#a step of control was just really impactful TO Me i think its a nice look also
sisterofficerlucychen · 4 months
so i hadn't been able to watch the elevator scene in its entirety until rn because my stream cut off but oh my god.
i personally found that scene so beautiful and what eric and melissa had initially said about where it left them makes so much more sense ♡
for starters, the location — the elevator. at first, their "spot" in mid-wilshire was the garage, then the parking lot, and now the elevator which i think is a really cool metaphor? elevators go up and they go down, which i think is where they're headed because they have a long journey ahead of them to find their way back to one another (and it won't be easy). it's also where they shared that hug in the last episode and it was something both of them needed so much so it was nice to see this kind of continue.
i loved the intentionally behind the blocking that melissa described in their latest interview. there's something about the way how she's behind him literally tucked away in the corner, how they're not facing each other to when he finally turns to face her.
the song selection ♡
at first there's like this inkling of normalcy with tim saying that she probably saved his life and lucy saying that he had the guy — for some reason it took me back to when she gave him the audiobook and teased him about training for the rematch with nico.
and then he turns to her ... while it wasn't the adult conversation or a heart to heart necessarily, it was such an impactful moment because it's the first time he's acknowledged to her face how badly he messed up and the impact of her still being there for him because he wasn't okay until she reached out and we saw how the weight of everything he was carrying melted away as soon as she pulled him into an embrace.
"[...] and i will spend the rest of my life trying to pay it back in whatever small doses you allow" the choice of words here was something i found really interesting and also what it's tied to? because it has nothing to do with the break up but rather paying back the kindness she showed him when he didn't deserve it.
i had to sit with this for a second but ultimately i think the reason why it's better that those words don't have anything to do with the break up is because it wouldn't have been the right time or place (imo he's not ready to give lucy the answers she deserves) but how she's always been there for him. that kindness goes back to the very beginning and plays such a pivotal part in the foundation of their relationship because it was through that kindness that he was able to come back from a really dark place — along the way she became a voice of reason, comfort, and safe place.
just like she set the boundary of checking in on him even though she was still mad at him, he keeps that boundary by acknowledging that she has the control and autonomy here and it's her decision to accept or reject him trying to pay it back. also the "rest of my life" and "small doses" because of the implication of how this is something that will take time, a lot of time and effort.
lastly, lucy's reaction; how she takes it all in and there's this flicker in her eyes as he says that. she could have easily shut him down all things considered but instead she stays silent. that tentative first step as they both leave the elevator, how she continues to process what that could mean as she walks out too. it's not a no and it's not a yes but it's a start, it's hope.
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vaguely-concerned · 10 months
Happy Grace/Pan Vibes For The Soul
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"How can I, with you in the way?"/"(Laughs) The floor is yours!"
First of all I'm honestly just so charmed by how genuinely delighted Pan seems to be at watching Grace finding her voice and learning to enjoy using her power, I think that's where I started to take a shine to him. (also seems quite central to his character/romance in general because it's a thing that recurs through their relationship -- he tells her "I'm enjoying it if you're enjoying it" straight out at one point and that's definitely always there in the subtext). He buys a music studio for her just in case she ever wants to return to making music again even when she's not the muse anymore just because he loves her singing and has seen it make her happy before, how is that not the sweetest goddamn thing in the world??? Pan and Oracle in shared first place as stans for Grace musically
For real though, 'I Can Teach You' is sooo... even when you don't join forces with him Pan teaches Grace so many things in that song, it's a thematic tutorial as well as a gameplay one in many ways. For me I think the most impactful subtexts are 'This is a tricky situation, change is here and it's difficult, but you have more control and agency here than you think' ("You're in control!" "It's your song!"), and this sense that, y'know... there can be joy and playfulness and discovery in setting out into the unknown, not just fear and uncertainty.
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dude... I wanna be in cahoots with & sing playful duets with you for the rest of my life bro (amorous intent)
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Pros: Hell yeah look at her go! 🥰
Cons: Uh-oh look at her go! 😬
I love that Grace can bring Pan's motif into 'Challenging A Queen' and be called the fuck out by Persephone btw. why u keepin' your guard up girl uwu
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'you gave up the only thing worth having -- for your little mortal friend' he says, giving up everything for his little once-again-mortal friend literally the next day fhsdkjfhsad who are you fooling buddy? not even yourself at this point surely??? (dialogue for if you save Freddie by giving up the eidolon)
my observations on the grace/pan dynamic across the different personality traits (yes I've done a run of each romancing him I am normal about it):
Clever!Grace: Pan seems to set out to be a trickster mentor of sorts, and Clever!Grace flips the uno reverse card on him and goes ‘Not if I trickster mentor you first bitch be honest about your feelings or perish challenge engage’. Probably the most birds of a feather combination (and indeed it’s the Blue version of the soundtrack that shows off his romance — also his tie and glasses are on the cover for that one :) ). 
Charming!Grace: Performative puppy dog eyes-off whenever either of them wants to get their way. 🥺4🥺. Pan is provably a soft touch from the Charming option to find Persephone before Challenging A Queen so I feel he probably tends to buckle faster but it’s a close thing. Local trickster god completely disarmed by someone being nice to him.
Kickass!Grace: “Be real with me or Imma kick your ass”/”Promise? ;)”/"...>:)"
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I am always thinking about the way he steps up in The Trial when romanced (and the way it's the only one where Athena is genuinely shocked and appalled fhskadj). there is something about him that's like... he keeps protesting against 'innocent' and he's probably right haha, but there is certainly an almost fundamental lack of any active malice there that he doesn't fully admit to himself or to grace until this moment. he is doing this for grace, but it is also a confession about something really deep in himself that seems to be very vulnerable for him in its sincerity -- that he really doesn't mean to or more importantly want to cause harm (I don't wanna dance/with blood on my hands). admitting to his own basically good heart finally seems to be the bigger, scarier thing for him, more than facing the prospect of dying. he's experiencing the mortifying ordeal of being known and I for one am so proud of him
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"I'm just here for the dance"
the way he sings that just to her and completely changes the meaning of it from what he said with it before, from using it to keep her out to inviting her in...
also can you imagine how badly the kill bill sirens must be going off in Grace's head in all variations of this scene no matter who steps up, considering what happened to Freddie just days before....... oof!
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*incensed whisper* are you fucking kidding me with this what am I supposed to do with myself here
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love these too
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I really like the visual repeats of crossing the pond to the tree and back as a metaphor for them getting closer (or rather, him letting her closer, it is very much His Space). he retreats back there towards the end of 'Share This Dance', and that's the point where Grace puts her foot down and essentially says 'no. you come meet me honestly in the middle this time or this isn't happening'. and in 'The Trial' he does and then some!
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I meant what I sang. I'm not a good man. If Athena had taken me up on my offer, the Idols would have been better off But I can try to be better. You make me want to try.
fun fact: if you break up with him after The Trial (YEAH you can still break off the romances at that point! it's wild honestly fsjadk), Grace tells him he should try to be better ‘for himself’ not for her... and he calls that (i.e. himself) ‘not much of an incentive’. My guy don’t make me break out the ‘Have you tried therapy’ prompt again. He takes it very calmly and gracefully under the circumstances but he's also like. quietly resigned and subdued. I tried it once for Science and never will again but there you go I bring my knowledge to this altar of sadness lol
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you see the thing is I would forgive him for just about anything too I understand why so many of the characters in-game can't stay mad at him for any length of time
he starts the game by asking her to take his hand and he ends it on asking her to take his hand (and she does)...
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:') let's share this dance
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starknife-starmimi · 1 month
Hello again and it's good to see you.
This is New Year anon back from the depths of hell I think? I've been working a summer job so the heat is what I'll be considering hell. If the angry confessions post is still up for debate please do either 3, 7, 8, or 10? Later down the line I might give it a shot with my own interpretation through the asks as well (if I have some time to breathe) but yeah ty if do.
Welcome back! It's nice to see you in my ask box again! I hope everything went well at your summer job!
I did prompt 3 and this is honestly one of the best things I have ever written so I hope you enjoy it! You're very welcome and thank you for the prompt! If you end up doing any in the asks I will be happy to read and share them! Now on with the angst!
[ AO3 Link ]
Doctor Starline proudly supervised the Eggperial City from one of its many towers. He had won and successfully conquered the Eggman Empire as his own, now more than ever his world domination would be inevitable. Once Surge and Kit finish their heroic inspirations the cycle that has plagued mobius for years on end will finally be under his control and his only.
“ So this is what it was all for? ”
The platypus gently fidgeted with one of the cuffs of Eggman’s iconic jacket which he now wore as his own personal trophy. Now it was obviously quite oversized for him, but he could have it tailored later. Oh, how far Starline had come. Nothing could stop nor distract him now, he truly was on cloud nine.
A familiar scratched voice echoed into the room.
Starline swiftly turned to see Mimic entering the room, taking in the tower’s futuristic interior. 
Out of all of his former allies that could’ve returned, it was the one who not only threatened to take his life, but turned his entire team against him out of a lack of trust. Starline would have never expected Mimic of all individuals to come crawling back, likely to finish what he started, to kill him.
“ I thought you were smarter than this, Mimic. I really did, but it seems you want more than ever to finish what you've started. ”
Starline harshly spoke, activating the Tricore without hesitation. He wasn’t going to flee this time, not after everything he has worked for. The doctor wasn’t going down now.
Mimic’s headtufts quickly twitched to the response just in time for him to realize Starline charging towards him for the first hit. Yet reflexes were on the octopus’s side as his tentacles quickly stopped Starline’s attack, tangleling and tightening around his arms until he couldn’t push forward, or step back.
“ This isn’t what it looks like, Doc! ”
“ Oh sure, this doesn’t at all look like an assassination attempt! ”
Starline mocked.
“ Do you really think I would’ve announced my presence if I was here to kill you? ”
Mimic asked, tussling against Starline’s attempts to escape his suctioned grip.
Starline had to admit, Mimic's lack of stealth upon entry was quite out of character for him, but Mimic was also a manipulator. A more tame approach could have easily been made in hopes he would let his guard down. That would’ve given Mimic the perfect opportunity to strike.
“ Do you really think I’m going to fall for that? ”
Starline snapped as the Tricore’s strength allowed him to pull himself out from Mimic’s grasp. Finally free, Starline attempted to kick Mimic, determined to inject him with the neurotoxins in his heel spurs.
Yet Mimic grabbed Starline’s leg before he could experience the impact, quickly tossing Starline off of his feet before grabbing him from the ground and shoving him against the wall. A tentacle quickly wrapped around one of Starline’s heels and lifted it off the ground preventing him from trying to kick again.
Starline deactivated the Tricore, hoping to give Mimic the illusion that he had won.
“ And here I thought you had moved on from the events of Eggnet Hub, considering how quickly you had moved on after you killed your old team, but I shouldn’t be surprised that you spent months tracking me down just so you could find me. ”
“ Do you not hear how fucking paranoid you sound right now?! ”
“ What? Isn’t that exactly what you did? ”
“ No… Well actually yes, but not to fucking exterminate you! For fuck’s sake if I was going to actively seek someone to kill at this point it probably be Eggman just to get him off my back for good. ”
Mimic paused, taking a split second to look Starline up and down.
“ But it seems you’ve already done that for me. ”
“ I suppose that means you owe me. ”
Starline sharply joked before reactivating the Tricore in order to punch Mimic in the face. 
“ OW! For fuck’s sake- You bastard! ”
With the assassin off of him Starline quickly made distance between them.
“ I just want to talk! ”
Mimic yelled, truly beginning to lose his patience with the platypus. Not only had he wasted literal months just trying to track Starline down, but he practically risked his life getting in here only for the scientist to not let him get a word in.
“ And I have gratefully enjoyed this little chat of ours! Though I have more important things to do than deal with your pesky shenanigans. ”
Starline sassed with a smile before snapping his wedded fingers, commanding a troop of Eggpawns to storm into the room and surround the shapeshifting intruder.
“ You know I can’t help but feel sorry that you didn’t place more trust in me back then. I had considered keeping you around, folding you into my masterplan, but it seems now I have no other choice than to cut you out of it… permanently. ”
Starline said as he watched his Eggpawns shuffle and strangle in order to grab Mimic, let alone keep him held.
“ Well maybe if you hadn’t rambled on a damn recording about how you were going to kill us, maybe you would’ve gotten your way. ”
“ And maybe if you had placed more faith in me back then, you wouldn’t have gone searching through my computer. ”
Mimic attempted to squirm loose from the robotic grip, only to freeze once he felt the edge of a gun against his mantle. Fear finally flooded him. He was going to die over this, wasn’t he? No… Not yet.
Starline strolled back over to Mimic, gently cupping his head up in his webbed hand with a smug grin.
“ It truly is a shame, Mimic. What a great thing you could’ve become if you had just stuck around. ”
“ Well, I’m sorry I fell in love with you, okay? But it happened and I can’t do shit about it! ”
Mimic had snapped without further thought, desperate to keep his life.
Starline’s face shocked blank, like a computer facing an error. At first, he couldn’t believe it. How could Mimic of all people fall for him? He couldn’t possibly be his type, right? Sure, he hadn’t been afraid to mess with the short-tempered assassin back when they worked together. It was entertaining to watch Mimic become flustered and annoyed over his occasional flirts when no one else was around to witness, but he had never expected those teases to maintain a lasting effect.
Mimic’s face fell into a similar shocked expression yet more cowardly, he couldn’t believe he had fucking said that. A wave of misery drowned Mimic’s mind as he slipped his head out of Starline’s hand, attempting to bury himself in his cloak. Just waiting for the Eggpawn’s firearm to shoot. Then this month's worth of suffering would end. It was all going to be for nothing anyways.
“ You… What? ”
Starline finally asked, his voice now soft and hushed.
Mimic didn't respond, only muttering curses under his raspy breath. He was more vulnerable now than he'd ever been. It was weak, it was sickening. This overwhelming fear and sorrow, like a child lost in a storm. He hated it, this feeling, this whole situation. He should've never come back. The one time he let his emotions take hold of him and now it was going to cost his reputation and his life. He had ruined everything he had going for him.
Starline waved his hand a couple times, queuing the Eggpawns to drop Mimic and leave the room. When Mimic didn't get up from the ground, Starline kneeled down in front of him.
Deep down, there was a small part of Starline that feared this was a trap, but this vulnerability is something he had never seen Mimic display before. Trap or truth, it was intriguing.
Yet the longer Mimic remained silent, the more time it gave Starline to reflect. He could never remember why he had exactly flirted with Mimic back then. It was probably just to get under his skin, some selfish entertainment… or being fired by Eggman… Either way, Mimic had never returned those words and gestures, only snapping and cursing at him. Sure, it did fluster him back then but the doctor always thought that blush was out of embarrassment than interest. It could have even been a mixture of both for all he knew.
A light chuckle left his bill, Starline couldn’t believe he might have actually swoon Mimic into falling for him considering how persistent the octopus was in hating him. Though it wasn’t all his doing, not likely. The more he remembered, the more he could recall how much he had found himself missing Mimic after the events at the Eggnet Hub. How foolish was that? Missing a man who ought to slit your throat. Yet he had, and deep down he still did. Starline had just managed to bury himself so deep in his work that he forgot about his emotions, his feelings. They were nothing but a distraction back then anyways, but now, he was starting to reconsider.
“ Why didn’t you return sooner? ”
Mimic’s head perked up from his cloak. It felt as if the whole room was changing, one minute he was being held at gunpoint for intruding, next he was being asked why he didn’t intrude sooner. He should’ve been dead by now. What was going on?
“ I tried, but you decided to start running around like a headless clucky after the group split. It was near impossible to find you, and that's saying something coming from me. ”
He answered, still on the sharpest edge of fear.
Meanwhile, the doctor knew he wasn’t exactly wrong, Starline had been moving from base to base in order to keep anyone from tracking him down, though it was clear to tell that hadn’t exactly worked.
“ Well it all doesn’t matter much now, does it? You’re here now. ”
Starline said, continuing to soften his voice as he stood up and lended Mimic his hand to help him up.
“ I guess. ”
Mimic replied, hesitantly taking Starline’s webbed hand. He still couldn’t believe he wasn’t dead right now, let alone that this was mutual.
As Mimic stood in front of him, Starline finally began to take in how much he had missed him. It felt warm to finally have him near again after so much time. The whole world finally felt alive again.
“ What now? ”
Mimic asked, finally making direct eye contact.
“ Well… I don’t exactly know… ”
Starline quickly turned to one of the monitors against the tower’s window, on it displayed a screen showing the location of Surge & Kit. They were near the edge of the city, still chasing down their light-hearted counterparts. At first Starline couldn't help but be somewhat annoyed that they had not completed their mission yet, but on the other hand…
“ But we have all the time in the world to figure that out. ”
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mo-ok · 9 months
Buckle in folks i'm gonna talk about Lost Galaxy doing a shot for shot recreation of my favourite Gingaman scene and why i think PR missed the mark.
FIRST THINGS FIRST this scene goes for about 2 and a half minutes in Gingaman but is stripped back to about 50 seconds in LG. Gingaman gives this scene time to steep in its apprehension, it makes you hold your breath and WAIT. LG on the other hand is a rapid fire shot to the conclusion that leaves very little time to actually build up the emotion.
The first big cut we see is in how much time the big brothers are given to come into frame.
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We LINGER on Hyuuga coming up over the hill (where as Mike gets about 0.5 of a second). He's blurry, out of focus, framed by his brother and BullRiot as he stumbles over the hill. I'd love to tell you what Mike is doing, but the way Leo is holding the Magna Sword is just not working for the shot. It obscures Mike for too long, in a moment where him appearing is meant to be the reward for everything we've just been through.
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Both these guys have spent months being possessed/controlled by a vengeful alien and have only just regained control of their own bodies. Hyuuga's still getting used to walking again, every step a struggle but he's not stopping. Meanwhile Mike is walking slowly through the sand like a triumphant action hero, which is FINE, but this scene is meant to be bitter sweet. Magna Defender DIED so Mike could be here, its not meant to feel triumphant.
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Gingaman then gives us a great shot of Hyuuga, empty scabbard on his back (!!!), doing his best to keep staggering toward his team (very sad that LG cut this one out tbh)
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I dont have an issue with this shots recreation - in fact i think it kinda nicely shows the differences personality wise between the two characters. Hyuuga is apprehensive, he KNOWS what he's put everyone (particularly Ryouma) through. Mike is relieved - its over, he finally gets to be home. Where I DO have an issue with Mike's reaction though -
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is the complete disconnect between him and Leo. Leo missed his brother every single second that he was gone, he's still processing what he's seeing, and Mike just kinda... doesnt seem all that phased. It feels more like old friends seeing each other after some time apart, rather than brothers finally being reunited. Something else PR stripped from the scene was the camera angle differences. Ryouma is looking UP at Hyuuga, still not quite believing its really him - Mike and Leo are both on the same level.
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Again, Gingaman gives us time to linger, it makes us hold out breath just that little bit longer before finally breaking the tension (I had to cut out a significant portion of the build up to Ryouma's sprint/the amount of time spent on their hug). Whereas this is all Mike and Leo get - a nice moment, but overall lacking in emotional weight.
Thats the crux of the issue really - the lack of emotional weight. There is a Hyuuga shaped hole left in Gingaman. Every character has history with Hyuuga, he means something different to all of them, everyone misses him. Him coming back was a DREAM to them, something they all wanted but assumed they couldnt have. Meanwhile half the Galaxy Rangers barely know who Mike is, he means literally nothing to them outside of "guy who pulled out the Quasar Saber and then died". Like can you honestly tell me Mike coming back meant as much to Damon and Maya as Hyuuga's return meant to Hayate and Hikaru??
What sucks is this scene COULD have been just as impactful in LG, but they didnt do the groundwork or give Mike the build up he needed. I love Leo, I wanted to see him get his brother back, I wanted him to get that closure, but instead all he got was a hollow, lackluster recreation of one of my favourite scenes in the whole franchise.
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acinongalli · 1 year
watched the barbie movie, really enjoyed it.
i think it presents many real world issues through a very nice comedic lens.
Spoilers for those who havent seen it below
many things stood out to me, including but not limited to:
barbie having the (in my opinion) conservative view of things being perfect and never needing change in the beginning of the movie, being that its all she knows and it benefits her greatly.
the initial negative stigmas and ignorance of anything and anyone that isnt perfect by barbieland standards (ie. Weird Barbie, Alan, flat feet, death)
barbie not being able to understand that the real world is not at all like she thought it would be until having to directly confront it when she gets called out for her true impact on the world, to some extent.
ken going from a life as just part of barbie, to the real world, being misinformed by books on patriarchy (and horses), which tell him that he is the one who should have power as a man, leading him to bring his own, idealized version of patriarchy to barbieland without understanding the consequences.
the mattel executives who are so detached from reality that they don't understand what they are really doing, only that it makes them a profit.
the cops are overbearing and predatory toward barbie, making suggestive comments about her at the police station.
the mother using barbie as a way to connect to her inner child and her own happiness again in a world where she feels overwhelmed.
barbie having to struggle with rapid change once she returns to the ken controlled barbieland, and see her friends be deceived into wanting patriarchy because they arent informed enough to understand it.
the mother having to tell each barbie about being a woman in the real world so that they arent brainwashed by ken patriarchy into allowing themselves to be subservient to the kens.
the kens having to realize that constantly competing with each other to be the best is a meaningless endeavor, and that they are all already kenough.
barbie and ken both realizing that what they believed defined them was never the case, and that they define themselves however they want.
the barbies and kens working out a solution for barbieland that benefits both of them, and allows them to be more equal to each other, even if only a small first step.
barbie deciding that being the representation of an idea is no way to live, and she'd rather take on the troubles of being human so that she can truly be herself.
i definitely took more away from the movie than what is listed above, but this is just what i could put into words.
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mellifloraa · 2 years
Thoughts on Celeste
So I just beat Celeste.
It was goddamn beautiful. Oh my god. Playing this game over the last few days has been an experience I don't think I'll forget for a long long time, and one that I'm so glad I pushed myself to finally have. The level designs were unique and (mostly) fun, the controls were tight and responsive, the soundtrack was godly, and the visuals were so well done despite maintaining the blocky pixelated feel.
That was unquestionably the most challenging game I've ever played. I didn't try and collect every strawberry, and I didn't try and collect every B-Side, so I'm definitely not 100%'ing the game anytime soon, but... holy shit. I don't think I want to say it was unfairly difficult, though, because I think it wasn't. I solved a lot of the stages through trial and error, as well as simply taking a step back and assessing each room as its own little beast. Moving forward like this created a real sense of satisfaction when you did beat one of the rooms, despite the growing sense of frustration brewing within. I can't tell you how many times I had to remember that feather (great concept that I will be using moving forward btw) and just... step back and take a deep breath to realign myself and try and look at each level from a different angle. The level design was challenging, and the fine motor controls definitely took a while to perfect, but it wasn't unfair. Games like Getting Over It or Dark Souls are brutally difficult, but I think the key distinction is that sometimes those games feel so difficult to the point of unfairness. Celeste wasn't like that. I tried my absolute best to learn from each death, figuring out exactly what happened and where it went wrong and what I could do to prevent it in the future. On top of that, I absolutely adored how positive the game was in spite of the challenge. The characters were nice to you about your struggle, supported you if you were having a hard time, and reminded you that you are capable of climbing this mountain and finishing the quest. The game even tells you just as you start: "You can do this," knowing that you might know little about the game itself, but you probably know it's challenging as shit. The devs took the time to remind you that, yes, it will be difficult, but you can do it. You can make it through this, as long as you stick with it and take it slow. I love that. I absolutely love that.
In the end, I suppose, the gameplay was challenging, but the sense of reward afterwards and the intrinsic fairness of each room prevented the puzzles from ever seeming unsolvable and prevented me from burning out. Each one just took a little exploration and creative thinking, and in the end, a game can only benefit from that.
Fuck the wind levels in Chapter 4, though. Holy fucking shit.
I knew going into this game that it dealt heavily with the topic of mental health and depression, as well as intrusive thoughts and self-criticism, so that wasn't a surprise to me. Seeing them portrayed the way they were, however, definitely was. There were a few moments where Badeline really genuinely unsettled me, because I could tell exactly where her thoughts were coming from and the illogical reasoning behind them. I've fallen into many of those same fallacy pits and suffered from disordered and illogical thinking for years. That's why, when we finally began to confront these thoughts and instead work together on facing them at the end of Chapter 6, it really impacted me. I spoke a little about it in my other posts, but a lot of the lessons from the game were things that I had to learn myself back in 2019 and 2020, with the help of someone who's no longer in my life. Emotional regulation and self-acceptance is one of the hardest things to do for someone suffering from depression and anxiety, but it's so necessary to work on moving forward and healing regardless of how your illness manifests. Though we may not all be haunted by the literal manifestation of these thoughts like Madeline was, learning to accept all parts of yourself, even the icky ones, can lead to you becoming a more centered and logical person, able to fight back with the coping mechanisms that work best for you, and able to set boundaries for yourself regardless of what other people might expect from you. That's something I myself am still struggling with, but I'm lightyears ahead of where I was three years ago. It's not easy, but it's rewarding. Just like the entire game itself.
I fucking loved this game. I will most certainly be replaying it at some point(s). Holy shit.
Everyone, if you haven't, please play Celeste. It's a wonderful little game that is absolutely worth every bit of effort you put into it.
Now to speedrun it.
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madymoo-fandom · 2 years
My Opinions on Dragon Age Inquisition
Currently I have WOPPING 1253 hours on DA:I, and even tho no one asked or cares, I'm gonna ramble on about it.
For me, the role playing aspect in DAI is middle ground. Its not nearly as good as DAO's but much better than DA2 when it comes to your choices and how it impacts the world, however, if often feels like when a companion disapproves of an action, it doesn't matter. For instance, I had the disapproving cutscene with Cassandra late game, I later did a few quests and then got the cutscene where Cassandra claims you as a good friend in the same playthrough. It was just a bit confusing.
DAI has the best cast of companions is my opinion, this may be due to the larger cast of diverse characters but still. Their personal quest don't feel random, the romance options are good and also feels like an actual romance. Their are scenes were you let your hair down and just do whatever, showing these character are more than just comedic/broody characters we fight with.
The combat is also my favorite. I personally play with a controller for DAI, unlike DAO and DA2 just cause once you add a jump button on keyboard, my brain cannot process. I felt more in tune with the combat and less restricted. The specializations is really nice, although I'm not a big fan of companions also having the same specializations as the Inquisitor. I do wish they did different specializations for each character, like DA2 but with the time constraints they were under, I understand.
Black Emporium
Idk if you have to pay for this cause I got the game on sale with all the DLC and Expansions but honestly, I wouldn't use pay for this separately. I use it a lot in game, but only to edit my Inquisitor threw out the game and to buy crafting supplies cause I can never have enough bloodstone. I can find more than enough fantastic weapons on my adventures and the armor is very lacking in this game already and the schematics and armor in the stores doesn't add much. I'm an artist, I feel a need to have my characters looking good.
The Spoils of Avvar
Again, idk if you have to pay for this one but I get it for me personally, I rarely use the armor, weapons or customizations but I can see why some people would like this.
Spoils of the Qunari
Even though this pack is the same as The Spoils of Avvar, I would pay money for this (if you have to, again idk), well up to a sertain price. Since we have little armor options for our Qunari inquisitor, I would give a toe for more. Like a said, before. I enjoy cosmetic mods and this helps keep my folder a little cleaner.
The Descent
Fantastic DLC that added much lore (and kinda reconed some) to the Dwarves and also added a bit more to the Ancient Elves. The Descent is ment for after vanilla gameplay, so imagine my surprise playing this midish, late game and immediately being at 2 potions once the first enemy. I resaved and decided to play when it was ment, "level 16" it said, and damn it was still hard. I honestly beat a lot of areas by hiding between rocks where the enemy couldn't get me. A scummy tactic, but a working one. All in all, I had fun.
Jaws of Hakkon
Evil, in a fun way. If you think The Decent was hard at its recommended level, this was worst. Jaws of Hakkon has a level 20 recommendation, and with beating the vanilla game at level 14, (you could probably do it sooner if you skips a few pointless quest) and level cap of 27, I had to do a lot of grinding just to have my a$$ wooped every step of the way. Still, I had fun, although when getting frustrated I recommend a drink of your choice and getting some food, maybe watch some YouTube videos.
Somehow, not nearly as hard as The Descent or Jaws of Hakkon for being the actual end, maybe because the developers felt people would skip the other dlcs or for those who didn't have them, which is a nice thought, since it is the actual ending to the game, players were most likely to play this dlc than any other. I am a bit frustrated that you had to pay for the real ending but I think there's a few reason why. Time constraints and money. Inquisition was under a huge time constraint and EA/ The higher ups at bioware were not wavering. We're lucky the game was pressed back a year already, the game would have been under polished, faced a lot more issues and important parts would just be missing entirely. Another reason I think to why is because Trespasser is very different in story and setting compared to the vanilla and other DLC's. Players would properly have a harder time feeling that this was end game. If was a good DLC, personally my least favorite story driven out of the 3, but I still enjoyed it
I am impatiently waiting for DA:D. I just hope if Bioware ask for more time, EA will give it to them so they can make a great game. Not gonna lie, I'm just excited its not going to be multi-player. In my opinion the formual we are use to in these kinds of games don't translate well in multi-player, and without this formula is wont be a true Dragon Age game.
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yuttikkele · 2 years
jan3 • psalms 3:1-8 / proverbs 1:10-19
You are not too broken to be saved. Fixing the broken is God’s specialty. Even we humans cannot surely tell when someone is too far gone, only God knows. So we Christians can’t stop trying. We can’t loose hope because God’s patience is much larger than ours, and He has a plan. God protects His people. He’s always got your back, forever. He strengthens you day by day. I always pray to be content, and hey, it works. I will be honest, I don’t have any mental illnesses, so I can’t say how it feels when you have no control and you pray and you become strengthened. But, I can say, as someone that has been saved most of his life, that that is probably the reason I am so happy all the time. I mean, really, I am. I do not mean for this to be bragging, I just know how many humor-coping depression (and other mental illnesses) jokes there are on the internet. I can’t tell you how good God has been to me, and I really want you to experience that as well. If you want, pray the sinners prayer. You can check out the one I wrote on the last post, or you can search one up yourself, or you can let the spirit lead you, yknow. The first step to becoming a better person is having a purpose, and what better purpose is there than to bask in the wonders, be kind, and, most importantly, praise God.
If you are tempted, as a Christian or not, you must resist. You know all the horror stories of people starting to drink and loosing control of their life. We’ve heard those stories so many times that they don’t hold the same impact anymore. We don’t pay attention to them because we think they don’t apply to us. Walking with the wrong crowd can ruin your youth, not to mention your older years. Smoking’s not a joke, vaping’s not a joke, drugs that aren’t prescribed to you are not a joke. Now, I will say there are some funny jokes ABOUT them, but do not do any of these things as if they are just some light thing! THEY’RE CAPITALIST GAGS, MONEY GRABS, and while I don’t hate capitalism fully since there is no better option, I still don’t like its exploits (especially on young children)!!! Of course, substances aren’t the only thing to be wary of, but it’s just the most common. If someone invites you to do something and it feels wrong, say no. Don’t overthink it, don’t try to be nice, just say no. It will be better for both parties.
Sorry that got a bit long, I meant for this one to be short. As a funny blog, I don’t usually talk about harsh issues that mean a lot to me, but I suppose this is my place to do it. Stay safe everyone, c u tomorrow!!
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thingsandstuffyeah · 2 years
Im in a calm state. That weird sobriety you get when so stressed but everything becomes very clear. If you know it, you know it. I fail to explain it right now. The world feels so... Full of water. Walking and pacing right now takes effort. It feels like each limb is swimming through its own pool. Even down to the fingers typing.
Ive hurt people. Ive hurt many people. Ive hurt myself. Im... Trying to think of the lives ive genuinely had a positive impact on. My whole blood family i intentionally distance myself from because they failed to see me being hurt at a young age. S i dont think cares, only really is a friend because ive been a friend for a while. Je A and St all know ive effectively betrayed their trust now. M im trying to distance myself from because of bubbling trauma from a young age i harbor and my own unforgivable mistake. D used to love me, i couldnt tell you why and... Now it just feels like i shun them for liking vtubers which nice job dickhead. B i scared out of my life for a long time because of how i acted when i was around 15. And... J. The only one who might on a shred of a chance still read this. J. You were... Are... Everything. It might sound obsessive, it probably is. Everything ive done, everything thats happened. You made it all matter. You were... Purpose. Someone i strived to improve because they were so happy to see me grow. I hurt you those years ago and you know that probably better than me. This... Whole thing that is happening. I think its reconciliation for hurting you. Every time we are apart, its hell. Every time we arent talking feels like ive been put in an iron maiden with an electrical shock going through me every time i sit still. I blame myself very often for the shock. Well, it is always my fault. Well, point is i... Never wanted to become a bad memory. Even when i hurt you i really was just vying for attention in a sick unforgivable way. I know you know that. I changed. After that all. Became someone new and... I dont want to ever do it again. I like the me that i made. But now im fucking it all up because im trying to cope with you being gone. I betrayed everyone and myself recently. And i wish you were here to remind me that above all else im able to change for the better. But youre not. Hell theres only a small chance youre reading this but thats never stopped me from posting before.
I always wanted to believe that we could push through anything. Just like i pushed through so much. But... Not everyones me. And now i dont even have you. I dont have us. We... Dont have us. I will admit im extremely jealous that you have a support structure and... Not any of the destructive tendencies that i have, or at least are capable of controlling them. I really do wish i could just step away and find a new group and.... Anyway yes i am jealous but... Im not you. I wish you would see it my way, that we can work through anything if we try hard enough but i guess thats the point. We arent enough to you. Im not enough for you. And thats not bad, its really not. Its just true.
Ive really only hurt people, and you, J, are the one i did everything in my body to reverse or make up for. And i guess that was my downfall. I only tried to be more for you. To everyone else im just... A pile of jokes and a snarky attitude. And to that end, im not content living a life like this. I really find it pointless. I did everything and i was never enough for the one that mattered. I guess something shit feeling is knowing that maybe theres someone in the future or even right now looking at this and journaling and letting it play its course just to be some random video about some odd internet weirdo journal. Because im more than that, or at least was. But i was only ever able to be more for you. This is not a goodbye note. Just sobriety.
All the art. All the creativity. All the interest. Everything that is me. Boiled down into a weird melting pot of a loser tumblr blog. What a nothing way to be remembered.
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radiocity · 2 years
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The L Word: Lookbook ↳ 1.06, Lawfully
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zuluc · 4 years
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summary: how the genshin boys give hugs
characters: childe, diluc, kaeya, razor, venti, xiao, xingqiu, zhongli
style & genre: bulleted & written; fluff
warnings: none
notes: a self-indulgent fic for my birthday yay, i hope you guys enjoy this I just really want a hug but it’s hard to see friends right now 🤧🤧
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sometimes a side hug or quick embrace; sometimes not because there are days he never wants to let you go
his outward persona is lost because he trusts you
once his arms come around you, you feel like the life is being squeezed out of you, in a good way of course
there are still traces of his past he has yet to share but he wants you to know how much you mean to him
Paimon had stayed behind to finish that chop suey Su Er'niang offered you both. You finished your share, giving some to your companion, and you left to sight-see around Liyue. 
It’s different from Mondstadt and there were quite a bit of things to get done here for your journey. Your feet take you to the stairs leading up to the Wanwen Bookstore and you hope no one has bought out the book you wanted to finish.
Before you could take a step upwards, someone grabs your wrist and pulls you into a small alley. You hand comes up to summon your sword but then your vision is obscured by a head of copper hair. You gasp when his arms tighten around your torso while he heaves a sigh beside your ear. He lets go after a few seconds and you can see the smile on his face.
“Just a recharge,” Childe winks and turns around to get back to what he was doing.
he gives the type of hugs that hold so much emotion that he hides from the public
his body runs warm and appreciates when you snuggle further into him when he has you
his hugs are never quick and he likes to take his time, his hold tight enough to make you feel safe but loose enough to allow you to leave if you so wish
rarely initiates them but will take full control when you’re in private
You could tell when the work he had was becoming too much for the night. The annoyance tainted his handsome features and you just wanted to take it all away. Diluc worked hard, everyone knew that, but he was only human. 
You give him the letter Jean wrote out and proceed towards the door to get back to your own duties. Your name rolls off his lips and when you turn around to look at him he’s gesturing for you to get closer. When you’re mere inches from his desk he stands up and places one hand on your back and the other on the back of your head, burying his face into your neck.
The temperature outside was chilly and his naturally warm body contrasts to how you felt prior. You can feel him frown against you when he feels how cold your skin is.
“Will you be coming back tonight?”
he gives you many hugs, anywhere and at anytime
there isn’t a day where you never receive one and if that every happens, the next day will include even more
will almost always lift you off your feet and/or catch you off guard; he likes to keep you on your toes
even when you’re just standing around waiting for another mission or watching the sun set he’ll hold you close against his side
He’s late. Again. 
You finished off the last of the slimes around Starfell Lake with little to no damage to yourself, luckily, but someone was supposed to assist you to get the job done faster. You look around for any more enemies before kneeling down and dipping your hand into the water. It was cool against your skin, relaxing you after the day’s work. But it might have been just a bit too peaceful.
A force pushes you forward and you close your eyes to brace for the inevitable impact into the water. You wait a few seconds before realizing that you are still very much dry, but there’s something blocking you from lifting your arms. Kaeya chuckles behind you as you lightly hit his arm, hugging you tight.
“I got you,” he says with a smile.
he’s an awkward hugger, mostly because he doesn’t know how these things work as well as that he doesn’t want to hurt you
he doesn’t know where to put his hands and they usually end up against his sides before he realizes that he makes you think he doesn’t like them
when he gets more comfortable, his hugs are gentle and soft
he grew up with the wolves and these types of things just didn’t happen, but you make his heart soar
He’s taking a casual walk in Wolvendom to reflect on what Lupus Boreas had told him only days ago. He wasn’t a wolf, he was human, but he couldn’t accept it so quickly. His mind wanders and he doesn’t hear the steps, or rather running, behind him. It’s only until you jump on his back that he realizes.
You knew that he was thinking about what happened and you wanted to return as fast as you could to check on him. You slide off his back and he gives you a forced grin. Razor avoids your gaze but you place your hands on his shoulders to square them towards you.
He appreciates your presence and he wants nothing more than comfort, hands twitching at his sides. You’re aware of his little signals and smile when you hug him tightly. He closes his eyes and breaths in your calming scent while hugging you back with care.
“Thank you.”
there’s a sense of happiness once he hugs you because it just makes you feel lighter and free
there seems to always be a slight breeze about him and you can feel it brush your face when you rest your head on his shoulder
he comes and goes but never forgets to hug you before and after he returns to see you
his hold can range from very loose to holding on just a bit tighter
Venti left a month ago and you knew that’s just how his way of life was. He was never one to stay place for too long, much like the wind you would say. You yourself were someone who likes to travel around, but everything always brought you back to Mondstadt. 
You stand overlooking the city at “your usual place,” as he liked to call it, for some peace of mind. You sit on the edge of the statue’s outstretched hands and lean back on your hands to take in the view. A soft breeze passes by you and your ears pick up a quiet sound behind you. You smile and stand up, immediately wrapping your arms around him. 
His own naturally fall in place behind your back and a light laugh escapes his lips. It was nice to see you again, as always.
“Missed me?”
he used to be so stiff when he first started hugging you as he never had physical contact with anyone
being you, he warms up and learns how to properly hug someone
will have a hand behind your head because he wants to make sure that every part you of is against him
he’s very protective of you in general and it gives him a peace of mind knowing he can keep an eye on you in this way
You’re sleeping, sitting in his lap with your head resting against his chest as he sits on the balcony of Wangshu Inn. You came to him only a few moments ago and it was clear that you took the time to clear out nearby hilichurl camps due to the small scratches and bruises you had on you.
Xiao narrows his eyes at more of the culprits across the water on the little islands, making a note to do something with them later. You mumble in your sleep and he looks down to see your brows furrowed. He cups your face gently and smooths his thumb over your cheek which causes your face to return to it’s peaceful state and you move closer to him. 
It was surprising that he fell for someone. You made your way into his life so unexpectedly and now he just wanted to take care of you. And he wouldn’t change a thing.
“Rest well.”
very proper hugs because they are reciprocated in with the same energy, or even more, than the ones you may give him
he has no problem in giving you hugs away from prying eyes
he would usually whisk you away onto adventures with him with a promise of them
will get flustered when you hug him while saying just how much you appreciate him
You’re amused at the way he presents himself to others and talks to them as expected of him. Xingqiu was known to be mild- and well-mannered as his mischievous side was hidden from those not so close to him.
You both manage to escape the party, standing beside each other as you look up into the night sky. He feels less restricted with you and he takes this opportunity to lace his fingers through yours. You give him a fond smile and return to staring at the stars.
An idea pops into your head and you let go of his hand, him giving you a questioning look before he is brought into a hug. Xingqiu blushes at the suddenness of your actions but returns it nonetheless. His eyes keep diverting to the house so you have to reassure him that no one can see the both of you. 
“Let’s get out of here.”
he enjoys hugging, contrary to what most might think
he likes the intimate feeling and being close to someone he loves in such a sweet way that can be done anywhere
he will never deny you of the affection and if you initiate it he will go through with it no matter what
he’s always looking at you paired with a soft smile on his face whenever he has you in his arms
Zhongli’s voice pierces the quiet as you both take a stroll outside of Liyue. He’s telling you of its history and old traditions that have disappeared throughout the years, but you’re becoming tired due to the sound of his voice.
When you’re out of sight from the guards at the front gates you give a slight tug to the end of his coat sleeve. He stops in the middle of his story and sees that your eyes are growing weary. You keep your hold on his sleeve until you pull yourself to rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes and content with the sound of the night as you’re against him. 
He holds you close, making sure that you’re not actually asleep as it would make for a very interesting walk back. You tell him that you’re just resting your eyes for a few moments and that he can keep talking. That you love the sound of his voice. Zhongli places a kiss to your forehead as he continues, adoration for you clear in his eyes.
“Now, where was I...”
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starlessea · 3 years
Doctor’s Orders (Daryl Dixon/Reader)
Prompt: “Why’d you always have to spoil my fun?” and “You nearly died!” Requested by anonymous​, numbers #6 and #16 from this post.
Summary: Daryl isn’t too impressed when he finds you with a sling on your arm and a smile on your face.
Words: 1766
Warnings: Language, Injury.
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There were many things you feared more than death. There were many things you feared in general. Whether it was heights or small spaces, or even spiders - those spooky, crawly bastards - you would easily admit it when you were afraid.
In this new world, death was inevitable. You didn't want to die; leaving your family behind was out of the question. Though, it didn’t frighten you, either. Rather, you often found yourself scared of the more mundane things - those things that you could control - over something that was completely out of your hands.
There were many things you feared more than death, and Daryl Dixon was one of them.
Denise had gone to get the man, despite your pleas not to. She'd been good enough to patch you up, and mend the small cuts over your skin. They were only shallow, so they wouldn't leave any scars. It was the sling you were more concerned about.
You knew when Daryl saw it, you'd be in for an ear-full. It wasn't that bad an injury, but Denise had still doped you up on some pain-killers before leaving to find the man. It was meant to be an in-and-out job, but things never really did seem to go as planned.
"Who're you trying to kill with that smile?" Denise teased, as she walked back through the doorway to the clinic.
You had barely realised you'd been grinning from ear to ear until she’d said it. She was alone for the time being, so you thought you should take the opportunity to cherish the peace whilst it lasted.
"Myself, apparently." You chuckled, but let out a wince soon after.
The small movement had reminded you to keep still. It was only a broken bone, and you'd had worse before, but it ached all the same. Denise shook her head in return, letting out a huff of air as she stared at you exasperated.
"You are the first person to come into my clinic beaming like that whilst injured." She muttered, and you sloppily shrugged one shoulder in response.
Then you heard the main door fling open, and slam into the wall - and sighed.
"Here he comes." You muttered, and braced for impact.
Daryl stormed into the clinic like he was on a mission. He was sweaty, and you noticed that he was missing his jacket. He rushed through the doorway and whipped his head around the room until his eyes finally settled on you, sitting on the bed in the corner. You offered him a sheepish smile, and raised your good arm to give him a small wave.
The man stalked straight past Denise and made his way to your bedside, standing over you in an instant.
"What the fuck were ya thinkin'?" He yelled.
It wasn't that you feared Daryl Dixon's temper - that, you could manage. What you feared was that certain look in his eyes, and you saw it now as you met his gaze. His chest heaved, and most would probably think it was from anger. But, you knew better than that. He'd probably run over here in a panic. That is what you could see in his expression - pure worry.
"Nice to see you, too." You joked light-heartedly, trying to mask your guilt.
Daryl glanced at you, letting his eyes trail over the shallow cuts on your face all the way down to your arm - which sat tucked away in its sling. He shook his head, and took small paces in front of you.
"Ya leave for a supply run-" he started, almost below his breath. "An' Denise comes to tell me ya jumped outta a movin' truck!"
His voice rose as he spoke, and his final words came out as a loud growl that made you swallow thickly. You were ashamed, but you also thought that the man worried too much. If it were down to him, he'd have you wrapped up in cotton wool everytime you left the gates of Alexandria.
"It wasn't even going that fast." You mumbled back, defensively.
Denise had her back pressed flat against the wall, inadvertently caught in the cross-fire. She was in too deep to leave unnoticed, and stood there awkwardly watching the exchange. You sent her an apologetic smile, before looking back up at the man.
"Why'd you always have to spoil my fun?" You teased, but felt like you might have stepped on a landmine when you saw him scowl.
Daryl threw his hands up in frustration, and narrowed his eyes at your injury again.
"Ya nearly died!" He shouted, his voice guttural as it cut through the room.
"Exactly." You quipped back, but instantly regretted it.
You'd only been trying to convince him that you were fine, but Daryl seemed inconsolable. Maybe it was the adrenaline, or perhaps the pain-killers, but you realised that you may have been acting a little too care-free. You weren't so much scared of Daryl as you were of hurting him.
"It's only a broken collar bone." Denise interjected, once she finally mustered the confidence to do so. "She'll be fine."
Daryl whipped his head around, as though he'd forgotten she was even there. He stayed silent, but you tried your best to help coax him.
"Listen to the doctor, Dixon." You reminded the man, but with a much softer tone this time.
Daryl stopped his pacing, and instead made his way back over to you. He closed the gap as he approached, and your knees knocked together with his from where you were sitting on the bed. You could still see the pain in his eyes, and it made you realised that you must be one of the things Daryl Dixon feared, too.
He rested his palm over your cheek tentatively, careful not to brush up against the fresh wounds that marred your skin. You leaned into his warm touch, and placed your own hand over his in return.
"Don't worry your pretty little head over me." You whispered, giving him a reassuring smile. "I promise I'll be more careful."
Daryl became like putty in your hands at that, and his expression softened like he'd only just allowed himself to relax. The entire time, it was as though the man had been running on pure adrenaline, and nobody could convince him that you were okay - even if he’d seen it with his own eyes.
In your peripheral, you noticed Denise looking at you - but she quickly glanced away when she realised she'd been caught. You could tell that she didn't want to intrude on the tender moment, but was curious to see Daryl so vulnerable at the same time.
The man stayed like that for a few seconds, letting your thumb rub over the back of his hand as he inspected your injuries some more.
"C'mon." He mumbled finally, and took a few steps backwards to let you stand up.
He retrieved your gear which had been left on a nearby chair, and slung it over his shoulder before walking to the door. You followed after him with careful footsteps, feeling as the pain jolted up your body. You sent a smile to Denise, and thanked her, but she shook her head in response - humble as ever.
"Look after her, Daryl." She called out to the man, as she saw the both of you off at the doorstep of the clinic. "Doctor's orders."
Daryl was normally a gentle man. He wasn't the type to have to be reminded to take good care of you. But, sometimes, he seemed to forget his own strength - along with his patience.
"Oww!" You shrieked, and flinched away.
The two of you were in your bedroom, and Daryl had been left with the impossible task of getting you dressed. He'd done a good job of it so far, but when it came your shirt all hell broke loose.
"Stop!" You yelled again, but the man had your arm tightly within his grip. "You're killing me!"
He'd gotten the first sleeve on just fine - but the other one was giving him grief. You'd slipped your arm out of the sling, but had trouble lifting it high enough to get your hand through the hole. The man kept trying to get you to straighten it, but you saw stars every time he did.
"So, wha'?" Daryl grumbled, seeming at the end of his rope. "Dyin' suddenly ain't tha' fun 'nymore?"
You winced as you jolted away too suddenly. At one point, you'd tried to convince him to just button up the shirt with only one arm in it - but he'd shot you a look and muttered something about 'making a fashion statement' under his breath.
"I ain't killin' ya." He continued, noticing your look of pain. "Jus' stop movin' an' it'll be over quicker."
You tried to do just that, but your arm wouldn't bend in the way he wanted it to - and you cried out again.
"It hurts!" You told him, and recoiled away. "You're pulling too hard."
Daryl wore an expression of utter exasperation, and opened his mouth to snap something back. Except, there was a knock at the door before he could.
You jumped again, having not even heard anyone come into the house - and breathed out through gritted teeth at the discomfort it caused.
"What the hell is going on in there?" A voice asked through the wall.
"Glenn?" You replied, immediately recognising him.
Daryl shot you a look, and you could tell he blamed you for all this. You rolled your eyes in response, and Glenn spoke again.
"Rick sent me to get you." He called, still behind the closed door. "Did you forget we had a meeting?"
Daryl let the sleeve of the shirt drop from his hand, and let out a heavy sigh.
"Ain't forget nothin'." He shouted back. "Jus' runnin' late 'cos of princess pain tolerance."
"Daryl?" Glenn asked, and you snorted.
You saw the handle on the door twist slightly, but Daryl quickly elbowed it shut before Glenn could enter.
"We'll be there soon!" You explained. "Daryl's helping me get dressed."
There was silence on the other side for a few seconds, and Daryl returned back to you - looking over at the shirt like he considered just taking it off again. You giggled at his expression, before you heard Glenn clear his throat from behind the door.
"Right." He said quietly, but you still caught it. "There are some things I'd rather not know."
A/N I broke my collar bone before and it was so painful... I remembered the struggles of getting dressed and HAD to write a scene about it.
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wandsandwheezes · 4 years
Jealousy | G.W
Warnings // 2.6k // 18+ SMUT,   jealousy, sex, gagging, exhibitionism, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, overstimulation, use of pet names, bratty behaviour, dom/sub vibes, aftercare.
A/N // Hi the first smut of the year and it encompasses everythingI want from george weasley <3
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The thing that made George Weasley tick the most was people eyeing up his girl. It got him riled up beyond belief, but the ever proud man he is, he would never admit to getting jealous over it. He'd simply let the jealousy get bottled up until it burst. For the most part you ignored the male attention you got, choosing to pretend that you simply didn’t see the lingering stares while nevertheless enjoying the way your boyfriend’s grip tightened around your waist or how he’d stalk over and pull you into an electrifying kiss. His actions quickly told you exactly how he felt about other men’s eyes drinking you in, you were his to devour and his only, so to say that you didn't play into that only the slightest bit is a lie. 
You didn’t mind lending a hand in the shop on the weekend, especially when it meant being able to spend more time ogling your lover and the way his muscles tensed as he picked up boxes, how his smile would flash as his inner child came out with all the demos, how easy it was to sneak a kiss in his office and most notably how lovely it was to share lingering glances across the shop as you worked on the tills. George liked having you around because every part of him wanted you close to him, that was why it twisted the knife that little bit more when he saw you lean over the counter just a small amount, giving the man you were serving a view of your perfect chest that his eyes had been locked onto. 
The action alone had him clenching his fists together, the vein in his neck popping out as he felt that bubbling jealousy reaching its capacity. Part of him had forgotten that he was holding onto some of the products he had been adjusting on the shelves, counting himself lucky that he hadn’t broken the glass bottles in his hand. He was next to you as soon as you were waving the customer goodbye, mumbling under his breath as he signed you off the till, inputting his own till code to deal with an admin task. “What the fuck was that all about, doll?”
“Sue me for me wanting to make a sale, baby” You smiled, resting your head against his bicep as you waited for him to finish up with his task, dainty hand snaking around his back to hook your fingertips gently through his belt loops. He was finding himself in heaven just by being able to breathe in your perfume.
“Those goods aren’t for sale.” He laughed, a smile hiding the sheer amount of boiling jealousy that was stirring inside of him, he raised his eyebrows and made sure to get a good look of what you had on show, wanting nothing more than to rip open your shirt, so he could see the bare tits that he loved in full view of the afternoon rush. 
“Funny one George” you smirked, hand dropping from being slinked around his hips, a hand that he quickly catches, pulling you so that your chest is pressed directly against his, causing a small gasp to fall from your lips at the impact, looking down at you with a sickly sweet smile before pressing a warm kiss to your cheek, a direct contrast to the callous words whispered low enough for only you to hear.  “I’m fucking serious, you’re mine.”
You knew that if he had said those words in the comfort of your own home his voice would have been several octaves deeper than his usual conversation’s tone, cut thick full of seduction as he tugged your shirt off of you, but here he had to keep himself restrained, on the low. He would bend you over the counter right now if it weren’t for the shop full of people; it wasn’t unfamiliar territory to be bent over something as George had his way. Lucky for you though, today you could be as bratty as you wanted, he would have to keep himself under wraps until you were alone. 
George had sulked off in his office, causing you to follow the man you were intent on annoying all around the shop like the needy girl that you were until he gave in, trapping you between his body and a shelf of potions, careful not to push to hard in fear of drawing attention to himself. You opened your mouth to protest, only to be met with his pointer finger to your lips. 
"Is this what you want, to be my little whore begging for me with her eyes?" he tutted as his lips pressed against the sensitive skin of your neck just below your ear, sucking a mark that would be visible to everyone causing a tiny little desperate moan to fall from your lips. 
"You like having eyes on you though don't you? In your short little skirt and a pathetic excuse for a shirt… you're just daring me to bend you over something." He mumbled against your ear as his hand was on your breast, thumb and forefinger toying with the hardened nipple through the material of your shirt and bra. 
"Baby, I don't know what you're talking abou-" You bat your lashes at your boyfriend, trying your best to act coyly at the situation, ignoring the feeling that his large hands on your chest was giving you. Trying to look away, the fear of being caught in a compromising position with George all too much to bear. 
“No talking back, brat.” His hand quickly moved, now on your jaw as he forced you to look at him before crashing his lips down on yours in a fevered kiss. Hs leg had slipped between yours, knee nudging your thighs apart before giving you something to grind down on. It was one of his favourite sights, watching you desperately rut against his thigh as you got yourself off for him. 
“George what if someone-” You moaned breathlessly as his hands guided the slow and teasing pace you were allowed to move your hips, It felt so good you were trying not to moan the whole shop down. 
“I already said no talking back.” He growled at you, feeling the cool sensation of his rings as his hand pressed against your throat, he wasn't choking you yet, only giving your windpipe a simple squeeze as a warning sign that he was on the edge of his tether. 
Fred had yelled his brother's name, as he reached the top step, searching for George around the top balcony floor. The action made your boyfriend look away frustrated as he bit the inside of his cheek. Grumbling a low, 'upstairs, now' before storming away from you, leaving you breathless. 
You did as he said, waiting for him excitedly for the first 15 minutes, after 40 minutes had ticked by you grew frustrated with him, after another 15 you were ready to start teasing him again, standing bent over the kitchen counter as you text him. 
<< Leaving me all desperate are you, Georgie? x
<< My fingers can't even do yours justice x
<< Bet that guy from earlier would have taken care of me x
>> Don't push your luck, kitten x
Your last text to him was enough to make him leave the stupid task that Fred had left him to do, practically storming up the stairs as he fumbled with his keys to unlock the front door. You hadn't even realised that George was behind you until your phone was snatched from your hands, his strong grip holding you firmly against the counter, his fingers lacing through your hair, taking a handful to grab at. 
"You are such a fucking Brat, I can't even do nice things for you without the attitude." You moaned as he gave a rough tug at your hair, his hips bucking into yours in an attempt to relive some of the tension in his own trousers but to no avail, he only grew harder at your babbling moans and begs for him. 
"You're begging now but you've been such a bad girl, I don't think I should really touch you at all, I may just have to use your mouth instead." You nodded, not even sure what you were agreeing too, too blinkered by wanting to have him please you that you'd do anything. He knew your limits, you knew your safe word so you knew you were safe.
He had tried to restrain himself but before you knew it you had been thrown over his shoulder, hand giving your ass a playful slap as he walked you towards the bedroom, the sound of your giggles a pure symphony to his ears as they rang about the flat. 
There was no dignity in the way he had thrown you on the bed, ripped open your shirt and hitched up your skirt over your hips. Not even caring to take off your underwear, only slipping it to the side to have his fingers buried deep inside you, at first he was slow and teasing as he stretched you out with his fingers alone hut as you began to clench around him, he picked up the pace, bringing you all the way to the very edge of your release before pulling his hand away, sucking your juices off his fingers with a chuckle. 
“You think you were clever did you? Bad girls don’t get to cum, not until I say so." He hummed, tapping at your clit with his wet fingers before he leans down so that his head is between your thighs, blowing cool air over your exposed heat, causing a shiver to run up your spine. 
"On your knees." His voice was thick, cut sharp and letting you know that he wasn't messing around, he waited for you to be on your knees in front of him, letting you deal with unbuckling his belt to pull him free. His hands were already holding back your hair, helping guide his length down your throat as soon as it was past your lips. The sound of you gagging as he hit the back of you made his cock twitch, a single tear running down your cheek as you hummed against him, a tear that he wiped away with his thumb, smiling down lovingly at you. 
"Just one tear for me, Princess? I want your makeup ruined, I know you do too." You nodded at his words, taking him further down your throat until the tears started to spill. You loved it, the way he would use your mouth, it wouldn't take him long till he took control of fucking your throat. His hand pulled your mouth from his cock, spitting in his hand to wrap around his length, mixing your saliva together before he was thrust back into your mouth, setting a relentless pace, hearing your gags as he hit the back of your throat. 
"Look at those pretty tears, baby… I'm in two minds to have you cum over and over for me just to keep those tears spilling." His thumb ran over your lip, pulling you up by your jaw so that he could kiss you, the kiss was soft, almost checking in to see you were okay and still with him. 
He had you lying on the bed as he rid himself of his clothes, first the tie, which was shoved into your mouth. This was a sight he would never get over, an innocent look plastered in your eyes as he lined himself up, sinking deep inside you quickly. You fit like a glove with him, stretching out perfectly to accommodate every single inch he had to give you and it felt magnificent. He was still but his thumb circled your clit in such a perfect way that he had you coming undone in minutes, that was number one.
Number two was given to you in slow purposeful thrusts as he moaned out for you, not caring who could hear his guttural grunts. All you could do was hum back as a response, wanting to moan for him and only him. The third time he had you releasing so quickly just from his rough pace, he'd pulled his tie from your mouth to kiss you, swallowing every single moan like his life was dependent on it. 
"Godric I love your tight cunt. I stretch you out so good, don't I princess? Show me, where you feel me, doll." The fourth had you shaking, he was fucking you so deeply, pulling out completely and sinking back in to the hilt. Your hand grabbed his shakily, pressing it hard against your abdomen, he could literally feel the tip of his cock hitting his hand and he chucked, hooking your legs over his shoulders. 
"That's pretty deep, baby, I bet I could fuck you deeper." His words and the feeling of his whole length fucking through you had you over the moon. You weren't sure if you were begging him for more or to stop, it was pain and pleasure mixed together like the perfect shot of ecstasy. The tears were falling down your cheeks like you'd been caught in the rain, but George thought you looked stunning. 
"Think you could handle another, brat? Let me lick your cunt nice and clean." Your body told you to stop but your mouth was begging for it, craving a new release by his skilled mouth. You didn't want to deprive yourself of his perfect tongue. Each lick and suck had you screaming for him, your sensitive and used cunt close to release again and this time it was heaven, your thighs quaking as it released over you. You were well and truly overstimulated. 
"Good Girl, such a good baby. I'm so proud of you for taking all five, doll." He praised, pressing kisses all over your makeup-ruined cheeks while his hands rubbed gently over your sides. He made sure to get you nice and cleaned up, changing you into his warmest hoodie and some pyjama bottoms, scraping your hair up into a bun and pulling on some fluffy socks. 
He changed into his own pyjama bottoms, staying shirtless before picking you up, your legs wrapped around his torso as he walked to the kitchen, laying you down on the sofa, leaving you to come down from from your state of bliss as he made light work of cooking your dinner. He truly was the perfect boyfriend. 
"Georgie?" you called out to him, seeing him turn around, immediately dropping what he was cutting up to tend to you. 
"Hi princess, welcome back… how're you feeling." He smiled, thumb running over your cheek as he cupped your jaw. 
"I love you, George, You're amazing." You hummed, pulling him in for a delicate kiss
"I love you more, baby girl… I wasn't too rough?" He asked, forehead pressed against yours, to which you shook your head tracing light circles on his chest. 
"Good girl, I hope you're hungry… I'm making your favourite." You smiled, letting him hoist you up, taking you over to sit on the counter as you watched him. 
You smiled dumbfounded by his sweetness, thinking to yourself, 'I'm gonna marry this man.' because George was everything, real true husband material. 
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Little Bones 7
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape, anger, humiliation, control, violence, threats.
This is dark! (biker) Thor x chubby!reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: You’re a city girl stuck in a small town, but Birch isn’t as sleepy as it seems.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown and When the Weight Comes Down
Note: Here’s the finale for Thor’s part in our Birch story! Yay! But is it yay? We never known with his BDE (Big Doofus Energy). But anyway, here we go.
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 7: Baby, eat this chicken slow, it's full of all them little bones
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The morning light was pale as it slipped in between the curtains and sent a shiver through you as an immovable warmth blazed against your back and clung to your body. The night ended as well as it could have, which was poorly. Your drunken outburst settled in your gut in sour alcoholic regret.
You shifted your legs, thighs tender from the last of Thor’s irritation, and carefully sat up so that his arm fell away from you. He grumbled and rolled onto his side as he tickled your spine.
“Where’re you going?” he asked groggily.
“Coffee,” you said curtly as you touched your forehead.
“Mmmm,” he hummed and the bed creaked as he turned flat onto his back and stretched.
You stood and went to your dresser. You pulled out a night shirt and swooped it over your head, your head pulsing with your unthinking excess. You glanced back at Thor, his thick torso naked above the messy blankets as he laid with his eyes shut and arms wide. His blonde hair fanned out around his head as his chest rose and fell steadily.
You left him and went to the kitchen, tiles cool beneath your feet and the air toasty as the radiator sent off waves of stolid heat. You measured the coffee and fed the machine water. You tiptoed into the hallway and took your purse from the shoe rack and searched out your emergency bottle of Advil. You swallowed them dry and went back to stand at the counter and listen to the grind.
You watched the trickle of the dark brew as it began to spit into the pot. You hung your head and leaned on the linoleum top, fingers tapping as the stream continued. You heard his yawn and his footsteps on the hardwood before they met the tile. You didn’t bother to look over and instead opened the cupboard to pull out a mug.
As you set it down, Thor came up behind you and reached to grab one of his own. He held himself flush to your back as the porcelain clinked down beside your own and he pressed against you until your hips were at the counter. You sighed and focused on the trickle of coffee.
He hummed and nuzzled your head as he drew a hand back to feel along your thigh. He brushed his fingertips over your ass and squeezed. 
“Please, I’m hungover,” you moaned, “I just want coffee--”
“I’ll be gentle,” he cooed, “besides what better to relieve some tension?”
“Don’t you ever have enough?” you scowled as he lifted your night shirt and gripped your hips, fingers tracing the line of your curves.
“Of you? Never,” he said, “last night… you know I like your teeth, kitten, but there is a time for them to come out. That wasn’t it.”
“What do you want from me?” you gritted your teeth as he continued to feel you up. You realised as his arousal grazed your ass that he was still naked, “why can’t you stop? I never wanted--”
“I’m good to you, kitten,” he intoned, “a man like me, we aren’t nice too many.”
“Nice? Is that what--”
“You goad me,” his voice deepened as he pushed his hand between your legs, “you walk a very thin line, kitten. I’d as soon grab you by the scruff.”
He bent and dragged his lips along your neck as he spread your cunt and flicked his middle finger along your clit. You hissed and gripped the counter. His touch rippled through you and you closed your eyes in futile resistance.
“But I pet you nice,” he coaxed, “don’t I?”
“Mmm, that’s exactly what I want to hear,” he grazed your skin with his teeth and nipped.
You held your breath as he added another finger and played with you. You still felt the night before but the new sensations dulled the lingering ache. You quivered as he slid further back and teased your entrance, rocking his hips so that his hardness rubbed against you firmly.
You tensed as he poked a finger inside of you then another. He sank down to his knuckles and curled them, his hand against your clit as he squeezed. His hot breath seeped below your shirt as you own hitched. He shoved another finger into you and you gulped as he stretched you.
You heard how wet you were as your walls clenched him hungrily. You hated that your body responded to him so eagerly even as that voice in the back of your head kept whispering back at you to stop.
He urged you back against him and tilted your pelvis, his other hand kneading the flesh along your thigh. He trailed around your ass and stroked himself as he angled his tip along your cheeks and bent his knees to poke against his fingers.
He slid his fingers out of you and kept them on your clit as he pressed his cock along your entrance. He eased into you slowly as he drew circles around your bud. You trembled and bit your lip as you hung your head and he bit into your shoulder as he sank to his limit.
He rocked slowly as the coil twisted around his fingertips and your walls clung to him. You spread your hands flat on the counter as he moved you against it, hips hitting the curled edge of the linoleum.
Your helplessness turned into desperation to get off. You leaned back into him as you stood on your toes, back arching as you welcomed each cloying thrust of his hips. Your voice fluttered from you and echoed in your head. You muffled yourself with your palm and he tore your hand away.
He swirled his fingers faster and you breathed through your nose as you held in the rising glee. You growled as you came, legs shaking and cunt gripping him tightly. He took your orgasm as a cue and sped up, the impact of your hips growing painful against the counter.
You felt another climax about to erupt inside of you but your nerves spiked in another way as an unexpected knock sounded. Thor grunted but never wavered as he kept fucking you. He snaked his thick arm around your neck and forced you against him entirely, nearly taking you off your feet as his other hand stayed between your legs.
The knock came again, louder and impatient. Thor’s bicep pressed to your throat as your head lolled along his shoulder. He growled and his flesh slapped harder against yours as he chased his own release. Tap, tap, tap.
“One second!” he called to the door and choked on his voice.
He rammed into you hard and you felt the sudden flow inside of you. He didn’t slow as he coated your walls, not until he was spent and oversensitive. He shuddered as the knocking became constant and he let you slump against the counter as he slipped out of you. He inhaled sharply as it made him wince and he slapped your ass.
“We have company,” he said as he grabbed the paper towel and wiped himself off. 
He turned away and tossed the crumpled rectangle into the bin. You watched him stomp through the living room and curve back around to the door as he snatched up a throw to knit around his waist. You squeezed your thighs together and pulled down your night shirt as he turned the latch. You focused on pouring your coffee as shame bubbled in your chest.
“If it wasn’t snowing, I wouldn’t have waited so long,” Loki complained as Thor opened the door.
“It wasn’t that long,” Thor grumbled, “what is it?”
“You asked me to come here first thing. Do you not remember, brother?” Loki snipped and you sensed him peeking over at you, “though I might understand why your mind wandered.”
“I recall,” Thor swept back into the living room as Loki stepped out of his boots.
“Good morning,” he slithered and you looked over at him.
“Coffee?” you asked as you held up the carafe.
“I prefer tea but thank you,” he continued on after his brother and you huffed quietly. 
You put the pot back on the burner and slowly parted your legs. You ripped off some paper towel and wiped away the cum before it grew sticky on your skin. You quivered as you brushed your sensitive cunt and did your best to clean up.
You took your mug and sneaked out of the kitchen and down the hall as you heard the men’s voices. You didn’t so much as look at them as you escaped to your room. You kept the door open a crack as you searched out some clothes and flung them on the bed.
“Well, I was thinking perhaps you wouldn’t have to remain,” Loki ventured, “your organization will need you back as soon as this snow clears.”
“You hate this place,” Thor argued, “so why--”
“I hate your little band of brutes worse,” Loki interrupted, “besides, you’ve done what you needed. You’ve come to agreement with the locals and now you can be off to your usual… affairs.”
“And what about yours?”
“My business has always been cleaning up after you. You will need one here with the acumen to secure the deal and all its complex facets.”
“These men don’t sign contracts,” Thor scoffed.
“That is not what I mean. You know my skills beyond legal tedium,” he replied, “you are far too distracted to see to it all yourself.”
“Hmmm,” Thor hummed and silence rose. 
You took a gulp of coffee and clunked the cup down. You grabbed your clothes and hurried across to the bathroom and shut yourself in. You rinsed yourself with tap water before you dressed and listened again as their tones drifted through the small apartment.
“I suppose you make sense,” Thor conceded, “Heimdall hasn’t stopped calling these last days, or at least, I think. The service here… but I should be back.”
“Father, too,” Loki added. 
“Father, too,” Thor agreed, “well, let us hope this storm passes soon.”
You emerged from the bathroom and crept down the hall. Loki stood as you looked into the living room and checked his silver watch. “I will leave you to your… recreation,” he smirked at you as he raised his chin, “but I will make arrangements for my prolonged stay as you ready for your departure.”
Thor nodded and waved him away. He leaned on his elbow as he rested his chin on his knuckles and Loki sent you another grin before he strode away. He pulled on his boots and left with a lilted “goodbye” to both of you.
You waited as the conversation replayed in your head. He was leaving. At last. You struggled not to smile and instead neared and took Loki’s former spot in the slouchy chair.
“You heard all that?” he asked the redundant question. You nodded and his blue eyes flicked out the window. “Well, we’ve got some packing to do.”
“We?” you echoed, “I… what?”
“You think I would leave you here?” his mouth curved, “kitten, this little town isn’t our end. It’s our beginning.”
“I can’t just leave. I have a job, I have an apartment, and--”
“And? You can have all those things if you come with me. Better even. We have a national archive, I know one of the curators, and I think you’ll like my place--”
“I’m not going with you,” you interrupted, “you’ve done enough. I won’t leave because of you.”
“Oh? You think it’s your decision? And what will you do otherwise? Will you drive home to your mother? She’s got a job of her own and I don’t think she has any room left in her life for her daughter. Not a daughter old enough to take care of herself. To be in the care of a man rather than her parent, yes?”
“I don’t need you to take--”
“You do need me. You don’t realise it because you’ve not seen what I could do to ruin your life. Truly. I’ve been rather generous and I’ve shown you only some of what I can do. I can give you everything or I can take everything,” he sat up and stretched his arm over the back of the couch, “you don’t want to see what I can take.”
You paused and stared at him. All light was gone from his blue eyes and his expression was void of any of his usual gaiety. You sat back as his words struck you. A sudden realisation chilled your blood.
“How do you know about my mom?”
“I’ve always been rather serious about you, kitten,” he said, “so why wouldn’t I want to know everything about you.”
You thought of Bucky’s girl and Steve’s. You used to pity them and now you were them. You pitied yourself and knew then the true extent of their futility. 
As in all things, there was no denying Thor in this. But you wanted to, so much. You wanted to scream, you wanted to hit him, you wanted to run and never stop.
You got to your feet and turned away from him. “Did you want coffee?” you asked in resignation.
He was quiet for a moment. He understood and he knew you did too. That was your white flag.
“Just a touch of milk,” he replied.
You went into the kitchen and filled his mug. Yours was likely cold by then, you thought as you stirred in a cloud of milk. You replaced the carton in the fridge and stared at the machine. Your eyes crawled over every inch of the kitchen in a silent farewell. 
You never liked this place; not the apartment, not the library, not the town. You always told yourself you would give anything to leave, to make it anywhere else. You regretted those naïve wishes. It should have been good enough. It was but now you couldn’t hold onto it.
Your fingers closed around the mug and you felt the heat through the porcelain. You furrowed your brow and let go of it. You turned and neared the other end of the counter. Your eyes rested on the knife block and you reached shakily to free a blade from its slot. You gripped it tight and turned it to catch the light.
If you killed him, you wouldn’t have to worry about him ever again. And if he killed you...
What were you thinking? What were you doing? You shook as you eyed the knife but could not bring yourself to put it back. There was only one way away from this man. Any cell would be freedom compared to him.
You tucked it into the back of your jeans and took the cup of coffee. You went into the living room and found Thor on his feet, his jeans low on his hips. You handed him the mug and watched him as he thanked you with a smile. He sipped as his other hand lingered along the top of the denim.
“Enough milk?” you asked, the air thick in your lungs as the handle of the jeans poked your back.
“Just perfect,” he assured you.
You stared at him as the hate roiled inside of you. You hated him. You really did. It didn’t matter if he could get you off, that he could be nice, he wasn’t nice. He was one of those bikers. Hell, you could be certain he was a killer. You weren’t crazy, he was.
You reached behind you as he turned and set down the mug. You pulled out the knife and cocked your arm back. You were knocked back as he spun and kicked you, his own hand flying up from his waistband. You fell onto the floor and the knife clattered away from you.
He knelt with his knee on your chest and pressed the barrel of his gun to your head. He leaned all his weight on you until you couldn’t breathe. You croaked and slapped at his leg as you gasped for air. The metal was hard and unyielding against your skull.
“I see you’ve made your choice,” he said as your eyes crossed in an effort to look at the gun, “the hard way it is.”
You closed your eyes, certain it would all end with a bang. He pulled the gun away and suddenly the weight was off your chest. As you peeked out from under your eyelids, he grabbed you by your neck and thrust you up to your feet. He had you dangling from his grip as he walked you across the room.
He slammed you into the wall so that your head spun. His blue eyes seared as he snarled and leaned in.
“Don’t you worry, kitten, I’ve got a nice little cage waiting for you,” he sneered, “but for now, this will do.”
He wrenched you forward then shoved you back against the wall. Your head bounced off it and left you in a daze. He let go and you fell to your knees. He grabbed the back of your shirt and dragged you into the hall. He tossed you into the bedroom ahead of him and moved swiftly to take his belt from where it was coiled on your dresser.
He got down to straddle you under him as you batted at him weakly. Your were senseless and stupid from his assault. You thought of the knife on the living room floor and wanted to sob. He wound the belt around your neck and pulled it tight. 
“You better get used to wearing a collar, kitten,” he snarled as he leaned in, his nose brushing against yours, “or you’ll choke from it.”
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lunathewritingcat · 3 years
Not Too Late | Choi San
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Pairing : ATEEZ San x GN Reader
Genre : Non Idol! au, Slight Angst with Fluff ending
Notes : English is not my first language, im sorry if i mispelling or hv some grammar mistake as this is my first one shot of ATEEZ. Have a nice day~
9:45 PM, Night
San was sitting on a bench while waiting for you.
“Oh? Choi San!”
San heard his name called by someone, he turned his head. He knew that’s not your voice.
“Hana? What are you doing here?”
Hana looked at San with a shy smile on her face.
“I’m heading to nearby shop but then I saw you sitting here... alone”
San just nodded his head.
“Who are you waiting for? Do you want me to accompany you?”
San scratched his neck. He quite worried if you saw him sitting together with another girl.
“Urm no its fine. I can wait here by myself. Aren’t you said that you are heading to shop? You should go now, its late already and its not safe for you to be outside alone”
Hana pouted and quickly sat next to San. She ignored San’s advice.
“No, I’m changing my mind. Let me accompany you and I want to know who are you waiting for”
San sighed.
“This girl is so stubborn” he muttered.
After almost 20 minutes of waiting, you arrived. You recognised San’s body shape from afar. You planned to surprise and make up to him for arriving late because of your part time job. Your smile faded after you saw he was sitting with someone.
Your step stopped after you saw the girl’s side face. You know her. She is the girl that once gave a big impact to San 2 years ago. She is San’s ex-girlfriend. That girl was touching his arm while laughing together with your bestfriend.
Yes, San is only your childhood bestfriend but you loved him. You wished that he has feelings for you too. You hoped that its not too late for you to confess your love to him. But saw him sitting together with his ex-girlfriend changed your mind.
She kissed San’s cheek.
You almost dropped the cake that you brought together. You decide to just go home but your legs was like glued to the ground.
San was really surprised by her action.
“Hana! What are you doing?!” San wiped his cheek.
“San, I know you used to love me right? I already broke up with him. He cheated on me! I regret for leaving you. Why don’t you come back to me?” asked her.
San was silenced for a few seconds.
You remembered that San once told you, he hoped she will beg him to come back to her. San got what he wanted.
“I think its better if I keep this feelings to myself.” You hit your head with fake laughed. You wiped your tears.
You decided to text him saying that you are too tired to go meet him at the park but you accidentally dialed his number without you realised because you can’t control your urged to cry.
You cried so hard while imagined that San was in front of you. You left your phone hanging on your hand.
“San, I hope you know that I love you more than just a friend. I hope you are here... cuddle me while I’m crying, but too bad you love her. You’ve been suffered for a long time crying for her. You deserve to be happy, Choi San”
You hated yourself for losing the chance to be with him.
You cried without realised that San heard everything you said.
“I’m here, you idiot”
Someone touched your cheeks, wiping your tears.
“S-san... What are you doing here?” You asked him.
“I should be the one asking you that. Why are you here? Aren’t we promised to meet at our favourite place?” San caressed your hair.
“N-no I mean... how did y-you find me?”
San smiled and touched your cheeks.
“I always know where my cute little bean is” San pinched your cute chubby cheeks.
“San...” You whined. “But you loved her. You should go to her”
“No, she cheated on me for that guy. Now, she deserved that. HAHAHA” said San with evil laugh.
You laughed a little.
“I thought I was the only one have feelings towards my own bestfriend, thank god you are same with me, Y/N” San quickly hugged you, tightly.
“and I love you too my cute smol little bean” San pulled away to kiss your cheeks.
“Hey my little bean, look at me”
You stared at San’s eyes. His eyes is like a galaxy full with stars.
“Promise me that you won’t leave me, be with me forever. Okay?” San showed his pinky finger to you.
“I thought its too late for me to confess my love to you” You stared at the ground.
San hold your face close to his face.
“Its not too late, love. I always waiting you said those 3 words to me.” San kissed your forehead.
“San, I feel like want to kill myself whenever I saw you hugging or touching any girls. I don’t like it no I hate it” you pinched his arm.
San laughed.
“Oh Love, you are so cute when you are jealous. Here I have something for you”
San gave you a small gift box.
“What is this?” You asked him.
“My belated birthday gift to you”
You opened it and smiled. Its a necklace with a pink diamond swan pendant.
“San, this is too much. It must be really expensive right?” You pouted and got teary eyes again.
“No, anything for my baby. Later, I will buy us couple rings okay? Don’t cry please”
You nodded.
“So urm... can I kiss-“
You kissed San before he finished his words.
“I love you so much, San”
“I love you more, Y/N”
Should i do part 2 for this?
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slasherkisss · 4 years
Could I request pyramid head x reader where he gets tuck in between walls or something and reader comes to help him only to take advantage of the situation and give him a blow/ hand job :)❤️
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You held your breath as you stared at the sight before you, your entire body rigid and muscles tense to run at any given moment. The monster before you groaned a high pitched, metallic sound of struggle that you had never heard from his (lack of) lips. It was almost desperate. Almost frustrated. Rare noises from a being poised to deliver judgement at any given moment of his life. Yet, despite the sight of rippling muscles and a sword large enough to slaughter, you felt yourself smile at the entirety of the ridiculous situation.
The Executioner was stuck.
A foolish attempt to follow you through a small window had resulted in his head cramming itself unceremoniously into the small space, now with the inability to withdraw it or move forward due to the awkward angle of his weapon hanging along his side. You were crouched before him, making sure that there was no way he could truly free himself and preparing to run if he suddenly did so but... there was nothing.
And that gave you a wicked idea.
“Do... you need help?” You tried to contain the trembling excitement in your voice as you smiled wide. Another frustrated groan broke against the otherwise quiet fog of the trial and you felt your fingers twitch with as you stepped back slightly, licking your lips. Sweat warmed your forehead out of instinct and you felt your heart beat in your ears no matter how much you tried to convince it that you were at least kind of safe.
“Woah, easy big guy,” You put your hands up as if trying to assure a lion that you meant no harm, swallowing the growing bile in your throat as you shifted your position, “I’ll help you get unstuck okay? Just... Promise me you’ll let me go wh-when I do, okay?”
You took the volatile thrashing and screeching from the Pyramid Head as a ‘no’ and sighed in annoyance.
“FINE. FINE. At least like. Five second head start? Is that okay?”
He genuinely paused at this, tilting his massive head as if thinking it over. You took the ever-so-slight tilt of his head after a moment as a nod and began your analysis of the situation.
You got close to the front of The Executioner, far closer than you had ever been without being thrown over a shoulder and hooked mercilessly, and from your position you could see the flexing of his muscles in his arms and the bulging veins in his neck as he stood still, trying to uphold the agreement and not lash out to strangle you where you stood. The self control was impressive and... you had to admit, those arms were a little bit hot.
You reached out to touch at the musculature along his biceps, testing their position to see if he might be able to adjust them to help him slide out. What met you was a warning metallic shriek and another thrash as his arms lashed out at you, causing you to scream and jump backwards with wide, terrified eyes. His thrashing went on for a few more moments before he settled down again, breath heavy in his chest as he did so. 
Okay, so his front wasn’t going to work. What about his back?
You stood and moved around the building he was stuck in, entering the rickety old house with slow movements as you observed the situation from behind. You blushed to see just how handsome he was even at that angle. The strange tarp covering his lower half swished in the low light of the room, the muscles in his legs just as impressive as the ones in his arms and you could pinpoint the spot where his sword was stuck in the space, preventing him from pulling forward or back to get out properly. That wouldn’t be so hard! All you had to do was pull the sword and-
You stopped as you grew close to him, noticing how the fabric had bunched up to give you a view of his ass. Was he really that thick that he had a great ass too!? Why were you even looking at his ass!? It was a nice ass though...
Your fingertips traced his skin without thinking about it. Another thrashing movement from his front echoed but it settled with less resistance than the last time and you wondered why this was better than you touching near his head. Maybe it hurt less? You’d never get an answer from him, so why bother to wonder?
You walked around the man, observing his stuck form with something akin to moderate amusement and curiosity as you ran your fingertips along his legs, feeling him all but shudder beneath your touch. Never had you had this power over a killer before. Never had the tables been turned so that you were the one making them squirm... It was....
And judging by the slowly growing tent in the front of his skirts he thought so too.
“You into this, big boy?” You wondered with amusement lacing your tone as you called out to him, leaning down so that you could duck under his stuck form. His muscles flexed above you as you slowly lifted up his skirts to reveal the thick, half hard cock bobbing neatly between those muscular legs and you felt yourself all but drool. 
His movements have long since stopped and his chest on the other side was heaving with heavy, shaking breaths that vibrated down to his toes as you reached out, your hand finding his dick and - oh god- was he thick. You couldn’t wrap your grip all the way around him, needing to bring up your other hand to fully encompass his girth. Slowly you moved your grip up and down his shaft, watching the skin stretch and his head flush even more red as, somewhere behind you, he thrashed with a needy groan to his mettalic edges. 
This was nice, you thought in awe, this was power... And, for this one moment, you could have it.
Without letting yourself think too much about the situation you leaned forward, placing a kiss to the head of his dick and ignoring the pungent flavor in favor of relishing in the groan that shook his body, his lower half twisting and trying to thrash in any way it could. You could tell that he wanted nothing more than to grab you. To force you down against him and take you with a greedy, selfish sort of need - but he simply could not. Not as long as you were in control and you chose the pace.
You couldn’t help but smile around his dick as you took more of it into your mouth, its thickness stretching your lips to their fullest and the moan you let out around the skin was involuntary, but oh-so appreciated. You felt him throb with hungry need in your mouth, the additional pulsation making you squirm as you moved your hands up what you could not fit in your hungry lips.
The sound of your wet sucking filled the room against his heavy breathing. The metallic groaning of his head was something you could almost associate with moans and huffs if you were not heady with the scent of his arousal and drunk off the power his form offered to you. You watched through teary eyes as his knees began to buckle and his thighs tensed.
That’s when he surprised you.
With what muscle he had been able to control and what movement he could shift, he thrust forward. It caught you off guard enough to send you scrambling back into the wall with a startled gasp, your lips falling from his dick as your shoulders ached with the impact. You frowned, about to comment on the action, but his hips were faster and, soon, his cock was in your mouth again and moving with a relentless pace.
You could barely breathe as he fucked your mouth into the wall, his hips moving fast and hungry as he groaned above you. On the other side of the wall you could hear his hands scratching at the concrete, trying to break through it in order to get to you. To tear away and reach you. The terrifying crack in its space made you worried that he might succeed, but instead his grip only held onto the window as his hips pushed into you with a faster, more fervent need.
Blackness clouded the edges of your visions as he came, his massive cock pausing in the back of your throat and pulsing hot, bitter cum down into your stomach as your head hit the back of the wall with one last, bruising thud. As he slid himself from your lips, you watched the trail of spit and cum leak from between your teeth and to the tip of his dick as you coughed through the sudden onslaught against you. Your chest heaved with an effort to breathe as you tried to clear your throat (and moderately your nostrils) of his tangy flavor.
Your heart stopped when you heard a clang fall just to your side. The sword keeping him stuck had been dislodged.
It was all at once that he pulled himself from the wall with a heaving roar, making you flinch as you stood under the massive creature, his head facing you and his chest heaving. Heavy. Terrifying. You were going to die. 
So the surprise was genuine when he reached out and grabbed you, throwing you up and pushing you against the wall with a heavy, hungry growl under his helmet. 
You smiled a little, terrified and shaking yet oh-so excited.
It looks like it was his turn. 
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