europahoynews · 3 months
Terror sistemático y atrocidades brutales abundan en Myanmar: jefe de derechos humanos de la ONU
Dirigiéndose a la Asamblea con sede en Ginebra Consejo de Derechos HumanosVolker Türk, Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos destacó que la crisis hay “emblemático de un legado de décadas de dominación militarla asfixia del disenso y la división”. Añadió que la misma dinámica se está desarrollando contra la minoría musulmana rohingya y otras comunidades en la provincia…
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venusiancharisma · 6 months
Ancient Astrology & The 2nd House
The 2nd house in astrology, also known as the House of Value, is associated with an individual's material possessions, financial resources, and personal values. This house represents how an individual earns, spends, and manages their money, as well as their attitudes towards wealth, security, and self-worth.
In ancient Babylonian astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Possessions" and was associated with an individual's material wealth, movable assets, and the ability to accumulate resources. The ancient Babylonians believed that the planet ruling the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house would have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and material well-being.
In Hellenistic astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "Gate of Hades" and was associated with an individual's material resources, as well as their ability to sustain themselves and others. It was believed that the 2nd house represented the resources that an individual brought with them into this life, as well as the resources they would take with them into the afterlife.
In medieval astrology, the 2nd house was known as the "House of Substance" and was associated with an individual's movable possessions, such as money, jewelry, and livestock. It was believed that the 2nd house represented an individual's ability to acquire and maintain wealth, as well as their attitudes towards material possessions and financial security.
In modern Western astrology, the 2nd house is still associated with an individual's financial resources, material possessions, and personal values. It represents an individual's earning potential, spending habits, and attitudes towards money and material security. The 2nd house is also associated with an individual's self-worth and the value they place on themselves and their abilities.
The 2nd house is divided into three decans, each with its own unique symbolism and meaning. The first decan of the 2nd house (0-10 degrees) is associated with the Taurus archetype and represents an individual's ability to accumulate wealth and resources through hard work, perseverance, and practicality. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hierophant, which symbolizes tradition, structure, and the acquisition of knowledge and skills.
The second decan of the 2nd house (10-20 degrees) is associated with the Virgo archetype and represents an individual's ability to manage their resources through careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Hermit, which symbolizes introspection, self-sufficiency, and the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.
The third decan of the 2nd house (20-30 degrees) is associated with the Capricorn archetype and represents an individual's ability to achieve financial success and material security through ambition, discipline, and a strong work ethic. This decan is associated with the tarot card The Devil, which symbolizes materialism, temptation, and the need to overcome obstacles and limitations.
In addition to the decans, there are several other important aspects of the 2nd house to consider. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the ruler of the 2nd house and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions. For example, if Taurus is on the cusp of the 2nd house, Venus will be the ruler of the 2nd house, and the individual's financial attitudes and behaviors will be heavily influenced by Venusian qualities such as a love of luxury, a desire for stability and security, and an appreciation for beauty and aesthetics.
Any planets that are located in the 2nd house are also considered to have a strong influence on an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Jupiter is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a tendency towards excessive spending or a belief in the abundance of the universe. If Saturn is in the 2nd house, the individual may have a more cautious or frugal approach to money and may prioritize long-term financial security over short-term gains.
The aspects that planets in the 2nd house make to other planets in the chart can also provide important insights into an individual's financial attitudes and behaviors. For example, if Venus in the 2nd house makes a trine aspect to Jupiter in the 6th house, the individual may have a talent for combining their creative talents with practical skills to generate income and achieve financial success.
In Vedic astrology, the 2nd house is known as the "Dhana Bhava" or "House of Wealth" and is associated with an individual's financial resources, movable assets, and the ability to earn and accumulate wealth. The planet that rules the sign on the cusp of the 2nd house is known as the 2nd house lord and is considered to have a significant influence on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In Chinese astrology, the 2nd house is associated with an individual's resources, talents, and abilities, as well as their capacity for generating wealth and achieving material success. The sign on the cusp of the 2nd house and any planets located within the house are believed to have a significant impact on an individual's financial prospects and attitudes towards money and material possessions.
In addition to the astrological associations, the 2nd house is also connected to several other areas of life, including an individual's values, self-esteem, and personal talents and abilities. The 2nd house represents the resources that an individual has at their disposal, both tangible and intangible, and how they choose to use those resources to create a sense of security, comfort, and fulfillment in their lives.
The 2nd house is also connected to an individual's early experiences with money and material possessions, as well as their family's attitudes towards wealth and financial security. These early experiences and influences can have a significant impact on an individual's own attitudes and behaviors around money and material possessions, and may be reflected in the placement of planets and signs in the 2nd house.
Overall, the 2nd house in astrology is a complex and multifaceted area of the chart that represents an individual's financial resources, material possessions, personal values, and attitudes towards wealth and security. By understanding the symbolism and meaning of the 2nd house, as well as its associated planets, signs, and aspects, astrologers can gain valuable insights into an individual's financial prospects, spending habits, and overall relationship with money and material possessions.
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1d1195 · 11 months
Protection - Extra I
Read the rest of it here: Protection
I thought you all might want to read a bit about this. This is in between their dip in the water and their trip to England that I previously skipped over. (between part 9 and 10)
Just cute stuff I think (@freedomfireflies said it was romantic 😍thank you for reading it ahead of time for me). A little angsty maybe if you read it the right way.
~4k words
“Are you alright?” She asked, it came out strong. It was important to her to say it fully, no teeth chattering. She wanted to make sure Harry was okay.
He laughed, loudly. He couldn’t help it; he nosed at her ear. “Oh, love. M’fine... s’long as you are.”
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The water was freezing; it was December after all. It felt like ice on Harry’s skin, and more so like it was seeping right into his veins. It was no more than twenty seconds before he reached her. He grabbed her by the arm before she started sinking further to the bottom. With a hurt leg and her arms once more held together by a zip-tie, his supervisor was definitely planning on letting her painfully drown to death.
It made Harry sick to be associated with such a place.
Harry pulled his free arm toward the top of the sea. They crested over the surface. Harry gasped quietly, more worried about making sure she had air. Almost immediately, he cupped a hand over her mouth a bit to hide the sounds she made as she spluttered over the splash of the waves. He worried that his supervisor might come back to check that she really was gone. Harry waded the pair of them toward the bottom of the little cliff. So that if he did look down, the view would be obstructed. “Shh, shh, m’here, baby. I have you, honey; m’so sorry, kitten. But y’gotta stay quiet, love. I got you,” he promised treading hard for both of them to stay afloat. It was so fucking cold. “M’sorry,” he whispered softly. As her breath came back more evenly, he pressed his lips to her forehead. Her lips were turning bluer by the second. Just like when she was paling without enough blood. It made him nervous even though he knew it was because she was freezing. But what truly worried him most, was the look of shock on her face. Like Harry wouldn’t have moved heaven and earth to find her and keep her safe.
After several seconds of silence, Harry didn’t have much choice but to risk it either way and started to swim awkwardly toward the sandy area nearby. He hauled her to shore, cradling her as best he could. They paused just at the shoreline Harry stretching his achy muscles from the stiffness of the cold. She didn’t even have a coat, the poor thing. Her jaw chattered almost violently—he could hear her teeth clacking together high heels down the hallway. Harry couldn’t feel his toes. “We gotta get warm,” he murmured, taking his pocket knife to the ties and releasing her poor, delicate wrists. Instantly, he was back on his cold feet. He scooped her up close. It was nearly second nature to hold her to his chest. He wished he could have stayed dry but what was his other option? Leave her in the water?
She looked tired, cold, and blue. “H-Harry,” she murmured, teeth clicking.
“I know, honey,” he cooed sadly; willing himself to be stronger because he had to be, he started back to his car.
“I-I hate h-him,” she reminded him sniffling a bit into his neck.
“I know. Me too, kitten.”
“How d-did you—?” There was a shake in her voice along with her teeth.
“I put a tracking device in y’scrunchie,” he admitted. He looked shy, embarrassed, his cheeks pinking at the admission. She wished she had the strength to reach up and touch them because she imagined his skin would warm her fingertips. “M’sorry, love...but I couldn’t...I don’t—"
The relief on her face was absolute. She looked at him as if he just told her that her mom was alive. “J-just p-put one in m-me,” she leaned toward him, pressing her face to his neck.
He smiled, grateful for the small reprieve of seriousness. The guilt he felt for tracking her like she was his property was abundant. But he was so grateful she was happy at the thought. “I thought ‘bout that too,” he confessed sheepishly.
“Are you alright?” She asked, it came out strong. It was important to her to say it fully, no teeth chattering. She wanted to make sure Harry was okay.
He laughed, loudly. He couldn’t help it; he nosed at her ear. “Oh, love. M’fine... s’long as you are.”
“I’m ok-kay.”
She nodded, trying to nuzzle up to Harry. She wanted to shield herself from the cold sea breeze, but Harry was just as cold too. There was nothing but shivers passing through them like an electric current. Harry felt so much relief but was getting frustrated with the temperature of the air, the chill in the water, and just of course the day as a whole.
To conserve energy, they were silent. Eventually, they finally made it back to his car. Without running, it seemed like it took hours, not minutes, to get back. The poor thing looked so utterly exhausted. Harry reached below the wheel hub for his spare key—he probably could have left his whole key ring but he didn’t want to be without a phone, a car, nor his wallet in the event something worse happened. (Especially because he wanted to keep her precious handwritten notes preserved in his wallet safely. No way he was willing to risk losing those.)
He set her on her good leg, her body throbbing anyway as if it were the bad one because she was so numb with coldness; Harry kept her pressed to him. Her jaw was shaking so violently, Harry worried she would hurt her teeth. He bit his lip; now that his mind was clearer with less cold saltwater attacking him and taking over all rational thought and senses. “Honey,” he said softly, almost unsurely. Nervously. Like she was going to hate what he had to do to take care of her because he hated what he knew he had to do.
“Whatever you h-have to d-do, Mr. EMT.”
He sighed with more relief passing through him. He smirked at her, amazed she could still make jokes when her fingers looked like they were about to fall off from the chill. He coaxed her to sit on the ground—mindful of her aching leg. She frowned instantly, from the lack of contact—even if she and Harry were cold it was better to be held by him just because he made her insides feel warm.
But Harry was as speedy as he could be. He grabbed a couple blankets and the array of clothing he had in the boot originally packed for the gym. There were a few leftover sweatshirts from the change in season when he would wear sweatshirts home from the gym to keep the chill in the air from bothering him when he was all sweaty. Hurriedly, he laid one of his blankets in the backseat.
He turned back for her. She was wide-eyed. Waiting for directions, chattering, rubbing her hands up and down her arms trying to get the friction to warm her, to do something for her cold and achy skin.  “Love, I gotta take your clothes off.”
She looked devastated. Immediately she regretted her words that she would do whatever he asked. She shook her head at him, her eyes pleading with him. “N-no m’cold,” she chattered again.
“I know, beautiful. M’so sorry. But we have t’get warm. M’cold too, kitten. But—”
“P-please, no,” she begged anyway.
“Can’t w-we—”
“M’gonna take my clothes off too, kitten, we need body heat,” he explained. Reminding her of the science may have helped the cold slip out of her foggy mind and appeal to the part of her brain that knew the science behind what he was saying.
It seemed to do the trick. “Oh, why d-didn’t you s-say so,” she smiled as flirtatiously as she could with blue lips and icicle-looking hair.
He rolled his eyes. “Keep it in y’pants, love.” But she couldn’t help it. Really couldn’t. Because naked Harry was all she thought about for the last week and half. Before the awful terrible stuff happened. He pulled his jacket off, hurried to the driver’s door and started the car blasting the heat. “S’gonna feel awful, love,” he warned. “M’so sorry,” he kissed her forehead hating how her skin felt colder than his own chilled lips.
Sighing, she nodded. “Okay,” she whispered, bravely giving him the go ahead. She sighed deeply as he helped her back to stand and he started with the thin shirt she had on from the hospital. “D-did you kn-now the wa-water is warmer in December than a m-month like M-May c-cause the h-heat cap-pacity for water st-stays long-ger from the s-summer? S-so this water is ac-actually w-warmer c-cause of August?” Harry didn’t know if she was genuinely trying to make conversation or if she was trying to distract herself. Either way, he was hopelessly in love with her beautiful brain.
“So, May would’ve been a worse time for this t’have happened t’us?” She nodded as he peeled the cold, wet clothes off her body as quickly as he could. “A Christmas miracle,” he murmured.
He did leave a sports bra and her underwear on, but it was of course not nearly enough for Christmas Eve in December. She whimpered as the breeze brushed over her. He carefully helped lay her down, so she was lying on her side closer towards the back of the seat. He then wrapped a sweatshirt around her cold feet, rubbing over top of them to add to the friction. He angled the vents from the front so she would feel the warmth hopefully. Harry stripped immediately and quickly as possible. His jeans were a challenge to peel off—stiff with the saltwater soaking every little fiber. He hurried to pull a blanket halfway around his side so he could slip into the space left for him beside her. He was grateful she already felt a smidge warmer as he pressed his body as close to hers as he could and shut them both inside his backseat with a slam of his door and click of the lock. “This is s-so unf-fair,” she whispered to herself.
Harry smiled and shook his head. “Promise I’ll let y’look s’much as y’want when we’re warm again,” he wrapped her closer. God it was so nice to hold her. Even if they were both freezing. Even if he wanted to explode with anger and murder all of DSS (except Niall).
They didn’t speak again for the duration of however long it was again, to conserve energy. Harry closed his eyes feeling relief crushing him as he held her to his body. Her icy skin was still like heaven to touch. For the first time in nearly a week, he felt like he could breathe again. Despite the direness of the situation, he was certain this was some form of heaven. He listened to her breathing against his neck, her quiet sniffle every few moments as he inhaled against the side of her head basking in the warmth he felt just from knowing she was safe in his arms.
Harry didn’t look at what time they got into the car but eventually the windows began to steam, and her shivers subsided. Her hair stopped dripping onto his skin and Harry could feel his toes again. “Do you have an eight-pack?” She murmured into his chest. Her nose was still cold, but her teeth weren’t chattering anymore. He felt her hands curled right below his navel.
He smirked lazily. “Behave, m’love,” he mumbled into her hair, enjoying the ease of the moment. She was warmer. She was safe. Harry wasn’t letting her out of his sight for a second for at least a month—maybe longer.
“Am I really that ugly you’re unaffected by me being naked?”
“M’not dignifying that with a response, kitten.”
She sighed. “You’re never gonna sleep with me, are you?”
“Honey, I thought y’were dead four days ago. Y’almost drowned within the last hour. Not t’mention y’were drugged a few months back, twisted an ankle, and nearly sliced y’hand open. Jus’ wanna hold y’right now,” he murmured. “Jus’ lemme do it.”
She didn’t say anything for a few beats. “When you say it like that it sounds like I’m cursed.”
He smiled. “M’gonna sleep with you. Promise.”
She was a little skeptical, mainly because she was cold and grumpy. “Are you gonna be weird about my leg?” She asked.
He nodded decidedly. “Very.”
She released another exasperated sigh and let the silence wash over them again. Harry squeezed her every few moments hoping for extra warmth from the friction. Also, because he was so happy she was okay; alive and real. He paid special attention to her breathing, listening for signs of irregularities. “Harry?” She asked so quietly, Harry worried that she was about to faint or something.
“Yes, m’love?” He hummed.
“Are we...still going to England?”
Harry felt the smile expand on his face so warmly it was hard to imagine he was cold right now. “Of course, kitten,” he hummed. “As soon as we pack.”
“Will your mom and sister like me?”
Harry felt his heart stutter against his ribs. He wondered if she felt it against her lips. “Yes, honey. Very much. Almost s’much as I do.”
“How much is that?”
He sighed. He thought about the notes he had in his wallet. Her little heart telling her she didn’t get kidnapped while brushing her teeth. How close she really was to predicting the future. Then of course the much more recent, horrible time she said sorry so profusely and admitted she adored him. “A lot, kitten. So much.”
She nodded, deciding there wasn’t much point in arguing. Harry found her despite everything, all the heartache and all the drama anyway. It was plenty—more than enough, really for her to believe him. “Okay, good,” she said. “I want out of here so bad.”
He chuckled, pressing his lips to her temple and giving her a squeeze. “Are y’warm?”
“I can feel my toes and fingers again,” she flexed them against his body for good measure.
He nodded gratefully. “How’s your leg?”
“It hurts a lot,” she had been focused on getting warm, but she was in so much pain between the cold numbing of her limbs, the hole in her thigh already seemed like nothing in comparison. But she couldn’t help but feel the sore ache of the ripped flesh coming back with a vengeance. “Saltwater and everything.”
He kissed her forehead. “We’ll go in jus’ a few more minutes. S’it unbearable?”
She shook her head. Harry was holding her. He was bare except for a pair of cold wet boxers. He was holding her. His lips were in her hair and his breath touched her scalp. Almost drowning, getting drugged, twisting an ankle, getting shot, and slicing her hand seemed like nothing. She would even consider doing it again if Harry could hold her like this forever. “No... not unbearable,” she decided.
He nodded sullenly. “I don’t have a plan,” he admitted. “I don’t want... them t’know you’re alive,” he murmured.
“Me either.”
More silence followed. It was comfortable though. What could they possibly say right now? Harry was just so grateful she was alive he didn’t care if they spoke for the rest of their lives.
She started giggling shortly thereafter. Almost uncontrollably. Her mind was thinking about how ridiculous all of this was. How bad it was. All that happened over the last couple weeks—the last few months with Harry. The laughter shook her against Harry making the friction warm themselves faster.
“Why are y’giggling? Y’need medical attention again. We need t’get into your apartment...we...” he sighed. “S’a mess, love. Such a mess.”
She pressed her cheek to his chest trying to stifle her laughter. “Yeah, it is...”
“How can y’be so calm ‘bout this?”
“I am basking in how nice it feels to know DSS is the worst.”
He rolled his eyes with a sigh. “Honey; s’not the time.”
“Y’know what will be really fun,” she said softly. “Telling our kids that you shot me.”
He winced trying not to picture it even though she said it so casually, as if it was an inside joke. But he liked the idea of their kids a lot. “Are y’delirious?”
She smiled into his skin with a little nod and shrug. “I have a plan. But we’re going to need some help.”
“Jesus Harry, I’m so fucking sorry,” Niall croaked the second he answered.
“Niall, stay calm; they can’t know. Especially if you’re around anyone else,” her voice was low, just in case anyone overheard his conversation. “Say so fucking sorry, Harry, again if you understand and can do this right this second or I’ll hang up and try again in a bit.”
There was a silent second as Niall theoretically composed himself. “So fucking sorry, Harry,” he repeated breathlessly.
She was taking charge again. Harry was hunched awkwardly on the inside of the seat while he worked on her leg with a kit he had from his EMT days. Most of the stuff was expired and there were a lot of materials missing, but it was better than nothing. He wrapped a dry sweatshirt around her torso, she wasn’t wearing pants while he tended to her thigh, but he had never loved her as much as he did right then. “Can you get in my apartment? Say yes this is real, if you can, or no I don’t believe it, if you can’t.”
“Yes, it’s real,” he said stiffly.
“A little more emotion, Niall. They won’t believe you. Tell Harry when the services are supposed to be.”
“Eleven in the morning. Saturday, the twenty-eighth.”
“Leave it to dad to ruin everyone’s holiday break so he can sell his suffering...” she grumbled. “We need two tickets to England at that time...can Harry text you on this line? Say yes, you’re allowed to come or no, you’re not.”
“No, you’re not allowed to come.”
She nodded, but by and large that was only a small hiccup. “Can you come to Harry’s house?” She asked. “Say I’ll send you the info or I can’t.”
“I’ll send you the info.”
“I adore you, Niall,” she smiled sweetly. “Aside from Harry you’re the only good part of DSS.”
“I’m so sorry, Harry,” he whispered off script; she wondered if the sorry really was meant for her or for Harry. In the end she suspected it was probably both.
“I know...we’ll see you later,” she promised. “I owe you a big hug.”
“Bye, Harry,” his voice cracked a bit. She smiled sweetly.
“Bye, Niall.”
Niall had her passport and the duffle bag that was packed in her apartment along with all of her belongings that she asked for—as well as a set of crutches to help support her injured leg. He shoved Harry out of the way when he opened the door, nearly throwing her heavy bag at him and heading over to her on the couch to cash in on the hug she owed him.
Harry rolled his eyes but completely understood Niall’s anxiety and excitement just knowing she was alive.
“How did you know you were going to make it out alive?” Niall finally asked after a thousand other questions.
She smiled at Niall. It was the first time Harry left her alone in a room for longer than a minute—even if he was just one room over and could still see her if he looked around the half wall. He was organizing his things in his own suitcase and simultaneously checking the paperwork Niall had done. He was focused intently on reading everything, making sure everything was in place. There was not a single centimeter of room for error.
“Well, to be fair, I didn’t know it was going to be this dire,” she shrugged.
Niall was looking at her like she was a ghost. Harry had her leg propped on the couch; a pillow stacked to keep it fluffed up. She swore it didn’t even hurt all that much, but they had spent the last few nights in crummy motels and after he helped her shower in his own regular-sized shower, a day before they departed the country, he wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as humanly possible.
At night, he wrapped her in his arms so tightly it was almost too hot when they woke up. But Harry couldn’t let her go—not even an inch. She didn’t protest either; the warmth was welcomed—especially after the frigid dip in the icy water. Plus, sleeping with Harry was all she wanted. Well...the most rated-G thing she wanted to do with Harry.
“I told them you’re leaving to visit home,” Niall said to Harry. “They don’t understand everything, but they won’t bother you.”
Harry nodded silently in response to triple checking again.
“Can you tell my professor I’m not dead...once I’m in England?” She asked.
Niall smiled. “Happy to.”
“Do you have a plan?” She asked.
“M’surprised y’don’t, love,” Harry muttered placing the passports and other paperwork into a folder for safekeeping through their travels.
“Oh, I do. I was just wondering if Niall did.”
Chuckling, Niall smiled. “M’all ears, darling.”
So, she explained her thoughts. Told him exactly what she thought would happen and how it should be handled in response. Apart from a few minor details, he agreed wholeheartedly. “You really like this guy?” He jerked his head in Harry’s direction with a smirk.
She nodded eagerly with a pretty smile. “Yeah...I know.”
Harry shook his head as he rolled his eyes at her. “You’re much too smart for him,” Niall reminded her.
She giggled and Harry sighed. “That I agree with,” Harry murmured.
“He saved my life, though...a lot,” she shrugged.
Niall smiled brightly. “Give Anne and Gemma a big hug from me, yeah?” Niall said, kissing the top of her head. “And don’t let him feel too guilty, y’know how he gets,” he whispered only for her as he pulled away from their embrace. “Harold, maybe don’t turn her into Swiss cheese? Enjoy the holiday?”
She giggled but worried Harry would have a breakdown if they kidded too much about it. Considering it was still so fresh. Especially since she knew Niall was right about how guilty Harry was probably feeling. The second Niall was gone she dropped her head back against the cushion. “I have no books to read while we’re there.”
“I’ll buy us some,” he promised and came back over to sit on his coffee table. He still looked exhausted—beautiful, but exhausted. It was only a little after eight in the evening.
“Can we go to bed?” She asked, yawning because she was exhausted too. She wanted nothing more than to snuggle close to Harry in a normal bed.
He smiled tiredly. “Yes, love, of course.” Harry helped her stand and held onto her to support her injured leg. “I wish you’d jus’ let me carry you,” he murmured the short walk to his bedroom. She ignored him and slipped between his soft sheets, and it felt like a cloud was holding her in comparison to the stiff motel mattresses. She moaned softly at the feeling. Harry chuckled.
She nodded. Harry slid in beside her and they were drenched in darkness. They were set to leave tomorrow and get away for a bit. A comfortable silence fell over them. It had been happening a lot since she woke up from her little medical nap. There was too much to think about. Too much to do and until they were safely away from DSS in another country. So the quietness was peaceful—after everything. They had said so much through words and actions over the last few days. There was still so much to discuss but it would have to wait. They were so very tired. Ached to the bone with injuries, chills, and bad dreams. She wanted to sleep for days. She wanted Harry to sleep for days. “Can I live here? On this mattress?” She asked.
Harry’s heart fluttered. “You can live here forever, Miss Wildflower,” he promised, making her heart melt. It was the first time she had ever felt so truly cared for since her mom died and it was overwhelming to say the least. His fingers danced along her arm making goosebumps appear on her skin, but not because she was cold. No, Harry made her so warm just by being there.
“Even with all my crazy flowers?” She whispered quietly.
“Especially with your beautiful flowers.”
general taglist: @justlemmeadoreyou @daydreamingofmatilda @sunshinemoonsposts @youdontcaredoyou @tiredinwinter @loving-hazz @likeapplejuicenpeach @straightontilmornin @freedomfireflies @littlenatilda @kathb59 @babegoals @angel-upon @lilfreakjez @mleestiles @ameliaalvarez06 @canyonmoondreams @summertime-pills @daphnesutton @l4rrysh0use @perfectywrong @foreverxholland @lolyouallsuck @buckybarnessimpp @stylesfever @harrysxcarolina @lovrave
Protection taglist: @youcouldstartacult @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @luxiorchive @ameerakane20 @be-with-me-so-happily @cherryshouse @foreverxholland @tenaciousperfectionunknown @samanddeaninatrenchcoat @cherrystyle @kaiohnsa @snwells @st-ev-ie
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sinfonia-relativa · 9 months
Se te hizo tarde , para darte cuenta de mi valor, se te hizo tarde para comprender que personas como yo no abundan en el mundo , muy tarde has comprendido que un corazón que te ame como el mío te amo no encontrarás tan fácilmente. Que lastima que no pudiste comprender antes , con tantas veces que te lo dije , que a él amor cuando lo tienes , no se deja para después , no se maltrata , no se engaña... Que lastima que no pudiste entender antes que lo que te daba , que lo que nacía en mi corazón por ti , solo se experimenta una vez. Se te hizo tarde , muy tarde para enmendar el desastre que hiciste con nosotros, con lo que teníamos , con lo que solíamos ser. Se te hizo tarde para retomar lo que pudimos ser. Se te hizo tarde para mirarme , a mi , que siempre estuve a tu lado , esperando por ti , se te hizo tarde para buscarme , para estar dispuesto a escucharme , se te hizo tarde para querer amarme... Lo siento, pero el tiempo pasa y nos coloca a todos en donde tenemos que estar, el tiempo no espera por nada ni nadie. Y a ti se te hizo tarde y yo me cansé de esperar un tren que jamás pasó por mi estación , se te hizo tarde para pasar por esta , por que yo me he ido de allí , por que me cansé de ver mi vida pasar frente a mis ojos mientras lo único que hacía era esperar.
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Una palabra a tiempo,
en su momento justo,
también se puede usar
como un desfibrilador
cuando el corazón se cansa.
Pero no abundan
esas palabras.
No suelen estar colgadas
en las paredes con un cartel
en el que ponga:
“Usar en caso de emergencia”
Cuando dicen que una imagen
vale más que mil de ellas,
es porque ninguna de las mil
es la correcta.
Es verdad que hay miradas
que hablan,
pero el oído, como la piel,
también necesita sus caricias.
Busquen a quien tiene el don
de curar con ellas,
o mejor todavía,
sean ustedes quienes curen
a los además,
pero sobre todo,
a ustedes mismos,
pues recuerden,
que todo empieza
de dentro hacia fuera.
Si, porque las buenas,
curan más que la mayoría
de las farmacias.
Pero claro, más que a ellas,
a las palabras,
buscamos a la imagen,
a esa que nos han dicho
que vale mil veces más.
Y cuando nos damos cuenta
que el tiempo va borrando
a las mil, una a una,
sin piedad ante el espejo,
entonces empezamos
a echarlas de menos,
incluso empezamos
a leer poesía.
Porque al fin y al cabo,
la poesía es eso,
arrodillar a la imagen
a los pies de sus rimas.
Aunque mejor que leer,
empiecen a escribir,
usen las palabras,
que ellas
cuando se las busca,
se dejan encontrar,
solo que hemos estado
cuidando la imagen
durante tanto tiempo,
que nos costará un poco
que vuelvan a nosotros.
Pero inténtenlo,
no suelen guardar el rencor
que guarda la belleza
cuando se perdió,
porque ellas,
no dependen del tiempo
para ser bellas.
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lilithwoon69 · 11 days
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Me desaparecí un tiempo logre bajar 7 kilos por que me fui a vivir a un lugar muy tranquilo...hace un mes regrese a mi casa en donde abundan los problemas subi 5 kilos de inmediato...Mi madre me recuerda lo gorda que estoy todo el tiempo y solo me hace querer comer más...hoy decidí que no lo permitiré pronto tengo una importante presentación y quiero bajar 20 kilos en 3 meses eh leído reseñas y se que es posible por que ya lo eh echo antes.
Haré la dieta líquida la primer semana...la segunda semana consumire solo 200 Kc por día
La tercer semana seguiré con 100 y consumire 300 cada tercer día
La cuarta serán 100 y 250 turnandolas
DESENME EXITO estaré reportando el avanze
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purpleiceheart · 1 month
El problema.
Siempre he sido el problema. Todos los lugares a los que voy, las personas a las que conozco, las cosas que me gustan, las actividades que me entretienen, todo, siempre he diferido. El sentimiento de no encajar, de no hallar un lugar al que pertenezcas y personas en las que confiar, te va debilitando poco a poco. Dicen que es bueno ser diferente, pero, ¿a qué costo? Si todos los diferentes se acaban volviendo como el resto para no seguir sufriendo en un mundo donde las copias abundan y los distintos son los que estorban. No sé qué más hacer, o ni siquiera, si quiero hacer algo.
Cada día más cansada de este mundo,
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esuemmanuel · 3 months
There are silences that are anchored in your tongue like a pain that wants to be shouted, but you are only able to smile and pretend that nothing has happened. Of those silences abound in your mouth; you smile and laugh, but your tongue cries.
Hay silencios que se anclan en la lengua como un dolor que quiere ser gritado, pero sólo es capaz de sonreír y fingir que nada ha pasado. De esos silencios abundan en tu boca; sonríes y ríes, pero tu lengua llora.
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lonely-soul28 · 17 hours
Seamos todos los colores, excepto grises, seamos fríos o calientes, menos tibios. Seamos más empaticos y menos arrogantes, seamos de esas personas directas que te dicen la verdad, y no las que mienten para quedar bien o solo para conseguir algo a cambio. Seamos un Siii, o un Noo, pero nunca un No sé. Seamos más auténticos, y no falsos que de esos ya abundan. Seamos más expresivos y menos cobardes. Seamos monumentos estables, y no de esos que tambalean con el primer temblor. Seamos más pacientes y menos apresurados; más humildes y menos soberbio, seamos más de escuchar y menos de hablar..
¡Simplemente seamoos!
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serendipia-nostalgica · 6 months
Quizás nos hace falta aprender de lo que solemos criticar; La hipocresía y la ceguera deliberada abundan en este escenario absurdo repleto por actores mediocres sin guion.
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irontragedyreview · 6 months
¿Quién nos habla aquí de olvido, de renuncia, de perdón?
Esta siempre fue mi parte favorita del himno de Malvinas, porque se cantan como un desafio, una contestacion a un otro que podria plantear el olvido y de esos hoy abundan, entonces esta estrofa se canta con mas fuerza, no habra nunca olvido, ni renuncia tampoco habra perdon.
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Brille, oh, patria, en tu diadema la perdida perla austral.
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raijintosworn · 20 days
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: Cyan
Pronouns: she/they/he
Birthday (no year): 28/05 (I share my birth with Siegbert and am between Mercie and chrom!)
Where are you from? What is your time zone? From France, live in England so like 5 hours ahead of the toa clock so I miss a lot
How long is your roleplay experience? Like 15 years now??? What the fuck
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? So I had a friend in school who was a weeb and asked if I RP. And I thought he meant. You know. Nsfw. So I was like Ew no :( I am a teen that is gross. Then he explained he meant like fandom RP and how it works and then I joined him on GaiaOnline YES I'M THAT OLD THANKS AND YES I STILL USE GAIA. I started with hetalia. Yes I'd still like to die
How were you introduced to TOA? Lailah hinted at me for like 2 weeks with lines like "I joined this group and you know Gerome misses Cynthia" and I kept going "sounds fun :)" and did not realise they were hinting until they straight up asked. wow I have been here 6 months
Do you have any pets? No :( I don't have the time for them
What is your favorite time of year and why?(Season, holiday, general period) Summer despite you know. The bugs. But I can actually function in summer
What is your IRL occupation? Data entry; it's why I'm on the discord server most of my day now
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? I like cooking, baking, oh and I'm a cosplayer! I've been at it for 3 years and yes it's mostly fire emblem bar ONE (soon to be two)
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? Tales of (WHERE ARE MY TALES FRIENDS AT), Persona, critically acclaimed mmorpg FFXIV, octopath, ?? I'm not sure what else? I tried playing dragon age but it crashes constantly even with the fixes
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: I don't think I have a fave type but I really really love Dragonair 🥺
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! I once wrote about the ships I hate for an English exam. Got an A. But at what cost. One was a hetalia ship (I was a child.) and another was Bart and Milhouse. 😑 Yes that Bart and Milhouse.
How did you get into Fire Emblem? I was told to play Awakening because I'll love it and I'll totally love all these characters. Um. I never finished it. Then Fates came out, twitter didn't shut up about that and I refused to play it. Then 3H came out. I saw Edelgard and it was joever for me. So I bought it and I've been here ever since.
What Fire Emblem games have you played? Engage, 3H, Fates (all three routes baby), Awakening, Echoes, Warriors, Sacred Stones, a little FEH until I was put off cause I summoned Easter Xander, a little FE7 and I WILL. FINISH. PATH OF RADIANCE. I SWEAR TO YOU ALL RIGHT NOW.
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: first was technically Awakening but I didn't like it so I dropped it until 2022 I wanna say? So really my first FE was 3H. My favourite? Depends on the day.
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series!
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason!
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays?- Awakening:- Fates:- Three Houses:- Engage:
Favorite Fire Emblem class?
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable?
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? (Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, Church of Seiros, Those Who Slither in the Dark, unaffiliated civilian, other - for example Almyran)
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent?
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? (Firene, the Kingdom of Abundance; Brodia, the Kingdom of Might; Elusia, the Kingdom of Knowledge; Solm, the Queendom of Freedom; Lythos, the holy land of the Divine Dragon; Gradlon, the desolate land of the Fell Dragon)
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔(separate letters, to-ah, other?)
Current TOA muses: Cynthia and Ryoma!
Past TOA muses? Alas :(
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? Cynthia! My beloved. I didn't think she could be such a strong muse I picked her up cause I was bullied into it. Now she bullies me daily
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) I don't know actually? I love posh assholes. I love sweet girls. I love chaos characters. I dunno you should see my muse list on my indie it's a wild mix
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? I wanna write unrepentant assholes but I can't :( I struggle with that. I'm trying tho
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) um. Well. I like intimate stuff if you're picking up what I'm putting down. But then I run away about 2 replies in so I write fanfic usually. I like kissing too. Um. I love high emotional scenes too. If I could describe my writing style, it's "My Dinner With Andre - the novel" (I've never seen the film but I get the gist)
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? I want Ryoma to be happy. Like genuinely I want him to be in a place where he can forgive himself, maybe even forgive the nohrians. I want him to move on and have a peaceful life as a teacher. But I also want him to fall in love which is. So silly. But. My brain is a shipper lol. As for Cynthia? Hm. I have thoughts for her but that's a whole arc
Favorite TOA-related memories? I dunno! I've had a lotta fun here but I can't think of any specific stuff offhand? Maybe how welcoming everyone was when I joined that was nice 🥺
Present or past tense? Present! I live in the moment! I tend to tense match but present. I like third person and second person POV too but I can't RP in second person BC it feels weird? I mostly write in second person if I'm writing a vent fic. Why? I dunno
Normal size text, small text, no preference? I like tiny text but again I size match. I snoop to see what my partner does and copy them :D
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉  I am working towards the worst fucking creature. 0/10. I hate him (Innes. Yes he's my discord icon rn why do you ask). If someone else grabs him, hm. Tana? L'Arachel? I had more but I'm gunning for my moron mullet man ngl I have THOUGHTS
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tru-cu-tu · 11 months
Para amarte abundan,
para olvidarte nos las encuentro,
para odiarte son absurdas,
para estar contigo las invento.
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melancolirio · 4 months
Del umbral de la puerta hacia afuera abundan los cuerpos sin alma. Los pasos de los miserables dejan ver el burdel que llevan dentro; prostituyen sus sentimientos, dejan la poca sangre que les queda en el perchero y se visten con su mejor peor apariencia.
En los almacenes no cabe una mentira aunque a diario se las llevan, sus pupilas las gritan, pero nadie las escucha. En cambio en las esquinas se miran las verdades pisadas y en el aire se teje la burla en las nubes. Cuándo salen a deambular se respira una comedia.
En los reflejos sólo caras pintadas, pintadas con sonrisas de cera. Baja la temperatura, se apagan las mañanas, se derriten sus dientes junto con su cerebro y quedan las calles manchadas con desprecio.
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s-boy-world · 7 months
Imagen alterada
Se mira al espejo,
Detenidamente observa su reflejo,
Cada cicatriz e imperfección a la vista,
Un día te vez genial y al otro odias lo que ves
Miles de opiniones abundan en su mente,
¡Sabiendo que la única que importa es la suya!
Su "yo" y su demonio lo tienen acorralado,
¿Cómo le explicas a tú mente que deje de alterar la realidad?
¡Oh! que dolida existencia,
Una oportunidad más es lo que pido,
¿Barcos en la tempestad?
Estoy solo...
¿Dónde buscarme?
¿Dónde encontrarme?
¿No me regalas un respiro?
Quiero un descanso
#Cronicas de un TLP
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actnod · 10 months
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an unbearable pain, a beating in my brain that leaves the mark of cain right here inside
𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐘 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 ; octavo capítulo.
El cielo gradualmente desdibuja los contornos de luz natural dando paso a estrellado cielo nocturno, los farolillos de papel teñidos en diferentes coloraciones delinean la rutas y crean túneles etéreos de luz; algunos brillan en el aire como luciérnagas, mientras que otros se alinean en los caminos iluminando la oscuridad con ambarino resplandor. El aire impregnado de un perfume dulce y ahumado proveniente de los puestos callejeros de comida que atraen a humanos por igual. Algunos llegan envueltos en deslumbrantes kimonos, otros optan por vestimenta casual, pero no puede faltar máscara elaborada que ayuda a mezclarse con las sombras en una danza surrealista que difumina  lo humano de lo sobrenatural. El sonido de tambores anuncia el inicio de enigmática procesión yokai que crea fascinación y horror a la par. No importa si eres un adulto o te encuentras entre los más jóvenes, la anticipada emoción te tiene disfrutando de cada ser que pasea por delante de ti. ¿Eres capaz de distinguir al kappa de los kitsune? Tal vez te has topado con un tengu o te sacaste una foto con un oni. Me pregunto cuáles has acertado e identificar; quizás alguno de ellos sea en efecto uno de los tantos seres mitológicos que abundan en cuentos japoneses. Pero a ti, vástago, eso no te importa. Siempre has sabido aprovechar la felicidad ajena en beneficio propio, eres experto en utilizar la distracción humana. El coro de risas y murmullos alegres que se mezclan en el aire con la música folklórica son tu señal para disfrutar de próximo festín. Los mortales, despreocupados, se aglomeran en los puestos callejeros, seleccionando con deleite aperitivos a su antojo. Algunos van apresurados hacia lugareños que ofrecen sake para dar ese toque final a noche festiva, ignorando por completo que cainitas llevan el mismo sistema siendo punto de interés uno muy diferente a platillos típicos del lugar. La fortuna les sonríe después de casi destrozarlos. Unas semanas atrás dudaban de su propia fortaleza y casi se rinden ante La Bestia que rasguñaba amenazante para tomar asiento principal. Los ilesos podrán disfrutar de velada sin mayor intranquilidad, sin embargo, aquellos que aún relamen heridas se tomarán el papel de cazador con más seriedad.  Entre la masa de humanidad, los vampiros discernen potenciales presas, conscientes de la necesidad de reponerse de la desventura por la que Lupinos les hicieron pasar. La danza encantadora de los yokai encubre el verdadero juego, en un acto de desafío silencioso que pone a prueba los límites de quienes pretenden mantenerse del lado bueno de figuras soberanas. Mientras tus ojos se pierden entre bizarros o tenebrosos estímulos que al final te resultan cautivadores, de soslayo capturas una sombra corriendo entre la multitud y, en seguida, otra por el lado que habías descuidado. ¿Habrá algo sucediendo entre los demonios? ¿Será esta otra excusa para los seres del Mundo de las Tinieblas efectúen sus planes alternos? El ambiente entre el arroyo de cuerpos cambia drásticamente cuando movimiento tan brusco como la inmortalidad amerita, por agarre femenino sobre tu brazo te saca de ensoñación. Torrente de emociones y anticipación fluye, mas es difícil quitarse de encima la situación de deja vú cuando el tacto familiar se ata a aquel mechón rosado delator debajo de pesada máscara de papel maché con la que te descubres enfrentándote.  — ¿Qué tan dispueste estás a jugar esta noche?
¡Bienvenidos a la décimo primera actividad! En esta ocasión, los vástagos podrán distenderse de noches tan dolorosas para pasar una noche entre demonios mitológicos. ¡Ah! Que sus imponentes apariencias no te engañen, la mayoría son simples mortales que se esconden bajo aquellas grandes máscaras con la que se celebra a los Yokai. ¿O es que tú también te unirás a la tradición?   Más allá del desfile principal, pueden encontrarse con diferentes puestos de recuerdos para quien quiera llevarse un souvenir. ¿O quizás gustan tomarse unos segundos para apreciar las diferentes exposiciones artísticas? Narración teatral de leyendas, performances y de dibujos o esculturas, ¡Todo para enriquecer su vista! No menos importante que la tradición, distintos puntos de venta de alcohol al aire libre se despliegan bajo frío manto estrellado, pero solo uno ofrece bebidas para los vástagos — ah, pero con una trampa: el vitae humano de acceso fácil continúa siendo limitado, por lo que sólo hay vitae animal disponible entre las diferentes bebidas.   El río que acompaña el paisaje otoñal sobre el parque continúa siendo parte vital de la zona, con muchas de las personas que se acercan a la festividad tomando la oportunidad para dar paseos en barco a través del río o simplemente sentarse a orillas del mismo para apreciar el reflejo de la luna sobre el suave movimiento cristalino. ¿Tal vez te interesa tomar por sorpresa a aquellas parejas que disfrutan un picnic bajo la penumbra? Mientras los vástagos disfrutan de lo que resulta ser un menú abierto con los cientos de humanos paseando por los distintos puntos disponibles del parque, quizás les interese aumentar sus posibilidades involucrándose en las actividades disponibles en un intento por combatir su enemigo eterno: ¡el aburrimiento! Si tienen suerte, hasta se encontrarán con extranjeros que viajan para ser testigo de las celebraciones. Sin embargo, se deberá tomar en cuenta que al mismo tiempo que gozan de las amenidades en un esfuerzo por olvidar, los antiguos de Lasombra han decidido que después de la puesta en duda de sus fortalezas como especie, aprovecharán del desfile para llevar a cabo otro de sus rituales y de nuevo, la indicación hacia sus chiquillos ha sido invitar a externos a su clan de participar en sus juegos de tener la valentía. ¿Quiénes podrán descubrir y andar de la mano de las sombras? 
⦾ Este evento se dará la noche del 25 de Noviembre  para los vástagos, en el Parque Kitanomaru. Les invitamos a ver este tablero de Pinterest para ambientarse más en la locación.
⦾ Se desarrollará a través de starters abiertos. Apreciamos la reciprocidad por lo que antes de abrir un starter recuerden responder al menos tres publicaciones que ya estén en el blog, una vez alcanzadas las notas deseadas, son libres de eliminar la publicación de dicho apartado. No olviden rebloguearlos en el blog de starters. De tener algún problema con el acceso, no duden en acercarse a la administración.  
⦾ Durante esta actividad, el código de vestimenta será de ropa tradicional japonesa con máscaras relacionados a los Yokai. Están invitados a publicar lo que están vistiendo sus personajes y luego rebloguearlo en el blog de ediciones. 
⦾ Queremos recordarles que, a pesar de ser un grupal de temáticas sensibles, nuestra prioridad es la comodidad de todes nuestres usuaries por igual, así que les pedimos tengan cuidado con la manera con la que se abordan estos tópicos en el dash ya que se trata de un espacio compartido y pedirles, por favor, que no hagan caso omiso a la lista de triggers que se encuentra actualizada para que puedan hacer uso correcto de cada etiqueta. 
⦾ La selectividad, rol burbuja o parecidos están estrictamente prohibidos. De sentirse afectade por alguna de estas situaciones, por favor siéntanse libres de acercarse a la administración.
⦾ Para las personas que aun no lo han deshabilitado, les recordamos que sus buzones deben de permanecer cerrados para los mensajes anónimos en todo momento y hasta nuevo aviso.
⦾ Tendrán la opción de retomar un máximo de una convo de la actividad anterior en manera de flashback. Para esto, deberán tener por lo menos cinco convos activas en la actividad que se está realizando en este momento.
⦾ Por último y no menos importante, la actividad tendrá una duración de diez días. La actividad siguiente comenzará el 9 de DICIEMBRE a las 16 hs GMT-6.
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