#a simple queue farmer
simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
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eastons-creations · 3 months
My ultimate fic recs
Made a poll and a lot of people said they would want this sooo here we are! These are the best fics I’ve read (: The og post
Top 3
1- To Be Alone With You By Shay_Fae
In the summer of their sixth year, Remus Lupin tried to kill himself.
2- Something Just Like This By shadow_prince
a fake dating modern AU where Sirius has been telling Mrs. Potter he's dating someone for 9 months and she demands his "boyfriend" comes on their family vacation. Queue: shenanigans between wolfstar and jily as they lie their asses off.
3- Text Talk By merlywhirls
Sirius is in boarding school, Remus is in hospital, and they don't know each other until Sirius texts the wrong number.
Other recs bellow break (in no order)
Wading in waist high water By colgatebluemintygel
Remus is a PhD student and hobbyist baker who finds himself adrift following his father’s death. On a whim, he enters the Great British Bake Off and is swept up in a flurry of curdled custard, shrunken souffle, and under-proved dough. Remus expects to be challenged and to embarrass himself on public television. What he doesn’t account for are the friendships he develops with the other contestants and the deep connection he forms with his teenage crush, Sirius Black: charming ex-boy band member and Bake Off host
Beneath a big blue sky by @eyra
The four-by-four heaves its way down long, twisting lanes, little more than dirt tracks scuffed into the surrounding fields and hemmed in by serpentine walls of flat, grey stone. They truly are in the middle of nowhere: the countryside rushes past, all rolling green hills and vast, endless skies, and it's odious. Sirius wants to murder James with his bare hands. Sirius and James accidentally find themselves on a Yorkshire farm during lambing season. The farmer’s son thinks that’s a bit annoying, actually.
A brief history of dragons by @eyra
It's lovely up here; all meadows dotted with wildflowers, wind-beaten tracks criss-crossing this way and that through the fields, weaving inland to the pinewoods. The sun's hot on his back as he passes ramshackle stone walls, long since crumbled to piles of ancient rubble and scree, and then the path winds downwards, still following the line of the coast until Sirius finds himself outside an old white cottage, tucked away behind the hill with a rose garden that faces out to the sea. Sirius moves to Cornwall for the summer and meets a rude, beautiful boy who is writing a book that may or may not be about dragons
Let’s play pretend by MsAlexWP
After James and Lily died, Sirius Black's therapist told him not to date for a year. And that's just as well. He's got a 13-month-old baby now and quite enough to deal with, thanks. But the nosy neighbors in his building keep trying to set him up and won't take no for an answer. Enter Remus Lupin, another single dad who pretends to be Sirius's boyfriend, just to get the old lady brigade off his back and nothing more. Nothing more at all.
Forever in a state of mind by orphan_account
Deaf Dance Choreographer, Remus Lupin, has a simple life. Working, taking care of his son, and running his YouTube sign channel. When he unwittingly becomes involved with Deaf Pride Activist, Fleamont Potter, he doesn't realise how much his life will change. Especially after he meets YouTube star and makeup artist, Sirius Black.
Sugar rush by Stricklymarauders
James, Sirius, Peter, and Dorcas have been best friends for years and are starting their senior year of highschool. To Sirius' dismay he doesn't have any friends in his history class, but after eventually showing up, he finds he sits next to a tall curly hair boy who takes his breath away, Remus Lupin. He decided right then and there that he must make this boy fall in love with him and recruits James to be his wingman, until James is distracted by Remus' best friend with a personality as fiery has her hair, Lily Evans.
Dating Remus lupin by Children_of_the_Shadow
Remus Lupin is a mystery to the whole school; the boy who's quiet, aloof, and cold. He also happens to be queer, which is enough to gain Sirius's interest. What Sirius never realised that dating Remus Lupin wasn't quite as easy as it looked.
Blends by rvltn909
Words got in the way sometimes, but Remus got the sense Sirius knew what he was trying to say. Another coffee shop au.
Camp Casanova by Farquad
All lonely 11 years old Remus Lupin wants is a friend. But when he arrives at Slughorn's summer camp for teenage boys his world turns upside down since he finds himself sharing a cabin with three other boys; James Potter, Peter Pettigrew and Sirius Black. As the years pass by Remus finds himself birthing friendships, fighting bullies, but above all battling his own feelings which soon gets out of control. He struggles to keep his biggest secret, and he wonders how he could've fallen so deeply in love.
Turn on my charm by Bethanlovescoffee
Sirius Black is a YouTube phenomenon. A YouTube phenomenon who develops a crush on his video editor.
Those who commented:
@maraudersarecanon @sunflower-vol-9
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a love story | m. schumacher
pairing: mick schumacher x reader word count: 3.4k words request: nopewarnings: fluuuuuuff and maybe some angst? kinda? this was inspired by a dream i had last night 🫣 a/n: me? actually posting something? no way!
my masterlist 
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(i'm so proud of my boy but honestly wtf did they put in the water during roc they were all INSANE)
the gray clouds looked threatening, they covered the sky completely, leaving the sun nowhere to be found. it was a cold morning, with the crisp air causing the curtains of her bedroom to dance, even if her window was open just a tad bit. she usually loved days like this, being bundled up in a cable knit sweater, watching the raindrops hitting the windows as soft music played in the background, a cup of warm tea in her hands and a good book on her lap. 
but those days were usually accompanied by a warm embrace around her shoulders, a hard chest allowing her to rest her back against it, soft lips grazing her neck, her cheeks and lips. 
today was not one of those days, for he was not with her, but hours and miles away. after years of being with him, she still couldn’t get used to the idea of him being gone. but she couldn’t be selfish, she had to support him and his dreams as much as he did for hers. 
just two more days.
she started her morning as usual. shower, get dressed, light makeup, brush her hair, make breakfast and grab the lunch she made the previous night before leaving her apartment and going to work. 
the small book shop downtown sat peacefully, waiting with its pastel yellow walls for customers to arrive. she ate her breakfast as she sat on the bus on her way there, a simple bagel with cream cheese and jam bought from the farmer’s market. she finished just in time for her to skip down the bus steps and onto the streetwalk. 
she did her usual routine to open the book shop, like picking a quote from a book to write on the chalkboard wall by the kids’ section, checking that everything was in its right place, collecting the flowers from the shop next door, to brighten up the place. she was so lucky she found that spot for her book shop, with a café on one side, a flower shop on the other, it was quite possibly the perfect combination. every so often she’d receive customers with a coffee cup in their hands, looking for a book to enjoy while relaxing from the day. or people looking for a book as a gift, having already bought a bouquet of flowers. 
once the clock turned its hands to tell her it was 9:00 am, she turned the lock on the door and flipped the sign that hung from it, now reading ‘open’. 
it was a quiet morning, the rain started around an hour after opening and just picked up from there, with the winds picking up strength as well. she couldn’t spot a soul out there, the town she called home was a ghost town, everyone much preferred staying home than going out.
she wished she’d done so as well, that rest of the day was probably going to be just as slow as the morning. 
but a few hours after midday, a young couple entered the book shop. they apologized profusely as they dried their shoes on the carpet she’d placed especially for that. 
she smiled at them, waving their worries away as she informed them they could hang their jackets on the coat rack to dry and avoid making a mess. they thanked her, and she noticed how he was the first to reach for his girlfriend’s hand after having to separate to take off their jackets. she watched them walk further into the shop, and she grabbed her phone, opening the music app and changing the preloaded queue, adding a few soft, romantic tunes that fit well with the ambiance of the day, the bookshop, and the couple. songs that reminded her of him. 
book shops had always been a special place for her, she could get lost for hours on end, reading the back cover of paperback books, running her fingers along the hardcover spines, sighing over beautiful covers and sprayed edges. but especially, she loved book shops because that’s where she met him. 
she was in college, longing for ways to escape the real world. books provided just that, a chance to get lost in fictional places, with words that described endless possibilities and worlds where everything was possible. 
the local bookstore was her most frequented place, the owners and workers knew her and trusted her, they knew that the books she took were safe and that she’d take care of them as if they were the most delicate rose petals. 
she sat on a velvet sofa, her favorite. it fit two people, but she always claimed it as hers, and no one ever bothered her. not even on that day, when all the other available seats were taken. she was reading a poetry book. she had a lot on her mind and needed something that was quick to read and kept her mind occupied. she had her legs crossed beneath her, the book on one hand as she rested her head on the other. her eyes scanned the pages quickly, re-reading verses that caught her attention and often writing them down in her own notebook. she never was a fan of writing on books, but did like taking notes and scribbling down her thoughts. 
her quiet peace was interrupted by a tall body standing in front of her. 
“sorry-” she looked up, seeing blue eyes looking down at her. “is this seat taken? all the other chairs are busy and i- i haven’t seen anyone here, so-”
“yeah, it’s okay,” she answered, grabbing her bag and placing it on the floor beneath her.
“thank you,” he smiled at her as he sat, she did the same, returning to her book.
they didn’t speak more that day, he only thanked her again and said goodbye when he was ready to leave. he looked about her age, and she found herself staring at his frame as he left, with his back toward her. 
two days later, he was there again. he had the same book he was reading the previous time, whilst she had already finished her poetry book and was now reading a classic tragedy. the routine was the same, none of them talking, simply sitting next to each other as they read and saying goodbye when it was their time to leave. unfortunately, she couldn’t go the rest of the week because of school work, but finally, after a hard week, she walked through the doors, breathing in the familiar scent of ink and pages. she walked straight to her spot, stopping in her tracks as she saw the same guy sitting there already, his backpack on her side of the sofa. he looked up, a smile on his face.
“you’re back,” he said, grabbing his bag and placing it on the floor, like she’d done for him that very first day. she smiled, unable to stop a light flush to rush to her cheeks as she walked to him.
“yeah, school was being a pain,” she said, dropping down beside him. 
“well, i’m happy to see you again,” he placed a bookmark between the pages he was reading, closing the book to pay attention to her.
“thanks, i missed being here. this place… it’s like a home away from home.”
“i get it, i only found out about this place a week ago and felt an instant connection, and i’m not an avid reader. or, i wasn’t before coming here for the first time.” 
she smiled, nodding her head, that was exactly how she felt.
“i’m mick, by the way,” he offered his hand. she sat up, shaking his hand. she told him her name, and looked down at the book he was reading.
“the great gatsby?” 
“yeah, i saw you reading it last week and… you seemed so lost in the book and the pages, you gasped and your eyes widened every so often… you made me want to read it,” he spoke, hoping he didn’t sound like a creep. but he was an observant person, he noticed things. 
“oh,” was all she said, crossing her legs beneath her, a position she often found herself in, it was comfortable and meant she was at ease. “and what do you think?” she asked, looking down at the way his fingers delicately tapped the cover of the book. 
“it’s really good,” he chuckled, nodding his head to confirm his words. “i’d seen the movie but-”
“it doesn’t compare. it’s a good adaptation but… it’s not the same,” 
“yeah,” he agreed. 
and then he asked her a question, she answered. then she did, and he answered. and the hours passed but neither of them read the books, they got to know each other, talking and laughing and confessing their favorite tropes, books and even discussing their different stands on a controversial topic in one of their favorite books.
before they knew it, the day turned to night and the owners started getting ready to close the shop. she looked around, noticing they were the only two customers there. 
“i’m guessing that’s our cue to leave,” she said, chuckling softly, but didn’t stand up.
“oh- yeah,” he replied, playing with the edges of his book. they both stood up, walking to the exit. she said goodbye to the owners, waving her hand.
“see you tomorrow,” she told them, the words she said every night. “i guess i’ll- see you tomorrow, too,” she smiled.
“yeah, i’d like that.”
“okay. good night,” she said, looking straight at him as she took a step back. 
“good night.” he nodded his head, walking backward too, the other way. 
after that day their afternoons were spent getting wrapped up in sentences, verses, rhymes, the times new roman font, and each other. they’d walk along the shelves, point to books they’d already read, book they recommended to each other, and books they promised to read together. at one point as the days passed, the distance between them disappeared, they now sat side by side, leaning into each other to read from the same book. other times, one of them would read aloud while the other stared at the ceiling, or at the person reading.
the bookstore was witness to their first meeting, the time they exchanged numbers, their first real goodbye… their first kiss.
their first goodbye. he explained that besides books, his biggest passion in life was racing. he explained the extent of his rising career, the stakes and responsibilities that came with it. and how he’d have to leave several weeks of the year. she remained quiet, taking in his words, understanding that his life was so different from hers. their first goodbye included soft smiles, a gentle touch of hands, a hug that neither of them wanted to end, and a tear streaming down her face as she turned her back to him as she walked away. 
their first kiss happened two weeks later. two long weeks he’d been gone, and even though they could count on technology, it wasn’t the same as having him sitting next to her, feeling his warmth and hearing his laugh echoing through the wooden walls of their little nook in the bookshop. mick arrived unannounced, saying hi to the people behind the counter, asking for her. he walked to their spot, seeing her belongings there, but not her. he walked down the long corridor, one shelf after the other, and finally spotted her, leaning against the wall, book covering her face. 
"the great gatsby?" he asked. she dropped the book, looking up at him as a smile broke on her face. 
"you're here!" she got up, leaving the book forgotten on the floor as she flung herself towards him. "how are you? how did it go?" she said as she threw her arms around his neck. he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her close against him. 
"it was good, but i don't want to talk about that right now," he replied, putting her down, but she still kept her arms on his neck, he kept his hold of her waist. "you're re-reading the great gatsby already?" he raised an eyebrow.
"yeah, i… this was the first book you read because you saw me, and we started talking because of this book. it's… special." 
"that feels so long ago," he said, turning so he had his back against the tall shelf. 
"a month and a half." 
"hmm…" he smiled, "and what have you been up to these past weeks?" he asked. 
"oh! i found the perfect greek mythology retelling, it's about hades and persephone, and all of their struggles, and he loves her so much, it's so beautifully written and-" her rambling was cut short by a pair of soft lips on hers. 
it was soft and slow and tender and so delicate, he moved his lips against hers as if they were a sugar cube that could break with the wrong movement. she was left breathless as he fully circled her middle with his arms, turning them so her back was against the hard wooden shelves. 
their first kiss was perfect. there was no other way to describe it. it was shared in the place that had a special meaning for both of them, they were both eager and devoted to the kiss, not wanting it to end, loving the feeling, the rushing heartbeats and flushing cheeks, the shivers and goosebumps after a particular sensitive touch, it was magical, and no words could ever even begin to describe it. 
they'd try to find poems, verses, lines, paragraphs that could put into words everything they felt at that moment, but nothing could ever come close to fully capture the electrifying energy that surrounded them. 
and five years later, after endless kisses, touches, intimate moments, book after book, their love only grew larger and larger, deeper and deeper, an undeniable and undefiable connection that could overcome everything. 
but sometimes that was easier said than done, and as she stared at the young couple, that reminded her so much of them, she couldn't help but wish he was there. she never said it, she didn't want to make him feel bad, but everytime he walked out the door was hard on her. he was her rock, the one person she could count on to always be there for her. and sometimes all she wanted was him. just his presence made her feel at ease. 
and especially in slow days like this, when her mind was left free to wander and think endlessly, she couldn't help but wish she could just wrap her arms around him and keep him close forever. he was so kind, so gentle with her, everything she longed for in a partner and so much more, traits that only made sense because of him. 
but she powered through it, picking a high fantasy novel to keep her mind busy, building the images on her head and creating the characters she was reading about. every so often her eyes would find the couple, sharing kisses and giggles as they scanned the books. 
maybe that was the magic of bookshops, the chance to escape the real, rainy world outside and be consumed by the endless possibilities the stories inside had to offer. 
once the rain died down, the couple left, they bought a couple of books and she dropped a couple of bookmarks in their bag as a gift. the rest of the day was the same, with only two or three more customers arriving and leaving quickly, not wanting to get caught under the rain once it started again. 
with about an hour left until closing time, she decided it was enough. she highly doubted anyone else was coming anytime soon. so she flipped the sign on the door, locking it as she began to clean up. the playlist had finished playing, and the only sounds were that of her footsteps. 
until a knock on the door startled her. she could only make out a tall body, head covered by the black hood of a jacket, her immediate stranger danger siren went off in her head, but she still approached the door, grabbing the nearest thing she could find as a weapon.
a hardcover copy of les mis.
she unlocked the door, opening it just wide enough for her to peek her head forward.
"sorry, we're closing early because of the weather." she explained, hands clutching the book against her chest.
"really? i wanted to buy that new emily henry book," the man said, looking up at her with a smile on his face.
"mick!" she said, dropping the copy of the french novel and skipping down the few steps leading up to the shop. she wrapped her legs around him, hands over his neck, pulling him close.
"get inside! you're not wearing a jacket," he laughed, walking with her on top of him. "it's nice to see your habit of dropping books when i stop by unannounced hasn't gone away." 
"i've missed you so much," she said, keeping her face buried in his neck. "all day… all i wanted to do was be near you." she mumbled against his skin, feeling him walking with her in his arms.
"i'm here now," he placed her on the counter, beside the cash register, and softly placed his hands on her face, leaning back to look at her. he tilted her chin up, getting lost in her eyes.
"you're here." she whispered, her fingers playing with his hair. "how are you here?" she asked.
"got done early. took a flight. i was going to wait for you at home but… i wanted to see you. i missed you too much." she smiled at his words, feeling butterflies in her stomach as he ticked a strand of hair behind her ear. even after so many years together, he still made her feel like they were falling in love for the first time all over again. 
"how was everything?" she asked, tentatively. she knew that sometimes he wasn't in the mood to talk about his job, he liked leaving racing on the paddock and just enjoy their time together.
"good, talks about next year are going well," he said, squeezing her hips. she smiled, knowing how much he deserved a seat on the f1 grid. 
"i'm happy to hear that. did you get any reading done?" she asked, changing the subject. 
"finished 'little women', started 'circe'."
"ooh, you really want to complete your reading challenge this year, don't you?"
"i only have two books left." he smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek. 
"well done, my love!" she said, kissing his cheek, too. 
"and you? how many books did you finish?"
"night circus and i'm halfway through anna karenina."
"a big book?" he raised his eyebrows. "i'm proud of you, baby."
"thanks," she blushed under his stare, her hands finding his, locking their fingers together. 
her eyes met his, soft smiles painted on their lips, chests rising up and down in sync. he leaned forward, pressing his forehead against hers softly. he rubbed his nose against hers, then placed his lips on top of hers. 
the first kiss after a goodbye was always a special one. there was so much longing, love and pure emotion poured into a reunion kiss, it always brought them back to their very first kiss shared a few moons ago. 
the first kiss after a goodbye always left her breathless after. it was like her body was getting used to having him close again, and no matter how many times they said goodbye and hello, it always felt like the first time. 
"what do you think about going home… turn on the fireplace, make hot cocoa, and read a good book?" he suggested.
"i'd love that," she smiled against his lips, leaning forward once more. "what are you in the mood for?"
"hmm… a love story?" he raised an eyebrow.
she nodded, pushing him back to jump off the counter. she held his hand and led him to the first book that crossed her mind.
"how about a tragic love story?" she said, grabbing a copy of the blue paperback book. "quite possibly the greatest love story," she teased.
"impossible. ours is way better," mick said, grabbing the copy of 'the great gatsby' and holding her hand.
and he was right. 
out of all the stories she'd read, theirs was her favorite one. and the best part was, it wasn't fictional, and more importantly, it didn't have to end. 
-- take a shot each time you read the word 'book'
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townsenddecades · 3 months
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All You Want To Know And More
Why, hello there! Glad you made it to my corner of the internet.
This blog is meant to chronicle my most recent playthrough of Morbid Gamer’s Ultimate Decades Challenge, following a family of sims for many generations from the 1300s onwards. I started my first playthrough sometime in the first half of 2023 and had got to the end of the 15th century before the urge struck me to start another one in a more medieval world.
This is the challenge you’ll be seeing on this blog. More infos under the cut.
A note on my posting habits: I have a queue that puts out one post per day. Initially, I wanted to refill that queue after every five years played, but I'll probably switch that to after every year played so it isn't so much work at once.
Current Households (spoilers if you aren't caught up, obviously)
Family Tree (even stronger spoiler warning because it's up to date with my playing, which is years ahead)
Introducing the Challenge
Gen 0: Benedict & Anne Townsend | 1300 | 1305 | Recap 1300 - 1309
Gen 1: Benjamin & Malika Townsend | 1312 | Recap 1310 - 1319 | 1325
Morbid Gamer’s Ultimate Decades Challenge
Plumbob’s and the Past’s UDC
My Mods and CC
If anyone is interested, I could upload my spread sheet as well, but I currently don't have it online.
Some technical details
I’ll be playing this challenge in The Sims 3, which means no Ye Olde Cookbook, Royalty Mod, Simple Living Lot Trait or the like, but I’ve heavily modded my game to achieve a more immersive gameplay.  This challenge will start – but likely not remain in -  the gorgeous custom world of Praaven, which is both medieval and completely roadless.
A link to a post with the mods I use can be found above.
This challenge will be more historically inspired than historically authentic, both because the game has its limitations and because my scant historical expertise lies more in the early 20th century.
For the most part, I’ll be following the rules defined by Morbid Gamer, with some deviations:
I’ll take some inspiration from Plumbobs and the Past’s ideas to make the challenge a bit more interesting. For example, when my sims go fishing, I’ll have them pay a fee, I’ll deduct 10% of the proceeds for whatever they harvest or sell from household funds, I will use PATP's dowry rules, and probably more.
Instead of starting with three teenagers, I decided to start with two young adults that have already been married for a bit and have two children and a toddler. I had a bit of a story in mind involving the proverbial lady of the house and the local Earl, so I wanted to jump right into the action.
As Sims 3 has no option to plead with the Grim Reaper (although you can play a match of chess with him or be saved by your pet, but you would have to have a pet that likes you for that to work, or both a chess table and enough skill points) I substitute that action with rolling a d4 when a Sim I’d like to live rolls to die. If it’s a 4, they survive.
Since I think it’s boring if most sims (barring historical events) die at exactly 6/13/20/30, I’ll sometimes roll a die to see how many years of life a sim has left. Those years can never be more than the sim would have to live until the next life stage. If, for example, a sim fails their young adult roll, I’ll roll a d10. 10 means the sim dies immediately, 5 means they live to be 25, etc. A teenager or a child, accordingly, can only roll a d7.
Illegitimate children are not automatically out of the running, they just rank after all their legitimate siblings in the succession. So it's legitimate sons, then legitimate daughters, then illegitimate sons, then illegitimate daughters, and after that the nearest-related side household. Rule may be taken liberty with as is dramatically convenient.
For the most part, no re-marriages for side households. The heir, however, can and will remarry as necessary.
I’ll be starting with a family of farmers, the Townsends, but just for the fun of it, I’ll also be rolling for the two resident noble families, that of the Earl of Petersmarch, who resides in the city of Praaven, and that of Baron Elbenhawke, whose family seat is in the hills just above the Townsend’s village. As they are not even proper side households, I’ll only mention the nobles’ fates on the side, mostly as a little info text at the end or mentioned in the story as relevant.
Honestly, I’m just curious about how long their lines will last.
I've taken some heavy inspiration for the layout of this info page from @lilabella12, whose wonderful Decades Challenge you should really go check out.
Trigger Warnings:
Death (even of children, toddlers and infants) due to a plethora of causes
Epi- and pandemics,
Maternal death
Likely at least mentions of miscarriages
Mentions or depictions of various substance abuses
References to sexual assault/coercion
The sims featured in this likely often just won’t have a good time
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morphlingunderscore · 8 months
hey I can send you morituro with the bridge again :) Please don't queue this one your URL is long
morituro - of someone who is next or destined to die
The Bridge, being what they were, had been privy to the highs and lows of civilization. All gods had, they are sure, but their case is not so... Complete. Often, the two do not even notice the time passing, until called upon- simply existing in the End, watching its people flutter about, change, spread out. It embarrasses the louder half, the brighter half, that sometimes they forget the other dimensions exist.
And yet, they do see snippets.
Many mundane- a farmer offering a portion of his harvest in exchange for an equal weight of shadowberries, which he had seen in an herbology book and become quite curious about. A girl attempting to barter loose coin for a mostly harmless weapon to beat her little brother senseless with for sticking gum in her hair. A piglin requesting safe passage from his conquests to his home, where another piglin and two young piglets await him.
these, the bridge enjoys. small things, quiet trades. a gift from a friend, not a trade from a god. it lifts their spirits so they are not so lonely.
Some, quite enthralling. A whole village coming together, pooling trinkets with emotional sentiment to trade for a single wither rose, needed to cure one of their own, a small boy that had been cursed cruelly to rot in his bed. A battalion offering the head of slain beast that could bring them many riches, in exchange for the head of a hated enemy.
And some, too... Horrible. They need not describe the lengths humanity and its brethren will go when desperate- they experience the results more often than not. And yet everytime they are offered an infant, a child, a hated outcast, a necessary sacrifice-- they find themselves appalled that they could be so disrespected, so misunderstood.
A life is intangible. A life holds infinite value, and yet none. A life can be snuffed out, and the world will keep turning. A life can be snuffed out, and many worlds fall.
Somehow, though, they find themselves... Surprised.
A desperate plea for medicine. A family, a village rotting from the inside out. Their elder, half-dead on his feet, and yet standing, staring them down. Arms held wide. Faces stricken around him, but not him.
This, this happens much less frequently.
"Hardly a fair exchange," the old man laughs, and then coughs, rot expelled from his lungs. He doesn't have long. They can see the path before him, and it is very short. "And yet you- cough- you accepted it." He stares at them, eyes sunken and yet bright. He is smiling. "My son said you wouldn't."
"why did he believe we would deny such a request?" the bridge wonders, quiet confusion.
"WHY DID YOU BELIEVE WE WOULD ACCEPT?" THE BRIDGE sneers, loud condescension.
The old man laughs again, weaker still. His breathing is labored, heart hammering faintly in his chest. That he had stood for their appraisal was a miracle. That, or perhaps it was the final nail in his coffin. "I was a priest, you know. Not like all them new-age types, who spend more money on gilded chandeliers than comfortable pews." He stops to breathe, pale, arms struggling to hold his weight. The Bridge does not hesitate to adjust their embrace, shifting to brace his back, letting his tired arms rest.
If anything, it makes his smile grow wider. More knowing.
"So many believe you're neutral in the face of conflict. That whoever offers the highest bid's gonna win the war--"
"Hush, no they ain't," he admonishes, amused when their quieter side swats their louder counterpart in retaliation for interrupting. "You're a god, sure, but gods come from people, and people come from gods. If y'all were so simple, none of us down there be so damn complicated."
"that has merit," the bridge concedes, before adding liltingly, "though you may create a schism with that talk."
The old man grins, teeth dark with old blood. Too tired to laugh.
"Yeah, yeah. I say the more the merrier," he dismisses easily. "Point is, I knew it'd work because you hate sacrifices."
"We Do Not Hate," The Bridge retorts in unison.
"You got opinions up in there, no need to deny it to a... To a dead man." Winded, now. His voice grows thick. "Y'hate em. But I'm not a sacrifice, am I?"
"you came willingly."
"and we, to you."
The old man's grin softens into a smile. It's small and vulnerable on his pale, gaunt face. He looks so terribly kind.
"See?" He rasps, and then coughs. It exhausts him greatly, until he's barely able to hold his head up to watch them. His path is a scant few millimeters, edging like lace. Silhouetting him in gold.
"Tell Sammy... I was right. ...'nd that it's okay th't he was wrong."
"Of Course," they promise solemnly, offering two twin, terrible smiles of their own. "Safe travels lead you to distant shores, old friend. Be seeing you."
But he is already gone.
Time sticks, and stays, and hardens to stone.
The Bridge has seen the highs and lows of civilization.
It would be easier if they did not.
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alwaysdial · 7 months
Freshness Delivered: Online Grocery Store Catering to Ranchi
In today's fast-paced world, convenience is key, especially when it comes to grocery shopping. With the rise of online shopping, people in Ranchi now have the option to buy groceries from the comfort of their homes. This article explores the benefits of using an online grocery store in Ranchi, focusing on freshness, variety, pricing, and convenience.
Convenience of Online Grocery Shopping
Online Online Grocery in Ranchi offers unparalleled convenience. Customers can browse through a wide range of products, add them to their carts, and check out with just a few clicks. This eliminates the need to visit multiple stores and wait in long queues, saving time and effort.
Challenges of Traditional Grocery Shopping in Ranchi
Traditional grocery shopping in Ranchi can be challenging, with crowded markets and limited options. Additionally, the lack of parking spaces and traffic congestion can make it difficult for customers to reach stores easily.
Features of the Online Grocery Store
The online grocery store catering to Ranchi offers a wide range of features to enhance the shopping experience. These include a user-friendly interface, detailed product descriptions, and secure payment options.
Freshness and Quality Assurance
One of the key benefits of using the Top Dukan in Kanke Road Ranchi is the assurance of freshness and quality. The store sources its products directly from farmers and suppliers, ensuring that customers receive the best-quality produce.
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Variety and Range of Products
The online grocery store offers a wide range of products to cater to the diverse needs of its customers. From fresh fruits and vegetables to pantry staples and household items, customers can find everything they need in one place.
Competitive Pricing and Discounts
The online grocery store offers competitive pricing and regular discounts to help customers save money on their purchases. Additionally, the store frequently offers special deals and promotions, further enhancing the value for money.
User-Friendly Interface and Ordering Process
The online grocery store features a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for customers to navigate and place orders. The ordering process is simple and straightforward, with options to schedule deliveries according to the customer's convenience.
Timely Delivery Services
One of the standout features of the online Grocery Store in Kanke Road is its timely delivery services. Customers can choose their preferred delivery slots, and the store ensures that orders are delivered promptly and efficiently.
Customer Service and Support
The online grocery store places a strong emphasis on customer service and support. Customers can reach out to the store's customer service team with any queries or concerns, and they are always ready to assist.
Sustainable Practices and Environmental Impact
The Top General Stores In Ranchi store is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact. The store uses eco-friendly packaging materials and promotes responsible sourcing practices.
Security and Payment Options
The online grocery store prioritizes the security of its customers' personal and payment information. The store offers a variety of secure payment options, including credit/debit cards, net banking, and cash on delivery.
In conclusion, the online grocery store catering to Ranchi offers a convenient and hassle-free shopping experience. With its focus on freshness, variety, pricing, and convenience, the store is revolutionizing the way people in Ranchi shop for groceries.
Get In Touch Contact- +919117 9999 11 Email- [email protected] Website- https://www.alwaysdial.com
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subikshafoods · 1 year
From Farm to Table: Exploring Benefits of Buying Fresh Paneer Online Part 1
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In a world where convenience is key, buying fresh paneer online has become increasingly popular. With just a few clicks, you can have this delicious Indian cheese delivered to your doorstep. But what are the benefits of choosing this farm-to-table approach? Let’s delve into the advantages of choosing to Buy best paneer online and why it’s a smart choice for both your taste buds and overall well-being.
Convenience at Your Fingertips
Gone are the days of making multiple trips to the grocery store in search of fresh paneer. Buying it online offers incredible convenience. With a few simple clicks, you can browse through a wide range of brands and select the one that suits your preference. No more waiting in long queues or dealing with crowded stores. Online shopping allows you to order fresh paneer from the comfort of your own home, saving you time and effort.
Traceability and Transparency
One significant advantage of buying fresh paneer online is the traceability and transparency it offers. Reputable online suppliers often provide detailed information about the origin of the paneer, including the farm it comes from and the farming practices used. This transparency enables you to make informed choices about the products you consume. By knowing the source of your paneer, you can ensure its quality and make sustainable choices.
Finally, choosing to Buy best paneer online offers a range of benefits, from guaranteed quality and freshness to supporting local farmers. The convenience, variety, and traceability provided by online suppliers make it an attractive option for cheese lovers.
Find us inside Subiksha Foods at No 110 A, Bypass Road, Bethaniyapuram, Opp Babu Sharkar Marriage Mahal, Madurai — 625016, or call us at +91 80567 44906. You will be able to browse our website at https://subikshafoods.in/ for details.
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familygarden25 · 1 year
Fresh and Convenient: The Benefits Groceries Home Delivery in Chennai
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Looking to add some sweetness to your life? Look no further! Buying groceries online chennai is not just a convenient option, but also the juiciest one! With a wide variety of fresh and delicious fruits just a click away, you can now experience the ultimate fruit shopping experience without leaving the comfort of your home. Whether you're a health-conscious individual or simply love indulging in nature's sweet treats, online fruit shopping in Chennai is the best way to satisfy your cravings. Say goodbye to long queues and limited choices at local grocery stores. With online platforms offering an extensive range of fruits sourced from the finest farms, you can be assured of quality and freshness with every bite. So, get ready to tantalize your taste buds and start your fruit-filled journey by exploring the vibrant world of online fruit shopping in Chennai!
The Importance of Eating Healthy
Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for overall well-being. Fruits and Groceries play a vital role in providing essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that our bodies need to function optimally. However, in today's fast-paced world, finding the time to shop for fresh produce can be challenging. This is where vegetable home delivery services come to the rescue. By opting for vegetable home delivery in Chennai, you can ensure that you have a constant supply of fresh and nutritious fruits and Groceries without the hassle of visiting multiple stores.
Challenges of Shopping for Groceries in Chennai
Shopping for Groceries in Chennai can often be a time-consuming and tiring task. The city's bustling markets and crowded grocery stores can make the experience overwhelming. Additionally, finding fresh and high-quality produce can be a hit-or-miss situation. With limited options available at local stores, it becomes challenging to explore a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
Benefits of Groceries Home Delivery in Chennai
Freshness and Quality: Groceries home delivery services in Chennai partner directly with local farmers and suppliers, ensuring that you receive the freshest produce available.
Convenience: One of the major advantages of Groceries home delivery is the convenience it offers. With just a few clicks, you can select and order your preferred Groceries from the comfort of your home or office
Wide Variety: groceries home delivery chennai offer an extensive range of fruits and vegetables, giving you access to a wide variety that may not be available at your local grocery store.
Time and Money Saving: By opting for Groceries home delivery, you can save both time and money. With no need to travel to the market or spend hours browsing through different stores, you can allocate your precious time to other tasks or leisure activities.
Reduced Food Waste: Another significant benefit of Groceries home delivery is the reduction in food waste. With traditional shopping, it's common to buy more than needed, leading to food spoilage and waste. How Vegetable Home Delivery Works
Vegetable home delivery services in Chennai operate in a simple and efficient manner. Here's how it typically works:
Online Ordering: Customers can visit the website or mobile application of the vegetable delivery service and browse through the available fruits and vegetables.
Selection and Customization: Once the desired items are chosen, customers can select the quantity and add them to their virtual shopping cart.
Delivery Options: After finalizing the order, customers can choose a preferred delivery date and time slot. Most vegetable delivery services offer flexible delivery options, ensuring that the produce reaches the customers at their convenience.
Payment and Checkout: The next step is the payment process. Vegetable delivery services usually offer multiple payment options, including online payment gateways, cash on delivery, or digital wallets
Delivery and Quality Check: On the chosen delivery date, the fruits and vegetables are carefully packed and dispatched for delivery.
Customer Support and Feedback: Vegetable delivery services prioritize customer satisfaction. In case of any issues or queries, customers can reach out to the service's customer support team for assistance. Tips for Choosing the Right Vegetable Delivery Service
With numerous vegetable home delivery services available in Chennai, it's essential to choose the right one that meets your requirements. Here are some tips to consider while selecting a vegetable delivery service:
Reputation and Reviews: Research the reputation and customer reviews of different vegetable delivery services. Look for platforms with positive feedback and high customer satisfaction rates.
Product Quality: Pay attention to the quality of the produce offered by the delivery service. Look for services that partner directly with local farmers and suppliers, ensuring the freshness and quality of the fruits and vegetables.
Delivery Options: Consider the delivery options provided by the service. Look for flexibility in terms of delivery dates and time slots, ensuring that the service can accommodate your schedule.
Customization and Variety: If you have specific preferences or dietary requirements, ensure that the delivery service allows customization options.
Pricing and Discounts: Compare the pricing of different vegetable delivery services. Consider any additional charges for delivery or packaging. Look for services that offer competitive prices and attractive discounts to make your shopping experience more affordable.
Customer Support: Evaluate the level of customer support provided by the delivery service. Check if they have a responsive customer support team that can assist you in case of any issues or queries. Testimonials from Satisfied Customers
Here are a few testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced the benefits of vegetable home delivery in Chennai:
Neha Sharma: "I love the convenience of vegetable home delivery. Being a working professional, I hardly find the time to visit the market regularly. With the delivery service, I can easily order fresh produce online and have it delivered to my doorstep. The quality has been consistently excellent, and I enjoy exploring new fruits and vegetables without the hassle of traditional shopping."
Rajesh Kumar: "I have been using vegetable home delivery services for a while now, and I am extremely satisfied. The range of products available is impressive, and the freshness is unmatched. I no longer have to worry about buying too much or too little, as I can order the exact quantity I need. It has made my life so much easier, and I highly recommend it to everyone."
Priya Singh: "I was initially skeptical about vegetable home delivery, but it has exceeded my expectations. The service is reliable, and the produce is of exceptional quality. It has saved me a lot of time and effort, and I appreciate the convenience it offers. I have also noticed a positive change in my eating habits, as I have easy access to a wide range of fruits and vegetables."
Conclusion: Embracing the Convenience and Health Benefits of Vegetable Home Delivery
In conclusion, order vegetables online Chennai offers a multitude of benefits, ranging from convenience to improved health and nutrition. By opting for these services, you can ensure a constant supply of fresh and high-quality fruits and vegetables without the hassle of traditional shopping. The wide variety of produce available allows you to explore new options and enjoy a diverse and nutritious diet. With the added advantage of time and money savings, reduced food waste, and attractive promotions, vegetable home delivery is undoubtedly the way forward. Embrace the convenience and health benefits of vegetable home delivery in Chennai and experience the joy of effortless shopping and wholesome eating!
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ravibandarkar · 2 years
Know everything about Crops through the Kisan App
Digital technology including Agriculture Apps has made farming fairly easy and simple. Now, they have the fastest and most authentic solutions to all their problems in their hands in the form of the Kisan App. 
Agriculture Apps such as Outgrow provide farmers with the daily weather conditions so that they can plan their cultural practices accordingly, they are kept informed of the ever-changing global and local mandi prices and trends, the best time and stage for the crop harvest, automated soil testing, and in-time crop disease detection. 
The best thing about Kisan apps is that they are free of cost. All the assistance and facilities provided by the Agriculture Experts are free of cost, most authentic, and in-time. Moreover, downloading and using such apps is kept very simple for the ease of farmers. Now, beginners in farming can get all kinds of crop advice and know everything about crops through the Kisan app to ensure their success in their business. 
Know everything about Crops through the Kisan App
Agriculture App such as Outgrow has a multilingual feature for the ease of farmers of different cultures and languages. They are allowed to directly chat with the Agriculture Experts about any crop-relevant problem, soil health, etc. The following are the ways through which Outgrow Kisan App is facilitating farmers all over India:
Real-Time Mandi Prices and Trends
Being aware of the current local and global mandi trends is the biggest factor in farm business planning. Outgrow has a sperate section with the name “Agriculture News” where farmers are provided with what is happening in the market of agriculture produce so that they can evaluate where they are standing and how they have to compete wiht the competitors. 
Crop Disease Detection
Outgrow Agriculture App is also a Disease Plant Doctor. It is equipped with 5,000+ insect pests and 100+ plant identification and information. Farmers can now quickly find out the cure for the attack of any insect pest through the crop disease detection section in the Kisan app. 
Automated Soil Testing
Outgrow Agriculture App facilitates its membered farmers with automated soil testing. They just have to install the app, booked a soil test, and the app will suggest to them the nearest possible soil testing laboratory, and they will get the result on their mobile phones. 
Personal Crop Advisory
Free-of-cost personal crop advisory is the biggest benefit to farmers who do not have to go to the agriculture experts, wait and queue up in lines for their turn, and get the solution to their problem. 
They now have a single solution to all their farming issues in the form of an agriculture app. Farmers can send text, audio-video messages, or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) and get the solution within time. 
24/7 Weather Forecasting 
Authentic prevailing weather conditions are the most determining factor in the success of a crop or cultivation practice. In smart farming, Farmers plan their irrigation, fertilization, harvest, sowing, etc. according to the predicted weather conditions to minimize input loss and save their money, and time, and enhance efficiency. 
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simplepotatofarmer · 1 year
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please take this offering of angler fish being a handsome boy
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heeheelissy · 2 years
I'm a simple farmer (tumblr user). I sow my seeds (queue posts) and harvest what has grown (check activity page daily). I even have to uproot weeds on occasion (report + block spam bots). it's hard work but simple livin'
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saqrqa3d · 2 years
For the married and those in the queue. An aged father asked his grown up daughter a simple question:
“What is the most important thing in your life, beti?
She replied, “Daddy, it is the kids !!! They mean everything to me”..
He then turned and asked his son-in-law the same question, he also (beaming with pride) said : “It is the kids of course; they are the reason why I work so hard to ensure they have a better life”
"Well said, my children. I don’t mean to intrude on how to run your family life, The couple nodded in admission to the assertion.
He continued, "I am a poultry farmer, and the biggest egg* supplier in my district. I make my money by the quantity of eggs sold. That said, my priority has always been providing optimal care for the chicken.
Because, I know that when the chicken are healthy and productive, the eggs* will automatically be bountiful.
*If I start to ignore the chicken, the eggs will also suffer*."
He pointed to his son-in-law and said, “as a husband, the most important person in your life should be your wife and vice versa. It cannot be the kids. They* are just products of the marriage”.
If you learn to take care of each other very well, your kids will grow up healthy, happy and well-adjusted, but if you ignore each other, brace yourself up for dysfunctional kids in the future.
”The two of you are the foundation of this family. If you suffer any crack, the whole house will go down. So please make time for yourself and treat each other as *PRIORITY* and the kids will be just fine.”
“This has been the secret of the fruitful union between your Mother and Myself for over 50 years till death took her from me.”
The old man's eyes welled up with tears at this stage. He thanked the couple for their time and excused himself.
If care is not taken, this magical connection gets weakened, thereby opening up a marriage to all sorts of strange elements !!
Let kids observe that your spouse means the world to you and if you are to choose between them and your spouse, it will always be your spouse.
Give the kids the love and attention they deserve but not at the cost of neglecting each other.
It is your marriage that will sustain your kids, not vice versa.The kids are just the bonus.
Talking Helps... Talking Heals😇
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pheita · 2 years
AU Tag Game
I was tagged by @adie-dee and @catharticallysarcastic
Rules: I dare you to make an AU of a WIP on the spot and fill in the following intro categories
I tag @stormbrightwriter @writingonesdreams @stories-by-rie @writinginslowmotion @abalonetea @jaimistoryteller
AU Title: The Lust Demon’s Lair
Setting: The human dimension, millennia after the interdimensional war. The demons overthrew the humans after they attacked them and now the descendants of the humans and the descendants of remaining soldiers of elves, dwarves, and orcs live under the ruling of the demons. With the dimension organized in ministries, with each ministry being ruled by one demon family. Every decade young men and women have to be sent to the demonic minister and no one knows for real what happens to them. It is only known, that they never come back. Concept: Sojan is the only son left of Akamratit Mahelgris, the minister of Wealzaryth and has a hard time to prove his father’s trust to be rightfully laid on him after his older brother tried to assassinate their father decades ago. When the time of the sacrifices comes around again, Akamratit puts Sojan on a trial. He shall pick one of the sacrifices and make this one the first of his harem of non-demonic playthings, every adult lust demon owns. Eager to get his father’s approval, Sojan throws himself into the task. Things change when he meets Melisno, one of the young men sent as sacrifice, whose will isn’t easily broken which makes Sojan’s trial harder than he thought, because deep down Sojan would prefer to get this all done without any force. It becomes even more complicated when he learns that Melisno is part of the resistance, his sister Arritit helps them from the inside and his sister Ren and Ram lurk behind every corner waiting for him to fail.
Aesthetic: dark castles, blue and purple velvet, chunky golden riches, silk robes and cotton rags, whispers in the dark, hidden corners in the walls, eyes burning with an inner fire, contrast of bright light and deep shadows, whispered promises from broken lips, blood sprinkled cloth, luxury baths
Tiny Scene/Line: Nervously, Sojan glanced at his father. The tall, muscular man did everything he could to appear even more dangerous and threatening than he already was by nature. Of course, Akamratit had to show off with the new sacrifices arriving at the throne room. The gaze of Akamratit wandered over the thirty people of all species. If Sojan had to guess, most of them were of mixed heritage, like the majority of non-demons these days. He counted eighteen men and twelve women. Way too many just stepped into adulthood. “Do what I asked you to, Sojan. And don’t embarrass me.” The voice was low but echoed from the halls like broken light from a crystal chandelier. Sojan cleared his throat and stepped forward. Just one. He only needed one of them, get them to play along and behave around his father, so he could prove he was worthy of Akamratit’s title in a few centuries. Slowly he walked to the group. It wasn’t unusual for the sacrifices to enter the harems of one of the demons. That’s what their main existence was about. The amount of half-demons populating the castle were evidence of this. The rest would end up as maids and stable boys if they were lucky. Again, Sojan promised himself, things will change once he was in charge, but until then he had to play along. He only paid partially attention to the sacrifices until he reached almost the end of the queue. With a grunt, he made a few steps back. Piercing green eyes covered by dark curls stared at him. These unusual eyes belonged to a young man, probably in his mid-twenties, whose frame and the way he stood gave away, that he wasn’t a simple farmer. “This one, Father”, Sojan heard himself say before he consciously made a decision. Akamratit came closer and grabbed the young man by his chin, forcing him to move his head in the wished direction. “Well, well, Sojan. You got some taste. What a pity, I would have some ideas what to do with such a pretty face.” Akamratit turned to one of the guards and pushed the men into their arms. “Prepare him and bring him to my son’s chambers. And now, my turn.” Something turned in Sojan’s stomach as he saw his father’s greedy face up close. “Excuse me, I will retire.” “Yeah, whatever. I am busy.” The careless wink of his hand was all Sojan needed of Akamratit and left.
Time jumped forward like a rabbit trying to flee as Sojan made his way to his part of the castle. At least it was the furthest away from Akamratit and from Ren and Ram. These twins started to give him the creeps the moment they started talking. A knock on the door startled him. “Chezat, we prepared your plaything, as wished.” The guard from the throne room stood behind the man Sojan picked. They had washed him and put him in simple pants and a green tunic. “You are dismissed. Make sure I won’t be disturbed unless it is my father or something important.” “Of course.” The big door closed with a soft thud. The young man didn’t even look behind him.  Sojan had to congratulate him for keeping his composure. “What is your name?”, Sojan started carefully. He still stood a few feet away, hoping this would come across as non-threatening as possible. “Melisno, and I am not afraid of you or your family.” “I can see this.” Melisno took a deep breath and trained his gaze in Sojan. At this moment, Sojan realized he got himself into big trouble. There was no way that Melisno would make anything easy on him. “So you aren’t going to take them off and do what you please? Or do you plan to make me feel all save before following your demonic urges?” The nod towards the jewelry meant to block parts of his magic didn’t go unnoticed by Sojan. “What by the Great Mother are you folks telling about us?” “The truth”, Melisno spat back, “Don’t think we can’t connect the dots. Even if everyone claims to not know what happens, there are whispers behind closed doors and raised handkerchiefs.” With a frustrated growl, Sojan rubbed his face, and looked at Melisno through his fingers. “Not all of us are like this.” “Yeah, sure”, Melisno sneered, “And I am the king of Wealzaryth.” “Great Mother, help me”, Sojan murmured. The plan was so easy. It was just to pick one, get them to play along long enough for Akamratit burying his paranoia and survive this craziness. It could have been so easy. But he had to pick the most stubborn men this side of the High Sea.
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curiousconch · 4 years
The Moments in Between (Part 1)
Book/Pairing: Open Heart 2 / Rafael Aveiro x F! MC
A/N: I wanted to fill in the laaaaarge time skip in chapter 18. This is a series, and it primarily aims to fill in the blanks in between the remaining OH2 chapters (and more). Enjoy!
P. S. This is my first attempt to write a fan fic, so please, PLEASE be gentle. I'll also try to accept requests, but for RAF stans for now. :)
Music Inspo: Leaves / Ben&Ben
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The Edenbrook ship is sinking.
Yet like the band that continued playing as the Titanic sunk in the ocean, Casey and the rest of the gang carried on seeing patients until their strength gave out. And in between the double shifts, inexistent day-offs and long patient queues, Rafael was there.
It started with a simple Gelato night, maraschino cherries and sprinkles galore. This was followed by surprise visits during the day, often with Raf bringing some home cooked meal to force Casey to take a break and eat something within a 12hour shift. Some days it will be picking her up and just lounging on the couch of his new apartment, where she can lift her feet up so he can gently massage her numbing soles.
And in the rarity of a full day off, it's just them under the sheets, alternating between talking, binge watching on their favorite series, or making love. Sometimes if Juliana really becomes insistent, it's just a day when they stuff their mouths with different decadent pastries and laughing at Raf's embarrassing childhood memories.
Once or twice they tried to discover a new Italian restaurant around his apartment. Sometimes, they just went to the farmer's market to pick up fresh ingredients and together they tried their hand on new recipes.
These moments, due to Casey's aggressive workload, became precious to them. It didn't compare to the time they were together B. S. (Before Sora), but these stolen nuggets of time spent together became the new foundation of their reignited romance.
Raf bloomed with a newfound purpose - to be Casey's refuge in the storm. And Casey's former independence are nothing but a long-forgotten memory as she relied more and more on Raf. Long before she realized it, she let loose of her previous stubbornness of relying only on herself and never on to others. Let alone on someone who could easily break her heart again. But she can't resist. Instead, she plunged deep into it, into his unrestrained acts of care.
In all these moments, they laughed, they kissed, they held hands, and more often than not, did something more.
Thanksgiving were spent at his grandmother's. Christmas was shared quietly in the warmth of his humble studio. The New Year countdown was spent together with her roommates, whilst when the clock struck 12 it was in each other's arms sharing a kiss.
And as leaves would grow from the bareness of trees after the harsh winter air, so did their fondness for each other.
It was inevitable.
And in this particular quiet morning after a night spent together in Rafael's quaint bed, Casey can't help herself from introspection.
7:05AM - her phone's screen displayed. Her shift ended just around the previous midnight, 14 hours shift spent on the free clinic, most of the time standing or running.
But she wasn't tired. Instead, she felt refreshed, and she knew exactly why.
She watched him sleep soundly. He fetched her from the hospital from the night before so they could walk back together and talk.
Her eyes watched his features carefully, as she felt amazed with the second chance they received. She reached out to brush a bit of his dark hair and placed a hand on his cheek, then let it travel midway down his exposed back.
Without opening his eyes, he smiled at her touch, to her surprise.
"Sorry to disturb your sleep, superman, I thought you were still sleeping," Casey said softly.
"S'okay. I do that too sometimes."
He said this as he opened one eye sleepily and glanced at her, then gasped. Apparently, he would never get used to the view of her beside him, with only his black shirt draping her petite figure. He pulled her closer, wrapping his arm around her waist. When she was within his reach, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead, making sure she was real.
She giggled, and closed her eyes shut as she relished his warmth.
And he realized, it was in these moments in between that really mattered. He waited for the perfect time to make his declaration of his feelings for her nothing but special. He planned a thousand date nights, and pictured a lot of different scenarios. He even had it down to a Top 3 list.
But if their shared traumatic experience taught him anything, it's to cherish the present, the now, and making sure that the current day is not wasted. Because tomorrow is not guaranteed.
So before he could stop himself, he opened his eyes and locked at her staring green-hued ones.
"I love you, Casey." He said, his tone gentle, carefully conveying that she did not need to answer him back. His confession made more sincere with his loudly beating heart. Yet, he waited, hoping that the moments that they shared in the past few months would have been more than enough for her to forgive him.
Casey's lips parted, her previously calm mind suddenly awoken by the weight of his words. She knew her reply, but she wanted it to hit home, and to erase the doubts that occasionally seeped through the surface of their relationship, once and for all.
"Raf, I truly believe that you never really love someone until you learn to forgive."
She paused, reaching for his hand and holding it tightly, making it caress her cheek.
"And I have long forgiven you, I have forgiven you long before you tried to save my life. It was easy. I tried for a long time to understand how easily I have forgiven you after what you did."
His breathing hitched, trying to process her words. It was the first time Casey has ever talked about his betrayal, his neglect of what they had all before Sora came back into his life. His swift departure from her life after his ex clawed him back to the nostalgia of his glorious high school days.
Casey took his silence as a sign for her to continue, holding Raf's gaze, hoping that the certainty of what she would say next would cement their relationship.
"And I realized, it's not because you were nothing but kind to me. Not even because you were a charming, responsible and admiringly selfless guy..."
She scooted closer to him, their noses touching as she lowered her voice to a whisper.
"It is simply because I love you too, Rafael."
He let out a sigh of relief, kissing her deeply as his heart jumped with joy. The heavy burden of the pain he knew she went through because of him now lifted.
Her forgiveness freed them. Their passion no longer taken hostage by the past. It was time to look forward.
For even though the future had a lot of questions, it was in this moment, that they found themselves completely captured by each other again.
It was in this moment that both were assured that all will be alright in time, whatever lies ahead of them.
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moodyoranged · 4 years
big spoon/little spoon:  ryan is the big spoon meredith is the little spoon <33
favorite non-sexual activity:  i think they’re like big quality time people.  like what they’re doing doesn’t so much matter so long as they’re doing it together  because they are like cosplaying as adults so even if all they’re doing is getting drunk and eating their special pizza they’re getting to do it as themselves with someone who embraces them for exactly that.  but yeah i think they’re still little recluses that just love to hang out at home together or like if they go out kind of clique up with each other,  disheveled at the farmers market trying to figure out who ordered the sexiest smoothie.
who uses all the hot water:  oh very tough call because they both feel like dissociate in the shower people.  i think maybe my gut says meredith because she’s a busy woman looking to feel alive and cherish what little me-time she gets these days but it could very easily be ryan because he just zones the fuck out and gets distracted.
most trivial thing they fight over:  i think like scheduling can cause some little trivial spats because like.  it’s literally just a non-issue like just find another time to hang out but with like the pressure they have to keep up with all their respective duties and like the desire they have to see each other it’s just hard.  they’re the types that’ll just link over when he comes over to her family’s house at 11pm on a weeknight and have to leave early for work or they’ll meet for a 20 minute lunch between her classes and while he’s on lunch.
what has a season pass on their dvr/who controls the netflix queue:  meredith i think i think ryan would be satisfied to just watch something lame like it’s always sunny in philidelphia on loop forever so she gets to take the wheel and diversify that shit a little.  or if she’s got a show like that he just let’s her pick i don’t think he’s a huge tv person
who calls up the super/landlord when the heat’s not working:  ryan and he literally gets off on it like yeah….. ryan the man taking care of business……
who steals the blankets:  meredith and she’s allowed partly aided by ryan kicking them off half the time.
who leaves their stuff around:  meredith.  but she’s just got more on her plate i think ryan is naturally messier but again he has a complex that makes him want to keep things tidy for her so he goes out of his way to put things together and be wary of what he leaves around
who remembers to buy the milk:  they both would but again i think ryan looks to stay on top of it for moral reasons.
who cooks normally?:  neither of them.  their biggest crime is how much they eat out be it like takeout or pizza or like just going to the grocery and getting what’s already hot and prepared.  i think as they get older and their lives stablize they’d do a little better but even then its like someone makes simple pasta or burgers deal nothing too elaborate.  and they’d take turns about it.
how often do they fight?:  not super often.  i think with a certain level of stress comes conflict but they like always come to the realization that their fights aren’t based on much like they love each other they’re both trying and that’s really what matters <3  so a lot of the time when a squabble has the opportunity to turn into a fight they simply let it go and move on
what do they do when they’re away from each other?:  i think they keep in like a sporadic kind of constant contact which feels oxy-moronic but like.  they have a running conversation that goes the whole time but like if they have to go without replying for a few hours that’s not like weird they get that immediate replies aren’t always possible
nicknames for each other?:  i don’t see them as too creative or even huge nickname people like they’ve just been at it so long
who is more likely to pay for dinner?:  they shake it up sometimes but i feel like usually ryan he thinks it’s the gentlemanly thing to do but he’s also a little broke so going dutch helps from time to time
what would they get each other for gifts?:  they go thoughtful but not super lavish.  like they’re good at finding the kind of stuff that can make the other smile and giggle like not gag gifts but like things based on little inside jokes or little things they know the other won’t buy because they won’t need them but they really like them all the same.  little headcanon ryan’s special job interview tie is one meredith got him it’s either a discreet novelty one with like little robots or dinosaurs or something or it’s straight up from The Jerry Garcia Collection which they just got like an endless kick out of (its also good luck now obvously)
who kissed who first?:  meredith no reason just feels right
who made the first move?:  ryan also no reason just feels right
who remembers things?:  big stuff i think they both remember.  little stuff i think they’re a great match because they don’t remember half of it so together they’re able to patch together their knowledge of most things <3
who cusses more?:  ryan probably but i think they both cuss like a normal person amount neither is like super excessive
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the-general-hux · 5 years
Hux tried to stop his legs from trembling as he stood in line at the auction house. He'd never had to stand for so long at once before, having been brought here directly from an OmegaPrime breeding house. They specialised in pairing pedigree alphas and omegas to produce prime stock for their eager beta customers. Before today Hux hadn't seen the outside of his pen where he had been born with his siblings. Alpha pups were taken from their mothers almost as soon as their eyes opened, ready to be trained to become builders, farmers and other heavy laborers. The best specimens were reserved for studs or pets for daring betas. In contrast omegas stayed with their mothers until they were fully mature and entered their virgin heat. They were then put on suppressants and sold at various markets depending on their quality. The highest quality breeding stock like Hux ended up here, to be sold to rich elite betas as luxury pets. Their demure and submissive nature making them easily trainable and well behaved.
The line jostled as an omega at the front of the queue was lead on stage. Hux looked at the floor, trying once again to calm his trembling body. His knees felt like jelly and the cold was making his feet turn numb. It seemed like no time at all before the omega in front of him was lead on stage leaving Hux next in line. His shivering increased and he nervously clutched his hands together. He was next, soon he would be sold to his first beta owner. He hoped they were kind and patient, but then omegas weren't meant to hope so perhaps he was already being disobedient.
The beta auctioneer pushed his way backstage through the curtains and took Hux's dangling lead hanging from the simple leather collar around his neck.
"Come on sweetie, don't be afraid" he cooed as he gently led Hux past the velvet curtains and onto the wooden stage, placing him on a chalk x marked on the wood. Hux squinted against the bright lights even as he focused his eyes desperately on his toes, maintaining his submissive posture.
"As you can see ladies and gentlemen we have yet more high-quality breeding stock for you. Arrived here just this morning from OmegaPrime itself" the auctioneer announced to his avid audience. There was a scattered muttering at the mention of OmegaPrime. They were well known for producing award-winning pedigree omegas, and also for being exclusive with their stock.
He flipped the page on his clipboard and started reading Hux's fact sheet.
"So specification: red hair; green eyes; petite frame and tall; his fertility rates very highly at 82.6%, if you're considering breeding from him; bloodwork suggests no genetic disorders, but as always OmegaPrime offers a lifetime guarantee with that; and finally a family line which includes 3 award-winning pedigree omegas. I’m sure we can all agree that this is a rather special individual. With all of this taken into account I think we'll start the bidding at 1 million."
Hux remained focused on his feet ignoring the bids as they climbed higher and higher, the better behaved he was the more he would be trusted by his owner. And that meant more freedom and less punishment.
"Sold! To buyer 24 for 60 million, that's our highest bid yet today day so that's the amount to beat!" The beta joked as he gently led Hux to the other side of the stage where a beta woman took his lead.
She led him out of the backstage area and into what looked like a waiting room, before coaxing him to climb into a carry kennel. Only a few minutes passed before the door swung open and Hux peeked through the cage at his new owner. The beta was tall and thin with dark hair and a pointed face, he was smiling though as he moved into the room, setting Hux at ease. That was a good sign.
"Good afternoon sir, congratulations on securing your bid." The woman bowed politely as she took the signed cheque from Hux's new owner.
"Thank you Ms, and please call me Harold" he said as he made his way towards Hux's cage. "Hello little one, you're very pretty aren't you", he murmured as he held out his hand for Hux to sniff.
"Of course Harold. Now may I enquire as to if you've brought from us before?" The woman asked pulling out some pamphlets from her bag.
"No, I'm afraid not", Harold turned to face her, "I'm a first-time omega owner actually, but I have an alpha slave at home".
"Well I wouldn't worry sir, training omegas is far simpler than training alphas! They’re naturally obedient you see. I'll give you these leaflets on basic care but with your purchase we've included a bed and some feed to get you started, we’d like to make this process as seamless as possible. Now we can have the crate taken to your vehicle or if you'd rather we can have him delivered tomorrow morning." She motioned to the cage Hux sat in whilst handing over the leaflets.
"Oh no, I'd definitely rather get him home today. I imagine it's been a stressful and tiring day for him so I'd like to get him settled." Hux watched as his owner spoke to the beta woman. His voice was kind sounding and calm and Hux wondered if his hopes had come true with this man.
His cage was suddenly hoisted up into the air by beta workmen as they followed his new owner out of the room. The auction house was a maze of corridors, and his cage jolted from side to side with each sharp turn before they stopped at an automatic door. It slid open and Hux was greeted by the cool outside breeze as he was carried out into the car park. The air smelled fresh and clean, and the chill gave Hux goosebumps as he sniffed eagerly at the new smells that surrounded him.
"It's probably the first time he's been outdoors. OmegaPrime have very strict quarantine rules so their omegas are often fascinated by the outside world. Things that are ordinary to us are extraordinary to them." The beta lady spoke as Hux was loaded into the trunk of his owner’s car.
Harold nodded, "So I've heard, I plan to let him out in the garden as much as possible so he can explore the outside world more fully." The trunk slammed and Hux only heard muffled voices as his owner moved around the car. The front door opened as he clambered in, slamming the door and starting the engine. "Don't worry little one, we'll be home soon.
Hux's owner’s house, or Master Harold as he'd been instructed to call him, was large and intimidating. The front door itself loomed over Hux as he was led inside and the stark hallway beyond reminded Hux immediately of the auction house. He was ushered through the house and into the kitchen. It was all grey with straight lines with a huge polished granite worktop stretching from one side of the room to the other. There was no clutter or personal touches in the room and Hux wondered if his master had ever used it. Thankfully Master had placed his bed in the utility room next-door, in a large cupboard with the door taken off.
“I was told that omegas like boxes and enclosed spaces to make them feel safe so I think this will be suitable. The boiler is just above it so it should be nice and cosy too.” Master rubbed the back of his neck bashfully before pointing to a generous bowl of food and a clean bowl of water.
"Those are for you so please eat and drink your fill. Now the leaflets all say you'll want to settle into your surroundings so I'm going to leave you to it for a while, you’re allowed anywhere with an open door. If you need anything don't hesitate to get my attention, I won't be angry or upset if you need something." Master smiled gently, "I'm going to call my friend Callum, he's an expert at slave keeping and he’s helped me a lot with my alpha Ben. He'll come over and give you a good look over for me. I'm afraid I'm at bit of a novice at this." He patted Hux's head. He walked out of the room.
Hux looked around briefly before crawling over to the food bowl. It was standard OmegaKibble which is what he’d eaten since he had been weaned from his mother. The familiarity of it was comforting as he happily tucked in. After licking himself clean Hux snuggled down in his new bed. His master had tucked a clock between the many blankets that made up his nest. The soft ticking reminded him of his mother's heart-beat, when Hux would lie next to her in their pen, and it lulled him gently into sleep.
He woke only a short time later when there was a knock on the back door. He looked up as his master walked past to open it, before ushering a huge alpha into the room.
“Just wait there Ben I'll bring you dinner in a moment." Master moved back into the kitchen.
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