#absurd vlog videos
youtubevlogger · 9 months
Absurd YouTube Videos
Don't miss Clive Omelet's absurd YouTube videos on his funny YouTube vlog channel. https://www.youtube.com/@CliveOmelet
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study-diaries · 15 days
How to avoid distractions while studying.
Social Media.
I personally know how hard it is to study when constant social media notifications are popping up so i just turn them off. This is obvious and the easiest way. Keep your phone in another room while you're studying.
Here's the thing, YouTube is something we can't avoid, especially when it comes to studying because many times, we want to learn from the videos but end up getting distracted and therefore, i maintain 2 accounts. One, a personal account where I watch all my own channels like vlogs and other content videos and another account only for studying. I don't subscribe to any other channels beside the channels that help me with my studies in this account. I've noticed that I get a lot less distracted because your recommendations would only be study related or the content related!
Write them down
When you're studying and you noticed that you're getting a lot of distractions. Take a paper and write down the distractions with the timings and then continue studying.
Distractions - Time
Phone - 20 min (specify time: 8:20-40)
By this, you can analyse what's distracting you more than the others and you can actually calculate your study hours better and help yourself improve it.
Reduce everything by 5 mins
It's okay to get distracted. Everyone gets distracted and the best way to decrease your distractions is to decrease them by 5 mins for some days and then keep decreasing them gradually. It's the best way to work honestly because it helps you remove the distractions over time as a habit.
Complete your chores before sitting down
You might know that whenever you sit down with a firm motivation to study and then you take your notes, books, materia etc and a voice from the kitchen comes saying"You haven't finished the dishes!" So, now you go to do the dishes and then another chore pops up when you sit to study and another and another. So, here's my advice, either you complete all your chores before you study or you complete them after or you could complete them during breaks. But make sure you're not distracted by them.
Turn daydreaming into a weapon
Personally, this is something i really really struggled with, like whenever I sit down to study, I ended up daydreaming about a certain book or plot. It would definitely not help me study so recently, I started assigning fictional characters to subjects and personally, like, gosh my economics was alittle more interesting when I was "teaching" it to Cardan Greenbriar (tfota). It's kinda childish to have like an imaginary friend or such but it certainly helps with boring subjects. Imagine scenarios or do anything with your imagination as long as you're studying the content. It helps you remember important points even though it may be absurd.
Q and A sessions
From time to time, get in the habit of quizzing yourself, I do it after every topic i complete. I'll ask questions which are not in the book, I'll twist the questions just like in the tests. This means that you have to stay focused if you truly want to answer the questions or even form the questions. You can even do it with a friend/study buddies!
Tennis method
This method is really useful and i kinda made it up. You hold your hands up in the air facing towards each other. Now, after you completed a topic, you "throw" your first point from one hand to another and the other hand should "throw" back the second point and so on until you're completely done with it. If you can't "throw" a point back in less than a minute, you need to revise more. Personally, I love doing this because I'm focused on answering and it's actually kinda fun "throwing" points like balls, even though it may look crazy to any outsiders xD (You can use this for maths for formulae, vocabs etc!)
Hope this helps! :D
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aksually2008 · 2 years
aksel's guide to relaxing media
A lot of people have asked me to compile a list of my go-to depressing/dooming media, but I feel it would be irresponsible to give you that without an antidote.
Maybe this will be of help to you on an anxious night and instead of smoking a cigarette you'll turn to this or maybe its a nice cozy afternoon and you need something to maintain that feeling.. either way here's stuff that I consume on those days:
Joe Pera Talks You to Sleep
This is something I have recommended to most of my friends at this point and if you ever give me the opportunity I'll probably talk your ear off about this man. I have a very special affinity towards this video, as it randomly found me on a particularly stressful quarantine night and boy am I glad it did.
I'm not gonna talk about it too much further, but if you're feeling a little bit lost or anxious, even after my 250 watches of this, I end up feeling a little bit better. If you like it make sure to check out his show, Joe Pera Talks With You on hbomax as it's one of my favourite shows ever!! The episodes are short and easy to digest :)
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How to With John Wilson
It's hard for me to exactly describe this show, it's just one of those things you have to see for yourself to fully understand the appeal of it. For the most part, this show uses street footage of New York City and interviews with average everyday New Yorkers to convey some kind of narrative, usually disguised as a tutorial(hence the "how to"). There's a lot of absurdity, laughter and sometimes it plays with your emotions a bit, but sometimes it's nice to just unwind and learn about the insane industry of scaffolding in NYC.
Come and Visit Us Again
Okay, so this is probably one of the most niche things here.. Considering that it has 205 views as of me writing this and it's in estonian with no captions available.(Maybe someday I'll translate it)
As far as I can tell, it is a documentary short made by Liis Nimik, who at the time was a film school student. It follows the day-to-day of a village grocery store cashier and her interactions with the people who visit her store everyday.
Moms, dads, scary little kids and village bums.. It has it all and serves as this kind of a sweet time capsule of one particular week in this one Estonian village. I will admit this is probably extra comforting for me as I grew up near a village similar to this that also had a store just like this one. In a small village, the people who work at the local grocery store really become apart of your everyday life and I loved to see it captured like this.
I feel like even if you don't understand Estonian, it's nice background noise.
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Malcom in the Middle
Need I say more?
If you know me, you know I'm a fiend for comforting youtube personalities. Here are some of my favorites:
Steve Wallis
Even if you aren't particularly interested in camping, you'll still probably enjoy these videos. Steve is probably one of the sweetest dudes I've found on YouTube and he really knows how to keep a conversation. All in all, just nice to throw on if you just wanna disconnect for 30 minutes
Shirley Curry
I've loved Shirley's stuff for years now. She calls her viewers her grandkids and posts vlogs & let's plays. I think that covers the gist of it.
Featureman a.k.a. Tom Willett
This is an older gentleman, who for the most part shows you different meals that he makes & tells you stories about his time as an actor in the 1980s. Every video feels like you're visiting your grandpa.
I found them quite recently, but they're quickly turning into my favourite Youtube channel. Videos of trainhopping, which are so well shot and the music choices are soooooo gooooood. Every travel vlog should have a mandatory requirement of at least (1) shoegaze song.
Roger Hance
Found this guy randomly on my recommended and him only having 4k subs feels like a crime. He's a bird photographer, who vlogs his outings and talks about all the little birds he sees. super cute.
Below are a couple of playlists and tracks I recommend for this occasion:
Mixture of ambient tracks and just relaxing instrumentals. There's no vocals. During the summer, I would always listen to this if I was sitting in a park or doodling.
This is just some of my favourite ambient tracks. If you've never really listened to ambient music before, check this out I guarantee you'll like it.
I have fallen asleep to this so many times that sometimes i just constantly hear it in the back of my head. Maybe thats not a comforting thought but it helps me sleep so that's a price I am willing to pay.
That's about it though.. I didn't include everything, because this is already pretty long and I have to keep some things secret, but I hope you find use in some of this. bye
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banannabethchase · 8 months
Youtube influencer AU. who's doing book reviews, who's shilling skincare and cosmetics, who does urban exploring vlogs and keeps getting caught breaking into abandoned buildings?
Oh I like this one! They're all like early 20s in this because I feel like that would lean into the most chaotic dynamics.
Matt is essentially still doing BTE, but from a fan perspective. He's got really absurd wigs and pretends to be certain wrestlers. He gets actual wrestlers as a guest sometimes, but people from his local indies mostly. He also has a slice of life vlog from time to time where he expresses his frustrations about his younger brother's antics, who is...
Nick Jackson: Cryptid Annihilator. He has not gotten within 10 feet of let alone annihilated even a single squirrel. He's convinced he can tempt Mothman with a siren call, which is a "ba CAW!" you can hear from time to time in the background of Matt's videos. He has more than once expressed that his life's goal is to get railed by Mothman, but he's willing to simply meet a cryptid. The closest he got was running into Bryan Danielson, famed yoga youtuber, when he was doing yoga in the woods and Nick was on the hunt for Bigfoot. But that ended with him in a headlock, so he kind of pretends it never happened.
Adam Page is a climate and nature vlogger. His main focus is on sharing the damage climate change has done to areas over time, but his most popular video is an attempt at a collaboration with Nick. Mid video, the two of them started arguing over whether or not Mothman was real or a fictionalized rationalization of climate change until Matt, who was hanging out in the other room, stomped in and yelled, "Would you two just kiss already?!" They've been together 3 years and have not stopped arguing with each other and Matt. He's also in a mild war with Bryan for best nature vlogger because he doesn't think being half naked in the woods counts as nature vlogging.
Daniel Garcia is a gossip/sports blogger. Mainly, he and his best friend Zay shit talk everybody as much as they want and there's never any backlash because the two of them are so goddamned charming in person everybody gives up. Daniel is also an insufferable flirt, which probably has something to do with it. There's rumors he's been spotted in the background of Renee Paquette's wrestling vlog in the indie promotion she runs with Eddie Kingston and Jon Moxley, but nobody can prove it was him making out with Eddie in that two-frame shot in the background.
They all meet up at a con one summer and shit gets...weird. Nick thinks he spots Mothman, jumps him, and knocks the head off only to reveal a dude with dark hair and a weird little smile. "What the hell is wrong with you, dude?" Wheeler Yuta, frequent commenter and viewer of all the previously discussed vlogs. "Can't a dude cosplay?" Matt helps Wheeler clean up and finds rants about Mothman and steel drums and cryptids far more appealing when they're coming from a guy this cute.
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oswednesday · 11 months
the youtube video block if you refuse to watch ads or have an ad blocker is so insane when its like a site people use to vlog on and how a sizeable portion of youtube still is like the paying majority are doing tv twitch streaming career channel running but most people still use it to like upload a yard sale flip project or talk about a trip, thats insane, i know a lot of social media is doing it this but could you imagine if you were on dA and it was like get premium if you want to access the site at all after looking at three pieces of art like, what are you talking about? after you read three posts on tumblr you need tumblr premium to access the website at all like?? get a grip?? youtube is still even with all the money and the mainstreaming considered weird compared to like tiktok like this is just absurd this has more in common with somethingawful's paywall than anything legitimized
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noxexistant · 1 year
-someone who shouldn’t be on his phone bc he’s at work
i am a suckerrrr for modern/influencer aus, and i LOVE yours. this probably won’t follow it exactly because my brain unfortunately cannot work like that but just know that all your ideas and posts about it are fantastic and i owe you my life
(also, what could be more worth being on your phone at work for than this?)
this is going to be very disjointed and chaotic but i have Many Ideas. first of all, you having the delanceys as mma fighters? genius. everything to me.
they left their one and only “real home” as kids when they were removed from their dad’s care, and they’ve never had one since - moving between foster homes, care facilities, hospitals, juvenile detention centres, and now they live between hotel rooms and brief apartment stays. their only sense of stability is each other. their idea of “settling down” is staying in one airbnb for a few months if they’re on break or have an opportunity to fight on contract somewhere. they always sleep in the same room, which most people think is strange, but, for their whole childhood, being apart - particularly while asleep - meant danger, and oscar can never trust that morris is safe unless he can see him, unless he’s close enough to reach out and touch. even when they’re in the same room, on bad nights they’ll end up in the same bed, just like when they were kids.
they started training when they were frankly far too young to, when a worker at some facility they were in wanted to try and channel their violence into something more productive. he thought it might stop them from being violent outside of the ring. instead, it just sharpened them, and suddenly oscar isn’t getting into scraps to defend his brother so much as he’s utterly destroying anyone who even looks at him wrong. the worker hoped fighting might help morris express himself, open him up more, but now he’s just silent and cold as he trains or fights. still doesn’t speak to anyone but oscar.
they met jack in the refuge when they were kids. they didn’t get along then, and still resent each other to this day - people on social media are curious about the apparent feud and how it might’ve started, since jack won’t talk about any part of his childhood before medda adopted him on any of his platforms, and neither of the delanceys will talk about anything other than fighting in interviews. morris still rarely talks at all.
jack’s a general social media presence. he started out posting art, but as he got more popular he found the confidence to start posting himself more too - dumb videos, vlog types, the process of him making his art. he’s open about the fact that he was adopted as a kid, but won’t talk about his experiences before that. he says he only wants to focus on all the positives of how his family is now, and posts frequently with his brothers, race and crutchie. (also, there’s definitely twitter discourse about crutchie’s nickname and sense of humour about his own disability. which he thinks is equally hilarious and absurd.) he tries to be private about it when he starts dating davey, fearing the reaction and kind of wanting to keep davey for himself, but it doesn’t last long. they start posting together constantly.
albert being a streamer in the style of punz - he mainly games, he’s deadpan and funny and stupid in a way he utterly denies, and knows he is very thirsted after. people are always begging for face cam and hand cam. he does irl stuff every so often too, especially messing around with his friends (the usual gang). they’ve done disney/universal streams and stuff, and fairly frequently do cooking/baking streams. albert did some mma/adjacent training as a kid to deal with his own sort of anger issues stemming from family issues, and he does the creator clash type stuff - boxing matches between online personalities, sometimes including actual mma fighters. he’s met the delanceys too, before they were them, and he and them are all too eager to fight each other again. the delanceys think albert (and other streamers/creators doing creator clash type stuff) are pathetic and make a mockery of their legitimate sport. albert couldn’t care less, he just likes fighting.
finch streams too. he’s more of a cryptid - no face cam or anything, pretty mediocre mic quality, constant pc problems, but he’s popular anyway for solely his personality and playing skills - and he and albert have this mutual sort of quiet distaste until they end up meeting through some event (mcc or twitch rivals or minecraft monday or something) and then they’re streaming together all the time. people love the dynamic of albert earnestly saying stupid shit and finch deadpan playing along. they’ve done a couple streams reading, like, wattpad fics shipping the two of them.
(finch meets morris and oscar when albert has an arranged fight with oscar. he’s a deeply private person, even with albert really, but he immediately realises he’s got way too much in common with these two. he ran away from his abusive home at an early age and got bounced around the care system until it finally spat him out. he’s worked his ass off since to get his GED - he’s smart, he just never had any chance.
finch also promptly realises that morris has very limited education on top of his apparent neurodivergence and developmental disability, and sees that he can’t really read or write. oscar does pretty much everything, including all the talking.
while oscar and albert are preparing for their fight, finch sets about seeing if he can maybe build some sort of bond with morris.)
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1989xtaylorsversion · 9 months
emma macdonald rant
this is something that's been quite noticeable for months now, but it's been a long time since i've come across a lifestyle vlogger as lazy, unmotivated, uninspired, and borderline dispassionate as emma. she is a lifestyle vlogger who struggles to make content of even the most basic aspects of her life. in her "i'm back" vlog from two weeks ago, she straight up verbally recaps her day, and says she "didn't feel like showing" the things she did... does she realize that people want to SEE her doing these "work" things she talks about, and not watch a 10 minute clip of her talking about getting back into hot pilates and yoga, and being in her gym era while driving around? also, obviously the chatty vlogs are nice, but she has a podcast... so her and maggie can chit chat. why doesn't she show her day in her vlogs, and save some of the chatty segments for the podcast? at least then the podcast might be worth a listen.
the worst part is when people comment and tell her that her content is boring, because it is, she just comments back "don't watch it then." i'm not even kidding, she replied to a yt comment with those exact words. i'm sure some people are too harsh (check the reddit threads, yikes), and it must not feel great to receive criticism for something that she's been doing for six years, but wake up, girl. she's hemorrhaging followers and supporters. her views and comments seem to be less than normal, and yet none of that is enough to make her realize that she needs to improve her channel. also, you'd think after six years she'd have mastered her craft, especially when it's as easy as picking up a camera, filming her life, and sending it off to an editor to deal with. but, it seems like as more time goes on, the more she puts her only job on the back burner. and i say only job because let's not act like she puts more effort into her tiktok or instagram content either. i'd get it if this was just a dry spell in her life and she's just having an uneventful few months, but this seems to be it for her. and i can't even imagine what it'll be like after she gets married.
i watch a lot of lifestyle vloggers and from those individuals, the macdonald sisters are arguably two of the most boring ones. maggie a little less so because even if she stays home all the time, at least she puts in more effort and genuinely puts her heart into it. i give her more of a pass because for some reason i still enjoy her content, and i actually believe that maggie has an undying passion for youtube. i haven't felt that from emma in ages. it's just sad seeing someone with an amazing platform and cushy job waste it and basically insult her audience by not even putting 30% of effort into it. also, doesn't emma have an editor? what exactly are her and her team doing that causes her to upload a pre-filmed video like two months later?? i don't understand how someone who does virtually nothing but wake up, go to the gym or pilates, makes simple meals, and travels with her nba fiance, is so tired and exhausted all the time.
for all the shit paige lorenze has received over the years, i will say that she is one of the most entertaining and creative youtubers on the platform right now, specifically in her little niche. her content is truly a breath of fresh air, and most importantly, she too seems to put her heart and soul into the content she creates. say what you want about her, i know i've critiqued her, but she has shown what dedication and passion could look like. it's just ironic that someone who started on the platform years after emma is surpassing her in terms of content quality and quantity by an absurd amount.
i think observing her peers would do emma some good because they are the ones who are going to surpass her and leave her in the dust when more and more people realize that listening to her talking about the gym 24/7 isn't exciting anymore. she's getting married and can't even make more interesting content based on that. not that her channel should become entirely bridal based, but considering getting married has become half of her personality, you'd think she'd milk it for more content. idk if everyone around her is just constantly congratulating her and telling her how hard-working she is, therefore leading her to have this deluded sense of self, but i just can't imagine being proud of this kind of job performance. this trajectory is just sad because she started out so passionate about youtube, and well... here we are.
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oh-katsuki · 2 years
i think david dobrik is a really good example of the way laws basically function as suggestions for rich people and i think it’s especially interesting that his vlogs and his content basically just document that phenomenon. all of his videos and his stunts (most of which are dangerous) are cause for arrest, if not a citation. not to mention, he documented ON VIDEO nearly killing one of his friends with an INDUSTRIAL CRANE, posted it on the internet, and faced ZERO legal consequences except for his friend suing him for 10M dollars (which is a PERSONAL legal choice... not a state ordained one). 
I just think that david dobrik is a really interesting look into the sheer difference with the way the law treats rich people vs how it treats everyone else. and it’s all documented on film... on his youtube channel. it’s absurd to me. 
the next time u think that the law sees everyone equally... all it takes to prove that wrong is a glance at the shit he puts on his channel. 
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doridumbington · 2 years
Christmas list
Gaming laptop
Black nail polish
Mood ring
The Statue of Freedom, also known as Armed Freedom or simply Freedom, is a bronze statue designed by Thomas Crawford (1814–1857) that, since 1863, has crowned the dome of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C. Originally named Freedom Triumphant in War and Peace, a U.S. government publication now states that the statue "is officially known as the Statue of Freedom."[1] The statue depicts a female figure bearing a military helmet and holding a sheathed sword in her right hand and a laurel wreath and shield in her left.[2]
Maya Arnoldson was born into the infamous Arnoldson family and is most likely a relative of Virginia Arnoldson, alongside her brother, Nathaniel.Sometime during their teenage or adult years, Maya and Nathaniel would become interested in the paranormal and would attempt to research and investigate the anomalous secrets that the US government was trying to hide from the public, thus eventually joining the Anti-Device Association, which opposed Maize Machines.LATER LIFEMaya and Nathaniel once visited an abandoned Maize Machines (R) factory in an unknown location. There, they decided to explore the underground tunnel wich seemed to be some kind of "flesh tube". Nathaniel then touched one of the walls and a strange strike of lightning came out of it. Maya and Nathaniel then escaped the tube and ended their video with the message "do not visit this sites, they have not been fed in years".AFTER THE EXPLORATIONMaya contributed to the spread of misinformation about the USA government. Her most direct contribution was when she claimed to be mistaken for President Reagan's "Lincoln Looker", a prisoner who was forced to sit in the Lincoln Memorial during a president's term.She claimed that she was released after a month with monetary compensation, implying that she was the wrong Lincoln Looker. She claimed they knew no one would believe her claims, as "Lincoln Looking was just too absurd."Maya's claims, alongside every other false claim made by the ADA was debunked by the Deanverse version of Leonard, who runs the New Delaware Journal, prior to his suicide.TIME AS A CANYONCROWNMaya Arnoldson was eventually lured into the Grand Canyon as many other persons wanted by the federal government for being associated with the ADA or dissenting. While at the Grand Canyon, she was pursued by the Statue of Freedom who had been moved to the Grand Canyon to silence the people lured there after the being shot down by the Anti-Dean Association members during a riot on the Capitol on January 6th,1977. Maya was attacked, and her head was cut with Giza Glass. Maya fell to the bottom of the canyon, and eventually turned into a Canyon Crown. Her headless body was discovered in 2004 by park rangers.After realizing the possibility that Maya may still be alive as a Canyoncrown, Nathaniel and his two children, Lauren and Quinn, went on a trip to the Grand Canyon to find her. During the recording of a vlog, Lauren managed to capture Maya's Canyoncrown on camera.In an unknown time period, presumed to be around the same week as the trip, Nathaniel was also victim to the Statue of Freedom and turned into a Canyoncrown himself. He, alongside Maya, went back to his home (presumably with Lauren's squirrel friend, which she named "Mr. Squirrel"). Although initially scared, Lauren and Quinn would come to trust the Canyoncrowns and consider them members of their family.In 2022, Lauren and Quinn were riding what is presumed to be Nathaniel's and Maya's Canyoncrown forms in the Grand Canyon, prior to their deaths by what was described as a "crosswind" by park officials, thus ending the Arnoldson bloodline once and for all.
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cocochocolatechanel · 20 days
**Go Touch Some Grass** draws on the online slang referring to someone spending too much time on their phone or computer, becoming disconnected from the real world. The work explores how, with the rise of technology, we often experience life vicariously through social media. Watching a "Come to Japan with me" vlog can transport us to Tokyo, and a "Day with me at Harvard" video can make us feel like a student at Harvard.
Through rapid cross-edits of nature locations—beaches, forests, and more—the piece highlights the absurdity of being in multiple places at once within the brief three-minute duration of the projection. While technology allows for such an experience, it’s ultimately an illusion of interaction with the world.
There are no natural sounds in the projections, except during glitch transitions between locations. This absence symbolizes how technology robs us of the full sensory experience of nature. Interestingly, viewers can still “hear” the crashing of waves in their minds, reflecting the special connection between the human brain and nature itself.
**Go Touch Some Grass** challenges the audience to recognize how technology mediates our relationship with nature, urging a reconnection with the real world that lies just outside our doors.
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sillyvlogvideos · 7 months
Clive Omelet's Silly Vlog Videos
Watch Clive Omelet's silly vlog videos on his silly YouTube channel where he talks about his kooky, zany, offbeat, quirky experiences.
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youtubevlogger · 7 months
Silly Vlog Videos by Clive Omelet
Watch silly vlog videos by Clive Omelet on his silly YouTube channel.
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sillyyoutuber · 7 months
Don't miss these silly vlog videos on Clive Omelet's wacky, zany, offbeat, kooky YouTube vlog channel.
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forget-wonderland · 10 months
Viral Interventions: Final Documentation
Shrek Stories
48” Robe and Shrek beanie
Tristan and I ended up filming over fifteen minutes of footage and he did a fantastic job of editing it together. We had initially planned for Tristan to talk to people while dressed up, however, when we were there we felt it would be best not to “disrupt the peace.” We heavily did not want to get kicked either. I like how we filmed the video in a vlog format. I think the message of being among the real world was presented better that way; it felt like the city was actually alive and there were lives happening around us. We kept the footage satirical as the absurdity of our topic calls for a more tongue in cheek approach. Several times we were worried security was going to kick us out, but the word of Shrek touched their hearts.
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hbkerlon · 2 years
The syndicate project zombies
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#The syndicate project zombies series#
In 2016, his LifeOfTom YouTube channel, with everyday vlog adventures, passed the 2M subscriber mark, and he voiced “Loki” for the mobile app game Marvel Avengers Academy.
#The syndicate project zombies series#
Popularized by his gameplays of CoD: MW2 and Black Ops zombies and Minecraft, with subsequent series “Nuking The Fridge” and “Minecraft Project,” Tom also collaborates with fellow gamers like YouTube’s GamerShore and on the “Mianite" live streamed Twitch series. Expanding to YouTube in 2014, Tom’s TheSyndicateProject channel is one of YouTube’s top 100, nearing 10M subscribers. The zombie population is huge, but the game loads without any zombies. 64 zombies will be born each day and eventually reach an absurd amount number.The first streamer to hit the 1M follower mark on Twitch, Tom Cassell’s Syndicate is currently the most followed Twitch channel with 2.4M+ people tuning in. Example Project Zomboid Population Settings Your cells will be “locked” to the population you loaded the first time they are accessed. If you find cells before peak day, they won’t reach peak population. Undiscovered cells will grow. Syndicate joined YouTube on 3 September 2010 and quickly grew to. In the mid-2010s, he made numerous collaborations with the group. Note: Zombies will not spawn or respawn if you choose 0. They will die and be gone for good. Tom Cassell (born J() age 29), sometimes known as TheSyndicateProject or simply Syndicate, is a British YouTuber and friend of the Sidemen. Indicates how many zombies spawn and respawn over time. Although you can input any value, it is best to use smaller values. For example, for example, let’s say you entered 30. This means that 30 zombies will spawn and respawn each day. Note: If you choose 0, there will not be any zombies at the start of play. However, the population peak multiplier will result in zombies. Indicates how many zeds will be in play at the beginning of the game. Any value from 0.0 to 4.0 can be entered. It will begin with a ton of zombies if you input 4.0. The best videos on the YouTube channel The Syndicate Project, ranked by fans and. If you choose 0, no zombies will appear. Once the game has been loaded, there will be some zombies. Zero is zero, one is small, two are medium, three are huge, four is crazy. You can input any value between 0.0 and 4.0. Sandbox mode also allows for “sprinter” zombies to be created. Regarded as one of the earlier known gaming personalities, his videography consisted of gamingcommentary videos on the franchises Call of Duty and Minecraft on his YouTube channel originally named 'TheSyndicateProject'. This area is known as Knox County and has been quarantined. The player has the option to choose their character’s appearance and occupation before choosing one of four towns as their starting point. To survive, the player must manage their own needs, such as hunger, stress and fatigue. Although the game features slow-moving zombies in Romero style, some zombies are more agile than others. Thomas George Cassell (born 23 June 1993), known online as Syndicate, is an English YouTuber and Twitch streamer. Project Zomboid is a difficult survival game where the player must survive in a zombie-infested area of Kentucky. Players are challenged to survive as long as they can before dying. It was one the five first games to be released under the Desura alpha funding section. Project Zomboid, a survival horror video game that is open-world isometric in nature, is being developed by The Indie Stone, a Canadian and British independent developer. The game takes place in a zombie-infested post-apocalyptic world. Example Project Zomboid Population Settings.
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write-and-buried · 2 years
Porn Star Dieter Bravo x Porn Star F!Reader
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gif credit @ a7estrellas
Summary; The shoot. A direct sequel to Morning
Content/Warnings; this is absolutely filthy
discussions of pandemic, professional sex work, professional sex industry, its a porn shoot. , squirting, rimming, throatfucking, PinV sex, premature ejaculation, facial, creampie... and feelings?!
A/N; i love this chaotic disaster duo.
This work is intended for adult audiences. By continuing, you agree that you are over the age of 18, have read the warnings and wish to proceed
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Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, link to Only Fans, free clip for subscribers, thirty second teaser on all socials, pinned to your page.
“What are you doing?” His voice made you jump, knocking the miniature tripod over as you turned to face him, breathing heavy. Dieters’ hair was wet from his own shower, messy and curling around his ears in a way that made him look younger, the grey in his beard more playful than distinguished.
“Fuck, sorry!” you said, turning away to feel your face burn at his amused expression. “I’m used to being alone, it’s a pandemic habit to talk to myself”
He laughed, deep and rich enough to pull you from embarrassment as you giggled alongside him.
“I still do most of my own marketing -  are you happy for me to film us a little bit?”
Dieter raised his eyebrow, cocking his head to the nest of pillows and blankets on the floor, the mirror standing with its memories of what you had done less than an hour before.
“Oh, come on, you know what I mean. Not porn stuff. For Instagram?”
“Fine by me, just tell me what to do.”
Your spine shivers at that comment. He’d said it before, something similar, to order him around right before he had taken you to pieces with his fingers in your cunt and his lips on your ear. You grab your phone, ignoring the pleasant tingles through your skin as you walk into the living room for the best lighting.
“I’m thinking just a story, you don’t have to say anything, just be in the shot, and maybe… um, if it’s okay? Hold me a little?”
Dieter tries to hide the grin. You’re fucking adorable, it’s messing with his head. This absurd combination of hesitancy and filth that’s making his dick twitch and his ears buzz. He’s filmed with new performers before, he’s done far filthier things to people than get them off in front of a mirror. So why were your little breathy gasps and plea’s scratched into his brain? Why did he have to jerk off in the damn shower, unable to get rid of the stubborn erection any other way. He had to film with you this afternoon, coming down the drain was a waste product. But you had hours before the crew showed up, and he knew he would spend it diamond hard and aching in his pants if he had to spend them in this house and not fuck you.
He couldn’t wait to fuck you. His manager called with the offer, and he almost turned it down on the spot. He’d worked with newbies in the industry before, and he was too old, too seasoned to talk you through camera angles and the business side of the industry with anything like the grace you deserved. But he agreed to check your content anyway, see if he was interested, a free 30 day subscription to your channel and a lazy afternoon on his couch, waiting for his delivery dinner to arrive.
He saw it on the first video. You had a headphone in, and you cheated your eyeline off to the side. You were watching something, there was something on a screen out of sight of the cameras, you sped up and slowed down in time with something he couldn’t see or hear. It was smart, and idly he wondered what you were watching. He fell into your content unexpectedly. Twenty-minute videos that were half vlog half porn, with you making charming jokes at the camera before you stretched yourself open on all manner of toys. He could see why you were so popular.
It was deep in your archive that he found it. One of your earlier videos, where you were still a little awkward with setup, sincerity and enthusiasm as you giggled. He could see you were filming by holding your phone, the video not as high quality. But he caught it, in the reflection he could see his own face. He was younger, not by much, just after he signed exclusively with this studio. He was cleanshaven then, one of the most popular videos on the site. He could see the snarl curling his lip as he grabbed the actress by the hair, yanked her up to growl in her ear, her shrieks covering his words.
It made him hard. Lying on his couch watching you ride a cheap plastic cock, your sweet little whimpers filling his ear as your eyes flicked to him just offscreen. Were you imagining it was him fucking you? You’d chosen an inadequate toy if that was the case. Or were you among the legion of fans that loved his voice, that told him he could whisper a grocery list in their ear, and it would be enough. He was only half aware of doing it, talking over the sound of production in the background, an easy way to get out of his own head.
He fucked his fist at thoughts of hearing those little whimpers in his ear as you squirmed underneath him, trying not to scream. In your videos you referenced neighbours, a need to keep quiet as you bit your lips swollen and your fist clenched. You didn’t fake it. He knew what that looked like, and the way your eyes rolled back, the uneven bucking of your hips, that was all real.
He called his manager and accepted the job the next day.
Dieter hooked his chin over your shoulder as you held your phone aloft. He grinned into the camera, cocky and confident as you spoke to an unseen audience, teased the content incoming, that you had already filmed. His hands roamed your stomach, pulling you closer into his broad chest as you stumbled over words and laughed. He bit into your shoulder, kissed your cheek, playfully growled at the camera as you filmed hints of what was incoming, uploaded it with a smack to his hand.
“You hungry?” he asked, his arms still around your middle as you dropped your phone onto the couch. You wondered briefly why, his nose buried at the nape of your neck, his lips skating your skin as he asked. He didn’t have to act right now, there was no camera pointed at either of you, no intimacy to capture and package. With a shrug of agreement, you supposed it was easier, to stay in the moment all day, rather than switch it off and on as required.
He had brought food. Little protein balls he admitted he had made beforehand, knowing that these half day shoots were terrible for snacks. You sat on the couch with him, sipping Gatorade and talking about your favourite TV shows, how you both got obsessed with Tiger King & Animal Crossing in the early days of the quarantine. You try not to think too much about the fact that your feet are in his lap, his hands naturally rubbing your arches. That you laugh easier and lighter than you have in months, that his laugh makes your chest expand.
Fuck he didn’t kiss you enough. Just that brief moment in the afterglow wasn’t enough, your heavy breathing on his tongue, release on his fingers as you scrabbled weakly at his shirt. The way your mouth curves into a smile is making him want to kiss you, the way your laugh exposes the pulse in your throat is making him hard. It feels domestic, sitting on a couch with you as you scroll TikTok, showing him animals and dances and singing along in a way that’s so uninhibited. You’re so comfortable on him, your feet thrown over his legs that if he wanted to, he could pull you fully into his lap.
It's just a job. He repeats, over and over until it becomes meaningless noise in his head. It’s been too long since he shared actual intimacy with a person. He loves his job, enjoys his colleagues, and cherishes the trust they place in him with their bodies, but its never this. It’s never easy and sweet and careless, something to treasure as a forgotten joke in the future. You asked him about himself, not about his work, and seemed genuinely interested in his answers. Your eyelashes flutter when you blush, and he wants to make you blush. It’s foreign, he’s been in this house a dozen times, spent days shooting with co-stars he considers his closest friends, but sitting here with you is making him feel like he’s brand new again, nerves pooling in his stomach that you’re going to see him naked, that he’s going to be given the privilege to touch you.
“So” you ask, rolling your head to the side, sucking your lip between your teeth. “Is it real?”
Dieter feels the ice in his veins at your words. Do you feel it too? Is this some elaborate act you’re both playing out, that you think he’s just playing along?
“Your name” you clarify, with a grin. “I’m curious”
“Well, legally, I changed it, so yes it’s real”
Your eyes widen, taking on a pleading quality as you scramble off his lap, climbing to your knees on the couch as you bounced, hiding a wide grin behind your hand as you giggle.
He sighed, knowing he was going to tell you, knowing that the look on your face was going to be enough for him to crack and tell you. Rolling his tongue along his bottom lip, he wondered what else he would tell you, if asked. He tugged on his earring as he looked away from your smiling face.
“David. It’s David”
In your defence, you try. You try and hold it in as long as possible, looking at the messed-up strands of his hair, dried into wild curls he doesn’t bother taming, the patchy beard that you’ve felt on your neck, his fidgeting hands and feet, the inability to sit still and look away from you. But it doesn’t work. You start laughing, a giggle that turns into a belly laugh as he looks at you in mock offence.
“Doesn’t have the same ring to it. David! Ohhhh! Daaaavid” you whine, a mock parody of the worst actors in the industry. Your laugh turns into a shriek when he tackles you onto the couch, wrapping his arms behind your waist, snaking into your hair.
“Somehow I think you’d still scream it for me” he whispers, that same deep sinful voice running through you like a chill. His weight on top of you blocks the sun as you shift, your legs wrapping around his hips, your fingers tracing his jaw. You nod, unwilling to speak, sure that you’re going to ask him to kiss you again.
You don’t have to ask. His nose bumps against yours as he tightens his grip on you, your shirt bunching in his fist as you rock together in a slow rhythm. He kisses you, gently at first, asking for permission as you slide your fingers to the nape of his neck, pulling him harder on top of you. Its syrup slow, the drag of his tongue against the seam of your lips, dragging a whimper into his lungs. It’s intense, it feels different, the weight and purpose of his hands on your skin, the way he pulls you closer to him, holding you moulded soft and pliant against his body.
That’s how the crew finds you, tangled together on the couch.
“We ain’t even set the cameras up yet bud!” comes a voice from behind you both, making you jump apart, caught in the act like teenagers in a darkened basement. You feel your skin burn as you look at the floor.
Dieter laughs, coming around the couch to wrap the director in a hug of greeting. There are four of them, a small crew. Director, camera, sound and makeup. They’re all polite and happy as they introduce themselves to you, excited for the shoot. You want to say something to Dieter, ask him what that was, what it meant, but you’re dragged into the guest bathroom by the makeup artist. They’re young and giggly, dragging a case of makeup behind their rainbow striped dress.
You decide in thirty seconds that you like Blake. Energy and joy comes off them like a wave as they seat you on the counter and pull out a ring light. They’re wearing a rainbow dress with piercings through their cheeks, black hair buzzed to the scalp and eyeliner that looks like butterfly wings. They talk your ear off, smoothing their soft hands across your cheeks as you try to get a word in edgewise, end up laughing at the story they’re telling you instead.
“Okay, so I’ve got instructions here, but you stop me if I say something you don’t want, ok?”
You nod, curious.
“It’s basically the usual, glossy lips but paint that wont smear, lots of mascara that will, and flushed cheeks so you look horny from the minute we start rolling. Is that cool? Any allergies? Okay”
You let yourself be pampered. You usually have to do this yourself, applying light makeup before you film, just enough to look put together, clean and pretty. This is professional makeup, light layers added one after another with a deft flick of Blake’s wrist. Instead, when you turn in the mirror you’re surprised by the artful talent. Your eyes look huge. Thick lashes make the colour pop, your lips plumped by just a hint of gloss. There’s colour scattered across your nose and cheeks, making you look like you’ve twirled in the sun.
You change into the exceptionally slutty lingerie, using Blakes shoulder as an anchor to slip into the heels you brought, towering and plastic, they make you laugh in their absurdity, but achieve their goal in making your ass look incredible in the mirror. It feels like armour, like you’re wearing a uniform, something to elevate and lift you up to the status of performer.
The director gives you a once over as you exit the bathroom, nodding his approval he shouts at Dieter.
“Fuck off for five”
Dieter nods, grabbing his phone and leaving the house as you turn a quizzical eye to the director.
“Standard. We’ve gotta do the paperwork, and I prefer to do it separately so you’re comfortable and don’t feel any pressure.”
“Oh, I don’t feel any… I mean”
“Not from him!” the director clarifies “Mr Bravo is a pro – but standard op is standard op regardless of talent. Now, this is the form, if you could look over it for me and check down your limits”
It’s a list. A little spreadsheet in neat font with checkboxes. “yes” “pause to discuss” and “no”. There are little checkmarks already filled in in red ink, and the director hands you a black pen.
“So yes is things you’re comfortable with as standard. No is an absolute never, and obviously in the middle we can pause at any time to discuss an act before it happens, just use your word”
“I, uh, sorry, didn’t I already do one of these?” you ask, scanning the list before you. It’s extensive, alphabetical and typed.
“Yes, you did. But we like to do one on the day as well, because your mood changes as you go. You might not be interested in doing something today that you’re interested in doing generally you know? Gives us a good feel for where you’re at so everyone starts on the same foot.”
Your eyes skim the paper, most of the boxes are checked yes. Anal play, rimming, spit play, breath play, throatfucking, squirting… all listed in neat little check marks in a red sharpie.
“And um… Die… Mr Bravo has to fill this out as well?” You already know the answer.
“He already did” the director confirms. “This is his list; with your answers we can see where you’re compatible. I’ll give you a few – take your time, there’s no wrong answers, and don’t feel like you’re going to have to do something just because he said he would; Bravo’s up for anything, he wants you to be comfortable”
You smile to yourself at that. You could feel that from the beginning, his easy smile as he greeted you, the open posture and warmth in his eyes. It makes you feel warm, despite the chill of wearing next to nothing. You look over the list, making your way through it honestly, finding no surprise in your answers aligning almost perfectly with his own.
“Right, I’ll check this over, we’ll be good to go in about twenty – you feeling good?”
“Yep” you answered, feeling a sink of nerves in your stomach as you nod. It’s the same nerves from this morning, anticipation a burning stone through your belly as you stand awkwardly in the living room, your eyes avoiding the couch and the questions it raises.
“You look gorgeous” his voice comes from behind you, making you spin as he grins. He’s changed into jeans, loose and hanging low on his hips and a shirt that fits tight across his chest. Someone (Blake, probably) has attacked his hair with a wet comb, clearing it off his forehead, making him look more put together. You can smell a hint of cologne that wasn’t there before, and he’s chewing gum.
“You nervous?” he asks, coming to grab your hand as you teeter on heels, making you spin under his arm.
“A little, I don’t know… am I supposed to… um, how do you act?” you laugh, letting him draw you into an absurd slow dance.
“Don’t worry about that. The acting’s only a little bit. I’m going to lay on the bed, you’re going to walk into the room, and that’s all you have to do. Dieter will take care of the rest”
Fuck. That laugh is driving him insane. He’s glad Blake bullied him into jeans, hiding the fact that he’s half hard already, looking at you in little scraps of lace. Your nipples are hard underneath the bralette and he’s desperate to get his mouth on you, impatient for the director to finish setting up so he can finally touch you the way he’s been wanting to for hours, for weeks really. He pushes away the thought that it’s the only time he’s going to get to.
“Alright you pair!” the director hollers from the bedroom. “Let’s get this show on the road”
It’s surreal, to sit on a bed and listen to someone tell you how to have sex. The director runs you through what they’re hoping for in the scene. Banking on your built-in audience, he wants you on top, Dieter fucking up into you as opposed to the usual you riding a toy. He wants you to show off your lack of gag reflex, a blowjob for the cameras with a warm cock instead of a silicone one. He wants you not to hold back noises.
“Now. We aren’t going to cut. The editors will, they’ll do the scene transitions for us. You both have your word?”
“Pineapple” you chant in unison, making Dieter laugh until you elbow him in the ribs. The director raises an eyebrow at you both.
“Use it if you need anything. Foot cramp, use your word. Glass of water? Use your word. Sun is in your eyes? Use your word. Got it? Okay, we’re going to have Bravo on the bed waiting, and I want to get some tracking shots of you walking in from behind okay. Don’t be scared to talk to the camera Diet – show her off for us, ok?”
Dieter nods, giving your knee a quick squeeze before you stand. You meet his eye and he offers you a wink, a roguish grin that makes your heart skip a little as you exit the room. You hear them call action, you hear the shuffle of feet behind you as you tiptoe into the bedroom.
He’s waiting exactly where he was a minute before. Legs spread leisurely with his elbows on his knees, fingers and toes tapping a rhythm to a song only he can hear. He grins as he looks at you, better at ignoring the cameras than you are, standing to greet you with a kiss.
His shirt is soft on your skin as he pulls you closer into him, his hands travelling down your sides to grab your ass, span the globes and pull you open, grinding into his hips as he smiles against your mouth. Biting your lip he manoeuvres you both, standing you at the foot of the bed as he runs his thumbs under your underwear.
You thought it would be more difficult. The nerves in your stomach would outweigh everything else, that you would be stiff and still in his arms, the weight of multiple eyes on you making you freeze, deer in headlights. But he keeps grabbing you, pausing to talk to the camera, rotate you on the spot as you see the camera sweep your form in your peripheral vision, a mic hanging over your head as he licks a spot on your neck that makes you shudder.
“You’ve seen her videos” he purrs in your ear, sweeping a palm across your stomach. “I’ve watched them too, seen her swallow that thick yellow fake cock like it’s water. I know you’ve wanted to watch her swallow something bigger”
He grabs your chin, making you look at him. You can see a sincerity behind his lashes, the scrutiny he’s hiding as he searches your expression, sweeps a thumb across your bottom lip.
“I’m bigger, aren’t I pet?” he asks, pulling your lip free as you nod. You’re half embarrassed, the ease with which the dark chocolate of his voice has you melting for him. You’re already struggling not to rub your thighs together, the sweep of his hands against your skin enough to make you want.
He takes his own shirt off. Briefly you’re struck by the absurdity of wearing clothing at all, knowing where this is leading, an understanding of what you’re going to do, your hands already at his waistline, undoing buttons and a zipper. He sits back on the bed, pulling your mouth to his with a hand wrapped behind your neck, tangling in the strands of hair as you sink to your knees in a move you hope looks grateful. Someone outside of frame slides a pillow towards you and you position it under your knees, thankful for the help.
He is bigger. Much bigger. You’d thought, wondered if maybe it was a trick of angles. If the size and shape of him was manipulated by professional lighting, made more attractive by the high-definition cameras. But real life is no mistaking it. Your hand can’t fit around him. Your fingers don’t touch at the tip of him, longer than your hand, thick as your wrist and already leaking. Clear drops of precum stretch to his stomach, his cock a shade darker than his skin. You’re fascinated, the pulse of a thick vein in front of you, dragging your finger down it and seeing the slightest twitch in his hips. You pull his jeans further down, allowing him to kick them off into some forgotten corner of the brightly lit room and study him, watching the way his thighs prickle in gooseflesh when you drag your hand down the soft skin.
Dieter is in trouble. He can’t look at you, see the fascination in your eyes as you trail a delicate finger along his length, swirling the drops of precum he’s been leaking since you walked in. He can’t see you on your knees in front of him, the way you dropped so eagerly making his balls draw tight to his body. Your breath on his skin, the way he can feel your lips hovering right over the tip of him, making his hips flex unconsciously. He needs to be professional right now, he needs to not blow his load all over your face the minute he feels that bubble-gum sweet tongue.
He tastes like salt and earth. Something deep and rich, red wine and fine meal on your tongue as you slip him between your lips. he makes a sound as though he’s been punched, agony in his stomach as you sink further down, feel the head of him slip through the back of your throat. The weight of him is heavy on your tongue, burning hot and alive and it makes you rub your thighs together, feeling the scrap of lacy fabric catch on your clit as you moan around his cock.
You watch from the corner of your eye his hand in the sheets, the white-knuckle death grip he has beside his hip as he curses, his hand tightening in your hair, holding your nose to his belly as you look up at his face. His eyes are screwed shut, his mouth parted as he swears, almost angry into the room.
“Fuck, fuck, Come here. Come. HERE” he pulls you off him, dangling saliva down your chest as he drags you to his mouth, his hand coming to your ass again, sliding his hand beneath the fabric to swipe at your folds.
“Gonna make me fucking lose it” he mumbles, just for you to hear, the thick pads of his fingers circling your clit as you writhe on top of him, arch your back into his touch. Its different than before, no teasing as he rolls his fingers over you, pushing your body into an orgasm without warning, your nails digging into his shoulder as you cry out, a bullet ricocheting between your legs as he grins.
“Payback” he grits, rolling on top of you to kiss you through breathless gasps of air, fitting his broad hips between your legs as he sits back off you, idly stroking his cock as he looks at you, splayed out beneath him. He traces your lips, still spit slick and swollen with his fingers, opening your mouth so he can test your lack of gag reflex, dragging the spit from your mouth and watching it drip on your skin in the afternoon light.
“God dammit you’re pretty” he says, almost to himself as you laugh, allowing his hands to massage your skin, skate across the hard pebbles of your nipples, down your stomach. “I want to fuck your face, use that pretty throat”
The growl in his voice makes you clench, your mouth falling open as he nods, standing off the bed as you scramble, ridiculous shoes hanging off the edge as you watch him walk to stand beside you, looking at your splayed form upside down. He kisses you, the angle ridiculous as he tweaks a nipple between thumb and forefinger, sending shocks of pleasure through your spine
“Pinch my thigh” he whispers, another little phrase just for you, a silent promise as you nod, tilting your head back to accept him into your mouth.
He feels bigger this way, streaming salty warm precum down your throat as he slowly thrusts into your mouth. You try to be mindful of teeth, but a scrape across the head of him makes a rumbling groan escape his mouth. You note that he likes a sting of pain with his pleasure.
This he can focus on. This he has to focus on. He watches your hands, for any sign of fingers inching to his thigh. Your mouth is heaven, warm and slick and tight around his cock as you let him use your throat. It’s filthy and debauched and absolute bliss. But he keeps an eye on your hands, tries to ignore the sound of your mouth, sloppy and wet on his cock as you somehow up the ante, and swallow around him, the tight muscle contracting around him making stars blot his vision. He watches your hand creep down your own stomach, slipping beneath the waistband of your underwear.
Something primal takes his mind. He wants that. He wants to give you that, it’s his. Reaching over you, the angle somehow deeper this way he moves your hand aside, sliding his own fingers into your cunt. You grip him tight and mewl, the vibrations rocketing up his spine as he hooks them inside of you, sweeping for the places that make you moan around him, finding his own pleasure by getting yours. It sounds obscene. He can hear the wet slick of his fingers inside you, matching the lewd sounds of his cock in your mouth and he wants to see it. Needs to see you cum with his dick in your throat.
He's stretching you just right. Pressure, you feel so full with his fingers hooked inside you, the steady thrusting of his body over yours, just enough to make your breathless, but never nervous, as you jerk your hips into his hand. His speech is garbled, half sentences you barely catch as he growls them into the air. He’s calling you perfect, he’s saying you’re beautiful, he’s calling you a filthy girl with a perfect cunt and he wants you to cum.
He's everywhere. All your senses clouded by him as your body shakes against his hand, those thick fingers hammering inside you until you can’t see, can’t breathe, can’t feel anything but the pleasure he’s wringing from your body, the slide of him inside your mouth another sensation as he takes you everywhere he can reach. You want to fight it, it verging so close to too much and not enough with every breath as you spiral, whining and half screaming around his length before you shatter.
It might be the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen. Watching you explode around his fingers, soak his wrist and the decorative underwear, the sounds you make as your back arches his fingers pushed free to rub your clit, draw it out longer, make you shake and scream as you mindlessly sink your teeth into his thigh and moan into his skin.
He stands up to look at you. His cock is angry, shiny with your spit and pulsing, bobbing heavy as he watches you come down from the high. There are mascara tracks on your cheeks, there’s a thin sheen of sweat on your skin and you’re tits are heaving with every breath. Kissing you isn’t enough. Laying his weight on top of you isn’t enough, ripping your underwear and bra off and biting down on the soft pebbled flesh of a nipple isn’t enough.
You’re begging him to fuck you, your voice weak and whimpering as you feel his cock slide between your folds. You feel empty, weak and fevered, desperate as you hear your voice, reedy and high as he kisses you again, matching your intensity with every squeeze of skin.
He knows they have to get the shot. Knows enough, from muscle memory alone to spread you wide over his thighs and kneel. The heavy slap of his cock against your clit makes a great visual, the thick length looking intimidating as he presses it between your lips and slides into you.
Oh. Oh he’s so fucked. You’re still coming down. Your cunt is still pulsing as he pushes inside you, going slow as you groan and arch your neck. He watches the line of your body as he nudges inside you, you’re so fucking tight and wet around him, your legs hooked behind his back and he can feel the heel of those ridiculous shoes at his spine. It’s everywhere, fireworks behind his eyelids as he drops his face to your chest, slides his cock deep inside you and holds every muscle of his body still. He's going to fucking cum, one fuck inside your heat and he’s a goddamn goner, a newbie on his first day.
“Don’t move.” He murmurs. “You can’t move”
His voice is broken, hitched breathing as he fills you. How can you not. He’s deliciously thick, rubbing against you in places you didn’t know felt this good, the weight of him on top of you comfortable and hot as he trails a finger down the underside of your thigh, breaths hot against your neck. You can’t help it, its not conscious as you roll your hips into him, your clit grazing against his pelvis as you whimper, desperate for something more.
“Fuck it” you hear him say, then louder “We’re going twice”
He slams into you, your eyes bursting white as he grabs your body and fucks into you once, twice, three times before you feel it, bursting hot and sticky on your insides as he groans your name, grabs your hand and squeezes.
He hasn’t come that fast in years. Usually it’s the opposite, something about the cameras always makes it harder to come, the finish line in sight but never closer, edging himself until he forces it, jerking himself all over someone’s face or tits or ass. It’s an asset, something he prides himself on, that he’s got time and stamina to last the day if needed. But he’s come twice today with nothing but your face in his mind and he doesn’t have the time to sort that out, because you’re still writhing beneath him, and it’s going to take a few minutes before he can fuck you properly again. The crew is mercifully silent as he pulls out, still filming in the background as he pushes your legs back, folds you in half and stares. You’re dripping with him. Smeared white around your folds and swollen like lush summer fruit, the ripe berry of your clit appearing as he thumbs you open.
His mouth takes you by surprise. You thought he was getting the shot, something to finish with as you feel yourself leaking cum, open and raw under his gaze. Instead, you watch as he drops his head and latches his mouth to your clit, drawing it between his own soft lips and sucking with a groan of delight.
Of course you taste like heaven. He knew you would, the brief appetiser of you on his fingers was enough to know that he was going to want to lick your cunt forever. The taste of you mixed with him, something salty and sweet as he drinks from you, listens to the way you react to him, knowing that your heads thrown back, your hands are tugging at his hair, your thighs shaking around his shoulders as he drags your closer to his mouth, licking inside you to chase the taste that’s making him feel drunk.
He devours you, licking hole to clit as he finds your hand, iron on the covers to twine your fingers and squeeze, sweeping his thumb across your knuckle to soothe your keening whimpers as he keeps tasting you, searching out every spot that makes you cry his name, his tongue snaking between your folds as you shake and burst around him. You’re not sure if you’re coming again or coming still, the long drawn-out wire in your belly still vibrating through your system as you squirm against his iron grip.
“We got the shot man” a voice breaks his concentration, pulls his face from between your thighs as the director coughs behind you. How long has he been eating your cunt? Dieter isn’t sure, but he knows he’s not ready to stop, not with the way your hips jerk into him, the way you fuck his face with abandon, the way you taste, bursting sweet across his tongue.
“I know but look at her” he says, spreading you open for the camera, slapping lightly at your clit, dripping wet and shining. “Look how fucking soaked she is”
You want to say that its him, that the fucking magic he’s casting with his mouth is making you wet, that you’ve never felt this, not with toys or other partners, this desperate need inside you to keep going, rocketing higher with each stroke of his fingers. That you don’t care about the shoot, you don’t care about anything except the way he’s touching you, the way you want him to keep touching you.
“One more, yeah?” he says, meeting your eyes and winking. “One more and then we’ll fuck, right baby?”
You nod, not trusting yourself to say anything else as his mouth seals across your clit again. You watch him this time, his hair dry and curling again, the scrape of his beard against your thighs as he locks his gaze on yours, one arm across your stomach to keep you still on his face, sucking at your clit as you shatter on his tongue again.
He doesn’t wipe his mouth before he kisses you, letting you taste the salt-sweet tang on his tongue as he grips your jaw, pulls you on top of him, his body broad and hot beneath you as you straddle his thighs. He’s hard again, the head of him catching your sensitive clit as you writhe on top of him.
“Fuck me” he says, angling you so you sink onto him, that same stretch feeling so familiar and wonderful that your neck tilts back.
This you can do, this is muscle memory, this is a thousand times in your apartment to a camera, your hips rolling as you ride his thick cock with abandon. His voice is in your ear again, but this time its real. You can hear every word he’s saying as he reaches to palm your tits, pinch your nipples as you fuck him, slamming yourself onto his cock until your thighs tremble.
He takes over when you can’t, pulling you flush against his chest as he fucks up into you, hammering, deep thrusts that steal your breath as he starts talking, words meant just for you.
“You feel so fucking good pet. You’re a filthy needy little thing aren’t you, need this cunt filled properly, been looking for just the right toy. I’ll be your toy baby, I’ll fuck you anytime you want, you feel perfect, you fit me so good. Can you imagine how you look right now? All fucked out and messy, stretched so open for me while you let me fuck this perfect hole. I want all of them, I want all of you, want to have you full of me in every single one, every single day, you hear me?”
He's spreading you, open for the cameras you assume as his palms knead your ass again, the sharp slap to one cheek skittering white blasts of light across your vision.
“Gonna come, gonna come again baby, I want it on your face, want to watch those gorgeous lips swallow me, can I, fuck, can I?”
You move, faster than you think he was expecting to lick at the head of his cock. You can taste yourself, can taste him, can taste all of it as you watch his hand fist his length, shiny with your release and his own, rough and fast as he aims his cock at your waiting mouth.
He streaks your tongue and lips with it. His toes curl and you watch his chest flex, his stomach ripple as his neck strains, a strangled, pained cry wrenched from his lips as he comes hard across your mouth. He tastes like saltwater taffy, warm and slightly sweet as you swallow, greedy for it, watching his hips twitch with the overstimulation.
You sit back on your ridiculous heels after, watching him run a hand down his sweaty face, messing his hair as he opens his eyes to look at you. His gaze is soft, warm and almost glowing as he reaches for you, wipes a drop of cum into your mouth with his thumb. You want him to kiss you, but the scene is over now, and melancholy is already settling into your skin.
Dieter grabs for you, seeing the storm come across your face as you come to the same realisation. But not yet, not yet, just a few more moments of it, and then he’ll let you go. Just kiss you once more, just feel you in his arms for a while as you lay together and he strokes your hair from your face. Get you to laugh for him again, a giggle that he can keep like a butterfly in a cage.
“Well. That was something” the director sounds airy, happy and light as his voice floats into your consciousness.
“Um… good something?” you ask, unwilling to move from Dieter’s arms, wrapped around you and tight.
“Very good something. You guys are great together… yeah… it’s really something. We’ll grab you some Gatorade, ok?”
He leaves the room as Dieter pulls a blanket over you both, kissing your forehead with something that feels like relief.
“I think I need a shower” you say, feeling the fabric stick to your skin.
“That is a reasonable assessment” he replies, making you laugh as you sit up, feel an ache settle in your limbs as you twist.
“Feeling okay?” He asks, a twinge of concern as you finally kick off the stupid shoes and stand up to stretch.
“Feeling fucking great, David” You respond with a wink, laughing as he throws a pillow at you, darting into the bathroom.
You shower, redressing in the warm afterglow. You feel fuzzy, high and sated all at once, your limbs ache but feel soothed, your body is a contradiction. Drinking water and snacking as you pack your things you feel the slightest twinge of regret. Was this it? Would you ever see him again? You don’t really want to leave if that’s the case.
But he’s a professional, this was just a day at work for him, and now he would go home, water his plants, eat dinner and go to bed. It didn’t mean anything to him, and pretending it was anything more than something you got a paycheck for was going to set a dangerous precedent going forward. You styled your hair with more aggression than was necessary and reminded yourself of that.
“You gonna ask her out or what man?” Dieter is staring at the closed bathroom door when Blake’s voice snaps him back to reality.
“What? Why would I?”
“Um, because none of us are blind?” They reply, rolling their eyes.
“What are you talking about”
“Okay, you’re blind. I’m out Bravo, see you on the next” Blake punches his shoulder lightly before he leaves, dragging a heavy makeup case as their dress swishes around the corner.
Dieter returns to staring at the door, confusion clouding his mind. Blind to what? Sure, it was an amazing shoot. But that was just because you cosmically matched sexually. It didn’t have anything to do with anything other than work. You were fun to hang out with, sure, and your laugh made his chest do this weird thing, but that was probably nothing, just some weird new thing in a post pandemic world. He’d been stuck inside too long, it had nothing to do with the way you made him laugh, and the fact he hadn’t left yet didn’t mean anything other than he wanted to be polite, say goodbye properly, maybe apologise for making a goddamn fool of himself the minute he started fucking you.
“You’re still here”
He stands up, and is suddenly really, uncomfortably aware of his hands, not sure where to put them he settles on shoving them into his pockets, twisting them into uncomfortable fists as he looked at you, scrubbed clean in the shower and dressed again in comfy clothing. You’re still so goddamn pretty. It’s not fair.
“Wanted to walk you out” he shrugs, half a lie as he grabs your heaviest bag, gesturing for you to walk ahead of him.
“God, those shoes” you mutter, treading lightly on the path as the sun dips below the horizon, streaking purple in the sky. “Never again”
“They made your ass look great though” he quips, loading your bag into the back of your car.
“My ass always looks great, thank you” you reply, giggling in that way that makes his spine tingle. There’s a silence that falls over the two of you, a curtain of finality, weight on both your shoulders.
You kicked your feet in the driveway. Was this it? How do you say goodbye? A handshake seems too formal, but it is work, but a hug would feel better, do you thank him? What the hell are you supposed to say? How do you end this, shake it off on a silent drive home. This was work, it was nothing but work and he was going to forget you the minute he shut his car door.
“Are you hungry?” he asks suddenly. Dieter is scrubbing his hand across the back of his neck, squinting into the sunset, refusing to look at you. “There’s this taco truck about ten minutes away, they, they uh, have some good stuff”
You could feel the grin pulling your cheeks.
“Yeah, that sounds great”
He wraps and arm around your neck, yanking you into his embrace with a sigh that sounds heavy with relief, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Amazing. Yeah. Good”
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