#ableds stfu challenge
crazycatsiren · 1 year
How about y'all just, let disabled people complain, instead of shut us down whenever we bring up anything shitty that's happened to us, instead of make everything about you every time?
We get shit for not being independent and on our own, for living with family members, for being unemployed, for depending on caregivers. People call us losers, leeches, burdens, lazyasses. Like, all of this happens to us all the fucking time. We literally live this.
It doesn't matter one jack bit, doesn't mean a rat's ass to us, that it hasn't happened to you. You are not what these conversations are for.
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spooniestrong · 1 year
You gonna burn it to the ground?? Places you can’t even access? Lol! Chill tf out. Your anger is misplaced. It’s noones fault you are disabled. It’s just the way it is.
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imagine seeking out a post from august from a disabled person pointing out ableism to tell them they're wrong and being dramatic and thinking that makes you the good guy.
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i gots fairy lights in my room now and my dumb ass can't stop thinking "omg... just like in stranger things :333" like that's not the most 2016 cis girl cringe thing to think <///3
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ed89 · 2 months
itd be nice to have a father who is supportive of me and not constantly judging and calling me names.
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mistmoose · 2 years
I like being just good enough at a MP game that I can play on expert but not actually stay playing on expert because it's more fun to drop to hard or rookie modes and help others through.
I just wanna have fun and lift others up so they're having as much fun.
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kelseytheballerina · 1 year
what comes after level 0? like, level 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; etc.
Level 0 is getting yourself to a base level of daily self discipline, taking care of your health and appearance, and having things to do besides scrolling all day. The bare minimum of feeling good about yourself long term and being a functioning person.
Level 1 is to figure out what’s wrong with your life and come up with a tangible and measurable plan on how to fix it. What to cut out, what to invite in, how long it’ll take to save up for xyz, what credit score you need for such and such, what habits need to be dropped immediately, etc. Figuring out how to go from who you are now to the early stages of who you want to be. Level 1 is coming to terms with who and are and what you want, doing the research, and making a game plan. It's making sure you don't keep sliding backwards. Why is this level 1 and not level 0? Bc when people are in a subpar place, taking an audit of how they’ve failed themselves leads to more despair and a feeling of hopelessness. People who have gotten themselves to a semblance of health and daily discipline will do this and feel revved up for a challenge.
If you’ve been working out every day, eating well, taking care of your looks, enjoying your hobbies and taking 30 minutes to build a skill you’ve always wanted to learn, you’re gonna be feeling great. And when it’s time to sit down and apply for new jobs it won’t feel as daunting. When it’s time to sit down and write that essay, it won’t be as hard. When you decide to start saving $200 a month, you’ll be excited about it instead of feeling deprived. Level 1 is a very short level and you shouldn't be here for long at all.
Level 2 and up will vary greatly from person to person as it's about putting your money where your mouth is and really putting in work. No more info hoarding, no more restless nights trying to figure out what you want. It's go time. It could include more schooling, working, rebranding yourself, putting yourself out there, not buying new clothes or eating out bc you're saving money hardcore, ramping it up at the gym, or whatever else you planned out. You stfu and do the work. It's uncomfortable bc you won't allow your brain to sabotage you into stopping. You're becoming a new person. Level 2 will likely last a long time since rome wasn't built in a day and whatever you're trying to accomplish will probably take a fair amount of work.
Level 3+ is simply when you are reaching milestones and you are able to assess where you are and see what lies ahead. You have to replan, reformulate, and get back to work. You have to decide if you should keep this job or accept that new offer you just got and weigh out the pros and cons of each. You have to push a bit harder to firmly cement yourself into the next area rather than remain a newbie. At this point, you're a bit of an authority figure. You know what you're doing and you've been at it for a while. This is totally your new normal. This is just your life now.
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analog-kidd · 8 months
If Fire Emblem Had Tumblr Part 2
(part 1)
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🪙annablr-staff ☑️
Introducing New Features!
Keep reading
🔪v-a-n-t-a-g-e Follow
😈fallenwyvern Follow
this is annablr ofc theyre gonna try and scam us
#smh new users bitching abt annablr are so annoying #yeah no shit its a scam
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💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
Gods why are the men from Tellius so hot!?!
Like look
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ugggggggggghhhhhhhlsslcdk;nakc king cainegusdisisudapdaso sooo hottttt 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
🦁the-real-king-of-beasts☑️ Follow
I'll take that as a complement haha
💜mlm-sewer-assassin Follow
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🐴cantocantocantocanter Follow
*Edit* I know on other continents archers can promote to other things but I was thinking about Ylisse, Elyos, and Magvel when making this poll
💘no-i-wont-shut-up Follow
in valentia and fodlan snipers promote into bow knights 😎
🏰armored-general Follow
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Youre just jealous that we have a bigger movement range
🏰armored-general Follow
and whats that mov gonna do when you get one rounded by a lvl 6 fighter cause your winged donkey falls apart by a light breeze
🪶lighterthanafeather Follow
Sorry! Can't hear you with that 4 mov!
#armors stop being slow challenge (impossible)
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🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
Ugh,, can breidablik STOp summoning fredrick???
I already summoned like 7 of him today!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
what??????? who's breidablik??? why am I being summoned??? I am right here next to my lord in his castle, I'm confused???????
🔫tastemyfeglock Follow
GO AWAY!!! YOURE USELESS!!!!!!!!!!!!
🪨pickagodandprey Follow
Excuse me?? I don't even know you!
🪚sidecharater121 Follow
Hey look! A Fredrick that hasn't been summoned yet
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⚜️youngknightnight Follow
Sorry guys for being inactive for so long,,
I was having family issues,,
basically I'm a sword knight about to promote and I wanna be able to use bow upon promotion but my fucking parents keep insisting on axes but I don't wanna use axes!
They keep saying that "axes are sooooo much better than bows" "we encounter so many lance users, why don't you want that advantage?" or "bows only works at two range, why do you want to be defenseless at one range?" bro stfu let me live! I just wanna use bows OKAY?!
Sorry everyone its just been a lot.
#elitists dni #or I will cut you
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🌠thracianstar Follow
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found this weird looking lance an enemy dropped while on my trip in Fodlan.
Gonna try an use it in the next battle!
🎏h-o-l-l-o-w-v-e-s-s-a-l Follow
uhhhh op? I don't recommend using that lance unless you have a crest but your post implies you're not from Fodlan soo uh
don't fucking use it if you wanna live
🐟fishphish Follow
op? op are you there? OP??
🦴️armorcrusher Follow
OP?!?!? OP!!!!!!!!!????? ANSWER US OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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🥩singingnmeat Follow
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this is the best thing in the world on divine dragon
❤️️crimsonrider Follow
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#this is something my wyvern would say if he could talk #anyways #back to hating on my brother
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💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
I found this blueish-white wyvern near Crimea but it wouldn't let me ride it!
It started to thrash around, I had to stop when it started breathing fire
ik you just can't tame a wild wyvern without a lot of time, but the wyvern looked so pretty😭😭😭😭
💭dragon-ggilf Follow
💚blueplusyellowunit Follow
OH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOURE NOT A WYVERN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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😉sranks Follow
I tried to use his lance but my rank was D
😉sranks Follow
easy website
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🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
gonna use the devil axe,
wish me luck!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
I'm liking my odds!!
🏋️‍♂️chop-official Follow
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👺foxythings Follow
Swords are the worst weapon type in my kitsune opinion
🗡theawesomemerc Follow
#you dont even use weapons wtf #how tf should you know
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snow-shelter · 1 year
Hot take but idc. Able-bodied newsies fans shut the fuck up about disabled characters and disabled headcanons challenge. Literally shut up. Don't stick your nose into conversations you have no say in.
Huge rant under the cut, CW for ableism!
That's harsh. I know. But I'm so fucking tired of seeing the same handful of headcanons applied to the same handful of characters and the just horrible fucking "takes" on disability headcanons and Crutchie.
Reminder, there are literally more disorders outside of autism, ADHD and "chronic pain" (which is 60% of the time not even what they're describing in the characters)
Reminder that, you can ship Crutchie with other characters without babying him, erasing his disability, or being an ignorant fuck! If you don't know enough about writing disabled characters, hold off! Do your research! Don't make random shit up for fucks sake!
Also, newsies fandom stop treating disabled HCs weirdly challenge. I haven't noticed this recently, but in my 7 years in the fandom I can very confidently say you guys are weird with disabled HCs.
Specifically demonized disorders. The amount of people who have told me my schizophrenia / narcissism / bordline / other cluster-a/b disorder HCs are invalid / try to discredit them because it makes the character "mean" or "evil"... Just. Shut up. Please for the love of God shut up 😭. Having any of these disorders does not inherently make any of these characters mean/evil/whatever you think
Also. Another pro-tip, able bodied people, please stop talking over us disabled people. For the love of The World just. Shut up. Stop.
The amount of people who have said things about Crutchie, about mobility aids, about personality disorders and etc (specifically ones that apply to me) and have SPOKEN OVER ME is actually fucking astonishing!
There's so much normalized ableism and ableist bullshit floating around and quite honestly I am so fucking tired of it.
Peace and love, disabled people please give your takes and if you're abled just stfu thanks
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cosmicjoke · 4 months
I ask you next time not to put any impression on this manga and keep Attack on Titan and give it your own interpretations that suit you.Doumeki goes to Yashiro and leaves without any feelings because he knows what will happen if he shows his feelings and he thinks that this is the only way that Yashiro wants sex without feelings. This is what Yashiro wanted in the past, but how does Doumeki know that Yashiro has changed?You can't blame DoumekiYou really don't understand. It's better for you to leave your impressions to yourself
It's better for you to STFU, lol.
I'm allowed to say whatever the fuck I want about Saezuru, or any other piece of media, and if you don't like it, you're welcome to use the block button, dick-wad.
You don't seem to understand that Doumeki doesn't own Yashiro, and his attempts to control him, whatever the reason is, are fundamentally wrong and it's leading to nothing but Yashiro's pain and suffering. I'm sorry if you're incapable of accepting that Doumeki isn't a perfect human being who never makes any mistakes. I never said he's intentionally trying to hurt Yashiro, but that doesn't change the fact that he is.
Seriously, what are you? A moronic child? You can't deal with seeing opinions that challenge your own, rose-colored view of things and so, like a total bitch, you send anon messages telling me what to do. No wonder you approve of Doumeki's actions. You're displaying the exact same sort of controlling behavior yourself. Nobody ever taught you you don't get to go around telling other people what they can and can't discuss, can and can't say.
Doumeki knows Yashiro has changed because he found out from Inami that he's impotent with everyone but him, and Yashiro fucking confessed his feelings to him back at the end of chapter 56, that's how he would know, dipshit. But Doumeki is operating under so much fear of losing Yashiro again, that he's letting that fear blind him. You're also so idiotic, that you've utterly missed the point I'm making, which is that if Doumeki could let go of his fear of Yashiro running away, and just accept that he doesn't get to decide if Yashiro stays or goes, then that would be what leads to them finally being able to speak to one another.
Again, too fucking bad for you if you can't accept Doumeki's own responsibility in this situation.
Now kindly crawl back under whatever rock of irrelevancy you came out of. Literally nobody gives a shit about you and your basic bitch takes.
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crazycatsiren · 1 year
"Have you tried..."
Have you tried shutting the fuck up, because that would actually be helpful.
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jordanraye47 · 5 months
Headcanons about my favourite characters (yk who my fav is but whatever stfu /respectfully) [some ANSGT for y’all depressed people] ITS SO MUCH IZZY OMFG
Izzy is Scarlett’s younger sister. Idc if the order of seasons don’t let it make sense. Scarlett has older sister energy so I decide that they are sisters.
Noah has dyslexia. He loves to read and won’t let dyslexia stop him‼️Like his sisters see him with the same book for 3 months bc it takes AGES to read one
did I forget to mention that? He’s the youngest of ALOT of sisters (inspo from @deadmxnsparty on TT from the fic Stakes)
I have SO MUCH on izzy I need one list js for her so I’ll try and put a few on this one.
Her hair gets really really messy and often covers her face. So she ends up having to manually hold up her bangs if she has to look someone in the eyes or smth cause her hair covers up her eyes.
She canonically has psychosis, and being a pretty expressive and hyper person, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with emotions. So regardless of how many psychotic attacks or breakdowns she has, she never gets a full grip on how to handle them. So it ends with her running away from whatever situation she’s in so nobody sees her, and so she doesn’t hurt anyone.
Just like Duncan, I think Izzy has some family that’s in the police or involved in it. So she’s definitely familiar with law and punishments. But she’s also really good at getting away with it.
Imagne if like Scott Izzy and Scarlett were siblings 😔 izzy would be a farmer lmao
she wears crocs, attack me
She is not allowed in the kitchen alone. During cooking challenges on TD, she’s either js put to the fucking sidelines or someone it put on duty just to make sure she doesn’t fuck up.
got recruited by the FBI and/or army. She’s smart and strong like ??????
omfg I’m so bloated rn fuck my uterus
COURTZZY HCS (my pookies)
its js criminal x lawyer so she KNOWS the law, she just dgaf
regardless, she tries to help Courtney w work whenever she needs it. She probably has no idea what she’s doing but she tries helping at least, and she’s js happy when Courtney is. So like if Courtney passes an important test or smth, she js goes along w the excitement, even though she has no idea what’s happening.
and speaking of school n shit; Izzy dosent prioritise school, nor focus much on it. Especially compared to Courtney. But shes smart, enough to understand that Courtney is passionate about it. And as much as she likes bothering Courtney and hanging with her, Izzy’s quiet when she thinks Courtney needs silence to study, or just alone time in general.
IOTSSSS😈😈 (the angst is going hard rn. REREADING THIS IT SOUNDS SO DEEP AND LOWJRY POETIC IM PROUD) I wanna make this into a fic😔
Man the survivors guilt is CRAZY‼️🙏
Like she has Eva but the feeling that she had the opportunity to change the outcome still lingers. Like why didn’t she argue with Duncan enough to not let Noah stay
It’s not that she thought Noah wasn’t able to protect himself, but he didn’t. He didn’t exactly know how to fight, and he couldn’t sass his way out of death.
Duncan had to practically force Izzy along when they walked back. The danger of the island hadn’t properly gotten to her then, but if it had, she wouldn’t have let any of her friends out of her sight for a second.
She wasn’t strong enough to protect everyone, but she’s convinced she could’ve done better. And maybe Noah, Courtney, Owen, Lindsay and everyone else could’ve made it.
Like I said, the survivors guilt is pretty rough after a fucking massacre ykwim?
And she was 16 when this happened. And so was everyone else. And regardless of age, nobody should’ve gone though that, alive or not.
Her relationship to things associated with the death of her friends are definitely weird. Like when things like showering and drinking water felt like tasks. Like watching the water from the tap run for 10 minutes cause the image of Noah’s dead body in the water, surrounded by his own blood, wouldn’t leave her alone.
She felt disgusted by herself when she avoided water like the plague. She refused to leave the house, even to just go out with the trash or pick up the mail.
The neighbours across her father’s apartment used to come to her door and ask for her parents. They complained about how loud she was when she was outside by the playground when she was 10. Their jaws would probably drop if they saw how she’d changed.
She found herself on multiple occasions, talking to herself. Just to make sure she still had a voice. She hadn’t talked in ages. And even if she did, it was only to her siblings maybe once a week, and maybe a word or two to her parents if they were lucky.
Even after turning 17, the mentality and maturity stayed the same. The memories of that island never faded. But the others did. She had a few videos and pictures on a digital camera, and that was the best preserved memories of her friends. She was afraid that if she lost these, she’d forget their voice and face.
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thewizardofozwel · 7 months
I have been struggling with the first challenge from Yuirko. Literally got a whole bunch of various other plot heavy triggers while still having not been able to stop Setsu from getting iced out before Yuriko did.
Setsu would not stop immediately by round 5 acusing Yuriko and getting frozen. So this run, I saw Setsu hadn't pulled the trigger again, I didn't want to catch the heat from making an accusation so I just did small talk.
She interrupts right after Kukrushka talks about Borche so it literally was
Crew's favorite child: borche :^)
Yuriko: stfu
Crew: >:(
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kiichxko · 2 years
Bllk boys playing genshin!
Warnings: some quest spoilers for genshin
He's the very rare traveler main! Specifically aether
Mainly uses electro or dendro aether for the elemental reactions
He doesn't understand why people don't use traveler a lot, he thinks being able to switch elements at will is very useful and versatile
SUCKS at dodging, he literally depends on his zhongli's shield to keep him alive
Speaking of zhongli, he lost his 50/50 to keqing on his banner, homeboy later spent hours grinding for primos, he deadass refuses to whale at all
He also might have sacrificed keqing at qingyun peak multiple times
Luckily, the peepaw came home after 30 more pulls
He's pretty netural when it comes to co-op, so long as you don't take his materials without permission (bachira is an exception)
He LOVES the new TCG event, he's got all the character cards and won nearly every single match in a span of a week
He also does co-op challenges with the others, they range from waverider races to stuff like "who dies first while fighting _____" competitions or "beat azdaha without a shield or healing" challenge
Bachira came up with the last one specifically for him
Low key hates fighting the cryo cube, the fruits you gotta hit to break the shield are a pain in the ass (i'm not self-projecting here i swear)
A hutao and yoimiya main!
He enjoys looking at yoimiya's idle animations and spams her normal attacks just so he could see her do those little flips
Probably learned hu tao's dance and song by heart so every now and then while playing he'll go:
He plays in CN dub but with JP subtitles
Still messes up a little on the pinyin pronouncination but he's trying
He also relates to hu tao since they were both considered weirdos by everyone (bachira's hu tao kinnie era guys)
Has considered cosplaying a character before
Loves exploring! Has every area at 100% exploration rate and all statues at level 10 somehow??
Always forgets that he's a pyro main and that grass exists so he basically almost dies standing on burning grass (can someone please get him a healer or a shield.)
Trolls other people in co-op by doing shit like the "disco disco party party" thing or using jean to yeet people
But other than that, he's actually very helpful with exploring and finding chests
Also steals materials from isagi
Sometimes forgets how to glide and ends up dying from fall damage (me too bachira me too)
Ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri ningguang main chigiri-
He first got her on the beginner's banner she's been on his team ever since, definitely has her c6
You can't tell me that he wouldn't decorate his teapot bc he WOULD
And it's decorated so nicely too, he's even got a whole area dedicated to the animals he caught
Started playing after bachira said the landscapes were pretty but then he got invested into the lore (he watches those genshin theory videos too)
Enjoys taking photos of the landscapes and his characters, he once accidentally clicked on his diluc's skill while taking a photo and proceeded to laugh at how cursed it looked
Doesn't like solving the puzzles in inazuma and enkanomiya tho so he just google searches the solutions
Randomly makes cracked theories about khaen'riah, it happens so often no one can tell if he's being serious or not
Absolutely hates paimon's voice, he'll throw off his headphones whenever paimon starts talking and go "stfu paimon" like calm down
HATES the spectors with all his heart
He also likes collecting items in the open world, has over 2k of each of them
Might have spent a bit of money on welkin but that's as far as he'll go
Idk why but he strikes me as the type to mainly use bow or catalyst users bc of the range
Is very good at aiming and dodging, has laughed at isagi struggling while they were fighting azdaha
The man somehow got a qiqi on the beginner's banner, he read her backstory, felt bad, and decided to main her
And no, his qiqi is not a healer or support, she's a full blown physical DPS
And her build is no joke either, he once made her do 200k damage while fighting the new scaramouche boss like kunigami wtf are you feeding her??
If there's a boss you can't beat, just call him to co-op and his zombie child will carry
Is another lore invester
Chigiri once sent him a video explaining enkanomiya lore and they later spent hours discussing about it
Got emotional at the tsurumi island and kazari quest, maybe at the dainsleif chasm quest too
Also levels up all his character's friendship to 10 to get their name cards
Has read all of his character's stories out of boredom
Completed ALL of his world quests, doesn't skip the dialogue in case he misses something important
Does hangout quests, beidou was his favourite one
Can never see hilichurls the same anymore after the chasm archon quest, all this time he's been killing cursed, innocent people? He feels so guilty
His luck when it comes to the gacha is literally phenomenal, the guy has never lost a 50/50 in his life
He's very skilled at controling his waverider and comes out at the top during waverider races
He's also good in fishing too, he manages to always stay within the moving bar
He plays spiral abyss often and would have 36 stars if it weren't for the last few floors being such a pain in the ass
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your--isgayrights · 1 year
You're like one of the only ones that I feel like can answer my question. But anyways, do you think there is a connection between Bathes framework(death of the author ig) being so prominent in HSY's arc and how it relates to JHY's, YSA's, JHW's arcs and their experiences as a woman. Like ik there was some gender stuff goin on with HSY when she was a guy apostle. But I feel like womanhood isn't as explored in her arcs like it is with the three other characters but I feel like you can somehow make a connection 😭 sorry if this is a tall order.
Anon babe I'm very flattered and I'll try to make some connections here, but if someone who is actually woman has something to say about this please come on in and feel free to tell me to stfu 😭😭. Like obv just from living in Society I have concepts of womanhood/gender dynamics/lived experiences of misogyny but also I need you to understand that identification with and appreciation of a personal identity of womanhood is something that I as a person have consistently been repulsed by my entire life. Like the act of wanting/choosing to be a woman is something I will never be able to fully understand or experience.
authorship is creation outside of motherhood and therefore queer.
narrative control is queer, and therefore disassociation from traditional gender roles comes with increased narrative control.
the narrative of ORV equates Barthes' framework with the "reality" of a reader that has to be challenged by the compassion and love of another person experiencing their own "reality" and authorship of a story is an attempt of that act of impossible communication.
Like ugh ok wanna be clear that I'm not like shim saimdong on the 50,000 won style trying to equate womanhood to this role via like bioessentialist weirdness, but I think that the most obvious connection with authorship and the female characters in orv is the idea of creation that like is sort of tied with motherhood via a character like LSK. Bc yeah if you look at the two big authors writing Kim Dokja's life, it's literally his mom with her prison book and then also Han Sooyoung later on, right?
This is kind of fun to me bc I have a friend whose like actually a lit/film major type person and writing an essay about queer tragedy in film and we were talking about queer narratives and ideas of artificial conception/creation ala Frankenstein, the "unnatural birth." In Western lit tradition this kind of thing has obvi been like connected to horror more modernly, but I think in like early Korean lit (me saying this as a guy who has like only read the Samguk Yusa so 🌾 of 🧂) the connection between unnatural birth and the divine is less complicated and not treated as the same kind of perversion that subversions of nuclear family models have been by narratives in lit largely influenced by a majority religion that values that structure of subservience in the West.
(example of unnatural birth that is fun fine and normal in Samguk Yusa: the first king of Silla is born from an egg and so is his wife and like she even has a beak until it falls off and like Kylie Jenner lip cup style gives her bbl lips /hj.)
The act of authorship can then be seen in/equated with this unnatural birth, or maybe a better term is divine birth. Authorship/narrative control in orv is also shown to be something inherently queer bc like again if you think about LSK and HSY, there is, like you mention Anon, a conflict between the societal role of Woman and becoming an author. Like if you've read feminist lit you are probably already been knew about this but to put it in terms of a referenced text from ORV, there are foundations of an equation of womanhood with motherhood from those very beginnings of Korean lit. The bear mother is a story literally about becoming a woman and that good old neoconfucian influence can be seen in how the path to womanhood for the bear is to completely obey the instructions of a male deity without questioning or straying. She is then "rewarded" by said make deity when they wed and she becomes the mother of Dangun, the deity founder of Korea. This neoconfucian framework of 'womanhood' places emphasis on subservience to higher power and motherhood.
It is notable, then, that the act of becoming an author in Lee Sookyung's case is literally the very action that abandons her child. The act of authorship is juxtaposed from reality, as Kim Dokja's lived experience is retold transformatively and then believed to be true by others and by himself to some degree. Authorship is something that alters the 'natural' and 'real' and divests the author of their subservient societal role. (Abandoning your child #justqueergirlybossthings /j)
So then, let's look at female characters in ORV and their relative relationships to narrative control and femininity. YSA is a good contrast to HSY here, because as you note Anon, reading ORV HSY seems more divorced from womanhood than YSA, but why is that? In all likelihood, it's because YSA takes the place of a certain type of female character that often exists in the stories of this genre, a female colleague who performs her role much better in the original society than the male lead before an entry into the world of the story. Something to also note is, how, despite not being a "character" of the original WoS, YSA is particularly tasked with a role of passivity/narrative inactivity that commonly befalls female characters in the modern day but most notably is exemplified in East Asian lit by the monk Tang Sanzang in Journey to the west. A character who motivates the actions of the main character but is often thwarted in attempts to directly change the narrative and put into inert states (TSZ is told to go somewhere by bodhisattvas and follows their instructions and always gets kidnapped by demons who want to eat his hot cicada body or w/e, YSA studies languages, has her contract renewed, takes the subway when her bike is stolen, gets yanked around by Greek gods and prophetizes herself into a backroom library she can use to peer into the mind of God, etc.) In some ways, bc YSA tends to follow 'the rules,' because she appears to have less awareness and control of the narrative, she also seems to fall more easily into the societal category of "woman." Put directly in contrast with Han Sooyoung, whose perspective on the narrative as a creator leads her to show less care for the lives of those in the story and who actively kills many of said characters without remorse, perhaps contrary to the role of complete creation an comparison of motherhood and authorship might imply, narrative control is power both to create and destroy. If you're in a daoist mood, you could draw a taegeuk and equate this balance of divine birth and unnatural death with the balance of androgyny between feminine and masculine, the balanced whole then being considered a cosmic whole/the absolute/something powerful/ the author, etc. (Singshong being a couple who wrote the book together kind of also adds another layer of context to this in that like in the daoist/Confucian tradition of heteronormativity man and woman together are a complete form, if all cosmos can be divided to binary then the collaboration across that binary recreates the whole, an androgenous true state of creation)
Again, in this way, narrative control/authorship is something that inherently breaks reality and in a heteronormative world this force can be coloured as inherently queer. Thats probably why are transgender girlies JHY and YJH are so significant in that their experiences of womanhood are ones that directly defy the predestination of narrative. There is no direct reveal of YJH having been the Punisher, because it is something beyond narrative understanding, beyond the rules of the universe that Kim Dokja defines as the Reader. JHY's identity directly contradicts the design of the author/creator and reader alike, her choice in her personal gender identity directly defies narrative and in that way gives her agency outside of the realm of "character," her queerness being something that gives her transformative power and control over her reality.
In the matter of Barthes, I would say I'm a bit biased, because I find reading less interesting when the context and the intent of the author are not considered. In fact, I kind of resent that death of the author is sort of a literary standard in that a lot of modern English courses will discourage essays that use terminology like "what the author is trying to say could be" and instead encourage only the use of text, because on the whole I find it less interesting to look at words and not imagine the soul behind them. In some ways, I view death of the author as a selfish framework that emphasizes only the reinforcement of a reader's worldview and desire for escapism in text that doesn't have to be connected to the real world, a delusion. Not to say enjoying a book means one must love the author, but I feel that every reader will naturally have their own (mostly one sided, I suppose) relationship to the author within and without the text, and denying that fact denies personhood to the art form in some ways. In this view, I think one of the reasons I love ORV so much is probably that some of its themes seem to very much agree to this sentiment. Authorship and readership are often equated to this act of "impossible communication" between people. ORV views authorship, the sharing of stories, as this way to impossibly try to understand the life of another person. Part of what gives the text of WoS and then ORV itself so much meaning in the end is the fact that we know who wrote them in the fiction and for what reason. Knowing the author is actually phrased within the text as pivotal, foundationally important, the only understanding that can lead to the salvation of the reader in the end, his knowledge of the person he can recognize in the author's words being himself and the fact that the author's understanding means that he is in some way loved and and known by others who love the same story. When the HSY who wrote WoS is shown to literally cease to be, trying to reach the reader and failing to be seen, it's a scene that makes one cry, a tragedy, a loss. Death of the author is not a preferable frame of analysis in ORV, only connected by a morose sense of inevitability defined by a consumerist literary world that holds said framework as truth.
But again, if death of the author is "reality, " then the ending of ORV is one where radical joy can be found in the breaking of said reality. It's pretty notable from a queer framework that the "happy endings" in ORV all occur in non-nuclear family structures, the 999th turn adopting the OD, KdjCo wanting to live in a house together, etc. Also notable that, because that is a dream that KDJ cannot see as "real," the absolute power the reader is given to determine the world keeps it from happening. In this way, death of the author and absolute power of the reader is the final boss of ORV as HSY and the characters batten down the hatches and scream into the void "YOU ARE NOT ALONE, YOUR REALITY IS NOT THE ONLY ONE, LOVE THAT EXISTS FOR NO PREDETERMINED PURPOSE CAN BE YOUR SALVATION."
It's also kind of important to me outside of the text in the understanding that this story, though obviously formulated in the context of trying to appeal to a wide audience for commercial success, is also one that comes from people who experience our reality trying to tell us that love is the answer to it all. Young people today in SK are very likely to at least know someone who has attempted in the past and you know there are some pretty similar statistics if you happen to have friends involved in queer communities here in the US. Because of my own experiences, I've always felt that distinct lack of recovery narratives in fiction, as past generations tend to see it as either so outside the norm or so clearly regulated to certain situations that it's portrayed as obviously wrong choice by a weak person or the obvious right choice by a brave person and ORV is one of very few stories I've seen not try to make a value judgement on it, but rather illustrate exactly the reasons why KDJ wants to die, why he doesn't value himself, and saying please, please stay. There is so much love for you here even though I know you haven't seen it yet. And an understanding that these ideas of love and happiness are something some people in certain situations can only be shown proof of in the stories of others. And I feel like understanding of that context is what makes ORV so important to me as a Reader, even if I know very little about SS aside from that, the fact that they exist as people living in this same world is still important to my enjoyment of the story as a reader.
Ok, sorry, this became more about narrative queerness than death of the author/womanhood but again a lot of my views of womanhood exist in like, opposing it? Lol. Tho my experience of manhood also exists in opposing a lot of it, I just personally enjoy tussling with it much more than I ever would have with womanhood I think lol.
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