#absurd youtube vlog
youtubevlogger · 6 months
Absurd YouTube Videos
Don't miss Clive Omelet's absurd YouTube videos on his funny YouTube vlog channel. https://www.youtube.com/@CliveOmelet
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chuplayswithfire · 2 years
has anyone proposed the mini golf au, where ed is a professional golfer, like with real life-size golf, and stede's mid-life crisis is buying and redesigning a mini-golf course, because he's always liked the whimsy of it, the fun it breathes into a game he's always been forced to play by his father but never enjoyed.
but stede's new course is very... stede, and there's a lot of passion but not a lot of skill put in, and his early designs have all sorts of unique and terrible problems, and stede eventually gets it into his head that what he really needs is a golf guide.
ed finds out about stede through social media buzz, and eventually follows the youtube account (because of course stede made a youtube account. that's what he hired lucius to do: make his vlogs) and it gives him just - constant joy. it is the funniest, silliest thing in the world, watching this bizarre little man with his absurd mini golf course that is still the most fun ed's had with the world of golf in years.
he has to meet him.
its a good thing stede needs a golf guide, huh?
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aksually2008 · 1 year
aksel's guide to relaxing media
A lot of people have asked me to compile a list of my go-to depressing/dooming media, but I feel it would be irresponsible to give you that without an antidote.
Maybe this will be of help to you on an anxious night and instead of smoking a cigarette you'll turn to this or maybe its a nice cozy afternoon and you need something to maintain that feeling.. either way here's stuff that I consume on those days:
Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep
This is something I have recommended to most of my friends at this point and if you ever give me the opportunity I'll probably talk your ear off about this man. I have a very special affinity towards this video, as it randomly found me on a particularly stressful quarantine night and boy am I glad it did.
I'm not gonna talk about it too much further, but if you're feeling a little bit lost or anxious, even after my 250 watches of this, I end up feeling a little bit better. If you like it make sure to check out his show, Joe Pera Talks With You on hbomax as it's one of my favourite shows ever!! The episodes are short and easy to digest :)
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How to With John Wilson
It's hard for me to exactly describe this show, it's just one of those things you have to see for yourself to fully understand the appeal of it. For the most part, this show uses street footage of New York City and interviews with average everyday New Yorkers to convey some kind of narrative, usually disguised as a tutorial(hence the "how to"). There's a lot of absurdity, laughter and sometimes it plays with your emotions a bit, but sometimes it's nice to just unwind and learn about the insane industry of scaffolding in NYC.
Come and Visit Us Again
Okay, so this is probably one of the most niche things here.. Considering that it has 205 views as of me writing this and it's in estonian with no captions available.(Maybe someday I'll translate it)
As far as I can tell, it is a documentary short made by Liis Nimik, who at the time was a film school student. It follows the day-to-day of a village grocery store cashier and her interactions with the people who visit her store everyday.
Moms, dads, scary little kids and village bums.. It has it all and serves as this kind of a sweet time capsule of one particular week in this one Estonian village. I will admit this is probably extra comforting for me as I grew up near a village similar to this that also had a store just like this one. In a small village, the people who work at the local grocery store really become apart of your everyday life and I loved to see it captured like this.
I feel like even if you don't understand Estonian, it's nice background noise.
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Malcom in the Middle
Need I say more?
If you know me, you know I'm a fiend for comforting youtube personalities. Here are some of my favorites:
Steve Wallis
Even if you aren't particularly interested in camping, you'll still probably enjoy these videos. Steve is probably one of the sweetest dudes I've found on YouTube and he really knows how to keep a conversation. All in all, just nice to throw on if you just wanna disconnect for 30 minutes
Shirley Curry
I've loved Shirley's stuff for years now. She calls her viewers her grandkids and posts vlogs & let's plays. I think that covers the gist of it.
Featureman a.k.a. Tom Willett
This is an older gentleman, who for the most part shows you different meals that he makes & tells you stories about his time as an actor in the 1980s. Every video feels like you're visiting your grandpa.
I found them quite recently, but they're quickly turning into my favourite Youtube channel. Videos of trainhopping, which are so well shot and the music choices are soooooo gooooood. Every travel vlog should have a mandatory requirement of at least (1) shoegaze song.
Roger Hance
Found this guy randomly on my recommended and him only having 4k subs feels like a crime. He's a bird photographer, who vlogs his outings and talks about all the little birds he sees. super cute.
Below are a couple of playlists and tracks I recommend for this occasion:
Mixture of ambient tracks and just relaxing instrumentals. There's no vocals. During the summer, I would always listen to this if I was sitting in a park or doodling.
This is just some of my favourite ambient tracks. If you've never really listened to ambient music before, check this out I guarantee you'll like it.
I have fallen asleep to this so many times that sometimes i just constantly hear it in the back of my head. Maybe thats not a comforting thought but it helps me sleep so that's a price I am willing to pay.
That's about it though.. I didn't include everything, because this is already pretty long and I have to keep some things secret, but I hope you find use in some of this. bye
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banannabethchase · 5 months
Youtube influencer AU. who's doing book reviews, who's shilling skincare and cosmetics, who does urban exploring vlogs and keeps getting caught breaking into abandoned buildings?
Oh I like this one! They're all like early 20s in this because I feel like that would lean into the most chaotic dynamics.
Matt is essentially still doing BTE, but from a fan perspective. He's got really absurd wigs and pretends to be certain wrestlers. He gets actual wrestlers as a guest sometimes, but people from his local indies mostly. He also has a slice of life vlog from time to time where he expresses his frustrations about his younger brother's antics, who is...
Nick Jackson: Cryptid Annihilator. He has not gotten within 10 feet of let alone annihilated even a single squirrel. He's convinced he can tempt Mothman with a siren call, which is a "ba CAW!" you can hear from time to time in the background of Matt's videos. He has more than once expressed that his life's goal is to get railed by Mothman, but he's willing to simply meet a cryptid. The closest he got was running into Bryan Danielson, famed yoga youtuber, when he was doing yoga in the woods and Nick was on the hunt for Bigfoot. But that ended with him in a headlock, so he kind of pretends it never happened.
Adam Page is a climate and nature vlogger. His main focus is on sharing the damage climate change has done to areas over time, but his most popular video is an attempt at a collaboration with Nick. Mid video, the two of them started arguing over whether or not Mothman was real or a fictionalized rationalization of climate change until Matt, who was hanging out in the other room, stomped in and yelled, "Would you two just kiss already?!" They've been together 3 years and have not stopped arguing with each other and Matt. He's also in a mild war with Bryan for best nature vlogger because he doesn't think being half naked in the woods counts as nature vlogging.
Daniel Garcia is a gossip/sports blogger. Mainly, he and his best friend Zay shit talk everybody as much as they want and there's never any backlash because the two of them are so goddamned charming in person everybody gives up. Daniel is also an insufferable flirt, which probably has something to do with it. There's rumors he's been spotted in the background of Renee Paquette's wrestling vlog in the indie promotion she runs with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley, but nobody can prove it was him making out with Eddie in that two-frame shot in the background.
They all meet up at a con one summer and shit gets...weird. Nick thinks he spots Mothman, jumps him, and knocks the head off only to reveal a dude with dark hair and a weird little smile. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?" Wheeler Yuta, frequent commenter and viewer of all the previously discussed vlogs. "Can't a dude cosplay?" Matt helps Wheeler clean up and finds rants about Mothman and steel drums and cryptids far more appealing when they're coming from a guy this cute.
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oswednesday · 8 months
the youtube video block if you refuse to watch ads or have an ad blocker is so insane when its like a site people use to vlog on and how a sizeable portion of youtube still is like the paying majority are doing tv twitch streaming career channel running but most people still use it to like upload a yard sale flip project or talk about a trip, thats insane, i know a lot of social media is doing it this but could you imagine if you were on dA and it was like get premium if you want to access the site at all after looking at three pieces of art like, what are you talking about? after you read three posts on tumblr you need tumblr premium to access the website at all like?? get a grip?? youtube is still even with all the money and the mainstreaming considered weird compared to like tiktok like this is just absurd this has more in common with somethingawful's paywall than anything legitimized
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valeffelees · 1 year
For your ask game-the new upload one!? (Also-the others look great-I’d read them)
thank you kindly, i really appreciate that. 😄💕
New Upload (working title) is an idea i've only started toying around with very recently, within the last month i'd say. i love social media/texting fics an absurd amount, like if i am scrolling on AO3 and i see a textfic my eyes turn to hearts and boing from my head like a cartoon character, they're really just my favourite thing.
so, i mean.
of course i had to write my own, yeah? LOL, so New Upload is a post-Watford AU in which everything ends the same, except that Simon and Baz never made their truce. the story takes place a year and a half after the events of the White Chapel. Baz is in university, living alone, and he hasn't seen Simon Snow since before he left for Christmas break eighth year. and so one day Baz is in his flat, doing homework with YouTube auto-rolling in the background when, against all fucking odds, he somehow manages to stumble across a tiny YouTube channel where Simon Snow has been keeping a weekly vlog for the last six months.
there is going to be narrative, but i'm also going to attempt to tell a very large part of the story exclusively through Baz watching Simon's vlogs, the comment section, Twitter, and DMs.
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1989xtaylorsversion · 6 months
emma macdonald rant
this is something that's been quite noticeable for months now, but it's been a long time since i've come across a lifestyle vlogger as lazy, unmotivated, uninspired, and borderline dispassionate as emma. she is a lifestyle vlogger who struggles to make content of even the most basic aspects of her life. in her "i'm back" vlog from two weeks ago, she straight up verbally recaps her day, and says she "didn't feel like showing" the things she did... does she realize that people want to SEE her doing these "work" things she talks about, and not watch a 10 minute clip of her talking about getting back into hot pilates and yoga, and being in her gym era while driving around? also, obviously the chatty vlogs are nice, but she has a podcast... so her and maggie can chit chat. why doesn't she show her day in her vlogs, and save some of the chatty segments for the podcast? at least then the podcast might be worth a listen.
the worst part is when people comment and tell her that her content is boring, because it is, she just comments back "don't watch it then." i'm not even kidding, she replied to a yt comment with those exact words. i'm sure some people are too harsh (check the reddit threads, yikes), and it must not feel great to receive criticism for something that she's been doing for six years, but wake up, girl. she's hemorrhaging followers and supporters. her views and comments seem to be less than normal, and yet none of that is enough to make her realize that she needs to improve her channel. also, you'd think after six years she'd have mastered her craft, especially when it's as easy as picking up a camera, filming her life, and sending it off to an editor to deal with. but, it seems like as more time goes on, the more she puts her only job on the back burner. and i say only job because let's not act like she puts more effort into her tiktok or instagram content either. i'd get it if this was just a dry spell in her life and she's just having an uneventful few months, but this seems to be it for her. and i can't even imagine what it'll be like after she gets married.
i watch a lot of lifestyle vloggers and from those individuals, the macdonald sisters are arguably two of the most boring ones. maggie a little less so because even if she stays home all the time, at least she puts in more effort and genuinely puts her heart into it. i give her more of a pass because for some reason i still enjoy her content, and i actually believe that maggie has an undying passion for youtube. i haven't felt that from emma in ages. it's just sad seeing someone with an amazing platform and cushy job waste it and basically insult her audience by not even putting 30% of effort into it. also, doesn't emma have an editor? what exactly are her and her team doing that causes her to upload a pre-filmed video like two months later?? i don't understand how someone who does virtually nothing but wake up, go to the gym or pilates, makes simple meals, and travels with her nba fiance, is so tired and exhausted all the time.
for all the shit paige lorenze has received over the years, i will say that she is one of the most entertaining and creative youtubers on the platform right now, specifically in her little niche. her content is truly a breath of fresh air, and most importantly, she too seems to put her heart and soul into the content she creates. say what you want about her, i know i've critiqued her, but she has shown what dedication and passion could look like. it's just ironic that someone who started on the platform years after emma is surpassing her in terms of content quality and quantity by an absurd amount.
i think observing her peers would do emma some good because they are the ones who are going to surpass her and leave her in the dust when more and more people realize that listening to her talking about the gym 24/7 isn't exciting anymore. she's getting married and can't even make more interesting content based on that. not that her channel should become entirely bridal based, but considering getting married has become half of her personality, you'd think she'd milk it for more content. idk if everyone around her is just constantly congratulating her and telling her how hard-working she is, therefore leading her to have this deluded sense of self, but i just can't imagine being proud of this kind of job performance. this trajectory is just sad because she started out so passionate about youtube, and well... here we are.
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
i think david dobrik is a really good example of the way laws basically function as suggestions for rich people and i think it’s especially interesting that his vlogs and his content basically just document that phenomenon. all of his videos and his stunts (most of which are dangerous) are cause for arrest, if not a citation. not to mention, he documented ON VIDEO nearly killing one of his friends with an INDUSTRIAL CRANE, posted it on the internet, and faced ZERO legal consequences except for his friend suing him for 10M dollars (which is a PERSONAL legal choice... not a state ordained one). 
I just think that david dobrik is a really interesting look into the sheer difference with the way the law treats rich people vs how it treats everyone else. and it’s all documented on film... on his youtube channel. it’s absurd to me. 
the next time u think that the law sees everyone equally... all it takes to prove that wrong is a glance at the shit he puts on his channel. 
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kosagum · 2 years
press start
chapter 1 — kenma kozume/tetsurou kuroo · fluff & angst · 1.6k words
summary: in which kenma is a shut-in youtuber and kuroo is a delivery boy. ↳ next
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one more.
kenma kozume flicked his mouse and clicked — right on time, as he shot an enemy moving toward him from behind.
he was in top form tonight. manipulating his avatar with ease across the battlefield, kenma moved in leaps and bounds as he took out enemies coming toward him left and right. he squinted at his screen, his gaze far too intense for… what was it now? a glance at the toolbar on his computer read 3:41 am.
kenma turned his attention back to the game, a first-person shooter that had been getting popular in the past few weeks — a game that his subscribers on youtube had been calling on him to play.
he never thought he would gain popularity on youtube - enough for him to afford his own apartment in his first year of university. Or that his personality, of all things, was the reason for that popularity. under the username kodzuken, kenma started off by releasing videogame let’s plays and reviews in his free time, eventually expanding to q&as and the occasional vlog. His audience had become a community, and kenma found himself uploading more and more over time to meet its demands.
and it looked like his next upload was going to be a let’s play.
one more, just one more -
the doorbell rang.
kenma flinched in alarm, and his momentary lapse in concentration was enough for the surrounding enemies to swarm him. kenma leaned back into his chair, scowling in frustration at his computer as his avatar on-screen was hit by a bomb, defeated in an explosion that sent arcs of light and color ricocheting across kenma’s apartment.
the doorbell rang again, and then again. kenma rubbed his eyes as he stood up, groaning at the abrasiveness of the noise crashing through his ears at this late into the night. he shuffled to the door of his apartment, grumbling incoherently in response to the disturbance that had cost him the stage.
for kenma, nights like tonight weren’t always spent gaming until daybreak — not even in high school, a time when the size of his youtube channel was nothing in comparison to the hundreds of thousands of subscribers he had now. at some point, days studying turned into nights gaming, and textbooks on game theory hid under stacks of notes about content, content, content. when he moved to tokyo for university, something changed.
opening the door to his apartment, kenma was met with the chest of a man wearing what looked like a uniform. kenma narrowed his eyes at the company labeled on his uniform’s shirt, disoriented before remembering oh, that’s right; he’d ordered takeout.
“you answered!” kenma winced at the enthusiasm in the delivery guy’s voice. it was far too late in the night - or early in the morning? - for human interaction. “kozume kenma-san, right? i’m new, so i wasn’t sure if i had the right place.”
you have the right place, alright. kenma thought irritably, humming an indication that the reason behind the end of kenma’s win streak indeed had the right place. as kenma was pulling out his wallet, his eyes flitted to the delivery guy’s name tag.
kuroo. his name is kuroo.
“a bit late to be eating dinner,” he commented, as kenma fumbled through change and receipts littered throughout his wallet.
kenma stopped. his gaze moved up from his wallet to look the delivery guy in the face. the brightness of the hallway blared bright shades of white and gold into his eyes, and it took kenma a second to adjust to the sudden rush of light after a long night of gaming.
the first thing that stood out to kenma was the guy’s hair. did he use gel? mousse? whatever it was, it made him look absurd. dark, black hair sticking up in odd angles, in odd places - partially hanging over… what color was that? hazel. hazel eyes. he looked like he was around kenma’s age. a slight smirk was playing on his face, much to kenma’s annoyance.
“a bit late to be annoying customers,” kenma responded flatly, his attention returning back to his wallet.
he blinked in surprise at kenma’s retort, before his face split back into a smirk. “just trying my hand at customer-to-business relations. how did i do?”
disruptive, like that explosion. yet despite himself, kenma found himself fighting a smile.
“stay in foodservice,” kenma replied as he swiped his card across the mobile card reader, biting the inside of his cheek in the effort of hiding his amusement.
“foodservice, kozume-san!” he half-stepped back, mouth agape in false indignation. “after i graciously delivered — ”
“and while you’re at it,” kenma continued, trying to ignore him as he tucked his card back into his wallet and grabbed his order from kuroo’s outstretched arm. “knock next time… kuroo.”
at the sound of a beep from the reader, kenma closed the door in kuroo’s face. exhaling with a sigh, kenma dropped the food in his arms onto a table nearby before making his way to one of the many windows lining his apartment walls. lifting it open, kenma felt the night breeze blow past him, bringing with it the sounds of rushing crowds and distant traffic. the soft glow of the streetlights below him casting light into the darkness. the smell of fresh takeout wafting throughout his apartment. the early morning hours after a long night of gaming. the feeling of solitude after that conversation with… what was his name? ah, right.
kenma smiled to himself, recalling the look on kuroo’s face when he called his name. a mixture of surprise and curiosity. as annoying as he was, his company was… warm. he guessed. he guessed that it was a nice change from the cold of his apartment on nights like these.
he also guessed that maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t actually mind a next time.
outside, lights were flickering out across the city skyline. from where he was, kenma could make out kuroo’s silhouette mounting a moped and driving into the night. his previous frustrations dissipating as the night stilled, kenma turned away from the window, settling back into his chair and starting up his computer once more.
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“you again.”
he was pulling yet another all-nighter. a knock at his apartment door had led to kenma opening it, eager for the delivery of his first and only meal of the day — only to be met with that too-familiar lopsided grin and unruly hair.
“well,” kuroo chuckled, holding out kenma’s order with a smirk. “you did say ‘next time,’ kozume-san.”
it had been a few days since he’d first met kuroo — if meeting someone for the first time meant insults thrown back and forth and closing the door in kuroo’s face. someone like kuroo was new to kenma, someone who was… familiar. overwhelmingly familiar. rolling his eyes, he took his order with a huff; kenma must be imagining the warmth behind his eyes, and the way he held kenma’s order - amongst others - with care. 
“couldn’t they have sent someone else?” kenma grumbled, swiping his card across kuroo’s card reader. “someone who doesn’t make me lose a game whenever they knock at my door?”
“a game?” kuroo cocked his head to the side, the smirk on his face softening to a smile. “what kind of game?”
kenma flinched; he didn’t mean to let that slip.
“uh…,” kenma muttered, his voice growing quieter as he looked away. god, this was embarrassing. kuroo must be embarrassed for him; kenma would be.
kenma stole a glance at kuroo’s face, fully expecting a look of pity, or worse - mockery. But kuroo’s smile was… warm. full of genuine curiosity.
he actually wants to know.
the thought made kenma’s embarrassment fade into comfort, as he turned to look back up at kuroo’s face.
“a videogame. it was a videogame,” he finished tentatively. to kenma’s surprise, kuroo’s eyes lit up in eagerness.
“a videogame, huh?” kuroo hummed playfully, tapping a finger on his chin for… effect, kenma gathered. “how about you teach me how to play it sometime?”
kenma hadn’t thought of it before. of befriending kuroo, outside of takeout deliveries and derisive conversation. looking at kuroo now, he realized that he might, might not hate the thought. 
“i don’t even know your first name,” kenma confessed, his voice soft with sincerity.
now kuroo was surprised, pausing before giving a response. “it’s tetsurou,” he replied, eyes widened. “kuroo tetsurou.”
kuroo nodded emphatically, and kenma found himself biting the inside of his cheek again at the widening grin on kuroo’s face.
“it doesn’t suit you.”
kuroo only laughed in response, smiling happily at kenma as the two lapsed into silence. a comfortable silence — until kuroo started, snapping kenma back to reality.
“i have to go make other deliveries!” he exclaimed, pocketing his card reader in a hurry. kenma looked on, amused as he watched kuroo shift the remaining orders in his arms. “i’ll, uh, see you around?”
“see you around,” kenma waved him off, fighting yet another smile as kuroo waved back with his signature smirk now warm from their chat.
kuroo tetsurou.
closing the door, kenma settled back into his apartment’s sitting room, where he had left his television running a game. unbeknownst to himself, kenma was smiling. he looked out the window, watching gray clouds pass over stars in the sky. the moon seemed brighter than usual, illuminating the streets below as kenma watched kuroo drive out of sight once again.
it doesn’t suit him. not at all.
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the internet will never have something like logan paul's daily vlogs again. most of you never watched them but i had no friends in 2017, so i did. they are the most vloggerpilled LA-core absurd pieces of art i have ever witnessed. logan's vlog persona was born(e) in the crucible of mid-2010s socal influencer culture, ruled by loud men and their army of fans, logan paul the loudest of all. and he was different. other vloggers staged events in their lives and carefully cut them up for youtube. logan carefully cut up his life to be as exciting as possible on a daily basis, which rendered his vlogs completely authentic. no other youtuber will vlog like logan did. no other youtuber will prostrate themselves upon the altar of The Vlog like logan did. he turned his life into theater and lived it, and it made him fucking crazy.
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gothmods · 2 years
Im only posting this to help sort out my thoughts so its gonna be all over the place and its not in reference to any one person or incident since whenever this becomes a discussion it inevitably snowballs to a point where its hard to tell who is responding exactly to who and what
As a general rule of thumb i find it helpful to ask myself if a behaviour i dislike in a sexual context is something i would be okay with in a nonsexual context, and vice versa, because if there is a disconnect between the two i can better work out whether my dislike is moral or merely personal
A practical example being weight gain fetish - personally it makes me uncomfortable and i would prefer to not be involved with content or scenes relating to it. But morally i take no issue with someone gaining weight and i am against the shaming and humiliating of anyone because of weight gain, and as much as i dislike how a lot of that fetish content sexualises that humiliation, the participants are at the end of the day also fat people and my allies in combatting societal fatphobia. It would be absurd to condemn people for eating junk food and gaining weight in a sexual context given i am opposed to fat people being treated that way by wider society.
Whereas i dont see a difference in someone who produces csem for personal gratification versus someone who abuses or exploits their kids via those mommy-vlog type youtube channels. Because child abuse is child abuse regardless of whether the wider context that led to it had sexual motive.
And in the same way just as i morally take issue with people who excuse their own racist behaviour or language or perpetuating racist stereotypes under the guise of comedy, i take issue with it across different contexts.
Sometimes things get a bit more complicated but i find thats usually when you talk about handling heavy topics in an artistic context, and that i tend to take case by case with a lot of consideration on artist intent and whether i ultimately believe the resulting work effectively does what it set out to achieve, and the relationship between creator, subject, and viewer.
Example i suppose would be the photographer bill henson, whose works have been labelled by some people as csem. See i dont think they are sexual in context or content at all, but i still greatly dislike his work. My concern being when you use teenage models and display what are very intimate and emotionally charged images of them to an audience, you create a relationship between the subject and the viewer, and i worry about how that will impact said teenagers down the line, given how famous his work is and how many people are spectating or commenting on the work, and what protections exist for children in the public eye like that. But i feel that way about child celebrities too so its not exclusive to controversial artworks...
A big radfem argument against bdsm is that it mirrors real life abuse - but i think that shows a lack of understanding around what a bdsm scene may or may not involve, and while domination exists as part of oppressive structures, dom/sub as sexual roles cant replicate a power imbalance where one does not exist, and if a power imbalance does exist between people it would be of equal issue in vanilla sex. But also if we go back to point A. some people enjoy different physical sensations to others across sexual and nonsexual contexts, and sometimes the sensation is pain. Some people like the pain of a strong remedial massage, some people like the burn of hot chilli, or the adrenaline rush of extreme sports. For some people i would assume bdsm also provides alternatives to aspects of vanilla sex, since not everyone enjoys penetrative sex or cisheteronormative ideas of what brings/can bring pleasure ( which is a limiting thing, im reminded of that one radfem post on here proclaiming no one could possibly enjoy giving a blowjob)...
Whats hardest i guess to grapple with is accepting that over the internet i do not have the context for a lot of stuff. Like in the case of kink that fetishises aspects of the participants own shame or baggage or experiences. I dont have the context for why people may engage with their experiences that way and regardless of whether i think its healthy or not its not appropriate to act a therapist at complete strangers. Though i am familiar with coping mechanisms that are self-harming thats a conversation people need to willingly engage in for it to be purposeful. Though i do have very strong opinions about the impact of engaging in certain things via public easily searchable websites (which is to say idk if its 'coping' to post your kpop rpf misgendering kink fic to ao3)
Generally i think blocking those people works better than callouts though. I dont think callouts change anyones behaviour so unless they are actively predatory towards others it makes more sense to me to just block or vent about it privately. One day i will have 90% of this website blocked tbh....i love blocking people.
But at the same time a lot of people pointing that out come across as dismissive towards people pointing out things like racism or pedophilia because those things do make online spaces hostile and it should be talked about
These things are much more complicated in the age of the world wide web i think.....the scale of interactions and the social dynamics of a sphere where you are frequently dealing with strangers......headache
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sillyvlogvideos · 4 months
Clive Omelet's Silly Vlog Videos
Watch Clive Omelet's silly vlog videos on his silly YouTube channel where he talks about his kooky, zany, offbeat, quirky experiences.
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youtubevlogger · 4 months
Silly Vlog Videos by Clive Omelet
Watch silly vlog videos by Clive Omelet on his silly YouTube channel.
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sillyyoutuber · 4 months
Don't miss these silly vlog videos on Clive Omelet's wacky, zany, offbeat, kooky YouTube vlog channel.
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hbkerlon · 2 years
The syndicate project zombies
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#The syndicate project zombies series#
In 2016, his LifeOfTom YouTube channel, with everyday vlog adventures, passed the 2M subscriber mark, and he voiced “Loki” for the mobile app game Marvel Avengers Academy.
#The syndicate project zombies series#
Popularized by his gameplays of CoD: MW2 and Black Ops zombies and Minecraft, with subsequent series “Nuking The Fridge” and “Minecraft Project,” Tom also collaborates with fellow gamers like YouTube’s GamerShore and on the “Mianite" live streamed Twitch series. Expanding to YouTube in 2014, Tom’s TheSyndicateProject channel is one of YouTube’s top 100, nearing 10M subscribers. The zombie population is huge, but the game loads without any zombies. 64 zombies will be born each day and eventually reach an absurd amount number.The first streamer to hit the 1M follower mark on Twitch, Tom Cassell’s Syndicate is currently the most followed Twitch channel with 2.4M+ people tuning in. Example Project Zomboid Population Settings Your cells will be “locked” to the population you loaded the first time they are accessed. If you find cells before peak day, they won’t reach peak population. Undiscovered cells will grow. Syndicate joined YouTube on 3 September 2010 and quickly grew to. In the mid-2010s, he made numerous collaborations with the group. Note: Zombies will not spawn or respawn if you choose 0. They will die and be gone for good. Tom Cassell (born J() age 29), sometimes known as TheSyndicateProject or simply Syndicate, is a British YouTuber and friend of the Sidemen. Indicates how many zombies spawn and respawn over time. Although you can input any value, it is best to use smaller values. For example, for example, let’s say you entered 30. This means that 30 zombies will spawn and respawn each day. Note: If you choose 0, there will not be any zombies at the start of play. However, the population peak multiplier will result in zombies. Indicates how many zeds will be in play at the beginning of the game. Any value from 0.0 to 4.0 can be entered. It will begin with a ton of zombies if you input 4.0. The best videos on the YouTube channel The Syndicate Project, ranked by fans and. If you choose 0, no zombies will appear. Once the game has been loaded, there will be some zombies. Zero is zero, one is small, two are medium, three are huge, four is crazy. You can input any value between 0.0 and 4.0. Sandbox mode also allows for “sprinter” zombies to be created. Regarded as one of the earlier known gaming personalities, his videography consisted of gamingcommentary videos on the franchises Call of Duty and Minecraft on his YouTube channel originally named 'TheSyndicateProject'. This area is known as Knox County and has been quarantined. The player has the option to choose their character’s appearance and occupation before choosing one of four towns as their starting point. To survive, the player must manage their own needs, such as hunger, stress and fatigue. Although the game features slow-moving zombies in Romero style, some zombies are more agile than others. Thomas George Cassell (born 23 June 1993), known online as Syndicate, is an English YouTuber and Twitch streamer. Project Zomboid is a difficult survival game where the player must survive in a zombie-infested area of Kentucky. Players are challenged to survive as long as they can before dying. It was one the five first games to be released under the Desura alpha funding section. Project Zomboid, a survival horror video game that is open-world isometric in nature, is being developed by The Indie Stone, a Canadian and British independent developer. The game takes place in a zombie-infested post-apocalyptic world. Example Project Zomboid Population Settings.
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octopotacto · 5 years
eat the burger. go skydiving. talk to that cute girl. start that vlog. rob that bank. meet yourself for the first time beneath the dumpster behind the 7/11. punch god square in her nose. life is meaningless and nothing matters, follow your dreams before they follow you
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