#a. los enanitos verdes
sehnis · 6 months
[ youtube ] [ lyrics ] [ song of the week playlist ]
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mcyt-crack · 4 months
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CEO of sex bunnies and money
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Enanitos Verdes or Green dwarves is an Argentine Rock Band started in 1979 and still running today.
They began playing at first in clubs and bars in their city and Cuyo, later they traveled to Buenos Aires to look for greater opportunities. In 1984 they were invited to the Festival de la Falda and chosen as the revelation group at the event. Later that year they recorded their first self-titled album and achieved greater recognition with the song "I still sing." Although the following year Embrioni left the band to join Alcohol Ethilo. The group continued recording albums as a quartet such as Contrarreloj (1986), Habitaciones Extranas (1987) and Carrousel (1988), all of them produced by musician Andrés Calamaro. They are invited to the 1988 Viña del Mar Festival where they are awarded a silver torch. After Enanitos Verdes published their album "Había una vez…" they announced their separation, according to the members to have a break and carry out solo projects such as Cantero who launched as a soloist.
They returned in 1992. Their most famous songs are "Tu carcel", "Lamento Boliviano" and "Luz De Día".
Charly García is a Argentinian rock musician and got his start in his teenage ages as he started Sui Generis with his classmate Nito in the 70s.
he would go on to make another group in his adult years called PorSuiGieco and La Máquina de Hacer Pájaros, it jumpstarted rock in latin america, they didn't last long and he would have a pause to go to Brazil, come to argentina back to start Serú Girán and become one of the most successful bands from the 70s, he then went on to have a solo career after that
his most famous songs are "Tu amor" "Fanky" And "Influencia" below is fan submitted propaganda
"Es un demente, se tiró de un noveno piso, es anarquista, mostró el culo en un recital, tiene vitiligo y le hace el bigote blanco y negro, bardeaba siempre a los milicos, es un hombre trola, he has it all"
"NO PUEDE NO TENER A CHARLY GARCIA. bowie latinoamericano antes de que existiera bowie. sobrevivió un piscinazo. que sería de la música de nuestro continente sin el!!!!!"
"Ícono del rock argentino, escribió poesía incomparable + es re buena fuente de memes. Lit qué mas querés"
"Bigote multicolor, decirle a la policía “no es mi culpa que usted no haya estudiado”, tirarse de un 8vo (?) piso a una pileta en Mendoza, autointernarse, su flirteo con Susana Giménez, tantos otros momentos, ser el músico más influencias del rock and roll Latino. SE PUEDE PEDIR MÁS? SAY NO MORE."
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digitalroot · 17 days
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durn3h · 8 months
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larn-solo · 2 years
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[ Réquiem para un enano verde ]
«Hoy la luna no será bella. Será triste… callada. Sentirá la gravedad por la ausencia de un Marciano. Hoy será invisible, porque vestirá de luto, camuflándose en la noche. Hoy la luna llora, escondida. Hoy la luna es mi luna… o quizás me volví luna… o quizás me uní a su canto… …o quizás me volví llanto.»
© Ͼʜʀɪʂᴛᴏᴘʜᴇʀ Ɖʀᴀᴋᴇ / Lᴀʀɴ Sᴏʟᴏ ┤Lima/Perú • 8/sept./2022├
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johnvagabundo · 2 years
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Una gran pérdida para la generación del boom del rock en español. 🥺
#ripmarcianocantero #enanitosverdes💚 #rockenespañol
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bluecoba · 1 year
So I was listening to this song, and... Idk if it’s the brain rot getting to me, but... I swear the singer sounds like Vash’s 1998 English voice. 
And guys... Look at the top left of one of their album covers. THAT’S THE SINGER.
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Seriously about to lose my shit over here. 
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daffy-rimi · 1 year
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Enanitos Verdes or Green dwarves is an Argentine Rock Band started in 1979 and still running today.
They began playing at first in clubs and bars in their city and Cuyo, later they traveled to Buenos Aires to look for greater opportunities. In 1984 they were invited to the Festival de la Falda and chosen as the revelation group at the event. Later that year they recorded their first self-titled album and achieved greater recognition with the song "I still sing." Although the following year Embrioni left the band to join Alcohol Ethilo. The group continued recording albums as a quartet such as Contrarreloj (1986), Habitaciones Extranas (1987) and Carrousel (1988), all of them produced by musician Andrés Calamaro. They are invited to the 1988 Viña del Mar Festival where they are awarded a silver torch. After Enanitos Verdes published their album "Había una vez…" they announced their separation, according to the members to have a break and carry out solo projects such as Cantero who launched as a soloist.
They returned in 1992. Their most famous songs are "Tu carcel", "Lamento Boliviano" and "Luz De Día".
Due to the song "Lamento Boliviano" and their lack of typical accent many think they're Bolivian, sorry if you found out this way
La Vela Puerca is a Uruguayan Ska Heavy Metal Rock band made in 1995 and still running! their most famous songs are Zafar, Va a Escampar and El viejo. fansubmitted propaganda below
"Lo mejor del rock uruguayo!"
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supersonic11 · 2 years
Por favor, déjenos bailar. Por favor, que nos dejen bailar
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No hablen ahora de Nueva York, de estar en Roma o en Disney World
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Yo solo quiero que nos dejen bailar acá
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vacio-existencial · 2 years
Me desperté con la noticia de que falleció Marciano Cantero, bajista y cantante de Los Enanitos Verdes. No puedo dejar de pensar que en laa canciones que cantaba hay grandes poemas:
"Destapa el champagne, apaga las luces, dejemos las velas encendidas y afuera las heridas. Ya no pienses más en nuestro pasado, hagamos que choquen nuestras copas por habernos encontrado y porque puedo mirar al cielo, besar tus manos, sentir tu cuerpo, decir tu nombre y las caricias serán la brisa que aviva el fuego de nuestro amor.
El tiempo dejó una huella imborrable y, aunque nuestras vidas son distintas, esta noche todo vale. Tu piel y mi piel ves se reconocen, es la memoria que hay en nuestros corazones. Puedo ser luz de noche, ser luz de día, frenar el mundo por un segundo y que me digas cuánto querías que esto pasara una vez más y otra vez más.
Sin tu amor no sé vivir porque sin tu amor yo me voy a morir de pena."
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le-souriant · 2 years
DEP Marciano Cantero :(
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one-rabid-dog · 1 year
In the middle of making a trobed paper animatic to a Spanish song because I am unwell and am gripping trobed in my first like a stress ball
Here's hard of them while u wait tho
The first one with both troy and abed is very loosely based on user r3medialch8os fanfic 'fever dream high, quiet of the night's go read it and sob your eyes out it's so good I wanted to throw up reading it bcuz of how distressing it was
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larn-solo · 2 years
Te pido que mires al cielo tan sólo una vez más. Mira las estrellas que brillan esta noche para ti.
¿Por qué no te sacas de encima un poco la preocupación? Disfruta la vida, amando la vida que dios te dio.
Asume que hoy puede ser el último hoy para ti. Despierta y descubre las cosas más simples que están porque sí..., Porque sí.
Yo sé que estás triste. Yo sé que te falta una ilusión... pero sé que esperas, al fin y al cabo, tu salvación.
El amor es entrega, es afecto y supone dolor, dolor de dejarnos de lado un poco para los demás.
Tal vez algún día escriba en un vidrio que yo te quiero: y estaré muy feliz... y lo sentiré así... Lo sentiré así.
¡Cuándo será ese día, por Dios! ¡Cuándo será! Mañana será ese día si todos queremos... Mañana será ese día si todos queremos...
(𝐺𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑠 𝑝𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑜, 𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑜: 𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑠 𝑒𝑙 𝑀𝑎𝑟𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑛𝑜 𝑞𝑢𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛 𝑠𝑢 𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑧𝑜 𝑑𝑒 𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑡𝑎 𝑢𝑛 𝑚𝑒𝑗𝑜𝑟 𝑙𝑢𝑔𝑎𝑟)
Lᴀʀɴ Sᴏʟᴏ
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bettycastro1067 · 2 years
Ver "Los Enanitos Verdes - Mi Primer Día Sin Ti" en YouTube
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