#a timeline where chara isn't that bad
infizero · 2 months
flowey in genocide is literally so fucking upsetting cause its like every other reset he remembers. but when you true reset thats the one time where he also forgets just like everybody else. he has no idea that he had finally found some kind of happiness in true pacifist, he has no idea that moments ago he was literally BEGGING YOU to not reset everything and just let everyone be happy.
(and his sad smile when he says "you've probably heard this a hundred times, haven't you...?" rlly shows how frightened he is about not being the one in control anymore. before he had all the power but now he's helpless to your actions, with no idea how many times this all might've played out...)
but the thing that REALLY gets me is his final moments in the route. the fact that he's evil scheming and everything as usual, and then suddenly the evil smile drops away.
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["but seeing you here changed my mind. chara... i think if you're around... just living in the surface world doesn't seem so bad."]
WHICH IS LIKE. POSSIBLY ONE OF THE MOST DEVASTATING LINES IN THIS WHOLE FUCKING GAME. you'd think flowey would be at his MOST evil here, but instead, because he believes you're chara, this is like the closest flowey gets to how he was as asriel outside of true pacifist.
this guy literally has no compassion and has done horrible shit countless times and is planning to do so again, and yet all it takes is chara and that entire struggle crumbles. all of the sudden, maybe just living in this one timeline would be ok. just like how it is in true pacifist.
but of course, chara has become corrupted by our desire to see everything, do everything, complete everything; this isn't the same kid who was asriel's sibling, but rather the personification of that insatiableness we harbor. a demon. and with that comes efficiency, detachment, viewing this all as nothing but something to progress through, something to beat. these people dont matter, this story doesnt matter, all that matters is completion. proceed.
and so tragically, flowey does not get to live out that timeline here. HE COULD HAVE BEEN HAPPY. but no. and as soon as he realizes we are more of a threat than he realized, that's when we quite LITERALLY see him revert to how he was as asriel. desperately trying to appease us. trying to make himself useful. and finally, as he speaks in his real voice, with his real face, we get to see him as what he truly is deep down: a scared kid who never got to grow up. and he's slaughtered into nothingness.
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sakasakiii · 1 year
I love your work!! Your art is very pretty. Do you have a specific idea of how old everyone is ? Do you lean more towards canon or do you have your own dates in mind ? If don’t wanna a answer it’s ok!
Hope u have a nice day
(Remember to drink water!)
hiiii nonnie!!! thank you for checking in, and im happy u like the stuff i put out!! when it comes to ages, it's difficult to answer sometimes bc of the way professor tolkien's timeline is-- it makes gauging one singular place where most of the cast can be compared something that makes my tired brain go 😵🤧🤕 but i love the prompt youve given! and thus heres my attempt at it
with most of my tolkien stuff, i always try to stick to canon wherever possible emphasis is on try lmao and the topic of ages is one such place. i do make exceptions to the Professor's canon sometimes for a few reasons: 1) i like some of the scrapped ideas in his drafts, or 2) i just prefer other options. with ages, i think the only charas with canon-established ages i deviated from are fingolfin, finrod, turgon, and aredhel. i try to keep cases like these minimal tho, so i hope it doesn't bother anyone too much... 👉👈
anyways i figured just dropping a list of numbers would be kinda boring to look at so heres an illustrated guide to what the ~rough~ ages of the finweans are in my head whenever i write or draw. Y.T. 1495 (the year Finwe dies) is the controlled medium ive used to enable a fair comparison of the Finweans
note: "born Y.T. xxx" means this is the canon date of birth listed on Tolkien Gateway. "est. born [xxx]" means this is a noncanon estimate:
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the First Age gets a lot more muddled from there due to the hullaballoo of everything going on, so ill only be including the doriathrim and a few other denizens of nargothrond:
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it's mostly the older elves that are more undefined/vague with their ages (i.o.w. others like elwing, earendil, the peredhil twins, and most Men all have set dates of birth), so they're all i'll be doing for now. but it's that vagueness which makes hcing all the more enjoyable, isn't it! plus since we’re on this subject, under the cut are just a few headcanons and musings ive had that i wanted to put somewhere 😙
Finarfin and Earwen were born within months of each other! Finwe and Olwe made a Really Big Deal out of when they found out their wives were pregnant at the same time. As a result, the two were often sent on many playdates with each other to “bolster healthy relations” between the Noldor and the Teleri. It wasn’t an arranged marriage situation, but I like to think they were goofy for each other from the start… Resulting in the two eventually getting married as soon as they came of age, the fastest out of all of Finwe’s kids to do so. 
The reason the Ambarussa are significantly younger than the other Finweans (especially the Feanorians-- there’s a 100 Valian year gap between them and Curufin alone!) is because I imagine they were accidental babies that even Feanor didn’t expect to conceive. too bad morgoth said "its morgin time!" and started Messing Things Up shortly afterwards.....
Anaire was Lalwen's good friend long before she married Fingolfin; they met through Lalwen who wingmanned Fingolfin the whole time. i like think Anaire'd be the best out of all the wives at keeping good, healthy bonds with all the women of her family :DD
luthien's potential 姐姐/big sis dynamic with all the younger doriathrim elves is something i daydream about a lot 😌 but sometimes the fact that she's older than finarfin keeps me up at night
this has been really fun, so thanks again for asking-- annnd yessir, i am chugging water as i write this so you better be doing the same ❤️ have a great start to your week!
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yanderes-galore · 9 months
I don’t know if someone already requested it, but can you do a concept with Dust Sans where the darling are trying to survive against him?
Yeah, I can try. I'm not used to Undertale AUs but I'll try. I only really know DustTale from a fangame I saw so if anything is off, that's why. I tried to do my research and keep the personality still both Sans and Murder! Sans. I don't wish to offend the creator so I tried my best here. I hope you all like it nonetheless. I doubt the original author will see this but if they want me to take this down I can, just ask, I wish to respect them. This is just for fun.
Yandere! Murder Sans with Darling trying survive against him
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Hunting, Guilt, Death/Murder, Delusional behavior, Horror themes, Actually is a bit sad, Angst, Dubious relationship (as in, it's not even focused half the time).
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As I wish to respect the author, I will try to keep Dust/Murder Sans as in character as possible.
Those who know the AU, even if I don't know all of it, know that this version of Sans is insane due to all the murder he had to do.
Sans’ goal is to kill all the monsters before Chara/The Human does.
Even his own brother, who he then hallucinates.
The most in character way to write something like this to me is this;
You are someone close to Sans before all the genocide routes.
He cared about you once… before all of this.
Then he saw you die… so many times.
It hurt… it all hurt.
I feel even if you were close he'd still end up chasing you down.
After all, DustTale appears to be a race to see who's stronger; The Human or Sans.
He wants to break this cycle.
Do the others even matter if they don't remember the resets?
I feel with this version of Sans there's a good chance you'd die.
By his hands… maybe as some sort of mercy killing.
Sans probably doesn't want to kill you, similar to how he felt when having to kill his own brother.
Yet as he falls into insanity… he feels it doesn't matter.
In reality, isn't he making sure you don't suffer?
You'll either die by the human once again… or him.
He'll make it quick for you.
In Sans' mind he feels this is for your own good.
You no doubt don't agree due to the fact you don't remember resets.
All you know is the skeleton you used to care about looks and acts different… and wants to kill you.
So now you're running through an abandoned Underground, trying to hide and/or escape from your old friend.
Sans' main goal is to defeat The Human.
However, I HC that he hesitates at some points right up until he loses his sanity.
Even during his insanity there may be moments of clarity where Sans recalls memories of you two together.
Maybe friends in one route, something closer another, but never really enemies…
Until now.
Some monsters have evacuated, some have been killed.
While running you may have even seen Sans kill some monsters.
The sight chills you.
Many know of Sans' killing spree, plus you fear you may not last through it.
Your fate, as it is in every route, is already sealed.
You can try your best to survive but you can only go on for so long.
You can try to hide, you can try to run…
Sans may just find you if The Human doesn't.
Part of him feels bad, part of him wishes there was a chance to spare you.
There isn't… not until he has The Human dead.
After resetting the timeline you two can be happy.
He's given up everything to defeat The Human, he's seen you and his loved ones die too many times. 
You may not understand it… but he's doing this for the both of you.
Once he wins, you can be happy in a new reset.
Hopefully… the last one.
But in order to have that happen… he needs to have your power.
Surely you won't blame him in the end.
Perhaps you both know that deep down it's inevitable.
At some point, through Snowdin, Waterfall, Hotland, and that dreaded corridor… one of those places will be your final resting place.
If only you knew how much this hurt him.
If only you remembered all those memories you once had together.
Unfortunately, you don't, which makes things somewhat easier.
He keeps telling himself that this is for the better.
You can help him take down The Human.
He pushes that thought in his head when he corners you.
You plead to him, he tries to ignore it.
It feels horrible… But there's no chance for mercy.
He promises to you that he'll make everything better… that he'll fix things…
Right as he summons a bone through you.
While you wither away into dust, he promises himself he'll fix things for you.
After all, he already feels stronger!
He'll just… make it count.
If this doesn't work… he'll try again.
He promises he does this because he cares…
He's just lucky you won't remember this, you'll just see him as Sans in another route.
He hopes that's true for you.
He hopes this fixes things
He wants to be happy with you…
Which means he'll keep doing this, even if it means killing you, to obtain that happy ending.
Even if it's futile in the end….
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floweyheadcanons · 3 months
YO, BET! Okay, so I headcannon that Clover, Flowey, and Kanako (something happened where she stopped being an amalgamation, tests amd stuff, and she became back alive) go on little adventures, like they are a version of the Feisty Five but just the three of them (The Gusty Three?). They will do some illegal stuff, but they're like the Feisty Five! Chara is like Ceroba with those three, though they will go with them sometimes (To make sure they don't die, again). Frisk tries to stay out of it, most of the time. Flowey also plays the drums and electric guitar, because why not. They annoy Frisk with it. He's actually very good at plating both as well.Also, I would like to think that Clover would "flirt" with either Flowey or Chara in a joking way (Flowey aro-ace here in my world boyyyssss) to annoy them.
Anyways, what would Flowey rate the monsters Clover faced during their journey? (Starlo, Dalv, Ceroba, Martlet, El Baildor, Decibat, Mo, Axis, Chujin, & Guardener) What did he think about the Wild East? Does Clover know the date Papyrus gave to Flowey as a birthday? If so, does Clover also celebrate it? (What's the date....I need to know) Also, what does Papyrus rank all the monsters (Undertale main + Blooky and Muffet) as well as Undertale Yellow's monsters (Above), and Clover, Chara, Frisk, and Integrity (I headcannon her as Clover's older sister, named Lilian or Lily)? What does Flowey think of Lily and Clover being siblings? (One murderous, the other pacifist) What does he think of Lily overall? Does Flowey regret (If Neutral is done before Pasifist) manipulating and killing Clover? Also, (this is a lot, sorry, I just have a lot of stuff for my boy Flowey) I saw a comic of Flowey and Dalv, Flowey reading one of Dalv's books and being himself (as in being his inner child-like self). Would Dalv allow Flowey to read his books, before publishing them, as well as letting him listen to his music?
i'll try to give satisfying answers, sorry if i forget any questions since i'll be answering in reverse order (you won't be able to tell though since i'll format it in order)
sorry for taking so long to answer but i just really wanted to try to draw them!
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thought it'd be funny to make a physical tier list while in character as flowey, so i spent a couple minutes putting this together! i hope you enjoy! (hope you get the silly little gag here)
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sadly no papyrus ranking because this is the flowey headcanons!!! we can't let papyrus invade our turf! (partially an excuse because i don't feel like making another version of this where the joke is like reversed or something. you could say... i'm not feeling up to it right now. *the crowd loudly applauds*)
flowey's probably just like: "huh, isn't that funny." because it'd be pretty wacky to see from his perspective. two siblings and they DON'T have the same opinions?? what is society falling to!!!! flowey "what do you mean your sibling didn't convince you monsters are all evil?" dreemurr
overall i think he probably wishes he cared enough about lily's story to try resetting to learn the lore, and possibly help her not die this time. not because he feels bad for her but because he really wonders what a timeline where lily gets to go on a rampage and live would look like. also just because he doesn't like axis.
tbh i don't think flowey would regret it, per se. or at least, he wouldn't let himself. he'd reason in his mind that they would've ruined the plan, gotten in the way, sabotaged it, etc. which is why it's fine they didn't know! he'd probably point at the pacifist route and say "see?? see?? that's what would've happened!!! they would've given up their soul to some random idiots and ruined everything!" probably just a little peeved that clover gave up when they were so close.
honestly the idea of dalv letting flowey read the books and embrace his inner child a bit is so wholesome... he may be 25 (hc uty age) but that doesn't mean he can't read a fun book. it also kinda reminds me of my headcanon that flowey is papyrus' little taste tester (sorry if like every friendship flowey has in my mind comes back to papyrus somehow) and like, he just gets to preread as a treat for being dalv's friend! if clover was still here they'd be like on the floor, criss-cross applesauce... oh my god i forgot dalv makes music!! i think after building up some confidence he'd probably let flowey listen to just a little bit and flowey would be like "turn up the JAMS!!! the music police are getting you for this BEAT!!"
heh, don't worry about the ask being too long! everytime you send me an ask i get to ramble a bit and it's nice!
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
It occurs to me that we never saw kris or suzy in the epilogue (though I think the latter was mentioned once? Idk). Did uh… are they doing decently?
// the darkworld arc had been abandoned/retconned. while there IS a UT-universe version of Kris and Susie (assuming Frisk isn't Kris in UT, tho Kris is still very much their own person regardless) in AFR, we will only know Susie in the redraw. (again... assuming UT Susie is Suzy and not a sister like the catty and catti situation.)
x-x we just know too little about DR we don't even know how the universes mirror each other and the timelines are all WHACK. its a nightmare to write for or even theorize about. i esp dont wanna think about how they'd change in the time skips of AFR.
anyway in the redraw we'll see a LOT more of Susie as Frisk's whole journey is about befriending her. i didn't add her and MK into the epilogue because we need a proper foundation that the redraw will provide. at that point, my Susie would diverge from canon Suzy heavily as her story would be quite different.
uh. speaking of that arc...
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So. My original plan for the rewrite was for Gaster and Riverperson to have worked together in the prime timeline. then gaster got yeeted from time, leaving his work behind. Then, Chara would run away to the underground looking for a purpose and an escape from Asriel's BS and the island. (though, thinking on it, logically Mt.Ebott wouldn't be on monsterland... as that's exiled from humanity. so idk about that anyway)
Anyway exploring true lab Chara accidently uncovers an artificial darkworld and gets stuck as a ghostly narrator again, this time as a cherub with Feylow. Frisk, Susie and MK would be the party and they'd have to make their way home together. I've heavily considered this portion being a fangame-only material, for better play-value.
but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
ugghghh.... gaster.
The story itself can keep gaster to a bare minimum. The guy is scattered across time. he's not directly involved at all. at most we know he did SOMETHING to chara in the prime timeline with their soul and now things are on the fritz (what caused this AU) up until fake DW, where they're possessed again.
I just don't want to play with DR canon at all anymore. darkworlds are inherently going to tie into that. and granted, in UT canon there's entry #17 that implies a growing darkness... it's not a stretch that Gaster could of done this. And he DID have a DT extractor, and the timeline is vague but the similar wording (and how old the core is) could imply he was around Chara's time. None of this is a stretch
buuuut working with Darkworld, even if it's a fake one, is too close to DR canon and we just don't know much yet. when i first did the darkworld, i thought it'd be a fun excursion into the same chapter 1 area... but i got too into the improv and imagination side of things without understanding the original at all. (and bad improv) it didn't really hit me that DR was it's own game and lore until Chapter 2, and I realized just how early on we are into that game's story.
I just... I can work with what I've got, I can avoid DR canon as much as I can but ultimately, I'm working with 2/7ths worth of puzzle pieces.
I don't wanna do any of this. Gaster used to be a "free for all" in the fandom to do whatever timeline/lore thing you wanted to pull of cause he was free real-estate. but now DR is treating him more and more as a character and I don't wanna touch the guy as he's going to be jossing the story.
idk what to do in all honesty. The darkworld portion IS important, Chara goes through major character development that the Continue Arc is built on. But I've been struggling with Feylow as a concept, and well, this. what the hell am I going to do.
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iwander12 · 2 years
Gaster is the narrator not Chara I'm right You're wrong and you Smell!!!
I don't typically talk about UT/DR on here but I do love this little pair of games a lot and think about them and their narratives quite often. If you've been around the fandom spaces, I'm sure you're familiar with the misinterpretations of characters like Chara where they're exaggerated more than what the canon portrayed. Sure, these characters are little pixel creatures, but they have faceted personalities and it's obvious Mr. Fox had put a lot of thought into them. The thinking pattern typically goes as, you digest the game, then you digest the fandom, and fandom becomes more fresh in your memory since the game is pretty short. So you start defining these characters are what people say they are and not what they are in canon, if that makes sense. And ever since I realized my interpretations matter too, it's been bothering me.
As mentioned before, Chara was misinterpreted as the big bad, the evil, the TRUE final boss of Undertale!! , yet in canon they were plainly a traumatized kid who wasn't a great person. They were just a kid who had a poor life. Although they had the great power that came with being a human.
Your soul persists after death, right? And they were taken and buried in the Ruins. I guess that means you'd still be alive in some sort of way. The human souls that Asgore had seem to have woken up during the battle with Flowey. I wonder why. But that's the similar circumstance that wakes up Chara at the end of the Genocide route. Which means they weren't aware of what was going on at the beginning of the Genocide route or any other timelines.
I won't deny the red text at the end of the game is them. Though, I think the red text at the save point represents your soul. Not Chara's, nor Frisk's, yours. (but that's a topic for another time)
If Chara had a specific text indication, and says you woke them up at the end of a certain run, how would they be narrating your every action? Why would they be, if the narration doesn't match with their formal manner of speak?
The narration is playful. It tells jokes. It seems friendly. It inspires you. It makes fun of you. It teases you. It berates you. It is cruel. It makes fun out of violence. It makes fun out of you. It's with you at nearly every single point throughout the game. This all just doesn't seem characteristic of Chara to me, and it wouldn't make sense that they're everywhere despite being "asleep" most of the time.
Gaster is described as being scattered across time and space. He could be with you, all the time. We don't particularly know him, he could be friendly at some points and horrible at others. After all, it is the best outcome that he fell into the CORE... Of course, he's not just in Undertale. Time and space, yeah? He's everywhere. And Deltarune does have the same narration.
So, in my perspective, that makes Gaster a second "player" in this situation. There is a hierarchy of power over this world, where you're at the top. Following a monster of time and space and another human. (whether it be your vessel or Chara) Gaster does seem to be enjoying himself. He inserts himself into the game's code. (Unused Gaster fight, where every value is 666, lol) I would assume all the Fun events are caused by him too, trying to play and goof along with you. And to him, these characters, despite having been his own acquaintances and people, are just toys to play with for him. Like how we see them!
(I could go into a bit more detail regarding Deltarune but i'll just leave it here since my memory of chapter 1 isn't the greatest. Thanks if you read this all the way!)
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ask-my-silly-aus · 2 years
Hello hello!! Since you gave us info on your Charas, could you also tell us about the Frisks of their universes? Also how do/would each of them feel about each other & what would their group dynamics be if they were all to meet?
Yeah, sure! But, I think I know someone who wants to answer more than I do...
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"Lemme answer this one!"
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"Baby Frisk..."
"Um, not much to say."
~Adorable ~Big Frisk has fun playing with them!!! ~4 1/2 y/o ~Sleepy
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"Copy!Frisk !"
~Bad posture :( ~Where is their eye? ~No soul even though they're alive? ~Their Chara isn't very nice to them...
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"Big Frisk!"
~Tired ~Has like 5 kids ~Kind ~Tired x2
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"Also, as for our dynamic, that's for time to tell. For this blog, we're in this white place all together. We can spawn objects, and, with help, we can even spawn some of our friends!"
"Ask more questions, and the 'dynamic' will unveil itself! :P"
Well, now that they're done answering, here's some extra stuff.
The Frisks don't have nicknames like the Charas do, so let's come up with some ideas in the asks!
Glitttchtale!Frisk just completely forgot to introduce themself... That's okay, I'll do this for them. Glitttch is nice, talkati- Oh who am I kidding?
They are what happens when you mix a Frisk and the embodiment of ADHD. They're still very kind though, wouldn't dare hurt a fly.
In this timeline, they broke free from their player instantly after reaching the surface, so the only route they went through was pacifist. Though, for some reason, they can't help but feel like they remember a genocide route.
Copytale!Frisk, however... That's a different story. Of course, after being moved from their timeline into the white void, (get your mind away from the Errors this has nothing to do w/ them) that got them away from their player. They, in fact, do not have a soul. No copytale character does.
Baby Frisk... Well, baby Frisk is baby Frisk. Not much to say there.
Cont!Frisk was described pretty well by Glitttchy. They do, in fact, have five kids, one of which made friends with Copy!Chara over having similar interests.
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stepswowdsen · 3 months
KuroEne AU: Ene gets intimate with Kuroha (Part 2)
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KuroEne AU: Ene gets intimate with Kuroha (Part 1)
Not sure if links are gonna work when I'm on priv but here! You can refer back to the first post if you'd like to get the full context and read the rest.
KuroEne AU: Ene gets intimate with Kuroha (Part 2)
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Summary: Ene hate fucks Kuroha. The End.
KuroEne AU Rambles
I'm gonna preface this with my rambles first before I post my KuroEne AU dialogue scripts. At the very least I want my rambles and ship ideas to be interesting to read. Hopefully this is interesting <3
I feel like Notion changed their font omg
Also just for those who aren't familiar with my AU ideas. My depictions of my ships (including their bedroom intimacy), are ALWAYS mutually consensual. And I always make sure to make my ship depictions as healthy as possible. At least, as healthy as we can get with Kuroha/Saeru, anyways. Like we ARE dealing with a chara who's basically the equivalent of a serial killer, causing an eternal time loop tragedy by constantly killing the protag cast.
Ene hate fucks Kuroha, acting on her complicated feelings and desire for him, and Kuroha loves teasing her. In Kuroha/Saeru's words, they indulge in pleasure together.
In canon verse, their relationship is so messy and complicated and angst heavy and tinged with tragedy, and that's what makes it fun~~
Though ofc I also enjoy dealing with them in more lighthearted AUs too.
Ene tries to convince herself that she's just doing this to defeat him, but Kuroha tells her the real reason - she seeks warmth and companionship, and because of his knowledge of the previous routes (past timelines) and experiences, he knows her and her desires intimately.
It's a requirement for me for the MLW ships I'm obsessed with to have at least one meow meow mf (and if not that, a chara of a secondary trope I enjoy), to be messy and complicated and funny, and for at least one of the characters to be able to be HC'ed/interpreted as queer)
Like it's obvious that KuroEne works so well as a ship due to their unique context and dynamic (Kuroha/Saeru's character context and HaruTaka and KonoEne's existence), and KagePro's setting.
Like I would NOT be into it if it was just some generic ass Hate/Love trope MLW ship (a trope I despise most of the time unless it's good), cuz most Hate/Love MLW ships are bad and uninteresting.
Random unsorted dialogue script drafts I wrote. Gonna have to add to these sometime but for now they're unfinished. I like Kuroha teasing blushy embarrassed Ene~
Since both submissive Ene and more assertive dominant Ene appeals to my gay side teehee 🤭 I had lots of different separate scenario ideas in mind, so I tried to include the context in which I wrote these
KuroEne Rambles (Continued)
Me: Why is an AU where Ene has hate sex with Kuroha/Saeru so interesting and fun to write for
I mean, I know why. It's because Ene can actually interact with him and others (Mekakushi Dan members) physically now that she isn't just stuck in electronic devices (Shintaro's phone and computer).
I like writing a lot about their intimacy, but now that Ene can move around in the real world and so he can take her places, like to the amusement park.
Also just for those who aren't familiar with my AU ideas. My depictions of my ships (including their bedroom intimacy), are ALWAYS mutually consensual. I always make sure to make my depictions as healthy as possible. Like we're dealing with a chara who's basically the equivalent of a serial killer causing a time loop tragedy
Ene hate fucks Kuroha, acting on her messy complicated feelings (and secretly, desire) for him, and Kuroha loves teasing her. In Kuroha/Saeru's words, they indulge in pleasure together. From Kuroha's end it's not hate, but interest and curiosity.
Ene tries to convince herself that she's just doing this with him to defeat him, but Kuroha tells her the real reason - she seeks warmth and companionship, and because of his knowledge of the previous routes (past timelines) and experiences, he knows her and her desires intimately.
In canon verse, their relationship is so messy and complicated and angst heavy and tinged with tragedy, and that's what makes it fun~~
Though ofc I also enjoy dealing with them in more lighthearted AUs too. They deserve to just be cute together in fanon AUs
God, this ship is so fucking spicy. I looove how much conflict and tension they have. I'm remembering why I was so in love with them AHHH.
I think Ene's assertive, bold and brazen, cheeky, competitive personality fits so well with someone like Kuroha/Saeru. They fit sooo well together.
Cuz while she doesn't actually have the upper hand, like she only "wins" against him in their "games" cuz he lets her, she can still surprise him with how predictably unpredictable she is. And just having that little win over him is good enough for her.
Kuroha obliges and lets her top/dominate him. He is interested to see how things play out with Ene leading their intimacy, cuz he wants to see how far she'll go when she wants something (him). Like her topping just proves she WANTS to do this with him, no matter what she says (since Ene is very tsundere).
KuroEne rambles
One more thing: As I said before, Ene seems very… bottom ngl, but I wanted her to be more assertive and dominant to match someone like Kuroha/Saeru to at least balance things out more… alleviate the power imbalance slightly. Ene is very bold and brazen and confrontational. It's fun when she takes charge and takes the lead in their intimacy too! Kuroha obliges and lets her.
Also, I said this before that, in canon verse, Kuroha/Saeru inherently has a power imbalance with every character that he could be paired with due to his context (ie. power in physical strength and power over knowledge). Though, that's not inherently a bad thing.
Imo you just need to tread carefully with Kuroha's ships so that they're still portrayed with care. Like imo it can still be done. I do make sure to make the relationship and setting as healthy as possible, at least, as healthy as you can get with Kuroha/Saeru, anyways.
Cuz I needed something to balance how, in Kuroha ship AUs, Kuroha/Saeru clearly weaponizes his words and knowledge against the chara he's paired with, with how he knows about Ene's love for Haruka, her special, complicated relationship and friendship with Konoha, and her personal vulnerabilities and secrets.
And even letting her have that form of control in intimacy is still like playing a game to him. The knowledge that he could take back that control at any time, still plays up to and feeds his ego.
Cuz Kuroha would be all like, "Oh, you think you're in control here, just because I'm letting you do what you want?"
He'd be interested to see how things play out with Ene leading cuz he wants to see how far she'll go when she wants something (him).
Kuroha knows that Ene thinks that she's the one who's in charge of the situation, the one in charge of their bedroom intimacy, just because he willingly gives up control. Ene would be surprised with how… seemingly calm and compliant he is about it, and so, decides to take the lead.
But he knows who's really in charge of their intimacy. It's an ego boost for him.
Ofc I like submissive bottom Ene too cuz it fuels my gay side, but more assertive dominant Ene also drives me crazy. Love both <333
Ene: I got it!!! I'm going to use my Ultra~ Cute~ Cyber Girl~ Techniques on you and seduce you and impress you with my skills!! Just watch!!! (>:D) Kuroha: Cut it out with the jokes, will you? (^-^)
God, this ship is so fucking spicy. I looove how much conflict and tension they have. I'm remembering why I was so in love with them AHHH
I think Ene's assertive, bold and brazen, competitive personality is the perfect fit to counter someone like Kuroha/Saeru. They fit sooo well together. Out of Kuroha/Saeru's possible ships, they make SUCH a good ship.
I think that ship-wise, Ene and Shintaro work best with Kuroha/Saeru, due to the special relationship they had with Haruka, and now Konoha.
Some of my fave lines that I wrote
Kuroha tells Ene that he'll take her to the brink of "pleasure"
Kuroha: I'll let you taste the biting fangs of love, and the intoxicating poison of pleasure… Kuroha: And yet, you crave this, Ene. You knowingly drink from the fountain of poison. Kuroha: I'll take you even further… I'll push you to the brink, and let you fall with me into the abyss. Ene—
Like aghhhh these ones are so good
Some of the most banger dialogue I've ever written has been for my JuAli AU and KuroEne AU like OMGGG
Other rambles
Ene realizes that Kuroha/Saeru's retention of memories, and recounts of their intimate moments together, are WAY too "clear" and vivid and specific to make up on the spot. Like it fully explains why he knows sm about her (her past, wants, and desires, and bedroom preferences). He's not lying.
We actually don't know how clear Saeru's retention of memories of previous routes is, so in my KuroEne AU, I just assumed he remembers everything in specific detail. Like a memory bank you can draw upon.
I feel like Ene gets mad at him when Kuroha/Saeru starts flaunting his knowledge of her from previous routes, especially their moments of intimacy together, cuz to her, it makes it seem like he is not taking her seriously. But Kuroha probably tells her that he IS taking her seriously, and that he would not be here, playing the game with her, if he wasn't.
Ene: You started doing it so many times it started to become like a game to you...! Kuroha: Is that what it seems like to you, Ene? Oh, but I am taking you very seriously. Your anger, hatred, and desire… They all fuel me. Kuroha: You are mistaken about that, Ene. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't, hm? Since we are both participants in this game of ours—
Ene: Maybe because you started learning, after doing this so many times— When did you start pretending to be human? Ene: Snake of Clearing Eyes. I want to fog up your eyes……
She probably bites back to him that, him getting to know and bond with them before killing them, is honestly even more cruel than just killing them. It's like building a tower of blocks only to tear it down yourself, and his "playing around with peoples' lives" is like experimenting with taking out said blocks just to see it all come crashing down (ie. like the block game Jenga)
And Kuroha probably tells her that he will not give up his goals/plans (since he wants to live forever). Since he is someone inherently dark and selfish (unlike the rest of the KagePro cast), he will continue to go through with causing the "Tragedy" because he sees it as a way so that he can live forever, and also, a way to meet the other party again (in this case, Ene), endlessly, forever and ever. He prioritizes his own plans/motives.
He tells her that he is the observer of the world since the beginning of time, has seen its past, and while he knows how each route will end up, at the very end (the inevitable outcome), he cannot predict the future, and so, he experiments with different possibilities. He wants to see where each of those possibilities take him, this time, and the next, next, time. What fuels him is "curiosity."
He knows Ene, and wants to know more about her, to add to his knowledge, to continue to indulge in "pleasure" with her, to see what's the same and what's different from previous routes.
Ene, someone who generally avoids confronting her feelings, doesn't want to face and confront the fact that the one who knows her most intimately (in the context of a KuroEne ship AU), is her greatest enemy.
Unsorted Dialogue Scripts
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As always, you can read more about my rambles about them under the cut! I love them sm~
5/13 Rambles
At one point I was considering Ene saying "I love you Haruka" repeatedly when she fucks him (Kuroha) to try and drown out the reality of who she's actually doing this with, and Kuroha teasingly saying "Saying someone else's name during sex is such a bad habit of yours" but I thought that might be a little too cruel ADHDSJJDSJ.
I decided against it mainly cuz Ene refuses to think of Konoha as "Haruka" and calls him an impostor instead. She wouldn't see them as the same.
5/15 ~ 5/16 Rambles
Me when I realize I can just yoink the CopyBot concept for my KuroEne AU 🖤 💙
This is how we serve 🫡 LMAO
NetsuAi (Netto/Iris) my beloved 🧡 💜 🦋 The only good MLW ship in MMBN/EXE
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I was just thinking about this but imo having something similar to a CopyBot from BN6 (Mega Man Battle Network 6) in my KuroEne AU could actually be a solution for Ene not being able to manifest into the real world
Like, I was thinking of having something similar to a CopyBot, except it's a humanoid android/robot body with human flesh that Ene can just transfer into? And when it runs out of battery, she just goes back to the cyber world.
Similar to how Iris (MMBN/EXE) does.
Except the Copybots in BN6 don't have human flesh, they're just default base bodies that just take the appearance/form of the NetNavi (Network Navigator, peoples' digital companion AIs in MMBN/EXE) that's currently in it.
And the CopyBots have a safety lock mechanism, so they can't use Battle Chips or go rogue or anything. And the CopyBots need to be charged when they run out of battery.
The MMBN (Rockman.exe) anime has the Dimensional Areas (artificially created field in which NetNavis can materialize in the real world) too but I think having something similar to a CopyBot would be the best bet
I don't watch Sci-fi movies but I'm sure there are sci-fi movies that explore similar kinds of concepts.
Kuroha/Saeru has knowledge from everything from the start of civilization… Shintaro in the KagePro LNs compares Saeru to "a living encyclopedia with a full grasp of everything from the start of civilization up to modern science."
I can't even imagine the amount of knowledge he has in his possession. That amount of knowledge is unfathomable to me. Absolutely insane.
So that LN bit confirms that Kuroha/Saeru carries knowledge of the history of mankind and its technologies over (probably) millions or thousands of years.
Especially when Japanese scientists in 2022 figured how to develop living human-like skin on a robot that can heal when cut. So yeah I definitely think he could get it done (especially for the sake of my KuroEne AU)
KuroEne Rambles
Actually I'm gonna call KuroEne a big brain rare pair, cuz it's very sense making to me. Wouldn't be the first time I big-brained with a rare pair (ie. KuroEne (KagePro), IdaTatsu (WATGBS AU), JuAli (Magi), EdRich (ROTRK), HaoRen (SK))
When I was first returning to KagePro, I initially thought that the Kuroha = Saeru reveal made it harder to work with my ship in canon-verse, but ever since then, I've still found tons of ways to make my ship work in canon-verse AUs, and KuroEne's concept is spicy as hell imo.
KuroEne is using HaruTaka and KonoEne as a basis for the ship. It's so sexy because they have the most conflict/tension and angst of all of Takane/Ene's "Haruka lookalike" harem ships (/lh), due to Kuroha being the main antagonist, and main source of tension/conflict in KagePro's plot (as the main instigator of tragedy)
Canon-verse KuroEne is an angsty af ship, it's something intense, like something poised to strike. There's much higher stakes in it, and I love interesting conflict/tension <333
I was just thinking about this like in Manga Route 2, Saeru possesses Hibiya's body and talks about how "Despair" is the root emotion that drives human wishes (and strong desire), which is why he needs to keep the despair going.
He wants to keep driving Marry and the Mekakushi Dan's despair to force Marry to reset the timeline to continue the tragedy forever.
Despair and desperation drives desire, to him. That definitely makes sense. But I would also put in my 2 cents that "Pleasure" is what drives human desire. And excitement and fulfillment.
And with someone as ancient as him, who possesses knowledge all the way from the birth of civilization to the modern age… Saeru must understand that. Since he takes pleasure and excitement in killing the Mekakushi Dan.
His desires and motivations are dark and selfish. He prioritizes his goals and self-preservation above all else. That's what makes a character like him so fun.
Like eventually, with enough time loop resets, he's gonna get bored of JUST killing everyone. Kuroha should explore what "Pleasure" and the pursuit of pleasure really means. And sensual pleasures are apart of that.
My KuroEne AU is basing itself on this concept, that eventually, Kuroha/Saeru is gonna start experimenting and messing around and playing around with different possibilities and find new ways to entertain himself.
In my KuroEne AU, he entertains and goes along with the ideas of actually getting to know the Mekakushi Dan members before moving forward with the "Tragedy" (his plan to force Marry to reset the world). He gets to bond and spend time with them for once, and he finds that this makes things new and interesting and exciting.
So it makes sense to me that in ship AU settings, he would eventually delve in pleasure (and pleasure in all its forms), including sensual pleasures, like intimacy.
The only love that Kuroha/Saeru would possess would inevitably be very dark and selfish, because he is that way, at his core. And so, you could bring in THIS sort of element into Kuroha ship AUs (and in my case, my KuroEne AU)
"If I keep doing this (forcing the world to reset), then I'll get to meet you forever and ever, for all of eternity… Doesn't that sound wonderful?"
Kuroha/Saeru should tell Ene something like, "Sensual pleasures are the most primal and raw form of connection, after all?"
Similar to Douman and Kiara's "illness filled love - craving heart" but he lacks their softer traits. Cuz Douman and Kiara respectively ABSOLUTELY show much softer/tender sides to people they love.
It just makes sense to me that someone as ancient as Kuroha would eventually explore different pleasures and ways to amuse himself? Like I'm reminded of Idate (WATGBS AU) is ~500 years old in our WATGBS AU's lore, represents "Pleasure" and "Emptiness"
Idate is a void demon who represents emptiness and constantly indulges in his own greed and pursuit of pleasure and excitement to drown out the sorrow he feels. But he still feels "empty" inside cuz the pleasure wasn't enough. At some point, sensual pleasures, etc., didn't feel fulfilling anymore. The orca twins Idate and Takama have never known soft love, only survival and death, and so, Idate struggles with feelings of loneliness and apathy.
Why Ene would even be intimate with Kuroha in my KuroEne AU:
I'd imagine that she'd feel very conflicted about him. She hates him but also feels strangely drawn to him. And well… Ene is in a very peculiar situation to begin with, with him. She is acting on her curiosity.
Imagine the main big bad villain being a guy who is in the body and has the face and voice of the person you loved (Haruka), is in the body of the person who's your friend that you can't help but have a soft spot around (Konoha), and looks exactly just like them but with a darkened colour palette, and is the guy who's been killing you and all your friends as the main big bad, who knows all your secrets and everything about you, and your Eye Ability, and your past, etc.,
Like this situation is fucking surreal.
This then gives them a "strange" kind of connection, largely due to curiosity (that Ene can't help but have), despite hating him. She acts on her curiosity and desire and need for connection.
KuroEne AU rambles
In my KuroEne AU, Kuroha/Saeru refers to his memories of being intimate with Ene in previous routes (timelines) as "dances" because it's a deliberate reference to Ene's gamer name back when she was a human (Takane), "Lightning Dancer Ene"
So yeah it's basically him showing off his knowledge, just how much he knows.
Kuroha/Saeru ships are like the only time I have ships where one chara has THIS MUCH of an advantage or leverage over the other in the ship, in terms of knowledge and physical capabilities (and also due to Kuroha's character role and set-up of constantly killing the main cast)
At first, Ene's in utter disbelief, like WHY does this guy know SO much about her (things that only her friends from 2 years ago would know, especially Haruka), but then, when she finds out about his identity as the Snake of Clearing Eyes, and the sheer amount of knowledge in his possession due to his nature as an Eye Ability Snake, it makes more sense to her.
Also, he does it to be poetic, since he's teasing her enough. Dude is fucking ancient, he's older than human civilization itself, according to the KagePro universe and worldbuilding lore
Referring to Part 1 of my KuroEne AU rambles post:
Just a headcanon but I'd imagine the olden/archaic speech patterns to transfer over a bit… Though he probably adapts well due to his knowledge.
Takane's full online gamer name was “Dancing Flash Ene” (閃光の舞姫・エネ, Senkou no Maihime - Ene), where Maihime (舞姫) means "Dancer girl.” The name Ene comes from Enomoto Takane
KuroEne Rambles (Misc)
Saeru was created as an Eye Ability Snake in response to Azami's first, original, strongest desire - She wanted to know who she was. But Saeru watched Azami's desire change from wanting to know who she was to caring for her family, and holds a disdain for humans and the world for changing his Master's wish. The "desire" that created him in the first place, his purpose, and his existence, was eventually forgotten by her.
He was created for the purpose of fulfilling wishes. But once that purpose is fulfilled, he'll disappear. So he makes sure to never completely fulfill his host's wishes.
Also, I just realized KuroEne technically have a parallel going on. Ene has a pseudo immortal body due to Ene's Eye Ability, Opening Eyes (目が覚め, Me ga Sameru), and Kuroha/Saeru wants to preserve his own life (by forcing Marry to reset the world), and live forever through infinite loop resets, and continue living on at least until his purpose is fulfilled.
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love-lv-nightmare · 4 months
Now that they've been filled with the literary version of stuffing there are three time periods to interact with 🫡
Bunny's Era
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Bunny-Chara Alliance: wherein the soul of the long-deceased first fallen human, out of boredom or a bid to increase the longevity of their ghostly existence, decides to grant the Royal Scientist the only two abilities they can still impart: Reset and Remember. They share so much in common, after all! They were murdered, he was being murdered, so why not see if he can succeed where they failed (avoiding a fated death flag)?
Except he makes the same-but different mistakes and gets murdered again. And again. Sometimes his experiments get him, yes, but more often than not he ends up pushing his boyfriend's buttons a little too much. Then he starts doing it either out of curiosity (how many bad ends are there?) or spite (well, now he's just going to fuck his dear assistant up on purpose and make the guy miserable until he breaks - his grumpy, depressed face looks almost as cute as his guilty face).
It becomes so ingrained to that point that when he finally tries for a good end it doesn't work out. Granted, it probably has something to do with how he even tries… Banishing every other soul into a different dimension except for his and his boyfriend's for no apparent reason isn't exactly the best way to propose. Fortunately he made a button to reverse that and gives his boyfriend the choice.
It's a very messy break up. Chara decides to make the same deal with Fuse and regales him stories about prior timelines. (They eventually become besties, really.)
Double Trouble Era
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Courtesy of Bunny's constantly getting himself killed and saving his ass by Resetting, he and Chara are the only ones with real memories of his era; Fuse' are secondhand, and no one else even remembers Bunny existed, let alone anything that happened when he did. Which in essence means that at this point the only one who really remembers anything is Chara.
Which is all well and good, because Fuse is a little less fucked up that he otherwise could be, though he never really succeeds in mending his relationship with his brother--much to Papyrus' confusion. After all, from his perspective, Bunny never existed, there had never been any wedge worked between them, and, hell, Fuse hadn't even left Snowdin to go anywhere. His brother's attitude and behavior are a complete and utter mystery to him. Just the other day he was totally different…?
It's a year of trying to adjust to all the differences until Frisk falls and joins the rest of the monster children--and humans--in the Ruins' Orphanage, run by the old Royal Couple. They kill everyone, and move along to Snowdin where they are summarily slaughtered when they try pulling that shit on Fuse. Of course, this means they reload from their last Save Point. And, of course, Fuse notices, thanks to Chara, and proceeds to Reset.
Problem: Chara's Save Point is stuck a year prior to Frisk's fall. And time he Resets, they have to relive the same goddamn year over again, albeit with differences as they try different ways to stop the inevitable Ruins slaughter whilst also keeping Frisk from Reloading or Resetting. A challenge, since they remember everything, too, but also have to wait out that entire year to try again. Every. Time.
It's a convoluted mess during which, after every Reset, a teeny-tiny piece of Bunny returns from the void all twisted up and wrong. Eventually there's enough to coalesce into a drippy husk of his former self and even those year lulls in between trying to figure out the Frisk Situation become sour.
They eventually figure something out. Unfortunately it includes Fuse having to secretly kill and contain every still-living fallen human's Soul in order to be able to quickly use Frisk's to break the Barrier, which leaves them no longer able to Reload or Reset. Unfortunately the process also gets rid of Chara.
Fuse thinks it also gets rid of Bunny, but the non-existent scientist simply can't leave the Underground. He doesn't have the data to put on his face, let alone visit someplace he's never been before. He doesn't have the pathing!
Surface Era
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Papyrus goes on to become a daycare worker--which really isn't much different from his prior occupation Underground; same with Undyne. The old Royal Couple get to see the Surface again before they finally fade away to dust. King Asriel tries to forge some sort of alliance with the local human government. It becomes very noticeable that some monsters (those that lived in Snowdin and the Ruins) are better able to adjust than other monsters (those that lived in the more lawless, hedonistic region encompassing Hot Land through to New Home).
Unfortunately Fuse is, at heart, part of that lawless group, despite his brother's honest attempts at making him a better guy. He ends up working at a chop-shop seeing as all of his qualifications mean nothing unless they're on a certificate provided by a human institution after many expensive years at human schools and he becomes very good at carjacking.
He does try to go legit once or twice, but he doesn't have a food handling license and humans are way too easily scandalized… BP can't really get anything going, so even gigs are a bust.
Alphys helps him out sometimes - her business ventures are very successful. She even drags him out to classy li'l cafes sometimes when Undyne is busy.
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branzinos · 1 year
like the writing on Neighbours was never Good, it's a soap, but why is the writing on the new Neighbours so Bad???? none of it feels compelling it's just like things keep happening and none of them have any weight at all. I know there's a timeskip (...why? just to explain Nell? the finale already had explanations for most of the cast moving away?? everyone moving away was the whole CRUX of the finale? why did they have to make a huge hole in the timeline?) and all so they don't have the benefit of being able to lean on plot threads that were already there so heavily, but they should have started with the existing cast and then built it up instead of flinging everything at us at once.
It's not comfortable to watch at all and isn't that the point of a soap? The familiarity? Like I needed a few episodes to process that that's suppose to be Nell, for one. They keep flinging plot threads at the wall but none of it feels like it has any weight. It almost feels like it's all written by AI. even Karl and Susan's relationship doesn't feel like it makes any sense - the dialogue in the scene where he finds the box felt SO off, like it's a cold read - I still don't really understand WHY she's impulse buying, because she doesn't seem to actually get any pleasure out of the shopping or receiving packages which is... the whole point of shopping addiction as a coping method, surely? None of the new "mysteries" are intriguing because I have no investment in these charas or anyone surrounding them. The Therese and Toadie stuff is incredibly out of pocket in particular and we're supposed to mindlessly just accept it, despite them being in two of the most overhyped couples in the old show? And they introduce a new mixed race lesbian couple and somehow make me not care about them whatsoever??? Which is an incredible feat because I'm me and I'll always go where the gays are - but they feel like they're there to tick a box but have no personality?? You could replace them with a cardboard cut out. They've only tried to make us care about one of the boys and I simplyyy do not. I don't even remember any of their names! The only chara that has felt real so far is Haz and his dog and his kindness to everyone and that's mostly down to the actor feeling very warm I think, rather than the writing. And the less said about stunt casting mischa b*rton the better, because she looks so out of place even though she's trying the best with what paper thin material she has. LOOKS incredible though, especially towering a full foot over the rest of the cast, lol.
Everything feels so empty, like they're just farming cliffhangers. Are they doing this so they can bin it and keep the license for the old episodes but SEEM like they tried?? Still look like the big hero company who saved the "beloved show", like a million other shows that get "saved" then quickly canned? I know it's only been one week of episodes but I fully don't feel like this is even the same show. Incredible skill to make me feel like I don't know characters that I've followed for like 20 years.
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underjumble · 1 year
A bunch of questions that weren't big enough to be their own (so I'm putting them together)
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3. I realize you said HAS a bad haircut, but I came up with two scenarios that are tertiary canon (I came up with definition of the term so I am sure I'm using it wrong. What I'm saying is it has no effect on the canon so you can take it or leave it.)
The first is Asriel and Chara as kids, where they cut each other's hair for fun without their parents permission. Just being silly. The next is Temmie (without permission but does she ever get permission for anything she does) deciding she's bored and actually a salonist. No one except for other tems actually got their hair cut there while it was open. It got shut down real quick-- because surprisingly, hair everywhere isn't very sanitary for restaurants-- but the customers enjoyed their awful cuts so who's to judge?
4. They would grow up and take their place as the rulers, although Papyrus would be the only one really doing anything. Papyrus would try to overwork him like his dad did, but Sans wouldn't let him take too much on. The reason why the King Papyrus ending was so bad was because the brothers were forced to rule over a broken and hopeless kingdom without warning, but since Papyrus always was meant to be king and the underground is fine.
They're not as respectable as Gaster was, but they're still good, despite Papyrus being very, very eccentric. I think by the time they're adults in this timeline, Sans and Papyrus would be virtually indistinguishable personality wise from the original. Sans would be happier and not worried about the timelines because that hasn't happened unlike the original, but really the reason underjumble has them different is due to the fact they never got to grow up and let go of anything.
Unless Papyrus perfectly times when he has a kid, Papyrus would eventually outlive his brother. He'd be distraught at first, but as time goes by, he'll look back to Sans and smile fondly. He still misses him, but it wouldn't be a stab in the heart to remember him, it would be bittersweet. He came in Papyrus' life and left, but he still brought so much joy. This is assuming Sans' life isn't cut short for whatever reason.
They would probably collect human souls, but only after the human dies of natural causes, because the soul is just there, why not use it? Or you could take the route that humans with the souls together can break the barrier, since the magicians didn't die due to the barrier. Whichever you think of, the point is the underground would be happier.
5. Frisk wears a hoodie!! They're more reclusive and shy, hunching over and wearing the hoodie more. Other than that the outfit is basically the same.
6. Assuming you mean in game, Doggo doesn't really have hopes or dreams. He wants to feel and to have Sans back, but he's given up on the possibility for the most part. Sans just wants to take everything back, but knows it's impossible. Post game he just wants his brother to be able to be at peace.
Asriel's hope is that Gaster's plan won't work, that one day monsters will make peace with humans, and to see his family again. Chara's hopes are to make up with their family and free monsters. Napstablook doesn't really have a dream, and Mettaton wants to be famous. Toriel wants there to be a peaceful solution, the gays want to see each other and date and Gaster wants to take back what he believes is rightfully his.
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Okay so headcanon. A lot of people take all the amalgamates at face value, the only ones. I don't think that's true. Alphys asked for all monsters that have fallen down. Of course not everyone would hand them over but I think it's quite possibly like. 15-30 fallen down monsters she got? My point is I don't think there's just five. Here are the canon five (but not all) amalgamates that you fight. I was going to draw them but I'm bad at drawing so I'll try to describe it. They don't have names yet so I'll just put a line of dialogue
smells like slush - Dess, Pyrope, and Madjick. Has melty ropes binding them and Dess' head and Madjick's melted orbs.
what a catastrophe! - probably not really using that line. Sans doesn't make puns in really serious situations. A handful of temmies and a final froggit. This one looks less like one whole and more like almost a pile. Not completely ofc but since most amalgamates have melted to the point it just looks like one creature.
I don't have any actual quotes I just wanted to show off the slush one and trapped myself - One from the jerry species, an ice cap and a chilldrake
- Gyfttrot, Knight Knight, Monster Kid's father
- Memory head with misgospel movements of eyes.
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Underjumble Blooky canonically wears headphones the entire game so yeah! They just like me fr
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13. Assuming we're not talking about with any souls or LOVE, Sans and Doggo is, I'm just gonna say it, they're like the weakest ones. Sans can't even interact with the physical world, or if he can it's very limited, and Doggo is a plush. There's a reason why he watches from afar and doesn't let himself get in stabbing distance until he feels like you can't hurt him. Just putting this out there so it's known I'm not including them. I would say Gaster. Undyne is strong as hell but she's not a boss monster, and none of the monster Dreemurrs really have a reason to have practiced and been skilled much.
14. I think he would be awful at names but not in the sense Asgore is. Bro would look at a place and name it a long scientific term. I've never actually thought about that idea though :0 I have thought about it a bit and I think Asgore still named the areas, since Gaster wasn't focused on that and he was close with Asgore, he got the privileges to.
15. It was from unnatural ways, I can tell you that. I haven't decided on how exactly, but basically yeah he did make Paps. Although I love that headcanon. "here's that tiny guy you ordered. hope it's okay if i fucked around with his genetic code a bit." Maybe that's why he can just float
16. Before she fell I assume you mean. Basically!!! She's a little silly hehehe. They'd interact like how the ogs would interact. They're still close, even though Maddie doesn't-- I guess i should say didn't-- live in the same house.
17. That's cool!!!!!
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19. He uses long words and uncommon(?) terms that most people don't use in every day speech, and doesn't use contractions very often. I like to think he just uses some words wrong but he's been through countless timelines so that's not likely
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pyroraider · 6 years
Worst Nightmare
(Written scene idea that goes with the last image I posted here.)
(Please note that this actually doesn’t connect to For a Flower’s timeline, but does have some aspects of it.  That means no spoilers!  Yay!  It’s long though, so I’m gonna let you click on it if you want to read it all, haha.)
          Frisk slammed the front door and bolted from the cabin as fast as he could.  "Asriel!" he called.  The child glanced left and right as he moved between the forest trees.  Frisk had no clue where Asriel had gone, but he had a feeling the little monster was heading back toward Mount Ebott.  So Frisk hurried in that direction as fast as his little legs could take him.  "Asriel!  Where are you?!"  Frisk continued further and further from home, determination driving him on.  "Asriel?!"  After several minutes of running, the small human slowed to catch his breath.  He stopped and leaned forward, gasping for air.
          ‘He's close by,’ said a voice in his head.
          ‘What?  How do you know?’ thought Frisk.
          ‘Because he doesn't run much faster than you.  He just had a head start,’ said the voice.
          Frisk nodded, still panting.  ‘Alright, Chara,’ he thought.  It took a few more seconds to catch his breath, then Frisk continued ahead quietly.  As he moved through the trees with caution, something blocked the way ahead . . . something big.  
          ‘I have a very bad feeling,’ said Chara’s voice.
          Frisk gave a slight nod as he moved closer to the unnatural form.  "Yeah . . . me too,” he whispered.  The child continued until he could see what lay ahead, then stopped in his tracks with wide eyes.  It was a structure made of large, thorny vines.  They had come up from the ground, wrapping around several trees and extending upward to form a dome in the midst of the forest.  The vines were jagged and dull, twisted and dry.  Through openings between them, Frisk could make out a small, white monster sitting on the grass.  His back was turned and head down.
          ‘Approach carefully,’ said Chara.
          Frisk already had every intention to do that.  He moved closer to the dome and stopped a few feet from its perimeter.  The child peered through, his brown eyes focused on Asriel.  "Asriel?" he called calmly.
          The voice that replied was that of Flowey, yet with obvious sadness.  "Go . . . away . . ." he mumbled.
          “I just want to talk," said Frisk.
          Asriel's head lowered a little more.  He spoke up louder, this time with more frustration.  "I said . . . go . . . away!"
          Frisk knew he couldn’t leave his brother in this condition.  He sat down quietly near the dome of vines that had grown up around Asriel’s position.  He kept his attention focused on Asriel, who still sat in the middle.  The human waited, giving Asriel a chance to calm down.
          ‘Asriel doesn't do very well managing his anger in this state.  Letting him stay here and think for too long could be a bad thing,’ Chara warned.  ‘However, a few minutes should be fine.  I am not sure he realises there’s a dome of vines around him.  But if he does . . . then this could be a bigger problem,’ she added.
          ‘Yeah,’ thought Frisk.  Several minutes passed.  Asriel didn't move.  Neither did Frisk.  Nothing was said.  The sun shone on Frisk with a pleasant warmth, but the dome of vines around Asriel blocked out most of that light.  Only bits of sunlight reached the inside.  No bird song could be heard from the trees.  The quiet was unnerving, yet nothing seemed to change.  Frisk was sure that Asriel knew he was there, but the little monster apparently hadn't seen any use in speaking to him.
          Reluctantly, Frisk spoke up again.  "Can I come in?"
          Asriel growled.  "What?"  He lifted his head to see the thorny, twisted vines surrounding him and screamed.  He jumped to his feet and spun around to face the human just as Frisk stood too.  Asriel tried to run for the dome edge toward his friend, but something had a hold of his right ankle.  He glanced down.  There was a vine wrapped around his foot.  The monster shifted into a panic almost instantly.  He tried to pull from the vine, but its grip only tightened.  Frisk stepped closer to the wall of vines between them.
          Asriel peered back pitifully.  He reached out and called with his normal voice.  "Frisk, help!"  He pulled harder, trembling with fear.  "Please!  Help me!"
          ‘Vines are wrapping around him,’ said Chara.
          "Hang on!  I'll get you out!"  Frisk stepped back and lifted his hands.  His eyes sparked red.  The light around them dimed when a glowing, magic sword appeared in his grasp.  The child swung the blade as hard as he could, striking across vines between them.  The attack cut deep, tearing several vines in half and damaging others.  The broken ones dropped limply to the ground and scattered into magic energy.  Asriel gasped and dropped to his hands and knees.  Twisted vines still blocked Frisk's path, so he lifted his sword to strike a second time.
          Asriel noticed him preparing another attack.  "No, WAIT!" he shouted.  Frisk's already in mid-swing.  The magic blade sliced three more vines.  Asriel yelled as a sharp pain shot through him.  He wrapped a furry hand around his waist and cringed.
          ‘Frisk, stop it!  These vines are his.  Destroying them is hurting Asriel too!’ said Chara.  More vines shot up to replace those Frisk had destroyed.
          Frisk frowned and let his hands drop to his sides.  The magic sword vanished.  "I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to hurt you!" said Frisk.  Asriel's head lowered.  He was still in a panic and breathing hard.
          ‘Remember, monster magic is driven by feelings and emotions.  You can't get to him unless he lets you.  A part of him is blocking you out,’ Chara said.
          Frisk called again.  "Asriel!  You have to calm down!  I know it probably sounds stupid and I know you're really scared, but please!  Calm down.”
          Asriel glanced up at Frisk where he knelt on the forest floor.  The vines around his legs had him tied down so that he couldn’t stand.  "I . . . Frisk . . . Chara . . . I'm scared.  I don't know how to stop them!  They're not doing what I want!  I keep telling them to stop, but they won't disappear!  This isn't me!  I'm not doing this!" Asriel said.
          ‘There is no one else in this timeline that can make or control vines,’ Chara said as if he could hear her.
          "Monster magic is based on emotion, right?" said Frisk.  "The vines are doing what your emotions are telling them to do!"
          Asriel looked confused.  "But I don't want to hurt you!  And I don't like feeling trapped!"
          ‘I don't think that's the root of the problem,’ said Chara.
          "I don't think that's the real problem, Asriel!" Frisk said.
          Asriel glanced down, tears welling up.  Thorns were forming on the vines around his ankles.  They hurt.  "Ah!  Then what is the problem?!  If I knew, don't you think I'd stop them?!"
          Chara sighed.  ‘This is going to take forever.  Frisk, I wish I could say I was sure you'd know how to help.  But since it's taking you this long, I can't.  Let me attempt to get you on the right track.  Tell Asriel that he is the only one who can control the vines.  And the reason it isn't working, is probably because he's ignoring something . . . that part of himself,’ she said.
          Frisk began to explain what Chara had said the best he could.  "Asriel!" he called.  The little monster was still trembling within vines, kneeling in the middle of the dome.  "You're the only one who can control the vines, and the reason you can't right now . . . is because you're ignoring that part of you!"  Asriel stared back.  "You have to accept that this is part of you as well," said Frisk.  Asriel frowned and shook his head.  Frisk leaned against the vines between them.  "Please!”
          "I don't want to!  I hate this part of me!  It's not me anymore!  I'm not this!  I'm not a flower!" Asriel sobbed.  The vines around him grew larger, while others grew around his position.
          "You don't have to like it, but you can't just deny that this is a part of you!" Frisk said.  "Look around!  Look what it's doing!"
          Asriel's blue eyes darted left and right at the growing vines then up at the dome which was closing him in.  He cringed.  "I don't . . . I don't understand!  Why are they . . . why are they holding me?  Why are they closing around me?!  Why . . . why am I attacking myself?!" Asriel asked.  He tried pulling against his own vines that held him but with no success.
          "Because you are attacking yourself!" said Frisk.  Asriel pulled desperately against the vines.  "Asriel . . . the reason you don't have control of the vines, is because you're refusing to accept that they are yours.  And the reason they're attacking you, is because you're already attacking yourself on the inside.  But you can't control them now, and so you’ve set yourself up for failure!"  Asriel slowed his struggling, but the dome was still shrinking around him.  "It's not bad to dislike the negative aspects of yourself.  But it is bad to pretend they aren't there.  It's okay to accept this as part of you.  You have to . . . or it'll tear you apart.  Asriel, please,” begged Frisk.
          Asriel peered back at his friend between the closing vines.  "How?  How do I accept it?  I'm not blaming myself for the what I did anymore . . . so . . . what am I supposed to do?!" he asked.  The small monster waited for a response, fear in his eyes.
          Frisk sighed.  "Don't be scared.  Stop being afraid of yourself," he said.  Asriel panted a few times then lowered his head and closed his eyes.  The dome of jagged vines stopped shrinking, though they were still tightly intertwined.  From where he stood, Frisk could see Asriel trembling within the vines that wrapped around his body.
          ‘Come on, Asriel.  You can do it,’ said Chara.  Several seconds passed, but slowly Asriel's frightened shaking ceased.  Vines that had once held him, loosened their grip and returned to the ground.  Large, twisted vines that had formed the dome above cracked and fell apart.  With a few flickers of bright light, they dispersed completely, leaving sparks of energy that floated to the forest floor.  Frisk rushed toward Asriel and knelt down in front of him.  Asriel's eyes were still closed.  He took deep, slow breaths.
          "Are you okay?" Frisk asked.
          Asriel nodded then lifted his head.  "Yeah . . . I . . . I think so," he said and glanced down.  "I didn't think . . . that being so scared of Flowey was dangerous.  I . . . have so many reasons to be scared of that part of me."
          Frisk nodded in agreement.  "You're really strong, Asriel.  But you're strong as you . . . all of you.  And . . . knowing what's wrong, is the first step in learning how to prevent yourself from doing bad things in the future . . . without pretending that half of you doesn't exist," Frisk said.
          "Yeah, I think I got that now," said Asriel.  "It'll take time to get used to it though.”
          Frisk smirked a little.  "We both have some pretty serious problems, don't we."
          Asriel smirked too.  "Yeah, definitely.”
          “We'll make it.  Okay, Asriel?  We’ll help each other keep going," said Frisk.
          “That . . . sounds nice.  Thank you . . . Frisk.”
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under-lore · 2 years
In genocide route, after player/Frisk/Chara beating Sans, he says “Don’t say I didn’t warn you”. It’s believed that he knows about Chara’s intention to destroy the world and (sort of) warns Frisk/player about it. What do you think about this?
Sans is indeed aware that a timeline erasure is about to take place in the very near future.
In fact, that is the very reason he fights us in the first place, not just because of the killing we did.
Its possible to kill more people in a neutral route then on a genocide one and in those routes Sans will not fight us, same goes if we kill Papyrus for instance. Sans hates our guts, yet he will not fight.
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This is because Sans knows that eventually, it's all going to be RESET. These deaths are not permanent. They will be undone eventually and Sans knows this.
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If things are going to be RESET in the end, then instead of fighting us, the better option in case of mass murder is simply to either wait for a RESET or to try and get the anomaly to turn to a better path himself.
Either by trying to push the anomaly in the right direction.
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Or by guilt-tripping it into a RESET.
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He does this both because it means that those who died will be alive again in this next TI even if he won't be there to see it but also because Sans here still believes that the anomaly can be redeemed and change its ways.
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In those neutral routes, Sans is hoping those things will indeed happen after the eventual RESET. An idea that he gives up upon in genocide during the second phase.
However, in a genocide route, the situation is completely different.
He explains to us what this difference is early on in the fight.
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"Jumping left and right" corresponds to LOADING.
"Stopping and starting" corresponds to RESETING.
But here, what comes next is a brutal stop to all of the previous timeline shenanigans. Instead of the perpetual time loops from before, everything meets an abrupt end.
"Everything ends" corresponds to ERASE. The destruction of the world that is indeed specific to only genocide routes.
Unlike in neutral routes, things will NOT be RESET in the end in this route.
This means that this time, the consequences of the genocide will be permanent if things keep going the way they are.
This is the reason why Sans can't afford not to care this time. He needs to step in and make the anomaly RESET before it reaches the point where "everything ends" as otherwise, everything will be destroyed in a way that, as far as Sans knows, is completely irreversible.
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That is why he needs them to QUIT now before its too late. Before they eventually reach the point of no return.
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And so, if Sans is Sans is defeated. There is nothing left preventing the anomaly from causing the end of the world as Sans had warned them they would.
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What is worth mentioning too is that Sans' vision of the events isn't quite the full picture. As far as he knows, there was only ever one timespace anomaly and this anomaly is the one that somehow causes the world to end.
Sans doesn't know exactly how the world is destroyed either, but he knows that its about to happen from the fact that the reports showed the incoming end of all timelines.
He isn't aware of the difference between Frisk, Chara and the player. Neither does he know that most of the timeline shenanigans he pinned on Frisk were actually Flowey's fault.
To him, the PFC is just one single entity : "the anomaly". He assumed that the one SAVING and LOADING was the same person as the one that goes on the ERASE the world even if in actuality, the one who has the determination to SAVE, the one that decided to begin the genocide and the one that destroys the world actually are three different people.
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There is one more dimension to this : The "Bad time" line seems to have a double meaning. It seems to refer both to the fight against Sans itself and to the upcoming end of the world.
Even during the Sans fight, we are still "going" to have a bad time. This is very a clever way wording of it. The real bad time time is still upcoming, and its fast approaching.
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Since what comes next is the end of all timelines and that Sans believes Frisk to be the one and only anomaly. He assumes that the anomaly is about to cause its own destruction as well as it couldn't exist outside of time and space.
Thus, even after Sans is struck down, his warning about the anomaly having a bad time still stands.
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The anomaly chose to pursue a path that leads to the destruction of the world, and now its about to get exactly what it asked for.
Sans is warning the anomaly about itself. Not the player or Frisk about Chara.
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vegalocity · 2 years
A Place for Stories
I don't do Carrds or anything so i'm gonna level with you guys, this is a very simple post for me to pin up as general fandom information.
My name is Vega, I'm interested in a lot of things, I'm an artist/writer and I make dumb crossovers and sad AUs
I have several current projects and several complete ones
there's a lot of them so this is going under a cut, but here's my art tag and here's my writing tag and here's my AO3
AUs/stories i'm working on/have completed are for these fandoms
Boku no Hero Academia
Gravity Falls
Lego Monkie Kid
The Owl House
Miraculous Ladybug
the status of any of these stories doesn't matter, if you're curious about literally any of them, or if you saw that i reblogged a prompt meme recently and want to see something in any of these AUs/stories
The Magi Underground
On God I am still working on this. But it's what it says on the tin. Magical Girls and magical warriors still very much exist in the work of heroes and Quirks, they just have to be much more secret
Ships: Bakugou Katsuki/Hanasaki Momoko (Bakupeach) Miscellaneous other crossover ships
-in progress but it's slow bc there are SO many magical girl series i'm putting in here-
Undertale/Mister Peabody and Sherman
Twice Burned and Thrice Shy
Chara and Asriel were both revived, but Chara and Frisk have very... differing views on exactly who is responsible for some... certain timelines... And unfortunately for Chara, Frisk got to tell their story first. Chara ends up running into an unlikely dynamic duo, and finds before too long, that they aren't bereft of having people in their corner. Another human child, and the possible dog-monster that acts as his father are very invested in helping them out.
Ships: None
-In Progress but slow because this fic is too damn complex for speedy updates-
Miraculous Ladybug
Miraculous Rewrite
This is a project that had been hatched between myself and @gererrin, we rewrote the entirety of Miraculous Ladybug in the span of 4 seasons, serializing the narrative while also letting many episodes exist in standalone format, focused more on worldbuilding and character arcs, and also a healthy dose of queer characters, polyamory, and an actual sliding threat scale
Ships: So many
-Complete, spinoffs in progress-
if you know me for anything from LMK it's probably this fic series/AU Basis.
A second Porty Clone had been summoned and slipped away during a battle set in the indeterminate future, and comes into possession of a very dangerous magical artifact; a record with the ability to brainwash demons, and he's got his sights set on a certain fire demon he knows his creator is sweet on
(this is a psychological horror so mind the warnings, also there's a bad ending that's bore quite a lot of fruit)
Ships: Spicynoodles, but like, don't root for a happy ending for it
-on Hiatus-
Tyrant Prince
This is a splinter of the Oblivion AU, more specifically the Bad End version where Porty Clone was able to make Xiaotian believe that this whole thing is Good Actually.
You know what they say about absolute power
AKA the Traffic Light Trio deserve a villain au or two that aren't swap aus or possession aus
Ships: Spicynoodles, Freenoodles, Ironbull, Silktea (they're all like super fucked up though) and Cyberhunt (the only not fucked up one)
-in progress, being fleshed out by an rp with @unseelie-robynx so you can ask her for details too-
White Bone Amnesia AU
Xiaotian is the actual son of Sun Wukong, MK on the other hand doesn't remember much of anything of his own past from before he worked at Pigsy's Noodles, he's not the only one with memory issues.
Ships: Spicynoodles, MksDadsShipping
-Currently being reworked-
The Little Detective
This isn't TECHNICALLY an AU, but it's the main story for my OC, a six year old child detective named Wong Minyi, looking for her missing Father and getting into schenanigans in the world of Magic and monsters and solving some mysteries while she's there. (Syntax her father is Syntax this is not a secret) (also here's Minyi's general character tag if you just want more information on her)
Ships: None (though maybe some in the Minyi general tag bc she's a fun minor character to have in ship stories sometimes)
-in progress but its slow-
Animorphs AU
The Lady Bone Demon is replaced as the major antagonist with the Yeerk empire. a mishmash of Animorphs and Monkey Kid plotlines full of new allies new enemies, and the horrors of War and such
Ships: Tripsun/Tangsun/this ship has too many names, Pigsy/Tang/Syntax, Xiaojiao/Aximili, Spicynoodles, Ironbull
-In progress-
Theatre AU
Well it can't all be sad in here, this is my token patented Civillian AU, The Flower Fruit Theatre is one of the most popular shoestring budget theaters in the city, entertaining the masses with reasonably priced musicals with casts of college students and some old greats only slightly past their prime, they also find themselves in a one-sided rivalry with the most expensive hoity toity 'musicals are for fools' theatres in the city, the Bull King's Chambermen.
Ships: Spicynoodles, Peachtea
-not actively on hiatus but not currently being worked on-
Princess Bride AU
Its what it says on the tin, Red Son is Buttercup, Xiaotian is Wesley, the casting falls from there
Ships: Spicynoodles
-completed, getting additional scenes written up for the AO3 release-
Atlantis: The Lost Empire AU
On god i am working on this; summary to come later.
Ships: To be determined
-in progress-
Owl House
Prisoner Princess Luz
Belos has decided to adopt the human that's been causing him problems.
Her opinion on the matter is wholly irrelevant.
This is a dark one my guys.
Ships: Raeda, Lumity, Scarlow
-in progress, currently being reworked-
Gravity Falls
Equivalent Exchange
i kinda hate that i'm putting this here because it's so old, but for the sake of completion it's going here.
Gravity falls Madoka Magical crossover AU. Mabel Pines has been scoped out by the Kyubey, typical Madoka Magica dark things ensure
Ships: None
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
"After a few months of post-pacifist, Chara feels they "have to true reset" after something bad happens to Flowey"
Ruh-roh; if it's not too spoilery, what happens to Flowey that causes Chara to feel the need to True Reset?
//probably won't be explored for AGES. cause the kids have so much on their plate they're not going to reminisce on why they got on this quest to SAVE Asriel.
And because the True Reset wasn't a year (cause really, that was too extreme in my writing) Frisk isn't like, THAT upset over losing that timeframe. I mean, don't get me wrong, it still sucks, but they were struggling with life post pacifist which is something I regret not committing to. (Frisk implies this way back in Chapter 1)
Frisk likes the adventure underground because its predictable. It's easier than the scary unknown, and Frisk missed their ghost buddy. (another change where because it was so long, Frisk forgot Chara which. I feel is a bit too mean/sad as a story beat. the two saved monsters together. they literally shared a SOUL! of course Frisk cares about Chara and wouldn't forget them!)
anyway i'm going to spoil this plot point. ignore this if you just want to read it in comic.
like in Chapter 4, 5 monsters go missing. (Sans and Papyrus aren't included so it's 5) Frisk is staying with Toriel and is ambassador. There's a lot of tension from that responsibility where they feel torn to just be Toriel's child and being responsible for the peace. Tensions become high but Asgore brushes it off, more humans start to visit monsterkind's home base area. Monsters start exploring the world, more and more monsters go missing and more conflicts build up. Frisk is Scared. The underground is predictable and safe once you know what happens. This is scary, and Frisk has to deal with humanity up front.
Meanwhile, Flowey is the caretaker of the Ruins, mainly gardening and overseeing Chara's grave. When humans start to see Mt.Ebott as a tourist spot, Flowey's home is invaded and defiled. This gets bad enough that a bunch of humans picnic at Chara's grave and get upset when Flowey tells them to scram.
This leads to the humans stomping on the grave (not that anyone knows that it's a grave, but I think on some level Flowey sees it as it. Canon Flowey only pieces that together in NM). Flowey freaks out, gets hit when trying to stop them. Chara's life force is within the flowers + their worry over Flowey causes a True Reset.
This time, while Frisk is upset at being ripped from their life, they understand Chara's dilemma more. Their worries as ambassador and their wish to escape makes this a bit of a relief. (in my thought process that this hard period would of been passed and Frisk would of been happy, but they didn't get the chance to cause of the True Reset)
Also, I want to show Chara and Frisk's bond is greater and more mutual in this version, so Frisk also missed their ghost pal. Cause Chara went through all of that with them. They understand Frisk more than anyone else. They literally shared a SOUL together. Of course Frisk wants their friend back, and right now they're upset. Of course Frisk would see their job as peace keeper and savior incomplete.
in the first writing of AFR I never explained why Chara wanted to True Reset. I was saving to reveal Flowey and Chara had a fight, or that Flowey was growing more depressed and it'd be foreshadowing for Asriel's present day depression but I already felt bad over how the backstory was handled and didn't wanna add more onto it.
Now, when Asriel is king Frisk can reflect on what the original timeline was like, and how stressful it was and Chara can be like "yeah and humans coming in only caused problems for us too. we couldn't protect ourselves." which shows the stakes of what could happen if Asriel doesn't handle things "correctly" this time. Which obvs builds up to the border closing, which while, yeeeessss monsters were unsafe and public understanding of them was limited and humans can suck, is STILL VERY BAD.
hoping this all works better to show character motivations and makes things feel more organic and less angsty x-x like the whole point was they were trying to help Flowey, the focus should be on the kindness of that. And yes, its important to respect Frisk's life too, but I feel it can be in character if pushed in this scenario to want to use the SAVE power alongside Chara. Which is why they can remember true resets, cause they're still a team
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lucarioisinthevoid · 3 years
What would everyone think of king Afton?
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After many years of the animatronics killing nightguards, they finally caught William and killed him. But as you know from my ask about Goldie and Cassidy, Cassidy lied saying it wasn't him. When humans found out the animatronics were sentient, they locked all animatronics underground, including all the nightguards that were stuffed. Which meant Afton was still around to mess with the animatronics and the dead kids. When animatronics started getting the hang of having a society, springtrap (as how he went by in his suit. It became common among stuffed humans to make up names for themselves instead of using their human names) became the town nuisance. He basically caused trouble just get reactions, everyone just ignored him and pissed him off.
A few years later, about a week after Golden Freddy's and Cassidy's death, the guards were waiting for orders from king Fazbear, Bonnie was subcoming to guilt and depression seeing the situation with Goldie and Cassi as his fault, the Marionette was mourning the death of another child in her room, and Freddy was in his palace thinking. He honestly didn't know how to feel in the moment of their deaths, so he just kept thinking about it knowing the should feel something, like sad or angry.
Springtrap snuck inside the palace, almost too easily. When he was sneaking in, a human fell down. Freddy went to investigate, with springtrap following behind in the shadows. The human that fell sorta looked like Cassidy, except she had gold blonde hair, but that was the only difference. It was like the world wanted to play a joke on Freddy, "hey look!!! A little girl that looks like both of your now dead friends!!! Isn't that funny?!!?!" How dare the world. Before he could even think, all the feelings he should have felt flooded through him, the sadness of loosing the people he loves, the guilt of being unable to prevent their deaths, and the anger towards humanity for killing people he held close to his soul. Without thinking, he projected his anger towards humans on the child, and mercilessly killed her.
He was brought back to his senses when William started laughing and applauding the show before him. Freddy then attacked him, nearly killing him before realizing in this moment he was no better than him. After this realization, he declared war on humanity. The Marionette ran away back to the ruins never to be heard from again, and springtrap was made into the new royal adviser. Freddy hired him as royal adviser in hopes that maybe Afton could teach him to be more merciless.
The only reason why he was so merciless as a killer was because Chara made him think he was insane, and he was a player's puppet. He lived his own life so many times, why would it matter if he killed people if he knew they were going to be fine when he wakes up yesterday? Now Chara became dormant, and the players stopped controlling him. Kinda ironic how he's now feeling powerless despite now having complete control of his body.
He began to feel regret for everything his done. The many people he's killed, the many people he let stay dead. He was no longer above his actions. He was no longer above consequences. This made him fall into despair and depression.
After years of being royal adviser, Freddy gave him a title of king, trusting him enough to rule beside him as brothers. After he was crowned, him and Fazbear became closer, like actual brothers.
But they had disagreements, like all siblings do. Except their disagreements had to do with life and death. Freddy would argue with Afton over killing humans, he'd say that he needed to kill humans and collect their souls in order to set them all free. Afton would argue saying that everyone had already suffered enough, and that more children didn't deserve to die. When ever human children fall down and leave the Marionette's protection in the ruins, he would try and protect the children from Freddy, in hopes that he might be able to talk him out of killing them. Usually the kids flat out give up and let themselves be killed. Afton stopped trying to protect the kids after a 5 year old gave up her life to Fazbear.
King Afton, with the help of doctor Bonnie, removed his suit, and rebuilt Springbonnie and Fredbear. Fredbear remembered how Afton used spring for murder, but thankfully Springbonnie didn't remember how he was used. He didn't even remember the surface, he just knew who he was, who his brother Fredbear was, and that Afton was one of the people that made him. Afton talked with Fredbear privately about how times had changed from 1987 to now, when Fredbear was shut down to when he was rebuilt. Fredbear didn't remember the bite of 87, and his memories of the surface weren't any better. All he remembered was kids, the layout of the diner, and the stars he'd look at out the window.
Once Afton explained everything, leaving out the bite incident, Fredbear to forgive the poor corpse for everything he's done. He didn't trust him, he just forgave him. Fredbear and Springbonnie then left Afton's room where they were rebuilt and started living their own lives.
This Afton is a more forgivable, and melancholy version of Afton.
What would everyone in your AU think of King Afton?
First up, very interesting take, though now all the pressure of the “why did you kill” are put on Chara. The concept of Afton getting EXP from stuffing children into suits is wrecking me with laughter to be fully honest- this man must be buff- Everyone is a big number, but I can give you three main people, I think.
Marionette hates him- like all Williams. He doesn’t believe in redemption; he doesn’t believe in the concept of regret. Nobody ever regretted what happened to him, thus regret must be a hindering emotion at best- a liability at worst. Useless and hurtful. This William is pathetic! How can you go around killing children because of some fucking spirit?! And then being all regretful about it, as though it makes a difference?! Devaluing these murders even MORE! How much must he hate these children that he admits openly that his murders were pointless and soulless and now after decades something he would be taking back?! HOW DOES THAT HELP?! WHO?! HE DOESN’T DESERVE PITY. AND YOUR FREDDY, HE SHOULD HAVE KILLED HIM FOR GOOD! SO WHAT IF YOU ARE “EQUALLY” AS BAD?! IF TWO WRONGS MEET AND ONE KILLS THE OTHER, THEN WE HAVE AT LEAST ONE RIGHT! There is nothing more appalling to him than regretting the evil deeds, because then you say you did those evil deeds out of weakness and selfishness and nothing else came from it. Marion doesn’t regret killing the guards. Marion DOESN’T regret killing the guards! (My Marionette would make a much more ruthless ruler of the underground than both William and Freddy combined…) Fredbear is actually somewhat happy. He feels terrible for everything that happened until then and that the Marionette had to leave home because of William returning and becoming an advisor- and of course, he’s agonizing about the fact that another child had to die. But in the end, there’s some reassurance in William just being another puppet, suffering the circumstances and now working for redemption. The children are still here in some way after all, with this new technology- once it is perfected, everyone can live the life they wanted. All he hopes is that William will be a force of good this time around and for good this time. He shouldn’t have crumbled to the timeloop, but… … things like that are mindbreaking, certainly. Not being yourself is extremely scary. And how can you be sure you ARE yourself? If he would have the chance to say anything to Afton, then it’s to not give protecting the children. They need you. They need someone to stand up for them. No matter how pointless it seems or how often you fail, continuing to try is what matters. Stay determined. You owe them this after all- you have proven your ability to use what’s inside of you for destruction, make sure that it will become good permanently. You need to wake up every morning and choose to do the right thing. They need you. Both the living and the dead. Old Sport thinks he’s a funny fucker. As someone in the same shoes as him- well, without that evil spirit thing, but still- he sees his acting out and then doing a 180° as pretty hilarious. Like, sure, you go dude, reinvent yourself as this regretful somebody who wants to help, Old Sport gets it, he has done stuff like that too- but being all mopey and melancholic about it? Just move on! If you were in a loop, what does it matter? Reset and restart. You didn’t feel bad doing it, right? So why feel bad now? What’s the point? Genuine question. You did the deed, you committed the crime and that was okay. And then you stuck to that timeline. Sorry, not sorry, you have nobody to blame but yourself. And that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to move on and change and make peace, that’s totally fine, but the way Old Sport sees it from the outside, there’s a lot of misplaced guilt. This is a story, right? … … even if Old Sport doesn’t like, part of him feels jealous. Afton lacked control over his body, but at least he had a soul, right? At least he HAS a kind of personality and sense of self. He can make himself into a consistent character, unlike Old Sport who has to pick and choose and never knows what to do- In his opinion, Afton needs to get a grip and be less ungrateful for the things he actually DOES have. Save the kids, kill the kids, whatever, protect your sense of self… but then at least be satisfied with your choices that came out of that sense of self. Guilt is a choice. Either regret and act or don’t and stay back.
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