#a lil sweet treat for u
dumbpilots · 4 months
lift me up (but don't get stuck!) a03
It's Valentine's Day and Bradley's in a rush. It's a shame he gets trapped in the elevator with the building’s newest (and hottest) tenant.
“Oh, hold it please!” He almost sticks his free hand through the closing doors before he thinks better of it. He’s not in a rush, but if he’s going to pull this off before Ice gets home, he doesn’t have a minute to spare. He can’t believe he forgot the spare key. Luck must be on his side today because a moment later the elevator doors slide back open. 
“Thanks, man.” He releases a heavy breath and shoots a relieved smile at the other lone occupant and– oh. It’s the ken doll. Bradley saw him for the first time a couple days ago walking out of the building. His first and only thought when he saw him was gorgeous. Bradley can totally be normal for a minute in his presence. Calm, even. He’s been around beautiful, tanned to perfection, built-like-marble men before. He’s fine. 
He hits 14 and takes two steps back to put some space between them and leans against the back railing. The elevator starts up.
“Runnin’ late for a date?” He says. And oh god. His voice drips like honey, slow and smooth. Ken doll’s eyebrows quirk up at him. His eyes are made of sea glass. Ding.
His brain short circuits. “Sorry–?” Ken doll narrows his gaze to the bouquet of roses tucked into Bradley’s left arm. Ding. “Oh! Hah, something like that.” 
Ken doll nods his head. “Yeah, didn’t realize how slow this thing can be sometimes.” Ding. 
“You just moved in, right?” He blurts without thought. “Not that I–, I mean–, kind of hard not to notice yo– a new face! In the building.” Bradley wonders if he can fall through the floor so hell can swallow him whole. Ding. He feels heat start to creep up his neck.
And then ken doll snorts at him. It shouldn’t be that attractive. But his eyes scrunch up and Bradley can’t stop looking at his dimples. “Yeah, I moved in three days ago. I–” He’s cut off by a horrific jolt. Bradley has to brace himself on the hand railing. The elevator halts completely. Oh shiiiiiit.
“Any chance this happens often and it’s a non-issue?”
“I… normally take the stairs.” Bradley is starting to regret his thoughts concerning luck.
“To the 14th floor? Okay, we’re circling back to that. But first,” Ken doll hits the emergency call button and it rings out. And rings. And rings. 
“No signal on my phone either, shit.” Bradley pockets it.
“Well. I gotta feelin’ we should get comfortable, neighbor.” He sends Bradley a wink and sits down on the floor. “I’m Jake, by the way.” Jake. He commits it to memory. 
“Bradley.” He slides down into a cross-legged position, carefully maneuvering himself so that their knees are not brushed up against one another. He tosses the flowers to the corner. Won’t be needing those. Sorry Mav. “It’s good cardio.” 
“Sorry?” Confused is a good look on Jake.
“Taking the stairs up. It’s good cardio. I only take the elevator when I’m in a rush. And no, the irony isn’t lost on me.” He rests his head against the wall and stares up.
“Sorry about your date, by the way.” Jake looks ruefully at the bouquet. “Hope your girl won’t be too upset with you.”
"Oh– no. They’re for my godfather.” Bradley scratches at his nape. “Well, technically, they’re for his husband. He tends to forget anniversaries and Valentine’s. I’m in charge of keeping the peace. Or rather, making sure my godfather gets to keep his head attached to the rest of his body.” He smiles fondly. 
“Worried now that you’ll get demoted?”
“Only if Pete survives the night.” Bradley smiles wistfully . “And no girl, by the way. Or guy.” 
“Subtle.” Jake grins at him. Bradley wants the image seared into his corneas. 
Jake fiddles with the emergency phone a second time, again with no answer. 
“So, Jake.” Bradley could get used to the sound of his name on his tongue. “What brings you to San Diego? Assuming you just moved here?”
“Work. Naval aviator.” Huh.
“So– question. How can you tell if someone is a pilot?” 
“Um.. Not sure?”
“They’ll tell you they’re a pilot.” Bradley looks down to try and hide his smile.
“Hilarious.” Jake looks like he thinks the exact opposite. “So what do you do then, Bradley?”
“Naval aviator.” He deadpans.
Jake laughs, bright and unguarded. “You’re shittin’ me.” 
“Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, at your service.” He mocks a salute. 
Jake looks like he’s searching for something. “Rooster… right?” He catches Bradley by surprise. “I’ve heard of you. Won Top Gun a couple years before me. You know Trace?”
“Yeah, we did a sea tour together a couple years ago.” 
“If I were a lesser comedian like yourself I’d make a joke about birds of a feather….” 
Bradley rolls his eyes, but still catches himself smiling. He shifts up on his knees and presses the emergency call button again. “Third time’s a charm?” 
And it rings. And rings. And— “Yes?” 
“Hey! Um, we’re stuck in the elevator? Can someone let us out? I think we’re around the fifth floor.” 
“One hour.” The line goes dead. 
“Well they clearly love their job. I think I’ll have t’ start taking the stairs too, if only to avoid havin’ to talk to that bundle of joy.” Jake shakes his head. 
“Now you’re getting it.” He sighs.
“So– no on-base housing for you?” 
“I could ask you the same question.” Bradley lobs back. 
“Prefer not to, given the choice. Enjoy the city more this way.” He shrugs his shoulders. 
“Yeah.. I get that.” Bradley lets the silence hang for a moment more. “So, did you have any interrupted Valentine’s Day plans?” 
“I’ve been here three days. My plans tonight were assembling a bookshelf and organizing some cabinets. No girl... Or guy.” He smirks at Bradley. 
“Subtle.” Bradley grins back. 
It feels like only mere minutes have passed when Bradley starts to hear signs of life on the other side of the doors, their conversation flowing so naturally. 
As soon as they’ve made their escape, Jake motions for Bradley to head to the stairs. Five flights and some heavier breathing later, Jake turns to him.
“Well this is me. But I’m sure I’ll see you around?” His eyes are twinkling. “I guess that applies to both the building and North Island.” He pushes the hallway door open.
“Yeah, you too. Wait–” Bradley doesn’t allow himself to think. “If you’d like some company, I’m decidedly average at assembling IKEA furniture?” 
Jake beams at him and props the door open wide. “Let’s go cowboy.” 
Hours later, Bradley checks his phone.
6 missed calls from Pete
2 new voicemails from Pete
7 new messages from Pete
Jesus. He opens the messages first.
Bradley?? Why aren’t you answering
Where are you? 
You were supposed to be here half an hour ago.
Bradley? Are you alive? Did Ice find out?
Not probable. He’d only have me killed.
Call me, kid. 
Crisis averted. You’re not off the hook, for the record.
sorry, got stuck in my building’s elevator for a couple hours.
you’d be proud of me tho
started taking ur advice
Say more. Now.
don’t think, just do.
ur flowers found a new home. sorry?
*attached photo of red roses in a vase*
Whose apartment is that?
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padfootastic · 1 year
hello miss padfootastic, today I am thinking about godfather Harry who would move mountains for Teddy, when Remus never moved mountains for Harry. :(
yES!!! miss imp ur so so right for this
i don’t care how ooc it might be but i truly fully believe teddy was a traumatised harry’s salvation postwar. he kept that boy alive. physically AND mentally. harry will literally do anything for him and nothing is ever too big or too much for his godson.
i’m thinking of—harry, parenting teddy, wondering about how easy it is (it’s not, really. he’s a child bringing up another child. but take away the nappy changes and the constant crying and the keeping a living being other than yourself alive part, and it really is easy. bc he loves parenthood. loves teddy. so much) and wondering why remus never wanted this. how he could have given it up so easily. it’s honestly just really sad? like makes him hold teddy tight and never let go? primarily i think he just pities remus at that point.
i can ALSO see harry being offended, not on his behalf, but primarily on teddy’s. because this wonderful, amazing child should’ve not had his father attempt to walk out on him, shouldn’t have had to grow up an orphan but that’s what it is. i’ve only read one fic w a similar premise but i rly need more where harry is just. mad at remus postwar for his treatment of teddy lmao.
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silphilis · 1 year
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boy tummy momence
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zsaszsin · 1 month
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"    who’s  a  guy  gotta  maim  around  here  to  get  one  of  those  banana  milkshakes?    y’know    …    with  the  chocolate  shavings  sprinkled  on  top.    "      hand  wiggles  in  mid  -  air,  as  if  she  might  need  the  added  visual  before  shoulders  lift,  giving  a  little,  happy  shimmy.  call  him  excited!  passing  through  sarah’s  spot  usually  ALWAYS  led  to  something  delicious.  wicked  smile  follows.    "    juuust  kiddin’.    "    weapons  are  well    &    truly  𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍.  victor  knows  the  rules  around  here.  one  brow  does  cock  up  a  beat  later  though,  almost  𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗶𝗼𝘂𝘀.    "    unless    …    milkshake  in  exchange  for  a  free  hit?  no  one  has  to  find  out.  it  can  stay  between  us  gals.    "
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2006aquamarine · 3 months
ok so I'm reading Percy Jackson 4 (not listening to the audio book bc reading it is faster and idk if I can endure the narration again. I'll listen to it when I'm on the go somewhere or something.) Um. I know these are teenagers, but it seems like the romance came out of NOWHERE. Not the romance between Percy and Annabeth, I could see it coming (I guess), but I mean the ones with Clarisse and Chris and then Grover and Juniper. When the hell did that happen?
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yourbenevolence · 2 years
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extremely focused on this sunday morning
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bolly--quinn · 2 years
once again long story short. great episode. fabulous episode. but wake me up when rick actually gives a shit about beth(s). thanks 
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This is palsy walsy and they are essentially a "blank slate" like quite literally as they meant to very customizable when in their blank doll state so possibilities are endless into what you can make them into, they are basically a more upgraded version of budd e. boye with the changing features and part aspect expanded but at the cost being a bit smaller. Similarly to budd, palsy has two standard looks with having a cat and a dog one! I haven't gotten much else on palsy yet but I'm eager to work on them more.
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lovelyunholyc · 1 year
where are u guys finding me from or is nanami just THAT powerful omg
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I need to let u know that I literally went akmfjsjjfdkkd when I read this
Ily, and I hope ur doin' well Cherrybomb! 🧡
No cuz like i was eating some ice cream and watching this and going like "i need to eat this" as if i the ice cream wasnt enough mxmdjvjjfk
Not saying i woulded but the though went a lil too fast in my head without hesitation lol
Like that could be the perfect gift for someone whoose into dark stuff but loves sweets
Cuz i sure as hell would fall right there 😍💕💕💕
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sapphic-woes · 2 years
Me trying to get the right feel for Ambessa like
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tiptapricot · 2 years
Darling I'm hugging you so tight right now. Fingers in the back of your hair and neck, pulling you close. Ending the hug with a tight squeeze enough to make you go "Enh" as all the air is forced out and then sucked back in as I release you. Hey. Hey you? Go get a drink of water. Or a cup of tea. Soda if you like. You've earned it.
Ah! Join me for that soda dude! Let’s sit down across the table n swap funny videos or bump legs on the couch while we put on a show we both like and pretend like it’s summer in fall or spring or winter or whatever season it is for u now and have a grand old day n maybe when you leave at the end I’ll hug you just as tightly back and lift u up a bit even though I’m kinda small and I’ll spin you around and accidentally bump ur ankle against the wall n apologize n we’ll both laugh n I’ll wave to u as you leave and then wait in the silence before going to sleep with a missing weight at my side that I wish would just return.
So… d’you like squirt?
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(ID in ALT)
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trollbreak · 2 years
<needs to give lavish some more friends that’ll make his life worse
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rowarn · 8 months
hi tonight i'm thinking about rlly pent up simon coming home. he's wound taut, a short fuse. he just needs to let off some steam and be a little mean with u ): just a lil tho!!!
while he whispers about how soft and sweet you are, how cute you look pinned beneath him, how pretty your moans are as you lick and squeal as he makes u cum on his cock — he has his big hand wrapped around your throat.
he makes you stare right into his eyes while he has u creaming and squirming. he's glaring even tho he's saying sweet nothings <3 he's got u pinned, his chest pressed against yours, rendering u completely immobile and at his mercy as he stuffs his cock into ur drooling cunt ):
when your eyes inevitably roll back, breaking the eye contact, he lightly slaps you across the cheek. the impact makes your eyes fall back to his and he squints in disappointment.
"eyes on me, sweet one," he growls, "told you to keep your fuckin' eyes on me."
and when he hits just right, nailing that gooey little spot inside you, eyes flutter closed and he smacks you again. it's not hard enough to hurt but the fact your sweet simon is the one treating u so meanly is what gets u really clenching around him <3
"filthy thing," he spits, "gettin' off on me smackin' you around? fuck, you're a lil pervert, love."
you whimper, toes curling in ur fuzzy socks when his pelvis grinds right up against your clit, as he says those dirty things to you ): and he keeps just humping your pretty little pussy until you're cumming again around him with a weak cry of his name, hands helplessly slapping against his broad shoulders.
"i'm not done, sweetheart," he coos in your ear, deep timbre of his voice making your heart race, "gonna keep fuckin' this precious little cunt until i cant remember my own name." <3
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inkykeiji · 1 year
hello i hope you have a good day <3 i saw this and i was like oh clari-core!! https://twitter.com/jisoupy/status/1666471857321828353?s=46
link! <3
oh my gosh anon that is soooooo cute!!! i love the bandaids eee <33 i'm so flattered u thought of meee hehe <3 i love the sentiment it’s expressing!!! very lovely c: we can be soft n strong at the same time!
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springcatalyst · 1 year
gettin called out about characters Again
#my roommate was like 'do why. why do u like daryl so much.'#and i was like 'what do u mean'#and they go 'u know the type of character u usually like is different and then theres daryl'#which of course meant i had to ask What my type of character was#and they said you know. theyre all stoic and observant and a little scary#and like ohohooho but you know what the real treat is. daryl IS all of those things#well. stoic is not a word i woukd use for him. and also i didnt say any if this cause idk how to without sounding insane#and also i know they dont REALLY care about my fucking guys from my show and the way im insane about them#but like NO u dont understand hes all of those things. hes SO observant he is so watchful of the people around him#either because he is looking for danger or because he is watching out for the people he loves#he isnt STOIC per say but he is a certain amount of detached or numb or broken in a way that looks much of the same#he is capable of violence and he is capable of BEARING violence in a way that makes him a lil scary at times#GOD. im thinkin about daryl now. you dont understand hes everything to me. hes so. he is so#hes so broken and hes so sweet and he cares so much and he feels So Much and he doesnt know what to do with any of it#hes so lost. hes so lonely. hes so damaged but through everything he fiNDS A FAMILY THAT LOVES HIM AND THAT HE LOVES#shut the hell. im so normal about him. my perfect fucked up little man who i want to torture indescribably. for funsies or whatever#h
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