#achilles x nate
likeafairytale · 5 months
"I heard you could help me?" - Nathaniel showing up with a huge sword wound to Achilles' door
When Achilles opened the door, at almost 2 am, the first thing he saw was Nathaniel's vibrant blue eyes, and he couldn't help but smile –he did not know why, but seeing him at his doorstep made his heart beat a little faster. But that smile was swiped quite quickly when he heard his words and saw the huge wound he had on the shoulder. Without a word, he let the siren come inside the little room that had been accommodated for him, here at the Seelie Court. Achilles indicated him a chair to sit on, which the prince obeyed. Like a professional, the young man looked at the wound closely, before putting his surgical material on the table next to them, with a few phials.
❛What happened?❜
❛I was just training a-❜
❛In the middle of the night?❜
❛There is not really a time to train.❜
❛Should have.❜ Achilles shrugged, and right now, he forgot he was talking to a prince and his words could be seen as impertinent. It could often happen when he was deep into his thoughts or, like right now, was about to perform something. Nathaniel did not care, he smiled with amusement and looked at the demigod working. ❛I need you to take off your shirt, please.❜
❛Wh- my... my shirt?❜ Nathaniel repeated, with a mixture of surprise and shyness.
❛Well, I can't do anything if your clothe is preventing me to see the wound more clearly.❜
❛Right, right.❜
Nathaniel took a deep breath while unbuttoning each one of his buttons slowly. He did not know why he was so slow, maybe he was just shy, which was weird, but Achilles had this effect on him. Even though the young man did not remember who he was, Nathaniel couldn't help but have all those feelings, and the fact that now he was supposed to be shirtless wasn't helping him. Seeing how slow he was, Achilles sighed and rolled his eyes. Letting go of the phial he had, he came closer to the Prince and, without a warning, without asking first, he simply ripped his shirt open, before looking the Blackwater in the eyes; both of them were now blushing.
❛I'm sorry, but you were taking way too long, and I still have to stop the blood.❜ Achilles explained while all Nathaniel did was nodded and completely taking off his bloody shirt. The surgeon then use a rag and dropped this one into a strong liquid. Before doing whatever, he looked at the siren, sighing a bit: ❛I'm sorry, your Highness, but that's going to burn for a while, here, you can bite into this wooden spoon.❜
He didn't have time to ask more, that the tissue was in contact with his wound, and it hurt like hell. Thankfully for him, he did not need the wooden spoon –even if he hurt so much, he didn't want to embarrass himself once again. Daring a look at his wound, he saw Achilles thoughtfully cleaning it with what was, now Nathaniel knew, to be alcohol. The wound was clean, no more blood. After a moment, Achilles went back to his material.
❛Do you need your arms, Prince Nathaniel?❜
❛I... Strange question, but it happens that yes, I do need it. Both arms. Why?❜ He asked a bis suspicious.
Before Achilles turned around to face him with what Nathaniel would describe like a saw miniature, a surgical one. Seeing that, he had hard time to swallow, and couldn't imagine that this wound was enough for him to be amputated. Achilles, as for him, said nothing. He came closer, and the closer he came, the paler Nathaniel was, and, after a moment, the surgeon couldn't help it. He laughed. Now, Nathaniel was confused when he saw the man putting down the saw in favourof a simple needle and thread.
❛What was that?!❜
❛I'm sorry, it was too tempted to scare you.❜ Achilles said, an amused smile on his face, while he came closer to stitch Nathaniel's injure. ❛Don't worry, it's just superficial. But one inches more, and I would have to amputated, unfortunately. You're a lucky man, Nathaniel Blackwater.❜
Achilles smiled and winked, making Nathaniel smile in return. A comfortable silence followed, and none of them wanted to break it, for it was peaceful. Nathaniel looked at him and how fast he was with a needle and a thread, and he wasn't sure now he ever saw him do before. Maybe it was the first time... Their face were so close to each other that Achilles could feel Nathaniel's breath on his neck, and each time that happened, he closed his eyes to appreciate it. The demigod did not know why, but he loved this contact... Achilles turned his face briefly, to see what Nathaniel was doing, and their face was so close that they noses were touching each other. For a few seconds, none of them wanted to break this, but the demigod had to go back to work, and his heart broke a little.
Shaking his head to think of something else, Achilles had now finished with the stitches, and clean it one more time. Observing his work with proud, he was finally cleaning his hands, who were full of Nathaniel's blood, and came back closer to the siren.
❛You know... If I... If I ate the way sirens are supposed to, I could heal on my own. But I'm trying to quit.❜
❛May I ask... Why are you trying to quit, if that sufficient? It would have been probably better, now, you will surely have a scar.❜
❛I don't want to hurt people just for my benefit.❜ Nathaniel said, and Achilles nodded. He smiled a little, as happy by this answer. ❛So, good thing you're here then, right?❜ Nathaniel confessed, slightly flirty, which he realized too late.
❛Yes, good thing I'm here. It's always a pleasure.❜ Achilles answered, a smirk on his face, with the same flirty tone, without even realizing it. ❛You know, it's been three day I am at the Castle, and I seem to see you more often than the High Queen herself. Is that on purpose?❜
❛... Maybe it is.❜
❛Well, I'm flattered, really, but next time, maybe you should avoid anything that make you bleed.❜
❛I'll keep that in mind.❜ Nathaniel said with amusement, and he hoped he did not mistake that fact that they were flirting now.
Achilles laughed a little before taking his pocket watch and checking Nathaniel's pulse, making sure everything was already. This proximity, once again, did not bother the young man, and, without even noticing, his eyes were lingering on Nathaniel's shirtless body. His heart beat faster, for no reason, and when the Blackwater raised his head to look at him, Achilles quickly looked away, hoping every gods that he wasn't caught staring at the prince.
❛You seem to be alright. But you lost a lot of blood, so I suggest that you'll stay here for the rest of the evening. Just in case.❜
❛I know it's nothing to compare to the luxury of your room, but y-❜
❛No, that's not!❜ Nathaniel cut Achilles, realizing that his answer sounded quite condescending.
❛It's fine, do not worry. But you do need to stay here, you could faint at any moment with the among of blood you lost. It's better if someone qualified stayed with you tonight. You can take the bed, and I'll take the couch.❜
Achilles explained and, deep down, wasn't it a simple ruse to spend time with Nathaniel? He wasn't sure. It is true that since their first meeting in the ballroom, and their second in the garden, Nathaniel intrigued the young man. He felt familiar to him. Like an old friend. Or maybe more? Everything was blurry now, he couldn't tell. Just as he couldn't explain his dreams more and more frequent about Nathaniel, or another young lady. Of course, he couldn't talk about it, to whom anyway? He had no one. And if he did, he would be qualified to be crazy for sure.
After a moment he opened his luggage and offered one of his shirt to a still shirtless Nathaniel, who accepted it. With no shame, Achilles looked at the prince putting the clothe one, and only once done he looked away, blushing hard. He was ready to take the couch when Nathaniel always run for it, making Achilles frowned.
❛What are you doing?❜
❛This is your room. You should take the bed, and I take the couch.❜
❛No way, your Highness. I can't let a prince sleep in a couch when the bed is perfectly fine. Trust me, I slept in worse thing that a couch, I can handle it.❜
Nathaniel wanted to argue, but arguing with Achilles was pointless, he knew that, even if Achilles didn't remember. The Prince sighed and when to the bed. A part of him was tempted to invite him in bed with him. Not as a sexual favour, obviously not! But the bed was big enough for two people, surely it could be alright for them both. But this time, he thought because talking. This time, he realized how inappropriate that could be seen and the power imbalance here. He shook his head and lay down. He wished he remembered. If he did, the bed would be full of laughter and kisses, he knew it. But now the bed was just cold.
Achilles, as for him, took place on the couch, silently, after he cleaned the room. At first his eyes were locked on the ceiling, but with time it wasn't interesting anymore. The silence in the room made him think that Nathaniel was already asleep, which wouldn't be surprising after what just happened. But when he turned his head to look at the prince in his bed, he was a bit startled to see Nathaniel looking at him too. No words were exchanged. Just the two of them, looking at the other in silence, smiling from time to time, until Achilles fell asleep.
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icanbeyourgenie · 5 months
"Sleeping late?" - Achilles to Nathaniel
The truth is, Nate didn't sleep much. It wasn't until the sun was finally up that he managed a few hours of sleep. He still gave a tired smile to Achilles. The surgeon seemed less cranky than yesterday.
“Did you sleep at all?” Achilles asked, when he took in Nathaniel's current state, and especially the dark circles under his eyes.
Nathaniel couldn't really put into words how the silence in the bedroom he was given was haunting. He never liked silence, but especially not after he killed someone. Or worse, after he almost killed someone. The siren would've loved saying it was the guilt that kept him awake, and it partly was, but mostly it was the hunger. He wanted more. For a terrible moment, the daunting hunger made him horribly aware of the other living creature that was near - the doctor that gave him shelter. That thought made him feel sick; he almost ran away to find Ursula, but he never found her in those moments, she found him. He wouldn't know where to search. So he looked for a distraction and quickly found some poetry books. It soothed him enough to grab a few hours of sleep.
Of course, he wouldn't say all that to the man that helped him.
“I found some of your poetry books. They kept me awake. They tend to do that. I particularly enjoyed the Rûmî compilation. It's my favorite, I have it in my bedroom too.”
Achilles raised an eyebrow. “You have books under the sea?”
Nathaniel laughed. He quite like the direct questions that the man asked. Not many people talked to him like that. “Well, not a lot of course. I just have this one, really. The rest are on land, but I really love Rûmî and I wanted to have him with me always.”
“How does it not... You know-”
“Get soaked?”
“My big sister made it waterproof. I like to think it was a gift but really I was just being a crybaby and didn't want to go back without it.”
A silence followed, and Nathaniel would've given everything to know what was on Achilles' mind.
“There's breakfast on the table.” Achilles said after a few long seconds.
“I'm not really hungry.” Anyone who knew Nate would know how alarming this was. The prince could generally eat for five and demand a refill. “And anyway, I abused your hospitality for too long. I'll leave now.”
“You mean we'll leave.”
“I proposed you a ride to the sea, didn't I? Besides, do you even have a carriage?”
Nathaniel smiled. He didn't, and that wasn't really necessary. But he found himself wanting to spend more time with the surgeon, so he accepted, and they both headed outside.
The ride to the water was surprisingly agitated. Both men easily talked about poetry together. It started with Rûmî but quickly went elsewhere. Nathaniel welcomed the noise, and the apparent normality of the conversation, despite the strange circumstances of their meeting. He was almost sad when the carriage stopped and they reached their destination.
When he stepped out of the vehicle, he felt a knot in his stomach at the mere vision of the ocean. He did not like that place, and he was in no rush to go back. So when Achilles got closer, and Nate didn't move, the surgeon was visibly confused.
“Are you not.... Going back to the water?”
“No. Not yet.”
“I can't go just now. It's pretty clear that I fed on someone. My father will be angry, I prefer to wait it out a little.”
“Why would your father be angry? Isn't he a siren?”
“No he's not.”
“What is he then?”
The king of the sea was not an answer Nate wanted to give, so he just stayed evasive. “Just... something else.”
“... Okay, now I'm starting to think that you're just being intentionally mysterious to make me want to know more.”
Nathaniel laughed again. A true laugh, with creasing at the corner of his eyes. He looked at Achilles, noticing how beautiful he looked in the sunlight. Especially his eyes. Nate actually wasn't trying to be mysterious, there were just things he couldn't say to a stranger. But still, he went along with it.
“Is it working?”
“Maybe..” Achilles smirked. “But can you at least tell me why we have come all this way if you don't plan to go back to the sea.”
“I heard people really love the ocean. Don't you?”
“... We came all this way so I could see the ocean?”
“Well.... Now that you're saying it out loud it sounds dumb.”
This time, Achilles was the one laughing, which relaxed Nathaniel a little. The siren wasn't the type to really think before acting most of the time. He wanted to spend a bit more time with Achilles, so he just went along with it. And the beach was a great place to do so, right?
When Achilles sat in the sand, Nate figured it wasn't such a bad idea after all. He relaxed even more and sat next to him.
“It is relaxing. As a doctor, I often prescribe walks on the beach, for the salted air. Also, the view is beautiful.”
“It's certainly is.... vaste.... and wet, I guess.”
“Not a big fan huh? Don't sirens love the water?”
“Don't have a lot of good memories here.”
Indeed, his first memory was drowning, and then hurting so badly he thought he might die. He almost did. From that point on, it was only violence, until he found Malachai. And he did love his family, he really did. A little too much. So of course some memories hurt. Like the forced restriction, the everlasting hunger that made him feel like dying at first, his father beating him for his nature, his mother being executed, his sister excluded, banished and erased. The constant pressure of being a prince, knowing than at any moment Triton could revoke him, since he wasn't technically his blood. Knowing that despite that, he loved them all too much to even risk it. To risk them knowing what he did, sometimes, when he went away.
“More mysteries.” Achilles said, making him come back to earth. He shook his head and focused his attention on the man next to him.
“Well what about you Doc?”
“What about me?”
“What's your story?”
“What makes you think I have an interesting story?”
“Let's see. You got a stranger storming into your house in the middle of the night, carrying a man he killed. And not only do you help him burry the body, you also offer him a place for the night AND a ride home. You can't convince me there's not a good story behind this?”
Achilles' smiled deepened and it occurred to Nathaniel that they both didn't stop smiling for a long time now. Achilles took some time to think, but somehow decided to be elusive too.
“Why did you try to save that man yesterday?”
“Why did you help me?”
“You're eluding my questions.”
“And you mine. I guess we both like to play the mysterious card, don't we?”
“I guess we do.”
There was that silence again. Not an unpleasant or uncomfortable one, not at all. A silence Nate didn't hate - he didn't think this was possible.
“I'll tell you what.” This time, it was Nate who broke the silence. He wanted to tell Achilles how much he loved his eyes, but he figured that was a bit too soon. “I answer one question, you answer one of mine. But first, I'm really hungry now. Do you have a place to recommend?”
Achilles raised an eyebrow. “Do you eat human food?”
Nate choked on his laugh. “What?”
“Well, I figured you said you weren't hungry this morning out of politeness, because you didn't want to say that the food wasn't really your type of diet. Was I right? Because, I know I helped you burry a body, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with assisting while you eat someone.”
“I... You're really a unique type of fellow, aren't you?”
“Or so I heard.”
“Don't worry Doc, I do eat human food. A lot of human food, actually.”
“Perfect then. I know just the place.”
He got up and held out his hand to Nathaniel. And even if the siren didn't really need it, he took it all the same.
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
achilles heel - V: red jetta
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 1.8k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 25th, 2019
Grace dropped off the face of the earth for the two weeks that followed. Rotting away in her room, keeping up with readings as best as she could, but she truly struggled to even get out of bed. Her roommates would bring her food from the caf, and despite her not being extremely close with them they were so supportive. They'd all been through it before in a way that Grace never had. 
Ben had tried reaching out, and so did Rafe, a couple of times, but Grace would quickly delete them out of embarrassment that they even had to find out. That Rafe had to see her like that- he witnessed the whole thing, and she cringes at the idea of even having to look at him again. He was so sweet, though; he helped her get home, listened to her, and let her cry on his shoulder for what must have been hours. She ruined that party for him.
But enough is enough, and she has to get back into her classes. She can't sacrifice her GPA over Nate, and on some level she knows it will be healing for her if she does well despite him believing that he is so much smarter. She can rub a spot on the Dean's List in his face from a distance, if she must.
She'll go to class the next day. It's settled. She's making an effort to clean the mess that her room became, so unlike herself, when her roommate knocks on her door. "Grace? Can I come in?"
"Yeah." Grace answers, quickly throwing the trash in her hands into the bin next to her desk and facing the door as her friend walks in.
"Hey." She smiles sympathetically. "Woah, it looks great in here!" She says, looking around. 
Grace laughs a little bit, looking at the piles of clothes on the floor she's yet to clean up. "Well, not exactly.. I'm just trying to organize a bit before classes this week."
"Oh, you're going? That's great." She smiles. "Uh, there's some guy here to see you- not Nate." She quickly assures her and Grace furrows her brows, thinking on it for a second. 
"He didn't tell me his name." She shrugs. "Should I tell them you're busy?'
"No, no. It's fine. Lord knows I need to socialize a little bit. It's just my brother, anyway." Grace chuckles, putting her slippers on to walk out to their shared living room as her friend leaves, laughing with her.
"She's coming." She hears her roommate say before returning to her own room.
Grace takes a deep breath before leaving her room, closing the door, and walking out towards their entryway. She freezes when she sees it's not her brother, but Rafe standing there instead. He looks at her and smiles a little awkwardly. "Hey. Just thought I'd come check on you, it's been a while." 
"Oh, hi." Grace says, returning the smile, her whole body flooding with the rush of embarrassment as she gets flashbacks to what happened weeks before. "Thank you, I'm doing alright." She says, resisting the urge to look down and face the state of her pyjamas that she's been wearing for at least a week consecutively. 
"Want to go for a walk, or something? Get some fresh air?" Rafe asks after a moment. It surprises him how good she looks, not physically, but despite the bags around her eyes, she looks polished. Her hair is brushed, and her skin is still as clear as ever. If he didn't know what had been going on, he wouldn't have guessed.
Grace looks out the window behind her, seeing that it does look like a nice day, and the sun is about to set. With some warm clothes, a walk might be really nice. "Yeah, actually. That sounds nice. I'll just get dressed." She agrees, quickly turning and retreating back to her room. She dug through her closet to find something warm (and clean) to wear, throwing it on with a beanie before rushing back out. "So sorry to keep you waiting, I think I'm good."
"All good." Rafe smiles at her, opening the door for her as they walk out. "So, have you left your dorm at all the last couple weeks?" He asks, raising an eyebrow at her.
"Uh, not really, no." Grace admits, cheeks turning red as she looks down. 
"I don't blame you. Breakups are shit." Rafe says, trying to make her feel comfortable. "Once, after my ex left me, I locked myself in my room for a week. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, couldn't do anything but smoke the pain away. Ask Kelce, it was hard to watch."
"Oh, I'm sorry you went through that..." Grace replies honestly. It makes Rafe nauseous, almost, how she's so instantly empathizing with him when she is actively going through the same thing. And having been a first-hand witness to her breakup, he is comfortable in the assumption that she is much worse off than he was. He just wanted her to see she wasn't truly alone.
"It's fine, I'm better for it." Rafe shrugs as they walk out of the building. "That was a couple years ago, so being sixteen, I was probably overreacting anyways, even if that was my first relationship."
"I don't think so." Grace shakes her head as she speaks quietly, Rafe having to lower his head to hear her properly. "It's scary, and sad... and lonely, a little bit."
"I agree, and I'm glad you mention that," Rafe nods, poking her arm gently with a smile. "Because I actually lied to you."
Grace looks up at him, confused now as they walk down the sidewalk. "I have a surprise for you, and we're not actually going on a walk." Rafe admits, smiling smugly at her as they continue walking.
"What is it?" Grace asks.
"You'll see." He smirks, and they continue down towards student parking.
When they get there, Rafe stops her by standing in front of her. "Stay here, I'll be right back." He grins and she nods still thoroughly confused as she watches him run into the bushes behind a few cars, coming back with a couple of plastic grocery bags.
"Now, which car is Nate's?" Rafe grins, holding the bags at his side and looking around the parking lot as he stands directly next to her.
"Uh, why?" Grace asks, leaning over to peek in the bags.
"We're gonna wreck it." Rafe answers proudly, smiling down at her now. "So which car is his?"
Grace thinks on it for a second, unsure if that's a good idea. She's never been one for revenge, but she would be lying to herself if she didn't admit she'd love to know Nate is facing some kind of karma. "Nothing like.. permanent, right?" She asks, just to clarify they can't get in any real trouble.
"No, 'course not." Rafe shakes his head, knowing full well he's got a bag of sugar with its final destination being Nate's gas tank, but he'll wait until Grace goes back inside for that. "Just thought we could vent our frustrations a little, it'll be totally harmless."
"Okay..." Grace agrees hesitantly, looking over to Nate's parking spot. "It's that one. The Jetta."
"Jeez," Rafe laughs, shaking his head. "Driving that ugly thing around is a crime in itself. He deserves this, honestly, he can’t get away with treating you like that. He’s a jerk, and you deserve better." He says, starting to make his way over to it and Grace is following close behind.
They approach the car and Rafe places the bags down, crouching down to dig out all the supplies he bought. Eggs, honey, peanut butter, grease paint, molasses, paint stripper, if Target had it, he bought it. "Pick your poison, Gracie. All you." He smiles, standing up and placing his hands on his hips, looking over at her. 
"Uh..." She looks back at the building they came from, silently assessing the odds that they'll be seen as she blushes from the nickname.
"You want me to go first? I don't mind." Rafe offers and she nods.
"Yeah, yeah sounds good." She whispers, watching him as he grabs the bottle of honey and opens it, squeezing its contents all over the windshield, a smile falling over his lips. She gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, but his smile is contagious, and she ends up giggling as she watches.
"C'mon." Rafe encourages her, nodding his head towards the bags. "It'll feel good."
Grace smiles and grabs a bag of flour, ripping it open and hesitating a bit before throwing a handful overtop of the honey coating the windshield.
"Grace, c'mon. You can do better than that." He insists, chuckling a little at her hesitation. "That asshole deserves worse than that."
Grace nods a little, more determined this time as she grabs more, throwing it all over the honey that Rafe coated the glass with. "He fucking loves this car, it's so ugly. I hate it. I've always hated it!" She's laughing as she continues.
"Yeah! Atta girl, fuck this shitty old car." Rafe laughs, smiling as he watches her loosen up. When he notices she's almost out of flour, he quickly returns to where everything was piled up on the ground, grabbing her the box of eggs. He doesn't want her to lose this momentum she's just picking up. He joins her side, holding the box open for her.
Grace breathes heavily, smiling and looking over her handiwork. "Here, don't stop now." Rafe smiles, and she takes one out of the box, taking a couple of steps back before throwing it at the front of the car. The egg's fragile shell breaks open and sprays its contents over the red paint of the vehicle, making Grace jump up and down a little bit with excitement. She's quick to grab another, and another, and another, effectively coating all sides of the car in raw egg.
By the time they think they're done, both of them are covered in the evidence of their crimes. They stand side by side in front of the mess-covered car, chests heaving with the energy they spent on the task as well as the adrenaline rushing through their veins. Particularly Grace. She's never done anything like this before, something bad. It felt so good. "I think it's missing something, hey?" Rafe asks, tilting his head as he examines the vehicle, now covered mostly in darkness after the sunset.
"What?" Grace asks, turning her head to look up at him. He's got flour and molasses stuck to his face, and she smiles a little to herself. He looks so much more relaxed than the Rafe she's used to, but she first saw this side of him at that party. Suddenly it's not such an embarrassing memory anymore.
"Write something on it." He suggests, his eyes returning to hers as he looks at her expectantly. 
"What do I write?" She giggles, looking between him and the car. Rafe just shrugs, gesturing for her to do it. 
Grace walks up to the car, leaning over to write across the windshield with her finger. When she's done, she steps back and looks up at Rafe for his approval.
"Oh, that'll piss him off. I like it." He laughs, giving her a high five.
'Worlds Dumbest Engineering Student'
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this part was SO cute and so fun to write omg
taglist: @newbooksmell777, @tahliac11, @slut4drudy, @madelynie, @angelw33dz, @mutual-mendes, @winterrrnight, @sadfury, @totalswag, @peachprairie (as always reply or message me to be added or removed!)
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eludin-realm · 8 months
Character Name Ideas (Male)
So I've been browsing through BehindTheName (great resource!) recently and have compiled several name lists. Here are some names, A-Z, that I like. NOTE: If you want to use any of these please verify sources, meanings etc, I just used BehindTheName to browse and find all of these. Under the cut:
A: Austin, Aiden, Adam, Alex, Angus, Anthony, Archie, Argo, Ari, Aric, Arno, Atlas, August, Aurelius, Alexei, Archer, Angelo, Adric, Acarius, Achilou, Alphard, Amelian, Archander B: Bodhi, Bastian, Baz, Beau, Beck, Buck, Basil, Benny, Bentley, Blake, Bowie, Brad, Brady, Brody, Brennan, Brent, Brett, Brycen C: Cab, Cal, Caden, Cáel, Caelan, Caleb, Cameron, Chase, Carlos, Cooper, Carter, Cas, Cash, Cassian, Castiel, Cedric, Cenric, Chance, Chandler, Chaz, Chad, Chester, Chet, Chip, Christian, Cillian, Claude, Cicero, Clint, Cody, Cory, Coy, Cole, Colt, Colton, Colin, Colorado, Colum, Conan, Conrad, Conway, Connor, Cornelius, Creed, Cyneric, Cynric, Cyrano, Cyril, Cyrus, Crestian, Ceric D: Dallas, Damien, Daniel, Darach, Dash, Dax, Dayton, Denver, Derek, Des, Desmond, Devin, Dewey, Dexter, Dietrich, Dion, Dmitri, Dominic, Dorian, Douglas, Draco, Drake, Drew, Dudley, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan, Danièu E: Eadric, Evan, Ethan, Easton, Eddie, Eddy, Einar, Eli, Eilas, Eiljah, Elliott, Elton, Emanuel, Emile, Emmett, Enzo, Erik, Evander, Everett, Ezio F: Faolán, Faron, Ferlin, Felix, Fenrir, Fergus, Finley, Finlay, Finn, Finnian, Finnegan, Flint, Flip, Flynn, Florian, Forrest, Fritz G: Gage, Gabe, Grady, Grant, Gray, Grayson, Gunnar, Gunther, Galahad H: Hale, Harley, Harper, Harvey, Harry, Huey, Hugh, Hunter, Huxley I: Ian, Ianto, Ike, Inigo, Isaac, Isaias, Ivan, Ísak J: Jack, Jacob, Jake, Jason, Jasper, Jax, Jay, Jensen, Jed, Jeremy, Jeremiah, Jesse, Jett, Jimmie, Jonas, Jonas, Jonathan, Jordan, Josh, Julien, Jovian, Jun, Justin, Joseph, Joni, K: Kaden, Kai, Kale, Kane, Kaz, Keane, Keaton, Keith, Kenji, Kenneth, Kent, Kevin, Kieran, Kip, Knox, Kris, Kristian, Kyle, Kay, Kristján, Kristófer L: Lamont, Lance, Landon, Lane, Lars, László, Laurent, Layton, Leander, Leif, Leo, Leonidas, Leopold, Levi, Lewis, Louie, Liam, Liberty, Lincoln, Linc, Linus, Lionel, Logan, Loki, Lucas, Lucian, Lucio, Lucky, Luke, Luther, Lyall, Lycus, Lykos, Lyle, Lyndon, Llewellyn, Landri, Laurian, Lionç M: Major, Manny, Manuel, Marcus, Mason, Matt, Matthew, Matthias, Maverick, Maxim, Memphis, Midas, Mikko, Miles, Mitch, Mordecai, Mordred, Morgan, Macari, Maïus, Maxenci, Micolau, Miro N: Nate, Nathan, Nathaniel, Niall, Nico, Niels, Nik, Noah, Nolan, Niilo, Nikander, Novak, O: Oakley, Octavian, Odin, Orlando, Orrick, Ǫrvar, Othello, Otis, Otto, Ovid, Owain, Owen, Øyvind, Ozzie, Ollie, Oliver, Onni P: Paisley, Palmer, Percival, Percy, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phineas, Phoenix, Piers, Pierce, Porter, Presley, Preston, Pacian Q: Quinn, Quincy, Quintin R: Ragnar, Raiden, Ren, Rain, Rainier, Ramos, Ramsey, Ransom, Raul, Ray, Roy, Reagan, Redd, Reese, Rhys, Rhett, Reginald, Remiel, Remy, Ridge, Ridley, Ripley, Rigby, Riggs, Riley, River, Robert, Rocky, Rokas, Roman, Ronan, Ronin, Romeo, Rory, Ross, Ruairí, Rufus, Rusty, Ryder, Ryker, Rylan, Riku, Roni S: Sammie, Sammy, Samuel, Samson, Sanford, Sawyer, Scout, Seán, Seth, Sebastian, Seymour, Shane, Shaun, Shawn, Sheldon, Shiloh, Shun, Sid, Sidney, Silas, Skip, Skipper, Skyler, Slade, Spencer, Spike, Stan, Stanford, Sterling, Stevie, Stijn, Suni, Sylvan, Sylvester T: Tab, Tad, Tanner, Tate, Tennessee, Tero, Terrance, Tevin, Thatcher, Tierno, Tino, Titus, Tobias, Tony, Torin, Trace, Trent, Trenton, Trev, Trevor, Trey, Troy, Tripp, Tristan, Tucker, Turner, Tyler, Ty, Teemu U: Ulric V: Valerius, Valor, Van, Vernon, Vespasian, Vic, Victor, Vico, Vince, Vinny, Vincent W: Wade, Walker, Wallis, Wally, Walt, Wardell, Warwick, Watson, Waylon, Wayne, Wes, Wesley, Weston, Whitley, Wilder, Wiley, William, Wolfe, Wolfgang, Woody, Wulfric, Wyatt, Wynn X: Xander, Xavier Z: Zachary, Zach, Zane, Zeb, Zebediah, Zed, Zeke, Zeph, Zaccai
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nolanhollogay · 2 years
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mara my baby angel bestie perfect sweetheart sweetie pie love of my life!!!!!! i’m soooo glad to have met you and am sooo happy to call you my friend i hope your day is absolutely amazing
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Is there any way that you could get into the darker things Carter has done for Story? We know he has almost unlimited amount of funds at his disposal and has private investigators on call. What other things has he done to protect his princess?
Ugh, this side of Carter makes me so feral. His protectiveness, is mostly done in the dark. He doesn't talk about it. Story isn't a dummy though. His more tame protectiveness is the dogs. Atticus and Achilles are not just pets. They're both very trained German Shepherds, and he got Achilles when Story was pregnant with Iclynn, and then Carter fell in love with him so much, he got his own, Atticus. Those two are very entuned with Story. In fact Achilles knew she was pregnant with Iliana before they did, and didn't want Carter around her belly.
But I'm sure you're talking about his secret protectiveness. Carter worked alongside Ransom and Solo to make sure that those videos, and everything about that case stayed private. But one of my favorite instances is the depths he went after Story told him goodbye, and she moved in with Dayton. He knew that there was something off about her and Dayton's relationship. So he had Dayton followed. Iris picked up a bit on Carter's methods. So if you need a refreshed on Dayton's death it's here. I want you to think about who was there, Nate AND Curtis. Do either of them strike as NASCAR people? And Nate was very quick and prepared to get Story out of there. And even how Carter was a bit on edge as well. He wasn't aware that Story was going to be at the race....
What Do We Do
Summary: Carter doesn’t like what Solo finds
Pairings: Dayton X Story, Carter, Solo, Ransom, Curtis, Nate
Rating: intense
Warnings: an abusive relationship, lies, manipulations, plot for murder, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.2K
Desperate Lives AU Masterlist
Carter Baizen Masterlist
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Story’s eyes shift around the party. Too many people. Dayton’s possessive hand on the small of her back, while the other is holding her stomach. To some it may be a sweet stance, to her, it feels he’s trapping her even more. He removes his hand only to tilt her chin to look up at him.
Leaning in close to kiss on her cheek, putting on a show, and knowing how many cameras are flashing away. Only a few more weeks until opening day, and he whispers into her ear, “At least act like your having fun. Show them that pretty smile.”
Putting on a show she starts smiling, and her hand starts drifting to her neck, and she only gets one tap before Dayton is grabbing her hand, “Don’t embarrass me.”
She smiles for the cameras a bit longer, before she gives Dayton a kiss to his cheek, “I need to freshen up.”
“Make it quick,” with a fast harsh squeeze to her wrist, she gives him another kiss.
Walking into the bathroom. Story takes a seat, removing those heels, and she takes a slow breath. Her hands roam around her belly, and she says a silent I’m sorry to her son.
Slipping her shoes back on Story steps into the bathroom, just in case Dayton comes in here, she at least can put on the facade. Taking only a moment to breathe, she pulls out her phone, and it hovers over that name, her hand pets over her stomach again when she gets a hard kick from Otto, “You stop. We’re…I’m with your…father,” she lets out an exhausted laugh, realizing how stupid she’s being when she hears a few giggles.
“When is he going out of town again?”
“In two more days. She’s here with him, and he’s still putting on the good guy act. We both know that Dayton fucks you like an animal. Wonder if his pretty princess gets the same treatment. I’ll be meeting him in the next city. Pathetic thing she can’t stay away from her mommy and daddy.”
Standing up, Story walks out of the bathroom, washing her hands without saying a word while the two girls gawk at her. “I’m sorry.”
“No you’re not,” Story looks at her in the mirror.
“You get the house,” the other says with a sickening smile.
“The house I grew up in is bigger. Don’t you ever think I’m with Dayton for his money,” without another word, Story walks out of the bathroom, only barely catching a glance of the man that she had seen all night.
Marching over to Dayton, she pulls at his arm. “I’m ready to go.”
“We’ve been here for thirty minutes. You said, you’d put on a smile. Now get on my arm and fucking smile,” Story shakes her head, and refuses to look him in the eye. “Story, you agreed to this. Smiling for the cameras is part of the deal.”
“It’s NASCAR. You’re not some famous actor. I want to go home.”
He pushes her into the corner, leaning in closer. “Quit your crying. That’s all you ever do. I cant blame it on the pregnancy hormones forever. Story, stop.”
“No. You told me not to embarrass you, when one of your whores is here tonight. I’m going home,” he gives her another squeeze to her wrist. “Let. Me. Go.”
“I’ll have the driver take you to our home then.”
���No. I’m going to the estate…ow, Dayton, you’re hurting me,” her own fingers go to pull at his. “Quit, please. I’m sorry. Just…I’ll see you when you’re finished.”
“That’s better. I’ll have the driver take you home, but we’re not finished. You want to bring up my indiscretions, I’ll bring up yours and Mr. Moneybags.”
“How dare you!” Dayton spits in her face. “I’m here for three days. All I ask is that you stand by my side and actually act like you love me. We’re becoming a family. And you made me look like a fool! Do you know how many reporters were asking where my girlfriend was?”
“I made you look like a fool? I’m pregnant. Lie like you always do, and say I wasn’t feeling well. You brought your whore to the party. She’s running her cock sucking mouth about how you fuck like an animal,” raising up his hand, Story steps back, flinching and covering her stomach.
“You have no room to talk about being a whore. Were you that coked out you didn’t know who Charles was pimping you out to? That fancy little apartment, and your own room during the day. You’re lucky, you know. He had some high paying clients.”
Her eyes move all around Dayton’s face, and she shakes her head no. “How did you know that?”
“You didn’t have to fully tell me about your past princess. I guess that’s why Carter didn’t want you. You got a used up pussy now. I suggest you go to the bedroom, and grab some lube if you’re not wet. I’m going to fuck this attitude out of you. I’d hate for you to be sore when I leave. I know you run to your daddy every time. You telling him our secrets?”
His hand wipes at her tears gently, but the words he spits at her are vile and disgusting. “There you go crying again. You’re gonna have to toughen up if you want to be with me.”
“I don’t want to be.”
“He doesn’t want you, petal. He wants his trophy wife too. I bet he’s tired of trying to keep that video under wraps. How many times you think he’s jerked off watching them fuck you?”
“Stop. Carter wouldn’t…you’re lying. He’s a million times the man you will ever be,” with a quick slap to her face they hear the doorbell ring.
“That’s your fucking warning,” Dayton walks to the door annoyed, and opens it up to find a man he’s never seen, but one Story saw earlier that night. “What?”
“My car broke down, I was uh…phone’s dead. Do you mind if I call someone,” Dayton rolls his eyes, and lets the man in.
“Story, deal with this. I’m going to shower,” he walks away leaving Story a bit unnerved by the large man that’s in the living room.
“Can I use your phone?” he asks her looking down the hall. Grabbing up her bag, she hands him the unlocked phone. Instead of a number he goes through her contacts, and clicks on Carter’s name.
“Story? What’s…?”
“It’s me,” Carter is silent on the other end. “Things have changed. You’re going to have to be more proactive. I need to meet with you. You can’t do this alone.”
“What about your car?” Story asks, her hand roaming over Otto who feels like he’s doing gymnastics in her stomach. “Sorry, he’s active.”
“Is she okay?”
“No. I need help with my car. It’s the Beemer,” Story gives him a smile, missing long drives with her dad in his Beemer. “I’ll meet you at the end of Creedence Drive,” is the last thing he says before hanging up. “Thank you, princess,” he nods at her phone before turning to leave.
“You might want to delete that call. I’ll have someone delete it completely from your statement. He’s watching it. Keep smiling.”
Story gives him an odd look, but looks at the recent call, seeing his name. She looks back at the door, only to see the man has already disappeared.
Ransom doesn’t get far through the file before he slams it on the table. His jaw pulsing in sync with his fidgeting hands. Carter looks at the pictures and from the outside he seems calm, but inside his blood is boiling ready to make Dayton die a slow and painful death. “What’s this?”
“A nurse, she tried to report what she thought was an abusive relationship, and she was fired. This was at a checkup. She could tell that Story was uncomfortable, and…her exam didn’t go well. That night that I intervened, he was saying not nice things. She needs out of that house.”
“What does that mean?” Ransom asks sitting up. Solo shakes his head, not wanting to tell either of these men. “What does it mean?”
“Do you know anything about the clients that Charles gave access to her?” both shake their head no. “She wasn’t available to all his users right?”
“No! I was one of them, and didn’t even know. What the fuck does that mean?”
“He alluded to being a client.”
“Son of a bitch,” Ransom hits at his table, picking up his phone. “JJ, I need you here as soon as possible.”
“Cant you ask your son?”
“I don’t need him arrested for murder.”
“Fine. I’m on my way.”
“What’s that?” Solo asks.
“A friend. He’s worked with the FBI, and other than my son, probably the top hacker in the nation. I’ll find Charles’ fucking black book. Dayton will die a fiery death. But you intervened for a reason. Why?” Solo sits still. His eyes drifting between the two men that he knows would do anything to get her out of that house. “He’s very abusive. Verbally, mentally, sexually, and physically. It’s escalating. Before it was mentally. He’s threatened by you two. Anytime she cries he makes a comment about her running to her daddy or tells her that Carter doesn’t want her used goods. He…it sounded like a slap.”
“How do we kill him without getting caught?” Ransom asks calmly. “And I don’t want Carter involved.”
“Excuse me?” Carter stares hard at Ransom. “She came to me that night. Asked, and begged me to tell her to leave him. I wouldn’t. Because I wanted her to make that decision. She needed me, and I couldn’t see that.”
“You won’t be involved because if it’s discovered what happened, you won’t be implicated. I think it’s clear to see the only time either of you are truly happy is when you’re together. So instead of sitting there and acting self righteous trust me,” Ransom clears his throat and Nate walks in followed by Curtis.
“Our dear sheriff,” he hands both of them his file, and Curtis doesn’t get far into it before he looks up at Ransom. “Do you know why I called you?”
“I can see now. What is your plan?”
“Why are you here?” Carter asks, looking at Nate. “You knew where she was.”
“I told the police where she was.”
“She was living with you!” Ransom presses a calming hand on Carter. “I need to know how she ended up at Charles’.”
“And I told the police. She was living with me. I told her that if she was going to be with me, then I wouldn’t have her in other men’s bed. I came home and her and Jefferson were drugged out of their mind. We got in a fight, and she left. I knew the possibility of her going to Charles was high, I told the police. But I was an idiot and said something to Chase. I am here, because I can get in to Dayton’s pit crew. If something happens to his breaks, and he gets a wreck,” Nate shrugs and Carter gives him a devious smile.
“Drivers have a very dangerous job,” Curtis looks over at Ransom. “The sooner the better. When is his first race?”
“The first race, really?”
“He’s escalating,” Solo lets Ransom know. “He doesn’t care that she’s pregnant. Their house is completely bugged. Do you want to hear some of their conversations and maybe you’ll understand why it needs to be done now.”
“Who’s your in to the pit crew,” Carter’s blue eyes look at Nate’s. “And why is this so important to you?”
“I love her,” with a sad smile he looks away from Carter. “It’s always been you, man. She says your name in her sleep. But I can admit I want her happy and with someone that loves her over someone that wants her afraid. All the money exchange between me and Dan, will be on me. I don’t have a someone that’s waiting for me. Everyone here does.”
“I’ll pay for it. Tell me what it cost. I don’t even care the cost. She,” looking at Ransom before his lap. “I told you I would protect her. Let me do this. She’s perfect and she keeps finding herself with…”
“Carter pays,” Ransom’s eyes never leaves the young man. He sees the same broken man that he was all those years, when all he wanted was to protect his future wife. “Only if, you tell me that you’re going to quit this bullshit of trying to run from her. This is it. She wants you, you want her. Stop with fucking foolishness. Are we clear?” Carter nods. “Curtis, what do we do?”
Solo watches the cocky Dayton walking back to his car. Did his cute little show for the cameras. And while it isn’t ideal that Story is here, and she’ll have to watch. Nothing else can be done. Everything is in place to end Dayton White.
Dayton walks past Solo, and he gives the cocky man a smirk, “What’s your fucking problem?”
“Nothing. Have fun out there,” Solo responds. Leaving the stadium to wait by the car. Let Curtis know that him and Dan are in place. Dayton will end today.
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tokyocyborg · 3 years
song recs
Arctic Monkeys - 505
Arctic Monkeys - Do I Wanna Know
Adele - Skyfall
Andrew Belle, Erin McCarley - In My Veins
awfultune - I Met Sarah in the Bathroom
Beach House - Space Song
Bring Me The Horizon - Can You Feel My Heart?
Bring Me The Horizon - Drown
BTS - Butterfly
BTS - Danger
BTS - Don't Leave Me
BTS, CharlieXCX - Dream Glow
BTS - EPILOGUE: Young Forever
BTS - Heartbeat
BTS - Pied Piper
BTS - Run
Cage the Elephant - Cigarette Daydream
Cage the Elephant - Come A Little Closer
Catie Turner - God Must Hate Me
Cavetown - Devil Town
Cavetown - Juliet
Cavetown - Lemon Boy
Cavetown - This Is Home
Changbin, Bang Chan (Stray Kids) - Streetlight
Chase Atlantic - Ozone
Chase Atlantic - Paradise
Cigarettes After Sex - Apocalypse
Cigarettes After Sex - K.
Cugarettes After Sex - Sunsetz
Clario - Bubble Gum
Clario - Sofia
ColdSteeze - A Thousand Reasons Why
Conan Grey - Astronomy
Conan Grey - Crush Culture
Conan Grey - Heather
Conan Grey - People Watching
Current Joys - Blondie
Current Joys - Kids
Current Joys - My Blood
Current Joys - New Flesh
dandelion hands - Dreamy Suicide Pact
dandelion hands - How To Never Stop Being Sad
dandelion hands - I Keep Writing Songs For People I’ll Never Know
dandelion hands - I Like You
dandelion hands - Invisible
dandelion hands - My Friends Don’t Know (I Know They Hate Me)
dandelion hands - Sing Me Something Sweet To Sleep To
dandelion hands - Self Harmageddon
DAY6 - Love Me or Leave Me
DAY6 -  누군가 필요해 (I Need Somebody)
DAY6 - 아 왜 I Wait
Deftones - Change
Duvet - Bôa
eaJ - It Just Is
eaJ - Pacman
Eyedress - Jealous
Eyedress - Something About You
Flatsound - I Exist I Exist I Exist
Flatsound - I Hope You’re Okay
Flatsound - Learning To Hate You As A Coping Mechanism
Flatsound - You Wrote ‘Don’t Forget’ On Your Arm
Frank Ocean - Ivy
Frank Ocean - White Ferrari
Fox Academy - lavender blood
Gang of Youths - Achilles Come Down
(G)-IDLE -  火花 (HWAA)
Glass Animals - Heat Waves
Glass Animals - Season 2 Episode 3
Glass Animals - The Other Side of Paradise
Gorillaz - Rhinestone Eyes
Grouper - Poison Tree
HAN (Stray Kids) - ALIEN
half•alive - creature
Halsey - clementine
Halsey - Drive
Halsey - Graveyard
Halsey - Roman Holiday
Halsey, BTS - SUGA’s Interlude
Halsey - 929
Harry Styles - Fine Line
Harry Styles - Golden
Harry Styles - Sign of the Times
Harry Styles - She
Hozier - Cherry Wine
Hozier - Like Real People Do 
Hozier - Work Song
Isaac Dunbar - Suicide
Julia Michaels, Niall Horan - What A Time
Kehlani - Honey
K.Flay - High Enough
Labrinth - Formula
Labarinth - I've Never Felt So Alone
Labrinth - Nate Growing Up
Lana Del Rey - Brooklyn Baby
Lana Del Rey - Cherry
Lana Del Rey - Cola
Lana Del Rey - Dark Paradise
Lana Del Rey - Dealer
Lana Del Rey - Diet Mountain Dew
Lana Del Rey - Happiness is a Butterfly
Lana Del Rey - In My Feelings
Lana Del Rey - Jealous Girl
Lana Del Rey - Kinda Outta Luck
Lana Del Rey - Pretty When You Cry
Lana Del Rey - Radio
Lana Del Rey - Ride
Lana Del Rey - Say Yes to Heaven
Lana Del Rey - Serial Killer
Lana Del Rey - Sweet Carolina
Lana Del Rey - Your Girl
Lana Del Rey - 13 Beaches
Lil Peep - Better Off (Dying)
Lil Peep - Broken Smile
Lil Peep, XXXTENTACION - Falling Down
Lorde - Hard Feelings/Loveless
Lorde - Liability
Lorde - Perfect Places
Lorde - Sober
Lorde - Stoned at the Nail Salon
Lorde - Supercut
Lord Heron - The Night We Met
MARINA - Are You Satisfied?
MARINA - Teen Idle
McCafferty - Trees II
Melanie Martinez - Bombs On Monday Morning
Melanie Martinez - Fire Drill
Melanie Martinez - Notebook
Melanie Martinez - Training Wheels
MGMT - Little Dark Age
Mike Walton - Adjust the Sails
Mitski - A Burning Hill
Mitski - A Pearl
Mitski - Brand New City
Mitski - Class of 2013
Mitski - Crack Baby
Mitski - Francis Forever
Mitski - Goodbye, My Danish Sweetheart
Mitski - I Bet on Losing Dogs
Mitski - I Want You
Mitski - I Will
Mitski - Last Words of a Shooting Star
Mitski - Liquid Smooth
Mitski - My Body’s Made of Crushed Up Stars
Mitski - Once More to See You
Mitski - Real Men
Mitski - Strawberry Blond
Mitski - Wife
Mitski - Why Didn't You Stop Me?
Mitski - Working for the Knife
Mitski - Your Best American Girl
Mother Mother - Oh Ana
Mother Mother - Body
Mother Mother - Burning Pile
Mr.Kitty - After Dark
My Chemical Romance - Disenchanted
My Chemical Romance - I'm Not Okay (I Promise)
My Chemical Romance - The World Is Ugly
Nicholas Britell - Agape
Noah Cyrus - July
Noah Cyrus, Labrinth - Make Me (Cry)
ONEUS - 월하미인 (月下美人: LUNA) 
Patrick Watson - Je te laisserai des mots
Pixies - Where Is My Mind?
Phantogram - Black Out Days
Phoebe Bridgers - Funeral
Phoebe Bridgers - Graceland Too
Phoebe Bridgers - Motion Sickness
Phoebe Bridgers - Savior Complex
Pierce the Veil - A Match Into Water
Pierce the Veil - Bulls in the Bronx
Pierce the Veil - Hell Above
Pierce the Veil - Hold On Till May
Pierce the Veil - Million Dollar Houses (The Painter)
Pierce the Veil - Stay Away From My Friends
RM (BTS) - forever rain
RM (BTS) - moonchild
ROAR - I Can't Handle Change
salvia palth - i was all over her 
Sasha Sloan - Only
SEUNGMIN (Stray Kids) - Here Always
Sleeoing At Last - Light
Sleeping At Last - Saturn
Sleeping At Last - You Are Enough
Stray Kids - Blueprint
Stray Kids - Haven
Stray Kids - Mixtape : OH (애)
Stray Kids - Mixtape #4
Stray Kids - Phobia
Stray Kids - Scars
Stray Kids - Silent Cry
Stray Kids - SLUMP
Stray Kids - SSSICK
Stray Kids - Star Lost
Stray Kids - TOP -Japanese Ver-
Stray Kids - 0325
Sufjan Stevens - Fourth of July
Sufjan Stevens - Mystery of Love
Surf Cruise - Freaks
SYML - Meant To Stay Hid
Taylor Swift - Enchanted
Taylor Swiff - marjorie
Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers - Nothing New
Taylor Swift - Willow
Teen Suicide - doing all the things i used to do with people, part 2
Teen Suicide - everything is going to hell
Teen Suicide - falling in love
Teen Suicide - give me back to the sky
Teen Suicide - haunt me (x3)
Teen Suicide - I Feel Like Dying
Teen Suicide - no, the moon
Teen Suicide - the same things happening to me all the time, even in my dreams
Teen Suicide - this is heaven and i would die for it
The Front Bottoms - Be Nice to Me
The Front Bottoms - Father
The Front Bottoms - Lone Star
The Neighbourhood - Cherry Flavored
The Mountain Goats - No Children
The Neughbourhood - Baby Came Home 2 / Valentines
The Neighbourhood - Cry Baby
The Neighbourhood - Female Robbery
The Neighbourhood - Flawless
The Neighbourhood - Honest
The Neighbourhood - Pretty Boy
The Neighbourhood - Prey
The Neighbourhood - Scary Love
The Neighbourhood - Stargazing
The Neighbourhood - Staying Up
The Neighbourhood - The Beach
The Neighbourhood - Void
The Rare Occasions - Notion
The Weekend - Die For You
The 1975 - Be My Mistake
The 1975 - I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)
The 1975 - It’s Not Living (If It’s Not With You)
The 1975 - Love It If We Made It
The 1975 - Me
The 1975 - Robbers
The 1975 - Sincerity Is Scary
The 1975 - You
Toby Fox - Fallen Down
Tom Rosenthal - Lights Are On
Troye Sivan - BITE
Troye Sivan - could cry just thinkin about you
Troye Sivan - Happy Little Pill
Troye Sivan - Talk Me Down
TV Girl - Not Allowed
TXT - 9¾ - Run Away
Tyler the Creator - Answer
Tyler the Creator - GONE, GONE/THANK YOU
Tyler the Creator, Kali Uchis - See You Again
Vacations - Young
Wilbur Soot - Jubilee Line
Yot Club - YKWIM?
우기 ((YUQI)(G)-IDLE) - Bonnie and Clyde
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chyertiii · 3 years
For the fanfiction writers ask: 16, 21, 34
16. Any guilty pleasure trope(s)?
• Smol x Tol is a requirement not a request
• Arranged marriage AU queen 👑
• No one else challenges me mentally or physically but you
• Bodyguard AU’s (bonus points if her parents are never around and she’s a Poor Little Rich Girl™️)
• We meet in our dreams AU
• Somehow I keep falling into another plane or realm and you only exist there and “we” only exist there and slowly I start to spend all my time and energy on being with you and completely losing my whole life in the “real world”
• Captive/Captor AU’s (think Briseis and Achilles but I’m not above a good old fashioned bank robbery gone tits up I’m an equal opportunity slut for Stockholm Syndrome)
• We had a past life together and we only remember flashes but the energy is still there between us and it’s undeniable - however, being together would completely dismantle our present day lives
• This can’t last and it’s not meant to, but I’ve been through a lot and you’re a very nice resting place for now
• I’m a brat, but vulnerable only with you. You’re an asshole, but soft only with me. I don’t hate anyone else but you. But I don’t love anyone else either.
• We’ve both been through trauma no one else understands so we don’t really know how to trust or love anyone else, but no one would ever be accepting of us being together (yes I meant to google Lucrezia and Cesare Borgia)
• Honestly, anything where the shtick is ‘we’re really not supposed to be doing this’ bonus points for sneaking around and loads of pining angst about it
21. Favorite pairing to write for? (platonic or romantic!)
I’m about to lose so many followers 🙈
Max x Audrey (Gossip Girl)
Sarah Cameron & Rafe Cameron (OBX) (yes I know they’re related no I don’t care)
Ciri x Geralt (The Witcher, more the video games and the books than the tv show)
Javier Peña (Narcos) x Helena (Narcos) x Santiago Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Robb x Sansa or Jon x Sansa or Robb x Jon x Sansa (ASOIAF) (who is GoT don’t know her)
Sookie Stackhouse x Jason Stackhouse (True Blood) (watch the first episode again and tell me I’m wrong lol)
Eric x Four (Divergent) (books not the movieverse)
Becca x Lucas (Banshee)
Cassie x Nate (Euphoria) (yes I know it wouldn’t work leave me alone) (all I’m saying is, Nate spent a lot of fucking energy trying to get McKay to NOT date Cassie and Nate would never have made Cassie get an abortion)
Mal x Evie (Descendants)
Elsa x Kristoff (Frozen)
Tink x Hook (Peter Pan universe - more the books than any of the movies) (in the second Peter Pan book she is literally lost to the group and found locked up in the captain’s quarters among Hook’s treasure on his ship don’t come for me Barrie shipped it too)
Freya x Freyr or Freya x Fenrir (Norse mythology)
Morgan x Arthur (Arthurian legend)
Lucifer x Eve or Lucifer x Lilith (biblical mythology NO I’m not talking about Lucifer the show lol I’ve never even watched it and I won’t)
34. Copy and paste an excerpt you’re particularly fond of.
From “Through the Lake”, a Grishaverse fic I wrote 5 years ago but never posted (Darkling x OFC)
They’ve begun travelling now. He likes to stay diplomatically relevant. Likes to be known to the kings and queens of lands beyond Ravka. Because the otkazat’sya Lantsov king is weak and stupid. She knows. She’s met him many times. And she met his father before him. She’s dined with their ambassadors and danced with their advisors (Shadow likes to show her off as his little relic. His little stolen child, kept as a pet the same way fairies of old would keep children from her world. It is also a very clear piece on the chess board. Look what I have. Look what she can do. Know your place).
“Lantsov is lucky anyone even continues to acknowledge him as king. If I were a queen, the only diplomat I would sit down with is you.” She’s known her Shadow a hundred years now. She cannot fathom why anyone still bows to the Lantsov king.
“Do I not treat you with all the adoration and reverence due a queen?” He asks in response, ignoring her statement for the moment. Though it strokes something warm and needy inside him to hear her say it.
They’re in Kerch. A disgustingly wealthy merchant’s villa is their home for the night. At his table they dined on sweet-buttered grouse and roasted kale and salted caramel cake.
The back of his ungloved finger traces her neck as she takes her jewelry off and lets her hair down. The touch flares her power with a shivering thrill of electricity. Unable to help herself, Jo flexes her abilities enough to let him know not to push her. The air in the room compresses for a moment until all sound is narrowed down, resting on the pin of a needle and ringing in his ears. Thirty seconds go by. Finally, she lets up and he has to grip the window sill as his lungs drag desperately for oxygen.
“What?” He half snarls, half chokes. Jo is shown more favor than anyone else at his court by far. He’s never lavished another with the same attention and devotion he pours over her. He’s never trusted anyone enough to allow them so close. But he’s careful to keep her loyalties where they belong. Uses her power to keep the other Grisha in check. To keep their eyes fixed with jealousy so they’ll never look upon her with love. So she has no other confessional but him. So she can never hold anything she knows to his throat. Even if she thought to overthrow him and seize power for herself, they would never follow her. They’d wear her bones first.
“You know what. Do not dare to play the victim with me.” They argue as if they’re married. And maybe in a way they are. Promises forever unbroken. Loyalty carried to the grave. Secrets pressed between them for centuries, that no one else could ever unfold.
Swallowing, he swipes away the blood dripping from his nose with the handkerchief in his pocket. Glances out the window, partly guilty and partly annoyed that the girl can even make him feel guilt.
“You know why I can’t let you stay.” They’ve been over this a hundred thousand times. He won’t have her for one lifetime when he needs her power for much longer than that. And perhaps, a part of him needs her to be hungry for him. To know she’s in Duluth salivating at the mouth to get back here. Perhaps he’s scared that if he gives her all she wants of him, of Ravka, she’ll have her fill and go back for good.
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gayri-chmac · 4 years
Each character has a song as listed below:
Rip Hunter- Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths
Sara Lance- Summertime Sadness by Lana Del Rey
Firestorm- Evelyn Evelyn by Evelyn Evelyn
Ray Palmer- Rät by Penelope Scott
Mick Rory- Arsonist's Lullabye by Hozier
Leonard Snart- Take Me To Church by Hozier
Kendra Saunders- Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Carter Hall- Warriors by Imagine Dragons
Nate Heywood- Unsteady by X Ambassadors
Amaya Jiwe- Sunflower, Vol. 6 by Harry Styles
Zari 1.0 & 2.0- Two Birds by Regina Spektor
Wally West- Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood
Ava Sharpe- I Am Not A Robot by MARINA
John Constantine- For The Departed by Shayfer James
Nora Darhk- Body by Mother Mother
Charlie- Verbatim by Mother Mother
Mona Wu- Monster by Dodie
Behrad Tarazi- As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese
Astra Logue- Michelle by Sir Chloe
Everyone- Nobody Likes The Opening Band by IDKHBTFM
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Catch Up Meme
Tagged by @timeforelfnonsense thank you friend!! 🥰
THREE SHIPS: Brynja Ryder x Jaal Ama Darav (aka Brynjaal), Rose Harper x Nick Valentine (never shipped an mc with a character you can't romance in-game before so I'm real nervous, but that ain't stopping me yet!!), and uhhhhh hm. So many choices here. I'm gonna break the rules and put more than three: Korinna (MC) x Hadrian from The Golden Rose, Theia Kurinová (MC) x Nicolás María from Smoke & Velvet, Laura Lee x Nate Sewell from Wayhaven Chronicles. I am LIVING FOR ALL THIS INTERACTIVE FICTION Y'ALL.
Achilles, Come Down by Gang of Youths,
the version of the Wellerman sea shanty that had Mia Asano adding violin,
Sharm's cover of Daughter of the Sea,
The Lion's Roar by First Aid Kit (this, Daughter of the Sea, and Achilles are on the official playlist for The Northern Passage, another IF I am stupid in love with)
Also been listening to a lot of the Diamond City Radio songs, I love this genre of music so much but don't ask me what it's called bc I don't know 😂😂😂
Trøllabundin by Eivør Pálsdóttir (the vid on YouTube and floating around here on Tumbles where she's performing it by some body of water and there's a statue behind her. Listened to it a million times and I'm just as enchanted as I was when I first found it)
Presence by Joseph is stuck in my head atm and it's motivating me to get back to my ME:A fic since I associate it strongly with Brynja's older sister, Nadja yes I have 3 Ryder kids instead of the canon 2, fight me 😂
CURRENTLY WATCHING: Honestly, I am SO terrible with TV shows, I'm not watching any atm but I am planning on a Star Wars Rebels rewatch with my best friend! Also had a movie night with another friend for my birthday last week and we watched Howl's Moving Castle, half of Scott Pilgrim vs the World, and half of Into the Spiderverse. Time was not our friend there, hence the halves 😂 It was the first time I watched a Ghibli movie tho and I LOVED IT SO MUCH.
CURRENTLY READING: No actual books atm bc I am also terrible with that, but I am keeping up with the aforementioned IFs, as well as Wayfarer by idrellegames, Greenwarden, aaaaand some others I don't remember off the top of my head.
HOW'S IT GOING? It's going I suppose 😂 Things are good but I accidentally trashed my sleep schedule and now am constantly staying up until 2-4 a.m.. Oops. I was supposed to start editing my fic this month but got hit with an ADD week from hell right out of the gate, and I'm only now coming to a place where I can pick it up again. Either my anxiety meds aren't working as well as they used to, or my constant forgetting of a different med and my trashed sleep schedule is screwing it all up. Idk. All in all tho, I'm doing pretty good!!!
My memory is FLAMING hot garbage so I'm not sure who has and hasn't done this, gonna go out on a limb and tag @asaara-writes, @pikapeppa, @theherocomplex, @lethendralis-paints, @schoute, @solas-disapproves 😊
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matt0044 · 3 years
“For Steel...”
Don’t kid yourself. We all said it.
Evox consolidates the energy of the Morph-X Global Network into the very first tower in Coral Harbor. In response, the entire city is evacuated as urged by Muriel Reeves and Commander Shaw with Roxy helping to organize those leaving by foot. It’s actually a pretty down to Earth in how Power Rangers of a specific organization would take precautions well before the final battle at hand.
Muriel insists to Commander Shaw that she wants her daughter to join her in evacuating the city only to be shown that Zoey is the Yellow Ranger. They hug it out before she has to rush out to face Evox approaching the tower. One underrated aspect of Beast Morphers is how the parents of each Ranger factor into the story, however big or small. Somewhat like Go Busters but they’re alive.
The Rangers face Evox outside of Tower One but this time bring out past Ranger weaponry. Devon mans the Super Ninja Steel Blaster, Ravi takes the SPD SWAT Delta Enforcer, Zoey gets the Lightspeed Thermal Blaster, Nate takes the Dino Saber and Steel takes the Cloud Hatchet. It amazing that they worked in past weaponry into the story without it feeling all too forced or baiting.
The main three blast Evox before the Beetle Brothers move in for close quarters, covering them as they bring in the King Bow to use a second Anti-Evox arrow. Unfortunately, Evox narrowly deflects it and even recreates new Robotrons as canon fodder while he returns to Tower One to assimilate the power into his body. Steel sees the Arrow and pursues the final boss on foot.
Evox enters the same reactor Devon used to call upon Jason as a cool callback to the Beast vs. Dino team-up and takes in all the gathering energy of the Morph-X network. Steel manages to sneak in from behind and stab Evox in the back. However, he’s blasted with only a fraction of his foe’s newly-found power.
The Rangers rush in just in time to see Steel fall to the floor, demorphed while his essence is absorbed by the Morph-X. Their expressions are simply palpable as they watch one of their own downed and broken up. I know that Chip Lynn wanted to step down on a high note but I didn’t expect him to go all Time Force.
The Rangers return to Grid Battleforce where they break the news to Steel’s death. I like how Betty is visibly shown to be putting the pieces together seconds before anyone says a word about it. Devon speaks to all of Command and urges an evacuation of all personnel while the Rangers try to hold the line.
However, Ben and Betty are the first to declare that they’re staying in a very non-comedic delivery. Zord Maintenance are next to firmly stand by the Rangers before many more call in on the monitors, appearing one after the other in rapid succession. It gave me major SPD flashbacks with Boom’s “I’m staying” declaration. Most are extras but you get cameos of Cole and Megan.
With GB standing its ground, Evox assumes his powered up with all of the Morph-X he could ask for in his Messiah Reboot form. Thus the Rangers head out in the Beast-X King Ultrazord to make their final stand. I really feel like they could’ve had Ben and Betty join them in original cockpit footage. They’d offer to perform maintenance and eventually help Nate in the final gambit against Evox.
As they just barely struggle to hang on, Nate realizes out that Human DNA is Evox’s Achilles Heel and that channeling the Morph-X through their bodies will give them just the edge they need. It’s a brilliant adaptation of the vaccine program from Go-Busters to the point that they show Morph-X pouring out of the Rangers with those Matrix-esque 1s and 0s in their own costumed footage.
It’s a great twist that was actually built up through out the series when Steel’s body rejecting Evox and how he could barely keep hold of Mayor Daniels. Furthermore, Venjix meeting his end because of humanity’s essence is just karmic on so many levels with what he had done to the RPM dimension. The very thing he despised ended up eradicating his existence for good this time.
Evox’s destruction releases all of the Morph-X and lets it return to the Morphing Grid. Except... not all of it. The Rangers see Steel reconstructed before their very eyes and morphed into a human played by Sam Jellie but still voiced by Jamie Linehan who distinctly sounds like a young teenage Steel. This time, it’s no one time episode deal. Our high-tech himbo’s big wish has finally come true.
A whole year passes before we find Ben and Betty bringing in Scrozzle who was admitted absent for most of the final. Colonel Truman even brings up the rear to report to Commander Devon Daniels of Grid Battleforce. It’s almost symbolic to see RPM tying up loose ends from Beast Morphers just as it was vice versa. However, what was Scrozzle up to in Corinth? Planting more story seeds, Chip?
Zoey and Nate has retired Morph-X in favor of more traditional green energy sources that are less likely to attracted any evil. Ravi has taken up painting along with his mother who’s succeeded General Burke. Steel’s taken up starring in one of the latest action movies in what I can assume is a remake of one of Dax’s films from Operation Overdrive. Knowing him, it probably needs it.
Steel gets the call for an “Operation 365″ at the base and rushes out while morphing as a human. I’m guessing that Sam wanted to close out his one-off role as a Ranger in the suit. However, it seems Steel didn’t need to as he arrives to his surprise birthday party for having spent one whole year as a human. Fittingly enough, “It’s Great To Be Human,” closes out the final scene.
Beast Morphers was a step in the right direction after Ninja Steel’s defined lows, this coming from somebody who enjoyed even Victor and Monty. While it lacks in the witty one-liner department, it makes up for with some solid storytelling as they improve upon balancing stand-alone episode stories with the larger arc. I still love how the crossovers were firmly part of this season like in Lost Galaxy...
With this series concluded, we return to a Dinosaur team with Chip Lynn stepping down from head writer to make way for Simon Bennet. While I am iffy about this change in hands, I hope that we get a sort of Eddie Guzelian shake up where he goes beyond plus ultra. While we haven’t heard much, I’m still holding out hope for a Kyuranger adaptation come the Thirteenth Anniversary.
What? Y’all were thinking it also.
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likeafairytale · 6 months
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Sarah Ruhl, from “Eurydice”
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icanbeyourgenie · 6 months
[ Achilles singing a moving ballad about a forgotten love ]
From the moment Achilles walked into the room, Nathaniel had not been able to focus on anything else. But when he started singing the song... It was something else entirely.
Nate was vaguely aware that he was in the middle of a conversation with Calypso, and that his sister was still talking to him, but he was unable to shift back his focus on her. He had never been good at controlling where his attention was headed, but for once he didn't care.
His mind was racing - and going nowhere - with thoughts on how to proceed. This time, he knew what was happening. Achilles didn't remember him. Not yet. It was a good thing, because it meant they had time. But it was also a bad thing because it meant the love of his life had no idea who he was. And an even more terrible thing because Nate had to make a good first impression - and judging by the previous times, it was not his forte.
The siren was still debating his strategy when he noticed something that immediately put him in movement: the minute Achilles stopped singing, Aeron went to him. And even from across the room, Nathaniel could clearly see him flirting.
He should probably take some time to breathe and to think. He did not. Instead, he raced to them.
"Prince Aeron, I'm sorry to interrupt this conversation" (he was not) "but my sister is requesting your presence."
Nathaniel was fully aware that Calypso had no desire to talk to Aeron more than necessary, and that he brutally cut her mid-sentence to come deal with the situation, but he could deal with an angry Calypso. What he couldn't deal with, however, was Aeron flirting with his man.
The same Aeron who, at the present moment, looked at him like he grew another head.
"I doubt that very much."
"And yet it is the truth." Nathaniel turned his head to look at Achilles. He tried not to let his heart rhythm quickens too much, and he failed. "Good evening. Your song was mesmerizing. Did you write it yourself?"
"I did, actually. It came to me in a dream."
Nathaniel smiled at that. "What a beautiful dream it must have been-"
"Yes, actually..." Aeron cut, and just from the look on his face, Nate understood that he revealed too much of his game, and that Aeron would be more than happy to tease him a little bit. "I invited our new bard to sing more of his mesmerizing songs in the afterwards party I'll be organizing in my private chambers. I would invite you, but I know how you princes of the Sea feel about such parties. Such a shame you'll miss out."
"Oh, are you a prince too?" Achilles asked. "I'm sorry for not greeting you properly, your Highness."
Nate would have found it cute if he didn't see red. Aeron 'innocently' put his arm around Achilles' shoulders and Nathaniel felt a violent urge to detach this arm from Aeron's body.
"I don't find this appropriate considering your engagements towards my sister. You know, your wife."
"Well, what a curious thing for you to say. It's the first time I see you advocate that I should spend more time with her. What seem to be the problem?"
"Maybe I'm just not in a mood to let you disrespect her again tonight."
Nate's anger was fueled by Aeron's nonchalance. The bastard even had the audacity to smile, like he was enjoying himself - which he probably was.
"Now, now. No need to be this hostile. We're all allies here, remember?" He smirked as he got a bit closer to Achilles, making Nate's blood boil. "If you're feeling left out, I'm sure my brother will be more than happy to welcome you in his chamber again. You want me to get him for you?"
Nathaniel couldn't tell what it was exactly that made the urge to wipe Aeron's smile. from his face so strong, but the next thing he knew, he was pushing the fae prince in the extravagant cake the High Queen ordered for the night.
The brutal silence that followed is what brought him back to reality. Silence only broken by Aeron's laugh (that little shit). But a silence that reminded him that he was still in enemy territory, and that he just disrespected the favorite son of the High Queen.
He was in for a big serment from Malachai. His brother was already walking in his direction. Which is why he quickly turned to Achilles, who seemed to have no idea how to react.
"How rude of me, I didn't even properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm Nathaniel. Please stay in the castle. I promise I'm not crazy, and I'd love to discuss about your songs."
As he was dragged away by Malachai, watching the guards try to control the chaotic mess he created and looked at Calypso's shocked expression, he realized one thing: After all these times, after all his meetings with Achilles, he was still terrible at first impressions...
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runningfrom2am · 1 year
achilles heel - III: getting a head start
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Grace is the very opposite of her brother in every way. when she finally moves onto campus at UNC Chapel Hill, she feels like she gets to be her own person, make her own friends, and hopefully start a promising career in the museum industry, and maybe, one day, get married to her high school sweetheart and live the American dream for herself. Rafe Cameron however, upon their very first meeting, throws a wrench in her very perfect plan.
rafe cameron x fem!oc, rafe is giving very much homewrecker, fanon!rafe (kinda), college!au, friends to lovers, slow-burn (maybe?), minimal oc description, drug and alcohol use, mostly unedited, (these tags are not exhaustive, lmk if i should add anything!)
wc: 1.9k
my master list
series masterlist
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January 6th, 2019
Grace pulled herself out of bed three hours before her eight am class the next morning, giving herself ample time to have a shower and get ready to go eat breakfast with her brother before class. Today was a bit of a treat, because Nate had an eight-thirty class in the building next to hers, and had the chance to eat with her and walk her to class.
She knocked on his dorm door when she was all ready, holding onto her coffee mug and stepping back a little bit in anticipation of the door opening. It's only a few moments before it does, her boyfriend smiling down at her. "Good morning, my love." Nate smiles, leaning down to kiss her forehead as he closes the door behind him.
"Morning!" Grace smiles, admiring how his dark eyes compliment his messy brown hair.
"What's on the menu today?" Nate asks as they make their way to the elevator, hand placed low on her back.
"The usual." Grace shrugs, taking a sip of her coffee while they wait for the elevator.
They make their way down to the caf, hand in hand most of the time as Nate goes on and on about his classes, hardly letting Grace get a word in until Ben joins them at their table, internally cursing to himself over having to sit across from this guy that he's never liked.
"Hey, Ben, how are you, buddy?" Nate asks as her brother sits down.
"Fine," Ben replies, clearly already bored as he takes a bite of his cereal.
"What class do you have this morning? You never get up this early." Nate jokes.
"Uh, history 120? I'm in Grace's class. Figured you'd know that." Ben grumbles, looking down at his phone.
"Oh! Right. Yes." Nate nods, looking over at his girlfriend. "How's that one going?"
"It's good! We're talking about some really interesting stuff already, we've got this one book to read and I'm already on-" Grace starts explaining excitedly, reaching into her bag under the table to grab it out to show him.
"Oh, Ben, I heard engineering got invited to your frat's opener this weekend. I think it'll be fun." Nate interrupts her, and Ben freezes as he looks between the two of them. Grace looks disappointed, but like she wasn't going to finish anyways. She's used to this, her boyfriend just gets distracted so easily. Most times she finds it cute, but not so much as of late. She always just figured it was a symptom of his high IQ, which he does love to talk about as well. It drives Ben up the wall, and it always has.
"Dude- she was talking to you." Ben says, pointing his spoon at his sister. "But yeah, fuck it. I guess it'll be fun." He shakes his head as he speaks, hunched over with his elbows on the table as he continues to eat.
"Oh, yeah, sorry, Love. Continue." Nate smiles at her and watches her eyes light up again, holding the book out to him and he takes it, quickly skimming through it.
"So, yeah I'm already about halfway through it. It's incredibly fascinating, being able to look into one person's life on such a deep and analytical level when their world was so far removed from how we live today." Grace grins, and Ben rolls his eyes. Not because he's upset with her, but because he's frustrated that she doesn't see that this guy is a dick to her.
"Oh, yeah. I read this in high school. It's quite interesting." Nate agrees, handing the book back to her. "They're teaching this in university? Seems a little juvenile."
"Well, it is a first-year course." Grace shrugs, putting the book back in her bag. Ben is practically seething at this point. His sister is so smart- it frustrates him to no end that she doesn't, at least noticeably, understand that her boyfriend is talking down to her.
"Let's go, we're gonna be late," Ben grumbles, chugging the rest of his milk out of the bowl and standing up.
Nate looks at his watch, furrowing his brow. "Ben, we have like half an hour before your class starts and it's only a twelve-minute walk away." He says but Ben is already walking off to put his dirty bowl away.
"I'll just grab a refill on my coffee and we'll go." Grace smiles at him, standing up and kissing the side of his head. "I'll be right back."
They make their way to class, with Grace struggling to keep up with the two taller boys who just tend to walk a lot faster. She does notice, though, that Ben is moving quicker than normal.
"This is us," Grace says, stopping in front of the door while Ben just walks straight in, sitting in the back row that is almost empty since they still have fifteen minutes before class starts. He blocks off the two seats next to him with his bag and his coat, waiting for you to come in and for Rafe to show up.
It's a few minutes of Grace and Nate chatting in the hallway before Rafe shows up, brushing past them and saying a quick 'hi' to Grace before joining her brother in the back row.
"Morning." Rafe yawns, handing Ben his coat and sitting in the now empty seat.
"Morning," Ben mumbles back. "How'd you sleep? You sound tired."
"Alright." Rafe shrugs in response. "I was up late doing the readings." He explains, making his friend raise an eyebrow at him.
"You did those?"
"Well, yeah. I figured I'd at least try to keep up with the workload this semester." Rafe replies, digging his laptop and books out of his bag.
"Did you hear we invited the engineering guys to our party?" Ben asks, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
Rafe adjusts in his seat and shakes his head. "No, uh, I didn't know that." He clears his throat, grabs his water bottle, and quickly takes a sip.
"Yeah. Nate said he's coming. Which fucking sucks." Ben whispers, leaning closer so Grace or her boyfriend can't hear from the hall.
"Why?" Rafe asks. "I mean, I know you don't love that guy but I don't know shit about him so fill me in."
"He's fine." Ben sighs, shaking his head and glancing back towards the hallway. "He's just such a dick. I don't even think Grace can see it because he's like, brainwashed her into thinking he's a gift from God or some shit. It's annoying. He is like, only physically capable of talking and thinking about himself. It's actually impressive."
"Sounds like an asshole." Rafe looks back at the door as well, seeing Nate kiss Grace goodbye as she slips in the door. ‘Maybe he should ask Ben for her number after all, if he hates her boyfriend so much’ Rafe thinks to himself as she walks up, and he can’t help but admire the way her black jeans are hugging her thighs just right and her orange sweater drapes over her almost like a blanket. She looks comfortable.
"Hey!" Grace smiles at the two, way too cheery for eight am. Ben quickly moves his books and she sits down on the other side of him.
"Hey, Grace." Rafe smiles at her. "Was that Nate?" He asks, sharing a brief look with Ben as she pulls everything out of her bag and places her coffee on the desk.
"Yeah, he's got a class in E building at eight-thirty." She explains.
"He seems cool." Rafe says, nudging his friend who just rolls his eyes.
"Yeah, he's sweet." Grace agrees, nodding. "We've been together for... almost four years now. He's just my person, you know?"
He tries not to laugh as Ben rolls his eyes pretty much into the back of his head, deciding not to say anything. "That's crazy, that's a long time."
"Mhm." Grace nods, looking pleased with herself.
"So, he's coming to our party this weekend, hey?" Rafe asks.
"Yeah, he mentioned it." Grace says, turning to lock eyes with her brother. "You be nice to him, by the way! And I'll find out if you're not."
Ben raises his hands defensively. "When am I not nice to him?"
"You're not coming?" Rafe asks before she gets the chance to berate her brother about it anymore.
"No, no. Frat parties aren't really my thing, believe it or not." Grace says, smiling at him, at this point forgetting about lecturing Ben. "Besides, I've got way too much homework and stuff to do. Oh! Speaking of which, Rafe, did you end up doing the readings?" She asks, wanting to move on and not face any weird pause in the conversation.
"Uh, yeah, I did them." Rafe nods, avoiding Ben's eyes as he looks quickly between them, a confused look plastered over his face.
"I assume it went well since you didn't text me?" Grace smiles. "It wasn't anything complicated luckily, they tend to keep it pretty easy for the first couple weeks."
"Well, actually, I would have, but I didn't end up getting your number." He replies, shrugging.
"Oh, well, here, give me your phone." She holds her hand out, gesturing for him to pass it over.
Rafe opens his phone and opens a new contact, then passes the phone over.
Grace quickly types in her information, handing it back to him. "There. You're all set now."
"You gonna tutor his dumb ass or something? Good luck." Ben scoffs, shaking his head.
"At least he plans on doing the readings himself. You're the one who just asks me to relay everything for you."
"Yeah. At least I'm trying." Rafe laughs, shoving his friend's shoulder.
"Yeah, whatever man." Ben rolls his eyes, leaning into his elbows on the counter.
"Seriously, though, Grace, you should come this weekend," Rafe says, leaning back so he can see her over her brother's hunched shoulders.
"I'll think about it." She relents. "I don't know if Nate will like that, though. I'll talk to him."
"Woah, wait- why wouldn't he?" Rafe asks, raising an eyebrow at her. 
"Because he just worries about me, you know?" Grace says and Ben mouths the words along with her, rolling his eyes again. They're getting a workout in this morning, apparently.
Rafe rolls his eyes as well this time. "Respectfully, that's a load of shit."
Grace laughs as her jaw drops. "What? Why? It's sweet!"
"He doesn't think you'll be safe? At a party where him and your brother will be? Please." Rafe says, smiling at her, his eyes scanning over her shocked face. This is the first time he's seen her smile like that- he could sit and watch that all day. Not in a weird way, though. Definitely not. He just takes note of how pretty she looks when he makes her laugh. "Sounds to me like he doesn't want you there." He shrugs.
"No way," Grace shakes her head. "It's not like that- he actually likes it when I drink. It's just an environment he knows I'm not super comfortable in."
"Oh, he likes when you drink. Gotcha. Honestly, you're not making a strong argument. All boys love drunk girls." Rafe says, laughing as Ben punches his arm. "Which is another good reason you should come; because there's going to be sorority girls there and you'll need to keep an eye on him." 
"He's not going to cheat on me, Rafe. He would never do that. Especially with a drunk sorority girl- gross." Grace scrunched up her nose as she speaks, shaking her head fervently.
"Okay, fine. Just like, don't tell him you're coming! They're almost always packed- you probably won't even see him." Rafe suggests.
"You really want her to come, huh?" Ben chuckles, shaking his head at his friend. 
Rafe raises his hands defensively. "Listen- I'm just a fan of women doing what they want, not what their boyfriends say they can."
"Don't make this a feminist thing. You're so full of shit."
"Am not!"
"Well, we'll see if I get ahead on my homework. Then maybe I'll come." Grace interrupts their childish argument, opening her notebook as their prof pulls up the first of the slides. 
Rafe mentally applauds himself as Ben stares at his sister in shock, who is already getting a head start on writing down every last word on the screen.
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taglist: @newbooksmell777, @tahliac11, @slut4drudy, @madelynie, @angelw33dz, @mutual-mendes (as always reply or message me to be added or removed!)
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Music Tag
I was tagged by @even-after-a-millennia to do this.  Thank you friend!!
Rules: you can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to! put your favorite playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. no skipping!
I went with my “current hyperfixation list“, which is basically just a series of playlists I keep adding stuff to and listen to for weeks on end until it starts getting overrun with songs I am getting tired of and make a new one, typically named by the day of the week it was made or the month of the year, or whatever button mash I wind up with. (This one is just called “Sunday” and it’s been my main for over a month now, cause it was made November 1st)
1. Midnight Riot - Whale and the Wolf
2. Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
3. Zen - X Ambassadors, grandson, K.Flay
4. Great Big Storm - Nate Ruess
5. Dear McCraken - Bug Hunter
6. Machine - Imagine Dragons
7. Fred Astaire - Jukebox the Ghost
8. The Village - Wrabel
9. TRACER - Stephen
10. The End / Undead - Zero 9:36, Hollywood Undead
My brain isn’t being kind to me today, so I’m not going to tag anyone directly but if you’d like to do this, please do and tag me!! Especially if I usually tag you in these, but anyone who wants to can do this.
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isolaradiale · 4 years
Lost in Space 21
Hello, Isolans! We have conducted an activity check for the month of June!
If your character isn’t on this list, make sure to check this page to see how many stars that character has earned this month! Stars can be used for purchases at the marketplace.
The blogs that were removed from the Isola Radiale masterlist are under the cut. Note that both blogs with broken links and deactivated accounts will be included both at the top of this list and in their proper categories.
If you were removed in error, please simply send a re-application message. Several different people work on the activity checks, so it’s possible there are mistakes! If this happens to you, you will be able to keep everything you previously had, you just may be placed in a different residence.
Our general activity rules regarding checks are as follows:
Make at least two in-character posts during a calendar month (for instance, if the activity check is for January, have three in-character posts between the 1st and 31st of January).
The activity requirement will return to three posts for July's activity check.
Only one drabble and/or meme response of 300+ words counts as activity.
One-liners or minis not tagged #isola mini also do not count.
Please Note: Anyone removed during the activity check will have a 12-hour window from the time of posting to re-claim their character. Any character not reclaimed during that period will be open to the community at large.
Please send in your reapplications from the account of the character that was removed.
Broken URLs:
... none!
Takigawa Miu (HOUSE 108)
Bloodhound (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Elliot Witt (Mirage) (TOWNHOUSE 217)
Wattson (CONDO 415)
Sayo Hikawa (CONDO 447)
The Penitent One (HOUSE 136)
Hazama (CONDO 430)
Nine (HOUSE 109)
Noel Vermillion (HOUSE 107)
Ichigo Kurosaki (TOWNHOUSE 210)
Wolfgang Schneider (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Kaede Akamatsu (HOUSE 129)
Shuichi Saihara (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Tsumugi Shirogane (HOUSE 130)
Creighton (Pate's Cottage [The Mistwood])
The Stranger (HOUSE 118)
Bart Allen (Impulse) (HOUSE 116)
Near (Nate River) (CONDO 411)
Jim Hawkins (TOWNHOUSE 212)
Archer (EMIYA) (APARTMENT 332)
Caster (Medea) (APARTMENT 328)
Caster (Merlin) (APARTMENT 330)
Lancer (Artoria Pendragon Alter) (HOUSE 144)
Rider (Achilles) (114)
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII (HOUSE 121)
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret (CONDO 404)
Ike (CONDO 424)
Mercedes von Martritz (HOUSE 135)
Petra Macneary (HOUSE 133)
Kyo Sohma (APARTMENT 328)
Aziraphale (TOWNHOUSE 215)
Lucilius (TOWNHOUSE 216)
Tweyen / Song (TOWNHOUSE 221)
Jack-O (APARTMENT 313)
Potemkin (HOUSE 116)
Xie Lian (HOUSE 124)
Grimm (CONDO 434)
Galekh Xigisi (Galekh's Hive [Golden])
Lanque Bombyx (TOWNHOUSE 239)
Tagora Gorjek (HOUSE 132)
Killua Zoldyck (APARTMENT 337)
Pannacotta Fugo (HOUSE 132)
Satoru Gojou (CONDO 416)
Demyx (TOWNHOUSE 207)
Susie (APARTMENT 322)
Elatha (Aichi's House [Cotes])
Kate Bishop (APARTMENT 317)
Jin Ling (CONDO 425)
Secunit (HOUSE 101)
Eri (CONDO 425)
Monoma Neito (APARTMENT 329)
Sasuke Uchiha (Sasuke's House [Cotes])
Kanrik (TOWNHOUSE 214)
Zacharie (Zone 0 [The Mistwood])
Tatsumaki (APARTMENT 320)
Saffron (CONDO 412)
Alissa Gracela (CONDO 407)
Mary Sue (TOWNHOUSE 217)
Lacie Baskerville (CONDO 417)
Yusuke Kitagawa (CONDO 429)
Marona (CONDO 415)
Giratina (OUTSIDE)
Wheatley (HOUSE 103)
Homura Akemi (APARTMENT 334)
Felix (HOUSE 125)
Adam Taurus (Adam's Manor [Cotes])
Professor Ozpin (Time's Respite [Fibonacci])
Qrow Branwen (TOWNHOUSE 228)
Roman Torchwick (Sleepy Hollow [The Mistwood])
Winter Schnee (Winter's Mansion [Fibonacci])
Chibiusa Tsukino (APARTMENT 311)
Genjo Sanzo (APARTMENT 315)
Entrapta (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Ahsoka Tano (APARTMENT 304)
Kylo Ren (HOUSE 114)
Sabine Wren (HOUSE 114)
Lapis Lazuli (CONDO 425)
Kanoyeel kkll Precie (Kanon) (TOWNHOUSE 209)
Yuri Lowell (CONDO 401)
Aelin Galathynius (APARTMENT 311)
Kou Minamoto (HOUSE 117)
Mei Shijima (TOWNHOUSE 226)
Ihei Hairu (HOUSE 134)
Optimus Prime (HOUSE 137)
Virgil Walsh (APARTMENT 324)
Jeanne (HOUSE 119)
Keith Kogane (HOUSE 118)
Weevil Underwood (CONDO 418)
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