#aaron and robert are superior in every way
softlass27 · 4 years
a wee fic based on the chas/al affair rumours :)
AO3 link here
(obviously robert never went to prison in this universe)
“No, Nicola, I don’t know what your anniversary plans are – nor do I wish to know – and Jimmy really needs to be in that meeting so just tell him… ” Robert trails off when he spots Aaron trudge through the front door looking like someone had just run over his dog.
“Gotta go, tell Jimmy to be ready first thing tomorrow.” He hangs up the call, indifferent to the sound of Nicola’s indignant shrieks on the other end.
“Hey,” he calls tentatively as Aaron kicks his shoes off and enters the kitchen. “What’s up?”
“Just come from the pub… ”
Aaron slumps down into the chair next to him and sighs heavily. “My mum’s been havin’ an affair.”
“What, seriously?”
Robert’s mouth curls into a sly grin before he can stop it. Oh, how the tables turn.
Aaron catches the look on his face and gives him a light smack on the arm. “Oi, this isn’t funny!”
“No, sorry, course it isn’t,” Robert clears his throat and schools his face into a more sympathetic expression. It’s not like they hadn’t thought something was coming – Aaron had been convinced Chas was acting suspiciously for weeks now – but it’s probably still a bit of a shock for his husband. “What happened, then?”
“Dunno how it all came out, I got there just in time to see the whole thing kicking off in front of everyone. Mum crying, Paddy storming out, the works. Half the village probably knows by now.”
“God. Who’s she been carrying on with, then?”
“Al who slept with Marlon’s wife and still goes out of his way to make him miserable at every opportunity? That Al?”
“I just said so, didn’t I?”
“Wow, after all the grief she’s been giving Belle about family loyalty these last few months… I’m shocked. Shocked and appalled.”
“Right, if you’re not gonna take this seriously, I’m gonna walk right back out that door.” Aaron scowls and rises from his seat, only for Robert to grab his arm and pull him down again.
“No, wait, I’m sorry. I’m listening, I swear. You have to admit, though, it’s a bit ironic.”
Aaron rolls his eyes, but gives a reluctant nod.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Aaron shrugs, though his eyes look sad. “Just… sucks that they’re breaking up like this.”
“Well… it’s been on the cards for a while, I suppose.”
“What’re you on about?” Robert winces when Aaron frowns at him. Apparently that was the wrong thing to say. “Okay, yeah, they’ve had a rough go of things but they’ve been alright. They’ve got Eve now and I thought – I thought they were doin' better.”
“Aaron,” Robert gently takes his hand, feeling his heart give a painful tug at his husband’s downcast expression. “You remember what they were like on lockdown, right? The endless calls you got from your mum ranting about how Paddy was driving her mad. Or vice versa, if he was feeling brave enough to dare complain. Frankly, I’m amazed the pub didn’t turn into a crime scene.”
The longer lockdown had dragged on, the more phone calls and texts Aaron had received from Chas, to the point where Robert had seriously considered chucking his phone into the stream on their daily walk. Hour after hour Aaron – and by extension Robert – had to listen to the same complaints; another day of arguments, another day of silent treatment, another day of disagreeing about Eve, another day where Paddy’s very presence seemed to drive her over the edge.
Not that Robert could blame her, but hey, she was the one who chose to be with the man. He can’t imagine ever speaking about Aaron like that. Hell, he never would’ve spoken about Chrissie like that, not when they were together.
“That’s not how it’s supposed to be. I think this year… has put some things into perspective for people. Divorce rates are sky high, apparently, loads of couples have realised they’re not as compatible as they thought. And maybe Chas and Paddy are one of those couples.”
Personally Robert’s always thought of Chas and Paddy as the least compatible couple he’d ever been unfortunate enough to know, but he decides to keep that to himself for now. Probably not helpful.
“Mum and Paddy aren’t actually married,” is all Aaron says, chewing his thumbnail. “Never got round to it, remember?”
“Doesn’t that tell you something?”
No response.
“Look, I’m not saying she should’ve cheated on him – again,” he can’t resist adding, which has Aaron pinching his hand warningly. “But surely them splitting up is better in the long run, rather than staying together when they just make each other miserable? Which would probably make Eve miserable when she got old enough to notice?”
“Yeah… ” Aaron sighed. “Suppose you’re right.”
“Wow, can I get that in writing?”
Aaron huffs a laugh and shoves Robert’s hand away. “You can piss off.”
“Okay, you want me to make us a brew while I do that?”
Robert presses a kiss to Aaron’s forehead and goes to fill the kettle. As he pulls out the mugs and drops a couple of tea bags in them, he notices Aaron checking his phone.
“Yeah, just… maybe I should track Paddy down, check he’s alright.”
“He’s probably gone to Marlon’s or somethin’.”
Aaron just hums in response.
“He’ll be okay, y’know,” Robert smiles reassuringly as he returns to the table and sets Aaron’s mug in front of him, giving him another kiss just because he can. “Yeah, it’ll hurt for a while, but he’ll come out the other end. It’s not like he hasn’t been through it before. From both sides, I might add.”
“Alright,” Aaron shakes his head in exasperation. “You got all your digs in now?”
Robert hums thoughtfully and takes a slow sip of his brew. “Give me a minute, another one might come to me.”
He grins when Aaron chuckles despite himself. They sit in silence for a few moments, drinking their teas, when Aaron eventually speaks quietly.
“I’m so glad that we’re not like… ”
“Your mum and Paddy?”
“I was going to say those couples you mentioned. The ones who couldn’t make it through this year.”
“Oh.” Robert has to agree, he can’t imagine ever getting sick of spending time with his husband. “Me too. I loved having you to myself.”
Aaron’s eyes turn soft. “Yeah, it wasn’t bad, was it?”
“Guess we’re just superior.”
“Guess so.”
“Although if I’d had to watch you play Call of Duty in your pants for one more hour, that might’ve been the breaking point, so it’s probably a good thing lockdown ended when it did.”
“Oh I’m sorry, d’you wanna talk about the mess you made in the kitchen every other day? Trying out another recipe for somethin’ we’d literally never eat.”
“Now hang on a sec – ”
“’Cause I think the garlic sourdough incident might count as grounds for divorce.”
“Whatever,” Robert huffs, before raising an eyebrow. “I made that up to you, didn’t I?”
Aaron pauses, before grinning sheepishly when the memory of how that night had ended comes back to him.
“Fair enough,” he leans forwards in his chair and smirks at Robert. “I suppose we did alright on that front.”
A wave of sudden desire washes over Robert, memories of exactly how they’d passed most of their blissfully uninterrupted time during those months hitting him vividly.
“I’d say we managed, yeah,” his voice drops an octave, gaze drifting down to Aaron’s mouth. “So you fancy… reliving some of lockdown now? Upstairs?”
“You read my mind.”
The unfinished mugs of tea sit abandoned on the table.
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pub-lius · 3 years
A Debunking and, in my Humble Opinion, Superior Version of Weird History’s “Hardcore Facts About Alexander Hamilton”
I haven’t updated my blog in quite some time, and that is due to my schedule being primarily dominated by school. So, I decided my first step into posting semi-regularly once more shall be a more casual, more fun endeavor. 
If you have not heard of the Weird History youtube channel, good for you. It is yet another social media platform that misconstrues history to appeal to the public’s enjoyment of extremes and strangeness. I saw The Historical Fashion Queens make a video responding to their highly misinformed documentary on corsetry on Miss Abby Cox’s youtube channel, which I highly recommend. This intrigued me, and I decided to find a video I could dissect off my expertise, at first only for fun in my own time. This resulted in the production in a very long bullet list in the notes app of my phone. So here is my informal destruction of this godforsaken video.
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Disclaimer: I am not at all excusing any of the awful things Alexander Hamilton did during his lifetime. I am absolutely the last person who would even come near to claiming that many of the things he did were justifiable in the slightest. Although, he might be the only historical figure which I have a very strong interest in the life of, as he was incredibly complex, and the part of me with a love of psychology finds him absolutely fascinating. There is also something to be said about the way we consider moral standards of historical figures. We are quite lucky to believe in the time that we do, and not all of our standards can apply to historical figures. This does not mean they should not be held accountable. I find that a way to criticize people while also praising them where it is due is by judging them based upon their intentions. In my opinion, Hamilton’s intentions were not to harm anyone in most situations, so I don’t think he was a terrible person, nor do I think he was a particularly good one. Then again, I don’t think either of those things about a mass majority of people, so let us proceed without further delay. (Note: I will also be referring to the collective Weird History channel as the Narrator to avoid any mental gymnastics, and all of my knowledge is coming from my memory of Hamilton’s writing and some biographies.)
Automatically, the video starts with mention of the musical, but that just reminds me that many use Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton as a basis of their statements about him without utilizing much critical thinking, so I am slightly nervous. 
The Narrator then refers to Hammy Ham man as “...one of America’s most undervalued founding fathers...” Now, it is debatable whether or not Mr. Hamilton is undervalued per se, but when it comes to the founding fathers, they are usually undervalued or overvalued. At this point, Hamilton is both.
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I shall not subscribe, thank you for the offer though, Mr. Narrator.
Now for the first fact: “Historians don’t know when Hamilton was born.” Yes, this is correct, but I don’t believe this should be labeled as “hardcore”, but perhaps that is just me. One early document indicates that Hamilton was born in 1755, while all later ones point to 1757 as his year of birth. We know Hamilton was not always a completely honest man, so it is possible that he lied.
Also, they show an image of a baby, and I do not know if this is actually Hamilton, but they use a lot of strange imagery, which I found humorous.
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“A self-made man born out of wedlock.” Now, this fact could indeed be “hardcore”, if this was not colonial America we are discussing. Hamilton actually wasn’t really special in this regard. Yes, his rise to fame was impressive considering his circumstances, but this wasn’t unheard of.
The Narrator then says that Hamilton’s mother, Rachel Faucette, was “estranged from her husband.” This caused me some confusion as it is a vast understatement. Her ex-husband was absolutely awful to her. 
Additionally, they claim that James Hamilton left his family behind for some reason that I did not write in my notes, but the most likely reason that he actually left was because of his awesome debt. James Hamilton also had a history of ambitious pursuits for money, so it would not be extreme to claim that he moved to another island to attempt to make a fortune in some trading endeavor.
They also cease to mention the Stevens family, who housed young Alexander while he was working for Beekman and Cruger, and had a great influence on him, but I digress.
“A college dropout who joined the Revolution.” Once again, this isn’t special. Many rowdy young Whigs left behind their careers and educations for pursuit of military fame in the Continental Army. They also do not mention anything of Hamilton’s expansive military career, which aside from being indicative of primitive research, but would produce more “hardcore facts.”
Although, they do discuss his application to Princeton college, which is interesting enough I suppose, although everyone who has heard the first two songs of the musical knows this story. His proposal for an “accelerated course of study” was likely inspired by Aaron Burr, as claimed by Chernow and Miranda, or James Madison, as supported by evidence provided by author Noah Feldman in his novel, The Three Lives of James Madison, which is an excellent read. Young Madison, having already completed a course, decided to do so again, but compacting a usually three year course into a shorter period of time. He hardly slept during this period, which was stressful upon his health, making Princeton more disinclined to allow a similar course to be taken.
The Narrator then claims that Hamilton “formed his own militia of 25 men.” Technically, yes? But not exactly. Hamilton joined a paramilitary group called the Hearts of Oak, and they drilled in Trinity Churchyard. This became ironic later. He then became a captain in the New York Artillery Company, and enlisted his own men, which was at one time around thirty or so, if my memory serves me correctly.
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“Founded a bank that existed for over two centuries.” Ah, yes, a very hardcore fact indeed. Yes, Hamilton did establish the Bank of America, but Robert Morris was the one who inspired him to do so. Though, I do think the financial plan is a product of his own genius, but I will get into that much later.
I got an ad. :(
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The Narrator also says that the misfortunes done to the New York shipping industry by the Articles of Confederation were the most prominent, if not sole, motivation for Hamilton to concoct his financial plan. He first recognized the need for a sound financial plan when he was in the army. You know, when he was watching men die of inadequate supplies because the government couldn’t tax the states.
This video, like Chernow’s biography and Miranda’s musical, claims that Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr were friends when, in actuality, they weren’t really. Yes, they knew each other, and they didn’t hate each other until the end of Hamilton’s life, but they really didn’t think about each other much before the Election of 1800.
“Hamilton authored over half of the Federalist Papers.” Indeed, he did! I enjoy this fact. It isn’t very “hardcore” but it is very impressive. The Federalist Papers were arguably Hamilton’s greatest accomplishment, as he organized the entire thing and, as previously stated, authored much of them. I very much enjoy the Federalist Papers, as they give some insight as to Hamilton’s political and philosophical theories, as well as how he thought of the world. It makes for an interesting read if you have something you’re looking for.
Now, this may be a hot take, but Madison’s essays are by far more effective, as they were better organized. Hamilton and I share a common flaw, and that is the lack of brevity. 
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“Involved in America’s first sex scandal.” Yes, we all know. I’ll get into the Reynold’s affair later because it’s its own beast to conquer. Basically what you need to understand information I shall provide later in this post is that James Reynolds extorted money from Hamilton, and if Hamilton failed to pay, Reynolds would expose the affair Hamilton was having with his wife, Maria. Hamilton paid, but when Reynolds was arrested for something else, he exposed Hamilton anyway.
“He worked with Aaron Burr to defend a man.” Once again, this isn’t very surprising. They were both capable lawyers in the same area, so it was basically inevitable. Though there was this one instance where Hamilton and Burr were working on a case together and Hamilton, being himself, insisted upon having the last word. Well, Burr was tired of him, and I can’t say I blame him, so he made every possible argument in his finishing speech, leaving Hamilton with virtually nothing. 
The Narrator also mentions Hamilton’s opposition to slavery, but he didn’t really outwardly oppose it as much as you would think listening to the musical or reading Chernow’s biography. Far from being the “fervent abolitionist” Chernow and Miranda glorify, Hamilton didn’t really do much for the enslaved. He helped John Laurens in his Black Plan and joined the Manumission Society, but other than that, he never made any attempt to progress the abolition of slavery. He also “purchased” slaves for his in-laws, and some argue that he “owned” some himself, but there is no contemporary evidence to support this that I have seen. The enslaved and servants that were in his household likely belonged to his wife.
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“Founded a newspaper that still exists.” Ok.
“Died by duel.” I swear, this fact is by far the most unnecessary. They mention the duel so many times that it is already redundant. I completely skipped over this part, and the video ended, so I was thoroughly underwhelmed.
Well, seeing as this post is already longer than my attention span, I shall save you the pains of having to read any more in just one post. I shall make a follow-up to this where I give my own facts, which I believe are far more hardcore than “he founded a newspaper.” I hope you have enjoyed and this isn’t too terribly boring. I hope to get back to posting soon.
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Insect Poison Update #1
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Before you check out this post, please remember that the fight against police brutality is still happening, and education is critical. All proceeds from this shop are still being donated to the BLM organization and will continue to be. More designs have been added since the original post was made, so be sure to click the link to find something you like.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, feel free to jump over to my WIP introduction! I should mention that Aaron Bennett’s has been changed to Jack Bennett because I had a cool title idea for chapter 2 and needed to change his name for it to work.
So, I managed to spit out the first chapter in a couple days! It’s been difficult, but also way more fun than I was used to writing being (probably because I’m writing something I actually enjoy—who knew I was capable??). I wrote every day for five days in a row, counting today, which is wild and something I haven’t done since my NaNoWriMo days (AKA the first time I wrote this book).
Chapter 1 of the book is basically an intro to Robert and Ramona’s dynamics as (twin) siblings and a short look into how their mother interacts with them. I know the prose for this chapter could use some more work, but I think there’s a lot of character here that I liked exploring.
The chapter has three scenes: a scene where the twins are at the lake together, a scene where they’re eating dinner with their mom, Emily, and their older sister Lori, and one where they’ve stayed up late to eat cookies their mom baked for Church on Sunday.
(oop this update turned out a lot longer than I thought it would be) (CW for like, one teeny mention of drugs)
Scene 1: overhand throws are superior
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In this scene, Robert and Ramona leave the house to go to the lake at the end of the street, which they’re not supposed to go to by themselves. They get into a bit of an argument that ends with a pair of shoes in the water.
The lake wasn’t big or clean or pretty, but they didn’t care much about those things. They didn’t mind the algae that tugged at their ankles or the rocks that are so sharp they gave off the impression of wanting to cut you open. It was all they’d ever known.
Since they weren’t supposed to be at the lake, they also weren’t wearing their swimsuits. They swam in their T-shirts and shorts, with Ramona’s sweater lying where the sand and the grass met. Their shoes were tucked underneath it, as if anyone would want to steal their too-small shoes with cracks in the rubber and holes in the fabric. As if their appearance wasn’t protection enough.
The water was cold enough to bite. It made their jean shorts cling to their legs, and they swam stiff and tight so they didn’t have to feel the friction. They did that for two hours; they were rebel children, breaking all the rules.
^ this part was overall just pretty fun to write, and the last sentence is definitely my favorite because of what happens next:
“Mom’s going to be so mad when we get home,” Robert said, treading water and staring his sister down. He didn’t see himself in her face the way everyone else did. Maybe it was because he spent more time with Ramona than he did with mirrors. Maybe it was because she wore her hair in two, rust colored braids and his was short and brown and untameable. Maybe it was because he almost never liked Ramona, but usually, he liked himself.
“Mom’s going to be mad,” he said again. She wasn’t going to be, but Ramona played along anyway. She kicked her legs a little faster, trying to keep her chin above the water like her brother could.
“Too bad,” she said, “we’re already in the water. She can’t do anything.”
The twins knew their mother wouldn’t be mad. She wouldn’t be mad if they were there for four hours. She wouldn’t be mad if they waltzed into the house dripping wet from their hair and clothes, right onto the freshly mopped kitchen floor. She’d mop it again without a second thought. She’d ask them how their afternoons went.
I love this part because I got to explore how Robert and Ramona almost want to get in trouble if it means someone will pay attention to them. They want to get caught and be told no about something, but their mom is so absent minded (and high) that they can get away with whatever they want. In this chapter and probably further ones, we get to see them test exactly how far they can go.
Here’s the part where the fight gets introduced: Ramona’s ready to leave and Robert isn’t, but he also doesn’t want to stay by himself (even though he’d never admit that). He tells Ramona to give her the sweater she’s holding, presumably to dry himself off a little. Instead, he tosses it into the lake.
Sweatshirts weren’t exactly known for being aerodynamic and eleven year old boys weren’t exactly known for their underhand throws, so it didn’t go far. It landed pathetically into the shallow part of the water where their older sister used to take them to catch tadpoles in the spring (they would bring them home in buckets and tupperware and try to have their very own front yard aquarium. Their mother always spotted them and made them march back to the lake and dump dozens of them back into the water).
“Robert!” Ramona yelled, stepping into his space. He put his hands behind his back and stepped even closer. “Go get it!”
“It’s your sweater,” he said. He smiled and bent down to pick up a rock, mostly because it looked like the sort Ramona would bring home and put in a box with three dozen others. He forced his hand into his wet pocket and let it sit there, wrist deep in clinging fabric with a rock clenched in his fist. Later, on the way home, he’d toss it into the grass and never think about it again.
We can see here that Robert is a little unhinged and manipulative, and really wants to get a rise out of his sister and see what she’ll do. Her response is to be even more unhinged and manipulative:
Robert watched as she sat down to put on her shoes. He saw her stand up and toss his sneakers right into the water, one after the other, socks still tucked inside.
Eleven year old girls weren’t known for their underhands, either, but their overhands could be surprising if they put some energy into it. The shoes sunk into the bottom of the lake, and the twins stared at one another as if to agree, just this once, to end the fight before things got worse.
Ramona didn’t smile. She took no pleasure in being wicked. Still, she’d be the first to admit that she took more than a little pleasure in her brother’s silence.
Scene 2: pork and potatoes and corn.
Time for dinner! This scene was fun and mildly uncomfortable to write.
Emily Bennett was nothing if not a creature of habit. She thought this was her greatest secret, something to hold close to her chest, but the things she tried to hide were always smeared down to her sleeves.
“Just in time!” She said, her smile wide enough to call a canyon. She still had silverware in her left hand and a stack of cups in her right, and stared at the next seat in line instead of looking at the twins. Her mind was only at rest when her body was in motion, and even then she struggled to drown out the noise. “We’re having pork and potatoes and corn. Go get your hands washed so you can eat, and let your sister know it’s dinner time.”
And a little later:
You kids are so quiet these days,” she said, setting her glass on the table. Condensation was already forming on the outside of the glass. The twins took turns shifting in their chairs, trying to escape from a heat that didn’t seem to bother their mother or Lori. “What have you been up to?”
The three of them looked at each other, trying to decide who would take one for the team. When eyes settled on Ramona, she spoke up. “I re-organized my rock collection this morning,” she said, and took a bite of mashed potatoes to avoid saying anything further.
“Oh, that’s nice honey. You’ll have to show me later.”
Ramona had no intention of showing her mother the newly cleaned and sorted rocks, and Emily had no intention of looking. They were simply humoring each other.
“Mhm. I think I might have found some amethyst.” Ramona was thought amethyst was her mother’s birthstone (it was, but after no comment from her mother about it, Ramona was sure she’d gotten it wrong).
“How’s the corn?” Emily asked, taking a bite of it and following it immediately with large gulps of water. The glass was half empty.
Lori spoke up. “Good. Same as always.” She wished, for a moment, that she could rewrite the sentence in her mother’s mind. It’s good, mom. Did we get it from the store or the farmer’s market? Could you show me how to cook it the way you do? She didn’t bother with these types of questions because Emily never taught her things when she asked. Lori couldn’t recall the last thing her mother had taught her.
I can’t really describe it, but the family dynamics are exactly how they need to be. I want there to be a certain feeling of tension and uneasiness when everyone is in the same place, but a tension they’ve all gotten used to. 
The last scene is when the twins are stealing cookies and getting ready for bed, which I’m not sure is totally necessary but I think it further shows their dynamics so it can stay for now.
“I’m tired,” Ramona said, trying to dip her cookie into a glass of milk she’d almost finished. “I think I’m going to go to bed.”
“I’m not tired,” Robert said, popping open a tupperware dish and reaching into it carefully, like the cookies might disappear if he moved too fast. “Want another one?”
“We have to leave some, otherwise mom’ll notice.”
“She won’t do anything about it,” he said, pushing the bowl across the table to her, “you can have some more.”
“I don’t want anymore. I want to go to bed.” Ramona stood to rinse out her cup at the kitchen sink, the tile cool and grounding under her feet. Robert left his glass on the table and the cookie bowl with the lid half on. 
“Fine, I’ll just go to bed, too.”
Not to continue telling every bit of psychology surrounding the characters’ actions, but this part is interesting because again, both of them are aiming to get caught and get into trouble, but they refuse to do it without the other. Robert starts everything and Ramona finishes it before it gets too far.
The chapter ends with them getting ready for bed and Ramona hearing her dad’s truck pull into the driveway, meaning he’s home for a weekend before his next set of deliveries and destinations and whatnot. I think I want this to be the inciting incident, but I have to work on it more and figure out what I actually want to happen here.
Overall, the chapter clocked in at 2802 words, and I think after I go back and add some more description and imagery (which is definitely where I’ve fallen short so far), it should end up around 3000-3200. I really enjoyed writing this chapter (I think this book is by far the most exciting project for me, and is going to help me figure out what I want to write from now on), and I want to talk more about how my process is going, but I think that’ll be a separate post where I talk more about process and music and all those little things that go into a writing session for me.
If you have any questions about the story or characters, want to get added to the taglist, or just have anything to say about it in general, make sure you do that in an ask so I can be sure to see it! My notifications are sketchy but I’ve never had an issue with ask notifications. 
Taglist: @coffeeandcalligraphy​ @alicewestwater​ @fliiik-art​
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Best Thanksgiving Movies to Watch This Holiday Season
This year marks a unique Thanksgiving, to be sure. With the pandemic carrying on, families and loved ones across the United States are testing out new ways to celebrate a national holiday that might be best described as food, football, and then, of course, more food. For some that means outdoor gatherings are the order of the day; for others it will mean the first time you might be cutting turkey while wearing a mask.
However you might wish to celebrate the holiday though, gathering with loved ones around a movie never goes out of style. For that reason, we’ve gathered the best Thanksgiving movies to choose from. Some of these films are truly beloved holiday classics, and others might be less obviously about Thanksgiving, even as they wear their affection for the holiday on their sleeves. And yet others still will offer the rare respite: a streak of cynicism for those who think Thanksgiving is for the birds. So pass the potatoes and enjoy a helping of good cinematic cheer below.
Addams Family Values (1991)
Addams Family Values might seem an unusual choice, but then everything about this one is unusual, right down to it being the rare comedy sequel that is superior to its predecessor. That success is in no small part due to the filmmakers realizing Christina Ricci, who made her big break playing the morbid Wednesday Addams, was devastating in her deadpan delivery.
Read more
How 1991’s The Addams Family Nearly Got Derailed
By Simon Brew
The Addams Family and Their Spooky New Jersey Origins
By Aaron Sagers
Thus Wednesday gets half the film to herself in this one, and we’re thankful for it. With Addams Family Values, she’s forced to endure the dreariness of summer camp and its middle class morality, right down to them holding a Thanksgiving pageant in July. Surrounded by smiling rich white kids who cast Wednesday as Pocahontas (who, it should be said, was not in New England or at the first Thanksgiving), Wednesday takes the opportunity to keep it real about Thanksgiving.
“My people will have pain and degradation,” Wednesday hisses in her last minute rewrite. “Your people will have stick shifts. The gods of my tribe have spoken. They say do not trust the Pilgrims, especially Sarah Miller. And for all these reasons I’ve decided to scalp you.”
The chaos that ensues is delightful. Happy Thanksgiving, folks!
Alice’s Restaurant
Alice’s Restaurant is an inadvertent Thanksgiving comedy directed by Arthur Penn, who re-envisioned Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow as counterculture antiheroes in his 1967 gangster classic, Bonnie and Clyde. Penn did the same with Arlo Guthrie, the son of folk hero Woody Guthrie, the committed anti-fascist who wrote “This Land is Our Land.” The film is based on Arlo Guthrie’s 1967 folk song “Alice’s Restaurant Massacree,” which was about Alice and a restaurant. The restaurant wasn’t called “Alice’s Restaurant.”
That’s just the name of the song, which is very talky, like the movie, which is also pretty violent and fairly drug-fueled. The film doesn’t start on Thanksgiving, but at an army recruitment center, where Arlo, playing himself, is trying to avoid the draft. Turns out he’s got no good reason to stay out of the war.
The Thanksgiving setting, however, gives the film its purpose, and main reason to be thankful. The main plot involves getting rid of some trash after a holiday dinner. Arlo and his friends load a couple months’ worth of garbage into their red VW microbus, along with “shovels, and rakes, and other implements of destruction,” and head to the city dump, which is closed for Thanksgiving. They’d never heard of a dump closed on Thanksgiving before, so with tears their eyes, they drive off to find another place to put the garbage.
It takes Arlo 18 minutes and 21 seconds to tell the plot in the song, in intermittent three-part harmony, but the gist is: he gets arrested for littering, and his criminal record keeps him out of the draft. With it, Penn turns Guthrie into one of the most mild-mannered antiheroes in counterculture cinema. He’s not moral enough to join the army, burn women, kids, houses, and villages because he’s a litterbug.
A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
Perhaps not quite as iconic as the legendary A Charlie Brown Christmas or It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown, the third Peanuts holiday special (and 10th Peanuts animated special overall) is still just as charming, wholesome, and satisfying as its predecessors. Once again written by Peanuts creator Charles M. Schulz and directed by Bill Melendez, the show has been a November staple on TV for decades since first airing in 1973.
This time out, Charlie Brown (voiced by Todd Barbee) and his sister Sally (Hilary Momberger) are getting ready to go to their grandmother’s house for Thanksgiving when one by one, all their friends invite themselves over to his house—despite the fact that Charlie Brown can only make “cold cereal and maybe toast.” It all gets sorted out in the end, and it’s all the little jokes, the delightful voices, and the unforgettable music by Vince Guaraldi that makes this a perennial favorite.
The Fantastic Mr. Fox
There isn’t so much as a mention of Thanksgiving in Wes Anderson’s stop motion masterpiece. Yet, somehow, it’s impossible to watch The Fantastic Mr. Fox and not have late autumn brought to mind. Is it the carefully chosen fall color palette that’s all sunsets and foliage? Is it the warm familial vibe of the Foxes and their neighbors that makes you miss big get-togethers? Is it the impeccably dressed cast of animal characters, all resplendent in corduroy, flannel, and tweed, quietly shaming you with their perfect sartorial choices? Or perhaps it’s simply their ravenous eating habits that puts you in the right frame of mind. 
With little resemblance to the Roald Dahl book it’s based on, The Fantastic Mr. Fox is instead one of the most perfect encapsulations of Anderson’s eye for (some might say obsession with) the little details. And it’s those little details, even more than its fuzzy animal characters, that make this perhaps the coziest of the director’s efforts. Alternately exuberant and melancholy (just like the holiday itself), and with numerous scenes of beautifully plated gluttonous excess, it’s remarkable that this movie hasn’t already been adopted as an unofficial icon of the season. Let’s start that campaign right here, shall we? 
Hannah and Her Sisters
The movie that won Michael Caine and Dianne Wiest Oscars, Hannah and Her Sisters is a story about family framed between two Thanksgivings and the year that connects them. With a meticulous insight about the highs and anxieties of upper-middle class life among Manhattan intellectuals, the film is really the travails of Hannah (Mia Farrow) and her sisters Holly (Dianne Wiest) and Lee (Barbara Hershey). There’s also the lust of Hannah’s husband Elliot (Caine), who pursues an affair with Lee, but the film is mostly told from the vantage of three women of varying ages struggling with how they see themselves and their lives in a year of New York living.
Writer-director Woody Allen is here too as a hanger-on in this family, who’s struggling with his own fears of death, but his and Elliot’s roles are ultimately as outside observers who arrive every Thanksgiving to watch the sisters and their parents renew their family ties… and close ranks.
Home for the Holidays
One that feels particularly timely as 2020 adults hole up in their childhood homes for Thanksgiving and beyond, director Jodie Foster’s underrated family gathering comedy wallows in the downsides of going home. The film stars Holly Hunter as a woman who’s lost her job and is growing apart from her teenage daughter (Claire Danes). But all of that pales in comparison to spending Thanksgiving with her parents (Anne Bancroft and Charles Durning), plus younger brother Robert Downey Jr.
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The Best Thanksgiving TV Episodes
By Alec Bojalad
The Long History of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Thanksgiving
By Gavin Jasper
It’s a familiar setup, but Thanksgiving is a time of being with those you’re familiar with, whether you like it or not. Plus, as a comedy it also has the still vital message of counting your blessings.
The Ice Storm
Based on Rick Moody’s acclaimed 1994 novel, director Ang Lee’s (Brokeback Mountain) masterful adaptation is a scathing portrait of upper middle class suburban life in the early 1970s, when all the experimentation in the world with drugs, alcohol, and sex couldn’t quite stop anyone from feeling like their lives and society were unmoored.
Like other dramas that take place around Thanksgiving, there’s very little to actually be thankful for: the characters (played with flair by Sigourney Weaver, Kevin Kline, Joan Allen, Tobey Maguire, and others) are all trapped in emotional black holes of their own making.
Similarly, all the decadence and crazy fashions/trends of that surreal decade can’t replace the feeling that something has gone dreadfully wrong. Lee–before he became obsessed with the latest camera technology–charts this all with patience, empathy, and precision.
Knives Out
Okay, so Rian Johnson’s brilliant little whodunit isn’t actually set on Thanksgiving, but it sure feels like it is and was released around the holiday on Nov. 27, 2019 (God, that feels like a century ago). So… close enough. And while the family gathering at the center of the story is for a patriarch’s birthday, it certainly resembles the kind of large family assembly many hold at Thanksgiving, right down to feeling like it could end in murder.
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Knives Out and the Villainy of Privilege
By Kayti Burt
Knives Out: When Murder Makes You a Better Person
By Natalie Zutter
The murder in question, of course, is that of mystery novelist Harlan Thrombey (Christopher Plummer), and it’s up to gentleman detective Benoit Blanc (Daniel Craig) to figure out which of his many bickering, backbiting, scheming descendants might have had a hand in it. Perhaps Harlan’s nurse Marta (Ana de Armas) can help since the clan insists “she’s like part of the family.”
All that’s really missing is the turkey. The knives are out, in abundance.
The Last Waltz
Perhaps no title card in cinematic history deserves to be heeded more than the one which opens The Last Waltz: “This film should be played loud.”
Not just the greatest concert film ever made. Not only the greatest rock documentary of all time. The Last Waltz may lay claim to being the only movie of any stature literally filmed on Thanksgiving. Martin Scorsese shot The Band’s farewell concert on Thanksgiving Day, 1976, where the audience of 5,000 was served a literal Thanksgiving dinner in addition to an unforgettable night of music by some of the most legendary performers of the 20th century.
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The Last Waltz: Martin Scorsese’s Ultimate Rock n’ Roll Movie
By Tony Sokol
New Deep Purple Album Whoosh! Coming in June
By Tony Sokol
But this is no mere concert film. Being treated to a document of such legendary musicians at the height of their powers would make this important enough, but when it’s shot, lit, and edited by Scorsese, and with The Band joined by towering guest stars like Muddy Waters, Eric Clapton, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and many more, The Last Waltz becomes one of the most powerful musical statements ever committed to film. Scorsese breaks up the performances with members of The Band reflecting on their career, and even in these quieter moments, The Last Waltz radiates the power and danger of a life lived on the road, in seedy dives, and storied ballrooms.
When you’ve had your fill of football and family for the night, pour yourself a glass of something good and do exactly as that opening title card says.
Miracle on 34th Street
Yes, yes, technically speaking Miracle on 34th Street is a Christmas movie. But it is definitely worth noting that the film actually spends more screen time on the actual Thanksgiving holiday than Christmas Day. Indeed, the picture opens with the now legendary Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. In the ultimate stroke of product placement, Macy’s New York City shindig got nationwide attention on the big screen, even as the movie focuses on the department store hiring the wrong Santa Claus for its festivities.
Arriving drunk and disgraceful to Macy’s preparations, an inebriated mall Santa creates an opportunity for a man who calls himself Kris Kringle (Edmund Gwenn) to step in. Kris is passing through, presumably doing some holiday shopping ahead of his own big day in December. But upon seeing his personage so besmirched, he demands to take Santa’s reins and in the process saves Thanksgiving. We also see how this affects the turkey time of the film’s central mother and daughter team, played by Maureen O’Hara and Natalie Wood.
Mistress America
Sometimes Thanksgiving can be quiet and intimate… and desperately needed. That’s the case of the end to Noah Baumbach’s effervescent Mistress America. A mostly successful attempt at emulating 1930s screwball comedy for literary millennials, Mistress America is a clever throwback set during autumn in New York City and, tellingly, a trip to the suburbs of Connecticut. But by movie’s end, protagonists Tracy (Lola Kirke) and Brooke (Greta Gerwig) find themselves alone and isolated in the big city on Thanksgiving. They also thus discover an excuse to reconcile after grievances drove them apart, breaking bread at a restaurant down the street. It’s downbeat, but emotionally cathartic for both the characters and film.
Planes, Trains and Automobiles
As the late John Hughes’ masterpiece, Planes, Trains and Automobiles is the quintessential “get home in time for the holiday” tale. Steve Martin is Neal, a stressed-out marketing exec who picks up an accidental travel companion in Del (John Candy), a well-meaning but oafish shower curtain ring salesman. As the two struggle to get back to Chicago in time for Thanksgiving amidst a string of misadventures and transportation issues, an eventual friendship forms, leading to a moving conclusion.
Planes was a step forward for Hughes as he began to move away from teen comedies, and the movie’s balance of humor and heart was perfectly complemented by the dynamic comedic chemistry of Martin and Candy. The latter probably had his best role ever in Del Griffith, and it’s a tribute to both actors and Hughes that each lead character can be annoying yet is never unlikable.
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Christmas Movies on Disney+ Streaming Guide
By David Crow
Christmas Movies: A Complete Holiday Streaming Guide
By Alec Bojalad
Hilarious and poignant, this mix of buddy picture and road movie is a near-perfect treat for the season—or any time.
We wouldn’t exactly call Prisoners ideal holiday viewing. It’s set at Thanksgiving and immediately afterwards, although there isn’t much cheer during most of the film’s harrowing 153 minutes. The movie opens with a Thanksgiving dinner involving two Pennsylvania families, a pleasant ritual that soon turns nightmarish when two little girls—one from each clan—go missing. From that point onward, the story becomes a downward psychological spiral in which the search for the girls takes a terrible toll on all caught in its wake.
The first Hollywood studio film directed by French-Canadian filmmaker Denis Villeneuve (who has since gifted us with films like Sicario, Arrival, Blade Runner 2049, and next year’s Dune), Prisoners is a brutal, emotionally complex thriller that maintains a high level of suspense and dread over its formidable running time.
Featuring excellent performances from Hugh Jackman, Jake Gyllenhaal, Terrence Howard, and others, it may not be the kind of cheery escapism we often seek out at the holidays. But it will leave you deeply thankful for the good things in your own life.
Rocky and Rocky II
“To you it’s Thanksgiving, to me it’s Thursday,” Rocky Balboa (Sylvester Stallone) tells Adrian Pennino (Talia Shire) as they hit the streets for their first date in Rocky. That date wouldn’t have happened if it weren’t for the tougher than tough love of Adrian’s brother Paulie (Burt Young). He gave them no alternative but to go out when he tossed the Thanksgiving turkey his sister slaved over all day out the side door. What followed was one of the best first date scenes in film.
It doesn’t seem like Rocky and Adrian have a lot to be thankful for. She says her daddy told her to develop her brains because she’d never get by on her looks. Rocky says he’s so dumb he couldn’t hope to be anything else but a fighter, which is halfway to being a bum.
While the scenes surrounding the ice skating rink date aren’t only some of the most romantic sequences captured on celluloid, they culminate in one of hottest. This is all before Rocky is even approached to fight the heavyweight champ of the world. The battered underdog Rocky stays on his feet until the final bell, and an almost equally bashed Apollo Creed, who barely held onto his title belt, swears he never wants a rematch.
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Could Rocky Balboa Really Have Gone the Distance?
By Tony Sokol
The Top 10 Carl Weathers Movie and TV roles
By Wil Jones
Apollo takes that rematch when he defends his title in Rocky II. The fight is set for Thanksgiving Day, and Rocky knocks the stuffing out of that turkey, and laps up the gravy. Many of the Rocky movies, including Creed, opened on Thanksgiving weekends, and are perfect “date movies.” The main bouts may focus on two fighters, but the love stories, starting with the one between Rocky and Adrian, are tenderer than the bird Paulie tossed in the alley.
The original Spider-Man really is a superhero movie for all seasons. With its romantic and old-fashioned photography of New York City in the spring and autumn, the picture runs the calendar’s gamut in its storytelling of the webslinger’s first year on the job. But it also pivots on a rather eventful Thanksgiving dinner.
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Why Spider-Man 2’s Train Fight is Superhero Cinema’s Greatest Action Scene
By Mark Harrison
Sam Raimi Spider-Man Trilogy Writer David Koepp Reveals Original Plans
By Joseph Baxter
Fresh off Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire) refusing to team up with the Green Goblin (Willem Dafoe), and after a blow up at a not-Macy’s Day Parade in Times Square, the pair’s alter-egos unwittingly meet up for Thanksgiving in Peter Parker’s apartment. It’s a swanky bachelor pad he shares with Harry Osborn (James Franco). But even with Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) and Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst) there to give it some holiday warmth, things get frosty when Dafoe’s patriarchal Norman realizes the kid passing him the cranberries is his mortal enemy. Awkward.
And yes, nearly 20 years later this strangely does feel like a holiday movie, doesn’t it?
This film is terrible. An exploitative C-cheapie horror where a turkey possessed by a demon with a smart mouth hunts and murders coeds. But if that’s your jam… well, it exists.
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some-mad-lunge · 5 years
Robert Behind The Bar
I have had about 37 requests over the last while to write something about Robert behind the bar. So I finally wrote something...sorry anons, but at least it’s here now? I love you all (except that one anon, you know what you did)
Aaron was late, so late he knew he was gonna get more than a eye roll from his husband. He’d gotten stuck on a supplier call, his cell phone in his car and unable to text Robert he was running behind. He was prepared for the cold shoulder when he pushed through the doors of the Woolpack. What he got was a whole other story.
Robert was behind the bar, his jumper pushed up on his arms. Aaron could see him flexing as he leaned forward, hands braced as he chatted to Ryan who was sipping a pint. Robert was laughing, towel slung over his shoulder and looking as comfortable as can be.
He remembered that spark in Robert’s eyes that week, when they’d played make believe, both never imagining they’d get there in the end. Both men too wrapped up in each other to bother going into town for more beer. Instead Robert had gotten behind the bar at Home Farm, pulling out bottles and a silver shaker.
Robert had made him colourful drinks with ridiculous names, all the while telling Aaron stories of his first job when he left Emmerdale, a busboy at a club. He’d eventually worked his way to bartender, flirting with the patrons and biding his time.
Aaron has never acquired much of a taste for many mixed drinks but he wasn’t against a glass of wine or champagne now and then. Especially if he was licking it off Robert’s skin. It reminded Aaron of their honeymoon, days of nothing but sun, bubbles and Robert.
Aaron was jostled out of his thought by Faith and Eric entering behind him, his Nan giving him a look before spotting Robert behind the bar and clapping her hands
“Hiya Luv, finally earning your keep?”
She always cackled in the way that made Aaron tend to wince. Robert looked up, caught his husband’s eye and sent him a quick wink.
“Something kicked off with Charity, she asked me to watch the bar for a minute. That was over an hour ago.”
Aaron sat down across from the blond of his dreams, shook his head.
“Rob, you don’t have to do that.”
Aaron got only a shrug in response, as Robert grabbed a bottle of red and started to pour Faith a glass.
“Now, let’s not be hasty boys. Could make yourself a nice living one day running this place.”
His Nan was enjoying this too much. Then again Aaron had thought about it before, one day taking over the pub, him and Robert pouring pints in when they are too old for scrap metal and long haul drives. He’d never mentioned it to his husband, knew his dreams were much more grand than that. Or they used to be anyway.
He broke from his thoughts when Robert placed a pint in front of him, crossed his arms and leaned back with a smug face.
“Too much foam.”
Robert raised his eyebrow in response, because it was a lie and they both knew it.
“Look, sorry I’m late. Got caught on a call.” He kept his voice sweet and apologetic. Robert just smiled at him, rubbed their hands together briefly before Tracey caught his eye and he went to help her.
It was weird how comfortable Robert seemed, pouring and chatting to everyone who needed something. Even more bizarre when he emerged from the back, plates balanced on his arms before he placed them in front of two patrons Aaron didn’t recognize. His husband said something to make the couple laugh, and then he was back to Aaron again.
“Is there anything you can’t do?” The words were out of Aaron’s mouth before he could stop them. Robert was damn good at anything he put his mind to but he was amazing with people. A natural charmer, easy with a smile and a wink. Aaron has long gotten past being jealous, now he was just enthralled.
“Other than get my husband to show up on time, no I’ve got everything else pretty much sorted.”
Aaron let him have that one, mostly because he was still admiring the way Robert leaned across from him, all broad shouldered and tanned arms, relaxed with a slight hint of superiority. It’s what made him tumble into love to begin with. It was a never ending freefall now, he was used to it.
Aaron spent the next hour getting snippets of Robert’s attention, but mostly watching his husband as he fluttered about. Eventually Charity barged back in, acting like she’d done Robert the favour instead of the other way around. Neither of them asked what the trouble had been, they didn’t want to know.
It wasn’t until later, Aaron slipping into bed as Robert plugged in his phone that he dare broach the subject.
“Would you want to do that one day? Take over the pub?”
Aaron blinked at Robert’s words, “Really?”
“I mean, if you wanted to of course.” Robert kicked his feet out, always cold against Aaron’s, dipped a hand under the hem of Aaron’s shirt and rubbed against skin.
“I think I would, but we’d have to buy out Charity. I don’t know how Mum handles her.”
Robert chuckled, placed a kiss to Aaron’s cheek. “And not until all the kids are old enough to drink. I don’t want to spend my days keeping teenage hands out of the stock.”
“All the kids, huh?”
“What, you telling me you didn’t nick booze at every opportunity. I doubt any of them will be any better.”
Aaron had long gotten over the surprise when they talked like this, about their future, their kids, making plans they actually brought to fruition. Now it was just another part of being settled that made everything that came before worth it. Clearly they’d have to have a real discussion about it, one day, but for now it was a nice thought.
“Speaking of nicking, I might have swiped a bottle of champagne for us before Charity got back. I’m sure we can convince Liv to make herself scarce tomorrow night.”
Aaron nuzzled his face into Robert’s neck and smiled, as far as planning for the future that would do, for now.
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Robron Rewatch Thoughts
Two weekends ago, I began my robron rewatch marathon in attempts to escape from the pit of despair my shipping heart has felt since Ryan Hawley’s untimely exit. I started with the affair, made my way to the abuse story-line and ended up at their final scene together. Along my journey I got to rewatch the different stages in their relationship, the prison story-line,  one night stand reveal, the breakups and the makeups. Here are a few things I learnt. 
1. Affair Era was  a gift that kept on giving and giving
Their chemistry during this era was palpable. Aaron fell for Robert so quickly. Even he could not understand it. It was always evident how deeply Robert cared for Aaron, he suppressed his feelings really well though. One thing I did notice was how affectionate Chrissie and Robert were. There was never a time that they did not kiss hello or goodbye. That was something that was missing when Robert and Aaron officially got together.  It saddens me that it is the case. 
2. Nobody loved Aaron the way Robert did and no one will ever love him that way again. Vice Versa
Robert loved Aaron more than he loved himself (according to his own words). He was the king of romantic gestures ( failed proposal, impromptu wedding and Aaron’s Las Vegas themed birthday surprise are key examples).  He would have drowned trying to free Aaron. Robert gave up his freedom so Aaron could lead a normal life. What Robert failed to realize is that a life without him is not one worth living. No matter how hard Aaron tried, he could not stop loving Robert. Nobody made Aaron as happy as Robert did even through the heartache. 
3. Rebecca White was the worst thing to happen to Robron
The introduction of Rebecca White was just terrible. She tried to seduce Robert from the beginning and had the gall to play the victim when it suited her. She really should have ****** off years before she did. Chrissy White was always the superior and more interesting sister.  It would have been interesting if she had survived the crash over Rebecca. At least story wise.  I really felt the producers were forcing Rebecca on us. I hated her more this time around then I did previously. 
4. The fans were robbed of a fantastic adoption/ surrogacy story line
Having Robert have a child with Rebecca was just lazy writing. Robert should have never had a one night stand with Rebecca from the beginning. During this whole Rebecca White mess, there could have been a fantastic adoption or surrogacy story line. I will be forever bitter that we were robbed this golden opportunity. 
5. The current story line is complete and total rubbish.
 There were tons of ways Robert could have exit Emmerdale. Having Robert become obsessed with Lee until it ruined him is laughable. Robert once hired a hit man to kill Chas. You are telling me he could not have found a way to get rid of Lee without being caught red handed. Come on now. Robert knew exactly what to say to help Aaron but this time around  could not bring himself to properly support Victoria. It is like the writers somehow had amnesia.  Now Robert is gone, the writers keep on taking a dump on Robert’s character development. Making it seem like he never loved Aaron and that people did not know how ferociously he loved him. Every single day since Robert last graced our screens has been horrific. I’m terrified about spoilers. Wendy moving in the village like she was not stalker number one. Everyone making it seem like Aaron is in the wrong for not liking her. What the actual fruit?  Complete and total rubbish. 
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saras-almanac · 5 years
MoRS: Day 19 - back from vegas (robert/aaron)
Canon Divergent -- Post the boys’ Vegas trip (no GBH, no prison). Sort of a continuation this fic. 
As I was thinking about rewrites and canon divergents, I kept coming back to this fic I wrote last year and how removing that fight or removing Aaron’s prison sentence would affect the story. So this is sort of that. I have a few more of these and am trying desperately to write these instead of all the sad prison and exit fics because things are really heavy right now in the fandom and I am trying to keep it light for the time being. 
All my Month of Robert Sugden fics. 
Robert followed Aaron into the backroom of the pub, his suitcase trailing behind him. It was good to be home, but he was already missing Vegas. Not exactly the sights and sounds, but the fact that it had just been him and Aaron for a whole week. It had been perfect.
They’d done so much stuff and Robert loved that Aaron had allowed Robert to spoil him a little bit. He was still Aaron so there was only so much he allowed, but he allowed a bit and that was more than enough for Robert.
The way there and the first night had been a little tense, both of them still a bit sore from the fight the night before, but it all evened out when they walked up and down the Strip, seeing all the bright lights and just taking in the excitement.
“Home sweet home,” Aaron said as he dropped his bag at the bottom of the stairs.
“Did you have a good time?” Robert asked, propping his suitcase against the stairs as well.
Aaron smiled and took a step closer to Robert. “Told you I did, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, but it’s always nice to hear it again.” Robert grabbed Aaron’s waist to pull him closer.
“I’m not feeding your ego,” Aaron argued, but his hands came up to rest on Robert’s chest. His fingers just barely grabbing onto Robert’s lapels.
Aaron laughed and leaned in to kiss Robert.
The back door flung open but the two men didn’t break apart until they heard Rebecca’s voice.
“Robert. Thank god you’re back. I need your help,” she said in a rush.
Robert felt Aaron’s fingers tense against his chest, so he didn’t let go of Aaron’s waist. She was still a tough subject between them—neither of them had wanted to talk too much about her and their situation while on their holiday.
“I can’t right now. I’m busy.” Robert caught a smirk on Aaron’s face before he looked down.
“I know and I’m sorry to barge in like this, but it really can’t wait.” Rebecca reached for Robert’s arm and Robert saw Aaron roll his eyes. She tried to turn Robert to face her but he just turned his head instead.
“I get that, but I told you no. Not right now,” Robert said.
“But you promised to help me. I got you that deal on the trip and everything,” Rebecca argued. Her hand was still on Robert’s arm and Aaron’s eyes were glued to it. Robert finally turned to dislodge her arm, but managed to wind his other arm around Aaron’s back and press against him.
“I did promise and I will help you, but we only literally got back five minutes ago,” Robert said. “Now I’m exhausted and jet-lagged and want to go and make out with fiancé.” Aaron elbowed him.
“What am I going to tell the client?” Rebecca asked.
“That you’ll have to get back to them.” Robert suggested. “Or call Chrissie. Or talk to Lawrence.”
Rebecca stared at Robert, waiting for him to say or something he could only assume. When he didn’t she huffed out a breath. “Fine. Since you leave me no choice, I guess we’ll have to talk tomorrow then.”
She did turn to Aaron and for the briefest of milliseconds, Robert could see what kept causing Aaron to worry. It wasn’t jealously on Rebecca’s face or lust or anything outright mean. It was almost condescending, an air of superiority, like she knew that Aaron was a passing fad or something for Robert. Robert’s arm tightened around Aaron’s waist.
“Have a good night then,” Rebecca said to them both. Her eyes changed to match her pleasant tone when she looked back at Robert.
“We will,” Aaron said firmly. Rebecca didn’t respond and flounced out the door.
“I’m sorry she just barged in like that,” Robert apologized.
“It’s not your fault.” Aaron looked down and picked at his fingernails. “Thanks for that, though.”
Robert frowned. “For what?”
“Not going with her,” Aaron said. “I know you’re brilliant at business and all that, but it’s like she’s always showing up to pull you away for one crisis or another.”
“Yeah, well, not anymore,” Robert promised. “I’m gonna talk to her about that, like I said I would. I don’t want her to come between us and I definitely don’t want her to think that she’s got me on a lead or anything like that. I’m not working on her every whim.”
Aaron smiled at that and pressed himself into Robert’s arms. “I’m sorry for that.”
“You’ve got nothing to be sorry for,” Robert promised him. “I wanted to spend the night with you, especially since having you alone for the night isn’t going to happen. I honestly don’t know why she thought that I’d just want to drop everything after just getting back from an international flight. How’d she even know we were back?”
“Maybe she’s been watching the pub, waiting to see us get dropped off?” Aaron suggested, but he was laughing so Robert took it as a good sign. “Hiding out back by the bins?”
“Honestly, I wouldn’t put it past her.”
“Or maybe she’s got one of those trackers on ya?” Aaron said.
“Oh god. That’s worse,” Robert said. “The only person I’d want to know where I am all the time is you.”
“Soft lad,” Aaron said, but his tone was gentle and quiet.
“You say that like you aren’t one as well,” Robert said.
“Only with you.”
“I know.” Robert’s voice matched Aaron’s. He didn’t want to ruin the moment. “What are the chances of being able to sneak in a quick nap before your family drags us to the pub?”
“Just a nap?” Aaron asked, his eyebrows raised.
“I don’t know how much energy I have to spare, but I’m sure I could at least get through a quick snog,” Robert said, reaching to grab his bag.
“Charmer you are,” Aaron said.
“Hey. You’re the one who wanted more,” Robert argued and watched as Aaron grabbed his own bag. “Maybe you need to seduce me.”
“Maybe I will.” Aaron smirked at him and then dashed up the stairs. Robert laughed and followed him up.
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girlbookwrm · 6 years
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(or it was at any rate, it took me Some Time to get this all typed up because holy fuck it’s long. looks like i’ve got Some Feelings about The Winter Soldier. WHO KNEW)
ANYWAY, if you’re wondering what the hell this is all about i’ve been rewatching all the marvel movies (and commentating on them) in preparation for Avengers: Endgame and NOW IT IS TIME FOR MY FAVORITE ONE
Day 912: i still miss the old marvel logo
“~on your left ;)~” honestly? iconic.
God Bless Steven Grant Rogers and his Smedium Shirts.
Steve, known bisexual disaster, is hitting on Sam here. this isn’t even in question, right? Sam’s quip about “making me look good to the girl at the front desk” was a soft rejection and Steve takes it like a champ.
Important to note: the black widow uses emojis in her text messages. 
Also important to note: Sam Wilson hits on the Black Widow because he flies into combat at 100 miles per hour wearing a tee-shirt and dad jeans he fears nothing not even death itself
also also important to note that The Roommate went to see this movie by herself, low key cosplaying as Fem!Cap. she did this in part because I had gone to see it first (i was in the UK at the time, and it came out over there before it came out in the US. ~IRONY~) and as soon as I got back from seeing it (i had low-key cosplayed as fem!Hawkeye. it’s a long story) I emailed her and was like O HAI U SEEN DIS? U WILL LIKE IT. ~and she dii-iiiiiid.~
every time i see this scene now, i hear that bit from the gag real.
cevans: Kill the engines. wait for instructions. *whining and stamping his foot* cuz i’m in chaaaaaaaarge.
Being asked about your dating life and then immediately jumping out of an airplane is a Big Mood
I would like us all to appreciate that steve put a nice matte stealth finish on his patriotic dinner plate, special for this mission. 
Also, we’re all agreed that Steve kills at pool, yeah? Give me Steve being a pool shark at the local watering hole plz n thank.
Steve: *punches a guy through the shield*
The Roommate: but why does he punch that guy through the shield?
Me, having a Terrible Thought: Maybe one time he accidentally punched through a guy’s face and ever since then he uses the shield as, like, a buffer when he wants to take people alive.
~Hey Sailor ;)~
that one guy working for Batroc really needs to lay off the steroids, or whatever is giving him this Unnecessary Rage. You know the guy I mean.
love how batroc is jchilling and then WHAM! IT IS I! AMERICA!
did he learn this from Dernier? he learned this from Dernier.
The Gal Pal: that is a ridiculously huge flash drive
Me, Just Now: overcompensate much?
Nat’s little eyeroll after Steve says “you’re damn right”
The Roommate: Nat is So Tired of Steve’s Drama™. And now she’s going to have to deal with his cold shoulder the whole flight back, and she’s going to have no one to talk to but Rumlow and uggghhhhhh
Steve comes into Fury's office and Damn. Dat Ass.
The Roommate: They know what they're doing here.
eyyyyyy tony’s in this movie (kinda)
I love that Steve just like, drives around with the shield on his back. 
Enter The Smithsonian.
The Roommate: I! LOVE! THIS! SO! MUUUUUUCH!!!
Me: Gee sure would be nice to be able to go to a smithsonian right now.
*american sobbing intensifies*
The Roommate: what is the timeline here? does he come straight back from the mission into yelling at fury? and then straight here?? Is Steve just like “oop time to go look at my old stuff and Emote”? Is this his routine??
listen yall know the extent of my BuckRogers feels but every time they pull out that compass i develop a terrible case of The Steggies.
“It’s just not the same” ha ha kill me.
~So Dramatic ;)~
Fury’s Computer:
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At This Juncture The Commentators Would Like It Noted That It Has Been 23 Solid Minutes of Stuff We 1000% L O V E and everyone’s favorite brainwashee has not even appeared yet.
but he’s coming
s o o n
Also, we all hate Alexander Pierce but he is a great villain and also Robert Redford might be an older fella but he can definitely still get it heyooo
Steve is so awkward here. But like, imagine him actually going to one of these VA things, like everyone’s all “ied this, helicopter that” and steve’s just like “so one time in ‘44 i punched my way into a panzer”
at this moment, the DC driving types lost their goddamn minds.
“You wanna see my lease?” i c o n i c. 
Did you know that SLJ was an actual Black Panther? I did not know this, but as soon as the Gal Pal told me, i was like “oh yeah that checks out.”
meanwhile, the couch based road rage continued all around me.
“Traffic alert? on the Roosevelt Bridge? Yeah in other news WATER IS WET.”
“wait is he getting on 66? ARE YOU GETTING ON 66?? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???”
“Have you ever even been on 495?????”
just like, damn gurl, u make that highway ur catwalk. 
Me: What the hell kind of laser pointer do you have there, Nick?
The Gal Pal & The Roommate: It’s A Lightsaber.
The Roommate: So is this just like? An Average Day In The Life Of Captain Rogers? Get up, go for a run, annoy a veteran, fly to the other side of the world, kick ass, fly home, talk back to a superior officer, drop my priceless shield off at home, go emote at a smithsonian exhibit, have my heart ripped out by my nonagenarian ex, go flirt with annoy a veteran (part two, now with added Feelings™) go home, get rejected by my neighbor, CHASE A FUGITIVE.
honestly his neighbors must hate him
that’s why Sharon’s his neighbor, everyone else LEFT.
The Biggest Flash Drive
Let’s Not Forget, that because she is undercover as a nurse, Sharon probably just kicked that door down with crocs.
let’s appreciate that the Soldier’s theme music is just SCREAMING and also you should know that every time it comes on, the Gal Pal and I start SCREAMING. not, like, in an “oh we’re excited” way, just, like, the way you sing along to the theme song of your favorite TV show, you know?
The Roommate: good job with your eyeliner there, buddy. You Did Your Best.
The Gal Pal: That Is Dupont Circle and Steve is Extremely Gay. 
(yes, we know he’s bi.)
Natasha really should know better than to believe that Nick is dead.
The Gal Pal: genuinely, it’s such a bad hiding place it stresses me out.
The Roommate: Yeah, what was he thinking? I mean, was his logic just that no one likes that gross bubblegum?
The Roommate: ... yeah but it’s the gross bubblegum flavor?
At this point we lost a few minutes to divide into Pro and Anti Bubblegum Camps and then had to run the movie back because we missed:
~Neighbor ;)~
i c o n i c
The Roommate: Sir. Stop Having That Face. That is Illegal.
(she is having A Difficulty. The Difficulty is cevans’ jawline)
But seriously: What actually happens in this scene? We are all Steve and we all want to punch our way out of this confusing conversation.
God that face/those tits/that ass tho
Young Man. You Stop That.
THE ELEVATOR SCENE. I mean how many movies can say that some of their best scenes happen in an elevator? That alone is a real accomplishment.
They’re all ~soooo casual~ and then there’s rollins, who isn’t even trying. “records.” These WWE wrestlers are not going to records, come on.
at this point we stopped commentating except in inarticulate whoops of delight and shrieks of glee. except for one brief aside
Me: This scene is so sexy, but like, not in a sexy way? Like, the fighting style isn’t that “oooo I’m fighting in a sexy way” it’s just, it’s so...!
The Roommate: Primal?
and I regret to inform you all that yes, she is 100% Correct, it is indeed sexy in a primal way.
“whoa big guy”
i just.
that’s all i got on that
tiny turtle of freedom
we had the subtitles on, and it just says “woman screams” Screams in what? JOY? 
It’s raining men! Hallelujah!
“Stand down, Captain Rogers! Stand! Down!
Captain Rogers: *accelerates*
They’re being made to watch social media so what I want to know is which poor SHIELD guy got stuck monitoring tumblr?
“oh we’re getting all kinds of hits but uhhhhhhhhh they’re not......... pertinent..............”
why doesn’t The Biggest Flash Drive have a cap? it is now full of crumbs. it’s full of crumbs, guys. if it’s going to be that big it should at least be one of those cool slider ones.
“Are you calling for my resignation? do you know who i am? Bitch I Am Robert Redford.”
Apple Store Aaron. “hey guys why’s your flash drive so big??”
“yeeeah. we’re getting married.”
Honeymoon destinations -- where are you going?
Steve: (without thinking, reads the first thing he sees) New Jersey
Steve: *dies a little inside*
Steve: *forgive me bucky for i have sinned*
I love that they’re coming out and Steve is 100% tactical brain and then Nat’s just like “put your arm around me and laugh” and when it works Steve just looks back over his shoulder like:
oh my god it worked???
sPyING is WitCHCraFT?????
“was that your first kiss since 1945?”
“That was not my first kiss since 1945,” said Steven Grant Rogers, Who Is Definitely Lying, and Furthermore, Is Fooling Exactly No One.
Sidenote: Ship and let ship, obviously and always, but I love Steve and Nat as BROS too much to ever see them romantically, The Bromance Is Strong With Them.
it’s been said before, but it’s worth saying again
Steve: kind of hard to find someone with shared life experience.
Bucky, ten minutes later, wearing bondage gear: HELLO IT IS I
of course he memorized the army regulations.
Listen. The cell phone trick Bugs Me™ and the only thing that lets me get through it is the idea that they cleverly cut around natasha standing there for 40 minutes trying out every possible permutation of those numbers, with possible duplications.
I like the idea that Computer!Zola has been building this little fanvideo since the mid-seventies and he’s just! so excited! to show it to someone!
Steve punching the screen is another Big Mood.
“even captain america and the black widow can’t survive a missile Directly To The Face” BITCH U THOUGHT
it’s nice that they give bucko a kirk light here
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~u want some milk? ;)~
honestly, what the fuck even is that line.
they made Robert Redford say that line.
what does it mean
altho tbh i want a slightly grubby Steve in a tank top to give me a pep talk, like, every day. that would be fine.
The Gal Pal, A Curly Haired Individual: hhhhhhhow did Natasha straighten her hair. This makes me So Angry.
Me: I mean, I like to imagine her with Sam’s Iron and ironing board, just like *mimes frantically ironing hair with a Very Soviet Expression*
Fort Meade is the best scene that isn’t in the movie.
Aw Gary Shandling’s here. Awwwww Gary Shandling...
Sam, are you intimidating this guy or flirting with him?
To Those who remember the Potato/Gremlin Scale, I propose a third option, a kind of venn diagram situation going on, where the third option is Fey Creature. Sam is neither Potato nor gremlin, but he might be a Fey Creature.
God I love this scene.
LOOK AT SAM HERE: No armor, no flightsuit, no fucking knee pads no goddamn helmet just Casual Dad Falcon, Suns Out Guns Out.
Steve: What the fuck’s an SAT.
he’s coming.
he’s here.
is it murder or is he modeling?? “you got this Soldier, make ‘em wait for it... Boom.”
this is the greatest fight scene of all time, honestly. This and then the fight scene in the first RDJ holmes movie are the Only fight scenes i can even remotely stand to watch. Except maybe some of the bending battles in ATLA. but this scene. this is top of the list. it’s just. *kissy chef fingers*
Soldier strolling along not firing his weapon because he has no shot and he is a Child of the Depression who don’t waste no bullets.
only loses his cool when Widow Breaks his stuff.
Sam Wilson: Brings a pocket knife to an automatic rifle fight and wins.
“go, I got this!”
aw yeah you do
Soldier strolling along the street. so bored. could be home watching project runway.
That thing Soldier does with the arm Does Things to me for reasons that I choose not to examine too closely
“who the hell is bucky” wow there Soldier you went from Full Russian to American Accented English awfully quick I Wonder Why
Soldier’s reaction to confusion is to Immediately Shoot and honestly that’s a Big Mood.
We are all agreed that the only reason SHIELD succeeds in taking Steve in is because
look at that face
steve’s not here right now, please leave a message.
natasha y r u surprised that Fury is alive?
oh noooooooooooo it’s time for this scene
Robert Redford to James Buchanan Barnes: You are a literal treasure.
The Roommate: yeahhhhh this was maybe an. inappropriate scene for me to have to see in a theater. alone.
I love that while they’re making this ridiculous plan (yeah it’s ridiculous, i don’t care) Fury has to check in with Sam (WHO HE HAS LITERALLY NEVER MET BEFORE) presumably to just touch base and be like “Is this White Nonsense™?”
spoiler alert it is not White Nonsense™, but it definitely is Extra™
DAT JAWLINE THO. of course he’s giving the orders, LOOK AT THAT JAWLINE
I’m with you to the end of the line.
what kind of marriage vow nonsense is that
This is the second secure government facility that they have broken into. Possibly the third, depending whether you count the bunker.
Dem Asses. Seriously. Everyone in this shot has an enviable ass. *distinguished golf clapping* bravo
“~Excuse us~” i c o n i c
God, Steve gives this speech and then we get sam’s reaction and you can physically see him having a sexual identity crisis and honestly BIG MOOD THERE, SAM
I have questions about the effect of this on the potomac river which has already had a hard enough time and does not deserve this Supervillain Nonsense.
you are ON FOOT steven. it is a FLYING AIRCRAFT CARRIER and you are ON! FOOT!
i’m so mad that it works too
mad, but like, also turned on. duh.
what’s cap’s true superpower? DRAMA
The saddest thing in this movie is that Jenny Agutter is Scarlet Johansson
don’t get me wrong, i like scarjo but this movie would’ve been even better if it wasn’t the black widow and was just a badass old british lady.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the sane one.
Me: He flies into combat at 100 miles per hour with a jet pack and a tee shirt he is not the sane one.
The Roommate: Sam’s superpower is that he’s the emotionally balanced one?
Me: given the aforementioned armorless airborne combat situation that is highly fucking debatable my dude.
let’s appreciate that Bucky is definitely flying this quinjet with a dead guy that he just murdered as his copilot.
i don’t know why that is so badass to me but it is
again, we don’t have time to unpack all of that, moving on.
sidenote: i’m gonna really enjoy coming back to this movie after Captain Marvel. I can just feel it.
Maria is so casual about this. And that is an extremely sexy thing. I’m not sorry.
“Hey Sam, I’m gonna need a ride.”
Sam is still learning Rogersese and does not know that this means “I ALREADY DID THE STUPID THING PLEASE COME GET ME.”
Bucky ripping the wings off a beautiful butterfly
because Sam IS a beautiful butterfly.
except now his knees and legs and ankles are all broken because That’s How Bones Work.
he’s here
lol of course he’s got a knife.
I just love the sounds the arm makes.
the slide Bucky does here, this isn’t combat this is voguing.
Steve fights like the world is his barroom, bucky fights like the world is his catwalk.
what’s the found family version of a BroTP? I have that for Dad!Nick and Adopted!Soviet!Assassin!Daughter!Natasha.
found familotp? FFOTP? no, that sounds like some kind of tactical asset. “LAUNCH THE FFOTP”
anyway, get on this tumblr, i want at least 10 options on my desk by monday.
This Extra. He could honestly make a living playing Confederates and Klansmen, you know which extra I mean.
“wHere ahre the tahrgets?”
the targets... is we.
A DC Local Aside: Everyone on 495 is So Tired of this nonsense. I sincerely hope they all remembered to pee before they left work. I hope they have snacks and water in their cars. because they now live on 495.
this shitshow is gonna fuck up our already extremely fucked up traffic patterns for yeeeeaaaaarrrrrssssss
Sam’s a born quipper, so i really like it when he sees the helicarrier coming down and just fucking bolts. NO TIME FOR SASS WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE
“Got a location on Rogers?”
Don’t know where he is, but he’s doing something stupid, i Guarantee It.
“you know me.”
“nNOo I dOn’T!”
Oh Steve. You put that shield down So Often. And you keep having to fucking pick it up a-fucking-gain.
And This Was The Moment When We All Realized That We Were In Trouble.
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Big Mood, Bucky. Big Mood.
Sam wasn’t on the approved visitor’s list or anything, he just winked at one (1) nurse and they let him in.
i know just what to say it’ll annoy him so fucking much. “on your left.”
“Why haven’t we heard from Captain Rogers?”
Because he is taking a damn nap.
no but seriously, because if we put him in front of a camera right now, you will get the Talking To of the Century.
*eight hours later, congress is crying, hydra has surrendered, fox news is shutting down, steve rogers is still going strong* “AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON STUDENT DEBT!”
~cool guys don’t look at congressional meltdowns. They drop the mic and they walk away~
(they did film some in DC, obviously, but also cleveland.
*emoting at exhibits intensifies*
in sum i have been typing for Too Long and I’m going to hit post so i can Go To Bed but there may need to be Corrections in the morning who tf knows
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bartsugsy · 6 years
I get a little bit confused by the idea that Aaron shouldn’t be allowed to have a biological child. I am engaged to a wonderful man and we are raising his daughter who I consider to also be my daughter. I still want to have a baby though and it doesn’t change my feelings for my daughter at all. I am not criticising anyone but it upsets me reading a lot of what has been said and is making me feel like an awful person for wanting another baby.
huh? i’ve never seen anyone say aaron shouldn’t be allowed to have a biological child? apologies if i sound dismissive and if you have seen that sentiment expressed here, but i would be... very surprised, in all honesty? if people have been saying that, ignore them bc... no offense to them but what a stupid idea lmao.
(or, full offense to them i guess)
if you’re talking about anything i’ve said, you may have gotten the slight wrong end of the stick? i’ve been talking about a (perceived) issue with needing aaron to have a biological child and (sometimes) putting more validation on that than non-bio kids because it shouldn’t matter either way. it’s not that non-bio is superior or whatever, it’s just that it’s literally irrelevant. your kids are your kids, regardless of how they came to be or their dna. but also ofc some humans also have an innate desire to biologically procreate and that’s not shameful either?? (and some humans would honestly rather just steal ur dog and never look at a child again.) that’s just how some people are built? 
like, when i criticise, it’s really only ever been on a (perceived) focus on aaron having a biological child (which, honestly, you should see some of the asks i’ve received in the past), particularly in the context of this idea that aaron could never love seb and deserves a child of his own~, as if seb could never be his? and the idea that the only way a child can be aaron’s is biologically - which i don’t think most people agree with at all, but... again, i’ve had a lot of suspect asks. maybe (hopefully?) just poorly worded more than ignorant, but you can never really know either way until you know someone more (which is impossible to do with anons ofc).
(and yes, the circumstances of seb’s inception were terrible and i don’t judge people for not being over it, but i also can’t get my head around the concept of aaron not being able to love seb when recent canon has always shown the opposite, in my opinion) (this isn’t discourse i want to restart, but i’m just trying to cover off all bases here)
so - basically, i’m just defending the relationships between parents and non-bio kids because like you, my family is full of those types of relationships (and all three of my closest irl friends were raised by a non-bio parent lmao) 
but none of this means that aaron shouldn’t have a bio child? rob and aaron should have kids in every single way possible imo. (although yes we all know that i believe they’re just going to go about life collecting children like stamps) and i think we all know that robert sugden dreams of a thousand mini aaron-shaped humans running around. 
so, anon, if i was the reason you felt bad, i’m sorry i didn’t make myself clearer.
maybe (hopefully?) it’s just more of a misunderstanding and no one’s been saying any of this? you obviously aren’t an awful person because you want another kid and no one should make you feel that way dude. chin up.
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robertisbisexual · 7 years
Imagine demanding Ryan be able to cry to validate his acting as if crying is the ONLY way to express sadness. “It’s crying everyone does it” except everyone DOESN’T do it.
To use a personal example my aunt went missing at 14 [Google Angie Meeker, that’s her] and my dad was 12 and it fucked him up emotionally let me tell you My dad is now 51 and I have NEVER seen him cry. I’ve been to funerals with him and while he’s clearly heartbroken hes never so much as shed 1 single tear. He doesn’t emote that way. Not everyone cries. Not everyone HAS to cry doe their sadness to be valid and it’s the same for on screen.
Robert as a character feels similar to me in that while he’ll get angry and upset hes not really a crier, thats an emotional vulnerability hes not gonna show just anyone. I personally enjoy that about him, I think it’s good contrast to Aaron.
And I can not believe that with my own two eyes I just read a point saying the BEST time recently for Robert to sob would be in the middle of a hospital surrounded by strangers. Robert is a character that defines himself by appearance and that people see him as strong and respected and you think it’s not #enough because he didn’t cry.
Idk man it’s fucking mind boggling to harp on the fact that hes apparently incapable of good acting because he doesn’t produce water works as if there aren’t actors who can cry on command but are otherwise poor actors. As if every “good” actor can cry on command and it’s not well documented as difficult. As if people haven’t been given awards and praise for subtle quiet sadness because crying does not fucking dictate if someone is upset or sad.
Just say you blindly hate Ryan and dump on his acting because you hate Robert and us like we know that’s what it is?
You demand people do the same about Emily - and many of us are vocally against the shit she gets and can’t control our “thousands” but youd think y'all could control your “ten”- but you literally act like you’re above what us dirty robert stans do.
Guess what? You’re not. Youre not actually morally superior because you gleefully trash a dude out of spite for his character and hatred for that characters fandom.
You’re actually just dicks.
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suggers-got-dingled · 8 years
After what is probably my hundredth rewatch of last night’s perfectly fitting ep and those painful spoilers that have emerged along with that beautiful preview for tonight, it got me thinking (and that’s probably not a good thing because when I think, my thoughts run wild so fasten your seat-belts kids, this is gonna be a long one.)
I’m sure we all had our dream wishlist for the wedding of the year ever since their clumsy and romantically heart wrenching proposal but the fact it ended up being the complete opposite to what we expected, imagined, or built up our expectations for makes the whole thing better… more enjoyable, compelling interesting, emotional and sincere in a way that falters my entire perspective if I’m honest.
This wedding is so important, not because it’s been planned for months and everything is ship shaped but because it’s far from it. It’s another desperate attempt and impulsive decision from Robert that truly comes from the pit of his heart, that is a well intentioned simple genuine act of pure love and devotion to give Aaron and Liv that last bit of happiness to hold on to before all their lives fall apart. It’s a gift to Aaron to have Robert all to himself on his last day of freedom, to give him that one special day to remember when times get tough. It’s about the three of them and it’s about the significance of family; choosing to focus on the celebrations and commemorations of unified love instead of dwelling on the impending doom because who needs upset and exhaustion when you can have symbolic and sentimental? 
Out of all of Robert’s often idiotic, impetuous plans this is without a doubt my favourite. It’s the one that defines this entire journey they’ve overcome. It’s a mini highlight reel; full of nostalgia, throwbacks and little reminders that epitomises just how much they’ve grown and how far their characters have developed. It’s nothing flashy. It’s nothing like the superiority Robert used to crave. It’s messy, it’s comical and it’s unconventional but it’s them, it’s what they do best.
Robert just wants everything to be perfect, he’s so passionate and determined to show him he’s in it for the long run and to demonstrate just how much he cares because he believes he owes it to the man that changed his life forever but Aaron literally doesn’t give a shit?? Robert’s stressing out and riddled with nerves as the typical Dingle disaster strikes and the local pub - their home - the place it commends - looks like it’s being bombed by fairies in a woodland forest (which speaks for itself compared to the adulterous self involved narcissistic he was at his first wedding full of cloy traditions). They’re both surrounded by the most random decorations; from mouldy branches to a paper bee, to a polar bear and the grim reaper, to cake toppers that have them both as scrapyard workers as if that’s the only thing anyone’s ever known, to a god damn wellie that is gonna welcome Robert into a family that accepts him for who he is. 
“However, wherever” Aaron doesn’t even consider that as a possible problem because even if they were to get married in a goddamn dustbin in a ditch somewhere, as long as he had his soulmate beside him, as long as he could get married to the man he does love and always has loved more than anything, the man who has authenticated their attachment over the past year, then that’s all that matters, that’s the only concept that means something to him. He really has honestly never been so sure about anything in his life.
The wedding being a surprise, last minute wedding that wouldn’t actually be legal is the best possible thing that Robert could have ever done. Aaron is so unsure of his future right now, he’s in the most treacherous situation and this is the security he needs. It proves Robert’s commitment, he’s not bothered about a piece of paper to certify the power of their love and he’s certainly not in the slightest bit ambivalent about Aaron’s stake in prison. He doesn’t even question not sticking by him because that comes natural to him. He’s staying, he’s reaffirming, he’s promising and he just wants Aaron to see that. Which he does, because this wedding is the concrete evidence.
Aaron being able to openly express his happiness, to exclaim that Robert is the one to make him happy despite all the trouble and hurt that is about to head his way in prison, speaks volumes. This is it. It’s finally sunk in. He really believes the strength of Robert’s dedication, he’s realised he would go to the end of the earth and back for him and this is what he can keep close to him as he faces a lonely and traumatic experience to follow. Robert won’t be there physically but he’ll be always in his mind and heart. Robert will have an empty space in his heart but he’ll know Aaron has grasped his every motive and that makes it, even if it’s just the slightest, bit easier to handle. Every word of the vows, every look in the eye, every smile, every tear, every thought, every laugh and every muddled mishap will be clutched with a firm grip. Aaron will know he’s loved and Robert will be right there when he bounces back from that dark patch because that’s the resilience they’re built up of.
Yeah, marrying so hastily without second thought is for Aaron’s benefit, it’s for Liv to know she won’t ever have to feel unsupported and isolated but it’s also for Robert. He’s always felt out of place, but here he slots right in. This pledge is for his own incentive, the reassurance that he’s always got this little unit to fall back on, be the leading family man he’s always wanted to be contrary to his dad’s disapproval. He can be their protector, their strength, their guidance. It gives him this legitimate authority where he belongs.
It’s both horribly heartbreaking and wonderfully groundbreaking but it’s right because this is their supplemental story, this is their glorified love, this is Robron.
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Personal Development, Inner Game, How To
100 Ways To Motivate Yourself Change Your Life Forever - Steve Chandler
Allen Carr - Easy Way To Stop Smoking - Unabbriged Audio Book - FLAC+CUE+Labels - By Mojocycle
Brian Tracy - Eat That Frog
Brian Tracy - Self Confidence
Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World [Audiobook]
Gary Keller, Jay Papasan - The ONE Thing The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results
How to Get what You Want and Want what You Have
How to Think Like Leonardo Da Vinci Seven Steps to Genius Every Day
John Alexander -- Alpha Male Audio
Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life
Little Gold Book Of YES Attitude
Mortimer J. Adler - How To Read A Book
No More Mr Nice Guy
robert greene - 48 laws of power
Robert Greene and 50 Cent - The 50th Law  (Recommended by David DeAngelo and Mystery)
Robert Greene Mastery
Sun Tzu - The Art of War
Switch by Chip Heath & Dan Heath
The 4 Hour Cook - Tim Ferris
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 80-20 Principle
The Art of War by Sun Tzu
The Magic of Thinking Big - David J Schwartz Ph D
The Miracle of Self-discipline The No-Excuses Way to Getting Things Done
The PhotoReading Whole Mind System
The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield
Think Like Da Vinci
Unleash the power within - audiobook
What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast [64] By Laura Vanderkam ABEE
Yes 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive
Anthony Tony Robbins - Awaken The Giant Within - Full Audio Book 90 min.mp3
Robert Greene - 48 Laws of Power (Audio Book).mp3
Stephen R. Covey - 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.mp3
The Flinch.mp3
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F ck by Mark Manson.m4b
Pick Up, NLP, Seduction
David DeAngelo - 77 Laws of Success with Women and Dating - Audio Book 214 Minutes
David DeAngelo - Interviews with Dating Gurus
David DeAngelo - Man Transformation Audio
How To Approach and Flirt with Women
How To Make Women Laugh
On Being A Man (That Naturally Attracts Women)
Robert A. Glover - No More Mr. Nice Guy!
Robert Greene - Art of Seduction
Robert Greene - The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene - The Art of Seduction
Sai Goddam, Ogi Ogas - A Billion Wicked Thoughts What the Worlds Largest Experiment Reveals About Human Desire
Sexual Communication (2nd Ed.)
The Game
The Truth - An Uncomfortable Book About Relationships by Neil Strauss
Models by Mark Manson.mp3
Turn Her On Faster Advanced Foreplay Techniques To Seduce Her Mind and Body
What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You
Spirituality, Meditation, Journey as a man
A New Earth - Awakening To Your Life's Purpose
Comparative Religions
Consciousness and Its Implications
Ekhart Tolle - The Power Of Now (Audio Book)
Jed Mckenna - Spiritual Enlightenment - The Damnedest Thing
Meditatons by Marcus Aurelius
Meditations of Marcus Aurelius (Gregor Hays translation) PDF+Audio
Steven LaBerge - Lucid Dreaming
The Spontaneous Healing of Belief
The Way Of The Superior Man
Way of the Peaceful Warrior
The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle.mp3
Daniel Pink - A Whole New Mind (audiobook)
Chris Kyle - American Sniper (audiobook)
Deep Inner Game DVD AUDIO RIP
Dr. David R. Hawkins - Power Vs. Force (MP3 Format)
Mark Hyman- The UltraMind Solution (audiobook)
Jonathan Haidt - The Happiness Hypothesis(audiobook)
Jordan Belfort - SLP - STRAIGHT LINE PERSUASION(audiobook)
Mayer, Jeffrey J. - Time Management for Dummies (audiobook)
Miller, Alice - Paths of Life Six Case Histories (pdf)
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Blake Mycoskie - Start Something That Matters (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - The Six Pillars Of Self-Esteem - Nathaniel Branden (audiobook)
Nathaniel Branden - Honoring The Self  (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Power Of Self-Esteem (pdf)
Nathaniel Branden - The Psychology Of Self Esteem(pdf)
Nathaniel Branden Ken Wilber - Atlas Evolved  (audiobook)
Candace B. Pert - Molecules of Emotion (audiobook)
David R. Portney - How to Handle the Toughest Job Interview Questions You'll Ever Get (wma) (audiobook)
Mike Robbins - Focus on the Good Stuff - The Power of Appreciation (audiobook)
Stuart Wilde - The Journey Beyond Enlightenment
Stuff You Should Know - Super Stuffed Guide to Happiness (radio)
Grant Cardone - The 10X Rule Audiobook
Don Miguel Ruiz - The Four Agreements
Robin Sharma - The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
Jonathan Haidt - The Righteous Mind
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
Tom Campell - My Big Toe-Awakening
Tom Torero - Badass Buddha
Will Durant - The Story of Philosophy
BOOKS (doc, pdf, txt, epub)
Made In America - Sam Walton.pdf
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.pdf
When I Stop Talking, You'll Know I'm Drom a Persuasive Man - Jerry Weintraub.pdf
Biology, Psychology, Science
100 Simple Secrets of Happy People - David Neevan.EPUb
An Autobiographical Study (Hogarth, 1950) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud (Modern Library, 1995) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Black Holes and Baby Universes - Stephen Hawking.epub
Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking -  Malcom Gladwell.pdf
Brainwashing Manual. Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics - L. Ron Hubbard.pdf
Brainwashing. The Science Of Thought Control.pdf
Cognitive Behavior Therapy (2nd Edition) - Judith S. Beck Phd Aaron T. Be.pdf
Cosmos - Carl Sagan.pdf
Criminal Psychology. A Manual for Judges, Practitioners, and Students - Hans Gross.pdf
Death, Gender and Ethnicity - David_Field.pdf
Ecological Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.EPUb
Emotional Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Emotional Intelligence Coaching Improving Performance for Leaders.pdf
Endless Layers Of Delusion.pdf
Engines of Creation.pdf
Evolutionary Psychology. The New Science of the Mind - David Buss.pdf
Evolve Your Brain - Joe Dispenza.epub
Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals.pdf
Fear of life.pdf
Flatland - Abott.epub
Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.pdf
Freud Reader [ed. Gay] (Norton, 1989) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Future of an Illusion (Norton, 1961) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Genome - Matt Ridley.pdf
Handbook Of Psychology. Personality And Social Psychology - Malestrom.pdf
Hooking Up. The Psychology of Sex and Dating - Katherine  M. Helm.pdf
How The Mind Works - Steven Pinker.pdf
Influence, Psychology of Persuasion - Robert Caldini.pdf
Interpretation of Dreams (Basic Books, 2010) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Man and His Symbols - Carl Jung.pdf
Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl.pdf
Monogamy. The Untold Story (Sex, Love, and Psychology).pdf
Moses and Monotheism (Hogarth, 1939) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Penguin Freud Reader [ed. Phillips] (Penguin, 2006) - Sigmund Freud.epub
Physics Of The Future - Michio Kaku.pdf
Psychiatric Drugs. Current Clinical Strategies.pdf
Psychiatry. Current Clinical Strategies - 2002.pdf
Psychology of Killing.pdf
Psychology. The Science of Mind and Behaviour (6th edition) - R. Gross (Hodder, 2010) BBS.pdf
Quiet. The Power Of Introverts In  A World That Can't Stop Talking.pdf
Rework. Change the Way You Work Forever.epub
Sex at Dawn. The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality - Christopher Ryan.pdf
Social Engineering. The Art Of - Christopher Hadnagy.epub
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.epub
Social Psychology The Science of Everyday Life [2015].pdf
Sperm Wars - Robin Baker.pdf
Sperm Wars Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles.pdf
Super Brain. Unleashing the Explosive Power of Your Mind to Maximize Health, Happiness, and S.pdf
The Ethical Slut - Dossie Easton, Hardy.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Mating Mind - Geoffrey Miller.pdf
The McDonaldization of Society - George Ritzer.pdf
The Mind and Its Educations - George Herbert Bett.epub
The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg.pdf
The Red Queen - Matt Ridley.pdf
The Selfish Gene (30th Anniversary Ed) - Richard Dawkins.pdf
The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal.PDF
Totem and Taboo (Routledge, 2001) - Sigmund Freud.pdf
Wij Zijn Ons Brein - Dick Swaab.epub
Business, Finance
All Marketers Are Liars - Seth Godin.epub
Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerrold Mundis & Jerry I. Porras.epub
Cashflow Quadrant - Robert T. Kiyosaki.pdf
Contrarian Investment Strategies. The Next Generation - David Dreman.pdf
Dentist sales letter.doc
Dotcomology. The Ultimate Affiliate EBook For Online Marketing - Stone Evans.pdf
Fire Your Boss - Stephen M. Pollan & Mark Levine.epub
Flash Boys. A Wall Street Revol - Michael Lewis.epub
Freakonomics. A Rogue Economist Explores The Hidden Side of Everything - Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner.pdf
Good Business. Leadership, Flo. - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.epub
Good to Great. Why Some Companies - Jim Collins.epub
Hiring People. Recruit and Kee - Kathy Shwiff.epub
How to Get Rich - Felix Dennis.pdf
How to Make Money by Fast Trading. A Guide to Success (Perspectives in Business Culture) - Renato Di Lorenzo.pdf
I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Ramit Sethi.epub
Innovation and Entrepreneurship - Peter Ferdinand Drucker.epub
International Finance For Dummies - Ayse Evrensel.pdf
Learn to Earn - Peter Lynch, John Rothchild.epub
Midas Touch - Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
Rich Dad's Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver - Michael Maloney.pdf
Scientific Advertising - Claude Hopkins.pdf
Seeking Wisdom - Peter Bevelin.pdf
Stop Sabotaging Your Career - Lois P. Frankel.epub
The 10 Laws of Career Reinvent. - Pamela Mitchell.epub
The Art of Contrarian Trading - Carl Futia.epub
The Circle of Profit.pdf
The Education of Millionaires - Michael Ellsberg.epub
The Four Pillars of Investing - William J. Bernstein.epub
The Handbook of Commodity Investing - Frank Fabozzi.pdf
The Innovator's Solution - Clayton M. Christensen.EPUb
The Lean Startup - Eric Ries.epub
The Mentor Leader. Secrets to. - Nathan Whitaker.epub
The Millionaire Fastlane - MJ DeMarco.pdf
The Most Important Thing - Howard Marks.pdf
The Narrow Road - Fellix Dennis.pdf
The Richest Man In Babylon - George Samuel Clason.pdf
The Science of Getting Rich - Wallace Wattles.pdf
The Snowball Warren Buffett and the Business of Life - Alice Schroeder.pdf
The Steve Jobs Way - William L. Simon & Jay Elliot.epub
The Ten Commandments for Busin - Don Keough.epub
The Two-Income Trap - Elizabeth Warren & Amelia Warren Tyagi.epub
Think And Grow Rich (version 1) - Napoleon Hill.pdf
What Makes Online Content Go Viral - Jonah Berger, Katherine L. Milkmanl.pdf
What Matters Now - Seth Godin.pdf
Why We Want You To Be Rich - R. Kiyosaki & D. Trump.pdf
Your First 100 Million 2ed - Daniel S. Peña.pdf
Your Money. The Missing Manual - J. D. Roth.epub
(Teach Yourself_ General Reference) Robert Ashton-Copywriting in a Week_ Teach Yourself-Teach Yourself (2012).pdf
11 Reasons your First Business Should be Online.pdf
33 Money Lessons I Learned from a Self-Made Multi-Millionaire.pdf
5 Simple Steps to Inner Peace.pdf
7 Easy Steps to Becoming a Modern Slave.pdf
Build a Business, Not a Job (3rd Edition).pdf
Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Robert Skrob-The Official Get Rich Guide to Information Marketing_ Build a Million-Dollar Business in 12 Months_ Build a Million Dollar Business in Just 12 Months-Entrepreneu.epub
Dominic Gettins-How to Write Great Copy_ Learn the Unwritten Rules of Copywriting (2006).pdf
GLENN MURRAY (Divine Write)-SEO Secrets_ The DIY guide to topping google  -Divine Write Copywriting Pty Ltd.pdf
Highest Paying Occupations - Occupational Outlook.pdf
How to Become a Money Making Robot.pdf
How to Learn Technical Skills Faster.pdf
How to Make $1 Million in 10 Years or Less by Building an Online Business.pdf
Intro to online business - the fundamentals.pdf
Joseph Sugarman-The Adweek Copywriting Handbook-Wiley (2006).pdf
Robin Sharma's Little Black Book for Stunning Success.pdf
starting a wordpress blog.pdf
The 10 Most Common Interview Questions and Answers.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Career Change at 40 and Beyond.pdf
What is Wealth and how to acquire it.pdf
Confidence, Inner Game, Personal Development, How To
7 Habits Summary.pdf
A Lei do Triunfo - Napoleon Hill.pdf
Ask And It Is Given - Esther Hicks.pdf
Awaken the Giant Within - Tony Robbins.pdf
Being Successful - Brian Burba & Tracy Travis.epub
Better than college - Blake Boles.pdf
Body Language - Julius Fast.pdf
Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Charisma myth, The.epub
Create Your Own Future. How to Master. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Crunch Point. The 21 Secrets to Succ. - Brayn Tracy.pdf
Developing the Leaders Around Yo - John C. Maxwell.epub
Do the Work - Steven Pressfield & Seth Godin.epub
Do the work! -  steven pressfield.pdf
Drive The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.pdf
Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy.pdf
Eat That Frog - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Ego Is The Enemy - Portfolio (2016) - Ryan Holiday.pdf
Ethics and Human Action in Early Stoicism (1987) - Brad Inwood.pdf
Everyone Communicates, Few Connect - John C. Maxwell.epub
Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway - Susan Jeffers.pdf
Flight Plan. The Real Secret of Succ. -  Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focal Point. A Proven System to Simp. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Focus _ Use Different Ways of Seeing the World for Success and Influence-Heidi Grant Halvorson & E. Tory Higgins.pdf
Geoff Colvin - Talent Is Overrated (v5.0).epub
Getting Rich Your Own Way. Achieve A. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Getting Things Done-David Allen.pdf
Give and Take A Revolutionary Approach to Success - Adam M. Grant Ph.D.pdf
Goals - Brian Tracy.pdf
God and Cosmos in Stoicism (Oxford University Press 2009) - Ricardo Salles.pdf
golden rules the lost writings1 - napoleon hill.pdf
Great Little Book on Effective Leade - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Mastering Your. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Personal Achiev. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Successful Sell. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on the Gift of Sel. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Great Little Book on Universal Laws. - Bryan Tracy.epub
Hacking The Mind - Mystic.pdf
How the Best Leaders Lead Proven Se. - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How to Be a Gentleman. A Timel. - Thomas Nelson.epub
How To Be Idle-Tom Hodgkinson.pdf
How To Become An Alpha Male - John Alexander.pdf
How to Make the Rest of - Bryan Tracy.pdf
How To Read A Book.pdf
How to Read a Person Like a Book - Gerard I. Nierenberg.pdf
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie.pdf
How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes.epub
How to Win Every Argument.pdf
Influencing Human Behavior - Kevin Hogan.pdf
Inner Power Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing.epub
Jeffrey Pfeffer - Power_ Why Some People Have It_n't (v5.0).epub
John C. Maxwell Laws-Of-Teamwork-.pdf
John C. Maxwell]Attitude 101_ What Every Leade.mobi
John Hoover - Time Management_ Set Prioritie_one (v5.0).epub
John Sellars-Stoicism (Ancient Philosophies)  -University of California Press (2006).pdf
John_C._MaxSometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Put_Your Dream_to.theTest.epub
John_C._Maxwel] Self-Improvement 101_ What Every Leader.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]Ethics 101_ What Every Leader Needs to K.mobi
John_C._Maxwel]How Successful People Think_ Change Your.mobi
Law Of Attraction.pdf
law of success-napoleon hill.pdf
Lawrence C. Becker-A New Stoicism-Princeton University Press (1998).pdf
Leadership And Success in RelationShips and Communication - Marcus Durham.pdf
Learned Optimism - Martin Seligman.pdf
Learned Optimism How to Change Your Mind and Your Life - Martin Seligman.pdf
Linchpin - Seth Godin.pdf
Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on  - Kamal Ravikant.epub
Managing Oneself - Peter Drucker.pdf
Many Miles to Go - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Mastery - Robert Greene.epub
Mastery - Robert Greene.pdf
Mastery, The Keys To Success And Long Term Fulfillment - George Leonard.pdf
Maximum Achievement - Brian Tracy.pdf
Maximum Influence The 12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion - Kurt W. Mortensen.chm
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius.pdf
Million Dollar Habits - Brian Tracy.pdf
MindOS - Dr. Paul.pdf
Money Master The Game - Tony Robbins.pdf
Motivation Success And Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain.pdf
Never Be Lied To Again. How To Get The Truth In 5 Minutes Or Less In Any Conversationa Or Situation - David J. Lieberman.pdf
No Excuses - Brian Tracy.pdf
No Excuses. The  Power Of Self Discipline - Brian Tracy.pdf
No More Mr. Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Now, Build a Great Bu - Bryan Tracy & Mark Thompson.epub
Power of Self-Confidence, The - Brian Tracy.mobi
Power Talk Using Language To Build Authority And Influence - Sarah M. McGinty.pdf
Powerful Communication Skills - Colleen McKenna.chm
Psycho Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz.pdf
Radical Honesty - Brad Blanton.pdf
Roman Christianity and Roman Stoicism. A Comparative Study of Ancient Morality (Oxford University Press 2010) - Runar M. Thorsteinsson.pdf
Rudy Haynes - Deep Voice Mastery.pdf
Self Talk for a Calmer You.epub
Seven Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey.pdf
Six Thinking Hats - Edward de Bono.pdf
Something for Nothing. The All-Cons - Bryan Tracy.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
Speed Reading for Professionals - Mantesh.pdf
Stoicism and Emotion (University Of Chicago Press 2007) - Margaret R. Graver.pdf
Stoicism. Traditions and Transformations - Cambridge University Press (2004) - Steven K. Strange & Jack Zupko.pdf
Talk Your Way to the Top How to Address Any Audience Like Your Career Depends On It - Kevin Daley.chm
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu.pdf
The 100 Absolutely Unbr - Brian Tracy.pdf
The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leade - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 33 Strategies of War - Robert Greene & Don Leslie.epub
The 360 Degree Leader Developin - John C. Maxwell.epub
The 4 Hour Workweek - Tim Ferris.pdf
The 48 Laws of Power-Robert Greene.pdf
The 4-Hour Workweek, Expanded. - Timothy Ferriss.epub
The 50th Law - Robert Greene.pdf
The 50th law - Robert Greene and 50cent.pdf
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey.pdf
The Alabaster Girl - Zan Perrion.pdf
The Art Of Manipulation - R B Sparkman.pdf
The Art of Public Speaking - Dale Carnagey.pdf
The Art of War-Sun Tzu.pdf
The Complete Idiot's Guide To Verbal Self_defense - Lillian Glass.pdf
The Definitive Book of BODY LANGUAGE - Barbara Pease.pdf
The Difference Maker Making Your - John C. Maxwell.epub
the effective executive.pdf
The First 20 Hours How to Learn Anything... Fast!.pdf
The Flinch.pdf
The Future of the Mind - Michio Kaku.pdf
The Great Big Book of Wisdom - Brian Tracy.epub
The Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell.pdf
The Miracle of Mindfulness (7Summits).pdf
The Nonverbal Dictionary Of Gestures, Signs & Body Language Cues - David B Givens.pdf
The Obstacle Is the Way. The Timeless Art of Turning Trials into Triumph.epub
The One Thing. the book right here.epub
The Power of Charm. How t. - Brian Tracy & Ron Arden.pdf
the rational male  2013 - rollo tomassi.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 1st Ed.pdf
The Red Pill Handbook 2nd Ed.pdf
The Seven Strategies of Master Presenters - Brad McRae.chm
The six pillars of Self Esteem-N. Branden.pdf
The Six Pillars of Self_Esteem - N. Branden.pdf
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fck (2016).epub
The War of Art - Steven Pressfield.epub
There's No Such Thing As Business - John C. Maxwell.pdf
Thick Face, Black Heart.pdf
Thinking Fast And Slow - Daniel Kahneman.pdf
Time Power - Brian Tracy.pdf
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart.epub
Training Our Mind in, with and for Compassiona - Paul Gilbert.pdf
Tricks Of The Mind - Derren Brown.pdf
Turbocoach - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turbostrategy - Brian Tracy.pdf
Turning Pro - Steven Pressfield.pdf
Victory - Brian Tracy.pdf
Willpower - Roy Baumeister.pdf
History, Politics
Branded - Erik Saelens
Literature, Roman
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.epub
A Critic in Pall Mall.epub
A Florentine Tragedy.epub
A House of Pomegranates.epub
A Journey to the Centre of the Earth.epub
A Tale of Two Cities - Charles Dickens.pdf
A Voyage in a Balloon.epub
A Winter Amid the Ice.epub
A Woman of No Importance.epub
Alices Adventures In Wonderland - Lewis Caroll.pdf
All Around the Moon.epub
An Antarctic Mystery.epub
An Ideal Husband.epub
Around the World in 80 Days.epub
Ballad of Reading Gaol.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 1.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 2.epub
Celebrated Travels and Travellers _ Part 3.epub
Charmides and Other Poems.epub
Crime And Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky.pdf
David Copperfield - Charles Dickens.pdf
De Profundis.epub
Dracula - Bram Stoker.pdf
Facing the Flag.epub
Five Weeks in a Balloon.epub
For Love of the King.epub
Frankenstein - Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley.pdf
Godfrey Morgan.epub
In Search of the Castaways.epub
In the Year 2889.epub
Jane Austen & Vivien Jones & Tony Tanner-Pride and Prejudice.epub
Lady Windermere's Fan.epub
Les Miserables - Victor Hugo.pdf
Mark Twain - A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.epub
Mark Twain - A Double Barrelled Detective Story.epub
Mark Twain - A Horse's Tale.epub
Mark Twain - A Tramp Abroad.epub
Mark Twain - Editorial Wild Oats.epub
Mark Twain - Extracts From Adam's Diary.epub
Mark Twain - Goldsmiths Friend Abroad Again.epub
Mark Twain - The $30,000 Bequest.epub
Mark Twain - The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.epub
Mark Twain - The Man that Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories.epub
Mark Twain - The Prince and the Pauper.epub
Mark Twain - The Stolen White Elephant.epub
Mark Twain - Those Extraordinary Twins.epub
Michael Strogoff [The Courier of the Czar].epub
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man.epub
Off on a Comet.epub
Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe.pdf
Robur the Conqueror.epub
Round the World in Eighty Days.epub
Scott, Sir Walter - Ivanhoe.epub
Selected Prose of Oscar Wilde.epub
Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen.pdf
Shakespeare William - As You Like It.epub
Shakespeare William - Merchant of Venice.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Coriolanus.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Hamlet.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Julius Caesar.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Macbeth.epub
Shakespeare_ William - Othello.epub
The Canterville Ghost.epub
The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas.pdf
The Duchess of Padua.epub
The English at the North Pole.epub
The Happy Prince and Other Tales.epub
The Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky.pdf
The Importance of Being Earnest.epub
The Master of the World.epub
The Metamorphosis - Franz Kafka.pdf
The Moon_Voyage.epub
The Mysterious Island.epub
The Pearl of Lima.epub
The Portrait Of A Lady - Henry James.pdf
The Prince - Nicolo Machiavelli.pdf
The Secret of the Island.epub
The Survivors of the Chancellor.epub
The Trial - Franz Fafka.pdf
The Underground City.epub
The Waif of the 'Cynthia'.epub
Ticket No. 9672.epub
Tolstoy, Leo - Anna Karenina (Barnes & Noble, 2003).epub
Martial Arts
Boxing Mastery - Mark Hatmaker.pdf
Brown, Robert, Spencer, Vann-I Am Soldier of Fortune.epub
Bruce Lee Between Wing Chun And Jeet Kune - Jesse Glover.pdf
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method.pdf
Bruce Lee's Fighting Method The Complete Edition.epub
Chinese Gung Fu - Bruce Lee.pdf
Complete Krav Maga - Darren Levine.pdf
Davies, Barry-SAS Jungle Survival.epub
Davies, Nicholas-Death Before Dishonour.epub
Gray, Wesley R-Embedded.epub
Hypnosis in Interrogation (CIA Study) - Edward Deshere.pdf
Jordan, Paul - The Easy Day Was Yesterday.epub
Kenpo Techniques - Ed Parker.pdf
Key Casting Manual - CIA Field Expedient.pdf
Lambeth, Benjamin S- The Unseen War.epub
Lawrence, William P., Rausa, Rosario-Tennessee Patriot.epub
Leahy, John F_-Honor, Courage, Commitment.epub
Mark Mazzetti - The Way of the Knife.epub
Pa Kua - Robert Smith.pdf
Paul Simpson - A Brief History of the Spy.epub
Psychological Operations In Guerrilla Warfare - Tayacan.pdf
Robinson, Linda-One Hundred Victories.epub
Scahill, Jeremy-Dirty Wars.epub
Self Defense Nerve Centers - Mantesh.pdf
Smith, Douglas V_-One Hundred Years of U.S. Navy Air Power.epub
Tao of Jeet Kune Do - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art Of Expressing The Human Body - Bruce Lee.pdf
The Art of Weapons Armed - Marc Tedeschi.pdf
The Science Of Footwork - Ted Wong.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to U.S. Army Survival Skills, Tactics, and Techniques.epub
U.S. Army Combat Pistol Training Handbook.epub
Ultimate MMA Conditioning.pdf
Unconventional Warrior - Walter Morris Herd.pdf
Williams, Brian Glyn-Predators.epub
Wing Chun KungFu - Yimm Lee.pdf
Woods, Randall B_-Shadow Warrior.epub
Xiao Hong Quan - Cyber Kwoon.pdf
Seduction, Pick Up, NLP
10 Second Sexual Attraction - Mehow.pdf
10 Tips For Dating Safety.pdf
101 questions.txt
25 Rules For Women (By Men).doc
28 Surefire Ways To Instant Dating Success (exerpt) - Carlos Xuma.pdf
3 Master Keys To Pickup Lines - Dererk Vitalio.pdf
30 Bangs - Roosh V.pdf
30 Minutes Quick Start - Marius Panzarella.pdf
5 Flirting Secrets - Chris Williamson.pdf
50 demonstrating confidence, kino and a good interaction.jpg
60 Years of Challange (David DeAngelo recommends).pdf
8 Body Language Clues That Say He's Interested - Tracey Cox.doc
8 Deadly Dating Mistakes Most Men Make - Datestacker.pdf
Adam Lyons - Principles Of Attraction.pdf
Adam Lyons-Understand Attraction.pdf
Advanced Macking - Anthony Berger.pdf
AFC Diary.pdf
All About Women_ Encyclopedia of Seduction - Giuseppe Notte.pdf
Argentina Compendium - Roosh V.pdf
Attract Women Now.doc
Attraction isn't A Choice _How to Use ''Secret'' Communication and Sexual Body Language to Attract Women- david deangelo.pdf
Bang Estonia How To Sleep With Estonian Women In Estonia.epub
Bang Lithuania How To Sleep With Lithuanian Women In Lithuania.epub
Bang Poland How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland.epub
Bang Poland_ How To Make Love With Polish Girls In Poland - V, Roosh.mobi
Bang Ukraine How to Have Sex With Ukrainian Girls In Ukraine.epub
Basic Arousal.pdf
basiscursus reader voorjaar 2013 def7.pdf
Best Conversation Topics For Dates.doc
Best Places for First Dates.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 1.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 2.pdf
Blueprint Decoded Notes 3.pdf
Body Language Secrets _ A Guide During Courtship and Dating - R. Don Steele.pdf
Body Language Secrets to Silent Seduction.doc
Brazil Compendium -Roosh V.pdf
Brent Smith - The Shit Test Encyclopedia.pdf
Building Rapport _ Mirroring - Kim Mcfarland.PDF
Chapter 2 _ Using Body Language (B).pdf
Chris Nosal - The Alpha Blueprint.pdf
Christian Grey - Instagram Seduction.pdf
Cliff's List Interviews With Dating Experts.pdf
Cocky Comedy Manual.pdf
Conversation Dynamics.pdf
Creating Rapport_ Cheating The Chemistry - Bryan Plumb.pdf
Critical Moments And Bridges.pdf
Dating And Seduction For Dummies.pdf
Dating College Women - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating Factors - Marius Panzarella.pdf
Dating for Dummies - Dr. Joy Browne.pdf
Dating Online and How to Improve It By Writing Excellent Profiles - Drew Higgins.pdf
Dating SkillsbReview - Fast Track Dating Report.pdf
Dating Survival Techniques.pdf
David DeAngelo - Double Your Dating (2nd Edition).pdf
David Deangelo Total Guide to Cocky _ Funny.pdf
David X.pdf
David X - The Rules of David X.pdf
Don Juan Boot Camp - Compiled by Nicholas Hill.pdf
Double your Dating - David DeAngelo.pdf
Double Your Dating 2nd Edition - David DeAngelo.pdf
Dynamic Sex Life [Compact Edition] - Gunwitch.pdf
Easy Horny Women - Anthony Berger.pdf
Escalate Kino - Don Diego García.pdf
Escalation Ladder.pdf
Essentials of NLP - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
Fear Technology (1).pdf
Fearless Relentless Escalation - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Flirting Tips for the 21st Century.pdf
Get Ex Back - The EXorcist.pdf
Getting The First Date.pdf
Guide To Flirting.pdf
Hannah Fry - The Mathematics of Love.epub
HARDCORE Casual Sex Version (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
How To Text  Girls To Get Dates, Phone Calls And More.pdf
HOW two Meet Women _ The Shy Man's Guide To Relationships - Cartaphilus.pdf
Improve Your Looks by 3 Notches - Anthony Berger.pdf
Introducing NLP - Seymour and O'connor.pdf
Little Black Book Of Openers [Revised].pdf
Logan Edwards - The Art Of The Approach.epub
Make It Stick _ The Science Of Successful Learning - Brown, Roediger III, McDaniel.pdf
Mark Manson - Models.pdf
Mark Redman - Conquer Your Campus.pdf
Mel Robbins - The 5 Second Rule.pdf
Memoirs Of A Player.pdf
Mode One Notes (#1) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Mode One Notes (#2) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Modern Coin Magic - Jean Bobo.pdf
Natural Game.pdf
NLP _ Persuasion Engineering - Richard Bandler And John La Valle.pdf
NLP _ The Magic You Can Perform With Reframing -Michael Hall Ph.D.pdf
NLP Handout.pdf
No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert Glover.pdf
Oooooh. Say it Again (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Psychic Seduction 5 - Joseph R. Plazo.pdf
Reading Body Language - David Shade.doc
Relationship Roulette - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Ron Louis & David Copeland - How To Be The Bad Boy Women Love.pdf
Routines Manual - LoveSytems.pdf
Secrets of a Sex Magnet - Chris Jackson.pdf
Secrets Of Sexual Tension - Vin DiCarlo.pdf
Secrets Of Speed Seduction, Home Study, Course Book And Workbook_ How To Create An Instanteous Sexual Attraction In Any Woman You Meet!!! - Ross Jeffries.pdf
Seduction Science Volume I - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume II - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Seduction Science Volume III - Derek Vitalio.pdf
Semantics And Scenarios (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
Sex Secrets to Creating Chemistry - Bart A. Baggett.pdf
Sexual Rapport Modeling_ Nonverbal Sexual Cuing - Keanu J. Jagger.pdf
Simply Start Sex - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Social Circle From Scratch - Terry Clery.pdf
The Alpha Blueprint The Alpha Male Decoded - Chris Nosal.pdf
The Annihilation Method _How To Get Past Any Obstacle In A Pickup - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Annihilation Method _Jealously Guarded Inner Game Techniques - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Annihilation Method_ How To Transform From Chump To Champ In No Time - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Art Of Seduction - Robert Greene.pdf
The Attributes [Compact Edition] - Cameron Teone.pdf
The Big Book Of NLP Expanded - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
The Big Book of NLP, Expanded - Shlomo Vaknin.pdf
The Blueprint Decoded NOTES.pdf
The Body Language Project - Christopher Philip.pdf
The Game - Neil Strauss.pdf
The Girl Hunt Urban Nightlife And The Performance Of Masculinity [CD2] - David Grazian.pdf
The Guide to Online and Text Game - Rebel.pdf
The Hello Kiss.pdf
The King, Warrior, Magician and Lover - Men's Psychology.pdf
The Married Man Sex Life Primer - Athol Kay.pdf
The Physical Game - Ozzie.pdf
The Possibility of Sex (Mode One) - Alan Roger Currie.pdf
The Seven Elements Of Charisma.pdf
The Sovereign Man - James Maverick.pdf
The Tao Of Badass - Joshua Pellicer.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men -  Alex Benzer.pdf
The Truth - Neil Strauss - Review - Summary.pdf
The Ultimate Guide To Text Game - Richard La Ruina.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Texting Girls - Matt Artisan.pdf
The Ultimate Texting Guide - Tyler Tray.pdf
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida.pdf
Ultimate Guide to Text and Phone Game - Lovesystems.pdf
Ultimate Tinder Guide.pdf
Unstoppable Confidence (Audio Book) - Ross Jeffries.doc
Women Ignition - 60 Years of Challenge.pdf
Zan Perrion - The Alabaster Girl.pdf
Sex, Sexuality
Kama Sutra - A Modern Guide to the Ancient Art of Sex
Giving And Receiving Erotic Massage.pdf
Guide To Erotic Massage.pdf
Howard Evans-A Myofascial Approach to Thai Massage East meets West-Mantesh.pdf
Kenneth Ray Stubbs-The Tantric Touch Of Love.pdf
KURRE W. OSTROM-Swedish Massage.pdf
Massage techniques.pdf
Susan Mumford-Sensual Massage.pdf
Guide to Being a Gentleman.pdf
Martin Merrill-Make Women Laugh.pdf
Nick Casanova-Machiavellians Guide to Charm.pdf
Nick Casanova-The Machiavellian's Guide to Flirting For Both Men and Women.pdf
Your Essential Guide to Kissing Tips and Techniqes.pdf
Christmas E-Book.pdf
Couples Questions.pdf
Gregory J. P. Godek-1001 Ways to Be Romantic.pdf
How to say I Love You.pdf
Love Note Book.pdf
Michael Webb-101 Romantic Ideas.pdf
V-Day Poetry.pdf
37 Secrets About Women And Sex
5 Secret Techniques Every Woman Wants In Bed
Bedroom Boss
Better In Bed
Dirty Talk Phrases
How To Last Longer In Bed
How To Make Your Woman Do Anything In Bed
The Huge Load Formula
Ultimate Orgasm Techniques
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269 Amazing Sex Games.pdf
David Shade's Manual - Advanced Sexual Techniques And Pract2.pdf
Different Loving.pdf
Female Ejaculation.pdf
Female Orgasm Black Book.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - By David Shade (www.mast.pdf
How to Fuck a Womans Brains Out.pdf
How To Make Love All Night (And Drive A Woman Wild) - Male M.pdf
Killer Orgasms - How To Have The Best Sex Humanly Possible -.pdf
Penis Of Steel.pdf
Ride The Punani!! - TranceBoy's Guide To Getting Laid.pdf
Secrets of the Alpha Male - How to Get Rid of the Nice Guy.pdf
Sex and the Perfect Lover.pdf
Sex-Secrets to Creating Chemistry.pdf
Soul Sex.pdf
Tantric - Yoni Massage.pdf
Tantric G Spot Orgasm.pdf
The Complete Guide To Handling Women - By Wayne Ross.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Amazing Sex - By Sari Locker (A.pdf
The Feminine Mystique.pdf
The Health Needs of Gay Men - A Discussion of the Literature.pdf
The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Dating For Men.pdf
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf
Wayne Ross - The Complete Guide To Handling Women.pdf
When A Man Loves A Woman - Unlimited Stamina With Multiple O.pdf
When A Man Makes Love To A Woman - Unlimited Stamina With Mu.pdf
Skills (Mental, Magic, Cold Reading)
Cold Reading - Full Facts Book of Cold Reading.pdf
Kenton Knepper
3-way Billet.pdf
An Enchanted Evening.PDF
Card Through Banknote.pdf
Completely Cold.pdf
Kenton Knepper - Weird Enough.pdf
Killer Kard 2.pdf
Killer Konceptions.pdf
Kolossal Killer.pdf
Little Book of Wonders.pdf
Lucky Number.pdf
Mind Reading.pdf
Miracles of Suggestion.pdf
Miraculous Ploys.pdf
Rants into Raves.PDF
Sorcerer Series 1.pdf
Sorcerer Series 2.pdf
The Ring.pdf
Three Bill Monte.pdf
Wonder Readings.pdf
Wonder Words 1.pdf
Wonder Words 2.pdf
Wonder Words 3.pdf
Larry Becker - World Of Super Mentalism II.pdf
Lee Earle
Lee Earle - Early Earle.pdf
Lee Earle - M.I.N.D.pdf
Lee Earle - Manifestations.pdf
Lee Earle - Out of Syzygy.pdf
Lee Earle - Silver Bullet Lite.pdf
Lee Earle - Sun Signs.pdf
Lee Earle - SuperScript (Pass=KYJNKA).pdf
Lee Earle - Syzygy - The First Five Volumes.pdf
Lee Earle - The Gentle Art of Cold Reading.pdf
Ormond McGill
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 2.pdf
Ormond McGill - Psychic Magic - Vol 4.pdf
Phil Goldstein
Phil Goldstein - The Blue, Red, And Green Books Of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Blue-green and red Book Of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Violet Book of Mentalism.pdf
Phil Goldstein - The Yellow Book Of Mentalism.pdf
Richard Osterlind
Richard Osterlind - Breakthrough Card System.pdf
Richard Osterlind - Dynamic Mysteries.pdf
Richard Osterlind - Making Real Magic.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Blindfold Book v3.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Breakthrough Card System.pdf
Richard Osterlind - The Perfected Center Tear.pdf
Richard Osterlind - Transparent Forces.pdf
Basic Card Control and Forcing.pdf
Best of Cards.pdf
Body Tricks.pdf
Card in ceiling.pdf
Card Manipulations I.pdf
Card Manipulations II.pdf
Card Manipulations III.pdf
Card Manipulations IV.pdf
Card Manipulations V.pdf
Completely Mental - Vol 2.pdf
David Blaine's Magic Revealed.pdf
Deadly Mentalism.PDF
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Dick Jacob's Three Card Monte.pdf
Dynamite Mentalism.pdf
Encyclopedia of Card Tricks.pdf
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism - Volume 1.pdf
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Mentalism - Volume 3.pdf
Entertaining ESP.pdf
European Mentalism Lecture Notes.doc
FingerTip Control.pdf
Flaunting Five Fanciful Formulae.pdf
Floating Cigarette.pdf
Later Day Tricks.pdf
Magic fo Bartenders.pdf
Magic Tricks.pdf
Magic Tricks for the Beginning Magician.pdf
Mastering Hypnosis.pdf
Mental Blockbuster Prediction.pdf
Mental Card Miracles.pdf
Mental Magic IV.pdf
Mentalism Incorporated.pdf
Miracle Card Change.pdf
One Man Mind Reading Secrets.pdf
Our Mysteries.pdf
Psychokinesis Magic Book.pdf
Sealed Vision.pdf
The Complete Idiots Guide to Magic Tricks.pdf
Tricks in Magic.pdf
Video Vision.pdf
Tantric Secrets for Men
Diana Richardson and Michael Richardson-Tantric Sex for Men Making Love a Meditation.pdf
Diane Riley and Kerry Riley-Tantric Secrets for Men What Every Woman Will Want Her Man to Know about Enhancing Sexual Ecstasy.pdf
Anne Hooper-Kama Sutra.pdf
Barbara Keesling-How To Make Love All Night (And Drive A Woman Wild) - Male Multiple Orgasm And Other Secrets For.pdf
Hypnosis - Flirting Confidence.doc
J.D.Fuentes - Basic Arousal.pdf
Michael Zhao-Chinese Girl Exposed.pdf
Mystery Method - The Venusian Arts Handbook.pdf
Nicolo Machiavelli-machiavelli-prince.pdf
Robin Baker-Sperm Wars Infidelity, Sexual Conflict, and Other Bedroom Battles.pdf
Vatsyayana - The Kama Sutra.pdf
10 Rules of Anal Sex.doc
269 Amazing Sex Games.pdf
40 Mistakes Men Make While Having Sex With Women.pdf
A Guide To Safe Sex Techniques.pdf
Advanced Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets.pdf
Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets.pdf
Another Sex Tutorial.pdf
Art Of Male Masturbation.txt
Back Door.pdf
Basic Fellatio Techniques.pdf
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex.doc
Becoming A Master Of Oral Sex v2.doc
Becoming A Master of Oral Sex!.doc
Best Penis Enlargement Exercises.pdf
Biological Basis of Tantric Sex.txt
Complete Idiot's Guide to Amazing Sex.pdf
Complete Idiot's Guide to Tantric Sex.pdf
Dangerous Men & Adventurous Women.doc
David Shade - Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.pdf
Dictionary Of Sexology v1.0.pdf
Different Loving.pdf
Eating Pussy.doc
Erotic Stories.pdf
Exotic Sex Positions.doc
Female Ejaculation.pdf
Female Orgasm Black Book - Lee Jenkins.pdf
Female Psychic Attack.pdf
Fertility Demystified.pdf
Forbidden Flowers.pdf
G_Spot _ The Grafenberg Spot Mystery.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms.pdf
Give Women Wild Screaming Orgasms - David Shade.pdf
Good Sex Getting Off without Checking Out.epub
Great Sex Notes 76 Ways to Please, Tease, Excite and Ignite.pdf
Guide To G_Spot Orgasms & Female Ejaculation.pdf
Guide To Sex Toys.pdf
Gut Impact.pdf
How to Drive Women Crazy.txt
How to Eat a Woman Out.txt
How to Fuck a Womans Brains Out.pdf
How To Get Into Threesomes.pdf
How to Get the Woman You Desire Into Bed.pdf
How To Give A Woman A 'Rush' Just By Looking At Her.pdf
How To Give Her Great Orgasm.doc
How to have a XXX Life.pdf
How To Have Energy Orgasms.doc
How To Have The Best Sex Humanly Possible.pdf
How to Hypnotize Your Lover.pdf
How to Hypnotize Your Lover-Wendi Friesen.pdf
How To Make a Woman Orgasm.pdf
How to Make Her Orgasm.txt
How to Make Love all Night.pdf
How to Make Love to a Woman without Penetration.txt
How To Seduce A Woman _ 3 Fears.pdf
How To Totally Mind_Fuck Almost Any Woman.rtf
How To Turn A Woman On, Satisfy Her In A Big Way.pdf
Instant Orgasm _ Excitement at First Touch.pdf
Love and orgasm 1975.pdf
Lover's Guide.pdf
Make Women Laugh (Martin Merrill).pdf
Male G_Spot.pdf
Male Libido.pdf
Male Multiple Orgasm Survey.doc
Male Multiple Orgasms Are Possible.pdf
Mathematics and Sex.pdf
Men And Women In Bed.doc
Men In Love.pdf
Men's Health Books.pdf
Mens Sexual Health Fitness for Satisfying Sex.pdf
Multi Orgasm Man.pdf
Multiple Male Orgasms.pdf
Murphy's Sex Law.doc
My Secret Garden.pdf
My Secret Garden - Nancy Friday.pdf
Oral Sex Technique_ Lover's Guide.pdf
Penis Enlargement.doc
Penis Enlargement Manual.pdf
Penis Enlargement Secrets.pdf
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Penis Of Steel.pdf
Power In Sexual Relationships.pdf
Secret Orgasm Tips Interview.pdf
Secrets For Creating Maximum Sexual Experience.pdf
Secrets Of Sensual Lovemaking _ How To Give Her The Ultimate Pleasure.pdf
Secrets Of Total Satisfaction.pdf
Sex & Sexual Relationships.pdf
Sex and Common Sense.pdf
Sex and the Perfect Lover.pdf
Sex Encyclopedia _ How To Squirt.pdf
Sex For Dummies.pdf
Sex God Method - Daniel Rose.pdf
Sex God Method 2nd Edition - Daniel Rose.pdf
Sex God Method, 2nd Edition - Daniel Rose.pdf
Sex Magic.doc
Sex Positions.pdf
Sex Tips From a Woman.pdf
Sexual Dictionary.doc
Sexual Ecstasy _ From Ancient Wisdom.pdf
Sexual Martial Arts And Sexercise.pdf
Sexual Secrets.pdf
Sexual Survey Results From Over 100 Women.pdf
Sexuality and Seniors.pdf
She Comes First.pdf
Soul Sex.pdf
Special Cunnilingus Techniques And Secrets.doc
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Studies in the Psychology of Sex I.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex II.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex III.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex IV.pdf
Studies in the Psychology of Sex V.pdf
Superhot Sex-Tracey Cox[Orion_Me].pdf
Tantra Instructions for Life.doc
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Tantric G Spot Orgasm.pdf
Tantric Polarity Process.doc
Tantric Sexual Yoga.txt
Taoist Secrets of Love.pdf
Taoist Secrets of Love Cultivating Male Sexual Energy.pdf
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy I.doc
Taoist Techniques For The Control Of The Sexual Energy II.doc
The Art of Concious Loving.doc
The Art Of Female Ejaculation.pdf
The Art of Oral Sex.doc
The Art Of Oral Sex.pdf
The Book of Pleasure.pdf
The book of woman (Osho).pdf
The Deep Spot.pdf
The Don Juan Book.pdf
The Feminine Mystique.pdf
The fountain of love.pdf
The G_Spot FAQ.txt
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The Jelqing Manual.doc
The Kama Sutra-Vatsyayana.pdf
The Multi Orgasmic Man.pdf
The Multi Orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia.pdf
The Natural Penis Enlargement Guide.pdf
The Secrets of Female Sexuality.pdf
The Sexual Key.pdf
The Tao Of Sexual Mastery.pdf
The Ultimate Female Orgasm.pdf
The Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women.pdf
The Ultimate Male Orgasm.pdf
The What Not to do Sex Guide.pdf
Thinking Womans Guide to Anal Sex.pdf
Top 10 Masturbation Tips From Women.doc
Top 100 Sex Secrets.pdf
Ultimate Ejaculation Mastery.pdf
Ultimate Guide to Penis Enlargement Techniques.pdf
Understanding the G_Spot and Female Sexuality.pdf
Unlimited Stamina with Multiple Orgasms.pdf
Urban tantra.pdf
When A Man Makes Love To A Woman.pdf
White Tiger Tantra Handbook-Steve Piccus.pdf
Women on Top.pdf
Yoga The Tantric Penis Lessons.pdf
Your Guide to Better Sex in 10 Easy Steps.pdf
Social Skills, Influence, Selling, Speaking
Artful Persuasion How to Command Attention, Change Minds, and Influence People - Harry Mills.pdf
Catherine Blyth - The Art of Conversation (v5.0).epub
Comedy Writing Secrets 2nd Ed (Recommended by David DeAngelo) - Melvin Helitzer.pdf
Dealing with Difficult People 24 Lessons for Bringing Out the Best in Everyone - RICK BRINKMAN.pdf
Gestures - Toastmasters.pdf
How to Be a People Magnet Finding Friends—and Lovers—and Keeping Them for Life - LEIL LOWNDES.pdf
How To Make People Like You In 90 Seconds Or Less - Nicholas Boothman.pdf
How To Persuade People Who Don t Want To Be Persuaded Get What You Wanr Every Time - Joel Bauer.pdf
How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends - Don Gab.pdf
How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes.pdf
How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie.pdf
How To Win Friends And Influence People - Dale Carnegie.pdf
Kickass Copywriting Secrets.pdf
Nonviolent Communication A Language of Life, 2nd Ed - Marshall B. Rosenberg.chm
Psychology of Selling - Tracy Brian.pdf
Robert Caldini_Influence, Psychology of Persuasion.pdf
Robert Greene, The 48 Laws of Power.pdf
Social Intelligence - Daniel Goleman.pdf
Speak To Win - Brian Tracy.pdf
The Charisma Myth - Olivia Fox Cabane.pdf
The Comedy Bible - Judy Carter.pdf
THE POWER OF PERSUASION How We’re Bought and Sold - Robert Levine.PDF
The Psychology Of Persuasion How To Persuade Others To Your Way Of Thinking - Kevin Hogan.pdf
THE SCIENCE OF INFLUENCE How to Get Anyone to Say “Yes” in 8 Minutes or Less! - Kevin Hogan.pdf
Vocal Power _ Speak With Authourity, Clarity and Conviction Guidebook.pdf
Winning Through Intimidation.pdf
Your Speaking Voice - Toastmasters.pdf
Spirituality, meditation, Journey as a man
Ayn Rand-Atlas Shrugged.epub
Brave New World - Aldous Huxley.pdf
Eckhart Tolle - A New Earth_ Awakening to Your_ose (v4.0).epub
Frederick E. Dodson - Levels of Energy.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 1 - Spiritual Enlightenment, The Damnest Thing.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 2 - Spiritually Incorrect Enlightenment.pdf
Jed McKenna - Book 3 - Spiritual Warfare.pdf
Marcus Aurelius' Meditations.pdf
PeacefulWarrior - Dan Millman.pdf
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self reliance - Ralph waldo emerson.pdf
The Alchemist-Paulo Coelho.pdf
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The Fountainhead-Ayn Rand.pdf
The God Delusion-Richard Dawkins.pdf
The Impact of the Highly Improbable-The Black Swan.pdf
The Manual of the Warrior of Light - Paulo Coelho.pdf
The Power of Now-Eckhard Tolle.pdf
The Way of the Superior Man - David Deida.pdf
The Zahir - Paulo Coelho.pdf
Warrior of the Light _ Volume 2-Paulo Coelho.pdf
Training, Nutrition, Recovery
10 Ways to Modify or Regress a Movement.pdf
101 Kettlebell Workouts.pdf
365 Strong - Brandon Lilly.pdf
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5 3 1 method _ 2nd edition - Jim Wendler.pdf
50 Greyskull Conditioning Workouts - John Sheaffer.pdf
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-A Feast of Ice and Fire.epub
Aguas Profundas.pdf
Anabolics - Llewellyn.pdf
APFT Program.pdf
Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports Companion (Slides)-Lyle McDonald.pdf
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Becoming a Supple Leopard.pdf
Beginner Program.pdf
Beyond 531 - Jim Wendler.pdf
Building Base.pdf
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Built Like a Badass.pdf
CnP Issuance  of Insanity.pdf
Comprehensive Bodyweight Workout List, v1.0.pdf
Convict Conditioning.pdf
Convict Conditioning BodyweightTraining Log.pdf
Cross Fit Bodyweight Workout Resource v2.0.pdf
Cube Method for Strongman.pdf
Cube Method Spreadsheet.pdf
DeepLearing_ NoMargin - Richad Socher, Yoshua Bengio and Chris Manning.pdf
Defying Gravity - Bill Starr.pdf
Destroy the Opposition - Jamie Lewis.pdf
Dinosaur Bodyweight Training.pdf
Dinosaur Diet.pdf
Dinosaur Strength Training Notebook.pdf
Dinosaur Training.pdf
Drop the Panties.pdf
Easy Strength.pdf
Enter The Kettlebell Workbook.pdf
Facebuilder for Men - Carol Maggio.pdf
Fatal Fitness - USAF TACP.pdf
Four Week Mass.pdf
Freak Strength.pdf
Gladiator 1.pdf
Gladiator 2.pdf
Grain Brain - David Perlmutter.epub
Greyskull LP 1st Edition - John Sheaffer.pdf
Greyskull LP 2nd Edition.pdf
Grocery List for Successful Nutrition.pdf
High Low Sequences of Programing and Organization Training-Smith.pdf
Issuance of Training Insanity 2.pdf
Juggernaut BENCH MANUAL.pdf
Juggernaut DEADLIFT MANUAL.pdf
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Kelsos Shrug Book.pdf
LBEB 12 Week Olympic Weightlifting Program.pdf
LBEB Press Program.pdf
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Level 1 Rookie Guide.pdf
Level 1 Rookie Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 2 Recruit Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outcast Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outsider Guide.pdf
Level 3 Outsider Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 4 Rebel Guide.pdf
Level 4 Rebel Workout Sheet.pdf
Level 4 Renegade Guide.pdf
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Mark Rippetoe - Practical Programming - 3rd Edition.pdf
Maximal Tension for Maximal Results.pdf
Miracle Superfoods - Aine Belton.pdf
MP45 Training _ Build Muscle Burn Fat.pdf
Never Gymless-Ross Enamait.pdf
Nutrition for Healthy Living 2nd ed. - W. Schiff.pdf
Nutritional Priorities Seminar.pdf
oly & strongman.pdf
Olympic Weightlifting - Everrett.pdf
Oxford Handbook of Nutrition and Dietetics.pdf
Paleo for lifters.pdf
Philosophy of Training For Strength.pdf
Powerful Sleep Secrets of the Inner Sleep Clock - Kacper M. Postawski.pdf
Practical Programming for Strength Trainging 3rd edition - Mark Rippetoe.pdf
Primal Blueprint Fitness - Mark Sisson.pdf
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Principles of Violence.pdf
Project Buff - Omar Isuf.pdf
Quick Reference Video Guide.pdf
Read This First_The High Performance Handbook.Pdf
Rebel Diet Guide.pdf
Rebel Fitness Guide.pdf
Rebel Food Fighter.pdf
Relax Into Stretching-Pavel Tastsouline.pdf
Science and Practice of Strength Training.pdf
Secrets of the Best Chefs - Adam Roberts.pdf
Starting Strength Basic Barbell Training 3rd Edition - Rippetoe, Mark.pdf
Strong Man Manifesto.pdf
stronger manual.pdf
Stronger Phase 3.pdf
Stronger Phase2.pdf
StrongLifts 5x5 - Mehdi.pdf
strongman for football.pdf
Supplement Goals Reference Guide- Examine.com.pdf
Swole-Johnny Pain.pdf
Team Elitefts 2008 Holiday Tips.pdf
Team Elitefts 2009 Holiday Tips.pdf
-The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.epub
The Anabolic Diet.pdf
The Black Book of Training Secrets.pdf
The Cube Method for Strongman.pdf
The Four Layers Of Strength - Elliott Hulse.pdf
The Four Layers Of Strength [How To Become The Strongest Version Of You].pdf
The Hero Handbook.pdf
The High Performance Handbook Nutrition Guide.pdf
The Juggernaut Method 2 0.pdf
The Ketogenic Diet.pdf
The Ketogenic Diet-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Lean Muscle Diet - Alan Aragon.pdf
The Lilliebridge Training Method.pdf
The New Encyclopedia Of Modern Bodybuilding-Arnold Schwarzenegger.pdf
The Oxford Book of Health Foods.pdf
The Paleo Diet, Claims vs Evidence - Alan Aragon.pdf
The Power Of Posture-Naudi Aguilar.pdf
The Primal Blueprint Reader Created Cook book.pdf
The Primal Blueprint_ Reprogram your genes - Sisson_ Mark.pdf
The Stubborn Fat Solution-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Texas Method Advanced.pdf
The Texas Method Part 1.pdf
The Ultimate Diet 2.0-Lyle McDonald.pdf
The Westside Barbell Book of Methods.pdf
Total Health CookbookProgram - Dr Mercola.pdf
Troubleshooting Single Leg Exercises.pdf
Ultra Mind Solution Guide.pdf
What Every BODY is Saying - Joe Navarro.pdf
You Are Your Own Gym _ The Bible Of Bodyweight Exercises For Men And Women.pdf
(Revised Edition) Benjamin Graham-The Intelligent Investor.pdf
[eBook] NLP - Richard Bandler - The Adventures of Anybody [found via www.FileDonkey.com].pdf
1- The Friend Zone.pdf
2- Monogamy vs Poliamory.pdf
3- Breaking Up Like A Man.pdf
4- Never Get Cheated On.pdf
50 Shades of Grey.pdf
Advanced Fellatio Techniques And Secrets.txt
Anal Sex Techniques And Secrets.txt
Are You Smart Enough to Work at Google.epub
Benjamin Graham, David Dodd, Warren Buffett-Security Analysis-McGraw-Hill (2008).pdf
Beyond Good and Evil.pdf
Bob Proctor - Thinking into Results.pdf
Body Language Basics.pdf
Brad's Fashion Bible.pdf
Buzan, Tony - Use Your Head.pdf
Conquer Your Campus.pdf
Day Bang by Roosh V.pdf
Eating Pussy.doc
Effortless Conversational Tactics To Keep Her Giggling All Night.rtf
Emotional_Intelligence_2.00 - Travis Bradberry.pdf
Emotional_Intelligence_2.00 - Travis Bradberry (1).pdf
Expert Persuader.pdf
Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle - Jim Rohn.pdf
Full Facts Book of Cold Reading.pdf
Generation SLUT.pdf
How to Analyze People on Sight-Mantesh.pdf
How to Be a Genius Your Brain and How to Train It.pdf
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smilingping · 6 years
Anger Quotes the Latest Collections in 2019  Outrage settle nothing it just sets up your circulatory strain." Catherine Pulsifer "On the off chance that you and I need to work up a hatred tomorrow that may bother over the decades and continue until, death, simply give us a chance to enjoy a bit of stinging analysis - regardless of how certain 
Anger Quotes
When anger Rises,
Think OF the Conse,
Top 10 Anger Quotes Best Ever Collections
E is that it is supported." Dale Carnegie, How to win companions and impact individuals
"To be furious is to give others' slip-ups a chance to rebuff yourself." Buddha
"On the off chance that you are quiet in one snapshot of resentment, you will get away from a hundred days of distress." Chinese Proverb
"I lose my temper, yet it's all over in a moment," said the understudy. "So is the nuclear bomb," I answered. "In any case, think about the harm it produces!" George Sweeting
"Dread is the way to the clouded side. Dread prompts outrage. Outrage prompts abhor. Abhor prompts enduring." Yoda
"I was infuriated, for I had no shoes. At that point, I met a man who had no feet." Chinese Proverb
"Amid the day, you can go from assignment to undertaking, to meet every associate and every individual regardless of how disappointing without losing your temper, or appearing by being egotistical or uninformed. All things considered, it is just a single day." Byron Pulsifer, It Is Only For One Day
"It is your regular passionate vitality that emerges when you have a craving for something (or somebody) is blocking you from getting what you need or need. For this reason, anything on the dissatisfaction to see the continuum is viewed as displeasure." Laurie Weiss
"It's you, from the first light to evening time; you when the day is reasonable, you when the tempest is seething - how would you confront lose hope?" Edgar A Guest, What Counts
Most Important Part of Anger Quotes
"My companions, love is superior to outrage. The expectation is superior to fear. Idealism is superior to lose hope. So give us a chance to love, cheerful and hopeful. Also, we'll change the world." Jack Layton, Setting An Example
"Outrage and desire can no more bear to dismiss their items than affection." George Eliot
"Outrage can be a costly extravagance." Italian Proverb
"Outrage smothers the light of the psyche." Robert G. Ingersoll
Also, See: Inspiring Quotes to Move on
When we talk about displeasure the executives, we are discussing how you control your passionate and physiological reactions to circumstances that reason outrage. You can't stay away from these circumstances and you can't abstain from getting to be furious now and again; that is just characteristic. In any case, you can figure out how to control how you respond. James Seals, Anger
At the point when the sentiments of trouble, outrage, and despondency show up, enable them to stream and enable yourself to express the feeling with the expectation of not doing damage to other people. Molly McCord, Conscious Messages
"Regardless of whether we like to let it be known or not, those of us who battle with an unforgiving heart additionally bear a gigantic measure of outrage." Brian Jones, Forgiveness
Outrage is the feeling transcendently useful for the showcase of intensity.
Outrage communicated in a sound and positive way implies that we channel enthusiastic indignation towards goals not assault. Byron R. Pulsifer
"Be that as it may, the day is a relentless deplete of little inconveniences,
"Let not the sun go down your indignation. Outrage must be restricted and bound, both in the race and in time." Francis Bacon, Essays
"Whenever you feel outraged ascending in you, make a separation with yourself. Break up the 'I' that has insulted and you will see that every one of the indications of resentment will vanish."
Outrage is a wild inclination that double-crosses what you are the point at which you are not yourself. Outrage is that ground-breaking inward power that extinguishes the light of reason. Realize that this will generally be the foe: it is outrage, conceived of want."
"Whatever is started in outrage, finishes in disgrace." Benjamin Franklin 
Part 3 Anger Quotes Latest
"... what is clear is the point at which we decline to put on our Compassion Hat and rather clutch disdain, we clutch our own torment, conceivably getting to be what we dislike or don't get it.
At the point when outrage rises, think about the outcomes.
Well known expressions about Life
Incredible annoyance and viciousness can never manufacture a country. Nelson Mandela
Outrage, fear, hostility; the clouded side of the Force are they. Effectively they stream, fast to go along with you in a battle. On the off chance that once you begin down the dull way, perpetually will it command your fate, devour you it will. Yoda
We have frequently heard individuals utilize the articulation "I abhor you" when they are just communicating displeasure. Now and again, nonetheless, exceptional outrage may turn to swell into an expression as we can sensibly mark "tempt," despite the fac expression is transient. Aaron T. Beck M.D., Prisoners Of Hate
While a testing life situation is a certain something, in all actuality, we wouldn't need to deal with our outrage if the general population in our lives would deal with their idiocy.
Being not able to remain calm is no less of a disease than being restless or ditto discouraged, and it merits just as much compassion. John Crawford, Anger Management
Outrage at oneself is a ruinous thing. Qui-Gon Jinn
Talk reality, don't end up irritated and gives when asked, even be it a bit. Buddha
Anger Quotes
Whatever is begun in Anger.
Ends is Shame
"When you perceive that outrage brings you only inner passionate pressure, you are prepared to push ahead with an all the more unmistakably characterized positive activity." Catherine Pulsifer.
"For a few people, sentiments of outrage can be very alarming, so they try to stifle these feelings so as to maintain a strategic distance from strife. Paul Gilbert, PhD
"Controlling displeasure is a customized exercise. What works for me may not work for you. You have to discover what makes you furious." Q. C. Aaron, Anger: Overcoming your Inner Demon
"The best solution for annoyance is the delay." Seneca
"Outrage is never without reason, yet sometimes with a decent one." Benjamin Franklin
... never feeling annoyance may be similarly as unfortunate as encountering over the top indignation. A sound dimension of annoyance implies that we have a feeling of good and bad, that we know when we are being dealt with unreasonably, and that we are eager to go to bat for ourselves when we encounter foul play. At the point when diverted in a solid and beneficial way, outrage can assist us with overcoming obstructions to our prosperity and prosperity. Thomas Westover, Anger Management
"Those caught by their own resentment tirelessly endeavor to constrain others to meet their requests previously they can discover harmony, while the individuals who discover discharge from outrage don't." Les Carter, The Anger Trap
"Pardoning is the way to opening all the displeasure and hurt, the void and obscurity inside. To release love, satisfaction, satisfaction, and light inside I could've been feeling like this from the beginning, you state to yourself." Zaneta Be ever ford, Unleashing The Power Of Forgiveness
"Dangerous indignation can truly hurt your associations with your companion, children, family, and companions. It causes enduring scars in your loved ones most, and it can hinder settling clashes." Alexis G. Roldan, Marriage: How To Rescue Your Marriage
"Poise alludes to controlling one's feelings and sentiments and not losing one's cool even in the most noticeably awful of circumstances." Brian Adams, Self Improvement
Also, See: Funny Quotes Good Night
"The best time for you to hold your tongue is the time you believe you should state something or forget about it." Billings
"It doesn't pay to state excessively when you are sufficiently frantic to stifle.
For the word that stings the most profound is the word that is never expressed,
Give the other individual a chance to wrangle till the tempest has overwhelmed,
at that point, he'll complete a stack of reasoning about the things you didn't state." James Whitcomb Riley
"I could see, from the get-go in my profession, that helping my customers deal with their resentment would hugely affect their lives and pay additional profits. The research appears, for instance, that kids are considerably less liable to wind up forceful when their folks and alternate grown-ups around them adequately handle struggle with thoughtfulness." W. Robert Nay, Taking Charge of Anger 
"An essential key in displeasure the executives is recognizing the trigger and what it implies for you." Daniel Brush, Anger Management
"The more indignation towards the past you convey in your heart, the less proficient you are of cherishing in the present." Barbara de Angelis
"But regardless of disdain and outrage for you won't achieve reality except if you go after the adoring soul that re
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kim26chiu · 6 years
Northern Ambition: Young and Foreign in the Twin Cities Circa 1987
[ When I wrote about there being social factors other than the cold keeping people from moving to Minneapolis, Sami Karam, a Lebanese immigrant who now lives in New York City and posts insightful demographic analysis as his site Populyst, mentioned that he’d had similar experiences trying to fit in there when he lived in Minneapolis in the 1980s. I asked him if he’d write up his experience, and he graciously agreed. While this story is about 30 years old, I believe it still holds relevance today. You can also follow Sami on twitter at @sami_karm – Aaron. ]
“For how much longer will you go by Sami instead of Sam or Samuel?… Because after a certain age, a Robby, for example, would revert to a more grown-up name like Bob or Rob or Robert”, I was once asked and informed by a man in Minneapolis. My answer that Sami is a real first name, albeit not necessarily one that I favored over its variants, did not seem to satisfy him.
A decade later, when I started working on Wall Street and heard a similar comment, I found that this reaction to ‘Sami’ was not unique to the midwest or to the less diverse non-coastal US but that it was instead emblematic of cultures that were somewhat insular. Minneapolis did feel insular when I lived there as a young immigrant in 1986-88.
When Aaron Renn recently suggested that I write about my experience there, I was not sure that I could do a fair job of it. Would I use a chronology, as in a fragment of biography? Would I showcase the 1987 Twins triumph at home in game 7 of the World Series? How would I insert my fast weekend escapes to New York or L.A. on discounted fares that I bought in bulk from People Express ($45 to New York)? And my slow other weekends spent alone writing computer code in the office because I had nothing better to do?
When undecided, use data! So in the end, I settled on five main data themes. Minneapolis in 1986 was 1) cold, 2) flat, 3) remote, 4) rich, and 5) very white. The first four are still true today.
But first a few general comments.
Minneapolis was (is) a great place in many ways. The people around me were unfailingly kind. I liked the city’s well-designed infrastructure and amenities and its perennial ambition to turn itself into something bigger and better. “It wants desperately to be New York”, a Minnesotan college friend had volunteered before I moved there.
But after living there for two years, I was dubious. I thought that Minneapolis, though known as the ‘Minneapple’, was very happy just being Minneapolis. Further, if I want to be lucid, these same unfailingly kind people did not seem all that interested in me. I was an oddity in a place that seemed perfectly content without too many oddities.
As to Minneapolis becoming bigger and better, the most visible of the city’s major improvements, for example Cesar Pelli’s stunning Norwest (now Wells Fargo) Center then under construction, seemed destined to remain off bounds for the likes of me. I projected, rightly or wrongly, that were I to stay, it would take me a very long time to penetrate the higher circles of local industry.
Norwest (now Wells Fargo) Center. Image via Wikipedia/Public Domain
On the whole, my time in Minneapolis was comfortable but not easy. Although I had already lived in many places away from home, I felt in this case an unfamiliar isolation that was heightened by the cold winters and by the city’s remote location deep into the northern plains.
Of little assistance to my outlook was the fact that I was reading, in the dead of winter, Roland Huntsford’s The Last Place on Earth, a chronicle of the 1911 two-team race to reach the South Pole. Would I sail through and emerge victorious like Amundsen? Or would I endure an exhausting slog only to then freeze to death like Scott? Neither, of course, though my February psychology was trending to Scott.
How bad is the weather in Minneapolis? Regarding the temperature, it is as cold as Anchorage in winter, but no worse than Chicago in spring, and similar to New York and Denver in the summer and fall. On the whole, I found it quite bearable, and even enjoyable, except for the most extreme days of winter.
There are other weather factors beside temperature. For one, Minneapolis enjoys an unusually high number of completely cloudless days. “It is too cold for the humidity to hold up in the air”, my recruiter had deadpanned during the first interview.
Minneapolis-St Paul (MSP) has more clear days than Chicago and more total sunny hours than New York, and far more than Seattle. Its annual snowfall is similar to Denver’s but Denver is even sunnier. Surprisingly, Denver has more clear days than Miami and as many sunny hours.
So in sum, Minneapolis is abysmally cold and snowy in winter. But overall, it is frequently sunny even in winter. If you prefer sunny cold days to tepid wet grey ones, you could argue that the weather in Minneapolis is in fact better than in Seattle. The temperatures in Seattle are less extreme and there is little snow. But the sky is frequently overcast and releases rain in forty more days every year than in Minneapolis.
Minnesota has little variation in its land elevations and is the fifth flattest state in the US. Standing at any high point in the city, say on the tenth floor of a building, the view is unobstructed by natural topography in all directions. Except on hazy or foggy days, the towers of downtown are clearly visible from far away. In winter, the chill wind can do its work unbothered by natural obstacles and its steady sweep undulates drifts of snow from one side of the road to the other (‘snow snakes’, per one of my friends).
Lake Harriet in Winter by Amy Mingo. Licensed under CC BY 2.0
I once took a drive north to Duluth and pressed on along the north shore of Lake Superior. We encountered few hills until we reached the Sawtooth range of low mountains along the lake.
In my view, the most unique geographic feature of Minneapolis is not its weather, but the combination of its weather and its remoteness. It is very far from any other sizable city. Its own metro population has 3.6 million today, up from less than 2.5 million when I lived there. But the closest large city is Chicago, 409 miles away. That is the same distance as Boston to Baltimore, and 30 miles more than San Francisco to Los Angeles. Unlike on those trips however, there is little to break the monotony of a day-long trek through rural Wisconsin, except for a quick bypass of Madison and perhaps a lunch break at Wisconsin Dells.
On my first long drive to MSP, coming from Indiana, I was thrilled at dusk to finally reach Eau Claire because that meant that I only had… 90 miles to go to get to MSP.
Minneapolis is even more isolated to its west. Driving in that direction, the first city of over one million inhabitants is Seattle, 1,656 miles away. I never ventured in that direction. But I did head to Kansas City for New Year’s 1988. That was a mere 436 miles of driving through the frozen grey-brown fields of southern Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. The city of Des Moines, helpfully located half way, was the only pretext to take a break.
The next large cities beyond Kansas City were Denver and Dallas-Fort Worth, both at over 900 miles from Minneapolis. But I never went there by road.
The brave that push northward from MSP into Canada will not encounter a sizable (say greater than 500,000) concentration of humans until Winnipeg in Manitoba, 460 miles away.
I wonder if MSP’s remoteness made it more insular back then. Today, people fly more easily and everything seems closer. But in 1986-88, I met some people in their 50s or 60s who had never left the state. In some cases, they were proud of it and intent on keeping it so until the end. There was no need to venture anywhere, other than for curiosity or a love of travel, especially when the local economy was doing so well.
Minneapolis-St Paul was quite content with its economy. Back then, it boasted higher median household income (MHI) than the US average. Today too, the MHI in Hennepin, Dakota, Ramsey, Anoka and Washington counties (the metro Minneapolis-St Paul area) is significantly higher than the national average, roughly in line with that of Manhattan.
Minnesota is home to corporate giants Cargill (agriculture, trading), Carlson (travel), United Health (health care), Target and Best Buy (retail) and others.
I saw first hand and was inspired by the Minnesota work ethic that seemed to strike just the right balance between personal ambition and team work. I was employed by an architecture-engineering design firm that had at the time its headquarters in Minneapolis and a small satellite office in Milwaukee. I had no doubt that it would grow smartly. Today it has eight offices coast to coast.
When I lived there, Minneapolis’ ethnic makeup was over 80% white. Today, this percentage has dropped to the mid 60s. I am guessing that the new diversity has changed the character of the city and opened up new cultural vistas.
Someone like me would probably find it easier to integrate today than I did in the late 1980s and may more readily decide to settle in Minnesota for the long term. To be sure, it is still brutally cold. It is also still very far, but it may feel closer today thanks to easier travel and social media. The locals are probably more interested in the foreign-born today because there are more of them around. And they bring with them something new and interesting.
My guess overall is that Minneapolis is a much better place for an outsider today than thirty years ago, though still not as socially navigable as the traditionally more universal cities on either coast. Nonetheless, as I alluded above about Wall Street, coastal America seems more inclusive overall but it still comprises smaller sub-cultures that can be just as exclusionary as some midwestern cities. The outer walls are gone but smaller inner citadels remain off limits.
In 1986, as a Mediterranean in the land of the Scandinavian and German-American, I sought warmer personal connections. As luck would have it, baseball rescued me in the end. When the Twins made it to the 1987 World Series, a groundswell of camaraderie and good cheer spread through my entourage, one that was broad and generous enough to see me invited to several homes where I watched the games and liberally high-fived everybody. There was no going back to formality after that.
Forever etched in my memory is a night drive into downtown on the last day of the World Series. Every window of every building was lit up in tribute to the Twins victory and the entire city was glowing like a celebratory thank you to the heavens.
  from Aaron M. Renn http://www.urbanophile.com/2018/05/15/northern-ambition-young-and-foreign-in-the-twin-cities-circa-1987/
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barb31clem · 6 years
Northern Ambition: Young and Foreign in the Twin Cities Circa 1987
[ When I wrote about there being social factors other than the cold keeping people from moving to Minneapolis, Sami Karam, a Lebanese immigrant who now lives in New York City and posts insightful demographic analysis as his site Populyst, mentioned that he’d had similar experiences trying to fit in there when he lived in Minneapolis in the 1980s. I asked him if he’d write up his experience, and he graciously agreed. While this story is about 30 years old, I believe it still holds relevance today. You can also follow Sami on twitter at @sami_karm – Aaron. ]
“For how much longer will you go by Sami instead of Sam or Samuel?… Because after a certain age, a Robby, for example, would revert to a more grown-up name like Bob or Rob or Robert”, I was once asked and informed by a man in Minneapolis. My answer that Sami is a real first name, albeit not necessarily one that I favored over its variants, did not seem to satisfy him.
A decade later, when I started working on Wall Street and heard a similar comment, I found that this reaction to ‘Sami’ was not unique to the midwest or to the less diverse non-coastal US but that it was instead emblematic of cultures that were somewhat insular. Minneapolis did feel insular when I lived there as a young immigrant in 1986-88.
When Aaron Renn recently suggested that I write about my experience there, I was not sure that I could do a fair job of it. Would I use a chronology, as in a fragment of biography? Would I showcase the 1987 Twins triumph at home in game 7 of the World Series? How would I insert my fast weekend escapes to New York or L.A. on discounted fares that I bought in bulk from People Express ($45 to New York)? And my slow other weekends spent alone writing computer code in the office because I had nothing better to do?
When undecided, use data! So in the end, I settled on five main data themes. Minneapolis in 1986 was 1) cold, 2) flat, 3) remote, 4) rich, and 5) very white. The first four are still true today.
But first a few general comments.
Minneapolis was (is) a great place in many ways. The people around me were unfailingly kind. I liked the city’s well-designed infrastructure and amenities and its perennial ambition to turn itself into something bigger and better. “It wants desperately to be New York”, a Minnesotan college friend had volunteered before I moved there.
But after living there for two years, I was dubious. I thought that Minneapolis, though known as the ‘Minneapple’, was very happy just being Minneapolis. Further, if I want to be lucid, these same unfailingly kind people did not seem all that interested in me. I was an oddity in a place that seemed perfectly content without too many oddities.
As to Minneapolis becoming bigger and better, the most visible of the city’s major improvements, for example Cesar Pelli’s stunning Norwest (now Wells Fargo) Center then under construction, seemed destined to remain off bounds for the likes of me. I projected, rightly or wrongly, that were I to stay, it would take me a very long time to penetrate the higher circles of local industry.
Norwest (now Wells Fargo) Center. Image via Wikipedia/Public Domain
On the whole, my time in Minneapolis was comfortable but not easy. Although I had already lived in many places away from home, I felt in this case an unfamiliar isolation that was heightened by the cold winters and by the city’s remote location deep into the northern plains.
Of little assistance to my outlook was the fact that I was reading, in the dead of winter, Roland Huntsford’s The Last Place on Earth, a chronicle of the 1911 two-team race to reach the South Pole. Would I sail through and emerge victorious like Amundsen? Or would I endure an exhausting slog only to then freeze to death like Scott? Neither, of course, though my February psychology was trending to Scott.
How bad is the weather in Minneapolis? Regarding the temperature, it is as cold as Anchorage in winter, but no worse than Chicago in spring, and similar to New York and Denver in the summer and fall. On the whole, I found it quite bearable, and even enjoyable, except for the most extreme days of winter.
There are other weather factors beside temperature. For one, Minneapolis enjoys an unusually high number of completely cloudless days. “It is too cold for the humidity to hold up in the air”, my recruiter had deadpanned during the first interview.
Minneapolis-St Paul (MSP) has more clear days than Chicago and more total sunny hours than New York, and far more than Seattle. Its annual snowfall is similar to Denver’s but Denver is even sunnier. Surprisingly, Denver has more clear days than Miami and as many sunny hours.
So in sum, Minneapolis is abysmally cold and snowy in winter. But overall, it is frequently sunny even in winter. If you prefer sunny cold days to tepid wet grey ones, you could argue that the weather in Minneapolis is in fact better than in Seattle. The temperatures in Seattle are less extreme and there is little snow. But the sky is frequently overcast and releases rain in forty more days every year than in Minneapolis.
Minnesota has little variation in its land elevations and is the fifth flattest state in the US. Standing at any high point in the city, say on the tenth floor of a building, the view is unobstructed by natural topography in all directions. Except on hazy or foggy days, the towers of downtown are clearly visible from far away. In winter, the chill wind can do its work unbothered by natural obstacles and its steady sweep undulates drifts of snow from one side of the road to the other (‘snow snakes’, per one of my friends).
Lake Harriet in Winter by Amy Mingo. Licensed under CC BY 2.0
I once took a drive north to Duluth and pressed on along the north shore of Lake Superior. We encountered few hills until we reached the Sawtooth range of low mountains along the lake.
In my view, the most unique geographic feature of Minneapolis is not its weather, but the combination of its weather and its remoteness. It is very far from any other sizable city. Its own metro population has 3.6 million today, up from less than 2.5 million when I lived there. But the closest large city is Chicago, 409 miles away. That is the same distance as Boston to Baltimore, and 30 miles more than San Francisco to Los Angeles. Unlike on those trips however, there is little to break the monotony of a day-long trek through rural Wisconsin, except for a quick bypass of Madison and perhaps a lunch break at Wisconsin Dells.
On my first long drive to MSP, coming from Indiana, I was thrilled at dusk to finally reach Eau Claire because that meant that I only had… 90 miles to go to get to MSP.
Minneapolis is even more isolated to its west. Driving in that direction, the first city of over one million inhabitants is Seattle, 1,656 miles away. I never ventured in that direction. But I did head to Kansas City for New Year’s 1988. That was a mere 436 miles of driving through the frozen grey-brown fields of southern Minnesota, Iowa and Missouri. The city of Des Moines, helpfully located half way, was the only pretext to take a break.
The next large cities beyond Kansas City were Denver and Dallas-Fort Worth, both at over 900 miles from Minneapolis. But I never went there by road.
The brave that push northward from MSP into Canada will not encounter a sizable (say greater than 500,000) concentration of humans until Winnipeg in Manitoba, 460 miles away.
I wonder if MSP’s remoteness made it more insular back then. Today, people fly more easily and everything seems closer. But in 1986-88, I met some people in their 50s or 60s who had never left the state. In some cases, they were proud of it and intent on keeping it so until the end. There was no need to venture anywhere, other than for curiosity or a love of travel, especially when the local economy was doing so well.
Minneapolis-St Paul was quite content with its economy. Back then, it boasted higher median household income (MHI) than the US average. Today too, the MHI in Hennepin, Dakota, Ramsey, Anoka and Washington counties (the metro Minneapolis-St Paul area) is significantly higher than the national average, roughly in line with that of Manhattan.
Minnesota is home to corporate giants Cargill (agriculture, trading), Carlson (travel), United Health (health care), Target and Best Buy (retail) and others.
I saw first hand and was inspired by the Minnesota work ethic that seemed to strike just the right balance between personal ambition and team work. I was employed by an architecture-engineering design firm that had at the time its headquarters in Minneapolis and a small satellite office in Milwaukee. I had no doubt that it would grow smartly. Today it has eight offices coast to coast.
When I lived there, Minneapolis’ ethnic makeup was over 80% white. Today, this percentage has dropped to the mid 60s. I am guessing that the new diversity has changed the character of the city and opened up new cultural vistas.
Someone like me would probably find it easier to integrate today than I did in the late 1980s and may more readily decide to settle in Minnesota for the long term. To be sure, it is still brutally cold. It is also still very far, but it may feel closer today thanks to easier travel and social media. The locals are probably more interested in the foreign-born today because there are more of them around. And they bring with them something new and interesting.
My guess overall is that Minneapolis is a much better place for an outsider today than thirty years ago, though still not as socially navigable as the traditionally more universal cities on either coast. Nonetheless, as I alluded above about Wall Street, coastal America seems more inclusive overall but it still comprises smaller sub-cultures that can be just as exclusionary as some midwestern cities. The outer walls are gone but smaller inner citadels remain off limits.
In 1986, as a Mediterranean in the land of the Scandinavian and German-American, I sought warmer personal connections. As luck would have it, baseball rescued me in the end. When the Twins made it to the 1987 World Series, a groundswell of camaraderie and good cheer spread through my entourage, one that was broad and generous enough to see me invited to several homes where I watched the games and liberally high-fived everybody. There was no going back to formality after that.
Forever etched in my memory is a night drive into downtown on the last day of the World Series. Every window of every building was lit up in tribute to the Twins victory and the entire city was glowing like a celebratory thank you to the heavens.
  from Aaron M. Renn http://www.urbanophile.com/2018/05/15/northern-ambition-young-and-foreign-in-the-twin-cities-circa-1987/
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thesleepstudies · 7 years
Melatonin and other calming aids for cats and dogs – top 5 picks from experts & their ratings
Over the last year, we have gathered a pool of data to finally complete this guide on top picks among sleep and calming aids, from dog and cat calming sprays, collars and treats to Melatonin-based chews.
The initial picks of 28 products was made by 4 experts we consulted and we'd like to thank here. This guide would not see the light of day without you guys - Jess and Robert from Back Bay Canine, Aaron and Jon from CAD Angel.
After narrowing down the search, we proceeded to gather a pool of data from a range of online sources and processed it using our proprietary rating system. the results you'll see below are fruit of this lengthy process.
Click one of the two buttons below to see our top picks.
Dog calming aids
Cat calming aids
Best dog calming aids
Calming bites by Zesty Paws
Calming bites has by far the highest user satisfaction rating of all the dog calming treats we looked at - a whooping 91 %.
What's better about it
The formula is all natural and made using only organic ingredients, but that's not what makes Calming bites the best dog calming aid among edibles. It's not the only product out there that's organic and safe.
What is it better?
Three main reasons:
Because the complex formula (25 ingredients) is balanced to calm them but (just as important) it doesn't make your pet lethargic.
Because the natural turkey and bacon flavor that, according to our stats, 94 % of dogs loved.
Because it's safe - GMP certified and US-made, both crucial.
Bottom line - two main issues we've seen with lower-quality products is that they tend to make your pet drowsy or they don't want to touch the "treat" in the first place because of the taste.
Calming bites has superior stats in both those areas - we've seen only 3 % of owners mention the drowsiness issue and only 2.7 % reported that their dog doesn't like it.
Adaptil dog calming Diffuser
This Pheromone-based dog calming diffuser has a user satisfaction % of a whooping 92%. It's THE choice if you're looking to calm your pet during both if you have a ornery rascal and if for specific situations (like anxiety and fear during thunderstorms, new home or visit from unfamiliar people).
It uses the calming potency of pheromones to appease them without turning them dull and emotionless. It was the first pick of out vet consultants and it turned to be the superior diffuser of the 4 we looked at. According to our data, it worked as advertised in 9 out of 10 cases.
Cat calming aids
Composure Pro Bite - top pick among cat calming treats
Cats are very tricky when it comes to edibles and out of 14 products we looked at Composure ProBite is the only product among cat calming treats one with a user satisfaction rate of over 90%.
More importantly, we've seen no close runner-ups and we feel like Pro Bite was the only one worth mentioning. Other similar products we looked have a very high %s of the cat refusing to touch the edible because they smell and taste like medicine.
The chicken flavor of the Pro Bite seems to be the only cat calming treat that tastes like the real deal.
Cool Kitty  - best cat calming spray
Cool Kitty is a natural pheromone-based cat calming spray, it's the the highest-rated formula with a user satisfaction rate of 86%.
Just as important, the formula is very simple and safe, doesn't contain any paraban-based chemicals and NO Lavender. The later is important because recent studies show that Lavender is toxic for a feline.
Bottom line - you should be cautious with sprays, because some of the products have been in the market for years without any change to the formula. In those years, the body of studies about chemicals that are toxic for your pet has grown (like lavender).
That's why we stayed away from "blends". Because if the ingredients are not precisely listed, a calming blend might include a harmful chemical.
Cool Kitty contains natural pheromone, jasmine & passion flower and none of the potentially harmful chemicals.
Comfort Zone Feliway cat calming diffuser - top pick
By far the most popular among users, this non-pheromone cat calming diffuser has a user satisfaction rate of 86 %.
This diffuser is covered by a full warranty meaning that, if it doesn't work for you simply send it back and get a refund. ThunderEase is the kind of the hill. It's been clinically tested and proven to be effective with a 90% success rate. It's not pheromone-based, but on a formula designed to "mimic" the soothing effects of pheromones.
What we've seen with this diffuser is that the satisfaction rate fluctuates based on how long you've been using it, it significantly increases after about a month.
So, if you do decide to give it a go, we recommend getting a diffuser with at least 3 refills.
How do dogs sleep?
Depending on the size and breed, their sleeping requirements will vary. While some breeds seem to only want to nap and be lazy, there are also some breeds that are constantly active and you’re wondering where do they even get the energy.
Long hours
Adult canine will spend around 12 to 14 hour sleeping per day on average while a puppy sleeps even up to 18 hours per day, sometimes, even more, depending on the breed. Approximately half of their day will be spent on sleep and 30% of being awake but inactive.
The remaining 20% is reserved for their most basic needs such as eating, walks, and exercise. "Seniors" require a significant amount of sleep due to their age. As your they age, certain illnesses will begin to develop such as arthritis and other ailments. Living will become increasingly more difficult and they will naturally spend most of its time where it’s comfortable.
If they are is sleeping more or less than the average it is no cause for alarm.  Every dog is different and their behavior and needs greatly depend on the breed, gender, and age as well as the environment.
Nap time
While you’re away at work and there isn't anything to stimulate your furry best friend, the chances are they will be spending their time blissfully snoozing- or chewing the couch cushion.
It's normal for them several short naps during the day and the duration of those naps depend on the breed and the personality. Larger breeds require a lot more rest and will generally spend up to 18 hours in total sleeping. Puppies, just like human babies, will tire out easily. Their time is spent playing and exploring their surroundings, which is very exhausting when you’re just a small curious pup.
Dogs that get enough activity and exercise in their day will also spend longer periods sleeping to recover their muscles and rest.
You will notice that your pet can not wait to slump down and sleep after a long walk or a run around it the ark. As much as they love play time, they also love to catch some Zs.
The topic of whether or not dogs dream has long been up for debate in the science world. The behaviors and the noises that your pooch makes in their sleep seem to indicate that they do dream. Dreaming is the state of sleep in which the brain processes all of the things it has experienced during the waking state. So for your dog that might be a dream about a walk in the park, that pesky neighborhood cat that keeps teasing him or his favorite chew toy. Scientists have discovered similarities in brain activity in both humans and dogs during REM state, further confirming the theory that they do have dreams.
During REM phase they'll will make yelping noise, growl and sometimes even bark. They can go as far as moving their legs as if running and make sudden jerking motions.
In comparison, canine are much more active during REM phase. You might even say they “talk” in their sleep. If you see them twitching and it persists on regular basis you might consider dog melatonin to soothe them.
The importance of exercise
Dogs that do not get an adequate amount of activity and exercise during the day will often sleep a lot longer than those that do. In some cases, they may even suffer from insomnia. Not getting enough mental stimulation can be detrimental to the mental health as well as their overall well-being.
If they are active during the night when the rest of the family is asleep, it is most likely that it didn't get enough activity and slept throughout the day. Insomnia in dogs is most common in smaller breeds in urban environments that do not get to experience enough outside stimuli or run regularly. 30 minutes a day is a bare minimum of activity to keep them happy and healthy. Even more for the bigger and working breeds. To combat the issue of insomnia, leave interesting puzzle-like toys around the places where the dog spends most of its time. This will mentally stimulate themand motivate him to play, instead of going to sleep. These toys dispense a small treat if tampered with in the right way. This creates a positive association for the dog that if he finds a way around the toy he will be rewarded.
Indication of health
Changes in your dog's sleeping habits can be a good indication of their health. if there is a health issue, they will spend even more time sleeping and will not be energetic upon waking up.
If your furry friend is usually very active but now seems lethargic and sleepy, it is a good time for a visit to the vet’s office.
Dog Melatonin
This neurohormone occurs naturally and might be the solution to sleep problems. The body of studies suggests that it is useful, especially if the anxiety is caused by separation issues or night phobias.
Dog Melatonin - is it safe?
Although natural, melatonin is still a hormone and should be used with due diligence. The side effects are not common but when they do happen they come in the form of: stomach upset and cramps, agitation, elevated heart rate and, even less common, fertility issues.
Dog melatonin - dosage
The doses listed below are provided for reference purposes only, the exact dosage should be determined by your vet:
Dosage based on weight:
100+ lbs - 3.5-6 mg
30-100 lbs - 2.5-3.5 mg
10-30 lbs - 1.4-1.6 mg
Under 10 lbs - 1 mg
Cat and dog melatonin brands
Based on our research and stats, these are the 10 most well-trusted cat and dog melatonin brands:
K9 Choice dog Melatonin
VetriScience Laboratories
Elite Pet Nutrition
Zesty Paws
Deley Naturals
Particular Paws
How do cats sleep?
Our furry companions are true champions when it comes to putting in long hours of sleep. There is no place or circumstances that could stop a cat from getting some shuteye.
But why do they sleep so much and what goes through their kitty minds when they’re asleep.
This information below will help you better understand the reason behind their sleeping habits and behaviors.
It’s genetic
Depending on your kitties age, they can sleep for as much as 16 hours a day, even as much as 20 for a senior. This is a result of years and years of evolution that has affected their physiology, nutritional habits, and behavior. Between meals, they will conserve energy with by getting a nap. A short period of rest to digest what they ate and to prepare for the next “hunt”.In the wild, they had to stalk and hunt their prey in order to survive which burns a lot of energy. Nowadays this behavior has been adapted to play fighting, chasing toys and crazy night marathons just as you’re about to drift to sleep.
One eye open
About three-quarters of the time, they spend sleeping is reserved for what we might call “a snooze”. Snoozing is a type of a short, light sleep that will give them all the rest it needs while staying alert at the same time. This is another evolutionary trait, should a threat appear, they are is ready to fight or flight. You can tell if they are is “snoozing” if their ears are lightly twitching or following the direction of the sound and their eyes won't be shut all the way. The wonderful things is that they can nap even when sitting upright. You never know when a nap might get you, and these tiny predators come prepared!
If you fee like this is issue, you might try soothing them using some of the sleep aids out there that include Melatonin for cats.
Naturally, cats are crepuscular, meaning they’re at their most active during twilight hours, just as the day is ending. Their wild ancestors would spend all of the hours in the day sleeping and hunt in the night when the visibility is low. The structure of their eyes allows them better-seeing ability in low light which means they can see their prey in the dark and the prey will not know what hit ‘em. In the case of the modern, domesticated feline the toy mouse is also none the wiser.
Deep sleepers
As you might be already able to tell, they take sleep very seriously. Which is why the remaining quarter of their sleeping hours go towards deep sleep. "Seniors" can spend about 30 to 40% of their time in a deep sleep. As they age, their sleeping needs changee. This is to accommodate their changes in digestion and energy preservation.
When in deep sleep, they will lay curled up with their eyes closed tight. Sometimes they might even hide their faces with their paws and tail. Deep sleep is a crucial part in the regeneration of their body and keeping it healthy, this is also the point when the cat will dream. Scientists suggest that they dream about their surroundings and what they’ve experienced throughout their day. So your kitty is probably dreaming about you. How cute is that!
REM and non-REM
REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and it’s a phase of sleep that humans experience.
But it’s not only us that go through this phase, they do as well. If you’ve noticed their ears and eyes rapidly twitching while their sleep it is most likely that they are experiencing a REM phase
Snoring s most prominent with the brachycephalic breeds, also known as "short-nosed" such as the Persian. This happens when the cat is at it’s most relaxed and the airway is obstructed by the extra skin of the soft palate. It is no cause for alarm unless you’ve noticed discharge around the nose which would indicate an upper respiratory inflammation.
Their s natural instinct is to find the most secure spot to sleep on, and what more of an appropriate place than your lap. Your beloved furry companion knows that when their master is around nothing dangerous can happen. The natural scent and warmth of your body is their heaven. Since, in a way, they see you as their parent, they will seek out the comfort and heat of your body to lull themselves to sleep.
Rain, rain go away…
Just like most of us, our furry friends love a good nap on a rainy day. It comes from the same reason, they’re sensitive to changes in the atmosphere. Don't be surprised if you notice them t yawning and spending long hours curled up on a soft blanket when the forecast calls for a gloomy, wet day.
Cat calming spray, diffusers and collars - do they work?
The debate on using actual pheromone-based cat calming spray vs. the synthetic "imitations" is not put to rest and it's not likely to happen any time soon.
The stats and studies
Over the past decade or so, pet numbers have increased by a whooping 18%. The current number is closing in on 90 million pet owners with over 55 % of them being proud to own more than one pet.
With people caring for the safety of their puppies and kittens, the numbers of owners who use pheromone-based calming products has gone down in favor of their synthetic counterparts. A number of reputable publications like the Applied Animal Behavior Science report that cat calming sprays and collars do work and the number of physicians who recommend them is on the rise.
When to use cat calming treats?
In a stressful situation, like a storm or fireworks, cat calming treats will be of little use because you won't be able to get the stressed pet to eat it. They are more of an option for appeasing a naturally anxious feline over a period of time.
For immediate stress, a spray will be the choice because you can spread it around the house without "harassing" your pet to eat something when their primal instincts kick in.
Melatonin for cats - how useful is it really?
Melatonin for cats comes in the form of chews and it's usually combined with other soothing herbs. These products are primarily made to address sleep issues in the feline, like twitching and restless sleep.
Among the blends we looked at that include Melatonin for cats, NaturVet Quiet Moments was the product with the highest ratings.
Comfort Zone vs. Feliway
Two brands of calming aids stand out and we've received a dozen of questions over the past year on the asking us to compare Comfort Zone vs. Feliway
The difference is in the diffusers
To compare Comfort Zone and Feliway, we first have to understand the difference between natural and synthetic pheromones.
Feliway vs. Comfort Zone vs. Ceva
A diffuser with Feliway uses artificial, while Comfort Zone uses natural pheromones. The later is similar to the Ceva and Adaptil - they use potent natural pheromones. the main difference here is the range of products and ways to disperse the substance.
  The following article Melatonin and other calming aids for cats and dogs – top 5 picks from experts & their ratings is courtesy of thesleepstudies
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