#a love that exceeds all mortal obligations
nickyelsh · 1 year
i do not want ordinary love; i want to move mountains with my devotion
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vorbarrsultana · 1 month
the vampire lestat reread, pt. 1 (lestat and nickistat)
also known as "i decided to reread tvl after the season finale because some takes i've seen online give me the impression i read a completely different book two years ago". i've finished it two days ago, and turns out i have more than 5000 words of notes that significally exceed tumblr character limit. so, i had to split them into three parts.
here is part one, all about dramatic theater kids full of love, sad violinists of infinite beauty, and friends-to-lovers romances doomed by the narrative.
i love lestat.
i forgot how fun and likable tvl lestat is from page one. and how different he is from his fanon characterization!
lestatposting is fun, i get it, but i am starting to get annoyed at the amount of fanfics where lestat needs someone to help him adapt to modern times. he is doing fine on his own, thank you. it took him less than two weeks to start a rock band.
(and the whole iphone thing from "prince lestat" is more about him not seeing it as something useful since he has a mind-skype ability to talk to any vamp on planet earth, and they cannot decline the call.)
lestat is not stupid. impulsive? yes. stubborn? of course. but clever, resourseful, and cunning when he needs to be. all of this makes him a great hunter! also, really thoughtful when the mood strikes, and his quiet, existential moments have some of the best prose in that book.
i wish someone smarter than me wrote a good meta about lestat & social class because he really seems to buy into the idea of "noblesse oblige" i.e. the belief that aristocrats are obliged to take care of those less fortunate. it's present in the way he kills the wolf pack for the villagers (who live on his father's land), and later takes responsibility for the theatre troupe & remnants of armand's coven, even though he doesn't owe them anything.
also, characterization of lestat as someone socially cluesless is simply untrue. sure, he plays dumb on occasion (and hates it every time because early life illiteracy trauma), but he is also good at reading people. like, he got a pretty accurate read of armand behind the angelic facade during their first face-to-face meeting. the only people he has trouble reading are those closest to him because he heavily projects his abandonment issues on them.
lestat's struggle of being "too much" contrasts nicely with the struggle of never being enough which is so crucial to louis. hashtag made for each other.
and juxtaposition of lestat's desire to be loved for who he is and louis's struggle with identity is also delicious.
this time i also related so much to lestat's "malady of mortality" and his search for meaning in the world. which ultimately fails because he is forcibly turned into a monster, and now every ounce of happiness he might bring into the world (and lestat desperately wants to do good!) is outweighed by him killing to survive.
and marius later reinforced the belief that vampirism has no higher purpose, and no wonder that nola!lestat is a shell of his former self.
lestat's turning is the most classic horror moment of the vampire chronicles to me. the mina harker of it all. the creature of night shrouded in terror snatching an innocent victim from the arms of their love right before bleak november sunrise.
also, all the implications of what magnus has done to lestat were even more clear during this reread, and i wonder if that was the reason rolin "i-love-narrative-parallels" jones added bruce into claudia's story.
the book also explains perfectly why lestat is so well suited for vampirism. his curiosity, thirst for new experiences, and adventuring spirit are his eternal engine on the devil's road :)
however, the downside of that personality facet is that lestat steamrolls over his trauma telling himself "this is fine! look, satan, i am making the best of it", which in turn leads to the iwtv nola mess.
and i feel like this constant search for positives in vampirism (that unwilligly turned lestat & claudia share) is why they can't really relate to louis, who chose it for himself. if these two start to get too existential, the temptation to throw themselves into the fire might become unbearable.
lestat equating his loneliness with his evilness is interesting, but i have nothing to say about that for now other than equation being there.
lestat's explosive temper is also present in the book. there is a constant pattern of lestat doing things he regrets the most (like the theater performance fiasco or eating people at notre dame's steps) when he is angry or upset.
let's talk about nicki. i love him, despite half of fandom hating on him for some reason.
lestat has a type, which is "good catholic boy" with narrow view of good and evil. except louis is of a parent's favorite, conforming variety, and nicki is the rebellious one, driven to the utmost cynicism by religious dogmas.
however, despite being a self-proclaimed cynic, nicki practically drowns in catholic guilt, almost reveling in the fact that everything he does, from playing violin in the boulevard theater to having an affair with lestat, is wrong. there is no meaning in anything, and he is doomed to die a sinner's death.
he is doomed! by the narrative though.
lestat and nicki's philosophical difference seems to be that nicki (unlike lestat) does not believe in inherent goodness of the positive emotions. for him, "sin always feels good", therefore happiness they bring performing = sin.
but still, nickistat's love is so touching. after lestat ghosts nicki to protect him, he still trusts lestat's love for him and the troupe, thinks best of him, and shuts down all nasty rumours. in turn, lestat equates all the good that was in his mortal life, all his hopes and dreams with nicki. he is a symbol of everything magnus took from him.
nicki almost became lestat's charlie. when they meet face to face for the first time after lestat's transformation, he can barely contain his hunger magnified by attraction.
the most terribly sad thing about nicki is the unfairness of all that happened to him. he had seen lestat being shot right before him, then he disappeared with dying gabrielle, then the coven kidnapped and tortured him until he lost his mind.
and for nicki, the dark gift is a confirmation of everything he believes in being true. the meaninglessness of it all. evil being the only certain thing in the world. the way to fall into a deeper, darker abyss than the one that was before the mortal him. and it is a confirmation that lestat's inner light he loved so much will eventually burn out.
(his spark in the dark, if you will.)
(and lestat's dream before turning nicki hurts, because he dreams of growing up and growing old together, of maturing past magnus's eternal lelio with sunlight in his hair and summer sky in his eyes. oh, the lesdaughter of it all.)
there is certainly a parallel between nickistat's bitter "in darkness, we are equal now" vs loustat's comforting "in the quiet dark, we were equals".
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years
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Septuagesima Sunday - January 31, 2021
Septuagesima  and Lent are both times of penance, Septuagesima being a time of voluntary fasting in preparation for the obligatory Great Fast of Lent. The theme is the Babylonian exile, the “mortal coil” we must endure as we await the Heavenly Jerusalem. Sobriety and somberness reign liturgically; the Alleluia and Gloria are banished
The Sundays of Septugesima are named for their distance away from Easter:
The first Sunday of Septuagesima gives its name to the entire season as it is known as “Septuagesima.” “Septuagesima” means “seventy,” and Septuagesima Sunday comes roughly seventy days before Easter. This seventy represents the seventy years of the Babylonian Captivity. It is on this Sunday that the alleluia is “put away,” not to be said again until the Vigil of Easter.
The second Sunday of Septuagesima is known as “Sexagesima, which means “sixty”. Sexagesima Sunday comes roughly sixty days before Easter.
The third Sunday of Septuagesima is known as “Quinquagesima,” which means “fifty” and which comes roughly fifty days before Easter. Quadragesima means “forty,” and this is the name of the first Sunday of Lent and the Latin name for the entire season of Lent.
Throughout this short Season and that of Lent (next Season) you will notice a deepening sense of penance and somberness, culminating in Passiontide (the last two weeks of Lent), that will suddenly and joyously end at the Vigil of Easter on Holy Saturday when the alleluia returns and Christ’s Body is restored and glorified. 
Why is this Sunday called “Septuagesima”?
Because in accordance with the words of the First Council of Orleans, some pious Christian congregations in the earliest ages of the Church, especially the clergy; began to fast seventy days before Easter, on this Sunday, which was there fore called “Septuagesima”–the seventieth day. The same is the case with the Sundays following, which are called Sexagesima, Quinquagesima, Quadragesima, because some Christians commenced to fast sixty days, others fifty, others forty days before Easter, until finally, to make it properly uniform, Popes Gregory and Gelasius arranged that all Christians should fast forty days before Easter, commencing with Ash-Wednesday.
Why, from this day until Easier, does the Church omit from her service all joyful canticles, allelujas, and the Gloria In excelsis, &c.?
To gradually prepare the minds of the faithful for the serious time of penance and sorrow, for sins committed, and for the actual fast. So the priest appears on the altar in violet, the color of penance, and half of the altar is covered with a violet curtain. To arouse our sorrow for our sins, and the need of repentance, the Church at the Introit cries, in the name of all mankind, with David: “The sorrows of death surrounded me, the sorrows of hell encompassed me. In my affliction I called upon the Lord, and He heard my voice from his holy temple.” (Ps. xvii. 5 – 9.) I will love thee, O Lord, my strength; the Lord is my firmament, my refuge, my deliverer. (Ps. xvii. 2 – 3.) Glory be to the Father, &c. 
by Fr. Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876
Jesus asks the discontented laborers: “Is thy eye evil, because I am good?” Why do they murmur? Have they been obliged to exceed the stipulated amount of labor? No! Have they worked longer than the time specified? No! Has not the master promptly paid them? Yes! Did he give them less than he promised? No! What then is the cause of their discontent? It is envy, because those who were sent later into the vineyard to work, received the same wages.
Envy is a most dangerous, execrable yet concealed vice; a vice of which, many are guilty, but whose real wickedness few recognise. Let us employ this hour in considering its dangers.
Mary, mother of love, pray for us, that the pestilential breath of this sin may never pollute our soul! I speak in the most holy name of Jesus, to the greater glory of God! We can better recognize the turpitude and wickedness of envy, by considering the beauty, merit and amiable qualities of the opposite virtue–true, heroic brotherly love.
The love of our neighbor for the love of God is a virtue which inspires us to love others as ourselves, to wish them all the good we wish ourselves, and to do for them all that we would do for our own interests. Of this commandment Christ says: “It is like unto the other,” namely: to the commandment of loving God, and our salvation depends on our observance of it. Thus teach Christ and His Apostles, especially St. Paul and St. John, both of whom emphatically and frequently insist upon it.
Envy is the vice directly opposed to this commandment. This will become clear to us if we consider the teachings of St. Paul in regard to the qualities of true, active, brotherly love. “Charity,” says he, “is patient, is kind; charity envieth not, is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth: beareth all things, believeth all things” (i Cor. 13. 4).
Let us reverse these qualities, and we have the most perfect picture of envy. Envy is not kind; on the contrary, it is cruel, selfish, and without compassion for the needs and sufferings of others.
Envy provokes to anger, and leaves nothing untried to prevent the well-being of others. Envy seeks only its own good, and is arrogant. It thinks and does evil.
Who can count all the vices whose source is envy? Jealousy, mistrust, calumny, deceit, enmity! Envy is easily roused to anger, and brooks little contradiction. It rejoices not at the good fortune of others, but is pleased, rather, at the contrary. Oh, how terrible a vice! it tears up by the very roots, the beautiful flower of brotherly love!
I say, secondly, what a foolish vice! For it deserves also this stigma. Every sin bears the mark of insanity, and therefore it is that Holy Writ calls the sinner a fool. It were easy to point out the characteristics of insanity in the misdeeds of sinners, especially in the envious.
Envy deprives man of the use of his reason, robs him of strength of mind, and exerts an evil influence on his other faculties. The possessions of his neighbor seem better than his own, for no other reason than that another and not he is the owner!
Besides, he who is guilty of other sins has at least some satisfaction: the proud when he is honored; the miser when he counts his money and fills his coffers; the intemperate while he eats and drinks, and so of others. The envious have only the satisfaction of their anger.
Foolish vice! It harms itself while yielding to its own indulgence What a foolish, but at the same time, what a dangerous vice! It was envy that brought sin among the angels. Lucifer and his adherents, as the Fathers of the Church teach us, envied the glory of Christ, Who in His human nature stood below them, but Whom they were commanded to glorify and worship on account of the hypostatic union with the person of the Son of God.
As regards man, Holy Writ teaches us that it was through the envy of Satan that sin entered paradise. The envy of the serpent would deprive the human race not only of paradise but also of heaven. It has cast upon us innumerable woes, and has exposed us to countless dangers in working out the salvation of our soul. Satan envied mankind who were destined to take the place of the fallen angels in heaven.
Woe to us if we ever hearken to the voice of envy! Satan will then find it easy to assail us with temptations of all kinds! The first born of men became a murderer on account of envy. It was envy that induced Cain to kill Abel. It was envy that nailed the Redeemer of mankind to the cross.
It is true that pride introduced heresy into the world, and thus corrupted countless souls and wrought their eternal ruin; but envy is the twin-brother of pride, the second poisonous fang of the serpent of hell. Not seldom has its influence been felt since the origin and dissemination of heresy, especially since the last and most pernicious of all, namely, Protestantism.
Pride mated with envy has given birth in our own day to the heresy whose followers style themselves the Old Catholics. Yet more lamentable is the fact that envy, even among the good, has succeeded in preventing much that otherwise would have been done for the salvation of souls and the welfare of the Church, thus effecting incalculable mischief in every age of the Christian era.
It is envy that lights the torch of war among nations, and destroys the peace and happiness of congregations and home circles. Yere there no envy among mortals earth would become a paradise. Envy were capable of changing even heaven into a place of torment, and for this reason it is, as Gregory the Great says, “The mark of the damned.”
The condition of the envious is the more dangerous, because the poison of envy is concealed. How few think themselves guilty of this sin! how few accuse themselves of it, and endeavor to uproot it from their hearts with the determination of St. Francis of Sales, who says: “Did I know that a fibre of envy were beating in my heart, I would tear it out!”
Follow his example, cost what it may, and instead of that detestable parasite, guard deep within your heart the holy virtue of heroic brotherly love! Amen!
“Why stand you here all the day idle?”–Matt. 20.
The reproach which Christ in today’s Gospel addresses to those who remained idle until the eleventh hour, is unfortunately one which might he addressed to the greater portion of mankind, yes even to many of the children of the Church.
We usually live careless of eternity, seemingly forgetful why we are here upon earth, and that this life was not given us to seek the honors, joys and treasures of this world, but to gather merit for eternity. How many men, how many children even of the Church are idle in this regard!
Let us earnestly take to heart this reproach, at once so true so important, so salutary for time and eternity, and endeavor to purchase back the hours we lost in idleness, and to employ with the zeal of the saints the days still left to us.
Mary, thou faithful handmaid of the Lord, pray for us that, following thy example, we may employ our entire life in gaining our salvation through Jesus Christ our Redeemer! I speak in the most holy name of Jesus, to the greater glory of God!
“Why stand you here all the day idle?” What an astonishing, incomprehensible, and yet only too true fact! This becomes clear to us if we consider the character of our life upon earth, and the relation in which it stands to eternity. Our life here below is the time which God gives us to prepare ourselves for the world to come.
If we reflect how precious time is, how short and how uncertain are the days of our life, we certainly would expect man to think of nothing else, than how to employ the days of his life in securely reaching that end for which life was given.
A crown, a high degree of glory, is the recompense for every moment well employed. St. Chrysostom was right when he exclaimed: “Time, thou art worth as much as God!” But time is so short; for what is the longest life compared to eternity? In addition to this, not one moment of this short time is certain. How often death surprises man, and then his precious time is gone, never to return. Man knows this, the Christian believes it; therefore how incomprehensible their neglect to employ their time after the zealous earnestness of the saints! This becomes still more incomprehensible, when we consider how provident man is of his time in regard to temporal affairs and the acquisition of earthly goods. They hesitate not to cross the ocean in the often disappointed hope of securing employment and gaining money, while, if they only seize the opportunity, they will never lack profitable labor in the grand affair of their salvation.
And yet how many lose and kill time! I wish to call your attention to the following classes of idlers:
The first are those who lose their time from sheer indolence. They are those drones, who do their duty neither as citizens nor as Christians. They dream away their time, and awake when it is too late, to the grand reality of life. They want self-abnegation. These . especially deserve the reproach: “Why stand you here idle?”
The second class are those who idle away their time by excessive labor, not for the salvation of their soul but through an inordinate care for the things of this world. I call them industrious idlers. Apparently they are occupied, but in reality they do nothing, since they are busy only for this fleeting world and not for eternity. They think themselves, however, much wiser than those who fail to accumulate an equal amount of temporal wealth. But all their labor, all their success is of no value towards their eternal welfare; indeed, as far as this is concerned they might better, perhaps, have remained as idle as the former. For, in their eagerness to gain temporal goods, they may have yielded to temptation and then, being in the state of sin, gained nothing even when they seemed to be laboring for heaven. These are the industrious idlers who, in the words of Holy Writ, exclaim when it is too late: “We wearied ourselves in the way of iniquity” and of temporal care.
There are others who, though they live in the state of grace, may yet be said to lose the time which has been granted to them to work out their salvation. To this third class of idlers belong those who lose their time in vain conversations and idle gossiping. Oh, how many apparently pious souls belong to this class of idlers! They talk ten, nay a hundred times too much. Even in necessary business how many useless words are spoken, how many moments wasted in idleness! Instead of leaving after having obtained the desired information, we remain and continue conversing about the same affair, though we previously stated all that was necessary; and in this manner we lose the time we should give to work.
But how shall we designate the many idlers who lose their time by too frequent visits and by prolonging this useless and sometimes dangerous pastime, till late in the night? Instead of regulating our visits by the just demands of friendship or of Christian neighborly love, we seek only to enjoy the society and conversation of others, forgetting that we could employ our time much better in sanctifying ourselves and others by works of charity.
Lastly, what shall we say of the idleness of pleasure-seekers, of those who pass day and night in gambling, dancing and other worldly amusements? How much time is lost for eternity in this manner! How much in visiting watering places, frequenting theatres and balls! There is also a certain class of people who lose their time in travelling for the sake of pleasure. I call these travelling idlers.
To all these we must needs add the large number of drunkards who, in their revels, heed not quickly passing time, and employ it neither for their temporal nor spiritual welfare who squander their money, impoverish their families and not unfrequently end their days in the almshouse. What a despicable class of idlers!
In conclusion, let me mention those who are idlers on account of negligence in renewing their good intention. The good we do, must be done with the right intention, that is, for God’s sake and for His sake only. Of course this does not mean that a Christian may not transact business or perform this or that work for the sake of gain, friendship or neighborly love, as our circumstances in life make necessary; only let these good and praiseworthy intentions be secondary to the one just mentioned.
Christian, lay your hand upon your heart and tell me, if you do not belong to one of these classes of idlers, or perhaps to all of them? Make now the firm resolution of profiting well by the time yet left to you that, one day in the kingdom of eternal life, God may assign to you your reward! Amen! 
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NSFW Alphabet with Raiden
So here we have some top tier trash. This time for Raiden. Hope you thirsty fuckers are happy. Thundergod is here. I really tried with this, it’s not the best by far but it does get better as it goes along.  Warnings; NSFW, Smut, cum, all the general sinfulness. 18+ under the cut.  GIF does not belong to me. 
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex) Raiden is incredibly soft and caring with you. You’ve literally fucked the god of Thunder. If that doesn’t deserve some aftercare, then god knows what does. He’ll make you some tea, get you a hot water bottle and make sure you’re comfortable. All nice and cosy.   B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) Okay, since he just appears in this form because he wants to, he doesn’t really have a preference. But if he had to pick one, it would be his hands are definitely one of his favourite body parts. He’s proud of them and what they’ve done, as well as how easily they can get you off. He loves it. But he also loves how they caress you. Your body part, he loves your waist and abdomen. He loves how they curve and how they fit the mould of his hands perfectly. As if you were made from marble, by the gods themselves. He’s more into your body than his own. C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person) He’d prefer to cum in you rather than on you. Something just feels right about him finishing deep inside you. As discussed in my ‘Cumshot’ post he’s not really into cumming on your face. If you really beg him to, he will oblige and give you what you want. He just feels his cum shouldn’t be sullying your beautiful face like that. He’s such a sweetie. D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Would have thought about fucking you whilst you wear his hat, he’s not sure why he’s thought about this, but it has crossed his mind a few times. It’s a thought he doesn’t try to dwell on since he’s unsure of what your reaction to his request would be. E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?) Well, considering he’s the Eternal God of Thunder, you’d have thought he’d have had sex at some point, maybe once or twice over his life. But he comes across quite inexperienced but willing to learn. He may have had some partners, but he is lacking in the experience department. But very receptive to learn, you mortals do have your quirks. F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual) He’s going to prefer missionary or you on top. He’s not very adventurous with his positions. But he is willing to try new ones. He’d prefer missionary for its intimacy and how he can pace himself a lot better. Whilst preferring you on top, because he wants to give you more control. He’s afraid of hurting you almost and wants to make sure you’re always in control. Very receptive to what you need/want, isn’t afraid to shake it up with some encouragement. G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc) He’s going to be serious in the moment more so than humorous. He’s serious by nature and that transcends into your sex life. He’s going to be focused on you, your pleasure and ensuring he isn’t being too rough or hurting you. He will give you a smile and will lighten up (Puns for days) once he’s reassured and assured you’re safe and in control. H = Hair (How well-groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.) He’s going to be fairly well-groomed. He doesn’t like anything to be un-neat. It’s not going to be mess down there, because he’s some pride. So, it’ll be well-groomed, not manscaped but groomed and trimmed enough that you can deal with it. I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)  Very intimate and romantic. Sex is such a passionate and almost emotional thing for him. It’s like your bodies are connecting and intertwining. It’s almost beautiful to him? He’s always had a soft spot for Mortals, but you exceed that soft spot. He loves the feel of your skin on his, your bodies pressed against each other and the moans you make. He wants to cherish and commit every little thing about you to his memory. Therefore, he’s going to be very intimate with you. Very romantic, he’ll often compliment your body, caress it and really hype you up over how beautiful you are. J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon) He doesn’t really feel the need to masturbate. It’s not something that he needs often, that and he doesn’t really have the time. Partaking in keeping Earthrealm safe has kept him pre-occupied for most of it. He has however, spent a millennia alone and certain needs to arise. So, he does do it on the occasion, and my god, is it sinful. The noises he makes, the fact it’s the one time he loses his composure. It’s Electric. Sorry I had to. But yeah, he does enjoy it and will partake it when the need and time arises. However, once he’s been with you it will not ever feel the same or suffice and quench the thirst as much as it once did. K = Kink (One or more of their kinks) Not really a kinky guy, like you’ll have to maybe explain some of them too him, because he cannot wrap his head around some. He would be into some form of electrostimulation. His power getting you off would be a very sinful secret of his. He knows it dangerous and therefore will not put you at risk. So, it’s a kink he has but will probably not divulge in. Just because he’s a nervous bean around you and doesn’t want to hurt you. He cares too much about you. But the thought of his power, getting you off and stimulating him, is an erotic thought he often has. L = Location (Favourite places to do the do) Very much a bedroom kind of guy. Doesn’t mean that him fucking you is going to be limited to the bed and the bed alone. He’ll fuck you on your dresser, on the bed, on the floor, in the shower. You name it, he’ll fuck you there. He prefers privacy, because he does not fancy anyone catching him fucking you. He would not hear the end of it, like my god. Could you imagine Liu Kang or Johnny fucking Cage finding him balls deep in you? He would not hear the end of it. M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going) Seeing you fully nude or undressing would get him going. Seeing your whole body in all of its glory, looking like a piece of fine marble, handcrafted and cared by the gods themselves to absolute perfection. He finds it mesmerising, beautiful and enchanting. He cannot take his eyes off your form. It turns him on that you, allow him to fuck you, something so divine as you. He also gets turned on by you kissing his neck. He’s a sucker for it, especially the occasional little nibble with you dipping below his collar and leaving a slight mark. He loves little reminders (That no one can see of course) of what you’ve done to him, they also remind him of your time together… just the thought of it can get him ready for the next time you meet. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) He’s not going to hurt you, degrade you or degrade him. He’s not into himself being degraded, he’s still the God of Thunder, and the thought of you being malicious or spiteful really turns him off. He also doesn’t want to hurt you, because he’s finally found someone he can love, he doesn’t want to risk losing you, hurting you or turning you away. He loves you and respects you enough to not do the above. O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) He prefers to give rather than receive. He loves to watch you come undone, will praise you as you cum hard for him. Covering his face and crying out for him. He’s not a vain man by far, but he feels proud that he’s causing you so much immense pleasure. He’s not opposed to receiving though, he does love the feel of your mouth, slowly taking him in. How your eyes meet his. He fucking loves it but prefers to give rather than receive. He deserves a lot of receiving though, protecting Earthrealm and all. P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.) He’s very slow and sensual, he would prefer to savour every moment with you, rather than rush through and do a sloppy job. He wants enough time to rake in every detail, every little blemish on your skin and all the faces you pull and noises you make. He also wants to ensure he pleasures you fully and to the best of his ability, you cannot do that if he rushes. He’s a perfectionist and will take his time to accomplish the task. No complaints from you.   Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.) Quickies are not his jam, he’s tried them, and he does not like them. As with the above, he likes to take his time and accomplish pleasuring you to his fullest ability. He cannot do that if he rushes. He would much prefer proper sex in comparison. He also wants to savour every moment with you and feels time is squandered on rushing through it. Quality over quantity and all of that. R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.) He’s not big into taking risks. However, when you first came together and started your relationship, everything was experimenting to him. He sees the logic in this argument and will start to experiment more with positions. He still will not divulge you with his ultimate kink. He’s wary of his power and will be reluctant to do it. So, he will take some risks but not a lot. S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…) The stamina of a god. He can last a fair bit and can be pretty much ready to go again. As I said, the stamina of a god. Just because he can, doesn’t mean he will. He will tire you out and does not want to pressure you into continuing if you’re exhausted. You set the pace, the rounds, and he’ll be receptive to your needs. T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?) This may come as a surprise, hell, even a shock (I’ll see myself out) to you, but he doesn’t own any toys. The concept is new to him. He wouldn’t mind experimenting with them, but would find, he prefers his own hands and cock to get you off. He did try it but it’s not his thing. Give him some points for trying though. U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Does not tease. If he does its not intentional. Likewise, he’s not into teasing. He doesn’t like to see you beg for anything, just because sex isn’t something you should have to beg him for. Not with how intimate and sacred he views it. V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make) Thunder is loud when it’s getting closer and so is he. He has the potential to get worked up and make some very sinful moans and groans. That’s another reason he prefers the privacy of a bedroom. He can get very loud and worked up. Some very loud moans, head thrown back in pure pleasure. It’s a very godly sight to behold. W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice) NSFW; Dark Raiden would not be opposed to using Electrostimulation on you, taking you from behind and generally being rougher with you. All caution has been thrown to the wind so to speak. Dark Raiden would be one hell of a fuck. Like, Lock the doors and close the blinds, you’re going for a fucking ride. SFW; He has never felt this way about someone before. He’s always been soft with Mortals from Earthrealm, but you are something completely different. He wants to spend your life with you. If he could not find a way to prolong your life, so you could live out his with him; he would probably never move on and care for someone the way he has for you. X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words) Larger than average, way over 6’5 probably pushing 7 inch. Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?) Not very high. He will deal with it when the need arises. Sexual pleasure is not the highest priority on his list. Because he has a lot of shit to deal with and has no time for himself. Man needs a rest. Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Has problems with sleeping so will always fall asleep after you. But he’s more than content with cuddling up with you whilst you sleep. Curiously watching as you slumber ever so softly and gently. You look so precious and you remind him of his duty to Earthrealm and why he protects it so much.
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bestfriendforhire · 4 years
Children of BFFH, Entry 48
 Even after a couple weeks with the three brothers on their island, the world held constant wonder for me.  We had flown to this city on an airplane in the night, and parts of the city still seemed lively.  The view from the air had been dazzling. lights stretching out toward the horizon.  On the ground, I could see that many of the streets were lit, but empty.  I wanted to explore and learn more, but we were racing the sun.  Vampires were always racing the sun.  I had learned this.
 The blood knowledge granted me was full of facts and language skills, but Vito said he couldn’t share wisdom or understanding through blood.  I had no idea what he had meant initially, but Zachary and Papak⁠—Vito’s brothers⁠—helped Vito to show me.  I knew dozens of languages, but I could completely miss what was being said if I didn’t understand colloquialisms of the area in which they were spoken.  Likewise, I knew what numerous machines were, but I still didn’t understand the details of how they worked.  The blood knowledge granted me mental paintings, but I needed experience to relate to the artists’ emotions.
 Learning from the brothers was much more fun than the tutors in my old life, strict and impatient if I grew distracted.  My old home was probably long gone.  My dresses, hairbrush, and lyre certainly were.  Embroidery practice wasn’t necessary anymore, though Vito felt I should still perfect my skills just for the sake of having them.
 “What’s the matter, child?” questioned Vito as he wiped a tear from my cheek.
 I shook my head, saying, “Nothing.  Sorry.”
 Ariadne hugged me.  “Missing us already?  We will visit.”
 “I was thinking of my mother.  I know she’s been dead for hundreds of years, but I feel that I saw her just weeks ago.” I explained, brushing another tear away.  I knew Ariadne wouldn’t care about tears in her shirt, but I still did.  I lived in a time where fabrics were precious and tended with great care.  Ariadne could create new ones in an instant, already cut and sewn.  Magic lessons were more important now than knowing how to store my clothes.
 Ariadne squeezed me tighter, looking more like a girl my age than an old vampire of considerable renown.
 “Never forsake your tears, my dear.  Vampires who forget the concerns of mortals don’t tend to live long themselves.” stated Vito, smiling at me like a kindly grandfather.  “We’re here.” He announced, though the limousine hadn’t stopped yet.
 I looked out and saw a sprawling building, not the biggest I had seen since waking, but certainly quite large.  The brothers had spoken of James Michael Somerset III in so many different ways that I had no way knowing what he’d be like.  He was rich.  That much was inarguable.  I wasn’t certain if he was young or old, human or something else.  The brothers acted as if he was a younger brother, but spoke of him as someone of incredible power whenever I asked a question.  They made jokes about him, but warned never to underestimate him.  They were probably confusing me on purpose.
 I blinked, and then found myself staring.  A young man had appeared at the front of the house.  He wore a fine suit, similar to how the brothers dressed, and looked as if he was prepared to wait an eternity for us to reach him.  Yes, the limousine was a slow, meandering thing, but the brothers had insisted that acting mortal when observed was paramount for a vampire, lest we draw the attention of a Slayer.  I took most of my first week to realize that the Slayers were a family, not a group of vampire hunters, though they apparently did hunt vampires down if the vampires drew their ire.
 “I’m sure I’ve told you, Valeria, but you should always expect James to know more than you do.  These days, he tends to be more aware than my brothers and me.” Vito reminded me, smiling as he observed James.
 When we finally stepped out of the car, James immediately smiled, saying, “Always a pleasure to see you, my friends.”  He leaned down to look me in the eye and held out a hand as he said, “Valeria, meeting you is a pleasure as well.  I am James Michael Somerset III, and you are quite welcome to live here, though I left discussing your presence with Cosette to Vito and Ariadne.”
 Vito was frowning a little when I looked up at him.  “How long have you known?” questioned Vito.
 “Only three weeks, but I am quite certain that Cosette will oblige you.  Unfortunately, I can’t remain to see you inside.  I’m actually out on business at the moment, but Mila is ever willing to accommodate your needs.” he told us, disappearing as he said the last word.
 “But… I wasn’t even awake yet three weeks past.” I stated, looking to Vito and Ariadne for answers.
 “No, you weren’t, but James is James.” replied Vito, still frowning slightly.
 “You know there was probably a reason he couldn’t warn us.” suggested Ariadne.
 “How could he be out on business if he was here?” I questioned, hoping for an actual answer to this one.
 “James is James.” replied Vito with a shrug.  “He didn’t run off just now.  He either wasn’t really here, leaving an incredible illusion to greet us, or he teleported here long enough to greet us in person.  Either way, don’t expect anyone else to pull off such a trick.”  Then he muttered in a barely audible whisper “I swear I felt him, so he was probably here.”
 “In this household, you’ll be able to be yourself without disguise.  Most everyone has magic of their own.  Though some are very human physically, others will exceed you greatly.  Do be careful not to hurt anyone, or you might see what James is like when he’s in a bad mood.” warned Ariadne.
 The doors opened, and a very beautiful maid stood just inside the building.  I jumped, my head swiveling back and forth, when I caught sight of our driver stepping out of the limousine.  They looked like the same person!  That face… “Mila!?” I asked.
 “Yes, I am Mila Wilson.” replied the maid as she curtsied.  “If you need anything, just ask.  I’ll hear and attempt to help you.”
 “You’re the oracle of the mirror.” I told her, wanting to be certain.
 She smirked.  “I’m hardly an oracle, but I am well-connected.  My other body will get your bags, so please follow me.”
 “Always listen to Mila if she gives you instruction, my dear.” stated Vito as he and Ariadne went up into the house.  “Mila takes care of this household and all who dwell here.  She’s also the daughter of the brightest person you’ll ever meet, and her daughter is…  Well, how is Serenity these days?”
 “Exuberant just as often as when you last saw her.  I’m keeping her distracted with a project at the moment, so she won’t bother Valeria before she’s moved in.” explained Mila, sounding amused.
 Vito nodded and said, “‘Exuberant’ does seem quite fitting for her.  Valeria, don’t challenge Serenity at anything until after you’ve gotten to know her.  Just as you could accidentally hurt some of the more human children here, Serenity could accidentally hurt you if she gets carried away.”
 “She rarely hurts anyone other than herself more than superficially, at least physically.  The shock to people’s minds is more often the problem.” insisted Mila, glancing back at us.
 “Have there been any serious incidents lately?” questioned Ariadne in concern.
 Mila shook her head.  “No.  The worst we’ve had recently was a visitor who suffered from mild shock after having a snowball fight.  Serenity went a little overboard trying to protect her.”
 “Snowball fight?” I asked.
 “Ah, yes.  You would’ve been kept indoors in winter.  Rolling small balls of snow and throwing them at one another in a sort of game was common even when you were born.  Here, there are probably complicated rules and a great deal of magic involved.” explained Vito.
 “Magic more than rules in our snowball fights.” acknowledge Mila, sounding amused.
 When I stopped asking questions, Mila started explaining what rooms we were passing throughout the house, promising to show me a map and explaining more once I was in my room.  The second floor of the Northwest wing was where Cosette lived, and where I’d be staying if she agreed.
 The door opened as we arrived, and a pretty, chestnut-haired woman with deep blue eyes stood there in a lovely, white blouse and a dark blue skirt that barely went past her knees.  I knew that this wasn’t considered immodest now, but I also knew my mother wouldn’t have approved, even with the white stockings covering her legs.
 Brushing back some wandering strands of hair, the woman said, “What a pleasant surprise!  Please, come in.”  Then she stepped out of the way, motioning for us to enter.
 “Sorry to barge in on you like this, but we felt discussing things with you in person would be for the best.” replied Ariadne, squeezing me by my shoulders after she walked with me into the room.  “This is Veleria Cornaro.”
 Curtsying, I said, “A pleasure to meet you, Cosette.”  I felt nervous, reminded of when mother introduced me to different nobles.
 Cosette seemed amused when I met her eyes.  Had I done something wrong?  What if she turned me away?  What would become of me?
 “Nice to meet you, Valeria.  Care to sit?” she asked, pointing us onward farther into the room.
 “Thank you, my dear.” replied Vito, gracefully walking past her and taking a seat on a comfortable-looking sofa.  Furniture had changed a great deal over the years, and I couldn’t gauge whether much of what was in here would be considered expensive or not.
 Ariadne and I sat next to him, and Cosette took a seat opposite to us on another sofa there.  She was well-bred.  Her posture as she walked and sat made me certain of it.  She was speaking with one of the oldest three vampires and still seemed confident in her domain.
 “I accept.” stated Cosette after we sat in silence for several seconds.
 Huh?  What just happened?
 “Are you sure?” questioned Ariadne.
 “Yes.  Though this is certainly unexpected, You and Vito wouldn’t bring such an untrained vampire here if she did not need someone to care for her.  She obviously needs some more practice blending in, although I’d guess her to be at least a couple hundred years old.  How did you find her?” questioned Cosette.
 I couldn’t figure out what I was missing, but I knew I must be missing a great deal.
 “Quite right.  She is five-hundred-and-sixty-four years old, but her mind matches her body.  Whoever prepared her blood bath was quite skilled, so her body was almost at peak condition within days.  There was an accident at an archaeological site, and the worker’s blood revived her when the seal was broken.  Highly unusual circumstances.  She’s fifteenth century Italian and from a noble family at that.  Furthermore, she possesses quite rare magic.  Even Ariadne hadn’t seen the like among the fey.” explained Vito as if talking about an enjoyable outing.
 I had so many questions.  What was a blood bath?  Who was injured?  What were the fey he spoke of?  Would asking anything be considered rude by Cosette?
 Apparently reading my worries on my face, Cosette said, “A blood bath is, more or less, what it sounds like, Valeria.  A vampire is immersed in blood that was transformed, allowing it to retain vital energy for many, many years.  That was primarily used as a way to hide during dangerous years for our kind.  Your body drank up the blood and its energy.  A more experienced vampire would have been able to completely wake themselves after the blood ran out.  Since you were newly turned when you went in, you didn’t have that sort of reflex, drying out till you were indistinguishable from a well-preserved corpse.”
 “What seal was broken?  Who was injured?” I asked, since she seemed obliging.
 Ariadne hugged me again.  “One of the workers was struck by a crumbling pillar.  The lid of your coffin was broken, allowing his blood to nourish you.”
 “And what are the fey?” I asked.
 “Magical beings whose blood mingled with that of humans off and on throughout the years, granting magical gifts to the descendents.  Some can disappear at whim.  Others can control light, sound, or fire.  There are fey who change their shape faster than you can change your clothes.  Categorizing them all would be tedious, so we tend to lump them together more often than not.” she told me.
 “What is your magic like?” questioned Cosette.
 Seeing Vito nod, I showed her.  Her eyes widened in surprise, and she smiled at me in delight.  Maybe she really would accept me.
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the muse (a poem)
Hard to trust but easy to lust after You think I'm so unique I'm so “different and exotic” My insecurities almost seem erotic It's almost endearing how I'm so neurotic No need to ask why You don't really want to know Nice to meet you My name is written in all caps Everything I say has a sigh and a quirk So charming yet so wounded A lost gleam in my look That some bad guy took And you can give it back to me... Cuz you love me so much Cuz, You're the hero in this movie The only man who could possible move me And you're gonna prove to me that my neat and sweet problems Are just dark enough but still adorable enough That only you can solve them You with your ironic type writer Your collection of white lighters Though, you don't smoke Your obsession with Japanese pop songs Your need to clean my apartment cuz I do it “wrong” In a magical way of course Aren't I such an aesthetically pleasing Pinterest board tumblr greeting “mess” But you don't mind cuz I'm the best at being imperfect? A dreamy and airy not too sexually alluring part Meant to play guitar using the strings you make believe are in your heart Speaking of which, You said I broke your moms heart... ...thank god u explained how my bleached hair doesn't make me “not smart.” Cuz you’re My knight in shining armour ? and designer brand distressed converse? The one who only knows how to converse if the subject is me And my OCD PTSD ADD You find every way to abbreviate me But still lay me Then gently brag about it cuz you didn't “make me” As if it's a noble achievement you somehow managed not to rape me And it’s so strange how you'd rather frame that statement than claim me But then we'll cuddle And you'll be happy You “cured” the girl who's uncomfortable With the scars on her body So I'm ok now? You said you find it “sexy” and after all... why would anything bother me If you don't mind it? If you still call me? Nice to meet you, I'm here to teach you How to be fearless and brave But when I get afraid? You run away I am replaced by a softer face The new girl The cool girl Hangs with a cool crowd eats pizza and drinks beer And her weight never exceeds 92 pounds She's just “ fun” not as “damaged” BUT if she was you'd know how to handle it Cuz you handled me once... Wasn't that rough? Now you've found “the good girl” “The sweet girl” The “Can't wait til my mom meets her” girl “Mothering speaks another language” girl You have to label every girl... make stable every girl In your mind, it’s so kind Cuz you’re so selfless... you just might be human to these girls. The appear to be tough but secretly feel unloved ones The daddy issues one The emotional wreck always carries Kleenex one The crazy obsessed with your every word ex one And the next one and the next one But you can't love someone you can't trust And you can't trust someone you need to direct And the girl you think I am is a prop you place/a mic stand you spit your words through cuz she has a voice that carries So, you think it's charity care about me As if it's generous to not restrain me Or a blessing you entertain me Like I should feel lucky you sustain me Cuz I'm a wild animal and maybe with your mass produced love you can tame me Ya know, it's unneccary to say things like "our love scares me" cuz I'm not scary You say I am... Cuz how dare I put “me” Before “you” Guess because, to you, "me" is a project Or an object A vessel for your creativity or a graveyard for your organ Same guy who hears my past Looks at me as if I'm glass while saying You don't “mind it” Yet, the second I'm trying to hold it together Cuz my past is tethered to My chest You can't deal with it Even though your not the one who feels it Youre shocked you can't heal it Just By saying you don't mind it I Overhear your friends say they don't buy it As if I cried it As if the only thing Ive got going for me Is sympathy As if nobody could love me if they didn't feel sorry for me Say my anxiety makes you feel guilty Say I shouldn't give a shit when the wall has a hole from your fist Cuz it's not me you hit But why when we're fighting do you feel the need to hit something? Why can't we disagree without leaving debree ? Why can't we have a conversation Without you making me think I'm an obligation? You say “how can your boyfriend rape you?”... If you have to ask that question why do you question why I question if I should stay with you? You're not glue or stitches or band aids for bitches Who don't appreciate your nice guy won't make you cry approach To dealing with this pulse ridden ghost You're so blindly opaque In putting me in my place Of making sure I know I'm just a phase A kewpie doll face Porcelain skin that's scraped A bookmark a character ark Saying words of a shark in the voice of a skylark You only notice me when it's dark or when you're horny Read my freckles like brale footnotes Then Pretend you know me Only notice me when you're lonely Appreciate the previous me When it's good for your story And then the next me Won't worry If you get a text from me You'll ignore me I'm not in this film I was fired Cuz your tries to perfect me Direct me Expired You can't accept me When I'm tired or when I cry or When you're tired but I'm wired Cuz I’m just a body , right ? just big eyes big tits big mouth big personality A warped reality That saves you From your sense of mortality Nice to meet you ... I'm here to teach you You can't save this story... You can’t even save you.
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lestatdesade · 5 years
I've been trying not to take adderall bc its been fucking up my skin big time but when I take it I feel so. much. better. It doesnt entirely remove the fatigue but it does mitigate the brain fog and lets me avctually think about things. Also yesterday I was like "wow i've been so unproductive" but actually I plowed through my entire list minus a couple drawings that I cant do bc I ran out of decent paper to draw on. Like I work 5 days on, then 5 days off, but the museam is closed on certain days that are low traffic or have privately done tours. So its a bit weird. But yeah yrsterday I scanned ALMOST ALL THE FILM IVE BEEN PROCRASTINATING ON, I just have one more roll to scan left!!! Then I can justify sending out some more rolls that I have to be developed. Oh, and I got a 45 year old sx70 camera from a flea market thats in super good condition and the 2 pics I took look great but I havent had the chance to take it somewhere nice to use it. It kind of needs full daylight to work and it's been raining or too hot for me to go outside at all. It's such a nicely built camera. I said that I wouldnt get one bc it requires different film than my other polaroid cameras but it's really nice, heavy leather and metal build. and it folds up to be super compact??? It's so, so nice and I'm forever salty that modern tech devices just don't have thje same quality. Everything these days is built to be shitty and have no life. This camera is older than me, and tbh, it'll probably outlive me and still function well. but with the huge advances that we've made technologically, none of my current electronics will ever hope to outlive my 70s camera. I don't think its a lack of ability for companies to construct quality goods, bc manufactuering in a digital age of laser tech thats very uniform and not human made is easier, but they PURPOSEFULLY skimp on quality to sell more. to me, thats just the fuckin epitome of stupid. Like hey, we have such incredible technological knowledge, but lets fuckin ignore it so we can make more money from having phones and computers that are pretty much disposable in usage bc they have such a short lifespan. idk it just bothers me, but as a lead on, I've been working super hard on learning new art skills. I've been working a great deal w/ watercolors and I am dabbling in using UV resin. when i visisted my grandma for her birthday, I asked if I could pick one of her beloved pansy flowers. So I picked it, pressed it and encased it in resin to make a pendant. I think she's really going to love it. She makes great pressed flower art, so i fee like its a collab between us, though I don't have nearly as much experience. She gave me a pressed flower arrangement she did and framed it for me for christmas and everytime i see it I m just filled with this kind of overwhelming happiness that she made it for me. I always feel very bleak about my life expectancy since my dad died before he hit 50, and my mother is in her midsixties and I doubt if she'll make it to 70. But my grandma is like, in her 90s and walks without assistance, climbs stairs, routinely spends time with friends, and is probably more mentally sharp than I am. So I'm hoping my parents bS will skip a generation and I'll get my grandmas health. I'm not really afraid to die, but I think looking at how my parents lack of longevity doesnt really make me feel positive about the fact that I'm inching closer and closer to 30 and that I'm sure that all the psychiatric meds I've taken, and all this stress and fatigue have greatly shortened my life span. But I'm trying to keep positive and realize that much of my goals in life that have been long term were made out of internalizing toxic ideas and psychological manipulation and gaslighting. I know that deep down, most of the ideas that I have formed around even the most basic concepts of life, death and selfqworth are tainted by the abuse I went through as a kid. But I'm reearning a lot of it and really thinking about things in a way that is detached from my own experiences, and trying to reposition my perspectives. I think the idea that anyone can unlearn the hatred they are taught and that even some really "defined:" beliefs we have are more or less conditioning has really hanged the way I feel about myself. I'm less concerned about my own mortality, my legacy, and the thoughts of others. I just want to enjoy this experience of being alive, and anything more was really a lie and a delusion that I was tricked into thinking. I used to belive that if I didn't EXCEED EXPECTATIONS and make a mastery of myself then that would prove my abusers right, and confirm the idea that I am worthless as truth. But I have learned that basing peoples worth off of their success is stupid, and I can't change the illness that has destroyed all my hopes and dreams. And also that well, I don't NEED to have these crazy, unattainable goals and pipedreams to make myself feel like I deserve to live. I deserve to live, exactly as I am, even if I am a nuerotic loser who lives with my mom despite being nearly 30 and having a job. I domt have to be some fucking legend to show people that I didn't need to kill myself. I never should have felt as though that was an obligation to begin with. I exist because I do, and I don't hurt others or act recklessly in a way that endangers other people. I don't hoard resources so that others cant use them. I'm just a nuetral being, thats akll
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avengerdragoness · 7 years
Children of The Gods Ch. 3 - Demigod AU [Jason Todd x Reader]
A/n: Chapter 3!!! Since you guys said you didn’t really care if it was long, I just went with this one and it’s a bit lengthy. Sorry I’m posting it late, I just couldn’t stop lol. I really enjoyed writing this chapter!! I hope you guys love it and I’d love to know if you love it!
Ch. 1 - Ch. 2 - Ch. 4 - Ch. 5 - Ch. 6
Tagging: @memento-scribet @cherryignacio @queen-of-all-the-fandoms @annoyed-kitten11 @4evahevah @crazyfangirl1810 @aworldwideapart @shortycraft13 @nerdy-and-ginger @bat-lakota @left-boob-chris @tim-help @zuni21798 @hamsterforlive @books-netflix-and-pizza @sad-horchata @star-wars-5555 @abluepenguinlove @so-little-time-to-many-fandoms @ultralillylove @holywinchesterness @miraisnotavailable @marvelsimaginess @axa-vega @heyitsilverwolf @elysiannostalgia @kazuha159
It’s early in the morning, the sun hasn’t even come over the horizon yet. As there were about a thousand things running through your head as you walked through the camp. This trip was going to take nearly all five days if your calculations were correct. You don’t know where the adamantine itself is, but have knowledge of where a map that leads to it is. Though, the map is guarded by the Drakon Kholkikos. An ancient dragon that used to guard the Golden Fleece. It’s no easy feat, and it would not be easy to retrieve everything else you needed before actually going after the adamantine.
You were lost in strategizing and thinking of anything else you might need, you never even felt the eyes of all the half-bloods on you. Usually you were upbeat and aware of the people around you. Always shooting smiles their way or stopping to talk and check up on the younger demigods. But you were so focused and serious, no one had the guts to come up to you today. Especially after last night’s display, some of them never realized how powerful you actually are. They’re not scared of you, but they’re definitely intimidated.
No one dared come up to you until you entered the stables. Finding Kaldur leaning against your pegasus’ stall. “[F/n] we need to talk.” Making eye contact, you ignored his order and went into the stall. Leading the animal out before mounting and continuing on as you were. Though Kaldur wasn’t letting you off that easy. “[F/n] Stop!” he yelled after you before retrieving his own steed.
Following you all the way up to the cabin dedicated to your father, your cabin. “[F/n], you’re not getting out of this conversation.” He said while following you inside. “Kaldur, is this necessary?” asking with an annoyed tone. “Yes. I’m not going to let you go out there and get yourself killed. [F/n] I understand your reasoning behind this, you feel responsible for what happened to Garfield. You feel like you have an obligation to M’gann. However, you and I both know this is a dangerous mission. I wish the two of us could handle it ourselves but this exceeds us both.”
“I will not put anyone else in danger for damage I caused. If I’m going to live up to the expectations that come with being Zeus’ daughter, I must be able to fix my own mistakes.” You whipped around to face him. Frustration in your tone. “You’re not your father [F/n]! Yes, there are expectations that come with being a child of the Big Three, I know, but we are still mortal. We aren’t gods.” He told you sternly, knowing when you’re frustrated and stressed it’s the only way to get through to you. He knows you know these things, but he must bring out your rational side once more. You’ve always been a warrior who relies on instinct before all else, so when you’re worked up, Kaldur is a good person to have around.
“We can bring along warriors we both feel are trained and strong enough for this. I suggest Dick and Conner, Conner is the lead guard and Dick was trained by Bruce. They both can handle themselves.” Kaldur suggested as you leaned against a desk. Thinking. “Fine, but make sure they know the risks. These trials are life or death, the monsters don’t show mercy. They have two purposes, protect and kill.”
He nodded before turning and exiting the cabin hurriedly.
As soon as he left you felt a presence. “You disagree with my decision.” Asking while turning to the lightning bolt as it lay in it’s case. It was left for you for two reasons. One being, the daughter of Zeus should learn to wield her father’s weapon. The second, being a way for your father to communicate with you, it acting as a phone of sorts.
“You could handle this yourself.” A low voice rumbled through the room. “You are my daughter, you have the makings to become a goddess.” You sneered at the comment, “You mistake me for another.”
“I do not.” The voice rumbled again. “I would not have left you such a weapon if I did not believe it so. You are better than this. Your abilities exceed those of these friends of yours”
Scoffing you turned away. It wasn’t often your father talked to you, he only did it if there was purpose. “What do you want father? You don’t normally pop in just to say ‘hi,’ what have I done wrong this time?”
“Other than thinking lesser of yourself. You grow affections for one of the new half-bloods. This son of Athena.” You shook your head, “I hardly know him.” For some reason your father always had troubles with the Goddess or any of her offspring. Not that you knew why, it was ‘olympus matters’ after all. “I know these things my daughter. Such affections are but a distraction.”
“Coming from you, that’s a bit hypocritical.” Rolling your eyes. “Your actions are that of a child.” He growled. You clenched your jaw, turning to the open case “And yours are one of a god not a father! I am no goddess, I’m not immortal like you! I am not you! My life is fragile and I must remain cautious, you wish for me to be this immortal being of which I am not! If you want me to stay out of your brother’s grasp then I suggest you don’t doubt me or my friend’s abilities. They are fine warriors and I trust them with my life!”
“Were you not just the one needing persuasion to bring your friends?” He questioned angrily. “I was but not because I think them weak, I actually care for their safety and know the perils ahead. I don’t want them hurt no matter their skill.” Snapping back.
“No matter, they will hold you back [F/n].” You shook your head, “You’ve said your peace now leave me to mine.”
“So be it.”
After those words you felt the presence leave the room. Sitting down in a chair near the desk, the case sitting open. Looking over at it, you slammed it shut and flipped the clasps closed. Running your hands through your hair, resting your head in your hands. Feeling rage rush through you system, you soon had stood and swiped everything to the left off the case clear off the table. Leaning against it on your hands, seething. “Hold me back, what does he know? ‘Almighty’ my ass.”
Picking up your backpack that has your supplies and the case with the bolt in it, sliding your sword into the scabbard your hip. Heading out the door to leave this place behind for a good while. Once mounting the pegasus you gave the cabin one last glance before clicking your tongue, signalling for the animal to go.
Flying you found Kaldur with a group of the veterans of the camp and the new recruits. After landing you dismounted. “[F/n], good morning” M’gann greeted you. “Good morning” Eyes trailing over the rather large group. Kaldur, Conner, Dick, Jason, Kori, Roy, Wally, Tim, Barbara, Cass, Steph, M’gann, and Zatanna. Turning to the veterans you began, “Okay, so as you all know Dick, Conner, Kaldur, and I are leaving this morning. While we’re away, I need you guys to pick up the slack from our absence. Wally, I need you to keep up on communications, be ready if we need you out there. Zatanna, we need to figure out how the Sirens got through the barrier and get it back to full capacity. Tim, I’d appreciate if you could assist her with research. Cass, while we’re away you’re lead guard. Steph, you’ll take over Dick’s position in helping any new recruits. Barbara I need you to fill in for Kaldur as second in command around here. Finally, M’gann I’m trusting you to keep this place in line. You’re a great leader and the half bloods trust you. I know I’m asking a lot but I need this from you.” Placing your hand on your shoulder.
She smiled, “You can count on me. Bring Garfield home.” Returning her smile you nodded.
“[F/n], we wish to accompany you. We know the real world well and could be of use to you.” Kori stepped up, drawing your attention to her. “I appreciate the offer but I refuse to put anyone else in harms way.” Shaking your head at her.
“I don’t know. [F/n] she could be right. They were strong assets in the siege last night.” Conner spoke up, calling your attention there. “My answer is no.”
“Why?” Roy asked. You turned to him, “Do you know what this mission entails? These monsters we will face will be nothing like the ones from the siege. They have but two purposes, to protect what they’re guarding and to do so by killing. They won’t show you mercy of any sorts and they will never let their guard down. You let yours down and you’ll spend the rest of eternity in the company of Hades. Are you willing to risk that?”
The three exchanged a look before looking back to you, “Absolutely” Jason answered sternly. Looking at his back you noticed the hilt of the sword you had given him the other day. Getting an idea your hand shot to the hilt of your own sword, drawing it you went to strike Jason. His instincts and reflexes kicked in, drawing his own he blocked the attack. “What the hell [F/n]!?” Wally yelled.
You only smirked, not breaking eye contact with Jason. Pulling your sword back you put it back on your hip. “A test, you passed. If you’re willing to put your lives on the line I can’t stop you.” Hearing that they smiled at each other, “But! You do so, you follow my command. Do we have a deal?”
“Deal” they said in unison. “Well, we’re losing daylight. We should get moving.” Turning to the three others joining you. They nodded, and you turned to your veterans again. “Keep the place in one piece while we’re away.” Wally gave you a thumbs up, “You can count on us.”
However you walked over to your pegasus, “Keep an eye on them beauty” whispering before handing her over to M’gann. “Alright, let’s get moving.” Saying while picking up the case with your weapon in it.
“We are to head to a place called the Lost Sea Caverns. They are a series underground caverns with lakes. That is where we can find the map.” Kaldur instructed and you nodded. “Alright, that should be around a day of travel. We need to go.”
After that your group moved to step outside the gate, though when you passed Jason you called his attention, “And Jason. Nice sword.” Smirking while passing him. He chuckled before putting it on his back once more.
While traveling Jason and the other Outlaws began to talk to Conner and Kaldur more. Getting to know the people they were going to be fighting beside. Roy and Kori adding Dick to the mix. However they were all a bit disappointed you didn’t join in on any conversation.
Kaldur thought this strange, usually you were all for getting to know new demigods. Crisis or not. Sometimes you like to think he knows you too well. There are some things you just want to keep to yourself, your relationship with your father being one of them. Everyone at camp thinks you have the strongest bond when it comes to immortal parents, however you two barely see eye to eye. That’s what’s clouding your mind right now, and keeping you from conversating.
“Is [F/n] alright?” Kori asked leaning toward Kaldur. He sighed, “She has a lot on her shoulders. Being a child of the Big Three adds a lot of extra pressure. [F/n] and I are the only ones to be children of the Big Three. My father is not as harsh as Zeus though, things like this take a toll on her.” He explained, not going into much detail.
“What is Poseidon like Kaldur, does he speak to you?” Roy asked, peering around Kori. “Sometimes, through the water. He can be as calm as a stream to as harsh as a raging sea. Though he is often understanding.” Kaldur answered sincerely. Honestly you thought he has the best relationship with his immortal parent.
“Conner, Dick, what about you?” Kori looked at the two other men. They shook their head, “It’s not often because they have multiple children instead of just one. In a fight or battle we may hear from them but it’s a different set of circumstances.” Conner explained as Dick agreed.
“So we will most likely not hear from our parents.” Kori said sadly, looking over at Roy. “I wouldn’t say that.” You interrupted from in front of them all, “It doesn’t just depend on skill, but dedication to your training and willingness to help people. Conner and Dick are being modest, I know they are often communicated with. Apollo and Ares are proud of them. Along with Poseidon with Kaldur. Doing something like this, it will make you parents proud as well.” Glancing back at them, a caring look in your eyes.
“Thank you [F/n]” Kori thanked you smiling. Jason watched as you turned back forward, throwing back up any walls you had just put down.
Kaldur noticed his watching you. “You are curious about her.” He more stated than asked. Jason looked at him, noticing the others caught up in conversation. He nodded. “[F/n] is reserved in situations such as these. She carries the weight of the world on her shoulders, being the one in charge so she takes full force of any mishaps. She won’t ever even let me take some of the weight off her. However, she trusts you. When she lunged at you at the camp, she knew you would block it. Perhaps you are different, maybe she will let you carry some of that weight.”
Jason shook his head, “I’m nothing special. Just someone who was given a second chance.”
“Maybe, that’s what makes you different.” Kaldur said keeping his eyes on Jason. Jason shrugged sighing, “Maybe.”
You had all traveled quite aways when it began to become too dark to go any farther. You announced that you’d set up camp, still being a good ways in the forest. Everyone seemed to sigh in relief. After building camp everyone basically passed out immediately.
Though you didn’t find sleep as easily. Thinking everyone was asleep you rose and headed to where you had seen a stream on the map. However you didn’t realize Jason was still up. When he noticed you leaving he decided to tail you.
Though coming upon the stream you were nowhere in sight. He looked around confused until something fell beside him. Looking down he noticed a branch, his brows furrowed in confusion. “Up here” someone called. Looking toward the source of the voice he saw you sitting on a branch, your back leaning against the trunk of the tree while one leg was dangling and the other was bent. “So, you like trees.” he joked.
You laughed, “Closer to the sky.” He nodded in understanding, watching as you motioned for him to come up. He grabbed onto a branch and began to climb. Making his way to you. Once on the same branch as you he noticed you staring at an opening in the trees, looking to see the stars.
“Do you know the constellations?” You asked looking at him. “A few”
“Do you know that one?” Pointing to a certain cluster of stars. He shook his head. “It’s Sagittarius, the Archer. Sagittarius is a Centar. He draws his bow pointing it at Antares, which is the red heart of Scorpius. It’s said he’s avenging Orion who was slain by the sting of a scorpion.” You explained, not looking away from the night sky. Jason smiled, “Who taught you that?”
Your expression turned somber, “My mother used to be an astronomer. She taught me all of them and the stories behind them before she died.” “I’m sorry” You shook your head, “You have nothing to be sorry for, it’s in the past.”
“Maybe but the past can hurt.” You chuckled, “you can either run from it, or learn from it.”
“Wise words of Rafiki.” You laughed. Making Jason smile. “Thank you by the way.” He caught your attention. “For what?”
“Opening my mind up to all of this. The camp I mean, embracing being a half blood.” Your spirits perked back up a bit, “My pleasure.”
A comfortable silence fell between the both of you. “So, what’s it like being the daughter of Zeus?” Jason questioned curiously. You shrugged, “Not as glamorous as one might think. How about you, son of Athena?” He chuckled, “Not bad”
“Care to elaborate?” You rose an eyebrow curiously, swinging your leg mindlessly. “You really want to hear my sob story?” He laughed making eye contact. “Well you’ve already heard about something in my past, it’s only fair.”
Chuckling he began, “Let me start from the beginning. Before I knew about all of this, I lost my parents at a young age. Not that they were necessarily good parents. Like Garfield I never knew of my true heritage until my so called father was arrested then died in prison, and my mother overdosed. I turned into a street kid until one of those monsters put me on their radar. That’s when Bruce saved me and I became one of his wards. He trained me and I did some good, having refused to go to the camp. But there was this certain villain that just kept coming back. The Joker. He ended up setting me up in a trap, using my not so dead mother as bait. I fell into his trap, and well he killed me. I remember being in the underworld, it’s vivid. But my mother, my real mother, Athena apparently made a deal with Hades. That gave me a second chance at life, but Zeus was against it I guess. Though my mother didn’t care, she wanted me to live. So when I came back I met Roy and Kori, and we formed the Outlaws, determined to help people. Working outside of Bruce’s moral code. Then long story short, we were brought to the camp after a mishap on a mission.” Jason explained. His story cleared up a lot of things to you, but you couldn’t help but feel awful. He just poured it all out to you.
“Wow, that’s terrible. I’m sorry you had to go through that, and that my father was against it. It kind of explains why he seems to butt heads with Athena now.” You sighed, remembering what he had said about your ‘affections.’
He shrugged, “Like you said, it’s in the past.” Nodding as another silence fell, “My mother, she was killed by one of the villains. I don’t know which one, the League refuses to tell me. She died in my arms, her last words were telling me about the lightning bolt and my true heritage. After that I was targeted by multiple villains and had some close calls, that was until the League found me and brought me to the camp. That’s where I grew up.”
“I guess we both have some pretty fucked up pasts.” He chuckled as you laughed, “Yeah I guess so. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to just talk to someone like this.”
“Me too” Jason smiled and you felt a blush creep to your cheeks, luckily it’s dark. “Um, we should get back. Tomorrow will be a long day.”
“Yeah, maybe we can make a habit of this. Plus I’d love if you could teach me the rest of the constellations.” Jason smirked while climbing down. You laughed, “I might just take you up on that.”
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warsofellada-blog · 7 years
Broken Hart, Act 1
Broken hart  | Hades and Aeson Origins ACT 1 |
The view pans over to a table with a map pinned to its surface. Black X's scratched in ink over various places and on circled. Those wild eyes scanned the map carefully... and a smile graced her pale features. "This is it.." She whispered. "My destiny... is in this temple. " She chuckled to her self and snatched up her belongings. This all she wanted. To become pure arcane energy, to be powerful and undefeated. It was time she claimed a long awaited prize she was denied so long.. this was the next step. A single book that was rumored to tell all black arcana secretes. Which- liches would be apart of. She and four men, men being a ragged human, a lizard and two orcs helped her through the temple. Loyal boys they were but Hades would be anything but happy. She came to a door that needed a quick puzzle to be opened which she obliged with the right answer. As the chambers opened she could see the book in her view... and she could barely contain her self at its sight. She dropped her bad and stared at the pedestal the book sat on and grinned. "I-Its here.. The Necronomicon.." She rushed up the cob web infested stairs and instantly the human male scrambled in place. " W-Wait Lady aeson it might be a trap!" Oh but she didn't care. She hustled up those stairs and stood in front of that book. Grinning at her prize. Her fortune and her fame all in one setting. "I will finally be made whole. I will be equal to my love and he will not look down upon me as a mere mortal again.." She slowly reached her hands over the book and just took in the beauty of its cover. "How long I have waited for your secrets..." Sje whispered.  She stared at the black cover and a name etched into the leather with gold ink read a name. but time withered it away so she could only make out H-- -Ov--FT which was no help. But it didn't matter. She had her reason for living right here. @Leaf/Maru(edited)
The human was too weak of heart to tattle. The orcs were much too proud to tattle. The lizard, however, had been a spy Hades had planted on Aeson the day he had met her. He hadn't much use for the man up until now. He had warned Hades about her little adventure tonight. A task the demon believed would bring the woman to another dead end. It was why he had decided to follow her into the temple, bringing along a half dozen men just in case. His hopes, when she finally found her hunt was pointless, was to put an end to it all. To convince her that the hunt to become a litch was pointless and a waste of time. To convince her to finally put her full focus on the war ahead of them. Now that he was in full power, he needed everyone following him to stand in line, including the woman he loved. It was an odd word to admit to, but he was certain it was the reason he put up with her disobedience for so long. The men he had brought with him had been left near the entrance of staircase, keeping the companions Aeson had brought with her from sending her a warning. Hades himself slowly made his way up the stairs, pausing near the entrances as a long frown filled his features. She was embracing something, but he couldn't tell if it was actually important or not. Had she... no. He would not accept that truth. "Exactly what do you believe that book will do make you as powerful as myself," he asked, his voice breaking through the silence as his piercing blue eyes narrowed on the woman before him.
She took the book In her fingers and felt the dusty leather. Her thumbs marked streaks across its cover as she slid them up, she then blew on the book and a puff of dirt and dust finally revealed its true beauty. She of course heard Hades come up and his words were to no surprise either. She instead laughed and glanced over to him holding the book. "No... I hope it make me your equal." She hummed. She genuinely looked happy as she fully turned to him. "Don't you see? I have searched for this pool of powers for years.. a century all i wanted was to be more and more powerful but now." She stared at the cover a moment and then grinned back at Hades. "Now i can be a worthy partner.. at the side of a old demon. No one will look down on me or else they will burn." She then flipped the latch in the book and turned away from Hades and flipped the first page. Running her nimble fingers down the rough page. "I will be a liche. I will be pure arcane power, Hades. Don't you want that?" She flipped the next page... unable to read the language of a long dead necromancer. "Who knows.. I might even exceed you're abilities." She laughed.
The frown on his lips only deepened as he watched and listened to Aeson. She was acting in a way he had never seen her act before. It worried him. The more she spoke, the deeper his frown grew but never said a word. He was feeling things he couldn't really pin point. Part of him was confused. He hadn't thought she'd actually find anything worth while in this old temple. He had believed it to be a dead end. A means he could use to end her foolish hunt. Now everything was falling apart in front of him and on top of it all, she was claiming she could possibly grow more powerful then him. He wasn't sure why that bothered him. A part of him was questioning weekday price she'd have to pay for such power. Nothing was ever free and price was often greater then the gain. Yet that wasn't his only feeling. Part of him was panicking. If she became more powerful then himself, would he lose his rule and become a servant again? He couldn't allow that to happen. He had worked too hard to get this far. "Aeson," he slowly made his way around her, stalking like a lion on his pray. "are you certain this is something you should be dabbling in? Power is not something you should fool around with. For all you know, that could be a trick."
Her ears perked as she listened to him prowl around her. But that didn't intimidate her in the slightest. Her eyes glued on the pages of the book as she flipped through a few more pages looking the the one thing she sought after. He must be scared... he has to be. He was a demon and a greedy one at that. But she couldn't help but love him for it. She slammed the book shut and stared at Hades for a long while before she slid the book into her arms. "I have lead armies.. and demolished my kingdom in the search of power. I have slain my family for THIS BOOK HADES AND YOU... you will be no different." She huffed as she stared down at the book and turned away from him. "This is all I need... to gain everything I want. Don't you want me to be a worthy companion...?" She glanced over her shoulder to the demon she fell for.. and fell hard for. But not hard enough to derail her dream of das power. "I would rule by your side. Don't you want that..? With this, with this book I can become something worth your while and a weapon for your army." She turned away from him again stared at the book. "This is it. This is how I will make my mark on the world Hades.."
"You foolish woman, Don’t you dare threaten me." Hades couldn't help but scold in return, "You are already a worthy companion and worthy to rule by my side. I have not shown you this by promoting you above even the other demons? That book may give you power but it does not garentee it is the power you are searching for or desiring. If anything, that power will likely drive mad and turn you against even your own." This was already not going the way he had wanted but he was going to try anyway. If he had to, he'd take and distroy the book. For now, however, maybe he could talk some sense into her. "You do not need that book. Stop this foolish quest and join my side as you are. Together, you and I can rule all of Ellada. You'll have the power you have always desired, but not from that worthless piece of kindle. I shall give you the power you desire." He could only hope she would listen. He wasn’t sure what was in that book but whatever it was, he didn’t want her having it. It threatened everything he had. It threatened his leadership, his glory and his own power. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like that one bit. @Nubby
Aeson hugged that book tightly as she listened to him.. but she turned to him with a genuine look in her eyes. Did he really mean that? Was she truly worthy to rule along side an old demon who had so much going for him..? She sighed and looked down at the book again and just thought of all the sacrifices that went into finding it.. those lost years. All of that time. But there was something in his words that made her very cautious before handing this book over. "Give me my power..? Why so you can take it away when I act out?" She tucked the book away again and stared at him. She stared at him long and hard even moving around him slowly. "You wouldn't care this much if I weren't on to something.. you haven't before. You just want it for your self." She hissed. "What? You think I may betray you? Is that why you don't want me to have what I want?" She narrowed her eyes on him only.. for that softness to return. "I just want to be better for you! I hear your kin murmur about me.. ohh an elf... a elf. a mortal.. nothing is good enough for you blood. But with this. I WILL BE!"
For a moment she looked like she was actually considering his proposal but when she spoke all he could do was curse under his breath. She had figured him out. It pained him but he couldn't deny the truth in her words. "You aren't the type to act out," he answered, avoiding confirming the truth but also not denying it. When she claimed he wanted the power for himself, however, he simply rolled his eyes. "You're being foolish again," a sigh, "I came here expecting you to find nothing again and convince you to forget this foolish quest. I don't fear you betraying me. I fear what you might become. I've seen what too much power can do to immortals. It would be worse for a mortal." He sighed, his expression softening some. "I do not care what the others say. They complain because they don't want to accept that an elf I'd stronger then them. If it's immortality you want, we can find another way. " He paused a moment, letting that sink in before continuing. "At least, let me read over the text to see if it could be harmful." He held his hand out for the book, a worried frown filling his features.March 1, 2018
She listened to him and she was getting confused. She wanted the book and all its contents but she also loved Hades.. she wanted him too. And perhaps he is just looking out for her. Hes done nothing to harm her. She looked down at the book and stared for a moment and hid it away again. She thought about it. And finally she turned to hades peering down at the book and then to him.. " I don't want immortality. I don't want to live forever. I want to be a pure arcane force." She gave him a stern look but softened as she ran he hand over the cover. So many people died for this... she killed her brother and lord knows what happened to her father. She has slaughtered countless villages looking for leads.. burning their civilizations down to the ground. She started to hand the book over to hades willing to comply until a premonition of her brother Xander laid a hand on the cover. "Did I honestly die for this petty love story?"  She hesitated, mutting the name Xander.. "Little sister I did you wrong now let me do right by you. You will never find more love then owning everything.." "No... You're wrong." She snatched the book from the ghostly figure and held her head, hugging the book with her other arm. "I am right. He is a demon lord who already has everything. What would a king do to earn gods level?! Hes going to rob you.. there isn't any love--" "SHUT UP!" A small ring of fire burst from her feet, and quickly vanished. "You men are all the same.. trying to trick me." She stared at the corner where the premonition stood and then stared at Hades. She hugged the book away once more. "Hades please understand why I can't..." "Because im right.."@Leaf/Maru
He watched in silence as Aeson appeared to be having a rather vocal argument with herself. It would be something he'd have to question her about once things settled down and they were back at the camp. For now, he didn't bother to interrupt, instead choosing to simply watch and wait. Perhaps that had been a mistake. By the end of her little argument with herself, she had declined giving the book to him. It caused him to close his eyes, sucking in a deep breath as he held it for a moment. When he finally let it go, his eyes shot open and his human form quickly shed like a thin layer of paper burning away to ash. "Then I have no choice but to use force," He lifted his hand up, a sudden pulse of black magic erupting from his hand, directly towards her and the book. "I'm sorry, Aeson." He wasted no time afterwords , knowing that the sudden attack would not keep her down. So with some flicks and twists of his hands, he began to call forth shadowy shackles in hopes to ground her.@Nubby
Aeson turned right at the moment the spell was cast- She threw hand up for a fire shield to protect her but it wasn't tossed up in time. The elf was knocked back but her position cause her to collide into the stone pedestal, gashing her eye wide open... staining the stone corner red. She hit the ground with a thud nearly sliding off the ledge- but the shadowy shackles kept her from falling. Her hat fell to the first floor and the book bounced down the stairs. Hades didn't inticipate her injury. She took a moment to regain her bearings seeing that she was rattled to a blur. sHe went to get up but the shackles kept her down. The blood streamed down her face and she couldn't open that eye. Blood pooled on the floor. she stared at her palm which caught the blood. "what did I tell you brat? He is going to rob you of everything you worked for..." the premonition laughed. Aeson then realized she no longer had the book and looked frantically... seeing it half down the steps.  She went to get it but the shackles. "No.. no no no Hade please!" She pleaded pulling the shadowy chain. "Hes going to steal everything from you sister.."  She continued to struggle with the chain. Dizzy from hitting her head.
A part of him almost regretted his actions. Not because of what he was going to do but because of the pain he just put her through. He hadn't meant to hurt her like that. All he had wanted to do was knock her back and bind her down. He had learned many years ago that no matter what happened, never deviate from your initial choice. Going back on them often caused more problems in the long run. So, sollowing his worry for her, he closed in on his target; the book. Slowly he bent down, picking the thing up and straightening his back once more. It was old and in all honesty, probably held a lot of useful information that he himself could use someday. However, keeping the book was not his goal. It would only give Aeson hope and he didn't need that right now. "I'm sorry Aeson, but this is the only way," without explaining himself any further, he opened the book, bending the front and back cover until they touched ends. He then turned towards the nearest torch, lifting the book over the hot flames. It took mer seconds for the old, dry pages to light up in flames and within a few seconds there was hardly anything left but ash.
March 2, 2018
She continued to tug at the chain- She stared at Hades. He picked up the book and she reached out for him. "Please- HADES! NO HADES DON'T!!" She screamed at him there was nothing she could do... she was helpless. She watched the book crumble to ash and her ears rang and her vison still blurry. She truly felt the defeat. Hades demon from faded out only for the premonition of her brother to kneel down before her. She stared at the floor...  "I told you sister. But you you were weak and foolish" Aeson didn't move she just continued to stare at the puddle of blood at started to accumulate under her palm. "Ignorant retched brat... you killed us all for nothing. Look at you. Weak and helpless.."
" I .. am not helpless.." she muttered. "Stupid woman.. you should have died when I tried to kill you. How you bested me was a fluke. Just like your Orc Fe--"Aeson's vision and mind shattered like glass. Her sanity dwindled away. The torches on the walls roared fiercely as aeson stood to her feet. Her eyes blank and wild, he smiled contorted into a wicked smile. A pulse of flame burst from her stance as she whipped her hand over to grab the chain, and from her palm a fire flared busting the chain in two. with her blooded face she stared Hades down. "You have taken the one thing I LIVED FOR YOU GREEDY LITTLE IMP!" She hissed, her words laced with venom. She changed in a matter of minutes.. seconds. She started to charge up a flame so harsh and so fierce that her finger tips singed.. the fire she was about to cast was fueled purely on hated and anger. It licked her palm, eating away at the skin on her hand. But she didn't seem to feel anything... but heart ache. And shattered dreams. "You betrayed me.. and now you will burn!" The fire twirled and swirled towards hades, close range... a spell she may never cast like that again. The whole room lit up and left little room for even Aeson to dodge. The force of her own spell knocked even she back.. but that wouldn't stop her until he was dead.
Hades let out a long sigh when the book finished burning, the frown still clear on his lips and his eyes almost looking saddened by what he had just done. All he could do was continue to tell himself that he had no other choice. This had been his only way to protect him. She'd forgive him someday. Maybe not today, a month, years... but she would forgive him. She had to see what he did was to protect her from... well, herself. "Aeson, you must understand that I had no choice," He tossed the burning book into the nearest table, his eyes never once leaving her. "It was the only way you would listen. I can not ideally stand by and-" he paused as he realized the woman he was speaking to didn't appear to be listening to him... or rather... didn't appear to be able to hear him. She was taking this harder then he had expected her to and as he approached her, what little of a heart he held, sunk deeper into his chest. "Aeson..." he didn't get a chance to say anything more as she suddenly yelled at him, calling him an imp of all things. It caused his look of worry to grow. A look that quickly changed to shock. Then he did something he had never had to do in all his life time; he took a step back. His eyes quickly widen as she yelled again, claiming he had betrayed her. He had no chance to do anything more to defend himself then raise his arms up in a defesive position. An action that did very little to protect him as his body was engulfed in flames and body thrown across the room, his back hitting the wall with a loud thump. Everything in his body hurt. That was something else new to him. Yes, he had been in pain before but nothing like this. His body was betraying him, unable to lift himself up or move from his spot. He wanted to but he couldn't. So instead he sat there, his breath heavey as he forced his eyes open. "Aeson... please..."
Aeson stood up on the ledge staring down at Hades.. Her hand was blistered so badly the skin cracked and bled. Her nerves so badly damaged that it shook and twitched with no feeling at all.  Her eyes were burned wild with fury as she stepped down the steps. Her eyes never once moved from Hades. "Aeson... kill him now while you can. He is weak and vulnerable. Take what you wanted to take for so long sister."  "Shut the hell up Xander... you're dead." She hissed as she stumbled down the steps. Still dizzy from hitting her head. Her body rejecting the severe burn to her hand and the amount of blood lost. She thrust her burnt forward and grabbing his throat... unable to grasp him too tight but enough to keep his head steady. "Are you really that greedy, Hades? I must have meant so little to you for you to betray me  like this.. to take THE ONE THING I LIVED FOR! THAT I KILLED MY KINGDOM FOR, MY BROTHER-- MY CHILD!" she jerked him forward and smiled at him. She stared at him for a long silent moment.. "Death is too good for you. Instead I have a better philosophy we mortals came up with.. An Eye.. for.. an eye.. " She hissed. She took the hand that wasn't injured and dug her nails into his socket. Grasping his the bulb of his eye and ripping it out by its root. It sounded like a rubber band popping as she pulled it free from its stem. "Whos the real demon...?" She whispered to him shoving him back against the wall... staring at the eye in her palm.
Xander? Was she hallucinating? Things were worse then he had expected. Perhaps this was something he should have put an end to years ago. He had known for a long time that he should have but watching her excitedly talk about her dreams and passions had been so fulfilling. It was like watching himself when he had first earned his freedom. It had made him happy. It had made him weak. "You... don't understand now but... someday... someday you will see everything I've done here today was to protect you." He had stayed calm as she jerked him forward, his eyes never leaving hers.
They narrowed when she claim something about an eye for an eye.  Before he could figure out exactly what she meant a sudden, bone rattling pain rushed through his eye and down his spin. He heard the disgusting pop like sound and his own voice cry out in pain. A thick warm liquid began to poor down his face and even as he shoved back into the wall behind him, his hands came up to cover his now empty socket. He could feel his body curl over, elbows hitting the ground as he slid sideways down. His other eye was wide open, clearly reflecting the pain he was currently feeling. "YOU FOOLISH WOMAN!" He couldn't help but yell at her, his voice shaky as he lay there, still holding his face.  " YOU WILL BE YOUR OWN RUIN NOT I!" He looked away after that lowering himself more so that his forehead was touching the ground. "Leave."
She stared at the blue eye in her palm and she could swear in her life she could see his agony deep in his detached gaze.. what have she done? Oh, yes. She made her point. She gently grasped the eye in her palm and stared down at Hades, whispers filling her ears and her thoughts clouded by this haze. Her eyes lacked all remorse for her former love and finally she started to step away. "You were my ruin..." she glanced over her shoulder to Hades and scoffed. "You killed me the moment that book was burned..." she hissed. Her eyes fell on the table with the singed book cover. She reached out to touch it only to fully realize the extent of her burn on her hand... it twitched uncomfortably as nerves were nearly burned away. She looked it over and let it drop to her side. She debated leaving the eye and taking the cover instead but.. this is all she will has from then on. Of Hades. To remind her not to trust with heart again. She gave him one last glance and stepped over her hat, gifted to her by Hades and his group. She walked out of the temple and her men and Hades men both looked shocked and confused. She held up the demons eye for all to see. "From now on I lead my own army... you are either with me. Or against me. And head my warning beasts.... I am not to be trifled with." She started to walk through the beasts. And a select some gazed at each other and followed Aeson... In this last scene.. she held the eye close to her chest... looking on to the future she will pave for herself.(edited)March 3, 2018
He had chose to ignore her from the moment he had told her to leave. Not because he was trying to be rude, or because he hated what she had to say. No. It had been because he knew if he acknowledged her, his anger and pain would get the better of him. He'd end up slaying the very person he had been trying to protect. It was weak of him. He knew deep down she was a loose cannon that needed to be stopped but... he couldn't do it. No, he didn't want to do it. He didn’t want to kill her out of anger. If he chose to take her life, he would do it through a clear mind. So he ignored. It was his only choice as he lay there, still grasping his eye socket with on hand, the other leaning on the ground with his forehead. It wasn’t until she left that he finally attempted to stand himself up. At the same time some of his more loyal men rushed into aid him. “Do not touch me,” his voice had boomed throughout the room as the men attempted to help him to his feet. He had to do this on his own. The more help he received, the weaker he would look. He could not accept such a fate. Once he was on his feet, he took a long cloth from his clothes and slowly wrapped it around his eye, not bothering to clean up the blood that ran down his face. When it was secure, he sucked in a deep breath and made his way out of the room, ready to address his men and tell them that Aeson was now an enemy.
This RP is complete and the room is now Free! Happy playing!
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Catch and Release Ploicies in Fishing
Every recondite pekan seekes for the same reason, in hopes of maculation a ten-pound-plus basso. This dream allow non be carry through if bass weightermen, as a brotherhood, do not work catch and release.\n\nAmericas love affair with the catch-and-release value orientation has had a profound bushel on the sport of bass fishing over the early(prenominal) thirty grades. Quite simply, it recycles the resource. al champion improper c ar and the treatment by anglers git peril this valuable natural resource.\n\nWithout incredulity the mishandling of fish before they ar returned to the water can attest fatal. Extensive research has been conducted by state fisheries agencies nationwide feel at the phenomenon of delayed mortality, and scientists hand over concluded that the queen-sizegest factor resulting in delayed mortality relates right away to the c atomic number 18 that fish atomic number 18 given immediately later on the catch is made and in the hours that follo w while they are confined inside a boats active well.\n\n exceed lake, California is cognise for its huge Florida-strain bass. The chances of catching a ten-pound-plus bass are higher(prenominal) than average. Clear Lake houses hundreds of tourneys every year; honestly, there is at least, one tournament every spend of the year. The enormous amount of obligate placed on this lake can have a ugly effect on the fish. Clear lake is notwithstanding one of the thousands of lakes with this display case of problem.\n\nThere have been cases of trashcans skilful of dead bass from tournaments. eyesight those fish dead in a can for only about a one-thousand-dollar pocket edition in a tournament is disgusting. If fish are not released right after existence caught, their chances of survival are slim.\n\nWhen bass are caught and kept, it reduces the number of fish in the lake and if it is a monolithic fish, it eliminates a fish with commodious bass genes. All large-scale fish have g ood-looking bass genes. If a oversized bass is caught and immediately released, it is past able to reproduce and its materialization will carry those genes along with them through the generations. Big bass, commonly feminines, are targets for trophy-fish fishermen. Any fish eight pounds and over would be considered a lunker or big bass worthy of beingness mounted on a wall. Rich Holland, Western outdoors writer, says the problem is eighty percentage of big bass are females (69).\n\nDuring the spring when bass spawn, female bass are swollen...If you deficiency to get a to the full essay, order it on our website: Custom essay writing service. Free essay/order revisions. Essays of any complexity! Courseworks, term papers, research papers. 100% confidential!Homework live help. Custom Essay Order is available 24/7!
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pamphletstoinspire · 7 years
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Chapter 5
In this Epistle St. Paul comforts those who are now reformed by his admonitions to them in the former, and absolves the incestuous man on doing penance, whom he had before excommunicated for his crime. Hence he treats of true penance, and of the dignity of the ministers of the New Testament. He cautions the faithful against false teachers, and the society of infidels. He gives an account of his sufferings, and also of the favours and graces which God hath bestowed on him. St. Paul, not being able to come to the Corinthians as soon as he had promised, writes this Epistle to inform them, that it was not through inconstancy, but on account of several weighty reasons, which had hitherto hindered him. Several other reasons, likewise, compelled him to write. For during his absence, several false teachers of the Jews had come amongst them, teaching them that it was necessary to observe the law of Moses, in order to be saved.
Chapter 5
He is willing to leave his earthly mansion, to be with the Lord. His charity for the Corinthians.
1 For we know that if our earthly house of this habitation be dissolved, that we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1. Of this habitation.[1] In the Greek, of this tabernacle; i.e. of the body. St. Chrysostom takes notice that a tabernacle, or tent, is not to dwell in for a long time, but only to lodge in for a while, as this life is short; but the building God has prepared for his elect in heaven, is for eternity. (Witham) --- But, although the hopes of possessing this eternal mansion consoles us interiorly, and supports us under the pressure of evil, the obligation we have of purchasing it, even at the expense of our lives, does not fail to afflict us. (Bible de Vence)
Note 1:
Ver. 1. Habitationis, tou skenous.
2 For in this also we groan, desiring to be clothed over with our habitation, which is from heaven.
Ver. 2. To be clothed over, signifying the natural desire men have not to die, but to be changed without dying to a happy state in heaven. (Witham)
3 If so that we may be found clothed, not naked.
Ver. 3. That we may be found clothed, not naked,[2] not divested of the body, as before; i.e. we desire immortal happiness without dying: though some expound it, not naked; i.e. not deprived of the glory we hope for. (Witham)
Note 2:
Ver. 3. Si tamen vestiti, non nudi inveniamur, eige kai endusamenoi: some read, ekdusamenoi. See St. Chrysostom.
4 For we also, who are in this tabernacle, do groan, being burthened: because we would not be unclothed, but clothed over, that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life.
Ver. 4. No explanation given.
5 Now he that maketh us for this very thing, is God, who hath given us the pledge, of the Spirit.
Ver. 5. He that maketh us for this very thing, (literally, to this same thing ) is God, who created us to be eternally happy, who hath given us the earnest of the Spirit. See Chap. i. ver. 22. (Witham)
6 Therefore, having always confidence, knowing that, while we are in the body, we are absent from the Lord:
Ver. 6. We are absent from the Lord, and as it were pilgrims. He compares the condition of men in this mortal life with that of pilgrims far from their own beloved country, yet with hopes to arrive there, which makes them willing to undergo dangers, and makes Christians even resigned to death, to a separation of the body from the soul, that they may be present with the Lord, and enjoy him. But let every one reflect that he must be judged, and receive a reward or punishment according to his works. (ver. 10.) (Witham)
7 (For we walk by faith, and not by sight)
Ver. 7. It is only by faith we now walk in this foreign land towards God; we do not as yet feast on Him by any clear view. (Bible de Vence)
8 We are confident, and have a good will to be absent rather from the body, and to be present with the Lord.
Ver. 8. No explanation given.
9 And therefore we labour, whether absent or present, to please him.
Ver. 9. No explanation given.
10 For we must all appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, that every one may receive the proper things of the body, according as he hath done, whether it be good or evil.
Ver. 10. No explanation given.
11 Knowing, therefore, the fear of the Lord, we persuade men: but to God we are manifest. And I trust also that in your consciences we are manifest.
Ver. 11. Knowing, therefore, the fear of the Lord, and how dreadful a thing it is to appear at his tribunal, we endeavour to exhort men to fear and to worship him: and this intention is made known to God, who sees our heart: and I hope our sincere manner of asking and preaching is also known to your consciences. (Witham)
12 We commend not ourselves again to you, but give you occasion to glory in our behalf: that you may have somewhat to answer them who glory in face, and not in heart.
Ver. 12. We commend not, nor desire to commend ourselves, but they who may do harm to others, and to the progress of the gospel, make it necessary to speak what may give you an occasion to answer their objections, and even to glory in my behalf against those who glory in face, in outward appearances of learning and talents, but not in heart, being sensible themselves that they have no solid grounds of boasting in this manner. (Witham)
13 For whether we be transported in mind, it is to God: or whether we be sober, it is for you.
Ver. 13. For whether we be transported in mind, and out of zeal for the good of others seem to exceed in speaking of ourselves, it is to God, for God's honour and that of his ministers: or whether we be more moderate,[3] (literally, sober ) that is, if I speak not, even what with truth I might, of my own actions, it is to you, to give you an example of modesty and humility.
Note 3:
Ver. 13. Sive enim mente excedimus, Deo, sive sobrii sumus, vobis, eite gar exestemen, theo eite sophronoumen, umin. See Annotation on Mark iii. 21. p. 147.
14 For the charity of Christ presseth us: judging this, that if one died for all, then all were dead.
Ver. 14. For the charity of Christ, the love of God, the love that Christ has shewn to me and all mankind, and a return of love due to him, presseth me on, is the motive of all that I do; because I consider that if one, our Redeemer Christ Jesus, died for all, then all were dead, and had been lost in their sins, had not Christ come to redeem us. Thus St. Augustine in many places, proving original sin against the Pelagians. Divers interpreters add this exposition, therefore all are dead; that is, ought to die, and by a new life look upon themselves as dead to sin, which is connected with what follows in the next verse. (Witham)
15 And Christ died for all: that they also, who live, may not now live to themselves, but to him, who died for them, and rose again.
Ver. 15. And Christ died for all, (not only for the predestinate or the elect) that they also, who live, may not now live to themselves; that they may not follow their own inclinations of their nature, corrupted by sin, but may seek in all things the will of Christ, their Redeemer, their Lord, to whom they belong, who died and rose again for them. (Witham)
16 Wherefore, henceforth we know no man according to the flesh. And if we have known Christ according to the flesh: but now we know him so no longer.
Ver. 16. Wherefore, henceforth we know no man according to the flesh; i.e. having our thoughts and hearts fixed upon Christ, as he is risen, and has prepared for us an immortal life, we know not, i.e. we do not esteem any thing in this mortal life, nor any man according to any human considerations of this life; we regard not whether they are Jews, and the sons of Abraham, or Gentiles; nay, if we have known and esteemed Christ, as descending from Abraham and David, now we know him so no longer, nor consider him as born a mortal man, but as he is risen immortal, and will bless us with an immortal and eternal glory. (Witham)
17 If then any be in Christ a new creature: the old things are passed away: behold all things are made new.
Ver. 17. If then any be in Christ, &c. The sense seems to be, if by believing in Christ we are become as it were new creatures, rescued by his grace and his Spirit, the old things are passed away, we must renounce all former carnal affections, all sin and all errors in which either Jews or Gentiles lived. --- Behold all things are made new: the New Testament succeeds to the Old, the law and doctrine of Christ to the law of Moses, the Christian Church to the Jewish Synagogue, truth and grace to types and figures, &c. (Witham) --- With the renovated Christian all his thoughts, sentiments, inclinations, and actions, are new.
18 But all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself, by Christ: and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation.
Ver. 18. But all things (all these blessings of grace and glory) are of God, who hath sent his only divine Son, by whom he hath reconciled us to himself, by his incarnation and death for our redemption. (Witham)
19 For God indeed was in Christ, reconciling the world to himself, not imputing to them their sins, and he hath placed in us the word of reconciliation.
Ver. 19. Not imputing, i.e. truly taking away our sins, blotting out the handwriting of the decree which was against us,...fastening it to the cross, as it is said, Colossians ii. 14. And to us, who are his apostles and the ministers of his gospel, he hath imparted and committed this word of reconciliation, by the preaching of his doctrine, and the administration of his sacraments, &c. In these functions we act and we speak to you as the ambassadors of Christ; we speak to you in his name, we represent his person, when we exhort you to be reconciled to God. "He that heareth you, heareth me." (Luke x. 16.) (Witham)
20 We are, therefore, ambassadors for Christ, God as it were exhorting by us. For Christ, we beseech you, be ye reconciled to God.
Ver. 20. Be not deaf to this voice, harden not your hearts, suffer yourselves to be moved to the charity of God: it is immense, it is infinite. (Bible de Vence)
21 Him, who knew no sin, he hath made sin for us, that we might be made the justice of God in him.
Ver. 21. Him (Christ) who knew no sin, (who had never sinned, nor was capable of sinning) he (God) hath made [4] sin for us. I had translated, with some French translators, he hath made a sacrifice for sin, as it is expounded by St. Augustine and many others, and grounded upon the authority of the Scriptures, in which the sacrifices for sins are divers times called sins, as Osee iv. 8. and in several places in Leviticus, by the Hebrew word Chattat, which signifies a sin, and is translated a victim for sin. But as this is not the only interpretation, and that my design is always a literal translation of the text, not a paraphrase, upon second thoughts I judged it better to follow the very words of the Greek, as well as of the Latin text. For besides the exposition already mentioned, others expound these words, him he hath made sin for us, to signify that he made Christ like unto sinners, a mortal man, with the similitude of sin. Others that he made he reputed a sinner; with the wicked was he reputed; (Mark xv. 28.) God having laid upon him all our iniquities. (Isaias liii. 6.) --- That we might be made the justice of God in him; that is, that we might be justified and sanctified by God's sanctifying grace, and the justice we receive from him. (Witham) --- Sin for us. That is, to be a sin-offering, a victim for sin. (Challoner)
Note 4:
Ver. 21. Pro nobis peccatum fecit, uper emon amartian epoiesen. See St. Augustine, lib. de pec. Orig. chap. 32. serm. 48. de verbis Dei. nunc 134. tom. v. p. 655. and Serm. vi. de verb. Apost. chap. 8. Serm. clv. t. 5. p. 745.; Epist. ad Honoratum 120, nunc 140. chap. 30. tom. ii. p. 450, &c.
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warsofellada-blog · 7 years
Broken Hart RP- Finished
Broken hart | Hades and Aeson Origins ACT 1 |
The view pans over to a table with a map pinned to its surface. Black X's scratched in ink over various places and on circled. Those wild eyes scanned the map carefully... and a smile graced her pale features. "This is it.." She whispered. "My destiny... is in this temple. " She chuckled to her self and snatched up her belongings. This all she wanted. To become pure arcane energy, to be powerful and undefeated. It was time she claimed a long awaited prize she was denied so long.. this was the next step. A single book that was rumored to tell all black arcana secretes. Which- liches would be apart of.
She and four men, men being a ragged human, a lizard and two orcs helped her through the temple. Loyal boys they were but Hades would be anything but happy. She came to a door that needed a quick puzzle to be opened which she obliged with the right answer. As the chambers opened she could see the book in her view... and she could barely contain her self at its sight. She dropped her bad and stared at the pedestal the book sat on and grinned. "I-Its here.. The Necronomicon.." She rushed up the cob web infested stairs and instantly the human male scrambled in place. "
W-Wait Lady aeson it might be a trap!"
Oh but she didn't care. She hustled up those stairs and stood in front of that book. Grinning at her prize. Her fortune and her fame all in one setting. "I will finally be made whole. I will be equal to my love and he will not look down upon me as a mere mortal again.." She slowly reached her hands over the book and just took in the beauty of its cover. "How long I have waited for your secrets..." Sje whispered.  She stared at the black cover and a name etched into the leather with gold ink read a name. but time withered it away so she could only make out H-- -Ov--FT which was no help. But it didn't matter. She had her reason for living right here. @Leaf/Maru(edited)
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The human was too weak of heart to tattle. The orcs were much too proud to tattle. The lizard, however, had been a spy Hades had planted on Aeson the day he had met her. He hadn't much use for the man up until now. He had warned Hades about her little adventure tonight. A task the demon believed would bring the woman to another dead end. It was why he had decided to follow her into the temple, bringing along a half dozen men just in case.
His hopes, when she finally found her hunt was pointless, was to put an end to it all. To convince her that the hunt to become a litch was pointless and a waste of time. To convince her to finally put her full focus on the war ahead of them. Now that he was in full power, he needed everyone following him to stand in line, including the woman he loved. It was an odd word to admit to, but he was certain it was the reason he put up with her disobedience for so long.
The men he had brought with him had been left near the entrance of staircase, keeping the companions Aeson had brought with her from sending her a warning. Hades himself slowly made his way up the stairs, pausing near the entrances as a long frown filled his features. She was embracing something, but he couldn't tell if it was actually important or not. Had she... no. He would not accept that truth.
"Exactly what do you believe that book will do make you as powerful as myself," he asked, his voice breaking through the silence as his piercing blue eyes narrowed on the woman before him.
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She took the book In her fingers and felt the dusty leather. Her thumbs marked streaks across its cover as she slid them up, she then blew on the book and a puff of dirt and dust finally revealed its true beauty.
She of course heard Hades come up and his words were to no surprise either. She instead laughed and glanced over to him holding the book. "No... I hope it make me your equal." She hummed. She genuinely looked happy as she fully turned to him. "Don't you see? I have searched for this pool of powers for years.. a century all i wanted was to be more and more powerful but now." She stared at the cover a moment and then grinned back at Hades. "Now i can be a worthy partner.. at the side of a old demon. No one will look down on me or else they will burn." She then flipped the latch in the book and turned away from Hades and flipped the first page. Running her nimble fingers down the rough page.
"I will be a liche. I will be pure arcane power, Hades. Don't you want that?" She flipped the next page... unable to read the language of a long dead necromancer. "Who knows.. I might even exceed you're abilities." She laughed.
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The frown on his lips only deepened as he watched and listened to Aeson. She was acting in a way he had never seen her act before. It worried him.
The more she spoke, the deeper his frown grew but never said a word. He was feeling things he couldn't really pin point. Part of him was confused. He hadn't thought she'd actually find anything worth while in this old temple. He had believed it to be a dead end. A means he could use to end her foolish hunt. Now everything was falling apart in front of him and on top of it all, she was claiming she could possibly grow more powerful then him.
He wasn't sure why that bothered him. A part of him was questioning weekday price she'd have to pay for such power. Nothing was ever free and price was often greater then the gain. Yet that wasn't his only feeling. Part of him was panicking. If she became more powerful then himself, would he lose his rule and become a servant again? He couldn't allow that to happen. He had worked too hard to get this far.
"Aeson," he slowly made his way around her, stalking like a lion on his pray. "are you certain this is something you should be dabbling in? Power is not something you should fool around with. For all you know, that could be a trick."
Her ears perked as she listened to him prowl around her. But that didn't intimidate her in the slightest. Her eyes glued on the pages of the book as she flipped through a few more pages looking the the one thing she sought after. He must be scared... he has to be. He was a demon and a greedy one at that. But she couldn't help but love him for it.
She slammed the book shut and stared at Hades for a long while before she slid the book into her arms. "I have lead armies.. and demolished my kingdom in the search of power. I have slain my family for THIS BOOK HADES AND YOU... you will be no different." She huffed as she stared down at the book and turned away from him. "This is all I need... to gain everything I want. Don't you want me to be a worthy companion...?" She glanced over her shoulder to the demon she fell for.. and fell hard for. But not hard enough to derail her dream of das power.
"I would rule by your side. Don't you want that..? With this, with this book I can become something worth your while and a weapon for your army." She turned away from him again stared at the book. "This is it. This is how I will make my mark on the world Hades.."
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"You foolish woman, Don’t you dare threaten me." Hades couldn't help but scold in return, "You are already a worthy companion and worthy to rule by my side. I have not shown you this by promoting you above even the other demons? That book may give you power but it does not garentee it is the power you are searching for or desiring. If anything, that power will likely drive mad and turn you against even your own."
This was already not going the way he had wanted but he was going to try anyway. If he had to, he'd take and distroy the book. For now, however, maybe he could talk some sense into her. "You do not need that book. Stop this foolish quest and join my side as you are. Together, you and I can rule all of Ellada. You'll have the power you have always desired, but not from that worthless piece of kindle. I shall give you the power you desire."
He could only hope she would listen. He wasn’t sure what was in that book but whatever it was, he didn’t want her having it. It threatened everything he had. It threatened his leadership, his glory and his own power. He didn’t like that. He didn’t like that one bit. @Nubby
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Aeson hugged that book tightly as she listened to him.. but she turned to him with a genuine look in her eyes. Did he really mean that? Was she truly worthy to rule along side an old demon who had so much going for him..? She sighed and looked down at the book again and just thought of all the sacrifices that went into finding it.. those lost years. All of that time.
But there was something in his words that made her very cautious before handing this book over. "Give me my power..? Why so you can take it away when I act out?" She tucked the book away again and stared at him. She stared at him long and hard even moving around him slowly.
"You wouldn't care this much if I weren't on to something.. you haven't before. You just want it for your self." She hissed. "What? You think I may betray you? Is that why you don't want me to have what I want?" She narrowed her eyes on him only.. for that softness to return. "I just want to be better for you! I hear your kin murmur about me.. ohh an elf... a elf. a mortal.. nothing is good enough for you blood. But with this. I WILL BE!"
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For a moment she looked like she was actually considering his proposal but when she spoke all he could do was curse under his breath. She had figured him out. It pained him but he couldn't deny the truth in her words.
"You aren't the type to act out," he answered, avoiding confirming the truth but also not denying it. When she claimed he wanted the power for himself, however, he simply rolled his eyes.
"You're being foolish again," a sigh, "I came here expecting you to find nothing again and convince you to forget this foolish quest. I don't fear you betraying me. I fear what you might become. I've seen what too much power can do to immortals. It would be worse for a mortal."
He sighed, his expression softening some. "I do not care what the others say. They complain because they don't want to accept that an elf I'd stronger then them. If it's immortality you want, we can find another way. " He paused a moment, letting that sink in before continuing. "At least, let me read over the text to see if it could be harmful." He held his hand out for the book, a worried frown filling his features.March 1, 2018
She listened to him and she was getting confused. She wanted the book and all its contents but she also loved Hades.. she wanted him too. And perhaps he is just looking out for her. Hes done nothing to harm her. She looked down at the book and stared for a moment and hid it away again. She thought about it. And finally she turned to hades peering down at the book and then to him..
" I don't want immortality. I don't want to live forever. I want to be a pure arcane force." She gave him a stern look but softened as she ran he hand over the cover. So many people died for this... she killed her brother and lord knows what happened to her father. She has slaughtered countless villages looking for leads.. burning their civilizations down to the ground.
She started to hand the book over to hades willing to comply until a premonition of her brother Xander laid a hand on the cover.
"Did I honestly die for this petty love story?"
  She hesitated, mutting the name Xander..
"Little sister I did you wrong now let me do right by you. You will never find more love then owning everything.."
"No... You're wrong." She snatched the book from the ghostly figure and held her head, hugging the book with her other arm.
"I am right. He is a demon lord who already has everything. What would a king do to earn gods level?! Hes going to rob you.. there isn't any love--"
"SHUT UP!" A small ring of fire burst from her feet, and quickly vanished.
"You men are all the same.. trying to trick me." She stared at the corner where the premonition stood and then stared at Hades. She hugged the book away once more. "Hades please understand why I can't..."
"Because im right.."
He watched in silence as Aeson appeared to be having a rather vocal argument with herself. It would be something he'd have to question her about once things settled down and they were back at the camp. For now, he didn't bother to interrupt, instead choosing to simply watch and wait.
Perhaps that had been a mistake. By the end of her little argument with herself, she had declined giving the book to him. It caused him to close his eyes, sucking in a deep breath as he held it for a moment. When he finally let it go, his eyes shot open and his human form quickly shed like a thin layer of paper burning away to ash.
"Then I have no choice but to use force," He lifted his hand up, a sudden pulse of black magic erupting from his hand, directly towards her and the book. "I'm sorry, Aeson."
He wasted no time afterwords , knowing that the sudden attack would not keep her down. So with some flicks and twists of his hands, he began to call forth shadowy shackles in hopes to ground her.@Nubby
Aeson turned right at the moment the spell was cast- She threw hand up for a fire shield to protect her but it wasn't tossed up in time. The elf was knocked back but her position cause her to collide into the stone pedestal, gashing her eye wide open... staining the stone corner red. She hit the ground with a thud nearly sliding off the ledge- but the shadowy shackles kept her from falling.
Her hat fell to the first floor and the book bounced down the stairs. Hades didn't inticipate her injury. She took a moment to regain her bearings seeing that she was rattled to a blur. sHe went to get up but the shackles kept her down. The blood streamed down her face and she couldn't open that eye. Blood pooled on the floor. she stared at her palm which caught the blood.
"what did I tell you brat? He is going to rob you of everything you worked for..."
the premonition laughed. Aeson then realized she no longer had the book and looked frantically... seeing it half down the steps.  She went to get it but the shackles. "No.. no no no Hade please!" She pleaded pulling the shadowy chain.
Hes going to steal everything from you sister..
"  She continued to struggle with the chain. Dizzy from hitting her head.
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A part of him almost regretted his actions. Not because of what he was going to do but because of the pain he just put her through. He hadn't meant to hurt her like that. All he had wanted to do was knock her back and bind her down. He had learned many years ago that no matter what happened, never deviate from your initial choice. Going back on them often caused more problems in the long run.
So, sollowing his worry for her, he closed in on his target; the book. Slowly he bent down, picking the thing up and straightening his back once more. It was old and in all honesty, probably held a lot of useful information that he himself could use someday. However, keeping the book was not his goal. It would only give Aeson hope and he didn't need that right now.
"I'm sorry Aeson, but this is the only way," without explaining himself any further, he opened the book, bending the front and back cover until they touched ends. He then turned towards the nearest torch, lifting the book over the hot flames. It took mer seconds for the old, dry pages to light up in flames and within a few seconds there was hardly anything left but ash.
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She continued to tug at the chain- She stared at Hades. He picked up the book and she reached out for him. "Please- HADES! NO HADES DON'T!!" She screamed at him there was nothing she could do... she was helpless. She watched the book crumble to ash and her ears rang and her vison still blurry.
She truly felt the defeat. Hades demon from faded out only for the premonition of her brother to kneel down before her. She stared at the floor...  "
I told you sister. But you you were weak and foolish
" Aeson didn't move she just continued to stare at the puddle of blood at started to accumulate under her palm. "
Ignorant retched brat... you killed us all for nothing. Look at you. Weak and helpless..
" I .. am not helpless.." she muttered.
Stupid woman.. you should have died when I tried to kill you. How you bested me was a fluke. Just like your Orc Fe--
"Aeson's vision and mind shattered like glass. Her sanity dwindled away. The torches on the walls roared fiercely as aeson stood to her feet. Her eyes blank and wild, he smiled contorted into a wicked smile. A pulse of flame burst from her stance as she whipped her hand over to grab the chain, and from her palm a fire flared busting the chain in two. with her blooded face she stared Hades down. "You have taken the one thing I LIVED FOR YOU GREEDY LITTLE IMP!" She hissed, her words laced with venom. She changed in a matter of minutes.. seconds.
She started to charge up a flame so harsh and so fierce that her finger tips singed.. the fire she was about to cast was fueled purely on hated and anger. It licked her palm, eating away at the skin on her hand. But she didn't seem to feel anything... but heart ache. And shattered dreams.
"You betrayed me.. and now you will burn!" The fire twirled and swirled towards hades, close range... a spell she may never cast like that again. The whole room lit up and left little room for even Aeson to dodge. The force of her own spell knocked even she back.. but that wouldn't stop her until he was dead.
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March 2, 2018
Hades let out a long sigh when the book finished burning, the frown still clear on his lips and his eyes almost looking saddened by what he had just done. All he could do was continue to tell himself that he had no other choice. This had been his only way to protect him. She'd forgive him someday. Maybe not today, a month, years... but she would forgive him. She had to see what he did was to protect her from... well, herself.
"Aeson, you must understand that I had no choice," He tossed the burning book into the nearest table, his eyes never once leaving her. "It was the only way you would listen. I can not ideally stand by and-" he paused as he realized the woman he was speaking to didn't appear to be listening to him... or rather... didn't appear to be able to hear him. She was taking this harder then he had expected her to and as he approached her, what little of a heart he held, sunk deeper into his chest.
"Aeson..." he didn't get a chance to say anything more as she suddenly yelled at him, calling him an imp of all things. It caused his look of worry to grow. A look that quickly changed to shock. Then he did something he had never had to do in all his life time; he took a step back. His eyes quickly widen as she yelled again, claiming he had betrayed her. He had no chance to do anything more to defend himself then raise his arms up in a defesive position. An action that did very little to protect him as his body was engulfed in flames and body thrown across the room, his back hitting the wall with a loud thump.
Everything in his body hurt. That was something else new to him. Yes, he had been in pain before but nothing like this. His body was betraying him, unable to lift himself up or move from his spot. He wanted to but he couldn't. So instead he sat there, his breath heavey as he forced his eyes open. "Aeson... please..."
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Aeson stood up on the ledge staring down at Hades.. Her hand was blistered so badly the skin cracked and bled. Her nerves so badly damaged that it shook and twitched with no feeling at all.  Her eyes were burned wild with fury as she stepped down the steps. Her eyes never once moved from Hades.
"Aeson... kill him now while you can. He is weak and vulnerable. Take what you wanted to take for so long sister."
  "Shut the hell up Xander... you're dead." She hissed as she stumbled down the steps. Still dizzy from hitting her head. Her body rejecting the severe burn to her hand and the amount of blood lost. She thrust her burnt forward and grabbing his throat... unable to grasp him too tight but enough to keep his head steady.
"Are you really that greedy, Hades? I must have meant so little to you for you to betray me  like this.. to take THE ONE THING I LIVED FOR! THAT I KILLED MY KINGDOM FOR, MY BROTHER-- MY CHILD!" she jerked him forward and smiled at him. She stared at him for a long silent moment.. "Death is too good for you. Instead I have a better philosophy we mortals came up with..
An Eye.. for.. an eye..
" She hissed. She took the hand that wasn't injured and dug her nails into his socket. Grasping his the bulb of his eye and ripping it out by its root. It sounded like a rubber band popping as she pulled it free from its stem.
"Whos the real demon...?" She whispered to him shoving him back against the wall... staring at the eye in her palm.
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Xander? Was she hallucinating? Things were worse then he had expected. Perhaps this was something he should have put an end to years ago. He had known for a long time that he should have but watching her excitedly talk about her dreams and passions had been so fulfilling. It was like watching himself when he had first earned his freedom. It had made him happy. It had made him weak.
"You... don't understand now but... someday... someday you will see everything I've done here today was to protect you." He had stayed calm as she jerked him forward, his eyes never leaving hers.
They narrowed when she claim something about an eye for an eye.  Before he could figure out exactly what she meant a sudden, bone rattling pain rushed through his eye and down his spin. He heard the disgusting pop like sound and his own voice cry out in pain. A thick warm liquid began to poor down his face and even as he shoved back into the wall behind him, his hands came up to cover his now empty socket. He could feel his body curl over, elbows hitting the ground as he slid sideways down. His other eye was wide open, clearly reflecting the pain he was currently feeling.
"YOU FOOLISH WOMAN!" He couldn't help but yell at her, his voice shaky as he lay there, still holding his face.  " YOU WILL BE YOUR OWN RUIN NOT I!" He looked away after that lowering himself more so that his forehead was touching the ground. "Leave."
She stared at the blue eye in her palm and she could swear in her life she could see his agony deep in his detached gaze.. what have she done? Oh, yes. She made her point.
She gently grasped the eye in her palm and stared down at Hades, whispers filling her ears and her thoughts clouded by this haze. Her eyes lacked all remorse for her former love and finally she started to step away. "You were my ruin..." she glanced over her shoulder to Hades and scoffed. "You killed me the moment that book was burned..." she hissed. Her eyes fell on the table with the singed book cover. She reached out to touch it only to fully realize the extent of her burn on her hand... it twitched uncomfortably as nerves were nearly burned away. She looked it over and let it drop to her side. She debated leaving the eye and taking the cover instead but.. this is all she will has from then on. Of Hades. To remind her not to trust with heart again.
She gave him one last glance and stepped over her hat, gifted to her by Hades and his group. She walked out of the temple and her men and Hades men both looked shocked and confused. She held up the demons eye for all to see. "From now on I lead my own army... you are either with me. Or against me. And head my warning beasts.... I am not to be trifled with." She started to walk through the beasts. And a select some gazed at each other and followed Aeson...
In this last scene.. she held the eye close to her chest... looking on to the future she will pave for herself.(edited)
He had chose to ignore her from the moment he had told her to leave. Not because he was trying to be rude, or because he hated what she had to say. No. It had been because he knew if he acknowledged her, his anger and pain would get the better of him. He'd end up slaying the very person he had been trying to protect. It was weak of him. He knew deep down she was a loose cannon that needed to be stopped but... he couldn't do it. No, he didn't want to do it. He didn’t want to kill her out of anger. If he chose to take her life, he would do it through a clear mind.
So he ignored. It was his only choice as he lay there, still grasping his eye socket with on hand, the other leaning on the ground with his forehead. It wasn’t until she left that he finally attempted to stand himself up. At the same time some of his more loyal men rushed into aid him.
touch me,” his voice had boomed throughout the room as the men attempted to help him to his feet. He had to do this on his own. The more help he received, the weaker he would look. He could not accept such a fate. Once he was on his feet, he took a long cloth from his clothes and slowly wrapped it around his eye, not bothering to clean up the blood that ran down his face. When it was secure, he sucked in a deep breath and made his way out of the room, ready to address his men and tell them that Aeson was now an enemy.
This RP is complete and the room is now Free! Happy playing!
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