#okay maybe the title grew on me a little
Part 2 to how the group cannot fathom how you and Zuko are so close with your angel of a self and Zuko being... well, Zuko
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AN: OKAY! Look at me go, coming out with a part two. I think I might do a part two to some previous pieces of mine but we will see.
SO this is a part two, so you can read the first one here, it will give some context clues into this second part of the story (but can probably be read solo) : Part 1
Any who, ~2300 word count, enjoy :)
Good Friends
That's all you guys were. Good Friends. Zuko kept telling himself he had no reason to be so bothered by that statement, but he was. He didn't want to be just good friends, but you had given a better answer then he would have in your position. But now the Gaang has been flying for the past couple days and has given him lots of time for thinking. Especially having you for the majority of the time sitting with him leaning against his arm, grazing legs, as you were not shy to the general touch. You always seemed to start up the conversations with him, your way of speech held him in interest, but as already known, he never said much back, but always was happy to listen.
But ever since that last night of camp a few days ago he cannot let the thought go. Good Friends. He knew that the talks you two have, the moments you both cherish, and the secrets you two shared was enough of a connection to be more than just good friends, or at least in his mind it was. You two were absolutely glued to the hip, and seemed to be together, just without the title. Zuko was fine with no title, he would rather the group didn't know but for you two to have that clarity is what he was craving. He knew there were other things that were more important at the moment but it couldn't calm down in his mind. He had to know, he wanted to be together. Even if that became another secret you both shared he would gladly add it to the pile.
As the afternoon began to fall fast on the fourth day of travel, the Gaang was running low on rations and decided to hit the next market in the upcoming town. Upon arrival, Aang and Sokka grabbed Zuko to tackle their list as Katara and Toph grabbed you to get the remaining items. Zuko was hoping to buddy up with you but it would have to wait. As the group divided and conquered, Sokka was getting very nosy with Zuko about a certain someone. Zuko ignored all of his questions or what felt like more accusations. Meanwhile the girls had finished with their tasks and Toph had somehow gotten into a gambling match with the remaining money they had and won every time. You stood back leaning against a nearby wall smiling, not wanting anything to do with the situation but you weren't going to interfere either. You feel a brush against your shoulder and look up to see Zuko, you smile and greet Aang and Sokka. You ask how their huntings went and they all agreed it had gone well. Zuko looked at you and asked if Toph and Katara were seriously gambling the little money they had left. You laughed and were about to answer but before you could Toph came over with a large bag and tossed it at Zuko. He caught it effortlessly, and it jingled heavily. All of the boys eyes widened, and Toph said "We will be sleeping well tonight thanks to yours truly."
The Gaang walked around the town as the night grew darker and the many street lamps glowed near and far, Zuko's mind still buzzing with the taunting thought of good friends. Maybe he was over thinking it and there was already an unspoken agreement you two were together? Or was he being weird and obsessive? Or maybe you had a completely different view on all of it? Or maybe-
His thoughts were cut off by you linking your arm through his and pointing out the beautiful lights, from the shops, to concessions, to the fountains, to the groups of lively people. He looked down at you and for the first time, he wasn't really listening to you. He just looked at you, looked at your smile as if you knew this moment was made just for you. He would forever be in awe at how effortlessly you spoke as if you had already rehearsed it one hundred times. He feels your genuine happiness and spirit in your eyes as you look up at him and he wonders how you hold such grace through everything. All his thoughts left his mind as he looked at you and thought, yeah, that is my girl.
Once the Gaang decided to call it a night, you all looked for an Inn to stay at for the night. There was not much of an option in the small town, so you all entered the closest place and the lady at the front desk greeted you all with a warm smile. Aang went to talk with the lady and brought back a handful of keys. Everyone was confused as he handed everyone their own key and explained that they only had single rooms left for the night. Nobody really complained as everyone seemed they could use some time to themselves. Everyone shuffled into their rooms with quick goodnights, but before Zuko walked through his door, he looked over his shoulder at your direction, and there you were. Walking into your room and almost as if you felt his eyes you looked over your shoulder and stopped for a moment, you smiled at Zuko and gave a small wave of goodnight before stepping into your room and closing the door. Zuko's eyes stayed on your room for a moment longer, before a small tap on his shoulder made him spin around. It was Katara. Zuko was lost for words. Katara smiled and whispered "I won't tell, not that is isn't already so obvious, but you should really talk to her." Before Zuko could respond to her she waved goodnight and walked into her room. He stood in the hallway like a man who was shot and was too afraid to move. He looked back at your door, he felt the longing in every part of his being to just go and knock on your door and say everything he has been thinking just like you do. How you so effortlessly say exactly what you're thinking, that is what he wanted to do. He wanted to tell you what it meant to him to have someone like you become so close to someone like him. He wanted to tell you that the secrets you both shared with each other meant the world to him and he would take them to his very grave if you wished so. He wanted to tell you that every time you smiled it felt like it was for him and him only. But he didn't. He walked back into his room and shut the door.
Zuko got ready for bed and laid down for a few minutes, he tossed and turned and his chest felt so heavy. He let out a sigh as he laid on his back and placed a hand on his chest with the other one behind his head. He stared up at the ceiling. Zuko let out a small grunt of frustration when he got up, deciding to go get some water. He grabbed the bucket from the small table in the room and walked towards the door. Zuko grabbed the bridge of his nose in exasperation and pulled his hand down his face, he went and opened the door and to his complete shock, there you stood. You looked almost as surprised as he did. You both stood in silence for a moment, and for the first time, Zuko spoke first. He asked if you were alright, because the last thing he expected was for you to be standing at his door in the middle of the night. You replied softly, saying you were ok, just had a lot on your mind. You noticed Zuko holding the bucket for water and offered to go with him to fetch some, he agreed. This time you both walked in silence to retrieve the water and walked in silence back to the rooms. You both came to stand outside Zuko's room and he asked if you were sure you were ok, and you replied that you were, probably just over tired. Zuko looked at you and asked you if you wanted to come into his room. You smiled softly and insisted you didn't want to intrude. He didn't respond and just motioned you inside, you accepted and walked in, Zuko shut the door behind you.
Zuko grabbed the ladle and poured you some water while you sat on the bed, he handed you the cup. You smiled and thanked him as you grabbed the cup and took a sip. Zuko sits next to you and rests his elbows on his thighs and looks down between his knees to the floor, he's not sure how he wants to go about tonight. He has no idea where to start, no idea how to talk or truly express his thoughts. He worries about sounding like a bumbling fool compared to your angelic soft spoken way of words. But before he could think further, the bed shifted and you were now directly beside Zuko with your head leaning on his shoulder. He looked up and he knew he wanted this, he wanted to be the one to call you his. He wanted to be by your side every step of the way and watch you regain the pride of being a fire bender. He wanted to have you by his side helping him with the path of change after the comet, and he didn't want to do it as good friends, he wanted to do it together. Zuko took in a deep breath, and asked "Do you really think we are just good friends?" and without a breath missed you replied "I knew your ears were on fire that night." you sat up with that comment, Zuko smirked and chuckled, you two were very close now, mere inches from each other's faces. "But no..." you replied, "I don't think we are just good friends, do you?" Zuko looked into your eyes, they seemed to shimmer the most beautiful shade of amber even with the liminal lighting in the room. "I don't think so either." He replied. Zuko saw your eyes dart to his lips and back to his eyes but the second your gaze connected back with his, he was already pulling you into a kiss. He put his hand just under your ear, along your jaw, pulling you in gently, as if giving you an option to back out. But you didn't, you leaned in and placed your hand on his arm and you kissed deep. Zuko lavished in this moment and if there was any way he could pull you in even closer he would. You pulled away first and looked at Zuko, he looked at you with so many emotions, "We are together." he stated. You smiled so wide and nodded, for the first time you were speechless and practically tackled Zuko to the bed, kissing him so deeply while he gladly reciprocated with the same action. You were straddling Zuko as he effortlessly flipped you over on the bed so he was now on top, you placed both your hands on his jaw and leaned up to give him a small kiss and then laid back down. "Would you stay with me tonight?" Zuko asked, you smiled, "Of course I will, I thought you'd never ask." Zuko rolls his eyes and leans down for a kiss but you halt his actions by asking, "What about the others, they will see me leaving your-" Zuko cuts you off with a soft kiss and after responds "I don't care, they can make their own assumptions." You smile so happily and nod your head, "But, they are going to ask questions-" you started but again Zuko cut you off before you can overthink, "So answer them however you want to, however you feel is right." He leans down and kisses you so romantically, and moves to your cheek, and down to your jaw, and making his way to your neck, you let out the smallest gasp. You could feel tingles all throughout your body, from your fingertips to your toes. This was the moment you were both waiting for, Zuko knew this is what he wanted, he wanted you now, tomorrow, the day after that, the months that follow and the years to come. You were his as much he was yours. He gave himself to you that night as you gave yourself to him. Both vulnerable to one another, savouring each movement, each touch, every breath you both shared. The night was exactly what you both wanted, it was what you both needed.
The next morning Zuko woke up with you laying on his chest and his arms wrapped around you. Both of you spent the morning getting ready and just smiling at each other, no lingering feeling or questions of what ifs. You could both just be together.
It was time to check out and continue the journey, so you both gathered all your belongings and walked to the door. You both stopped and you looked at Zuko, "They are going to ask." you stated, and Zuko looked right back at you, "Then answer." he replied. He opened the door and the Gaang was waiting in the hall. Katara was the first to see you both exit and she tried to hide her smile with a polite hand, the others turned to look and were caught a blank. Zuko shut the door with you standing by his side. You greeted everyone and you both walked towards the group, "What are you all staring at, let's head out." Zuko said so nonchalantly, everyone stood in silence for a second longer and proceeded on like nothing happened.
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undiscovered-horizon · 10 months
Hi! I really enjoy your one piece writings, they have given me so much comfort when I don't feel okay 😭
Can I please get a Mihawk (I'm completely in love w this man aah) imagine where his wife is a sensitive person who gets sad when someone is rude to them but they feel insecure couse they think it's stupid
Thank youuuuuu ❤️🥺
First of all, I'm honoured that I can provide a source of comfort to you. I'm glad my work has made you feel better in your time of need.
Second of all: oh yessss bestie this hits the spot. It also reminds me of a wonderful scene in The Gentlemen (10/10, highly recommend) [it also hits close to home because I am a sensitive person]
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The thing about strong people is that they make others want to be just as strong, which isn't always easy if even possible. You've always known you're a little 'softer' than most people but only after marrying Mihawk did you find the difference in temperament bothersome. Instead of considering your sensitivity a fact of nature, you've begun to find it a flaw, something that you should change about yourself.
You've never admitted it to yourself but the truth is plain and simple - you think it's embarrassing. That Mihawk will find your sensitivity embarrassing. Maybe if you had been up-front about it with your husband, you'd learn that he adores your soft heart. If he felt forthcoming enough, perhaps you'd even hear that you're the source of warmth and light in his life. Hence he calls you his 'sun'.
To say that Mihawk grew concerned when he heard your muffled sobs would be like not saying anything. A delicious euphemism at best. Anger and fear bubble inside his chest. There's a strange itch in his hands that eggs him to wreak havoc.
"Apple of my eye," his voice carries well through the rather empty room you're both staying at currently. "What is the meaning of this?"
Frantically wiping away your tears, you look over your shoulder to meet his gaze. Mihawk is leaning against the doorframe, blocking the entrance if you so wish to run away from this situation.
"Oh, it's nothing. Really, I'm alright. No need to worry," you half-heartedly attempt to reassure him.
The swordsman loudly exhales through his nose. He's your husband, worrying about you is his duty. In slow steps, Mihawk walks over to the edge of the bed where you're sitting. Pride and titles as if forgotten, he drops on one knee in front of you. One of his hands gently squeezes your knee.
Unsure what's the best way to go about these circumstances, you timidly meet his intense gaze. The passion in his yellow eyes makes you think of a maelstrom captured in a jar - something devastating held back by a miracle. He's already seething, just doesn't yet know who exactly to direct his violence at.
"Indulge me," he prompts you to confide in him. There's a rare sense of pleading in his tone.
So indulge him you do - you tell Mihawk all about the unpleasant encounter with a local tearaway. Your husband tries his best to control his expression as you recount the unambiguously offensive words, unwanted touches and threats of real violence coming from someone who was probably looking for a cowardly scapegoat to vent his anger. As you continue your story, tears just keep rolling down your cheeks, fear and humiliation finally finding their way out of your heart.
"I know I'm being stupid," you mumble as you clumsily wipe your face, "he was just rude and it's not like he actually hurt me but-"
Mihawk's touch makes you cut your sentence short. His hand, its skin rough and calloused, gently cups the side of your face. Your hot, salty tears disperse as his thumb slowly rubs them away. Something about the tenderness of his touch, of hands that have killed and maimed, is enough to make you feel like you're about to break in his arms. Even if you do, you know that when dawn breaks you will be whole again, put back together with the unending love Mihawk holds for you.
"You've always been too good, my sun," he tells you in a low voice. He could have said 'too soft' or 'too sensitive' but then his remark would come off as deceitful as it would suggest his dislike towards your nature. Nothing of that sort - Mihawk genuinely thinks you're a better person than most people walking this plane. And he'd rather succumb to torture than let anyone make you feel bad about that.
The man leans in and places his warm lips against your forehead. Without much effort, he lays you down on the bed and you let him. Even if you wanted to fight back, you're way too tired to do so.
He's sitting on the edge of the bed, caressing your face, neck, arms and back as he's waiting for you to fall asleep. The anticipation doesn't require much patience - Mihawk's tender touches lull you to peaceful slumber rather swiftly. When he's sure that you're asleep, he kisses your forehead again before cautiously leaving the bedroom and closing the door behind him.
Perhaps he can't turn back the time and make the offending man choke on his words but he can ensure that the tearway won't hurt you ever again. Someone resting in peace so you can rest peacefully is a good bargain.
Mihawk knows exactly who he's looking for. He made a note of a certain characteristic trait you had mentioned - an earring with a single, red-coloured feather. It doesn't seem like a piece of jewellery that would be common anywhere.
It doesn't take much to find the tearaway. He makes his presence well-known as he stumbles out of a tavern, his legs almost giving away with each step.
So he assaults random women minding their business and then gets blackout drunk. It's pathetic enough to consider his death merciful.
Staying true to his name, the swordsman stalks his prey before lunging. Appearing as another patron of the inn, Mihawk follows the stranger around the corner towards barns, stables and pigstys. Fitting place for the likes of him, Dracule thinks to himself.
The man with the curious earring staggers his way towards a drinking trough. He's fumbling with his pants, desperately trying to pull them down to relieve himself but his fingers are not dextrious enough.
Mihawk picks up the pitchfork leaning against the barn wall. In one, swift motion he gores the tool through the back of the man's knee. A guttural scream tears through the night as he falls to the ground.
The swordsman grabs a fistful of the tearaway's hair. He forces the kneeling man to look up into his seething, yellow eyes.
"Do I owe you money?" The man is slurring his words. He squints his eyes, trying to focus his hazy vision on Mihawk and, possibly, recognize his creditor. "It's money, isn't it? Shit, just give me two days, man. I'll give it back with interest."
"I don't care about money."
Instantaneously, panic appears in the tearaway's eyes. Did he just find himself in the same position he's put hundreds of people in to cure his own boredom and need for grandiosity?
"Then what it is?!" he shouts, fear settling in his viscera. Dracule's calmness put together with the sheer hatred emanating from him makes for a deeply unsettling impression.
"You hurt my wife," comes the answer. The fist clenching the man's hair tightens its hold further, threatening to tear off his scalp. "My wife," Mihawk growls.
But before the tearaway can ask for clarification, his head is forced into the drinking trough. Surprised and scared, oxygen is escaping him fast. Soon, his throat and chest begin to clench and throb painfully. Dark spots dance across his vision, foreboding blindness.
Then, Mihawk pulls his head just above the surface. The man desperately gasps for air.
"If you believe in a god," the swordsman begins in a low voice shaking with anger and adrenaline, "I suggest you start praying. Fast."
The tearaway's head is forced underwater again but this time, Mihawk keeps it there until the ruffian's body stops trembling and shaking. After that, Dracule waits for a while longer - just for good measure.
You're woken up by the creaking of doors as they slowly open. Blinking sleep away from your eyes, you look over your shoulder only to experience a sort of deja vu: Mihawk is standing in the doorway. Before you can ask about his strange behaviour, your husband makes his way to you in long, quick strides. He kneels on the floor beside the bed.
Mihawk takes your hand in his. He takes something out of his pocket and places it in your palm. You recognize the red feather earring immediately. And is that... a piece of skin still attached to it? Gently, your husband closes your fist and lifts your hand to place a chaste kiss on your knuckles.
"The rat has paid for its sins," he whispers to you. Judging by the intense look in his eyes, you don't want to know the details of this story.
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citrustan · 5 months
slipping through my fingers [4] (myg)
title: and the hits keep coming 2.0
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pairing: min yoongi x reader genre: dilf!yoongi, exes and co-parents au, angst!, fluff, smut summary: just when you thought yoongi couldn't surprise you anymore, it happens again. warnings: [other parts should be read before this one] a lot more feelings of insecurity and sad vibes, yoongi stepping over oc's boundaries, oc being disrespected yet again (nothing new nothing changed same old shit same old fucking shit)
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You were tempted to ignore him, but with Nao involved, you couldn’t avoid dealing with him.
“You should go eat. I can just talk to him for you…?” Taehyung suggests as he watches you contemplate your next move.
That would be great help to you. While you couldn’t afford to avoid him forever, maybe a few days wouldn’t hurt. So, with an overwhelming and shaky sigh, you passed the phone to him.
He hurriedly motions for you to leave the room. And you reluctantly do so.
Taehyung scrunches his nose and shuts the door in your face.
Fighting the urge to hold a glass against the door, you forced yourself to wait in the kitchen till he was done.
On the other side of the door, Taehyung angrily exhales, taking his own sweet time to answer your phone. Then the call drops.
Not even a second later, the loud ringtone fills the room once again. It reeks of desperation.
No response.
He tries again, “Hello?”
“Yeah, it’s me.”
After another pause, the voice scoffs, “Figures.”
A bit taken aback, Taehyung bit his tongue, “What do you want?”
Taehyung hears nothing back. “Yoongi? Why’d you call?”
“I called _____, not you.”
“Well, she can’t talk now.”
Now it was Yoongi’s turn to bite back. “This has nothing to do with you, Tae. I just need to talk to her.”
“You can’t. You have me instead. What more do you have to say?”
There’s yet another long pause.
“How is she?”
Taehyung almost laughs in disbelief, “You can’t be serious. How do you think, Yoongi? Is the future Mrs. Min okay with you asking about your ex?”  
“Careful, Taehyung-”
“Does everyone else know already?”  
“Of course not, I went straight to _____’s. And nobody can know about it either. We’re not ready. I just…”
Taehyung grew more confused the longer Yoongi took to speak.
“I need to talk to her, Taehyung. I really… I messed up.”
“Did something more happen?”
Another pause.
“No. I just had to check in… Can I come by tomorrow? I still need to drop Mimi off.”
“Uh… right, about that. Listen…” Taehyung thinks for a second, “I think, maybe it’d be better if you just let her breathe for a moment. And I’ll come get Naomi.”
Another pause.
“Did she ask for that?”
Taehyung had half a mind to lie about it but he refrained, deciding that the truth would hurt him more. “You know she’d never. She’s too… stupid-” Stupidly in love with you. “-and you need to stop taking advantage of her; you need to hold back, Yoongi. You can’t go running to her for everything anymore.”
Yoongi knew he was in the wrong, but was annoyed that Taehyung was the one to tell him that.
Still a little in denial, he childishly spits, “Fine, bye. Get here before 7.”
Taehyung wanted to retaliate but he was immediately met with a little digital sound indicating that Yoongi had hung up on him.
A little bemused, Taehyung pulls your purple Samsung away from his ear and stares at it--- “So fucking typical.”
As Taehyung steps out of your room, he almost bulldozes you down.
“Jesus, _____.” Frowning, he asks, “Were you eavesdropping?”
You shook your head and wordlessly waved a jar of tiramisu in front of his nose.
Taehyung eyes you suspiciously, “I’m going to pick Naomi up tomorrow.”
When he says that, your face visibly drops. You didn’t actually expect Yoongi to pull away so fast. Was his girlfriend already keeping him from you now? You almost wanted to smack yourself in the head for thinking like you owned him.
Taehyung debates on whether he should elaborate or wait to see if you ask about it.
But you just gently and nonchalantly nod, “Right, of course. That’s okay. Please bring her here by 7.”
“He didn’t ask for this!” Taehyung blurts.
Your expression doesn’t change.
A little intimidated, he looked straight at his feet and explained, “I offered to pick her up. But Yoongi called because he wanted to talk to you. I just told him that I thought it was a bad idea.”
When he doesn’t hear you react, he slowly looks up at you, suddenly feeling miniscule. And he swore he could see steam coming out of your ears.
Taking a deep breath, you stare into his eyes, “You need to stop overstepping. You’ve done it once already. You need to stop.”
He almost felt the heat radiating from you.  
Almost as if he didn’t actually expect you to react so negatively, he asks, “_____... You’re really mad about this?”
You slam your jar on the coffee table and storm off into the kitchen.
“The first time you meddled, Yoongi left me. The second time, he happened to meet his future wife. What’s it going to be now?”
Taehyung was stunned, “Are you kidding me? Are you just mad that I’m looking out for you in ways you yourself wouldn’t or do you really believe that?”
“I don’t know. Maybe you planned it all,” you glare at him accusingly.
Too stunned to digest what you accused him of, his eyes just widened in bewilderment. “_____. I- Planned what, _____?”
You tip your head forward in mockery, “Planned what? Take a guess.”
The room fills with silence once more.
Taehyung shook his head, “I’m going to ignore all of that. And fine, I’ll ask him to call you back then.”
“No!” – “No?” He parrots.
“I don’t want him to call me.” You almost whine. You don’t even know what you truly want. (Actually, you do.)
“Okay.” Taehyung nodded reassuringly, his hands grasping at your elbows, “He won’t. I’ll bring Naomi back tomorrow. Okay?” But you shook your head obstinately, “No, I want her back now.”
“Right now?” - “Now.”
“_____...” He looked at the grandfather clock on your wall.
Cringing a little, Taehyung attempts to reason with you, “_____, it’s Yoongi’s turn to have her.”
“Yeah, that’s a spoken agreement, not a written and notarized thing. He can’t stop me from wanting to spend time with my daughter.” You’re sure this is evil _____ speaking and it’s as if you can’t control her.  
Taehyung nervously cracks his knuckles. He doesn’t have a counter argument. You are Naomi’s mother and arguably the primary caretaker after all. He figures he owes you this.
“So, will you get her back for me?” You weren’t really giving him an option.
Taehyung knew your word was final. Either way, he wouldn’t police you on being a mother. “Let me give Yoongi a call, okay?”
“You do that. I’ll make you something to eat before you go!” You smile sweetly.
Not quite sure of your strategy here, all you knew was that you wanted your daughter with you. It was your way of gaining some control back in your life. You don’t have it in you to think of whether or not this was ethical or right. You just did not want to spiral.
From the kitchen, you could faintly hear Taehyung on the phone.
You take note of his assertiveness and slap some extra mortadella on his sandwich. He deserved it for putting up with you. You couldn’t think of anyone else who’d still be with you and handle your mood swings.
Was that normal or just sad? You do not want to think.
In your mind, you were satisfied in life. Sometimes you regret bringing up marriage with Yoongi. Maybe if you hadn’t forced the idea on him, you could’ve been in Hyejin’s place now.
The fact that you’re even in this position is ridiculous. Sooner or later you’d have to face… everything. The reason they’re getting married and you aren’t. The fact that they might have Nao be a part of their wedding and you’d just have to smile and nod, that Nao may have another parental figure, that you won’t be Yoongi’s bride or a bride at all, ever, and that maybe you’ve lost Yoongi’s companionship forever.
You had to step out for a bit.
Right at that moment, Taehyung emerges from the living room into the kitchen.
Sighing, he starts, “So, he agreed. He wants to know if everything’s okay. Of course, I know it isn’t but I told him he had nothing to worry about. And he didn’t buy it.” –
You push the little ceramic plate towards him, “Eat your sandwich.”
Taking a large bite out of it, Taehyung thanks you and adds, “--- by the way, your food is on the dining table, I didn’t actually give it away, you know?”
“I saw it,” you confirmed, “Jus’ not hungry.”
Quickly changing the topic back to Nao, you ask, “So, can Nao be back now or…?”
“Yeah. Here’s the thing…” He stalled. “Nao’s coming now.”
A gulp. You think he’s swallowing his food.
“Yoongi’s coming with.”
‘Why do you always bring me bad news?’ is what you wanted to ask. Instead, you squeak out a “When?”
“Twenty minutes? Told me Nao was already dolled up or something.” He finishes his sandwich and washes the plate.
In a soothing tone, Taehyung proposes, “Why don’t you head down to the pâtisserie? I’ll receive them. You don’t have to worry about seeing him, okay?”
You appreciated his offer but chose to decline it, “No. It’s okay. I need to tidy up anyway,” – “_____, I’ll do it for you. I know how you like it. Go take a walk or grab a sweet treat or something, yes?”
“No, it’ll take too long for you to do it by yourself. You can help me though. Just do my bed, please?” You’re already walking off.
Taehyung follows you into your room but doesn’t have a chance to stop you, you’re already stripping down and into your ‘serious cleaning’ clothes. It’s just an old dress and rubber gloves.
Sometimes, Taehyung mourns what you and Yoongi could have been. You’re perfect for each other. The two of you just needed to work on your communication a little. He’s thinking about how much of you Yoongi’s missing out on and can’t help but scoff. In pop culture terms, he really fumbled you.
Suddenly you gasp, “Did you watch me change?” Aimed at the man.
“No!” Vehemently shaking his head, he repeats, “Not intentionally! I was zoned out!”
“Wow, calm down, I don’t mind, you know that.” You smile sweetly once again.
Grabbing a pillow, he sighs. Sometimes, he thinks you toy with him on purpose. He really can’t tell.
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Forty minutes go by yet there has been no sign of Nao or Yoongi. No calls or messages, no updates whatsoever.
You ought to get Nao a little phone for herself. How had you not thought of this before? It’ll probably be a lot more useful now.
You were nervously readjusting the doilies in a circle over and over again when the doorbell suddenly rang.
Taehyung’s resting figure suddenly snapped upright, “I’ll get it.”
However, you were closer to the door and got to it before he could take two steps.
When you open the door, you wished Taehyung would’ve beaten you to it. You wish you had taken that walk or chosen to buy yourself a sweet drink; because you couldn’t even have guessed what was waiting for you on the other side of the door.
Nothing could have prepared you to see your ex-boyfriend with his current girlfriend and your daughter. Together. All of them. Holding hands. In front of you for the very first time. All of them.
While Yoongi had the decency of looking literally anywhere but in your eyes, you couldn’t say the same about his girlfriend. Fiancée.
Hyejin, placed between your daughter and your ex, exhaled a dreamy smile. “I hope you don’t mind me intruding, _____! Nao-chan wanted to show you our matching hairstyle!”
Bewildered and wordless, all you could do was smile and nod. You mechanically turn your head to look at Nao, who sported a baby pink lock of hair amongst her regular, natural hair identical to Hyejin’s.
You nodded and stepped aside, briefly bumping into Taehyung who looked just as uncomfortable as Yoongi, making space for the lovely family to step into your home. Your eyes were glued to your feet.
Just like always, before you take a drastic step, your daughter grounds you as she runs to you and clings to your lower half. Although, the pink strands of hair brushing against you almost make you lose it all. Almost.
Following which Taehyung breaks the tension by awkwardly, yet warmly greeting the pair, taking a load off of you.
You needed to lie down.
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₊˚.🎧 ✩。 how to disappear completely by radiohead ₊˚.🎧 ✩。
note: sorry! it probably gets better! i think this one has a few edits pending but i couldn't waitttt
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letsgetrowdy43 · 1 year
Little White Lies—
Quinn Hughes x reader
Request: Quinn bringing his gf to the golf course to tag along with him, his brothers, and their dad. His gf pretended to be bad at gold for his sake…lol until they told her maybe she should go get an ice tea at the country club. But she decided to give them a run for the money…the Hughes Bros vs Quinn Gf and Jim. Jim even said he will invite her out to golfing with his friends… lol Jack even offered to bring her against Trevor. Quinn’s Gf def hustled them.
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Off-season was coming to an end, meaning that the Hughes family golf tournament was in full swing.
Quinn had invited his girlfriend out with them for the first time. She wasn't invited out the past two summers that she'd accompanied Quinn to Michigan for the summer season, so she was excited and ready to play some golf.
Quinn grinned as she stood on the grass, her little white lulelemon skirt accentuated her thighs, her tanned shoulders on displayed, and hair was pulled back into a loose bun making his breath a little jagged and his head dizzy.
"Have you ever played before?" Jim asked as she stood next to him on the grass. Y/n took a practice swing, her form perfect as she held her pointer finger up to her lips, motioning for him to keep it a secret, "Ahh I see." "He gets competitive, I don't wanna burst his ego," she shrugged and sat next to the older man on his cart, sipping a Long Island Iced Tea as she watched Luke, Jack, and Quinn approach the cart.
Jack grinned, "Last game of the year, this decides who the best golf in the fam is," he mused, arm wrapping around his oldest brothers neck as his smirk grew, "as we all know I won last year, I'm feeling a two-year streak coming on." Quinn rolled his eyes and dipped out from Jack's hold making the younger brother trip from not having something to support his weight anymore.
"Don't listen to him, I have a feeling the title is all yours babe," the girl smiled innocently as Quinn melted into her hold, arms wrapped around him as she placed a kiss on his cheek. Quinn turned his head and pecked her on the lips, "You taste like rum," he whispered as he kissed her again. "Booze is the only way I'm getting through this day, and the heat," she said with a smile.
Jack groaned, "Stop being in love and lets get going!" "Okay okay," Quinn said, watching the pout on her face grow before he kissed it away, "lets go," he whispered.
Seven holes in and Y/n was putting in the least effort she could, not only was she not wanting to mess with the Hughes family tourney, but also golf was so disinteresting to her.
Quinn smiled at her as they arrived at the eighth hole, his hand on her thigh as she stared out of their cart to his brothers who were arguing in the other one, Jim driving with the most annoyed look on his face as his competitive sons bickered amongst themselves.
"Are you bored, love?" her loving boyfriend asked as they parked. "Am I doing that bad?" she asked, feigning innocence as she finally looked at him, brows pulled together with concern as he made a face that told her the answer, she was horrid. "Let me play this hole, and if I'm bad, I'll just go the bar and sit the rest out," she said with a grin. "I'm not saying you have to stop playing, you just look bored." "I know," she kissed his cheek before hopping off of the cart and pulling out her preferred club.
She let Luke go first, then Jack, and then it was her turn. Y/n turned and looked at Jim, winking at him before taking a deep breath and placing her feet in a better position, "I feel I might be getting better," she mused, Jim held back a chuckle as she swung her club and hit the ball.
The golf ball landed perfectly on the green as she turned around with a grin to look at all of the Hughes boys, a devious look on her face, many jaws dropped. "What?" she asked, dropping the bimbo act. "Your form was perfect!" "You just- have you been fucking around with us?"
The girl looked at Jim who looked thoroughly impressed, Quinn's brows were furrowed, "I thought you hated golf?" "I do," she shrugged, "doesn't mean I'm not good at it, Dad put me in lessons when I was in highschool," she said before taking a sip of her drink. "I feel betrayed!" "You'll live." "I don't think I will! I could've had you as a partner in the tourney against Brady and Matty instead of Jack!"
His girlfriend shrugged, "Speaking of tourneys, I'm gonna need you to partner with me tomorrow when I play against Cole and Trev," Jack said as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hugging her into his side as she groaned. "I should've stayed at the bar," She looked to Quinn to get him to help her get out of it, but instead he shrugged with a smirk and looked down to his feet, ignoring eye contact. "Help your brother-in-law out!"
Quinn's face filled with amusement as she agreed returning to her boyfriend's side, "Are you mad?" "Of course not," he smiled as his arm wrapped around her, watching as Jim started to line up his club with the ball, "I'll try to get you out of that game tomorrow." "No I deserve the karma for lying," she said with a laugh, looking up at Quinn's crooked smile, her face broken out into a blushing mess as she stood on her tiptoes and pecked his lips lovingly, once, twice, and a third time before she was cut off. "Enough!" Jack screeched.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could write an Angel Dust x reader (platonic). Where the reader is sad and just lying in their bedroom. And Angel Dust tries to give their friend some comfort and tries to make them feel better. Like maybe he does their makeup, they both dress up and go out into the city. And maybe Cherri Bomb joins them💗
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Title: Here, Always
Pairing: Angel Dust x reader (Platonic)
Word Count: ~2,716
In which Angel Dust comforts the reader after a hard day with a makeover and a fun night out.
A/N: Thank you for the request!! Not proofread, Pure fluff. Hope you enjoy <3
Warnings: cursing, ooc Angel Dust maybe, not too many descriptors about visual appearance just so everyone can have their own image
Pentagram City wasn’t exactly known for the kindness of its residence. Nor was it known for its tranquility or leisurely pace. It was, however, a fantastic place to be if you wanted your energy and your very willpower to be drained in only an afternoon.
You sighed against your pillow, ignoring the sensible voice in your head that told you to get up and out of bed. You had been lying there for hours, after all.
Unfortunately, a louder voice in your head continued to comfort and coddle you, reassuring you that it was okay for you to remain in bed until you felt whole again.
You liked that voice.
So you burrowed deeper into your blankets, allowing them to obscure you from view and block out the rest of the world in a last ditch attempt to pretend that you had some semblance of control over your life.
Oh, well. At least you were comfortable.
Your door opened with a bang. You shot upright.
“Heya, toots,” Angel Dust greeted as he stepped inside your room. “Charlie wants us to…” he trailed off when he saw your face. “Whatsa matta?”
You blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”
His eyes roamed over your disheveled hair, your wrinkled clothes, and your unmade bed. “Nothin’, you just look a little…” he looked back up at your face. “Tired, is all.”
You narrowed your eyes. “What are you trying to say?”
Angel held up two hands in surrender, though his eyes kept scrutinizing your appearance. “Ya look like someone put you in a blenda and left the remains on ya bed,” he said bluntly.
You rolled your eyes and flopped back down on your bed, turning away from the spider demon. He was one of your closest friends here in Hell, sure, but that didn’t mean you wanted to stand up to take his insults.
You listened as his light footsteps approached you, but refused to face him even when your bed dipped to signify his presence. 
A gentle hand began running its fingers through your hair. “Hey,” Angel said, his voice much softer than it had been mere moments ago. “Talk ta me. Whatsa matta?”
You wanted nothing more than to lean into his touch and lift yourself up so that your friend could give you one of his all consuming bear hugs. But you still couldn’t bring yourself to move any more than necessary.
“I don’t know,” you admitted quietly. “It’s just been a rough week. I’m tired, that’s all.”
Angel Dust chuckled softly. “Yeah, I get that. Trust me, I do.”
“I know,” you said, closing your eyes once again. “I wish I could kill that stupid moth for you.”
Your friend’s laugh grew louder, much to your content. “I know ya do,” Angel said, his hand still stroking your hair. “Thanks.”
You hummed in acknowledgment.
The two of you sat in silence for a moment, enjoying each other's company in a way that you were so rarely able to do with the continuous angelic threats and Charlie’s new ideas for redemption.
Suddenly, Angel’s hand stilled. “Ya know what always makes me feel betta on a night like this?” He didn’t wait for a response. “Goin’ out for the night.”
Your eyes remained closed. “We shouldn’t get drunk, Angel, it’s against Charlie’s ‘redemption pathway’.”
You yelped as Angel gave you a light swat on the arm. “I didn’t mean it like that. We just gotta getcha dressed up and pretty, and the two of us can hit the town and have some fun without worrying about our fucked up lives.”
Truthfully, you were intrigued. You had heard stories about Angel and Cherri Bomb’s midnight outings before his stay at the hotel, but you’d never been able to experience one for yourself. Not because you and Angel weren’t close, of course, but because nights out like that meant risking everything that you had been working for here at the hotel.
You cracked open one eye. “No drinking or drugs?”
“None,” Angel promised. “Unless you’re feelin’ especially rowdy.”
You ignored him. “No killing?”
“Not unless it’s self defense,” Angel vowed.
You opened your other eye. “Just us?”
The grin in Angel’s voice was evident. “Just you and me, doll face. Not Charlie, not Husk, not anyone else. Just us. Come on, it’ll be fun.”
You sat up slowly, propping yourself up against your headboard and glancing over at Angel Dust as you tried and failed to hide your growing excitement.
The two of you hadn’t had a chance to spend time together without one of the other members of the hotel since a year ago, when Lute had come back down to threaten Charlie and everything that she had built now that Adam was gone. Ever since then, all of you had been extra cautious. All except Alastor, of course, but that was to be expected. 
The last time you had spent any time alone with Angel, the two of you had stayed up all night trading stories, both good and bad, about your lives here in Hell and your lives Before. Ever since then, the two of you had been both inseparable and insufferable. You’d even been Angel’s wingwoman when he had asked Husk on their first date.
You couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face. “That could be fun,” you admitted.
Angel’s smile matched your own as he jumped up from your bed. “‘Course it does. Come on, we’ve gotta get you ready.”
Your smile dropped as you suddenly remembered your haphazard appearance. “I’m sure I can find something to wear-”
“Uh-uh,” Angel interrupted, shaking his head in disagreement. “If we’re goin’ out, we’re gonna do it right. Meet me in my room and I’ll see what I can do.”
You watched as he walked out confidently, throwing you a wink before he disappeared from your sight. You huffed out a laugh and buried your face in your hands. 
The two of you would probably get in heaps of trouble with Charlie later, but if you got to experience one of Angel Dust’s famous night outs, it was going to be worth it.
You smiled as Angel Dust carefully ran a comb through your hair. You hummed mindlessly as he worked, his attention focused on getting his work done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
He had already dressed you in an outfit made to draw attention, and transformed your face with a bit of foundation, eye shadow, and blush. The only thing left was your hair, which Angel was being surprisingly gentle with.
You closed your eyes as you silently enjoyed the feeling of the comb running through the strands of your hair again and again. It reminded you of Before.
After a few moments, you opened your eyes again, looking into Angel’s vanity mirror. “I’m not questioning your skills at all, but you’ve been brushing my hair for a while now,” you said with a grin.
Angel met your eyes in the mirror, a sly smile growing on his face. “You looked like you were enjoying it, sugar. Who am I to take away that pleasure?”
Your smile softened. “I was enjoying it, actually. Thanks.”
The demon winked at you before placing the comb down and getting to work on styling your hair. 
“So, where are we going?” you asked, trying to contain your eagerness. “We can go to a club without drinking, can’t we?”
Angel snickered. “Don’t get too excited, toots. If we’re gonna behave tonight, we’re gonna have to avoid some of my regular places.”
“You’ve basically been everywhere in Hell,” you countered. “I’m not worried. We’ll still have a good time.”
Angel stepped back, two hands on his hips as he admired his finished work. “You bet your ass we will. Now get up so we can get this party-”
The door to the bedroom flew open. You and Angel whirled around to face the newcomer as Cherri Bomb sauntered in without a care in the world.
“What’s up, bitches?” she called out as she entered. “I heard we were throwing a party.”
You recovered quickly, grinning back as you stood with your arms outstretched. “Hey, Cherri,” you greeted as you gave her a quick hug.
Angel Dust was close behind, wrapping his arms around his friend before releasing her and slinging an arm over her shoulders. “You heard right,” he said as he pulled her further into the room. “We’re gonna have an all out, hard core-” 
You cleared your throat.
Angel stuck a finger in the air and plastered a false innocent smile on his face. “And responsible night around town.” 
“Hell yeah! I’m in,” Cherri said before looking over at you. “Angel and I know all the best spots in this dump. Get your arse up and let’s get moving!”
“Wait, wait, hold on,” Angel said as he moved away from Cherri. “We were just gonna go out for a few drinks and some dancin’. Nothin’ too big. It was gonna be our night, ya’ know?” He hesitated before gesturing over to you. “Just the two of us.”
A stab of guilt tore through your chest as Cherri’s smile dropped. She was quick to hide it, though, pasting another grin on her face before waving her hand in indifference. “Whateva. Who needs you lot anyway? I’ll have my own night out and let you two know what you missed out on.”
As she turned away, you noticed the guilty grimace on Angel’s face. 
You wanted nothing more than a day to spend time with one of your closest friends, but you knew that neither one of you would be able to enjoy your night with feelings of regret eating away at you. Besides, Cherri was another sinner who had always had your back and understood your past trauma. Why wouldn’t you want to share your night with her?
“Wait,” you called out before she could reach the door.
Both Cherri and Angel turned to face you.
You shrugged and gave a small smile. “The more the merrier, right? I bet three of us could cause a lot more trouble than just the two of us.”
Cherri’s smile grew. “That’s what I’m talkin’ about, bitches.”
Angel shot you a grateful look before clapping his hands together, a devious smirk growing on his face. “Alrighty then. Let’s get this party started.”
“How did you even know we were going out?” you asked Cherri Bomb as your small group staggered out of a bar. Your third bar of the night.
It probably hadn’t been the best idea to allow Cherri to create tonight’s itinerary, given the fact that you and Angel were two of the hotel’s best chances to prove that redemption was possible. You couldn’t say that you had ended the night with any regrets, though.
Cherri shrugged at your question and shot you a quick grin. “I always know when there's a party goin’ on. It’s like my special skill.” Her smile sharpened. “Well, besides being able to hold my liquor better than you lot.”
Angel shot her a wink as he draped an arm over your shoulder, gently leading your group back to the hotel. “Whateva’ ya say, babes. You comin’ back to the hotel with us?”
Cherri snorted and held her hands up as she backed away from you. “Back with Princess Redemption? Nah thanks, I’ve still got a few shots left in me. You two have fun, though.”
“Will do,” you said as Angel began leading you away.
“And let me know when the next party is,” Cherri shouted after you.
“We will,” Angel called back as he walked.
You looked up at him with a slight frown. “Are we in a rush? I feel like we’re rushing.”
Angel glanced down at you with a raised eyebrow. “What’dya ya talkin’ about?”
You looked back over your shoulder as Cherri disappeared into another building. “I don’t know. We’ve only been out a few hours, and we’ve only been to a few clubs. I thought-”
“You thought we were gonna go bat-shit crazy and ruin our progress?” Angel interrupted with a smirk on his face.
You laughed and shook your head. “No, I didn’t think we’d go that crazy. But I just thought…I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d want to spend more time with Cherri.”
Angel smiled. “You kiddin’? I love spendin’ time with her.”
“Then why did we leave so soon?”
Angel glanced down at you fondly, using his other hand to grasp one of yours so that you were walking hand in hand. “I meant what I said, toots. This is our day, you ‘n me. Sure, hangin’ out with Cherri’s great, but I don’t want you tryin’ to find happiness at the bottom of a bottle.”
You snorted, swinging your hands between you as you walked. “Happiness is me in my bed, Ange, not in a bar.”
Angel pulled you closer, his arm still around your shoulders. “Fair enough,” he said smoothly as he led the two of you back to the hotel.
The two of you walked in comfortable silence for a moment. Demons turned to stare, of course, and some stopped to take pictures. You were walking with the Angel Dust, after all. But even with the extra attention, the two of you felt a sense of peace that had grown almost foreign to you both.
“Did it help?” Angel asked suddenly, looking down at you as you neared the hotel doors.
You glanced up at him. “Tonight, you mean?”
Angel nodded, his expression apprehensive. “I know you ain’t like me and Cherri. You like havin’ some fun, sure, but…'' he looked away. “I know your limits are different. I just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
You smiled gratefully, squeezing his hand. “I’m fine,” you said softly.
And you were. It wasn’t getting out of the hotel that had helped, or even spending a few hours with someone with as positive a vibe as Cherri. It was the fact that your friends were so willing to help you, and the fact that you had finally been able to spend time with the first person in Hell to make you feel safe again.
“I’m glad,” Angel said as you walked through the doors of the hotel.
He led you straight to the stairs with a quick wave and a wink to Husk at the bar.
You laughed as he pulled you along. “Where are we going?”
“Ain’t it obvious?” he asked, a mischievous grin on his face. “The day ain’t ova yet. We’ve got one more thing left on the list.”
You snuggled deeper into the thick blanket surrounding you on Angel’s bed, scratching Fat Fuggets behind the ears as Angel Dust got comfortable beside you.
“What’d I tell ya’?” Angel asked as he propped his head on his hand. “Perfect end to a perfect night.”
You grinned and nodded, watching as Nuggs walked over to Angel and cuddled him.
Angel embraced his pig, petting him lightly as his eyes roamed over your face in mild concern. “You wanna talk about it?” he asked softly.
You averted your gaze. “Talk about what?”
Angel didn’t respond, his gaze heavy as he raised a silent eyebrow.
You sighed and looked back at him. “I love the hotel,” you said quietly. “It’s great. Really, it is. But sometimes-” you took a breath and closed your eyes. “Sometimes, everything’s just a lot. You know?”
You opened your eyes when you felt a warm hand on your cheek. Angel was smiling down at you, his eyes warm. “Yeah. I get it,” he said with a small shrug. “But ‘ey.” He winked. “That’s what you’ve got me for.”
You laughed, moving closer and allowing Angel to wrap his arms around you and Nuggs. “And you’re the best,” you offered.
“Hells yeah, I am,” Angel murmured as he pressed a soft kiss to the top of your head. “Get some rest, babes. I’ll be here.”
And so, you slept. You slept more peacefully than you had slept in a long, long time. 
And when you woke, true to his promise, Angel Dust was right beside you.
He gave you a soft smile. “I told ya’,” he said, careful not to wake Fat Nuggets. “I’m here.
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aheathen-conceivably · 6 months
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Zelda was walking back to her own bedroom after preparing Violette for bed. It was rarer and rarer that she got to spend these moments with her daughter anymore. As she grew older it was more likely for her to ask her father to bring her to bed after an afternoon in the farmyard; or, as was her new habit, to insist on her independence by asserting that she could wrap up her own hair and tuck herself into her embroidered sheets alone.
So as Zelda turned the door handle and stepped over the threshold, the last thing she expected to hear was a small voice calling Momma from behind her. Immediately, Zelda turned around to see Violette with an uncharacteristic fear in her eyes. But she had grown quiet, so Zelda tried to prompt her to speak again by asking if everything was alright. When she didn't answer, Zelda walked nearer, trying to ignore the voice in her mind that told her maybe she had only imagined her daughter calling out after her.
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As she sat on the bed, her repeated question only prompted another bout of silence, before Violette brought her knees up to her chest and spoke looking at them, "Momma, do you - do you ever have nights when you can’t sleep?”
A rush of memories distracted Zelda from the question, vivid sounds of waterfalls and the smell of trees in the damp morning air. She pushed them aside to speak to the child in front of her who knew nothing of those nights. “Of course, my love. Do you want to tell me what’s keeping you up? Are you afraid?”
Violette shook her head vigorously, “I’m not afraid. Of anything. It’s just..why’s it so quiet here? I try to sleep and there’s nothing. Back at home - I mean New Orleans, it was never quiet. When I would lie in bed I would just listen to you and Poppa and then I could always sleep.”
Zelda’s focus on keeping herself in the moment distracted her from her daughters accidental admittance that she still knew of her parent’s late night careers, or the way she still called New Orleans home. “You know when I was a girl I could never sleep. It was like the thoughts in my head wouldn’t quiet down on their own, especially when they were supposed to and everything else had gone silent, is that how you feel?”
When Violette nodded in agreement Zelda brought her hand to her face, “Do you mind if I go and grab something for you? I’ll only be gone a minute.”
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For a moment Violette looked nervous but she signaled for her mother to go, only for Zelda to return a moment later with a book in her hand. She sat next to Violette and opened it, “This was my favorite growing up. It’s part of the reason I came here, to America, where I met your father. The girl reminds me an awful lot of you, so when you can’t sleep or your mind won’t quiet, you can go here, into a new world in your imagination for a little while.”
Violette eyes scanned the golden script of the title page intently. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Then she turned the page, and another, and another. It was unlike any other book she had ever seen. All of the words were set alongside pictures, fanciful drawings of a girl with her hair in pigtails as she walked alongside a proud lion and a shining man made of metal.
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Zelda watched Violette’s fingers trace along the words, exactly where her own had hundreds of times before. Knowing that her daughter was already gone yet again, she looked down at her a bit sadly, “And if you still can’t sleep just come find me or your Poppa, okay? We’re right next door.”
But Violette was too engrossed in the colorful drawings to answer, so Zelda rose to her feet and walked back to her own room where she had always kept the book near her pillow before that night.
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Night after night as she read it, Violette never took her mother up on her offer, although she still rarely slept. Rather she laid in bed reading and rereading the book her mother had given her and imagining that she was Dorothy, swept up in something so powerful and grand that it turned everything upside down and suddenly she was in a land of magic and fantasy.
Then finally, somewhere between the pages, she would drift off into a dream-filled sleep. Through the corridors of slumber she would walk amongst a city just like Oz, one that was never quiet or dark like the desert outside her window. Each and every corner was filled with beauty and life, luminous with people who danced and sang more magnificently than anyone could ever imagine.
The lights there twinkled even more brightly than the night sky ever did; and in her mind she would stand between them, halfway between the ground below and the sky above, shining more dazzlingly than either. It was a place made just for her, one where all her dreams would come true. A land of fantasy and wonder and endless lights shining just for her in the darkness…
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gemini-sensei · 8 months
Everything Has Changed Pt. 2 | Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz x Chubby!LaRusso!Reader
○ Part 1 ○
CW: teen pregnancy, angst, forbidden/secret relationship, small enemies to lovers.
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"Have you picked what book you're gonna read for the book report in Mrs. Sheete's class?" Hawk asked, reaching across his bed for the book list beside Reader. He looked at it as she hummed in response.
"Mhm," she let out softly, looking up.
She watched him closely, paying attention to the way his eyebrows knit up as he scanned the list. His eyes showed how bored he was with the titles their teacher had given them to choose from. It was quite amusing to watch as he steadily became a little frustrated.
He huffed and set the list aside. "That's bullshit. Everything on there is so fucking old. Why can't we read something, ya know, we can actually relate to?"
Reader smirked but tried to hide it. "I don't know. What would you read and find relatable?"
He looked up at her, unamused with her amusement simply because he didn't want to do the assignment. However, as she leant back on one hand, she used the other to cradle her just-beginning-to-show belly. It was showing to them, at least, when they were alone like this. She could be herself with him unlike any relationship she's had before, romantic or platonic. She could wear whatever she wanted, which included cute striped maternity shirts.
Perhaps he thought it was so cute because he bought it for her. When the opportunity arose to buy himself some new clothes, he'd opted to get her a few things too. He knew it wasn't easy for her get anything for herself with her overbearing family always around. They knew her parents were getting suspicious of her, thought that she was hiding something. So he got her a few shirts.
They were a little baggy, giving a little room for her to grow into. They were comfortable and she loved them, wearing them under an even baggier shirt when she went to school or around her house. Though they both knew that soon enough they wouldn't hide anything. She'd full them out and the fat of her belly would round out in a baby bump.
As he watched her now, understood what she was trying to convey in that simple action - cradling her precious little belly. No one else at their school would be able to read a book about being pregnant and relate to it.
He sighed and avoided her question. "Okay, so it doesn't really matter, right? I mean, it's not as if I could pick a book not on the list anyway."
"Sheete likes you a lot, so maybe you could," Reader suggested.
"No, I'll just pick one of these," he grumbled. She giggled as he took up the paper again and looked at it. "What are you reading?"
"Little Women."
He hummed, then dropped the list. It floated away and fell to the floor. He leaned over their textbooks and notebooks and assignments, grinning at her. "I guess I'll read that too."
"Oh yeah?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Why? So you can cheat off my paper?"
He chuckled. "No, of course not. Though having someone to talk over all the riveting topics sounds like a great idea."
She laughed and leaned closer to him. "Sure, whatever you say. I think you're just copying me." Then she pecked his lips. "But I don't mind."
He smiled. "Good, I really don't wanna read anything else."
And he kissed her, supporting himself on both hands so she didn't have to lean over into him too much. His hands, balled into fists, sunk into the mattress and moved all of their school supplies, not that either of them cared. They became too involved in each other to notice or do anything about it, even though the kiss wasn't vigorous or very empassioned. It was sweet and simple and lovely.
She loved it.
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As the weeks passed, Reader grew bigger. Her belly rounded out and the pudgy fat that once resided there became a hard bump. It was harder to hide but she managed.
She knew the longer she let the secret dwell, the worse it would be when she told people. But she didn't care. She loved having the pregnancy just her hers and Hawk's. It was theirs to keep, theirs to smile about in his car and talk about in whispers. No one else was involved and it was perfect. It was amazing.
What wasn't so amazing was a charity dinner her parents wanted to drag her and her siblings to for the evening. She didn't care how important it was to them or the business. After the long day she'd had, including a secret doctor's visit with Hawk, all she wanted to do was lay down and sleep. Her feet were killing her but it wasn't as if she could spring the pregnancy on her parents and ask them to go without her.
As she went through her wardrobe, she wandered around her room in nothing but her panties and a maternity shirt Hawk had gotten her. It was solid black but stretched just right to accommodate her bump. She got caught up at the mirror, looking at her reflection as she held her baby bump affectionately.
When she thought about it, she couldn't believe she'd hated Hawk so much before. His rivalry with the Miyagi-Do students wasn't her battle at all, no matter if Sam was in the middle of it all or not. She had no real reason to hate him and the same was true about him. He'd never really hated her, only acted like it because that was "what he was supposed to do" because of her family. She was a LaRusso and Cobra Kai was supposed to hate them for some reason. She chose not to worry with it anymore, especially since their little one was on the way.
She hoped the fighting would be over by the time they were born. As if that were the most pressing issue in all of this, but it was ever-present on her mind. It was all her father and sister could talk about, her friends were caught in the middle of it; Hell, sometimes it was the only thing the school was talking about. It was inescapable and she just wanted it to be over. For her baby's sake.
"Sweetheart, are you ready? We're gonna be late if you-" a voice said from behind her.
Reader turned with a startle, grabbing her shirt to cover her belly. However, it was too late. Her father had seen her bump.
He stared at her for a long moment, standing in her doorway froze. He pointed to her belly and asked, "Is that what I think it is?"
"Dad, I can explain," she said.
"Then start explaining," he said. He sounded lost, like his mind and body were disconnected. He stared at her expectantly nonetheless and waited for her to start talking.
"Um, well," she said, completely unprepared. Her hands shook and the shirt fell from her hands, revealing her bump once more. She averted her eyes, unable to look at her father. "I'm pregnant..."
He nodded, understanding that much. Perhaps he just had to hear her say it, but that didn't make the situation any better. He looked her over, mouth falling open. "You're so big. How... how could you hide this from us?"
"I'm not that far along, Dad, really. It's just because I'm fat," she said.
"You're not fat, sweetheart," he said, an automatic and well-meaning statement she'd heard her whole life. However, it was misplaced here.
Reader rolled her eyes and huffed, though she felt like she was trying to catch her breath. She was halfway between screaming and crying. This wasn't exactly how she wanted her dad to find out. "I'm fat, Dad. Deal with it because that's not even the problem here."
He was trying to give himself time to let it sink in. That's what Reader told herself, but as she saw the lost look leave his eyes, anger settled in them. And she knew why.
"Who did this?"
"No, Reader, tell me. Who did this to you?"
"He didn't do this to me," she said, scoffing. "We fucked."
He cringed and waved his hands in the air, not wanting to hear her vulgar description of it. "Sweetheat-"
"Who is he!?"
Everything stopped. The air grew tense. Her boyfriend's name left her lips before she could fully think about it and her heart sank, fear gripping it.
Then Daniel turned and marched downstairs.
"Dad!" Reader went after him. She wasn't waddling yet, but it felt like it was just around the corner if she was being honest. "Dad, stop! Where are you going!?"
"Daniel?" Amanda's voice came from the foyer.
Daniel walked past her and grabbed his keys, angrily opening the front door.
"Dad! Please don't do something stupid!"
He turned to look at his daughter, shaking his head. "I'm gonna do anything stupid, dear. I'm just gonna go have a little talk with that- that selfish, moronic, violent snake!"
He slammed the door behind him and Reader jumped. Amanda came to her side and hugged her, only then noticing her bump.
"Oh, honey..."
"Mom, he's gonna kill him!" Reader cried, tears quickly welling in her eyes and falling down her cheeks. She shook horribly and cried in her mother's arms, inconsolable.
"Shh, he's not going to hurt anyone, honey," Amanda whispered, rubbing her daughter's back soothingly. She kissed her head, unsure if she could trust her own words. They were in uncharted territory, and knowing her husband, there was no telling what he'd actually do to the boy. "It's going to be okay."
"But he-he thinks Ha-Hawk is just a punk that knocked me up!" Reader cried. "But we love each other! We really do! This didn't just ha-happen because of something totally stupid! He-he takes such good care of me, M-mom!"
"What's going on?" Sam asked, coming down the stairs. She stopped as she saw her distraught sister crying in their mother's arms.
"Sam, sweetie," Amanda said softly, looking up at her. "Go get your sister some clothes."
"And my phone!" Reader yelled, not meaning too.
She had to warn Hawk that her father was coming for him. She didn't know how he was going to find her boyfriend, but knowing her dad, he had his ways. He always knew where to look and if she knew her dad at all, she'd look for a snake in its den. She just hoped karate training was over.
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hanjisungslag · 2 months
haiii >_< what type of fantasy characters/stererotypes would aot characters be?
- any characters you want but def reiner pls^ ty baby
🧝‍♀️ aot characters & fantasy
characters included: eren, armin, mikasa, sasha, connie, jean, annie, reiner, bertolt, levi, erwin & hange!!
notes: this was so fun to do omg
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✧ eren jaeger - hero gone villain
okay i know this is a bit basic to do… but c’mon!! he’s literally the epitome of ‘i’ve become what i sought out to destroy’ and i just can’t think of him as anything else. he fits the stereotype too well😭.
✧ armin arlert - mage
he is soooo side kick mage, no? tell me you can’t imagine armin (specifically with the mushroom hair) wearing a wizard gown, hat and holding a magical old stick. he doesn’t like to leave his tower often but is usually forced to when something goes amiss - i can imagine him sighing deeply while reluctantly grabbing his magical old stick.
✧ mikasa ackerman - sidekick
bad ass sidekick who lives in the woods & is probably on the run. i’m thinking… arcana muriel vibes for this but less stoic and quiet (and less cursed) but, she definitely learnt to fight in the woods when she was 3 OR taken in by an old, rugged guy whose family died tragically. either way, everyone’s terrified of her but she steals bread for orphans or some heroic shit like that.
✧ jean kirsten - prince
himbo prince😭 i mean this in the BEST way possibly mkay! he’s not really a himbo however… he just gives prince who accidentally got entangled in a weird adventure and he doesn’t know how to live without servants. he’s be like “erm, i am not crossing that muddy river.” BUT THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT WOULD BE INSANE by the end, he’d like finally understand how bad the government is or how poor the townspeople are and give them money.
✧ connie springer - the fool
sigh… the fool, the court jester, etc etc. he would be himbo prince jean’s court jester 100% and they’re like actually pretty good friends, they’ve known each other since they were kids. he also gets dragged along with jean on a weird adventure and he would be the comedic relief. (also a shoulder for jean to cry on when he gets mud on his fancy royal shoes).
✧ sasha braus - henchman
hunter/henchman hellooo…? literally expert at using a bow and arrow? grew up in the woods?? she would EAT so hard being a henchman and to make it even better, when someone hires her they don’t know she’s a girl and whenever someone finds out, they’ll be so shocked!! feminism!
✧ reiner braun - the beast
dare i say… some sort of big beast? like a big, fluffy beast but make it sexy, beauty and the beast vibes perhaps. imagine fighting this big and surprisingly attractive who lives under a bridge. IM SORRY THAT WOULD BE SO FUN… i’m thinking like diane from sds vibes too!!
✧ bertolt hoover - squire
young, little boy training to be a knight aka a squire. tell me you cant see this little cutie patootie dressed to the nines in armour, learning how to swing a sword?! maybe him and annie trained together or dare i say, he looks up to her.
✧ annie leonhart - knight
sworn shield to a princess that she falls in love with. imma need someone to write a fanfic about this RIGHT NOW!! we all know annie knows how to whop some ass so, of course she was chosen by the king and queen to protect their precious daughter but what happens when… she falls in love! GAH!! of course, she could never speak of her feelings - maybe one day.
✧ levi ackerman - assassin
leader of some sort of renegade, like a special group of assassins. no matter what universe this man is in, his crown will never fall! his title carries on throughout all possible realties m’kay. same backstory though 100%, raised in the poor ditches but learnt how to fight and now he’s a leader of a renegade! you have to pay big buck to get levi to assassinate someone, he’s the best of the best after all.
✧ erwin smith - commander
i’m sorry to be basic and boring but a commander of an army. HE HAS TO BEEE 😭it’s too perfect, i’m sorry. except imagine the army is all medieval and dripped out in chainmail!
✧ hange zoë - pirate
a pirate. LIKE CMONNN especially s4 hange with the eye patch?! i can totally imagine hange running a ship and sailing the seven seas. they’re literally a commander too? it was written in the stars, they’re perfect for the role! i can totally see them playing devious pranks and tricks on other pirates trying to secure the same treasure.
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girls-alias · 9 months
Caught - Demon Dean Winchester
Title: Caught - Demon Dean Winchester Words: 5,109 Relations: Demon Dean Winchester X reader. TW: Smut, rough, Threatened SH, SPOILERS.
@angelofdarkness69 asked:
Demon Dean Smut 😈❤️‍🔥😈❤️‍🔥
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I walked into the bunker, slightly out of breath as I rushed here. Sam had called me but I was away from my phone. He left a message where he sounded completely panicked, he said that I was needed at the bunker and that it was about Dean. I dropped everything I was doing to rush there.
I stumbled down the stairs, looking frantically into rooms as I rushed down the hallways.
"Sam?" I called out, looking around and wondering what was going on.
"Y/N," Dean's voice spoke behind me. I spun around instantly relieved. He's okay, he's alive. Why did Sam call me? I smiled brightly, backtracking to run to him. He was holding a hammer for some reason and watched me a little confused. He dropped the hammer happily accepting my hug. I smiled brightly, hugging him as tight as I could knowing the whole 3 hours drive it took me to get here I thought Dean was dead or was dying. Tears escaped my eyes the whole way here. I must look pathetic, I barely see them all year and now I show up crying and most likely completely overreacting.
"Oh, my God. Dean I thought you were dead," I commented, pulling away to smile at him. He seemed to study me a little longer than a normal person would. The thing is, I am crazy about Dean and can never tell if he likes me as more of an acquaintance. I raised an eyebrow waiting for him to say something. He smirked, my mood instantly lifting just from the sight. I have never seen anyone ever look at good as Dean. I've seen a lot of hot men in my life but none of them are anything compared to Dean.
"Why'd you think I was dead?" He asked, a smirk still present on his lips. I chuckled softly, a little awkwardly.
"Sam left me a message saying there was something wrong and it was about you," I explained and he nodded, taking in my words.
"And you drove straight here, crying the whole time?" He seemed to ask but his voice was flat. I chuckled dryly. Wiping under my eyes to hide some of the evidence of my emotional state from earlier.
"Well, yeah. I thought you were dead. I was mourning," I sassed but his smirk grew, eyes looking deeper into mine than they normally did. Maybe something is wrong with Dean. I grew suspicious.
"I wouldn't mourn you," He stated simply, I shook my head with a scoff. Smiling as I watched him study my expression.
"I don't doubt it, you're like a robot without feelings," I joked, he pulled a face as if he was proud of it. My eyebrows furrowed slightly, he didn't have a snarky remark to come back with, there had to be something wrong.
"I would agree but I have some emotions," He replied as if the answer was simple but I looked at him confused. He's being serious, what's he saying? He smirked watching me. "Like right now I feel like kissing you, seeing which room it leads to," He commented. My breath hitched in my throat. He wants to kiss me?! I parted my lips to say something but nothing came to mind. He smirked, stepping closer to me. I backed away, instincts telling me that something was wrong, my inside begging to see what would happen. He continued smirking, advancing till my back hit a wall. He grinned when I had nowhere to go.
He continued towards me, closing the distance till he was practically pressed against me. I gulped studying his eyes as I internally begged him to kiss me like I always did around him. He leaned down, hand on the back of my neck. He pulled me in the rest of the way till our lips crashed together. He kissed me roughly. I had imagined kissing Dean thousands of times but I never imagined it being like this. It was almost as if he needed to kiss me or he wouldn't live another day. I placed a hand on his chest while the other found the back of his hair. He smirked against my lips, his tongue sliding into my mouth with ease.
Butterflies flew through my veins, my whole body melting into the kiss. His hands held me roughly, the hand on the back of my neck keeping me close, a hand on my waist holding my body against his. I moaned softly as he held me tighter.
A whirling sound echoed through the halls before a small siren sounded. Dean didn't seem to care as he didn't react to the sound. I pulled away, looking down the hall as the lights dimmed and turned red. I looked back at Dean confused. He looked emotionless. My eyebrows furrowed as to why he seemed indifferent about the lights and loss of power. I opened my mouth, about the speak.
"Y/N!" Sam shouted, I looked down the hall as Dean did the same. Dean smirked at him. "Demon," He announced pointing at Dean. I quickly looked at Dean as he smirked and flashed his black-covered eyes at me. I punched him as hard as I could, his hands falling from my body as he held his cheek. I ran to Sam watching slightly as Dean looked pissed.
I ran with Sam through the halls, Dean wasn't running. Strolling casually. "You could have warned me," I argued quietly as he guided me through the halls.
"I didn't have time," Sam tried but I scoffed.
"It takes two seconds to say the word demon," I argued. He shushed me as we turned a corner and he stopped me. We listened closely as Dean walked around, a raised voice as he taunted Sam with how he escaped. I'm a little lost about what happened but there is a demon in Dean and that's my only concern right now.
"Dean is the demon, it's not a possession it's Dean," Sam whispered. I looked at him baffled.
"What the fuck? Why didn't you call me earlier?" I asked, fighting my wish to scream at him.
"I thought I had a handle on it," Sam shrugged not believing himself. I rolled my eyes with a sigh.
"Clearly," I whispered back, sassing him with sarcasm. I swear, these boys get dumber and dumber every time I see them. Sam looked at me uneasy as the power came on. I rolled my eyes as he rushed around the corner and closed the door to the electrical room where Dean was.
"Really, that's your big move?" Dean's voice was slightly muffled by the door but he showed no emotions in his tone. Why did he kiss me? I understand that he was probably messing with me but he had the perfect opportunity to kill me and he didn't. It's just weird.
"Listen to me. We were getting close, Okay?" Sam explained through the door. I rolled my eyes knowing he was a hopeless fool thinking he could talk this out with him. He doesn't have a soft spot he can get through to... Or maybe? No that's stupid. But.... No. Okay, maybe. "I know you're still in there somewhere. Just let me finish the treatments," I thought quickly as Sam waited for a response as if we didn't all know the answer was going to be violence. "Dean?" Sam jumped back as a heavy thud hit the door. I rolled my eyes.
"You act like I want to be cured," Dean grunted as he broke the door down from the inside. I took a deep breath, knowing I was either going to die here or live long enough to do something incredibly stupid and then die in this bunker. "Personally, I like the disease," Dean smirked evilly through the hole in the door he had created. My heart races. Mentally preparing for my own stupidity.
"Dean, stop that. Look I don't want to use this blade on you," Sam shouted, trying to gain some control of the situation.
"Oh, that sucks for you, doesn't it?" He asked sarcastically. "Cause you really mean that," He chuckled before slamming a hammer into the door again.
"If you come out of that room I won't have a choice," Sam tried, trying to sound strong.
"Sure you will! and I know which one you'll make," Dean taunted, knowing Sam didn't have the strength to kill his own brother. "Isn't that right Sammy?" I had gone ignored this whole time. I grabbed my gun from the holster strapped to my hip. Dean's eyes found mine through the hole in the door. He chuckled dryly. "Oh, you're going to kill me?" He asked sarcastically. I gulped. "You're in love with me, you wouldn't hurt me. I was surprised you even punched me and now you're going to shoot me?" He asked annoyance in his tone along with a taunting smirk.
"You're right," I spoke softly, my heart racing. He smirked stepping back ready to take another swing. I watched as his eyebrows furrowed before his eyes widened. He watched intently as I raised the gun, barrel pressing to my right temple. He looked at me slightly angry.
"Put it down," He instructed through gritted teeth. Keeping his voice down so he didn't scare me. A tear escaped my eye unconsciously. "I said, put it down," His voice showed his venom.
"Y/N, what you doing?" Sam asked looking at me like I was crazy.
"You said you only felt one thing, I was that one thing. You break that door down, you don't finish the treatment or if you even glare at Sam I'll pull this trigger faster than you can apologise," I explained simply. Emotions leaving my tone. Dean seemed to recognise that I wasn't bluffing. He lifted his hands, slowly dropping the hammer. I gulped. My life rests in Dean's hands.
"Just put the gun down," He spoke softly, his eyes looking pleading.
"I'm not putting it down until you're tied up and cooperating," I explained. He nodded, his eyes lowering and I could see he admitted defeat. I can't believe this is working. I didn't realise Dean cared for me this much but I'm glad he does. "Sam," I instructed without words.
Sam opened the door for Dean, stepping back in case he tried anything. He seemed to study me before scoffing, I worried he had tricked me.
"The safety-" He started. I aimed the gun up taking one shot before putting the gun back to my head. Sam and Dean flinched at the sudden shot.
"I'm not bluffing," I explained coldly. He studied me, heart rate increasing before he put his hands up and led the way to the cellar. He kept his eyes low as he took a seat in the metal chair but studied me as Sam tied him up. Once Sam confirmed it was clear I lowered the gun. Putting the safety on and unloading it. Dean seemed to take a deep breath of relief.
It was a while before Dean was conscious again, I gave him some of my blood since we have the same type, something we figured out years ago when he was electrocuted and in hospital. He joked he was going to keep me around in case he needed blood. I smiled softly at the memory. Cas had joined us, explaining he was already on his way to save us but was shocked we had it under control.
"How'd you do it?" He asked, looking between Sam and me. Sam and I had already explained the lead-up to what I did. Sam wondered how after so much human blood he could still want to be a demon. Cas explained it was easier to feel nothing than the pain of being human. I thought it was poetic.
"Y/N appealed to his human heart," Sam explained cryptically. I rolled my eyes.
"I threatened to shoot myself," I explained with a shrug. I couldn't take my eyes off Dean. Watching as his head was limp unconscious.
"Even as a demon he's in love with you," Cas commented, seemingly in a world of his own. My neck almost snapped as I quickly looked at him.
"What?" I asked, the word falling from my mouth.
"Dean's in love with you, even as a demon. Did you not know?" He asked as if it was a complete shock to him, his eyebrows furrowed as he watched me slightly.
"No, what makes you think he's in love with me?" I asked, a scoff wanting to come out but it wouldn't like it was too scared.
"Because I say it all the time," I looked over at Dean as he lifted his head. His eyes were black but soon dissolved back to the beautiful green. I watched amazed. Gulping slightly at his words. Sam splashed some holy water on his face. Definitely human. I smiled softly.
"Welcome back, Dean," Sam smirked, proud to have his brother back.
I stayed off to the side as Sam untied Dean. Cas waited in the library while we got Dean situated. He kept looking at me, a guilty expression on his face but every time I smiled softly. Dean hinted that he wanted food and so Sam took it as his hint to leave Dean and me alone.
"Y/N," He started as soon as the door closed behind Sam. His voice was full of sorrow. I shushed him as I closed the distance between us He was sitting on his bed, he watched me closely as I smiled at him. I let my body work without my brain being involved. I climbed onto his lap, straddling him. He looked completely shocked, his hands to his sides like he was scared to touch me.
"Shut up," I smirked, leaning in as I pulled him in by the back of his neck. I connected our lips, he seemed dazed for a second before his lips moved against mine, his hands hugging my waist as he kissed me back. His tongue entered my mouth with ease again. He smiled against my lips as our tongues danced.
I wrapped an arm over his shoulder, keeping him close as his hands explored me. They ventured down to my ass, squeezing harshly, a moan escaping my mouth and entering Dean's. He grunted, enjoying the sound. It reminded me of the grunts he had done when breaking down the door. I thought of how he kissed me even when he was a demon, the roughness, the need magnified and I could tell he was holding back now. I pulled back, quickly moving my lips to his neck.
He moaned, his head falling back as I sucked open-mouthed kisses onto his neck. "Y/N," He moaned breathlessly. I smirked as I continued kissing his neck. "I want you to move in," He explained. I paused, shocked slightly at the progression. Just 30 minutes ago I found out he loves me, not he's asking me to move in while we're finally enjoying each other. He pulled back to study me. Pleading eyes. "I'm sorry to spring it on you, I just. I've thought about it a lot and after today I can't trust myself to be alone with Sam and if I'm being honest I'm afraid of this," He explained gesturing between us. I looked at him sadly. I've thrown myself at him. I'm being ridiculous. He's just turned human again and I'm initiating sex. I'm sick.
"Sorry," I commented absentmindedly as I moved to get off his lap. His hands found my hips stopping me from getting up.
"No, I'm scared that I'll ruin it. Cas was right though, I am in love with you, I don't just want to have sex I want the real thing, the love, the relationship, all of it. Good and bad," He confessed, worry riddling his expression. I smiled softly.
"Dean, I want those too. You're not going to ruin it. I was willing to die for you less than an hour ago. You think I would do that for anyone else?" I asked rhetorically. He chuckled, noticing his mistake. He grinned widely.
"So, you'll go on a date with me?" He asked, the grin only growing wider.
"Of course, you goof," I chuckle, leaning in to reconnect our lips. He smiled against my lips his hands gripping me harder.
"Maybe we should stop," He commented, pulling away slightly. I looked at him expectantly wanting to know why. I'll get off of him if he wants me to but if he thinks that I want to then he's wrong. "I don't know if it's the leftover demon inside me, or if it's pent-up frustration or finally kissing you but I don't think I can contain myself," He confessed. His expression was thoughtful as he stared into my eyes. I smirked.
"Good," I answered simply, reconnecting our lips. He smirked, understanding my intentions. He snaked his arm around my waist, pulling my body closer to his. I smirked against his lips. He bit my bottom lip. Smirking as he pulled back. I glared at him with hungry eyes. His hands gripped my ass tighter, holding me against his body as he stood up. I squealed slightly surprised he was strong enough to lift me with no effort. Dean smirked against my lips. He turned around, lowering me onto the bed as he came down with me. Settling between my legs and hovering over me.
My tongue fighting his as I crave more of him, all of him. His hips seemed to fit against mine comfortably, perfectly. Like he was made to be there. His hands explored my body before finding the neck of my shirt and ripping it open. I squealed, my lips falling from his from the surprise. He wasn't joking about not being able to control him. I smirked excitedly, quickly reconnecting our lips. He ripped the rest of my shirt off my body. I'm glad I wasn't wearing a bra today, who knows if he was strong enough to rip that.
I moaned as his warm hands traced the lengths of my chest. His fingertips softly rubbed my body in a gentleness I didn't expect. It was like he was trying to map out my body with his hands, to memorise every pump and dip. I gripped his shirt, pulling it up before disconnecting our lips to lift it over his head. As the fabric passed his face he smirked, smiling happily as he moved back in to kiss me. My hands explored his back muscles as they contorted to my touch. He bit my bottom lip, pulling back a little before releasing it and starting. getting up. I smirked, watching him with hungry eyes. No matter how often I see Dean shirtless it will always weaken me.
He swiftly unbuttoned his jeans before stepping out of them. I gulped as I watched his dick press against his boxers, clearly hard and above average. He smirked as he watched my reaction clearly pleased. I blushed as he moved closer, grabbing the hem of my pants, I lifted my hips as he pulled them from my body. He trailed his hand up my leg, sending shivers down my spine as he reached closer to where I was wet for him. I gulped as he was close. He pushed his fingers between my sensitive skin and underwear. I smirked. He saw this as consent and slowly started pulling my underwear down. When I lifted my hips again he quickly pulled them off me, like if I didn't he would have stopped. I smiled at his adorableness. He stood up straight, putting his thumbs into boxers and slid them past his hips.
His dick sprang free. My first instinct was for my jaw to drop open but I bit my bottom lip to keep my mouth shut. I giggled as he smirked at me. He came back to me, hovering over me as he kissed me. I moaned as his tip poked my inner thigh. I reached between us, grasping his dick as he moaned against my lips. I smirked, the sound I didn't know I needed to hear but will forever be in my mind. I stroked the length of his cock as my pussy grew wetter. Even the thought of him makes me wet but this is making a waterfall.
His cock was so hard I wondered if it was hurting. I smirked against his lips as I removed my hand from between us and flipped us over so I was on top. I straddled him, his dick pointed up to the ceiling as I sat high on his thighs. He smirked, biting his bottom lip as he watched me. I smirked as I looked down at him. I leant down, kissing him as his hands moved down my sides and rested on my hips. I lifted my hips, moving my hand between us as he smirked against my lips. I licked his bottom lip, his tongue soon meeting mine. I grasped his hard cock, holding it steady as I lowered myself onto it.
I gasped against his lips as he smirked. He moved a hand to the back of my neck, pulling my lips back onto his. I lowered myself further on his cock. Moaning as he filled me and reached deeper than I thought was possible. I wanted to scream in pleasure as it throbbed inside me, I bit his bottom lip. I pulled away with hungry eyes. He looked at me deeply, admiring me as my eyebrows contorted with pleasure. His smirk grew as I adjusted to his size, a short pause before I began rocking my hips. He breathed through gritted teeth as his eyes rolled to the back of his head. I moaned at the sight.
I rocked my hips against his, my head falling back as the pleasure consumed me. Dean's hands found my hips, pushing and pulling me softly as he pushed his hips into me. I moaned as his tip pushed against my G-spot. Dean's groan made me feral. I wanted nothing more than to hear it again. I sat up fully, His dick reaching deeper inside me, a soft scream escaping my lips before I hurried to cover my mouth. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as I quickened the pace. Dean's hands still guided my hips as he moaned, watching me and where our bodies met, his dick buried deep inside me. I placed a hand on his firm chest, using it to anchor myself.
God, he's amazing! The familiar feeling of an orgasm edged closer. I moaned as he pushed deep inside me, his tip kissing my G-spot again. "Fuck, Dean," I moaned, looking at him with hooded and needy eyes. He smirked, biting his bottom lip as he continued. "Fuck, if you keep going I'm going to cum," I managed through my laboured breaths.
"Cum for me, Y/N," His voice was pornographic. It was enough to make me do anything he wanted. I would act like a dog for this man if he asked me to. My thoughts clouded as my orgasm grew an inch closer. He seemed to recognise this as he lifted his hips, and my G-spot hit with a force I knew would make it hard for me to walk properly later. A scream escaped my lips as my orgasm peaked. Dean moved his hand to my mouth, quietening me as he continued pushing into me and rolling my hips with his hands. My legs clenched his side as my orgasm overtook my body. He groaned as my walls clenched around him, his laboured breathing becoming more jagged as he gripped my hips a little tighter, bruise causing tightness.
My orgasm subsided as he helped me ride it out. I practically turned to jelly in his hands. He smirked, moving his hand from my mouth and easing my upper body towards him. I smiled kissing him as his hands found my hips and lifted them slightly, my eyebrows furrowed with confusion before he bucked his hips up to meet mine. I moaned into his mouth, his tongue entering mine with the opportunity. His tongue silenced me as I tried not to scream. He thrust into my G-spot, pounding it relentlessly. He moved a hand to my cheek, pulling away a little to rest my forehead on his. His heavy breathing mixed with mine as a light coat of sweat formed on our bodies. I gasped, whimpering as I tried not to scream.
"Fuck," I moaned louder than intended but it seemed to cheer Dean on as his thrust became more precise. I moaned, my eyes rolling back, his tip hitting my G-spot with every thrust. The knot in my stomach came back quickly. "Fuck, Dean. I'm getting close again," He grunted at my words. His speed picking up slightly. He leaned up to kiss me, his tongue entering my mouth as he now knew I was the screaming type. His tongue silenced me as my orgasm peaked once again. His hand on my hip holding me securely my body shook from the power of the orgasm. I have never felt something so powerful. He fucked me through my second orgasm, slowing as he recognised I was coming down.
I pulled back, breathing heavily he lowered me back down onto him. I whimpered as I took all of him in again. He smirked kissing me sloppily as I wondered how he was doing this to me with ease. "Get on your hands and knees," He instructed. His tone was dark and his eyes piercing. I gulped, nodding excitedly as I kissed him quickly before getting off of him. I felt empty as I climbed off him. He rolled from under me so I could get in position on the bed. My knees were barely on the bed, my hands holding up my upper body as he stood at the edge of the bed. His hands found my hips. I moaned as he slapped my ass harshly. I bit my bottom lip.
He held my hips in place as he lined up his tip to my entrance, pulling me in slightly as he pushed into me. I moaned, eyes rolling to the back of my head as my head lost all weight. I whimpered, biting harshly on my bottom lip. His hand moved up my back before settling between my shoulder blades and softly pushing me down. I rolled my hips forward as I lay my chest against the bed and arched my back.
"Fuck," Dean moaned, his hand moving trailed up my back and found my hips again. He held my hips steady as he started to slowly fuck me. His pace practically quivered as he resisted going faster. I moaned, the pace making me weak. His grip on my hips was as strong as steel, keeping me in place. He moaned, breathing in through gritted teeth as he picked up the pace. My head fell limp as I moaned, his hips now pulling me in to meet him in the middle, his dick hitting my G-spot and massaging my walls. I gripped onto the bed sheet, biting down on my arm to silence myself. Whimpers escape my lips. "I want to hear you, baby," He commented, his breath laboured. His hand found my hair, pulling slightly so my head was up, neck extended and making it impossible to silence myself. My moans fall freely and loudly. "Fuck, just like that," He commented.
"Fuck, Dean!" I practically screamed as he pushed down on my hips to reach a new angle. The knot in my stomach contorting and tightening.
"Fuck, I'm getting close," He moaned. My body grew weak at his words and voice. My orgasm teased me with being seconds away.
"Me too, Dean. Fuck," I moaned. His hard dick throbbing inside me, hitting my G-spot.
"Mmm," He hummed before his nails dug into my skin. I moaned, my orgasm beginning to tip over. "I'm gonna cum," He practically shouted through his moan. My walls clenched around him as my orgasm peaked, his thrust still rough and deep but sloppy. A scream escaped my extended neck as his cum shot forcefully deep inside me. He grunted. Pushing deep inside me with each spurt of cum he shot into me. My orgasm seemed to last longer, his cum making it peak each time.
He breathed heavily, his hands staying on me as he stood still. My legs grew shaky as my body went limp. My breathing was erratic as he slowly pulled out of me. I practically collapsed on the bed as Dean chuckled lying beside me. I chuckled, admiring him as he grinned at me. He lifted his arm, waiting for me. I crawled up a little, snuggling into his side as he wrapped his arm around me. He smiled up at the ceiling as I blushed. If I had known the sex would be this good I would have made a move the day I met him. He looked down at me, moving some hair from my face as it stuck to some sweat on my face. Dean looked heavenly, the sweat looking like it was painted on his body perfectly as if an artist had the smallest brush in the world, working for hours to make it. He pulled me in with the arm around me, kissing the top of my head as I smiled.
"How about," He started, looking down at me with a smile. I smiled, turning slightly to put my hand on his chest and placing my chin on the top of my hand, admiring him as he talked. He chuckled slightly, his smile never fading. "We'll take a shower, get you cleaned up. Maybe some shower sex if your legs aren't too weak." I blushed at the thought. "We'll go get you things for you to move in and go on a date?" He asked, tucking some hair behind my ear as I smiled. I bit my lip nodding enthusiastically. His smile beamed as he admired me. He leaned down, and I met him in the middle connecting our lips. The kiss was sweet, sincere as if with a loving couple. I smiled as I pulled away.
"Dean," He looked at me expectantly. I blushed as I smiled. "I love you too," I added. His smile spread across his face as he leaned back in to kiss me. I giggled against his lips as he smiled. This is perfect.
Working On
An extremely long chapter but I hope you enjoyed it! Please let me know in the comments if you read it all so I know if you guys like long chapters or want me to make it shorter in future. Thank you! 💜💜
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
I've got dom! Soobin brain rot and this
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Is not helping, I was wonder if maybe you could write something for me maybe? I was thinking of CEO soobin and now I can't get him out of my head 😫
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After hours
Pairing:boss!dom!soobin x fem!sub!reader
Genre: blow job, thigh riding, behind sex (? I know there's a word for it but alas it has escaped me 😭)
A/N::thank you sm for the request! Sorry it took so long to prepare but it's finally here lol
Your relationship with your boss was kind of like friends with benefits. This wasn't because you didn't have feelings for each other but other things were just in the way. So instead when you were "working" late nights that's when you'd have some alone time and some fun. Tonight you were filling out some paperwork when Soobin came over to you, putting his hand on your desk gently. He titled his head to his office with a gentle smile. 
"My office," he said before leading you to his office. You followed him to his office and sat down on the chair on the opposite side of his desk. He sat down and looked up at you in a way that made your tummy twist. He checked up on you to see how you were getting along with your work and I got a little abnormally close to you. "Your hair looks nice today," he commented as you were writing on a sheet of paper on his desk. 
"Oh thank you," you smiled and he flashed a smile back. 
"Did you do anything special to it today?" He smiled as you continued to fill out some things on your sheet. 
"I actually started using a new conditioner," you grinned as you set your pencil down and started running your hands through your hair. Your cheeks grew pink as he stood up and stood next to you. He extended a hand to touch your hair kind of like consent and you nodded. His hands ran through your hair softly. 
"You're so beautiful," he sighed as he looked down at you. "Why don't you let me show you how much I love you?" He said, hinting to you. You stood up and let him sit on the armless chair. He patted his thigh and you sat on it, his hands wrapped around your lower back as he looked up at you with all the love in the world. He gave you a passionate kiss as he rubbed your back. You held his neck and ears for support when kissing him. 
"I want you so bad~" you whispered between kisses.
"I'm right here, love," he said as he stroked your cheek and your hips started subconsciously moving against him. His hands held your hips and he smirked as he pushed your hips directing you to the best spots.
"T-that feels so good," you said before shutting your eyes and gasping in pleasure. Your hands grabbed his shirt harshly. 
"Yes~my good girl~" Soobin smiled as he moved his finger to your chin making him look at you. He kissed you and rubbed your thighs while still guiding your hips. "Wanna take this off love?" He said as he tugged at your dress and you nodded. He unzipped the back of your dress carefully to see some quite fancy undergarments. "Hm what's this? Is this what you wanted all along?" He smirked as he slid the dress off your hot skin. You nodded and he bit your neck gently. "You're so cute," he said between hickies. Small mewls escaped your lips as he marked you up. You felt your high approaching due to all the stimulation of his skin, lips, tongue and most importantly his thigh. Your lips quivered as you felt like you were about to explode. Without a warning you came in your clothes and onto his thigh. 
"I came a little…early," you said a bit embarrassed. 
"It's okay my dear~" he smiled, "may I have a turn now?" He chuckled while undoing his pants. You slid off his lap and finished undoing his pants for him. His dick standing upright in front of you. You slowly ran your hands along his length and watched as his arousal stuck to your fingers. Everytime you grazed over his tip he'd throw his head back and moan softly. Little whispers trotted out of his mouth about how good he felt and how you're his precious, beautiful, girl. "Go faster now," he said between biting his lips and gasping lightly. 
You wrapped your whole hand around him and started to jerk him off. He grinned slightly before sliding his tongue between his lips. After a while of jerking him off and licking his dick he started getting bored. What he really wanted was your lips sealed tightly around him as he moved your head up and down him. Soobin stated this and you immediately did as he asked, sliding his entire length into your mouth, tasting on the sweet yet tingling flavor. 
"Oh my fuck baby~" He threw his head back and rutted his hips up into you. His hands found their way to your hair, gently grabbing it. You started bobbing your head up and down him as he grabbed your hair. "You're so good for me baby~" he grinned as he looked down at you. You clawed at his thighs as you continued to give him a blow job in his office. 
Things were getting messy really quick. You were drooling and cum was laced in your saliva, there was arousal on the floor and black chair. 
He then came in your mouth and after slipping you off his cock he watched you carefully. He gently grabbed your chin and lifted it up to him. "Swallow." He ordered and you shut your eyes and swallowed. A shiver ran down your spin at the viscous liquid oozing down your throat. You coughed lightly afterwards before Soobin stroked your hair back out of your face. "So hot~" he praised before getting you to stand up. You followed his lead without question. "You shouldn't have worn your hair in a ponytail today," he chuckled before bending you over his desk. 
"S-soobin! We can't do this here…" you blushed as he held you down to his desk. He leaned over to your ear. 
"Why not~?" He grinned before backing up and reaching for a nearby drawer. You blushed as you watched him pull out a condom. You stayed on the desk not wanting to disobey him. You heard him open the wrapper and discard it probably somewhere on the floor. He then gently grabbed your hips and you braced yourself in anticipation. You felt his tip brush along your entrance gently before he pushed himself all the way into you and you let out a loud moan. Very loud. Soobin was pleasantly surprised by your response to his actions.
"You're so tight," he groaned as he threw his head back again. He then gently slipped out a bit before going deeper again. He went through this process many times. Moving out by half a centimeter to going as deep as possible again. His little thrusts maintained as he pounded harder and harder into you, slowly pushing you further up his desk. "Your so cute," he grinned before pulling almost all the way out of you and thrusting back in. He went at a very fast pace, the sound of your skin colliding echoed throughout the room. 
You then felt a knot building in your stomach, so low down that it felt like soobin was hitting the knot with his dick himself. 
"F-fuck I-I think I'm close~" you gasped between moans as he continued to mercilessly pound you. You shut your eyes tight as you felt your walls tighten around him but that did not slow soobin in least. He grabbed your hair and pulled it back so he could see your face.
"I want to see you when you cum." He spoke coldly and you felt your eyes water as you released all over him. He didn't slow his pace in the slightest until you came down from your high. He let go of your hair and pulled out of you. He sat you on top of his desk where he proceeded to leave marks all over you and praise you. "You were so cute my love~" he grinned against your skin before kissing you softly. "You must be tired~"
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gaybatmanenthusiast · 3 months
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⋆★ word count : 594
⋆★ warnings : n/a
⋆★ summary : After running into the maze,, M/N returns injured. Gally, usually tough and unyielding, shows a different side as he takes care of M/N during his recovery.
⋆★ extra : guess who’s back, back again. I LOVE THE MAZE RUNNER 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ AND WILL POULTER. also I suck so bad at titles… need help so bad
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The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the Glade. The walls of the Maze were slowly closing, and the usual tension among the Gladers heightened as they awaited the return of the runners. As always, Gally stood at the entrance, his sharp eyes scanning for any sign of movement. Tonight, though, his gaze lingered a little longer than usual, his thoughts consumed by one particular runner.
He’d been out there since dawn, and Gally’s concern grew with each passing minute. Finally, just before the walls sealed shut for the night, a figure stumbled towards the opening. Gally let out a sigh he didn’t know he had been holding when he saw it was M/N, but his relief was short-lived as he noticed the blood staining M/N's clothes and the grimace of pain on his face.
"Shuck, M/N," Gally muttered, rushing forward to support him. Making the shorter male put his arm around his shoulders to help him stand. "What happened out there?"
M/N tried to smile, but it came out as a wince. "Ran into some trouble. Guess I wasn’t fast enough this time."
Gally’s grip tightened around M/N's waist steadying him, his frustration at the Maze and worry for M/N bubbling up. "Let’s get you to the Med-jacks," he said, leading M/N towards the Homestead.
The walk felt like an eternity, M/N wincing every couple of steps due to his wound but they finally made it. Gally gently helped M/N onto a bed and barked orders at Jeff and Clint. He stayed close, watching as they cleaned and bandaged the wounds. Once they were done, they left the two alone, knowing better than to question Gally’s presence.
Gally sat beside M/N, his usual tough demeanor cracking. "You scared the life out of me, you know that?"
M/N chuckled weakly. "Didn’t know you cared so much, Gally."
Gally huffed, but the concern in his eyes betrayed him. "Yeah, well, you’re an idiot.“
M/N’s eyes softened, and he reached out to squeeze Gally’s hand. "Thanks for looking out for me."
Gally sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "Just rest, alright? I’ll be here. I’ll make sure you’re alright."
Days passed, and Gally rarely left M/N’s side. He brought food, helped change bandages, and even told him about what he was working on around the glade. M/N’s strength slowly returned, and his wounds started to heal properly.
Under the soft glow of the lantern, M/N was picking at his nails brows furrowed huffing lightly. Gally watched him quietly before questioning him “What are you huffing and puffing about?” M/N looked up at him seemingly contemplating to himself, before his expression grew serious. "Why do you care so much, Gally You’re not usually like this."
Gally looked down itching the back of his head, his eyes not wanting to meet with M/N’s. Sighing he looked back up at M/N who had been waiting for him to answer “Maybe you’re different. Maybe... I’m different when I’m with you."
M/N’s heart sped up a little, beating louder than normally, and he felt a warmth spread through his cheeks that had nothing to do with the warmth of the night. "I like this side of you," he admitted softly.
Gally looked away, but not before M/N saw the small smile tugging at his lips. "Just don’t go getting yourself hurt again, okay? I don’t think I could handle it."
"I’ll try," M/N promised, reaching out to intertwine their fingers. "But if I do, I know you’ll be there."
Gally squeezed his hand gently. "Always."
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mrslectermoriarty · 5 months
Headcanon Series #15
Okay, I need some IceMav!daughter stuff or I'm gonna burst!
I imagine a one-night-stand accident or a deceased mother of the girl and Tom/Pete got custody. (sth like that, the point is they’re a single parent)
Now, when they move in together (after cutting the crap and finally hooking up, developing a relationship) the little girl grows up with at first one, then two fathers.
Mav is Pops and Ice is Papa. East-European Tom Kazansky absolutely gets the ‘Papa’ title.
She learns the cooking from Mav because he had to make his own food pretty early on in his life (rough childhood, you know the drill)
(based on a Bruce Wayne Headcanon I can’t find anymore) Ice can’t cook at all. He can set a kitchen on fire with only a wooden spoon and cold water. The only thing he actually can do is an excellent bbq, which he becomes famous for. Ice teaches his daughter all the tricks and when she gets older, and Ice is maybe too exhausted after a day of work or sth, she’ll fire up the grill and provide amazing food for everyone around.
Also, Ice spent his childhood baking with his mother and her mother whenever they met, so the kid learns baking from him.
Mav teaches her how to fix cars and motorcycles. His hyperfixation kinda catches her too and they spend many weekends in the garage.
I am utterly obsessed with with this fanfiction and needed to implement it into this - Ice reads really weird bedtime stories, but she loves every single one of them.
Of course she grows up with Bradley (they’re around the same age, idc who’s older) and the adults around them like to refer to them as the chaos cousins. When Mav and Ice take Bradley in after Carole dies, they become the chaos siblings.
Bradley loves his sister and is super protective of her when they are in their teens. When she got cruelly dumped by her boyfriend in her first year of high school, Bradley stormed into the guys’ classroom and broke his nose. The principal had to call his parents, so Tom interrupted an important meeting and showed up in uniform at school to get his kid. The principal was kinda intimidated because of course Tom put on his Iceman™ look and stared the guy down, so Bradley ended up being expelled for only the rest of the day. (I think I need to write something separate about this)
Let’s take a closer look at the whole custody situation: Mav made Ice his emergency Contact and vice versa. Obvious. In the eyes of the Navy they are ‘best friends’ and brothers in arms; it’s not an uncommon thing to do so. Concerning the kids; they’re always both listed as emergency contacts for the kids. In a scenario where Tom has a daughter, they always argue “we both have a kid, we’re basically brothers, the kids are grew up together; they’re like cousins - we’re a family in the Navy, we look out for each other.” In a scenario where Mav has a daughter, he answers to that question with “Ice is like a brother to me; we’re best friends. He knows the kid(s). I can’t always respond, so I need another person to watch over the kid(s). He was the first to agree to that.” (I don’t know if this makes sense)
Regarding Bradley being an overprotective sibling; that girl doesn’t actually need any protection - after all, both her fathers are Navy legends and well respected and feared men in the military. She can stand her ground pretty well.
The flyboys often joke around if she actually might be a genetic experiment where they took Pete’s and Ton’s DNA to create the ultimate soldier because she inherits significant parts of both their personalities. She gets Mav’s recklessness and Ice’s strategic thinking, so everything she does, however stupid it might look, she does on purpose. She also got both their stubbornness. They all agree; if she ever starts a career in the Navy, she’s gonna be a nightmare for her superiors.
She starts a career in the Navy. Of course she had the chance to do something else, but she grew up surrounded by people being very passionate about their jobs and they just kinda naturally dragged her into it. Her military education looks something like this, I found it and almost died of laughter because this is kinda exactly how I imagined it, this is a piece of art!
She’s just as protective of her brother as he is over her and that’s why she hates Jake in the beginning. Sure, they’re now adults, but Bradley has such an unhealthy relationship with that guy, on and off and back on; then they’re fucking in a closet, the next minute they shout at each other over training exercises - she doesn’t get why Bradley keeps crawling back to that guy. After the Uranium-Mission (Ice lives, Mav doesn’t have the fight with Bradley) she starts appreciating the guy a little more because for one, he saved her father and brother, second, now that both men are more mature than ever and develope an actual relationship, she can see parallels in them to her fathers and she gets why they can’t keep away from each other. (Also don’t know if this makes sense)
Both her fathers walk her down the aisle on her wedding day, she insists on that.
Please expand if you have additions! <3
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skywalker1dream · 4 months
Title: Driven by Friendship
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Note: Okay so I have no idea what I wroteSo if there are mistakes, please tell me (which I'm sure there will be) tbh I don't like it so maybe I will delete it later. Oh and we need more fics about these two men sadly. [They can hit me with a car and I'd say thank you]
Warnings: Language, Sexism,Injury,Emotional Conflict...(anything else? I don't know, let me know;3) Use of nicknames hase [bunny] (german correct me if I am wrong) darling, love..
Rbr!Sebastian vettel x fem!driver!reader,
Jenson Button x fem!driver!reader..
Summary: The story follows readers and Sebastian's friendship from karting to Formula 1. Tensions rise, leading to a collision and strained relations. Unexpected friendships.Despite support from Jenson Button, Sebastian's betrayal deepens the rift, emphasizing the importance of friendship.
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From the moment you and Sebastian met at the local karting track as kids, you were inseparable. You shared a passion for racing that burned brighter than the sun, and together, you conquered every track and championship in your path.
As you grew older, your dreams of reaching Formula 1 together only strengthened. But along the way, you faced countless obstacles, none more daunting than the prejudice and skepticism of the male-dominated racing world.
journalists were quick to criticize you, questioning your skills and abilities simply because you were a woman in a sport traditionally dominated by men. But you refused to let their words discourage you, fueled by the unwavering support of Sebastian and your fellow drivers.
"Seb, did you hear what they're saying about me?" you asked one evening, frustration evident in your voice.
"Ignore them, Hase. You know they're just trying to get under your skin," Sebastian replied, his tone firm.
"But it's not fair! I've worked just as hard as anyone else to be here," you protested.
"I know, and I believe in you. We'll show them together," Sebastian said, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
When Mark Webber retired in 2013, you saw an opportunity to join Red Bull Racing. You and Sebastian became teammates,It was a dream come true, a childhood dream to be teammates, and finally that dream came true, but little did you know that it would test the strength of your friendship in ways you never imagined.
As teammates, you and Sebastian were thrilled to be racing together at the highest level. But as the season progressed, tensions began to rise. Competitive instincts clashed with personal loyalties, and soon, your friendship was strained.
After a few races, tragedy struck. In a moment of miscommunication on the track, you and Sebastian collided, sending both of you spinning off into the gravel trap. The aftermath was tense, emotions running high as blame was exchanged.
"What were you thinking? You cut across me!" Sebastian's voice was filled with frustration as he confronted you in the garage.
"Me? You're the one who didn't leave me any room! I had nowhere to go," you shot back, your own anger rising to match his.
The tension between you simmered, neither willing to back down. But as the adrenaline faded and the reality of what had happened set in, you both knew that something had to change.
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"Seb, can we talk?" you asked tentatively, breaking the silence between you a few days later. "Oh and I brought peace of offering." You showed him donuts and ice-cream.
"Sure, Hase. What's on your mind?" Sebastian replied, his expression cautious.
"I just... I don't want things to be like this between us," you said, your voice softening.
"Neither do I," Sebastian admitted, his gaze meeting yours. "I'm sorry for what I said. I was angry, but that's no excuse."
"I'm sorry too. I should have been more aware of my surroundings," you replied, a weight lifting off your shoulders.
As the season progressed, the strain on your relationship became more apparent. Small disagreements turned into heated arguments, and soon, you found yourselves avoiding each other both on and off the track.
"I can't believe you let me down out there," Sebastian muttered bitterly after a particularly disappointing race.
"I'm not the one who's been making mistakes lately," you retorted, unable to hide your own frustration.
The words hung between you like a dark cloud, a stark reminder of how far you had drifted from the friendship you once shared.
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During a press conference, you faced harsh criticism from male journalists (again) questioning your abilities and suggesting that you didn't belong in Formula 1. As the questions became more pointed, you looked to Sebastian for some support, but he remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor.
"And what do you say to those who claim you're only here because of your connection to Sebastian Vettel?" one journalist asked, a hint of malice in his voice.
You felt the weight of his words like a punch to the gut. as you struggled to find a response, Jenson Button stepped in, defending you with a passion that brought tears to your eyes.
I've raced against her, and let me tell you, she's one of the most talented drivers I've ever had the privilege of competing against," Jenson said, his voice unwavering.
"She's earned her place in Formula 1 through hard work and determination, not because of who she knows," he continued, his words a lifeline in a sea of doubt.
As the press conference came to an end, you felt a sense of gratitude wash over you, grateful for Jenson's unwavering support even in the face of adversity.
As the press conference came to an end, you felt a sense of gratitude wash over you, grateful for Jenson's unwavering support even in the face of adversity.
After the journalists filed out of the room, you turned to Jenson, a mixture of emotions swirling inside you.
"Jenson, I don't know what to say," you began, your voice trembling with emotion.
Jenson smiled warmly, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "You don't have to say anything, darling. We're all in this together, remember?"
You nodded, feeling a swell of gratitude for his kindness. "Thank you, Jenson. I don't know what I would have done without you," you admitted, a lump forming in your throat.
"Hey, that's what friends are for," Jenson replied, his gaze sincere. "Just remember, you belong here just as much as anyone else. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
His words resonated with you, a reminder that you were not alone in this fight. With a grateful smile, you squeezed Jenson's hand, silently thanking him for being the friend you needed in that moment of doubt.
"I won't forget it, Jenson. Thank you," you said, your voice filled with conviction.
And as you left the press conference room, a renewed sense of determination filled your heart. Though the road ahead would be challenging, you knew that with friends like Jenson by your side, you could face anything that came your way.
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Back in the garage, you confronted Sebastian, hurt and anger bubbling to the surface.
"Why didn't you defend me out there, i thought we had each others back?" you demanded, your voice trembling with emotion.
"I... I don't know. I just... I didn't know what to say," Sebastian stammered, his eyes filled with regret.
"You could have said something, anything!" you cried, feeling the weight of his silence like a betrayal.
But as you looked into his eyes, you saw the regret there, a silent acknowledgment of his failure to stand by you when you needed him most.
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The tension between you and Sebastian had reached a breaking point, with each passing day bringing more heated arguments and strained interactions. But just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, there was a knock on your hotel room door.
With a sense of trepidation, you opened the door to find Sebastian standing on the other side, a sheepish smile on his face and a box of donuts and a tub of ice cream in his hands.
"I come bearing peace offerings," he said, his tone lighthearted but sincere.
You couldn't help but smile at his gesture, a wave of nostalgia washing over you. Donuts and ice cream had been your tradition for as long as you could remember, a symbol of your friendship and the bond you shared.
"I guess old habits die hard," you replied, stepping aside to let him in.
What followed was a week of laughter and camaraderie, as you and Sebastian fell back into your old rhythms, joking around and laughing at each other's jokes and antics. It felt like old times, and for a fleeting moment, you allowed yourself to believe that maybe, just maybe, things could go back to the way they were.
But as the week drew to a close, the tension returned, hanging between you like a heavy fog. And despite your best efforts to maintain the facade of friendship, the cracks in your relationship began to show once again.
The once inseparable bond you shared seemed to fade further into the distance with every awkward silence and tense exchange.
As the season pressed on, the weight of your strained relationship began to take its toll on both of you.
"Are you crazy? You almost crash into me!" Sebastian's voice was filled with frustration as he confronted you in the garage.
"Me? Are you blind?You were in front of me, you braked and we both almost hit the wall!"
you shot back, your own anger rising to match his. The tension between you simmered, neither willing to back down. But as the adrenaline faded and the reality of what had happened set in, you both knew that something had to change.
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despite your best efforts to maintain the facade of friendship, the cracks in your relationship began to show once again.
The strain between you and Sebastian was palpable, lingering like an unspoken truth in the air. Despite the temporary respite of laughter and shared memories, the underlying issues remained unresolved, simmering beneath the surface.
With each passing day, it became increasingly clear that the competition between you was more than just a temporary setback.
And as you navigated the twists and turns of the race track, you couldn't help but wonder if the biggest challenge you faced wasn't the competition on the circuit, but the battle to salvage what was left of your fractured friendship with Sebastian.
The fight between you and Sebastian was like a collision on the track—explosive, unpredictable, and fraught with tension. It began with a series of small disagreements, simmering beneath the surface until it finally erupted into a full-blown confrontation.
As the dust settled and blame was exchanged, tempers flared, and harsh words were spoken in the heat of the moment.
Accusations flew back and forth, each of you convinced of your own innocence and the other's culpability.
As emotions ran high, the fight spilled over from the track into the garage, where heated arguments and bitter accusations threatened to tear apart the fabric of your friendship. Both of you dug in your heels, unwilling to back down, each convinced of the righteousness of your own perspective.
But beneath the anger and hurt, there was also a sense of betrayal feeling that the person you once trusted implicitly had let you down when you needed them most. And as the fight dragged on, it became increasingly clear that repairing the damage done to your relationship would be no easy task.
The fight between you and Sebastian reached a boiling point in the garage after the race.
"What were you thinking?!" Sebastian's voice was sharp with frustration as he confronted you.
"Are you serious, Seb? I left you plenty of room! You just didn't take it!" you shot back, your own frustration boiling over.
"I had nowhere to go! You squeezed me into the wall!" Sebastian's voice rose, matching your intensity.
"I didn't squeeze you into anything! You should have backed off!" you retorted, the tension between you crackling like lightning.
The team members nearby exchanged uneasy glances, sensing the escalating conflict between their drivers. But neither of you seemed willing to back down, each too stubborn to concede the other's point.
Just as the argument between you and Sebastian threatened to escalate further, a familiar voice cut through the tension like a knife.
"Hey, hey, what's going on here?" Jenson Button's calm voice broke through the heated exchange, his presence commanding attention.
You and Sebastian both turned to see Jenson standing in the doorway of the garage, his expression calm but firm.
"nothing," Sebastian started, but Jenson held up a hand to silence him.
"Nothing? From where I'm standing, it looks like a whole lot of something," Jenson replied, his gaze moving between you and Sebastian.
Sensing the gravity of the situation, Sebastian fell silent, his jaw clenched in frustration. You too remained silent, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and relief at Jenson's intervention.
"Look, I get it. Racing is intense, emotions run high, but you two are teammates, friends even. You can't let this come between you," Jenson continued, his tone gentle but firm.
"We'll talk about this later," he said, turning his attention to Sebastian. "But for now, I think it's best if you both cool off."
With a nod from Jenson, Sebastian reluctantly backed down, his expression tense but resigned. You too felt the tension draining from your body, grateful for Jenson's intervention.
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The final race of the season loomed ahead like a storm on the horizon. With both of you fighting for the championship title, the stakes had never been higher.
But as the race unfolded, it became increasingly clear that this would be no ordinary battle. Sebastian's desperation to win seemed to override any sense of sportsmanship, resorting to aggressive maneuvers and risky tactics to gain an advantage.
In the final moments of the race, as you and Sebastian went wheel to wheel, the unthinkable happened. With a sudden lunge, Sebastian executed a dirty move, forcing your car off the racing line and into a spin that sent you careening off the track and into the barriers.
Time seemed to stand still as your car crumpled against the unforgiving concrete, the impact reverberating through your body like a shockwave. And in that moment, as the realization of what had just happened sank in, a profound sense of betrayal washed over you like a tidal wave.
Sebastian's victory celebration felt hollow against the backdrop of your shattered dreams and broken trust. As he stood on the podium, basking in the glory of his championship win, you couldn't help but feel a sense of emptiness, knowing that the cost of his victory had been the loss of your friendship.
And as the season came to a close, the rift between you and Sebastian widened into an unbridgeable chasm, the bonds of friendship irreparably broken by the events of that fateful race. In the end, it wasn't the thrill of victory that defined the season, but the bitter taste of betrayal and the painful realization that some wounds never truly heal.
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As Jenson stepped into the hospital room, you noticed the concern etched into his features, a stark contrast to the composed demeanor he usually exuded. His presence was a welcome sight, offering a glimmer of solace amidst the turmoil of the aftermath.
"Hey," Jenson began softly, his voice filled with empathy as he approached your bedside. "How are you holding up?"
You mustered a weak smile, grateful for his presence in the midst of the chaos. "I've been better," you admitted, the weight of recent events pressing down on you.
Jenson nodded, his expression somber. "I saw what happened out there. I'm so sorry."
The memory of the crash flashed through your mind, the sensation of spinning out of control still fresh in your memory. Tears welled up in your eyes as you recalled the betrayal of seeing Sebastian's maneuver unfold before you.
"I don't understand why he would do that," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion.
Jenson's gaze softened, a mixture of sympathy and understanding in his eyes. "I wish I had an answer for you. All I know is that you didn't deserve any of this."
His words were a balm to your wounded spirit, offering a sliver of comfort in the midst of your turmoil. As you met his gaze, gratitude flooded your heart, a silent acknowledgment of the unwavering support he had shown you in your darkest hour.
"Thank you for being here, Jenson," you whispered, your voice choked with emotion.
Jenson reached out, grasping your hand in his own, a gesture of solidarity and reassurance. "Always, love. You're not alone in this."
And in that moment, as you felt the warmth of his hand enveloping yours, you knew that no matter what lay ahead, you had a friend by your side who would stand with you through it all.
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So the end...it was bad I know,but It was fun to write it.
Can you guess my inspiration? I give you hint "Silver Arrows"
I love drama
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graciegoeskrazy · 6 months
yeah, you wanna find love
matty healy + teen!swiftie!daughter!reader
warnings: some language, angst, fluff, cheating
a/n: do u guys get the title? get it? get it? the title? cuz she sang it? the city? at satvb? get it?
ty bae anon who requested im in LOVE.
I know Eras and Matty and her dating happened way after Red TV was released but shhhhhhhhh
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Like any other normal teenage girl, you got excited every time Taylor Swift dropped an album, announced an album, or did anything remotely hinting at herself and her work. Even if it was a far stretch, you were on social media like the rest ready to prove or debunk theories. Tonight, she’s releasing her second re-recording, Red (Taylor’s Version) You were a fan. Even though she and your father dated for like a month and now they never speak to each other and the chances of you seeing The Eras Tour ever again are slim to none, you admired her so much.
Your dad had said goodnight and sent you to bed more than an hour ago. You planned to go against his wishes a little bit and stay up and listen to the album. It was only one time, and it was for the sake of music, so if you got caught he wouldn't be too upset, right? …Right?
The plan was all fine until you got hungry. The kitchen was connected to the living room which is where your father spent most of his late nights, doing work, watching TV, sleeping, whatever. It was quiet so you assumed that he had already gone upstairs for the night or was fast asleep on the couch. It all gave you the confidence to believe that you could sneak into the pantry and not be seen. You were wrong, however.
“Go to bed.”
He was there. Wide awake. Just quietly scrolling through his phone.
You pouted. “C’mon. It comes out in like an hour.”
He never took his eyes off his phone. “And you have to wake up at 6 am for school tomorrow.”
“And I’m still gonna go! One night of staying up and listening to an album isn’t going to change my perfect grades or 4.0 GPA.”
“I said no.” His voice grew a little more stern.
Your begging was now at a full 10. “This is a big deal, Dad! Just because you can’t listen to Taylor anymore doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t!”
“What I say goes, you know that.”
You smirked. “Oh, so it was fine when it was your album?” He hated it when you were a smart-ass. Mainly because you reminded him too much of himself when you acted that way.
He rolled his eyes and sighed. “Go to bed.”
“Ughhhhh.” You slumped up the stairs.
“I love you, baby.”
“And I love your ex!”
Almost 2 hours later, Matty got tired of the things he saw on Instagram, and the yawns he kept giving let him know that it was time for bed. As he walked upstairs he heard the faintest sound
At first, he thought it was because of something he had done. He thought that maybe the attitude he showed earlier was too much, but on the other hand, he knew his girl was too tough for that to break her. He opened the door and saw your frame curled on the bed. Your face was buried in your pillow but it was evident by the bits that were showing that your face was red and littered with tears. You heard him open the door and walk to you, but you didn't move.
“What’s happened.” He asked quietly as he slipped in into the other side and pulled you close.
“Just shut up. I just need you.” You were harsh but he knew your tone held no true anger or hurt.
“Okay. Okay, I’m here. I’m right here.” He held you as you cried into his chest. You were sobbing. You tried to catch your breath between the hiccups and cries, but it took minutes for you to fully calm down. To you, those minutes felt like hours, and as time went on Matty became increasingly worried about the severity of the situation.
You took one last big inhale, then spoke. “He cheated on me”
“He cheated on me…then dumped me when I found out.”
“When?! When did this happen?”
“A little less than a week ago.” He sighed, He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. You and your boyfriend had been dating for nearly 2 years. From the way it looked to the outside world, you two were as happy as could be. Matty always had his doubts but he chalked it up to the typical dad senses overreacting, especially because you always looked so happy and you hadn't been that way in a long time. “I should’ve broken it off long ago.” You hiccuped and cried through your next words. “He ignores me. Everything I say. Everything I do. It's like I’m talking to a brink wall half of the time. I tell him I’ve had enough and he apologizes and makes me feel great like I’m the only one who matters, and then he makes the same fucking mistakes, over and over and over again. He likes the idea of a relationship but doesn't want to put in the work of having one. At least when it comes to me…”
Matty didn't know what to say. It was a complete shock to him. “He doesn’t know what he’s missing-”
“Yes, he does. He just doesn't care.”
“How did this happen, if this happened a bit ago then why are you crying just now?”
You hid your face again. He rubbed your back. “You’re gonna laugh…”
“I won't laugh-”
“You’re gonna be mad,” You said, looking up.
He smiled. “I won't. Promise.” He said, winking.
You sighed and buried your head back into him. “I was listening to the 10-minute version of All Too Well.”
“God, bubs.”
You sat up and looked at him. “Let me live! It was too real. I related too much. I’m serious.”
He reached his arms back up, guiding you to come back to him. “I know. Im sorry.”
You pouted as he placed a kiss on the top of your head. “Do you ever cry to my songs?”
“Only of embarrassment.”
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stomach-bugg09 · 2 years
ahh my first request. what about one where reader is an established warrior and neteyam feels intimidated by how skilled she is but also smitten by her !! everyone probably knows he likes her and she just teases him about everything:)
summary: neteyam is introduced into a shocking world outside of his isolated childhood as the future olo’eyktan. not only does he discover the ways of his peers’ and their society, but he also discovers that he is a sucker for kind and strong.
pairing: neteyam x crush!reader
a/n: this is kind of bad, whoops, but i was kind of lacking a bit of inspo for this just because i’ve been on a [y/n] sully rampage !! it was still so fun to write regardless. hope you all enjoy !! thank you so so much for the request. feedback and reblogs are always appreciated !!
tags: @pinkhotdogsfr @wxnderingthoughts @liyahsocorro @bonnibuckets @hjkshshjkhklhkl
warnings: just some fluff, maybe language, neteyam crushing on a girl older than him, unreciprocated feelings, cuteness, so soft, neteyam being the cutest lil baby ( i’m think this is like 13 or 14 y/o neteyam bc he is the cutest softest lil baby in this ), neteyam being the baby of the group / older friends bc that’s the kind of fluff that keeps me thriving
harmless crush
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neteyam always knew he grew up a little bit different than the rest of the children his age, but never did he expect it to be that different.
after the last test in which he graduated from a boy to a man, a boy to a warrior, neteyam began a new chapter. and, after the amount of vigorous training and work he’d been through to reach that new point, he was not at all ready for the social shock that he went through.
what they don’t tell you when you’re raised in isolation as the future olo’eyktan with your own personal training sessions, time spent at war meetings with your father, time spent meeting thousands of different na’vi from clans around pandora, is that when you get to finally start living your own adult life everybody else knows each other already.
not only do they just know each other—oh, no. they grew up together. they have been acquainted, if not friends, since the moment they were put into daycare as children.
neteyam had no history of that. with anyone. except maybe his siblings, but it wasn’t the same. plus, they were far too annoying to make them his only friends.
it wasn’t like neteyam didn’t know anybody. he knew everybody’s name, a detail that’d been drilled into his head by neytiri when he was young, and they most definitely knew of him. he was pleasant enough to greet everybody as he wandered through high camp with his family, and they would always smile broadly when they waved back. but, he never had any connection with anyone past acquainted.
for a while, he was okay with that. it was just how his life happened to be, there was not much to it other than that. but, after he gained an ikran and the title as an official omaticayan warrior, suddenly his loneliness was his biggest insecurity.
as a result, he made it his goal to make friends. soon enough, he was quite familiar with all of the warriors his age, but there were only a few of them.
what truly introduced him to the social world of the omaticaya was a, well… a girl. and her name was [y/n].
[y/n] was arguably neteyam’s favorite of the warriors he’d met. not only was she kind, but she was strong. intimidatingly so! everything she did impressed him, and he wasn’t the only one. oh my… plenty of males had their eyes on [y/n], but they were far too scared of rejection, especially rejection from a girl like her, to even attempt.
and, unfortunately for neteyam, she was three years older than him.
it had just been a random day where neteyam was stuck on another round of patrol with the most annoying males on the entire planet of pandora. and he was more than justified in making that claim! trust me when i say everybody hated these boys.
at the sight of neteyam’s extremely unhappy and annoyed face while he was waiting for the three na’vi to board their ikrans, [y/n] couldn’t help but laugh from a distance. she was busy sitting with her friends—she had to appreciate her day off, after all! they only came so often.
and yet, despite how rare a day off was, [y/n] couldn’t help but feel sympathetic as the younger boy yelled at the three na’vi for the fiftieth time.
“what are you doing?” her friend questioned, eyes skeptical.
[y/n] scratched the back of her neck. “saving mini-toruk makto’s life. and hopefully making a friend.”
neteyam was far too preoccupied with the chaos of the three na’vi to even notice as [y/n], the girl he’d been crushing on for months even before becoming a warrior, was walking over.
“boys.” her voice was sharp and strong, gaining the attention of all four boys. she widened her eyes at the trio of culprits, her nimble fingers pointing at them. “you guys go do something actually helpful for once. i am going to help neteyam.”
thanks to the fear that the younger warriors held towards [y/n] and her impressive abilities, all three boys didn’t even question it. they knew better. neteyam watched in disbelief as they walked away, whispering to each other and looking back on occasion.
“thanks for that,” he chuckled, resting his hand on the back of his neck. he cursed himself silently as soon as his face grew hot when she locked eyes with him.
she smiled. “hey, no worries. they’re pains in the ass.”
“you can say that again.” neteyam ran his fangs over his bottom lip.
and just like that, neteyam was not only introduced into a world beyond his knowledge, but he was introduced to a world in which he got to hang around the older na’vi. they were, like… actually treated like adults, too! how wild was that?
the next few months neteyam spent learning from [y/n] and her friends, a group of about six or seven. they were quick to adopt him, as if the he were baby of the group, a role that neteyam had never experienced before due to his natural position as the oldest sibling. all day he would act as the youngest of his peers, babied by all the girls and teased by all the guys, and when he returned home at the end of it all, he would return to the normalcy of being the big brother to all of his siblings.
every single one of [y/n]’s friends quickly became his friends. they loved him for the little responsible golden child that he was, and as soon as [y/n] introduced him to them all, they recognized the major oldest child trauma he held. so, they did what they could to just let him relax, be whoever he wanted to be when he was away from home.
at first, neytiri and jake were more than skeptical, but upon discovering that [y/n], one of the strongest young warriors of the clan, their worry dissipated. it completely faded away one day after they witnessed the care and love that the group held for their oldest baby.
after a few weeks of knowing neteyam, every single one of them had noticed his infatuation with [y/n]. they all understood—every male na’vi of their age group had a crush on her at one point. it was hard not to, considering the fact that, not only was she skilled in the ways of battle, but she was kind. and caring. and all of those attributes were what brought neteyam into his position in the first place.
it often made the older kids laugh ( although never in a condescending way ) the way that he followed her around. he was completely and utterly smitten with her. and it was adorable. a fourteen year old kid completely in love with a seventeen year old? it was hard not to think of it as such.
[y/n] was well aware of his crush, and honestly… she was honored. the toruk makto’s child, and she was his first real crush? what’s not to love about it?
unfortunately for both parties, an inevitable day was just around the corner in which neteyam would have to acknowledge that he was whipped for the older girl, and [y/n] would have to feel so extremely guilty while she rejected him.
that day came in early spring.
early spring was commonly considered their harvest season. when it was time for harvest, it meant they were low in their number of warriors because so many people were helping gather the surplus of food. they were vulnerable.
unfortunately, the sky-people knew of their vulnerabilities and, as a good military does, exploited them. attacks were common, eventually going from a weekly to a daily. all hands were on deck.
they were preparing for another attack, and [y/n] and her friends were scattered as they each grabbed weapons, ammo, tools, and readied their ikrans for the battle. neteyam was assigned scout duty, as much as the thought saddened him. despite his improvement in the past few months, his father still did not trust him and his abilities on the battlefield.
his stomach twisted as he watched the group of older warriors launch their ikrans off of the cliff, catching air underneath their wings as they soared towards battle. [y/n] looked particularly pretty with the war makeup painted on her face, bow lifted in the air as a battle cry thrust itself from her throat.
neteyam had a bird's eye view from where he watched, his ikran flapping its wings and staying put in the sky. his father’d made it clear that neteyam would be the last to leave, and if any danger were to get anywhere near him, he would retreat. “that’s an order.”
and maybe it was the fact that he’d been listening to his father for his entire life, or maybe it was the fact that he just wanted [y/n] to be impressed with him, but as soon as those boys, those three annoying boys, taunted him by saying, “you? stuck on scout duty?” he felt a lie leave his throat.
“no.” his tone was far more confident than he actually felt. “i am just the last line of defense. i am making my way up the ranks!”
as soon as his feet found the battlefield, he immediately regret his decisions. it was a blood bath, and although he’d seen it a multitude of times from where he flew in the sky, never did he imagine it to be like that.
suddenly, neteyam could not hear. could not see. could not think. he thought he was prepared, he truly did, but he was far from it. he was still just a boy. a boy they called a “man” even though nobody treated him as such. a boy that only felt safe and confident under the wing of his older friends. a boy that could die at any second.
but she would not let him die.
neteyam’s heart shot to his throat as two ikran legs swooped from above him, the talons carefully lifting him off of the ground as bullets barely missed his body. the young warrior clutched the feet of the creature desperately, unable to make any sound of terror and wind blew directly into his face.
when his feet found solid earth again, neteyam fell to the ground, trying to catch his breath.
“what were you doing?” her voice was stern, more stern than he had ever heard her before.
neteyam sputtered for words, stopping when [y/n] held a hand up. anger was evident in every feature.
“i do not want to know.” she let out a breath, turning around to watch the battlegrounds. just as she was about to lift off, join the fight again, the horn blew. the battle was over. she cursed quietly before turning back to the boy. “what was going through your head, boy?”
neteyam swallowed, still sitting on the dirty ground, his weight leaned back against his arms. “i…” he cleared his throat. “i don’t know!” tears pricked the boy’s eyes. “it’s just that… you are all so mature and so old and people actually take you seriously! i just thought, maybe if i were to fight, that maybe people would actually treat me like a man.”
“oh, neteyam.” she shook her head. “your time will come—”
“that is not all, [y/n].” she furrowed her eyebrow muscles in confusion. “i also thought, well.. i don’t know. maybe you would take me more seriously. maybe you would see me as more than just a kid, maybe as…” he couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence.
her eyes grew soft. “oh, neteyam.” before he knew it, she was on the ground with him, holding his body in her arms. “your time will come, prrnen,” she whispered, using his nickname the group had given him. [y/n] sighed, letting go and turning to look directly at him. “i will make you two promises, are you listening?”
neteyam nodded, locking eyes with [y/n].
“one day you will be someone that they, not only take seriously, but respect. and with respect, will come… well, girls.” she giggled, causing neteyam to flush indigo. “and you know what? come back to me in four years time, alright? come back to me in four years, and if we can still have the same exact conversation then maybe i will consider.” she smiled, sending him a teasing wink. “but trust me when i say that you will be a valued warrior. and a valued chick magnet.”
“[y/n]!” he groaned, a smile lighting up his face.
she only laughed. “now, how about we get back to camp and keep this a secret from your father. for my sake, and especially your’s.”
“i couldn’t agree more.”
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athenasgotu · 6 months
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minors and men dni !!!
title: you're all i need.
pairings: teenage!ellie x female!reader
summary: after so many things happening in your life. a break up, sister passing away, and then losing half of your friends. only one person stuck with you and it was ellie. she never left your side, and overtime you grew feelings for her. but you cant get your hopes up.
content warning: mentions of self harm, fluff, some angst, coming in terms with sexuality, swearing, mentions of vaping/smoking, mentions of suicide
i apologize if i miss anything !!
a/n: not proofread.. also, the reader in this is a small, submissive, type of girl.
part 1
it's been a few weeks, still missing your sister. but also missing ellie, a lot. it was quite unusual but you really wanted to be around ellie. she made you happy all the time. just her presence made you smile, how did she do it? she was just your light. all you wanted to do was play with her auburn hair, her fingers, her lips- wait. what are you saying right now? ellie is your friend. friends don't do that and you sure as hell aren't into girls like that. you've only had one boyfriend, he was pretty shitty though. but now you're getting off topic, all you want to do is be with ellie right now. but you don't want to bother her.. she won't mind! you hope.
you take your phone off the charger and go right to ellie's contact, you didn't even realize the amount of messages she sent you. you'd always have your notifications off and you were too busy sulking in your room for hours and cutting yourself but just a little so your mother wouldn't notice. you start texting ellie, asking her if it was okay for you to sleepover.. or maybe that's too much? maybe she wouldn't like that. but you had to stop overthinking and just do it. you finally hit 'send', sighing in relief. it wasn't long before ellie started typing, she sent 'yes! of course.' ellie's dad was very laid back, so he wouldn't mind having a friend of ellie's over. you went over to your mom's room. your mom was smoking as usual, the smell of cigarettes was horrid.
"mom, can i sleepover at ellie's?" you ask, keeping a distance from her. she looked over at you and she didn't care at the moment, or didn't care about you. "yeah, whatever." she grumbles. though, you didn't like the way she replied you were happy she was letting you.
'*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'
after a quick bike ride to ellie's house, you knock on the door a few times. you were never so excited until now. you get to see her face, her smile. you felt really warm inside probably the nicest feeling you've had in a while. the door finally opens, you see her. tall, beautiful, ugh.. she was wearing baggy shorts with a tank. her muscles were visible and you looked in her eyes. they looked bloodshot. was she okay? "hey, y/n." she smiles, taking your hand to let you in. her hands were cold but firm and much stronger than yours. she leads you upstairs to her room, her room was a little messy but it was nice. she had an red electric guitar to the side and plushies. her bedroom was pretty edgy and dark. not typically your style. she closes the door and walks to her desk.
"um.. how are you feeling lately? you didn't answer my messages." she says while looking on her desk for something. "i'm sorry. i'm ok, don't worry." you say quietly as you put your bag down. you tilt your head to the side seeing ellie search for something. "what are you looking for?" you ask innocently. she finally picks up the small object and looks at you. "my vape." she takes a hit, blowing the smoke out slowly. you didn't know she vaped, even though you've known her for a while. maybe a new habit? "you vape?" you watch her walk to her bed and sit, you walk towards the bed but don't sit. "yeah," she looks at you, smirking. "you can sit down next to me, it's alright." you blush; not noticing. you sit down, she pulls you closer. she rubs your back slowly. "you don't look okay. you can talk to me, y'know?" she says with a reassuring smile, taking another hit. should you tell her? you didn't want to seem like you were looking for attention. you just wanted to be with her, look now she's basically holding you. "it's just.. my sisters death has done a lot to me. i just want to be with her. my mom doesn't really care about any of this i don't understand how? i don't know.." ellie listens, then takes a look at your wrist. she moves her hand off your back and gently takes your wrist, she sees the few small cuts. "y/n.." she mumbles. you feel your eyes watering, you didn't want her to really worry about that. ellie takes you into a hug, you cry on her shoulder.
she felt so warm. she looks you in the eyes for a moment before cuddling you in the bed. "i don't want you to do this." she says. "are you going to kill yourself?" those words hit you in the heart, you didn't know how to react to that. "no, no.. but i've been thinking about it." you admit. ellie holds onto you tighter, you look at her vape. "can i have some?" you look at her, your beautiful doe eyes. she takes it and looks down at you. "are you sure?" she asks, making sure you didn't want to regret this. you nod. she hands you the vape, you tremble a bit before taking a hit. coughing loudly, ellie giggles. "it's not funny-" you cough in between. ellie pulls you in closer before touching your throat with her pointer finger. you freeze. her touch felt so good. she gently rubs on your throat, she smiles at you. "better?" you whimper a bit then nod. "m' good." she sighs and lays back. "get the lamp for me?" you move a little and turn the light off, you put your head on ellie's chest and sigh. you felt really nice in this position. "g'night, els." you mumbled, then finally shutting your eyes. ellie looks down at you, admiring your appearance. she moves some of your hair away from your face and smiles lightly. "night y/n."
╰┈➤ end of part 2 𓆩ᥫ᭡𓆪
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