#accidentally hcs them as autistic again cause of projection
warnadudenexttime · 6 months
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Been thinking about these with Analogical I’m gonna explode I miss them so much
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deakwithit · 6 months
my gotham headcanons..
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it is of my opinion that oswald and edward are def lesbians. theyre so lesbian. oswald is a genderfluid uniromantic lesbian while edward is a bigender lesbian!!!
i also hc that ozzie n ed are bpd4npd....oswald is so bpd coded its not even funny. maybe ill post some hc's abt that again. edward is very very npd coded but do NOT demonize narcs to me cuz im one. theyre both evil autistics. oswald also has dpd, might be a bit of a projection but...teehee! and edward is hpd. yayyy !
edward is visually impaired and requires glasses to see nearly everything, he only takes them off when she's sleeping, and usually oswald has to take them off cause shes already passed out.
oswald struggles heavily with chronic pain in not just his ankle and knee joints, but the rest of his body as well, which she controls with medication (that edward usually has to provide because oswald is stubborn).
theyre both autistic but their autisms can clash sometimes,, like oswald will accidentally disrupt their routine with his chronic impulsivity, and it'll bother edward to no end.
oswald is also very very prone to just. lashing out during meltdowns, because he needs the stimuli bothering her to stop, and the only way she knows to get what she wants is to be loud and angry. over time i believe this gets better cuz ed's like. fed up with being yelled at. but also because ed cares and wants oswald to feel okay enough to communicate calmly
edward's meltdowns are usually more shutdowns than anything,, she def goes extremely quiet but she will snap and be passive aggressive sometimes too..he apologizes heavily afterwards, but by then oswald's already forgiven her.
oswalds severe fear of abandonment can make her a bit antsy sometimes..she will constantly think that ed doesn't love her, that she will figure out that oswald's not the one for her, and she'll leave. this obv isnt true but ozzie will sulk for days thinking ed hates him 😭😭
edward views oswald as his equal person, but oswald views edward as his favorite person/fp. ed lives off the supply and admiration oswald gives her..
ok enough hc's this post is long if you want more ill make seperate posts
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faithfulcat111 · 1 year
I have a certain love of the five main (alive is more accurate tbh) teens of Stranger Things. They are all so weird and fun, so I'm gonna actually list some of my own hc and ideas for them in no particular order as my systems are down again. (Under read more)
-We all know my belief that Jonathan is queer in both gender and sexuality. Nothing specific, he doesn't even know what it exactly is. He just is queer. That boy is not straight and not cis in any way. I do believe he is also somewhere ace spectrum and neutral on having sex.
-Nancy is very hetcomp vibes. I used to think different, but I think she is aro-spectrum (something that doesn't stop her and Jonathan's relationship because he knows he already is unconventional as well and they are best friends before anything else) and pansexual. Very hypersexual as well.
-But I think their relationship would work best as an open one. Jonathan also with Argyle and Nancy also with Robin.
-Argyle is pan and Robin is canon lesbian but I think she is ace spectrum as well (is this me projecting on my faves. No, stop looking at me like that).
-Steve is in a qpr with Robin, also is romantically with Jonathan and maybe Argyle? I've ran into some real good Stargyle fics lately so I'm compelled.
-Steve and Nancy are divorced couple who still get along in a sparky-type of way. Or step-parent and bio parent type of way.
-Steve is not the mom friend, he is the dad friend of the younger kids. Insulting, complaining, "wipe your feet!" Walks outside without a jacket and goes, "Ooh, brisk." Yeah, dad friend vibes. Jonathan is the mom friend. Nancy is the..... Nancy is in charge. She doesn't give off any other specific vibe than that.
-Robin is more a grandfather friend to the younger kids than anything else. I almost wanted to say wine aunt, but then I thought about it more and realized she is the grandfather friend. Argyle is the stoner uncle.
-Both Steve and Robin are also pretty funky with gender, like Jonathan, but more in a trading with each other kind of way. Like the fics I've seen of Steve and Robin just trading middle names. Yes, that happened.
-Once Robin and Jonathan actually start interacting and they get past the initial weirdness of having friends in common but knowing like nothing about each other other than the other sets off their gaydar by a million percent, they get along weirdly well. Both are prone to anxiety but the other one's help methods actually work for each other.
-Robin is also a very clingy person which is helpful because Jonathan needs more touch than he is willing to admit or even realizes to stay grounded. She follows Argyle's example in this and then Steve follows her. Which is helpful because Nancy isn't a touchy person, she just does it for Jonathan's sake.
-Speaking of, Jonathan, Robin, Steve, and Argyle all together is a whole 'nother level of unhinged. There is a reason I use the #feral fiends tag for them. It isn't long after they start hanging out that everyone else starts panicking when they hear these four are off doing something because either something really good is going to happen or something extremely destructive. All bets are off if they are going to successfully resolve the contaminated water crisis in Hawkins or accidentally blow up the abandoned lab.
-The only one who remains unperturbed by their antics is Nancy. Probably because she is the only one who can actually control them.
-Robin cannot follow Argyle's ramblings at all. Her ADHD just causes her to completely lose the plot. Weirdly, she always tunes back in right at the end and somehow can make the leap from what set him off to the end on her own. Steve can follow the ramblings perfectly. It drives everyone else nuts.
-Robin is Adhd (hyperactive focus)/autistic, Jonathan is autistic and has GAD/SAD (general and social anxiety disorder), Steve is dyslexic and adhd (both), Nancy and Argyle both have adhd (inattentive focus). None of them are diagnosed.
-Not counting siblings (for Jonathan and Nancy specifically), each has a different favourite kid among the younger ones. Argyle's is El (just the vibes), Robin's is Erica, Steve's is Dustin (basic, I know but he is), Nancy's is Max (she still favors Dustin too), and Jonathan's is Mike (I know, season four, but I still think he has a soft spot for Mike more than the rest)(also sorry Will and Lucas, this just is the vibes. They do love all the kids and it was close in some cases). In reverse, Robin is nearly all the kids' favorite (I'm telling ya, the grandfather friend vibes). Only exceptions are El and Mike. El's favourite is Argyle back (the vibes again) and Mike's is weirdly Steve. Dunno why, but the vibes. He doesn't act it at all though cause he is a depressed teen but he actually loves all the older teens. Except Argyle. Argyle still weirds Mike out. He hasn't moved past the airport incident.
I have more, but I'll post them later cause I'm running out of steam.
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rolllingthunderr · 4 years
Autistic!Kenma HC’s Part 1
(look if I see a character I like with similar behaviour to me, im gonna project)
Got diagnosed really early on (maybe at 4 or 5) but his parents sorta kept it under wraps so as not to make a big deal out things
It’s very lucky he has Kuroo to help teach him because them not saying anything to the school means he misses out on a lot during classes due to them not getting him the help he needs with it
He often used to bite the people he loved as a kid because he couldn’t explain how he felt but he just loved them so much so.... bite
(It’s where Kuroo got his nickname Kitten from because apparently his teeth felt like needles)
Kuroo is very much his ‘safe person’ and is the one person he doesn’t feel like he has to mask around never makes fun of him (he’s normally the one defending him lets be real)
Masking is very much a defensive measure at this point, and it’s become his default behaviour after the years of bullying he endured, even though it means after the end of every day he’s physically and emotionally exhausted
Hyperfixates on video games to an unhealthy degree if he’s left to his own devices
The actual history of gaming and of certain consoles as well as their development, and certain games too are very much a special interest for him!
Games are also his safe haven. If he needs a distraction or something to centre him again, that’s where he’ll be.
Blankets are a big comfort item, and he often needs to burrow under a pile of them to feel truly safe, even in the summer (he has special thinner ones for when it gets to hot)
Stims by rocking. It’s mostly side to side or back and forth on his heels and then the balls of his feet
Also stims by clicking his fingers, or flexing his hands
When he’s happy stimming he stamps and kicks his legs about. especially if he’s sitting down, he likes the feel of them swinging
He has meltdowns fairly regularly given his tight schedule that he can’t work around. And even though he liked the routine of them, the social aspects of it sometime become too much
His meltdowns are surprisingly quiet. He’ll burrow somewhere and just sob and shake although he often hits himself during them, mainly his head and legs 
If he has access to a dry bath he will climb into it and make a nest.
His bluntness and lack of social awareness is cause by his autism and he gets hung up about it sometimes
- Especially when he accidentally hurts somebody with it because even though sometimes he doesn’t understand, that doesn’t mean he likes hurting people (like some people accused back in school)
When he gets a noise stuck in his head (its not often, but when it hits him it /hits him/) he and Kuroo will often spend about an hour just making it back and forth to each other. And if the team around they’ll happily do the same. (Its a team building exercise Lev shut up)
Has one especially favourite blanket. He’s had it since he was little. It’s a soft baby blue fleece with sheep on it and he likes bunching it up around his shoulders seeing as though it’s too small to burrow into anymore.
There’s gonna eventually be a part two to this cause this is getting long and i’m very late to the party but!! Give me more autistic!kenma! 
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