scottishcommune · 11 months
I can't fathom the ignorance and audacity of people who call Israel "the only democracy in the Middle East" when the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (better known as Rojava) is entirely self-governing through directly democratic assemblies and co-ops. It is arguably the most succesful experiment in radical democracy the world has ever seen.
It's also being bombed by Turkey relentlessly, while struggling to keep ISIS from resurging. It deserves our attention and support infinitely more than some colonial military outpost for the USA
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crynwr-drwg · 11 months
The thing that honestly put me off of anarchists is they seem to think everyone is equally qualified to do anything. Accessibility ramps built by hobbyists, building codes set by Minecraft girlies, etc. And when this inevitably blows up in someone’s face and hurts someone? How do you hold anyone accountable in an anarchist society? How do you have OSHA in one?
My head is killing me today, so apologies if any of this is worded poorly.
I can see where you'd get this idea, and where you're coming from, but I can assure you that these things are very much accounted for. A good example of this is in the Autonmous Administration of North and East Syria, where I can speak first hand that professionall schooled and trained engineers arein charge of rebuilding infrastructure. There is also equally trained and qualified people in most other risky-professional roles, like medicine and such.
There absolutely are anarchists that either go "idk lol" or say that nothing is needed. I hate doign this, because it makes me look like one too, but I would just recommend to ignore a lot fo these types, because they usually end up just liking Aanrchism as a "vibes" thing rather than as a mode of structure and organising.
It's hard to give many examples of it all in action, since most anarchist communtiies are small (which is part of the point) but that's also why AANES is a great example for a lot of this in action/
If any of this didn't answer your question, let me know and I'd be happy to rephrase or answer it better. I'm shite at words, haha.
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zvaigzdelasas · 2 years
13 Dec 22
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kristinhelberg · 1 year
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Reden über Kurdistan
Analyse und Reportage aus Hasaka für Le Monde Diplomatique Oktober 2023
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rojinfo · 1 year
Des frappes turques sur Kobanê font deux blessés
Au moins deux personnes ont été blessées mercredi dans des frappes d’artillerie et de drones turcs sur Kobanê, dans le nord de la Syrie. Deux personnes ont été blessées dans des attaques de l’armée turque à Kobanê, dans le nord de la Syrie, mercredi après-midi. Il s’agit de deux agents de santé âgés de 25 et 30 ans. Selon la clinique de Kobanê, ils se rendaient à une mission de secours près de…
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dougielombax · 1 year
Just leaving this here too.
Feel free to reblog this if you wish.
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arrahmahcom · 2 years
Warga Raqqa Menuntut Qishash Pembunuh Wanita Hamil, Otoritas Kurdi Menolak Hukuman Mati
RAQQA (Arrahmah.id) — Warga Raqqa melakukan unjuk rasa besar-besaran menuntut hukum qishash terhadap pelaku pembunuhan wanita hamil 8 bulan dan putrinya pada Ahad (22/1/2023). Mereka menyerang gedung pengadilan otonomi Administrasi Utara dan Timur (AANES) yang menjaga milisi Kurdi Asayish. Dilansir North Press Agency (23/1), pembunuhan wanita hamil dan anaknya yang berusia delapan tahun dilakukan…
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pinkcottoncandyss · 3 months
A little animation
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booksandmore · 4 months
“deku should have been a villain” did u watch the show. the show about being the greatest hero. the show about the protagonist breaking every bone in his body to save people and become a hero. the show about the kid working himself to the bone and risking his life to save his friends, innocent people, villains and people who would rather he die rather than be allowed to rest. did you wantch the show? the show that we’re talking about? the show about being a hero and saving lives? the show called my hero academia? that show? did u watch that show? is that the show u watched?
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macabrecabra · 2 months
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Some quick headshots for NPCs in my DnD campaign which has started up again! So far it has been going very well and already the high tension and emotions are starting ; w ;
A lot of elders of the tribe the Player characters come from as well as their family! Was fun to draw a lot of variety with older faces and middle-aged women!
The last headshot is of the plankton princess who unfortunately lost her life at the end of last session after a horrible attack ; w ; She did her best...but now the big boss has a powerful artifact and the players are now on a mission!
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scottishcommune · 10 months
The most recent issue of Lêgerîn, the magazine of the Revolutionary Internationalist Youth is available in PDF format from today, and the website back up and running! The theme is "towards a new internationalism".
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digitalfountains · 2 months
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Lise Aanes by Daemian Smith & Christine Suarez
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lienbenik56 · 4 months
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kristinhelberg · 1 month
Deutschland will Schwerkriminelle und Gefährder nach Syrien abschieben. Im Juli wurde erstmals einem Syrer der subsidiäre Schutz verweigert. Der Mann stammt aus Hasaka im Nordosten – dort kämpfen die Menschen gegen die Terrorgruppe Islamischer Staat und das, was vom einstigen „Kalifat“ übriggeblieben ist.
Reportage Le Monde Diplomatique August 2024
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rojinfo · 2 years
La Turquie frappe 14 villages au Rojava en l’espace d’une heure; des enfants blessés
La Turquie frappe 14 villages au Rojava en l’espace d’une heure; des enfants blessés
L’armée turque a bombardé 14 villages à Kobanê, Manbij, Aïn Issa, Girê Spî et Zirgan, dans le nord de la Syrie, en l’espace d’une heure seulement. Tôt ce samedi matin, l’armée turque et ses mercenaires djihadistes ont lancé des attaques simultanées sur les villages de Zormaxar, Çarexlê, Koran et Xerbîsan à Kobanê, ainsi que sur les villages de Masî, Toxar Sexîr et Catê, au nord de Manbij.  Les…
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dougielombax · 1 year
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