hopper shook your shoulders, making you furrow a little.
James wasn't aggressive at that moment, no, he was just making you listen. And not just to register information that was coming out of his mouth. He wanted you to listen to what he was saying with the tone of his voice. It was really important for you to understand. But he was shaking your body as if you were a rag doll.
"And I know that if I would tell you a single thing of what have I told you just now, they would make you disappear, maybe they would deport you into the Russian hell I was in, they would get rid of you just like that." - One of his fingers snapped, making you even more scared than before. Your heard was pounding loud and quick, you almost didn't hear a word he had told you.
Was he serious? Was some secret state services spying on you and him, on your home, even your family perhaps? You haven't noticed a thing. Nobody ever had followed you, your phone wasn't monitored, there weren't any weird guys or women in your neighborhood. Ever. But... Jim seemed kinda serious, which made you gasp for air.
"I couldn't do that because I love you. And trust me, Tuinal didn't cause any of the things I've just told you. I'm not shittin' you, I'm not sayin' weird shit, it's just how it is." - Jim slowly let go of you, letting you step away from him as you started to panic again, covering your mouth with your palm. It wasn't the usual panic attack, this was... You were horrified.
It was hard to believe since what he had told was straightaway King-novel fanfiction shit. Hardcore eighties sci-fi and horror at its best. But... What would you do if Hopper had a chance to prove each of his points? What would you do then?
A fucking creature from which crawled another dimension was getting your girl, who had telepathic abilities by the way, and her friends in danger. And your fiancé was there both times, trying to keep your world and family safe.
"Look at this from my point of view, Jim. This is... Wild. This is more than fucking wild. Even if it would be a work of your imagination, which would be kinda incredible when I think about your imagination, it still would be wild. But you told me that there is... Proof, right? You can show me, that what you said?" - You asked again, pushing him away from the stove to continue with cooking the lunch.
"It is slightly illegal and can be called a trespassin', but I can show you everythin'." - Jim nodded and lit up a cigarette, taking one out of the pack you had there. You knew that you'd have to open up the window since both your mom and your dad were non-smokers. They wouldn't be very glad if they'd somehow find out that you or James smoked inside.
"I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and I'm willing to go there... Whenever your damn Lab even is. But if it turns out to be all just one big lie, I swear to God, Jim. You're on thin fucking ice and if that ice breaks under you..." - You rose your eyebrows, looking out of the window. Jesus, you were torn apart into two halves - one wanted to believe him, you wanted to believe Jim so, so, so fucking bad. You were still in love with him, which was undeniable.
In the end, you lived together for... About two years? You couldn't even count it since Hopper was disappearing rather frequently and was gone... For sometimes a week, something three months, sometimes half a year. It was hard to establish how much time from those three years, two and a half years specifically, you had a normal relationship. Were you even in that phase? In the phase of having a normal relationship?
The other half inside of you was fucking sure that Jim had gone insane. Because using shit from D&D, tying up all the people you knew into the story, telling you that it always happened only when you weren't around... Jesus fucking Christ. You took in another deep breath and lit up a cigarette too, trying to keep your head straight. You were shaking. Your muscles were spasming and letting go at a pace so fast that your body was burning up.
After serving Jim the lunch, you both dressed up to be at least warm and able to move in the winter outside. Jim had taken your dad's splitters along with an old flashlight and put them on the backseat while he made you sit behind the steering wheel. You were a bit nervous, which was leveling up adequately with your inability to start the car.
"God fucking damn it, this dumb old car, I swear." - You mumbled under your breath when the engine didn't want to start working. Without further ado, Jim got off the car and opened up the hood, looking inside of it. He still had the same expression had when he was trying to start your car. Your car was a moody machine, especially in winter. Hopper breathed out a bit of fog on his fingers, trying to warm them up before he started to play with the cables.
"Kick it." - He looked at you with his eyebrows risen. You did as you were told and turned the engine key, making the engine yell loudly. You would be lost in the winter when it wouldn't be for Jim. Nobody except him and your dad had the skill to start that old crap. Jim sat back to you with a shit-eating grin, making you grin as well.
You were driving while he was telling you where to take a turn and where you should drive in the woods. Not too long after that, you were parking the car near an old facility which seemed to be empty and abandoned for quite some time. The snow was reaching up to your waist and thighs, so it was quite hard to even get in front of the Lab. The glass door were shattered, from squatters or someone like that you assumed, so getting wasn't too much trouble either.
That was when you saw it - blood on the ground and walls. That made you cover up your mouth and hope that you won't throw up.
"That's where Bob had died. Owens had to leave the place so quickly they barely packed everythin'." - Jim said behind you quietly in a mourning voice. That made you stand up. There was no body, but the tracks of blood, even if someone was trying to cover them up with paint, were still visible. - "You doin' good?" - His palm gently patted and then smoothed your back, making you a bit more comfortable. Tears were coming up to your eyes again when you watched the spot.
As you told, you didn't know Bob that well - you knew that man only from Jim's and Joyce's stories and from meeting him less than five times. But the man was a genuine good person. That was why you were so fucking moved by seeing the exact spot where he... Passed away. Or where he was eaten to death. Dear God.
When you nodded, Jim took you further into the facility. The windows were shattered so the ice-cold winter evening wind was howling through there, the walls were graffitied, but to your surprise, some of the lights were still working.
Documents marked as super-secret were scattered in the ground, even if most of the text was blacked with a marker. There was a lot of equipment left behind, medical and research tools just scattered around on the ground and in the empty rooms. Jim really meant what he told you; the government basically made Owens clear the building in two days - which was why there was all the stuff still here. Owens only packed the necessities, pushed them into three loaded military trucks and left the place as if nothing ever happened there. Or that was at least what Murray was telling.
It maybe was looking scary, but it still wasn't anything unusual. It was just the vibe of the place that was off. Until you tripped over something. Before you fell into the ground, Jim caught you, but your eyes widened in realization. You tripped over a pile of bones. Something had died and rotted there.
But it was too small to be an adult human bones. First, when you squated, took a paper from the ground to cover your fingers, you thought that maybe it could be bones of a child. But when you picked one up and looked at it closely, your breath hitched once again. Back in your day on highschool, you studied medicine and anatomy a lot, since you didn't know if you want to be a normal doctor or a psychologist when you grow up. You liked to have a back up plan and medicine was quite interesting as well. So you knew how human bones should look like; you once even saw some.
But that structure, shape, the color... Nothing seemed to be even close to how should human bones look like. First, you thought that maybe, it could be some animal bones of an nimal which was dragged there or tried to escape to safety - you would be sure since veterinary medicine wasn't really you thing.
Then you noticed it. It just hit your eyes - small spikes on the bones. You knew that birds had their bone structure practically full so they could fly... But an animal with spikes on their bones? No. Any known animal had spikes on its bones as far as you were informed.
"This... Jim..." - You gasped for air and put the bone back on the pile. Slowly, the things he told you about Bob, these Demogorgons and shit... It seemed to be more and more real with each passing second.
"We ain't endin' here." - Jim told you and led even further into the facility; specifically under it. You needed to take a few staircases which were quite long, but you were at least one or two levels under the surface of land. The door was locked with a chip reader, so Hopper just broke in after a few tries.
That was where the shit got wild. Some lights were working, some were just lighting up just to go dark in the next second, flickering and making the atmosphere darker and darker.
You were in something that could be called an observation station with a few machines. There was a monitor that was showing something when it was working, a lot of buttons and a microphone. A wheelchair was thrown on the ground just few feet away from you. The place was giving you chills.
On your left, something like a decontamination chamber could be seen, the automatic door now being opened and not powered by the electric circuit.
"Where are we, James?" - You asked in a whisper, being really unnerved at that second. Jim didn't respond, the only thing he did was that he walked further in.
So you followed him.
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party-pixie · 7 years
Quality Tag 👌👌👌👌👌👌
tagged by @03i8
RULES: tag 10 of your followers you wanna know better.
Nicknames: Xiaobaitu,Silver,Star but that ones really old lol
Height: 5′5"
Time right now: 9:22 pm
Last thing I googled: “Marc Jacobs meme” lmao I just saw something that reminded me of it so I looked up the meme to show my friend
Fave music artist: UTSU-P S C R E A M S
Song stuck in my head: Mind Brand by Maretu
Last movie I watched: I think the third evangelion movie idk
What I’m wearing now: green sweater and jeans it’s great
When I created this blog: my friend forced me to like two years ago or something
The kind of stuff I post: I blog about blogs that blog about other blogs I also have an art blog @silvertailsdoesart pls love me
Do I have other blogs?: I have an art blog see URL above
Do I get asks regularly?: no please send me asks I’m lonely I get lonely easily
Why did I choose my URL?: It’s based on a scrapped character I had and my friend came up with the numbers from a different thing for a different site lmao
Gender: Female!I’d give my opinion on gender but I’d get fried lol
Hogwarts House: idk I never got super into Harry Potter I need to tho but lazy
Fave colors: every shade of purple,green,and blue
Average hours of sleep: 6-8 on school nights and like 12 on weekends I have like the worst sleep schedule lmao
Lucky number: 17 or 18!
Favorite characters: See http://silvertails1683.tumblr.com/post/157040957864/mamma-mia-thats-a-spicy-tag bc I’m too lazy to retype all of it
Dream job: Idk actually this is a weird one for me bc I would do art and music if that field had a good pay but it doesn’t and I would do programming yknow like coding and stuff but I kinda lost the passion for it so I’m not sure what I wanna do
Number of blankets I sleep with: 3 but usually by the time I wake up they’re all kicked off the bed lol
Following: 394
@lackadaisical-thief-of-blood just do it ok
@cringing-cactus hey Ali u still alive
@warriorcatslover07 horses
@dragonballoonsforall leaf lover and tree fucker
@hallemeepmeep hey how u doin boi u doin good that’s good to hear
@shishikusas @onibiness @aloogamoosha thank u for giving me lethal amounts of masa content to feed my ever growing addiction
@shakedatbacon I miss u
@sebsterianart my name is soob and ur watching dickney channel idk I ran out of comments to make don’t judge me ok
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skerbango-blog · 6 years
Military Slang I've Actually Used
I still use some of these in the civilian world. And yeah, my civilian peeps get some & don’t get others. Most still make me laugh, though. 
Yeah, you can find larger lists on the ‘Net. 
90-day Wonder - I was an Officer Training School (OTS) grad. The stereotype was, an OTS grad second lieutenant would show up at a unit, and immediately start bossing around seasoned enlisted personnel. That never worked. Since OTS was around 90 days long back then, the phrase stuck.
Ate-up - trying too hard.
Bad Deal/Good Deal - dirty job someone has to do, but no one wants to do. Pulling a FOXTROT tour on a rainy Friday night is a bad deal. Working an air show in a different part of the country that same Friday is a good deal.
Bag (or Green Bag) - flight suit. In the old days, only flight-rated personnel were issued bags. Obvious status symbol, especially when you’re around non-flyers.
Base run - a cruise around base. Especially if a crew is on alert or short response, but hasn’t been recalled yet. If the crew has a government issued vehicle, they may be allowed reserved parking & other privileges around base.
Box Nasty - flight lunch. Most bases had a kitchen, near the flight line, that served cold lunches for crews. Usually two cold cut sandwiches or two pieces of chicken, a small bag of chips, a piece of fruit, a juice box or can of soda, a candy bar, a pack of gum, and utensils. 
Bingo - a pre-computed amount of fuel you need to get back to home base safely. When used in mission transmission, there’s a sense of relief that the sortie is almost done. 
Blue Falcon - buddy f*cker. A troop who puts his own interests ahead of others in his unit, often to their immediate detriment.
BOHICA/HOTSU - Bend Over, Here It Comes Again/He’s Out To Screw You - if you’re in a unit that seems to get regular bad deals, someone is responsible for deciding. 
Bucket - flying helmet.
Bunny Boots - white, insulated boots issued to troops assigned to arctic climates. They work very well.
“Check six, pal” - encouraging phrase used to a friend as a reminder to “watch your back”. Could apply to field conditions, finding a new assignment in peacetime, dealing with a prospective romance, or any other time where you could get hosed over. 
Crew dog - entry level position in a flying squadron that uses multi-place aircraft. From the outside, the crew dog life looks like a lot of fun. 
Driver - derogatory term used by non-pilots against pilots. Borne of jealousy, usually.
“Fat Boy Program” - formally known as the Weight Management Program. If a troop is found to be overweight/out of standard, that troop is closely monitored. If that troop doesn’t make progress as previously specified, a commander can initiate separation papers on that overweight troop. 
FIGMO - F*ck It, I Got My Orders - no matter how good your present assignment, sooner or later you want to move on to a new unit/adventure. When the orders finally arrive, it’s a cause for celebration.
First Shirt, Shirt - First Sergeant - normally the most senior enlisted person in a unit. The Shirt normally has direct access to the unit commander, and advises the commander on all issues relating to enlisted life. 
FOD Walk - when a group goes out on the flight line in formation and walks to find objects that could cause Foreign Object Damage (FOD) to aircraft engines, control surfaces, etc. Normally done early on Monday mornings, immediately after inclement weather, at the end of air shows & open houses, and other times as required. 
For the Good of the Air Force - a standard answer to cover any decision made by higher ups that might not be readily understood by lower level troops.
Hard Broke - when an aircraft has a maintenance issue that strictly prohibits its flying. Also, when a crew dog is so hung over he can’t function.
JOC Night - most bases have a Junior Officer Council (JOC), for mutual support. The Officer’s Club would periodically invite local ladies from off base to mingle with the junior officers. 
(Aside, I was a junior officer during the time Top Gun broke nationally. At my base, on JOC Night there were legions of guys wearing brightly colored polo shirts under their bags, crooning badly off-key versions of You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling. SMDH).
Light Colonel, Telephone Colonel - when dealing with others of same or lesser rank, one can informally refer to an O-5 Lieutenant Colonel as “Colonel”. Sometimes, when answering his office phone, an O-5 may refer to himself as “Colonel”. It’s tolerated, unless a full Colonel or higher is calling.
Livin’ the Dream - normally used when deployed or in an unpleasant duty. Often used as a sarcastic response to the “how ya doin’?”
Midnight Chow - a hot meal made available primarily to troops who work late (maintainers, security forces, med group, etc.). Depending on the unit, any troop on orders and in uniform can get Midnight Chow. Too much Midnight Chow may get you on the “Fat Boy Program”.
NBA - Non- Bonus Aviator - sometimes in the USAF, they run short of skilled pilots. Every so often, the policy-making level will offer cash as an enticement for pilots to stay. The non-pilots who crew with bonus recipients may feel some envy.
Red Ball - an urgent maintenance issue. A jet’s about to take off on time, a system problem suddenly crops up, and maintenance brings all their resources to bear against that problem. 
Reflective Belt - normally, a belt with reflective panels and Velcro fasteners. Base commanders invest a lot of importance in each troop wearing his or belt when required, to allow others to see the wearer during periods of low visibility. Many troops joke about them. I have two of them now. 
RIF - Reduction In Force. Terminating members’ service in fairly short order. This can be done to free up funds for buying systems, sustaining systems or other needs.
Shelf Check - Going to the Base Exchange (BX) to see what’s new on the shelves.
Sit Up, Shut Up and Keep Your Feet Off The Seats - cliche pre-flight brief given from loadmaster to non-crew passengers. Not the approved solution.
SLUB - Self-Loading Useless Baggage. Derogatory term. What front end flight crew call the mission crew who normally sit aft of the flight deck.
Suck Chow - get something to eat.
I may do another of these, if I’m feeling peckish
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