#a lot of you probably have no fucking clue what I'm talking about because the pins were before your time :
Just kinda... putting this out into the universe for right now, but I've been thinking really hard about getting my old enamel pin collections back in circulation, as well as maybe releasing them as stickers as well (for a budget option and also for things you can't put enamel pins on). I had to throw out basically all my remaining stock when I moved (which... oouugh it still hurts), so I might essentially run a "reboot" kickstarter to get another batch of Dire Hounds made and then try again to get the full Grimalkins set funded. A few things this would let me do:
update the templates for slightly cleaner manufacturing, and update the backer cards with accurate artist info because man that was really bothering me
like I said, hopefully get the second half of the Grimalkins produced so they're a proper six-pin collection like the first one
network! Now that I'm in a big city I think I honestly might have better luck with consignment stores and craft fairs than I ever did with only an online shop, and more visibility can only mean good things.
I'm also still definitely planning to make idog merch, and beyond that I'd potentially love to lean even further into the cyberpunk and y2k aesthetics to really hone my Brand™, but obviously that requires original thought and creative effort while getting the dogs and cats remade just requires pulling the old AI files off my poor aging iMac.
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hyhkai · 3 months
k.taehyun — dangerous woman!
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[ 📚 ] after accidentally eavesdropping taehyun talking with his friends, you've got a question unanswered, a question which is straight up hilarious because it shouldn't be asked in the first place.
content : plot sprinkles, dom!reader sub!tyun, taehyun goes around calling the reader his wife/girlfriend, 'taehyun likes smart girls' agenda, public (in the empty auditorium), blowjob, degradation (m. rec.), making tyun swallow his own cum hah
a/n ; NEEDS TO BE EDITED! idk why I named it dangerous woman for angie and smiles txt birthday event + technically written off of my this thought but it doesn't appear in the limelight as brightly. though i still abide by it and always will. i have no clue how auditoriums look in your guys' vision but 🙏
"what're you even trying to do? makeout with me?" he asked as you pulled him aside from the piled hallway and led him to the top floor.
"trust me," you looked back at him, agony filled eyes. "kissing you is the last mistake I want to make, and I make a lot of mistakes."
he chuckled, god, he chuckled. he has some guts. "if you've started to make mistakes, then I'm a failure, noona."
he's always been like this. you wondered if he had some borderline obsession with you. which, now that you've found out the shit he's been going around blabbering — he definitely is obsessed with you.
almost throwing the two of you into the auditorium when you spotted a council member; you shut the door behind yourself as you stared at him, pulling his backpack onto his shoulder. "I'm actually starting to think you want to kiss me. it could've been in the cafeteria, no? why hide like we're middle schoolers?"
you shook your head no. "i already told you, I'd never kiss a dumb dog like you."
"then what are we here for?"
"why are you telling your friends I'm your girlfriend?"
silence. for about a minute. or two.
"i didn't." he said, turning back and walking to one of the chairs, sitting on the one at the corner. he's seriously planning to pretend, that he didn't go around saying you both fuck everyday.
"I don't like liars." you mumbled, walking behind him and letting yourself fall onto the chair right beside him, knees buckling. "what kind of a lie is this? we both are stuck in a loop of arguments and flirting. what makes you want to go around saying I'm your girlfriend?"
"I felt like it." he said dryly, eyes cast down at his fingers as they fidgeted.
"felt like it? you—" you closed your eyes in annoyance, nostrils flaring as your neck turned to look at him. "you felt like telling everyone that I'm your girlfriend? me of all people?" you hissed, he's such a bitch. fucking asshole.
it takes the average human being to start dating after 1-3 months of knowing each other, but it took taehyun one month to walk you down the aisle in his puerile dreams.
"well, why not you?" he asked, looking down at your fingers that were sprinkled with ink. you'd never dated any of the guys around here — because they're such bitches. what about the one in front of you? very evident.
"because I'm never going to really date you!" you almost yelled, lowering your noise when you heard your voice hit the walls of the empty auditorium.
"okay whatever, what're you gonna do about it?" he huffed out, his arms escaping the straps of his backpack.
you looked away, this boy was making you so demented. you wished you were corrosive and could just touch him and destroy his entire existence in the moment.
and that's when it hit you. your touch... could destroy him. hell, it could probably make him dumb, to say the very least. you looked back to see taehyun, sitting there, staring at you with big big eyes, looking like he's going to swallow you whole.
"what?" you tore the silence apart, taehyun fluttering his eyelashes as he eyed you. the boy is still checking you out. "have some goddamn decency."
"I can't." he said, leaning in, leaning in close so close you wanted to flick his forehead and slap him across the face. he's always been like this for you since the day you put him in his place. he's been like a damn dog, like he wanted to be walked around by you since that day.
"then learn how to!"
"teach me, noona."
and so you did. so you did. and he's going to learn. he's going to learn to never annoy you again.
his eyes widened when your hand went straight for his crotch. fuck. you placed your hand on his cock, in the corner of the auditorium, after school hours.
"shut up. this is what you wanted, didn't you? you're filthy." and he, an exuberant kitten had turned into a lethargic dog. a dumb dog. "you're welcome for this. you're welcome."
"you— you-. what are you even thinking?" he asked, eyes wide as he leaned back, growing motionless. well, one thing was definitely in motion.
"shut the fuck up." you rubbed the tent in his pants as it eventually grew — still no consent of his, but his expression and activities history doesn't seem to be convincing you that he'll say no. you grabbed his face, making him look at you after his eyes had set down onto your hand on his dick. "tell me, taehyun. do you think from your dick or something?"
"y-you can't ask a question like— that.. h-hah." he groaned, a pretend exasperated tone when he was clearly enjoying this. he looked... desperate. it was scaring and making you want to fuck him at the same time. "please, noona."
"please what? use your words, bitch." you said, finger twirling the zipper of jeans, or more like a synonym for a cock cage.
"what're you gonna do?" he asked, eyes shooting around the hall as his knees buckled up, trying to squirm your hand away. this felt so emasculating to him — that you just basically palmed his dick from above the denim.
you were everything he wasn't — smart, perfect and untainted. but you were everything he wanted.
"maybe suck your dick," you said and the statement was definitely sent as an electric signal to his dick and his brain. "give you a reason to go around saying absolute bullshit, hm?" and he closed his eyes shut. his head fell back on the back rest as you unzipped his jeans, letting out a sadistic chuckle. "aw, is the delusion wearing off?" placing a hand under his chin and tilting his head to your side. oh lord, he was blushing. his ears were heating up and his cheeks went pink. "n-not bullshit.. not—"
"shut up." you attempted at a slap but only smacked his jaw, making his head turn away. lightly squeezed to his dick through the Calvin Klein and he whimpered. rubbing the tip with your nails.
if someone asked you if your panties were dry you'd have to deny it. his condition only got more tortured and jittery, you were chuckling like watching a stand-up comedy. you got up from the seat, kneeling in front of him. "h-hah, noona. shit— pl-please."
a malevolent expression, you took his dick out, cockhead lathered in precum — manwhore !
"you like this?" you asked, placing your hand in front of his mouth. "spit, whore." and he did, so fast like he was already preparing to, preparing to be sucked and jerked off.
"mmm, noona, i— h-hah." taehyun scrunched his knees together when your hand twisted at the tip, going down on his dick and his eyes shot open. "i l-love- this."
"of course you do, slut." you mumbled, licking the underpart of his tip, looking up at him as his hands reached to the back of your head to push you down on it unprovoked. he has the audacity to try to fuck your mouth. but no, you slapped his hand away. "behind your back."
he arched his back in sole pleasure, hands behind him now, he let out short, rapid pants. you opened your mouth wide, making him assume you'll finally take his dick, only to start pumping his dick rapidly.
"shit— shit, shit. noona no—"
"take it." you cut him off, using both hands, twisting. your lips set on the edge of his tip, rubbing against it. his brain was vacuous; and it got worse when you held the base of his dick and swallowed him whole.
"oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck." he whispered as you glide your hand up his hoodie, staying at his abs making him suck his stomach in. shook your head, the friction too much for him to bear. "noona, noona please."
pulling away, strings of saliva connecting you to his dick as his head flung back, closing his eyes shut when your nails slid up and down.
"keep it down, my god. the president might just hear you, would you want to be seen getting your cock sucked by me?"
his nails of each hand were digging into each other, his jaw clenching. "it— it'll make for a good s-sight."
"'m so close, pleasepleaseplease." he groaned as you completely stopped even the slightest of fuckery he was receiving from his imaginative slut. "no!"
you giggled at the sight — brain-dead taehyun, with his hands behind his back that were desperate to come forward and get him to cum, his embarrassing, dumbfounded state. a slap to his dick and he thrust into the air.
he could fuck any object that moves right now.
"you just love having your cock shoved down throats, don't you?"
hollowing your cheeks around him, the pleasure too much for him to bear. his hands escaped from behind and almost reached for your head but stopped mid-way, balling into a fist as his brain began jarring.
"noona please please please I'm gonna—" and before he could even warn you, prevent your annoyance and the malice you might have, he spilled into your mouth. and to his surprise, you kept his tip in your mouth, tasting him.
a pretend swallow that made his brain cloudy, did you just swallow his cum?
you got up, his eyes tracking up as you leaned down and pulled him by the collar of his hoodie, clashing your lips onto his and his mind skipped a function or two. you seeped his cum into his mouth, wiping your hands on his chest and he did not give the reaction you expected, the reaction you wanted him to give you — instead, to your surprise, he kissed back, his hand slipping up to catch yours. he didn't expect this at all but the whore didn't give a fuck. you pulled away, displeased that he wasn't mad you just made him eat his own cum.
"you ain't my boyfriend." you hissed, picking your backpack up.
and he was all gone to hell, no place for him in heaven, staring at the high ceiling, panting, beatific.
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are they dating? no. do they both have mutual thoughts of fucking? absolutely.
I wrote this in like one hour forgive me
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genericpuff · 13 days
The Derivative Fashion Sense of Lore Olympus
So I'm usually out here going Gordon Ramsay on Rachel's ass about her writing and art, but for this unsolicited essay I will be wearing a different hat.
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Yep, we're going Miranda Priestly today. Specifically the Miranda Priestly who talks fashion, not the Miranda Priestly who abuses employees lmao (though rest assured, I'm gonna have a lot of curt words throughout this).
Disclaimer: I am not at all an expert on fashion, these are just my thoughts and observations from studying fashion styles as part of my own artistic journey, so as always, take what I have to say with loads of salt. I also realize the irony that I am addressing the derivative nature of Lore Olympus when I, myself, am creating a derivative retelling of Lore Olympus.
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Alright, enough small talk.
There's this general misconception in runway fashion that all those "impractical outfits" are meant to be worn by the average person, people such as myself who see these outfits and go "what the fuck do you mean Lady Gaga wore a dress made out of meat?!" When we see these crazy fits, our first impression is often "Why would anyone wear that?"
Well, because they aren't outfits. They're art pieces.
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And not only are the outfits themselves art pieces, but the people wearing them are the canvases. These outfits aren't designed for just anyone to wear, especially not your average Joe, they're designed both with the artist's vision as well as the model in mind. A lot of thought, expression, cultural influences, and personal messaging is sewn into these designs.
Think about it this way, you couldn't take that aforementioned Gaga meat dress and put it on Taylor Swift. Not only would it not be physically tailored to her, but it wouldn't align with Swift's brand of music. Gaga, at the time of wearing that dress, was making a statement that came about from a collaborative effort between herself, the canvas, and her fashion designer, the artist. The meaning would be lost if you put Swift, Katy Perry, or any other musician into it, because the fact that Gaga is the one wearing it is part of that meaning.
What would happen if you did take the meat dress and put it on someone else? Well, that's how you get the controversial 2022 Met Gala when Kim Kardashian wore the sequin dress that Marilyn Monroe wore for JFK back in 1962.
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Not a replica. Not a re-interpretation. The actual literal dress that Monroe once wore. This was a very bold - and in my opinion, reckless - move on Kim's part, because not only was she forcing herself into a dress not tailored to her (and yes, there has been deliberation on what damage was caused to the dress on account of this) but rather than working with a fashion designer to come up with a fresh new interpretation of the same concept, she just went "yeah I'm gonna wear the exact dress", in what many interpreted as a disrespectful power move to artificially put herself on the same level of prestige as Monroe. But she still isn't on that level of prestige and it speaks volumes that she thought carving out her own legacy would be as simple as just taking someone else's. The wolf wore the sheep's clothing with the intent to fool the sheep, but it was still a wolf.
But okay okay, WHAT does this have to do with Lore Olympus?
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Well, Rachel released a new interview clip.
I will say, these seem to have all been recorded at once probably when she was back at NYCC and they're probably going to be released daily leading up to the free release of the finale. Why they're hyping up the free version rather than hyping up the FastPass version that actually generates income, I have no clue, but I digress.
As always, the transcript is as follows:
"I really like looking at like, uh, vintage clothing and silhouettes that are... y'know, timeless. I mean, obviously it's really hard to future-proof work that's set in the modern setting because of course the times are gonna change, like, rapidly and there's not a lot you can do about it, but in terms of, like, fashion, there are just some silhouettes that are always going to look very classy, so... I try to put things that will not age. Like, I think there was a chapter recently where she [Persephone?] had like a very vintage Dior look which I really liked, um... and I feel like that will always look nice, like in 10 years time I'll be like, 'She looked good'. But there are some outfits which are more modern where I'm like, 'That probably won't look good in 10 years time'. But, y'know, we still got the inspired vintage Dior outfit so that's good, that's safe."
There isn't much to say about the actual transcribed text itself, but I do think it's very telling that Rachel tries to upsell her sense of fashion sense in LO when... much of it is just flat out derivative. At best she's often referencing real life people (mostly Hollywood celebrities) and at worst she's usually just grabbing stuff off Pinterest inspo boards without any consideration towards the influences or who she's putting into them.
That said, I do think she told on herself quite a bit in that final line of the interview clip - "that's good, that's safe."
I can understand wanting to play it safe in terms of knowing your limitations and not wanting to create something that would be dated in a few years.
But fashion... isn't about playing it safe. Because ultimately, how something ages in the long term isn't something that you, the artist, can control, and like many art mediums, you need to be focused on what to create next, not on how well your old art pieces still hold up in the present where they've been removed from their original context.
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And I think this rings true for a lot of Lore Olympus, beyond just the fashion. It's all just a little too safe. We see it in the fashion, we see it in her uncommitted writing decisions, we see it in how often she's willing to retcon things just to write herself out of corners.
And I think that's really Rachel's biggest weakness as a creator at the end of the day. As much as she's tried to put on the persona of "screw you, I'll do what I want", her actions are always the opposite of what she says. She says that the fashion in LO is very vintage, but I can count on one hand how many outfits were actually vintage. The vast majority of them are a lot more modern, with a lot of Western influences, and sometimes with a boob window thrown in.
Case in point, the most recent outfit of Persephone wearing a practically-nude sparkle dress?
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That's Rihanna's Swarovski dress that she wore in 2014.
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Now, to Rachel's credit, she did find a way to personalize this to Persephone by removing the cap and giving her a rose-shaped bun, but the outfit itself is still just copied directly from Rihanna. Not only is there not a whole lot of Persephone's influence beyond her being literally made out of roses-
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-but there isn't anything calling attention to the fact that this is a Greek myth retelling. And this isn't just a problem with the Swarovski dress callback, this is a problem EVERYWHERE.
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And of course, that's not even touching on the fact that Hades and Hecate are forced to wear suits constantly. Because, according to Rachel, the fashion inspiration for Hades and Persephone only went as deep is "he's the groom and she's the bride"-
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Rachel plays it safe by sticking purely to the inspirations she consumes from modern American media. The "modern twist" on the myths in LO is literally just "it's Greek myth but it's set in Los Angeles". She doesn't seem to want to put herself out there and actually consume Greek content any deeper than what she can find on Google, and it shows in how little Greek there is in this Greek myth comic.
There is, ironically, as I've been told by community members in ULO, a fashion collection called Persephone created by Paolo Sebastian, and in it you can see the actual Greek influences in these outfits far more than what you see in even Persephone's most visually stunning outfits:
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These are dresses and yet Paolo uses them as an opportunity to tell the story of Persephone, somehow even more faithfully than an actual written adaption of The Hymn to Demeter. Because fashion, too, can tell a story - and Lore Olympus' fashion, like its writing, has no story to really tell, at least not in Rachel's hands when she's just pulling whatever she can find from what she treats as a pile of "stuff" on Google.
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And that's not even getting into how the writing plays it safe much in the same way as the fashion influences and artistic choices. A good example is that S3 premiere sequence, in which Hades and Persephone are pulled away from each other so that... they can get washed down by their family and peers.
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Rachel doesn't really do anything to re-contextualize this reference for the context and setting and circumstances of LO, she just goes "I liked that bath scene from Beauty and the Beast so I'm going to put it in LO."
And of course, it doesn't work as effectively as it did in Beauty and the Beast, because the whole original point of that scene was to showcase the big and scary Beast being washed down like a dog by his servants-turned-into-furniture while he stresses over how he's going to win over Belle. It's a comedic subversion, artistically by showing the ferocious beast reduced into a wet dog, but also on a narrative level by showing through his dialogue and actions how nervous he is to impress Belle because his own fate - as well as the fates of his servants - depend on her falling in love with him. He can't afford to mess this up.
But in LO, it's two naked people who we already know love each other and are committed to each other, we've already seen countless scenes of them being sweet on each other and showcasing that they're into each other, and by all accounts they've already gotten their happy ending, so it makes no sense for them to just be like "OMG SHE LIKES ME?? I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE LIKES ME!" "should I seduce him?!?!??" because this seems like a no-brainer and there's zero actual stakes riding on this the way that there was with Belle and the Beast. Plus the people washing them down aren't their servants who are in the same situation as them, they're random gods from the Pantheon whose affiliation ranges from "family" to "never even had a conversation before". One of the women washing down Persephone has literally never spoken a single line of dialogue to her; another one of them was literally dumped by her partner because he wanted Persephone more than her. Who are these people and why are they enthusiastically appearing to give her a bath? Why is Hades being given a scrub down by his own brother?
And that's really the most striking difference between inspired references and derivative ones. Undertale was a game created by a guy who was in love with retro games like Earthbound and Megaman. Stardew Valley was a game created by a guy who loved Harvest Moon and used to play it with his girlfriend. Content that's built on the foundation of another is natural and the basis of inspiration, but you have to go further with it than just going "yeah this thing existed and I'm taking it", otherwise you miss the purpose of why those inspirations were created the way they were.
And when you don't actually explore how you can re-interpret those influences and add your own voice into them, that's how you wind up writing like Rachel whose writing is about as inspired as a cheap character swap cutaway gag from Family Guy.
Rachel's great at referencing, but that's not at all an impressive thing to do as proven by Peter Griffin. She's not at all re-contextualizing or expanding on what inspired her... but she still claims that she's exactly what she's doing because she calls Lore Olympus a "deconstruction". But her deconstruction only ever goes so far as "well what if Aphrodite left Ares for Hephaestus instead of the other way around?" and then just showing that question and never answering it or delivering on the potential of what that could cause. At best, she'll ask a "what if?" but then never actually show us the what if, it begins and ends with the question and the question itself doesn't provoke any thought deeper than "huh, yeah, that would be neat I guess." Episode's over, next scene. What if we showed that clip of Bill O'Reilly freaking out on set, but like, replaced it with Stewie Griffin and changed nothing else about it except for that? That's the joke, next scene.
I know, we're digressing hard off the fashion here, but the fashion itself is just a symptom of a much bigger problem that expands even beyond Lore Olympus - Rachel plays things way too safe. Even her responses in her interviews are painfully subdued, often resorting to the same tired answers that we've heard 823190589320 times before to the same hand-picked questions that are undoubtedly chosen ahead of time to ensure she doesn't have to answer anything too complicated. And when she does say "I have thoughts about xyz" she never actually... expresses her thoughts. She just says she does and then moves on without any further elaboration because she can't wholeheartedly commit to whatever thoughts she has going on.
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Granted, I'm sure that part of that is owed to the fact that she might feel like she can't say anything while the critics are breathing down her neck. I can understand that. But it's gotten so chronic that it's now bleeding into the work itself and it's led to even more criticism of her work. Need I remind you that this is the same person who copy pasted the definition of "xenia" from a first result Google search into her comic instead of naturally writing it into the script:
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Rachel played it so safe that she basically treated her own audience like kindergartners by explaining what a scene meant even after explaining it in the text:
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As true as it is in fashion, writing stories and making art takes risks. That doesn't mean you have to completely throw caution to the wind, but if you don't take risks, you do yourself the disservice of writing something that can truly be called unique and special to you. If you don't use your influences wisely, if you don't analyze and re-analyze what's influenced you over the years, you're going to wind up losing a lot of subtext in those influences and missing out on the opportunity to add your own voice into the re-interpretation. Rachel does take a lot of risks in LO, but they're not calculated risks, they're not risks that actually have any meaning behind them, she's sort of just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks, and worst of all, when it doesn't stick, she herself doesn't stick to it, she backpedals, she cowers away from the decisions she's made.
Rachel expressed her worries about depicting fashion that would become aged, but Lore Olympus is already aged through her own inability to commit to her decisions, take risks, and find her voice. It's aged itself through its poor interpretations of the myth, it's aged itself through its reliance on Tumblr tropes that have already been replaced tenfold, and it's aged itself through Rachel herself riding off the initial innovation of creating Lore Olympus and then never continuing to challenge herself or raise the bar for herself.
It proves true the discussion around why Lore Olympus became popular - at the time, it was groundbreaking, drawn in a style that we hadn't seen much of before, with fresh new takes on the myth; now, in 2024, its 'takes' feel tired and half-baked, and its art style has become a corporate-scrubbed shell of what it once was. And yet, Rachel is still rewarded for it all the same, so settling for comfortable mediocrity has become the name of the game.
Rachel may be trying as hard as the Disney life action remakes and Kim Kardashian to put herself on the same pedestal as the greats of yesteryear simply by copying what they did, but in playing it this safe and refusing to find her own voice out of the voices that influenced her, Lore Olympus isn't timeless. It's soulless.
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theblackestswan · 7 months
Silent Desires | #1
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Synopsis — There was a time when you pondered how you'd ever let it be known how much you desired Jungkook. But now? He’s back. And he’s not being silent with his desires anymore.
• Jungkook x F!Reader
• Brothers best friend, childhood friends to somewhat strangers to lovers, smut, fluff, and a bit of angst
• explicit language
• word count: 1.5k+
"God fucking damnit!"
You screamed as you tried to calm yourself down. Was it working? Absolutely not. But it felt good, right?
The phone rang a couple rings before the person you were not looking for, answered. "Hello sister!" Gross. The sound of anyones happiness, pissed you off right now.
"Jimin, is dad home? I really need him." You said exhaustingly. Please let your dad be home. You need him right now.
You sighed, "It's... just my car. It stopped and won't go into gear..."
"Hey, everything's okay. I'll come get you and check it out. I have someone who might know a thing or two about cars... we'll be there soon."
"Jimin who is-?" Before you could ever ask, he hang up. Probably one of his buddies or a coworker. You honestly didn't care. You just needed to get you and your car home.
You just sat in the drivers seat holding back tears. This car is a piece of junk. Honestly. It's old, lots of miles, but you've done your best to take care of it. The thought of being without a car was scary. How are you gonna get to work? You guess you could rent a car. But that's a lot, and who knows how long you'd need one for. You could buy a new one, but that's even more money. Everyone in your family has jobs, and needs their own car. So you couldn't borrow one. Fuck.
Fuckity fuck fuck.
You didn't have much time to overthink more before you could see Jimin's car pulling up behind yours, off the side of the road.
Curse your brother for having tinted windows, and curse the sun for starting to set, because you had no clue who was in the passenger seat.
You hopped out of your car and popped the hood. You could at least do that much.
"Hey sis! You okay?" No. No I'm not.
"Yeah I'm fine, cold and anxious, but I'm fine." Not a total lie.
You walked Jimin to the hood of your car and gave him a play by play of what happened. He checked all your fluids, and looked at the engine as much as he could. He knew a little about cars, but not as much as your dad did.
You totally forgot about the person in the passenger seat. "Chim, who did..."
Oh fuck.
"Hi Y/N. Car troubles I see?"
You knew that voice anywhere. The boy you befriended when you were 9. The  boy who eventually became better friends with your brother, than you. The boy who moved away when he was 16, but still kept in touch with Jimin, at least.
The boy who turned into a hot fucking man, who is now standing in front of you.
You were sure your jaw was on the ground. The last time you seen him, in the flesh, was 5 years ago at Jimin's 21st birthday dinner. Sure, you'd see his pictures on social media, and what not, but not in person. Holy shit, is he even real?
Of course he is. Jimin talks all the time about him. Even though he moved, him and Jimin still hang out all the time. Usually they meet somewhere in the middle. He only moved two hours away.
"Ah, you still remember my nickname?" There was that stupid bunny smile. Stupid. Stupidly cute.
"Of course I do. How could I forget?" You flashed him a smile right back. How could you ever forget Jungkook? You only crushed on him for half your life. He was cute. He had always been cute. But once he became more of Jimin's friend, you knew your chances were out the window.
Jimin had one hard rule for his friends. "Leave my little sister alone." He loved being a big brother. He loved being your big brother, even more. He would do anything for you. And that includes keeping you safe. Especially from his friends.
As you got older, you understood that rule, more. Especially when Taehyung was around. Another cute friend of Jimin's, but an absolute flirt, and dare you say, playboy. All of his friends would flirt with you from time to time. Although, you didn't know if it was them actually flirting, or just trying to rile up your brother.
Before you could daydream even more about he man in front of you, Jimin caught you out of your thoughts.
"So, Y/N. Tell Jungkook what happened. He knows cars more than I do."
Suddenly you forgot your words. Jungkook was intimidating. He wasn't the boy you once knew. "I- uh... it was going down the road just fine, t-then, it started j-jerking and I pulled over and it wouldn't switch gears. And now it won't d-do anything."
That felt like it took you 3 weeks to say. You just explained all of this to Jimin in 15 seconds. Pull yourself together.
He just nodded at you, and then started looking over your car more.
God he was hot. You were kinda glad your dad didn't answer.
"It looks like it's your transmission. I'm guessing it probably went out, and you'll need a new one. I can look at it more tomorrow when I can get it off the ground and have more light." He looked at your softly. Surely that's not news anyone wants.
"I'd appreciate that. Thank you."
Jimin rubbed your back to calm you down, "Let's call a tow truck and get it home. Kook can look at it in the morning. He's staying over this weekend."
You sat inside your car while you called your insurance company to see if they could get a tow truck for you. Thankfully they could, and it was on it's way.
Jimin had walked back to his car to call your parents and let them know what was going on. You were just left with the sexy man in front of you.
Do you speak? What is there to say?
"Thank you again for coming with Chim. I really appreciate it. I was hoping my dad was home but... I guess you're okay too." Now what the fuck do you call that?
He chuckled as he looked at the ground, "I'm glad I could help. I'm sorry about all this. Car problems suck."
"It's all good. Had my fair share with this car..." You really didn't want to embarrass yourself in front of him. Anyone with a brain would have gotten rid of this car a long time ago. "So uh... what are you doing all the way down here?"
He stared at you blankly. God his eyes alone could ruin you. It was like he was in a trance. He didn't even blink. "Jungkook?" He stared a few seconds longer before he snapped out of whatever it was he was in.
"Sorry, uh... why I'm here... oh! I moved down here actually. Closer to work and I miss you guys." If there was any day light right now, you would see his ears are red. Something that happened when he's embarrassed. Kind of his way of blushing.
"Miss you 'guys'? You mean Jimin?" Surely just Jimin. He had long forgotten about you.
"No, you too."
Huh? 'You too'?
You gulped. There was two ways you could go about this. One, you could tell him off about how he obviously didn't miss you when he left and never really spoke to you. Ever. Or you could play into it and see what exactly he means by that. Before you could even tell yourself which one to go with, your mouth already spoke for you.
"Didn't seem like you missed me too much." You couldn't do this. You didn't even want to continue this conversation. You walked over to Jimin in his car and just listened to the phone call he was having with your parents.
Soon enough, the tow truck was there, and before you, yourself could greet the driver, Jungkook already had it handled. He gave the driver the keys and told him your address. He grabbed your stuff out of your passenger seat and waved the driver off.
"Here, thought you might want these." Again with a soft smile that could destroy you, and he handed you your bag, and jacket.
What the fuck was he doing? Trying to make it up to you?
"I could have done all that by myself. I'm not the little girl you once knew." You gave him the tiniest smirk. What the fuck were you doing? Surely he couldn't see that, this late at night. You walked off and left him while you got in the back of your brothers car.
Thank god it was dark, and you were out of distance, otherwise what Jungkook said would end it all.
"Guess I should find out exactly what that means, Miss Y/N."
He had the same smirk you had, only a lot bigger.
next chapter
A note from our sponsor: OMGGEEEEE you guys it’s finally happening!! I’ve always been a writer and wanted to post my own fic, but there’s just so many incredible ones on here already and I didn’t think I could bring anything good to the table. Buttttt I got in the mood to write, and came across this fic that I started 2 years ago. I got the first 10 chapters wrote out, and so I’ve gone through and edited and will be posting my first fic!! Since I started this on Wattpad, that’s where I’ll be posting chapters first. A few days after I post on there, I’ll post them on here. I just enjoy writing on Wattpad a bit more, but Tumblr is my favorite place to read fics. If you’re interested in my Wattpad, it’s hokookin (also linked). I hope you enjoy reading 🖤
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stevieschrodinger · 9 months
It was a fucking miracle that Eddie survived the upside down. He stopped breathing a couple of times, had lost more blood than Steve even thought was in a whole person.
Hawkins was a fucking shambles and the hospital wasn't any better, so a lot of protocols had gone straight out of the window. When they asked Steve, still covered in blood and upside down, what his name was, he'd told them. The Beta nurse had scribbled Steve's name down as Eddie's next of kin and in the thick of it all, absolutely no one questions it.
Been nearly two weeks on life support, covered in wires and machines and a tube down his throat to breath for him. Two surgeries, stealing skin off his thighs and ass to keep his guts in.
But Eddie is alive. And it still says Steve's name at the top of Eddie's notes, even if Wayne has told them he's Eddie's uncle and he's been trading off with Steve to keep watch over Eddie.
Which is why when a doctor pulls Steve aside to talk about Mr. Munson, Steve's kind of used to it and Wayne let's it slide since he can't be there as much as Steve, anyway.
"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, Mr. Harrington," and Steve starts to panic, but tries not to since he saw Eddie two minutes ago and knows he's doing pretty well, all things considered, "because of all the damage, it's very unlikely your Omega will ever carry a pup to term."
Steve sits. He sits hard.
"We haven't informed him as yet, he's still quite delicate. I wasn't sure if you felt the news may be better coming from you?"
Eddie's an Omega.
The newbie doctor standing in front of Steve thinks that Eddie is his Omega.
Eddie probably won't ever be able to have pups.
Steve drifts back to Eddie's room without really answering. He sits and watches Dustin and Eddie play cards. They look at him, now and then, because Steve has no clue what he must scent like but...fuck.
Eddie. Eddie who Steve left alone in the upside down is an Omega. Eddie who's managed to hide his designation this whole time. Eddie, who must be coated in hospital standard blockers right now...which makes sense. The scent of a distressed Omega in pain would fuck up every Alpha on this floor of the hospital, so standard practice with blockers makes sense; helping to hide Eddie's secret.
And now Eddie probably can't ever have pups. And that's probably Steve's fault.
"Hey, Steve, man, what's...what's up?". Dustin. Standing right in front of Steve and Steve has no fucking idea what to do except he knows he needs to face up to this.
"Can I get some time with Eddie? Just us?"
Dustin looks like he's about to argue and give them both shit, but there must be a look on Steve's face or something in his voice or something in his scent, so Dustin doesn't. Packs up his shit and very carefully hugs Eddie goodbye.
And Steve's got no fucking idea what to do or say once they're alone, so he finds himself perching on the edge of Eddie's bed, holding his hand. And sure, Eddie lets him, but he's also looking at their joined hands and then looking at Steve like he's lost his damn mind.
"The, the ah, doctor, they still think I'm next of kin, your, uhm, your Alpha."
Eddie, slowly and carefully, pulls his hand out of Steve's, watching with wide eyes, frozen, like he doesn't know what to expect. Like this could go any way. Like people who know Eddie's secondary gender haven't reacted too well in the past.
Steve swallows thickly, "they don't think you'll be able to have pups, Eddie."
Eddie plays with his own fingers in lieu of his absent rings. "Oh," he says, and then starts to cry. Covers his face for a moment and sobs a broken noise, but just as Steve reaches out for him, tries to offer comfort, Eddie pulls his hands away and straightens up. He wipes his face abruptly, "doesn't matter, probably never have any anyway. Never going find a mate," Eddie shrugs, "doesn't matter."
Eddie scoffs, still crying and wiping at his leaking nose, "come on Steve, if there's a diametric opposite to a good Omega, it's me."
"Well...maybe no Alpha even gets a chance to change your mind if they don't even know you're an Omega, Eddie."
Eddie just scoffs again.
"This is my fault -"
"Don't," Eddie snaps at him, "everything I do I choose to do, this is not your fault."
"Yeah, but-"
"What? If you'd known I was an Omega you wouldn't have let me go? Don't you fucking dare! I chose! It's up to me what I do, and maybe shit like this is the exact reason I hide!"
Steve holds his hands up in defeat, at least Eddie is angry enough to have stopped crying. His lashes are still damp though, and the anger has brought the first colour to Eddie's skin that Steve's seen for weeks. Steve always thought Eddie was pretty; at least now maybe he knows why.
Now is not the moment to say that to Eddie though, but maybe, maybe later. Maybe now it's all over. Maybe once Eddie's back on his feet.
"Stop fucking staring at me, Okay! I'm still just Eddie! This doesn't mean anything, nothing has changed."
"Right," Steve says, "no, of course. I won't tell anyone." That seems to appease Eddie, at least.
Enough that when Steve reaches his hand across the bed again, Eddie starts playing with Steve's fingers other than his own.
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scekrex · 3 months
Okay, okay, okay, ANOTHA ONE. Winner!reader who got lost in Heaven on his first, because Adam forgot that he was supposed to give him a tour and simply kept walking while Reader got distracted and went after something shiny that he thought would look nice on Adam. Now cue in Brandon Rogers skit with a "mother" looking for her son Timmy. Just Adam running around and screaming "Y/N!!!!" and asking around, cause he's totally shitting himself. He lost a soul IN HEAVEN of all places. After some time he sits down on a bench in a park or something, completely exhausted and distressed, when suddenly the reader appears behind him, placing a shiny little tiara between his mask horns saying: "✨👸🌺You're a fucking pretty princess!🌺👸✨" while holding ice cream in the other hand and Adam just looks at him like:
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You can end it however you want, cause honestly you're gonna nail it either way 💁🏻‍♂️
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Babes, I fucking love you for that request. I feel like I'll write so many crack fics for Adam n Reader just bc of you and I'm fucking ready for it
Lost and Found
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, this is a crack fic (kinda)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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When you had first appeared in Sera's office you had been confused and overwhelmed, the little girl, her name was Emily, was full of energy that you weren't able to deal with at that point. She had been all in your face and while you were aware that it was all good intentions, it made you feel like stumbling right into a panic attack.
So Sera had made a call with some guy named Adam, she hadn't explained who he was and why she called him and not someone else but once Adam had arrived at Sara's office, you understood. The guy was a lot more chill than Emily, sure he could talk a lot - that was the first thing he had proven once he had entered the office - but he wasn't draining you by doing so. He wasn't all up in your face either and you appreciated that a lot.
So once you two had introduced yourself to each other, the two of you took off.
The streets weren't as full and crowded as you had expected them to be. Heaven was painted in bright colors, pastel blue, white and gold were the most common colors you came across. Adam was currently rambling about some chick that he had fucked a couple weeks ago at one of his gigs, you weren't really paying attention though, you were too focused on all the shiny lights that surrounded you.
So your attention was on many things, on everything but Adam, the person you probably should've focused the most on considering that you had no clue where exactly in heaven you two were. And when the two of you walked past a jewelry store you couldn't help but walk right through the door. In your mind you thought Adam would notice and follow you - or wait outside the store.
Well, Adam didn't even notice you were gone at first, he was too caught up in his storytelling. So he continued to walk through the streets of heaven for a good twenty minutes without you. That was until the man stopped to look at you - or at least that was why he turned around. But you weren't there.
For how long had he been walking alone? Where were you and why weren't you following him anymore? A wave of panic hit him. What if Sera would find you all alone without him in sight? He'd be in so much trouble if that were to happen.
So he walked in the direction he came from, checking every back alley he had walked past but he couldn't find you. “Y/N?” he called out for you as he entered yet another back alley, hoping he'd get a response. He tried to remain as calm as possible, that wasn't easy considering that he had just lost a fucking soul in heaven. Oh he was so fucked if he weren't to find you by sunset. He was so fucked if Sera were to find out.
Another wave of panic shot through his body as he rushed out of the alley. He grabbed an angel who just went about his day by his shoulders, shook him slightly as his voice filled with panic got louder and louder, “Have you seen my-” Adam stopped for a moment. His what? You weren't his. Ah, fuck this, “Have you seen the dude I'm supposed to watch? He's about this tall,” he raised his hand to show the angel - who was slightly frightened by Adam's behavior - how tall you were, “clearly gay and has a thing for me, but we haven't had the talk yet.” The second the angel started to shake his head Adam was gone, calling out your name over and over again.
“You fucking little shithead, get your sexy ass over here,” Adam yelled, earning himself a few strange looks from bypassing angels, he couldn't care less though. A panicking expression was visible on his mask as he continued to walk all the way back to where you and him had come from. He opened a door to one of the countless stores you two had passed, “Y/N are you in there? You better get the fuck out if you are!” The customers inside the store looked at Adam in confusion and disgust for yelling so loud. He slammed the door shut and crossed the street to enter a park, maybe you had seen some kind of animal or whatever bullshit it was a soul like you were interested in.
“C’mon you little bitch, I'll let you fucking do drugs if you move your ass over here right now,” that was a total lie, obviously it was, but Adam was trying to get you back and he really had no idea how to do it properly.
Another angel walked up to him, she seemed slightly worried about the situation that was playing out, “Have you tried retracing the steps?” Adam shoved her out of the way, “Fuck, you think I'm stupid? Of course I have!” The lady who just had wanted to help flinched away from the first man and was quick to take off once his attention had shifted away from her.
He rushed through the entire park, even looked at the entire thing from above in hope he would be able to spot you, but nothing. Once his feet were back on the ground he broke down on a park bench, his hands were covering the LED face that was displayed on his mask and he was done with it, there was no way he'd find you before sunset - which was when Sera was expecting the both of you to return.
He was completely fucked, there was no way he'd be able to explain to Sera what had happened. And even worse: what if you got hurt? Shit, he didn't even know why he cared about that, you were just some random soul he had met a couple hours ago but yet there he was, worrying about your fucking ass.
Adam flinched when he heard the sound of metal clicking against his mask and turned his head around. There you were. A soft smile was curled around your lips and you held a cone of ice cream in your hand as if nothing had happened, “Y’know,” you started to speak up and pointed to the thing that was resting on top of his mask now, “For someone who talks about ‘fucking bitches’ a lot you're a fucking pretty princess.”
Adam reached for the object you had placed on his head and looked at it closely. It was a fucking golden tiara. It had tiny purple gemstones attached to it and it surprisingly fit his aesthetic pretty well. He stared at the shiny accessory for a moment before he put it down on the bench, got up and lifted you over the bench he had been sitting on. Before you knew it your ice cream cone landed on the ground and Adam pulled you into a bone crushing hug, your feet still dangling in the air, you simply decided to wrap them around his waist. The taller man didn't seem to mind it all that much.
“Don’t you fucking dare to ever run off again you little shithead,” he whispered as he held you, the face of his mask was pressed flush against your neck. “And I thought I was the one having a thing for you when clearly it's not one sided,” you teased the first man, your hand playfully grabbing his horns and pulling him away from your neck to look at him. “You heard that?” he asked in a mix of anger and embarrassment. “Yeah,” you shrugged, “Next time when you're looking out for me, do better.” Adam couldn't help but simply stare at you in pure disbelief. There was simply no fucking way he had missed you. “Also,” you looked down on the ground where your ice cream cone was melting, “You owe me ice cream, idiot.”
“I swear I'll fucking get you a shirt that says 'If lost, return to Adam' or some shit in case that ever happens again,” Adam mumbled and even though he sounded slightly annoyed, he seemed pretty happy you were back. “Oh, it will happen again, trust me,” you simply grinned.
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kangshxrtie · 7 months
ch. 15 ⤍ you can't see me
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"hii everybody!" you greeted the stream once you started.
user1 are u gonna address the tweets?
"what tweets? i haven't done anything recently" you asked confused.
user2 abt u & kazuha?
"i literally told y'all we were dating" you rolled your eyes playfully.
user3 wait y'all actually are???
"yes. i don't know why y'all thought i was lying"
"by the way chat, kazuha sent me behind the scenes of her photoshoot" you showed your phone screen to the camera before quickly moving it away.
"haha. y'all can't see, my eyes only."
user4 that's not fair you're supposed to be one of us
"i have girlfriend privileges" you smirked, "therefore, since she only sent them to me, i'll keep them to myself"
user6 is this u confirming the dating rumors???
"okay maybe we're not actually dating" you admitted, "but we will be soon"
you were about to say more, but you were cut off by kazuha suddenly joining the discord call. "y/n, are you ready for horror games?"
"listen i know we had horror games planned today, but my pc will just not open the damn game" you tried to make an excuse.
"did you try clicking the start button?"
"yeah, that's my problem; it just won't click"
"are you trying to get out of this right now?"
"no, of course not" you said in a unconvincing tone.
"come on y/n it'll be fun"
"i don't know if i trust you enough to play a horror game with"
"what'd i do?" kazuha chuckled.
"you're a professional thrower; you'll probably lead me to my death" you replied.
"i would never"
"when we played that super bunny man game together you kept kicking me into oblivion"
"it wasn't on purpose" kazuha tried to defend herself.
"i swear you evilly laughed at one point" you said.
"i never did that"
you eventually got on the game after a lot of reassuring from kazuha that she would protect you.
you two went through the first floor with no problems and moved onto the second one quickly. but as soon as you stepped out of the elevator for the second floor, you already knew it wouldn't be as easy.
as you continued to wander around the place, you heard some noises and immediately found a spot to hide. kazuha was looking around for clues when she noticed you weren't beside her anymore.
"y/n where are you?" kazuha asked as she moved her character around the dark room.
"hiding" you replied.
kazuha busted out laughing when she saw your character crouched in a corner with your back facing her.
"get up, we have to find information about the ghost" she told you once she got done laughing.
"you can do that alone. i'll be fine in this corner." you moved your mouse from left to right, making your character shake its head.
"you'll be fine. i'll be right beside you" kazuha tried to coax you into coming out of your hiding place.
you turned around slowly, letting go of your crouch button before walking over to kazuha.
"i'm putting my trust in you"
you definitely shouldn't have because the first opportunity kazuha had she let you walk into a room first before closing the door behind you.
"literally locked me in a room and told me to figure it out myself" you sighed as you looked on the shelves for the item you were supposed to find.
"what's it looking like in there?" kazuha asked from outside of the room.
"just some books-" you stopped talking to let out a loud scream making kazuha bust out laughing.
you turned your character around and went to the door to try and open it, "kazuha get me the fuck out of here"
"did you find what we need?" she asked.
"no. but you better open this door right now before that motherfucker comes back"
"okay okay" kazuha said between laughs and opened the door before entering.
"you actually fucking set me up" you swung the item in your hand at kazuha's character.
"sorry sorry. it was worth"
"i bet it was" you rolled your eyes already thinking of ways for revenge in your head.
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"should we go in that room?" you asked kazuha who agreed hesitantly.
"you go first" when you said that, kazuha's character looked back and forth between you and the door before shaking her head no. you laughed at the action.
"but you're closer; you might as well just go in right now" kazuha said.
"and risk you locking me in again, hell no"
"that was a one-time thing, i promise, and how do i know you won't do that to me"
"then you deserve it" you stated.
"i said sorry" kazuha pouted in response.
"i don't know why you wanted to play this game so bad; you're even worse than me"
"i like watching you get scared" kazuha admitted.
"of course you do" you decided to take one for the team and open the door before going inside, immediately looking behind you to make sure kazuha was following you and not locking you inside again.
kazuha followed you into the dark room looking down at the floor and closing her eyes to avoid any jumpscares. as she was doing that, the chat began spamming the chat that eunchae was in the room, but of course, she didn't see the warnings.
"hey zuha" eunchae walks into kazuha's scaring the absolute shit out of her as she screams and curls into her chair.
"eunchae!" kazuha moves her out of her face to give her a deadpanned look.
"y/n wanted me to check on you and make sure you're alright" eunchae replied through some laughter.
"well as you can see" kazuha gestured to herself and then the game on the screen, "i'm not"
once eunchae left the room still laughing, kazuha turned back around to face the screen again. "that was so messed up" kazuha told her chat.
"eunchae just came in my room and scared the shit out of me" kazuha told you once she calmed down.
"oh she did it; i need to see the clip!" you exclaimed.
"you set that up" kazuha looked at her camera in disbelief at your actions.
"you literally lead me to every single jumpscare. i think it was well deserved"
later on in the game, you and kazuha decided to focus on the actual purpose of the game, collecting items. you were following her mindlessly, trusting her completely since she seemed so confident about where the next item was.
"when you said you were taking me out on a date, i didn't think this is what you meant" you said as you nervously moved your character down the hallway.
"is this not romantic enough for you" kazuha joked.
user1 so we just gon' speed past that like y/n didn't just say what she just said
user2 they're going on actual dates. i was here!
once kazuha turned the corner, she let out a loud scream before turning back around and walking back toward you.
"kazuha is a literal dolphin when she screams" you mentioned to your chat.
"we gotta go" kazuha rushed out, sprinting away.
you said nothing following after her as she ran back to the start.
"what was it?" you asked once you returned to a safe place.
"the weird fucking stick thing" kazuha told you.
"oh okay" you nodded your head.
you two waited for the noises to stop before planning how you two would get the next item. after the plan was finalized, you waited a little before going back outside.
"i think we're good to go now" kazuha told you.
you opened the door first, taking a couple of steps out of the room before the creature jumped out of the vents right in front of you. the jumpscare made you jump away and off your chair, hitting a drink on your table on the way down, making a loud noise.
kazuha heard the whole thing happened, and once she sobered up from laughing, she immediately worried for you.
"y/n are you okay?" you groaned as you tried to recover from the jumpscare and your desk breaking.
"y/n...?" she repeated.
"i hate this game" you mumbled into your mic.
"are you okay?" she asked once you responded.
"i spilled my drink on my keyboard; i hate it here"
once you finally recovered, you grabbed some cleaning supplies to clean up your desk and keyboard. after you finished, you closed the game with the excuse that it closed while cleaning the keyboard.
"so that seems like enough for tonight" you tried to end as you sat back down.
"we go again tomorrow"
"you can go again tomorrow. i will be playing a peaceful game tomorrow" you said.
"i'll make you play a horror game again someday" kazuha said.
"yeah totally" you agreed while shaking your head at the camera.
"i'll call you later though" kazuha told you.
"today or...?"
"oh-okay, talk later" you shyly said before leaving the call.
"anyways..." you tried to change the topic before chat said more, "i will never in my life confide to peer pressure ever again, especially from chat"
user1 so horror game tmrw right?
"hell no i'm never playing anything remotely horror ever again"
"stardew valley sounds nice"
"aren't you streaming? get out of here"
k_a_z_u_h_a__ i ended already
"and i'm trying to do the same thing so stop encouraging my chat to be like you"
k_a_z_u_h_a__ give the ppl what they want!
"i don't even know why you wanna play more; you screamed louder and more than me" you said.
k_a_z_u_h_a__ i wanna watch u play
"you can watch me play any other game. why does it have to be horror?"
k_a_z_u_h_a__ more fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"i'm not putting myself through more trauma for your entertainment"
k_a_z_u_h_a__ but the content...
"no. i'm getting off now so no more suggestions"
"anyways, i'm ending now! i'll be streaming tomorrow with some friends so I'll see yall then!" you waved bye to the stream before ending it.
long-awaited update. my only excuse is college events & just college period 😭. i'll try & update more often now though!
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luvtonique · 9 months
I realized something this morning.
This is probably gonna be a long post. (Edit, yep)
I'm a pretty fairly public figure on the internet, and I very regularly interact with a huge amount of people. From YouTube Comments to Discord to Tumblr Asks/Comments to Newgrounds Reviews to MMO Chat to Mic-Chat on Games to Twitch Chat to Stream Chat, blah blah blah.
I've, for years now, over a decade (hell over two decades) talked to probably thousands of people, and have been able to get a gauge on a pretty safe to say "average" of collective human intelligence on the internet.
I've come to realize that not everybody has that kind of experience talking to people online as I do. I've talked to literally thousands, probably near ten thousand, people online in my life.
This is a staggeringly high number and puts me in an outlier position among the rest of you, who likely have only interacted with a double digit number of people online in your life.
Now that you have that information in mind, here's what I realized this morning.
I realized that the reason I don't listen to people, ESPECIALLY when it comes to politics, is because I have learned through talking to all these people that fucking nobody knows what they're fucking goddamn talking about.
I study a lot of things in my spare time, and history is a huge one that I study. I very regularly read and listen to multiple sources talking about historic events, and I make sure to look at as many sources as possible, sometimes including reading encyclopedias in my own home that we've owned for like 40 years.
I cross-reference all of these things and paint a picture of the most likely truths through various means.
Why's that important? Because sometimes a 14 year old on Twitter, literally nearly less than a third my age, will occasionally come along telling me that I'm wrong. Not about history necessarily, but about some opinion that I have based on my own experience and my own knowledge that I've researched myself.
I usually ask them where they got their information, and I'm met with boldfaced idiocy. Completely braindead shit like "180,000 people said it on Twitter," or they link me a Tumblr post with 100k notes, or they say "It's common knowledge," (which is the biggest red flag of them all because not only does it prove they have no evidence to back up what they're saying, but as this post will go on to explain, "common knowledge" is quite literally the worst source of information on anything. People commonly think the earth is flat and that Scientology is real. People commonly think that walking under a ladder or breaking a mirror gives you bad luck. People commonly think that naturally blue food exists.)
In my life I have met thousands of people, and THOUSANDS of them are fucking idiots who very very smugly state completely incorrect knowledge. Earlier today someone tried to tell me that the creators of Beat Saber never sold the company to Facebook, and I showed them proof and they went silent for 3 hours and then went "Yeah so what, Facebook is still a good company" and I wanted to beat my head against the desk.
The internet is full of people who are fascinatingly ignorant. I'm not calling myself "better" or "smarter" than anyone here, I'm just saying that I have learned better than most people that people on the internet are not, and never fucking will be, a good source of information. I don't care if they're your best fucking friend, the coin-toss of them knowing what they're talking about or actually having the facts is so heavily weighted against them, it's seriously like a 98% chance they have no fucking clue what they're talking about.
I urge everyone to take a moment and realize that the internet is, in fact, a good place to find information and do research, but PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET, especially MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA, are NOT SMART PEOPLE AND ARE NOT GOOD SOURCES FOR YOUR INFORMATION.
These are angry, smug, annoying little idiots who are likely 14 years old with a 1st grade reading comprehension who aspires to be a TikTok content creator as a career, and under no fucking circumstance should you ever, ever, EVER listen to any social, financial, religious, gendered, medical or political advice they give.
The world has gotten vastly out of control with how much people think "A lot of people agree with me" is a good enough reason to solidify your opinions. "A lot of people agree" is the biggest red flag ever, because people on the fucking internet are complete fucking idiots, I'm sorry, but I'm someone with far more experience talking to people on the internet than literally any of you reading this. I talk to people on the internet as a career and have been doing this for longer than most of you reading this have been alive.
So what's the point of this? What's the take-away?
The take-away is that I'm saddened by how many people will attack each other vehemently, cut off friends and family members, label people as toxic or problematic, jump to conclusions, etc. based on complete and utter misinformation spouted to them by people who have never once in their entire life actually looked up what the fuck they're talking about. They treat random strangers on Twitter as "experts" because that person is well articulated or put together a YouTube video with really good editing that's softly spoken by a British accent guy and has scary music whenever some "evil" person is on the screen.
The take-away is that people, like yourself (don't you dare try to deny it) will just believe whatever they read on social media, or whatever their Discord friend-group is talking about, because they are living in a complete falsehood that people on the internet know better than they do.
You are not incapable of doing your own research. You are not incapable of finding the truth. You are not stupid. Just do your own research, look into things yourself, cross-reference, use the scientific method, go to a library, read books, for fuck sake please adopt the basic social skill of "If someone says it on the internet it is most likely not true and I should look into it myself."
Because the current state of people is monstrous.
Y'all get so fucking mad about things that are just plain not true, and you revolve your entire life around things you were told by complete idiots and/or children on Twitter and other social media websites.
Look at yourself, look at how angry you get about things, and consider that there may be a possibility that anger stems from a complete lack of any foundation or truth in your own beliefs.
Consider the almost 100% guaranteed possibility that you have been blatantly lied to by people who have no fucking idea what they're talking about, and that you are violently upholding standards that are incorrect because you have placed trust in the word of untrustworthy people.
Look up confirmation bias, read about it.
Look up manipulation tactics, read about it.
Look up "Plato's Republic" and read about it.
Absolutely, under no circumstances, should you ever, EVER, form your social or religious or political or financial or gendered or sexual etc. opinions based on SHIT YOU READ ON SOCIAL MEDIA.
And while we're here, don't listen to the news either. They're just a bunch of parrots saying what needs to be said to get you all fighting with each other so that the government can fuck things up while you're distracted. Do your own research, check multiple sources, don't consider social media or regular media to be a 'source,' get every bit of information from every angle, and for fuck sake, stop attacking people for disagreeing with you when you, yourself, only believe what you believe because your friend group believes it and you know that if you disagree with your friend group they'll all attack you so you'd rather be on their side, which only further proves my point that y'all need to fucking chill.
"Democracy will never work. If 3 medical experts tell you that you must eat a ginger root to cure your ailments, but 100,000 idiots with no medical experience tell you otherwise, you're more likely to believe the 100,000 idiots. They are louder, there are more of them, and you will gamble on the hope that among those 100,000 idiots, there must be more than 3 medical experts. The voice of the ignorant will always drown out the voice of the educated."
-Plato's Republic, 375BCE (Paraphrased)
"I can't believe Jay just called us all idiots and expects us to listen to him"
-Someone in the comments of this (It's gonna happen)
PS: If you looked up "Naturally Blue Food," and found out it does in fact not exist, good for you for doing your own research!
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sinner-sunflower · 3 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 11/?
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21, PART 22
I'm sorry if this feels a bit fast-paced but I am not writing 1 month's worth of Luci's journey on Earth alksjdlas
Everything is tying up very nicely.
The ending is already being written and this chapter has a lot of clues on what will happen next.
To any ARTISTS or WRITERS who want to make something based on this AU, you have my full permission! All I ask is I want to read/see it!
Your reblogs, likes, and comments are much appreciated.
And feel free to chat with me if you have any theories or AUs or this AU of your own!
The thing about being immortal and whose existence started since the beginning of well- everything- is that it is literally just a concept.
Centuries feel like minutes. Days into seconds. Seconds into basically nothing.
Hell, the only reason why Lucifer knew 7 years had passed since Lilith left was because he was counting. He wanted to be reminded of the pain of losing the first person he ever loved.
Call him a bad father but he genuinely doesn't know how long since he has seen Charlie.
He knows it's been a while but he didn't realize just how much longer it was. He missed out on so many years of his daughter's life because he couldn't stop being fucking sad.
Charlie probably has something to say about that mentality but he can't help it.
So when Lucifer takes a whole month of scouring Earth before he finds what he's looking for, he curses himself.
Didn't he just arrive on Earth a few hours ago? Now that he thinks about it, following that wild duck chase (it's goose, dear) should've been a dead giveaway that he was taking too long.
He should've known seeing the sun and moon appearing at that many intervals meant days were flying by.
It's not entirely his fault. Pride's days and nights are basically the same- plus it's not like he needs sleep. It was bound to fuck up his body clock.
Judging by how there are no effects in the human world yet, they're still probably keeping the Roo situation at bay. He's grateful for his siblings but it only makes him move more urgently.
Lucifer arrives at a grassy field on a hill in the middle of nowhere.
It was warm, but the wind is making sure the skin doesn't burn by the sun's rays. He looks around and spots a woman-like figure under the shade of the line tree- her short hair dancing with the wind.
Lucifer walks loudly to her but she doesn't acknowledge his presence. Only when he is standing in her line of sight does she react.
Unknown: Hello, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Goodie.
The Good of Humanity. The being he unintentionally corrupted by his actions.
Goodie: To what do I owe the pleasure.
Lucifer: I need your help. It's about your sister.
Goodie: Hmm? Well then. Come sit. It appears we have a lot to talk about ~
Lucifer sits and takes a deep breath.
Lucifer: Roo- Roo is breaking out. It's only a matter of time before she fully escapes and we are not strong enough to seal her back up again with her stronger state. Hell will-
Goodie stops his rambling by placing a hand on his.
Goodie: Calm now, angel.
Lucifer:… sorry.
Goodie: You say my sister is coming back?
Lucifer: Yes. She's eating her way out of hell and if we don't stop her soon, my people- my family are going to die. I am never above begging so please- help us.
There was a pregnant pause before Goodie spoke up again.
Goodie: I do not have the power you are looking for.
Lucifer: But..
Goodie: But! I never said I would not help.
Lucifer: you'll help Hell?
Goodie: I am the embodiment of good. I can see how much of it someone has inside their heart and right now… your heart is as full as it is pure.
Lucifer: Then how can we-
Goodie: I can lend you something that shall be enough to contain her. But for this to work, I need one thing.
Lucifer: What is it?
Goodie finally meets his eyes. He felt like he was looking at everything he destroyed- the failed project that is humanity.
Goodie: You.
What to look forward to in Part 12:
Luci comes back to hell with Goodie in tow.
Some conflicts started by the overlords
The Lucifer finally gets involve in the ritual
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hotchfiles · 3 months
↪ day five. fbi — #marchhotchness
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What are some of your headcanons for his FBI career, do you have any?
these aren't headcanons mostly, but i spent a lot of time trying to make sense of hotch's backstory because it's a bit of a mess. criminal minds writers aren't serious people and they just be saying things either it fits or not to the timeline they themselves created. i hate them. i hope they spend their whole lives stepping on legos. anyway.
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i've talked about this already, but i don't think aaron was a gifted sports kid, i think he was good enough, which means i also think physically he was just that, good enough. being in a physically challenging career wasn't his main plan anyway.
so, aside from fights during his school years and lifting a bit of weight and doing a bit of cardio, before the academy, he wasn't the most prepared guy for the job.
but he's goddamn determined, so from the moment he applied he started working out, we've seen him in action, and that's him as a middle aged man, so he went from this geeky bookworm boy to someone who worked out every single day so he wouldn't be a liability on the field.
as for gun handling, i think that was never difficult to him, his father probably had guns at home and taught him how to shoot and properly handle them. as a prosecutor i'm sure he already had guns in his home for protection.
his efforts in the academy got him a spot in the crisis negotiation unit, first as a swat operator, he's a prolific sniper. then as a profiler as his intentions were always set to be the one who finds and catches the criminals, as we know, the bau is an elite unit, so before being promoted and transferred, he want from the cnu to the seattle field office as a profiler and worked two years there.
these experiences gave him enough expertise to teach crisis negotiation, and then he was transferred to the bau as profiler. in 1998 he was promoted to lead profiler, his first case was the reaper, as we already know.
we don't have a fucking clue of when, but he was also communications director for a time, i like to believe it was somewhere between 2002-2005.
in 2005 he was promoted as unit chief in gideon's absence, but kept this title even when gideon came back.
aaron is focused, he is determined and he is honest. that should be good, but actually that makes him target of many people who see his drive as a threat to their careers, so he is used to having to deal with higher ups trying to step on his toes and swipe the rug out off his feet.
if the godforsaken producers of this show weren't a fucking JOKE (jeff davis when i fucking GET YOU) i'm sure there would have been more conflicts of that sort, because the position for fbi director is not out of reach for him, if he wanted that, he could definitely be up for the task easily.
but, i like to think he wouldn't want it. it's better pay, better hours and he would be able to make important decisions, but he would be out of the field and out of the bau, i don't think he would be able to do it. he loves the bau, being a profiler, catching serial killers, way too much. it's his passion and his purgatory.
and to quote him: "why would i ever leave the bau?"
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blacklegsanjiii · 4 months
im kind of imagining for revolutionary!sanji that maybe theres a moment in alabasta where luffy and ace say something that sabo always used to say, maybe an inside joke, and everyone is confused but sanji kind of unintentionally mutters "youre just like sabo" and their heads snap towards him. cue an intense and furious interrogation that sanji is trying to evade bc he thinks sabo maybe pissed them off during a mission and they have no clue how the fuck sanji knows their dead brother's name
maybe not canon to your au but a fixit alternative?
Oh my gosh..... Ace and Luffy pester Sanji until they find out who Sabo is.
Sanji who is just watching these two feral adults, one of which lit his cigarette with his fruit. He's mentioned offhandedly having a brother he doesn't get to see often. Probably only once like when he talks about being from the North Blue. Sanji can't talk about a lot of stuff just because of how high ranking he is the Revolutionary Army.
So he's watching them and all the dumb shit they're doing and is just like "you're both just like Sabo" under his breath and they whip around to look at him. He doesn't know Sabo is their dead brother and they didn't know another Sabo could exist in the world. When Luffy and Ace ask about him Sanji doesn't really answer.
Can't risk whatever Sabo is doing right now. They keep pestering him throughout Alabasta. After a while Sanji is like "he's my brother! Okay! I don't get to see him a lot!" And then Luffy rubbers his way into Sanji's pockets and finds a photo of him and Sabo in their early teens, Sabo who has a massive scar covering one of his eyes and going into his hairline. Ace and Luffy are just staring at it and crying because that's their brother and everyone is confused and Nami and Zoro are hitting Sanji because he didn't tell them!
"It's not my fault Sabo never mentioned them! And it's not Sabo's either because he doesn't have his memory from before showing up!" Sanji defends himself and Sabo and everyone is like "he's at Baratie?" And Sanji shrugs and says he doesn't know where Sabo is right now and he probably won't for a while. It's just how it is.
Fuck it if this happens Sanji is like "Hey, we need to get to Marineford right now." To Sabo and Sabo is like "SWEET WE'RE FUCKING UP AN EXECUTION AND DRAGON DOESNT KNOW!"
Sanji and Sabo make it and Sanji is dressed in his Revolutionary best. Ace and Luffy are looking at these blond dumbass revolutionaries. And once Ace is free and Sanji and Sabo send them to the White Beard fleet Sanji and Sabo are grinning at these top Government officials like "haha dragon is going to be pissed" only for Ivankov to have them scruffed and hauled off too.
"I would expect better from our chief of staff and head of espionage! Honestly, what do these two have do with you two?" Ivankov demands as they gesture between the four of them and Sanji is like "well he's my Captain, he's my Captains brother, and they think the know Sabo from before times."
Ivankov is looking between them as Ace is reeling because he almost died, his pops did die, Luffy saved him, his other dead brother is alive and the cook is a revolutionary and so is his dead brother and they are high ranking? What the fuck? Also the before times?
And Ivankov is just leaning over them like "explain yourselves, we raised you better than this!" As Sabo and Sanji point out they were raised soldiers and Sabo doesn't remember anything before showing up on Baltigo when he woke up to Sanji staring at him. Koala grabs Sabo's pipe and nails both of the blonds with it and screams obscenities that belong in the void century.
Sabo is blinking at Sanji as blood is running down their faces then at Ace and Luffy. "If that's all it took to bring your memories back I'm going to hit you again." Koala threatens and Sabo fucking runs from her making her give chase and Ivankov is muttering to themself as Koala chases Sabo around the ship. And seeing an opportunity to make it worse Sanji is like "Koala, look at this!" As he lights his legs on fire.
Sabo throws Sanji into the ocean and Koala hits him with the pipe like a baseball sending Sabo flying after him. Ivankov can't believe this is head of espionage and the chief of staff. Ace and Luffy are crying their brother is alive but also very confused at the pipe weilding woman who just brained both Sanji and Sabo. She's kind of scary.
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bonny-kookoo · 11 months
Snoeball being part of Jungkook's recent live? How would army react to that?
A/N: since yall always want angst..
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Jungkook sometimes forgets that while he might think of his fans often throughout the day, they're not with him all the time. They don't know everything that he does- and they're not just a bunch of angels, willing to accept whatever decision he might make for himself.
So it's unsurprising that when the chat fills with messages, it's not just happy comments and hearts and innocent questions.
It's many, Many confused people, some even angry and upset at the implications of the visual situation he's in. Not because he's shirtless, or in bed-
But because he's shirtless, and in bed, with you right beside him, still asleep.
There's no way he can talk himself out of this so quickly, so he struggles, attempts to mask his own horror and growing panic by acting as if his connection is junk. It's not- it's perfectly fine, but he needs to buy himself some time to think of any way to explain why you'd be in the same bed with him almost naked.
Well, at least you're wearing a top- although the clear Calvin Klein logo on the corner up top near the neckline makes it somewhat worse, because it's clear from the fit alone and the way too big size that it's not yours-
And in his household, the only logical conclusion would be that it's his.
He's in deep shit.
There's no way he can just be honest- just go 'oh yeah, Snowball and I had sex and went to bed late' because at the end of the day these people watching him right now aren't his friends. A lot of them aren't even his fans right now. He's sure of it. They're probably fuming, disappointed, and angry.
And he's got no clue how to talk himself out of it.
Jimin seems to save the day however- asking in the chat if your nightmares had cleared up throughout the night- and Jungkook immediately grabs that lifeline thrown towards him by his bandmate.
"Ah yes, her nightmares.." he offers, nodding. "Hm, Snowball had a panic attack last night from the thunderstorm, so she slept in my bed." He nods, licking his lips in nervousness, hoping no one catches him lying. "I got a little lazy because I was really tired, so I gave her my shirt I was wearing so she can sleep a bit better. Because, you know, hybrids are really sensitive to scents. So I thought it might help, you know?" He offers, and it seems like it's somewhat working.
'She's drowning in it' jimin comments. Jungkook laughs.
"Ah yeah, my size is way too big on her.' He jokes, hopes to somewhat elevate the mood, as he changes the topic to something else.
He knows he fucked up.
He knows especially after ending the live, and checking social media- online magazines already feeding on his mistake like vultures, calling it 'suspicious', and picking out comments from netizens who call his actions inappropriate and even worse things. How he shouldn't let you sleep in his bed, how this could be possibly all just a play from his side to see if people would accept it if he was to be in a realtionship-
And he wants to cry like a toddler left alone in a mall, because it's just not fair.
He loves you, so much, and he wishes he could just do that openly. But no matter if hybrid or not, there's just no way anyone could ever survive being his partner.
Jimin calls his phone. He picks up.
"Aish Jungkookie, what were you thinking?" He scolds softly, and Jungkook just sighs, running a hand through his hair before he looks at you, still sleeping, barely having moved at all, unaware of the things happening. "I heard from Yoongi. About you.. three. I'm happy, I really am- but don't be so reckless." His bandmate reminds him.
"I know. I'm sorry." He offers. "I didn't.. think. I really didn't. I should've." He scolds himself, upset at it all. Now he's back at square one with you- and everyone involved. Now people will put every interaction between you and the band on a pedestal to gawk at and analyze.
He ruined it.
"Well figure it out. For now, just lay low." He offers. "Management will probably have a word with you soon."
"I'm sorry." Jungkook apologizes again. "I ruined it."
"Not yet." Jimin tries to reassure. "I'm sure some will be mad- yoongi-hyung is gonna tear you a new one that's for sure. But it'll die down." He tells the younger singer over the phone. "She's safe with us, down the line. We've got security that's top notch."
"But now we can't let her be seen with anybody anymore." He whines. "She had so much fun in the UK with me, and with Suga-hyung on his tour and now I fucked it up and she won't get to do any of it anymore." Jungkook complains, gripping his hair.
"Like I said, we'll figure it out." Jimin tells him. "For now, calm down. Sort your head a bit."
"I feel horrible." Jungkook reveals. "Just looking at her- I'm so stupid." He shakes his head at nothing.
"You're just innocent when it comes to these things." Jimin sighs on the other end of the line. "You'll learn."
"I just want people to.. accept us." Jungkook complains stubbornly. "What's so bad about what we have?"
"Absolutely nothing." His friend responds. "Like I said, calm down first. We'll figure out where to go from here." He offers.
"What if they take Snowball away now?" Jungkook whimpers. "Just because of me?"
"Jungkook they literally can't. She's filed for independent living, remember?" He says, and it's then that it hits Jungkook.
You did file for independence. You did get it approved.
You don't belong to anyone but yourself. You simply choose to stay with the boys, with him, because you want to. No one can take you away because you're technically your own legal guardian.
You're safe.
You won't leave.
And as he hangs up with a thanks to his friend, his phone clatters down onto the floor forgotten as he wraps his arms around you, tightly, so he can remind himself that you'll stay even if this all goes south.
You won't leave him alone, even if they all hate you and him.
You won't leave him alone.
And neither will he.
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suchawrathfullamb · 5 months
what do you think hannibal and wills opinion on su!cide is?
Uh, this is a biggie. I have lots of thoughts lol. Okay, so, you know how H tries to come off as "life is so precious, I live it like there's no tomorrow"? He talks about that with Bella, which btw always made me think he was sick somehow, because of the way they paralleled that, and the cancer aspect. Sometimes I wonder if they meant to imply a more "spiritual" disease or something. Anyway, he also talks about that when Matthew tries to kill him. And probably other times, too. But then, he says things like "we all want to jump in front of the train" like bby girl, no. I don't think we ALL do?? We also have him surrendering which he ofc knew he'd get the death penalty. Then, he fucking refuted his insanity plea which saved him from getting the chair, and what for? Before that, in Italy, he was getting increasingly reckless and not giving a fuck. Jack almost killed him, and he just went to the do his little doodles like ? He didn't seem to care about his safety anymore, like he did in the past. In all honesty, I think losing Will, having his heart broken by him, so many times, made him worse, in terms of how he valued his life. It seemed like he was "fine" before but after knowing such connection, and the elation that came from it, and this type of love, there was no point in living without it. I mean, he allowed Will to take him down with him in Wrath. He knew he was going to do it. It's in the script, it's in Mads' face, it's obvious he knew. And yet he thought "if you're dying, I'm not staying here, without you, there's no point". Specially considering he just spent 3 years without Will, feeling rejected and abandoned. Which also makes me think he refuted the insanity plea because he wanted to see Will and wanted to trigger a response. Now, for Will, I think that's not much to say because he did try to do it. He was willing to end his life, but before that I don't think we have much clues on his stance. He doesn't talk a lot about it, like H does. Will seems to undervalue his own health, of course, since he's always neglecting it specially in s1, but I think Will wouldn't do it in any other circumstance, tbh. I don't even think he'd do it if H died. I think H would. An alternative version of the head sawing scene, where the soup was some type of poison and they'd both die. Or he'd allow himself to be caught and go to the chair, since he clearly wasn't afraid of it anymore.
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the-s1lly-corner · 9 months
Proxies with a fem reader going to a pumpkin patch so she can pick out her pumpkin? :>
Proxies and Fem!Reader going to a pumpkin patch!
obligatory toby is platonic but tbh i dont think romance ties too much into these specific hcs also i havent been to a pumpkin patch in years so im really scraping my brain trying to remeber what people do asides pick pumpkins...and google... a lot of google... i admit i had to fight myself not to make this a group thing where it's all together but im 80% sure you wanted these separate no unique gifs for each character, too eepy (its 6am rn and i couldnt sleep for the life of me SOBS)
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I feel like out of the three he's probably going to give the most resistance, he just doesn't like being around where loads of people may be; too much noise you know? But with enough coaxing and reassurance I do believe you can convince him to tag along
Most straight forward about it, wants it to be in and out, so he kinda beelines and tries to find a pair of pumpkins that'll do
"Babe... those ones are too small to carve..." "They're. Average."
Sorry I had to make that joke
Out of all the activities there you might get him to sit down for a hayride if it's not too too packed!
Overall it's an okay experience, but really this guy would prefer the pumpkin carving at home after the fact; out on a porch sitting next to one another, alone in comfortable silence! He saves the seeds to make into snacks later
A little more willing to go out! I feel like he's the easiest in terms of talking into stuff! As long as it's not anything dangerous he's more than willing to spend time with you.... all the better to keep his eye on you.. both in a cute aww he wants to protect you way and a creepy way but hey that's creepypasta for you
If they're offering shitty quickly constructed rides count him in, he's going to be the one dragging you!
While I'm not sure what rides would be there I'm sure there'd be but you're gonna be there for way longer than originally planned
Saving this for another day but Ferris Wheel trope where it gets stuck, one of y'all totally shouldn't send in a character for me to do that for wink wink nudge nudge
Probably the most emotive you see Hoodie, ever, it's actually a little jarring at first but it's cute in it's own way that he's getting all hyped up over some rides
overall? y'all forget to actually. pick pumpkins so you guys have to almost immediately return to go browse at the pumpkins that remain. Does the thing where you knock on produce to make sure it sounds right. Does he know what he's going or what he's looking for? No clue but hey there's that mental image, Hoodie kneeling down on the ground, head pressed against a pumpkin and tapping it
Ticci Toby:
Pretends to not wanna go but really he's totally fucking stoked that you wanna go somewhere with him, him? like him him? Toby? Well if you insist-
That bit sounded mean but I believe Toby feels.... I don't know how to put it but like I think it's because he used to be bullied and left out that he still gets a little surprised when you willingly invite him to hang out; not that he's complaining though
Haunted corn maze. This fucker beelines for the corn maze. You have lost your silly friend with an affinity for collecting empty snail shells (hc)
Good luck trying to find him, if it's one of those mazes with scare actors he's not going to flinch or scream so there goes your audio cue
Eventually you do find him though! So it's not totally disastrous! It just takes you upwards of fifteen minutes because you yourself got lost before looping back to the entrance, only to find this little shit sitting right by the entrance
Seriously how the fuck did he do that?
No clue
You know how sometimes pumpkins are bumpy or a lil... off looking? Leave it to this fucker to make several jokes about how they look, primarily ragging on the bumpier ones
"Hey look, it looks like you" "shut the fuck up"/j
Generally a very good time as long as you ignore the small heart attack you got when Toby disappeared! Good luck cleaning the mess after carving up your pumpkins
He probably tries to see what the guts taste like
idk what raw pumpkin guts taste like
not sure if its any good because ive only tried pre canned pumpkin puree and used it for baking so idk if it tastes good straight from the source
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
Mercs realize that they are in love with their friend with benefits (preferred male please) love your headcanons,have you a nice day
Mercs Realizing They're In Love With a FWB || TF2 x M!Reader
Gay panics HARD
Out here acting like sucking dick made him catch the homo fr
He avoids you and even the topic of you. As soon as someone brings you up he changes the topic or gets mad.
He's mad at himself for thinking of you in a romantic way since you two CLEARLY said that this was just a way to blow off steam.
Probably takes it out on you, Def calls you a slur and feels really bad about it.
Jeremy knew what he had to do. He had fucked up severely and now he had to be a man about it. With a sucking in of breath, he knocked on your door. God, he hated himself so much for calling you that.
"Hey I-"
Your broken expression tore him to shreds. Your eyes were puffy and cheeks were red from crying.
After about an hour of crying, amending things, and a good punch to the stomach, you two eventually patch things up. You two don't know exactly what's going to happen going forward, but there won't be anymore name-calling.
Suddenly a lot more gentle and romantic out of nowhere.
Like, he was usually a great friend and there for you, but out of the blue. He's checking up on you. He's handing you things you ask for, even if it's out of his way to do so. Etc etc
Kind of adverse to any sort of sexual favors bc he feels like he's taking advantage of you.
Eventually musters up the courage to speak his mind.
"Hey Dell, you wanted to see me?" You hummed as you shut and locked the door to his workshop. You assumed that you two would be breaking the dry spell that had been going on as of late, but the expression Dell had on his face clued you in otherwise.
"Listen, I've got something to tell you about. And I feel like straight shit for not saying anything sooner- but I think I'm catching feelings for you."
Dell sucked in a breath as he waited for your response. God, it was hell for him to stare you in the eye, but he was a man too! He was going to face you like one!
"well shit"
He's not happy about it, but he is not othered by it in the slightest.
Def tells you right away like "if you wanna continue fucking that's cool but I really like you."
He still keeps treating you the same and is really calm and open about his feelings, even if he hits the booze a little more in downtime to cope with his feelings.
"Hey lad, c'mere." Tavish mumbled loud enough for only you to hear. Worried, you follow him quickly into the vacant hallway. With the way Tavish's demeanor was completely serious. "There's something you should know about." "Why? Did something happen?" You asked. Tavish nodded before he continued.
"Well ah, I caught a bit of feelings for you laddie, and I felt like- like you should know that before we do anything more. Just in case that changes anything. I just really got hit with how much I fucking like your personality as well as your physicality, y'know?"
They swing from avoiding you entirely to keeping you a maximum of 3 feet away from them at all times. Mainly because of how their hallucinations and reality distorts their perception of you and how they exist around you.
Hates the fact that if it came out that they were fucking a man, Pyro would get made fun of more by the mercs.
You have no clue why Pyro is extremely hot and cold with you suddenly, but you don't feel like it would be ethical to have sex with them when they're cuddly and affectionate.
They tell you that they love you constantly when they're all over you and a hell of a lot more protective/jealous/paranoid about your affections.
Even when they are avoiding you, they still keep an eye on you to keep you safe.
"Pyro?" You call. They had been avoiding you for weeks. It pained them to avoid you, but they knew that they had to. They just didn't want to hurt you.
"Pyro please talk to me. I- I feel like you're struggling with something. Do you want to talk?" You would have offered to have a cup of tea or engage in Pyroland, but it was probably best to talk to them when they are clearly more terrified rather than euphoric.
You finally got a response. Pyro nodded.
Ghosts you until he feels better. Like total asshole mode until you hate him.
it's his idea that nobody is allowed to love him. The last time he loved someone he abandoned his son.
It hurts like hell for him, especially when you try to talk to him. He brushes you off and ignores you until you get the hint that he does NOT want to talk to you anymore.
Keeps the picture he has of you asleep in his bed in his wallet. It's his best picture of you since you look so at ease and peaceful- almost as if you trusted him with your very life and heart.
Bro this man is AWKWARD
Still smashes tho
Mundy really thinks that giving you head counts as a love confession fr
Genuinely though, he's a lot more intentional with mini acts of service. He invites you to have a cup of coffee, offers you a cigarette when he opens a pack, just the little things you know?
A lot more blushy and shy when you talk to him/tease him.
"Mick Mundy." You called, the mischief in your voice clear as day. Sniper was never more envious of Spy's cloaking device as you made your way over. "Hey there handsome, is your evening free?" You loved the way his face flushed and how he pulled his hat down to cover himself. You could tell the very moment he fell for you, and you just loved teasing him!
He doesn't like the fact that he's fallen in love with you, but knows he can't really do anything about it. (He's tried a lobotomy, but he lost feeling in his ring finger for a week.)
Keeps it friendly, but def "dirty talks" in German to you stuff like "you're so beautiful" and "I adore you" to kind of feel better about his crush
Gets jealous of you hanging with the others more to the point of you noticing. (Glares, more touching, etc)
Eventually tells you in English, but def in a heat of passion moment. Ludwig kept near you during the fight, but a rain of bullets dropped down from out of nowhere. Despite how much Medic tried to battle the onslaught, he wasn't powerful enough to stop the bleeding. "Liebe! God DAMN IT!" Ludwig shouted as you dropped down to the ground. Of course you would respawn in a few seconds, maybe- just maybe, since you were dead... "I love you."
He's open about it, but demands you to keep it quiet.
He asks you to please keep everything quiet, especially if you reciprocate. He trusts you enough to keep his sexuality a secret, but he wants both of you to stay safe.
Mikhail acts a lot more kind to you, little acts of kindness.
PLEASE call him nicknames he gets so blushy. "Big Bear" "Big Guy" "Handsome", all make him scream internally.
As you wind down from the absolutely wild night you two shared, Mikhail held you tight as the alarm clock flashed 4:06AM. "I have to say something." Heavy mumbled into your neck. "What is it?" You respond as sleep sews itself into your consciousness. You tried to stay awake, but he was just so warm and cuddlyyy... "I love you." "I love.. you too"
VERY uncomfortable with his feelings
called himself straight, even despite you two's "arrangement". Man's so far in the closet he's found the forest the wood is from.
He is fully aware that he's in love with you, but he refuses to acknowledge the feelings. He wants to kiss you. He wants to hold you. He wants to keep you safe and care for you.
Def daydreams of a domestic household with you(stfu he doesn't mean to imagine you that sexy when you wear an apron)
"Solly?" You hum, a smile blooming when you see your little soldier. "You spacing out?" "I'M MORE THAN SENTIENT, PRIVATE!" Jane responded. He took a step back when he realized how damn close you suddenly had gotten. "What's got you smiling like that? Thinking about the Revolution?" You teased. "OF COURSE!" He lied. He was thinking about you and him on a hillside holding hands.
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decaffedthoughts · 8 months
Kinktober Fic 1
Kinks: corruption and dacryphilia
Other content: daddy kink (it's Chan, I have to), lingerie, and overstimulation
Gender neutral afab reader
980 words
Happy birthday Chaniel! I'm a liiiiittle late, but it's fine
Chan has been nothing but the sweetest man in the world in your entire relationship so far. It's kind of insane honestly, especially compared to the other guys you've been with or talked to. In the realm of the sexual it's even more clear, with how he checks on you constantly, something that probably hadn't even crossed the mind of those other guys.
So, yeah, Chan's been great. But right now, you want more from him and you know you won't get it unless you beg and convince him that you really want it. Good thing you have a plan.
Buying the skimpiest and prettiest little set of lingerie you could find, in a nice baby blue, exuding innocence that just says 'ruin me'. Now you just have to hope that Chan gets the hint. Though you are not above begging for it.
Good thing to, cause it turns out you just might have to. There's nothing strictly *wrong* with what's happening, of course not, you just need a whole lot more than what he's giving. And you know he can give more.
You take a little bite into his neck and then, "Channie."
He stops, clearly your tone or something is different, even if you didn't strictly mean for it to be.
"Yes, angel? Is something wrong?" He's so adorably concerned, you feel bad for making him worry about something like this.
"No, nothing's wrong just. How do I say this."
"You know you can tell me anything, darling. Anything you need, anything you want." Oh what a sweet man he is, not a clue what is about to come out of your mouth.
"Chan, I want you to ruin me. To make me dumb, to make me cry, get just shy of completely breaking me. I know how much you go to the gym, I know you can. And I bet you want to. Daddy." You lean back and blink at him coyly through your lashes.
As if you hadn't heard him refer to himself jokingly as 'daddy' one too many times and caught on. The sudden title doesn't even seem to process for him, it's as if you've just stun-locked him by accident. It takes a minute, and you start to wonder if you've gotten it all wrong, and you projected your desires onto him.
"You want me to make you cry? Tell me one more time that you want it, baby.
"Daddy, please. Wouldn't I be so pretty if I was laying there crying because you make me feel too good?"
His head falls back and he groans loudly, his eyes closed.
"Alright, yeah. Yeah, I can do that. Daddy can do that darling."
At first, you worry he's hesitant, holding back and not actually committed to making you cry, and you begin to whine about it. Chan shushes you, with his grin a little wild, he clearly has a plan that you can't see.
He fills you up perfectly, as always, and makes you feel so good. At this point he knows exactly what to do to make you fall apart, and he's as attentive as always. Then he doesn't stop. Usually he gives you a break before he continues to make himself cum, but this time he didn't. You hardly have time to think about it though, since the sensitivity makes you begin to whine and squirm a little. It's not bad, just different, and you're nowhere close to asking him to stop.
This time around he cums first, and you're so close that he just fucks you right into it after. Now, he does take a break, mostly for practical reasons. But he wastes no time replacing his cock with his fingers, and you gasp and moan out abruptly. It's just two, but the way you're stretched out means he can easily fit in a third, and he does. Two orgasms chained together and chasing a third has you nearly thrashing a bit more fervently now. This is what you asked for, and still you wouldn't dream of asking him to stop.
You're so close now that two little brushes of his thumb over your clit has you cumming, and it takes hold of your body in a way very new to you. Your back arches and doesn't allow you to force it down, though you can't try that hard right now.
"You okay, lovely? That one looked pretty straining." Chan pulls back, hovering over you with a slight furrow in his brow.
You smile up at him, nodding. "So good. You make me feel so good, Channie. But I haven't cried yet."
Chan raises his eyebrows at you, checking if you're serious. When you just nod again eagerly he shakes his head and sighs. "Alright, what my baby wants, my baby gets."
He goes straight to three fingers this time, and your back arches and you clench down on them. You're still so sensitive and not prepared for the sudden sensation. It only gets worse, or better, when he puts his mouth on your clit, tonguing at it. Your hands grip at his hair, trying in futility to push him away while your legs squeeze together around his head.
"Channie, Channie, Channie!"
"Nope, that's not what you call me. Say it properly and you can cum."
"Ah, sorry sorry. Daddy please! So close, so good, please. I need it."
"There you go, go ahead. Wanna taste you."
You finally feel the tears build and fall from the corners of your eyes, and they fall fast. There will be a print on the pillow tonight to remember this by. Your body is tired, not making you contort into odd positions, but still twisting feebly away, even if you don't really want to get away. Chan stops as soon as you start whimpering too pathetically.
"There's the tears. You got what you wanted, baby."
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