#absolutely you’re sweet as sugar MWAH
rodolfoparras · 8 months
doubt you remember me but I just wanted to say you're still a very lovely person!! <3
Sugar were u maybe the anon who said I was a lovely person a while ago? I rmr every kind anon who’s slid into my inbox I promise 🫶🏻🥹
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rabbitenn · 7 months
Hello could I request imagines for a Tenn x Reader and momo x Reader with a Reader who has a crush on them but tries to deny it to avoid heartbreak (and struggles to talk to them)? Thank you🫶
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Your feelings for him remain untold in the memories of your silent symphony.
ft. Kujo Tenn, Sunohara Momose x gn! reader.
cw/genre: fluff, some angst.
Thank you for requesting, hun ! I’m sorry this is so late, but I hope you can still enjoy it, mwah <3
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The realization settles over you like the mesmerizing rays of an eclipse at dawn; you know you shouldn’t stare directly at the sun’s blinding daze, and yet, your eyes can’t quite avert from his light.
But this is normal, right?
Everyone was attracted to the rose gold light his imaginary wings always seemed to give off. A radiance in thaw; his otherworldly aura helplessly drawing you in, until the honey of his voice wrapped its sweet warmth around you.
Kujo Tenn.
Everyone’s angel.
Your closest friend.
And yet, obviously, you were not immune to his charms.
Every time his gaze found yours, no matter if it was in a crowded concert hall or in the privacy of one of your rooms, the world around you faded; white noise and the blurry background of a discolored picture were all that remained around you and Tenn.
Thus, you have to build a wall between you and the alluring image of the angel.
You can absolutely not reveal the emotions your heart beats in.
Tenn and you have been friends for so long… And he’s a famous idol on top of that… You can’t taint his wings in stygian ink just because of your foolish desires.
And so, you close off your own invisible wings, the freefall awaiting you, a slow, bittersweet agony.
For bites of tongue replace words you used to share with him, in the comfort of sugar scented bedrooms and the soft colors of glazed donuts.
And Tenn knows.
That something is weighing on your mind.
That the sunshine that usually filtered through the trees as he spent time with you is now dimmed; the first droplets of a downpour falling as perennial foliage decays.
You thought your silence would be the silver locket to keep your diary secret, but to him, it’s like breathlessness as a heavy feeling constricts your chest.
Thorny vines, opening your throat to ask for help.
And despite it all, you decide to stitch bloody thread over your lips, keeping them sealed, no matter how much your heart shreds.
Luckily, an angel’s halo just happens to shine upon you, healing the parts of you you’re self destroying.
“[Y/n],” Tenn calls you, as a few quiet seconds pass with no answer from you following. “Are you alright?” He asks, those beautiful maroon eyes of his regarding you with concern.
You stare at him with a confused expression. Then, you get back to your senses.
“Yeah… I guess I was just spacing out.” You utter softly, avoiding his eyes.
Fiddling with your fingers, you reach out for the plate of donuts sitting between you two.
The atmosphere feels tense enough around you, you feel you’ll suffocate if you don’t busy yourself with something soon.
In that instant, your hand is held by someone else’s.
His touch is tender, so gentle, as his fingers intertwine with yours.
“Will you tell me what’s wrong?” Tenn prompts, thumb running over the back of your hand.
You stammer, eyes widening, heart pounding wildly against your ribcage, a telltale sound of the frenzy your mind is into.
“I-I… I’m… It’s n-nothing.” You finally manage.
The angelic idol gives you a knowing look, a smirk playing on his too tempting lips.
“Since when did you become so shy around me?” He asks, one of his hands brushing some strands away from your face.
You take in a sharp breath, heat flaring up on your cheeks.
“T-that’s not…” You try to turn your face away from him.
Because you know if you keep getting lost in his pretty quartz-like eyes, your lips won’t be able to keep away from his.
And, however, it seems that’s exactly what he wants.
Taking your chin in between his fingers, Tenn guides your face towards his.
“Why, [Y/n]?” He whispers, thumb running over your lower lip.
Your breath hitches, pupils dilating as your friend, who’s definitely more than that, holds your gaze.
You know what he’s referring to.
Your silence. The avoidance and pulling away from him you’ve been isolating in.
“I can’t…” You begin, as thick words lodge in your throat, the fear of ‘I can’t be with you’ ‘I can’t have my heart broken when you inevitably say no’, the silent chains constricting your throat.
Strands of hair weaved from wishes on a shooting star tickle your cheek.
Tenn’s forehead rests against yours, as his hands thread through your hair.
He utters your name.
Millimeters separate his lips from yours.
And the hardcovers of your secret diary seem to fall apart this close to him.
“I love you.” You inevitable breath, pupils blown wide, in the space between.
Your angel’s answer comes in the form of warmth and softness upon your lips.
His hands move to your waist, bringing you closer to him in the sunlit space of the room.
Against your better judgment, your arms wrap around his shoulders, your form melting into the sweetness of his perfect embrace.
You’ve longed for this.
So many days, so many nights, in which dreams came to a close with you wide eyed, as you came down from the daze of his pretty face appearing in your oneiric illusions.
And even if you want to believe it, but fear makes you deny it, he’s yearned for this too.
Because as much as Tenn strives to move the hearts of his fans and put bright smiles on their faces, you are always the first one he sings for.
And now, even if it’s in an unspoken way, the melody of him next to you is finally being relied.
Alas, seconds helplessly tick by, and one cannot exist without oxygen forever, as much as you can’t be without each other.
“I love you too, for a long time now, I have.” Are the words that follow your Tenn’s soft smile the moment you part.
There is no need for locked vaults between you and him anymore.
You know you are a fool.
Both for even beginning to fathom your feelings could ever be returned, and for acting the way you’re doing now.
You’re just making yourself miserable and you know it.
And yet, you’re hell bent on denying it.
It’s so obvious to you now how he could never like you back in the same way you like him.
He’s one of Japan’s top idols, for crying out loud.
The fact that you just happen to know him since his college days doesn’t mean anything.
Therefore, you are determined to swat away any thoughts of infatuation that come your way.
No matter if that means entirely isolating from him.
The friend that’s been with you for over seven years now.
You can’t ruin what you have; and what’s more: you don’t know what you’d do with yourself if you heard ‘no’ coming out of his lips.
So pulling away, being quiet… That’s what must be done.
You were always good at it, anyway.
And besides, what good would it do, if you ended up accidentally making your feelings known?
This is for the better.
You turn around in your bed, the city lights casting a dimmed glow around your room; dyeing it in shades of muted cyan.
Quite fitting for the state you find yourself in.
Lying on your side, sheets rumpled, as numbness and doubt wrap around you.
Your eyes focus on your phone for a moment, carelessly thrown around your bed.
You’ve been ignoring all the messages today.
Especially the ones sent by him.
You just… couldn’t bring yourself to open them; it hurt seeing his enthusiastic typing and all the cute kaomojis. It’s as if… You were betraying him by being like usual, when it’s clear your feelings for him have shifted to another direction.
Not that you’ll ever reveal that to him.
And if you ignore it for long enough, it is sure to fade away.
A doodle in pink pencil, undoubtedly to be erased as paper yellows beneath the ticking of the clock.
You knew that better than anyone.
You have been wiped out too many times when you tried to speak from your heart, for it to become whole again.
Deep scars still remain, and they hurt enough as is to risk reopening them once more.
It’s better to wound the remaining untouched flesh of your choking heart, if you want to avoid shattering it completely.
Fuzzy thoughts turn into exhaustion, which leads you into restless dreams, under the light of a dimmed moon.
You awake to the strident sound of a ringtone blaring right by your ears.
Judging by the light around, it’s still early, and no sun is filtering through the curtains today.
Groggily, you pick up, if only to stop the annoying ringing.
“Yeah?” You yawn half asleep.
A second later, you pull the speaker away from you, the voice on the other side, on the edge of yelling.
“[Y/n]-chan! I finally got in touch! You haven’t been replying to my texts, ah I was so worried!”
“I…” You begin. “I’m fine, Momo, please don’t worry.” You reply, trying to keep your tone even.
On one hand, it really does warm your heart he’s been thinking about you.
On the other, you really do feel guilty for having worried him…
And besides, you’ve totally failed to avoid him.
“Are you sure, [Y/n]?” Melancholy is palpable in his usually perky tone. It makes you feel a pang of hurt on your chest.
“I… Yeah, I guess…” You trail off.
A few seconds of silence on the other end of the line.
“You know, if you’re not feeling well or there’s something worrying you, you can count on me.”
Why was Momo always so kind? It makes it so hard to keep denying what’s clearly love for him.
“I’ll figure it out.” You mumble, perhaps more to yourself than for him to hear.
“I know you will, [Y/n], but, you know, if you want some company… Just say the word.”
A nostalgic smile settles on your lips.
The truth is you would certainly like it, his company.
You let out a sigh.
“I’d love that.” You utter, truthfully.
One of Momo’s bright giggles can be heard on the other end.
A few fleeting ticks later, your doorbell rings.
“Open the door then, [Y/n]-chan.”
You can’t help the wide smile spreading on your face.
“What? Really? You’re here?”
You can practically see the nervous laugh he lets out.
“I… uh got worried when you didn’t reply and I thought maybe you were sick, so I… kinda bought many of your favorite snacks… yeah…”
He’s too cute.
With that same dopey grin on your face, you open the door.
Even if you can’t make your feelings known for now, you suppose it’s alright to indulge in the tight hug he gives you.
You certainly needed one from him right now.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
nah bc being roommates with hangman since college?
and if he knew you were inexperienced in all areas? he'd teach you how to give him head. just saying. it'll be your little secret.
“it'll be your little secret.”
anon. anon!!!!! anon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the corruption kink alarm bells are going off the charts right now!!!! ngl!!!!!!!!!!!! jake absolutely loosing it when he sees you on his knees, sucking him off and guiding you???? oml.
“sugar, i’ve been roommates with you for years. i know you’re not getting anything. how about before your little date tonight, you get on your knees for me and i’ll teach you how to give head.”
you’re hesitant and you furrow your eyebrows at jake as he hooks his finger under your chin to look up at him. “it’ll be your little secret. your date doesn’t have to know you had another cock in your mouth.”
jake is sat on the couch with his thighs spread and his hand nestled in your hair. you’re running your tongue around his tip as he instructed. “now open wide and take me just inch by inch, sweets.” you do as he says trying to stuff as much of him in your mouth as you can, but you can’t deny it, he’s big. a lewd sound comes from the back of your mouth and his grip tightens. you hear him chuckle, “i know, i’m bigger than most. it’s alright, you can take it.”
he tells you eye contact is important too, so you look up at him and see his hooded gaze trained heavy on you. when he makes eye contact with you with tears pricking in the corner of your eyes and his cock resting heavy in your mouth, he lets out a deep and guttural groan. he’s corrupted you good.
oh my lord
thank you so so so much for this incredible thot dear anon holy!!!!!!!! i could kiss you!! mwah!!! 💌🫶🏼💖
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altrodent · 1 year
stoney from encino man fanfic when? please? begging atp ‼️‼️ /nf /lh
Honey Bun
Pairing: Stoney x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Fluff, Stoney just being (sweetly) honest, teasing
Summary: After finding Link, and making him well known with the ‘modern’ trends, Stoney throws a party. And you, being his guest of honor, get some alone time with him.
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A hand slides a note on your desk, as your boring science teacher drones on about evolution. You look up and see Stoney smiling at you, signaling for you to open the note. It reads “Dearest friend-a-rino, I cordially invite you to the sweetest ass party with the one and only Frosty Link! Please say yes, it’s gunna be boring w/o you. Loviest of Loves, Stoney <3” you giggle as you read the note, a little too loudly “Is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Stoney wraps you in his arms dramatically, gasping “Don’t ask questions like that, you know I don’t share!” He smiles with that stupidly cute face of his, the teacher sighs “…Just- just pay attention please. I don’t need you bringing their grade down Stoney…” he slowly turns back to the board as Stoney sits down, looking at me for an answer on his invitation. He whispers “Sooo? You gonna go or are you gonna make me all sad?” He pouts, you smile back at him “Course I’ll go” He puts his hands on his face gasping in ‘surprise’. “Stoney!” The teacher yells “Sorry, mister…” he giggles. You don’t really notice it, but he still looks at you… in a very loving way.
Stoney’s yard is filled to the brim with streamers, bright lights and a very strong fragrance of booze. You make your way through the heated crowds before a pair of arms hug and lift you up in the air. You jump before they put you down, turning you around to reveal- “I’m so glad you made it! I was so worried you weren’t gonna show” -Stoney. “I wouldn’t miss one of your parties, Stoney!” He smiles giddily, “come with me!” He doesn’t ask, as he takes your hand and leads you to the emptier back yard. “Sorry, I didn’t like them looking at you in there.” You tilt your head in confusion “what?” He rubs his arm “Sorry I just- I just don’t like it when people look at you the way I do.” You smile, still slightly confused “Well, how are they looking at me?” He dances around you, “Wow, they look so attractive, mhm, mhm, I love them, they look so fineee.” He eventually makes his way back to face you again. “That’s how.” He laughs stomping in place “Oh? Really? And you say they look at me the way you do?” He thinks “well, not exactly, because I know they’re not worthy for you… I might be though” he bites his lip before grabbing your hands and making you dance with him. You laugh as he dances with you, he sighs “I just don’t get why you gotta look so attractive all the time, it’s annoying.” He pouts as he twirls you around, his comment brings a slight blush to your face “…you think I’m attractive?” He stops in his tracks “Uh, have you seen yourself? You are just absolutely stunning… god, and see that’s just it. I feel like the hottest people just don’t know they’re hot…” he brushes your hair out of your face, cupping your cheeks after. “…Stoney, you really mean it?”
He nods “Yeah, and while I’m being honest, I’ve super had a little thing for you, but I really couldn’t squeeze it into a conversation before… until now~!” He giggles, as he holds you close to him “Oh, Stoney, that’s super sweet.” He pulls back enough to look at you “Says you, Sugar! You’re sweeter than a honey bun… now I’m hungry.” You giggle as he looks into your eyes “you look tasty though!” He beings to pepper soft kisses onto your face, making you laugh even more, causing him to smile even more “mwah! Just look at you, you tasty thing!” He presses one more kiss on your forehead before leaning into you again “Stoney, you’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” He chuckles softly “always, besides, if I didn’t I wouldn’t get to see that beautiful smile of yours now would I?” He leans back holding his face close to yours “I promise… just- please give me a chance… and I’ll make you this happy forever, until we’re both old and gross and yelling at people to get off our lawn” Stoney smiles, caressing your cheek “Please…” your eyes almost seemingly swell with the happiest of tears as his words flow. You nod, smiling “Stoney, how could I ever pass up the chance to be with the best guy I’ve ever met…?” He smiles brightly, his lips finally meeting yours. You can feel him smile just as brightly as his hands move from your face and down to your hips. The kiss is full of long awaited love, that he just professes to you through your connected lips. And as all other good things, the kiss ends, as he rests his forehead against yours. “You have officially made me the happiest man in the universe, Sugar… and I won’t let you down.” He smiles, and from then on all you can feel for him is a warm and loving passion for the man you’ve come to known as Stoney.
(A/N): I hope you enjoyed! I’m trying to ram through this writers block right now, thank you for the request! 🩷
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It’s ���!
You have this ‘My Sunshine’ (?) fic where the reader is an absolute ball of sunshine and I LOVE it! Could you do a part two with Zhongli, Childe and Albedo please?
My Sunshine
( what an incredible choice of characters! Thank you for adding to one of my favorite fics!! ) 
Warning -> SFW, Fluff
Character X GN Reader | Anthology 
Includes: Albedo, Childe, Zhongli 
It was the way you greeted the world around you - with pleasant smiles, patient hands, caring and compassionate eyes. You saw the world for what it could be, the beauty of it and while Albedo searched for the answer in the universe, you already seemed to have found them 
He noticed you on his wanderings through the city. His hands were already moving to draw your expressions in a hope to capture everything that he possibly could - how could he capture the intensity of the sun itself, of a flower basking in the afternoon glow, or a firefly so vibrant that it burned orange and beautiful 
You were bouncing on your toes, smiling kindly at the people who walked by while you patiently waited for anyone to stop by. Not many people purchased flowers every single day, but you found it wasn’t hard to proposition people with your generous smile and pin-point compliments. 
“My! I have never seen something so beautiful in all my life.” You began, bending to rest your hands on your knees while catching the attention of a small young girl who had been glancing at the array of flowers at your side. She looked at you confused, a bit nervous but didn’t back away. 
Reaching for a small white flower, you trimmed the leaves and hummed a little tune before turning back to her. “A lovely flower like you must attract so much goodness. Even this daisy is impressed by your radiance!" She giggled and you continued, "Would you do me a favor?” You smiled at her, eyes showing only the purest of shine. The little girl nodded her head and you began again, “Could you carry this flower and help it grow? If it's you, I'm sure it'll turn just as beautiful?” 
The little girl wrapped her small fingers around the stem, her smile and giggle so powerful that Albedo was sure you cast a magic spell because as he watched her gallop away back to her parents, the flowers near you began to glisten and the sketch on his page came to life. 
He was unsure how to make a connection with you, so more often than not he would find himself purchasing flowers he didn’t really have the necessity for - but perhaps if he gathered enough up, he’d have a bouquet glorious enough to equal your soul 
“Mr. Albedo, pleasure seeing you again.” You brushed off your apron and turned to him. Your eyes closing and head tilting, a standard greeting of yours. “I have some rather rare flowers in stock today if you’d like to take a look.” 
“I am actually here to inquire if you had any Asters; the research institute has just run out.” 
“Hmm, let me check for you.” You bowed slightly before disappearing behind the many stalls and carriers of your wares. He scanned the flowers as he waited for your return. Gloved fingers inspecting the petals of flowers and, in his wandering thoughts, he began to investigate which one reminded him the most of you. “Mr. Albedo, I am sorry, it seems we are fresh out.” 
“I see …” 
“Ah! However, I needed to gather several other plants today. If you come back tomorrow I will set them aside for you.” You waved at the other worker as if to inform them of your intentions and quickly reached for the basket near the stall. 
“Actually, would it be too much of a bother if I were to travel with you?” 
You paused, staring at him with eyes wide and mouth slightly parted. What was this feeling in his chest, it hurt. “I would never pass up an opportunity to share in your company! What a splendid day this is turning out to be.” 
“Thank you, I will keep out of your way.” 
“Not too much I hope. So, Mr. Albedo, are you ready?” You turned to head toward the front gate and he followed after you. 
“Yes, and please, just Albedo is fine.” 
“Alrighty then, Albedo.” Ah, yes, that’s why his heart hurt. 
There you were, the wind wrapping around you as you stood in a field of flowers - the reflection of light difficult to pinpoint for as bright as the sun shined down onto the plane below, you were just as intense and, in fact, you may be the most luminous creature to ever exist -- how could he possibly reach something like you 
His world had never been bright -- from the snowy landscape that threatened every day to freeze the warm hearts that beat on its surface, to the dark void that he fought through as an adolescent, to the harsh and demanding ladder he climbed in service to his cause -- he’d never known the light … his had been seized so long ago 
So when he found a flicking candle, a small flame in his dark corridor, he walked to it - ran for it - and to see the glory reflected on the other side was something he fixated on until he could hold the candle safe in his arms 
He clenched his jaw and sighed. These boring briefings were never something he cared to participate in. He was more for action rather than words, so instead of listening to the updates from the short, purple-haired harbinger, he instead gazed out the open window at the city below. 
Liyue had shifted from a temporary destination into a permanent one as the tasks and duties continued to lengthen his stay. At least he didn’t mind the city, not like some of the other places he’d stay at. Just as he was about to drift back to the boring discussion, he heard a voice drift up to him. A lively, giddy voice that stole all of his attention and focus, but as soon as you entered into view his minimal interest piqued into desperation. 
“Wait up! You can’t tell me that this isn’t a beautiful day, just take it all in!” You spread your arms wide and spun with so much energy that the inertia made you stumble, luckily you caught yourself before running into some poor passerby. Childe smiled and rested his chin on his palm as he looked down at the loveliness that was your everything. 
You laughed, and the way your hands flew to your lips to cover the sound made him jealous of those fingers. You spoke, words falling off of your tongue like sugar and he grew antsy at the thought of not tasting it. You existed, and he needed a piece of it. 
Waving to his subordinate, he spoke in a hushed whisper, and while the meeting continued to drone on, he made his first step at capturing a star. 
The more information he gathered, the more interactions he had with you - the more he fell into your luster, the richer his feelings grew for you 
His actions were that of a child just looking for a comforting glow in their endless darkness, hands cupped to keep it alive, breathing held for fear of accidentally blowing it out - stay, please stay 
He called your name, the sound of his voice dissipating in the open space as he searched for any sign of you. 
“Hey there!” You called out to him, and when he looked up toward your voice, he smiled. Your legs dangled off the tree limb, your hands wrapping around the bark as you balanced there. 
“How is the view?” He asked, crossing his arms and staring at you from below. How did you get up there, he wondered. 
“Beautiful, I can see so much from up here. It’s like a whole different perspective.” You breathed in deeply and lifted your arms to reach for the sky above you. “How about you join me?” 
“I’m not sure I can, I don’t even know how you got up there.” 
“Sheer will and determination!” Giggling, he thought maybe you were actually a mythical creature in the fairytales he used to read as a kid. There was no way you could live in this world and be so positive, it had to be you were something beyond this world. “I’ll come down to you.” Twisting, you wiggled onto your stomach before letting yourself drop onto the ground below. It was further than you thought and as soon as your feet hit the earth, your body became off balance and tumbled backward. 
Childe easily caught you, his sturdy chest supporting you and arms extended so your hands could have something to grab onto. 
“Ooh, that was exhilarating.” Tilting your head, you turned to look at him and for a moment he felt his lips scream for yours. He wanted to let you go, but how could you when you fit so perfectly in his arms. “Childe?” 
“You’re something else.” This was dangerous, you were dangerous, and now that he knew what it was like to feel the brightness of the light, he would never let the dark creep back in. 
He needed you - it was apparent - and he hoped one day you’d realize you needed him too. A light like yours truly needed to shine in the darkness of places, so choose his, please choose his 
There is no one in this world that would understand luster better than he - no one who could see the shine inside a being as clearly as one with eyes who’ve witnessed the birth and eventual death of the universe. The great Morax, the ruthless Rex Lapis, the gentle and patient Zhongli are one and the same, and the visions they’ve witnessed cannot be forgotten 
So, to see a person with purity so refined, that even the dullest observers could clearly recognize, he found it nearly impossible to look away 
He heard tell of a new performer joining the Pearl, someone who had shown great elegance and glorious promise at wowing the crowds. As a man who fancied the arts of all kinds, he was intrigued by the rumors and whispers. So, when the schedule showed the name of this new performer, he made his way to the boat drifting on the sea. 
His lips tasted the sweet flavor of tea but his eyes soaked in the delectable movements of your body. The graceful bow of your spin, the bending and twisting of your limbs as you moved just enough to tell your story on the swaying stage. He felt the history in your dance, the pride in your fluttering fan as you moved it across your face, the snap of truth as you forced it up toward the sky. He was transfixed, as he was sure all were. 
When you finished, you began to greet the many interested patrons eager to hear the sound of your voice. There was no way he could have known how transfixing you would be when he heard it. 
“What a stunning performance.” Zhongli mused, his head bowing, a mirror of your own gesture. 
“That is great praise from someone such as yourself.” You smiled and he was reminded of glaze lilies. 
“Pray tell, what was the inspiration for your dance?” 
“Ah, an insightful question, not unexpected I must say.” You laughed and moved your hands to your chest, elegant fingers resting over your heart as you answered his question. “The light of a soul has so much insight, don’t you think? If the soul is radiant, the vessel's beauty is so easily seen, and if there is beauty shining so brightly that it can communicate out to those who look, it may shift just the tides of the future.” You laughed again, a bit more unreserved than the last, and somehow more telling to your honesty. “I’m sorry, I hope that answered your question.” 
“Splendidly, and then some.” He found himself transfixed, captivated by a spirit shining before him. 
Spending time with you was as refreshing as standing in a mountain stream, as filling as a warm meal, as bright as the basking stars that littered the sky above and reflected in your eyes even in darkness 
“Zhongli, hello again.” He wandered into the garden, the gentle bubbling of the water as it fell along the rocks provided a lovely background to your visage. Carefully, you rested your fingers against the pages of your book as you looked up at him. The shadows of the shifting trees let highlights of the sun dance across your face and he couldn’t help but capture this image in his mind. 
“Good afternoon, you seem to be enjoying the day.” 
“As I always am. Nature has provided such elegant and lovely conditions that it would be a waste to not thank it, don’t you agree?” 
“Wholeheartedly.” He smiled, his hands gripping tighter around each other as they rested against the small of his back. It was incredible how nervous you made him; for a man who was a powerful as the mountains that looked down over the city, you made him feel like a tiny pebble in the stream begging to be touched by you. “May I join you?” 
“Absolutely, anything in this world can be improved by good company, and yours is always my favorite.”
“As yours is mine.” He sat on the stone bench next to you, his hands resting on his lap as he looked out across the scenery. You moved closer to him, your arms touching as you shared in the company of each other and, while his eyes drifted to your face, he watched how your smile and good nature made the flowers bloom. 
You were a compliment to his life. A perfect addition to the drift of time and as he looked at the future that stretched before him, he found your red wrapping perfectly around his amber 
tag list
@star-gods @mercurysmaiden @dourpeep @clemmywrites @pepperoncinipizza @handswritteeen @lucifucker @beelsdessert @odafashioned @coolcats09 @ninqat @musekala @sufzku @mooshymello @heavenlyang @plenilunegazes @glazelilyy @justyoureverydayqueer @idunkar @solowmomo @twokissesforamelia @the-mermaid-of-mondstadt @fuwon @angel-melt @lucacandy @shesleire @marianadi @zentoruu @smol-knife @nightlywallows @aoirohi @nitorious-ghost @mguerra11 @anatthesavage @maiiikoo @actstfbla @youaskedfurret @nonniechan @tempehlust @zenith-impact @plumpkie @jaggedsi @salty-salty @onlyhereforinteractivestories @gultonluvv @shy-specter @liebestraumss @jaemjenjam @softlybeloved @anatthesavage @mkazuyuh @excitedlysuffering @kaidou-pie @yujiia @cytomegalia @natxxu @ilyshelb @fvushiguros @nua-fromliyue @yoshikuno @kaidou-pie @anonymousficreader @cyphermagic @chichikoi
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taones · 3 years
𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐮𝐢𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
Characters: Tanaka, Oikawa, Hinata, Bokuto
Notes: this request took absolutely ages, it was one of the first asks I ever got on here I’m sorry @scraggylovesanime ily hope you like them mwah <3
Warnings: They get handsy at several points, suggestive, mentions of people hitting on the reader
Part 2 - Coming soon
@prettysetterbaby​ cause you’re a cultured Tanaka simp baby and the only person on my taglist sjdjdjd
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↬ You know the Tom & Jerry heart eyes face? yeah that's him
↬ He’s such a simp for you he can barely hold it all in when he sees you in slightly tight clothes let alone a whole swimsuit, whatever your choice of swim gear is
↬ Verbally says ‘wow’ when he first sees you not even lying, his nose may as well be bleeding because you broke his brain for a solid 5 minutes there
↬You could be wearing a whole wetsuit and his jaw would still drop like you were completely naked
↬ Warning, he becomes a lot more handy like there is no way his hands aren’t sneaking down to squeeze your ass when you come over for a kiss (obvs only if you’re okay with it)
↬ You’re on his lap or touching him pretty much the entire time because he doesn’t want anyone else seeing how gorgeous his s/o is however he’s stuck because he also wants to show everyone how gorgeous you are
↬ Muttering  things like ‘so sexy’ and ‘all mine’ between kisses because he’s a whore but specifically for you <3
↬ If you were nervous about it, you’re definitely not now because he’s quick to become soft Ryu when he notices and kisses under your ear, whispering about how amazing you look
↬ Congrats, you have actually just killed a man
↬ No really, he stops functioning and goes bright red. He’s kinda uses to seeing a lot of people in bikinis and the tightest excuses for swim shorts since his time in brazil but nothing ever affects him like you do
↬ When you giggle at his reaction he’ll snap back into it but be prepared for a whole bunch of word vomiting about ‘oh my god you’re so pretty’ and he is trying so hard not to stare at your chest/ass but he can’t help it
↬ It’s so cruel to tease him like this but it’s also so funny to see the way his ears burn and he has to bite the inside of his cheek whenever you bend over and ask him to put sunscreen on your back
↬ He get’s sick of your teasing eventually and kinda just tugs you into a hug to tell you how pretty he thinks you look, even if he does stutter a little you don’t mention it
↬  Makes sure you put a lot of sunscreen on, not only because he wants to prevent skin issues but also because he wants as much time being able to stare at you as possible
↬ You find yourself going on a lot more beach trips after that, specifically ones that Hinata’s friends ‘just can’t make’
↬ he probably helped choose the swimsuit let’s be honest, or he brought it for you because we stan sugar daddy oikawa
↬ when you come out of the changing room/bedroom etc the first thing he’s gonna do is chuckle and pull you towards him by the waistband/straps of your costume for a kiss
↬ It’s not his fault his hands end up in not so innocent places
↬ For real though, he’s really sweet about it and will hype you up if you’re even the slightest bit uncomfortable in what you’re wearing
↬ ‘what are you talking about y/n? You look  so good I want to keep you all to myself’ what a sweetheart
↬ You end up late to wherever you’re going if you decide to show him while you’re still in the privacy of your home or hotel...but he’s not opposed to a well hidden changing stall either
↬ Whatever you do, you’re getting yelled about to anyone and everyone who will listen. And by that I mean every social media that Tooru has is getting spammed with photos of his ‘stunning s/o’ that he loves a lot
↬ It’s nothing compared to the sweet comments he whispers i your ear when you’re sitting on the beach though
↬ Wholesome, such a sweet man but at the same time he is the opposite
↬ Will totally spin you around and yell about how he’s so lucky and you look amazing in the swimsuit you picked out until his lungs hurt and you’re a giggling mess
↬ And keeps making comments throughout the trip about how you should go to the beach or the pool more often because he likes seeing you in a swimming costume
↬ His probably matches yours on purpose because he wanted it to be like a cute couple thing (please i’m so soft) if yours is black then his is or if you have stars on yours then he does too
↬ Bonus points if you’re a guy or wear swim shorts instead of bikini bottoms/on top of your swimsuit because he will literally buy the same ones as you 
↬ What he doesn’t tell you is that he likes doing this so he can let people know you’re his
↬ Which is where the not-so-wholesome part comes in because the moment he sees someone else staring then He’s gonna be behind you or pulling you onto his lap and kissing you or your neck
↬ He makes a whole show of showing whoever it is, and the whole damn beach, that you’re his even if he keeps his sunny disposition when talking to you
↬ ‘Oh it’s nothing baby, just because you look so cute baby’ he’ll say as if his hands aren’t situated firmly on your ass in full view of the guy that was staring at you
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Remember that reblogging helps content creators my loves <3
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Pairings: BNHA Boys x Latinx!reader
Warnings: My very limited knowledge of both bilingual people and also the Spanish language as a whole :I Also Bakugou is back to saying a few no no words
Characters: Bakugou, Todoroki, Kaminari
Hello! Just wanted to say thanks to @pstpstpst-kirikirikiri​​ for requesting! I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before, but I am in fact Latina myself (mixed)! Sadly, I'm not fluent in Spanish (I mean, I can kinda understand it when it's spoken, but even then it's ehh) sooo I hope I was able to do this one well! Tell me if there are any glaring issues. I'm generally not very comfortable with doing racially / ethnically-specific readers, but I decided to give this one a go since I have a teeny bit of background in this.
Ignore how I kinda slacked on Shouto's and popped off on Bakugou's ヽ(。_°)ノ
Anyway, enjoy! Mwah!
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● Alright, so let's say you've got a crush on Katsuki
● But who doesn't? *ahem ahem*
● He's just so handsome?? And low key kinda cute too, when he's not making his crankypants frowny face
● It gets to the point where you toy with the nickname in your head, thinking about cupping his soft cheeks in your hands and murmuring it to him. Hermoso
● Aaand then one day, it slips out. Shoot
● He kinda makes a face at you, just a little confused
● He doesn't speak Spanish, right? So you're okay, right?
● But then it happens again. And later again a third time
● Hopefully he doesn't notice your flustered state each time it happens. For all he knows, it could be casual, right?
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You wandered into the common room in search of your notebook. Much to your mild annoyance, you'd forgotten to bring it back up to your room the last time you were down here. You found Bakugou sprawled out on one of the couches—a rare sighting to be honest. He usually holed up in his dorm room to be alone rather than venture out into one of the common spaces. Although it probably helped that the room was otherwise currently empty.
"Hey," you greeted him casually.
As you expected, he scarcely bothered to acknowledge you, only diverting his gaze from his phone for a second before going back to it.
You wandered around the space, checking the floor and table for your item of interest. Really it shouldn't be this difficult. The notebook wasn't in some kind of color that would have been hard to miss against the materials of the room.
Glancing at Bakugou, you weighed your options. There was a chance that someone had accidentally kicked it under one of the couches, so you should probably check there. Then again, you weren't sure whether it was worth crawling around on the floor with your butt in the air in front of your crush. Finally you gave up, sacrificing your dignity to get down on your hands and knees to check.
"The hell are you doing?" came an all-too-familiar voice from above.
"I'm looking for my notebook," you explained curtly, trying to keep your hair from getting too intimately involved with the dust on the floor. "Ugh, I don't see it anywhere," you growled, straightening. "Have you? It's light blue and it's got—"
"You mean this?" Bakugou interrupted you, pulling it out from behind his back with a smirk.
You froze, a scowl bringing your eyebrows together. So it had all been for nothing and he'd just been laughing at you the entire time! "Bakugou!"
"Oh, so it's 'Bakugou' now?" he said, teasing, still holding your notebook up.
"What's that supposed to mean?!" you asked, lunging forward to grab it from his hand.
"I thought you were calling me hermoso."
You stopped dead again, wholly unconscious of the unflattering position you were in.
Oh. Shit.
"You think I'm cute or some shit?" he went on, still smirking at you. "That's what you were saying, right? I looked it up after the second time you—"
Your skin burned with heat, wholly embarrassed he'd discovered your secret. You finally swiped the spiral-bound pages from his hand, turning to leave. It took everything in you to not hang your head with shame as you stepped back in the direction of your room.
Something made you halt in your tracks, even though you were tempted to ignore his call for your attention.
". . . I didn't say you had to stop."
You frowned again, confused. "What?" Turning back to him, you saw a faint flush on his cheeks. He suddenly refused to meet your eyes, staring at the corner of the coffee table.
"It's cute," he mumbled, going back to looking at his phone.
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● Even before you had gotten with Shouto, you couldn't help but find him terribly endearing
● From his blunt and forward personality to his undeniably good looks, you knew you had it bad
● Which is what made it even sweeter when your friend finally asked if you could be just a little more
● The first time you'd spoken the term aloud, you'd had Shou resting his head on your chest, murmuring sweet nothings to him in your own mix of Japanese and Spanish. With your fingers weaving through his bi-colored hair, the boy looked as if he was about to doze off to sleep
● "What does that mean?" he asked softly out of the blue. "Hermoso?"
● You explained it to him, telling him how much he meant to you
● Shouto smiled one of his rare smiles; the one that melted your heart without fail every time
● "I like it," he murmured
● And then that was just what you called him. His favorite of your nicknames worked seamlessly into your relationship
● He liked it because it was so you. He loved your accent and loved hearing the way you spoke it to him
● He probably wouldn't freak out if you used his real name, but he's made it clear that he has a soft spot for being your hermoso
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● Can we just appreciate for a moment how much Denki loves you?
● Mans is more of a simp for you than you are for him, just wow
● Anyway, once you explain to him what hermoso means, he is all about being called that at every opportunity
● He even calls you hermosa/hermoso back! He loves that you two have that together and he absolutely lives for it
● He'd get super pouty if you tried to call him something else. You have a thing going and he never wants to stop
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"Denki," you called from your position on his bed, your head leaning upside down off the side. You thought you saw him twitch in his chair at the sound of his name, but otherwise, he didn't seem to have heard you.
"Babe," you tried again, waiting for him to turn away from his desk and face you, or at the very least make a noise in acknowledgment.
And so, frustrated, you began to playfully cycle through pretty much every nickname you could think of, keeping your voice in an odd monotone in an effort to capture his attention. "Denks. Kami. Honey. Cariño. Baby. Love of my life."
You frowned to yourself when he still refused to look at you. "Hermoso," you drew out in a whine as your final attempt.
He spun around with a grin, finally meeting your eyes. "Yeah? What is it?"
You snorted out a laugh. "I just wanted to say I love you."
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Taglist: @aahilovetheatre​ @basicaegyo​ @hyunmin-1404​ @iiminibattlehero​ @katsugay​ @nabo39​ @pyrofanatic​​ @rainy-skys-and-bright-stars​ @sendhelpimstupid​ @sxngwoos-ash-box​ @xoxopam4​
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wixcook · 4 years
Xiao, Zhongli, and Childe with a baker S/O
Cw - spoilers for 1.1 and Childes character story
I baked a whole ass cake today and I’m super proud of it even tho it looks sketchy af and this is what brought this on mwah
Wow. You can bake. That sure is something
Only shows his interested if you’re making something with almond tofu, or almond tofu itself
If you’re making something new and you’re not sure of it, will try it and give feedback
His feedback kinda sucks tho
“Needs more almonds” “Xiao it’s apple-“ “did I stutter?”
While on the outside he’s kind of a bitch about it, actually thinks it’s super cool that you can make stuff so easily
May have pulled some strings with boss lady to get some of your goods sold at the hotel
Wont admit it tho
Oh? You’re a baker?
Not as much interested in the baking part but the ✨Lore✨
Baking is a science and he’s got a bunch of useless facts and he is primed and ready to infodump
If you own and operate an actual bakery, he’s a frequent customer
Asks you to make him biscuits and little snacks for when he has tea
Will absolutely try whatever you put in front of him
Will absolutely critique it (even if you weren’t looking for critiques-)
Suggests new ideas or recipes for you to try! The usually turn out good, but uh,,,,, some not so much
Gives you some super old recipes, from during the days during the archon war and such
If you manage to make them turn out decent, he insists you add them to your bakery. After all, you’ll be the only one selling the product so you’re sure to make a killing
Absolutely loiters in your bakery in the back corner, book in hand, assortment of goodies on the table. He’s quiet and doesn’t disturb people, but intervenes when rude customers unfortunately do arrive
Oh ho?
What’s that?
You’re a b a k e r ?
You can practically s e e the cogwheels turning in his head
Never a good thing
The type of person to tap you on one shoulder, and steal cookies from the other side when you look away
Him? A taste tester? You don’t even have to ask he’s doing it anyways
I see him with a sweet tooth so he just,,, inhales whatever is put in front of him
It’s just gone I hope you didn’t want any
Saving up to open your own bakery? He’s got you covered
All he asks for in return is baked goods because hey that cake last week was really good do you think you could make it again
Super enthusiastic about helping where he can, after all, you’re precious to him and he wants to see you succeed :)
Not-so-quietly spends his time in the bakery when he’s free, usually behind the counter, eating the product
Personal advertiser. You don’t ask him to and he doesn’t ask if he should, he just does. People gotta know about the cakes and the cookies
After the incident with Teucer, formally introduces you to his younger brother as his S/O
Teucer loses his m i n d
His big brother, who works for the biggest toy company in Teyvat, is dating a baker, one of the most important jobs in modern society (to a child-)?
Fantastic news you’re an instant hit with his younger siblings
If you bring goodies with you when you visit his family, chances are they start calling you their older sibling.
Like?? You’re dating their older brother, you bring yummy food, and you’re super nice it’s a win-win for everybody
Except Childe who has to deal with the aftermath of three kids on a sugar rush
This for super long omg
Askbox is open!! Please feel free to send anything in, be it a request, or just a simple hello! :)
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lue-arlert · 3 years
For your event: Reiner and Porco for me. NSFW all the way. Make them the sugar babies :p
JUJU. JUJU PLS. I cannot tell you how excited I was to write this. I just—MWAH CHEF’S KISS WHAT A CONCEPT.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy your nighttime swimming at your penthouse with your two new babies. 😉
WC: 2.4k
18+ minor and ageless blogs do not interact
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A date doesn’t require a fancy restaurant or an exciting event or an evening outing.
Sometimes the date is bringing someone over to your house for dinner.
And tonight, you had twice the fun to look forward to.
Your new sugar babies, Reiner Braun and Porco Galliard, were on their way over for a late night dip and dinner. You found the boys through an ad online, who were seeking funding for a start-up company they were working on, and you figured, why not, they seemed like they had steady heads on their shoulders, and why not treat them and yourself while you’re at it?
In your finest dress, hugging your curves, the sides slit open to expose the soft skin of your belly, your ass perfectly framed by the tight material and plunging V neckline nearly touching your navel, you answered your front door, grinning at the men as they did double takes and gawked at you.
“Hello, boys.” You purred, motioning for them to follow you while introducing yourself, spinning on your heels as they clacked through your foyer.
They glanced to each other and swallowed nervously, stepping into your home and trailing after you into the large dining room.
“How was the drive over?” You asked, stopping at the head of your dining table and tapping your fingers on either corner, indicating they each sit at your sides.
“Fine,” Reiner answered, clearing his throat as he took his seat. “Not much traffic since we left after rush hour.”
“Fabulous.” You smiled politely at him and pulled your chair out, sitting delicately with a knee crossed over the other as you turned to Porco, your hair falling over your shoulder. “You both look lovely this evening.”
They blushed as they looked at each other from across the table, turning to you and thanking you quietly.
Your dinner was served by your cook, bringing out steaming plates of delicious meals that the men absolutely drooled over.
You spared no expense on them, happy to treat them to such fine dining before signing them a check for their start-up. Of course, you would have to have your fun first.
You served them wine, your butler pouring the finest liquid into their glasses, and you watched as they tasted it, their eyes widening at the rich flavor.
Dinner went on, the boys complimenting the food with high praise, and the three of you discussing the details of their start-up, you smiled as you filled their bellies. The grin that remained over your lips was sultry and almost sinister, and you couldn’t contain the heat that was pooling between your legs. All day, you’d looked forward to them, not allowing yourself the pleasure of touching yourself, only wanting them to satisfy you this evening.
As dessert was served, you excused yourself from the table, circling around behind Reiner and resting your hands on his shoulders as you leaned your lips down to his ear.
“You boys enjoy these sweets, I’m going to change into something appropriate for our swim.”
Shivers traveled up his spine as he stared at Porco, eyes wide once again, his pants nearly growing tight.
When you returned, you were only donning your strappy bikini, the strings bare and showing off your hips, the top slender and just covering your nipples.
Porco nearly choked on his wine, his head fuzzier from the sight of you than any alcohol could ever make him.
“When you’re ready,” you began, another grin forming on your plump lips. “Come join me out back.” You pointed through the end of the dining room to large glass doors, leading out to your expansive pool.
As you walked away from them, you could feel their eyes falling to your nearly bare ass, and the idea of them ogling you only turned you on more.
Stepping out into the night air, you sighed through your nose as you walked to the edge of the pool, dipping your toes in and shivering at how cool it felt against your skin.
You allowed yourself to submerge in the cold water, swimming to the center and dunking your head to wet your hair, coming back up and running your fingers back through it.
After a short while swimming around, you heard the doors slide open and turned to find Reiner and Porco dressed down into their swim trunks they were instructed to bring and you wiggled your finger, commanding them to join you.
They shyly stepped into the pool, each hissing at the chill of the water running through their bones.
“It’s so cold.” Porco waded over to you, his teeth nearly chatting.
“Well, swim around a bit to warm yourself up.” You winked at him and swam between them, brushing your hands over their defined tummies as you passed them.
They followed you around the pool, asking you more questions about your investment with them, and each time they brought it up, you would shush them and swim around them, splashing them playfully and soon drifting close to them, allowing your chest and hands to brush against them.
You were growing needier for them, the burning sensation in your lower belly only became stronger, and so you swam up to Porco, wrapping your arms around his neck and bringing your body flush against him.
To your surprise and excitement, you found him rock hard, his length pressing against your crotch.
“Why, Porco, why didn’t you tell me you needed some attention?” Trailing a hand down his chest and abs, you watched him blush and stutter until you reached your goal, wrapping your hand around his girth through his trunks.
He inhaled sharply and hesitantly placed his hands on your hips. “S-sorry, I didn’t…”
You shook your head and leaned up to kiss him, whispering, “Don’t you worry about it, baby,” before locking your lips with his.
He returned this kiss, his chest heaving as his hands slid up to your waist, pulling you closer to him as you slid your tongue into his mouth, pulling a groan from him.
Reiner stood off to the side, watching this all unfold, and he couldn’t help but palm himself, his cock also hard and ready to be touched.
As if reading his mind, you pulled away from Porco and nodded your head to the side to call Reiner over. “C’mere, big boy, you can join in on this, too.”
His breath hitched as he nodded, wading through the water to stand beside the two of you, watching your eyes as your gaze followed him.
“Why don’t you stand behind me and kiss my neck for a little bit?” You grabbed his hand and dragged him around behind you, and he stood against your back, resting his hands on your hips.
He hesitated, watching you turn back to kiss Porco once more, before leaning his head down and placing his lips on the crook of your neck. His confidence grew as he heard you moaning from his kisses, persuading him to grip your hips tighter and drag his mouth up the length of your neck, his tongue grazing your wet skin.
With one hand wrapped around Porco’s neck, you used the other to take one of Reiner’s beefy hands and guided it up your body until he was cupping your breast, pulling a gasp from him.
You encouraged him to paw at you, squeezing your hand around his, which only brought a smile over your face against Porco’s mouth.
The hotter the kisses got, and as Reiner began to suckle on the skin beneath your ear, you started rutting your hips, your ass grazing his cock, your crotch pressing into Porco’s.
This pulled harmonizing groans from the men, both of them rolling against you in sync with your motions, and you soon pulled your lips from Porco’s, pulling his face against your neck as you turned your head and reached behind you to fist Reiner’s blond locks and brought his mouth to yours, immediately finding his tongue while the man in front of you licked and sucked on your clavicle.
They were making you feel euphoric, like your skin was crawling with pleasure, and you just couldn’t take it anymore. You needed them.
Pushing and pulling them away from you, you slipped out from between them and walked backwards through the water, motioning for them to follow you before turning and gliding up the steps to the balcony floor.
They impatiently followed after you as you walked over to one of the poolside lounge chairs and turned around, reaching out to grab Porco’s hand and dragging him to the chair and sitting him down by his shoulders.
He stared up at you as if you were the moon, his eyes glistening as much as his blown pupils would show, swollen lips parted and trembling.
You straddled his hips and laid him back against the seat, leaning down to kiss him again, this time just a peck. “You’re both doing so good for me,” you whispered, taking his hands and holding them against your hips, pointedly laying his fingers on the ties of your bikini.
He began to pull the bows to untie your bottoms as you rolled your hips over his, drawing a groan out of him as his cock pressed against your clit.
He whimpered your name, leaning his head back as you continued to rock over him and his fingers shook as he continued unlacing your bottoms.
When the strings were free from your hips, you slid your bikini out from beneath you, dropping it at your side and reaching to Porco’s cock, pulling it from his trunks.
He sucked in a deep breath as you pumped him, whining into your mouth, then as you positioned yourself over his tip, you pulled away and stared into his eyes, cupping his cheek with your free hand.
“Doing so good,” you cooed, out of breath. “Are you ready for this pussy, baby?”
He nodded while panting, and when you sank down, taking his dick deep inside of you, he threw his head back with a loud groan and grabbed your hips with a hard grip.
You moaned with him, a large smile over your lips, and you let the both of you adjust before you slowly began to bounce on him.
Reiner, face hot with a furious blush, could only watch his friend get fucked by you. With a shaky hand, he gripped his dick through his trunks and stroked himself.
Not forgetting your other baby, you turned to look at him over your shoulder and purred his name to come closer.
He stepped forward and took your extended hand, confused, but hypnotized by the way your tits bounced as you rode Porco.
“Baby, why don’t you join us?” You moaned as the cock inside you dragged along your walls.
“I-I don’t…” He glanced between the both of you and then watched with wide eyes as you leaned forward, stopping your motions over Porco, and brought your hand around behind you to grab your ass cheek and spread it from the other.
He quickly got the idea and sat behind you on his knees, pushing his trunks down past his hips.
You spit into your palm and reached behind you again to rub it into your puckered hole, then grabbed his hip and pulled him forward.
“When you’re ready, baby.” You gasped and giggled as Porco twitched inside of you.
Oh, he was ready. He placed his hands on your waist above his friend’s hands and pushed his tip against your hole, sheathing himself with your guidance and letting out a shaking groan.
You were so full now, full and satisfied, two thick cocks splitting you open and deep inside of you. They were different in both length and girth, but goddammit did they share a commonality of making you feel so fucking good.
Rocking your hips, you moaned as each of them met up with you, Reiner humping your ass and Porco thrusting up into you.
As you fucked them both, you untied your bikini top with one hand and tossed it with your bottoms, then wrapped your hand around the back of Porco’s neck and pulled his face to your right tit, where he immediately engulfed your nipple with his hot mouth.
Just after that, you brought Reiner’s left hand around to grip your other breast, then let them go to town on your chest just as hastily as they did with your ass and pussy.
It didn’t take long for your orgasm to build up, and you moaned loudly as they fucked you hard, until you snapped and clenched tightly around them both, creaming around Porco, making them grunt and groan around you.
Your holes fluttering around them soon pulled their own climaxes, and they simultaneously shot their loads inside of you, hot and thick as they jerked their hips.
Slowing their paces, they finally pulled out of you, each watching either end of you drip with their cum.
You stood from Porco’s hips with a content sigh and smoothed your wet hair out of your face as you turned towards the balcony door. “Are you boys ready for your check?”
They exchanged glances, embarrassed at the sight of each other’s cocks, and quickly tucked themselves away, following after you to find you still bare-assed, leaning over your kitchen counter as you signed away a hefty check.
“This should be enough, hmm?” You stood straight and flashed the paper to Reiner, whose eyes widened and he nodded fervently.
“Y-yes, ma’am.”
You grinned widely and laid it flat on the counter, glancing over to the large clock on the wall. “Oh, dear,” you tutted before looking over to them again. “It’s getting late. Perhaps you boys should stay the night.” Stepping up to them while fluttering your lashes at them, you placed a hand on each of their chests and slowly rubbed up and down their firm muscles. “What do you say?”
Porco swallowed heavily, carefully placing his hand on yours. “Yes, ma’am.”
You laced your fingers in his and grabbed Reiner’s hand, walking between them while they spun on their heels and you dragged them through your foyer towards the stairs leading up to your bedroom.
Their hungry eyes watched you ass cheeks jiggle with every step, eyeing the way their cum was dripping down the insides of your thighs, and they could feel themselves getting hard again, sharing excited glances to each other.
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Lue Arlert’s 100 Followers First Date Event - CLOSED
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mrsjojokujo · 3 years
I Uh- Guess I'm just gonna claim Pillar Anon until I get courage,,, to throw myself out of anon zone and reveal myself---
And- *aggressively hugs you* 😡👍
Maybe uh-
Platonic, you can decide if its yandere or not, Part 2? With a pillar child of course since- y e s.
These tall people with a tiny person sounds cute djwjwkwkwkwjwk and you write them like a god h$&·($€+
Maybe kars and his if you feel up to writing stinky bird man- he isnt needed but uh- parent pillar men with a baby stroller during battle is,, y es
You can ignore this though uvu.
ah pillar anon i’m so happy you’re back!! it’s always lovely to see you. i obviously have to update you on what tiny pillar child has been doing with the Stardust Crusaders AND talk about big boy Kars.
-Jotaro is definitely the most...tough love out of everyone here
-He might even try putting you in the corner sometimes for timeout
-Also I’m not saying he gives you piggyback rides but...he gives you piggyback rides
-And sometimes...sweets but only if you’re being super sweet and precious
-He just wants to take care of you!!! That’s all!!
-And he even buys you a dolphin plushie
-Kakyoin is very afraid of hurting you to be honest
-He’s afraid of making you cry or scaring you so he is extra, extra gentle with you
-Kakyoin really loves coloring with you, its calm and relaxing
-And he even loves drawing tiny pictures of you, which always make you super happy
-He also loves it when you draw him, he’ll hang it up even if its a little kid drawing
-Kakyoin is just very kind and gentle when it comes to you
-He’s always so excited to spend time with you, giving you piggyback rides and tickling you
-He’s very,,, physical with his attention, always wanting to hug you and bounce you as if you were a baby
-It’s really sweet and wholesome though, Polnareff has always wanted children of his own
-He’ll play whatever you want with you, dollies, cars, tea party, cops and robbers, absolutely anything
-He’ll also sneak you treats, making sure no one knows you’re having too much sugar
-Polnareff really loves you to death and treats you as his own
-Avdol is so sweet and caring and warm, he just wants what’s best for you
-Even though sometimes you mess up his tarot cards
-Avdol will tell you stories from all around the world and of course, you remember them and ask him to tell you them over and over again
-He’s very patient with you too and his voice is so calming
-And yes, Avdol lights candles for you using his Stand to entertain you, why wouldn’t he?
-Joseph is the best dad ever and you literally cannot change my mind so he’s obviously going to be very good with you
-He’s the type to throw you up in the air and then get you stuck in a tree...please get this pillar child down from the tree
-He is ALWAYS sneaking you treats, even though he knows its going to make you hyper
-Joseph will spoil you so much, buying you literally everything and anything that you want
-Pls Joseph do not buy this child more they have too much
And introducing,,, Lord Kars
-He’s surprisingly super sweet, getting you gifts and all the food you could ever want
-He’ll always have you on his lap, hoping that maybe you’ll fall asleep so he can finally put you down for a nap
-He’ll carry you around everywhere, sometimes ever just holding you by one leg upside down
-He also always lets you play with his hair, hissing a bit when you pull on it too hard
-But regardless, Kars loves you so much and he will always take such good care of you 
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rodolfoparras · 7 months
Precious writer, don't be shy. Show the username <33 (but really, sometimes people just can't stay calm by a small mistake) just a reminder that; you're amazing mwah 💕— ✏️/💎
You’re so sweet sugar thank you!🫶🏻 no but really it’s like you could’ve just said it without all the cursing. I absolutely get it can make someone uncomfortable reading something they don’t want to read but mistakes happen I’m just a dude here😭
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ffakc · 3 years
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The Weather Outside is Frightful - a Jeffrey Dean Morgan fanfiction
@negans-attagirl @jdmbbycakes @iluvneganandjamie
“For Rhinebeck, we’re looking at up to five inches per hour! Make sure you’ve got your milk and bread, folks, it’s going to be a doozy!” the weather man proclaimed. My husband changes the channel to our favorite trashy reality TV channel.
“I’d like to get five inches per hour,” I mutter for myself with a smirk and snuggle up under a fuzzy blanket.
“What did you just say?” Jeff laughs.
“Oh, nothing,” I sigh. Jeff is still giggling to himself. My silver fox leans over and growls in my ear.
“If you wanted to have sex, all you had to do was say so,” he kisses my neck with an obnoxious “MWAH!” sound.
“You’re so damn cute,” I try my best to climb onto my husband’s lap.
“How are you so hot even in your jammies, baby girl?” I grab his cheeks and kiss him.
“I don’t feel very hot,” I gesture to my VERY pregnant belly. Jeffrey scoffs.
“Nonsense! You’re carrying OUR child, that’s the most badass thing a lady can do!” he kisses my lips sweetly as he rubs the taut skin, “I love my girls.”
“We love you too, Daddy,” I smile and rock my hips against Jeff’s thigh. I moan with delight.
“Think about it this way, you’re rearranging your organs to bring a life into this world! How cool is that?”
“Jeff, that’s gross,” I laugh.
“I guess you’re right,” he chuckles. “So, what do my gals want for dinner, hm?”
“If I had my way, Pizza Hut stuffed crust. I’ve been craving that for a good week now. But I’m not about to make a delivery driver trek through this,” I climb off my man’s lap and rub his knee.
“Sweetheart, I’ve got a massive four wheel drive. Do you want pizza? I’ll get you pizza,” Jeff smiles, standing up off the couch.
“Yes please, Daddy. You’re so sweet.” I pull up the website on my phone, “What do you want?” I run my fingers over my stomach, which is now growling.
“You know I’m not picky,” Jeff grabs his keys and uses his remote start to warm his beast of a truck.
“Extra red onions, black olives, and sausage then,” I reply, Jeff hands me his card and kisses my forehead. “Ooh, and maybe a syrupy sweet fountain Pepsi?”
“You better be suckin’ on a breath mint then before you get near these lips! Also, Pepsi? Really? Oh, you better be fuckin’ messing with me.” I rest my sore feet on the ottoman and nod as Jeff pets my hair. “Fine, whatever. I’ll get you horse piss.” I laugh. That man is hopelessly addicted to his Coca Cola. “Anything else while I’m out?”
“Maybe a pregnancy test? I’ve been feeling weird lately,” I joke.
“Oh my god, you’re so annoying,” Jeff rolls his eyes with a grin and pulls on his flannel jacket, placing an unlit cigarette between his lips.
“Drive safe! I love you,” I blow him a kiss.
“I love you too, baby girl.”
“That’s your Daddy,” I trace my fingers over my belly, watching a rerun of Grey’s Anatomy that happened to be on. “He’s already wrapped around your little finger and he hasn’t even seen you in person yet,” I giggle. “We are so excited to meet you, baby girl.”
“Dinner is served, darlin’!” Jeff calls out and sets the pizza on the counter. I sit myself up a little straighter. Little flutters ripple across my abdomen.
“Jeff! Babe, come here!” I gesture to my stomach.
“Watching Daddy, hm? Wow, I miss my dark hair,” Jeff laughs and gets to his knees on the floor in front of the couch. I place his hand on my stomach and gently press my hand on top of his.
“Do you feel that? As soon as she heard your voice, she started moving.” Jeff gasps as a wide smile crosses his lips.
“I’m so in love with her already,” he kisses the little lumps where I assume a hand or a foot poked through. “That’s my daughter, my fucking daughter. It’s still so surreal to say. I’ve wanted a little girl for God knows how long,” he lowers his voice to a whisper, “I’ve loved you since the moment Mama said she was pregnant with you. Don’t you break your daddy’s heart, sweet pea.”
“I can’t imagine bringing a child into this world with anyone else,” I reply and kiss my husband deeply. “Alright, I suppose I should get up!” I grab Jeff’s outstretched hand and he pulls me off the couch. I place my pizza on a paper plate. Jeff looks me up and down.
“Look how fucking cute you are, doll. Daddy loves giving his gal what she wants,” my husband remarks and kisses my cheek. I sink my teeth into the greasy pizza and moan with delight. “Is it everything you hoped it would be?”
“God, yes. The grease makes my soul happy,” I laugh. Jeff sits on the barstool at the kitchen counter.
“So, umm, yeah,” my husband clears his throat. “Usually I couldn’t give two shits what people say on social media, but...” Jeff heaves a heavy sigh. “I was scrolling through Twitter while waiting for pizza and I saw a few comments here and there about how I’m too old for this,” he places a hand on my stomach.
“That’s stupid,” I roll my eyes.
“They say I’m too old for you too,” he grabs his phone and adjusts his bifcocals, “‘Jeffrey Dean Morgan’s going to be 72 when that kid graduates and his sugar baby’s going to be 42. You ever think about how weird that is? Ew. Poor kid.’ I keep telling myself it do-“ a single tear falls down his face as he places his phone back on the counter.
“It doesn’t matter, Jeffrey,” I cup his cheek my hand and kiss him. “Aww, baby, come here,” I hold his head against my chest. “You already cherish this baby with every ounce of love you have and that’s literally all our girl could ask for, is a Mommy and Daddy who want nothing more than to love her with all their hearts. Age is but a number, sweetheart. My dad was older when he had us kids and it didn’t affect his parenting one single bit. Also, calling me a sugar baby when anyone who follows me on any social media platform knows I never shut the fuck up about how much I love my husband.” Jeff laughs to himself. “I’d have to be in REALLY deep with the sugar baby thing if I let my sugar daddy put a living, breathing child inside me.”
“Yeah, you are absolutely right,” Jeff sniffles and kisses me. “They can call me ‘old’ all the live long day, but coming for my incredible wife and unborn child? I don’t take too kindly to that. That hurts. I swear, I think your pregnancy hormones are affecting me too,” he teases and flicks his tears away.
“I don’t blame you! That shit is rude and uncalled for!” I exclaim and take a bite of pizza. “Sorry, I got distracted,” I wipe my mouth with a napkin. “What can I say? I’m eating for two.”
“You are indeed,” Jeff smiles, he murmurs something to himself and gives my backside a squeeze. He nibbles his pizza.
“What’s that, Daddy?” I look up at him with innocent eyes and take a long sip of my drink.
“I said, ‘that ass’,” You’ve gotten so curvy, baby. Pregnancy looks real good on you. Who gave you the right to be so damn sexy?” I wiggle my hips as wetness pools between my thighs. “You’re lucky I don’t just shove this pizza off the counter and fuck you right here.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” I smirk. I pull down my top slightly, revealing my overgrown and engorged breasts.
“Baby doll,” Jeff whines. I run my fingers over the zipper of his jeans, earning a moan from my gorgeous older man. He places one veiny, strong hand on my hip and the other in my hair as he kisses me deeply. His hand travels to my belly as his breath shudders against my lips.
“I love these new curves,” Jeff groans. “Why does this big, round pregnant belly turn me on so much?”
“Because you know it means you bred me so good?” I suggest, squeezing my breasts together. “Making my tits bigger, making my hips wider.”
“God yes. What can I do to make my gal feel good tonight?”
“Well, I’ve had another craving that isn’t pizza,” I trail my fingers down his chest, “A hot, steamy shower with my hands in your hair and your mouth on my needy, wet pussy. Oh Daddy, I need you.”
“Oh my,” Jeff clicks his tongue, his face flushing slightly, “You know how much I love devouring that sweet pussy. I could do that all day, every day if you’d let me.”
“I’d let you!” I pipe up, and Jeff laughs, dunking his crust in pizza sauce. “Just don’t put any pepper flakes on your pizza,” I wink and Jeff laughs even harder.
“Good lord, you really think I’d do that to you?”
“I don’t know, maybe! Now, let’s finish dinner, dessert is waiting for you,” I rub my husband’s shoulders and he lets out a satisfied groan. I throw my plate in the trash, “I’ll meet you in the shower,” I whisper against his ear. Jeff shoves the rest of his food in his mouth and chases after me. I crank the shower up as hot as it can go, Jeff grabs me by the waist from behind and rubs against me as he kisses my neck. I can feel how hard he is in his fitted jeans. I slip out of my clothes and my husband does the same, his cock throbbing as he slides out of his underwear.
“Look at what you do to me,” Jeff gestures downward.
“Oops,” I step under the water. I brush two fingers over my clit and whimper, then offer them to Jeff. He sucks them seductively. “Look what you do to ME.”
“Fuck girl, you taste so sweet,” his hands rest on my pregnant belly as I wrap my arms around his neck as we kiss.
“I need to sit down,” I remark and bite my lip. I sit back on the shower bench.
“That’s my good girl. You sit back and relax, pull my hair, and let Daddy enjoy himself. Don’t you move a muscle, let me do all the work, sweetheart,” Jeff ghosts his hot breath against me, smirking up at me. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He lets out a low growl of pleasure.
“You tease,” I whine, “Please Daddy, please. I need it, Jeffrey.” Jeff buries his face in what’s his. The water falls softly against his tanned skin.
“You taste so damn GOOD, girl,” Jeff rasps. A little bit of Negan slipped out with that statement. He breathes heavily as his mouth overtakes my most sensitive parts. His fingers curl inside me. My whole body jerks.
“Jeff! Oh my god!” I gasp. My silver fox groans loudly.
“Oh Princess, I want to make you scream. I want you to make an absolute fucking mess on my face,” he spreads my legs as far as my exhausted body can go and circles my throbbing clit with his ever-flickering tongue. God, what a talented tongue my gorgeous husband has.
“Jeffrey! Jeffrey, oh fuck! I’m so close, baby. Please, baby. Please, I need you so damn bad,” I plead, grasping onto his graying locks. He sucks gently as if I’m his favorite lollipop and smirks up at me. “FUCK!” I cry out, “JEFF! OH MY FUCKING GOD!” I can’t hold back, profanity and filthy, wet mouth sounds fill the air. My orgasm hits me like a powerful earthquake, a tidal wave of pure ecstasy. As if a surge of lightning coursed through my entire body. Jeff pants, planting soft kisses on my inner thighs. I stroke his hair as he kisses me passionately, my legs still trembling.
“Was is it as good for you as it was for me?” Jeff smiles.
“Oh god, better than I could have ever imagined, Daddy. I love you so damn much,” I breathe heavily.
“I love you more than anything. You make me the luckiest, Mrs. Morgan.”
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
Can we please discuss Baby Bucky's praise kink? Because I am Here. For. It. I love that it absolutely does as much for him as the dirty talk 🥰 Love that Steve knows it, and pulls it out at exactly the right moment to make Bucky blush and squirm. I keep thinking about the fact Bucky will now have a pavlovian response to Steve praising him, imagine them out and about, maybe at a meal with friends, and Steve says something nice about Bucky and Bucky just goes 😳😍🥰
GOSH this has me so soft and I want to be soft rn. 
Bucky’s praise kink is so so real. Steve noticed it literally during their first interaction in that bar, that blush and that slow blink and that bashful look to the floor. It makes Steve feel some type of way, makes him want to see it more, is already addicted to wanting to make Bucky feel all sorts of good. 
And can I genuinely say that I am seriously so happy you brought this up in a non-sexual way? Like I know that’s what I write and what we focus on so much (and it’s definitely part of their sex life) but Steve showering Bucky with praise elsewhere is so so important and so fucking adorable. 
Bucky gets As on his Midterms or Finals? Steve takes him out for a dinner of Bucky’s choice and shouts his praise and confidence in Bucky over the phone when he calls Steve. Oh gosh, the big bear hug that Steve wraps him up in when he gets home that night?? Bucky feels like he’s on Cloud 9. 
“I’m so proud of you, Buck, you’re so smart, fuck. No I’m so serious, sugar-- you did that. You’re double majoring and you did that. You should be so proud of yourself.” 
Small little casual praise too:
“You did the laundry, Buck? Thank you, baby that’s so sweet of you.” 
“Breakfast for dinner? What is it, my birthday? Goddamn, you’re the best. Oh shit, french toast?! Buck! What did I do to deserve you?” 
“What? No, nothing. No really, Buck! You just...you get so passionate when you talk about some things and I love listening to you articulate your thoughts. Keep going.” 
“Shit, you in glasses is too much, baby, I can’t look at ya. C’mere...”
“Alright, alright I’ll admit it-- this playlist is really good. I know! I wasn’t sure about Halsey but you sold me, alright?” 
“Oh fuck...sugar, look at you. Gimme a spin. How am I supposed to keep my hands off of you all night when I’m supposed to pay attention and kiss ass? Shit, Buck the navy blue brings out your eyes, aww fuck. C’mere. No we got time, c’mon. I know, I know--no marks. Wouldn’t mind givin’ you somethin’ that let’s people know you’re mine though...” 
(I had to throw that in there even though tit is a little more sexual, heh)
I think the most important thing to take note of is that the praise outside of the bedroom is almost more important than the praise during sex. The casual praise and domestic praise is what makes the sexual praise that much more meaningful, is what helps Bucky believe the sexual praise. The sexual praise is nice but after a while and without any other sort of praise it becomes hollow. 
Bucky believes Steve’s praise in the bedroom because the praise in other settings solidifies that, amps the sexual praise up. It helps him realize that he is worthy of the sweet words no matter the setting. It makes him realize Steve does love him for more than just his body, which was always a worry at first. 
We know the sexual praise does crazy things to Bucky though. He does get that blush and that whole “No, Steve quit it” but sexual praise is something else entirely for the two of them. I love the idea you brought up of Steve whispering things into Bucky’s ear while out at dinner. It is very Steve, to give a subtle (or not so subtle lol) reminder that Bucky is his baby and that Daddy loves him more than anything. 
A little thigh squeeze and maybe a simple, “You know I love you?” or a not so simple, “Want you to start thinkin’ about how you wanna take Daddy’s cock when we get home ‘cause I can’t stop thinkin’ about takin’ you apart. Lookin’ so pretty tonight...” in his ear. Bucky would get a little soft, would look up at Daddy with such sweet foggy eyes, would tilt his chin asking for a kiss. 
It’s Bucky who gets the praise but it’s Steve who eats that shit up. 
I adored this Ask and adore you and mwah, wow this made my night. 
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here lies the teacourse
(all asks I get regarding the teacourse will be added to this post) 
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@pen-guino​ you’re right and you should say it 
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@multishipping-goodness​ babe... it’s too sweet. I’ve worked in restaurants where we made sweet tea and the amount of sugar put in it is, frankly, quite horrifying. I’m just here for the leaf juice. 
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@queerandchaotic​ your friend was correct 
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@salaamdreamer​ so this is coming from the perspective of a barista who does in fact make and sell boba tea. Boba tea is milk based tea usually accompanied with tapioca or popping juice pearls. It’s gross. I hate making it. The people who order it are insufferable. Matcha is a type of really strong green tea that is one of the powders my store sells as a boba tea (and as a latte). 
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I’m sorry babe, I hate boba tea with a fiery passion. In all ways: iced, blended, with tapioca, with popping pearls. My work ruined any chance of me having a good relationship with boba tea. 
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I..... what. (I got this ask, closed my laptop, and put my head in my hands for like a good two minutes). 
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Disagree, but that’s just personal preference. I really only think milk is good in chai tea (but I know that’s a cultural thing too so, to each their own). 
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@queazyy​ I have not and if I can be honest, I have absolutely no desire to try it upon looking it up. The stuff in the middle looks like shrek’s earwax. 
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You are, but it’s evil little tea balls. Squishy squashy little nightmare pearls. I cannot imagine actually enjoying the feeling of them in your mouth. 
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I have. My work has a bunch of types and I had to try them all when we first got them. My hatred is not unfounded, trust me. 
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@mooneryder​ uuhhhhhhhhh you’re so fucking valid babe 
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@chinch-bug-shitposts​ you know..... I really want to know what grassy-fish is as a flavor and I’m slightly concerned for your friend. 
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@fineline-golden​ I’m so sorry. There goes Starbucks. Ruining the party again. 
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me and like 50 other people: matcha is gross and basically dirt milk 
@littlebean7​ : you know??? that just makes me want to try it more. 
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@amateurwordbender​ see, I just appreciate that you didn’t try to sway me like some other people. You get me babe. The Boba Tea Karens just poisoned my relationship with the stuff. And no one knows what the hell they’re talking about when they order it. They’ll just come up like “do you have boba tea” “yes we do” “okay, we’ll have two of those” “..... can you be more specific?? Like any more details would be nice???” *proceeds to explain everything about boba tea because these people don’t know what the hell they’re ordering* 
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@notyourtypicalantagonist​ I’m very sorry you’re going through this, I hope it’s a phase, but I still appreciate you regardless of your “”””””tea””””” preferences. 
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@tis-i-the-nerdy-nerd​ I’m a bean juice FIEND. With no exaggeration I drink black coffee all day long. The amount of cold brew and nitro brew I drink on a daily basis should honestly be concerning. Tea is my drink for wanting to feel good at the end of the day, coffee is just what I drink all day long. 
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@kronkkalimba it’s generally my preference for my tea to not have food in it??? So nah. 
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@manyfandoms121702​ I’m not gonna lie, that fact is like 60% of the reason I don’t want to read the comics
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@rad-rarely-writes​ *beleaguered sigh* boba... 
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@fizzingwhizzbies​ I haven’t tried it, but I might if I get the chance 
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@calming-calamitea I’m always going to recommend chai (with cinnamon and nutmeg), I don’t think it’s like black tea really. also W HY. WHY ON ALL FRONTS. 
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@gaia-writes-stuff​ I’m so sorry babe. 
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@multishipping-goodness​ why??????? 
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@agentbethanyofshield​ this seems to be consensus from the Mormons that follow me
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@younggayanddoingokay​ resepctable, but have you considered blueberry tea??? with lemon?? it’s worth it 
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@general-yolo​ babe I had a dirty chai latte today with cinnamon, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, and pumpkin spice and it was mwah, chef’s kiss (it’s me, I’m the chef, someone kiss me)  
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see I get the grass thing but the fish??? I still do not get that
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kuviras-eyeliner · 4 years
Hi! If matchups r still open could I please get one for atla and lok? That's me in my PFP, but I'm a 5'4 straight girl! I'm a Sagittarius, Slytherin, and ENTP. I love sports, i actually wrestled in hs, and theater/singing. I also won a pageant for a fun fact lmfao. I love writing, coping w humor, and animals. I'm sarcastic and reckless but somehow still the m friend. I can take care of anyone but myself basically jssjfjfk. Uhhhh and im epileptic and ADHD. You could probably tell tho 😹
Aww, I love this ask so much it’s so sweet xD! Ofc you can have a matchup :D
I match you with...
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That’s right, all aboard the @kyleewrites x Zuko ship! I’m totally in love with your ask! I love how much you’re not afraid to express yourself and what you believe in and how open you are about everything. I personally love ENTP’S (they’re Sokka’s MBTI type d;) and this ask just warmed my heart! I think Zuko would be such a great match for you, for quite a lot of reasons, actually! Zuko wouldn’t be one to sing that much, and he wouldn’t be too outgoing either, but around you, he’d be willing to make an exception-- so maybe he isn’t sugar-sweet all the time, and maybe he does in fact struggle to control his temper. But that’s where you come in, because the moment he sees you smile, all his worries melt away. He loves how much you sing and how you’re not afraid to express yourself! You firmly believe in what you stand for and you’re open-minded towards everything, which is definitely a plus. He knows you aren’t the absolute goddess queen that’s 100 percent perfect, but he loves you either way because of your optimistic energy, even when you’re saying quite sarcastic things. He loves that you feel comfortable enough to talk to everyone about your problems and how opinionated you can be-- I definitely think Zuko would also look up to you a lot. He’d probably view you as one of his best friends, and then finally decide, “oh frick, I’m in love with you.” Zuko would be the type of person to understand exactly what you’re going through and when, and listen, he will literally never let go of you. He’ll probably suddenly become a flustered, nervous mess around you and the two of you would be absolutely perfect-- *(screams*: MWAH, CHEFS KISS PEOPLE-)
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Congratulations, you just won over the heart of a pro earth bender! I can totally tell that you’re down to earth, real, and honest and he always, always goes to you for advice. Quite a lot of people forget that he's human as well, not just a jokester, and he can always tell what's going on in your head. He's sweeter with you, and he also opens a lot more. You and Mako are the only people of a hundred who have seen both sides of Bolin, I assume? You see the comedic, strong leader side, and the side that's quite insecure and confusing, as well as even a bit anxious. He loves that part of you, whenever you're always open to talk to him. Even though you may be wise, if you’re like me, you can also be very much anxious and insecure, always worrying about if you can live up to anyone's expectations. And when you want the thoughts in your head to stop and to just relax, Bolin is there to help. He loves you for you, and he's always there to quiet those thoughts. He is so convinced that you're literally the sweetest angel in the world, and he will do anything and everything to protect you and your well-being. Bolin is the sweetest little cinnamon roll and deserves the world!
Thank you so much for your ask, @kyleewrites! I really appreciate it <3 You literally sound like someone I could talk to hours about everything. Stay safe, and don’t forget to take care of yourself :)
And also, thank you for asking! I really do put a lot of thought into these and take time to make it as thoughtful as possible, as well as comparing MBTI’s and different personality types and attributes. It’d mean the world to me if even just one tap, just a like would come from anyone :) You don’t even need to say thank you (because you guys are just that amazing).Yay!! <3 Thank you so much <hugs!>
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