#a minnow amongst sharks
WIP Wednesday
I got tagged by @cassietrn and @adventuresofmeghatron, thank you both!
Stimpaks is on hold for a bit cause I need a break from the monster I released (both in word count and in emotions), and am reworking a few ideas on the Mass Effect AU, so no worries.
What I do have, is some Minnow! The far cry fic!
"Yes. Why?"
"The new cop."
"Yes. I'm new. Thank you for reiterating that I don't know what I'm doing!" Marley hated feeling like a child, but she felt she was turning all the wrong ways since she left the hangar. The urge to wipe at her eyes with the angry tears that stung them was as firey as her temper at the moment.
"I'm just saying, you can shorten it," Sharky shrugged.
She blinked. She certainly wasn't expecting him to say what he said. Marley was sure there was more insults or words of disappointment let out under a breath.
"What would you shorten it to?" Why not let him humor her?
He thought for a moment. "Mars."
"Sure! Take Mars to the bars!" He grinned.
Marley sighed. I hope this dumb nickname doesn't stick.
Thank you for tagging me! I'll tag @kharonion , @socially-awkward-skeleton , @electricshoebox and whoever else wants to be included!
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echantedtoon · 4 months
Ocean Deep Ch11 Sneak Peak
Also if you wanna be added to the tag list for this lemme know.
The silence was deafening as you were in the middle of being held up by Rengoku. Warmth enveloped every part of your body and fireworks of fluster lit up in your mind. The image of the man lifting you bridal style into his arms and pressed against the upper part of his bare, toned chest and facing up into the fiery eyes just inches away from your own. The smile both handsome as it was happy and loving for whomever it was aimed at.
Amongst the fireworks was a blank white sheet blocking out and rationality shoving at the wall and screeching out to the mind closed off to it. However the mind's focus was thinking about other things. Like how nice the body was leaning against you. How soft the hands were that held your face. How handsome the face suddenly was. How gentle the arms were holding you. How warm the lips were pressed back into yours. 
Rengoku hummed as he once again dove down dipping the woman in his hold and pressed into a passionate kiss you've only seen other couples do and read in romance novels. The same kind of passion that he'd shown his other three wives. Only now he's satisfying an itch he's been feeling for the past half month. He had no idea he could fall for another so much but he couldn't help it. The heart thudding in his chest whenever she would be so loving towards him, but what really made him fall for her was the way she interacted with his wives. The way you'd coo at and comfort Suma's emotional outburst as she'd cry into your shoulder. The way you'd look at Makio and all it took was one understanding sentence to quench her moody behavior. How you'd actually be vulnerable to Hinatsuru and allowed her to comfort your current stressful state. You got a long so well with them...It was like you were one of their own already. And you had gotten along so well with him despite knowing him you always smiled at him. Always smiled at him. Always laughed whenever he tried to cheer you up. It was destiny. 
He almost all but forgot about the uninvited spectator in the doorway until he happened to open his eyes again and see the shocked man still frozen solid in the doorway. An immediate  wave of rage filled his body. This man and his sickening blood was responsible for taking away his wives and his family being torn apart. Responsible for all of the misery and mistreatment they suffered. Responsible for his husband crying tears and nearly tearing his own scales out from worry and fear every night they were gone. And now he dare come back here and face him while begging for you- His wife and the reason any of them are still alive!! To abandoned them and run away together like some stupid love unrealistic love ending from some fairytale! No!...Oh no no no. Not again. He already lost his wives once and gained you. He wasn't about to lose any again so easily a second time. 
A hiss escaped his throat and if his face wasn't angled slightly down, Akira would've seen the large inhuman fangs stuck in his maw. "L E A V E." A snarl enraged and flowing full with a fearful edge pushed out of his chest."Get out of my sight and don't come back. You're not welcome here."
Akira shook. Lip trembling as he stared at the shocked woman who seemed somewhere between shock and absolute whiplash. "Y-You have no R-Right! Wha-What man do you think you are?!"
As if reliving a scene right out of the most scary ghost story. As the blonde head of fire shot back and laughed out. A loud sinister laugh that was condescending and rude and mocking, yet it was boisterous and happy. A scarily terrifying indeed. 
"More of a man than you are! You're a mere boy compared to even a child. No woman would lower their standards enough to do anything with you! You really think my wife would leave me alone for an immature little narcissistic minnow pretending to be a shark when you're far from being the biggest fish in the pond? No. You are nothing. Even compared to the ground you walk on you are nothing. Nothing but a clingy barnacle who is never going to change even if it'll mean becoming a better person. You're greedy, obsessive, and probably would only treat her like another toy until you're bored easily again and seek your own amusement somewhere else..No. No no no. You're not claiming that here. Now leave this sanctuary you only stain and don't let the door hit you on the way out...Or please do. It might knock some sense and decency into your stupidly thick head."
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your-local-smile-man · 3 months
Systemhood - Maverik
Imagine a school of minnows, or a more appropriate species, living down in the deep of the ocean. It's dark, you cannot see, and you only exist as many dozens, just floating amongst each other.
These "minnows" are tiny thoughts merely floating in the back of the mind. These tiny slivers are thoughts and emotions, and vary in sizes. However, once they are exposed to the light, they come together and work as one, as a unit. When a shark comes, only a few will be sacrificed, but the majority of the minnows are protected by the sheer size of the school.
Say the school of minnows finds it's way in a new environment, such as a coral reef, which provides even more protection from sharks and other predators. They are able to eat more, and grow more, and eventually adapt to their new environment, perhaps to the point they are significantly different than their shark-fearing ancestors. Sure, if a shark did find its way to minnow's reef, it would probably have a lovely time, if it weren't for other animals being disturbed (take the octopus, for instance). Either way, the shark goes back to where it came from, and the minnows continue to thrive.
But what makes a minnow different from a thought or emotion is that, if it gets large enough from experience, which may not be much, it has the capacity to make decisions for itself and not just out of habit or survival. When different thoughts and emotions come together, they can form an identity. This identity works like a school of minnows, except it is a singular being. Think of the Pokemon, Wishiwashi, for example. It's school form is really just a thousand or so other Wishiwashi coming in to work together as a singular unit. Each Wishiwashi is a small thought, emotion, and memory that forms into a larger being. It may be possible that two schools can come together and make an even bigger school!
This is the best way I can describe what systemhood is like from my perspective. There was a time where I was many, many parts, who all resonated with the "Samuel" character, be it from The Smiler days or the then-new project "The Monarch Effect." As Maverik, I am the combination of the two, and experienced false memories that I suspect may have been based on the emotions that made me, plus another alter who would become one of our main persecutors. I thought I was a sort of a minion under him, hurting the host for unclear reasons. A pawn would be a better term, as I was still growing and working through who "Maverik" was. I think this alter and I are two halves of the same coin, since we share such a history - perhaps I hated him because I was him, and he is me, but this is for another time. Other fragments I'm related to have since found their own identities, but only after being made to front by the persecutor. Our role, for the most part, is to protect the host in a very specific way (I do not wish to go into detail-it has to do with love), but the approach hasn't always been good or ideal, and is something that we are always working on.
Other alters have different origins, such as Mikeru's original role as a role-playing surrogate or Spencer's being more directly from trauma. I mostly formed into what I am now in order to cope with systemhood and the need for some sort of comfort, and have since grew into myself and had to learn to adapt to whatever changes were happening with my internal projection (like puberty, but your hair changes color and texture every other day, sometimes entire fashion styles - I particularly liked the time I looked like a BATIM character XD).
It was a case where fusion was seen as a good thing, and I am deeply honored to be the first. Many times, it has not worked, as we acted on fear and not understanding what we were and what we were doing. Now that we have a more general idea of what we are and how we work, it isn't as scary anymore. Now, would a therapist that works with systems help? Yes! But, perhaps a DID/OSDD diagnoses isn't the best thing right now.
We turn 20 tomorrow, and that threshold is... something. Sure, we're legally an adult, but I think the idea is that you would have something figured out by now! X) Not to mention all the events leading up to the 4th of July! Goodness! But, once all this has passed, I think things will be a little bit easier. As long as we keep on forward, we'll be okay.
This has been Maverik, and remember.
Smile. Always.
Sleep well, everyone!
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undead-merman · 3 years
🧜‍♂️MerMay- The Brothers🧜‍♂️GN Reader- SFW
Lucifer has a long black tail with a hint of a royal blue striping on the back. His scales are smooth and small, ganoid shaped and are completely flat. A few black scales are on his face, just at the corner of his eyes giving them a sharper appearance and forming a diamond shape on his forehead. There is one scale slightly out of place on his diamond mark; it's not noticeable unless seen close up.   
His fins are long and flowing and are in the shape of rounded spades. He has a tear on his dorsal fin which goes all the way through the fin and has a scar on his back. His caudal fin is the largest on his body and has a peacock like pattern that can be flushed making the colors go from the normally black with barely visible blue to bright flashy blues, and reds on deep blacks.
His human skin is colored like a great white shark: creamy light skin on his stomach, fading to grey on his back; granting him the ability to countershade and aid in avoiding detection from above and below.
His face exhibits many shark features: broad and round head, small eyes, his mouth is filled with large teeth, and a flat nose.
Daily life
He’s very broody so he prefers the twilight and night hours; being accustomed to swimming in the deep parts of the ocean, too much light hurts his eyes but he also just enjoys the dark endless water with starlight above.
He has a very strict schedule, patrolling his nest, fighting off intruders, meeting up with Diavolo to hunt, clean up his brother's messes, patrol, try to sleep and get interrupted by one of his brothers if not more, and repeat.
He’s a carnivore so he enjoys eating whales, and sharks. He dislikes crabs and lobsters since they’re bottom feeders and he finds the idea of eating them very distasteful. 
He’s meticulous with grooming himself. He’s always sharpening his claws and forever growing teeth, picking them and cleaning them until they gleam in the light and buffing his scales to make them shimmer. 
When alone he enjoys trying to nap amongst a peaceful patch of seagrass. Drifting away slowly as curious little fish swim around him and the plant life softly brushes by with the current. 
He enjoys playing the violin, which surprisingly works, making melodies that haunt divers unfortunate enough to hear.  
Life with you
If you're a morning person you’ll get to see his sleeping unguarded face. He’ll try to wake up with you once he realizes, and within a few weeks he’ll be waking up far before you. He somehow has a built-in clock wired to try and make him wake up before you.
If you're a night person he’s thrilled to share some of the prettiest sights the ocean has to offer when the moon is out. Showing you his favorite spots to enjoy the night in silence. 
He becomes very protective of you and constantly scents you before leaving your side. Rubbing his palms on your cheeks or circling his tail loosely around you before brushing up on you as he swims away. No one will dare come near you if you smell so much like him.
He hates to admit it but he has the natural instinct of him bringing shiny things to you. He won’t even notice it until he pulls your hands in his and suddenly you have a shiny piece of sea glass in your hand. His face heats up if you tease him about it and suddenly he finds a speck on the wall very interesting.
As golden as gold can look, being actual gold, Mammon has the boldest scales of all the brothers. He’s not sure why they are, they’ve just always been that way and their weight doesn’t seem to be affected. His scales are ctenoid and can cut if he flares his scales and hits you with his tail. He doesn’t have any scales on his face and his skin seems to glow in the morning sun. 
His fins are exactly like that of a long spined sea scorpion with them having large painful spines inside them. Unlike the other fish he has a painful venom that can leave someone reeling in pain for days. It won’t kill but it’ll hurt!
He has two sets of canines that are very noticeable when he opens his mouth to talk. His upper right canine tooth has a gold coating making the tooth look like it’s made of gold. The top pair always hang out of his mouth while the lower one is hidden. 
He has shorter nails more meant for prying than slashing. Though they’re surprisingly well manicured and painted white.
Daily life
100% a morning person. Wakes up all groggy but after brushing his scales he's peppy and ready to start the day.
Mammon hoards his shedded scales, after all they are gold. He puts them in an old vintage submariner foot locker, nearly rotted apart but he sticks random stickers or patches onto it to help keep it together. A lot of the time the brothers will just take the money they are owed from the chest and Mammon whines about it; however, if they're pissed they’ll pluck some scales from him painfully.
His scales get plucked often: by the sea witches to whom he owes a massive debt to, his angry brothers, even Solomon sometimes plucks them off like he’s a pez dispenser. Because of this he sometimes has very sensitive scaleless spots. They grow back within a day but it still hurts.
He joins Lucifer in patrolling their territory. He’s just as protective over his space as Lucifer is, and of course he wants to look out for his younger brothers, but he won’t admit that unless it gives him a chance to use pity points to get out of trouble.
Very particular about his scales. He wants them looking pretty and as bright as they can be. Contrarily, he doesn’t give the same treatment for his hair, calling running his hands through to get the tangles out good enough.
Life with you
If you show concern for his scales he’ll play it off like it doesn’t hurt and it's really just a bother, but it isn’t. If you continue to worry about him or even offer to help patch him up he will become much more protective of you. You treat him so kindly that he doesn’t want that to stop.
If he’s in a bad mood or he gets jealous of someone, he'll grab you and shove his face into your neck and twist till his face is thoroughly buried. He wants to smell you so he can calm down and basically scream at anyone who comes by that you are something very close to Mammon so don't you dare touch.
He’ll try to drag you around to join in his mischief. Joining him in gambling rings or minnow racing. He’ll insist you're a lucky charm, though he just likes your company. He loves to bear hug you if he wins big and he holds you above him in the water with a big smile on his face.
Another victim of random shiny gifts for you. He's more aware of it and brags about how neat it looks even if it's just some old mirror. He’s always trying to play up how amazing his little gifts are.
His tail is very long, much longer than his brothers though it's thinner and has less muscle. His scales are ganoid shaped and colored the same color as his hair with a white underneath. During the night he has bright cyan bioluminescence circles on his sides. His eyes and tongue glowing as well with a very faint glow to his teeth as well. 
He’s embarrassed about it but he has multiple random patches of scales around his face and he thinks it makes him look weird.
His fins are shaped much like a goldfish, even having a round double tail and flowing fins. He is the most delicate looking one. But if he gets angry he transforms into a gigantic sea monster and can cause storms. 
He’s an omnivore so his teeth are small and much like a humans. They fall out if they get damaged but like a shark they’ll always grow back.
His skin is also counter shaded like Lucifer. Though more ashy gray color than his older brother. Unfortunately his bioluminescent colored scales, even though they pulse in brightness, make him much easier to spot. 
Daily life
He’s a night dweller through and through and refuses to swim during daylight hours. He likes to dwell in deeper waters so the light isn’t too much for him; but he mostly likes to stay in his cave and obsess over his washed up anime knicknacks. Making sure to pluck away barnacles and clean the muck off.
Since he’s an omnivore he’ll eat whatever is nearby. He enjoys jellyfish and the deadlier they are to humans the more he likes them. He's unaffected by their venom. Though he’ll enjoy a crab or free swimming fish. 
Leviathan does not like patrolling; he’d much rather leave the scuffling to everyone else so he can focus on more important things, like trying to dry out a keyboard in his open air room. 
His room is open air and inside a cave that can be accessed by a nearby beach. Inside is a shrine to his collection and he’s always fawning over it.
He loves that he matches with his fish friend Henry. They are extremely similar in shape, even having similar tails. He has a fresh water tank inside so Henry doesn’t get too dried up from the salt water. Leviathan can handle both fresh and saltwater so sometimes he hops into the tank to swim near his friend.
He’s very self conscious of his scales, especially the ones on his face so he has to make sure they look nice. His hair has to be styled just right to distract them from his face. He has a habit of pulling his bangs down over his eyes when he’s flustered.  
Life with you
Once he’s bonded with you he is constantly by your side and wanting to spend as much quality time with you as he can. He’ll be trailing you talking about the little curiosities he’s found. He whines about how he wants to go back to his cave but he won’t leave your side.
He’ll show you his collection of nicknacks and if you're able to set up a little television and gamecube he’ll be ecstatically waving his fish tail around like a dog. He’ll constantly beg you to play with him. He wants to CO-OP this game with you!
If he’s feeling cuddly that day he’ll float up to the surface and let you lounge on him and let the waves gently rock you both. He’ll hum old sea shanties he’s heard from sailors long ago as well as some anime songs from a series you enjoy together. 
Expect him to drag you to his spots for finding his little curiosities, he’ll want you to help him scour the area and find more fun items. He’s very happy with whatever you bring and he’ll keep them around his nest.   
Satan is built similarly to Lucifer though his scales are more raised and spiny. His tail is a bright shamrock green which shifts to a seafoam green. He has a bunch of scales on the corners of his mouth and completely covers his cheeks.
His fins are long and have a crowntail shape that are tipped a deep black. When he gets angry his fins flare up making him look much, much bigger.
He has a flatter nose and bigger teeth like Lucifer. While they aren’t as sharp they are still dangerous if he’s mad. 
His skin also glows in the bright morning sun and if he’s lounging around he’ll attract nearby small fish to swim around him enjoying the serene glow he has.   
Daily life
He takes a long time waking up, and he’s not a morning person at all. He’s dazed for an hour or so until he’s fully awake, though he’s not much of a night person, more preferring midday.  
He’s currently got the goal of piecing together the world’s true histories. Figuring out what happened to old forgotten cities, lost treasures, and destroyed civilizations. He has a long way to go and he treats this handcrafted book like a child, holding it far above the water.
He explores with random, yet reputable exploration teams. Helping them with identifying relics or gems. He’s earned a reputation for himself by doing this and is often approached to go on expeditions. 
He is another type to patrol around his territory. He does it around midday though and hunts during these. He’s a carnivore and likes tuna and other free swimming fish, but refuses to eat squid and octopi due to how smart they are. He likes to feed nearby ones. Though they aren’t as cute as human world cats.
He’ll go to a human world pier and try to attract the local stray cats with his tail. He’ll leave them little gifts so now all the local cats come to the docks at a certain time to wait for him. He really wants to have a cat but sadly it’s a love that’s not meant to be, they are from two different worlds.    
Life with you
He’ll enjoy taking you on expeditions. Showing you beautiful sunken landscapes very few eyes have seen before. He loves seeing your reactions to sights.
He enjoys learning your hobbies and trying them out with you. He’ll go out of his way to provide an accurate experience to what you're used to since he enjoys learning and experiencing new things, especially now that you're here.
He's another one that loves to rub his smell all over you. He’s just as bad as Mammon, his smell is all over every part he can get to and stinks of “back off, don’t touch” causing others to give you a wide berth.
He’s going to hang off of you every morning. If you're larger than him he shoves his face into your chest and tries to go back to sleep. He looks so different with his sleeping face, he looks peaceful in your arms. But if you're smaller he’ll flop onto you and try to use you as a pillow. He’s surprisingly warm and his underside isn’t as spiny and sharp.
He’ll want to introduce you to his octopi friends. Each one is named after a different sea or famous author. If you agree he’ll be delighted to take you there and let you play with them. Though he might get a bit jealous if you get along with them a bit too much. He won’t show his jealousy though.   
He’s the most serine and delicate looking of all his brothers. His thin body has a bright cherry blossom pink tail and has long silky looking fins. His bright scales sparkle and shimmer and have a pearlescence to them. He has perfectly pure white scales patches on his tail as well giving a koi pattern. 
He resembles a butterfly koi but with longer and frankly impractical looking fins. They flow around him weightless and they look like silk in the wind around him. Even his dorsal fin is long and flowing.
He doesn’t have any scales on his face and he looks perfectly human from the waist up. His skin has an angelic like glow and shimmers in the sun. He has a few freckles on his face, chest and elbows. 
He has small pearly white teeth just like a human would, he’s very keen on keeping them perfectly white, just like his white scales, but his canines can extend like a cat flexing their claws.  
Daily life
He wakes up to his internal alarm clock, which is scarily accurate. Bright eyed and bushy tailed from the moment his eyes open. Swimming around and preparing himself for another day, brushing his tail, combing his hair, and cleaning his teeth, all while chatting to whoever will listen.
He is a highly requested entertainer for festivals and celebrations. He’s invited to grand openings, large festivals, and even private birthdays to those who pay him well enough. His dances and singing is the best among his kind and can easily enrapture sailors let alone his own kind. His voice mixed with the way his fins trail behind him like long fans is an easy way to get hypnotized. 
When he’s not booked for a celebration he’s helping Diavolo keep humans away from their city. He uses his voice to entrance anyone he deems a threat and can make them turn and forget why they were out here and what they saw. He doesn’t get into any of the violent stuff. That’s not his style.
If he’s not at home, he is always with someone. He’s like a fairytale princess with a crowd behind him, be they other mers or fish schooling around him. He always has a smile on his face and he’s not very quiet about how much he enjoys attracting an adoring crowd. At home he enjoys a nice relaxing self care session.
When he’s angry his canines poke out he doesn’t notice this habit of his, but it's usually because he’s extremely angry at the time and holds himself back.
He doesn't bother with patrolling and he’s not territorial in the slightest. He’s a lover not a fighter so his big brothers can handle any scary monster.     
Life with you
He’s bringing you to all kinds of festivals and parties as his +1 every time. You’ll be able to experience all the wonders Diavolo’s kingdom has to give and he’s extremely happy to be there with you every single time.
He’ll use his charm to get you whatever you want. Did you want that cute seashell necklace? Or that shark tooth bracelet? He’ll approach the store owner, shake his tail and flirt a bit and it’s his now. Which he immediately hands to you with a huge grin on his face, telling you how well it suits you and how you make that item look even better.
He’s always trying to groom you in any sort of manner. Rubbing your scalp and smoothing your hair with his finger. Trying to rub thick creams into your skin, or rubbing pigment onto your nails to paint them. You're the only one he’ll do this for.
He needs to hold your hand at least 3 times a day and needs a kiss before he goes to sleep and he’ll break into your room if he doesn’t get them all. He’ll act all innocent but he knows exactly what he’s doing. He just likes being a brat so he can cuddle and love you.
He also gets upset if you smell like someone else so he randomly jumps you and cuddles you in his arms rubbing his cheek against yours and rubbing you with his tail and brushing all of his fins against you. If you check you can see his fangs sticking out when he’s jealous. 
If you’re ever feeling down he’ll sing for you. Dance with you, twirling you around as if he’s the moon and you're the earth itself. He gets lost in the dance and by the time you're done you're both embracing and laughing. 
Beelzebub and Belphegor
While being twins they couldn’t be more polar opposites. Beelzebub has radiant skin that seems to glow even in the darker parts of the ocean and a long sunset orange tail full of powerful muscles and reaches the longest out of the brothers. His tail is smooth and has a cycloid scale pattern. Belphegor has the shark-like appearance some of his other brothers have. Counter shaded skin, flatter nose. But he seems to absorb the light around him making everything seem much darker than they really are. His tail is medium size and is pretty thin. His tail is a deep eggplant purple with black spots.
Both of them have matching fin shapes, their caudal fin being shaped like a swordtail guppy and the rest of their fins are wide and shaped like fans. Belphegor's fins are mostly black but with the same eggplant purple speckled in. Beelzebub’s are the same sunset orange.
Beelzebub’s face is free of scales but on the sides of his cheeks and around his jawline and down to his shoulders scales are clustered around. They are thick hardy scales making his neck his strongest area besides his tail, but he has a scar just under his chin.
Belphegor has a freckle-like pattern of small scales they scattered all around his face only one or two at a time. They’re much smaller than the ones on his tail.
Belphegor has extremely sharp teeth and while they’re small they’re serrated. Beelzebub has mostly human teeth, though his canines are much bigger and wider, he’s able to crush stones with those teeth.
Daily life
These two have been inseparable since they were young and it's a trend that is clearly there to stay. They may have a different schedule but when they go to rest they rest and sleep in the same nest. 
Beelzebub helps teach the younger mers to fight. He’s been permitted to teach not only the royal guard but other everyday mers. He’s a proud teacher and he’s always trying to come up with ways to help each student of his even on an individual level, but that’s when he’s not eating. 
He’s also the kingdom's best hunter, and a small team is sent out with him every once in a while to hunt down any monsters that come too close to their kingdom. Beelzebub ends up eating the thing before they get back though. The bigger and more ferocious they are, the better they taste. That’s what he says at least.   
Belphegor is the kingdom's most talented astrologist. Unlike his twin brother though, he doesn’t put his skills to much use. He’ll help, maybe, if he’s not tired or if he’s in a good mood, but those chances are slim to none. Instead he’s actually a doctor. 
He’ll laze around in his office and sleep on the table, but when a patient comes in he’s somehow able to look over them once and tell what’s wrong with them. Even his brother’s are confused how he can just wake up, take one look at someone and perfectly diagnose them. 
He also seems to nurse others on an auto pilot. He barely has his eyes open and is able to patch up any wound he can find. Because of his talent yet lack of effort he has earned some ire from his peers. He doesn’t care though as long as he can keep sleeping on the job.
Many other Mer’s have approached him in hopes to become his apprentice but he’s ignored every single one. He’s too lazy to even try. Which many people think is selfish since he’s so skilled. Though he doesn’t care what they say.    
Life with you 
You will always find them not too far from you. Once they grew attached to you they began not moving too far from you. Sometimes they even drag you along with them so you can be near them. Belphegor is guilty of dragging you to his workplace more than Beelzebub, sometimes trying to trick you into keeping everyone busy so he can nap.
Beelzebub just brings you so he can keep an eye on you and give you hugs when he’s feeling a bit stressed. You can tell when he’s getting stressed because the longer part of his tail fin flicks back and forth. If you end up hugging him right when he starts he’ll end up holding you until you ask him to let you go. It always makes him smile if you do that. 
They are both picky about having you sleep in their nest. Belphegor will complain and try to guilt you into their nest if you try to sleep anywhere else and Beelzebub will give you puppy dog eyes. They won’t stop until you agree, and they both coil around you when sleeping.
Beelzebub is very protective of you since he knows how monstrous things can be outside the kingdom so whenever he gets worried about you he pulls you by the hips closer to him. Belphegor simply just gets jealous of others talking to you and will rest his chin on your shoulder and stare at whoever is talking to you. 
If you let him, Beelzebub will groom you. Brushing your hair is a favorite of his. He likes playing with it. If you were to return the favor by polishing his scales or even playing with his hair too he gets left in a great mood for the rest of the day. The smile he gets never leaves his face. 
Belphegor when he’s feeling up to it will show you the stars at night. He’ll let you float on him or next to him and gaze at the bright night sky, untouched by light pollution or blocked by trees. Just the sounds of the open ocean and the two of you. Sometimes he’ll end up like an otter and fall asleep while holding your hand so you don’t float away.  
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the-empress-7 · 4 years
Shall we consider the rich irony of this Oprah tell-all? After all her lawsuits and 'anguish' over having her personal life made into media fodder and not being able to 'fight back', it would indeed be extraordinary hypocrisy if MM were to reveal any intimacies about the RF or lob accusations and criticisms against them, knowing they may choose to keep calm and carry on. Is she brave (or foolish) enough to breach someone else's privacy for ratings and clicks?
Meghan is a minnow swimming amongst sharks now. Hollywood has some monster sized sharks. 
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ericsonclan · 3 years
The Mystery Snack
Summary: Renata and Sophie prepare to sneak up to the surface when suddenly another merperson appears wanting to see the land dwellers again.
Word Count: 2876
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Renata swam forward, her yellow tail cutting through the water with ease as she twirled amongst the seaweed. A large grin was on her face as she continued onward, not a care in the world. Her brown eyes glanced up at the waters above, noticing the small schools of fish and the warm sunlight that pierced through the surface of the ocean and highlighted the waters below. There really was no place to live like under the sea. Still, the surface was so mysterious with the land dwellers running around on things that looked like sticks and with their weird food. Renata still wasn’t over how disappointing that black block tasted.
“Stupid stale box,” Renata flicked her tail and did another small spin, instantly regaining her joy. Whatever, she was planning on meeting up with Allison today and after that she would finally go on that stealth mission that she and Sophie had been playing for ages. In fact, Renata was already forgetting sections of the three hour old plan. Her nose scrunched up in concentration as she continued forward before she shrugged it off. It couldn’t be that important if she forgot it.
With a happy, upbeat tune Renata made her way forward, dancing upon the small little pulls of the ocean below. Until her eyes caught sight of Allision; her blood red tail stuck out clearly in the water as it moved this way and that. The ends of her fins brushed against the sands of the ocean floor, moving at such an anxious pace that Renata grew curious at what could be getting her friend in such a mood. With a playful smile she swam forward and tackled Allison with a hug. “Surprise hug attack!” Renata declared loudly and spun the two of them around in the water for a few seconds.
“Renata!” Allison squirmed around in her friend’s arms for a moment. “You distracted me from the hunt!”
“Oops, sorry there. Whatcha hunting?” Renata’s eyes scanned the area and her smile faltered for a second when she saw a big shark. Without thinking twice she guided her and Allison into a hollowed out rock. “That was close! Mr. Grumpy Teeth almost saw us,”
“That's what I was hunting,” Allison mumbled, her tail flicking in anticipation of Renata’s disapproval.
“Allie, just because you got a badass shark tooth necklace doesn’t mean you won’t be this grump’s appetizer,”
Renata’s words made Allison glance down at the necklace that Renata had gifted her during their travels together before they found the place that they now called home.
“I know,”
“I mean, we snagged that off some shark that was totally dead. I’m pretty sure a whale sat on that shark or something but this one is bad news.” Renata’s tail curled around a little rock and began to whack it softly up and down.
“It could be a threat though,” Allison’s eyes watched the shark for a moment then looked over at Renata.
“It could or it could just be passing through. Best thing we can do is stay here for a little bit then head back home. If it decides to show its ugly mug in our home, then it's gonna learn what merpeople can really do!”
Allison was quiet for a moment, her hand playing with her necklace. She trusted Renata’s judgement here; she usually always listened to Renata’s decision when they revolved around things like this. Not when it came to dumbass matters though - that’s when Allison knew to not have a fin in those sort of things. Usually. “Okay, fine,”
“Wooo! Alright, I found some neato sticks so we’re playing tic-tac-toe!” Renata beamed over at Allison who nodded and took the stick.
It was an hour or so before the shark moved far away from them and off in a direction opposite to their home. Once the coast was clear Renata led the way before swimming around and around Allison. “Glad we made this a game day and not a hunting day!” Renata smiled over at her friend. The red-tailed mermaid gave a small smile in response.
“Yeah, I guess it wasn’t bad,”
“That’s the spirit! Now come on, let's get back home!” Renata grabbed Allison’s hand and pulled her forward as she swam. Soon the two friends were swimming side by side, happy and carefree. It wasn’t a long swim before they arrived back home to the giant sea stone that held dozens of caves that the merpeople had turned into a beautiful home with the help of rocks, shiny shells and the occasional hermit crab.
As Renata and Allison made their way through the entrance they spotted Oakley who was staring rather intently at a patch of seaweed. The merperson’s chestnut brown tail swayed slowly, moving with the ebb and flow of the thought process of their inner mind. After a moment or two of pondering Oakley opened their mouth with a pronounced ‘Ah’ sound and bit down on the seaweed. Chewing thoughtfully, Oakley went from a somewhat blank expression to one of disgust. With a ‘bleh’ sound, bits of seaweed swooshed away with a well-timed current. “Bad seaweed.”
Before Renata could go over and comfort her friend for their terrible loss of potentially good seaweed, a new merperson spiraled forward. His firetruck red tail stood out loudly against the softer colors of the creatures nearby him.
“Knox!” Duck moved forward, abruptly stopping and causing a small whirlwind of water with his tail nearby. “I found a new patch of seaweed that we haven’t explored yet! Wanna go?” Oakley gave a small nod which made a happy smile appear on Duck’s lips. Interlocking his pinky with Oakley’s, Duck swam forward, slowly guiding his love away. Renata and Allison watched them for a moment when suddenly a loud voice appeared nearby.
“Allie!” Willy swam forward, his hands cupped together. “I found a super cool stone!” Revealing the stone, Willy watched as awe danced around in Allison’s eyes as she studied the smooth blue rock that changed from lighter shades to darker ones. “Pretty cool, huh?”
“Yeah, really cool,” Allison carefully took the rock and examined it for a moment longer before pressing a kiss to Willy’s cheek. That romantic gesture made Willy beam with happiness and twirl in a circle a few times in a row.
“I found a whole area like this! Come on, we gotta check it out!” Willy grasped Allison’s hand. The positive smile on his face made a new smile appear on hers.
“Okay,” Allison began to swim away then looked back at Renata. “See you later,”
“Okay! See ya!” Renata gave a wave then was off like a shot after moving her tail with a strong flick.
Twirling about, Renata made her way through the merpeople’s land. As she swam by, she noticed Nurgul’s lavender tail and saw that she was making seashell necklaces with Gabe before stealing a quick kiss from him. Both of them were overwhelmed by that action and their faces only became redder when Gabe returned Nurgul’s affection with a kiss of his own. Nurgul smiled softly at that and swam around Gabe and his orange and yellow tail twice then took his hand in hers. Renata smiled at the happy couple then swayed her tail back and forth at a fast pace, propelling herself forward.
Her eyes caught sight of Ruby who was beside Aasim, her azure tail curled around his black tail that held red accents. Ruby watched Aasim with a warm smile as he tried to carve some sort of writing into stone. After a moment she caught sight of Renata and gave a small wave. Renata returned it in kind then continued forward, her gaze turning to the water above and picking up on the fact that night was fast approaching. She had to find Minnie for some quality snuggling time before she went on this top secret mission with Sophie.
Moving her fin at an alarming rate Renata cut through the water and made a beeline right towards her and Minnie’s home. There, already relaxing, was Minnie. The redhead’s eyes brightened immediately when she spotted Renata, her smokey grey tail happily swaying. “Hey there, Ren,”
“Minnow!” Renata swam forward and immediately wrapped her arms around Minnie. Peppering Minnie’s face with kisses, Renata pulled back with a warm smile. “Did you miss me?”
“Yeah, I did,” Minnie held onto the hug. “Did you have a nice time with Allison?”
“Yep! But now I want cuddles!” Renata nuzzled her face against Minnie’s. The action made MInnie’s face heat up.
“Oh, okay. Yeah, I’m down for that,”
Minnie’s answer made Renata’s smile grow and soon the two of them were cuddling up close to each other, their tails gently intertwined as Minnie gave Renata a kiss before falling asleep.
Renata’s eyes fluttered open and she gave a loud yawn, smacking her lips together for a moment. Glancing over, she saw that Minnie was fast asleep. It would be tough to sneak out now. Minnie wasn’t exactly a heavy sleeper. Giving a soft kiss to her girlfriend, Renata then got to work, wiggling and squishing her body together to slip out of Minnie’s arms. It took some awkward movements and a weird sound or two but soon Renata was free.
Giving a gentle goodbye kiss so as to not wake up Minnie, she started to swim off. Then she suddenly paused. Her eyes traveled over to Minnie and she resisted the urge to give her love another kiss. She quickly failed. Renata swam over and kissed Minnie one more time then used the end of her fin to tickle her face before leaving.
It didn’t take Renata long to spot her best friend. Sophie’s shimmery white tail swayed ecstatically with her anticipation for this secret mission. Her eyes soon found Renata and a smile appeared on her lips. “Heya, Ren! I see you succeeded in step one,” Sophie swam over to meet up with Renata.
“Yep! And I only gave Minnie two goodbye kisses so she won’t be waking up unlike last time.”
“Yeah, midnight swimming with dolphins would’ve been a blast,” Sophie’s tail stopped for a moment. “Oh well, that will be the next mission but this one first! I gotta see if this black block was really stale or if you’ve been hiding secret tasty land dweller food,” Sophie’s eyes narrowed at Renata playfully.
Renata gasped. “I would never do that to my best friend! That black block is gross but I guess we'll just have to go up to the surface to prove it to you,” She shared an excited smile with Sophie until suddenly the two mermaids heard the flick of a fin slicing through the water. Spinning around, the two of them spotted the familiar evergreen tail and the freckled chest of Louis.
“Hey, I’m here for the mission!” Louis grinned over at the two mermaids, his tail swaying excitedly.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Sophie crossed her arms and shared a secret look with Renata. “Can we trust him?”
“Hmmm, nah,” Renata answered and swam away with Sophie for a second before turning around and grabbing Louis’ hand. “Kidding! Okay, let’s go lick some weird land dweller food and see that stick lady that Louis likes!”
Louis sputtered a response but neither of his friends heard him in their excitement.
“Okay!” Sophie smiled and led the way. The three of them tried to be stealthy as they snuck out. They were less than successful. Sophie ran into a rock structure, accidentally knocking it over, and Renata got distracted by a funny looking crab while Louis tried to grab a fish in his teeth as a gift for the land dweller he was sweet on. Luckily for them though none of the merpeople woke up and so the trio soon swam up to the surface and towards the spot where Renata, Louis and Violet had run into those two weird-speaking land dwellers. Once they arrived though it was clear that the two stick folks as Renata called them and the stale black block were nowhere to be seen.
“Are they hiding?” Sophie’s face was barely above the water as she scanned the area.
“No, they love to be out and about,” Renata looked around. Louis nodded and started to speak but the fish in his mouth muffled his words. Spitting it out, Louis tried to speak again.
“Renata is right. Maybe they have a sleeping spot though. These rocks don’t look comfortable,”
“Yeah they look like real jerkfaces,” Sophie nodded in agreement to Louis’ words.
“Well if they do have cool sleeping rocks, then I wanna find them. That’s gotta be where their stash of stale food is too,” Renata dove down underwater and soon Sophie and Louis followed suit. The three of them searched around the area for a little bit before Sophie spotted a weird-looking wooden log in the sea. It had sticks poking out of it draped with strange white long seaweed. Without hesitating Renata and Sophie dashed forward, jumping and splashing into the water as they made their way forward. Meanwhile Louis was studying his fish gift.
“This is stupid, I can’t give a fish twice!” Louis frowned and tossed the fish over his shoulder. The dead fish plopped into the water then traveled along the surface’s currents. Louis thought deeply about what he wanted to give the land dweller who made him feel all warm and fuzzy. After a moment his eyes shone with the answer. “A jellyfish!” Louis jumped up in the air and dove back down into the water, determined to find the new gift.
Sophie struggled to get onto the weird floating wooden log. Her fin floundered about as she tried to get her full body onto its flat top. Once she was on the log she leaned over and helped Renata who gave herself small encouragements as she struggled along with Sophie to get onto the floating log. It took a few more moments but soon both of them were on the log and rolling about to see what they could find.
Sophie’s light blue eyes looked around for the supposed snack Renata had licked. Looking back and forth and back and forth as she rolled around, Sophie finally found it - the black block. “Heheh, found ya!” Sophie grinned then licked the shiny black item. Her smile immediately faded though and a small pout pulled on her lips. Renata was right, it was stale. Sophie continued to pout, upset by this news when suddenly she found a white, tiny three-pronged item. “Ooo! Ren! I found something!” Sophie whisper hissed over to her best friend who was currently busy sniffing a bag full of what looked like pebbles and sand. Rolling over, Renata stopped by Sophie.
“Look! Look! I think this is a tiny weapon!” Sophie held out the three pronged item.
“Ooo! Or a thing to help your hair be super smooth!”
Renata’s suggestion made Sophie’s eyes grow large and the redhead immediately began to run the three pronged item through her long red hair. She made a happy sound as she continued to brush her hair while Renata clapped along. Sophie was about to start up another round of brushing when her eyes caught sight of the bag again. “What's that?”
Renata followed her friend’s gaze and looked at the bag. “I don’t know but I hope it's tasty!” She pulled open the bag and dug around. Tossing a handful in her mouth, Renata let out a small gasp. “It’s good! It's tasty sand!”
Sophie immediately snatched some up and her tastebuds were bombarded with distinct sweet, salty and crunchy sensations. “It is tasty sand! This is amazing!” She smiled over at Renata who returned it and the two began to high five again and again and again. When suddenly they heard some sounds from inside the log and the strange dialect of the land dwellers.
“We’ve been compromised!” Renata yelled. She and Sophie began to roll over to the edge of the log. Both of them were in the middle of helping each other escape when Louis emerged from the water, a small pink jellyfish covering his eyes.
“Guys! Bad news! Jellyfish aren’t good gifts!”
“Not now, Louis! We have to get back home with the tasty sand!” Sophie jumped into the water, the food in the bag closed and secured.
“Okay! I just need help getting Mr. Jelly off my face!” Louis blindly swam forward, bonking his head on a rock a moment later. Sophie quickly pulled off the jellyfish then looked back to see that Renata had the three pronged item in her mouth. With a jump that Renata would describe as nothing short of godliness, although in actuality it was anything but that, Renata belly flopped into the sea.
“Ren!” Sophie called out to her best friend as she slowly sunk into the sea below.
“Haul ass, ladies! Back home we go!” Louis led the way back under the sea once Sophie had successfully grabbed Renata. The three of them successfully disappeared without being seen by the land dwellers. As they swam forward all three of them had one single hope: that they wouldn’t get caught sneaking back into the merpeople’s land.
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khunfounded · 4 years
The Names We Share
[Late submission for khunbam week day 7: names. I’ll post day 6 soon!]
Living amongst rocks and darkness
And only one source of light
My name meant nothing
Echoing hollow from my mouth
I watched it fall and shatter
Living amongst ice and bloodshed
Only one name held meaning
And it was not mine
It fell from their mouths like razors
Carving up my sallow skin
Meeting the world amazed me
So many names to discover
Especially yours
Hi, Khun Aguero Agnis!
Losing the world haunted me
It was torn right out of my grasp
I’ll do this for you
Goodbye, Twenty-Fifth Bam
Oh god, how much I miss you
I murmur your name every night
I’ll make sure your safe
This is my promise, Khun-ssi
My hope had been gone for years
But then, for only a moment
I saw you again
I will get you back, Viole
Lying with you, late at night
We’re finally back together
I will keep you close
My most precious person, Khun
I’m going to claw my way up
If you’re not here, the world will end
No sharks or minnows
I’m staying at your side, Bam
No matter how far you are
I am right there with you, darling
Through time and through space
You are my love, Aguero
The names we share are ours alone
Spoken softly in the moonlight
Our hands intertwined
I’m so glad that I met you
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bunny-hoodlum · 5 years
Don't Leave Her(e)
Sasuke follows an Otsutsuki into a world very much like our own.
It lead him farther than he’s ever gone.
A new dimension opened up to him.
He would like to get used to this by now, but no. His Space-Time dojutsu still left him winded.
He stepped out of the side of a building into a narrow alley, the abyssal portal closing behind him.
An assortment of unknown sounds bombarded his senses, so loud they seemed in competition.
Chugging, whirring, whooshing. Blaring horns not unlike the those on the freight ships back home. There were beeps that stuttered and others that dragged on.
Amongst the din was a constant shuffling like a herd in the distance. There too played music with instruments he’d never heard before.
It was rather… chirpy.
A noisy creak alerted him. A door a few feet to Sasuke’s left opened outwards and a man in a white apron and white hat stepped out, trash bag in hand.
Sasuke hadn’t sensed him.
The man took no notice of Sasuke as he headed for the dumpster. Soon as he tossed the bag in and headed for the door, he halted to a stop.
The cook scrutinized him for a good minute.
“Ain’t never seen anyone wear a cape so casually, ‘cept the cosplayers on the bridge. You lost?”
Sasuke shook his head. “Just passing through.”
The cook craned his head back, looking down his nose. “Uh-huh. From where?”
Sasuke looked to his right, taking note that the alley lead to a brick wall. The building ahead appeared to be five storeys tall, its fire escape evidently unused.
Having no answer, Sasuke strode for the exit.
“Wait. Wait now, hold-” The cook grasped at Sasuke’s left arm, only to come up empty. “-up?” His grip slackened enough for Sasuke to slip through.
Leaving the alleyway had been like emerging from a tunnel of ignorance.
The world opened up to him, blinding at first, then overwhelming with the sheer activity of life all around him.
Thousands of people filled these streets. Phones to their heads and bags in their arms. Vehicles he’d never dreamed before sped along what seemed like a concrete river. Monitors which hung off of the faces of sky-reaching buildings flashed obnoxiously with gleaming faces and polished products.
A monstrous scream accompanied by an enormous shadow swept overhead, spiking his heart rate.
A giant bird?
No. It had a long, conical body with a tail like a shark and blades for wings. It was evidently metal, shining white as it hummed fiercely towards its descent.
An old anecdote from Naruto’s teen years came to mind, the only one where he rode upon a giant flying island turtle. But he doubted Naruto could help him understand this UFO any better, even if he was here.
Upon closer inspection, Sasuke noticed something: It had a bright red emblem on its tail.
A red leaf.
The trail was gone.
Sasuke cursed his luck.
Perhaps they had merely passed through this realm.
But now Sasuke was stranded until his chakra replenished enough for another crossing. At this point, he was more inclined to return home than follow a cold trail.
Sasuke tugged at the collar of his cape, sweat slicking down his skin. The gesture brought more attention to himself, based on the passive stares he was receiving.
Just like back in his world, it was the height of summer.
He was missing the summer solstice festival. He couldn’t promise to go with them. Didn’t mean he wouldn’t like to.
Sakura said she’d send him pictures. She already showed him the yukata Sarada would be wearing. He wouldn’t be able to see the pictures until he got back, though.
The season was the same, but somehow it was much more stifling than he was used to.
Actually, it was a lot more of many things he was used to.
For starters, the roads back in his world are never this crowded. He feels like a minnow swimming against a current of impatient salmon, ready to be tossed out.
How is it that there are this many people existing in a single mile radius, and yet they have no perceivable life force?
He just couldn’t get his head around it.
Sasuke needs to get his bearings.
He needs to prevent the Otsutsuki from feeding off any more God Trees.
What if there was one here?
It was worth to check.
Finding relief away from the crowds, Sasuke stepped into a wide side street. Square stone seats and benches lined the center, offset by a series of shrubs encased in stone boxes.
Shops lined either side, and overhead were diamond-shaped awnings that spanned the entire arcade.
As Sasuke strode past an eatery of sorts, cool mist struck his eyes and mouth.
He jumped back slightly, ignoring the looks from the customers seated in the patio dining area. From the awning of the restaurant was a system of black devices attached by a black wire. From the mouth of these devices spewed a constant production of mist that shrouded much of the patio from the summer heat.
Sasuke reminded himself to move on. And to stop getting surprised by the little things.
He was only bound to run into more.
This was the first time he’s seen Sarada since she was born.
She was two now.
Sakura held their toddler, her expression warm and a little exasperated as Sarada grabbed onto his forefinger.
Quite the grip.
Sarada began nomming on his finger.
Oh. That’s what she wanted it for.
“She’s been teething,” Sakura said. “I’ve tried frozen mochi, a homemade anesthetic gel, my parents stopped by with a kokeshi, all with limited success…”
Sasuke smiled at his adorable daughter. The hard bumps of her budding front teeth not unlike a dog’s play-bites, and he felt strangely proud of her. Proud of her health, her growth.
“I’m sorry to leave you with everything, Sakura.”
Deep down, he’d love to trade places with his wife, to experience the same joys and stresses as her.
She waved him off. “We’ve already discussed this. You’re fighting for peace of mind. Someday Sarada-chan will understand.”
Sasuke’s jaw shifted.
Because on his worst days, he hardly understood himself at all.
It’s when Sasuke finally takes a moment to purchase food at a nearby grill stand that he realizes his currency is unrecognizable.
He’s concerned he’ll have to make multiple trips back to this world. In which case, he better make the most of his time gathering intelligence.
His phone doesn’t work.
Of course. Why would it?
He has access to Konoha’s main databank; what Shiho and her ever expanding department of coders call 'the Intranet’. But here, nothing.
He thinks his technology may not be up to date, let alone remotely compatible. Another thing to look into, for sure.
Sasuke folds the phone closed and rests his mouth against the flat of his fingers.
His hard stare into the distance gains focus as he registers something. There on the television screen appears to be a familiar face.
But that had to be a mistake.
Sasuke got up from the stone bench and approached the store window displaying various TVs.
One had a drama, not unlike the new form of scripted entertainment cropping up in his world. Another showed a man at a desk and two other men were seated off to the side. There was a martial arts tourney held in an octogonal ring there, horses racing along a dirt oblong on this screen, and six people in brightly colored jumpsuits struggling up a flight of white stairs over on this screen. Why they kept falling down and getting back up, he didn’t understand.
But he imagined Naruto wanting to give it a try.
Ignoring these distractions, the one thing that really pulled at his gaze was the news coverage.
PM Sarutobi Extends Visit to Kumo no Kuni
That was him.
That was really him.
Liver spots and all.
Sarutobi Hiruzen.
He looked so different out of the robes and hat. The dark gray suit was tailored to fit, emphasizing his diminutive stature. He wasn’t that old yet, but he was getting there, and he would likely only continue to shrink.
Just when Sasuke’s imperfect reasoning had begun to toy with the possibility of reincarnation, Hiruzen was shown seated at a conference desk beside none other than A himself.
And the old hard-ass still had both arms.
Sasuke rubbed at forehead, shutting his eyes as he tried to process everything.
His forehead rubbing soon upgraded to firmly knocking against his skull.
No. He didn’t understand it all.
He pressed his mouth to his wife’s small, round shoulder, earning a low, drawn-out moan.
A sharp wail disrupted this evening of stolen kisses and Sakura pulled away, suppressing her groan.
“Let me soothe her. It may be nightmares again.” She said, getting up.
Again, huh? Sasuke wondered what a three year old had to be afraid of.
His hand was on her shoulder in no time. He dipped in for a quick peck. “Get yourself ready for me. I’ll be back in a minute.”
His wife’s blush stirred the want more as she nodded obediently and reclined into bed.
Slipping out into the hallway, he made it to Sarada’s room.
She was standing and clutching at the rails of her crib. Her hiccups were frequent, almost violent and her sobs frantic.
She spotted him in the doorway, and it was like an instant switch. “Papa.” She chirped matter-of-factly.
He always wondered if it had been Sakura’s idea to teach her 'papa’ over anything else.
His father had always been 'Chichi-ue’ to him.
But Sasuke had demurred from taking the mantle of clan head. He had far too much to do. He had been the final Uchiha, the last true heir and he ran their name into the ground with his so-called 'wilding’ as Kakashi-sensei liked to tease. He needed to clean the slate. He needed to earn back his place.
Sasuke lifted Sarada up, inspecting her face for any trace of fear or sadness.
“Papa.” She reached for him, arms waving. She was perfectly fine now. He did say he would only need a minute.
As soon as Sasuke put her down, the pained screams started again. And in a panic, he scooped her up again.
Her big black eyes stared at him expectantly.
What was he supposed to do during this part?
There was a curious amount of disquiet in a world so peaceful that Sasuke had to wonder what prevented it from falling apart at all.
Jashinist Slain after Tokonoha Commissioner General Indicates Group’s hand in The Nines Incident
“… There’s a lot of misconceptions going around about what we worship and the nature of our rituals. But it’s all purely symbolic. We invite people to see for their own eyes that we are not dangerous…”
Sasuke heavily doubted there were any misconceptions.
Former PM Senju Hashirama’s Legacy Brought Into Question
Sasuke wasn’t ready to go down that rabbit hole again.
Uzushio-Hi no Kuni Relations Worsen as the Fifth Anniversary of the Nines Incident Draws Near
“… They refuse to release the full list of the victims names. My daughter was nine months pregnant at the time. I just want to take her home. I just want to bury my daughter…”
Sasuke had the vaguest dread as to what this 'Nines Incident’ meant in this world.
But if there was no monster here like Kurama, then to what scale had been this destruction?
Momochi Zabuza Evades Arrest for Botched Attempt Against LDP’s Oppositional Leader
Apparently some things never change.
Whatever the current climate of unrest seemed to be, he sense no threat of war.
Perhaps this world was too big to suffer as a whole.
Some people may get scratched off, but that’s all it is: A scratch.
Had the massacre never happened and his grandparents passed away of old age, he likely wouldn’t have been able to muster a misty eye. He barely knew them enough at the time to be fond of them.
Sasuke’s world is vast, but the lines between territory and loyalties are clear.
A single domino can topple an entire nation.
Was a single domino enough for this world to fall too?
Night had fallen and the streets had emptied.
The alleys and roadsides took up bedraggled, bearded men resting on their cardboard beds.
But then Sasuke came upon a man in a nice suit, face down in the street. He wasn’t injured, Sasuke soon found. Just black-out drunk.
Sasuke shifted him upright and leaned him against a nearby wooden bench. Sasuke paused to observe his breathing.
It was going to take some getting used to, not being able to sense life in the way that was so innate to him.
A place like this would be absolute hell for Karin.
Sasuke had noticed the CCTVs for some time.
It was better he didn’t perform any strange acrobatics for the time being.
Sasuke toyed with the idea of creating an assumed identity.
He didn’t know how long it would take him to be sure this world wasn’t cultivating a God Tree. He wouldn’t be able to stay anonymous for long.
He would need to adapt to this world’s level of technology, as well. Seeing the wires pulled away from the sides of buildings, suspended instead upon metal spires that looked tadpole tails, he knew there was a difference in the logic of their engineering. If it wasn’t simply ahead of theirs, it was surely done out of necessity and perhaps tradition.
Back home, the wires were visible, running alongside buildings, homes and roofs like arteries.
Shinobi, who often travelled above the ground, had no fear of snagging their ankles or neck. The design, therefore, was their tradition, their necessity.
One final thing he became aware of the sheer amount of individual businesses packed in a single mile radius. Cafes, clothing stores, electronics, furniture, groceries, these things seemed to have fused at the hip, forcing new businesses to build atop them like bricks.
Perhaps commerce was the blood of society in this world.
Perhaps this was what the so-called End of History was to look like.
When all wars are settled, there is nothing else to do but play with money.
An unassuming stone staircase caught his attention, for it lead three flights down into a darkened, verdant park.
The walking path wove like a snake between the trees.
Black metal trash cans stood along the trail here and there. Green dispensers carried rolls of black bags. They sported a sign, showing a stick figure stooping over behind a dog.
Huh. He wondered what that Inuzuka boy would think of this.
Sasuke took a seat on a lone wooden bench. He craned his head back to rest.
But when he closed his eyes, he became unsettled.
Even if he relied on his ears, or that subconscious instinct that told him when he was being watched (an ability he decided that had to be vestigial from being an indirect descendant of Kaguya), his senses still sought out the flickering warmth of chakra.
Closing his eyes felt like he was sinking into a place he could never wake up from.
Something scurried in the distance. Through the bushes. Too big to be a squirrel or stray mutt.
Sasuke lurched upright and there peeking out from behind a tree was a little girl.
She had straight, dark hair in a cropped princess cut style. Her skin was white, her eyes blue, and she couldn’t be older than four or five.
Unsure what to do, Sasuke waved at her.
And she waved back.
Sasuke reached into his vest pocket, digging out four pieces of hard candy in paper wrappers.
Sarada snuck them in when he wasn’t looking.
Black tea flavor. Sakura said they were her favorite.
Sasuke leaned forward, elbow propped on his knee and he held the candy out towards.
In the back of his mind, this gesture felt a little shady to him. If some strange man happened to offer his daughter her favorite candy, he would be inclined to reveal the hilt of his sword.
The little girl stepped out from behind the tree.
She took one little step. Hesitated. Then another little step. She repeated this pattern, when halfway her eyes brightened and she ran up to him.
She reached for the candy, her hand hovering short of grabbing one while her big eyes implored him for his approval.
“They’re for you, from my daughter. She told me sweets should be shared amongst friends.” A total fabrication, but how else was she going to trust him?
The little girl plucked a single candy from his palm and fished it out of its paper wrapper, then popped it in her mouth.
She then grabbed another one and held it out towards him.
Oh yeah. He did say sweets should be shared amongst friends.
Pocketing the other two pieces, he accepted the candy from her. He gazed at it reluctantly. He’s had these in his pocket for over a week. A gift from Sarada, perhaps even a bribe in her mind to get him to stay. For him, they were precious keepsakes.
Well, it wasn’t like he was never going to see her again.
Sasuke worked the candy from its wrapper with his thumb, popped it into his mouth and let the flavor meld onto his saliva. It was pleasant and smooth, not too sweet at all. An unassuming treat.
The little girl’s face began to scrunch and droop, as if she were working on a cough drop instead.
“Don’t like it?”
She shrugged. Through a mouthful of darkened saliva, she said. “Not sweet enough.”
“Hn. What’s your name?” Sasuke began to cautiously eye the toddler. Her lavender pants were soaked with muddied water from the knees down. Her white shoes were caked in mud as well. Her elbows were scuffed, giving him the impression that she must have fallen. Her skin and her hair were otherwise clean, showing that she was not like those downtrodden men from earlier.
It must be that she was only gone recently enough that her family wasn’t looking for her yet. But that would change soon if he didn’t act.
She looked at him funny for asking. “Hinata.”
In this world full of coincidences, time seemed to slow to a halt.
And in the brief seconds when her eyes would close, a round, timid face from his childhood replaced hers with perfect sameness.
“How old are you?”
She thrusted four fingers towards him.
He hoped this wasn’t somehow her.
“Is your birthday soon?”
She shook her head. “Too hot. Us'lly snow comes out to celebrate with me.”
No. This was just a coincidence. She couldn’t possibly be who he thought she was.
She scooted towards him, hands clutching the edges of his cape. He stiffened, hoping she wouldn’t see the scabbard angled against his back.
“Aniki, you taking me back to daddy now?”
Sasuke clasped his hand over hers and nodded.
Sasuke stood in the hallway, holding Sarada against him as Sakura slipped her shoes on in the genkan.
“I’m not going to be gone long, but you sure you’re going to be okay with her?”
“She’s sleeping.” What was there to worry about?
Sakura brushed her bangs aside, looking torn between leaving him or staying.
They were short on groceries. Sakura’s director duties at the children’s clinic had cut into the little free time she had, and his appearance today had been spontaneous to say the least.
“Okay.” She finally said. “I’m leaving now.”
“Take care.”
This was all he could do really.
Sakura knew what they needed, what they usually stocked up on when he wasn’t around. She most likely felt compelled to pick up extra things now that he was here. And with his self-imposed penance, he wasn’t going to be much help carrying all of that back from the marketplace had he gone instead.
This was all that he could do.
Hinata’s resting against him just like Sarada was that day. She seems to have taken to him quite easily.
It’s calming, going for a walk like this. He thinks of doing with this Sarada some day, before she got too big of course, with Sakura’s hand curled around his bicep.
Their village was beautiful, and there’s so much to try and explore. He keeps hearing about it. It’s Naruto’s pride and joy to share how it was evolving, expanding. Rokudaime must be proud, too. He tries to say he’s just a holdover Hokage until Naruto is ready, but no one was going to let Kakashi talk himself down like that.
Every day something new sprouted up to the point that an official newsletter had begun to circulate through the village. Naruto told him the first time he, Hinata and Boruto had waited in the longest line ever for the new bakery that had debuted right across Dango-ya.
Sasuke understood right away: Competition is good for growth.
The city lights greeted them as he drew closer to the shops he had ventured passed during his first hours. Their windows were darkened however, and he believed it was well past business hours.
But in a place this developed, he was banking on one thing: Finding a convenience store.
Konoha was beginning to have shops like these.
Naruto wrote him once, (back at a time when neither of them were quite accustomed to their phones just yet), and he had gone on and on about the selection of instant ramen he had discovered on their shelves.
He sounded just like his twelve-year-old self. As excitable and single-minded as ever.
Hinata started to squirm against his shoulder. She was getting antsy.
“You hungry?” He asked.
She hadn’t been able to tell him much about her home or where it was, but taking her sullied state into account, he felt he could narrow it down. This place was like a paved island. His search would have to begin outside of its limits.
“How come you weren’t scared of me?”
She shrugs. “I have a lotta big brothers. You look like them.”
Interesting. Sasuke tried to picture Hiashi with a whole brood of boys. In that picture, Neji stormed in, fending off anyone who would dare replace him as her most beloved brother.
Sasuke had heard from Naruto how the reformed branch member had become so fiercely protective of his younger cousin. To think the key to Neji’s freedom from hate had been one withheld letter penned to him by his father. Why it had been revealed so late, Sasuke failed to understand. But for all the pain Sasuke had caused, he kind of envied Neji for being able to make it back home so easily.
“So what do you mean I look like them?”
Bright white lights beamed out of a squat building, their white and blue sign shining just as brightly.
“They wear dark clothes, their hair is dark, the faces they make are dark.”
“They scowl at you?”
They crossed the parking out and entered inside. A synthetic bell tone welcomed them.
“Not at me. I seen them look mean at someone else’s brothers.”
They began to peruse the shelves. Sasuke considered finding something that Sarada would enjoy.
Royal Milk Tea Biscuits? Matcha Chews?
Hinata pointed at a row of packaged cinnamon rolls, and Sasuke frowned.
He picked it up in a hurry and the moment the cashier stepped outside the back door, Sasuke slipped out the front.
Just a pile of coincidences, he reminded himself.
There was a booth up ahead, lonely and a little out of place.
A man in uniform idled inside on a chair, his legs pointed out towards the street. His clothes were shades of blue, dark pants and dark vest, pale dress shirt and a dark, brimmed hat with a golden emblem on the center.
Hinata stirred and pointed towards the man. “He knows my daddy!”
Sasuke slowed, wary of catching the man’s suspicion. “Does he?”
Hinata nodded vigorously. “They’re in my house all the time.”
What the hell does that mean?
The closer Sasuke neared, the more his gut told him what kind of person this was: Law Enforcement.
“Aniki, he can help us.”
“Yeah, I know…”
It would be the quickest, most sane thing to do. But it wasn’t in the cards right now.
They’d want ID, a home address…
“Sorry Hinata-chan, but we can’t trust him.”
She peered up at him for a beat before settling back down. “Okay. My daddy says that, too.”
Sasuke kept his head down, forcing himself to make it past detection.
Naruto had come to him one day on behalf of Rokudaime. They wanted to reinvigorate the police force, build it up to its former glory. Sandaime had long relied on ANBU to keep the order, and Godaime after him, but that was no longer viable.
Because the police force was no longer being placed upon a single clan, they were working on the interviewing process, as well as reviewing the previous standard of regulations. A copy of the citizen registry, alongside an old compilation of past arrest records found in his father’s preserved study had given him significant insight for updating those regulations.
The last thing Sasuke needed was to get detained. Kamui wasn’t even an option, not unless the situation were truly dire.
“Where’s your daughter?” Hinata asked out of the blue.
“She’s at home.”
“And what are you doing here?”
“I’m working.”
In his attempts to have more presence in Sarada’s life, this too has been occurring just as frequently.
The first time he heads for the genkan, his sandals are missing.
He finds them in the storage room.
The next time they’re missing, Sakura screeches.
They’re in the toilet.
The next time they’re in the trash, soaked in melon juice and forcibly hidden beneath discarded egg shells, bok choy stalks, and styrofoam meat trays.
Sakura gets mad.
He doesn’t.
Sarada stops hiding his shoes.
So when he slips them on, a tiny crawling sensation lances up his spine. He stares down at the mess. He’s just pushed pudding everywhere, and it’s oozing between his bare toes.
When Sakura holds up Sarada towards him with an expectant glare, he pokes his wife’s forehead then Sarada’s, and takes his leave.
He didn’t know that was the wrong thing to do until the most recent incident.
His shoes are missing again.
They find Sarada in the backyard. She’s shoving large rocks down the high-tops of his right sandal. She’s thought this through. They’re too large to slide out of the cutouts on their own.
“SARADA!” Sakura scolds, marching towards their daughter.
Sarada whirls around on them in a panic. She grabs the left sandal, which has not been stuffed with rocks, and chucks it across the backyard with a bitter shout.
Sasuke grasps his wife’s wrist before she reaches their daughter, and it was the wrong thing to do.
“Are you going to do something this time?!” She wrenches her wrist free. His lack of response, his obvious lack of awareness earns his wife’s full ire. “Stop trying to be her friend. You are her father.”
“She’s little.”
“She’s being a brat. And you know why this keeps happening?!” Sakura grips his hand and hard. “Every time you’re here, you undermine me. She thinks its okay because you act the same no matter what she does. Is that fair? Is it fair that I have to be the bad guy all the time?”
His chest constricts. Any rebuttals he had were void as soon as he felt them on his tongue.
It startled him, the feeling that layers of happy illusions were peeling down all around him.
Sakura’s changed. Motherhood’s changed her. Of course it would. Of course she would know these things that he doesn’t know anything about. Of course.
But they became a mother and father at the same time. He thought… He thought that was it. Like he’d just been moved into a new squad with a higher promotion.
“I’m sorry-”
“Sasuke, I know. You’re always sorry. I know.”
Yeah. He was sorry his wife was still married to a teenager. He was sorry that he’s been disrupting the space she’s created for their daughter to grow in. Sorry he has nothing to contribute.
“Sasuke.” She urged. But she wasn’t giving up on him. She was trying to put him on the right path.
But he was still scared.
He didn’t want to be the bad guy, either.
“What should I do?”
Her grip softened. “Just be firm with her. She knows better than to disrespect someone else’ property.”
“Does she?”
“Yes. She plays with Choji’s girl. I’ve talked with you about this.”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t remember this at all.
'Firm’ she says. Right, his mother had been firm with him before. His father, instead, withheld praised Sasuke knew he deserved. They loved him, he knows. He isn’t mad. But when he recalls how he felt back then, he had doubts towards them. He felt like he wasn’t good enough for his father, that he was a needy nuisance towards his brother, that mom didn’t need to rely on him nearly as much as she did on Itachi’s successes.
In a single instance, he could cause his daughter as much pain as those moments had for him.
And he would carry that knowledge with him forever.
Sasuke stepped off the engawa and approached his little girl. He crouched down before her, holding her gaze like he was staring down ten thousand poison-tipped senbon.
“Sarada-chan, no matter what you do, you can’t stop me from leaving.” Straight facts. A three-foot tall four year couldn’t stop a shinobi of his caliber.
But that wasn’t what Sarada wanted to hear.
And that’s not how she heard it at all.
Her eyes widened, trembling. They were glassy with tears.
He moved forward to course correct, to hug her, to love her, but she stomped off for the discarded sandal.
Picking it up, she gives a running start and throws it even farther away, right into Sakura’s rose bushes.
Sarada ran off.
“SARADA! Sasuke, hold on, I’ll get her! Sarada!” Sakura sprinted off their property. It didn’t take long for her to scoop up their screaming toddler.
He watched his wife in a daze as she scolded Sarada so expertly, and in that moment he thinks that his and Naruto’s childhood roles have truly reversed.
No longer was Sasuke a natural at whatever he set out to do.
He was the useless one.
“Are we going to walk there?”
Sasuke’s brows furrowed. “Is it too far?” Walking is the only way I get around. He wasn’t sure how Kamui would work on a powerless human, either.
“Yuh-huh. I was home with mommy. Then I was on a plane with mommy. Now I’m here… without mommy.”
Sasuke was about to ask what was a plane, until the last part.
“I thought we were looking for your dad.”
“Yes. Look only for dad.”
“But what about your mom? You were with her last, you shouldn’t run away.” He recalled the last time he saw Sarada bolting out the backyard. He wondered if he was causing not just resentment towards him, but towards Sakura as well. She didn’t deserve what was happening to her. He really hoped Sarada would understand some day.
A little fist came down on his shoulder and she began to kick. “She did it first! I want my daddy!” She flopped face-first against his shoulder, her frustration palpable.
“Okay, okay.” Sasuke awkwardly bounced her in his arm, something he happened to recall Sakura doing back when Sarada was much smaller.
“You don’t know where we are.” Hinata said.
“I don’t know where we are.” She said.
“It’s okay. We’ll figure this out.”
“Nobody knows where we are.”
Sasuke bit down his tongue.
If he wasn’t careful, that part may not be true for very long.
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btsimaginefactory · 7 years
At the Beach with BTS - Moodboards and Scenarios
{{i’m sorry that these are messy but it was so hard trying to paint the picture without the board looking too busy and iM SORRY. It’s less “oo aesthetics” and more that these are to give you pics for your mind. But I hope you’re still into this💖}}
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“Are you happy?”
You smile gently at Seokjin words, twining your fingers with his as you both sit on the riverbank. More than a dozen stripped box turtles, all in various sizes and ages, paddle cutely at the edge, waiting for more pieces of carrots to be throw from their generous new friends. “I am so happy Seokjin.”
Seokjin’s smile gleams in the light of the sunset, and he leans to kiss you on your temple. He’d wanted to go to the beach with you for a long time, and now you finally had the time. Seokjin rented a house situated strategically between the secluded shoreline and the marsh. What had drawn him to this beach was the privacy, yes, but it was also the beautiful variation of landscapes and an abundant amount of wildlife. In the morning you watched wild horses play on the beach from your balcony, naming each one and giving them elaborate back stories, narrating their interactions. Seokjin was startled by how close they came to the house and how at peace they seemed living side by side with humans.
Almost every afternoon was spent under the umbrella on the sand with packed lunches; idly fishing for minnows before letting them free again as you watch the vibrant sunset over the horizon, and nights spent counting endless stars.
“Listen I’m telling you, THAT one is the big dipper,” you stress.
“No, it’s not because that star should be over there if it’s the big dipper!”
“...Jin you can’t just move stars around to prove yourself right.”
Several days the two of you went to local shops, exploring all the beautiful and wacky things you could find. He was especially drawn to a hobby shop that had all kinds of intricately made sculptures from shells and driftwood. Seokjin commented that he liked he couldn’t find any two alike, and in that same way he could never find someone exactly like you who he loved so much. A slap is quickly delivered to his arm at his gushy words, making him laugh, but getting a kiss from you in the end.
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“Yoongi you do realize coming to the beach in the winter kind of defeats the purpose of coming to the beach,” you sigh, looking out the sliding glass doors of your hotel room overlooking the ocean shore. He’s already outstretched on the giant king-sized bed, humming in satisfaction when you come and kick his leg.
“Ow sheesh,” he exclaims, eyes meeting your crestfallen face. “Okay well, I did in fact plan this very carefully and invested many hours to make things perfect.” 
He rolls over and leans down to his bag, pulling out some pieces of paper and holding them in front of his gummy grin. You have to squint, but the bright letters of a pamphlet for a well know indoor water park is undeniable.
“NO WAY,” you gasp, snatching them out of his hands and rifling through the packet. “Are you serious?”
He nods.
“Really really? As in you’re actually gonna play with me and not be a lazy potato chip?”
“I am! I promise,” he laughs. “Why do you think I spent so much time picking stuff out for us to do? Don’t you see the view,” he gestures dramatically at the balcony. You can’t help but laugh and pull his cheeks in for a kiss, making him look very pleased.
Yes it was true you’d agreed to go to the beach with Yoongi during the dead of winter, but the surprise and lively atmosphere you found was exactly what the two of you needed. The hotel was connected to the water park by an indoor bridge, and surprisingly, Yoongi cared the giant inflatable unicorn proudly each day, bopping you in the head with it constantly. After swimming and playing, and him throwing you down one to many insane waterslides, you crash in the hotel room with warm comfort, room service, and movies.
Yoongi kisses your forehead and smiled as you lay in his arms. “So should we do the same thing tomorrow or should we go see some of the other things around here?”
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When you were looking for a place to rent at a nearby beach online, Hoseok was immediately drawn to the strip of brightly colored buildings on the boardwalk. “Let’s go there! That’s so pretty! And there’ll be lots of places to go.” And so you did, spending loads of time in different shops, buying way too many souvenirs, and an equal time relaxing on the beach.
It was probably a bad idea to suggest a sandcastle building competition because 3 hours later you realized you’d both spent the whole day building a mini-utopia; giving up the competition after signing a treaty to no more sand thrown and opting instead to build your own joined kingdoms. Hoseok desperately tried to save one crumbling wall as the tide came in, but sank to his knees in defeat, promptly having a wave crash over his head from behind as if to add insult to injury. He comes crying to you as you laugh at his dripping wet, salty face, but is sure to trap you in a hug to get you wet as well.
“Baby how about we just shower and order takeout,” he suggests when you arrive at the condo, panting after climbing the 3 flights of stairs.
“How can you be tired from that, you literally can dance nonstop for way longer,” you huff, throwing a towel in his face.
After taking a soothing shower together, the two of you crash on the bed with your take out and TV, while finding all the little red areas you missed with sunscreen where each of you were now burned. “See I told you-you should have put some behind your ears,” he scolds and you simply cover his face with your hands.
“Shh, shh, shh, don’ worry ‘bout it.”
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It was the best surprise you’ve ever gotten in your life. When you told Namjoon you were staying at the beach with your family, expressing that you wished he could be there to experience it with you, he decided to do just that. After secret communications with your family, seemingly out of the blue he shows up at your door and you almost knock him over completely in your enthusiastic hug. You introduce him formally to your family, and they immediately like him, if only by the way you glowed around him. They realize quickly he must be an incredible person and one who was absolutely good for you.
Being able to share this important time with him was everything; watching him grow comfortable with everyone, and hiding in embarrassment at all the stories they spilled from your childhood; everything felt so at home about him. The next day you were dragging him out of bed much too early to spend it all with him on the beach. Needless to say he was terrified when you warned him about not swimming in the ocean because of sharks, but he excitedly dug for sand-fiddlers and mole crabs, putting them in a bucket and examining them before letting them free again. That very evening, you two were lucky enough to watch sea turtles hatch, lining up with the other people watching, and giving them a protected path to the ocean as Namjoon squeals in delight.
Every night was filled with good meals and laughter, playing in the heated pool under the stars, and cuddling up in bed sharing stories, relishing that you had him there in the flesh. He pushes your hair behind your ear as he cradles you in his arms. “I wish I could stay here with you forever.”
“Me too Namjoon,” you say with a sad smile, trying not to even think of this time together ending.
“But we will soon.”
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It wasn’t Jimin’s most favorite idea when you told him you had booked a shared home at the beach; he didn’t know if he felt comfortable staying with strangers. It was an older couple who, after their children grew up and left, opened up a section of their house for travelers so they could share this place with people from all around the world. Jimin agrees though, and in only a few hours of being there, he was so glad that he did.
When you arrive at the bungalow nestled in the seaside forest, the couple takes you on a tour around the house, and more importantly, outside on one of the many trails. After getting over that initial little bit of awkwardness, you and Jimin didn’t turn down a single activity they suggested, for all of them were so perfectly new and exciting. You slowly watched Jimin come out of his shell, bouncing around like the happy, adventurous boy you loved. His favorite part was kayaking through the marsh and inlet, canopied by tall, vibrant trees, and hundreds of different species of birds chattering amongst the reeds.
“Woah look at that one,” Jimin yells in a hushed voice, pointing at a bright white, gangly crane fishing at the bank. “Did you see how it just snapped it’s beak in there and grabbed the fish? It was so fast, like whoosh! I could probably do that.”
“... Jimin what are you even saying?”
“It’s because you don’t believe in me, that's why I can’t grab a fish out of the water with my bare hand.”
You have to stop your eyes from rolling all the way back into your head as he giggles. When you return to the house, you’re all gathered around a fire pit in the backyard to eat dinner, eagerly telling the couple all about where you were from. You fall asleep on his shoulder as you lay beneath the stars, peacefully breathing in the salty air and wondering what tomorrow will bring.
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You can only pause. “Greece?”
Taehyung nods in confirmation. “Greeeeeece!” He’d seen a picture float across the internet somewhere of this beautiful resort, and he immediately knew he had to take you. Taehyung is one who is always ready for an adventure and travel, so he expects you to be the same. The resort is at the foot of a mountain, the bright blue sea as a backdrop, making the large sanded smooth white buildings look majestic and nothing short of magical. You have a cabin to yourselves, one in front of a small private pool that glowed purple in the evening; one that you convinced him to go skinny dipping in. It’s easy to have fun with Taehyung, even in a foreign place, but he takes special care to make the trip especially romantic and appreciative. He pampers you like royalty and announces that you are going to be his official model for all his pictures he had yet to take.
“Wow you are a natural,” Taehyung chuckles as he snaps a picture of you posed beneath a twisted tree. “I didn’t even have to tell you what to do.”
“Practice makes perfect I suppose, and so does such a handsome teacher,” you say, pecking his lips. The day is spent on the sand under a large tent, and yes you did have to wait before starting to drink your fancy drink because he wanted to photograph it all, but with his cute grin how could you say no?
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“Jungkook don’t you think this is a bit much,” you ask, setting your bag down in the foyer just as Jungkook runs past you around the expansive dining room.
“No no of course not! We’re only young once; when else would we have this opportunity? Come on,” he grabs your hand and pulls you along, peeking in every room as if looking for something. After ‘oo-ing’ and ‘aw-ing’ at the bright coral walls and happy paintings, you head downstairs to find perhaps the biggest reason your boyfriend rented this particular beach house.
“Oh my gosh now I get it,” you say, holding the bridge of your nose but getting equally excited as you’re greeted with a giant arcade room. A flat screen tv, new video games as well as classic arcade games, a ping pong table, and even a pool table were all sitting shiny and tempting and Jungkook is giggling like a kid in a candy store.
You barely have time to reach him before his eyes meet something outside the window in the backyard. “Oh. My. Gosh. There’s a jet ski,” he whispers, instantly bolting towards the door with you yelling behind him.
“Jungkook for God’s sake please don’t kill yourself!!”
You’d thought it was a little wasteful to rent a three-story house with 8 bedrooms for only the two of you, but he quickly washes away your worries with the private pool and access to the dock with a jet ski and kayaks, as well as running around the large house and screaming your lungs out just because there was no one there to stop you. The house was at the end of a small, private cul de sac, and a mere golf cart ride to the shore. It was quieter than you would’ve imagined you’d enjoy, but as you sit on the crows nest overlooking the inlet, watching Jungkook photograph the sunset, you couldn’t imagine anywhere else on earth you’d rather be.
{{I’ve actually experienced three of these imagines AND IF YOU CAN CORRECTLY GUESS WHICH THREE, YOU GET *spins roulette wheel anxiously* ... ah... ha ha... apparently to punch me in the d💫}}
-Admin Chaejeong
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tkmedia · 3 years
South African rugby caught between a rock and a hard place
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11:48pm, 28 September 2021 South African rugby is very much caught between a rock and a hard place.ADVERTISEMENTFive professional teams took to the field over the weekend and just one emerged victorious.In Australia, the Springboks came up against an All Blacks side that put out their worst performance of the year – the worst of Ian Foster’s tenure – and the world champions still fell to defeat for the third time in as many weeks.
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Jordie Barrett was the top performer in the All Blacks’ nail-biting win over the Springboks.
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Jordie Barrett was the top performer in the All Blacks’ nail-biting win over the Springboks.Over in Europe, three of South Africa’s four United Rugby Championship sides came out empty-handed against European opposition in the inaugural weekend of the new competition with just the Lions tasting victory – over Zebre, who have finished bottom in six of their eight PRO Rugby seasons to date.The URC, when unveiled, was trumpeted as a new era for European rugby. The press releases widely gloated of how the competition would not overlap with the Six Nations or other test windows – because the fans wanted to see their teams at their best throughout the season.Of course, one quarter of the 16 sides aren’t tied to the Six Nations. With the Springboks still playing in the Rugby Championship, the South African URC competitors are playing with one hand tied behind their back, despite their inclusion being touted as one of the major coups for the league.While it’s not quite on the same level as hosting a photoshoot with only three-quarters of your participating sides in attendance, it’s certainly not the greatest way to welcome a new nation into your midst.ADVERTISEMENTWhile the Bulls of 2007 or the Lions of 2017 may be able to cope without their top players available, such was their depth, those days are long gone. It’s not just the top-tier of players that have left South Africa’s shores to understandably seek greater earnings elsewhere, it’s the second, third and fourth tiers of players that have realised there pros of shifting away from the Republic far outweigh the cons.There’s a handy smattering on non-Springboks propping up other URC sides at present and in all likelihood, those numbers are likely to rise thanks to the new competition which, in due time, will see South African nationals given a free trip home every season when their adopted squad travel back to South Africa to take on the local teams.But, for the here and now, the only saving grace for the likes of Stormers and Sharks is that bar the odd exception, the URC teams scattered throughout Ireland, Scotland, Wales and Italy all have their own struggles."This year the Springboks have adopted a playing style that is foreign to themselves." – @bensmithrugby on why this current game plan by South Africa isn't 'DNA' and never was. #NZLvRSA #RSAvNZL #RugbyChampionship https://t.co/71ayuUyZUv— RugbyPass (@RugbyPass) September 28, 2021ADVERTISEMENTUnfortunately, the biggest gripe with the PRO14, or the PRO12 before it, wasn’t that there weren’t enough middle-of-the-range sides, it was that there were few teams who could challenge the likes of Leinster and Munster, even when they chose to rest their top internationals.Eight of the past 20 seasons have seen Leinster crowned champions, with Munster, Ulster and Connact amassing five further titles between them.Had those superb South African Super Rugby sides of yesteryear joined the Celtic nations (and Italy) to form the URC, the competition would potentially be competing for the title of best in the world – but no matter the slick coat of paint the tournament has received, you can’t polish a turd.While it’s difficult to envisage a situation where the lesser sides rise to meet those in the top echelon – although Benetton had admittedly done a mighty fine job over the past few seasons to finally give Italy some hope of silverware – the situation can’t get any easier for South Africa unless something major changes.While the Bulls and Sharks were getting put to the sword by Leinster and Munster, the Springboks were halfway across the world playing perhaps their least expansive game of all time.The Springboks are a top five international side. Their abilities were unfairly pumped up by the media following their World Cup win in 2019 and there’s been criticism dished out to them by the very same media for the side not living up to their lofty expectations since they came crashing back down to Earth against the Wallabies, but they’re still a team with enough talent in their ranks to challenge the best in the business, wherever they sit amongst that highest tier.But they’re using a strategy that’s best described as rugby’s equivalent of parking the bus in football.When a minnow fights their way into a Football World Cup and comes up against a titan of the sport, like Germany or Spain, parking the bus is a legitimate strategy. You know there’s no way you can compete and it’s admirable to come within a whisker of besting your opposition (or going one better), no matter how you achieve that success.But if Portugal or Uruguay, with the talents of Cristiano Ronaldo and Luis Suarez, were to play an all-out defensive game, their fans – and fans of the sport in general – would rightly be up in arms.With devastating backs at their disposal like Makazola Mapimpi, Damian de Allende and Willie le Roux, the Springboks have the firepower to win and win well without resorting to the dire tactics that they’re currently employing."We had an internal look at that breakdown…" #Springboks #RugbyChampionship #TRC2021 #RSAvNZLhttps://t.co/XNxbsTVWoh— RugbyPass (@RugbyPass) September 28, 2021Unlike a football minnow defying the odds, there’s nothing admirable about the World Champions coming close to beating their opposition – they should be hugely frustrated with any loss, no matter the circumstances.Against a better-performing All Blacks side – like the one we’ve seen most weekends throughout the test season – the Springboks would have been cut to ribbons. And while NZ made a huge number of errors on Saturday (some of which were absolutely the product of the pressure applied by their opposition), you suspect they won’t be quite as terrible in the upcoming fixture. Looking at the Springboks, however, are there any areas where they can seriously improve, except for completely flipping their game plan?Their strangling strategy might work against some of the Northern Hemisphere sides when they go through their seasonal lulls and revert to relatively kick-heavy rugby, but against teams willing to play expansively – which is basically every top international side at present, regardless of what hemisphere you look to – it’s destined to fail.A move to the Six Nations would at least allow their United Rugby Championship sides to play with their full contingent throughout the season, but in the swamps of European winters, the Springboks’ rugby would shift even further towards the ‘kick and hope’ strategy they’re currently content to employ.The Springboks, at their best, bring something different to the Rugby Championship. They’re physical, they’re aggressive, they do tend towards slightly more forward-oriented play, but they’re also not afraid to call on their dangerous talents out wide. Bryan Habana, playing in the current Springboks side, would not have had his name etched in history as one of the greatest wings of all time.The Springboks aren’t at their best, at present, and unless there’s a mindset change, they likely never will be.South African fans – and the rugby world in general – are being robbed of top quality South African rugby, whether it’s at test level or in the club game, and with the nation partially in the Northern Hemisphere camp and partially in the Southern, it’s hard to see a situation where we’ll ever see the country as a whole back to its best.
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WIP share day
Hey! I got tagged by @wishing4nuclearwinter ! Thanks! I have no idea anymore if I got tagged by others, and if you have, then thank you! I won't tag anyone for right now since it's Friday by me.
My Far Cry fic is.. I'm trying. To help me get motivated, I ended up writing a scene that I thought was pretty cute, I just don't know if I'll include it or not (I likely will)
The shade provided some nice "shelter", even if it wasn't warm enough to warrant needing in the first place. And even though the tree's bark kept threatening to dig into Marley's back, she was close to letting herself doze off in the grass.
At least, she was until she heard music come up the road. Marley tensed, ready to hide once she would hear Peggies singing, but when it got closer, the tempo was... Slow? She cracked an eye open when tires crunched on a few lonely rocks abandoned on the asphalt.
"I've been waiting, for a girl like you,
To come into my life."
Marley had seconds to brace for it, but didn't object when Sharky pulled her into a tight hug. She felt warm, and safe. She wondered how he made her feel safe while the county seemed to get worse.
"I thought you didn't like eighties music," she mumbled.
"Yeah, well, I think I can try some new things. If my most favorite person in the world likes eighties, it's gotta be at least not horrible."
"I like making you smile with the power ballads."
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articlehaao · 7 years
Exmouth Game Fishing | Reel Teaser Fishing Adventures
Amusement angling Exmouth is a sort of angling where you are intended to get enormous fishes. Be that as it may, it is not mean you can't get little angling. Select your most loved diversion. You can choose the fish you need to get and become more acquainted with where you will discover them. Among enormous fishes, the gets that are most well known among the part are marlin, yellow-balance, and broadbill swordfish, sailfish, Bluefin, and huge eye. Indeed, even little assortment among sharks like the tiger, mako, hammerhead, extraordinary white and other expansive species are likewise incorporated into the rundown. This is an Amusing Water Sport is delighted in essentially to get enormous fishes, for example, marlin and fish. At any rate that is the thing that angling lover assert. More odd knows how to detect a place where the fish are. Fish are pulling in for various reasons other than the game and recreational reasons. Regardless of whether marine or freshwater angle they are edible, yet with the current drop in angle species, fishermen bolster the catch and discharge guideline to help angle populaces recuperate and duplicate in number.Game Exmouth game fishing charters have minority each type of a story and on the off chance that you are an outsider to the game you may feel that these stories are difficult to trust, an immaculate hit. It is that flexible side of angling, fulfilling, activity stuffed, enhancing and above all outright satisfaction. The basic approach to have a major fish is to check the fish showcase. It is incredible getting a major fish is an alternate story. Knowing where to fish and how to snare them accepts investigate and your guide's recommendation. It is the extremely intriguing game. Diversion Sport Fishing Exmouth requires more than your common dinghy and a stick post and line. Exmouth fishing charters is by a wide margin a standout amongst the most intriguing water brandishes that is adored and gone up against by an angling someone who is addicted. Here are a large portion of the reasons why they do and why you will appreciate amusement angling yourself. The northern drive is one of the best diversion fish of the freshwater. It gives a test and a battle that is second to none. It lives in different diverse living spaces and has an eating routine of minnows and little fish.
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Here's a random wip since I said so. Under the cut for description of Resistance medicine.
His hand was a strange mix of gentle and firm as it set on her mouth. As if he had a clear role, but didn't want to hurt her. And the weight on her. It was immense. She couldn't move a fraction of an inch.
"Mars... Hey. It's okay. You're safe."
She tried saying Sharky's name through his hand, but it came out as a strangled whimper. Her leg. Her side. They felt on fire. Marley couldn't decide which feeling was worse- the intense burning sensations, or feeling completely pinned. Every time she resisted, it felt heavier. Mary May's face came into view, upside down from where Marley lay.
"Moose. You're alright. You got hurt, but we're gonna fix it and let you rest. Trust me, I know you're hating this."
It felt an immense understatement as she registered the feeling on her ankles as hands. She hated being touched, why did they insist on holding her down? Until white hot pain touched her side and she screamed through Sharky's hand. Her back arched in reflex, but hands touched her shoulders and shoved them down. Someone new came into her line of sight once she opened her eyes. Blonde. Bespectacled pale blue eyes. An almost annoyed expression.
"I know this is very painful, Deputy," he said. "Please. Do your best to lie still."
"You better stop fuckin' hurting her, Doc," Sharky warned.
"This is to help close the wound," the doctor's tone was sharp. He glanced down at Marley as she panted through her nose. "I suppose you don't remember much of what happened. I'm Dr. Evan Somerset. You've been shot while trying to escape John Seed. Whacked your head pretty good too."
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WIP sometime
I haven't done a wip post in a while, and I'm getting close to wrapping up the new stuff for Stimpaks. But that doesn't mean I'm not thinking about, jotting things down, or shit posting about Sharky and Mars!
I have something you'll like. :) A bit of Minnow!
"You tryin' to break your neck?"
The woman grunted. "Seemed like a good idea at the time." The voice, so familiar to Marley, but she couldn't quite place it. She'd have to see this woman's face.
Pastor Jerome quickly removed a case from her load, and Marley headed over to grab the other. She lifted it, and finally saw her. Mary May. And she looked at Marley as if both of them had seen a ghost.
"M-Moose!" Mary May gasped.
"Mouse," Marley smiled. "I thought that was you down on the street."
"So that was you raining hell on those Peggies from that gun on the roof across the street. Was that you comin' in on the quad?"
"I didn't have anything else."
"Hey!" Sharky quipped.
Marley smirked. "Besides him."
"Dep.. er.. Mars? You know Mary May?"
"Of course I do. We're cousins."
"Well shit. I have got to tell Hurk."
If you want to join in, you can! You can say I tagged you if you like. I just wanted to share something from the radio silence.
Have a happy Saturday!
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WIP Wednesday
Hey y'all! I got tagged by @electricshoebox , thank you! I'm gonna tag @totally-not-deacon, @wishing4nuclearwinter , and @trashkingnyx , but no pressure if you don't want to!
I have a twist today, as it's not Stimpaks as the update, but Minnow! I've been pushing a bit to finish the first chapter and get it out so I can say hi more formally to the Far Cry 5 fandom, but here's a taste :)
"Wait.. Sharky. Where am I? I need to get to the Holland Valley."
He cocked a brow at her, and Marley felt even more of an idiot than she originally had when she rolled into the trailer park. Her cheeks turned a little red at her ignorance of the county she was supposed to enforce. And his reply made her gut sink right to her feet.
"You're way off, Blondie. You're deep in the Henbane."
She wanted to cry. Marley couldn't believe she made a wrong turn. Her expression fell immediately, but Sharky seemed to sense it right away.
"Hey, don't worry about it. C'mon."
"Wait.. huh?"
She watched him slide effortlessly down the ladder and head towards the quad she rode in on. He paused, and turned to her with a smirk.
"Well? Are ya comin' or what? I'll point the way."
There you have it! I hope everyone has a wonderful day today :D
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Far Cry 5, Far Cry (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Sharky Boshaw/Deputy | Judge, Sharky Boshaw/Female Deputy | Judge, Sharky Boshaw & Female Deputy | Judge Characters: Richard "Dutch" Roosevelt, Sharky Boshaw, Hurk Drubman Jr., John Seed, Jacob Seed, Joseph Seed, Faith Seed, Adelaide Drubman, Cameron Burke, Staci Pratt, Joey Hudson, Earl Whitehorse, Tammy Barnes, Tracey Lader, Mary May Fairgrave, Jerome Jeffries, Boomer (Far Cry), Grace Armstrong, Cheeseburger (Far Cry), Peaches (Far Cry), Nick Rye, Jess Black, Eli Palmer, Wheaty (Far Cry), Virgil Minkler, Marley "Mars" Hendricks Additional Tags: I will add tags at the beginning of chapters, this is far cry so all the tags, both found and biological family, sharky deserves to be loved, Eventual Smut, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, I'll add more tags? Summary:
Fighting against a cult sucks. Marley "Mars" Hendricks barely knows how to hold her gun the right way, and is expected to lead the Resistance against Eden's Gate. While Hope County has gone dark, thankfully there are a few bright spots to help her along her journey. Watch as a fire-loving idiot (affectionate) and a complete newbie cop try to save the county from the cult and make any sense of anything along the way.
Hey, I’ve started a new thing. Don’t worry, all of my writing projects are still in circulation, I just have more freedom to pick which one I want to work on for the time being. This is also my first dip into the Far Cry 5 fandom, so please enjoy. I can’t wait to write more!
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