#a priori roleplay
apriorigenshinrp · 8 months
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There is danger in changing the past to better the future.
Discord | Plot and Premise | Character List Rules | Application | Q&A
Welcome to A Priori, a Genshin Impact AU roleplay on Discord! We are a 21+ server which explores a modern Teyvat and timeline transforming technology that has been invented, to allow people to change the past from the future. Scientists at the Acutus compound are working to change the very past of Teyvat for a supposedly better future. The loosely formed and highly secretive organization L says otherwise, and are trying to reverse Acutus' changes within the very machine and compound Acutus created. Whose side, if you take one, are you on?
Currently most characters are free to apply for, although we are looking for these characters in particular:
Hu Tao
Features of A Priori are as follows:
Roleplaying both in a modern day setting within the Acutus Compound, and from the past through the Scius, with the opportunity to change events in the timeline!
Group messaging and private DMs thanks to the technology of the Tau-S (like a cell phone).
The discord community set up so threading for roleplay is easier to do.
Use of Tupperbox for roleplaying ease.
Future events to be covered in the past and present, such as Lantern Rite or Windblume.
Friendly and open atmosphere, with various OOC channels as well to socialize and get to know one another in, including a NSFW channel.
Outlined Blacklist of topics to avoid in the rp setting, along with in general.
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vinetooth-prime · 17 days
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Hello! This is Priory Irregular Operations [PIO] and we are open to new members!
We are an LGBTQ+ friendly, NA-based Roleplay Guild that has been running both casual- and story/plot-based RP for the past 7 years in an IC Priory workplace setting over Discord and In-Game! We meet for regularly scheduled events every Saturday (8pm ET) but offer plenty of RP opportunities the rest of the week!
Our guild features an easy-to-use & fully-customizable TTRPG Lite system for stats and skill checks, DM- and Player-led story arcs, and a fully-leveled and fleshed-out IC guild hall with places to RP and hang out!
In-Character, you can expect a focus on collaborative, weekly expeditions dedicated to investigating all manner of anomalies, be they magical, Mists-ological, murderous, or even the more mundane. For the grand majority of our stories, we aim to explore the weird and interesting, always determined to experience something new each season!
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If you're interested in applying, please feel free to check the reblogs for our application link or reach out over Discord (devyan) or in-game (Devyan.5708)! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me (llimus) @vinetooth-prime or to Devyan above!
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ultimacodex · 4 months
"SKALD: Against the Black Priory" Released on Steam and GOG
"SKALD: Against the Black Priory", a retro-themed RPG heavily inspired by the earlier "Ultima" games, has been released.
As promised earlier this year, SKALD: Against the Black Priory has been released today on both GOG and Steam. As is common, it’s on sale for 10% off on its release day at both storefronts, although Steam also has the deluxe edition (which includes a world map and the soundtrack) on sale (whereas GOG does not). Slashing Dragon had a chance to interview the developer recently, and has released the…
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valfromonline · 1 year
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Theidelisa-Vallewellyn, "Val"
1325AE - Durmand Priory
“With respect, Magister, this extends well beyond recklessness. You can’t expect us to just watch while you condemn yourself to certain death for the chance it’ll produce a useful result.”
Scholar Myrra was a patient one, Val mused. She had to have been, to have deigned to join the Priory’s ranks at the bottom, despite her ability. The basis for the Asura’s attachment to her she didn’t quite understand, but it was certainly being brought to the fore now. Not quite the right time or place, in her readied ritual circle.
“I’m not expecting you to watch, Myrra. In fact I’d prefer it if you didn't.” Val’s voice came calm, with the warm comfort of a mentor. Serene, despite everything. “It’s not likely to be pleasant viewing.”
“Lockwood’s already looking into a talisman to hold the spell. Deldrimor craft. That’s bound to work.” Then she added, with emphasis: “Without killing you?”
“Magic of this maleficence cannot be tamed by any object, no matter how well-wrought. Without attended control, it would pose catastrophic risk to any around it, its bearer especially. And if it fell into the wrong hands…” She trailed off. “In any case, the decision has been made. This is my Hunt.”
The Asura opened her mouth to argue - though weeks of this back-and-forth had already led to this point. The ritual was already on the cusp of completion, with no small commitment of resources and irreplaceable relics already drawn and depleted in preparation.
“We shall call this spell Theidelisa-Vallewellyn’s Agony.” Val said simply. “Let this now be the first and final time it is ever cast.”
As it ripped into her bark and seared itself into her soul, the malicious magic took root, carving and fanning out in furious lines of rot. The scars drew themselves in perfect symmetry across her features; the mark of Death’s very design.
And even with her every safeguard to arrest it into stasis, the pain persisted. It bled through, in never-ending, sanity-testing waves. But it would become familiar in time. An acceptable cost, for this edge against the endless armies of the Elder Dragons: through necromantic contagion, Val would be able to infinitely bestow this horror in its original potency.
At least, until such time as it claimed her.
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stardustprompts · 1 year
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the priory of the orange tree  -  samantha shannon  sentence starters change tenses/pronouns as needed !!  some lines have been edited for clarity / length / ease of roleplaying tw ;   death ,  pregnancy 
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‘all the world is a cage in a young girl’s eyes.’
‘there is great power in stories.’
‘all stories grow from a seed of truth. they are knowledge after figuration.’
‘I see through your mask. I see what’s in your heart. it’s the same as what’s in mine. ambition.’
‘have we met? don’t tell me, you’re plainly a fool, and I have no interest in befriending fools.’
‘i’ve always rather fancied an adventure.’
‘oh, come, (name). you know why this is happening. everyone tried to warn you.’
‘what I know is less important than what the world sees.’
‘all you see, in the end, is what I want you to see. such is politics.’
‘this mission may not seem survivable but you never know.’
‘you have ambition. ever apologize for that.’
‘you won’t miss me so much. when you soar above the clouds, we will all seem very small down here.’
‘where I am, I am with you.’
‘what did I do to deserve you turning up to threaten what little I have left of an existence?’
‘you’re old enough to know that not all dreams should be pursued, especially not dreams conceived on the featherbed of love.’
‘trust me. you can do nothing here but die.’
‘I have an interest in survival. I suggest you nurture one, too.’
‘we may be small, and we may be young, but we shake the world for our beliefs.’
‘now I know your secret, and it reeks far worse than mine.’
‘you have not seen death. you have only seen the mask we put on it.’
‘I prefer the taste of mercy. it lets me sleep at night.’
‘rain is water, and so are we. will water defeat you?’
‘you should do as you see fit. there will always be voices telling you what to do, and how to act, but it is you who wears the crown.��
‘you do speak comely words. I wonder if you mean them.’
‘all courts will fall prey to affection and deceit, often veiled as courtesy. but I like to believe that I speak from the heart.’
‘I suspect you fear that your skill will slip between your fingers if you loosen your grip for even a moment.’
‘remember, (name), that a sword does not need to be whetted at all hours to keep it sharp.’
‘dreams reach deep into our pasts.’
‘I do not sleep because I am not only afraid of the monsters at my door, but also of the monsters my own mind can conjure. the ones that live within.’
‘you wear so much armor by daylight that, by night, you can carry it no longer. by night, you are only flesh.’
‘in darkness, we are named our truest selves. night is when fear comes to us at its fullest, when we have no way to fight.’
‘fear will do everything it can to seep inside you. sometimes it may succeed — but never think that you are the night.’
‘balance is necessary in all things, (name) — it doesn’t not equate to disrespect.’
‘I never wanted an adventure. not even one.’
‘monsters often have soft faces. they know how to mask themselves.’
‘how is it you always know what to say to comfort me?’
‘you use the suffering of others for your own gain.’
‘I did not do it out of kindness. I did it because I wanted my life to run a smooth course.’
‘that disappoints me. that dishonors you. but not beyond forgiveness.’
‘that is not the question you must ask. you must ask what we must do.’
‘I have never had any great inclination toward marriage. not the sort of marriage those of royal blood must make — born not of love, but fear of isolation. yet if I refrain the world will stand in judgement.’
‘childing is not always easy. no one talks openly about the difficulties. the discomfort. the uncertainty. so now you feel the weight of your condition, you believe yourself alone in it.’
‘your fear is natural. let no one tell you otherwise.’
‘I am not quite sure what I did without you.’
‘just once, I wanted to be fearless. to take a risk.’
‘try not to be irritating.’
‘I fear death too much to seek it.’
‘my will was not always what it is now. once I was as molten glass, yet to be spun into shape. I sense I have taken a shape she mislikes.’
‘I told you fear was natural, but you must not let it consume you. not when there is so much at stake.’
‘I despise all of you, overweening crows. all any of you think about is what you can peck from me.’
‘you had a great burden to bear, and you bore it bravely.’
‘you have tried to turn yourself to stone. do not be afeared to find that you have not.’
‘fool. I would not be compelled by you or anyone. have I not always given you truth?’
‘you have a ghost, (name). do not become a ghost yourself.’
‘I am a meddler, not a fool.’
‘the water in you has grown stagnant, (name), but it is not beyond cleansing.’
‘you say you desire truth, but truth is a weave with many threads.’
‘I don’t know if I trust the woman you are but I trust the woman I knew.’
‘I confess I am what you would call a sorceress, but no magic is evil. it is what the wielder makes it.’
‘all of us have shadows in us. I accept yours. and I hope you will also accept mine.’
‘you told me we would meet again. I did not want to make you a liar.’
‘blood is never the way forward.’
‘no. you are another dream. you come here to torment me.’
‘fair roses have grown from twisted seeds.’
‘piety can turn the power-hungry into monsters. they can twist any teaching to justify their actions.’
‘I hope you did not keep it from me because you thought I would judge you.’
‘I think you a self-righteous fool whose head is harder than a rock. and I would not change you for the world.’
‘just because something has always been done does not mean that it ought to be done.’
‘(name), you know I love you, but the sense in your head could fit in a thimble.’
‘my mother always said it was best to receive bad news in winter, when everything is already dark. so one can heal for spring.’
‘I know you must go. to ask you to stay would be like trying to cage the wind.’
‘my heart knows your song, as yours knows mine. and I will always come back to you.’
‘for what I have done, I deserve hardship. it’s my fault (name) is dead.’
‘it has been peaceful here but my blood is the sea, and it cannot be still.’
‘do not deny yourself the privilege of living.’
‘the world is full of fools. and they are never more foolish than when they smell eternal life.’
‘who I am and who I was are none of your concern.’
‘I will not kill you this night but what you see before your is a ghost. when you least expect it, I will return to haunt you. I will hunt you to the ends of the earth.’
‘look upon my work. all this destruction is because of you.’
‘you have no choice but to trust me.’
‘to die in the service of a better world would be the highest honor.’
‘let us not think of the future this night. it is not yet dawn. we still have time for airy hopes.’
‘you impress me. I had not thought that one heart could hold such rancor.’
‘you cannot fathom the depth of the enmity I have felt for you. I have cursed your name with every sunrise.’
‘you preyed on me. I was young and afraid and I confided my deepest fear to you.’
‘you always come back. like a weed.’
‘I fell into shadow, and now I must rise, so I might be a better man.’
‘you can’t trust him. he would sell his soul for a handful of silver.’
‘I have no soul to sell. but I may yet earn one.’
‘leave me to my shadows. i’m afraid they are all I have left.’
‘being your friend is quite a strenuous affair, you know.’
‘it will hurt me, to hurt you. you are mine.’
‘I will teach my heart to beat again.’
‘some truths are safest buried. some castles best kept in the sky.’
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LGBTQ+ Disabled Characters Showdown Round 1, Wave 6, Poll 13
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A character being totally canon LGBTQ+ and disabled was not required to be in this competition. Please check qualifications and propaganda before asking why a character is included.
Check out the other polls in this wave and prior here.
Terezi Pyrope-Homestuck
she's blind and bisexual!
She’s blind and bisexual
she has EVERYTHING. she's blind. she's bisexual. her relationship drama is off the walls. she flips a coin to decide if murders okay or not. shes great. vote for terezi.
Literally character of all time. She bites and smells to get around. She brought back like nine characters back to life. She wants to be a lawyer and roleplays it with her toy dragons. She was blinded by her homoeroctic girl bestie. She beat the shit out of her juggalo boyfriend.
Anything Else?:
i love her ):
Niclays Roos-The Priory of the Orange Tree
He's canonically gay and uses a cane due to (if I remember correctly) chronic gout. He's also struggled with alcoholism if you consider that a disability. Also, at the end of the book he loses a hand.
This is the crabbiest gay, disabled old man you may ever meet as a protagonist! Villain protagonist in a queer little ensemble cast, if we're being more specific. He deserves to sweep out of pure spite! I love him.
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eluvisen · 5 months
I was tagged by @commander-krios, thank you! <3
If you want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
Last book I read: 
I’ve been slowly working through The Priory of the Orange Tree, although in the time in that time I’ve also reread The Valley of Horses, The Mammoth Hunters, Grave Mercy, In The Winter Dark, The Little Black Book of Stories and chewed through a ton of D&D campaign books set in Avernus (👀)
Greatest literary inspiration: 
AS Byatt and Tim Winton are two of my biggest inspirations. Their mastery of visual language is unparalleled.
Things in my current fandom I want to read but I don't want to write:
All of the things I want to see are things I’m currently writing (although I bet I’ll think of something after I hit post). The big thing I want to see more of is fics that engage with Karlach’s trauma, because there’s A Lot.
Things in my current fandoms I want to write but I think nobody would be interested in them but me: 
I have a plan for a fic exploring Rhodeia’s mental state in Act 3, because she cracked and cracked hard once they reached the city. It’s something I’ve never experienced before when roleplaying a character and can’t get it out of my head.
You can recognise my writing by:
Emotional intimacy, feels, and too many em dashes.
My most controversial take (current fandom):
BG3’s love interests aren’t playersexual or gay (or gay-coded). They’re canonically bi/pan.
Current writing mood (10 – super motivated and churning out words like crazy, 0 – in a complete rut):
Probably at about an 8? I’ve been busy working on fic pretty much every day and recently discovered that I’m far more productive writing in Scrivener than in Gdocs, but my attention span is atrocious so no matter how eager I am, I’m always battling my brain.
Top three favourite tropes:
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Slow burn
Share a random frustration:
Feeling like the engagement with fics has dropped massively in the months since BG3’s release, and I’ve missed my mark for my work to actually be seen.
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catboyclarity · 9 months
✨ for rosarian, 🍀 for moira and leigh, 🎹 for argent (if he has any free time)
✨ How did you come up with the OC’s name?
Like most of my characters, the name just appeared to me early on in the character creation process. It’s an actual word meaning someone who cares for roses. I believe the “sound” of the name came into my brain from Rosalarian/Ro Salarian, a cartoonist whose work I have not read, and Yossarian from Catch-22 which, I also have not read.
It is also the name of a minor character in epic fantasy novel The Priory of the Orange Tree which I read earlier this year after having Rosarian as a character since 2017, and when I tell you I did a double take,
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
Moira’s original concept happened back in 2012 or 2013, when I was like man you know what would be cool. A magical lesbian forest ranger who has a magic familiar. She and Pan were conceived in tandem and he very quickly went from “helpful beast” to “horrible demon” although it’s been long enough that I don’t remember why. She pre-dates Un/Bound as a story by a significant margin and Un/Bound was essentially made so I had a place to put her.
Leigh is based very loosely on an old roleplay character of the same name. I also wanted to play more with a concept from my first comic. The rest of her is pulled from a lot of personal issues.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Currently he’s arranged his life in such a way that he has no time for hobbies and when he’s finally got a life that affords him free time again he’s gonna have to start from the ground up essentially. Reading, probably.
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guildwuff2 · 2 years
what's zo's and mu's arc you've been mentioning?
Yeah, so! I'm in a roleplay group where I've got the two of them in there, and over the past year I'd been fiddling with a plot that recently concluded!
In short:
Mu and Zoxu had been in hiding for a few years after their escape from Mu's lab, they joined the Priory mostly as a shelter from the Inquest but realized it was cool actually
last year, Zoxu attempted to break into an Inquest archive to get some documentation on Mu but failed, which prompted other members of the Priory to pitch in and sneak back in and not only get the papers but sabotage the whole Inquest operation. ...Which drew the attention of Chief Security Officer Flixx! Who now had a grudge
So after a couple independent story beats and a wrap-up with the help of some of the DMs in my RP group, we concluded it! Mu and another guildmate were kidnapped by Flixx and experimented on, and Zoxu + a team of folks managed to break them back out! It was a lot of fun to write up and plan and folks seemed to have fun which made me happy 🥺💞
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apriorigenshinrp · 9 months
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Even the past can be changed. With the technology of the Scius, anything is possible to change.
Discord | Plot & Premise | Character List | Rules | Application | Q&A
Welcome to A Priori, a Genshin Impact AU roleplay on Discord! We are a 21+ server which explores a modern Teyvat and timeline transforming technology that has been invented, to allow people to change the past from the future. Scientists at the Acutus compound are working to change the very past of Teyvat for a supposedly better future. The loosely formed and highly secretive organization L says otherwise, and are trying to reverse Acutus' changes within the very machine and compound Acutus created. Whose side, if you take one, are you on?
Features of A Priori are as follows:
Roleplaying both in a modern day setting within the Acutus Compound, and from the "past" through the Scius, with the opportunity to change events in the timeline!
Group messaging and private DMs thanks to the technology of the Tau-S (like a cell phone).
The discord community set up so threading for roleplay is easier to do.
Use of Tupperbox for roleplaying ease.
Future events to be covered in the past and present, such as Lantern Rite or Windblume.
Friendly and open atmosphere, with various OOC channels as well to socialize and get to know one another in, including a NSFW channel.
Outlined Blacklist of topics to avoid in the rp setting, along with in general.
Currently most characters are free to apply for, although we are looking for these characters in particular:
Hu Tao
Arataki Itto
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findroleplay · 1 year
my pen name is artemis. i am new to tumblr roleplaying, but i have been roleplaying for eleven years now. i am 25, so i request my interactions be with 20+ and up, especially for romantic themed roleplays.
i tend to write lengthy replies/starters, so expect up to three to four messages on discord, as i tend to write novella style. i do not mind writing here or discord, just let me know your preference!
i am looking for ships, but also family and found family dynamics. i feel like all of these categories help the story grow, as well as the characters within the story. i am also oc friendly!
Characters I would play are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, or Remus Lupin.
For Harry, I am looking for Hermione, Draco, any of the Weasleys, Sirius, Remus, Lily and James (AU), any members of the Order of the Phoenix, or any of the staff members of Hogwarts.
For Hermione, I am looking for Harry, any of the Weasleys, Draco, or any of the staff members of Hogwarts.
For Remus, I am looking for Harry, any of the Marauders (Lily, James, Sirius), any staff member of Hogwarts, or any member of the Order of the Phoenix.
Characters I would like to play are Theseus Scamander or Leta Lestrange. I will also do Newt but by preference of my writing partner.
For Theseus, I am looking for Newt Scamander, Leta Lestrange, Albus Dumbledore, any member of the Ministry of Magic, or any staff member from Hogwarts.
For Leta, I am looking for Theseus Scamander, Newt Scamander, Albus Dumbledore, any member of the Ministry of Magic, or any staff member from Hogwarts. (I would also like to do AUs where she lives).
Characters I would play are Peter B Parker or Miles Morales. I will ONLY do age appropriate ships here. So Miles x Gwen or anyone Miles' age would work. Peter B Parker can be shipped with anyone around his age.
For Peter B Parker, I am looking for Mary Jane or Felicia Hardy (Black Cat) for ships. For friends, I would be looking for any of the Spidermen within the Spiderverse. As far as student and mentor vibes, Gwen or Miles would be really good dynamics!
For Miles, I am looking for Gwen Stacy for ships (the one in Into the Spiderverse). For friends or mentors, anyone in the Spiderverse works but I'm mainly looking for Peter B Parker, Miguel O'Hara (for frienemies???) and Hobie.
Character I would play are Lorenzo de Medici and Francesco de Pazzi.
For Lorenzo, I am looking for Francesco de Pazzi, Giuliano de Medici, Clarice de Orsini, really anyone of the Medici's, Lucrezia Donati, Jacopo de Pazzi, Ippolita Sforza, or any member of the Priori.
For Francesco, I am looking for Lorenzo de Medici, Giuliano de Medici, Guglielmo de Pazzi, Jacopo de Pazzi, Clarice de Orsini, Novella Foscarri, or any member of the Priori. (I am definitely also down for some AUs for him!)
Characters I would play are Jaime Lannister and Jon Snow.
For Jaime Lannister, I am looking for Cersei Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Brienne of Tarth, Robb Stark, Catelyn Stark, Elia Martell, Rhaegar Targaryen, Ned Stark, Robert Baratheon, Barristan Selmy, or any of the Kingsguard.
For Jon Snow, I am looking for any of the Starks (especially Robb, Ned, or Arya), Stannis Baratheon, any of the Wildings (especially Mance Rayder, Ygritte, or Tormund), Ser Davos, Daneyrs Targaryen or any of the Night's Watch (especially Sam, Ed, or Maester Aemon).
TRIGGER WARNINGS: i will not roleplay and they are as following: incest, graphic depictions of sexual assault of any kind (brief mentions are okay), or pedophilla. i will not tolerate any of these and will block you if you attempt to send them to me.
sorry for the long post, i just wanted to be thorough!
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ultimacodex · 6 months
"SKALD: Against the Black Priory" Release Date Announced
"SKALD: Against the Black Priory", a long-in-development "Ultima"-inspired retro RPG, will hit Steam and GOG on May 30th.
Scape-IT — now working under the name High North Studios AS — have announced the release date for their Ultima-inspired, retro RPG SKALD: Against the Black Priory. It will hit both Steam and GOG on May 30th, and can be wishlisted on both storefronts right now. High North have also released a trailer — embedded above — for the game to announce its release date, which draws not-so-subtle…
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1zumiya · 29 days
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#1zumiya Is an independent, selective, private roleplay blog of Miyamura Izumi from Horimiya, this blog is exclusive for mutuals only. So if I do not follow back, please do not interact with me. Please read the rules if you somehow still want to interact with me. Written by Xan, mun is over 30+
Established since 25 aug 2024
Affiliated: nenegyo Resources: supersources
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── First things first I would like to be honest about my mental issue states, mun has been diagnosed with dyslexia, mild autism, and severe anxiety. Please approach me with kindness, I will not tolerate rudeness within my blog.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── LANGUAGE: ENGLISH is not my FIRST language, I apologize for my bad grammar and writing, if I do make some mistakes. please confront me about it and perhaps I can learn from my mistakes.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ACTIVITY: my activity will be somewhat slow as I am busy with hospital appointments, gaming, and real stuff if you can't be patient with me. I recommend not to interact.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ICONS: While I understand most people use icons to interact and use them as how certain characters reacted, I may or not use them due to I'm mostly priories roleplaying on mobile more.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── SHIPPING: I am here mostly to write, I do not mind shipping, but it's not my main focus to be here. Do not stress me with it, even if it happens, this blog is multiship and all of the ships are only rp. I will not take it to rl, please respect that as I am already a married person.
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bestgames2 · 5 months
SKALD: Against the Black Priory | GAMEPLAY TRAILER
SKALD: Against the Black Priory is an old-school roleplaying game developed by High North Studios. It combines modern design with a fully realized narrative and authentic 8-bit visuals.
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shdwtouch · 6 months
meet the mun.
alias / name: puffin / selkie birthday: september 2nd zodiac sign: virgo height: 5 foot something idk hobbies: besides roleplay and playing video games ? cooking. photo editing / graphic making. hanging out with my cat. sleeping. bingeing youtube shorts. favourite colour: teal or turquoise favourite book: okay thats kinda hard. the priory of the orange tree probably. anything by jay posey. the temeraire series. the original sherlock holmes. cannery row, cuz it'll always have a spot in my heart. last film / show: the grea north recent reads: textbooks mostly uwu; inspiration: idk I was just really inspired by the aesthetics and lore behind the shadow-cursed lands while playing BG3 and decided to make a character based on it. other than that, shade has kinda just been developing in her own time and I've been writing and adapting her lore as I go ! story behind url: shdwtouch but shadow without vowels aka ~aesthetic~. I liked it because shade is "shadow touched" / touched by the shadow curse. fun fact about me: I don't know... I've changed my major 5+ times ? currently majoring in game dev, inspired in part by my love for modding and games in general. other than that... I'm actually really talkative and engaging I'm just shy and have selective energy ? like I'm shy but I'm also out here swearing at folks affectionately. friends call me aggressively supportive for that reason owo
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scolek · 8 months
you know youre taking roleplay too seriously when you actually make a beeline for weynon priory because thats what your character would do
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