#about to go follow people again and devour their fics like a man starved
knoxmares · 2 years
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knox here~ again
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Their Doll 11
Silent scream
B.Barnes x Stark!Reader, S.Rogers x Stark!Reader
series synopsis:  y/n Stark, all records of her non existent, and yet Hydra still find her. When she is kidnapped by a certain super-soldier and no one believes her, she finds herself searching for unexpected familiarity in her not-so-distant past.
Series Warnings: smut, violence, torture, swearing
Chapter Summary: y/n gets shut up
Warnings: mentions of violence, swearing
A/n: The timeline in this has been altered, as there I things I wanted to include but I also wanted this fic to follow the storyline/timeline of Winter Soldier and Civil war.So for purposes of this fanfic, Peter Parker was discovered by Tony at a much younger age - when he was bitten - and has been an intern with him since, almost like a protégée.(For the purposes of this story Peter was bitten much younger too - more like when he was 9 or ten rather than 14/15)
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"Fuck you." I snapped, mustering all the saliva I could before spitting it at his face. He flinched back when it splattered over his cheek, his fingers swiping through the spittle before he was shaking it from them and standing back to his full height.
"It appears this one is never going to cooperate. If she won't give us information, why let our experimentations on her possibly...benefit the girl the the future?" The general spoke menacingly to the guards behind me. "How about way find a way to shut her up?"
My heat thudded so hard in my chest it was like someone was punching me from the inside, all air knocked from my lungs before I was being hoisted up to my feet again with two rough grips on my upper arms. My chest heaving, I coughed a ragged breath before composing myself. The glint of the silver blade in the corner of my vision sent my eyes bugging out of my skull and my mind into a flat panic.
So, I did what any rational person with my capabilities would do. I began to hum the deep melody - one a seldom sung - and a smirk crawled its way onto my now curved lips. Clearly, the general was prepared, but the two guards behind we weren't so lucky.
A desperate cry pierced my tune, harmonising with my voice as I heard the havoc I was causing. This was the first time I'd enjoyed a kill, the very first time I'd wanted to use my powers for such a horrific reason. I'd only ever used this part of my power a few times, but this was the only time I'd been fully lucid whilst doing so.
Some people want nothing more than to blow their enemies' brains out, and trust me when I tell you; It felt good.
However, luck was never on my side, and the General had come full prepared. He wasn't even affected, it must've been something to do with the funny earpiece he was wearing.
As my eyes met his, the General's face held non of the cocky, smug tones that I'd expect. No, the only word I could use to describe his old and crinkled features was pure ire, and it was directed at me.
"You conniving, vile little bitch!" He snarled, the flash of silver weeding a sense of utter and complete dread, tangled with fear inside of me, uprooting my confidence. I don't remember a lot after that, to tell you the truth. I know the blade sliced along my throat. I know everything was rained black. And that's about it.
Awakening with a gasp was the last thing I expected to happen. The sight of the blade risen in front of the general burned into my mind, almost as if it'd been scorned against my flesh. But here I was: awake, gasping for breath, completely surrounded by doctors I'd never seen before.
My hand instantly flew to my neck, a stinging sensation pulsing from the delicate skin. I hissed as my sweaty palm made contact with the bandage, the material corse and scratchy against my skin. As a doctor waddled over to me, needle in hand, I flailed desperately, a silent scream ripping from my throat.
Hang on a second-
Silent scream? I tried again, the shrill noise that should be tearing from me simply vanishing as it hit my throat. My eyes widened with the realisation, my bottom lip wobbling as I suddenly pieces together what had happened.
He said he'd have to shut me up, didn't he? The thought made me want to scream loudly, that the blade had touched my skin and left me with no defence.
They took away the hell they'd reigned upon me, something I'd wished I could be rid of for years, and now I was disappointed. Maybe this was their plan all along, that little voice in my head sang. The tears pricked at my eyes, which rolled back lazily as the scratch of the needle poked at my neck.
My calloused fingers ran over the cut tirelessly, trying to itch somewhere that I could never seem to find. I don't know how long I was sedated for, but since waking up the bleeding had stopped and there was now an offensive red line that slid horizontally across my neck.
Every time I touched it, it coaxed a wince from me, and yet that's all I seemed to do. It was like poking a bruise, I guess. The more it hurts the more you want to do it.
They'd returned me to my cell, clearly very little need for restraints against my weakened, starved and dehydrated body. I could see the flesh thinning on my arms, my ribs pressing painfully against my skin. Not only could I see the hunger, but I could feel it.
Manifesting, biting, gnawing hunger. The type that are you from inside out, devouring everything of you until the only thing you could think about was eating. Huh, I guess I was already at that stage then.
My eyes remained locked in place, glossy with the endless tears as I stared at the floor. If I really looked hard enough, the still wet blood smeared over the floors of the hallway resembled something close to strawberry jam. The thoughts of the sickly sweat substance spread over a perfectly toasted piece of bread, accompanied with a big glass of fresh orange juice and washed down by a large coffee made my mouth water. The booming rumble in my stomach made the groan, even more drawn out than expected when I remembered all I'd get to eat today: a small bread roll and a tiny glass of water.
Sadly, the sink in my cell did not contain drinking water. The liquid was so discoloured that I purposely avoided washing me hands, preferring to possible have my own germs coating my hands than whatever they were giving me. I'm not kicking you about, I genuinely think the water was filtered through a clump of fucking horse shit, mixed with fish guts and complimented with a hint of rotting fruit. If I could help it, I'd be dodging that water like the plague (if it didn't contain one already) for the rest of my life.
I'm not really sure why, but my head snapped up in surprise why the door sprang open, a single guard entering.
"The general requires your presence." He deadpanned, eyes cold as eyes and sharp as a knife as they stabbed through me. I wanted to fight back, stay glued to the spot and snap back some snarky remark, but in my current condition I almost couldn't bring myself to care where I was about to be taken, or why for that matter.
I stood without a word, silently following the man until we reached an unfamiliar metal door. I found it almost laughable, really, that they'd reduced my strength so much, that no one even considered putting me any sort of restraints anymore.
The door was pushed open with a child-like whine emitting from its rusty hinges, the metal scraping over the concrete floor painfully. The guard simply grabbed my arm before tugging me into the room, letting the door shut behind his with a hollow thunk.
"Ah, she has arrived!" The general's voice exclaimed, a deviant smile spreading over his thin lips. "And just in time to meet Mr Pierce, too." He said menacingly.
I felt embarrassed, exposed, stood before the room of men. My hair was a mess, tears streaking my reddened face, eyes puffy from crying and the only clothes a wore was a now-battered hospital gown. My eyes darted around nervously, trying to avoid the blonde man sat before me, chin resting in his palm as he surveyed me.
"Why is this one...important?" The man asked, eyeing me up and down before his eyes seemed to fixate on my neck. The scar.
"This," the general spoke, but Mr Pierce kept his eyes on me, "is Miss y/n Stark." Mr Pierce's eyes widened ever so slightly, but it was barely noticeable.
"As in Tony Stark?" Pierce pondered.
"The very same." The general smirked.
"She seems awfully...quiet, for a Stark." Pierce said with almost a hint of disgust, eyes still glued to my shaking frame.
"That's because we shut her up." The general snapped, awfully harshly.
"Is that the scar? How fresh is it?" Pierce jabbed his questions, curiosity clearly becoming him in the moment.
"Indeed. Our doctors here are very good, Sir. They had her all patched up and out of bandages in just three days." The general bragged, shoulders back and head held high as if he was posing for a portrait.
"I see." Pierce mused, brows furrowed in thought. "What do you plan to do with her? Now that she can't tell you anything?"
"Oh, trust me, sir. She wasn't giving anything up either way," he paused, striding over to me and yanking my head back with a fistful of hair, my back mow  pressed to his chest and his mouth at my ear, "isn't that right, sweetheart?"he clarified, and I didn't hesitate to nod my head as much as his grip would allow.
"So why isn't she dead?" Pierce gritted, seemingly annoyed. "It's not like Tony's attached to her, he never looked for her and I've never even heard him mention her."
"But then they'll keep coming. I don't want the avengers on my back, and I'm sure you don't either." Pierce hummed in agreement. "She's with them - her and that Captain America guy arrived together - so why not use her to send a message?" The general suggested.
That's how I found myself tied up, wrists bound and gun to my head as I sat shakily in a chair in the middle of the quinjet. I had no clue how long I'd been since that day, but I do know that I had been sedated once again. The flimsy hospital gown allowed a shiver to chill me, skin  forming goosebumps as I sat before the open door or the quinjet.
"You will tell them exactly as I just did. Got it?" The general pressed, pushing the gun into my head hard enough to make by head throb. Tears biting at my eyes, I nodded furiously, now determined to live with the promise of being free again. "Good. Soldat, make sure she gets back to New York without being seen, I'd hate to have to spill more blood than we intended." The general demanded, a figure rustling its way out of the shadows at the edge of the room. A gasp tore from my throat at the sight of him - clad in black leather and arm as silver as the moon. The soldier - my soldier.
But he simple stared through me, eyes blank and clouded in a coldness I'd never had directed at me from him before.
"And make sure you don't fail this time, soldat." The general snapped. The soldier nodded solemnly, the echoing of boots thudding filling both their ears as the general walked off the ship.
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calitraditionalism · 3 years
“ Darkpelt winked. “Don’t worry, I’ll take watch, and I’m very good at it.”” Hehehe I love Darkpelt so much. Bet Mistface’s expression was really funny in that moment too.
Wow so much is happening, feels a bit like really being in the eye of the storm now. I’m looking forward to the dynamics changing now that the crew is all on the same side. If only Greyleaf had talked to Mistface a bit earlier. Mistface seems so open minded and tolerant, I can’t help but think Greyleaf life could’ve been a lot easier if he just trusted his brother a bit more. Also im glad about Beetlefoots role this chapter, he’s like the stoic/loner guy without being obnoxious about it (as the stereotype can sometimes be). Instead he just seems a bit rough around the edge but with a good heart, but giving good contrasting opinions. I really sympathize with him.
Also, that discussion about the future plans was so interesting. I too have wondered if the cats leaving would even be enough to make StarClan leave. I guess the question is if it’s bonded to the mass of cats (because of the belief in it ? Or just because they are a good food source ?) or if it’s bonded to the land itself. It is a cliche of eldritch monsters to have like a chosen hunting ground (I think). In the Canon Books the moonstone or moonpool could be the obviously supernatural “anchor” of StarClan, but I’m unsure if the lighthouse has the same kind of.. supernatural aura/happenings surrounding it.
If it doesn’t have the territory borders holding it back, as Redheart seems to believe.. well. On one hand, the territory is not lost forever, on the other.. it can and will surely attempt to follow them if more than 50% of cats leave. Would starving it out even work ? One it’s true what they said, it would just go elsewhere, and who knows if it’s a unique entity. If the population of the clans recovers they might just attract the same one or another like it back and it all starts again. Maybe a “battle of will” is possible? If the cats that die are informed of this monster maybe they can all (or in significant numbers) pull a Runagate and run away before being devoured. It would open a whoooooole can of worms with all the ghosts running around wildly but better than being eaten.. Also that culture shift could be really cool to see. Treating death as an important battle and event everyone prepares for, it almost has this feeling of Valhalla where a warriors true purpose happens after dying. (That thought was a bit long, but you said you liked to read your readers theorizing, so I hope it’s okay to just send my rambling in)
Last point! The aspects! Mistface wanted to swear on the stars, but corrected to the aspects. Are they considered as separate entities ? Not subservient or even above StarClan ? Because if that is true, perhaps they could be a source of aid in the future. After all if the Runagate is real, perhaps other entities from the story could be real too. Even if they are not walk-the-earth-real and only ghost-in-your-dream-real, they might care for the clan cats ?
Anyway, as always, I look forward to read more of this story. Love the characters, love the plot, even if my wild theories are way off I have lots of fun speculating! <3
Aww, I get so excited getting these kinds of asks. Thank you for the enthusiasm and kind words, man!
I'm glad to see people are still interested, even in this minute downtime. The heaviness of the Reveal, I think, required a little break for everyone to absorb and talk about things. I'm especially glad you get where Beetlefoot is coming from - I was worried he was going to be another Crowfeather, where he's just a dick for no reason, so I tried to give him a sound argument, or at least a perspective one can understand.
As for the aspects, they are indeed separate from StarClan, both in the mythology and in the real world. Exactly what their deal is at the moment, I would like to answer in a potential sequel to this story. Assuming I get the chance to write it, of course! I do have a lot of things going on at the moment, but I'd love to get into the aspects more, and this particular story doesn't allow for too much of that.
The rest I cannot answer without spoilers, so I hope to reply through the fic itself and keep you interested!
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cpd5021 · 4 years
Reckoning - Part 8
Chapter 8! I honestly didn’t think this fic would be this long. I’m not totally sure what direction I want it to go in yet, but I have at least a few more chapters planned. Thanks for following along! 
      Hailey was startled awake by her phone ringing loudly from her nightstand. She reached one hand over to silence it, jumping again when moments later a second phone rang on the other side of the bed. She felt Jay shift underneath her as he grabbed his phone. She smiled as she listened to him answer it in a sleepy voice, speaking briefly with the caller before hanging up. Hailey bit her lip to try and contain her smile when Jay leaned his head down to see her curled up against his shoulder. 
“Morning.” He leaned in to kiss the top of her head softly. 
“Good morning.” She grinned back. She could definitely get used to this. “How’d you sleep?”
“Not too bad...” Jay sent her a smile to let her know he was teasing. “How about yourself?”
“Amazing.” She replied, not even trying to hide her smile this time. This was the happiest Hailey had felt in a long time. 
“That was Kev, we caught a case. Multiple bodies gunned down in a drug house, Voight wants us on scene now.” Jay chuckled as Hailey groaned before slowly rolling off of him and sitting on the side of her bed. 
“I need to shower real quick.” Hailey stood and walked towards her bathroom. “Do you have clothes?” 
“Yea, I have my bag in the truck.” Jay got out of bed and didn’t miss it when Hailey’s eyes trailed down his body, pausing briefly on his boxers, before her eyes shot back up and she gave him a sheepish grin. 
“Right. Okay. Well, I’m gonna shower.” She stammered, embarrassed that she had been caught checking him out. Before he could respond, Hailey ducked into the bathroom, pushing the door only half shut. Jay laughed to himself as he heard the water turn on, before going out to retrieve his bag. 
     Hailey stood in the shower, water running cold in an attempt to cool herself off. Her heart raced at the thought of Jay standing in her room, clad only in his boxers which clung to him in all the right places. She jumped slightly when she heard the shower open and opened her eyes to find herself face to face with Jay. Before she could stop herself, her eyes moved down his body which now stood in front of her completely naked. Her eyes met his and her face burned bright red. Jay gave her a smirk as he leaned forward, reaching behind her to turn the temperature of the water up.  
“Mind if I join you?” Jay asked, voice husky.
“No problem.” Hailey was proud when her voice didn’t shake like she thought it would. 
      They both showered quickly, Hailey smiled to herself when Jay reached for her rose scented body wash, knowing damn well that he would be smelling like flowers all day. Once done, they got out and dressed themselves in a hurry, needing to meet their team on scene. Hailey pouted when she realized they were out of coffee and she’d have to wait who knows how long for that first cup. Jay promised her they could stop for some on their way and they headed out the door. 
     Hours later, Hailey stood in the break room waiting for more coffee to brew. What they initially thought was going to be an easy case ended up being all over the place and it had been a long day. She turned when she heard someone enter the room and smiled when she saw it was Jay. 
“More coffee?” He asked, moving beside her to reach for a cup of his own. 
“It’s been a long day.” Hailey took the pot that was finally done and poured them each a cup. 
“What are your plans for tonight?” Jay watched as she smiled before taking a sip of her drink. 
“Nothing special comes to mind.” She raised an eyebrow at him, silently questioning what he was thinking. 
“I want to take you out to dinner.” Jay stated, figuring they could go to her favorite pizza place. He’d save a nicer option for a night when they weren’t both exhausted.
“A first date?” She smiled, glancing quickly to make sure no one would overhear.
“Yep.” Jay smiled in return. “We really need to get to that second date fast.”
     Hailey gave him a puzzled look, not sure what he was getting at. Jay stood from his seat at the table and moved to stand beside her. From a distance, it would look like he was just setting his mug in the sink. But from Hailey’s perspective, Jay was intentionally much closer than needed for that task. Her heart pounded when she caught a whiff of her rose scented body wash and her cheeks turned pink when she pictured this morning’s shower. His body lingered over her and she had to tilt her head up slightly to meet his eyes. 
“Well, “ Jay’s eyes traveled slowly down her body causing her to swallow hard. “You did say you weren’t a ‘on the first date’ kinda gal.” 
     Hailey nearly choked when she realized what he was insinuating. She hadn’t been lying when she had told him she didn’t normally have sex on the first date, but given their history and after seeing him in full undress this morning, she would give it up right this second if they weren’t at work. Hailey nodded slowly, not daring to trust her voice. She struggled to control her breathing which had picked up its pace with his close proximity. Jay finally took a step back, figuring he had been standing close to her long enough for two people who were trying to keep their new relationship under wraps. 
“How’s 7? Assuming we’re out on time..” Jay really hoped they were able to leave on time, not only was he starving but he was excited about the prospect of taking her out on an actual date. 
“Sounds good.” Hailey smiled at him, turning to rinse the mugs as he walked out of the room. She stayed at the sink longer than necessary to try and force the heat from her cheeks that she could still feel lingering from his comments. 
     Luckily, they were able to get most of the case wrapped up and Jay and Hailey were able to get out on time. Hailey drove herself home for the first time in what felt like forever. Normally, this would have made her sad as Jay typically took her home, but she knew she’d be seeing him soon. Vanessa got stuck at work, finishing up some paperwork, the downside of being low man on the totem pole, but this meant Hailey was free to get ready without having the younger girl giving her an interrogation the entire time. Hailey made her way into her bathroom, deciding to freshen up before Jay arrived. Her hair had been up in a ponytail all day so she took it down and played with it until she was satisfied with it’s appearance. Hailey wasn’t usually one to wear tons of make up but she figured she could add just a touch for this occasion. Finishing up, she glanced at her phone and saw Jay would be here any minute. Hailey decided to brush her teeth quickly for good measure and then she was ready to go. Her stomach swirled with butterflies as nerves finally set in when her doorbell rang. She all but skipped to her door, taking a deep breath before pulling it open. Her nerves faded as she met Jays eyes, bright from the smile spreading across his face. 
“Wow.” Was all he said, glancing her up and down. 
“Shut up.” She replied, suddenly feeling a little embarrassed.
“You’re beautiful.” Jay placed a soft kiss on her lips before taking her hand and leading them to the truck. Ever the gentleman, he even opened the truck door for her, keeping her hand until she had climbed in. She smiled and blushed as she watched him walk around to his side. Once in the truck, he leaned over and gave her another kiss, a little longer this time before they both pulled away, tension already building.  
       The two made it to the restaurant, ordered their pizza and enjoyed the comfortable flow of conversation while they waited. Jay chuckled as he watched Hailey devour half of the pizza herself. Hailey’s eyes lit up when she saw the ice cream sundae Jay had ordered them when she went to the bathroom and they enjoyed it together in silence. After they were finished with dinner, Jay suggested they go and walk the pier. It was one of his favorite things to do in the evening whenever he needed to clear his head and Hailey wasn’t available to talk. The lights from the city shining on the dark water was absolutely breath taking and he wasn’t sure Hailey had ever experienced the sight. Hailey reached for his hand and held it tightly as they walked, enjoying every moment she was getting to spend with him. 
“This is beautiful.” She gazed out into the water when they had paused along the pier wall. 
“Yea, I love coming here just to remind myself that this city isn’t so bad after all.” Jay stood close next to her, his shoulder brushing hers. 
“It’s nice to be reminded of that every now and then when we see so much of the bad shit every day.” Hailey looked up at Jay and found him lost in thought. 
“I used to come here when I would leave my moms when she was sick. I always wanted to bring her here so she could see but we never made it.” Jay glanced down at her as he felt her arms wrap around his waist. 
“I wish I could have met her.” Hailey broached this conversation lightly, he didn’t usually talk about his mom so she knew this was a big step.
“She would have loved you.” He smiled down at her, giving her a squeeze. 
     Hailey reached one hand up to rest on Jay’s cheek, pulling him down gently to kiss him. His hands moved to rest on her hips as he deepened the kiss. After a moment, they pulled apart, both smiling sheepishly at their quick breaths. 
“I should get you home.” Jay looked around, realizing it had to be getting late. 
“Take me to your place?” Hailey asked, knowing that Vanessa would be home by now and she wasn’t ready to end their night. 
“Sure thing.” Jay took her hand and they walked back to the truck in a comfortable silence. 
     Hailey followed Jay into his apartment, looking around briefly at the tidy spaces. She had been here thousands of times but this time it felt different. Suddenly hyper aware of the situation she had put them in, coming to Jay’s place instead of hers and leaving no room for interruptions, Hailey glanced up at Jay only to find him already staring with a devilish glint to his eyes. He tossed his keys on the counter and stepped towards her, reaching to help her remove the zip up hoodie she had thrown on at the pier. The air in the room was thick with tension as neither spoke. They both thought back to Hailey’s comment about not being a first date kind of girl, but both of them knew damn well that was out the window with them. This moment had been building for years, the slow burn only being fueled by the last few weeks of Jay seeing her naked as he helped her dress and undress, and then Jay’s tease this morning by getting into her shower. Slowly, Jay bent down to kiss her. It started cautiously, tantalizingly slow, his hands moved to cup her face holding her close as the kiss deepened. Hailey slid her arms up to wrap around Jay’s neck, pulling him closer. They stumbled backwards until Hailey’s back hit the wall, causing them both to gasp slightly. Hailey stared up at him, biting her lip and willing her eyes to show him permission to continue. She wanted this, she needed this. And from the look in his eyes, Jay did too. 
     Jay placed another kiss on her lips, gentle this time, before taking her hand and leading her towards the bedroom. Once inside, he reached to turn on a small lamp on the dresser that dimly lit the room. Mood lighting, Hailey chuckled to herself. Jay noticed her laugh and tilted is head questioningly. Hailey’s response was to stretch up and kiss him, her arms drawing his head back down towards hers and deepening the kiss once again. Jay gently walked them backwards until her legs touched the edge of the bed. His hands came to rest on her shoulders and he softly pushed her down until she was laying in front of him. Jay knelt on the bed above her, her heart leaped out of her chest as he pulled his shirt off. He walked his hands beside her until his body was on top of hers and his lips found hers again. Hailey moaned lightly at the feeling of his weight pressing down into her, she could feel his excitement pushing against his jeans and into her. Jay pulled away from their kiss to look down into her eyes.
“This okay?” His voice breathless.
“Yes...” Hailey pulled him back down into a kiss.
     Jays hand traveled from her rib cage down to her hip bone, giving it a gentle squeeze and causing her to buck up into him. He sat up then, straddling her legs, and pulled her into a sitting position. His hands slowly and skillfully removed her shirt before reaching around to unclasp her bra. He bent down then, trailing kisses from her collar bone down the rest of her chest and Hailey laid back down as his mouth traveled further south, meeting a breast and bringing it into his mouth. His hand moved to give attention to the other breast and this drew another moan from Hailey’s mouth. Hailey’s hands ran up and down his back, leaving gentle scratches and driving him wild. Jay’s hand moved down to unbutton her jeans. Just as his fingers tugged her zipper down and she steeled herself for what was to come, Jay’s phone rang from its spot on the dresser. They broke their kiss, staring at each other while they silently debated whether he should check it. Jay gave a slight shake of his head and dipped back down to kiss her collar bone. Next up was Hailey’s phone, ringing in its place right next to Jay’s. Both phones ringing only meant one thing, work. Jay pushed himself up, supporting himself with one arm, while the other hand traced circles across her abdomen. 
“I really don’t want to answer that.” He was almost pouting.
“But we probably should. At least check the voicemail...” Hailey scrunched her face up. Stopping this moment was the last thing she wanted to do, but they really couldn’t blow work off and if she was being honest she’d probably be distracted the whole time if they did. 
     With a sigh, Jay removed himself from her and the bed, crossing the room to pick up his phone and listen to the voicemail. Hailey sat up in the bed, grabbing her shirt and holding it to cover her chest. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t have to put it back on. That hope shattered as she watched Jay’s head drop in defeat. He turned to give her another pout before informing her they had a case. Missing kid after a home invasion gone bad. Hailey groaned and pulled her shirt back on, standing to redo her jeans and get herself situated. She smirked when she saw Jay adjust himself, knowing he was more than ready for what they were about to do. 
“Hey, we’ll definitely be continuing this as soon as we can.” Hailey walked over and slid her fingers into his waist band. She stood on her tip toes to plant a kiss on his lips. 
“Hell yea we will.” Jay’s hand moved to the back of her head, holding her in place as the kiss intensified.  
     Fighting the urge to just give in to the moment and pretend they weren’t aware of the case, Hailey eventually pulled away. Jay bent his head down to rest his forehead against hers while they caught their breath. 
“Alright, let’s go get this over with.” Jay tugged her hand and they made their way back out of his apartment and to the truck. 
     Even though they hadn’t really accomplished anything, Hailey couldn’t fight the smile that was plastered on her face the whole ride. She just hoped they could wrap this up quickly so she could get back to the bedroom with Jay. 
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simplyclockwork · 4 years
Simplyclockwork Fic Rec
Supernatural/Fantasy/Magical Realism
This will be updated as I read more fics.
Graceless - Belladonna_Q
Mature. 1,296 words. One-shot.
He spins and throws blindly, and another soft whump, that comforting scent of home vaporizing before him. A single raven coloured feather seasaws through the air.
“God damn you, Sherlock!” He shouts, he screams, and there’s nothing in the space he can strike. Nothing he can grab and heave into the darkness.
Beneath the Silver Moon - SailorChibi
Explicit. 85, 993 words. 73 chapters.
After being bitten in Afghanistan, John was invalided home. Being a werewolf was new to him, and he wasn't interested in any of the help or orientation that the Centre had to offer, but even his wolf knew better than to enter territory that had been marked. Until his first outside change, when he met a strange alpha wolf that wanted John to follow it home into pack territory. John's initial refusal became a challenge for the curious alpha... one Sherlock Holmes.
All Things Inherit - BeautifulFiction (@the-pen-pot​)
Explicit. 53,682 words. 6 chapters.
"For John, it's not a bullet that throws his existence into disarray – it's a bite."
In a world where twelve percent of the population are Mactiri - people with the ability to turn into wolves at will - John finds himself struggling with a new and horrifying existence. The victim of a shocking attack, he is discharged from the army and sent home, determined never to acknowledge what he can now become.
However, when his health starts to fail, it is up to his enigmatic new flatmate to show him that perhaps his life is not the nightmare John believes it to be.
Inexplicable - emmagrant01
Explicit. 34,664 words. 6 chapters.
So what was in that matchbox, anyway? John and Sherlock find out, the hard way.
Simplyclockwork note: this fic ripped my heart out in the best way.
Riptide Lover - jinglebell
Explicit. 114,090 words. 20 chapters.
The year is 1866. When John becomes swept overboard, he never expects to encounter a living creature of myth. When the merman absconds with John, the lost sailor must use every tool at his disposal to convince Sherlock not to kill him. But it seems that killing John Watson is not what the deadly, beautiful creature has in mind at all...
Victorian mermaid AU. Heed the tags. Complete!
John Watson’s Moon - patternofdefiance
Explicit. 11,314 words. One-shot
“You’ll let me see it, of course.”
It takes John no time at all to realize what is being asked, to stiffen with indignation, but he asks, “See what?” nonetheless.
The look those grey-green eyes level at him says please don’t actually be that stupid far more eloquently than should be possible. “You are loup garou, recently infected under traumatic circumstances and subsequently discharged from military service, most likely from a post in Afghanistan or Iraq. Your wounds would have healed with the passing of the initial fever, so whatever lingering effects you are suffering are likely psychosomatic – and severe enough to bar you from the one occupation where being a ruthless hunter is seen as a qualification rather than a detriment.” Those eyes flick back up from their cataloguing of John’s limbs and body to meet his eyes. “When I say you’ll let me see it, I am then, of course, referring to your wolf form.”
“And why would I do that?”
“Potential flatmates should know the worst about one another.”
Hellfire - PrettyArbitrary
Teen and up. 2,966 words. One-shot.
John learns, with clawing, bloody slowness, how to fend for himself. He learns the capacity to love wasn’t taken from him, or the need for it. He learns what it is to starve. To need things that aren’t given to him.
A prequel to Graceless.
Full Moon - sommerprosson
Explicit. 5,151 words. One-shot.
Sherlock rather wishes the man hadn’t woken. Now, he has to talk to him before he bites his throat during the night.
The Curious Wine - songlin
Explicit. 15,095 words. 8 chapters.
"I want to watch you kill, because I want to see you lose that tiresome battle against your baser instincts. I want to drink from you, enough that you go weak and breathless and can’t stand properly, but I don’t want to kill you, because then you’ll be gone and the thought of never being surprised by you ever again makes me want to go naked into the sunlight and wait until it burns me into ash."
Blue Blood - You_Light_The_Sky (@youlighttheskyfanfiction)
Teen and up. 963 words. One-shot.
"I know you're here," John shouts into the darkness.
The Autumn Moon is Bright - barrowjane
Mature. 23,935words. 3 chapters.
John has two secrets he keeps from Sherlock - he manages this, he thinks, only because Sherlock would find the idea that John is attracted to him just as unlikely as the idea of John being a werewolf. He's not sure what it says about his life, that love and lycanthropy are considered equally impossible events.
The Stars Move Still - BeautifulFiction (@the-pen-pot​)
Explicit. 96,022 words. 5 chapters.
"What could I want so desperately that would make me sell my soul? What could possibly compel me to surrender the part of myself that makes me who I am: the source of my magic, my self-control, everything?"
Say That Again, But In English This Time - janonny
Explicit. 15,842 words. One-shot.
Lestrade was calling about a new murder, Sherlock was acting strange even for a consulting detective-werewolf, and John was missing blood from the fridge. Just another day in John’s life. (Alternate Universe where Sherlock is a werewolf, and John is a vampire. Everything else is exactly the same.
Darkling, I Listen - you_light_the_sky (@youlighttheskyfanfiction)
Teen and up. 73,254 words. 8 chapters.
No one who enters old London ever comes out. They say that the beast devours them. When his sister disappears, John ventures into the dead zone beyond the wall, and finds a brilliant madman under a terrible curse...
The Bite - Laur (@notesoflore)
Explicit. 48, 214 words. 16 chapters.
Sherlock gets it wrong.
Days, months, even years in the future, Sherlock’s oversight during the Baskerville case will continue to torment him, but nothing about that night will ever be as painfully vivid as the memory of John’s screams.
This is how it begins.
If you’re one of the authors listed here and have a Tumblr, and would like me to link it (if I haven’t already), please let me know!
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badchoicesposts · 5 years
Don’t Dream It’s Over Chapter 16
Series Summary: Liam and Ali thought that their relationship was perfect, but their whole world came crashing down when Constantine called him back to Cordonia. Four years later they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party, determined to make things between them work even if it isn’t always easy.
In this AU, Liam and MC (Ali Moonessar) dated for a year in New York while Leo was still crown prince. They broke up when Constantine asked Liam to come back to Cordonia, but they meet again at Liam’s bachelor party before the social season. The story will contain flashbacks, which will be italicized, of their relationship and follow them as they try to navigate the season with Ali as a suitor. I’ve messed around with the timeline a bit so that it fits the story better. I’ve also added in a few OCs of my own.
Pairing: Liam x MC (Ali Moonessar) 
DISCLAIMER: I’ve changed up the timeline of the social season a bit to fit my story better. I’ve based it off of some research I did on the British Social Season. Some of the dialogue was taken directly from Book 1 of The Royal Romance but was changed a bit to fit my fic.
Taglist: @flowerpowell, @ao719, @kingliam2019, @emceesynonymroll, @hopefulmoonobject, @dcbbw, @qammh-blog, @liamxs-world, @drakesensworld, @i-only-signed-up-for-fanfiction, @lauradowning29, @texaskitten30, @senseofduties, @indiacater, @alexintheskyy, @jared2612
A/N: This is my first time ever posting a fic. Please let me know if you enjoyed it and would like to read more. I thrive on validation, lol. Thanks for reading!
Catch Up: Masterlist
Olivia’s party itself wasn’t the worst thing in the world. Ali made casual conversation with Penelope and Kiara, and her conversation with Olivia seemed to be pleasant enough. She just wished she could have done it on solid ground. 
The smell of the salty sea water overtook her senses and her shoulders relaxed as she and Maxwell made their way over to where Hana and Lizzie stood at the beach party’s buffet table. 
“Wow, these appetizers seem kind of fishy,” Ali said, recoiling at the pungent smell. 
She had never liked seafood and had to keep herself from gagging as she watched Maxwell take a bite of something that appeared to still be moving. 
“I’m going to go stand over there before I throw up again,” she said taking a few steps back, before noticing that Drake was waving her over to another picnic area. 
“Is that barbecue?” she asked, her eyes sweeping over the loaded table.
“Liam thought you would appreciate it. A little taste of home,” he said as the others walked over to them. 
Ali smiled while her stomach grumbled loudly. Now that she was away from all of the seafood she was suddenly starving. 
 “I love a good barbecue,” Drake said, happier than Ali had seen him in a while. “Reminds me of cookouts on the lawn and summers with family.”
“That’s sweet Drake,” she said.
“It is not. Now, would you rather talk or would you rather eat.”
Ali rolled her eyes as each of them began to fill up their plates. They devoured their food, Maxwell covered completely in sauce, all excited about the menu changes.
“That was so good,” Maxwell moaned out after they had finished eating.
Ali felt completely relaxed as they all hummed in agreement. She was currently away from the press and surrounded by people she was comfortable with. 
“I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to enjoy the water,” Drake said, standing up and peeling his shirt off. 
Ali looked over to Maxwell, who had been trying to wipe his face clean, and grabbed a napkin to get the spot that he continued to miss.
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit. You guys go ahead,” she said, turning his face in her hand so she could wipe his cheek. 
She caught sight of Liam standing a little way from them speaking with Regina and Madeleine. He smiled at the sight of her and Maxwell, and returned to his conversation. 
“Good as new,” she said, finally pulling the napkin away from his face, and admiring her handiwork. 
The two of them took a seat on the sand, and Ali kicked off her shoes, burying her toes in its warmth. 
“You don’t want to go swim with the others?” she asked him, motioning to where Drake, Hana, and Lizzie were playing in the water.
“After a meal like that I just want to stretch out like a beached whale,” he said, leaning back onto his elbows and allowing the sun to warm his face. 
“I’ve never really be a beach person, but I have to admit that this is kind of nice,” she said, leaning back as well. 
“How are you not a beach person?” Maxwell asked, sitting up quickly with his jaw hanging open.
“I don’t know how to swim.”
“You don’t know how to swim!” he repeated.
“I love the feeling of being in the water, but I’ve always been terrified of learning how to swim.”
“I believe I’ve tried to teach you several times, but I remember you refusing to let go of me,” Liam said, taking a seat next to them and handing her a glass of mint lemonade.
She shoved him playfully and took a few sips of the cold liquid, allowing it to cool her down before handing the glass to Maxwell and letting him do the same.
Ali tugged self consciously at the high-waisted, two piece bathing suit that Emma had forced her to get. It was getting hotter and hotter every day, and when Liam learned that she didn’t know how to swim, he decided to make it his life's mission to teach her. The building that he lived in had its own private pool, and as she watched him swim a few laps across it under the moonlight, she couldn’t help but think of how romantic this would have been if she wasn’t so terrified of drowning. 
“Come in with me,” Liam said, swimming up to where she was dangling her legs into the water and wrapping his hands gently around her ankles. 
“I have no problem coming in with you as long as I can stay in the shallow end,” she said was a sweet smile, lowering herself into the pool. 
She sighed as she sunk into the cool water, her feet touching the floor of the pool and the water coming up to her chest. She had always loved the feeling of being in the water. It was oddly liberating considering she was afraid to swim, but she couldn’t deny that just standing in the pool made her muscles relax in a satisfying way. 
“Come in a little further,” Liam coaxed, grabbing her hands and trying to pull her closer to the middle of the pool. 
Ali took a deep breath and allowed her body to flow through the water, guided by his movements. Her breath hitched as the ground began to fall away under her, but Liam instinctively pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist so that she knew she was secure. 
“Lean back. I’ll help you balance so you can float,” he said, gently pushing her back. 
Ali hesitated.
“You know, I’m okay with not knowing how to swim,” she said, resisting his movements. 
“You should learn. What if something happens and you need to swim to survive?” he asked, with an amused smile.
“That’s why I have you,” she responded sarcastically.
“And what if I’m not there?”
“Then I guess I’ll just die,” she said.
Liam rolled his eyes in response. 
“Besides, I can think of something we could do instead,” she said, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. 
She pulled him into a soft lingering kiss. 
“That’s not going to work,” he said, pulling away with a clear amount of difficulty.
“Oh, fine,” she gave in, leaning back into the water. 
“You need to relax your body,” he said, his hands on her back under the water, holding her up. 
She attempted to follow his instructions several times, but she never succeeded. The position she was in felt unnatural. 
“I can’t do this,” she said, getting increasingly agitated and stiffening her body even more. 
“Just close your eyes,” Liam instructed. 
“Liam, I don’t want to close my eyes.”
“Please, just do it,” he said with an exasperated sigh. 
He originally thought that this was going to be a much easier task. He had underestimated his girlfriend’s stubbornness and unwillingness to learn something she was afraid of. 
Ali rolled her eyes in annoyance before closing them. 
“Good, now just relax and listen to the sound of my voice,” he said. “Just focus on me.” 
He proceeded to speak in a soft soothing voice about whatever came to his mind, and before Ali knew it her body had relaxed. 
“I think I did it!” she said excitedly, opening her eyes only to find Liam standing in the water a few feet away from her. 
The proud smile that he was wearing was quickly replaced by a look of fear as her body stiffened again, and her arms and legs began flailing as her head fell below the surface. 
“Why did you let go of me!” she yelled, grabbing onto his shoulders tightly as he pulled her back to his body.
“You were doing so well! I thought you would be okay,” Liam said, an apologetic smile on his face.
 “I would kill you if I didn’t need your help getting out of here.”
The man threw his head back and laughed. 
“I promise I’ll make it up to you,” he said, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead.
She narrowed her eyes at the amused expression that he still wore on his face but decided against addressing it. 
“You better.”
“I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve come to steal you away for a few moments. There’s a place nearby that I would like to share with you,” he said hopefully. 
“Of course,” she said, standing up, “I’ll see you later, Maxwell.”
Maxwell saluted the two of them and laid back with his arms behind his head. 
Liam took Ali’s hand and lead her through some brush. After a short hike they arrived at a picturesque waterfall. 
“Wow,” she said, taking in the sight before her. 
Liam wrapped his arms around her from behind and pulled her back into his chest. 
“Forgotten Falls. I used to come here when I was a child. It’s one of my favorite places,” he said.
They stood in silence for a moment, listening to the rush of the water, before he took her hand and led her over to the edge of the pool that the waterfall flowed into. 
“Come in with me,” he whispered, his lips ghosting over the shell of her ear.
A shiver went down her spine as she leaned into his body.
“I didn’t bring a bathing suit,” she breathed out.
“You don’t need one,” he whispered, pulling her into a heated kiss. 
As their lips moved together, Ali felt Liam’s hands grasp the bottom of the shirt she was wearing. They separated long enough for him to pull it off her body before he reattached his lips to hers. He reached around her back and unhooked the clasp of her bra. Ali gasped against his lips as it fell away from her, and the cool air hit her skin. Liam finally broke the kiss and removed his own clothing as she stripped her bottom half. He carefully pulled her glasses from her face and placed it down near their clothes, before grabbing her hand in his and leading her into the water.
“Don’t worry. I won’t let go this time,” he said, as she clutched his hand tighter, the double meaning of the phrase evident in the way he said it.
He moved out into deeper water while she struggled to calm her rapidly beating heart. They stopped at the base of the waterfall and Liam helped her wrap her legs around his waist, their chests pressed together. He spun her underneath the falling water, and she threw her head back allowing her face to get wet. A euphoric feeling washed over her as she wrapped her arms around Liam’s neck and leaned her forehead against his, water dripping down their bare skin. 
“Thank you for bringing me here,” she whispered. 
The two of them stayed under the falling water for a while longer wrapped tightly in each other’s arms, mostly because Ali refused to let go of him when her feet couldn’t touch the bottom, before returning back to the edge of the pool and getting out. 
“I hate to ruin the moment, but I think we need to continue our conversation from earlier,” she said, as they sat letting the sun dry their skin.
Liam sighed and his shoulders sagged.
“My father has always drilled the importance of finding a suitable wife into me. It wasn’t nearly as bad when Leo was still Crown Prince, but now that the social season has begun and I am to become King, he has gotten more insistent. In the past few weeks he’s repeatedly mentioned that the country can only thrive with proper leaders, and that I can’t let my feelings cloud my judgement when it comes to picking the future queen,” he said the last part quietly. 
“I assume he’s referring to our relationship,” she said, prompting him to continue.
“He’s been pushing me to choose one of the other suitors. Someone who was born and raised in this life. I didn’t understand why he was being so forceful until his announcement today.”
“You know, for a second after the race today it seemed like he actually liked me. I thought that maybe I was just being paranoid for originally thinking that he didn’t. He seemed so genuinely happy. But, I guess he just needed to pretend for the cameras,” she said, twiddling her thumbs. 
“He was happy. I think he understands how we feel for each other, but at the same time, he believes that it could be a risk to have someone new to this life take the throne. He mentioned something to me in passing,” he trailed off.
“What?” she asked.
Liam was suddenly focusing extremely hard on a blade of grass nearby. He stared intently at it, not speaking.
“Tell me,” she persisted.
“He said that the best way to keep you in my life and make sure Cordonia had a proper queen would be to choose one of the other ladies to be my wife and… to keep you as my mistress,” Liam said, looking completely ashamed.
Ali suddenly felt too exposed. She grabbed her clothes from where they were sitting nearby and hastily redressed. The fabric immediately began sticking to her still damp skin, but she pushed the feeling of discomfort out of her mind. She felt as if she were going to be sick again at any moment. 
“He wants me to choose Madeleine,” Liam said, as she sat down beside him again.
“I- um, I’m not sure what to say,” she fumbled with her words. “What did you tell him?”
“I didn’t say anything. It had caught me off guard when he mentioned it, and I was unsure of how to respond,” he said, refusing to meet her eyes.
“You’re not seriously considering it are you?” she asked, her voice hardening now. 
She loved Liam, and she would do just about anything to be with him, but becoming his mistress was where she drew the line. She would never be the other woman. 
“No, of course not!” Liam said quickly, as he took in her angry features. “I would never ask you to do that.”
Ali calmed down a little, but her body refused to relax completely. The weight of his words still weighed her down. The word “mistress” echoed loudly in her mind. She kept clenching and unclenching her fist, and Liam could feel the anger still radiating off of her body. 
“My love, I respect you too much to ever reduce you to that. You must know that,” he said.
Ali stayed silent, not wanting her anger to make her say something she didn’t mean. 
“Ali? You know that right?”
“I do. It’s just the fact that he suggested it in the first place,” she said.
“It’s not uncommon for relationships like that to happen to court. Most nobles enter into political marriages, and then seek out extramarital affairs in attempts to find happiness.”
“That doesn’t make me feel better.”
Liam took her hand in his but made sure to leave enough distance between the two of them in case she didn’t want him too close. 
“Did he tell you why he’s stepping down so soon?” she asked, eager to change the subject.
“He refused. Every time I’ve mentioned it today he said we should enjoy the festivities and that we would speak later.”
A heavy silence fell over them.
“What does this mean for us?” Ali finally asked.
“My father can push me as much as he likes, but he can not make my decision for me. He can not force me to marry Madeleine or anyone else,” Liam said firmly.
They both looked out at the water in front of them, neither wanting to speak. 
“Would you be able to do it?” he murmured, finally breaking the silence.
“What?” Ali asked, having just barely heard him.
“Would you be able to do it? Go straight from being a suitor to being a queen. I had assumed that you would have more of an adjustment period after we got married to get situated in your role at court, but now you’ll be thrown straight into the position of a ruler. Do you think you would be able to do it? Did you really mean it earlier when you said you wanted to lead Cordonia into the future?” 
Ali took a deep breath and lifted her head. That was something she had been wondering since Constantine had made his announcement earlier. 
“Honestly, I’m kind of terrified,” she admitted, and she watched as Liam’s shoulders sank further. 
She rested one hand on his shoulder and used the other to turn his face towards her, moving to sit closer to him.
“But, just because I’m scared doesn’t mean that I can’t do it. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve let that fear hold me back before, but I’m not going to this time. I’m scared of this, but I also want it more than I’ve wanted anything else. I want you. I want a relationship with you. I want a life with you, and I want a life in Cordonia. I’ve only been here for a few months and already I can’t imagine ever living anywhere else. I can’t imagine going back to New York and leaving this place or the people here behind.”
“I know that if I become queen it’ll probably be the most difficult job in the world, but I want it anyway because it’ll give me the power to make a difference. I can relate to the people of Cordonia in a way that none of the other noble ladies can. I’ve been doing some research and even though Cordonia’s monarchy is wealthy, the country itself is made up of primarily working class citizens, and I’ve been in their place while none of the other ladies have. I know what it’s like to have to work for everything you have, to have to fight to put food on the table. I can relate to the people, and I can help them, Liam. I can do this. I know I can,” she said, in a strong voice. 
Liam looked both relieved as a few happy tears welled up in his eyes. He reached over and pulled her into a passionate kiss, tangling his fingers in her wet hair. She rested her forehead against his shoulder after he broke the kiss. Some of the tension seemed to disappear, but there was still a heaviness hanging in the air. 
“I wish this was easier,” Ali mumbled, tossing him his clothes and standing back up. “You should get dressed. We need to head back.”
Ali felt unsettled as she walked back to the beach with Liam holding tightly onto her hand. 
“I love you,” Liam said as they stepped back onto the beach.
“I know you do,” she whispered.
The sun was just now beginning to set, and the sky behind the ocean was slowly beginning to turn orange. It was a beautiful night, but Ali couldn’t seem to turn her mind off long enough to enjoy it. 
“Hey, where have you guys been?” Maxwell asked, as they approached the spot where he sat staring out at the water. 
“We just went for a walk,” Ali said, dropping down onto the sand next to him. 
“Why’s your hair wet? I thought you didn’t bring a bathing suit,” he whispered in her ear.
Ali’s jaw dropped, and she pulled away to see a smirk on his face. 
“Where is everyone else?” she asked, trying to hide the blush that rose onto her cheeks by looking around. She quickly noticed that they were some of the only people still on the beach.
“Almost everyone’s already headed back to the palace. I was just waiting for you.”
Maxwell rose to his feet and held out his arm to help pull her up as well. The two of them said goodnight to Liam and got in the limo that was waiting to take them back to the palace. 
Ali watched the trees fly past the car window throughout the drive, and her mind wandered back on her time in Cordonia. She and the Beaumonts had only attended a few personal dinners since the beginning of the social season, and they all seemed to have gone over well. The larger full court events had been a success too. There was always someone new to talk to, and Liam almost always ended up at her side during the gatherings drawing the attention of everyone around them. Even though there were so many more people in attendance at the fuller scale events, they somehow seemed less intimidating. There had been a small snag after the story about her and Drake had broken. Well, it was more than a small snag. There were some people that outright seemed to hate her for it. People were harsh, saying the nastiest things behind their phone and computer screens. But, the buzz of that seemed to die down, except for the spare question here or the quiet whispering there, as people noticed how much time she was spending with Liam. Overall, she felt as if she had done a good job at fitting in. She just wished that it had been enough to convince Constantine that she was capable of being a good queen.
It was hard for her to believe that it had only been about two months since the night of Liam’s bachelor party. That night truly changed her life in a way she had never expected. She smiled to herself as she remembered how everything had happened. However, the smile was gone as soon as it came. The more she thought about it the more it made sense. 
The limo pulled up to the palace, and Ali jumped out as soon as it stopped moving. 
“Hey, do you want to watch a movie tonight?” Maxwell asked her as he scrolled through something on his phone. 
Ali could feel her hands starting to shake as she walked ahead of him. She had heard his voice, but she didn’t comprehend his words. 
“Ali?” he called after her, pulling her out of her thoughts.
Ali stopped walking and put a smile on her face. 
“Sorry, I didn’t hear you,” she said, her voice wavering slightly. 
“I asked if you wanted to watch a movie tonight? Are you okay?” he asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just a little tired. I’m going to have to take a raincheck on that movie. I’ll see you tomorrow,” she said before hurrying through the palace halls to her room. 
She allowed her door to slam shut behind her, barely registering the noise. Her heart was beating rapidly, and she wasn’t sure what to do with herself. She took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm her nerves, but found that instead of helping, this seemed to make it harder to breathe. The tears that were falling down her cheeks were wiped away frantically as she made her way back out into the hallway.
Ali took another deep breath and knocked rapidly on the door of the room right next to hers. It felt like a million years had passed by while she waited for it to open. The only thing that she could focus on was how loudly her heart seemed to be hammering in her chest. 
Drake finally appeared on the other side dressed only in a pair of plaid pajama pants, obviously ready for bed.  
“What happened?” he asked, taking in her red-rimmed eyes and tear streaked face.
“Can I come in?” she asked, voice shaking.
Drake moved out of the way to let her through and watched as she began pacing the length of floor in front of his bed. 
“I’m really sorry to do this, but I don’t know who else to go to. You’re the only one I can trust with this,” she said, still walking back and forth.
“What’s going on?” he asked, getting increasingly concerned. 
“I need a favor. Not a big favor. Well, it’s kind of a big favor. I just can’t do it myself because if anyone sees it would be bad. Like really bad,” she rambled, the words spewing out of her mouth quicker than she intended. 
“Ali, you’re scaring me. What favor?” Drake asked, stepping towards her and grabbing her arm to stop her pacing.
Ali took a deep breath and looked into his concerned eyes, knowing that everything was going to change once she finally said the words.
“I need you to get me a pregnancy test.”
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Broken Juliet Chapter 1
Author’s Note: Hello, beautiful people! May I present to you the prequel to my Vocaloid fanfic Blood Rose! It’s not necessary to read BR before reading this, but there will be some world building lacking as a result. Not a lot, so you should be fine.
This novella follows one of the characters, Rin, living through the events that lead her to where she is at the start of Blood Rose. Rin seems to be everyone’s favorite character in the main fic. Now it’s time to learn how she became the person she is in that novel.
Broken Juliet is Rin’s story, and it isn’t a happy one.
Trigger warnings for physical abuse and character death.
I do not own Vocaloid in any way, shape, or form. This fanfic purely exists for non-profit entertainment purposes. Enjoy!
Scrunching up her face, sixteen-year-old Kagamine Rin studied the cabbage. After deeming it satisfactory, she added it and others of similar quality to her basket. She also picked up a few turnips and walked to the counter to make her purchase.
"Will that be all?" asked the clerk, a look of disinterest on his face. Rin nodded to answer. When the clerk totaled the costs, he told Rin, "That will be thirteen coin."
"Thirteen?!" Rin exclaimed. "I spoke with Aoki Merli earlier today, and she told me she paid less than half for the same things I'm getting."
"Yes," the clerk agreed, "but Aoki Merli is an Alice."
Rin grit her teeth. "Are you truly going to discriminate against me like this?"
"I need to make sales one way or another. Now either pay seventeen coin, or get out of here."
"It's seventeen coin now?"
"Twenty since you insist in arguing with me."
Jaw clenched, Rin stared at the man for more than a moment. What she wanted to do was walk away without making the purchase. It's what she would have done if she wasn't required to get everything on her shopping list. Rin had to get the items regardless of their price. The clerk knew it as well as she did.
Without a word, Rin slammed the twenty coins onto the counter, picked up her basket, spun on her heel, and walked out of the shop. She covered her eyes and squinted at the sunlight as she stepped outside and waited for her eyes to adjust before she continued with her errands. There was barely enough coin now to buy a new cloth pattern, but perhaps Ms. Yuezheng would feel generous and offer Rin half a pattern now and the rest when Rin could afford it.
Rin kicked up the dirt road as she went. The wooden shacks dotted the town, and many of the villagers walked on foot from business to business, either running errands like Rin or moving to the next job. Laughter and chatter filled the warming air. The boys and Alice girls played outside of the schoolhouse, making the most of their recess. Women gossiped over their bread and cheese as they sat under their tent, their sowing left unattended for now.
Just the sight of the bread alone made Rin's stomach growl with earnest. Before Rin bought the produce, she had hoped to use the leftover coin to buy a pork bun for her first meal of the day, but now she would have to wait till she cooked dinner that evening to taste even a morsel. With a heavy sigh, Rin kept marching to her next destination.
Freezing at the shout of her name, Rin slowly turned around to see Mr. Chris waving her over. She didn't want to think about what the gruff blacksmith wanted with her, but she approached anyway. The last thing she needed was another complaint filed against her reaching her father.
Yet Mr. Chris, a tall man with black skin who was mostly muscle and had an ugly scar disfiguring the right side of his face, didn't seem upset at Rin for whatever reason that had been dreamed up since the last time someone, namely Luki, wanted to cause her trouble. Instead he looked to be displeased with the young man by his side. The young man shifted from foot to foot, seemingly more out of energetic restlessness than concern over this big man glaring at him.
"Yes, sir?" Rin questioned, switching her basket to her other arm.
Mr. Chris, whose arms were crossed, used his chin to point at the other guy. "This lad here is looking for your father's farm. Your father's still looking for more helping hands, right?"
"Yes, sir." Rin turned her attention to the young man by Mr. Chris's side. He was a tall, skinny fellow who looked more like a scarecrow than a person. Unless he was applying to scare birds and other pests away from the vegetation, she doubted he would get the job. The poor soul didn't look as if he could hold a rake he was so thin.
"Then he can follow you home." With that, Mr. Chris waved his hand in the air as if wiping off an item on his to-do list. He turned away, and that was the end of the exchange.
The young man turned to Rin and grinned, and she used the opportunity to study him a little more. He had olive skin, dirty blond hair that stuck out in every which way, and golden eyes. His clothes fit far too loosely, giving away just how gawky he was. Nothing about this man made him appear qualified to work on her father's farm. She was never going to see him again.
"Nice to meet ya!" the young man greeted, sounding far too cheerful, as he and Rin walked away from the blacksmith's shop. "Name's Akita Nero. You are?"
He doesn't know what I am then. Okay, good. It's been a long while since I had decent conversation with a stranger.
"Kagamine Rin," she told him. Nero held out his hand, and Rin hesitated a moment before taking it. After Nero gave her hand a firm shake, Rin pulled away and asked, "Where are you from?"
"Tangerice," he answered.
"Isn't that village far from here?"
"Only by twenty miles. I was looking for work when Kagamine Leon's want ad reached the border of town. When I caught wind of it, I grabbed my purse and came straight here."
"Did you walk the whole way?"
"Yep. Stopped last night to rest, then woke up before dawn to finish the journey."
Not sure what to make of Nero's chirpy attitude, Rin said, "Well, your journey is nearly over. The farm is a twenty-minute walk from here. Follow me and—"
"Pardon the interruption," Nero cut in, "but were ya running errands when that scary man called ya over?"
"I can do them later. It's really no trouble."
"Nah, finish them now," Nero replied. "I don't mind the wait. Ya said it's only a twenty-minute walk from here? That's nothing! Ya do what ya need to do before we head that way."
Rin wanted to argue, but she knew arguing wouldn't end well if he saw her left wrist. Even if he really was kind enough to insist Rin finish her errands first, she still didn't want to risk it. Of course, this man was new to town and likely wouldn't stay after not getting the job. Never seeing him after this interaction motivated her to be a little careless in conversation. Although she knew better, Rin held her left arm in a way to hide her exposed wrist as she gave in.
Working quickly in case Nero lacked patience, Rin dropped off her letters at the church before Pastor Fukase knew she stopped by and visited Ms. Yuezheng's shop to buy, to her relief, half a cloth pattern. Rin folded the cloth and stepped outside the tent. When she didn't see Nero, Rin looked around and tried to swallow her heart.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to ditch ya," Nero suddenly called out, causing Rin to jump. A pork bun in each hand, he explained, "I smelt something good and thought I'd give it a try."
Rin looked at his hands and asked before she realized her mouth was open, "You're going to eat two?" She couldn't even afford one. There was nothing left in her coin purse.
That was why it surprised Rin when Nero held a hand out and answered, "Actually, I bought one for ya, as a thanks for taking me to your father's farm. Well, I know we're not there yet, but we will be soon so I guess an early payment isn't too big a deal. Unless ya aren't hungry?"
Feeling her stomach tie itself into knots at the sight of the very thing she wanted for lunch being offered to her, Rin greatly desired to accept the pork bun. Yet she didn't trust this man, and she especially didn't trust his kindness.
"I did already eat, but thank you regardless," she said, her stomach tightening so hard it hurt. It was as if her body punished her for refusing the food she badly needed. Rin reminded her stomach it was better to starve in safety than to feast in beatings.
Nero shrugged before biting into the first pork bun. The sight too painful to watch, Rin turned away and told him that she was done with her errands and they would be going to her father's farm now. He followed close behind, finishing the first pork bun and then eating the second.
After he had devoured both pork buns, Nero began conversing with Rin. "So, what do ya grow on the farm? What kind of help does your pa need?"
"We need help picking our cherry trees and also preparing the soil to plant butternut squash, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins. Maintain the crops all through summer, and then harvest in autumn just in time for the Celebration of Colors."
Nero nodded along as Rin spoke. He didn't ask about wages or if housing was provided. Instead he asked, "Will I get to see more of ya if I get a position?"
Cheeks heating up, Rin answered Nero's question with one of her own. "Why are you asking something so insane?"
"Is it insane to want to spend more time with ya and get to know ya?"
So he hadn't seen her tattoo yet after all, and Rin didn't help the situation by keeping it hidden against her body. However, she really wanted to talk to someone who saw her as another person too much to be more rational. "You're being too forward, Mr. Akita."
"Please, call me Nero, and I apologize if it seems I'm being forward. It's only that you're the first person I met in this town – well, not including the blacksmith – and I would like to think we could be good friends if given the opportunity."
"You don't want to be friends with me." Rin regretted saying the words, but she didn't doubt their truth.
Nero didn't ask why Rin thought that, however. What he said was, "I think I should at least get to know ya before deciding whether or not I want to be friends with ya. Does Mistress Kagamine not wish to be friends with me?"
"I'm no mistress. Just Rin is more than fine."
"Okay, does Just Rin not wish to be friends with me?"
Despite herself, Rin snorted. "You are persistent."
"Ya haven't answered my question."
"Very well. Like you, I would need to get to know you before I can decide whether or not I want to be friends with you."
"And will there be opportunities for us to get to know each other?"
"I fail to see why this is so important to you."
"Perhaps this is important to me because I think you're interesting."
"Interesting?" Rin looked at Nero from the corner of her eye to see him smiling widely at her.
"I know first impressions don't tell a lot about a person," he began, "but my first impression of ya when the blacksmith called ya over was how pretty ya are."
Rin ducked her head down. If her burning cheeks was an indication, she didn't want Nero seeing her blush.
"Next was you seemed rather passive," Nero continued, either ignoring or oblivious to her turned away face. "Now, as it's only the two of us around, ya seem rather outspoken. Interesting indeed. I'm curious to know if you're strong-willed or without agency, and if the former, why ya pretend otherwise with an audience."
He still hasn't figured it out yet. "And if you get your answer," Rin replied, "what then?"
"I would like to find out if my other impressions are correct."
"Other impressions?"
"Calm, level-headed, easily fed up with the likes of me—"
"I'll tell you now that last one is correct," Rin stated, laughing. She then slammed her jaw shut.
However, Nero didn't seem offended. He simply laughed as well and added, "Blunt, too. I can respect that."
"Most people don't. They like to be told what they want to hear."
"Not me."
"What if you don't like what you hear?"
"If I'm going to take offense at every comment that doesn't agree with me, then I'm too emotionally immature to have valid arguments and opinions."
As her cheeks no longer felt flushed, Rin turned her attention back to the young man. He was smarter than he looked, that much was now evident. Yet there was still a skip to his step, his arms swinging carefree by his sides. There didn't seem to be any burdens of life on his shoulders. Either that, or he carried them well.
"I think you're the interesting one here, Mr. Nero," Rin slowly replied, looking away again.
"Is that a compliment or an insult?"
"I'll leave that for you to decide." Before Nero could reply, Rin announced, "We're here."
"Thank ya again for guiding me," Nero said as they stopped. He moved to stand in front of Rin, reached out, and took her free right hand. "I hope this won't be the last time I see ya."
Rin didn't expect Nero to kiss the back of her hand, that was why she was too stunned to yank it out of his grasp. He smiled as he dropped it soon after. If nobody had seen it, that would have been the end.
Only somebody did see.
And that wasn't the end.
What was meant to be a simple expression of gratitude was going to be a crime for which Rin would be punished.
It was from the corner of her eye Rin saw him coming. She jumped away from Nero, her heartrate shooting up. Pointing out the approaching man, Rin told Nero that the newcomer was her father.
Kagamine Leon glared at his daughter as he grew closer. Yet when he was within earshot, he called out, "Greetings, young man! What is your business here?"
"Greetings, Mr. Kagamine!" Nero returned, grinning the way he did at Rin back in town. "I'm Akita Nero from Tangerice. I saw your want ad and immediately was on my way. Tell me, do ya still need a hand?"
Looking Nero up and down, Leon clearly had the same initial thoughts Rin had. However, he couldn't deny Nero employment without first seeing what the young man had to offer. It was a law that never worked in Rin's favor, but perhaps it would give Nero a chance.
"Go inside the house and begin your chores," Leon told his daughter. Nero couldn't see it, but Rin could and did.
Rin forced herself to swallow. "Yes, father."
As she treaded to the house, she heard her father tell Nero, "I'm so sorry Rin had to be the first you met here. I promise, employment here won't be a shame for you to bear. My daughter is the only Juliet on this farm."
Not hearing Nero's reaction nor wanting to hear it, Rin kept marching forward. Now that Nero knew, he would be repulsed and wonder why he didn't seek out the blood rose tattoo on her left wrist sooner. That's how the story always ended for Rin's potential friends.
And that, Nero, is why you don't want to be friends with me, Rin silently told the young man as she walked farther and farther away from the first and last taste of kindness from a stranger she experienced in a long, long time.
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xxprincessjewelsxx · 7 years
The Bitten (Baekhyun Werewolf!au Fic) Chapter 1 - Bitten
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Warning: None, except that this is a wordy chap. Sorry...
This is the second installment of ‘The Lunar Mark’ series. You can find the others here: Xiumin, Kris. You do not have to read them in order but they are there if you wish to read them.
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7, Ch. 8, Ch. 9, Ch. 10, Ch. 11(M), Ch. 12, Ch. 13, Ch. 14(Final Chapter)
Wolves and Mates (Reoccurring characters (and some slight changes) from ‘The Lunar Mark’)
Minseok -> Power: Ice -> Found mate, but it’s a lot complicated right now
Junmyeon -> Alpha -> Power: Water -> Mated, Juhee (Human(Bitten))
Yixing -> Power: Healer -> Mated, Sora (Werewolf)
Baekhyun -> Power: Light and he’s the best tracker -> No Mate...yet
Jongdae -> Power: Thunder and he’s quick on his feet -> Found mate (Human), It’s complicated
Chanyeol -> Power: Fire, and as the largest wolf of the pack he is seen as the most intimidating -> Mated, Hana (Werewolf)
Kyungsoo -> Power: Force, the best fighter -> No Mate
Jongin -> Power: Teleportation -> Found Mate (Human), she’s in denial
Sehun -> Power: Wind -> No Mate
Luhan -> Power: Seer/Mind Control -> No Mate
Kris -> Head Alpha -> Power: Strength, Chanyeol may be the most intimidating and Kyungsoo may be the best fighter, but he puts them to shame ->  Mated, Eunha (Werewolf)
Tao -> Power: Stealth -> Found mate (Werewolf), It’s complicated
‘How did I get here?’
Everything was a blur as I lay on the forest floor staring up at the sky through the trees. Last thing I remember I was sick in bed...no...I was being dragged through the village and thrown in that god forsaken cage.
‘How did I get out? What has happened to me?’
I was surrounded by horrible people, deep down even my family was on the same level as the rest of the people in my village...some even more than the others. The people of my village had some notion that humans were above magical beings; I’m sure if you were to say that to some of the more prestigious and proud vamperic clans they would rip your throat out if they heard you say that, but that’s just my opinion.
And it was days like this one that proved how horrible that all these people were. A wolf...well a werewolf more specifically was caught on the outskirts of our village. He was badly beaten but still fought against the ropes at the royal guard dragged him towards the cage in the middle of town.
Magical beings that were caught were always put in that cage and put on display like they were some sort of live hunting trophy. People would poke at them with sticks, throw things, spit curses and insults, all up to the point until the guards lost their amusement, the people lost their amusement, or it was decided that the magical being would be taken to Lord Yeongjoon...
As soon as the large wolf was pushed into the cage, the enchantment on the cage caused the wolf to change from his wolf form to his human form. Now in the cage stood a man, slight of build but with some muscle on him, raven black hair, red eyes, in just a pair of shorts.
The ruckus between wolf and guard quickly gathered a crowd and soon the people of the village were more entertained by the new wolf than anything else that they had going on that day.
“This is disgusting,” I mumbled as I leaned out the window of my family’s textile shop.
“Yes he is, isn’t he?” a voice said, causing my stomach to turn, “You’re looking lovely this afternoon, Y/N.”
“Go jump in a river, Jihun,” I stated, before slamming the window shut.
“Is that anyway to talk to your fiance?” he questioned walking into the shop his grip firmly on the hilt of the sword at his side, “I don’t think your parents would like it very much if they heard you talking like that.”
“Good thing my parents are out with everyone else, staring at the wolf you dragged in,” I spat.
He clicked his tongue. “He’s just a filthy mongrel...him and the rest of his pack will get put down. And then after that, the rest of the wolves, then the vampires, witches, ghouls, fairies...all of them.”
“Your mother was a witch...don’t forget that,” I stated.
“And she died like one,” he said, “They don’t belong in this world.”
“They do...there was a time everyone lived in harmony under law and treaty....it wasn’t until two hundred years ago when Lord Yeongjoon’s ancestors came to power did that start to decline...” I said, “In the village to the north Lord Namjoon and his clan welcome human and magical being a like, pretty tolerate for a vampire...you come into Lord Yeongjoon’s land though and if you are a magical being you will be tortured and executed should you stray too close to villages.”
“How did I ended up engaged to a fool like you?” he questioned, “Those vampires aren’t “tolerant”, they’re waiting for their next meal...and that wolf out there is bred to kill.”
“He’s also human...” I stated.
“He is a filthy half-breed mutt and he will be put down like the rabid dog he is,” he stated before turning and leaving the shop.
It was words like that they drove my actions. It was late in the evening by the time that the village square emptied, leaving the cage free of prying eyes. Standing in front of the cage and making eye contact with the man, his eyes no longer the bright shade of red, but a gold color. As I looked at him I began to lose my nerve; from far away I wasn’t able to see how handsome the man actually was, but up close my heart raced as I looked at him.
“What are you staring at?!” he snapped, his eyes momentarily flashing an angry red.
Understandable, he had been stared at all day and me just staring at him helped nothing. “Are you hungry?”
Unbeknownst to my parents, who were normally oblivious to half the stuff I did unless it came to my engagement or work at the shop, I had cooked up an extra steak, potatoes, and veggies.
“I don’t know what you like...but here,” I said, slipping the plates underneath the bars.
Hesitant at first the man made his way over and sniffed the the food before taking the plate back over to the other side and devouring every last piece of food. “That was really good...” he said as he brought the plate back over, “But...why did you do that? The other’s were going to let me starve.”
“The people here...they don’t care that you or the other magical beings have feelings,” I said, “But...you probably have a fam-.” I stopped when I heard people exiting the nearby tavern. “I have to go....”
“Wait...what’s your name?” he questioned as I began to jog off.
“Y/N....you?” I said.
“Baekhyun...my name’s Baekhyun...” he said.
“I’ll bring more tomorrow, Baekhyun...” I said, holding up the empty plate.
And I did....for the next three nights I brought Baekhyun extra food that I had made, and I just sat and talked to him for as long as possible. “So in total there are sixteen people in your pack house?”
“Mmhmm....me, my eleven brothers, and four of the found mates,” he said.
“Are they actually your brothers?” I questioned. I had heard that werewolves had a tendency to have a higher rate of multiples in births than humans, but I wasn’t sure if this was the case or not.
He gave a chuckle. “No...we’re a bunch of misfits who found our own family when no one else wanted us.”
“Oh...” I said.
“But...they are my brothers. Really the only family I’ve every really known...” he said in a sad tone. I looked over my shoulder and he was looking down at the plate in his lap. “What’s it like...you know...having your parents around and all?”
“Well I mean, I love them but....” I stopped and looked towards the shop, a single light on, my mother probably putting together orders for the next day, “They’re just like everyone else here and we only talk if they want to remind me about my engagement or talk to me about work...”
“Engagement?” he questioned.
I nodded. “The man who had a rope around your neck....I’m supposed to marry that monster.” It got silent between us after that and I felt that it was best that I call it an night.
The fourth night was the night that changed things forever; I put my own feelings about Jihun aside and followed him into the tavern. He had the key to the cage, he always kept it with him, even out of his stupid Captain of the guard uniform, it was always with him.
And so was his ego...all I had to do was just go tell him “how handsome he was looking” and then he was “doing an amazing job” keeping the town safe and praise him and hand him drink after drink and soon he was completely wasted and leaning on the bar for support.
And there it was, hanging off of his belt, the key. I had just about gotten close enough to grab it when an arm went around my shoulder.
“Y/N! It’s rare to see you here!” my brother said in a loud drunken voice as he pulled me close to him, “How’s my favorite baby sister?”
“I’m you’re only sister, Ki...” I said, highly annoyed by this interruption in my plan. My brother was a member of the guard and though we were close when we were younger and I looked up to him like most younger siblings would, when we started to get older, and realize the depravity of the village and it’s people....including my own brother...that changed. However, Ki never realized that broken bond, he just thought it was me gaining my “independence” and not needing my big brother all the time.
He laughed. “She’s adorable, isn’t she Jihun?”
“I could describe her as a few things,” he replied, “But...yes.” Jihun started to lose his balance again and I pushed Ki away, getting a good idea in my head.
“Jihun...we should get you home, I think you’re done for the evening,” I said.
He argue for a moment, but after some persuasion he agreed and I agreed. As we got outside, I looked towards the cage momentarily. Baekhyun was pacing in the cage; I could only guess it was because it was a full moon and he was antsy to get out of there. ‘I will get you out of there...I promise I will.’
‘This can’t be happening...not now...not her...’ Baekhyun thought as he paced in his cage. It was a full moon and he feeling antsy for two reasons; he wanted to run through the forest and enjoy the moon and...he hadn’t realized it had been so close, but it was mating season.
‘It can’t be her...why now of all times,’ he questioned to himself. He was locked in a cage and he couldn’t have possible come across his mate...could he?
It became a little more clearer to him that he may have when two people exited the tavern. The man who had had a rope around his neck, being supported by Y/N. It angered him to see that man with his arm around her and it only made me pace even more.
She looked over at me, this worried look in her eyes. Why was she with him? Why did she look worried? He wanted nothing more than to rip open the cage bars and get her away from him, but every time he touched them he’d get shocked.
‘I need to get out of here...’
It was easy enough to grab the key as I dumped Jihun one his couch saying as he was just about completely out of it at that point. Cracking the front window I figured I could just throw the key back in and he’d think it fell off. So running back to the town square I went to the cage and looked up at Baekhyun who was still pacing, his eyes that deep shade of red.
“I’m going to get you out of here,” I said, holding up the key for him to see.
He stopped his pacing and looked down at me. “That’s not a good idea right now...”
I was confused by his statement but shook my head. “It’s now, or maybe never...” 
When I unlocked the door and opened it, I figured he would just run off into the woods and that would be that, I would never see him again. But instead I found myself on the ground underneath him, his arms blocking any escape I might have had.
He leaned down and sniffed my hair. “You can’t be her...” he whispered, his face moving down to my neck.
I had never been this close to a man before, let alone a complete stranger...and yet as his tongue ran from my collar bone to my ear and he began to grind against me, something caused any fear I may have had to dissipate and I moaned.
That fear began to come back though after I felt his fangs on my neck and he bit down hard on my neck. I let out a pained whine after a couple of moments of him being latched to my neck. As he pulled away and looked down at me he still had that wild look to his stare, but there was a mixture of terror and guilt as well.
“I’m sorry,” he said, before getting up and taking off leaving me to wonder what just happened.  
To be continued...
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avalindin · 7 years
The Free Bird
Coriolanus fic
Chapter 4: Warmth
Previous Chapters: 1 2 3
Raina woke to a howl of the wind. She looked over her shoulder to her mother sleeping soundly. The itchy woven blankets kept them warm but were hell to a young child like her. She fussed and kicked the fabric until her mother rolled on top of her.
Mao reached underneath and tickled at her daughter, careful to control the squeals and laughter from her precious daughter. She stopped as Raina yelled for the chamber pot. Raina squirmed from the bed and ran for her life, stopping in time as she made it. Mao looked up and out the window to the falling snow around the property. After year come and gone and she looked out on the future for her daughter.
Years were bleeding slowly and soon her little girl would be a woman. Life hadn’t touched her blood yet.
Mao raced from the bed to her daughter’s side and lifted her up to the window sill. Raina giggled as her small hand reached out for the falling snow.
“I’ll keep a secret if you don’t,” she whispered into Raina’s ear.
Raina smiled to her mother as they both turned for their clothes and thick shawls.
Raina woke to the heavy blankets on top of her. Behind her the bed was empty. She sighed into her arm and looked out to the waiting snow. She shivered as she collected her thoughts and made her way to the hot baths. Her ears picked up to the early morning in the city outside the villa. Raina moved about the home, her home as she did every day since she arrived with Caius.
Days blended together and she felt strangely happy as she fell into her new role as a head of household. Caius stayed true to his word and gave Raina her kitchen. The servants were surprised but accepting of Raina with not only her past as a former servant but as a head of household that was far more warm than Volumnia. Her tutor visited daily, pleased at Raina’s intellect blending perfectly with other women of proper Roman birth.
Months passed and though things did change, she felt just the same. She dealt with matters of the house, she prayed and lived out a simple life. The howling winds outside the kitchen gave her back memories of her mother long before she departed the country estates.
Her small sandals clapped on the stone in excitement. Her mother stopped her many time to try and keep her quiet but more to make her sure was wrapped as snuggly as she could bear.
“No,” she whined as her small hands clawed at her clothes.
Mao could not find it in her heart to scorn her little girl as she swooped her up in her strong arms and headed for the back stables.
Young Master Caius could not sleep, still heartbroken after the news of his father’s death reached the city. His mother felt it best to remain in the country until the next year when he would be of age to begin training with the younger boys. He was scared of leaving again but knew he would make his father and the gods proud. He would give his life for the Roman empire. Just a boy of ten and in the coming life ahead of him, he would be Roman’s greatest gift of soldier.
He rolled from his bed and looked to the snow from his open window. Laughter caught his curiosity as he pulled on a fresh toga and headed for the stables. He stopped at the back of the house and looked to the snow littering the grounds in clean wonder, they flickered red for a moment to disturb his memory but he focused on the beautiful memory of her young laughter.
He was so young that he didn’t care to remember the silence of the stables but the joy of the young child dancing with open arms with the blowing snow. Her arms were open, the small torch light illuminating her mother’s shawl as she spun faster than it could. His eyes found her mother sitting and watching the innocence of her child playing with the strong gift of Jupiter blowing the curls around her face.
The girl stopped as she found his eyes. They both stretched to a smile as the cold world around them ceased.
Caius’ body was sore as his house entered the last winding road towards the city. He chose to ride through the dark empty streets as the wind began to pick up again. The skin at his arms and legs frozen harshly but with every stomp of his horse’s hooves struck on the stones, the closer he would be with the wife that waited in their bed. His advisors and his captains broke off in the directions of their own personal lives. The night to their women and in the morning, they would be gone again. Caius would make sure he made his time worthwhile.
He dismounted his horse and left instructions with the stable hands to have it prepared for a soon departure. His feet stopped him as he looked into the kitchen to Raina knead a small loaf of dough.
It was comfort everywhere. The pit fire at her back and the harsh freezing cold from the outside to keep her company as she stayed in the kitchen. She found she could not sleep and the busy worked would tire her soon enough. She stopped mid-knead, frozen to a familiar chill at her spine. Raina turned and met Caius’ eyes. They both smiled. All Caius had to do was take a single step forward as Raina ran and jumped into his waiting arms. Her lips pressed firmly to his but broke away as she shrieked.
“Caius! You are freezing!”
Caius chuckled.
“I’ve been riding for days to come home to you.”
“I would have thought you’d be miles away by now.”
“Tomorrow, my free bird.”
Raina playfully pouted her lips. She knew of Caius’ duty to Rome. As a servant, she paid no mind to the master of the house dying in battle. It would be a proper sacrifice for Jupiter and Mars to die in the glory of battle. Now that she was his wife, every time he would leave, she would wonder if he would ever come back.
Caius reached for the buckles on his armor and placed them all carefully near the door. Raina poured a cup of wine for Caius as she looked to the fresh wounds on his side.
“When do you leave again? Tomorrow morning?”
“I wish to depart before then. I must set an example for my men.”
“Good. Fresh rolls for the trip as well?”
He reached around her for the piping hot bread that was pulled from the pits before his arrival. He pulled off his cape and laid it on the other side of a chair along with his weapons. In the shelves above his head, he reached for a small jar, one that his mother was always sure to keep out of his reach. Raina looked up to the comical sight of her husband devouring her bread with smears of honey to sweeten its taste.
“Gods, you are an animal,” she cackled.
Caius answered with a smile and gulp after gulp of fruitful wine.
“For I am,” he gasped as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.
He stripped off his tunic, naked to the blazing pits as Raina turned her back to clean another surface. Caius pressed himself against her to pin her still. She looked over her shoulder to the nakedness of her husband.
“You seem to be pressed for time.”
“My cock also, Raina.”
Caius lifted her up to the edge of the surface and pulled her close.
“Why act like you are starved?”
He pulled down the bits of her stola from her shoulders and pressed his lips to her skin. He reached for the jar and dipped his fingers. Raina followed his hand as he pressed his messy fingers to her breast and painted her with the honey. It excited her to see Caius hungrily clean her skin with the tip of his tongue over and over again. With each lurch of his body over her, the deeper his hips grinded into her for friction to hear her moans. He would need them for the nights ahead.
“Because,” he moaned, “The Gods gifted you to me and would not be one to turn away a gift and anger them.”
“Would you prefer me on a silver platter?”
“Why must you tempt me so, Raina?”
He shifted his hips up between her legs, taking a small gasp from her lips. His eyes could the blush to her cheeks as if she was keeping a secret. Raina knew not to keep it in.
“I could never ask you for anything since you have given me the world, Caius but it seems you may have grown soft.”
“Do you wish to ride my lap and find it not true? All you have to do is say the word and I will have you bent over any surface I wish as you moan my name for all of Rome to hear.”
“People praise so much of you, my husband. So many words of Mars reincarnated! Where is he now?”
“Do not open that door, Raina, unless you wish to know the consequences. You only saw the Master, you’ve never seen what was behind the closed bedchamber doors.”
Caius waited over her wife to the small bite of her lips. He was an animal, a monster, a savage. He needed to rut and be the man he trained himself to be, a hungry god to devour the sacrifice before him but she was still new to his various carnal way. Raina let go of the breath she had as she looked to Caius backing away. Her mind snapped in that moment. Control was not something that she was used to her. She knew Caius would teach her.
She sat up and slapped Caius across his face with all of her might. He was startled with surprise as he caught himself. With a single laugh, he lunged himself forward and wrapped his fingers around her throat. At once, the veins in his body pulsed with rage and pure lust. What had snapped in Raina was close to snapping in him as well. His inner instinct looked down to her heaving chest, petrified from the cold winds.
“What the matter, Coriolanus? Afraid to take what is yours?”
He met her eyes, a moment of a game she was willing to play with him as she nodded her head. The love in his heart grew for her as he let her go. Raina let out a cough but was smothered by Caius’ weight on top of her. His arms were quick to tie her hands behind her back with her dress and leave her dangling on the surface.
Caius reached for his belt, returning for Raina as he hoisted her over his shoulder and marched to their room. He locked the room behind them and pulled Raina from his shoulder. Raina fought back as she thought she would as Caius untied her and let her dress fall to the floor beneath their shuffling feet.
He used a bit of leather from a pouch in his belt to tie her hands high above her head so she dangled on the pads of her feet. Her hair rained down her back. Caius stopped and looked to the tantalizing vision of his wife. His cock throbbed with pain and desire as his fingers pumped it to life. His finger laced in her hair and pulled her back to his wicked lips.
“Oh my dear. You have no idea what you have gotten yourself into.”
Raina pulled at the bedpost in anticipation. She was tired of waiting.
“All words, no promises. Is this how you claim victory?”
Her defiance was beautiful. He flicked his wrist and struck Raina on her bottom as she cried out in surprise. It didn’t hurt; it did but the sting was indescribable. She wanted more. The belt struck her harder each time, making her muscle contract and her voice pleading out for more. Caius stopped as his own gasped breath surprised him. He looked to Raina’s reddened bottom and her skin, sweating just for him.
He kicked her legs apart, lifting one to the bed as she complied. Caius held her to the bedpost with one hand and gave a mighty swing to her sex with the other. The mixture of a cry and a moan fell from her throat as Caius swung again. He pressed the leather to her open sex and looked to glisten in the light. Her arousal smeared his leather as an idea crossed his mind. He helped her back to her toes as he kept her legs apart.
“Do you still wish for me?”
Raina shook her head. She jumped as his hand struck her bottom.
“You will speak to me or I will make sure the night is spent making you scream.”
Raina licking her lips with a smile, out of Caius’ sight, of course.
“I wish for you,” it felt right, “Master…”
Caius slipped his hand between her legs to her core that was wetter than he imagined. Raina could barely keep her legs closed as his fingers arched deeper into her. He wrapped his arm around her body and clutched at her breast as the other pumped faster to draws the moans from her mouth. Raina felt bliss throughout her body as Caius pumped his fingers vigorously to feel her arousal drip down his knuckles.
He let Raina go as he picked his dagger up from the floor. She tensed at the feel of his blade on her skin. She looked over her shoulder to him as his wet fingers coated the handle of his dagger. The lightly bound leather and metal disappeared between the back of her legs and rubbed deeply to her sex.
“Let me see you, whore. I want to see you please my dagger as you would me.”
Raina held onto the bedpost and rocked her hips back. The edge of the metal was cold against her clit as she rolled her hips to make Caius jealous. Caius could feel his fingers threaten to close around the blade, threatening to nearly pierce his flesh. He stopped Raina with a sharp yank back by her hair. She gasped as her whole body ached to be touched again. Caius flung his knife at the door, making Raina watch as the blade sliced perfectly into the wood to keep it in place.
He wedged himself between her legs and thrusted up. Raina cried out slowly, not as a tease and not as a ruse. Her voice was strained as she failed to hide it. Caius’ hands formed around her hips. There was so much more that he wished to do to her. He was going to make her scream, to cry out but her wetness made him weak again. He thrusted up, crushing Raina after she fought for breath. Her chest chaffed with each shift of her husband’s hips. Soon, she could no longer feel the floor under her feet.
She pulled herself up the bedpost with Caius following her as she was pinned between him and the wood in front of her. He chuckled into the shell of her ear.
“How does it feel to be impaled by a God my dear? Is my cock not a blessing from the Gods or should I keep you this way until you unravel at my touch?”
He didn’t wait for an answer as he fucked her completely into the wood. Raina arched into his chest as she came but it didn’t stop him. Caius accepted her release but he needed more. He’d spent a lifetime with an endless sea of women and he would make sure he had his fill of his woman before he left her again. He pulled her hips back from the bedpost, angling her hips as Raina dangled from her arms. Her shoulders began to sore enough to hurt but she didn’t want to stop.
Caius felt her come again as her voice tried to overcome the howling winds. She gasped and whimpered into her arms. Caius’ lap was wet with Raina as his hand roamed her body. He reached up to the bedpost and snapped the bonds. Raina fell to the bed as Caius climbed over her.
He shoved her legs apart and pressed his tongue to her core. Raina laced her fingers into his hair to anchor her hips to his mouth. Caius ignored the pain at his scalp. His mouth moved up to her clit, sucking and nibbling and teasing her as her body’s reactions put her in her place.
He jerked her to the edge and tossed her to her stomach. Raina could barely stand as Caius pulled her to her feet. The breath was pushed form her chest as she was shoved face-first into their bed. Her legs were kicked apart as her sex was properly presented to him. He knelt between her legs, giving her clit a lazy flick as she tried to follow. Caius swatted at her to keep her still and it amused him to see her free demeanor beg to be claimed.
“I see no seed has taken root to you, my love. That is because you had a mortal man lay with you. Perhaps you need something stronger.”
He was cruel. He let the tip of his cock slide in and out, to taunt her, to keep her on the edge. His body was begging him for release. He took in another image of Raina for the nights ahead and when he was satisfied, he no longer held himself back. Caius slammed his hips into Raina. Her fingers clawed at the sheet. His hands dug into her hips, not caring if he was to bruise her. He would make sure she had something to remember as well for the cold months ahead. His feet planted into the floor, fucking the breath from Raina as her voice rang in his ears.
Caius felt her walls tighten painfully around him as her back arched. He caught her and braced himself on the bed. His hand clutched at her chest and pulled her back to his cock. Raina was nearly frightened as Caius grunted like a wild beast. He thrashed against her. She didn’t care. He was rough, he was a brute, he claimed what was rightfully his. The last thing in her mind, she thought he is mine.
Caius let her go at the last second as he emptied his months of desire with her into her sex. He fought his fatigue to hold himself up and regain his breath. His eyes were closed as the smell of Raina filled his nose. The scent of her almost made him hard again. Raina slowly came back to as she felt Caius’ tongue run up her spine. She giggled.
“What are you doing?”
Caius pulled out of her and rolled to his back. She liked the way he rubbed at his chest in satisfaction.
“Your sweat is intoxicating, carissime.”
“Dearest or not, that is repulsive.”
“Oh, it is, is it?”
Caius turned over onto Raina and buried his face into her neck to make her squirm. She squealed in ticklish laughter as Caius took in everything of her. He stopped and made sure his arms were wrapped tightly around Raina’s waist. She could feel his heartbeat slow as her fingers ran through his sweating hair. As tired and sore as she was, Raina forced herself to stay awake until Caius departed. Time passed as his grip had weakened on her but she made sure she stayed as she was.
In his dreams, Caius saw her. The evening winds played with her hair as it fell over her shoulder. She turned, her scent to keep him in place as the sight of her pregnant stomach made him want to cry.
Raina smiled as his cock rubbed against her thigh.
“Caius,” she called.
He turned into the sheets with her. Raina reached between them, guiding his cock forward as he filled her in one try. Her gasp woke him. He was confused for a moment but brought back as she rocked her hips onto his cock. His weight pushed her legs farther apart. Caius’ tongue traced the dried honey on her breasts as he made sure his hips never stilled.
He kissed her, using every part of him to keep her blissful. Her soreness was now only sensitive and pleasurable. He held on as tightly as he could, sharpened his thrusts as his hips grinded against her clit. She was heaven. Her eyes sank shut as her nails pierced into his shoulder. The pain was wondrous with a single chuckled to escape him. Caius dug his teeth softly into the side of her neck and kept her coming until he felt to do so too.
Caius rose to his knees and a hand as Raina clung to him. He hadn’t known her legs wrapped around him as her arms to his broad shoulders. He placed Raina down to the bed and hissed as she pulled her hands away. Caius saw the bit of blood under her nails.
“I’m sorry,” sighed Raina as she looked to her other hand.
“Never apologize for what you desire. Take your passion seriously, my free bird.”
He eased to his side for a moment to take her in.
“Perhaps it’ll be another scar for your collection.”
“Another war injury for me to remember the next time I am alone without you.”
“Take the rest of the bread with you. I would not want a Roman General to starve on his journey to glory.”
Raina knew it was time. She fought her soreness as she kissed his lips.
“I will miss you, husband.”
“Yes,” he smiled as he started from the bed, “If there is not evidence of your scent on at least three things in this villa by the time I get back by Spring, I will tie you back to the bedposts again.”
“You’ll tie me up anyway.”
Caius looked over his shoulder to her. He gripped his dagger and yanked it from the door.
“Next time, I’ll have you fucking my handle, pleading for me to fuck you and I think I’ll keep you spread for hours.”
Raina braced herself against the head of the bed.
She was glad the last thing she saw was his wicked grin.
The door closed and it pained her terribly to watch him go. She pressed her legs together and wondered if this time his seed would take root. The month he left after their wedding night, she had bled and felt ashamed for not giving him news of a child.
She sighed and moved to the bed with the sheets wrapped around her. The cold was still felt through the sheets but it was enough to cover her as she looked to the street below the window to Caius dressed again. Caius knew at least one of the servants was awake for the earlier morning duties as he was helped with his horse. He brought the tightly wrapped breads for his journey up to his nose and smelled the wonderful spices Raina used in the dough. It would make his other commander jealous, especially since it and the nail marks on his back were made by her.
Caius mounted his horse and looked around the courtyard to his father’s villa. He looked up to Raina watching from the bedroom window. He smiled as she loosened her grip on the bedsheet. Raina only needed a moment as she reached between her legs and rubbed at herself, bringing the mixture of their sex to linger for a moment at her petrified chest then to her lips as she ran her tongue up. Caius knew she added a moan too.
He winked to her and turned his horse to the street. He smiled and snapped the reins. His horse rode off as Raina watched him ride out of sight.
She remained at the window to watch the snow grow across the edge of the city. The trees in the distance were now covered in pure white snow to hide the dark ugliness. The carried herself back to bed and tried to dream. Her bones ached in the dead morning. There was a tear that escaped her as she held Caius’ pillow in her arms and wept for him to return.
@808-anon @angelus80 @angryschnauzer @@atinyfangirl @audasia25 @cerys1212 @clairelovexo @damageditem @echantedbytwh @eve1978 @hallotom @itsjustelen @jennphoenix @justahopeless-dreamer @lokilockedcougar @lovehiddles4everme @marvelousmissfit @mazda098 @missdibley @mrshiddelston @mypreciousmind1 @nicole-stewart-loves-cookies @osb1anon @ourladybinxthings @peskipixi @prplprincez @quoting-shakespeare-to-ducks  @ririsutty @roamingbadger @sarabeth72 @servent-alerika @sevanya @shamvictoria11 @siyoteodiara @sketchbookthingz @starrynight35 @startingtoenjoylife @the-lady-mischief @tinaferraldo @Tomkubrikston @vdcster @wolfsmom1        
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Worth It
Summary: Sam fulfills a kink with an unexpected woman.
Rating: Explicit
Square Filled: SamRowena
Word Count: 2,452
Tags: Size!kink, Dom!Sam, light bondage, spanking, oral (female receiving), squirting, talk of anal, slight anal play, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it people, there’s some nasty things in the world.)
A/N:  Well, this went kinky quickly for a “short” fic….
Written/Created for @spnkinkbingo
*GIFs not my own*
Rowena had a secret desire that was burning a path of lust in her core each time she helped the Winchesters. Rowena was attracted to men in power, everyone knew that. But what a very, very, very select few knew was that she loved to be dominated in bed. And from the rumors of the youngest Winchester’s sexual prowess, he was more than capable of satisfying her dark desire. So she decided to take a chance and seduce Sam. What she neglected to notice was that Sam had a secret kink of his own that not even Jessica knew about. Sam loved being a Dom and to control a smaller woman than him gets him hotter that the sun in seconds flat.
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He’s had to be very careful about his attraction during each meeting with Rowena. He doesn’t care that she’s manipulative, conniving, a control freak, or a witch. What he cares about are the gleam in her eyes he catches when he orders her around or when he manhandles her body to work out a viable solution to the task at hand. Rowena’s breath hitches and chills skate across her skin when Sam handles her like she weighs nothing and when he commands her to do something, she has to hold in her moans and whimpers until she is alone in her bed, caressing her naked skin with her fingertips. Gentle glides of nails across sensitive flesh, images of Samuel’s hands replacing her own with a roughness that has slick dripping steadily from her core.
The next time Rowena was called to help, she actually felt sorrow for the eldest Winchester. To lose a bit of yourself with every breath you take until your body shuts down and you die has to be the worst kind of death to be had. When she is confronted with a piece from her past is the one’s responsible, her vulnerability and fragility has Sam taking a closer look at the witch than she is comfortable with. She is actually grateful to Dean for saving her and Samuel’s lives but she needs to take a step back to gather her strength to put her mask of indifference and disdain back on. When Sam grabs the Grimoire back, he slips a note into her hand that she reads as the cab pulls away.
I see the looks and sighs you emit when you think I’m not looking. I want you to go home, pamper yourself with a bath and shave...everything. I want your skin smooth and waiting for me at the hotel a mile down the road. It’s number 13 listed under McLeod. You will be naked on the bed, spread eagle when I come by at 8 p.m. tonight. And you better rest when you get the chance because you definitely won’t get any rest once I get my hands on you. And my rules are simple. Rule 1: Do as I tell you and Rule 2: No cumming unless I tell you to.
Rowena’s skin prickles and her breathing becomes erratic as she hurries to follow Samuel’s instructions. At 7:45, Rowena is ready and waiting in a black silk robe, her skin flushed pink and dewy from her bath. Her tiny steps silent on the carpet as she paces the room, impatience in her every move. When a knock sounds fifteen minutes later, she hurriedly discards the robe and lays on the bed, her hair fanned out on the pillows and her arms and legs spread akimbo. The beep of the keycard has Rowena’s breath stuttering to a halt as Sam enters the room with a wicked glint in his eye as he slowly approaches the bed.
“Good girl. You continue to please me and you will be rewarded greatly. Disappoint me and the punishment will be swift. Tonight will be unlike any other. Now keep your hands on the bed.” Sam growls as he peruses her prone form, chest heaving, breasts quivering, a fine sheen of sweat glistening on her pale flesh.
“Samuel…” She moans as he continues his unwavering observation of her exposed body. Her nipples harden in the cool air of the room as Sam gradually approaches the bed. He silently holds her gaze as he starts to remove his clothes unhurriedly. She twists and squeezes her legs tight, trying to find some relief from the building pressure in her pussy.
Sam sees the glistening of her essence drip from her core to coat her slick lips and groans when he sees that she followed his instructions to the letter as he lowers himself to hover over her plump lips. With both hands, he grabs her thighs tight and dives into her center like a man starved. Rowena has no time to process as he uses his tongue, teeth, and lips as the unrestrained hunger for her taste spreads through his system.
“Samuel!” Rowena cries as he nibbles and licks her entrance, each tease of his tongue on her outer lips has her breathing erratically and a series of whines echoing throughout the room. Her hands fist in his hair and when she tugs hard as he flicks his tongue across her clit, an animalistic growl has Rowena freezing in shock and a hint of fear. Sam pulls away from his feast and glares at Rowena as she lowers her gaze in submission.
“Red, look at me. Because you couldn’t keep your hands to yourself, I’m going to have to tie you down. Now, arms and legs spread and when I tell you something, you do it.” Sam commands and is pleased when he sees her hurry to follow his instructions. Once she is in position, Sam takes the scarves he placed in the bedside table before her arrival and ties each limb to the bed frame.
Her hands clench into fists as she tests the knots Sam created and she is both pleased and a little frightened when they don’t budge. Sam slowly takes off his flannel and undershirt to reveal his toned abdomen and happy trail leading to his massive erection. He slowly lowers himself between Rowena’s legs once more and tenderly caresses her thighs with his fingertips until goosebumps arise and she’s shaking slightly.  
He starts by kissing her dainty ankles then the sensitive skin behind her knees and higher towards her slick center. Rowena is trembling and whimpering as Sam kisses circles around her entrance and sensitive clit. “Please, Samuel. I need…” Rowena begs as Sam continues his sensual assault on her body.
Rowena shrieks when Sam suddenly sucks her clit into his mouth and laves kitten licks across her labia. A long, drawn out moan escapes Sam’s lips when his tongue fucks inside her wet heat. The fluttering of her walls on his tongue has image after image flashing in his mind on how it will feel once his cock is deep in her pussy.  Sam removes his tongue to suckle her clit while he inserts two of his thick fingers into her core. When he scissors his thick digits to prepare her for his considerable length, pleas of Sam’s name fall from Rowena’s lips.
He strokes along her walls until he brushes across the spot inside that has Rowena seeing stars. “Sam, bloody fuck me, please!” Rowena yells as Sam repeatedly strokes her G-spot. He grins at the desperation in her voice and dives in hungrily and enjoys her helplessness.  When her limbs start to quiver and shake as she tosses her head, the sensation combined with the sounds of Sam devouring her core has Rowena on the edge of her orgasm.
With a gentle nip to her clit and Sam’s commanding tone echoing in her ears to cum, Rowena screams as the tension snaps in her pussy causing strong pulses around Sam’s still thrusting fingers. He groans at the flood of her slick as he draws out her orgasm with his now gentle thrusting. When Rowena head falls back onto the bed, panting and trying to catch her breath, Sam rises from between her legs with a final kiss to her sensitive clit that has her gasping in shock from the over-sensitivity.
When she finally settles enough to get her bearings back, Sam has removed his shoes and jeans. He whispers what a feast she was and he hopes she has her energy back because they are nowhere near done. He snaps the band of his boxers to get her attention and she bites her bottom lip to keep from moaning when he lowers them slowly, his thick length aching to be freed. His boxers stretch over his erection and with a gentle tug, they fall away to his ankles revealing his thickness rising from a tuft of brown hair, proud and pulsing with pre-cum.
“Please,..” Rowena begs as she takes in Samuel’s erection. It’s thick with an angry red tip from arousal, drops of his cum flowing freely down his shaft.  Sam gently caresses his cock, coating it in his pre-cum, stroking in time with Rowena’s moans and gasps. He lowers himself over her prone form and smacks his tip against her clit, eliciting a gasp of pleasure pain that goes straight to his dick. He glides his dick through her slickened lips, his tip brushing across her clit with each pass, coating his cock in both their arousal.
Finally the pressure snaps and Rowena comes once more, yelling out Sam’s name as he ruts against her core. Her squeals of pleasure have the desire mounting dangerously in Sam so he takes a moment to step back and observe Rowena in the throes of her passion. Once she comes down from her high, she notices Sam sitting in between her legs, looking dangerous and angry.
“Samuel?” she asks hesitantly while clenching her fists in nervousness.  He stalks around the corners of the bed, untying her sore and aching limbs with a predatory look in his eyes.
“Red, did I say you could cum?” Sam growls as Rowena’s eyes widen in realization. He grabs both ankles and flips her over onto her stomach. Suddenly both of his hands smacks her ass hard, eliciting a squeal of shocked arousal. Gentle swats which become increasingly harder has Rowena screaming and crying into the bed in pleasure. Soon, her ass is flushed a bright red, Sam’s hands tingling in pain. Rowena is trying to catch her breath at the unexpected heat that blossoms from her tingling ass to her clenching core.
She is shocked into silence again when she feels Sam’s erection between her stinging cheeks. Her heart flutters at the gentle kisses he places on the nape of her neck before he grabs her hair in a makeshift ponytail and yanks her head back for a rough kiss. “I was going to reward you with a gentle fucking but I think that you deserve what I give you, Red.” He lifts her hips and places her on all fours, ass high in the air. He teases her by plunging his fingers fast and rough in her core a couple of times, lubing his thick digits with her slick. She gasps when he glides them over her lips and teases her back entrance.
“You want me to fuck this tight little ass, Red? Fuck it so good that you can’t help but to squirt for me. Make a mess like the dirty girl we both know you are.” Sam growls in her ear as his gentle touches drive her arousal higher and higher. She’s never let anyone fuck her ass but she has a feeling that that may change thanks to Samuel.  She groans in disappointment when he whispers maybe later, punctuating his refusal with a quick tap to her still tender ass.
Without warning, he thrusts his length into her cunt, eliciting a moan from Rowena that would make a porn star proud. She tries to hold back her orgasm as Sam sets a punishing pace, each thrust brushing his tip against her cervix, the pleasure pain so sharp and sinful that her orgasm threatens to break free. She’s biting her lip so hard she can taste blood trying to hold back from cumming until Sam gives his permission. Sam’s thrusts become erratic and sloppy as everything in Rowena is tense and shaking with her barely contained restraint. Sam surprises Rowena by pinching her clit and shouting to cum as he stills in her pussy while cumming, thick ropes bathing her walls which set off her orgasm. A deeper pressure snaps in her cunt as a flood of cum bathes Sam’s cock and soaks the bedspread below.
“Samuel, FUCK!” Rowena screams as she cums so hard, the edges of her vision darken and her small frame shakes and shivers in release. When she comes back to herself, Sam is still locked in her pussy, their combined release slowly dripping onto the bed. His arms are locked around her chest, his head resting on the top of her’s, hands caressing her arms and waist, murmuring nonsensical words into her hair. “Feel better, Red?” Sam inquires cheekily as Rowena pats his arm with a shaky hand.
“Much, Samuel. Very much.” Rowena sleepily states before slipping into a well-deserved rest.  When she wakes later, the sun is peeking through the windows and the sheets next to her are cold.  She rolls over and spies a note of the bedside table.
I had them dry-clean your clothes and change the bedspread while I gave you a bath. You must have been tired cause not once did you make a sound. That good huh? Next time you want to do this, shoot me a line.  And Red, I like your ass flushed pink from my hands. Maybe next time I can fuck your sweet little ass after leaving my marks…
Her skin flushes pink with arousal and she takes a shaky breath before leaving the bed, slightly sore from Sam’s thick length.  “He...fuck was he hung and to have him in my ass next time.  May come sooner than he thinks although it may take a while to heal. But, it was totally worth it.” Rowena thinks as she dresses for the day, her body bearing the marks of Sam Fucking Winchester.
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twdeadfanfic · 4 years
Your Daryl Adventure 1
Daryl Dixon x Reader 
Last Sunday I said I wanted to do a fic a bit more interactive in which after each chapter I you some options and you choose which one you want voting in the comments, and I’ll write the one with more votes.
The first option was how did you want to start, and the option with more votes was: Start meeting the Dixons before getting to the Atlanta camp.
This chapter is longer than the nexts probably because I wanted to introduce the story, and also with less choices variety, hopefully there’ll be more in the chapters to come.
Here we go:
As you looked around, the woods seemed the same everywhere, and you were sure you didn’t know where you were, or how to go somewhere…not that you had any idea of where to go, nothing seemed safe. You imagined that, in a way, it was good that the end of humanity had found you during holidays in a rural house in the countryside, considering the chaos you had seen in cities through the tv, until they stopped emitting.
Still, someone at the house had gotten ill and before anyone could do anything, he’d died, and then…then it turned into a monster, killing other people, eating them, you couldn’t think of it again, while others turned into monsters too. Some people had tried to run away, but you thought you were the only one who had managed to do so, running through the woods. You had found a stick of wood that you had used to hit a couple of the monsters, pushing them away from you, and then you had run as fast as you could and hid in the woods.
You had been there for a couple of days alone, you didn’t dare to go back to the house, neither where you sure you knew in which direction you should walk to go back. You were tired, you hadn’t dared to sleep much in case the monsters found you, you were thirsty, but hadn’t found any water, and hungry, but you didn’t dare to take any mushroom or berry, afraid of it being poisonous…but you were so hungry, you were tempted to try anyway.
You didn’t know what to do, you couldn’t stay alone in the woods forever, if the monsters didn’t find you, you’d starve to death anyway…but you didn’t know what to do.
You’d stopped to rest and you didn’t mean to, but you were so tired, that you ended up falling asleep, sitting down against a tree. You woke up with a start, and you were lucky to do so, on time to find yourself surrounded by monsters. You wanted to run away, but they were too close. You grabbed your wood stick and hit one of them with it, pushing it away from you, but when you tried to run you couldn’t dodge another, that grabbed you, making you drop the wood stick as you struggled and screamed, but finally you managed to shove it away.
When you tried to grab the wood stick again, though, another monster grabbed you, this time stronger, and you couldn’t push it away as it relentlessly tried to bit you, until suddenly, it stopped, falling dead on top of you and pushing you down with it.
You pushed it away from you, reaching for the stick of wood, and realized that the monster had an arrow in its head. Another was reaching for you and so you pushed it, and when you looked up you saw a man bashing a crossbow into the monsters’ skull, before dropping it and taking a knife from his belt, sinking it into the head of the other two remaining monsters while you looked at him dumbfounded.
You had found another person…or rather, another person had found you, and he killed monsters as if it were his everyday business…maybe you had gotten lucky…he seemed a bit dangerous, though.
“You bitten?” The man barked at you when he finished with the monsters.
“What?” You were still a bit in shock. “No…no, I don’t think I am…thank you, you saved my life.”
“It’s gotta be the head, you know nothing?” he scoffed, waving his knife towards the monsters.
“I…” You chewed in your lip and shrugged. “I suppose I don’t. I don’t even know where I am” The man just stared at you, and you didn’t know what to do or say. “I’m Y/N.” You introduced yourself, but the man still didn’t say anything, and he began to pick up the arrows that he’d shot. “Are you alone too?”
“No, with my brother,” he explained while he cleaned the arrows with a rag he took from his back pocket. “I was hunting when I saw you.”
“Well, I’m thankful you saw me…”
The man looked at you again, and his deep stare made you nervous. Then, he removed his bag and handed you a canteen. “Water.”
“Thank you,” you drank greedily, you didn’t want to drink all his water, but you were so thirsty you couldn’t help it, even if it hurt your empty belly.
“You hungry?” The man asked you, and you bit your lip but finally nodded, and the man took out from his back a package. He opened it and passed you some dried meat, and you couldn’t help the way in which you devoured it, which made him hand you the whole package as he saw you were starving.
“Thank you, really, thanks.”
He looked at you in silence for a moment that felt eternal to you, and you still didn’t know what to do or say. “You can come with me and my brother, if you wanna.”
“Really?” You asked and he just nodded. You thought about it, but there was no much to consider. The man had saved your life, but he seemed kind of dangerous, and to go with a man that you didn’t know had always been dangerous, not only a man but two…but you were alone, with no food or water, and surrounded by monsters, it wasn’t like you had many choices. “Okay, okay, thank you.”
The man just nodded. “Come on.”
You rushed onto your feet, taking the wood stick and following the man as he began walking. “What’s your name.”
“Well, thank you for everything, Daryl.”
You followed Daryl into a small camp with two tents and a campfire. There was a man there, who you guessed was Daryl’s brother, and if Daryl had seemed a bit dangerous, this other man did look more than a bit dangerous, and you began to feel apprehensive at having come with Daryl. The man got onto his feet when he saw you, looking you up and down.
“What’s that.”
“Y/N, she was attacked,” Daryl explained without looking at you nor at his brother. “She’s alone, told her to come with us.”
“Oh, so baby brother played hero and got himself a woman?” Daryl’s brother wiggled his eyebrows at him, and you didn’t know what to say, standing there awkwardly, looking at the brothers, and Daryl just scoffed. “And how are you going to repay the kindness?” The man looked at you.
“What?” You stammered.
“Yes, baby brother rescued you, and now it seems we’re taking you in, feeding you…how are you gonna pay for it?”
“I…I don’t have nothing…” You began to fidget.
“I wouldn’t say you have nothing.” The man looked at you up and down, arching his eyebrows and you, and you felt anxious when you realized what he meant. This had been a bad idea, you shouldn’t have gone with two men you didn’t know.
“I don’t…I…I’m leaving…” You weren’t sure they’d just follow you and take you with them, though, you had gotten yourself into a mess.
“Wait.” Daryl reached out for you and you flinched away, looking at him with scared eyes. “Just shut your mouth for once!” He glared at his brother before looking at you. “He doesn’t mean shit.” You looked at him, unconvinced and still scared. “He won’t hurt you, I won’t either.” You didn’t know what to do, but you had to admit that, no matter how Daryl looked at first glance, he seemed genuine saying so. “Right, Merle?” He looked at his brother again, and Merle shrugged and nodded, though you were unsettled by his smile…but still, Daryl really seemed to mean it, and your other choice was to going back to starve and run from monsters alone. “Okay?” Daryl looked at you again and you nodded.
Daryl walked towards the opposite side from where his brother was sat down and he sat down on the ground, gesturing at you to sat on a log beside him, and you did, feeling very awkward and out of place, and still nervous.
“So, let me get it straight, you saved her and she hasn’t to thank you in any way?” Merle began, and you thought Daryl seemed as awkward as you. “And she’s gonna stay here, eating from our food, with our protection, without paying for it? That’s it?”
“That’s it,” Daryl muttered.
“Doesn’t seem that fair to me,” Merle said, and Daryl just shrugged, but you felt uneasy.
“I’m sure I can contribute with something…”
“You can, but you didn’t seem very on board with it.” Merle chuckled.
“Just shut up and let her be, she doesn’t have to do shit!” Daryl snapped.
“Look at that, he rescues a girl and get’s all important in his head.” Merle laughed. “Alright, alright, all yours.” Daryl didn’t say anything else, and Merle just looked at you both before speaking again. “You came empty-handed, there was no game today?” He said mockingly and you were confused before realizing he was speaking to Daryl.
“Didn’t have time before I found her.”
“Oh, so she won’t only eat our dinner for free, we don’t have dinner thanks to her.”
“We still have squirrel stew left,” Daryl said, glaring at his brother while you fidgeted, looking anywhere but at them, and Merle didn’t say anything, just hummed, but when you looked at him, he had that unsettling smile on his face again.
Hours passed in which you just stayed there in silence, nor knowing what to do with yourself, and you watched Daryl making arrows in silence, not seeming talkative…everything was so strange, and uncomfortable, you didn’t know how the make conversation, and you didn’t want to talk to Merle…you had found people, but it didn’t seem you were going to become friends…
When the sun was going down, your stomach growled embarrassingly loud, and your cheeks blushed a deep red. Merle chuckled and Daryl looked at you.
“I should have fed you sooner.”
“No, no, it’s okay.” You chewed on your lip, embarrassed.
“I’m gonna heat the stew.”
“Wait, brother, we got a woman here now and she ain’t paying for shit, but at least she can do the cooking,” Merle said, looking at you with half a smile.
On one side, you wanted to snap, but on the other, you were alive thanks to Daryl, he and his brother had taken you in and were going to feed you, without asking for anything…well, at least Daryl wasn’t asking for anything. So yes, you could cook.
“Okay, it’s the least I can do.” You shrugged, but you only looked at Daryl, not at Merle, Daryl was who you were thankful to. “You saved my life after all, killing those monsters, giving me water and feeding me, and taking me here.”
Daryl just shrugged, seeming awkward, and he looked away from you even when passing you a canteen with stew, that you heated on the campfire. It was good, and you drank the last bit of your bowl and then some more that Daryl poured you, you were so hungry you couldn’t care of Merle laughing at you at how eagerly you eat.
“You can sleep in my tent,” Daryl told you once it was dark, and you felt apprehensive again, wondering if maybe he might expect something from you after all, but somehow Daryl didn’t strike you like that. “I’m fine outside, weather is good.” Oh…
“You already did so much for me, I can’t kick you out of your tent.”
“You can come share mine,” Merle winked at you, and sure, you felt bad for kicking Daryl out, but you felt a bit safer inside a tent than outside, even though you knew it wouldn’t protect you from walkers…or from Merle.
“I’ll stay in Daryl’s…thank you, thank you so much.” Daryl just shrugged without looking at you, and he got up and went to his tent, getting it ready, and taking a blanket to make himself some sort of sleeping bag. “You…you’ll stay right outside the tent....yeah?” You asked, feeling silly and weak, but you couldn’t help yourself, you thought you would felt safer if he did. Daryl looked at you and you chewed on your lip, fighting the urge to look away, and then he nodded.
“Alright…I’m going to sleep…goodnight, and thanks for all.” You said, getting into the tent, smiling a bit when you went to zip it and saw Daryl placing his blanket right the outside of the tent.
The next morning, when the sun wasn’t up yet, you woke up startled when you felt something in the tent…had a walker gotten in? Had it killed Daryl? Was it going to kill you? Was it Merle?
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Daryl’s voice made you feel a tiny bit better. “I needed to take something, I’m going out, didn’t mean to wake you, I’m gonna go hunting.”
“Oh…okay…how long will you be away?”
“Until I’ve hunted enough.” Daryl made to leave the tent, but you reached out for him, though he flinched before you could touch him.
On one hand, you didn’t feel like staying at the camp without Daryl, only with Merle, not with the way he looked at you, with that smile, even if Daryl said he wouldn’t do shit…but on the other, you didn’t want to go with Daryl and be a nuisance, you didn’t know anything about hunting, and you didn’t want to ruin his hunt, besides, you couldn’t fight the monsters like him, and you didn’t want him maybe having to protect you and save your ass again while he had a task in hand…not to mention you could easily end up being eaten by monsters, maybe even turn Daryl into monster’s food too…
What should you do….
First things to choose!
A) Go hunting with Daryl, but you can’t fight and there might be walkers around.
C) Stay at the camp, hopefully safe from walkers, but with Merle there.
The voting closes on Sunday 24 of May.
Also, if you’re up to it, tell me what you thought of this.
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OOOOH PROMPTS okay so I don't have anything specific in mind so it's fine if this is too vague for you to want to do, but I would really really love to read a Gallifrey fic written by you cause tbh you're one of my favorite fanfic authors ever. Ideal ships would be any combination of Leela/Romana/Narvin but I'd be happy with anything.
okay so I don’t know why, but I felt like doing an AU for this one, and came across this, at @imagineyourot3, hope you don’t mind that this is what I’ve gone with! 
(also, omg, flattery, thank you so much)
can read on AO3 here
A is a princess being sacrificed to a dragon, B is the prince saving them, and C has been cursed to become a dragon and doesn’t want a human sacrifice at all
Romana can’t believe this. 
Alright, she can believe this, because the Council of Gallifrey have always been backward, ridiculous morons. She just never thought that they would be so backward as to think that sacrificing their heir to the throne to a dragon would be a good solution to their problems. Then again, maybe they were just trying to get rid of her, and this is their excuse. That’s just as plausible, actually. 
So, here she is, in a white ceremonial gown, chained to the edge of the canyon where the dragon in question is supposed to reside, about to be eaten alive or burnt to a crisp and then eaten. Neither of which are appealing options. 
“Come on!” She says, tugging at her chains, only for it to hurt her wrists and make her wince. 
She sits down, takes a deep breath, and tries to employ all of her knowledge in order to get herself out of the shackles. She is, after all, a genius. A pair of shackles shouldn’t be a problem. Of course, the Council know that she’s a genius, and seem to have accounted for that. Damn. 
Romana leans against the rock and tries not to despair. She’s not sure how long she sits there, but they had left her there at sundown and now it has definitely been completely dark for a while. 
She shivers violently. The dress does nothing to stave off the cold. There is light, in the form of a single torch mounted into the ground that the Council left behind. But it does nothing for warmth. If the dragon doesn’t hurry up, she might freeze to death before it arrives. 
Finally, she hears the flap of wings, and is as relieved as she is filled with dread as she turns and sees the large, dark figure rising out of the canyon. She stares for a moment, entranced by the dragon’s form, so regal and magnificent - before coming to her senses and trying to get as far away from it as she can. 
“This can’t be how it ends,” she says to herself, “I refuse to die so completely pointlessly!” 
“And you will not, my lady, not today!” 
Romana turns her head to see a figure leaping from a white horse - a woman with wild dark hair, dressed in animal skins, wielding a sword in one hand and a knife in the other. 
“Who are you?!” Romana asks. 
The woman grins, rather ferally, and her blue eyes gleam in the light of the torch’s fire as she approaches. “I am Princess Leela of the Sevateem. And I was on my way to your citadel to negotiate talks of an alliance between our kingdoms, when I heard that the Gallifreyan council had sent their princess to the dragon of the canyon, in hope that the sacrifice would win them favour, and grant upon them the prosperity that dragons possess the magic to grant. I knew then that I had to help you.” 
“Oh, well, in that case, thank you!” Romana says gratefully. “Can you get me out of these chains?” 
“I must first slay the dragon,” Leela replies. “Else he might destroy us where we stand.”
“I’m sorry, has it completely escaped your notice that I’ve not made a single effort to kill either of you, despite having ample time to do so?” 
The refined, if gravelly voice is deep and loud and makes them both stare at up at the dragon still flying in place just beyond the edge of the canyon. He’s looking at them with - well, if Romana didn’t know any better, she would say it was exasperation. But there’s something so ridiculous about the idea of an exasperated dragon that she just can’t quite believe her eyes. Or her ears, for that matter. 
Romana and Leela look at each other, to verify their sanity, before looking back at the dragon. 
“Um,” Romana says. 
“You speak an interesting truth, dragon, but now you must offer an explanation,” Leela tells him, holding her sword that little bit higher. 
The dragon lets out a huff of smoke, in what sounds bizarrely like a sigh. “You know, that ridiculous council has never actually bothered to ask whether I want human sacrifices. Or whether I’ve actually devoured a single one of the sacrifices previously brought to me.” 
“If you did not devour them, then what happened to them?” Leela asks. 
“Well, that ridiculous man Lord Borusa so stubbornly refused my help that he starved to death up here,” the dragon says, with a funny little snort. “And the Lady Flavia just asked if I could fly her to the kingdom of Monan so that she could live a quiet life away from ridiculous royal courts. I visit her twice a year. She’s doing very well for herself.”
“That’s very good of you,” Romana says. “I must say, this is… very surprising to hear. I thought that all dragons delighted in eating people.” 
“Most do, but then, I’m not what one would call a normal dragon.” The dragon flies upward, and then lands on the expanse of compact earth between the edge of the forest and Leela’s horse, and the two women and the canyon edge. The dragons rests his head on his claws and lets out another funny sigh noise. 
“What makes you different?” Romana asks. 
“I used to be human,” he laments. “I accidentally angered a witch, and I was cursed into this form.” 
“That’s terrible!” Leela says, horrified. “Is there a way to break this curse?” 
“Well, yes, and it’s actually fairly simple,” the dragon says, sounding strangely embarrassed. 
“Then why didn’t Flavia help you with it? If the two of you are so chummy these days?” Romana asks, frowning. 
“Well… it’s a kiss from a princess, see. And Flavia was not a princess.” 
Romana and Leela look at each other, and Romana lifts her eyebrows. Leela is already starting to grin, and she looks back at the dragon with a new gleam in her eye. 
“Do you have a name, my friend?” 
“Narvin,” the dragon says, with a little proud tilt of his head. 
“Well, Narvin,” Romana says, starting to smile herself, “it seems that you have found not one but two princesses willing to help you out, there.” 
She and Leela approach him so that they’re standing either side of his large head, and in unison press a kiss to his dark scales. All at once, a fog of magic swirls around them, and then it is not a dragon whose face they are kissing, but a thin man with a serious face. Who is now blushing immensely. 
“Welcome back to the world of men, Narvin of Gallifrey,” Leela says, after a single glance at the worn but familiar style of robes covering his frame. 
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance,” Romana adds, with a little curtsy. 
Narvin looks completely overwhelmed, but does an admirable job of keeping his emotions in check. “I - thank you. Both of you.” He does a little bow, and Romana is impressed to see that it is perfectly in accordance to Gallifreyan etiquette. “I owe you… everything.” 
“You owe us nothing,” Leela says, shaking her head. “Now, given that I don’t see why either of you would wish to return to Gallifrey, what do you say that the three of us make our way back to Sevateem? I believe the three of us will fit on my horse, so long as none of us are worried about being in rather… intimate proximity.” She smirks at them. “I, for the record, am not, because Romana is very pretty and I very much like the way that Narvin blushes.” 
Narvin, right on cue, blushes again at her words, and she grins with delight. 
“There we are. Hop on, then!” 
She heads for the horse, leaving Romana and Narvin standing there, rather bemused as to what is going on. 
“Pretty?” Romana says, confused, before shrugging. “Well, I suppose I am. Never really thought about it.” 
“Certainly the prettiest sacrifice I ever had the pleasure to be offered,” Narvin says, before coughing awkwardly. “Though that, uh, isn’t actually saying much, all things considered” 
“Good, I’m not sure I’m one for flattery,” she says, but finds herself shyly tucking her hair behind her ear when she meets Leela’s gaze across the distance and the warrior princess smiles at her. 
“Are you entirely sure about that?” Narvin asks her, raising an eyebrow. 
“Not in the slightest, but I don’t see how that’s any of your business,” Romana sniffs. 
“If we shall be travelling together in an intimate fashion, it seems that it will be my business,” Narvin points out. 
“We’re sharing a horse, not a bedchamber,” Romana says, rolling her eyes. “Don’t make me regret helping you. I could have left you as a dragon.”
“And I could have eaten you - do you have any idea how many days it’s been since I’ve eaten? Sheep are difficult to sneak up on, you know.” Narvin says this with such indignation that Romana can only laugh at him. 
“I’m sorry, but that might just be one of the most pitiful things I’ve ever heard,” she says, between giggles. He just lifts his chin and strides off towards Leela, apparently offended. 
Romana shakes her head and gets her laughter until control before making to follow him. 
Oh yes, this will certainly make for an interesting journey, and the most interesting set of company she’s yet to keep. 
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thunderheadfred · 7 years
Red Streak [1.2]
Chapter 01: Shakedowns [Part 2 of 4. Revised June 2017]
Read the complete fic on AO3
Hannah The Surrender of Shanxi 2157 CE
Once a Marine, always a Marine. Civilian by technicality alone, Hannah Shepard stood at least six feet tall mid-slouch and was accustomed to looking most men square in the face. She had voluntarily discharged years ago, but remained a regular fixture in the Alliance training yard, where she made a name for herself as the “Shepard Scale,” dead-lifting raw recruits and declaring them weighty enough for the Corps.
In comparison, General Williams had the build of a strategist, not a soldier. Even considering his light frame and ponderous eyes, Hannah could never remember him appearing weak. Now, he looked defeated.
The General was dwarfed completely by a phalanx of fully armored and heavily weaponized aliens who marched in perfect lockstep behind him, filling the city square. Though physically overwhelmed, it was shame that shrank Williams beyond recognition. The man looked miniaturized, as if he had been remade in effigy from over-baked clay and might shatter at any moment. It would have been easy to name him a coward, a traitor, but Hannah couldn’t bring herself to to do it.
The orbital bombardment had ripped Shanxi into unrecognizable heaps of rubble. Anybody lucky enough to survive the initial wave had been starved into a walking skeleton in the aftermath. A starved month without power or clean water, until the miasma of filth had taken almost as many lives as the flaming debris still falling from the sky.
Finally seeing the strength of their attackers face-to-face, witnessing the ruthless coordination of their squads and the brute strength of each individual soldier, the reality knocked Hannah dizzy. Of course Williams had surrendered.
The invaders were huge. That was her first, and for a while, only thought about the alien soldiers as they spread out in unison. A perfectly choreographed occupation of the colony’s central square, a military show of force expertly designed to be intimidating. Huge. Alien. Organized.
What chance did humanity have at the mercy of these predators? More to the point, how immediate would this extermination be? How pitiless? Reality sank into her heart with sharpened fangs: she wasn’t alone in the universe, and the neighbors were a lot higher on the food chain.
Hannah felt a nerve surging up her right arm and flinched. She looked down, rediscovering the death-grip of her baby’s fingers in her palm. Soft, damp claws with filthy digging nails, all in dire need of a wash and trim. Hannah stared, trying to reconcile two opposing realities. At her feet teetered three-year-old Jane. Hannah’s own child, starved and half-awake, clinging on for dear life. Over Jane’s shoulder were dozens of aliens filing into neat military rows, their weapons at high ready.
“Mommy,” the little girl whispered, her eyes too big, too afraid. “Lionel is scared.”
Even while throttling her mother, Jane was barely managing to keep hold on the stuffed dinosaur she had smuggled under her arm, the one she insisted on bringing with her everywhere, even to their execution. Hannah yanked her daughter up into her arms to cradle the girl securely against a jutted hip, pushing the toy closer into Jane’s grip.
“Then be brave for him.”
There had been too much to risk, trying to hide Jane away in the short time they’d had to prepare - it would have been impossible to keep a terrified child quiet or out of sight. Better to face it together, if the worst was about to happen. Impressively, blessedly, Jane had yet to crack. Not one tear, not one whimper. Maybe she didn’t understand; after all, Hannah wasn’t sure she could wrap her own head around what they were seeing. She crushed Jane closer, breathed in the stale, sleepy scent of her hair, and waited.
Jane was not alone in her silence. No one had said a word since Williams’ appearance in the square, and the absolute quiet brought a new and unfamiliar terror. Since the bombardment had begun, not an hour had gone by without another chunk of the colony being blasted into dust. Constant noise: explosions, air raid sirens, children screaming for their families. The babble of gangrenous Marines asking for their severed limbs as they were carried on stretchers to the school gym. Even in her sleep, Hannah heard the noise. It had rooted into the back of her chest, as regular as her own heartbeat. Now, like a blanket of smoke, silence and a kind of terrified awe smothered it all.
Holding an assault rifle high across a massive crested torso, one of the aliens slowly stepped forward to stand beside General Williams. At Williams’ back, the rest of the extraterrestrials kept their heads obscured by featureless combat helmets, smoke-black and anonymous. The single naked face was impossible to ignore, so inhuman that Hannah struggled to pick out anything except the creature’s eyes. Those mercury-bright eyes burned across the crowd, and the silence stretched thinner than ever. It was a primordial stare, like something forged by millennia of evolution to devour them all alive, bowels first.
Every inch of the alien’s visible skin looked carved from brackish stones. A row of jagged teeth glinted hungrily through windowed sockets in its cheeks, partially covered by a pair of twitching mandibles. Rigid appendages jutted straight back from the crown of its head like a  handful of serrated knives. The cheeks, the forehead, the tips of the spikes, all were carefully ornamented with complex designs. The color: a deep, deadly red. Hannah prayed to God the warpaint was not human blood.
After a long, hungry-looking assessment of the humans quaking in the square, the unmasked alien flicked its head at a smaller subordinate. The second alien approached Williams from the other side and extended an armored left arm in front of the General. A florescent orange holo appeared from thin air, surrounding the subordinate alien’s forearm. Unrecognizable script flashed across the glowing display.
Taking a deep, barely steadying breath, Williams began to read.
“As of this moment, I, General Lance Howard Williams of the Systems Alliance, unconditionally surrender the colony of Shanxi into the custody of the Turian Hierarchy, under the command of Acting Captain Albacus Regidonis, to include all lands, goods, and militia therein, until such time as the Citadel Council declares ceasefire. The Maskim Xul Treatise accorded by the Citadel Council in 300 CE forbids the activation of any uncharted relay without explicit Council authorization. Any violation of this ruling is to be answered with immediate military retaliation and containment procedures. The Systems Alliance must answer for our severe transgression and cooperate with the will of the Council, or risk a quick and sure annihilation.”
The General stopped to grunt and shove the alien device out of his face. Hannah flinched, but inexplicably, the turian leader let the outburst go unpunished. After that, Williams spoke in his own words.
“Listen to me. We do this by the book, and we can all make it out of here. Effective immediately, all Alliance personnel on this colony are prisoners of war. That means you are protected. Turian Hierarchal Executive Command 566. Don’t resist, keep it quick and sane. Civilians: before 1200 hours today, surrender nonviolently and the turians will ensure you receive adequate food and shelter at your assigned penal enclave. They will distribute medical aid, if you need it. Soldiers: report to your commanding officer and follow all instructions.”
There were few Marines left standing on the ground - most of them had been blown from the sky or smashed by orbital debris on desperate supply runs. The reminder made Hannah’s chest ache.
“If you are of sound mind and body, form an orderly queue on the south side of the square. One day’s rations and a work detail will be assigned to you. If you can’t walk, you will be relocated.”
No one seemed willing to move first, so Williams tried again.
“You get one warning, right now. Noncompliance will not be tolerated. We’re still alive, people. Let’s keep it that way.”
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twdeadfanfic · 6 years
Life at the end of the world Pt.7
Summary: Your life as a zombie apocalypse survivor. It starts with the Reader settling into the camp at the quarry, before s1 and then follows the show events and storyline, more or less, but with the Reader in it.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader
Warnings: Slow burn, violence, language.
Author’s note: Sixth part of my first twd fanfic, I’ve been itching to write something like this for a long while and I write it for fun, I don’t claim to be a writer so if you find you dislike this fic, please be kind and just stop reading. English’s not my first language so maybe there’re some mistakes, I apologize in advance. For the same reason, I can’t write character’s accents and things like that. At any rate, I hope you enjoy it. There’d be several parts to this.
“Thanks.” You smiled to Carol when she gave you a dish with the omelette she’d cooked, starting to devour it. Everything she cooked seemed to taste better than it usually did and you were starving, having missing dinner last night.
You were glad to see Daryl out and about, having breakfast with the rest of you, looking better. The atmosphere was silent and tense, though, the moodiness that had settled over your group still palpable.
“Um...guys?” Glenn broke the silence, standing and looking very nervous. “So...the barn is full of walkers.”
You stopped mid-bite, staring at him wide-eyed, sure you must have heard him wrong. Why would someone have walkers inside their barn? You could see the rest of your group was as shocked as you but then Shane strode towards the barn and you all followed him.
It was true, you could see the monsters looking through the holes between the wooden planks. It made no sense to you, why would Hershel keep them there? It was dangerous and insane.
Soon a fight broke within your group, dividing it into two sides. Shane wanted to clean the barn of walkers while Rick argued you were in Hershel’s land so you must do as he wanted in order to not risk being kicked out.
You understood you were Hershel’s guests but still, you couldn’t stay there, couldn’t live there knowing the barn was full of walkers. They could get loose, they could kill every single one of you the moment the barn’s door gave up.
But you couldn’t leave until Sophia were back. Maybe you could go back to the road or something, or stay somewhere else, maybe the farm Daryl and you’d found. What you knew was that Shane was right about the barn, it was too much of a risk.
You were about to voice that you agreed with Shane, when he suggested you should start considering that Sophia might not get back. It hit you as a slap and you shifted away from his side. You couldn’t believe it, you couldn’t believe he’d just give up and abandon her! And even if he truly believed Sophia was dead, he couldn’t just say it like that, in front of Carol...
“Shane!” You scolded, disappointed on him
“We’re not leaving Sophia behind,” Rick said and you nodded, glad your sort of leader saw like you on that.
“I'm close to finding this girl. I just found her damn doll two days ago!” Daryl chimed in angrily.
“You found her doll, Daryl. That's what you did. You found a doll.” Shane retorted.
In a second they were yelling at each other, a fight breaking between them.
“I'm just saying what needs to be said. You get a good lead, it's in the first 48 hours” Shane was still yelling angrily, Rick stepping between him and Daryl “Let me tell you something else, man. If she was alive out there and saw you coming all methed out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the other direction.”
You couldn’t believe the venom in Shane’s words, anger rising inside you, and you helped Lori to push him away, all you finally managing to keep him and Daryl away from each other.
“Now just let me talk to Hershel.” Rick tried to calm the situation down. “If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it. This is his land.”
“Hershel sees those things in there as people... Sick people... His wife, his stepson...” Dale explained, telling you he’d already talked with Hershel about it but was waiting for Glenn to break the news.
That caused another yet another fight, Shane yelling again, and you jumped back, startled, when the walkers began pushing the barn’s door, the sound exciting them.
“Come on, let’s move from here,” Rick commanded you and you all went back to your camp, eyeing the barn warily.
Until Rick could talk with Hershel, it was decided you’d take turns watching the barn’s door. It hadn’t opened in all the time the walkers may have been inside but still, now that you knew they were there you couldn’t help but live in fear of it.
You all tried to go back to your usual tasks while Shane and Andrea went to keep watch, but you could see everybody’s eyes darting to the barn from time to time.
You saw Daryl storming off the stable, Carol following him shortly after with tears in her eyes, and you made your way towards her, concerned.
“Ey, you alright?” You asked, holding her hands. “What did he do?” You nodded your head towards Daryl’s tent. You knew he was still angry at Shane’s words and in his anger maybe he’d lashed out against Carol.
“Nothing, just...” Carol let go of your hands to rub her eyes before smiling weakly to you. “I tried to stop him from going out to search for Sophia, he’s still recovering and he’d just get worse, but he hates it.”
“Yeah, he doesn’t strike me like a good patient.” You chuckled softly.
It was obvious Daryl was sick of being stuck in his tent, itching to start moving and looking for Sophia again, even if it was clear he wasn’t well enough. He still had stitches on his forehead and side, and the wounds were tender, but he didn’t seem to care.
“Don’t take it to heart, you know how he’s.” You gave Carol a half hug, noticing how upset she still looked. “Whatever he said just ignore it.”
“It’s not that...it’s...” Carol let out a sad sigh. “I don’t want him getting hurt looking for her. I don’t want anyone to get hurt...”
“But we want to look for Sophia.” You tried to reassure her but she cut you off.
“It’s what Shane said. We don’t know if we’re going to find her, Y/N, we don’t...”
Carol had tears in her eyes again and you huffed, angry at Shane.
“Don’t listen to Shane! We all want to keep looking, we know we can find her.” You assured Carol, hating she was losing hope.
You understood her, days passed without any of you finding her little girl, but you hated to see Carol like that, so hopeless and broken. Still, you didn’t know how to help.
“We’ll find her...” You said weakly. Carol gave you a sad smile, squeezing your hand before leaving you.
You made your way to Daryl’s tent, not sure if to talk about Sophia’s search, yell at him for upsetting Carol, or for what, but you walked purposely towards it.
“Can I talk to you?” You asked from the outside, the tent unzip.
“You come to talk my ear off about being an ass to Carol?” Daryl said without looking at you.
“Kind of...” So he knew he’d been an ass. That was something.
“Did she told you what she thinks of the search, uh?” Daryl snapped.
“That’s not fair.” You walked in, flopping down onto the floor of the tent. “Her little girl’s been missing for days and we can’t find her, then Shane says all those things...you can’t blame Carol for doubting.”
Daryl scoffed and you rolled your eyes, frustrated.
“Come on, Daryl! She’s having a hell of a time, she’s suffering, I don’t even know how she can keep going.” You tried to explain. “You can’t be an ass to her just because she doesn’t want to get her hopes high only to have them crushed again!”
“I told her, I keep telling you all, I’ll find her.” Daryl sounded as frustrated as you. “I found the doll, she has to be out there, I’m close. But you just won’t listen.”
“It’s not like that...” You could understand his frustration, especially after this morning. “But it’s hard to keep hopes high, Daryl, it’s hard...” You’d been trying, but day after day without any luck had been taking a toll on you.
“But I’m glad you’re looking for her, it’s kind of the only thing that keeps me going.” You admitted. Daryl was so positive he’d find Sophia, never doubting, it had a way of lifting your spirit. “If someone can find her it’s you.”
Daryl scowled at you and at first you thought he was angry at you before realizing he seemed mostly taken aback. You blushed, self-conscious. “It’s not like you don’t know you’re our best tracker. We can look for her as much as we want, but you’re the one tracking her...”
“Yet you don’t think I can find her.” He grumbled.
“Course we do...” You assured. “It’s just that it’s hard to keep hopes high, with everything that’s going on. But think about how you’re gonna shut everyone’s mouth when you show up with Sophia.”
Daryl scoffed but he’d half a smile on his face.
“But you have to rest and get better before going out again.” You reminded him.
“I’m fine!”
“Yeah, sure.” You pointed to his shirt, droplets of blood staining it from where he’d opened his wound a bit.
“Like you care anyway.” Daryl still had that angry, harsh exterior but you thought he sounded almost vulnerable.
“We care, same we do about everyone in our group.” You pointed out as if it were obvious, noticing his insecurities were real and wanting to ease them without making a big deal of it.
Daryl had been kind of out of the group since always and now that he was slowly integrating, you guessed it was normal he felt out of place and maybe even unwelcome, but you didn’t want him to think you didn’t appreciate him. You did value him and were sure the others did it too, even if Daryl didn’t really see it yet.
“Stop being dramatic.” You half teased, nudging his feet with yours. Daryl huffed but said nothing else, eyes trained on the floor of the tent while he fidgeted.
“By the way...what Shane said, it was bullshit, he was just trying to prove his point, you know it right?”
Daryl shrugged at your words as if he didn’t care, but you knew better. Realizing you weren’t going to get much else out of him, you got up. It was your time to take watch at the barn.
“Apologize to Carol!” You reminded him before leaving.
“You still mad or what?” Shane snapped at you when you kept shooting him angry looks as you kept watch.
“It’s like you were an asshole this morning or something.” You snapped back.
“I was just saying things as they are. Y/N,” he said, and you scoffed. “We can’t stay here waiting for those walkers to get lose, waiting for a girl that’s not going to come back.”
“You don’t know that!”
“Y/N, we’ve looked for days and haven’t found her...you know the chances, you do...” Shane sounded almost sorrowful but you shook your head and said nothing.
“And you know we gotta clean that barn if we’re going to stay.” He kept talking. That, you knew it was true. But it was up to Hershel.
“If Rick doesn’t manage to talk Hershel around and we have to leave...I really don’t feel like going on the road again.” You admitted. You didn’t want to leave the farm, the shelter and that it gave you.
“We’re not leaving,” Shane said with confidence.
You could just hope he was right.
“Gonna tell you something...” Shane said after a moment, looking around nervously and then at you. “But don’t go around saying it yet, alright?”
“Sure...” He’d spiked your curiosity.
“Lori’s pregnant.”
Shane dropped the bomb and your eyes went wide. How could someone get pregnant in this world? It was insane...
“So we can’t leave, here she’s safe and we’ve Hershel to help with the baby and all. Rick knows it. We’re not going anywhere. We’re gonna make this place safe.” Shane delivered with confidence before leaving you to keep watch.
Now you understood the eagerness to stay of both men.
To you, it just sounded like a lot more problems coming your way. Like you hadn’t enough.
You’d been taking watch for a while when you saw Andrea and T-Dog hurrying towards you.
“Ey, have you seen Rick or Shane?” Andrea asked when she reached you, and you shook your head. “Rick told us we were going to split and look for Sophia again, but it’s past time we went.
“If you are going to search for her I’m going too!” You followed them back to the camp.
If the barn’s door had resisted all this time, it would probably last a day more. Besides, both you and Andrea knew you kept watch mostly to prevent Shane from doing some stupidity, and he wasn’t around.
Glenn was sitting down in the porch with Maggie, both looking so cute you couldn’t help your tiny smile, but neither did he knew were was Rick, he only knew he’d gone to help Hershel with something.
“We were supposed to leave a couple hours ago,” Andrea complained.
“Yeah, you were. What the hell?” You heard Daryl’s angry voice as he and Carol walked closer, seemingly coming from outside the farm.
“Rick told us he was going out,” Carol added.
You looked at her raising your eyebrows and she gave you a nod. So Daryl had apologized and sorted things out then. You were glad.
“Damn it, isn’t anybody taking this seriously? We got us a damn trail...” Daryl complained angrily.
You nodded in understatement, but still, it was important that Rick talked to Hershel, he had to convince him to not only let you stay but also clear the barn. Maybe you all could just split and go looking for Sophia without him, you had Daryl to lead you on that.
Before you could do anything, though, you saw Shane approaching, carrying what looked like a big bag full of guns. He seemed out of sorts, an angry look on his face that scared you a bit.
“Time to grow up.” He announced as he began giving guns to all of you, talking about how you had to protect yourselves now that you knew the dangers that lie within the farm.
“Can you stop! You do this, you hand out these guns, my dad will make you leave tonight.” Maggie announced, trying to talk reason to no avail.
“Ey, ey, Shane, hold on a second...” You tried to stop him when he went to give a gun to Carl, telling him about finding Sophia, but Shane just brushed past you.
“Rick said no guns, this is not your call, this is not your decision to make!” Lori hissed, stepping between Shane and her son.
“Oh, shit...”
T-Dog voice made you all turn your head from Shane to where he was looking, and you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw Rick walking into the farm with Hershel, both pulling a couple of walkers with them, holding them with some kind of leash.
“What is that!” Shane yelled, running wildly towards them and you all followed him. “What the hell are you doing!”
“Shane, back off!” Rick yelled back.
Soon a fight broke down between the two men as Shane kept shouting against the insanity of all this while Rick tried to make him stop, all while he and Hershel tried to control the geeks.
You were still too shocked to do anything, all you knew was that you wanted to be away from those walkers and that the farm felt more and more unsafe.
“Y/N, the gun!” Daryl's voice got through you and you noticed he was pointing the rifle at the walkers, so you aimed the gun that Shane’d gave you to them too, though you prayed they didn’t cut loose.
“These things ain't sick. They're not people. They're dead. Ain't gonna feel nothing for them 'cause all they do, they kill!” Shane was shouting at Rick and Hershel, who seemed overwhelmed. “Hey, Hershel man, let me ask you something. Could a living breathing person, could they walk away from this?”
“No!” Rick shouted and you could just stare in horror as Shane shot at the walker Hershel was holding.
“Could someone who's alive, could they just take that. Why is it still coming? That's its heart, its lungs.” Shane kept shooting at it. Why is it still coming?”
“Shane, enough,” Rick yelled back, desperate.
“Yeah, you’re right man, enough.” Shane delivered before shooting at the walker on the head.
You knew it had to be done, you knew they were dead and dangerous, that they’d kill all of you but still, looking at Hershel’s face while he stared at the now unmoving corpse, seeming out of words, seeming even unable to move...it killed you, it made you felt horrible.
Before any of you could do anything to stop it, Shane broke the chain of the barn, ignoring Rick’s cries and letting the walkers lose.
You forced yourself to spring into action as the monsters began walking outside and towards your group and you went to the front line, shooting at the geeks as they came.
When the last one of the walkers had fallen, you flopped onto the floor and hid your face on your palms, unable to look at the Greenes’ faces. You’d just massacred what they considered their family and friends.
You looked back up when you heard a growl coming from the barn but didn’t get up, let anyone else take care of it, you were done.
Your heart almost stopped beating when you saw the walker. It couldn’t be. It couldn’t be real.
Sophia was walking outside the barn, eyes clouded, skin pale and purplish, dead except for the fact she was moving, growling as he made her way towards you.
“Sophia!” Carol cried, running towards her, but Daryl caught her, both falling to the floor next to you. “Sophia...”
She kept sobbing and wailing again and again and you hid your face again, choking sobs, when Rick pointed her gun at who had been Sophia. You jumped when you heard the gunshot and curled onto yourself, trying to escape from all it, trying to wake up from the nightmare that it had to be.
NA: I find this chapter lacking but well...
@momc95 @jodiereedus22@osweetdevilo@sapphire1727@coffeebooksandfandom
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