#about camia
fantasiacafecat · 1 year
I noticed I didn't post any LGBTQ+ stuff or any Skyrim modded Follower content in more than a week. So why not make both right now?
Lgbtq+ headcanons with the Dovahkrew
These are Sexuality and romantic orientations not gender orientation headcanons. Sorry. These are also MY headcanons so if they don't match up with your headcanons it's not personal so please don't get mad at me. I am curious to see your headcanons as well though.
Inigo- Heteroflexible. He is most definitely interested in women and I always head canon that after the events of Skyrim he does settle down with the woman of his dreams who just happens to own a sweet roll shop. But I also feel like he would definitely point out a man's beauty. He seems like a very comfortable in his Sexuality kind of guy.
Lucien- Questioning Asexual Biromantic. He seems more interested in knowledge and learning other things than a relationship. And if someone did ask about his orientations then I feel like he wouldn't be able to answer that because he doesn't really try to experiment with romance of any kind.
Kaidan- Bisexual with maybe a fem preference (including feminine or men). I also see him as Pansexual because honestly I don't think he really cares about what gender his lover is.
Auri- Sapphic or Lesbian. I mean her creator basically made it Canon that she Prefers women.
Rumarin- Panflux 100%. Gender doesn't get in the way when it comes to any type of attraction to one another.
Vilja- I really only know her from a video of Inigo dialogue they have together. If I had to make a guess I would say she's straight or Pan, but I'm leading more into Straight.
Sofia- Bi with a big male preference.
Hoth- I really wish there were more videos and content on his commentary in Skyrim because I don't have him, but I'm interested him so much that I'd love to know more about his character. I feel like he doesn't use labels and gender isn't that much of an issue when it comes to love.
Taliesin- Pansexual. I mean come on its THE Talisman.
Gore (aka bby girl)- Questioning Omnisexual. It just feels right to me
Caryalind- I can't remember if rabbit said his sexuality was Demiromantic Asexual. I know he is Ace (or at least on the Ace spectrum) but I can't remember is they anything about being demi. I think he's Demiromantic.
Lucifer- Polysexual but I feel like he does have a male preference though I could be very very wrong. It's so funny because I play with him a lot on Skyrim but barely know anything about him. He holds grudges, he's very secretive (good on him because i would be too if i was in his situation), and he loves argonians. He seems to look up to Xelzaz and Inigo (and in some sense he does seem to be very enthusiastic when first meeting Nebarra until he realizes he doesnt like his personality) a lot which is what fueled my belief that he's maybe Achillean (Sapphic but for masculine terms instead of feminine).
Nebarra- I 100% believe that he refuses to use any labels. I think he might lean toward women a bit more, but that would only be because of how altmer are only raised to make the perfect child, so opposite sex relationships are probably the most common in the Summerset Isles. His fixation with Niranye and past relationship with Camia shows that. He doesn't seem Asexual because he doesn't hide the fact that he does enjoy the idea of doing the naughty naughty. His commentary on Dibella, Dibella Sybil quest, in the Night to Remember he says how he hopes we got to experience the Dibellan arts, and how he jokes about being Lucifer's father just prove that.
Xelzaz- Don't get mad at me, but I think he's straight. He says when hes ready he's like to marry a female argonian, and the only other time he's fallen I love was with another girl. I don't think he's asexual, but I think he definitely isn't very interested in it though we wouldn't really know because he seems very adamant on wanting to keep that part of his life private (as he should I love a king that doesn't feel like he has to tell us his sexual life).
Remiel- Asexual Panromantic. It was already proved Canon that she's Asexual. I had the conversation with her where she tells is she doesn't feel sexual feelings towards someone as she does with romantic feelings (also good on her. Not every relationship needs to have sexual desire in them). She's fallen in love with boys before and didn't seem too mad about being arranged to another man so I don't want to label her as Sapphic. And she does fall in love with you regardless of gender and I haven't seen anything that says she has a preference from the creator so I believe she's panromantic.
Secunda- I really don't know her that much yet as I'm still playing with her. First impressions is telling me panflux though I could be wrong though.
Serana- Without the SDA. She always gave me Asexual Biromantic vibes.
Teldryn Sero- Haven't started A serious Teldryn mod yet so I don't know too too much about his personal preferences, but he seems like the type who doesn't really use labels. Though I'm positive he is Bisexual.
Karina- Panromantic Demisexual. It was confirmed by the one who made her @jewelthejaguar742
Arstul- Asexual Omniromantic with a male preference. Talked with @joonjii about it and it's confirmed. However, they also said he could be panromantic with a male preference too but they said my opinion was valid and technically right.
I might post sexuality headcanons for all my dragonborn and follower ocs
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dalishthunder · 1 year
*slides onto your dash*
Nebarra's canonically only about 50
Which means he likely joined the dominion army when he was in his teens
He's also from an isolated farm (that he still sends money to)
Which means Camia may have been one of the first people outside of his own family that he was close with
*slides off*
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First time asking a question.
How do you think Nebarra would react if the DB was related to (the person mentioned in the unfinished note). I need more things to read about Nebarra.
If the LDB was related to Camia I absolutely think that Nebarra would treat them differently, especially if they were close. He'd be awkward and weirdly nice and god knows that the guilt is eating away at him while he tries to figure out how to tell them what happened to her.
Oh man and when he finally tells them, he just can't keep it together, I'm almost certain that he feels responsible so when he's telling the story he's just apologizing for it happening and for not telling them sooner and the LDB definitely knows what that feels like, so obviously they don't hold it against him.
The LDB is trying to console him and he's just so upset like "Don't you get it? It's my fault!" And they keep telling him that it wasn't, over and over and wouldn't it be such a delicious moment for them to finally take off his helmet and see him crying-AHAGDJAAAA
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lizzie2dyefor · 2 years
It starts with an innocuous job, the two of them break into this rich lord's house and steal a magical pendant. They are young and brash but no less skilled.
The plan goes off without a hitch. That isn’t what this story is about.
Now they weave through a busy city. Despite the late hour, some kind of party is still going strong. Someone hands Lizzie a warm glass of cider and passes Ren a wrapped sandwich they pass through.
She doesn’t remember the name of this city, Camia? Cradia? Something like that. It's beautiful whatever it's called, brightly decorated in a wide array of colors.
“Any idea what they're celebrating?” Lizzie sips her cider, it’s quite possibly the best thing she's ever had.
“Maybe harvest? It's the right time of year.”
“Yeah, plus all the fields are empty.”
She downs the last of her drink, leaving the mug on a low stone wall.
“What's the plan for tonight? Sneak into one of the barns? Don’t really want to show our faces at any of the taverns just in case.”
Ren gestures to the woods just outside of town, “Let's just camp in the forest. Probably best if we don't stay in town very long.”
Lizzie nods, “It's a nice night. Moons nearly full anyways.”
The night air is pleasant, crisp but not uncomfortably so. They walk for a while in companionable silence until Ren stops. Focused on something just off the path.
“Did you hear that?”
Lizzie is aware that her hearing is below average. She is also very aware that Ren’s hearing is abnormally good. She does not ‘hear that’. In fact, she doesn't hear anything.
“No? It’s pretty quiet.”
“I heard my name. From the woods.”
They both stand still for a moment, holding their breath. Sure enough, faintly, from deep within the trees a voice calls out.
“Ren!” Whoever it is, they sound heartbroken, voice cracking around the shape of his name.
Before Lizzie can stop him, Ren takes off in the direction of the voice.
Obviously, she follows, the two of them crashing through the forest. Lizzie does her best to stay on his heels but Ren has always been faster than her.
She chases after him for what feels like hours, calling for him to stop. But he runs with a single-minded focus, following the voice that still calls out.
Until he stops so abruptly that she crashes into him.
“Dude, what the hell?” She asks, doubled over and taking heaving breaths.
After a long moment, Ren doesn’t respond. He stands frozen as if in a trance, staring towards a perfect ring of stones.
In that perfect ring of stones stands a woman. Everything about Her hums with power. Her wings remind Lizzie of a dragonfly, flitting and buzzing as She talks.
“Dear Knight. I've missed you so.”
She looks like Lizzie.
She looks like Lizzie, like an awful second-hand collection of her traits. Her eyes are both blue, but darker than hers ever were. Her hair is a pale pink done up in intricate braids, topped with a crown of thorny roses.
The woman holds out a hand, carefully within the circle.
“It's been so long sir Knight. What has kept you?”
Ren takes a step forward as if pulled by some invisible string.
“What are you doing? Stop!” In a panic, Lizzie grabs his hand to pull him back.
In that moment something she doesn’t understand breaks. Pulls taught and shatters with an audible snap. Ren frowns, almost confused. He looks around the clearing then at Lizzie and Not-Lizzie.
“What do you want, foul beast?” Ren spits at the Fey, taking another step back to stand with Lizzie.
“That is no way to speak to your Queen, dear Knight.” She croons at him. Serene smile ruined by sharp teeth.
“I am no knight and I serve no Queen. You deceitful creature.”
Her smile drops suddenly. The air around them seems to stand still.
“If you insist on behaving so beastly, Sir Knight, then so be it.”
The fey waves a dismissive hand towards him, Lizzie feels her hair stand on end, smells iron and sap and ash.
Standing in the place of her best friend is a dog. Calling him a wolf is a stretch, though he is certainly large. Long fur and pointed ears.
Ren shakes his new form, as if settling into new skin. The fey whistles, low and beckoning. He pads over Her, tail tucked between his legs.
Before he can step over the stones, Lizzie finds her voice.
“Wait! I want to make a deal.”
The Queen turns towards her, so fast it jostles her crown. She smiles with Lizzie’s face, it stretches too wide, showing sharp teeth. She’s paid no mind to Lizzie this whole time, wholly focused on Ren.
Now, Her attention presses down on her shoulders like Atlas with the sky.
“Is that so?” She laughs, “The girl wants to make a deal! What could you possibly have to offer me? A name perhaps?”
Lizzie takes a deep breath.
“I offer you one favor. In exchange, you’ll turn my friend back and we both get to leave.”
The Shadow Queen, in this moment Lizzie does not know her title (But she will soon learn) Considers this for a moment. She taps one long, sharp, nail against her chin.
“Just one favor? Oh but he’s been so Rude,” The woman who looks like Lizzie croons, “calling me such cruel things. Do you really see me as beastly?”
“You turned my friend into a dog!” She gestures towards Ren.
“A kindness. He's still alive!” Ren growls from where he's sat just outside Her circle. She growls back so loudly it rattles Lizzie’s bones. He backs down, the Queen turns back to Lizzie.
“You owe me, for being so generous. I only turned one of you into a dog after all.” Not-Lizzie laughs, “In exchange for returning the good Knight to his proper self. You will grant me seven wishes, to be carried out when I so choose.”
“Seven favors and you’ll turn him back. Then we’re free to go.”
She nods, “Do we have a deal, Rose Bud?” The Queen holds out Her hand, Lizzie's hand.
Lizzie takes it.
All at once a splitting pain blooms across her collarbone, she cries out but the Queen doesn't let go. After what feels like hours but was likely only a moment, she looks down.
A collection of flowers claws up toward her neck, settled just under her skin. Seven closed buds sealing her fate.
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Name: Camia Meera Jones
Nicknames: Cami, water girl,
Age: 14
bs: Cami grew up in a quite neglecting household. Ever since she was little she had an older brother her family used to shield from the world.. but her? Left to be forgotten. She learned at around the age of 8 that no one would provide her of her basic needs now, so she learned to take care of herself. At age 10 she began to see very odd things. At first she ignored it and assumed it was just from sleep deprivation, but after a couple days with her suspicious babysitter her parents insisted she needed, she realized that it may not have been hallucinations at all. (to end this really fast she did some research and realized it could be the cause of something connected to greek mythology and ran away cause of all the scary things she had found out from research and ended getting followed by one of these monsters straight into chb soooo yeahhh)
tags ic ill use:
and ill use this type of text ic
ooc ill just use the tag #ooc
_ rp accs i know _
(I don’t know any ☹️)
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mycamia8850 · 6 months
Handmade Cold Processed Luxury Organic Charcoal Soap
CAMIA Handmade Cold Pressed Organic Charcoal Soap | Luxury Soap| Premium Soap| SLS Free, Free from artificial color, fragrance, petroleum, sulphates and phthalates | Vegan, Cruelty-free |- 125gm
Worried about pollution and the presence of dirt and grime on your skin? Cling on to your worries no more, as Camia’s charcoal soap offers you the cleansing potential of charcoal along with the nourishing properties of cold-pressed oils and essential oils. While charcoal soaps have been highly regarded for their detoxification properties, what often goes unnoticed is their potential to get rid of dead cells. The exfoliative properties of Camia Charcoal soaps not only help unclog pores to nourish and rejuvenate the skin, but also add radiance to it like never before.
Ingredients: Organic Coconut Oil, Organic Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Organic Castor Oil, Organic Shea Butter, Himalayan Salt, Rosemary essential oil, Rosemary extract, Charcoal powder.
BENEFITS OF USDA CERTIFIED ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL – CAMIA rosemary essential oil has high viscosity but the appearance of clear water. This certified organic essential oil has a restorative scent. It helps revitalize the skin and is an excellent skin toner and an anti-inflammatory. It also has a soothing, positive effect on menstrual cramps. CHARCOAL POWDER – Charcoal absorbs impurities and toxins and cleanses the skin. It is effective in managing oily skin and in prevention of acne. Charcoal is also found useful in wound care and in the management of uremic pruritis.
Visit Our Website For More Details: https://mycamia.com/
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into-the-daniverse · 2 years
From the OC/creator asks: 7, 29, and B for Camia?
Thank you!!!
Uncommon Questions for OCs/Creators
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
Being alone, staring up at the stars at night is something that usually triggers nostalgia for Camia. Most of the time she enjoys it, as it reminds her of the nights she's spent traveling with the rest of the band, but every once in a while, it takes her back to the nights spent in the Coliseum when she was younger, and that she doesn't enjoy.
29.  Do they usually live up to their own ideals? 
Camia can’t shake the feeling that she’ll never make up for what she did in the Coliseum, but she knows she’s trying her hardest, and that she is one of the better versions of herself.
B. What inspired you to create them?
Back when I only had Alec and Jamil as OCs, I knew I at least wanted a third in the band, and I wanted them to be close with Jamil but maybe not romantically. In keeping with the found family theme, with Jamil as the Dad of the group, I wanted Camia to be the Mom of the group. Her gorgeous looks were inspired by a lot of things and people, but mostly by my own gayness <3
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custom-whats · 3 years
have u seen the unfinished letter in Neb's inventory to Camia's parents? it hurt my heart when I saw it... it seems like he feels so much guilt about it... I wonder if he loved them
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i don’t wanna talk about it. 
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vampiresuns · 4 years
Creature Comfort
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2.9k words. In which Anatole learns the Band is in Vesuvia after Alec’s death and runs to them, pretending there isn’t one of them in specific he wants to see.
Leon (he/they) is @apprenticealec​‘s, and this piece is brought to you after her last fic, January, activated the Janiverse brainworms. Please go read that if you haven’t already.
Nadia was never late for a meeting. Ever. 
Anatole looked at his uncle with a questioning look, one of the many non-verbal communication cues they had developed while working together. They came in handy in moments like these. He shrugged at him, rolling his eyes and asking to be brought a wine glass and a very specific bottle from something Anatole didn’t even recognise, ignoring Lucio’s complaints about not being able to have wine himself. Anatole began to fidget with his quill, shaking it between his fingers, making it tap with his papers.
He didn’t want to be here. Not in Lucio’s room. It was too close to the plague. It was not safe enough. Him and Valerius could come in contact with it and bring it to the Palazzo. They could give it to anyone. They could get it themselves. 
Anatole couldn’t lose more people. Paris, though for different reasons than Plague was gone, Anzano was gone — and with them, part of Amparo’s joy — and while his parents were here, which was always a comfort, he constantly lived in fear his mother who had volunteered as a doctor would get it.
What if Valeriy got it? His chest constricted at the idea. Things with him were tense right then, but it was nothing Anatole could blame on any of them, because saying that they were going through a lot was a gross understatement. He wanted to take his uncle’s hand, something he would’ve done if they had been in the comfort of his office, but instead they were in Lucio’s fucking bedroom. What if he lost them too, because this, this, this, negligent imbecile with it’s negligent court still didn’t listen, still refused help. 
His tapping became louder. Probably, along with his aunt, the death which weighed him down the most was Alec’s. It didn’t feel just like losing her, but Ilya and Asra in the process, for their own different reasons. 
At times like this, he wished the band was here. 
“Hey, little Valerius, could you stop that tapping can’t you see it gives me a headache?”
Anatole tapped his quill one more time, on purpose. Lucio threw him a dirty look, but the Gods (whomever those were) knew Anatole couldn’t care less. 
“You’re not going to apologise?”
“Did I give you the headache? With my tapping, or didn’t you say you already had one when we came in?”
“Aelius,” Valerius warned him. He didn’t actually care how he spoke to Lucio, he knew that, but now was not the best time. 
Nadia arrived before things could escalate, excusing herself by saying she had taken longer with her cousin than she had thought she would take. Now, as a rule, Anatole never talked about his personal life when he was in Court duty. If he could pretend he didn’t have a personal life, the better. It was all out of professionalism, a defence mechanism and him being a naturally private person who wanted people who were not part of his circle to stay the fuck away from his personal business. He was good at redirecting personal questions he didn’t want to answer, and his own abilities allowed him to know beforehand when people had what he described as ‘icky interest’, unable to describe the leftover sensation his magic left him in any other way.
But it was late autumn, and he had seen so many Vesuvians die, his friend had died, his aunt had died, and for a moment his heart betrayed him, thinking that maybe, just maybe seeing Leon alive and well would be a comfort. 
Why? He couldn’t tell. They had nothing that was serious, but right then he would’ve given anything for the comfort of his laughter. For allowing himself, for one moment, to focus on anything other than the impotence of his position. 
Now, when Anatole got single minded, his ability to see consequences blurred a little, however, he had enough mind to change to Prakran when speaking to Nadia. “Was it Jamil? Is he alone?”
It was a way to loophole his own rule about no personal talk at work, and a way to keep Lucio at a distance. He would keep the Count at a distance no matter what. 
“Aelius,” Valerius said, standing close to him, his voice no longer the Consul’s, but his uncle’s, “I don’t think now is the time.”
For Valerius to be speaking to him like that in public, Anatole must’ve looked frazzled. Valerius was a peculiar man: Anatole couldn’t say he had met many more people, if anyone at all, who were two distinctively different people in private and in public and managed to come off as authentic on both occasions. The cues were there in either scenario, but it made sense why people who only knew Valerius publicly couldn’t understand why someone such as Anatole put up with him for any other reason than personal ambition. 
Right then, however, as Nadia replied that yes, it was Jamil and the Band, Anatole couldn’t listen to his uncle, but he pleaded to him silently — another of their nonverbal cues — when he passed on his quill and his papers to him. 
“I have to go.” 
“Aelius,” and, of course, the Consul was back. “Your duties.”
Anatole raised a single eyebrow at his uncle. He would rather get chewed back when they were home about this than staying; besides, what could he say? His Court performance was stellar. He cleared his throat. “Clean water sources, especially if we can get a way to pool the infected water back so we can study it are a priority, the chain supply for the flooded district completely broke, and you need to speak to the Guild of Merchants about it. A new group of nurses has been taken to the Lazaret this morning, and according to three different accounts we should get more court magicians to see whether or not this disease has a magical origin. Did I miss anything, Consul?”
Anatole didn’t wait for an answer. Bringing out a face covering from one of his pockets, he tied it with practice around his face, breaking into a race before anyone could stop him. 
His steps echoed through the halls of the Palace as he ran. Outside, the sure clacking sound against the cobblestones travelled with him as he made his way through the City as fast as he could. He felt his chest burn from exhaustion and a frantically beating heart, but he couldn’t stop, he couldn’t slow down until he was near the familiar street of Camia’s shop and dusk fell on the City. 
He sat outside to catch his breath for a moment, something twisting inside him when he realised what he had done: he had almost snapped at the Count (again), he had barged the Countess with questions, and he had deflected a meeting he had to attend. Sure, his notes had all the information they needed, so Valerius could literally read them aloud and it’ll be just as if he was there, but he had been working in the Court for three years now. He should know better than shoving his sense of duty into someone else’s hands because he wanted—
What did he want? He felt the words freezing at his throat, a knot threatening to make all words escape him, forever, as he hanged on the cliff’s edge, refusing to look down because looking down meant admitting to himself too many things he didn’t want to admit. That he couldn’t admit. 
He was there anyway, so he knocked on the door. 
As soon as he stepped inside, he felt like coming here was a mistake, but once again, he couldn’t turn back. Out of stubbornness or true caring, he didn’t know. Perhaps both. Pulling through his impulsive decision was better than allowing the skin crawling sensation that he wasn’t wanted there win. No, he’d push down under a rug, and deal with it when he was alone. It wasn’t Camia, however, who made him feel that way. Camia had given him a half-hug, half-shoulder grab that was all the same full of affection that he was happy to retrieve as she asked about him, and he allowed himself to finally answer a personal question, and he asked about her and how she was doing, if there anything he could do.
It was Leon. 
The source of the skin crawling sensation grew just a little bigger, threatening to snap his gut in two. 
“You too? I didn’t realise we were hosting a pity party.” 
He had never been more thankful for Leon not to be able to see his face, and never more embarrassed that Camia could. He exhaled, letting a practiced neutrality settle on his own features. 
“Right. Anyway—”
“What’s your excuse that you didn’t know and you were so very busy following the Consul around.”
“Leon,” Camia said, “Nana, I’m sorry.”
He gritted his teeth as he replied. “I did know Alec died,” saying it was more difficult that he wanted to acknowledge, “I knew almost immediately. I have ways to keep tabs on the Lazaret, or rather, I have to overview the death lists, if you wanted to know how I knew, Leon. There’s no need to apologise Cami, I just didn’t know you were still in the City. Asra mentioned talking to you, but him and I aren’t precisely on speaking terms at the moment.”
He took a deep breath, letting out a sigh. “But I didn’t come to bore you with my accommodated Court position troubles, of course, I came because grieving is a bitch, life doesn’t stop for it, and I’m sure you all need a hand.”
As he tried to make his way to the kitchen, telling Camia an inventory of things he was happy to help with, insisted to help with, Leon stood between him and his way. For the first time since he had arrived, and for the first time in what it felt like too long, Anatole allowed himself to look at Leon. He wasn’t going to lie to himself: Leon’s face had crept onto his memories too often, sitting too comfortably in the back of his mind as a source of ongoing, mental conversation between him and what he thought Leon would bicker about when he was tired of the Courtiers being terrible, or other people who worked in it being just as exhausting as them. 
That Leon and this Leon didn’t look anything alike. He was thinner, his hair looked messier, he looked sad. He looked incommensurably sad. It made Anatole want to reach out and pull him close. 
Leon wouldn’t want that, and even if Anatole gave into wishful thinking, his words were enough to cut that thread: “What do you think you’re doing?”
“It’s called helping you, I mean your friends. So if you please let me go to the kitchen to make a list.”
“But why? Is it guilt, Anatole?”
He shouldn’t have come here. “I do not dignify stupid questions with answers, Leon. No matter who they come from.” 
He stepped to the side, walking past Leon and making his way through the shop for pen and paper. He hadn’t been there too many times, but he had been there enough times to have a vague idea of where they were. He settled in the kitchen area to make a list of things he could get for them right then, and things he could help them procure regularly. If anyone came to ask about his own grieving, he already had an answer prepared as using his extensive, notoriously tightly knit family was always a good excuse. Two of his friends had come live with them, because it was safer. He had people. 
They didn’t need to know how much he spoke of or he let himself feel around them. He would’ve liked to talk with them about Alec, talking helped him process things, but he thought it was unfair to ask, so he didn’t. He didn’t ask, and wrote his list instead, pretending he couldn’t hear Leon and Camia bicker about him somewhere else in the shop. 
He left through the back door to go into the market, came back through it. Brewed tea for everyone, and cooked dinner bringing Jamil a tray with food when it was done. 
“It’s been a while since I had to use a kitchen, but I want to think I haven’t turned completely useless,” he told an unresponsive Jamil as he squeezed his shoulder. “If you want me to tell Valeriy you’re here, I would be happy to help with that too, just let me know, will you?” 
Jamil didn’t say anything, but Anatole didn’t expect him to. 
Camia told him off for not asking for help with dinner and he shrugged, making nothing out of it. “It’s the least I could do.” 
Leon spoke before Camia could reply. His tone was less hostile, but still far removed. “You’re doing it again.”
“Doing what?”
“You always do that thing where you do more than people usually would, and then call it nothing.” 
“If you want to file a complaint, the booth is open from monday to thursday, from 11 am to 3 pm, and it’s well past that hour, so I don’t think I’m taking criticism at the moment. Look, I know you’re going to tell me that was my own decision, but I almost snapped at the Count and ditched a meeting to be here. I came as soon as I knew, and before you say anything else, Leon, I am well aware you are all more than capable than taking care of yourselves, and that you are capable of being responsible for once—”
“What’s that supposed to mean—”
“I think you’ve interrupted me enough. I’m not Nadia. I’m not someone you can chew because it’s easier to process what you’re feeling that way. It hu— it’s not fair.”
To his surprise, Leon didn’t fight back. Instead, he asked Camia if he could excuse him and Anatole for a moment. Leon surprised him again by apologising. 
“I… what?”
“Take it or leave it,” Leon said, trying his best to emulate their playful bickering, but Anatole could tell in his words that he was far, far away. His mind was somewhere else, and he couldn’t do anything but respect that.
“You don’t have to entertain me, you know? I really didn’t come because I would get something out of it, other than lending a hand to people I care about. I believe I told you already what I believe about affection.”
They stood together in silence, Anatole wanting to reach out and hug Leon. All he allowed himself to do instead was run his finger over Leon’s forearm twice. Exactly twice. 
“Leon, do you know that if you, you specifically, ever needed anything I would help you, right? If you let me be there for you, I’d be happy to do it.” 
Leon put his hand on Anatole’s arm. Anatole, for a second, allowed himself to believe in every possible, positive outcome of the interaction. Thousands of Leon’s existed in that moment, as many as crossroads existed right then. Some thanked him, a heartfelt thank you he could feel through his words, his magic absorbing the warmth of it. Some hugged him, for long minutes until Camia came to retrieve them, and they knew they could all be sad together, but they would be together nonetheless. Others kissed him, kissed him like Anatole desperately wanted to, his treacherous heart screaming for Leon to turn to him at the worst possible time to ask for such a selfish thing that Leon couldn’t possibly want, but it didn’t matter. Because in that moment he allowed himself to hope for once in months and—
“Could you keep an eye on Asra?”
What he wanted to reply was who kept an eye on Leon, he could keep an eye on Leon. What he said was: “Is something the matter?”
“You both work at the palace, you see him more than we do and I’m worried about him. I’m afraid he’s looking into things he can’t control.”
Anatole stepped back, straightening invisible wrinkles from his coat, clearing his throat. “I will, but I need you to promise not to stretch yourself too thin… actually, I will anyway, I’m sure you don’t need me bossing around.”
Leon’s smile was weak, but sincere. “Will you take care?”
“Leon, you don’t need to worry about me.”
“You said you almost snapped at Lucio.”
“He wanted me to stop tapping a quill, it was nothing, he never means it when I’m bouncing stuff against things. Not that I’m making excuses for him, I have better things to do with my time.”
“I know he’s sick but—”
“Leon, I don’t want to talk about my insufferable boss.”
Anatole wanted to take a Gondola back home, he didn’t want to walk. He wanted to sit down on one of the boats and see the stars reflected in the water, swirling as the gondolier moved, and make inconsequential chatter with them, but he had never been very good at lying to himself. 
He was feeling too many things he couldn’t admit, he was feeling too much altogether and whenever he was overwhelmed, he cried. He could cry in silence, him and the City and his steps as he made his way back to the Heart District and pretended he knew what to do about his own. For the first time in forever, he wished he hadn’t taught himself to hope. 
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The way Lauren said in her caption how she surprised her mom "today" Ok i am saying she is not there. But what makes us think this isn't another latergram planned? Don't her family do a whole mean thing on special occasions? Then we have Camila we didn't even get a fucking mother days post from her account. People come to say her team is on her side. We got mothers day post from her update accounts, from Sara, pr dog but not Camila? Everything is planned in advance. Can't even tell with Camia.
Again, we can't really say about anything with these girls. Not really.
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thoubaguette · 4 years
What are the Overlords Jobs?/ What do they do?  (Part 1)
👀I have yet to see a post about certain Overlords jobs so i decided to make my own! I’m mainly including overlords that we don’t really know what their job is. I’ll also include headcanon voices for them, If I have found one. 
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First off, this guy! I wholeheartedly believe this guy is a stuntman that died in the 70s. Down to the stripes and stars, he looks like if Evil Knievel went to hell. He strikes me as the very daredevil type, along with being very show off-y. I think his sin would be Pride (He’s also my favorite overlord, despite knowing absolutely nothing about him huehue)
Headcanon voice: Don Mclean ( Along with singing voice)
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The Theater Overlord(s) ! Most likely playwrights! Their whole thing is centered around theater/plays. Their designs are also very obviously inspired by the Comedy and Tragedy masks. They seem very dramatic and wanting to be the center of attention. I think their sin would be Pride. (Or maybe Envy?)
I think these guys are conjoined twins? If so, then they were probably born in hell. If not, I think the Theater Overlord probably died around the Renaissance Era. 
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Next, we got this fellow! Perhaps a weapon dealer? I think he’s got that look of someone who’d sell weapons. I’ve heard that demons salvage Angel Weapons and turn them into holy bullets/guns, daggers etc etc, and I think this guy would be in charge of that. He looks as if he died in the 1910s. 
( I also headcanon his assistants are these two lovely gals, they seem important)
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Sin? I’m definitive it’s Wrath. I imagine whenever he gets mad his flame thingy (?) blows up like Hades’.
HC Voice: That guy in the van | Amazing World Of Gumball
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Next we have Camia/Camille! Her name was revealed in Faustisse’s stream. ( I will find the timestamp when i have the time dw) 
EDIT: This is the stream when it was revealed  2:50:15 
Honestly, I have no idea what her ‘job’ is. I believe her, Zestial and Dinosaur Lady (Missi Zilla?) are all in Lucifer’s inner circle, so maybe they don’t necessarily have jobs? Regardless, she’s a badass and I spiritually know it. Sin? Greed or Envy maybe? I don’t have a clue. I don’t even have a guess at when she died. (If she did ever die)
HC Voice:  Mirage | The Incredibles (2004)
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Velvet! The reason why i included her in this list is because I actually think she runs a sweets/potion business. It’s mentioned that she likes making potions, and she always seems to associate herself with candy. If anything, I think Vox covers more of the Social Media area. He even has a wifi signal on his hat and chest. I honestly think she died somewhere in the 2000s-2010s. Sin? .. Gluttony??? Or maybe Envy??
Faustisse once said that VVV gang ALL had beef with someone in the hotel. Vaggie and Velvet rivalry perhaps? I might create a post about that, we shall see huehue
Heres Part 2!
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dalishthunder · 1 year
Honor and Glory (p1)
You liked porridge with fresh berries. It really wasn't anything to note. Inconsequential... he wasn't even sure why he remembered it. It wasn't like it was something you'd talked about with any frequency. Just a quick throwaway comment when discussing something or another. A complete waste of brainspace.
He supposed it was a bit charming though.... Er... enchanting, as you'd so eloquently told him once.
"Y'know, Neb," You'd said looking up from your enchanting table. "There are those that find me quite enchanting." You'd given him a heavily exaggerated wink, and not for the first time, he was glad you couldn't see his face.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't put you out of your misery." His tone had been bland, mocking, but he could feel just a little bit of heat on his cheeks. Probably not even enough to notice... except that he did.
That damn, oblivion cursed stirring.
What a dumb thing to remember.
Besides, that wasn't what Gariil had asked. He'd asked if you could be trusted.
Nebarra nodded, and now that he knew the possibilities before them, there was no way you wouldn't understand....
The door creaked, and though he couldn't hear your footsteps, he knew it had to be you. There was no way a few measly ghosts could best you.
But as he turned and met your eyes, the normal, pleasant look that you'd cultivated, the mask you wore, was gone; Replaced by an unreadable expression.
You would understand.
You had to understand.
He would make you understand.
"That look on your face.... What are you thinking?"
"What's all this about moving Solstheim?" Your voice was level, a quick glance cast over to Gariil. "What are you planning?"
Nebarra swallowed down the sinking feeling in his chest. "I'm not going to pretend that I know how this all works, but this place sits on top of an enormous magicka deposit. The snow elves tapped into it and there's something like a chess board of all of nirn to move this island around. The only thing is that the tiles are stuck-"
"So all of Solstheim is like a pawn? Don't they have a choice?" There was something dark and calculating behind your eyes. Something that both chilled him and set his blood ablaze.
"Many don't have a choice." He spat. "The Empire won't be keen on invading knowing this island could fall on their heads."
"And you think that giving that power to the Thalmor is a good idea? You know as well as I do that they'll use it offensively to conquer even further!"
"They'd be foolish to do it. Such a strike would unite Tamriel against the Dominion."
"And you really think that moving an entire island, out of the blue, against everyone's wishes, won't exacerbate already high tensions?"
"I doubt it'll spark a war." He wanted to wave you off, but he could see the way your glace flitted to his sword arm and they way his hand rested on the hilt. "But Gariil can explain everything when they come to investigate."
"Why do you want this so badly?"
"We weren't..."
The sound of Camia's chuckle cut short. The smell of blood. Ravens scavenging on the gore.
He took a steadying breath.
"We weren't strong enough to beat the Redguards." And while his voice didn't crack, it did tremble for a moment. Your eyes softened as you looked at him, taking a small step forward, hand raised as though to touch him and he immediately withdrew.
Why couldn't you just call him the slur he was.
"You know this plan is madness. Please stop."
"I'm the one trying to stop a war without killing a single person. And you say this is madness?"
Maybe there truly wasn't any hope for you at all.
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do we actually know what happened to camia yet? i can’t find anything about her (minus the unfinished note) in my game 😭
I think it takes a while to get Nebarra to tell you, but yes! @farshores has a post with screenshots if you want to read what happened to her!
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erosandcupid · 6 years
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Cupid Triumphant, Examining his Arrow
After 1823
Leonardo Camia (active about 1810–1830)
After Thorvaldsen’s sculpture. Model for unknown artist’s lithograph
Carbonpencil, pen and ink on paper
Thorvaldsens Museum
** Visit my Links page for my other blogs & Facebook Pages
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mycamia8850 · 8 months
My CAMIA - 100% Natural Cosmetic Soaps, Cold Pressed & Essentia
Handmade Soaps We wanted a soap that produced proven natural action on the skin with a minimal load on Mother Nature. In the market, we struggled to find a soap that we could feel good about using on ourselves and our families. Most soaps for dry and oily skin were either made with synthetic chemicals like Sodium Lauryl sulfate and Propylene Glycol or curated with artificial fragrances and chemical preservatives. Even the so-called natural, organic and handmade herbal soaps may not be 100% natural, as they may contain artificial chemicals or synthetic fragrances. Therefore, we crafted CAMIA with love and nature. CAMIA is rooted in science and embellished by traditions. The mystic natural fragrances used in CAMIA handmade herbal organic soaps for dry and oily skin have a fascinating legacy of use for cleansing and curing dating back to medieval time
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into-the-daniverse · 3 years
💧 and 🌙 for the band!! <3
Thank you!!! ☺️
Emoji OC Ask List
💧- What is this oc most passionate about?
Alec: Helping others whenever possible
Jamil: Making his friends and family happy
Camia: Being the best version of herself
Leon: Protecting their family
🌙- Does this oc have any unusual hobbies?
None of these are particularly unusual but more like unexpected for them!
Alec: Though it’s no surprise to see her playing the piano or the guitar, she does also play the violin like Camia, but she usually has to be an a specific mood to do so
Jamil: Art! He likes working with charcoal mostly and does a lot of portraits of his family and just random people he sees around town
Camia: She loves to read romance novels as a hobby and actually owns quite the collection, across multiple languages
Leon: They like pottery, it’s one of the only activities that relax them - though they like breaking the things they’ve made just as much as making them
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