#a priori rp
apriorigenshinrp · 8 months
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There is danger in changing the past to better the future.
Discord | Plot and Premise | Character List Rules | Application | Q&A
Welcome to A Priori, a Genshin Impact AU roleplay on Discord! We are a 21+ server which explores a modern Teyvat and timeline transforming technology that has been invented, to allow people to change the past from the future. Scientists at the Acutus compound are working to change the very past of Teyvat for a supposedly better future. The loosely formed and highly secretive organization L says otherwise, and are trying to reverse Acutus' changes within the very machine and compound Acutus created. Whose side, if you take one, are you on?
Currently most characters are free to apply for, although we are looking for these characters in particular:
Hu Tao
Features of A Priori are as follows:
Roleplaying both in a modern day setting within the Acutus Compound, and from the past through the Scius, with the opportunity to change events in the timeline!
Group messaging and private DMs thanks to the technology of the Tau-S (like a cell phone).
The discord community set up so threading for roleplay is easier to do.
Use of Tupperbox for roleplaying ease.
Future events to be covered in the past and present, such as Lantern Rite or Windblume.
Friendly and open atmosphere, with various OOC channels as well to socialize and get to know one another in, including a NSFW channel.
Outlined Blacklist of topics to avoid in the rp setting, along with in general.
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vinetooth-prime · 17 days
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Hello! This is Priory Irregular Operations [PIO] and we are open to new members!
We are an LGBTQ+ friendly, NA-based Roleplay Guild that has been running both casual- and story/plot-based RP for the past 7 years in an IC Priory workplace setting over Discord and In-Game! We meet for regularly scheduled events every Saturday (8pm ET) but offer plenty of RP opportunities the rest of the week!
Our guild features an easy-to-use & fully-customizable TTRPG Lite system for stats and skill checks, DM- and Player-led story arcs, and a fully-leveled and fleshed-out IC guild hall with places to RP and hang out!
In-Character, you can expect a focus on collaborative, weekly expeditions dedicated to investigating all manner of anomalies, be they magical, Mists-ological, murderous, or even the more mundane. For the grand majority of our stories, we aim to explore the weird and interesting, always determined to experience something new each season!
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If you're interested in applying, please feel free to check the reblogs for our application link or reach out over Discord (devyan) or in-game (Devyan.5708)! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me (llimus) @vinetooth-prime or to Devyan above!
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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the priory of the orange tree  -  samantha shannon  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;   death ,  pregnancy 
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‘all the world is a cage in a young girl’s eyes.’
‘there is great power in stories.’
‘all stories grow from a seed of truth. they are knowledge after figuration.’
‘I see through your mask. I see what’s in your heart. it’s the same as what’s in mine. ambition.’
‘have we met? don’t tell me, you’re plainly a fool, and I have no interest in befriending fools.’
‘i’ve always rather fancied an adventure.’
‘oh, come, (name). you know why this is happening. everyone tried to warn you.’
‘what I know is less important than what the world sees.’
‘all you see, in the end, is what I want you to see. such is politics.’
‘this mission may not seem survivable but you never know.’
‘you have ambition. ever apologize for that.’
‘you won’t miss me so much. when you soar above the clouds, we will all seem very small down here.’
‘where I am, I am with you.’
‘what did I do to deserve you turning up to threaten what little I have left of an existence?’
‘you’re old enough to know that not all dreams should be pursued, especially not dreams conceived on the featherbed of love.’
‘trust me. you can do nothing here but die.’
‘I have an interest in survival. I suggest you nurture one, too.’
‘we may be small, and we may be young, but we shake the world for our beliefs.’
‘now I know your secret, and it reeks far worse than mine.’
‘you have not seen death. you have only seen the mask we put on it.’
‘I prefer the taste of mercy. it lets me sleep at night.’
‘rain is water, and so are we. will water defeat you?’
‘you should do as you see fit. there will always be voices telling you what to do, and how to act, but it is you who wears the crown.’
‘you do speak comely words. I wonder if you mean them.’
‘all courts will fall prey to affection and deceit, often veiled as courtesy. but I like to believe that I speak from the heart.’
‘I suspect you fear that your skill will slip between your fingers if you loosen your grip for even a moment.’
‘remember, (name), that a sword does not need to be whetted at all hours to keep it sharp.’
‘dreams reach deep into our pasts.’
‘I do not sleep because I am not only afraid of the monsters at my door, but also of the monsters my own mind can conjure. the ones that live within.’
‘you wear so much armor by daylight that, by night, you can carry it no longer. by night, you are only flesh.’
‘in darkness, we are named our truest selves. night is when fear comes to us at its fullest, when we have no way to fight.’
‘fear will do everything it can to seep inside you. sometimes it may succeed — but never think that you are the night.’
‘balance is necessary in all things, (name) — it doesn’t not equate to disrespect.’
‘I never wanted an adventure. not even one.’
‘monsters often have soft faces. they know how to mask themselves.’
‘how is it you always know what to say to comfort me?’
‘you use the suffering of others for your own gain.’
‘I did not do it out of kindness. I did it because I wanted my life to run a smooth course.’
‘that disappoints me. that dishonors you. but not beyond forgiveness.’
‘that is not the question you must ask. you must ask what we must do.’
‘I have never had any great inclination toward marriage. not the sort of marriage those of royal blood must make — born not of love, but fear of isolation. yet if I refrain the world will stand in judgement.’
‘childing is not always easy. no one talks openly about the difficulties. the discomfort. the uncertainty. so now you feel the weight of your condition, you believe yourself alone in it.’
‘your fear is natural. let no one tell you otherwise.’
‘I am not quite sure what I did without you.’
‘just once, I wanted to be fearless. to take a risk.’
‘try not to be irritating.’
‘I fear death too much to seek it.’
‘my will was not always what it is now. once I was as molten glass, yet to be spun into shape. I sense I have taken a shape she mislikes.’
‘I told you fear was natural, but you must not let it consume you. not when there is so much at stake.’
‘I despise all of you, overweening crows. all any of you think about is what you can peck from me.’
‘you had a great burden to bear, and you bore it bravely.’
‘you have tried to turn yourself to stone. do not be afeared to find that you have not.’
‘fool. I would not be compelled by you or anyone. have I not always given you truth?’
‘you have a ghost, (name). do not become a ghost yourself.’
‘I am a meddler, not a fool.’
‘the water in you has grown stagnant, (name), but it is not beyond cleansing.’
‘you say you desire truth, but truth is a weave with many threads.’
‘I don’t know if I trust the woman you are but I trust the woman I knew.’
‘I confess I am what you would call a sorceress, but no magic is evil. it is what the wielder makes it.’
‘all of us have shadows in us. I accept yours. and I hope you will also accept mine.’
‘you told me we would meet again. I did not want to make you a liar.’
‘blood is never the way forward.’
‘no. you are another dream. you come here to torment me.’
‘fair roses have grown from twisted seeds.’
‘piety can turn the power-hungry into monsters. they can twist any teaching to justify their actions.’
‘I hope you did not keep it from me because you thought I would judge you.’
‘I think you a self-righteous fool whose head is harder than a rock. and I would not change you for the world.’
‘just because something has always been done does not mean that it ought to be done.’
‘(name), you know I love you, but the sense in your head could fit in a thimble.’
‘my mother always said it was best to receive bad news in winter, when everything is already dark. so one can heal for spring.’
‘I know you must go. to ask you to stay would be like trying to cage the wind.’
‘my heart knows your song, as yours knows mine. and I will always come back to you.’
‘for what I have done, I deserve hardship. it’s my fault (name) is dead.’
‘it has been peaceful here but my blood is the sea, and it cannot be still.’
‘do not deny yourself the privilege of living.’
‘the world is full of fools. and they are never more foolish than when they smell eternal life.’
‘who I am and who I was are none of your concern.’
‘I will not kill you this night but what you see before your is a ghost. when you least expect it, I will return to haunt you. I will hunt you to the ends of the earth.’
‘look upon my work. all this destruction is because of you.’
‘you have no choice but to trust me.’
‘to die in the service of a better world would be the highest honor.’
‘let us not think of the future this night. it is not yet dawn. we still have time for airy hopes.’
‘you impress me. I had not thought that one heart could hold such rancor.’
‘you cannot fathom the depth of the enmity I have felt for you. I have cursed your name with every sunrise.’
‘you preyed on me. I was young and afraid and I confided my deepest fear to you.’
‘you always come back. like a weed.’
‘I fell into shadow, and now I must rise, so I might be a better man.’
‘you can’t trust him. he would sell his soul for a handful of silver.’
‘I have no soul to sell. but I may yet earn one.’
‘leave me to my shadows. i’m afraid they are all I have left.’
‘being your friend is quite a strenuous affair, you know.’
‘it will hurt me, to hurt you. you are mine.’
‘I will teach my heart to beat again.’
‘some truths are safest buried. some castles best kept in the sky.’
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ratasum · 8 months
I kindasorta almost want to set up a Priory rp session somewhere but I'm not sure what to set it around.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
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my mains <3 
Yylvai “Vai” (Soulbeast) > Akarsu Moradi (Deadeye) > Nyra Blackmist (Reaper) > June Kingston (Virtuoso)
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guardianbeargaming · 2 years
I’m posting this really late, BUT
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They did an amazing job of drawing my main GW2 RP character; Olan Stone.
lol, I originally had no plans for making him buff when I 1st made him (wanted to keep him a scrawny Priory nerd), but he got adopted into a norn family and then started to train in an earth-magic-based martial arts in Cantha. Whoops.  Now he’s my buff wizard that RP friends like to tease with the name of “Swolan”.   XD
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lizzziierp · 14 days
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Durmand Priory Magister/Advisor to the Commander's guild/Healer She/her. Homosexual. Single. Sprouted in 1320 AE, the year Kralkatorrik awakened.
Personality: Caring, Curious, Empath, Loyal, Guarded, Judgemental. Backstory: Trahearne dreamed of healing Orr, Eymeria dreamt of healing the Pale Tree. When Eymeria awakened from the dream she felt determined to learn everything there is about healing. She wandered the world to find and learn from the best healers around and eventually ended up at the Durmand Priory. With all the knowledge of the world at her feet, Eymeria decided to stay as a member of the Priory and healer to the Pact to ensure that she would be ready to fullfill her Wyld Hunt. When the Pale Mother got injured after the rise and fall of Mordremoth, Eymeria rushed to the Grove to be by her side and aid in her recovery. Years have passed and nothing has strengthened the Tree. Eymeria is feeling like she is failing her Wyld Hunt and decides to join Caithe on the path to the Janthir Wilds to find answers.
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Noticable traits: 1) Healer: It seems this elementalist excels at using water magic for other purposes than combat. 2) Nurturing: Eymeria seems like the type of Sylvari you go to if you need some tender love and care. She gives off cinnamon roll vibes but in a mature way. 3) Frosty Flower: This flower resembling Sylvari sure loves the cold, snow and Wintersday.
How your character might have heard of her: Affiliated with the Durmand Priory. Used to be an advisor to the Pact Commander (when Trahearne was the Commander). Now solely focuses on healing practices and research, all those battles in Tyria sure cause a lot of injuries.
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the-home-krewe · 1 year
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The part of herself she denied, resented, hated, and buried for all these years could once again be what gets her out of yet another disaster alive.
Heat swelled in her chest and spilled out to her limbs like water cresting a dam. The throbbing in her head eased and the haze of pain subsided. The world around her, every movement and sound, came into focus with almost surreal clarity. She grasped the handle of the mecha-anchor that smashed into her arm a few short minutes ago, pulling it from its fallen wielder with ease. Even in her one still-working hand alone, it felt as light as one of The Priory’s training swords.
Only a twisted watchwork nightmare remained from the unit that ambushed them. Lylla was holding it at bay, likely still trying to distract it so Isa and Cyrill could flee like she told them to, but Isa didn’t plan on running. That nightmare was a nail, Isa had a hammer, and by The Alchemy, she was going to use it. 
Guild Wars 2 re-adding season 1 had me revisiting what my characters were doing during all the events that happed when my characters were off the RP screen of the era, and that lead to this lovely commission that I may have played around with a little. Lines and shading (AKA the hard work) by @kiqo-gw2-corner / @kiqoseven Coloring and story blurb by me.
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from-derry · 8 months
Mécaniques de jeu
Nous mettons en place plusieurs mécaniques pour agrémenter votre jeu. Certaines sont obligatoires pour des raisons de cohérence globale, d’autres sont facultatives. Cette annexe sert aussi à préciser certaines modalités de jeux pour les nouvelleaux arrivant·e·s ainsi que les spécificités liées au jeu des solitaires.
Les dés de sauvegarde : 
Tirer ces dés est obligatoire lorsque votre personnage se trouve dans une situation périlleuse ou à l’extérieur la nuit. Exposer en jeu votre personnage à une situation potentiellement mortelle entraîne des conséquences.
Les dés de jets de sauvegarde “facile” sont à tirer au bout du deuxième post RP de votre personnage. 
Les dés de jets de sauvegarde “difficile” sont à tirer au bout du quatrième poste RP de votre personnage. A partir de ce moment, chaque réponse nécessitera un tirage jusqu’à la fin de votre RP. 
Que faire en cas de mort RP ? 
J’entre en contact par MP avec le staff sur le compte Derry pour lui présenter la situation donnée. Je lui annonce mes envies quant à ce tirage : j’accepte la mort RP, j’hésite, je refuse la mort RP. 
Un sujet de discussion privé entre le membre et le staff dans le cas où vous acceptez ou hésitez sur la mort RP de votre personnage sera ouvert. 
Vous aurez la possibilité de réserver un FC pour votre prochain personnage à n’importe quel moment durant le processus de discussion. 
Votre mort RP devra être jouée avant de lancer votre prochain personnage. La date de mort sera a priori celle de votre sujet. A des fins de cohérence, il sera possible de la déplacer dans le futur après vos derniers sujets lancés. Néanmoins, nous vous demanderons de ne pas lancer de nouveaux sujets après votre mort RP. 
Toute mort RP refusée pourra être transformée en blessure grave avec des conséquences à long terme. 
Conséquences RP de la mort d’un personnage : 
La mort de votre personnage entraîne une annonce publique (RP et HRP) afin d'avertir la population de Derry.
Nous vous demanderons de lister l’ensemble des possessions de votre personnage, qui seront redistribuées ensuite aux habitant·es qui en ont besoin ou envie. Le reste sera remisé à la ressourcerie pour servir dans le futur. (Pas besoin de tenir une liste très détaillée tout au long de votre jeu, cela sert surtout si votre personnage à des biens auxquels il tient pour une raison ou une autre et qui seront transmis en RP.)
En HRP, nous tiendrons une liste avec les personnages morts ou considérés comme morts. 
En RP, nous pourrons jouer l’enterrement et le partage des possessions de votre personnage. 
En cas d'absence/disparition HRP:
Si un personnage est abandonné sans qu'une absence n'ait été postée, et que vous n’avez pas précisé dans la fiche que vous laissiez au staff l’opportunité de guider le personnage, celui-ci sera supprimé passé le délai de recensement et considéré comme mort. 
Au cas où vous auriez précisé dans la fiche qu’il était possible de PnJiser le personnage suite à votre départ, celui-ci pourra revenir, avec la considération que le personnage a poursuivi ses activités quotidiennes à Derry sans évènement particulier.
Le dé de trouvaille : (facultatif)
A la fin de chaque RP dans la nature, chaque participant pourra lancer un dé de trouvaille avec une chance de trouver quelque chose de plus ou moins utile pour votre personnage ou la communauté. 
Lorsque vous trouvez un item, vous avez le choix entre le garder pour vous ou le donner à la ressourcerie de Derry. Le contenu de celle-ci servira au fur et à mesure de l’avancée de l’intrigue globale à améliorer le confort de vie à Derry. Mais vous pouvez tout aussi bien décider de garder votre trouvaille. 
L’arrivée sur le forum : 
A votre arrivée sur le forum, le staff ou les membres vous proposeront un rp d’accueil si vous jouez un nouvel arrivant à Derry. Ce sera un rp court où nous vous accueillerons autant en jeu que sur le forum et durant lequel votre personnage sera introduit à son nouvel environnement. N’hésitez pas à préciser si vous avez des préférences de contexte de départ (accident de voiture, perdu après une promenade dans les bois, triste après une rupture, en voyage pro, etc.).
Jouer un solitaire : 
Jouer un personnage solitaire comporte quelques spécificités. Vivre en dehors de Derry implique une vie très rude et multiplie par deux ou trois les chances de mourir. C’est une vie plutôt misérable, loin de tout le confort que peuvent proposer le centre bourg ou la maison commune : pas d’accès facile à la nourriture, à l’eau courante, l’électricité, aux soins, affronter le froid et les conditions météorologiques qui peuvent s’avérer difficiles (froid, chaleur, pluie, neige, etc.). Être solitaire à Derry, selon les raisons qui ont conduit à cet isolement peut s’accompagner d’une méfiance de la population, voire carrément de l’hostilité. 
Ces conditions de vie vont de paire avec une santé fragile, une hygiène précaire, un manque de sociabilité. 
Les solitaires peuvent toujours échanger leur force de main d'œuvre contre quelques vivres ou biens, mais seront constamment à l’écart et mal considérés par la majorité des habitant·es de Derry. 
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shroomlet · 5 days
unghhgnghi i wanna post oc thoughts too you wanna know some funny stuff about Stiubhart's mushroom that i've just kept in my head and in RP?
(irl mushroom pic on the bottom)
Stiu got his fungal infection when he was dropped by his kidnapper and hit his head on a rock and now it's just kind of symbiotically part of him, he has a theory that the fungus healed him enough from his head injury to keep him alive until a proper healer could get to him! 
He has no idea what it is otherwise, no one else knows what kind of mushroom it is either, which is why the priory keeps a close eye on him and are probably studying him under the guise of tutoring him
a really fucked up thing Stiu can do that even he isn't aware of is that prolonged exposure to his spores may cause him to have a slight amount of influence over you, if he were a person with malicious intent this would be terrible, but generally the main things you will feel is an urge to feed him (because he is hungry) or to hug him (he really wants to be your friend!) it's all very whim based and generally easy to resist, and because it's generally harmless urges, why not give in and have some food with him?
this is more of a recent development, but he sometimes sneezes and a puff of spores will fall off of his mushroom. they sparkle. They fucking sparkle, so a perceptive person could notice and probably realize "oh fuck i'm breathing in SPORES" but by then it's probably in your system or your clothes and belongings. If you are not proactively washing and cleaning you will have Tiny blue mushrooms grow on you and your stuff. These will not harm you and they are safe to eat but its kind of scary when they are on your skin SDFAJSDFNKDG you can simply, pluck them off. This much exposure does cause the person to become even more easily influenced by him, and you experience longer periods of absentmindedness unless Stiu wills you to go play games with him or something.
to make sure you do not get Spored too much remember to take a bath after hugging or being around the Stiu closely, it's not super bad for you or anything but jesus fucking christ, what the hell
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also what the mushrooms probably look like, look how cute it is !
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dazeofcoral · 2 months
ça va partir dans trois milles directions là parce que j'ai les nerfs à vif et 10 000 choses à dire sur le sujet... on va se plaindre qu'il n'y a plus assez de personnages hétéros sur les forums... vous êtes sérieux....
on va pas se mentir parce que j'aime rester sincère dans mes publications, c'est vrai sur certains forums c'est limite impossible de trouver un lien love si on fait un perso hétéro, t'as même des forums ou c'est mal vu /non je plaisante pas, j'aimerais bien pourtant parce que peace and love accepter tout le monde c'est aussi les hétéro, n'en déplaise à certains être hétéro c'est pas être fermé d'esprit c'est seulement avoir une préférence, soit /
mais de là à en faire un CDG ouin ouin il y a trop de gay et à lancer des débats sur les serveurs discord ? :OO: c'est quoi qui est trop difficile, cliquer deux fois sur présentation => fiches validées => puis sur plusieurs fiches, de quoi se faire une idée? non parce que c'est ce que font les gens intelligents et si tu vois 15 fiches de présentation et pas un seul perso qui pourrait potentiellement se mettre en couple avec un perso hétéro, va voir ailleurs ou accepte de te lancer et de pas faire tourner ton personnage autour d'un lien love, à croire qu'on sait pas vivre sans ou le temps qui faut pour trouver un partenaire rp pour le jouer, sérieux en passant ; je suis pan et j'ai eu des relations avec des hétéros, on y est pas allergique leul. va falloir revoir la def de pan je pense pour certains, on doit vous passer des liens ? :/oo\:
je cite une autre connerie que j'ai lu il y dix minutes : "tout le monde joue des gay on sait plus se trouver un mec pour son personnage féminin" :/\: / =>> c'est grave qu'en plus ce soit que les personnages masculins qui sont visés. comme par hasard tiens ! ces même joueuses qui sont en train de se plaindre et qui sont les premières à faire des perso hommes pan/bi qui sont jamais mais alors j-a-m-a-i-s en couple avec une femme ? et quand il y a une ex c'est pour construire un drama de la femme outrée et qui a une dent contre le mec qui l'a laché pour un autre mec? ces mêmes joueuses qui se plaignent que leur personnage féminin trouve pas de mec loooool? et vous pensez pas faire partie du problème là ? ah non pardon, vous au moins votre perso il est pas /que/ gay. vous jouez pas /que/ des gay. sur papier, pour un peu mettre de /diversité/ et pouvoir pointer du doigts ceux qui jouent des perso 100% gay, parce qu'en pratique on vous voit jouer des perso 100% gay aussi LEUL zéro représentation pendant des décennies et maintenant ça vous plaît pas d'en voir partout, pour citer une autre belle andouille sur un serveur discord. vous inquiétez pas hein, si c'est ce que vous pensez on veut pas de vous sur nos forums trop /gay/ à votre goût.
restez loin, très loin.
et éduquez vous aussi, parce que j'ai vu de ces conneries sur un discord je me suis demandé.e d'où sont sortit ces cas du 19ème siècle je précise que j'emploie presque uniquement le terme /gay/ parce qu'à priori après avoir lu une heure des conversations à gerber là dessus sur discord je me rends compte que la commu rp ne comprends que ce terme là, à les lire les pan on couche avec tout le monde bah bah bah, les bi c'est des indécis lol lol lol et tous les autres termes ils connaissent pas vraiment, c'est mis pour faire stylé d'après certaines. chouette on se casse les bourses pour faire des perso nuancés ou s'autoriser de jouer un perso à notre image et non non on fait ça que pour se faire remarquer LEUL je vais gerber et rester loin de l'écran pendant trois jours, merci, à part ça on doit se sentir safe dans la commu rp j'aimerais bien savoir où vous voulez que les gens se sentent safe !
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valictini · 1 year
Franchement, après avoir entendu parler de la toxicité envers BBH, ça a fait du bien de suivre le RP de manière plus légère avec le pov d'Aypierre.
Déjà son chat est super chill, mais en plus ça faisait trop rire de le voir enquêter sur les différents problèmes qui sont apparus alors qu'il était lui même un des coupables et qu'il comptait surenchérir après mdr
Et puis c'était cool de le voir prendre le parti de Bébou, qu'il soit pas seul contre tous à être accusé pour des choses qu'il n'a (à priori) pas fait
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silvesi · 1 year
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HI its been a little, my brain has been in ~rp mode~ Here! Have some scribbles. I put Dralsin's tits on there solely because I know y'all love tits. It's okay. I get it.
You KNOW I can't post without rambling about a FEW
Featuring, from sort of Top left -> right
- Fedsy's little outfit from a rp I just finished. No he's not having a great time how could u tell
- Fedsy and @commander-gloryforge 's Ambrose when they first met at... I think it was the first fashion show? Hey you like blood. wow haha thats so funny haha weiiiirdd! wow. hey are you dressed as a vampire. what a coincidence omggggg
- girltime fedsy. A rp that involved drag. he's a mesmer and thinks he looks great with tits. yes it is insufferable but like... hes RIGHT
- er theres a little guy feds here dont worry about him hes fine he just dont wanna talk to anyone at the priory and WONT EAT ANYONE (lie)
- tfw ur chewing on ur boyfriend when scarlet decides to invade lions arch??? :/ smh
I'll finish a few of them off sometime don't be surprised if you see them again heh
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vampiricsheep · 2 years
TONIGHT (25/11/22): Open RP Night [EU]
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Hi there! Got a scholarly character itching to share their work? Wanna share some headcanons in-character? Just wanna see how confidently you can spout misinformation? The TEd Talk RP event will be TODAY, Friday the 25th, at 3pm EST (evening for EU time zones!) on EU servers at the Durmond priory. Find us in LFG or /sqjoin silvanus.8941
In order to avoid interruptions (and, honestly, because the scenery is nicer, too) we'll convene at the little cliffside bonfire at the base of the stairs. For characters who don't have the priory waypoint - just go out the map zone portal immediately to the east of the circled waypoint in Lion's Arch (below), then follow the arrow. If you need a hand finding your way there, you can always whisper me!
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Feel free to bring any characters of any type to talk, listen, critique, or just lurk - all's fair as long as you're (mostly) civil. There's no intended pressure to actively participate, but I'd love to listen to what ya got! Hope to see you there <3
Due to the nature of the event, there's no set "end" time, but don't feel pressured to show up right on time or stay until we disperse!
Additionally, the NA summer send-off party is tomorrow (Saturday), and we'd love to see you there too!
(survey result screenshots under the cut)
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scuffedclang · 1 year
Showing off all of my characters: Asura Part 1
Apologies in advance... I got a lot. 
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My main gal, and my first GW2 RP character. 
Lost her krewe to a massive accident which may have been her fault, at least she thinks that is the case. With a serious case of survivors guilt she has shut off her emotions and struggles with socially interacting with strangers.
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Prestidigitator Pun
Ego maniacal,a sociopath and maybe just a tad bit delusional.
Even more so than most of the Inquest. 
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Incendiarist Sizzul
An asura that really struggled to fit in, after a lot of attempts to find somewhere to belong she got tired of searching and decided to just set up a place where she doesn’t need to worry about all that. Now she runs an adventurers guild/ tavern and is having a blast.
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Bygoneologist Byte
Former Priory that studies long gone civilizations and the extinct, extremely distrusting and despises those who get in the way of her work.
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Former Inquest that decided to go solo once she got her hands on some jade tech as soon as Cantha reopened to the rest of the world and sold off a lot of it for a hefty sum in Central Tyria. Now she seems to think herself some form of crime boss ruling over some random thugs she picked up.
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Seeker Krii
A real nasty piece of work, perfect for the Inquest. Willing to lie and cheat his way to the top, he’s often looking for opportunities to overthrow those he works under.
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skrittkicking · 5 months
I'd like to know more about Iovitus and their cousin--I wanna know about their relationship and what exactly it is they do.
What is Iovitus' relationship to the main story of gw2? Has Iovitus had any significant others, or desire for such?
A potential big one, what was Iovitus doing during the Rally, and what are their thoughts both on it, and the subsequent Civil War?
I'd like to know more about Iovitus and their cousin--I wanna know about their relationship and what exactly it is they do.
absolutely! i love talking about the cousins and i could spew about their relationship (iovitus’ side, anyways — gratta is not my character so im not going to speak for her here) for ages. the two of them have known eachother forrrrr roughly a year now? not 100% sure on that timing and i’ll have to look at the story timeline again but i'm pretty sure it’s been that long. gratta moved in with iovitus a few months ago and just sort of decided to stay which iovitus was more than okay with! they’d been living alone (aside from their pets & mounts — which i also need to talk about! i can’t believe i haven’t yet tbh their pets are very important to iovitus as a character) for a few years until then and it was kind of starting to take a toll on them. since then, the two have continued to grow closer and closer, with gratta surprising them with an actual proper house as a wintersday gift. well, proper is probably pushing it — it’s a charr tank that gratta refitted into a house. prior to this they’d just both been staying in a tent — iovitus’ lifestyle required them to travel a lot, so they didn’t really see the need to settle in one spot and lived on the road. they function as a legionless warband in a way, but iovitus doesn’t really want it to be seen like that; they share the ‘rain’ surname, but they’d rather just be.. family. not a warband. recently, they had a mutual friend of theirs move in with them as he was going through a break up and didn’t have anywhere to stay. gratta invited him to move in permanently without consulting iovitus beforehand and the two got into a brief scuttle but it’s mmmmmostly been resolved. as for what they do, gratta is in the process of starting up her own mercenary company and iovitus is acting as her second-in-command. it’s still very much in the early stages and isn’t really open to the public juuust yet. alongside her mercenary work, iovitus helps gratta with… other jobs. she does some side stuff with the astral ward, mostly acting as a hired gun. iovitus aids her with this when possible, and is technically currently in nayos getting their ass kicked by some kryptis. wonderful. iovitus still does their own work when possible, but currently they’re more focused on aiding gratta — not only because they want to, but also because work is a bit hard to come by for them with where they’re currently situated
i could go into more depth about how iovitus views their relationship but hrrmmphhg this post is already long and i might just save it for its own thing. overall, though, iovitus harbors an intense love & admiration for gratta and would do anything she asked them too if it made her happy, even putting themselves in harms way for her sake
What is Iovitus' relationship to the main story of gw2?
there isn’t much of a relationship, if anything! i don’t have any characters that pose as my commander/interact with dragon’s watch/etc. the closest they’d come to interacting with the story is just their legions work during the icebrood saga/civil war, and visiting nayos. they were never aligned with the pact or any of the main orders, though they have worked alongside the priory due to their current occupation(s). whenever i do stuff for the story i usually play as iovitus but that’s just cause they’re my main, both in and out of rp… and i love charr female voicelines so i can’t help it
Has Iovitus had any significant others, or desire for such?
yes oh yes. they’d been with cassia rainsong, their legionnaire, since before either of them graduated the fahrar. the both of them were devoted to one another. iovitus wanted to have cubs with her, but she died before they were able to ask. (even if cassia survived the civil war, however, it’s unlikely that they would have had cubs due to iovitus’ overall poor health. their body probably couldn’t handle a pregnancy and it’d likely just end up in miscarriage or iovitus’ own death) iovitus still mourns cassia to this day and can’t seem to move on from her death, holding themselves back from even considering any sort of new romantic relationship. they really really miss having someone to call their own but feel as though they’re being unfaithful or disrespecting cassia by moving on. grief is a funny thing! i think eventually i do want them to grow and move on and find someone new to love, but for now, they’re stuck in a sort of limbo.
A potential big one, what was Iovitus doing during the Rally, and what are their thoughts both on it, and the subsequent Civil War?
this is something i’d eventually like to make a post of its own about, so i’ll be brief here. their warband was originally planning to attend the rally in grothmar but weren’t able to due to an assigned mission going on a bit longer than they’d anticipated, as well as one of their bandmates being killed in the process. as for the war, well, war sucks! needless to say iovitus doesn’t think too fondly of it for all the people they lost (and other things) but i’ll expand on that at a later date…. :)
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