#a’den skirata
mrbubblyurchin · 15 days
Just finished True Colors
What the heck.
Just to recap:
I ain’t ready for this.
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canuckianhawkbi · 1 year
I am having way too much fun with these SW polls, here’s one more for the road:
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trudemaethien · 6 months
Random word prompt: Sull/A'den – honey
xo Possum~
i see the beekeeper au is buzzing about 😁
uhhhhhh [hides] they decided to do all That instead of be sweet, but this did grow out of my thought of Sull calling A’den “honey” in the most poisonous way possible…i just couldn’t make it happen in this bit sryyy
“What the hell was that; I like it here?” A’den hissed over Sull’s taunting:
“Kama fashion or some such, that’s the best you got?”
“Seriously, Sull, what are you still doing here? You can’t stay. I know you’re smarter than that. Have you got a karking death wish?”
Sull looked away, no smart comeback for that.
“Oh, no you don’t,” A’den said, crowding him. “Tavo would have belted you one good if he heard you spouting that kind of osik. Tell me that’s not your aim.”
Sull looked at him then, expression turning ugly. Each word carried the weight of a wound. “Tavo’s not here.”
“I’m more than willing to play proxy,” A’den threatened, half raising his gauntleted hands.
Sull bristled a moment longer, then sighed, deflating. “You know…not really. I don’t want— I was just marking time. Playing civilian. Here wouldn’t have been such a bad place to die. Not like it’ll make much difference to my carcass where it lands.”
“Well, if it doesn’t matter to you, then there should be no problem for me to say: not here. You’re mucking up my operation.”
“Oh, your operation,” Sull mocked. “The one even I could see the massive gaping holes in the strategy and logic for?”
“We both know where this war’s going, only I have a team and a plan to ride it out.”
“You’re really confident you can make it out of this clusterkriff with your hide intact?” Sull’s sneer was just a verneer over how genuine his question actually was.
“Confident enough I’m willing to send you on ahead,” A’den said solidly. “Sull, you’ve always had a lot more backup in your corner than just your buddy. I am sorry to hear about 28, ner vod.”
He set his hand on Sull’s shoulder, fingers curling around the stiff-sewn collar of his leather coat. Sull’s eyes flickered across his familiar face, searching for something.
“I’ll see you again,” A’den found himself promising, “after everything, okay?”
Sull’s jaw worked as he chewed that idea over. “Okay,” he said finally, and then slowly, deliberately leaned in and pressed his mouth to A’den’s.
A’den stood firm and let him—take comfort, make that promise—then watched him as he retreated, with a different glint in his eyes.
“Be a few days, probably, before I can get my smuggler here for you,” A’den said, swallowing but with a tentative smile playing around his lips. “Plenty of time to …debrief.”
Sull ducked his head and blushed, but he was smirking too. “I’m going to have to keep acting like a dick to you, Sergeant, or your squad of Raw Cocksuckers out there might rub their collective braincell together and get suspicious.”
A’den snorted, then leaned in to murmur, “Likewise.”—a threat and a promise.
Leave Me Safe Away
read on AO3 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/52082578
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vodika-vibes · 11 months
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Welcome to my Masterlist version 3.0~
Well, actually, it’s a masterlist of my masterlists! I apparently had too many links for one masterlist and Tumblr said “lol, no.”
Anyway! Thank you for your patience while I sorted this whole mess out, and I hope you enjoy your stay!
Also! You can now give me a tip if that’s what makes you happy! But I certainly don’t expect you to do so! 
❤️❤️❤️ - Vod’ika
Vodika-Vibes 650 Followers Event Notice
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Captain Keeli x Reader Masterlist
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Other x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist currently consists of: Droidbait, Hevy, Sinker, Hound, Gregor and two of my own clone OCs
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Clan Skirata x Reader Masterlist - This masterlist is currently made of up Darman, Mereel, Ordo, Atin, Prudii, A’den, Niner, Kom’rk, and Corr Skirata
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Delta Squad x Reader Masterlist - Sev, Boss, Scorch, and Fixer
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Mandalorian x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Boba Fett, Jango Fett, Jaster Mereel, and Mij Gilamar
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Alpha-17 x Reader Masterlist - Consists of Alpha-17, and poly Alpha x Reader x Fordo
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501st x Reader Masterlist - currently consists of Echo, Fives, Rex, Tup, Dogma, Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase
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Commanders x Reader Masterlist - currently comprised of: Wolffe, Neyo, Thire, Fox, Thorn, Monnk, Bacara, Cody, Bly, Doom, Colt, Mayday, and Gree
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Magic and Knights AU Masterlist - Consisting of: Wolffe, Jesse, Fox, Fives, Cody, Gregor, Hound, Tup, Boba, Howzer, Rex, Kix, Echo, Hunter, Dogma, Alpha-17, Fordo, Keeli, Bly, Neyo, and Crosshair
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Ahsoka Travels to the past AU - Part 1, Part 2
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Follower Celebration Jan-Feb 2024 - Consisting of Cody, Rex, Fives, Echo, Dogma, Jesse, Wolffe, Alpha-17, Tech, Wrecker, Hound, Crosshair, Sev, and Fixer
500 Followers Event: March-April 2024 - Consisting of Fives, Kix, Rex, Clone Assassin, Hunter, Crosshair, Howzer, Tech, Keeli, Ezra Bridger, Fox, Tup, Dogma, Sev, Jesse, Echo, Wrecker, Jango, Cody, Boss, Alpha-17, Fordo, Darman Skirata, Scorch, Fixer, Colt, Wilco, Atin,
650 Followers Event: May - June 2024 - Consisting of Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Fox, Tup, Wrecker, Rex, Wolffe, Sev, Jesse, Cody, Mereel Skirata, Clone OC: Misfit, Fives
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Chapter 1 - Modern Star Wars AU - Commander Wolffe, Captain Rex, and Captain Gregor are trapped on an island where the rules are a little different than what they're used to.
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wanderinginksplot · 10 months
Voices Carry
The Null ARC troopers have heard a rumor - a Republic senator claims to have inside information about clone trooper genetic material. When they decide it's worth investigating, Mereel offers to slice the data during a simple comm call with the senator.
The mission doesn't offer much of a challenge... or so he thought. Mereel hadn't counted on a stalwart and unyielding senatorial assistant foiling his every effort.
Mereel Skirata x fem!reader
Rating: G (for now - rating WILL change)
Word Count: 800
Warnings: plans of attempted espionage
Next | Masterlist
Part One
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“But does he actually have anything?” 
It was the question that had dominated the last hour, and the conversation was starting to circle. 
“The only way we can be sure is to check for ourselves,” Mereel decreed.
“Why would some boracyk Senator from a backwater planet have information about the kaminii gene cloning program?” Jaing asked. 
It wasn’t the first time he had asked it. What was more, Jaing’s perfect memory meant he knew he had asked the question before and Mereel was getting tired of giving the same answer. 
But he did it anyway. “Because it’s a weird lead. It’s weird that he said it in the first place. But Julgum is a karkin’ Senator. I can get through his entire library of information in less time than we’ve been talking about it. All I need is access to his office’s mainframe.”
All of this had started when Prudii had uncovered an interview aired on a fringe news source, featuring the senator from Farrfin. Senator Julgum wasn’t a popular man, mostly because of his unique and unpopular views. But Farrfin was notoriously corrupt and the general opinion was that his money had bought more votes than any of his politics had.
But the Null troopers didn’t care about politics - except maybe Ordo, who seemed to thrive on useless information. No, their only interest in Senator Julgum stemmed from the point in the interview when he said that the galaxy should be wary of clone troopers.
“I’ve received some information about the genes that the Kaminoans used,” he had claimed. “It all seems fine from the outside, but when you start to dig a little deeper… Well, let’s just say that I won’t be rushing to sign any clone rights bills into law until I figure out how far the problems run.”
The Nulls were split evenly between the two sides: Ordo, Jaing, and A’den thought it was a waste of time. Kom’rk, Prudii, and Mereel thought it was worth following up on. 
There was only one thing for it: Mereel looked over at where the figure of Kal Skirata stood, pondering the arguments in silence. “What do you think, Kal’buir?”
Silence settled over the Nulls as their adoptive father figure considered his answer. Whatever Kal Skirata decided, the group would do. That was the way it had always been, and he had never steered them in the wrong direction. Well, he had, but he always took any failures harder than the Nulls themselves did. 
“Mereel is right,” he said eventually, and Mereel felt a fierce pride spike through his chest at the implied praise. “It’s a lead, and we should follow up on any of those that come our way. Mer’ika, it won’t take you long to get into the Senator’s system, will it?”
“Not at all,” Mereel assured. “In and out in a few minutes at most. Then another day to sift through the data.”
“I think it’s a chance worth taking,” Kal said, glancing at the men around the room. Some were physically present, some were holographic, and all were watching him with the typical intensity born of being raised on the actively-hostile Kamino. “But I’m willing to hear arguments.”
“No, Kal’buir,” A’den refused. “If you think we should check it out, we will. Go for it, Mereel.”
Mereel flashed a grin, brimming with his typical confidence. “If the good senator has any real information, we’ll have it before the end of the week.”
Yes, confidence was never an issue with Mereel, but he would be the first to admit that accessing Julgum’s system was more difficult than anyone had expected.
The nearest he could figure was that the jetii had fixed up the network in Julgum’s office for him. Mereel would need the key code to access the network itself. Normally, that wasn’t much of a deterrent, but tracking down a key code took time. And this code in particular reset every few hours on an ever-changing time interval. 
Mereel was one of the better slicers in the galaxy, but even he had some limits. The effort it would take to access the senator’s office network just didn’t make sense, especially when the Nulls were working on a time limit. Even a slice code took time to construct, especially if the user wanted to keep anyone from knowing that the system had been breached.
Fortunately, there was a way around either necessity: he could contact the senator directly. If Mereel’s comlink was patched through to the senator himself, he would be able to access the mainframe and pull any (or all) information from the system without being detected and without spending weeks working on a functional slice code.
All he had to do was call.
Author's Note - Thank you for giving this fic a chance! Since it's shorter than my typical chapters (by a lot), I'm posting the second chapter today as well. Feel free to check it out if you enjoyed this one!
You can find other works on my masterlist or sign up for my taglist here. The taglist for these first two chapters will contain people who asked to be tagged in new series and those who asked to be tagged in Legends materials. Part Three will only be those who edit their taglist choices. I'm happy to untag anyone who asks!
Taglist: @rexs-wife @sugarpuffsstuff @stargazingthenightaway @just-some-girl-92 @kimageddon @ladysongmaster @carodealmeida @nomercyforthewarrior @boomtowngirl @quietplaceinthestars @bitchylittleredhead @blck-omen @lackofhonor @salaminus @archivedreading @hikime @808tsuika @ladykatakuri @bikerlorian @torchbearerkyle @frietiemeloen @tsedeshgishnii @justanothersadperson93 @leotatombs @mavendeb @rain-on-kamino @itsagrimm @dancingwiththeplanets @hummellchen @theclonesdeservebetter @cyarinka @ladyemxo @murder-of-crows-1 @ollovaemisc @rosmariner @staycalmandhugaclone @notvalidblogname @coruscanticoffee @crookedwiings @eyecandyeoz @fordo-kixed-rex @musigrusi @lucyysthings @dinsverdika @bombshe77 @cawyden
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Headcanon How the Null ARC’s, Omega & Delta squad react to you asking them to meet your family/how they act around your family.
I know this was only supposed to be Omega and Delta squad, but it hurts me not to write the Null ARCS (BECAUSE THEY NEED LOVE TOO T-T). I took this as a female s/o so there will be mentions of wanting children and pregnancy.
Ordo - This poor man freezes on the spot when you ask him to meet your family. He never imagined that he would be put in this position. He is nervous as hell, but doesn’t let it show. Skirata can’t help but laugh as his son is a battle hardened soldier and can take on any battle situation, but is nervous about meeting your family. When you take him to meet your family it takes him a little bit for him to relax. Once he is sure they aren’t seppie spies he gets along well with everyone.
Mereel - When you ask him to meet your family he gets this sly look on his face. When you ask him why he looks so smug he replies with how your family will adore him and his charming looks. Now your nervous about HIM meeting your parents. When he does meet your family all that cocky confidence shows, and at first your parents are warry, but they quickly warm up to him when they realize how much he loves you. All of the other family members start saying how you would make beautiful babies much to your embarrassment, but Mereel just hugs you close and agrees (cheeky bastard).
Jaing - When you ask him to meet your family he agrees wholeheartedly. When he meets your family they automatically adore him. He is polite, always asking if there is anything he can help with, and his affection toward you is well received. They know he is a clone and dangerous as his line of work is he assures them as long as he breathes that no harm will come to you. After meeting your family he realizes that after all of this is done he wants to start a family with you and tells you as soon as you all get back to your humble abode.
Kom’rk - When you ask him to meet your family he just nods, and it makes you nervous. He doesn’t ask any questions about your family other than there names. When he does meet them he introduces himself with a dashing smile and greets each family member by name, and you were so flabbergasted that he knew everyone that when he turned around he had to shut your mouth with a finger underneath your chin. He whispers to you that he had looked them up and memorized everyone. He doesn’t mention that he was also checking to see if they had any ties to the separatists. Your family and him click like missing puzzle pieces and they welcome him with open arms.
Prudii - Just like his brother Kom’rk he does his research when you ask him to meet your family. He knows everyone's faces and names much to your astonishment. He also helps your mother in preparing dinner which also blows your mind. He laughs when you grumble that he never cooks for you or helps you and his sweet reply of you never ask me too makes you melt. Your father is impressed by his skills with anything electronic and before too long ropes him into helping with some holoscreens. Every family member tells you to bring him around more often which in Prudii’s mind is an achievement.
A’den - When you ask him to meet your family he agrees to it even though you can sense his hesitance. Then before he meets your family he tells you that he doesn’t want to hurt them by taking you away if anything were to happen. You assured him that your family would understand and that you love him, and they wouldn’t hold it against him if you both had to disappear. When he meets your family he can’t believe how much they accept him. When you let slip about one day you and A’den might have to disappear much to your mothers distress your family understands. A’den assures them he would die before he lets anything happen to you, and that is when your family gives him full permission to marry you when you decide to.
Niner -  When you ask him to meet your family he says no. When you get upset with him he tries to make you see reason that he is a clone and that your family wouldn’t approve. After you start crying he decides to give it a chance (when you cry this man can’t handle it). When he meets your family he can’t understand how they pretty much accept him right away. When you bring up that he is a clone and his worry your family seems heartbroken that he would think they wouldn’t accept him. Your mother and father chiming in that it wouldn’t matter if he were a gungan that he is a living being that loves you and that is all that matters. 
Fi - He is so excited when you ask him to meet your family that he asks you to show him pictures and tell him who was who. When he meets your family you mother greets him with a hug that he wholeheartedly returns, and shakes your fathers hand. He fits right in and several of your family members tell you that you should marry him because of how well he fits in, and how much he is in love with you. Fi tells your family how he does want to get married and how he wants children which makes your family extremely happy. As much as you love him he manages to embarrass you multiple times, but by the end your family is laughing as you both leave. (Two days later you and him exchange the Mandalorian Vows and inform your family who couldn’t be happier)
Darman - He just stares at you for moment processing your question then slowly nodding. You spend an entire day assuring him that they will accept him and to just be relaxed. When he meets your family he is so tense that your sure he has to be in pain. Its not until your grandmother cracks a joke that he relaxes and laughs. Your parents get to know him better as he relaxes, and they smile when he starts to enjoy himself. He feels like part of the family by the time food is ready, and when he comments about the food tasting better that what they feed him in the GAR your mother gets downright upset. She makes a deal that him and his brothers are allowed over anytime for dinner. By the end of the visit he is reluctant to leave, and tells you how much he loves your family.
Atin - When you asked him to meet your family he frowns and asks why. When you explain that it is customary for a significant other to meet parents and family he reluctantly agrees. When you ask if its his scars that he is worried about and confirms it you assure him that it doesn’t matter to you and that it won’t matter to your family. When he meets your family he is shocked at how they overlook his scars. It makes him feel better when your grandmother tells you that you picked the hottest of the brothers he blushes... that's right he blushes like mad. He definitely definitely didn’t rub it in Fi’s face later either. He asks you when the next time your family wants to meet as he feels like he truly belongs.
Corr - He is actually the one that asks to meet your family. You think it’s a great idea, and you set it up. Of course he fits right in making jokes and helping with placing food on the table. Your mother beams at you when he pulls out your chair for you. Your father nods and smiles as he sits down. At one point the conversation of his injuries and how he lost part of his arms and his hands comes up. Your family looks sad until he assures them he is okay and takes the synthetic flesh off to show them. The children crowd around him asking all kinds of questions about how he can still be a soldier. At one point while your talking to your mother you look over to see him holding your brothers newborn. He is smiling and when he looks up at you and mouths he wants one you can’t help but smile and nod.
Boss - Down right refuses when you ask, and tries to shut you down as you try to explain. You get angry and have a small fight to which Skirata has to talk to him. Once Skirata informs him how important it is even for Mandalorian courting he changes his mind. He is tense the entire time even when he knows that your family likes him and accepts him. He just can’t seem to relax until the kids start asking him about weapons. That's when you see him relax as he explains in detail the stats of each weapon. When its time to leave your parents tell him how much they enjoyed his company and that they don’t doubt his loyalty and love. 
Fixer - The audacity that this man has is astounding. When you ask him to meet your family he agrees, but once arriving he scrutinizes everything. Your family doesn’t notice it, but you do and you confront him about it. He tells you its just his nature, but he tries to be less judgmental in front of your family. Its not until they start including him in conversation that he lightens up and actually enjoys himself. Once he joins the conversation your family warms up to him, but it is a slow process. By dinner time he is helping set the table and even helps you into your chair. When its time to leave he actually stands there dumbfounded when your family gives you and him their blessing to continue dating.
Scorch - Oh boy this man when you ask is bouncing off the walls with excitement. When you both arrive he hugs your mother as if he has known her all his life and shakes your fathers hand telling him how lucky he was to have you as a partner. They automatically adore him as well as the rest of your family. He is great with the kids and holds their attention, and then during dinner he puts his foot in his mouth when he mentions your pregnant. Everything seems to stop as you glare at him, and he gives you the oh shit look. Then the entire family is congratulating you both and giving their well wishes. By the time the two of you leave your family is talking about all the gifts they are going to buy your child.
Sev - Its like pulling teeth when you ask him as he tells you there is no point. When you keep pressing the issue he blows up which is out of character for him usually he is the calm collected one. That’s when the fight starts, and it isn’t long before Vau has to go in alone and talk to him. When Vau comes back out Sev is behind him, and quietly tells you he will go. Your family is scared of him because of how big he is and how gruff his voice is. It isn’t until your five year old niece comes up to him and tugs on his leg does he soften. He picks her up and smiles...he has a genuine smile and when he looks over to you and the smile you hold he softens even more. By the time you leave he is one of the family and on your walk back home he tells you how he would like to have a little girl one day you smile. You tell him he won’t have to wait long because the reason you wanted him to meet your family was because you were pregnant. This man picks you up spins you and gives you a kiss that steals your breath away.
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firewoodwander · 1 year
#17 from teasing prompts for Aden/Boss?
17. “You’re very lucky I love you.”
The GAR HQ complex is probably A’den’s leat favourite place in the Core. One of them, at least. A high contender. Arca barracks, specifically, but thank the stars he’s only dropping by there briefly, to pick up an extra bodysuit and hygiene kit.
HQ Medcentre, somehow, rates higher than Arca on his list.
But only just.
“Thank you,” Boss tells him solemnly when he sets the blacks on the end of his diagnostic bed. “My last one didn’t quite make it.”
A’den watches him towel the last of the bacta residue away from his bandages—fresh, pale where they’re wrapped around his knee and thigh, wrist and forearm. His skin has an irritated flush to it.
“They never seem to have any Commando stock spare to hand. What was I going to let you do, stack your plates and carry them back?”
Boss’ lips curl up on one side, even if he doesn’t look up. A’den takes the dirty towel and hands him the suit instead, which he pulls on very nearly without wincing.
“I wasn’t expecting you, especially not around here,” he says.
“Normally I wouldn’t,” A’den agrees easily. It’s true. “I suppose you’re just very lucky I love you.”
That gets Boss’s attention. The seals of his boots hiss with every latch he flips closed, but he’s meeting A’den head on, now, searching his face for whatever he needs to confirm it’s this is a joke.
It isn’t. A’den smiles.
“Do you want a hand with any of that?”
Boss glares down at his leg plates, sliding them into place and following with his body. “I’m fine, thank you.”
And he is, but A’den itches to touch, so he makes his own excuses in his mind when he reaches out and resettles the neck of Boss’ suit against his throat.
“How upset would Delta be if I stole you away for a while?”
Boss catches his hand, stands, rattles their bracers together. “We ship out again at oh-four-hundred.”
“I know.”
“You can’t say those kinds of things around here.”
“I know. But, at the same time…”
“Being one of Skirata’s special boys won’t save you forever.”
A’den closes his eyes when Boss steps in, leaning into the warmth that blooms when he presses their foreheads together affectionately.
“I’m big and scary all on my own I’ll have you know.”
“Yes, Sergeant. Of course, Sergeant. Whatever you say, Sergeant. Aren’t you supposed to be sneaking me out of here right about now?”
A’den raps his knuckles over Boss’s Katarn and steps away first, towards them door. “Can I at least take you to dinner?” he asks.
Boss sighs and hangs his head fondly. “Go on,” he capitulates. “You’ve got me pinned. Let’s go, then.”
“Oh, good,” A’den says. He guides Boss off the ward with a hand on his shoulder. “And don’t worry, I know all the best places the CSF doesn’t.”
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cienie-isengardu · 2 years
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There is a lot to unpack about Vau’s training methods, and one day I will talk in greater detail about this matter. For now I wish to focus on how Atin is willing to confront people and doesn’t back down, even if he is going toe to toe against his direct superiors (and let’s not forget the murder attemt at his ex-training sergeant for what Vau did to him after Geonosis). 
Triple Zero mentioned that one of Vau’s methods was to give a clone a choice - either fight and beat down your own brother (which gives 50/50 chance to win) or fight against him, an older and better experienced soldier. As the book presented, Atin - and Sev at some point too? - get pretty hurt in that match, so I think we can all agree that chances for winning were much smaller than the option one. Despite the pain and scars from that fight during training on Kamino, Atin did not lost this controntional edge; quite the opposing, it seems Vau’s training only strengthened commando’ will to challenge people without a care not only for the higher rank (Niner/sergeant of the squad) but also with little concern how said people are in fact stronger, faster and smarter than him (A’den/ARC Null) when riled up or pushed too far.
What also falls close to Vau's own confrontational nature that shows up a lot around Kal Skirata, even after both men started considering each other their family. Walon may be better at controlling his anger and less physically threatening toward Skirata than Atin right now is towards brothers, but Vau is always there to call Kal out on his sentimental / moral / flawed nature (and vice versa). Vau and Atin for sure have a backbone.
At the same time, poor Niner got the short end of the stick in the sense, he probably needed to step in between Atin and who currently riled him up too much on many occasions (as the text hints) while he himself - as one of the closest brothers of Atin - is not part of a group of people that Atin would not want to confront (which to be honest, I think is a really really small group to begin with and at the end of the books series may contain just Laseema? And maybe Fi?).
Niner himself is stubborn and confrontational at times, sure, but he still has a way to go to out-stubborn I-know-what-I-want-from-life-and-I-will-get-it-no-matter-what Atin.
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silverxsakura · 2 years
a lost faith and a childless planet on ao3
Prudii & the Nulls | Gen | 3k | No warnings | Hurt/comfort, brothers | ao3
At four years old they’re taught how to hold a blaster. They’re taught how to fire one and how to clean one and how to unjam one in the field.
At six they’re beginning to look weird in the mirror and snap at each other over the stupidest things, going hungry some nights and feeling too full and too tired others.
At ten they’re looking out on the horizon of a galaxy-wide war and wondering who’ll make it to the end, if one ever comes.
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retrodaft · 2 years
The Nulls redraw part 3
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Image ID: all six nulls troopers wear street cones on their heads judging you.
Original picture below 👇🏽
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caribouwritings · 2 years
If Clone Troopers had Tik Tok:
Null ARCs edition:
- His account is the unofficial second account of Mereel which he has public only because he doesn’t know how or care to change it to private
- As you could guess, he didn’t make the account and rarely uses the app other than to follow his fellow Nulls and a few others he’s become close with
- There’s many comments in his videos about how they thought this was not his actual account because all videos are of when he’s with Mereel mostly
- The most popular you video is of course starring Mereel; said video shows Ordo laughing with Jaing as Mereel is in the background cussing and yelling that this is the wrong color, then flipping to Mereel trying to savage his hair that is splotched with orange (it’s one of the few videos you see Ordo on screen in his own account)
- As soon as he heard about it, he downloaded it and started posting publicly immediately
- He likes making videos more when he’s with his brothers than alone, it feels more fun when he’s laughing with them than at himself alone
- His videos are a cluster of nonsense; one he’ll be playing with face paint, another he’ll be teaching stuff he’s learned, the next he’ll be raving about food, but most he’s being a goofball with brothers
- One of his most popular videos feels out of place compared to the rest; he just put on the camera and is about to film something but sees Prudii walking in the background. Mereel abandons his video but the camera is still rolling, showing the brothers running and embracing after not seeing each other for a long while
- Got it after Mereel sent him some videos to watch, then began posting after thinking it looked fun
- He likes posting videos of fun facts specially targeted towards his brothers who might need it and tries to be creative as he delivers these facts; it’s basically a series called “What They Didn’t Teach You on Kamino” with the most popular sub series being on Women
- He has a couple edits he’s made posted too, they’re snippets of him hanging out with his brothers set to some popular songs (he’s done a couple tutorials of how he made them)
- The video he loves that isn’t necessarily his most popular is a blooper; he is carrying Mird on his back and Mird curiously sniffs the camera before stealing it from Jaing’s hand, then the strill runs while Jaing chases after Mird laughing
- At first he protested getting the app, but his brothers broke him and he made a private account (he’s not too picky about who follows him, but prefers his brothers over random civilians)
- His use on the account is limited, but he does post some videos. Mostly of the scenery and the wildlife he’s encountering across the galaxy
- He gets more into it the more he uses it, but his best videos are when he’s hanging out with the other Nulls, or any clones for that matter
- His favorite video is pinned to his page; he’s behind the camera as the Nulls all excitedly run on a playground late at night, and cuts to them acting like kids racing down slides, seeing who can go the highest on the swings, struggling with monkey bars because they’re too tall, and spinning around on a merry-go-round (captioned: “The Republic’s Finest” and it also became a trend with #republicsfinest)
- While he does have the app and it’s set to public, he does not post
- He spends hours on the app watching all sorts of videos, but when it comes to him being on camera he’s a little shy
- You can tell which one he is when you see him in his brothers’ videos, he’s always shrinking away trying to get out of the shot or being awkward when he does agree to be in their videos
- His biggest interactions on the app is commenting or liking videos, and he is very guilty of spamming his brothers’ messages with videos (Jaing got 63 Tik Toks in one day)
- Like Kor’mk, he’s a little camera shy but he can push past it, which is why his account is private and only followed by strictly other clone troopers
- While he doesn’t really post, he enjoys watching the silly videos and laughing at his brothers from all the different legions and squads, and he comments a lot
- In a way, he’s found he’s little bit like a celebrity/meme to his brothers, which he finds hilarious since he feels like the forgotten Null (“If @justprudii05 comments I’ll buy the next round of drinks”)
- His favorite video out of the couple hundred he’s posted is when he was on Kamino; he was just visiting and making a quick story time reminiscing about the chaos he use to cause when a bunch of young cadets start yelling “hi” to him and it starts a whole train of everyone just jumping in to say “hi” and he forgets what he was even talking about before
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clonewarslover55 · 2 years
Republic Commando Masterlist
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Find my masterlist of links here! 
Non-Repcomm clone masterlist here!
Began: originally  6/16/20
Updated: 3/19/23
Walon Vau and Mird 
(Find my works with him and my OC on my AO3 or on their own masterlist here!)
Walon Vau’s early life story
Walon Vau’s homeworld, Irmenu.
Walon Vau weapon headcanons
How Jango and Vau bonded //Working on now//
How Vau joined the Mandalorians //Working on now//
Walon Vau taking care of Kad 
Reasons why I love Vau 
Even Strill’s throw hissy fits 
Walon Vau face claim //Maybe//
How Tall is Vau?
Vau’s eyes 
Walon Vau’s cock headcanons //NSFW//
Another lesson from Sergeant Vau
Warming you up. Walon Vau X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Mandalorians don’t fight fairly
A cold grab on Kal and Walon
Drunken fun with Walon and Kal 
Walon Vau and Kal Skirata hate sex //NSFW obv//
Kal Skirata 
Kal Skirata face claim
Kal Skirata height discussion 
Kal Skirata’s cock headcanons //NSFW//
Spending the day with Kal Skirata  Kal X Reader //Fluff//
Kal Skirata wears glasses
Kal Skirata and his IKEA foldable stool //Six parts all linked//
Mandalorians don’t fight fairly
A cold grab on Kal and Walon
Drunken fun with Walon and Kal
Walon Vau and Kal Skirata hate sex //NSFW obv//
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Delta Squad and Advisor 
Advisor relationship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
Delta squad relationship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
Delta squad personalities explained 
What the Delta Squad looks like headcanons
The Delta Squad Boys as fathers headcanons
Delta Squad chaos: Lord Mirdalin
Delta Squad Chaos: Gossip
Tales around the fire with the Delta’s, Omega’s and Null’s  //Adult content//
Snow day snuggles with Scorch
The curious young Delta’s
Sev’s first time being pegged //NSFW//Sev X Fem!Reader
Fixer’s first time being pegged //NSFW// Fixer X Fem!Reader 
Boss’s first time being pegged //NSFW// Boss X Fem!Reader
Scorch’s first time being pegged (Currently being discussed)
Fingering Boss. Boss X GN!Reader //NSFW//
Rescue mission
Another lesson from Sergeant Vau
Calming Sev down while he’s having a panic attack //FLUFF//
Sev asking for more babies
Boss’s punishment //NSFW//’
Having a secret marriage with Scorch headcanons
Dad!Sev Headcanons
Fixer X Fem!Reader  //SMUT//
Boss X Fem!Reader !NSFW! //Part two// //Part three//
Fixer X Reader
Fixer is sweet and awkard //Fixer X Reader//
Fixer X Fem!Reader !!NSFW!!
Fluffy Sev X reader 
Scorch X Fem!Reader !NSFW!
Sev X Curvy!Busty!Fem!Reader !NSFW!
Scorch Angst
Delta Squads biggest fans. Part one 
Omega Squad 
Omega squad relationship headcanons
Omega Squad personalities explained
Fi comforting the reader after a horrible week
Oral sex and pillow talk with Fi //NSFW and FLUFF//
Story time with Darman Skirata
Kids are chaotic! Darman and Etain fluff
Stress relief. Niner X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Null ARC’s 
Null realtionship headcanons //NSFW and SFW//
The Null’s with kids Headcanons
Breakfast with the Null’s
Null Chaos! Starring petty brother things
Null Chaos! Starring Jaing’s new gloves
Null Chaos! starring A’den
Welcome home sex with A'den. A'den X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Teaching Ordo. Captain Ordo X Fem!Reader //SMUT//
Sleepy Kom’rk cuddles
Hooking up with Mereel //SMUT//
Kom’rk blurb
Being Marked up by Mereel //SMUT//
A teasing game with Mereel //NSFW//
Singing with A’den
Mereel X Non!Mando Trans!Fem reader!!
Alpha Arc’s from the books 
Sull(Alpha-30) Relationship and general headcanons
Captain Maze general headcanons
Maze and his new baby
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stuffedeggplants · 2 years
Remember the scene in Order 66 where an ensign sees Captain Ordo the rest of the Nulls talking with Skirata in the wardroom, and is so upset that they’ve brought an NCO (Sergeant A’den) in that he completely forgets everything he was taught about courtesy and respect before he got to the fleet like a full eight weeks ago? 
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So this Republic Navy ensign recognizes GAR ranks well enough to know that A’den is a sergeant, something the author tells us a page or so earlier that not all non-clone officers can do. He also knows that the rest of the Nulls are officers, though Ordo being senior to him doesn’t affect his behavior at all-- the only time he cares about rank in this scene is when he thinks he can use A’den’s to give clones a hard time. You could tell this man that ‘we salute the rank, not the person,’ and his response would be ‘oh so you think clones are people? 🤡’
He also threatens to have Ordo court-martialed. On what grounds? I have absolutely no idea. Maybe he’s threatening to send a report to Ordo’s commander which he hopes will result in a court martial. (Implying that Zey won’t "accidentally” let that report slip into the paper shredder with one hand while ordering coffee and pastries for Maze and staff with the other.) 
This ensign is only here to power trip over people he has no respect for. The entire wardroom can smell it like a fuel leak, and they’re just waiting for it to blow up in his face. 
He’s also wearing the symbol of a political group connected to the impression we get of his character-- somebody who jumps at the chance to wield power over others.
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COMPOR’s goals fit with what we see of the ensign’s behavior and concerns, but the major thing here is that he’s permitted to display their symbol on his military uniform. Unlike countries in real life that don’t permit members of their armed services to wear political pins/statements like this on their uniforms/while on duty, the Republic in its final months does. Instead of presenting its forces as politically neutral, it’s allowing its representatives to openly advocate for the more authoritarian type of government that we get with the Empire. 
Ordo only dwells on this for a few lines, but what this policy says about the state of the Republic and the direction its heading is big. You could easily write a post on this alone, because without giving you a lot of details about the political and societal situation, it lays the groundwork for an environment where you easily slide into the kind of surveillance-backed authoritarian government that Darman and Niner find themselves living under and working for in Imperial Commando. 
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vodika-vibes · 6 months
Hi Vod‘ika ! 😄👋🏻
I want to keep the love for the skirata boys going, but my current obsession is A‘den and there is very very little with him, so I would like to request him and this outlining the marks (that you made on them) with your fingers-prompt cuz it gives me butterflies 👉🏻👈🏻🥺
thanks ☺️✌🏻
Little Touches
Summary: You and A'den have a mid-morning conversation.
Pairing: A'den Skirata x Reader
Word Count: 887
Warnings: Implications of sexual activity
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni
A/N: I got both of these asks, so I'm just going to answer the first one! And hello! Thank you for your request! I hope I A'den justice for you.
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The bedroom is quiet, save for the sound of your fan in the corner of the room. And you’re not sure if you drifted to sleep or not, though you hope you hadn’t…you so rarely get A’den all to yourself, after all, and spending any amount of that time sleeping feels a little bit like a crime.
Though, you suppose you do have a good reason for being exhausted. 
A’den had returned to you just after dinner the night before, and then he spent the whole night reminding you why you always waited for him. As if you needed the reminder, but you enjoyed it all the same.
Your body might not agree, but, well, soreness and exhaustion are temporary.
You lift your head off his chest, shifting your body just enough that you’re able to rest your arms on his torso and rest your chin on your arms, and you just stare down at him. He’s asleep, though you shouldn’t be surprised.
He was exhausted when he came home last night, and then he spent the whole night expending even more energy. Your brave man will probably sleep for hours.
Good, he deserves it.
Your gaze drifts from his face, though you could stare at his face for hours (you even have before, sometimes you can’t sleep and just being next to him is enough sometimes-) and trails down to his bare chest, and you feel your face heat in embarrassment.
His neck and chest are covered in red marks. Red marks from you, from your lips, and from your enthusiasm the night before. 
For a moment you consider getting up to grab some bacta gel from the fresher, but his arm is tight around your waist, and you really don’t want to get up just yet.
So, instead, you reach out with one finger and slowly trace one of the bruises, and then the next one, and the one after that. You’re so distracted that you don’t notice that he woke up, until his hand slides up your back and tangles in your hair, “Good morning,” His voice is low and raspy with sleep, and you immediately feel bad for waking him.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you,” You whisper to him. 
He favors you with a bright smile, his eyes crinkling with joy, and he lightly tugs you up so he’s able to kiss you properly, “Why would I want to sleep when you’re right here?” He asks.
“You must be exhausted-”
“Not that exhausted,” He corrects, and then you notice mischief on his face, “Enjoying your handiwork?”
You can feel heat rush to your face, and you bury your face in his neck. “I was thinking that I should go find some bacta for you.”
“Mm. No thanks.”
“A’den!” You whine as you lift your head.
“I like these bruises.” His grin softens and he lightly caresses your cheek, “Like having the physical marks that you need me as much as I need you.”
“You don’t need bruises to know that, do you?”
“Well, I suppose I could always get a tattoo,” A’den muses, “Right over my heart. It would say Property of-”
He’s cut off when you press your hand over his mouth, “Nooo!”
A’den laughs and tugs your hand off his mouth, “What’s wrong, cyare? Don’t want me to proclaim to all and sundry that I’m yours.”
“Not like that! Everyone knows that name tattoos are a death sentence for relationships.” You squeak when he tugs you so that you’re laying on top of him.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah!” You smile down at him, “Besides, I’m pretty sure everyone who’s anyone already knows that you’re spoken for.”
“Sure, they know I have a cyare, but I haven’t told them your name or anything.” A’den agrees, “Wanted to keep you to myself for a time.” He tugs you into a kiss, which devolves into a series of kisses that results in him flipping you onto your back and pinning you to the bed. 
“That’s fair. I did the same with my family, but also, they definitely wouldn’t approve.”
“Cause I’m a clone?” A’den asks.
“Cause you’re kinda…poor.”
“Oh. Valid.” He kisses you again, “You want to meet my family, cyare? They’re all just as poor as I am, though.”
You press your hands against his cheek, “A’den Skirata, do I look like the kind of person who cares about something as inconsequential as money?”
“Hm,” He looks around your room, “Seeing as you’ve thrifted everything in this room, including your clothes, I would say no. Your parents must be devastated.”
“Heartbroken. They buy me multi-thousand credit outfits for when I visit them.”
“You poor thing.” A’den presses a kiss to your throat, “You haven’t answered the question. Do you want to meet my buir and my brothers?”
“I’d love to,” You reply with a small smile, “Should I bring a present?”
“Why would you do that?” He asks with a laugh.
“Just…want them to like me.”
A’den leans in and he kisses you deeply, “Cyare, they’ll love you because I love you.” He lightly nips your lower lip, “Now, cyar’ika, how are you feeling? Sore? Pain?”
A slow grin crosses your face, “Oh, nothing that won’t fade with some activity.”
A’den laughs, “Well then, I should help you with that.”
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wanderinginksplot · 8 months
Voices Carry
Mereel seeks advice.
Eventual Mereel Skirata x fem!reader pairing.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1200
Warnings: Attempted espionage, discussions of assassination, implied threats.
Previous | Next | Masterlist
Part Five
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His brothers were the smartest people Mereel knew, but he had still been reluctant to ask their advice. 
For six men who were - according to the galaxy at large - identical, the Null troopers displayed a full swath of personalities with varying levels of pragmatism. Mereel had known they were going to have different opinions on how they should proceed, but he hadn’t expected quite as much blame as he was currently getting. 
“I thought you said you could get the information without a problem,” Kom’rk pointed out. “This sounds a lot like a problem, vod.”
“The problem isn’t the slicing,” Mereel explained again, striving for a patient tone. He failed. “The problem is Julgum’s secretary.”
A’den snorted. “The kaminii wasted their talents on you. One human female and you’re out of ideas.”
“Not out of ideas,” Mereel rejected immediately. “Just trying to figure out how to deal with such an ori'buyce, kih'kovid civvie without attracting the wrong kind of attention. I’ve never seen anyone take such a pointless job so seriously.”
“As much as I hate to point out the obvious-” Jaing starting, pausing to let the muffled laughs from the other Nulls fade. Everyone knew Jaing loved the little details, especially when he was picking up on things the others had missed. “Like I was saying, you’ve already spoken to her. That means you have access to the office. Doesn’t that mean you can slice in to pull the data at any point?”
Mereel scowled. "No. The paranoid chakaar has his system rigged to defend against that. Doubt if it's on purpose, but his office is on a different circuit than the comms in his reception area."
"So the only way to access his files is to convince the secretary to patch you through," Prudii summarized, frowning. "And even if she was amenable toward letting people talk to Julgum, she has to be getting suspicious by now."
"Exactly." There didn't seem to be much more he could add to that, but Mereel desperately wanted to. The failure of his efforts stung, and he was struggling to keep back the panic that always rose up with a failure to complete his mission. Kal'buir had worked to remove that sting, to reassure the Nulls that they still had worth even if a task were beyond them. Sometimes, those first few brutal years of life rose up anyway, refusing to grant Mereel a moment of peace.
"I think you're overlooking the simplest solution, ner vod," Ordo told him, tapping the table decisively.
In a moment, Mereel's melancholy had melted away, replaced by the fire of his friendly rivalry with Ordo. 
"Yeah?" he challenged. "I've been working on a solution for the better part of a week. But sure, tell me the brilliant plan you've already cooked up." 
"I think it's time that Julgum's secretary had a little accident," Ordo told him, gaze steady. "Easy enough to arrange, especially if we pick someone to set up as a scapegoat. Not Julgum, obviously. We want him available for our questioning after it's done-" 
Mereel's flat refusal made Ordo stop short, the other Nulls staring at them both. For all that his failure bothered Mereel, it bothered him almost as much to think about you being hurt or killed because of your incidental position working for the di'kutla senator. Especially since you didn't seem overly enthused by your boss.
And Ordo had seemed to consider it a foregone conclusion. He had planned your disposal, started thinking about who to blame, and moved on to the eventuality of questioning Julgum for his information. 
Mereel couldn't do it. Not to you, even if you were nothing more than a random stranger from a chance encounter. 
He also couldn't begin to articulate the tangle of his motivations to his curious brothers. Instead, he invented a few believable explanations as he spoke.
"We don't want to draw any more attention than necessary to Julgum and his office, especially after the attack on Coruscant," Mereel told them. “It’ll get blamed on the Separatists and I don’t want to deal with the scrutiny. It might even get people wondering if Julgum has important information, then we’ll have competition for it.”
“Worried about the Guard, Mer’ika?” Skirata asked from the doorway, a fond smile softening his craggy face. He hadn’t spoken much, but Mereel could tell he was listening intently. “Or CSF?”
“I’m not worried - I’m concerned,” Mereel corrected. “We’re good, but I won’t set us up to question Julgum while he’s under Senate protection. Too much attention, and I don’t want to take that risk. Not with this.”
That, at least, seemed to quell any suspicions his brothers may have held. The mission to find Ko Sai was at a standstill, so gathering information about the cloning process had taken priority. 
“Do we even think Julgum has anything?” Prudii asked. 
It was probably the dozenth time Mereel had been asked the same question, but there was no impatience in him. Not when Prudii’s voice had held the subtlest-possible request for assurance. The Nulls had always protected each other, even before Kal’buir came into their lives. 
“I don’t know,” he told his brother. “All I can say is that I think it’s worth checking out. I’ve found more important intel in less likely places.”
Prudii nodded slowly, echoes of the movement trailing around the crowd of Null troopers. His honesty had seemed to put everyone at ease, but there was still a feeling of tension lingering in the room. Mereel decided to break it. 
Mereel tucked his hands into his belt and gave his most exaggerated grin. “I remember one time-”
Ordo interrupted him with a loud groan a moment later. “I cannot listen to the Venestria story again. You’ve told it at least fifty times.”
With a rude noise, Mereel told him, “You’re just bitter because your girlfriend sees more action than you do, lately.”
If Mereel hadn’t already been grinning, he would have done so at his brother’s reaction. Ordo’s face grew flushed, his gaze flicking from Mereel’s face to the table in front of him. It was back in place a millisecond later, but that may as well have been a lifetime. Mereel noticed everything. From everyone. All the time. 
Ordo cleared his throat. “Agent Wennan is very proficient at performing the duties of her job.”
Mereel repeated his rude noise, this time joined by several of the other Nulls. The best was Kal’buir’s quiet sigh. His voice was filled with disappointment as he said, “You know her name, son.”
If Mereel had thought Ordo was flustered before, it was nothing compared to his reaction to outright censure from Sergeant Kal. 
Ordo’s apologies were waved away by Skirata, whose expression had gone from discontented to considering. Kal’s light eyes cut toward Mereel, lips pursed in thought. Mereel met that gaze steadily, waiting for the sergeant to speak. 
At last, Kal’buir said, “If you can win her over, son, we could do worse than to have a contact inside the Senate.” 
As far as Mereel was concerned, that was as good as an order.
Author's Note - In case anyone is wondering, this is loosely set between Republic Commando: Triple Zero and Republic Commando: True Colors. Thanks for reading!
You can find other works on my masterlist or sign up for my taglist here.
Taglist: @jennamelinda12 @thrawnspetgoose @bobaprint @icouldsaythesameforyou @mooncommlink @amaliia @dreamie411
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ythankucaptainmccoy · 2 years
Head Cannons for the Null ARC’s, Omega and Delta Squad comforting you on your period!
I will be posting the other half of the head canon about the boys catching you dancing/singing tomorrow.
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Ordo - He is going to be clueless at first because he is usually so busy, but once he realizes he will stop in his tracks. He won’t know what to do... like at all. He will end up getting his com and ringing up Kal’buir. Once Skirata explains everything he will feel guilty and read articles to know what to expect. He is a soldier so the blood doesn’t bother him. Once you have eaten he will get your favorite heating pad, comfy blanket and will cuddle on the couch watching whatever you want.
 Mereel - This man knows what’s up and completely understands why you have been somewhat rude today. He makes you herbal tea to help with the cramps and makes your favorite meal. He will bring you some medicine to help and once you have eaten he will get a hot water bladder and let you lay down while he massages your back. When the water bladder turns cold he will lay back and let you cuddle with him under the blanket putting his hands across your lower stomach because they are nice and warm.
Jaing - This man knows as soon as you start crying over something that wouldn’t normally upset you. He will automatically start a nice hot shower and will shower with you. He will shampoo and condition your hair then slowly massage your favorite shower gel all over. Once your done he will get you your comfy clothes. Then he will make sure you have your favorite treats as he cuddles you.
Kom’rk - When you come home from work seeming more stressed than normal he doesn’t get it. It isn’t until he has you in bed and tries to make a move that you refuse and he is absolutely confused. Once you explain to him what a period is and that its normal and all the things that happen during that time he is appalled that you suffer every month. He is scrambling to make you as comfortable as possible. He will cuddle you in bed laying soft kisses on your cheeks, nose and lips.
Prudii - He notices the day before your very energetic to the point you can’t sit still, but the following day your a whimpering mess. When you tell him what is happening he panics. This man straight up almost takes you to medical until you tell him it is normal. He is in total disbelief until he looks it up and goes red when he reads it stops during pregnancy. He wants to understand and he listens to you, and reads more about it. This man will do anything and everything you ask of him.
A’den - Your standing in the kitchen cooking when a cramp hits you out of nowhere. A’den is by your side as soon as you double over. Once you tell him your okay he picks you up and carries you to your bed where he gets you everything you need and goes back to finish cooking. He treats you with dinner in bed and softly massages your lower stomach with his hands. He gives kisses to you shoulder as he spoons you as you fall asleep.
Niner - Niner is like Ordo he is absolutely clueless, but poor baby tries so hard to help you. He is rough around the edges as he tries to get you the things you need. Be patient with him because it takes him a couple of times to get the proper things you need, but he more than makes up for his shortcomings with ice cream. He will let you use him as a heating pad and let you lay over him as he presses a kiss to the top of your head.
Fi - This man right here is a king! He has it in his chrono when your period is supposed to start. Has everything ready for you when you come home. A nice dinner and draws a nice bath for you that he joins you in. He lathers you with your favorite soap. After you get out of the bath he massages your favorite smelling body oil on you. Be prepared for lots of jokes. Then he will carry you to bed where a heating pad awaits. He does make a joke or two that you wouldn’t have a period if you two decided to have children, but he is only joking (or is he) as you fall asleep smiling.
Darman - Darman knows and when you start cramping he is automatically glued to you. He makes sure your comfortable and gets you anything your craving. He runs to a shop in the pouring rain to get the things you need. You both end up cuddling on the couch as he peppers your face in kisses, and he will make you feel like its no big deal as you slowly fall asleep. 
Atin - Like Fi he knows when it’s supposed to start. When you both wake up and you start to cry he is wide awake. Your apologizing and he doesn’t understand until he sees the blood on the sheets. He automatically tells you that its okay and that its no big deal. He starts a shower for you and takes your clothes and sheets to put them in the wash. By the time you get out of the shower the bed is clean, and he has meds waiting for you. He spends the rest of the day relaxing and helping with chores until its time for bed. He puts on your favorite holomovie and pulls you into his side murmuring praises until you fall asleep.
Corr - Corr feels absolutely useless when he figures out what is happening. He knows that massages can help, but he is worried you won’t like his metal arms. Little did he know that you jumped at the chance and encouraging him that he can get the deep muscle tissue. He sees you tense at the cold feeling, but once he gets in a rhythm he notices you relax. He makes sure you drink plenty of water and gives you meds to help. When you get a headache his cold metal hands on your head helps. You kiss him repeatedly telling him that he is the best and that you love him until you both fall asleep tangled up in each other.
Boss -  Is totally oblivious and asks what's wrong with you which makes you upset. You have to explain everything to him and once he understands he hugs you and apologizes profusely. You forgive him and he goes out to get you a good high iron dinner. He insists you stay hydrated and is worse than an anxious nexu as he makes sure your comfortable. When you tell him you feel fat he assures you that your just bloated and it doesn’t matter. He lets you curl up with your fluffy blanket as he reassures you that your beautiful.
Fixer - Fixer straight up asks you if you started your period after you snapped at him about your hair. You break down sobbing about how your a terrible person and shouldn’t have gotten angry with him. He starts listing all the things that could help and even mentions that orgasms can help. He tells you that he is willing to do anything to help you after he reads that it could be as painful as a heart attack. He gives you pain killers and helps you with that orgasm which does make the cramping ease up dramatically. You both clean up, change the sheets and shower. He curls protectively around you as you relax.
Scorch - He is almost like Fi as he realizes your in pain. He is giving you massages, makes you tea and he even lets you watch your favorite holodrama that he says is ridiculous (you know he secretly loves it as he discusses it with Fi). When you twitch in discomfort he is already asking what would make it better. He is usually a jokester like Fi to some extent, but he is all seriousness when it comes to your wellbeing. When you smile at him with tears in your eyes he panics until you tell him how much you love him and what a great boyfriend he is. Expect the best hugs from him during your period.
Sev -  Is a compete ass at first until you start to cry and that's when he knows that he fucked up. He panics and dead up asks if your pregnant  you dissolving into somewhat painful giggles which causes a confused face from him. You explain to him that your not pregnant and that its just your period. He listens to you as you explain what it’s like. He is angry because he doesn’t think he is the best at providing for you, but you assure him he does. When he finds you in the fetal position in bed a little later he freaks out asking what’s wrong. You explain to him about migraines and he promptly get you meds and turns all the light out. He pulls you into his chest and lets you relax until you fall asleep.
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