#a10 rambles
jaydshiftss · 9 months
manifestation success because of other manifestations ??...
I'm not going to make this post too long, however all you need to know is that my mum told me that I'm gonna get an IPHONE 13!!! I currently have a samsung a10 that I've had for 3 years so this is a HUGE upgrade. The reason why I'm getting a new phone is because I've been getting really good grades but I've been getting good grades for what I believe to be 3 main reasons:
I've been working hard {and studying}
I'm naturally better in some subjects
I've been manifesting good grades
I've also been manifesting a new phone so I guess I manifested my new phone my manifesting good grades?? anyways thanks for reading another weird 'story ramble' :) so yuh
this is the phone that I'm getting!!!
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have a good day!!
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ghostlywhiskey · 1 year
You were flying to visit a friend who lived quite far away. You thought nothing more of it until you walked into the aircraft and began looking for your seat.
A10. A10. Gotta get to A10, for fucks sake can they move any slower? Shit- there's a lot of people...
You move along in the line of awkward people trying to find their seats, keeping your gaze locked on the ground. After a bit of walking, then waiting, then walking again, you eventually make it to your seat.
You sit down by the window, hoping quietly that no one would be beside you. The people around you scurried to get their luggage sorted into the overhead bins. Then, a man walks by your seat putting his carry-on in the above bins. He gives you a brief smile, and you smile back as he sits down beside you.
The flight carries on normally, the safety demonstration by the flight attendants, a seatbelt check, and then the worst part; take off.
You hated the loud rumble of the engines, the way the plane shook as its speed accelerated, the rough bumps as the aircraft sped down the lane. Your eyes shut as the pilot announced take-off would be commencing shortly. The plane began to move, and your stomach started to move with it.
Leaning back into your seat, sweaty hands clasped tightly to the armrest, you sucked in a breath and held it. The stranger next to you glanced quietly at you, his eyes concerned but cautious.
“Hey- uh. You alright there lass?”
You opened your eyes to give him a quick nod when the plane jerked forward, causing you to shut your eyes tightly and grit your teeth. The man wrestled with his thoughts, looking around the aisle of seats for any assistance. With all the flight attendants helping other passengers get settled, he turned back to you and wrapped his hand with yours on the armrest between your seat and his.
“Deep breaths, it’s almost over. Just- breathe with me.. That sound alright?”
In and out, you drew breaths with the man beside you. His hand massaged yours, deep eyes scanning your face with understanding.
The plane sped down the lane and finally lifted into the air. As the plane glided smoothly up into the sky, he didn't let go of your hand. You opened your eyes and looked at him, mumbling a soft thanks. He smiled, and when you let go of his hand, he added,” Don't mention it, anyone would've done the same. Name’s John, and yours?”
you responded to his question, unaware this man would be the one to change your life.
Sorry for the lack of rambles, things have been a bit busier on my side 😭
i’ve never needed this more than today. i had such a terrible day and seeing one of these in my inbox made me smile.
no need to apologize i UNDERSTAND<333 love u
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blocksnbeetles · 2 years
thorn at the end of book 2:
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ramble about what i have in-store for the three groups of seekers. now that i got their ideal jet modes out of the way, this is where the fun begins.
AIRCRAFT TYPE: Heavy artillery jets
(LEADER) Dirge - A10
Thrust - H-20
Ramjet- Saab A-36
SPECIFICATION - Anti ground control/Seeker Protection Services
The Cone Heads were at first a joke when they entered the Decepticon air force, thanks to the rookie, Ramjet, his casualty during one operation and recovery shows their true strength and op abilities. It made them a critical part of the Decepticon forces. But what gave them the full opportunity to partake in the air force was their function and priorities they offered. Ramjets recovery served as a surprise, showing how resilient and heavy metaled the Cone Heads really are.
Dirge, confident and resilient, he’s proved himself to be quiet the leader to larger groups rather than a trine of three. Given the circumstances of missions and outposts, Dirge always leaded back row with full vision over his squads. With heavy armor plating and quad thrusters he maintains decent speed compared to his trine, a balance of power and force.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Heavy airborne targets
Thrust, an intelligent and open minded bot, capable of calculating precision attack on the spot. His quick thinking and problem solving won him a place in air combat when something does wrong during a mission. Thrust is equipped with laser tracking for intercepting homing missiles and duel ion cannons for return attacks. Despite his slow speed, Thrust is the heaviest and most armored out of the Cone Heads. He is found leading the right front row.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Bogies/Incoming enemy lockons
Ramjet, not the smartest and not the brightest out of the bunch, but his air maneuvering makes up for it. Even when he was born, he was trained in his alt mode constantly, Shockwave said the way his wings are formatted shows signs of excessive flight from a young age, the ripples acting like a tattoo. Though, before Ramjet could even join the Decepticon cause fully, he was knocked out of the sky and paralyzed for years. Then again, his resilience as a Cone Head proved to be powerful, and his yearn to take flight earned him a spot as the seekers secondary air way directory.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Incoming airborne target
Acid Storm - Jh xx
(LEADER) Nova Storm - J-22
Ion Storm - F-35
SPECIFICATION - Priority Target take down
The Rain Makers are a particular breed of seekers. They don’t say much, using communication through contact and emotion. Rain Makers fly at low altitudes, given their quick and unnatural tasks, they are often seen in the outskirts of Decepticon forces, supporting those pushing forward on the ground while keeping optics on any severe casualties/unwanted enemies and dealing with them at full. Their abilities are also something to behold for such aggressive unit.
Acid storm, with his ability to make an acidic like liquid from gas molecules, rearranged atoms in the air mixed with his own secrecy of toxicity. Shockwave believe that his ability lies within the flow of his energon. Hazardous, his energon runs like toxic waste through his system, giving his ability to create acidic storms through the crevices of his body, releasing the chemical from his energon stream into the open. Although, over extrusion of his ability leaves him drained and requires double the energon reserves to make sure he’s up to full capacity and functional. Without it, he will show symptoms similar to bleeding out, and will surely enter stasis, perhaps death.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Target rich environments
Nova Storm, with her ability to slice through just about anything with extreme durability and speed is a danger to behold to the receiver and herself. Her armor is comprised of an almost indestructible material. Given when she was created, she was dipped into that Shockwave believed was a bio weapon formula for insulating the inside of fusion cannons. That gel fused with Nova Storm, giving her an impervious and heavy sheet of armor around her body. Signs show that she has withstood gamma rays, extreme radiation, and other outlier abilities. Her only weakness is her overconfidence in her ability. Almost one too many times she is captured and tortured for information by the senate, only for her Rain Makers to make an appearance and reek havoc.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Harsh areas and enemy outliers
Ion Storm, his ability to create electro magnetic and electricity through the corse of his body to the surrounding area. Often in favor of getting the jump on his enemies, Ion Storm would latch onto airborne targets or anything vulnerable and electrocute them into stasis, or temporary paralysis. The charge within his system is comprised of a multitude of internal wiring like Shockwave has never seen. The wiring within his body is weaved together and connected to joints that would cause a normal cybertronian to breakdown, yet Ion Storms body has grown an immunity to his ‘stunted mechanism. Shockwave says he is able to generate electro magnetic pulses from his spark and fluctuate them through his system, using the positive points of his body to release that energy in a deathly charge. Sadly, Ion Storm’s ability is a weakness in its nature. Due to his mutated internals, too much extrusion of his ability could result in spark failure, exploding wiring, or a spark attack.
(LEADER) Starscream - Tornado ECR
Skywarp - Tornado IDS
Thundercracker - Tornado ADV
The Elite Trine is the first to enter the Decepticon forces. Starscream being the one who agreed to join the cause after the rescue of Thundercracker and Skywarp before they were turned to the functionalists camps. The Elite Trine shows the highest resilience to the functionalists, often having the strongest doubts about their Autobot refugees, though there is once scientist who collaborates with Shockwave that assists them and their outlier abilities.
Starscream, eldest to the Elite Trine, dangerously ambitious, and never afraid to speak his mind; his words have always been his greatest weapon next to his intellect. Constantly scheming and plotting ways to their next attack, he prefers to stay several steps ahead of everyone. Though not born with an outlier ability like his brothers, he takes pride in his skills and achievements over any difference. But because of this difference, he has had an unnerving sense of constant dissatisfaction and envy. This let his ambition grow wildly with the goal to be the most successful despite being just a normal seeker. Even without powers or special abilities, Starscream’s intellectual prowess and drive caught Megatron’s attention the second Starscream came to the Decepticons. Starscream always proved to be one of the best in his academy and had an opportunity to live a wealthy and successful life, but he gave it all away when the functionalists took his brothers because of their outlier abilities, so Starscream left his old life for the Decepticons to rescue them. His ambition and daring actions that would most likely ruin anyones life earned him Leader of the seekers, and second in command.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Highest command/Airborne targets
Skywarp, with is teleportation abilities and knack for reckless behavior, he is a force of nature to anyone who dares try to put a leash on him. The middle seeker to the Elite Trine, nothing goes unnoticed by him when something goes on between his brothers. Often always dozing off and fleeing to his own world, when it comes to the destructive danger of battle, Skywarp is not afraid to dive head first just to get the first count. Shockwave has monitored Skywarps ability to teleport and has found it fascinatingly complicated despite Skywarps simple explanation of it. Upon further examinations every passing cycle, Shockwave has kept it in private files that before Skywarp was captures and tested, he would’ve been able to teleport armies. But the functionalists stunted his powers, leaving him only able to teleport so many bots including himself. Even with the lack of a powerful teleport, Skywarp still uses his talents to get between or behind enemy lines for serious damage to their defenses. Often aiming for heavy gunners or target rich environments, he is the demo class of the seekers. His biggest weaknesses are his teleportation and his reckless. If he continues to teleport for an extended amount, his body with begin to lose its physical form until he warps completely out of existence.
PRIMARY CHOICE OF TARGET: Heavy/Turrets/Cargo ships/Target rich environments
Thundercracker, with his abnormal speeds and ability to create wide spread EMP blasts, he has become the best asset for disorienting enemies and carrying small payloads from point a to point b. The youngest of the Elite Trine, Thundercracker is one of the most unique seekers to have an outlier ability and body type. His height goes beyond a normal seekers, as well as his ability, he gets questioned and stares by a-lot of other Decepticons and bots alike, so he tends to be shy from all the attention. But don’t let his shyness fool you, he is pretty cruel for a bot to enjoy literature, history, and poems. Thundercracker will also do anything to protect his trine, inspired by Starscream after he rescued them. And because of his rescue, Shockwave assessed the damage the functionalists caused on Thundercracker. If he had reached the camps, Shockwaves theory stands that the functionalists would’ve torn Thundercracker apart and strip him of his form. Thankfully, Thundercracker kept his ability, and flies with such speeds it makes everyone jealous as well as thankful they aren’t the one caught in his line. His only weakness is his ability backfiring on himself. If Thundercracker isn’t equipped with the right armament, the result of using his ability would shatter his frame leaving him in an impossible state of recovery. Still, he is willing to risk his life for the safety and name of his trine.PRIMARY
CHOICE OF TARGET: Airborne targets/Target rich environments
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partylikemajima · 3 years
(kulemii) admittedly, i haven't played y7. i'm sure you can tell because of that one question, right? haha! anyway, hiiii, can ya answer a few questions for me? a2, a10, b1, c3, c7, d7, e1, f8 thanks again!
awww yeah tbh I just saw that question and cackled, I really do hope you and that anon get to play Y7 because its, something ( a good something but legendary despite the real time combat that was ripped from my hands because turn based does not feel as good as smacking someone with a motorbike over and over again
But omg more questionss!! Here we go guys more rambling
A.2 Favorite Game(s)?
Y0 because they just did so much with it, it was a breath of fresh air after years. Its very balanced to between story and gameplay like its so engaging even tho i kept rushing through it for majima and kiryu to meet as i was so eager to see how they met (bit of a let down for reasons but, probably similar to for others, i started playing when Y0 wasnt a thing yet)
Its such a great entry point to the series and definitely beats Y5 and Y6 in terms of how smoothly everything flows
but so much happens in Y4, it’ll always be legendary to me
A.10 Favorite Weapon(s)?
I love any weapon thats huge like motorbikes, sofas etc because it doesn’t give the enemy a chance to stand back up, i may have used all the sofas in the area during the final boss in Judgement loool
B.1 Which character do you relate to most and why?
the poppo customer assistant as i work in retail myself This is hard, I never really thought of it like I more just yearn to see all the interactions between the characters. but maybe some parts of akiyama? I just don’t want to do anything either lol but i really do want to help people in any way i can
C.3 Which character(s) deserved better?
Hana-Chan, she deserved to be in the story more, woman can even fight and knock out some goons like teach me.
in all seriousness nishiki deserved better people around him. Yakuza kiwami really helped in showing his downfall more than the original Yakuza 1 and it would be a whole different story if Kiryu didn’t go to jail.
C.7 Which character should have died but didn’t? (If that’s too harsh, who deserves to rot in prison?)
idk i feel like I dont remember a lot of charcters i hated but didn’t die, everyone I can think of that should of died, did actually die loool i feel like im forgetting a very alarming obvious character. did that guy who stabbed majima’s eye out die? just checked lol he did shibata is dead
D.7 Who was the least engaging protagonist?
Id’ have to say Shinada, didn’t really enjoy his gameplay sections and his story wasn’t really that interesting to me. i feel the conversations between him and diago could of been better handled like more cooler loool and like hes ok tbh, what happened to him was sad but he wasnt engaging imo
E.1 Explore: Kamurocho or Sotenbori?
Ohhh, i know kamurocho like the back of my hand i don’t use the map at this point, Sotenbori though yes I want to explore there. Its just so exciting and I feel they should of made it bigger to explore.
F.8 Which Morning Glory orphan would you adopt? (Sorry, Haruka is not an option.)
ohhhh sweet babies omg Eri I’d adopt her, I’d adopt them all tbh
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meadow-roses · 3 years
aske time :) for the writing asks: A1, A2, A10, A12, A14, your choice of anything in B, C8 ( :^) ), C11, D6
A1: Introduce the characters from one of your current WIPs in one or two sentences each. 
Okay let's gooo,,, I'll do The Keepers cause I haven't talked about that one as much. These aren't gonna be the best descriptions but whatever 
Ketsler: Quirky, fun-loving, everyone's weird grandpa, but also the most powerful person to have ever lived. He's old- so very, very old- and he's seen so much over all the centuries he has been protecting the worlds from Chaos, but he still makes an effort to slow down and appreciate the little things around him, because he knows better than most how fleeting life is.
Skylar: Skylar is from a world where faerie circles are real and witches turn people into frogs and trolls live in great, big castles and are slain by talking cats, a world where there's too much adventure to stay in one place, too many people to meet, and too many monsters to slay to stop running. He may be only a human (ooo mystery!!) but he is proficient in Wind magic and carries around a good bit of rune stones he and his pet dragon have found along his adventures. 
Felix: Felix is just a normal human from a small town after the earth becomes united under one world power. He wasn't born with superpowers like most soldiers are, but he was still skilled enough to join a special force working behind enemy lines when the rebellion made its move to free the planet from the tyranny that built this dystopian reality. 
Betty: A very sweet young lady, she's from a planet that was colonized by humans centuries ago. She may seem naive, but Betty can read anyone like a book and uses her gift to help those who are lost find themselves again. 
There's more characters but I'll just stick with those main ones cause I really struggle with descriptions xD
A2: Who's your favorite character to write and why?
Probably Joden? I haven't written most of my characters, but I looove writing his dialogue. He also makes me think so I can keep him clever lol
A10: What’s your character development process like? (As in how you develop them, not necessarily their development in-story)
I roleplay them! The more developed they are, the more I've acted as them. It really gets me inside their head to try and think like how they think, and that results in me being more equipped to "discover" why they are like that. 
A12: What kind of internal conflict does your character go through (want versus need, personality complexes or strong personality flaws/”fatal flaw” kinda thing)? How does this affect them?
It really varies depending on the character? For example Joden has this need to always have a plan, always be in control, and a breaking moment for him comes in when he finally just,,, doesn't know what to do. He's in over his head and the only thing he can do is trust Jacer to do what he can- knowing Jacer doesn't have things under control. 
So that's an example of a flaw that the character gets to overcome, but there also characters whose flaws are part of who they are. Skylar wouldn't be Skylar if he weren't stubborn. Ketsler wouldn't be Ketsler if he weren't arrogant. They never grow out of these flaws, they just learn to control them. Or I guess not be controlled by the flaw. 
This is actually something I think I struggle with for my characters, giving them those visable flaws. I see other people's characters that start out "bad" and grow into heroes, but it kinda seems like all my characters start out as heroes. 😅 I mean, they have flaws, but in comparison to other people's characters they feel really bland in that aspect. Idk
A14: Ramble about your characters. Anything special you like about them? Random little details you’ve added that you enjoy? 
Uh,,, I don't even know where to start I just love all of them for so many various reasons. Joden is just a clever little genius but he still can be so naive. He just has simple pleasures and it's not hard to make him laugh or smile and practically impossible to discourage him. He starts off just,,, wanting his old life back and then he sees what the world is like outside his little bubble and the bubble pops. He sees the atrocities for what they are and to be able to settle down again, he has to fix it. He can't just smile and do as he's told, he can't let the bad guys win. It I just his mother and wife and son he's fighting for, it's the entire wood and the idea of being actually, truly, free.
Jacer is so savvy, he knows what to do and what to say to get into and out of any situation, but at the same time he's just clueless when it comes to genuine connection. He's a princeling who's really never had a friend and now he's saving the world with Joden who only knows how to make genuine connections. Why does he have to keep hugging me??  
And Twylla who's ready to fight anything so she can get her clever idiot husband back? 
Adric who's just doing his best to be a good leader but everything keeps going wrong. He wasn't born to be a king, he wasn't born to lead an army, he always had his big brother to help him do these things and he's gone- he's gone and he's not coming back he messed up again so bad and yet here he is with everyone looking to him for answers and he doesn't know what to tell them. But he's got his friends, and he's got a good heart, and he genuinely cares and they're going to figure it out.
Skylar just keeps running forward and he never looks back at the past he just jumps from one adventure to another stopping the monsters and saving the day. He's got Gigi what more does he need? 
Felix is just,,, he's just such a nice guy. Over and over he stepped into the gap because someone's gotta fly that fighter, someone's got to fire that gun, someone's got to stabilize the bomb, someone's going to lose their life to ensure the victory, why shouldn't it be him? But he never actually dies, somehow he always survives and lives to fight the next day, and the next day and the next day, and then they win the war- the world is free. And even though he's been through so much he still hasn't lost that kindness, that love for all life that makes him himself. He still falls in love and starts a family and has his own beloved children… and even when he loses them he still doesn't become cynical. He still stands in the gap and is the one to fire the gun, to hold the hand of the one who's mourning, to scoop up the orphan child and carry them home. He fights, so others don't have to. Father to the fatherless and hero for all. Also he puts up with Skylar's time traveling craziness lol
And Ketsler? Unlike everyone else he never chose to be a hero. What are you supposed to do when you're a four year old boy and everyone tells you you're the hero they've been waiting for, praying for, you have to save them. It wasn't at all his choice to be born with the power of the universe running through his veins. To hold the Inness in his hands and bend reality to his will. But he didn't run away. He never hid from his destiny. He took the world onto his shoulders and never set it down. Only once- and he's never going to do it again. Never going to ask someone to fill in his role for him, it is his burden to bear… Except not anymore. Despite being multi-millenniums old, all that time didn't dull his appreciation for the little things. A baby's smile, sunshine through the leaves, the change of the seasons. The union of two souls in marriage, or the colors of the sunset streaking a foreign sky. He still sees these things, loves these things, fights for these things. Cause it's the little things he's fighting for, not just the big things. The precious moments and precious lives that make up the worlds. One of his apprentices asked him once, he'd been fighting for so long, when was it going to end? It's not his job to strike the final blow, to end the suffering and bloodshed, just to help. He saves the world, so that he can save it again. 
I have… several more characters I'd love to ramble about but that answer's gotten pretty long so I'll cut it off there. XD
B3: Do you have any plot twists? No need to describe them, just think about what kind of reaction you want from your readers. 
Oh I was just talking to August about this the other day. XD There is one plot twist in the Keeper's story I'm reeaaally looking forward to hehe I want to make people confused and then really mad when the whole thing is stretched out. >:) 
C8: Does magic exist in your world? Who can use it? How does it work?
It really depends on which WIP, but in general I like to keep magic restricted with rules. Joden's story and the Keeper's story are in the same universe (along with ThRoG) and follows that magic system. It's too complicated to go in depth here, but "magic" exists in another plane of existence, and things in the material world have varying levels of connection with it. It's kinda the energy that holds all worlds together and sustains life. The magic realm- the Inness is not a place where physical matter should exist, only spirits can walk there. 
Wizards are creatures that stand with one foot in the physical realm and the other in the Inness. Tevlar is destroying the world basically by turning it inside out- pulling the Inness out.
C11: Have you developed historical figures? How do you develop them? How in-depth do you go?
Oh yes. I am a complete history nerd so if any world EXISTS it has history, and history only happens because people. 
Sometimes it's a thought through process of "somebody needs to go here" and sometimes it's an npc from a time travel rp that took on more importance than I originally intended. 
It really varies how in depth it will go? Sometimes it's just a name to fill a spot and other times it's like, man I could write a whole book about this guy!
One historical figure would be Ares of the Pegasus. He was a powerful warrior that won a bunch of wars and united the different pegasus clans under his leadership and became the first king. He's really famous and people like naming their kids after him in a kinda superstitious hope they'll grow into attributes of his character. Ares is the male form of the name, Aris is for girls. It's like, the most common Pegasian name. XD
D6: Are there any writing styles that inspire you?
Probably the first writing style I wanted to emulate was Tolkien's, but I also really liked Andrew Peterson's? Tolkien is so dramatic, and Peterson isn't heavy on location descriptions, so I'm kinda aiming for in between I guess. 
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kunstmull · 3 years
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6 Denmark Terrace, Fortis Green (Muswell Hill)
Birthplace of Ray and Dave Davies of The Kinks
Of course I must now repeat my own, much-told Kinks story. When I was a wee baby, The Kinks kept their gear in my parents’ garage.
We lived up the A10 in Cheshunt, in a rambling Victorian row house. One of my mother’s friends was married to The Kinks’ soundman. In the early 70s, the band were having trouble with their record label, I think they were dropped and pretty much had to declare bankruptcy - anyway, the label were looking to recoup money by repossessing their gear, guitars, amplifiers, PA etc. Since my parents were pretty much the only people in the friend group who had a proper off-street garage, into this garage went all of The Kinks’ gear, until the legal ugliness was over. They visited our house numerous times, my Mum fed Ray Davies instant coffee and listened to his troubles - apparently I met ‘Uncle Ray’ and ‘Uncle Dave’ several times, but being extremely young, I have absolutely no memory of any of it. (Funnily enough, IIRC, Ray mentions Cheshunt in his autobiography, as a ‘nice place his wife wanted to move to’ - but neglects to mention why they went there.)
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inyoursheets · 4 years
A10 C4 D10!
who did you have your first fanfic-related conversation with? what was it about?
online or irl? online it may have been @bathroombreaks who very kindly beta’d this fic rec masterpost (that counts as a fanfic-related convo, right?) bc i’d only very recently returned to tumblr from my four-year hiatus and before that i’d actually never shared my ao3 business on here! i actually deleted my old ao3. but brio has brought me back here, shamelessly rambling about brio fanfic all day every day. 
irl i think it was one of my closest friends in high school who also was on quizlet (dutch fanfic website) and on tumblr in our multifandom days. we mostly were in different fandoms but she was a great writer. think she was the only person i ever shared my fic with and the one to teach me paragraphs are a thing and i should use them (: 
i like to think she’s in heaven right now fondly remembering that time too. 
what thing that fandom loves do you actually kind of hate? why?
oooh im not sure! don’t think there’s much i’m not open to. at least not to something that the gg fandom collectively loves. the only thing i can think of is that maybe i don’t love looking at promo pics and watching promos. i mean, i love it and i hate it. i wanna see it, i crave it, but also, it kinda sometimes spoils the actual scenes a little? like, if i went into it a blank slate i might have enjoyed some of those scenes a liiiiitle more.
what is one story idea you really want to read but no one has written yet?
book club!AU! and fake exes!AU! literally want everything on that list.
thank you for asking! here’s the questions
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afreesworn · 5 years
Character Survey: Nabi Kharlu
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RULES.  Repost, Don’t reblog! Tag  10! Good  luck!
TAGGED BY. @vysaldhe Thank you!
TAGGING. I’ve seen this go around so who hasn’t done it? @anchor-management! @shaelstormchild!! @jaliqai-and-company!!! @sentryandco?? @mirkemenagerie @trc-xiv @finishing-touch @ember-arrow @fatewalker @andarion @jancisstuff @gegenji @shadottie @zhauric @herd-of-halla (I’m sorry if you have already done this!) and anyone else who wants to!
FULL  NAME :  Nabi Kharlu
NICKNAME :  None that seems to stick since her mother died.
AGE :  In her 20s.
BIRTHDAY :  Summer
ETHNIC  GROUP :  Au Ra, Xaela
NATIONALITY :  Of the Kharlu Tribe
LANGUAGE / S :  Common, Xaela, Hingan
RELATIONSHIP  STATUS :  In a relationship with Anchor Saltborn
HOME  TOWN / AREA :  Born in the Steppe
CURRENT  HOME :  Shares an apartment in Shirogane
PROFESSION :  Herbalist, Alchemist, Healer
HAIR :  Raven black hair that she keeps short and cropped near her chin
EYES : Warm gold
FACE : Sun-kissed complexion, soft features, usually with a look of welcome or curiosity.
LIPS : Smiles easily.
BLEMISHES :  None on the face.
SCARS :  Sometimes a few scrapes and bumps, but she is without any significant scars that would have resulted from any serious wound or trauma.
TATTOOS :  An ornate mark on her right back shoulder area.
HEIGHT :   On the short side for a Xaela.
WEIGHT :  On the thin side.
BUILD : Soft, although not unfit since she likes the outdoors, but she is by no means athletic.
FEATURES :  She has youthful features, with bright eyes that are most notable. Her usual cheerful outlook softens her countenance almost always.
ALLERGIES :  None that she’s aware of yet.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  Trimmed around her jawline so it is easily tucked away, but left free and loose otherwise. 
USUAL  FACE  LOOK :  She can be intently studying an herb, pouring through books about alchemy, focusing on mending wounds, or happily chatting up with whatever customer that happens to find their way to her stall or clinic. Her general mood is usually buoyant and welcoming, although there is a certain softness that can be spotted around those she is close to.
USUAL  CLOTHING :  Varies between traditional Hingan fare to woven robes favored in the Steppe. Has a few traveling clothes that are neither, usually a loose comfortable cotton robe and leather boots. She is almost always found with a bag hung over her shoulder. 
FEAR / S :  Losing her loved ones. Failing them. Drowning. 
ASPIRATION / S :  She won’t speak of it, but she has only one real goal in mind. To cure someone she loves of what is killing him. Other than that, she has no specific ambitions, only looks forward to discovering what brings joy. She has however kept certain promises close to her heart that she wants to see fulfilled. Something about new sunsets and beaches. 
POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Trusting. Kind. Optimistic.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS :  Hopelessly optimistic. Wants to see the good in all things. 
ZODIAC : Virgo
TEMPERAMENT :  Phlegmatic
SOUL  TYPE / S :   Priest
ANIMALS :   Butterfly
VICE HABIT / S :   Rambling, Daydreaming, Throwing herself into work.
FAITH :  Vaguely remembers her mother talking about Nhaama, also believes there are spirits (kami)
GHOSTS ? :  Yes
AFTERLIFE ? :  In the aether stream
ALIENS ? :   From...?
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT :  Anyone that promotes peace she favors
EDUCATION  LEVEL :  ”Home schooled” by her mother
FATHER :  Deceased
MOTHER :  Deceased
EXTENDED  FAMILY :  Uncle and cousin(s?).
NAME MEANING / S :  Her father named her while she was in her mother’s womb, to signify her delicate beauty but also a new start
BOOK :  Anything that has to do with herbs. But she also likes romantic tales from foreign lands.
DEITY :  She respects both kami and Nhaaama.
HOLIDAY :  She is starting to try and observe some of the foreign holidays, like Nameday. But she always has celebrated Heavensturn.
MONTH :  The month when cherry blossoms are in full bloom
SEASON :  Spring
PLACE :  Home.
WEATHER :  She loves all sorts. Just when the cold is starting to give way to warmth of spring and the birds start to sing. The first sunny day after a snowfall. Cloudy windy afternoons that sends the colorful autumn leaves spinning through the air. That quiet and stillness just before rain is about to fall. She loves them all.
SOUND / S:  Mating call of birds in the spring. The sound of raindrops drumming against the rooftop. The soft babble of a running spring. Distant chirping of crickets in the quiet of night.
SCENT / S :  She enjoys the rich scent of nature in full bloom, from flowers to trees to various herbs. But there is a soft spot in her heart now for rosemary, and the briny scent of the sea.
TASTE / S :  Delicate tastes of Hingan cuisines and teas but also bold savory mixture of flavors from the Steppe.
FEEL / S :  Tingling warmth that rolls up to greet her touch.
ANIMAL / S :  Fireflies. And anything small and adorable.
NUMBER : “Do people have favorite numbers?”
COLORS :  Soft colors like pink and cream, but also rich earth tones.
TALENTS :  Analyzing and mending wounds. Recognizing natural elements.
BAD  AT :  Knowing when not to empathize. Reading non-verbal cues of people when she is curious about them. Staying mad, she finds it exhausting. Hiding her emotions, it shows plainly on her face. 
TURN  ONS :  She isn’t the type to be easily turned on. But she does take note of those who are honest, even bluntly so, and those who let their actions speak for themselves.
TURN  OFFS :  Violence. Cruelty. 
HOBBIES :  Reading. Drawing. Gardening. Cooking. 
TROPES :  Ho boy. Lots. Some may be spoilerific.
QUOTES : “It’ll be alright.“
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 :  I’ve always wanted to see Cigarettes and Fireflies as an animated series rather than a movie, first season starting with the Underground Arc.
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 :  Epic scores (I really love Hans Zimmer) for battle scenes, but also quiet soundtracks from Sleeping At Last for some private moments. But really, there are SO MANY TRACKS I have on the playlist.
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 :  My first main character, Roen, had just completed this huge three year arc of a story, and I wanted to write for someone new, someone who was extroverted, open, and personable. Roen was none of these things. I also wanted to delve into some mystical side of magic, and  the Xaela was introduced.
Q4 :   What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :   Xaelas were one of my favorite parts from Stormblood. Shamanism and all that. But I wanted her to be also displaced from it, with a loss of identity in a way.
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : Sometimes, her reactions are not what come naturally to me. The things she would say and think could seem baffling to someone else, but I want it to make sense in her own head. There are times where I struggle to make certain her reactions feel natural, since I would have definitely lashed out more, been furious and or distrusting, but she decides consciously not to choose those paths. She is a patient and kind person above all, but sometimes I wonder if it comes off believable rather than tropey.
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 :  She derives a lot of satisfaction in helping people. She also likes to daydream. And seeing her loved ones be happy, makes her happy.
Q7 :  How does your muse feel about  you?          
A7 :  Nabi would probably adore my puppy and would approve of my doting husband. Probably also would like my career choice.
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 :  I love, LOVE the people I am writing with. They are all so fantastic. Nabi’s story wouldn’t be what it is today without Anchor. And we wouldn’t have ongoing arcs without Sentry, Ghoa, and Shael. Pjel recently jumped in, so I am quite excited to see how she gets to know everyone.
Q9 : What gives  you inspiration  to write  your muse ?        
A9 :  Music, sad and not sad head canons (thanks Anchor), lately some AU ideas (again Anchor’s fault), but mostly the RPers/friends I write with. They are AMAZING.
Q10 :  How long did this take you to complete ?          
A10 :  Too long for me. I have work next morning. Which is why I skipped the tropes.
The original art can be viewed here! 
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winduphaurchefant · 5 years
RULES.  Repost, don’t reblog! Tag 10! Good luck!
TAGGED BY. @to-the-voiceless
TAGGING. @fivebrights and anyone else who wants to do it since the rest of flowr has been tagged
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FULL  NAME : Charalise Farouel
NICKNAME : Reese, which she uses instead of her actual first name. It stuck.
AGE : 28
BIRTHDAY : 28th day of the 6th umbral moon (12/28)
ETHNIC  GROUP : Elezen / Wildwood and Duskwight parentage
LANGUAGE / S : Eorzean Common, Sharlayan, and bits of some niche languages.
ORIENTATION : Bi (is inexperienced with the concept of polyamory but might be willing to try if it comes up)
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : In flowrverse (our fc where we are All wol)) she’s most likely taken by Haurchefant because there’s absolutely no fucking way he’d die on her watch. In-game universe is less concrete, her self esteem is quite low so she doesn’t actively seek relationships but she’s prone to getting crushes easily; Urianger being one of them.
HOME  TOWN / AREA : The Sharlayan Colony, Dravania
CURRENT HOME : A small cottage on the very fringes of the Lavender Beds. Also technically Fortemps manor and her room in the Pendants.
PROFESSION : Scholar (in the literal sense), Adventurer, and Warrior of Light 
HAIR : Café au lait blonde. She used to have it quite long, reaching past her hips, not styled in any specific way but brushed at least. After the Seventh Umbral Calamity she’s kept it quite short for practical purposes and usually hacks away at it herself, much to her friend Lunya’s chagrin.
EYES : Almond shaped eyes of deep blue with a halo of gold around the pupil, accentuated by her thick brows which are uncommon for most Elezen.
FACE : An oval shaped face with a tall, straight nose. Not overly animated in her expressions since the calamity.
LIPS : Has somewhat pouty lips and a bad habit of lip biting
COMPLEXION : Fair skin that freckles easily, she has the ability to tan but makes sure to apply salves to her skin before leaving for areas with more intense sunlight. Lots of moles, with a few noticeable ones on her face.
BLEMISHES : None that are noticeable 
SCARS : A Lot. She has a very prominent scar across her back which she usually likes to cover up.
TATTOOS : None. She enjoys seeing other people’s tattoos but wouldn’t get one for herself, she hates feeling stuck with something.
HEIGHT : Average height for an Elezen at around 6′3″
WEIGHT : 180 lbs give or take, most of it is muscle
BUILD : Tall and lean, quite muscular but not very toned. Her muscles were built more for purpose and less for show, like a power lifter. She could probably roundhouse kick someones head clean off. Pear shaped.
FEATURES : Her prominent brows and two moles beside her right eye
ALLERGIES : No known allergies, but she can get sick very easily.
USUAL  HAIR  STYLE :  When it was long she usually just wore it down and free flowing, she does the same with her short hair although it doesn’t flow as much.
USUAL  FACE  LOOK : Her expression is usually quite stoic with a hint of Very Tired to spice things up. Is known frequently to come down with a case of RBF
USUAL  CLOTHING : Loose tunics and some fitted trousers and boots when she’s sitting around researching or not doing much, she’ll just pile on armour as needed. Starts to wear things that are a bit more form fitting or aesthetically pleasing as she becomes more comfortable with herself.
FEAR / S : Heights, being trapped, death, death of loved ones, failure, being abandoned, and... spiders
ASPIRATION / S :  To just be... content. Surrounded by people she loves and who earnestly love her in return.
POSITIVE  TRAITS : Empathetic, resilient, compassionate, she is the unstoppable force and the immovable object.
NEGATIVE  TRAITS : She is the unstoppable force and the immovable object. Tends to bottle her feelings and has a hard time trusting people. Self-sacrificing. Low self worth.
MBTI : INFP-T (Mediator) 
ZODIAC : Althyk (Capricorn)
TEMPERAMENT : Cross between phlegmatic and melancholic
SOUL  TYPE / S : Server
ANIMALS : Dire wolf, lioness, sparrow
VICE HABIT / S: Prone to bouts of just... lying there. Doesn’t sleep very well so she ends up half finishing a lot of things.
FAITH : Unsure
GHOSTS ? : Yes.
AFTERLIFE ? : Possibly
ALIENS ? : Anything’s possible!
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT : She really doesn’t like thinking about politics after being absolutely smothered by The Bibliothecs. Very left leaning
EDUCATION  LEVEL : Received a proper education at the Studium in Old Sharlayan, sponsored by a certain Archon. Her interests were too varied to become an Archon and was constantly belittled for her niche areas of study. If she only applied herself...
FATHER : Barnimonchet Farouel. (Status Unknown)  Archon Barnimonchet was the foremost expert on aetherytes and aetherical travel. Having led repairs to multiple aetheryte systems across Eorzea and a member of the Antitower excursion team, he drifted (literally) quite frequently between the Studium and the colony. Despite his meek nature and tendency to ramble, there is no doubting that he was worthy of the title of Archon.
MOTHER : Nenne Farouel née Phillone (Status Unknown) Archon Nenne was a master in the studies of all things alchemical, including potions, crystal structures, and inks for grimoires and tomes. Her preferred area of study was researching ways to better the body and mind, noting the aetherical compositions of different beings and brewing revitalizing concotions; especially her recent invention which coined the term "Craftman's Tea", creating the recipe as a way to help her husband in his work. She often found herself in the Arboretum gathering ingredients and helping out her fellows tasked with groundskeeping, scolding tones of "Barn!" could be frequently heard echoing through the Telmatology quarter as her husband and formerly mentioned Archon fumbled his way through the vined walkways to visit her.
EXTENDED  FAMILY : No knowledge of extended blood family. The closest she had to a parental figure was Archon Louisoix who had originally offered to babysit her as a babe when her parents left on orders to study an aetherical disturbance, after which they disappeared. He took on the role as a surrogate parent for her, having no trust in Sharlayan’s current care system. Takes on an older sibling role with the younger scions.
NAME MEANING / S : I named her Reese Peepo because I like Reese’s Pieces and the peepo video was popular at the time. Charalise is a nonsense name I gave her to fit in with why she’s Reese. 
BOOK : She loves history books with any knowledge predating the fourth astral era, and has been known to read the occasional romance novel when no one is looking. Has grown to hate learning about anything Allagan.
DEITY : No specific deity
HOLIDAY : Starlight Celebration
MONTH : October (Fifth umbral moon)
SEASON :  Fall/Winter
PLACE : Urth’s Gift
SOUND / S: Wind blowing through the trees, crackling of firewood, morning bird calls, the cello
SCENT / S :  Clean laundry, freshly baked goods, flowers, cut grass
TASTE / S :  Savoury, warm spices, nothing too sweet
FEEL / S : Heavy blankets, smooth crystal, soft leaves
ANIMAL / S : All
NUMBER : none
COLORS : Earthy colours and the blue of the ocean on a clear day
TALENTS : Gardening, sword fighting, art, singing (she usually does it by herself), healing magic
BAD  AT : Staying level headed, opening up, decorating, fashion
TURN  ONS : Honesty, good sense of humour, kindness
TURN  OFFS : Cruelty, making fun of her interests, being ignored, arrogance
HOBBIES : Researching lost civilizations, anything creative, cooking
TROPES : Rage Breaking Point, It Sucks to Be the Chosen One, Big Fucking Sword, Adorkable, Conveniently an Orphan, Friend to All Living Things, Broken Hero,  I Just Want to Be Loved, Badass Bookworm
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1 : Probably a LOTR-esque high fantasy adventure movie
Q2 : What would their soundtrack/score sound like?          
A2 : Lots of cello and choir pieces
Q3 : Why did you start writing this character?          
A3 : She’s basically my self insert but with a little extra Oomph
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?          
A4 :  She’s basically my self insert
Q5 : Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5 : She’s not very expressive, she’s not used to being super goofy or anything which I am
Q6 : What do you have in common with your muse?          
A6 : Lots
Q7 : How does your muse feel about you?          
A7 : Probably pretty chill, would probably go and get pizza together
Q8 : What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?        
A8 : Haurchefant intentionally or unintentionally tends to break her stony facade with his ceaseless flirting and a barrage of compliments which usually ends up with Reese either cracking a little smile or turning beet red and abruptly leaving the room. He brings out the morosexual in her. She instantly becomes brighter than the sun when she’s around anyone far younger than her, switching to a more motherly persona. Alphinaud and Alisaie receive the brunt of her affections before Ryne comes along. Neither will admit to the fact they both actually enjoy it.
Q9 : What gives you inspiration to write your muse?        
A9 : Honestly       listening to LOZ music since she’s basically Link but a little bit to the left
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10 : F.....four days
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the-lunar-mistress · 5 years
Never Ending Survey: Sazlethan Mahvash
Rules: Repost, don't reblog, tag 10 blogs!
Tagged by: @captainkurosolaire
Tagging: @unkemptandtired @shadowheartxiv @clouded-vxle @quantum-milktea @glorified-thieves @bluebell-bluebird @yisu-xiv @fortress-and-flame @muted-howl @othard
FULL NAME: Sazlethan Mahvash
NICKNAME: The Lunar Mistress, Hingashi's Viper, Lulubell Vixen, Jewel, Saz
AGE: 63 (appears to be in her late 20's)
BIRTHDAY: 18th sun of the 6th umbral moon
LANGUAGE/S: Dalmascan, Hingan, Old Auri, Common Eorzean, some Thavnairian
HOME TOWN / AREA: A small village in the Golmore Jungle
PROFESSION: Madame of The Viper's Nest - dancer's guild and lounge. Informant, assassin, and arcane specialist for The Court of Thieves. Black market Alchemist.
HAIR: Snow white, often worn in a braid, pulled up into an intricate design with pins, or in wild untamed curls
EYES: Celeste green, hazy violet
FACE: Sharp angles, unnatural beauty, freckled
LIPS: Full, plush, and pouty
COMPLEXION: Tawny brown
SCARS: Burns on the palms of both her hands that are covered in ink, and whip scars littering the surface of her back.
TATTOOS: A tattoo of vieran origin along the bridge of her nose and chin. A moon tattoo of similar design between her breasts. And finally runes in the shape of an elemental wheel are printed on her palms and feet in aetheric ink.
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HEIGHT: 5 fulms 10 ilms
WEIGHT: 153 ponzes
BUILD: Toned, curvaceous, and feminine. Built like an athletic dancer. In pristine physical condition.
FEATURES: Freckles, wide set eyes with lush frosty lashes, iconic black lipstick
ALLERGIES: ...people.
USUAL HAIR STYLE: Fitting for the occasion. However, it does fall to her ankles and she will never cut it.
USUAL FACE LOOK: Stoic, calm, and relaxed.
USUAL CLOTHING: Often tight revealing clothing or flowing dresses. Expensive fabrics inported from all over the realm. Notable colors being black, deep violet, and gold. Lots of jewelry.
FEAR/S: Deep waters, drowning, abandonment
POSITIVE TRAITS: Charming, tactful, diplomatic, romantic, idealistic, peaceful, intelligent
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Indecisive, detached, a trouble maker, superficial, self-indulgent, devious
SOUL TYPE/S: Scholar
VICE HABIT/S: Drugs, sex, alcohol, and violence.
FAITH: The Kami
GHOSTS?: Of course. They never cease their rambling..
REINCARNATION?: (Unknown) Bituun
FATHER: Unknown
MOTHER: Unknown
BOOK: Anything she can get her hands on
DEITY: Unknown
HOLIDAY: All Saints Wake
MONTH: October
SEASON: Summer
PLACE: Some secluded cove in the middle of nowhere
WEATHER: Warm, a light breeze, night
SOUND / S: Silence, hissing, screaming, moaning, howling, singing
SCENT / S: Lavender and cedarwood, sex, sweat, blood, rain
TASTE / S: Blood, Sahnti's cooking
FEEL / S: Expensive fabrics, skin on skin, flower petals, steel
ANIMAL / S: Snake, coeurl
COLORS: Black, gold, purple
TALENTS: Alchemy, dancing, singing, killing, manipulation, magic
BAD AT: Making friends, remaining stable
TURN ONS: Physical beauty, blood, unwavering dominance, intelligence
TURN OFFS: Weak minded people, filth, ignorance
HOBBIES: Hedonism, performing, people watching, baking, reading, playing instruments, stargazing
TROPES: Femme Fatale, Lady of black magic, The Ophelia
QUOTES: “Even in the wild submission is not given, it is earned. A wolf will not expose it’s throat because it’s told it should. Why then, would you expect a human being to do less. Earn it.”
“All was dark yet splendid–”
“If you want change, you have to invite chaos”
“Lick the blood from my hands and tell me you still love me.”
“Why should I apologize for being a monster? Has anyone ever apologized for turning me into one?”
“It is a sweet and precise torture.”
"I heard you call to me in my dreams. I heard you weep...and it was the sweetest sound I had ever heard..."
"Please...stop talking. If I cared about the words coming out of your mouth, I would not be trying to actively read the ones in this book. You understand now? Good. Now leave me."
"Did you just...pull my hair? For gods sake woman have some class. This isn't a bar fight."
"Do you think I'm bothered by the idea of spilling your blood? Sweetheart. The very ground you stand on is soaked with my sins. But go ahead and keep screaming. Let me feast on the terror I see in your eyes."
"Did I stutter? Clothes. Off. Now."
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"Go ahead. Scream. Let me hear the results of my efforts on your tongue."
Q1 : If you could write your character your way in their own movie,  what would it be called,  what style would it be filmed in, and what would it be about?          
A1: I'm pretty bad with coming up with names. I don't know honestly. I like names that are symbolic and don't tell you anything about the movie till the very end. Like a song whose title isn't in the chorus. It would definitely be erotic and R rated. High fantasy without any restrictions. Dark, magical, and probably a bit of a psychological horror. It would be about all those Unknown details no one knows about her. A bit of a narrative.
Q2 :  What would their soundtrack/score sound like?
A2: Haunting sympathy pieces. I dunno like...HANS ZIMMER THANKS
Q3 :  Why did you start writing this character?
A3: I was really depressed about a year ago. Writing her was a way for me to dump and cope with all those negative emotions without feeling bad about feeling the way I was. Her character and the way I write her is very raw and passionate and relatable.
Q4 : What first attracted you to this character?
A4: Sazlethan is a small part of me but she is also everything I'm not. Probably even what I wish I was. She's sexy and smart and could care less about what anyone could possibly think about her. She perseveres through the situations I put her through and grows for these things even when it gets rough. And I admire the strength he has and the dedication she puts into her passions. She always gets back up on her feet.
Q5 :  Describe the biggest thing you dislike about your muse.
A5: It is literally impossible for her to settle down and build any kind of relationship. She gives a little and then just disappears.
Q6 :  What do you have in common with your muse?
A6: Wine, sex, zodiac, and minding our own damn business.
Q7 :   How does your muse feel about you?
A7: Saz is vengeful and I can't fight. She'd most definitely kill me.
Q8 :  What characters does your muse have interesting interactions with?
A8: Characters who don't play by the rules.
Q9 :  What gives you inspiration to write your muse?
A9: Movies and music
Q10 : How long did this take you to complete?          
A10: Can I sleep now?
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1999fashion · 3 years
cách đặt tên nhóm hay
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Để đặt tên nhóm hay có rất nhiều cách lựa chọn, các bạn có thể đặt theo những gợi ý như:Tên chữ cái từng thành viên: Bạn có thể ghép tên chữ cái các thành viên sau đó sắp xếp lại cho hợp lý.Mục tiêu của nhóm, hướng đi phát triển.Phong cách hoạt động.Tính cách chung hoặc của từng thành viên.Nhóm đồ ăn, đồ chơi.Nhóm nhạc, đội bóng.Fan của người nổi tiếng.
Ngoài ra, các bạn có thể tìm một cái tên hài hước, tinh nghịch, bựa, độc và lạ không giống ai….
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Danh sách Tên nhóm hay và ý nghĩa
Cùng nhau tiến: Sử dụng trong công ty, lớp học, nhóm bạn thân đều đượcNhóm ôn bài: Dành cho các bạn cùng nhau học tậpTeam leo rank: Tên nhóm chơi game như liên minh, liên quânNhóm nhạc: Những người bạn cùng nhau đàn, ca, hát, biểu diễn.12A7 nước mũi chảy thành dòng: Dành cho team con gái lớp 12A7.Tiểu quỷ 9A: Dành cho nhóm bạn học cùng lớp 9A.Thánh quẩy A5: Nhóm cho lớp A5.Phượt 2 bánh: Đặt tên hội nhóm hay đi phượt bằng xe máy.Khởi nghiệp: Nhóm cho các bạn cùng ý tưởng kinh doanh.Lập trình viên: Nhóm cho thiết kế, lập trình website.Nhóm đỗ đại học: Đặt tên nhóm cho các bạn chuẩn bị thi đại học để có động lực học tập.Team vật lý: Nhóm cho những bạn yêu thích vật lý.404 Not Found – tên nhóm dành cho ITNhóm 3 con mèo: Dành cho những người tuổi Mão chơi với nhau.Lũ khốn nạn: Nhóm bạn hài hước, hay Troll nhau.Nhóm FA: Dành cho nam thanh nữ tú chưa có bồ.
Những tên nhóm chất nhất
Đặt tên nhóm ấn tượng
- Biến thái hội.
- 03 vắt sữa 04.
- Hội khuyết tật toán.
- Xóm ế chồng.
- Cục tình báo liên bang.
- Hội gay thanh nữ ú.
- Hoa bách hợp nở dưới chân núi brokeback.
- Hội ế bền vững.
- Group nghèo.
- Lớp 12 plus.
- Dũng sỹ diệt mồiđội quân phàm ăn.
- A10 không bao giờ lười.
- Hội yêu 69.
- Đẹp zai rồi sao.
- Đội quân ham ăn.
- Chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và tài liệu học.
- Đứa nào có bồ đứa đấy là chó.
- Đứa nào còn ế đứa đấy là chó.
- Nhóm thích chày to.
- Fanclub toàn cầu của xxx.
- Group nghèo.
- Nhóm của tao.
- Gia đình kiểu mẫu.
- Nhóm không tên.
- Hội những đứa tha hương.
- Làng kình.
- Sở thú xxx.
- Nộp tiểu luận.
- Nhóm sát giái.
- Hội người mê xe.
- Team đông xưởng.
- Hội chị em yêu 6 múi.
- Gia đình siêu quậy.
- Té đi má.
- Hội 8 xuyên quốc gia.
- Team ế.
- Team cool ngầu.
- Team siêu nhân.
- Hồng hoa hội.
- Mệt mỏi vì học giỏi.
- Hội thảo mai.
- Team văn hóa.
- Hội chống ế.
- Văn phòng cố vấn tình cảm.
- Ngực lép nhưng tinh thần thép.
- Viện tâm thần.
- Nhóm chuyện nhiều.
- Xóm nhà lá.
- Xóm nghèo.
- Team bà 8.
- Chỉ có thể là a2.
Đặt tên nhóm lớp – Slogan hay
Chơi ngày cày đêm: Dành cho những anh em game thủ.Điên có tổ chức – sung sức có đào tạo: slogan cho nhóm hay.Lớp tớ thứ hai – Ai dám nhất: Slogan dành cho lớp.Đoàn kết – chúng ta sẽ chấp hết: Dùng làm slogan cho nhóm trong công ty.Học hết mình – chơi nhiệt tình: Tên slogan cho nhóm bạn.Thà nhịn đói còn hơn nhịn nói: Sử dụng slogan nhóm bà 8.Đặc biệt nhưng không cá biệt: Một tên nhóm và slogan hay khác.Biệt đội chẳng giống ai: slogan tạo sự khác biệt.Chúng ta là một gia đình: Dùng làm slogan cho những thành viên trong gia đình..Nơi tình yêu bắt đầu: slogan nhóm theo bài hát.Học là lợi, chơi là hại: Dành cho những bạn ham học.
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Tên nhóm độc và lạ
Những cái tên nhóm hay độc và lạ dành cho những đội nhóm khá lầy lội, mang phong cách hài hước và gây thu hút cho người xung quanh:
Biến thái hội.Biệt đội hoa hậu.CE cây khế.CLB người cao tuổi.CLB nam thanh nữ tú.Cục tình báo liên bang.Xấu nhưng vẫn có gấu.Đớp xuyên màn đêm.The đớppers.Ăn tàn phá hại.Vét máng group.Biệt đội hoa hậu.Ce cây khế.Độc thân vui tính.Xấu nhưng biết phấn đấu.Clb nam thanh nữ tú.Nhóm tui no1.Team yêu bóng đá.U50 vẫn yêu đời.Clb người cao tuổi.Hội chị em.
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Tên nhóm hài hước
Những tên nhóm bựa
Ai yêu trước là chó: tên nhóm hài hước dành cho hội ace ế.Group bựa nhất làng: dành cho các ae trong làng.Team cừu non cô độc: đặt tên cho nhóm những cô gái FA.FA xấu nhất xã: những thanh niên không có nhan sắc.Ở vậy cho gái nó thèm: Dành cho những thanh niên ảo tưởng sắc đẹp.Dũng sĩ diệt mồi: Nhóm đi nhậu mà chỉ lo ăn.Team thu dẩm: Một tên khá bá đạo cho anh em.Không sau không về: Dành cho những bạn hay nhậu, mà mỗi lần nhậu là đi tới bến.Groups cậu Vàng: Nhóm hay cho anh em.Gia đình số 1: Dành cho người thân trong gia đình.Cùng nhau cười: Nhóm cùng nhau vui vẻ.Đưa nhau đi chốn: Nhóm cho các bạn thích du lịch, phượt.Chuyện mới lớn: Nhóm dành cho những trai đẹp gái xinh mới lớn lên.Xách balo lên và đi: Nhóm hay đi chơi, du lịch.Team sói cô độc: Mấy nàng con gái chưa biết mùi yêu rất hay đặt kiểu tên này luôn.Group bựa nhất làng: Của mấy bố ở trong làng chơi với nhau.Chớm thấy đã thèm: Chắc là nhóm của đội gái xinh - Chuẩn luôn.Chớm nghe đã chán: Chắc đội thanh niên này đi đâu cũng đàn đúm bí tỉ nên đặt vậy cho chất.Không yêu cho gái nó thèm: Đội thanh niên ko tán được gái đây mà.Thèm thì choén đi: Vế sau của câu trên! bố mẹ mà thấy chắc buồn lắm.Nhìn em - thèm không: Tên nhóm đẹp đấy! lại còn có cả cái tên nhóm độc lạ thế này nữa!!!Yêu không mà nhìn: Nhóm này quá lầy lội luônFA xấu nhất xã: Dành cho nhóm chơi thể thao OK đấy.Đừng đùa với cậu: Cậu thì kinh rồi.
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Tên nhóm ăn uống
Nhóm tập trung ăn ún.Đội quân ham ăn.Những con chó đói.Sống không ăn đánh răng chi sạch.Nhóm ăn sạch phá sạch.Ăn phát hết luôn.Nhóm vét máng sạch sẽ.Nhóm ăn chứ không uống.Nhóm tàu há mồm.Nhóm ăn mất phần chó.Nhóm liếm sạch tới cùng.Ăn là phụ,..ụ lù chính!Những con lợn giải phóng bàn ăn.The Đớppers.Gặp là ăn, không lăn tăn.Vét máng Group.Đói như chó sói.Thảm họa bàn ăn.Ăn ko biết ngày mai.Thơm ngon đến cục cuối cùng.Ăn theo bản năngNhóm Hốc như con Phốc
Tên team hay bằng tiếng anh
Ngoài những tên nhóm hay bằng tiếng việt ra, thì các bạn có thể lựa chọn những tên bằng tiếng anh. Tên tiếng anh có rất nhiều và vô cùng ý nghĩa, dưới đây là danh sách hơn 100 tên team hay bằng tiếng anh, các bạn hãy tham khảo:
Bad Intentions: Những ý tưởng xấu.
Awesome Knights: những chiến binh tuyệt vời.
Banana Splits: Những chiếc tách chuối.
Big Diggers: Những người thợ mỏ vĩ đại.
Bang Bang Mafia: Bang Bang Mafia.
Blaze Warriors: những chiến binh lửa.
Business as Usual: kinh doanh như thường lệ. Block Magic: Viên gạch ma thuật.
Business Preachers: những bậc thầy kinh doanh.
Angels of Death: Thần chết.
As Fast As Lightning: Nhanh như chớp.
Army of Darkness: Kị sĩ bóng đêm.
Awesome Dynamos: máy phát điện tuyệt vời.
Captivators: những kẻ say đắm và quyến rũ.
Capitalist Crew: nhóm các nhà tư bản.
Clueless Idiots: Đầu mối những tên ngốc.
Fantastic (Tuyệt vời).
Flock Together (Tụ tập - đàn đúm).
Dream Team (Nhóm mơ ước).
Great Mates (Những người bạn tuyệt vời).
Pen Pals (Bạn bút chì).
Crazy Chipmunks: Những chú sóc tinh nghịch.
Condors: Những con kền kền.
Chaser Express: kẻ đuổi theo người đưa thư hỏa tốc.
Cherry Bombs: Những quả bom sơri.
Cheer Up Souls: hoan hô những tâm hồn.
Chunky Monkeys: Những con khỉ gỗ.
Explosion of Power: sự bùng nổ quyền lực.
Executive Stockers: vốn điều hành.
Fighting Monkeys: Cố lên những chú khỉ!
Feisty Forwarders: những người gia nhận hăng hái.
Fire Flies: Những con ruồi lửa
Fusion Girls: Những cô gái dịu dàng.
Flames: Những ngọn lửa.
Dancing Queens: Những nữ hoàng bước nhảy.
Dancing Angels: Những thiên thần bước nhảy.
Devil Ducks: Những con vịt xấu xí.
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Double Agents: Đại lý đôi.
Diva Drive: cuộc chạy đua của những nữ danh ca.
Dream Clippers: những người cắt giấc mơ.
Dream Makers: những người kiến tạo ước mơ.
Dynamic Energy: năng lượng năng động.
The Achievers: những người thành đạt.
This is SPARTA: đây à sparta.
The Visual Spectacle: cảnh tượng trực quan.
Ghost Riders: Những người lái ma
Goal Killers: những sát thủ vàng.
Gladiator Riot: đấu sĩ ồn ào.
Got The Runs: Đã chạy.
Innovation Geeks: sự đổi mới những chuyên viên tin học.
Lone Sharks: những con cá mập đơn độc.
Innovation Skyline: sự đổi mới đường chân trời.
Hawk Eyes: đôi mắt diều hâu.
Happy Feet: Bàn chân hạnh phúc
Heroes and Zeros: Những anh hùng và con số 0.
Heart Warmers: những người sưởi ấm trái tim.
Masters of Power: bậc thầy của sức mạnh.
Mind Crusaders: tâm trí đội quân chữ thập.
Matter Catchers: những người đuổi bắt vấn đề.
Chamber of Secrets (Phong bí mật - Nơi chứa những riêng tư).
Colony of Weirdos (Thuộc địa của...).
Mindspace Invaders: những kẻ xâm chiếm khoảng trống tâm hồn.
Ocean: đại dương.
Miracle Workers: những công nhân phép màu.
Quest Pirates: truy lùng những tên cướp biển.
Prosper Gurus: những cố vấn uy tín, thịnh vượng.
Rainbow Warriors: những chiến binh cầu vồng.
Rampage: cơn thịnh nộ.
Passion Entrepreneurs: tinh thần kinh doanh đam mê.
Power Explorers: người thám hiểm quyền lực.
Policy Makers: người làm nên chính sách.
Power Seekers: những người tìm kiếm sức mạnh.
Rambling Masters: những bậc thầy ngao du.
Rams: mũi nhọn.
Raptors: những con chim ăn thịt.
Rangers: những kị binh.
Sea Lions: những chú sư tử biển.
Sea Dogs: những chú chó biển.
Seekers: những người tìm kiếm.
Stars: những ngôi sao.
Rustic Passion: đam mê mộc mạc.
Scorpions: những con bọ cạp.
Scarlet Raptors: những con chim màu đỏ tươi.
Screaming Eagles: tiếng thét của những con đại bàng.
Sparkle Soul Tribe: nhóm tâm hồn nảy lửa.
Storm: cơn lốc.
Techie Tribe: nhóm chuyên viên giỏi.
Stormy Petrels: những chú chim hải âu.
Technical Knockouts: kĩ thuật knockout.
Wasted Potential: tiềm năng bị lãng phí.
Vision of Us: tầm nhìn của chúng tôi.
We Showed Up: chúng tôi đã xuất hiện.
Win Machines: những cỗ máy chiến thắng.
Win Hurricane: cơn bão chiến thắng.
Win Tribe: nhóm chiến thắng.
Word Fanatics: người cuồng tín từ ngữ.
Wind Chasers: những người đánh đuổi cơn gió.
Tigers: những chú hổ.
Tidal Wave: cơn sóng thủy triều.
Tribe: bộ lạc.
Two Birds, One Phone (Hai con chim - 1 cái điện thoại).
Through Thick and Thin (dày và mỏng).
The Uncalled Four (Bộ tứ vô song).
Birds of a Feather (Tên một bài hát).
The Three Amigos (Ba thằng bạn).
The Honeymoon Is Over (Hết rồi tuần trăng mật).
Eye to Eye, Ear to Ear (Mắt chạm mắt - tai đối tai).
Like Glue (Như là keo sơn - ý là dính lấy nhau).
The Herd (Một đàn - ý là bầy đàn ấy).
Trên đây là tổng hợp những tên nhóm hay, tên team hay. Hy vọng các bạn ��ã lựa chọn ra được một cái tên ý nghĩa cho nhóm của mình. Với những cái tên hài hước vui nhộn luôn mang lại sự thích thú và tò mò cho người xung quanh. Chính vì thế hãy thoải mải mà lựa chọn theo phong cách của mình các bạn nhé. Nếu thấy có tên nào hay nữa coment xuống dưới để cùng tham khảo. Nhớ like và share bài viết đến cho các đồng đội của bạn cùng biết. Chúc các bạn thành công!
Nguồn: cách đặt tên nhóm hay
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blocksnbeetles · 3 years
i just learned grian’s real name… i will never be the same again
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colubrina · 7 years
Hi! I'm writing a Dramione Fic currently, it's a Pureblood!Hermione. I actually got inspired by your story! I actually want some advice... I'm doing a Draco + Theo teaching Hermione Etiquette lessons scene and I'm a little stuck! Are there any particular things that you think Pure-Bloods would care about. I've looked up old Etiquette (Victorian) but I couldn't find anything. Are there any website's you used for your information? I would greatly appreciate the help! Thank you in Advance!
Most of my things Ive used as pureblood etiquette I pulled from my memory of a 1920s guide to etiquette I read over and over again backstage of a production of the Philadelphia story that the dramaturg had supplied. There wasn’t much to read; it was that or catalogues.
What you want to think about is the way that etiquette evolved to establish class identity and exclude people from belonging. Whether it is about obscure utensils or rituals of how people sit down or how they go into a room or how a person is introduced to another person, all of these rules exist to establish in-group belonging. For purebloods you can really choose any sort of a behavioral code that you want as long as it is something that would be difficult for outsiders to know and which would immediately mark outsiders as belonging to what one of the purebloods would consider a lower class.
Gift giving is always really fraught. What is an appropriate gift for any given occasion and how do people learn that?
Clothing is another really fraught area. Does a ‘good’ person buy sturdy things that are well made and meant to last, buy the newest trends every year, or make their own? If you have a10-year-old jumper does that show other people you made a good shopping decision or that you are cheap and dowdy?
Travel. Do you go to fancy, trendy places or to a family country home? If someone says they went to a trendy place, does that show they have disposable income which is good, or that they’re vulgar, which is bad.
Are poor purebloods like the Weasleys still acceptable to your characters because of their class or not because of their economic status?
I feel like I have started to ramble. Is any of this helpful?
ETA: be sure to send me the link!
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8,9 and 10 for the reader ask
Thank you so so much for asking! I don’t know if you meant A8, A9 and A10 or all of them from A-D but I don’t want to be too presumptuous and ramble on excessively so I’ll just do A if that’s alright?(:
A8: What was your first fandom? Are you still in that fandom now?
---> It was The Hunger Games fandom because I’d just read the books and the movies were just out and I was so excited about it all! Unfortunately I’m not in the fandom anymore - I don’t think I left exactly, but I just left twelve year old self behind and became excited by other things.
A9: Who was your first ship?
---> Oh, that’s hard, because although I loved The Hunger Games, I don’t think I ever shipped any of them? Or I didn’t really understand shipping was a thing and I just accepted what happened in the books and movies and didn’t understand I was allowed to like/want other versions. So I’d have to go for my first OTP which is Tony/Ziva (Tiva) from NCIS who broke my heart spectacularly when I was thirteen.
A10: Who did you have your first fanfic-related conversation with? What was it about?
---->  I answered this for a previous ask on the post before this so the answer’s there if you’re interested :) (I’m so sorry, I would type it out again but it’s 1am and I am falling asleep at my laptop as I write this. I am so sorry for being rude!)
Thank you so so much for asking and I hope you have a wonderful day!
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blocksnbeetles · 3 years
working on characters for a group project and i just realized it’s just jon and martin. i hate it here
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