#a really curious crow
sysig · 5 months
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Family ♥ (Patreon)
#Doodles#ISaT#Siffrin#Isabeau#Mirabelle#Odile#I have not been able to stop drawing Sif's black ensemble under their cloak ever since I learned about it#The cutest#His favourite colour is black and he wears all black and he dyed his hair black so now it's two-tone!#Stopppp that's too cute#Got curious and yes - fully black-haired Sif is Very cute <3 Contrast lad#Pls gentle touches to Sif they deserve soft holds <3#I'm really happy with their hand expressions there ah Isa's big hands and Sif's small and cute#They love each other!! However whichever way <3#The posing for Sif and Mira is awkward because I was trying to draw the one with them hugging and failed lol#So they're just existing in proximity and happy about it <3 Just being together is fun!#I do love Sif getting practice in on positive touch but also just being nearby and being happy <3#Good company for certain#Can you tell I'm less practiced at drawing Odile so far lol#She is pretty <3 I didn't fully understand the lesbian catnip comments at first but I think I get it now lol#Her flyaways are probably my favourite hehe <3 Gotta draw her with crows feet sometime! Lovely ♪#I love her watching out for the younger members of the party in her cool and dry way hehe - Sif is sleepy! But he needs a push to go nap#There's the hug yaaay <3#I like everyone's outfits very much but I will admit to not using references when I drew Mira :'D More the vibes of her clothes lol#I'll draw them proper sometime!#Odile's outfit is very pretty <3 I love all the allusions to gems ah it's so cool#Such a lovely bunch!
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drieddpetals · 3 months
where do you guys think the six of crows characters fall on the soldier / poet / king spectrum?
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capinejghafa · 5 months
I have a bit of a weird question, and maybe it's my american brain... but why do some people spell Matthias without the 'h' so it looks like Mattias in fics? I'm just more curious... because his ao3 tag still shows up as Matthias Helvar.
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bitchthefuck1 · 1 year
Tearing up also counts as crying.
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Sorting characters into Hogwarts Houses is OUT; sorting characters into Avatar Nations is IN.
(I mean, I could do both but. Not in the same post.)
Criteria used for sorting comes from Iroh's explanation to Zuko in "Bitter Work" and this reddit post: Water: the element of change and of mind. Fire: the element of power and of emotion. Earth: the element of substance and of body. Air: the element of freedom and of spirit.
Yusei: Water Tribe, hands down. He is both a healer and a protector, so it makes sense he would have the one element that allows him to do both. He's the king of being able to adapt in less-than-ideal situations (the prison duels, anyone?) and quite obviously values community.
Jack: Fire Nation, obviously. C'mon, it's the element of power, for crying out loud! And he absolutely possesses the energy and drive to achieve his goals. Nothing makes more sense to me than Jack being a fire bender.
Aki: Fire Nation. I see-sawed between and fire and earth honestly. A lot of her monsters are fire types, but they are also plants. She is similar to Jack in desire and drive, but she is also strong and persistent. In the end, this one came down to character arc, in a sort of "learning there is beauty here and not just destruction" way.
Crow: Air Nomads. I hesitated on this one, but it wouldn't let me go. Everything from his bird-themed deck down his color scheme screams "air bender!" ...even if the philosophy doesn't quite match up. I can't really see him being entirely detached from the world. I also can't see him with a bald head. He'd have to be a bit of rebel but really, that's already his personality anyway. Not to mention, he collects orphans already. His canon living situation isn't really that different from Air Nomad culture in the "no parents, everyone lives together" kind of way. Also...can you imagine him with a gilder????
Rua: Water Tribe. The twins were so hard, ya'll. In the end, chose water here because of their sense of community and love that gets them through anything. Sounds an awful like Rua in my opinion. (Also. While its doubtful it would take so long for him discover he's a bender... it's also the element of change which works well with him eventually becoming a Signer.)
Ruka: Water Tribe. Debated Air Nomads (despite it being different to her brother) because she can talk to spirits and she's really not a fighter by nature, but in the end, I think water works better, partly because of the community aspect and partly because I just think healing would be more her wheel house (though if push comes to shove, obviously she can fight fiercely as well).
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novarex · 4 months
I have MAGPIES at my house. AND a bunch of crows just moved in. Please excuse me while I descend into madness trying to befriend these birds. I've already spent a bazillion dollars on Amazon buying birth baths, peanuts, mealworm, feeders, and a bird cam.
I need them to like me.
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Context coming from @sophieswundergarten assigning the three of us the Executives Trio here
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after-the-end-times · 2 years
ok, so I've only seen the first two eps of season 2 shadow and bone, but I'm watching with two people who didn't read the books and...idk I feel almost like they're cheating? or really being cheated? like they're just being handed all this character backstory and development that, as a reader, you had to work for?
like kaz's ptsd? and his revenge backstory? and knowing pekka's backstory as someone other than just a big boss in the barrel?
it's just been two episodes and there's just so much Crooked Kingdom in this show that it just feels...idk like it hasn't been earned?
but also kinda undercuts any plot twists or sense of reward you get going from six of crows into crooked kingdom. so like what are they planning to happen/be revealed in the six of crows adaptation that we don't already know?
I just kinda feel bad for the people I'm watching with, you know?
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okay okay I was apprehensive of them combining s&s and r&r but frankly this makes sense pacing-wise? they basically put the climactic sequence of s&s as the midpoint, which yeah... I mean s&s didn't really have a midpoint at all sdfghjk the structure was truly all over the place! I do wish they hadn't toned down the chapel scene *so much* though. (rip white haired alina, you will be missed) meanwhile lol. none. of my favorite darklina interactions were there. but they did fully pivot to making him a cartoon villain. and like their interactions were so softened in the first season comparatively, that I am actually enjoying this overcorrection of just not giving them much to do with each other? I also think it's an absolutely galaxy brained take to give the darkling victorian wasting disease and generally like *real* consequences and frailty as a result of using fucked up forbidden magic, and even that the nichevo'ya aren't completely under his control
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notsuchasecret · 2 years
Trick or treat for Watari/Yachi
Come trick or treating in my inbox! Leave a “Trick or Treat” and a character or ship in an ask, and I’ll treat you to some autumn-themed fluff or trick you with some twisted spooky aus!
Hitoka was doing pretty well, in recent years, at the whole ‘getting out of her shell’ thing. When Yahaba and Terushima had mentioned a group costume with quick reassurances that she didn’t have to, that no one would think she was weird if she didn’t, that it was okay, she just smiled and asked when the costume party was.
‘Sexy cowboy’ was not a difficult costume to find. ‘Sexy cowgirl’ was even easier. Hitoka was rather proud of herself for the end result, a petticoat and hat and just enough plaid to be cute and fun with just a light tinge of slutty. The perfect balance for a fun night out with her friends.
When Kyoutani’s van pulled up in front of Hitoka’s dorm, she was not surprised at the spectrum of costumes inside. She laughed at their wolf whistles and chided Futakuchi’s inflatable bull and whatever that mess of shiny red vinyl Terushima was wearing was. Yahaba came close to the spirit of the costume, and she didn’t even want to ask what Kyoutani’s motivation was— she could admit he looked pretty good in it, and that duster looked authentic to say the least.
But to say she was a little disappointed wouldn’t be much of a stretch. That is, until they pulled up to the curb in front of Watari’s apartment building.
“Where the fuck is he?” growled Yahaba, already holding his phone to his ear. “Shinji! Get your ass down here now! We have bars to crawl and if I don’t get alcohol and a stanger’s tongue in my mouth in the next five mi— He hung up on me!” Yahaba turned to look for pity from any of the rest of them, but no one offered him any.
“He said he’s just fixing the lacing, he’ll be down in like two seconds,” Shirabu said, then put his phone away. “Your thottery can wait another minute, Yahaba, fucking relax.”
Yahaba muttered something under his breath, sounding suspiciously like ‘this had better be worth it,’ but Hitoka couldn’t ask what he meant. Because the door to Watari’s apartment building was opening and Watari was strutting out with a grin and a swing to his step and Hitoka’s whole world was crashing to a halt.
There was so much skin on display. Watari’s entire chest was bared, along with his lower abdomen and the entirety of his arms and his well-muscled legs. There was, indeed, fringe hanging from the legs of the shorts - denim so short and so tight that it didn’t really classify as shorts, more along the lines of briefs—
Hitoka snapped her eyes back up, not allowing them to stutter across the cinch at his waist and the way it pulled tight, nor at the breadth of his shoulders only emphasized by the skimpy vest-style straps, nor the width of his neck as she met his eyes at last. But they weren’t looking at her. He was grinning at Yahaba who was hollering in the passenger seat, something about Watari stealing his thunder and how dare he be more slutty than Yahaba—
“Shigeru, shut up,” Watari laughed. He climbed into the van, stopping short when he nearly ran into Hitoka. She told herself firmly that she was imagining the faint blush on his cheeks as he settled in to the seat beside her and buckled in. “Hey,” he said. “You look good.”
“You look…” Hitoka worked up a smile. “It’s nice to see someone took the prompt seriously,” she managed.
“Well. Any chance to one-up Shigeru.” Watari’s voice was strange, like it was difficult for him to speak. Hitoka felt like she knew the feeling a little too well.
“All right, bis, guys, and sundry assembled others,” Yahaba crowed. “Let’s get this shit going!”
Kyoutani growled at Yahaba to put his seatbelt back on, and, with just a little more bickering, the night rolled onward. As Kyoutani drove them to the first club of the night, Hitoka hazarded a glace at Watari, only to catch him flushing and trying not to look at her. She chewed at the inside of her cheek, and made a decision.
Two drinks. Two drinks ordered by a sensible person, and not Shirabu. And then she would have just enough liquid courage to find out what that outfit looked like on her bedroom floor.
She nodded to herself, and smiled. The night was just beginning.
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emeritiii · 2 years
Lightlark finally came off hold. See you in a week
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MUSICAL theatre or musical THEATRE?
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tunaculosis · 4 months
I think it's very fascinating that, back to back, we have had a pair of what I want to call system shocks on tumblr.
The first wave was the beef between Kendrick and Drake. The beef reached truly titanic levels in order to breach containment and reach our shores in any real way. What was then immediately revealed is that a very loud (if not actually numerous) portion of the tumblr userbase is not simply ignorant of rap music, but proudly so, and not just proudly so, but ignorant of it in ways that have become stereotypes of rap critics. Accusations of violence, misogyny, and difficulty of understanding it were particularly visible to me. With a side helping of racism. The response to this was twofold: tumblr users either got into some damn funny fights when idiots doubled down on their ignorance, or they were curious and we got some damn good recommendations.
The second event was this week: The AO3 Ship Bracket finals: Destiel vs Suletta. The strongest yaoi of the past vs the strongest yuri of today. As Sulemio tore through the polls, again this trend emerged! Deeply incurious, proudly ignorant people parroting criticisms of anime that have become stereotypes anime fans repeat to make fun of critics! Accusations of sexualization, misogyny, and obscurity were particularly visible to me. With a side helping of racism. And then, just like last time, people split off into two camps. The first was idiots without any actual knowledge of Gundam showing up to crow about Destiel like the franchise isn't older than some of their parents. The second was some really good recommendation threads with people willing to learn (just start on Witch From Mercury, it's fine, then maybe watch The Origin or something, other people have better recs than me).
I think it's really interesting that tumblr's userbase has been exposed for being really inflexible and driven into a rut in its fandom spaces. And defensively so. I think that expanding your horizons is good for you for a lot of reasons, but avoiding looking like a jackass on tumblr is a really good incentive, I think.
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I really think if Monty got back to being a human again he should team up with Mick. Mick can teach him how to live as a human and make money, or rent him a room to sleep in for a while. In return, Monty could work at Mick's shop, or give him a red sea glass only a crow's curious eye could find. Imagine Monty working at Magic shop? When the detectives come by to get some help for a case, Monty offers them some random tool and "Look at this! Whee" with his cute, nervous smile? And Mick finally gets advice from the Washer Woman but that was just another riddle and grumbling about it?
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matchingbatbites · 4 months
Eddie is weird.
It's something that Steve knew long before he actually knew Eddie, the older boy's oddities and eccentricities on display for anyone to see. Past Steve used to roll his eyes whenever Eddie would push against the flow of normal, but present Steve enjoys it, Eddie's brand of different. 
That's really the reason why he pretends not to notice when Eddie takes things.
Nothing crazy, nothing valuable, and that's honestly the real reason he hasn't said anything about it. He watches Eddie pocket bottle caps from the kids' sodas and paper clips from the Family Video counter, even the little tables from the pizza boxes when they have a movie night.
Steve doesn't understand why Eddie collects these little odds and ends, just sees it as another one of his quirks. Until he finally sees where everything is going.
They're walking to the corner store that's fairly close to the trailer park, the sun on its way to setting but not quite there yet. The conversation that flows between them is easy, easier than Steve ever thought it could be, and it makes something in him want to curl up and purr like a contented cat. 
He's telling Eddie about something that happened at the grocery store today, when the older boy makes a soft noise of delight before crouching and grabbing something from the pavement. Steve barely gets a look at the penny, but he can tell from just a glimpse that it's seen better days and has more than likely been run over by a few cars, if the scratches on it are anything to go by. 
Eddie makes another happy noise as he stands once more and tucks the coin into his jacket pocket, and Steve picks his story back up like nothing happened. It doesn't get mentioned at all, but Steve can see the extra pep in Eddie's step, like he's so excited over something so simple, yet trying to contain it.
His silent joy is contagious, and by the time they get back to the trailer, they're practically plastered together at their sides and giggling like children. Steve nearly forgets about the penny, until Eddie drops his bag of snacks onto the little kitchen table and beelines to his room. So, so curious, Steve leaves his own bag next to Eddie's before following.
The older boy is crouched on the floor by the bed, and Steve watches as he pulls out what appears to be a shoebox, possibly for a pair of work boots, and sets it on the bed. Steve gets a brief look at the lid and the chicken-scratch Crow Box written on the top before Eddie opens it, and a few things quickly make sense.
The box is full of little things, even more than what Steve has seen Eddie take and pocket, a clear sign that that has been ongoing for years. Little plastic dinosaurs and incredibly smooth or shiny rocks, a chain of colored paper clips and a plastic cup full of acorn hats. There's even an old pencil box that appears to house a small hoard of bottle caps, all different colors, tucked in neatly next to a handful of the pizza tables. 
The whole collection is actually well organized, and Steve watches as Eddie takes the new penny from his pocket and drops it into a tin can full of other scratched and beaten coins.
"That's quite a collection," Steve says without even thinking, and Eddie looks up with wide eyes, like he wasn't expecting Steve to follow. Steve just crouches down next to him, resisting the urge to reach out and pick up one of the acorn hats, or one of the dinosaurs. "Any reason behind it?"
Eddie just shrugs and looks down at the box. He takes one of the shiny rocks and offers it to Steve, who gladly takes it and rolls it in his fingers. "They're weird, or actually, they're things that are so normal, they're invisible. Things people usually don't think about, or throw out, or walk right by. They're… different. But I like them."
God, Steve has never related to a feeling more. Seeing something that other people just brush off or ignore and wanting to be the one to cherish it. 
"I can get that," he says as he drops the rock back into the cup with its siblings. "I mean, you're different, and I like you, so." His heart in his throat, Steve leans in and presses a kiss to Eddie's cheek before standing, and he again finds himself caught in Eddie's wide-eyed surprise.
"C'mon, crow boy. We've got a movie to watch."
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aly4khq · 2 months
- 𝓼𝔂𝓵𝓾𝓼 -
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word count: 2.3K
warnings: a little degrading, one singular slap, pet names, aftercare, slightly rough sex, mc is a troublemaker!
theme: crack filled smut
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"ughhhh!" you laid in sylus' bed, awaiting his return from whatever hell spawn mission he went on. the soft silky sheets smelt of his expensive cologne, mixed with his shampoo that could be smelt better on his actual pillow. as time went by, his presence still gone, rage grew in you yet your mind pushed you to let him off—
"shit!" you exhaled as the sound of mephisto echoed around the massive bedroom. your eyebrows furrowed before you met eyes with the deafening crow that sat on top of the door. confusion and a slight annoyance overtook the rage as you lightly scolded the bird. "wha?- get down!", your hand flailed around, trying to convince it to retreat to your side— which just like its owner, didn't listen. instead going on the other way, mephisto's yells and squeals became louder.
after a while, the devilish bird came back, screaming your ear off before running in the same direction. your brain pushed you to let it to, yet your instinct told you to go after it's call. like before, mephisto came back, yet it was silent. but before anyone could speak, it left. "oh my gosh- mephisto wait!"
chasing after it, only a glimpse of black feathers helped you navigate around the mansion. a presence was falling behind, and you knew it. it was strong and make you feel...mind controlled. as you ran through the decorated walls, the lovely red painting and accessories made you fall in love with the scenery. the adoration for the colour red.
"what is that bird on about.." you murmured to yourself, a hand resting on your temple as you thought deeply. mephisto's shout abruptly came to a halt. He brought you to a mirror, one that you always looked in to test out your clothes. "damn, were you trynna tell me that my hair is beautiful?-"
"excuse you! where's your matters!" scoffing, you grabbed a nearby hairbrush, brushing out the heavy coils of hair as it became fluffier. looking around, you secured the area before speaking. "just like your owner, firstly you get my attention, leave and return then you insult me!..how—"
"rude?" ...oh no. your body tensed up as a red and black mist shot out from the darkness, wrapping around your arm. gentle yet possessive, that mist flipped you around, pinning you against the mirror as a hand wrapped around the other, pinning it onto their waist. a few gasps and yelps coming from your now smaller figure. "am i really rude to you? or are you sensitive, sweetie?"
scoffing, your hands tried to fight against his tight grip, your mind questioning his strength. "no! you're just mean-gasp..! what is that?!" your eyes fell upon the deep gash in sylus' waist, reaching from his right lower hip straight across to his left upper torso. "none of your concern, why are you up so late?" his hand let go, as well as his evol as your hand fell onto your hips, making your way towards him.
"i was waiting for you, then somebody started yelling and running- or should i sat speed flying- to the mirror." a deep chuckle erupted from sylus, his body sat down on the sofa facing opposite to the mirror; a mischievous smirk on his face. his wounds soon enough disappeared as that same mist grabbed your waist, pulling you onto his lap. his chest to your back as his hand laid on your thighs.
"i thought i told a certain someone to go to bed," you hissed as he pinched your side. ", i never knew my woman would be so eager to go against my orders." his eyebrow lifted as his gently hand turned your face towards him, his expression naughty yet sweet. "i didn't go against your orders. i was curious and you said you'd be home in an hour! it's been 2 and a half!"
your rage grew as he pushed your lower back down, his hand lifting up your his shirt before checking your back for the tattoo that laid on your skin. the words, 'SYLUS' in cursive just below your spinal tattoo. "good." a huff escaped your mouth as you hit his leg, "you think it would be gone? it can never go away at and neither can i. don't be idiotic— ow!
his teeth latched onto your neck a he sucked the skin harshly for your comments, making sure to create new hickeys around your body as well as your back. his lips dancing around your skin as you shivered. "okay! okay! i get it!- ah! i get it!" only did he then stop, placing a soft kiss on your neck before his lovely deep voice filled your ears. his finger spinning around as he laid back, "turn."
turning around to face him, your hands pushed down on his shoulders. your eyes full of dominance yet they didn't top his. a deep desire in your chest as an intimate idea came across your mind. his eyes travelling down your body until it stopped on your hand that was also descending down. he hissed as you suddenly pressed your hand onto his crotch, giggling under your breath. "who said you could to do that?"
"me, obviously." you giggled, loving how he reacted to your touch. you tested him endlessly, kissing his neck before rubbing his slowly growing bulge. "provoking me is not a wise choice..." just as his hips buckled from the sensation, you slowly came off of his lap, happily rubbing onto his body. it was fun to tease sylus. until it was not. in a few seconds, you went from upright to in the air...over his broad shoulder. you squirmed around, pounding on his back, "let me downnn! you psycho!- AHHH, sylus no joke i'm gonna fall!-"
you kicked your legs as an attempt to get him to let go but he continued to play with you in his arms, moving you down his back and quickly retreating you. making it seem like a rollercoaster, all under his control. "shh, you're gonna wake up everyone in the N109 Zone." in his tone held a warning, a playful tone yet he had no hesitation to put you in your place. "i don't care- let me go you bastard! his hand gripped your thighs harder, second warning.
closing your eyes, the feeling of your comforter met your back as he pulled away from you, undressing from his dirty work clothes placing them into the laundry basket. "wait here." you watched as his figure disappeared into the shower room, the open space soon enough filling with steam. the urge to go in there was overwhelmingly strong, you wanted him. all of him for tonight before he's off again doing who-knows-what. an over exaggerated sigh came from your position on the bed as he took his sweet time.
once he came out, his body was drenched in water droplets, his v-line just showing before his towel blocked the rest of him. "you seem troubled by something." using another towel, he dried his hair awaiting your answer. "nothing..." his head turned around, eyes glaring into yours, instantly spotting your lie. "fine then, if you'refine then pass me my robe." you jumped up, a chance to touch him at least!
as you gave him his robe; your hand went to his shoulder, basically forcing him to stare into your eyes— which were non-surprisingly filled with neediness. his frown expression changed to a confusion and curious one, his eyebrow rising as you slowly moved your hand down..to his pecs...even further to his abs, nearly accomplishing your mission before his own hand grabbed your wrist. a sigh coming from above you, once you looked up, his eyes told you enough, "go to bed."
like always, you furrowed your eyebrows, a deep pout coming at your lips as you shook your head no. "what do you mean no?" "i don't want to sleep.." you moved your night dress a little, lightly flashing your tits at him. "you dare devil.." finally!, you thought. "but it's too late. and you need to sleep, we have an important auction to be at tomorrow." "awhhh..."
scoffing, he dragged you onto his bed, where you also originally was supposed to be. at first, you thought that he'd want to indulge in your sexy fantasies; dicking you down until you only remember his name. but to your misery, he sat beside you before tucking you in. angrily, you pushed the duvet off of you and him. "no!- sylusss! i wanna fuck ." he chuckled, looking down at you with a smirk, "how explicit, but you know the drill. beg baby." you whined, getting on top of him, grabbing his waist in your small hands before latching your lips onto his. your tongues hugging each other as your hand reaches up for his face, caressing the soft skin as his hand wrapped around your hip.
"if you don't get to work, i'll get xavier to fuck me instead." you rolled your eyes before trying to get off his lap, when a strong grasp held you back. "excuse me? repeat that." and if we recall back to before, it was clear of what will happen next.
'..he had no hesitation to put you in your place.'
feeling reckless, you looked back at him, staring into his blooming eyes. "if you don't get to work, i'll get xavier to fuck me inst-" a large hand went around your mouth, forcing your head back as you felt sylus move from underneath you. "you just love to play with fire, don't you?" he flipped you over, so he was straddling your the back of your thighs. lust surrounded the room and filled the air as you fought against the hand restricting you from speaking before whining. his touch hypnotising as the familiar hands went into his bedside drawer.
in the meantime, he used his evol to rip your night dress off, throwing it somewhere in the room before grabbing your hands. "mhmm!-" "shut up." feeling the coldness of handcuffs, a deep groan came from the depth of your body, your legs kicking as you awaiting for his next move. a sharp, heavy blow landed on your right ass cheek, as your head lifted in a gasp of shock— and excitement — , the sting painful on your skin. you shook your body as an attempt for him to caress the now blooming with red skin. a little chuckle vibrating behind you as his hands rubbed at your ass, shaking the flesh to make it move. "how hypnotic."
"look at this tight hole," he spread your ass open with his hands, before spitting directly on your asshole. in a gentle manner, he let you speak, unravelling his evol. "have you ever been fucked here before?" you were about to ask where, when he circled your hole with his thumb, a delicious shiver filling his ears. "no...why?" his hand found space in your curls before turning your head to the side lovingly, his eyes softened. visible fear of hurting you in any way appeared in his eyes, his eyes scanning your expression. "do you want to?" your face went through all of your emotions like a wheel before it finally chose one. a playful smirk came upon your lips.
"...heck yeah. give me what you got big boy!-" "mood's gone."
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(1,813 word count so far)
"mhm! ah!- sylus...it's nearly 4am! please, t'much-" "you can handle it." your sore and tired body was about to give in if it wasn't for sylus' hands occasionally moving your hair or tapping at your face, a reminder to stay awake. it's been around 4 hours, he gave you a little break before hand, making sure that he didn't overstimulated you too much. but as soon as he filled you with his load, hopefully giving you his child, his hands let you down slowly, resting your now fucked out body onto his black sheets.
"how pretty, you okay?" he spoke out to you as you nodded. but that's not a good enough answer for him. "words" a whine escaped your body right after you yawned, "yes.." he kissed the back of your head from behind you, slowly getting off of the bed to get you a wet towel, unknowing to the obvious stains on the sheets. but by the time he came back, he noticed them, a sigh from his chest as he lifted you up and into the bath he had prepared. "where are you going?", a soft voice came from the bathroom as sylus took off the sheets, putting them in a bucket separate from his other laundry. gently, he placed down another sheet, making sure it was straight before dazzling it with his favourite sheet scents. "changing the sheets, a little hunter couldn't contain all of me."
you scoffed, "no. you have mediocre dick. that's all me." the warmth of the water soothing your muscles with a relaxing smell. the air contained the lovely smell of body wash, takking control of your body as sleep snuck into the atmosphere. "i will fuck you in that bath right now until noon." his figure appeared in the bathroom as he walked over. "alright! you have the best dick game ever. 10/10."
he smirked before getting in with you, scrubbing your back with a cloth; making sure to rub into your skin. "damn..you're good with your hands." you complimented, your head reaching back as he continued his massage. "heard that before." he chuckled after before you followed, "shut up."
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both of you were snuggled into the newly placed sheets, the smell gorgeous as he held you to his chest, arms locked around your waist as one of your legs were wrapped around his hips. a giggle coming from you as you got comfortable. a grunt came from the man above you, "stop playing. it's already the morning. and you're gonna complain for sleep."
you were gonna protest and argue back but the firm squeeze on your side was enough to silence you, "yes sir." lifting your head, he planted a soft kiss onto your lips; full of protection and love. you pulled away, feeling his smile of your forehead, your hands hugging his chest as you smiled. who knew that the lead of onychinus could be so sweet? "go to bed sweetie."
"you too, mephisto."
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i got bored in the end i'm sorryy 😖💔
do not steal @aly4khq's work even tho they are trash!
date made: 25/07/24
i do not give permission to repost or copy elsewhere.
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