#abotu their feelings
ctl-yuejie · 2 years
I adore WinTeam but P’Pruek is the true delight.
His face when Win told him and Dean that he had already slept with Team.
Truely the expression of a man who is well-meaning but about to smile very widely at the kind of psychological damage that has been suddenly unleashed on him
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notemaker · 3 months
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@midoristeashop THIS bottom corner drawing you mean?
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takethebodymarc · 3 months
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ywpd-translations · 7 months
Ride 750: Blue sky
(Thank you to @monkeyingaround for helping me with a couple of things in this chapter!! <3)
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Pag 1
1: Right?
2: 'morning!
Did you bring the thing we talked about yesterday?
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Pag 2
1: Summer is here
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Pag 3
1: Yeah
2: Look at the color of the sky!!
3: It's a crisp blue sky!!
Well, the color is sky blue, after all
4: Ka....!! You're seriously so narrow-minded! Your eyes are so narrow, too, and that's why you're not close with our kohai
My eyes have nothing to do with... huh!? The kouhai!?
Se... senpaii!! Teh
5: Huh?
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Pag 4
1: Rokudai!!
Naruko-san, Imaizumi-san
Good morning!!
Why are you greeting us with so much enthusiasm?
2: You have a huge bag as usual. What is it?
Thank you so much!!
Why are you thanking us!!
Oh, Kinaka is here too
Good morning!!
3: We collected
4: everyone's laundry at training camp, and now we're putting them to dry!!
Don's take it all on yourself!!
5: It's towels and t-shirts used at training camp that we don't know who they belong to!!
Ah yeah, but even so
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Pag 5
1: And the weather is nice, so putting them to dry is nice!!
You already finished drying the first round?
An extreme manager spirit!!
2: What about the other first years?
Ah, they haven't arrived yet, teh
They're not coming?
3: I'll kick them out
What a fast decision!!
4: Think about it again, please!!
Hmm, then let's kick out half of them
…. that's what I meant, Hotshot
5: Ah, uhm... by the way, uhm... what about Onoda-san?
Ah, he should be here soon
6: Ah, he's not a morning person?
….. no
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Pag 6
1: After training camp, Onoda-kun....
2: Fu fu fu
Ratatata, to the sun...
3: I want to go together... fu fu fu
5: Far
6: Far away..!
Fu fu
That student on the city bike i so fast!!
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Pag 7
2: Good morning, everyone...!!
3: He watched everything I recorded while we were at the training camp, and now he's here!!
All the anime!!
4: Look, he's gleaming!! That's the face he has when he's in a good mood because he watched a good anime and came to school while singing its theme song!!
5: Interesting... he watches anime, and... his face is gleaming....
You're taking notes about Onoda-kun's life?
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Pag 8
1: Ahh, I'm so happy that “Kawazanyou wa at shiro”, shortened in “Kawashiro”, really has good animation as the preview reviews had said
Oh, yeah?
Imaizumi-kun, will you watch it too?
I'll think about it
Think about it...!!
2: And the second part of “People of the dead”, “the bloody battle” was so scary but so good!
Oh, yeah?
3: You have never seen it, but Onoda-kun
4: He hums an anime song during races
5: And he becomes super fast!!
7: Th.... that's so cool...!!
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Pag 9
1: Now!!
2: Third years
Make up supplementary lessons for the members of the bicycles racing team that were away for trainig camp
3: It'll be boring like every year, but we'll get through it
Tch, supplementary lessons?!
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Pag 10
2: Apply this formula
3: Therefore, the value we're looking for is...
6: Go, Rokudai
For us, too
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Pag 11
2: Another three minutes
3: I can see a light!!
He's coming
4: Ohh!!
5: I wasn't expecting this, Furuya
Yeah, Murakami
6: The only one among us first years who could run the whole 1000km in this training camp in the time limit is-
Just a little bit more!
You're in time!
Press on the pedals one last time!
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Pag 12
1: The former manager and beginner, Rokudai Renta!!
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Pag 13
1: The only survivor
2: Two minutes before the time limit, 23:58, the first year Rokudai
3: completes the 1000km...
4: and is ranked
5: sixth
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Pag 14
1: You did it, Rokudai
2: Kinaka-kun!!
3: Thank you, Kinaka-kun.... I could have never done it if you hadn't been there, Kinaka-kun, teh....!!
You did it with your own strength
Guaaaa, thank youu....
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Pag 15
1: Cough cough
Are you alright!? Is it your throat, Kinaka-kun!?
You slammed your elbow into it
3: Alright now, let's gather around, give an ending ment, and then leave
4: Please make a firm ending speech, captain!!
5: Right... a speech... I have to say some wise saying.... wh- what should I do
Kakaka you can just say whatever you're feeling!!
6: Anyway, finally
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Pag 16
1 / 3: All six members who will fight in our last Inter High
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Pag 17
3: Are here!!
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Pag 18
1: Thank you so much!!
Thank you!!
2: I'm tired..
But you retired so early on
Yeah but the senpai's race was so intense
I know, right
3: Ahh... this year even just watching it from here made my heart rate increase
4: Yes!! It was an intense training camp!!
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Pag 19
1: We're counting on you, Rokudai
4: Oi.... Issa, wake up
5: The teacher looks incredibly angry!!
6: Huh? That daifuku is half the price!? Really, Naruko-san?
It's no use, he's sleep-talking!!
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Pag 20
1: Everyone worked really hard at the training camp
3: It's coming soon this year, the Inter High
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slavhew · 5 days
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spaciebabie · 5 months
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rotzaprachim · 1 year
we all need some middle aged white guy to be a cringe apologist for. for me it’s davits draven from rogue one. bro that guy was trying to stop the death star from happening. bro like he knew billions of lives were at risk here he’s literally just assigning a hit on a guy who has been involved in building a weapon to commit genocide bro. like i very much appreciate when a villain is something just soooo dumb and boring in their evil in an au (shoutout to the empire being home depot in my favorite au) but draven isn’t a villain. he’s cassian’s mirror. he’s also a very good man in a very very fucked up situation. he’s his awkward boss who once accidentally called him son and they mutually agreed to commit a double murder before anyone found out. cassian is awkwardly in draven’s office whilst draven awkwardly tells him he should use more of his vacation days. they are eating the leftover cookies at the office christmas party so food doesn’t go to waste and stacking the chairs after everyone leaves despite being people who would have paid good money not to be there. 
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mapleshere · 9 months
director said cut but she heard cunt [credits 2 zzoupz they made the art ]
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bytemycupcakes · 7 months
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Maybe Im a little too crazy about the "Kinger made the circus" theories- Im blaming that for why this exists. Look trust me tRUST ME-
(These were just very messy sketches done over webcomic screenshots, if i do more I'll do a proper design drawing inspiration so he looks less like a recolour. I already have some ideas........)
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ferretwhomst · 5 months
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iknaenmal · 8 months
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this is so real of her
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 5 months
does the tone of this succinct email suggest my academic advisor is annoyed with me or is it just that I put off eating lunch for 3 hours? and other fun games to play
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stardustdiiving · 8 months
Sometimes I think it’s funny I feel I don’t post about my all time favorite genshin characters very much, but see I think the reason for this is anytime I talk about xiao it’s incomprehensible and shares a similar energy to the deltrarune spamton plush ad where they throw him around and dunk him in milk. And then when I try to talk about Nahida I get so mad because every time I go to post a headcanon or tangent of thoughts I have about her character I realize it’s absurdly similar to how I operate as a person and I can’t live this down
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abysslll · 1 year
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the blond chuuya debacle has finally skyrocketed me into 200 followers
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astralarias · 7 months
when the hyperfixation hits so hard u gotta go pace and squeeze a pillow to chill
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demonstars · 7 months
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greenspreen irl | greenspreen in minecraft
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