#abyss speaks
abysshydra · 3 months
The more we go through with our systemhood, the more I think there's a good chance of us being dissociative. First red flags were when we realized how little we had in common with purely Non-CDD systems. Our functionality is more often than not is similar to what we see in traumagenic circles.
Most of the time all of this went through our radar, because we didn't pay attention to it. I mean, no one wants to have a complex disorder, I know I don't. Everything we researched so far was brushed aside as a symptom of something else, from memory issues of autistic origin, to dissociation and identity disturbance caused by BPD. Lack of childhood memories was brushed off the moment we remember one singular pixel out of entire picture. Traumatic moments were ignored as "not that bad" and others because they "happened too late".
The community we saw after starting research was violent, aggressive, demanding. They had a box in which they didn't fit too anyway. Only specific type of trauma, blackouts, voices, arguing, distinct people in your head. You need to suffer, they were saying, openly and covertly. But I was t suffering that much.
Blackouts as they are portrayed are nonexistent for us, we don't hear each other, we don't switch openly, we don't dissociate this hard, we don't argue with each other. We were fake in their eyes. We are not distinct enough to classify as DID system, yet we are too distinct to be OSDD-1a. Memory barriers partially exist, yet they are too little and too much at the same time. I could remember what I ate yesterday, but I didn't remember where one of us saved a document until they stepped into front.
Hearing from people who are different from that box, who are nothing what we usually think of when we hear DID/OSDD was mind changing. Perhaps what we experience is exactly what we thought it wasn't.
Hearing from mixed origin or inclusive CDD systems was mind changing. That unhealthy framework we were forced to see all the time was broken. People with no headspace, people without distinct members, without specific type of headmates, who didn't go through physical abuse, who have too little amnesia, who are still functional despite having CDD. People who don't struggle like others want them to. I saw how similar I was to them.
But I am not going to say for sure. It is a complex disorder and I am only now starting to actually consider it while being in a good enough mindset, when the thought of having that disorder is not making me feel like shit. Perhaps, the longer I am in the inclusive mixed origin or CDD community, the more I will learn, the more my opinion solidifies. But for now, even leaning towards having CDD, I am still questioning. My symptoms are more important than labels.
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ask-dagon · 9 months
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Huh? There were no finals.
I also didn't disappear for months, I don't know what you're talking about.
Anyways, time for a Spontaneous Doodle Event!
This is for definitely reasons other than I need to dust off my drawing skills.
The rules are simple: Send in random, funny, or casual things you want my boy Dagon here to do or experience with the "💚" at the end.
Ex. Dagon attempting to play chess! -💚
It can be a small interaction with your character as well! Like going bug hunting together or even a simple hug. You can respond to them if you wish after I respond, but I will not be extending the interaction past that for my time's sake.
(No nsfw, but you know that. I would hope.)
Also, please no heavy lore questions or anything like that! These doodles will be pretty casual, non cannon, and just for fun. The lore, if all goes well, will start taking more of a front stage position.
Now, back to my cave I go.
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forgetmenightshadevn · 8 months
Devlog #2!!
Not too much to report this week, most of the work has been on scripting and continuing to paint backgrounds.
We are working on possibly having clickable in the background, that will turn full-color when you mouse over them, for easy spotting. Whether than makes it into the finished version, will depend on how quickly I can hone my skills.
But we DO have one very exciting little sneak peek for you!
Prologue sprites!!!
The prologue takes place when the MC is 10 and Arthur is 12.
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You first meet Arthur when you stumble unknowingly into his literal neck of the woods.
And, uh...
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...He takes some time to warm up... :')
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But eventually he'll come around.
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spneveryseason · 5 months
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faggotboyhalo · 1 year
me vs creating tumblr blogs for every single little thing in existence
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in-the-abyss · 8 months
its the year 2048. qsmp now hosts 29 different languages from all 5 continents. there is a total of 231 streamers in the server. wilbur still hasnt been online a single time.
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lovebvni · 2 months
my brothers in christ
you NEVER fail shifting to your dr, your waiting room, or whenever you wanna go!
you succeed every time. the 3d is js laggy sometimes. like how you know you made an achievement in a game, it saves, then it crashes, you gotta reopen it.
it’s there, lmao. there is no such thing as failure. i’m just realizing this and it’s insane.
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deepwithintheabyss · 27 days
I need more fics with Jason being incredibly in awe with how he managed to pull Tim Drake etc.
But like for the weirdest of reasons
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sunflowergraves · 6 months
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probablybadrpgideas · 2 years
Swear Words By Fantasy Language
Common: hit your thumb really hard and see!
Dwarvish: Dwarves don’t have any swear words. Rather, a Dwarf must show their craftsmanship by combining non-swear words in a vulgar way. You’ve not been truly offended until a dwarf calls you a house-painting-horse-bargainer.
Elves: Elvish has exactly one swear word, and each elf can only use it once in their life. If uttered it kills all plant life in 300ft and everything capable of hearing must make a wisdom saving throw or disintegrate on the spot.
Giant: Giant contains such swearwords as “double fuck”, which is like normal fuck but twice as big.
Gnomish: Gnomish uses things like “tax returns” and “fiscal responsibility” as swear words. Mentioning your accountant will have you thrown out of respectable gnomish society
Goblin: Honestly, it’s easier to list the words in goblin that aren’t swear words.
Halfling: Halfling has incredibly harsh swear words, to the surprise of everyone when this pastoral little man toddling around a farm and eating muffins calls you a motherfucking shithead cockface
Draconic: Draconic swear words translate to things like “gosh darn it” and “oh heckers” but, to be fair, they come off as more serious when roared at you while you’re on fire.
Orcish: Orcish contains no swear words. Don’t assume based on stereotypes.
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kalpasoft · 18 days
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Angel of Punishment
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abysshydra · 3 months
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ask-dagon · 2 years
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Greetings and Merry Christmas!
Sadly I haven't had the time to prepare a fun event or even a drawing. I will be real with you, I have a tough time managing my, ah, time. So as you may have noticed, posts will be far and few in between. I will try to post more regularly, though there are no promises.
But be assured there are FINALLY some plot relevant events coming up! So keep an eye out.
Asks will be closed for now in preparation, and I will be clearing out my inbox. Some asks will be answered if I feel they will work towards the next event. I will be sending messages to those who sent interaction asks to see if you still want them answered.
Until then!
~ The Abyss
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fung-fungus · 3 months
eddie brock 🤝 will graham
sweaty bisexual men have their shit royally rocked by a maneater, who makes them worse before making them better, and suffer the curse of cassandra in their profession then runaway with said maneater despite The Horrors
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crimsonbubble · 11 months
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credit to @loneghostwolf
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faggotboyhalo · 1 year
abyssais -> faggotboyhalo
We wanted to get fagboyhalo but that was taken. It's okay </3.
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