#a miserable mess. my poor little meow meow...
raindropsandcoughdrops · 10 months
Fell head over heels for the most pitiful soaking wet character in fantasy and I want so badly to see him absolutely wrecked with a cold during the redemption arc I have in my brain for him <3
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scare-ard--sleigh · 2 years
okay so art gallery date thoughts are that j is my boy obvs but WHAT is he doing here. it's interesting. he's so out of place.
damian and Joseph are obviously not close;;; I, in fact, spent this date getting the vibe that damian hates joseph, which does make sense bc damian is so close with Mary.
hugo being surprised thay joseph would paint boats means that not only does he not know that joseph HAS a boat, he's never been in joseph's fucking living room?????
Damian and Hugo are clearly closer to each other than joseph and either of them so who invited him lmao was this a fucking double date or something.
EDIT: one of the last things that's said is "see you around!" and joseph responding with "you will whether you like it or not--we're neighbors!" like????? was that sass??? did he like run into them and talk about going to the art walk himself and find out they were going and got A Vibe when they said "oh i guess we'll see you there then?" ???? (which means that joseph was planning on going to the art walk on his own, which is um. sooooo fucking sad????)
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Jeez, I can only imagine how bad her mental state will be after chilling with Livius... And how happy he may be to get his hands on human like this lmao-
If it's a human, she can spend all her time on training to destroy any competition- Or, maybe, it's better to befriend them and gently push out of her league, covering it with "care"? Whatever her choice is, she's still able to push them low enough for her to shine even brighter.
After all, jealousy is an ugly feeling. She's too perfect for this! She's kind, understanding friend and a hardworking gymnast- Of course other people are jealous of her place! They are. They should be. It's only natural. They can fake smile as much as they want, but she knows the truth.
She can't believe in honesty of the other people because she's almost never fully honest- lying even to herself about sick pleasure blooming inside her chest every time she sees tears of her competitors and failures of her "friends". Her kindness not always fake – after all, she feels true pity to whose, who are just... worse! it's not their choice! – but even her genuine kindness can be suffocating and pull people down.
It's not a big matter for her anyway. Ugly people don't deserve her sincereness anyways. As long as she's not the ugly one...
And here's Livius- Taking her place in her usual dynamics with people. And not only taking- he's casually overdoing her in everything she thought she's good at. Making her feel so dirty, ugly and miserable for this crushing jealousy choking her when she looks at him. Such a freaking hell for her.
And she honestly thinks he's mocking her at first. No way he could be serious! No way he can "love" her when she's so disgusting! Such a needy, miserable, disgusting mess she is- and she swears he knows it. Sometimes she's getting brave enough to look in his eyes – just to see her ugly self looking back with crooked smile.
But for some reason, every time she's in her worst, he smiles with a childish joy, cooing in pure awe and proclaiming their "true love".
Maybe he's not joking. Maybe it is a true love. Maybe- maybe being ugly near him is alright.
Ah, maybe it's not a hell, but a blessing – being loved even without her fake smile.
And this is a story how Livius got a tyrant Queen and unlimited food supply 👍
I'm so sorry for bumping my impulsive writing on you 🥹😭 I hope it's okay haha- So yeah, I think I need to do myself a blog for ocs and writings already lmao. Thanks for motivation and inspiration, I love u and ur poor little(and not) meow-meows.💓
A continuation to this.
It seems they're perfect for each other in all levels! That's a really cute ending.
Good luck if you do make that blog! You're welcum. :7
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bylightofdawn · 8 months
Does anyone else get haunted by the knowledge that in a few hundred years from now (yes I'm gonna be an optimist and hope there will be humans in a few hundred years) that people are going to look back at our written words and laugh themselves silly over what they find? Sure if our digital age continues at least that might be slightly less awful to read but you know the amount of errors and misspellings we do because we've been taught 'hooked on phonics' and what have you. Which might be serviceable for learning how to read but is complete and utter shit for teaching people to spell?
And since we've frankly gotten lazy and so used to our little pocket computers auto correcting our spelling that if we have to actually write something out then we're fucked. So we know this NOW but imagine what people 500 or 100 years from now are going to think when they find exant writing and immediately lose their shit like we do over middle english? (much less old english) The general populace is pretty much oh, look at those silly, quaint and uneducated people putting their ye and their olde's into everything, etc. And like….completely ignoring the fact it was literally just a handful of languages thrown into a stew pot and left to melt into a bastardized version of SOMETHING. So we look at it and it just looks like a typo riddled hot mess to our modern eye.
Now imagine someone finding our exant modern writing examples and tell me they wouldn't do the same thing. All those desperate attempts at phonetically trying to spell certain words and our utter and miserable failures. Not to mention our SLANG, often completely centralized in certain areas. Philly's infamous Jawn comes to mind right off the top of my head. Or AAVE. I'm clearly speaking from a English speaking American POV but I know other languages and cultures have the same fun flavors and things that make language so endlessly fascinating.
Also imagine someone finding our tumblr blogs with our widdle meow meow and our blorbos, our baby girls and any of a dozen weird tumblr specific vernacular which is kinda it's own weird tumblr ecosystem dialect.
These poor bastards in the future are going to be SO CONFUSED. And at LEAST we have a centuries long record of how the English language has evolved and changed over the years to help guide us. But for dead languages or ones that don't have that rich history of documentation? Lets say some awful global event happens and we lose their history, they're going to be even more confused by our little meow meows because maybe something like the knowledge cats = meow survives because it's so prevelant. But why the fuck are we calling these random characters who have no feline features our little meow meows?
So yeah, that's the shit I think about sometimes. And it haunts me.
Also this entire post was brought to you by my struggling for a good four minutes to try and figure out how to spell buoyancy and the many fucked up and terrible attempts I made desperately trying to get close enough my spellchecker would understand wtf I was trying to type only for it to keep suggesting bouncy?
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A good is-Tom-Normal-About-That-Media? meter is how I deal with music related to that specific media. Unfortunately in OFMD's case it's ticking in the "Brain Rotted Pile of Clown Meat" zone, because I basically went through every song ever made by Nina Simone just to try and guess which two songs are playing in s2.
So you know what??? I'm laying out my predictions here, if any of these starts playing then I'm owed a Jenkins thumbs up or something like that. Idk. I spent four hours of my life on this, I need a hug. I threw the dice and this is what came out.
> These three are my favorites, I have a feeling about them, they smell like OFMD to me and my brainwaves bounce up a bit when I hear them (u know... like the sea.... ha...ha)
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
Ed-Coded, sad, moody, it's frantic and helpless in a way that's also really desperate, and ohohoho the rhythm on this one tickles my brain a bit.
Feeling Good
A bit overplayed, basically in every fandom playlist but It! Is! There! For! A! Reason! And that reason is that it's reeeally good and very villain like. Could be Ed-Coded, I'd like to imagine that's him trying to conform into his Kraken/Blackbeard persona, could be other people too though. Use your imagination here.
Do What You Gotta Do
Are all of these Ed-Coded? You might ask. And the answer is, well.... maybe. It's not my fault Executive Producer David Jenkins based Ed's whole character on Nina Simone songs okay????? (I see what you did there you little evil man-shaped weasel. I SEE IT ALL.) But just.. here, look at me... listen to it and tell me it isn't Ed through and through.
> These ones are also very OFMD-like and I wouldn't be putting them in here after sifting through more than 100 songs just because. I also have a feeling about them, but it isn't the overwhelming sense of certain doom I get from the previous three.
Save Me
Ed coded. He loves Stede and he hates that with every fiber of his being. He's still very hurt, but cannot help being fond of the whimsical dipshit, poor guy.
I Shall Be Released
Ed coded, just give my man a break.
I Put A Spell On You
Overplayed one again, this one isn't really coded to any of them. But I feel like it would play after Stede tries to reconcile with Ed for the first time and fails miserably. Ed is still really hurt, and Stede is just realizing the extent to which he hurt him. It's after they just had a discussion, maybe it's raining, Stede is soaking wet calling "Yd! Yd! Yd please talk to me!" But Ed just keeps on walking. It's a romantic comedy staple and we need to have one of these.
Take Care Of Business
Semi-Competent!Stede being the breadwinner of the family is one of my favourite hcs. Ed is really tired of The Pirate Life™️ and I bet he'd fucking love to be a trophy wife, man spent his whole life being the scourge of the seven seas, give him a break for christs sake.
just... listen to it
Just Say I Love Him
Is- Is that a... no, it can't be! Dios mio, It's... a Stede coded song 😱😱 *pain sounds* *weird bone cracking going on* *little bit of a fleshy sonority to it now* *crashing sounds* *cat meowing* *bone cracking again but this one is good I think*. Ok back to it, this is really just "I should just have told him how I feel" vibes, Stede made a mess, he regrets it. Etc.
That's it then. Did I do this just to prove I was right if any of them appears in S2? Pfft of course not! Who would even do that... lol... Also please feel free to add thinky thoughts to this if y'all are willing! I'd love to hear people's interpretations of the songs.
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athetos · 8 months
Mercymorn is my poor little meow meow she’s a sopping wet kitten who tried to kill god and would have destroyed 9 planets if she succeeded, she watched a teenager get violently assaulted by an immortal beefcake and complained that he was making a mess and to do that somewhere where she isn’t forced to intervene, she can’t draw, she references millenia-old memes, she seduced god with the help of her worstie and stole his cum, nobody does it like her, she’s so cunty and nasty and miserable I think she’s neat
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nteabodies · 2 years
Anakin Skywalker is the poorest little meow meow to ever meow meow
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So anakin is going against Jesse pinkman frm breaking bad for todays poor little meow meow round
And, not to say Jesse isn't a poor little meow meow (he is a very poor little meow meow] but I have a rock solid, extremely unbiased (no bias at all) argument for why anakin is the poorer little meow meow using the criteria for voting, which includes scrunchiness, miserability, and bad choices.
Anakin is-
Scrunchier than jesse: I mean look at him! He's a sopping wet piece of old newspaper left behind a dumpster in the rain that somehow survived being dipped in lava. He is p a t h e t i c, he is being gaslit gatekept girl bossed by an old man he is
More miserable than jesse: now you can say a lot about how miserable jesse is but has he gotten his limbs chopped off and his torso roasted in lava after strangling his wife who he just wanted to protect? Has he spent 20 years suffering inside a life support suit where it hurt him to breathe? Has he tried protecting those he cared about (in a very messed up way) only to ultimately lose them all bc of his own stupidity?? I think not
He made the worst choices: I'm not even gna compare him to jesse bc anakin just made the worst choices. If you made him choose between red and blue he would choose genocide. He has committed two genocides btw (3 if you count the literal planet he was passively involved in destroying). How many genocides has Jesse committed? Yeah, I didn't think so. Also how many children has jesse murdered? Anakin has annihilated a kindergartens worth of children who knew and trusted him. He betrayed the people who took him in from the time he was nine and raised him and trusted him. And he didn't even do it in a fit of passion. He continued terrorising the galaxy for the next two decades! He is the worst!! His life is a series of bad choices!!
From my precise arguments it is clear that although Jesse is undoubtedly very scrunchy and miserable and he made terrible choices, he is up against the poorest little meow meow to even exist!
Anakin is pathetically scrunchy, incredibly miserable and objectively a terrible person. He deserves the title of poor little meow meow.
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Tails and Silver for the character bingo because they are my beloveds soft scrunklos <3
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Many of my feelings about this boy are not accurately present here :( i love him a lot, he's such a lil skrimblo bimbo<33 I'm happy seeing him whenever and wherever he is<33 his mere existence lifts my mood up<33
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NOW SILVER. I tend to rotate more towards the miserable, mess characters. You see, he's my poor lil meow meow. And as such i treasure he<33 like he has so much potential and the fan base an creators know it. So it's kind of like surviving off of the fan content until the official one it's bestowed upon us by the gods. I would smoosh him like a stress ball but also give him a little kiss on the head and feed him<3,,
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captainmalewriter · 3 years
Cat’s Magic
I am a cat.
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Meow meow, bitch.
I wasn't always a cat. I reincarnated into one after I passed away from old age in my old life. Now I'm a kitten named Tiger. I was born in an animal shelter with a bunch of other cats. Thankfully, my time in the shelter was short lived. Once I was old enough, I was put up for adoption with the rest of my litter. Then this one guy came in looking to adopt a kitten, and lo behold, he chose me.
That was about two weeks ago now. My owner was some guy named Shaan. Ugh, he was one of those social media influencer types. He's even used me for some of his posts, usually posted with the caption "Cat Dad." How embarrassing.
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This guy reminds me of myself when I was younger. You know, back in my old life. Except unlike Shaan, I actually had a life outside of iPhones. A young bull like him should be out there working hard and making money. Business CEO by day, heartbreaker by night.
I thought I could get used to my new cat life. But I just couldn't. I missed being an actual person so much! I waited a week and I just got more depressed and miserable with each day that passed. I couldn't take it anymore. So, I decided to do something about it.
One night, when Shaan was laying around in bed, I got up and hopped onto his chest. Shaan then started petting me as I moved up to his face. The fool thought I was being playful, but I was actually getting in position to swap our bodies. I got up close to his face and put my paw on his forehead. Then, I said an incantation.
"MEOWWW!!! "
Okay, I thought the incantation. I forgot I actually can't talk.
No matter, it worked regardless of the delivery method. I felt my body become much longer and heavier. I felt my paws transform into proper arms and legs. My whiskers into a man's mustache and beard. Everything was back to the way it should be.
My old cat paw was still on Shaan's forehead. Poor little kitty, he looked so confused. I grabbed him and started playing with him. He kept meowing and growling at me as I messed with him.
"Aw, Tiger's so mad today!" I teased him in my new deep voice. He meowed angrily at me. Poor little kitty, he must've forgotten that a man can't understand a cat, no matter how hard the cat meows.
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It's been about three years now since I took Shaan's body. He's all grown up now, and it seems like he's accepted his new life as a cat. He's usually just lazing around the house nowadays.
I remember there were a couple of times when I woke up with a cat paw on my forehead and a cat screaming in my face. Poor Shaan, without the incantation, there's no swapping back. Ever. He eventually gave up his futile efforts to take back his body. I'm glad, otherwise I would've had to return a naughty cat to the shelter for being too aggressive. Shaan made the right choice by accepting his new cat life.
And as for me, well, I already told you. A man like Shaan should be out there making fat stacks. I started by opening my own little coffee shop. At the same time, I was busy investing and trading in cryptocurrency. Income was slow at first, but that's just business. You gotta have patience when playing the game. And patient I am.
Soon enough, business was booming. I sold off the coffee shop and used some of the money to open up a restaurant. Luckily by then, I already had a name for myself as a pretty good restaurateur. My clientele from the cafe followed me to my new business. That, and something else helped me along the way. I hate to admit it, but I really have to thank Shaan for already having a major social media presence. I can't believe how much free publicity and customers I got just from his social media following.
Now I've got enough money to start living comfortably and luxuriously.
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Who knows, I might even surpass the wealth I had back in my old life! My second life had a hairy start, but now it's back on track and I'm loving it.
I've got an executive meeting next week about potentially opening a new location down in LA. With Shaan's looks and my witty charm, the deal is as good as mine.
But for now, it's time for my cruise getaway. I deserve it after all the hard work I've put in.
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Too bad Shaan's afraid of water now, I might've considered taking him with me. Oh well, sucks to be a cat!
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trillgutterbug · 3 years
Cobra Kai for the blorbo meme!
the blorbo meme
(tbqfh i could have and almost did just answer johnny for every single category, but in the spirit of fair play........)
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most) johnny........ my beloved.... stupid hot mess useless drunkass limp dick loser love of my life 🥰🥰🥰. literally who i automatically think of by default whenever i see a blorbo meme
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped) if it can't just be johnny again it's gotta be daniel even though ck daniel isnt't valid. he is Extremely Shaped god almighty thank u s4 joggers i owe you my whole existence
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave) aisha, who is both RATED and APRECIATED in this household
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week) until s4 i would have said the implication of terry silver but we got fed so fucking good this season he's not implied anymore!!!! jackie's going to have to tell me if i'm forgetting some rando i thirst over, my memory aint shit
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave) hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is it cheating to say terry again....................... i don't care i'm gonna
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason) ROBBY. be miserable, child. it looks so good on him and something has to make up for that 90s teen magazine centerfold hearthrob aesthetic, it's too hilarious to go unpunished
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell) kreese and not even in a fun way. get that shitty old man OUTTA HERE. send him to a nursing home where he can develop a hobby for once in his life, like painting by numbers or bingo
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zukkacore · 3 years
danganronpa for the fandom ask thingy?
I just realized I meant to answer this earlier but it was late and then had work!
Anyway favs, I’m gonna try to stick to THH but I cheated ngl:
Blorbo (absolute fav): I really wanna say Taka bc he’s been my fav since I was in high school, I love him so much and will love him forever (a big part of the reason just being that I related to him a lot, I was like, high perfectionist and my feelings were always kinda hurt when ppl said they didn’t like him bc he was too sensitive or was a crybaby bc I I’ve always been a HUGE crybaby) but ngl the real estate in my head lately has been going a lot more to other characters like Sayaka and Mukuro. He’s still THEE character of all time tho.
Scrunkly (my baby): I wanna say Taka again but also Chihiro for sure? Chihiro’s just a sweetheart I love her
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/under-appreciated fav): probably Leon! A lot of ppl forget abt him since he’s a ch 1 death & u don’t rly get to know him but he’s great, actually! I used to rly write him off but I actually think he’s really interesting and nuanced! I get that bc the game doesn’t incentivize you to get to know him a lot of ppl just write him off as like oh he’s just like a womanizer and a loser (or lump him in with like—canonical dork ass loser full on CREEPS when he’s like, kinda just a regular ass guy?) but the way his character is actually a really compelling foil for Sayaka is really really interesting to me. Also, ppl are just, weird abt his trauma & im defensive abt him because of my own reasons & I’ll just leave it at that.
glup shitto (obscure fav): a lot of ppl would probably disagree on whether this even counts bc she gets more content later on. But Mukuro. Like, Mukuro FOR SURE, I love her so much. even the content we do get it’s relatively sparse in comparison to the others so when she shows up I get SO excited, I’ve been wanting real sprites of her not in disguise forever & it just never happens :((((. Also this technically doesn’t count bc it’s sdr2 but imposter, I love them sm….
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): Haha depending on what this means probably either Hagakure or Sayaka. Sayaka is definitely more on the “problematic” side as opposed to pathetic. like I don’t think she is at least not any more than the rest of the characters but I do think ppl are like, weird abt her more than normal. She’s a mess but like. She’s my mess. Absolute beloved. But Hagakure is THEE poor little meow meow of all time I love him sm he’s so pathetic and offputting and in canon his personality does kinda suck but I love that he sucks, I can’t help it. He wants makoto’s organs and I’d let him have them. I just think he’s the funniest little guy ever. And ppl hate him for being useless and never contributing anything but I’m a Hagakure apologist so sucks to suck everyone who wishes he didn’t survive, if Hagakure sucks why does he keep winning lol
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): probably Togami. I just love to put him Through It bc he sucks but he sucks in a way I find hilarious. I bully him but I mostly just bully him with love. Leon is another character too I tend to horse plinko the shit out of not necessarily for the same reason as Togami (aka thinking he deserves some lighthearted chirping from his classmates to build moral character and humble him a little), like Leon I don’t have a reason why I’m mean to him. There’s nothing wrong w him I just think it’s funny when he’s sad. I’m the number one fan of the LeoSaya high profile miserable celebrity couple to sad pathetic divorcees pipeline for them. I am championing sad divorcee Leon so hard, the inner Junko in me comes out so much when I think abt him bc I just think his quarter life crisis would have been so funny, I’m so disappointed Junko didn’t draw things out longer bc I think she could’ve gotten way more long term misery out of everyone if she’d kept them alive
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): listen. I try to be nice abt him bc I rly don’t like that as a franchise DR is super weird abt how it characterizes fat ppl (like the only one who isn’t creepy is imposter & even then they make a lot of fat jokes abt them :///) & if asked I do think Teruteru is worse (even tho I like his design a lot) but. Hifumi is just. He just. Ugh. But this feels really extreme, I don’t hate him he’s just distasteful. My real more childish answer is Celeste tho, like I do like her but I’m also mean and petty and I mostly blame her for chapter 3 regarding Death Of A Fav, even tho it was a team effort lol. I’m petty. I know a lot of ppl like her, she’s cool she’s interesting but ch 3 is always what’s kept me from liking her. The Taka stan only recognizes her as the enemy I’m sorry. If I’m allowed to say characters from sdr2 then like. Saoinji or Teruteru tho. I swear I try to be measured and not too irrationally just vitriolic abt them esp saoinji bc like I get it, I get what she’s about but I can’t help myself she’s just so grating. Or the monokubs. Bc jfc.
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voughtcorsair · 3 years
who r your meow meows. heres MY meow meow
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[ID: a gray tabby cat, sitting upright on a couch like a dad watching TB. he is looking into the camera with huge round eyes pathetically. end ID.]
OHHHHH BABBY!!!!! so small very cute very endearingly pathetic, im kissing his nose.
anyways......My poor little meow meows . let us see....
the red baron since he is officially listed on my carrd
...... Sorry........
ernst birkholz, ludwig breyer, georg rahe, valentin kosole, willi, albert, bethke, etc.....from the road back. kosole is funny and violent i love himmmm :-) albert straight up killed a man because he is a # women respecter, i think everyone has been subject to my ernst/ludwig/georg essays so ill spare you those but they are easily the poorest of my meow meows, bethke is genuinely a little pathetic at times, willi is sort of stereotypical jolly big football-player-type but i think hes like. Nice and good and he does case about his friends very very much. Ok sorry i love them your honour
paul baümer all quiet on the western front is specifically the POOREST little meow meow by DEFINITION. all his friends died and then he died like 2 weeks before the war ended. also included in this are kat ( :( ) though he would object to being called a poor little meow meow, franz kemmerich is also a very very poor little meow meow and i miss him dearly, most of the second company could qualify actually...
otto heidemann from the blue max 1966 . i don't know if hes like a poor little meow meow but hes My poor little meow meow because he's Trying btw . and also to an extent bruno stachel but like not really because he sucks but like. if he got therapy.
sigh. the pilot and soldat baümer from 1917. my fandom experience was ruined Early so im #gatekeeping and now they are my poor little meow meows i do not care about sch*field or what fucking ever. btw. the pilot is my friend and baümer is bapy . IDC if they killed people theyre getting the poor little meow meow stamp
jack powell and david armstrong from wings 1927. hooohgha booga hrrrbrgghrhrh. the POOREST little meow meows with so many miserable romantic mishaps and then jack being responsible for davids death and then they make up and kiss on davids deathbed which iirc is a fucking church or something that he crashed his plane into . Holy fuck man it makes me go crazy insane
Mary preston gets her own section because while she is not pathetic she is a poor little meow meow because she gets left behind so often and i feel so so so bad for her like i love you babe i understand .. have you considered polycules or dating girls? she's so pretty too :-)
billy prior regeneration. fucked up little man easily a poor meow meow if ive ever seen one. slutty bisexual stereotype tragic backstory just a bit messed up in general my beloved meow meow i love him to bits thinking about him makes me so happy
andrew from the charioteer is the best defined poor little meow meow of the century because he's a little pathetic and cute and nonthreatening and i think he's very sweet he just needs therapy
ralph is a subversive meow meow because hes not but like yes he is its extremely fucked up that we act very similar btw feel free to psychoanalyze all that. laurie is also definitely a poor little meow meow because i think he is a bit pitiful in a way that makes me want to scoop him.up and kiss his forehead love that gay little bitch
Oh shit I'm falling asleep
btw sorry so many of these guys r german i kind of skipped half the british wwi literature and said ok erich maria remarque moment. :-) yahoo
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creative-poptart · 4 years
Black wasn’t sure how he had gotten into this mess, but he knew that there was going to a lot of confusion and scorn coming his way. He rubbed his temples with a sigh, then glanced back upwards to the top of a cabinet.
“WELL? ARE YOU SATISFIED NOW, YOU LITTLE GREMLIN?” The words were spoken in more of an exasperated tone than an angry one, and the skeleton folded his arms over his chest. Your cat, Lucy, was currently stuck on top of a small cabinet after bounding off the walls and nearly breaking ten separate items. The little white fluff-ball was meowing at him pitifully, asking for his help in getting down. 
“YOU’RE THE ONE WHO GOT STUCK UP THERE, I DON’T KNOW HOW YOU EXPECT ME TO GET YOU DOWN FROM IT,” he mused, shaking his skull and trying to figure out how to get the poor feline out from this predicament. While she didn’t seem injured, her tail was pinned under a section of the doors that had opened and shut magnetically. 
Black had tried the obvious, opening the door so that the tail would be freed, but Lucy wasn’t letting him get close. She would hiss and kick at him with her back feet, and while he could have it done sooner, she had almost kicked him in the socket since she couldn’t see him. That would be less than pleasant, so he had taken a moment to reassess. 
You would be coming home any minute, and while this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence, the skeleton would rather not scare you with your cat being stuck. Just as he was about to start making another attempt, he heard the front door open and you called out to him.
“Hey, Black! I’m home!” You moved into the area quickly, putting your purse down and moving some hair out of your eyes. It didn’t take too long for your gaze to travel upwards to the cabinet and the pitiful looking cat who was still very stuck. After a moment of surprised silence, you raised your eyebrows and looked back to him.
“... Anything you want to let me in on before I jump to my own conclusions?”
You nodded, then moved closer to him, hugging his side gently as you looked up at the poor kitty. Lucy looked absolutely miserable, but all you could do was chuckle at her, shaking your head as well.
“I’ll get her down real quick,” you hummed, pressing a soft kick to his cheekbone and moving to pull the cabinet door open. The moment the tail was freed, Lucy was off like a shot, leaping from the cabinet and dashing into the kitchen. Black sighed, then turned to give you a smooch on the lips, pulling you flush against his body. 
“STARS, YOUR CAT HAS MORE ENERGY THAN I DID AS A CHILD, AND THAT IS QUITE A FEAT,” he mused quietly, looking out to where Lucy had fled to. You giggled quietly, leaning up to kiss him on his teeth.
“Well, you don’t seem too opposed to her being the way she is,” you murmured in reply, wrapping your arms around his neck gently. Black hummed softly, then pressed a kiss to your cheek.
“I MANAGED TO GET A WONDERFUL WOMAN ALONG WITH THE INSANITY OF THE CAT, SO I CAN’T BE COMPLAINING ABOUT WHAT DEAL I’VE MANAGED TO GET,” he grinned. You buried your face into his chest, still smiling wide and nuzzling down into his arms as best you could. For a moment, the world felt right, but a crash from the kitchen alerted both of you to Lucy’s antics starting up again. 
“I’ll get her fetch toy,” you said immediately, pulling away from him so that you could retrieve the item. Black was tempted to keep you close, but let you go so that the cat wouldn’t destroy your home. He knew that you would be able calm her down and she would be super snuggly right after. In this moment, though, Black couldn’t be any happier with the situation, a delightfully amazing woman at his side and her crazy cat. 
You beamed at him and disappeared into the kitchen, and Black couldn’t help the smile from spreading on his face. He really did get lucky with you, didn’t he? Crazy cat or not, he was more than happy to have you in his life. 
And after much procrastination on my end, here is the raffle prize for @jasmine4tea from my 600 Followers raffle!! They asked specifically for a cisgender female (hence the pronouns and such) with SF Sans/Black!
I hope you enjoyed this drabble and thank you guys so much for following!! It means a lot more than you think!!
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soysaucecas · 3 years
oooh for the ask game 24, 30, and 44!
24. What are your favorite episodes?
The only episodes I've really watched are TMWWBK (which is my favorite episode and I'm certain would still be my favorite if I watched every single one because it has the only SPN character and the only SPN line), The French Mistake (which was funny enough but honestly in the Just Okay category for me, which makes me pretty sure I wouldn't enjoy actually watching SPN if this is one of the funniest/highest-rated eps), and Reading Is Fundamental (my best friend was watching it and asked me if I wanted to hop on Discord, I thought it might be fun to see Kevin's first introduction but instead this ep found the two of us taking like 90 minutes to get through it bc we kept pausing and screaming (derogatory) as the model minority stereotype jokes piled up and up and up... Unfortunately not a favorite even if we got Meg AND the "pull my finger" joke AND the "Sorry" shot). Other than TMWWBK, from clipping and transcript-reading, I like Wayward Sisters (who doesn't?), The Things We Left Behind (Claire!!!! Cas trying to be a dad! The diner scene aka my favorite destiel scene of all time bc being in love just looks so good on Cas! Also the parallels between Claire and Randy and teen Dean and the adults at that club in his story... woof.), Golden Time (Eileen gets to be HERE and be sad and loved and fight people with ghost powers and Cas gets to do a cool speech and a stabbing and do the Asian community a favor), and Lucifer Rising (just immensely sexy on all counts for Ruby, Sam, Cas, and myself). Also I am SO fond of Steve!Cas so I'll add Heaven Can't Wait even if I barely know anything about it.
30. What is an unpopular opinion or headcanon you have about the show?
Ooh okay hm I think. So I adore confession scene, but I don't think the "I cared about the whole world because of you" is like. The Objective Truth the way that most bloggers seem to take it. Cas was lobotomized tons of times before he met Dean, he was described as coming off the line with a crack in his chassis, he's always been the weird little angel who likes humanity too much! I don't think Dean came first, and although gay love was part of what helped Cas invent free will, he *Ruby voice* didn't need the feather to fly, Dumbo! I do think Cas believes what he says in the moment, but I also think he sorta... made himself believe it? This is probably just me deciding that cas-coding should go both ways, but like. I very much crush as a coping mechanism and I very much overascribe my actions to love because it simply seems more noble/poetic to do so. Being miserable because school is hard is cringefail but being miserable because of unrequited love is Good Shit. And I have been in unrequited love with my best friend for at least 7 years (probably 9 but I didn't realize it earlier) and if you asked I would 100% say that she taught me love and defined love for me and that she will be my first and last, but I also know that that is not entirely true; it's just the narrative that I like for myself. And I think that being in an Empty deal contingent on whether or not he LETS himself feel happy would lead Cas to do plenty of mental maneuvering, which I think involved intentional self-poor-little-meow-meow-ification via overascribing his choices and happiness to Dean (and I also think he'd already been doing that for a while just because of personal self-worth issues and because it's a nice narrative). I know as Cas's last Moment on the show it was probably written to be The Objective Truth, but I am perceiving him and I say no.
44. If you could write an episode of Supernatural, what would happen?
Oh scream okay! This is a fun one! I am going to start out with two ideas from other people:
1. Months ago Nate from the pocnatural discord had the idea of an episode from the "monster"'s perspective where the Winchesters are just clearly the antagonists while not doing anything different than they usually do. I think the idea was that all these supernatural beings live in a self-regulating community together and we have one Very Likable pov character who's a member of this community, but one of the newer members messes up one day and kills someone and the Winchesters come on a case and wreak havoc on this Very Much Functioning (there was going to be a whole rehab and reparations thing for the new member who messed up!) system and kill pov character and in the end you just HATE Sam and Dean for it.
2. It's hard to adapt anything from bad moon rising (aka my favorite spn fic) very well because the point of an Arab Winchesters season 1 rewrite is that it doesn't really work with the white characters we have now, but I think I could see a version of chapter 2 adapted as long as Haley (an Ojibwe hunter who lives in the area affected by what Sam and Dean are hunting) takes the lead. I'd especially like to see this section:
Dean laughs, a little disbelievingly. The question has never crossed his mind. “Do you like it?”
This gives Haley no pause at all. “Yeah,” she says. “I mean, it’s not really about killing monsters, though, for me. Or, it’s not always about killing monsters. It’s about community. Not violence. It’s a spiritual thing to build a home, you know?”
“Oh,” Dean says. He can’t think of anything else to say. It has never crossed his mind before that hunting could be compatible with a community.
I don't have any original episode ideas to add to the hunting discourse, so we're on to my ideas about character-driven eps. I think I would like to see a version of my sastiel possession fic (ty again for beta-ing that! you're a real one) as an ep around the time of 9.11 because Sam deserves to work through their trauma, but idk what the Dean plot should be for that. Another thing I would like very much is TFW drunk history storytime (so like. Tall Tales bass boosted), where for some reason they all need to go over what they were doing during Stanford era but each of them is telling someone else's story. It's gonna be either Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam or Dean->Sam->Cas->Dean. It starts out very funny (they all have terrible wigs and makeup in the flashbacks. Cas is Jimmy wearing a giant mask with googly eyes on it.) but as it goes on it gets increasingly sad how much these three don't really know each other.
In the Sam->Dean->Cas->Sam episode, Sam's telling of Dean's past veers wildly between "crushing pussy and killing things" and "feels like absolute shit all the time" and it's funny but Not Right and afterwards Dean goes "I didn't know you thought of me that way" and Sam says "... I am basically reading off the voicemails you left me back then" and Dean has to sit there and contend with the mythology he himself wrote for Sam to believe in. Dean->Cas provides the comedic beats for the episode as Dean awkwardly narrates Cas's Life As A Weird Little Guy who watches trees grow and heals babies and in the end Dean goes "so how did I do" and Cas is like "well actually I was either getting lobotomized or murdering people so like 3/10?" The moral of this plot line is that Dean is bi. Cas gives a fairly faithful retelling of Sam living her trans little life at Stanford and veering between trying to be Normal and being a total weirdgirl and feeling guilty and angry and happy and free. It becomes clear that Cas admires Sam a lot (but also feels like. guilt and some self-recrimination for not being that) for rebelling from their dad and exploring their queerness during a time Cas was still to his knowledge in total soldier mode, and Sam is having an a_good_soldier's Thesis 5 moment about how she failed the kid she used to be and how very sorry they are about all the things that happened to them, and Dean hates that this is the first he's hearing about so much of this but is also quite emo about the parts where Sam is struggling. The ep ends with them all in the same room not looking at each other and not knowing if they want to group hug or never talk again.
Dean->Sam->Cas episode is similar but the storytelling dissolves a lot faster as it becomes clearer way faster how much their own emotions are getting in the way. Dean is upset that Sam could leave their family so easily and probably swing a normal life, Sam keeps wondering what it would be like to live millennia just KNOWING that you were right and good and clean, and Cas is gay and veering between fitting Dean's life into a larger Righteous Man narrative and just being very tender (and sad and angry) about Dean's pain. Episode ends in a rather cathartic shouting match where they all end up apologizing to each other for many things.
Oh also I would like to see Cassie again but I don't have an episode in mind there. Also would love to see Kaia adjusting to life in Sioux Falls and befriending the others and dealing with Bad Place trauma.
tysm for the questions sorry for taking so long!
(ask game)
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aalissy · 5 years
Day 6 of my Marichat May prompts is here! I hope you all have been enjoying them cause I’ve enjoyed writing them :)
“You act more like family then he ever has, Mari,” Chat sniffled into her shirt as she cuddled him closer as they snuggled together atop her bed.
“Shh... shh it’s going to be alright, I promise Chaton,” she shushed him gently, running a delicate hand through his messy blonde hair. This was the third time in the last couple of weeks that Chat Noir showed up on her balcony, a complete mess, over what his father had said to him. Marinette didn’t know who the superhero’s dad was, but she was pushing past the point of worrying over their secret identites as all she wanted to do was punch whoever it was in the face. Each time Chat came to her, he looked increasingly worse and her heart broke for the poor, sweet boy. All she wanted was to see the happy, beaming, pun-loving soul that he embodied, not the miserable boy he was now.
“How can you say that Mari when you don’t even know him?” Chat nuzzled deeper into her shirt.
“Because, Chaton, I know you and I don’t know how anyone could know you and not love you!”
“He can,” he murmured bitterly.
“Oh my sweet kitty I’m so sorry,” she hugged him tighter, “If I could adopt you I would,” Marinette whispered softly into his hair.
“I’d like that very much purrincess,” his head perked up allowing her to stare into his vibrant, green eyes.
Marinette kissed him quickly on the cheek, “Now there’s the puns I’ve been missing so much.”
“I knew mew loved them,” he winked cheekily at her.
“Always and have and always will my kitty,” she smiled at him, “Do you want to wait here for me while I go get us some snacks and board games?”
Chat nodded and Marinette turned to go when she felt a hand latch onto her wrist quickly, “Marinette?”
She turned back and looked at him curiously, “Yes Chaton?”
“Thank you,” he whispered quietly.
“It was my purreasure,” she bowed elegantly before him.
“You should make cat puns more often, you know.”
“I know. One could say I’m almost as good as you,” Marinette winked teasingly at him, “Now would you let me go, I’m starving over here.”
“Sorry,” Chat blushed lightly.
“Don’t be,” she smiled gently at him before opening the trapdoor leading downstairs and crept silently through her house looking for ice cream and a board game. Five minutes later and she returned, wielding a tub of Ben & Jery’s along with Sorry. The two laughed and talked late into the night, watching movies and playing games into both fell asleep.
When Marinette awoke the next morning Chat Noir was gone but in his place lied a note that she read over and over.
Thanks so much for last night, purrincess. You always know how to cheer this Tomcat up. You’re the cat’s meow <3.
“Thank you too, Chaton. I hope I made your night a little easier,” she smiled gently at the window.  
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magioftheseas · 6 years
A Meal With Chestnuts
written for @yuzuria​ because it’s her biiiiiirf
Summary: In which Hinata adopts a cat that's a whirlwind of fluff and trouble. His brother sometimes helps.
Rating: G
Warnings: Ehhhhh? There are some tribulations related to caring for a pet but that’s it.
Notes: Because I love Mewshi (cat!servant) I decided I’d whip up a quick fic with him and Hinata. Yep. Yeah. Look at this angel. Precious.
***Alternate Ao3 Link***
Commission? Donate?
“I... Izuru... Hey...”
“Hajime.” His brother doesn’t miss a beat. “It is strange for you to call me out of the blue like this.”
“Y-Yeah. Um. I... I called because... I need, urgh, I-I need help.”
“Did something happen? Are you at the hospital?”
It doesn’t surprise him that’s the first conclusion Izuru jumps to. Honestly, if he were Izuru, knowing himself the way he does, that’s the first conclusion he’d jump to, too.
“I’m fine,” he says, almost snaps really. “But I...” He pinches his nose, swallows, and struggles. “I-I... I need money...”
“A-And I know!” he exclaimed. “I know I said I’d rather fucking die on the streets than borrow money from you when you offered—t-that was stupid...and immature... I’m sorry. I...”
“I... I...”
Can I really do this?
Just as he’s this close to hanging up, he glances over and ends up meeting the wide, gray-green eyes of a scraggly, tangled mess of fluff. Said fluff gives a weak chirp in acknowledgement.
How can I even ask myself that?
“I found a cat,” he said, sighing. “It’s in really, really bad shape. Like, its back legs are badly broken, one of its front paws is mangled, it has worms, and it... He smells awful, Izuru. And I don’t have enough to pay for the medical bills.”
“Understood.” The response was immediate. “Which vet?”
“Uh... The one on...” He rattles off the address. “So, uh, does this mean...?”
“I will be there right away.”
“Right away?”
“Right. Away.”
Just like that, Izuru hangs up. Hinata blinks at his phone before pocketing it. With a sigh, he reaches out to stroke the cat’s head, mindful of the plastic cone. He earns a purr for his troubles, and he can’t help but smile in spite of his grimace.
“You made me broke one of my oaths to never ask my successful, genius brother for help,” he said. “Fifteen years I kept that oath. And now it’s broken. Because of you.”
The cat nuzzled his hand.
“...I hope you’re happy. You’re really lucky, too. Izuru loves cats, and he barely loves anything. I’m still doubtful that he loves me, y’know.”
Another chirp.
“You’re...you’re in good hands. Definitely.”
Hinata Hajime was, putting it lightly, not the happiest he could be with his life.
Law school had been stressful enough, but actually trying to make it as a lawyer could be a nightmare with the weirdos he had to put up with and the cases he had to swallow his pride and do his damndest to defend when they actually made it to court. Even so, he wasn’t very successful.
Not like Izuru, never like Izuru.
Still, he had a stable life, if anything A good apartment, an alright car, a good neighborhood, a social life that sure existed even when he didn’t have the energy for it. He was doing well for himself. Not great, but well. Well, well, welly well, well.
Izuru called him boring for good reason.
He resented Izuru, of course, but he was hard-pressed to argue with him over anything. Izuru was right. Even Hinata’s own friends agree that he was the kind of guy who seriously needed to go out more. Relax more. Get laid.
Especially since his crush of seven years hadn’t picked up on any of Hinata’s painfully obvious hints. Better yet, said crush tended to fawn over his doctor. They weren’t in a relationship for that reason, but... But... Still. It was pretty damn hopeless.
Too fucking bad Hinata didn’t have the itch nor confidence to just find someone, anyone to put up with his boring, mundane, sometimes miserable ass in bed.
So Hinata was at a loss over what the hell he was supposed to do to find some level of actual contentment with his life. Or at least something if not someone to distract him from the void.
And then a flurry of wild, filthy white fluff rushed out in front of his car while he was driving and he almost wrecked then and there. Breaking the law, he ended up pulling over and investigating only to find out it was just some cat. Some cat that just chirped at him before returning to gnaw at the remains of some roadkill.
It looked like a possessed mop. Hinata took it home for the night. And then he went to the vet and called Izuru for help. Something he swore up and down for fifteen years that he would never, ever do.
Izuru didn’t hesitate at all. If anything, Izuru was immediately enamored with it. Hell, Izuru already ordered several cat toys and high-end cat food to be delivered to Hinata’s apartment around the time that the cat was expected to recover enough to go home with him.
He should feel pretty stupid right now, and he certainly felt awkward watching Izuru stare at the sleeping bundle of white.
“Does he have a name?”
“Uh... Huh?”
“A name. Did you name him?” Izuru frowned at him. “Were you planning on keeping him?”
“I...” He knows he should say no. That if anyone’s equipped to take in a cat, it’d be his crush. Komaeda already had a cat, he’d probably love another one and Izuru couldn’t have pets in his building, but... Hinata’s own apartment doesn’t have any pet policy. And it’s as alright a place as it is an empty one. And maybe, just maybe, he had fallen in love with the stupid thing overnight after making it a makeshift bed of towels, pillows, and blankets. “I wanted to, yeah.”
Izuru nods. “What’s his name?”
“His name, uh...”
And it just kind of comes naturally. The cat has long, white hair that’s fine and reminds Hinata of grain, and... Said cat had also pooped in his rice bag. Hinata still wasn’t sure how it got in there.
“Meshi,” he said, shrugging. “Is that an alright name?”
Izuru blinked at him, but glanced over at Meshi, still caught in a peaceful slumber.
“Meshi is a fine name,” he said. “After he gets cleaned up, I do predict that his fur will be as white as rice.”
Hinata could only nod along.
“Take good care of him, Hajime,” Izuru said sharply. “Or else I will not forgive you.”
“O-Of course I will!” he exclaimed, gawking. “I... I... Yeah, I will!”
He just hoped he was prepared for what he was getting into.
(He wasn’t. He had no idea.)
Meshi, as it turned out, was exceptionally fluffy, even more than Hinata already thought. In fact, Meshi likely doubled in volume entirely due to fluff.
Meshi had needed his front paw amputated but Izuru paid for a prosthetic. Of course he had.
Izuru also needed to leave for work but he had left several files on how to take care of Meshi and administer medication if need be. Izuru even set up an account with money for future medical bills. Just. In case.
And then Meshi bit Izuru when he tried to pet him. And Hinata hurriedly pulled him away. Meshi had chirped but nuzzled against him, and it was the first time Izuru had ever looked at him with such envy.
He...had felt a little satisfied. But only a little.
“I... Don’t worry, Izuru,” he said. “I promise, I’ll take good care of him.”
“Or else,” Izuru muttered. Hinata nodded again.
“...yeah. Or else.”
So...now he has a cat. And his apartment has gone from empty and clean to a mess of cat hair everywhere.
And there are child safety locks on his cabinets because otherwise Meshi would spill rice everywhere.
And the trashcan has to be facing the wall otherwise Meshi gets stuck in it. Meshi, Hinata learns, has a weird affinity for trash.
“Komaeda’s cat isn’t this high maintenance,” he grumbled while scrubbing Meshi’s fur clean for the umpteenth time today. “He’s lazy and always sleeping. Why do you have to be completely different, Meshi?”
Meshi meowed at him happily as he rinsed him off.
“A-And what kind of cat enjoys baths, anyway?!”
Another happy meow. And then Meshi gagged from trying to nibble at his soapy fingers. And then Meshi started to hack. Hinata panicked.
“Wait, no, don’t throw up!”
Hinata had to wash the tub as well that day.
Every ounce of his space is now Meshi’s space. Even when it’s late, rather than use the plush bed that Izuru bought, Meshi sleeps on his face and nearly suffocates him overnight.
He drags the cat bed onto his bed and tries to force Meshi to sleep there. It doesn’t work out.
He wakes up coughing up cat hair while Meshi innocently groomed himself.
“You,” he grumbles after washing out his mouth. “You’re impossible.”
Meshi chirps at him.
You would think that with one prosthetic and weakened hind legs that a cat like Meshi would have difficulty getting around.
Not so.
“Meshi! Meshi!”
Meshi kept on crying.
“How did you even get up there?!”
You would also think that with as much fluff that Meshi had, that it’d be difficult for Meshi to squeeze into all the weird places that cats liked to explore.
Also not so.
“Meshi? Meshi?!”
Hinata would’ve had a heart attack over his missing cat if not for noticing that the drawer was open. And, unsurprisingly, Meshi mewled at him when he peered inside.
“Don’t scare me like that!”
He ends up tying a bell around Meshi’s neck. It’s easier to keep track of him and... Maybe, just maybe, it suited him.
Meshi doesn’t play with cat toys. Meshi plays with his ties. And string. Meshi seems to really enjoy string.
“Luxuries are wasted on you,” Hinata grumbles. “Poor Izuru.”
Meshi attacks his antenna. He ends up with a shiner thanks to the prosthetic.
It’s very awkward trying to explain it to his coworkers and clients that no, he didn’t get into a fight, yes, it was just because of his new cat.
“Your cat seems to be quite the handful,” Kirigiri had murmured. “Be more careful, Hinata-kun.”
Meshi afterwards still had the gall to show him his fluffy belly and look like an angel while doing so.
Hinata knits him a mitten for his prosthetic. It takes a while because Meshi keeps gnawing at the yarn, but eventually Hinata manages.
“There we are.” He pulls back to inspect his handiwork and sticks his hand out to take Meshi’s newly knitted paw. “It’s not as soft nor as nice but... You’ll cause less damage like this.”
Meshi chirps almost cheerily and nuzzles him. In particular, the bruised side of his face. It irritates his injured eye. Hinata almost cries, but he valiantly holds back.
He forgives Meshi quickly even as the bruise lasts a while.
His life has gone from unbearably dull to dreadfully unpredictable, thanks to Meshi.
It also changed in several other significant ways. If Hinata laid on the ground, Meshi tended to trample him without missing a beat. Cooking was now a serious hazard with how curious Meshi could be in the kitchen, especially near the stove and with fluff like that—Hinata couldn’t cook until he was sure that Meshi was safely kept far, far away.
Because it’s a cat, I’m the one that has to be completely and utterly accommodating.
Sometimes he took Meshi outside and just...watched Meshi sniff around the grass and area. And afterwards, he’d have to give Meshi another bath due to Meshi rolling around in the dirt.
Because it’s a cat, it’s just going to do whatever it wants regardless about how I feel about it.
He always needed to keep a close eye on Meshi. Because, otherwise—
“Meshi, no! Out of the trash! Get out of the trash!”
Why am I willingly subjecting myself to this again?
The answer was obvious even without Meshi purring after being pulled out of the trash.
“I was already pretty busy,” he grumbled as he once more scrubbed Meshi clean. “You’re making this almost impossible.”
Meshi chirped.
“But...it’s not like you have anyone else, huh? I’m the one who took you in.” He rinses him off and wraps him up in towels to blow-dry his fur. “That makes you mine. Izuru probably could’ve found a way to make you his but—but you’re mine and that’s that.”
Meshi purrs against him as he brushes his fur afterwards.
“Mine,” Hinata murmurs. “You’re mine, Meshi.”
Meshi meows, and Hinata likes to think it’s a sound of agreement.
When Komaeda visits, bright-eyed and carrying a cat carrier, Hinata’s sure that his heart leapt up into his throat at the sight.
“I heard about your new cat!” Komaeda practically beams. “I brought Izumi with me for a cat playdate.”
There’s a low mreow from the carrier. Just a sound to acknowledge his name being said. Nothing else.
“Oh... Huh...”
He swallows as Komaeda brushes past. Komaeda sets down the carrier. And with the tinkling of a bell and the padding of feet, Meshi practically rushed up to him.
“Hi there,” Komaeda coos, reaching out to run his fingers through those long white strands. “Ooh, Kamukura-kun was right, you are a beauty. No wonder he was utterly enamored with you. Hinata-kun, you’ve been taking pictures and showing them to Kamukura-kun, right?”
“Uh, yeah, a few...” But whenever I bring out the camera while Meshi’s doing something cute, Meshi immediately stops doing the thing. “Are you sure it’s alright for you to be out and about, Komaeda?”
“Yep! Matsuda-kun even says I’ll be well enough to start working! Though he also says someone as rich as me doesn’t need to worry about that, haha...” He opens the carrier, humming. “Come out, Izumi. Come say hi! Oh.” Meshi rushed into the carrier, which Hinata more or less expected even as he worried. “H-Hey, Izumi won’t attack him right?” “Of course not! My Izumi would never...!” Komaeda stared helplessly at the fluffy tail flickering in the air sticking out of his carrier. “Meshi... Izumi can’t leave like this.” “Meshi doesn’t believe in personal space,” Hinata said. A pause. “Unless it’s with Izuru. So... I guess he’s warmed up to Izumi, at least.”
All the same, he swooped down and pulled Meshi out of the carrier. Drearily as ever, Izumi stepped out, sniffing as he did and elegant black tail flickering with those piercing red eyes.
It still weirds me out that Izumi is a lot like Izuru but... Come to think of it, Meshi looks a little like...
Meshi blinks those pretty gray-greens at him. Hinata flusters when Komaeda glances at him with eyes a similar shade and hurriedly looks away.
“Uh... Here you go, Meshi,” he mumbled awkwardly, setting Meshi back down so that he and Izumi could familiarize themselves with each other. Or at least so that Meshi could, seeing as Izumi just flopped onto the ground.
Yeah, that’s what I expected.
And Komaeda softly squealed, pulling out his phone to take pictures. Probably getting the most flattering ones, too.
“Kamukura-kun will love seeing these,” he hummed. “And Matsuda-kun will, too.”
Hinata deflated, nodding.
“I... Yeah... Anyway, can I get you anything to eat, Komaeda? I have some leftovers I can heat up if you want.”
“So kind, Hinata-kun!”
“Not...really. It’s just a courtesy.”
He still couldn’t meet Komaeda’s sparkling gaze directly and Meshi, at the very least, proved to be a very suitable distraction. Especially with Meshi crawling over Izumi like that, pawing at him curiously.
Cute... Shockingly cute...
With Komaeda bouncing after him, Hinata couldn’t help but wonder if he’d really be able to handle both of them at the same time in his tiny, tiny apartment.
God give me strength.
After they ate, Komaeda was almost as eager to look around as Meshi.
“Aha, there’s a lot of toys! Did Kamukura-kun buy these?”
“N-Not...all of them... But a lot of them...” Hinata rubs at the back of his neck. “That said, Meshi largely prefers the toy box to any of them. And sometimes he steals my ties regardless of what drawer I put them in. He’s...a weirdly intelligent cat when he wants to be.”
Even though I’ve had to keep him from literally dumpster diving more times than I had to count.
“I see, I see...” Komaeda claps. “Your apartment is still so clean, Hinata-kun, all the cat hair aside. You completely gave up on that, huh?”
“Sure did.” Hinata doesn’t even miss a beat. “Meshi gets around a lot. He’s the complete opposite of Izumi.”
Komaeda glanced towards Izumi, who still hadn’t moved from his spot, even though Meshi was kneading him. Chuckling lowly, he went over to scoop Izumi up and placed him atop the cat tower. Meshi immediately darted after him, squeezing right back into his space. Izumi didn’t seem to mind.
“I guess opposites attract,” Komaeda hummed. “That’s really nice. I’m glad. A lot of cats aren’t very sociable but Meshi seems really friendly!”
I’m still on edge. Komaeda’s cat can be weird, but—at the very least he doesn’t look like he’ll snap at Meshi.
“Uh...” He shakes his head. “So how have things been? You’re getting better, right? That’s... That’s good...”
“All because of Matsuda-kun!” Komaeda chirped and then paused. “And Izumi, actually.”
Hinata blinked.
“I really appreciate Matsuda-kun,” Komaeda went on, blushing a bit. “But truth be told, it’s really Izumi who keeps me going. Matsuda-kun can’t always be there, of course not, he has other patients, so I used to be really lonely when he wasn’t around... Everyone’s always so busy, living their lives, I really envy them...being stuck at home by yourself and not really having anything to do, anywhere to go... It’s such a boring, empty life.”
Hinata frowned but couldn’t bring himself to comment.
“But after I got Izumi, that completely changed,” Komaeda said, lighting up. “Izumi isn’t the most energetic cat, obviously, but he’s still someone I have to watch over and take care of and... Honestly I’m never bored with him. He’s got his own little quirks that are fun to discover. For example, he does have bouts of curiosity with the strangest things. One time I accidentally left a coat hanger on the bed and he cried because of it. Another time he was absolutely fascinated with this documentary on boats so I bought him a rubber toy. After I set it in a small tub of water, he made such a mess! Haha!”
Hinata looks towards Izumi, unaffected by everything including Meshi draped over him like a big fluffy blanket.
That’s...really hard to imagine.
“...it’s the same for you, isn’t it, Hinata-kun?”
Hinata flinched at that.
“A-Ah, huh...?”
He flustered more at Komaeda’s widening smile.
“It’s the same for you, right?” he asked cheerily. “Having a cat around—it really livens up the place, doesn’t it? I was pretty worried actually about getting a pet. After my dog died, I didn’t think I would ever be ready for it, but... I’m really glad I picked Izumi up. He was so listless at the shelter and even though he’s still pretty lazy, he’s has moments of such brightness!”
“I...” Komaeda looks pretty bright, too. “I see...”
Suddenly Meshi hopped up to them, pawing at Komaeda’s side. He headbutted him, and Komaeda could only laugh, patting his lap. Meshi pounced before curling up as Komaeda stroked his fur. And then Izumi, too, lazily walked up and pressed up against Komaeda’s knee.
...I want to take a picture, but...
“You are right,” Hinata said, reaching out and pulling Izumi towards him. It still mildly unsettled him how Izumi reminded him of Izuru, but all the same Hinata petted him, and a smile pulled at his lips as Izumi pressed back against his hand. “They really do liven things up.”
And then Meshi leapt out of Komaeda’s lap and barreled into Hinata’s stomach so hard that he nearly choked.
Hinata quickly recovered, taking in deep breaths as Meshi whined at him.
“I-I... I... Huh...” He blinked at Meshi and then scooped him up, cradling him. “You’re possessive, too, huh?”
Maybe...we’re made for each other or something...
Komaeda still looked rather worried but after a while he snorted and picked up an ever-stoic Izumi.
“I’ve never seen you smile like that,” he remarked. “You’re actually really handsome, Hinata-kun.”
Meshi smacked his face after he snapped up to regain his attention. At the very least the mitten did in fact keep the prosthetic from hurting.
Komaeda just laughs.
“It looks like you’re trapped,” he said. “Well, there are worse ways. Like with rubble!”
“I... Uh...” Hinata averted his gaze, nuzzling Meshi to keep him happy. “Yeah... Yeah...”
Komaeda’s laughter was carefree and calm. Even though, his heartbeat stuttered over it, but...
Meshi whapped him again and kept him in line.
In a weird way, he kind of appreciated that.
“It probably would be nice for Meshi to spend more time with Izumi since they seem comfortable with each other.” If Izumi even cares. Hard to tell. “I can’t always play with Meshi, so it’d be nice if he had someone else...y’know?”
“I do,” Komaeda agrees. “Cats usually rely solely on us for stimulation and they can get lonely while we��re busy. So it’s better to have friends, I think. So maybe you can visit sometime and bring Meshi?”
“I-I...” Another whap. He got right back on track. “Y-Yeah! Yeah... That... That’d be nice...”
“It’s a date theeeen!” Komaeda sing songs and claps with Izumi’s paws. “Yay, yay! Izumi, isn’t that wonderful?”
Izumi just yawned. Hinata snorted as Meshi meowed.
“I think they’ll be fine,” he said. “Thanks, Komaeda, for visiting.”
“Ehehehe! It’s nothing, it’s nothing! I’m glad I did!”
Maybe...just being like this...won’t be so bad.
Yeah. He was almost sure of it.
It didn’t surprise him that despite cuddling up against him all that time, Meshi kept his distance at bedtime, grooming himself as Hinata could only lie down and watch.
“You know,” he found himself saying. “I’ve liked Komaeda...for a really long time. Long enough that I honestly should’ve give up by now, but...”
He shrugs.
“I still...like him a lot...”
Meshi didn’t say anything. Of course not. He was too focused on licking his paw.
“I think even if he never understands, I’ll be fine,” he murmured. “Seeing him again... I’m just happy that he can smile like that. And according to him...”
I smile like that, too. That’s really embarrassing to think. Why? Just because of Meshi who causes so much trouble and yet...
Meshi crawls over to him and curls around him. Just when Hinata perked up, Meshi starts trying to groom him. And he can only sigh.
I’m going to have to shower in the morning. As usual.
“It’s hard to dwell in self-loathing when I have you to keep an eye on.”
Meshi is definitely frustrating...but it’s hard to resent him for that. If anything, I might just be grateful, black eyes and scratches aside.
“...Izuru loves cats,” he said, humming and turning towards Meshi’s fluff. “I guess... I can sorta understand why.”
Meshi bit his ear afterwards. It really hurt.
But it didn’t really change anything.
It didn’t change anything. He certainly wouldn’t regret taking Meshi in for the world. But. But.
“H-How did this happen?! Did Komaeda’s cat impregnate him?!”
“Hajime, that’s impossible.”
Hinata still screamed into his hands, meanwhile, Izuru observed more closely. As close as Meshi would allow anyway, with Meshi hissing if he so much approached within a certain number of centimeters. Izuru respected that, but he still blinked down at the small ball of tea green fluff nestled into Meshi’s fur.
“Tea...” Izuru mused. “Monaka would be a cute name for her, don’t you think?”
“I still don’t understand,” Hinata rambled on. “I just, I just left Meshi alone for two minutes outside and he darts inside the house with this...this...!”
“Kitten,” Izuru finished for him. “You now have a new kitten. Congratulations. She’s very, very cute.”
“She’s a demon, actually,” Hinata retorted, pointing to the scratch marks all over his face. “She’s only cute right now because she’s sleeping. But the second she saw me, she attacked my face. Meshi had to pull her off.”
Izuru frowned.
“I think you just startled her.”
“I was as careful as could be...!”
Suddenly, the kitten stirred awake. Yelping, Hinata quickly hid behind his brother but all she did was crawl up to Izuru and mew at him, blinking wide green eyes at him.
Hinata’s useless brother melted in a heartbeat, picking the kitten up and doting on her, listening to her purr.
“She’s an angel, Hajime, you must have been mistaken.” Izuru gave him a pointed look as she batted at his hair. “Or, as I said, you startled her. It was likely your pointy antenna.”
“Hey leave my hair out of this!” Hinata exclaimed heatedly. “Meshi doesn’t mind my hair!”
“Well Monaka is clearly different,” Izuru huffed.
“Where did that name even come from?!”
Izuru ignored him, humming softly as he stoked Monaka’s neck. Hinata groaned, rolling his eyes, but there wasn’t exactly much he could say.
Izuru only paused when Meshi bit his ankle, puffing up angrily at him. Blinking, Izuru reluctantly set Monaka down so that Meshi could drag her away.
“...you really are lucky, Hajime,” Izuru sighed, looking at him enviously once more. Somehow, the novelty had worn off.
He looked at Monaka. Monaka looked back and hissed.
“...I think...it all balances out,” Hinata said, sighing. “I wonder how Komaeda’s going to react...”
“I want pictures,” Izuru said.
“...don’t worry; he’ll definitely take pictures.”
It’s alright being like this...is what I thought.
Monaka doesn’t seem terribly content with Meshi fussing over her. Somehow, Hinata just knew she’d find a way to cause enough trouble to give his Meshi a run for his money.
Things are about to get wild. That’s just the feeling I’m getting right now.
He might have to ask Izuru to come over more often. They might just be closer in the future than they ever were for fifteen years.
That’s a thought.
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