#acnh villager conversations
megatownac · 1 year
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Henry is right!
That WAS a pretty heavy sigh!
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miyafrommoonstone · 8 months
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a little conversational advice never hurt anyone
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mayor-brandy · 1 year
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Aww, Raymond! (つ ,•́ ^ •̀ ,)つ We sure would!!!
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nintendo-stuff · 11 months
i’d like to see more unique interactions with your neighbors! my biggest complaint about the last one is how boring the conversations are. they don’t need to be mean (tho that’s fun too), i just miss when they felt different every time
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Oh my god, yes! The ACNH villagers are not exactly exciting to be around...
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smuglemon · 2 months
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my ACWW town tierlist :) the really really fucked town of mars. I'll probably update this whenever there's a notable change in dynamics or move ins, but uhh, so far...
pudge is my best friend forever and always and that's never going to change. i specifically reset to have him in my town, as this was the game i first met him in a longgg time ago :) he hasn't been mean to be once, not that i ever expected my little guy to. he's a lot more mature in ww, which i expected because he's not lobotomized like he is in new horizons (sorry my little buddy it's the truth..)
rosie is an absolutely silly and funny sweetheart, and i'd like to keep her no matter what. her model is just so perfect in this game and she's been nothing but sweetness to me. the only thing is she's been sick for like... weeks now?? and she isn't getting better. i guess that prevents her from moving out randomly but it's so sad </3 casting a healing spell on my girl rosie
maple and teddy were originally fair-weather-friends i thought but pudge dropped the bomb that they're DATING?? and that they constantly argue... you could write this off as simple gossip but i trust pudge with my life and i'm keeping an eye on them. i'm a little worried for maple because from conversations with her she clearly has self-esteem issues, and teddy's just a general fuckboy who never responds to my mail. though he's pudge's best friend so if my boy respects him he can't be ... terrible i suppose??
portia's an interesting case. i originally thought she was just a kind of lonely woman. cause our conversations always hinted to me being her only friend, and i did a lot of favors for her and always stopped to chat with her. and then the BETRAYAL happened. she started hanging out with my archenemy elvis!!! i have proof of this because she got stuff delivered by him and took his CATCHPHRASE AND NICKNAME FOR ME. i was absolutely floored! anyways she likes fashion and makes me get her a new shirt every single day
maelle is a funny one. she was the first villager to try and move out and to test the "convincing a villager to stay" thing, i begged her to stay. WORST MISTAKE OF MY LIFE!! ever since then she's literally been wreaking havoc. she made maple CRY and maple implied she always insults her fashion. but i dont know if ill let her go because she's so funny.. also some deep lore here is that my dear lovely friend had her on her ACNH island but she moved so i've had this sort of headcanon that they were the same maelle? except this maelle is um. Aggressively heterosexual. to say the least so she's been dubbed male. evil maelle.
elvis is MY. MORTAL. ENEMY. immediately he introduced himself with the fun fact of "i like walking" and nothing else. and i knew instantly there was something wrong in this guy's head. i was so excited to have a funny lion but hes been a total prick!! pudge gave him a lovely gift and he had the fucking nerve to say "does that animal think ill wear this trash? you gotta help he set pudge straight!" WORD FOR WORD BTW. WHAT THE FUCK. i need him GONE 🔥
kabuki lived with us for a little while then unceremoniously left with only a single letter. my fault for not checking up on him oops. he was a lil weird but he wasn't at elvis' level of heinous so i liked him. he got on my good graces. he also asked me if he could move in with me so that was something
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erraticroses · 7 months
not me crying because of villager hunting in acnh and found Shino and can't ask him if I should take her or wait until I find Dotty like I would if we were talking or that I have spent the whole day thinking about what I would text him because I really want to talk to him but he doesn't want to talk to me and even if he did it's probably for the best we don't talk because I'll bring out painful memories to him but I kinda just want another chance to be able to be friends because he truly was my best friend and there's so many things I would give to be able to have one last good conversation with him where I can make him laugh and say goodbye in a real meaningful way
But do u guys think I should take Shino or keep looking for Dotty I have been villager hunting for months
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dearbisexual · 1 year
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the villager conversations in ACNL were so much more varied than in ACNH tbh
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commander-chaoss · 2 years
Someone: how is acnh horror
Me:  You are on an island. Whether you had a life before this island or not is unclear, as you receive letters and gifts from someone called mom, and yet no one knows you, and you do not know them. You did not even know this world's form of currency, which seems a bad sign for whether you existed before now or not.
But whether you were or not before, it does not matter. You are on an island, and though you may see other islands on the horizon, you may never go to them. Though you may take a plane or a boat, they will only bring you to a handful of places, full of smiling faces, and yet as desolate as the island you came from. And they will inevitably bring you back to the island, usually by your own request as you explore these adjacent islands and eventually exhaust their interest, nothing more to do there and returning home in defeat. Though allowed to purchase tickets, your destinations will always send you back to where you started. You may never really leave.
On this island you suppose is now your home, you are surrounded by the smiling faces of several animal creatures who are nauseatingly friendly, and will like you no matter what you do. Jabs at you are in jest, gripes quickly forgotten, and no matter how much you'd like to talk to them, they seem to be cycling through several scripted conversations. There is nothing you can do to change this. Occasionally someone will ask to leave, wanting to see a world that you can't, but strangely ask your permission, as if you were in charge of them. You can ask them to stay and they will with a smile plastered on their face, or you can encourage them to go, but they will only be replaced by another villager with all the same conversation options. Same voices, different painted face.
You can catch fish, you can collect shells, you can shake trees, but they serve one purpose, to sell and give you more money, more money to buy more things. More things to decorate this island that you can't leave, like painting the walls of a prison cell. Except, there is no walls. There is sea, and islands as far as you can tell. But there is nothing out there that will be any different from what you have here. There is no point in leaving. Nothing here is real. Nothing you do matters. And no matter what you try, you cannot make a single thing change but the colors you paint your prison.
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peko--peko · 1 year
i want to start acnh but i feel like i’m so behind compared to everyone since i won’t time travel to catch up…. what do you think?
i think that you should play the game at your own pace!! i don't think you should try to "catch up" with anyone and just enjoy the game :)
animal crossing is a very relaxing game to me, sometimes i play when i want to build something or i have inspiration, and sometimes i just log in to talk to my villagers and hear the same conversations over and over again!!
also, there are many people who restart their islands, so i like to think you're never really behind in the game u v u i started my island in october 2020 and played until october 2021, then took a looong break and started playing again in february of this year now that i have the time again! so it's s never too late to start playing!
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megatownac · 1 year
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A conversation between Chrissy and Henry, which I don't think I've seen before. You can also feel free to use the first image for your own purposes, if you'd like. Don't feel obligated, of course. I'd hate for you to feel obligated.
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dykebush · 2 years
i’m too impatient to play acnh oh my god. like i’ve invested so much time (3 hours just now) and i’ve only made like 40000 bells in that time. and i have to skip thru villager conversations like sorry hazel but i just don’t want to talk rn 🤨
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ethersierra · 2 years
Okay. TAZ acnh au. (Inspired by a conversation with @oldwizardboots)
So far here's what I've got:
I think Tom Nook should be Garfield (could be Griffin but I think this makes more sense)
And I wanted to do a bunch of villagers for the PCs and main NPCs but there's too many special characters to not have main NPCs as them!
Lucretia as Isabelle
Nermal and Felix at nook's cranny (Timmy & tommy)
And Griffin, Justin, and Travis as like Gulliver/Wish(??) And the pirate guy, who just get like REALLY lost sometimes and end up on your island
(also they would all still be animals I think cause it feels weird to not have them be? And it's more fun to design that way)
Share any ideas you guys have!! I would love to make this a little design exercise on the side
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slimedragonquest · 13 days
can you guys fucking believe that they never bothered to update acnh with new conversations and slightly more complex relationships to have with ur villagers. its the MAIN criticism that ppl have with the game i would literally still play it occasionally if it had made that simple update. it would not have been hard to do. i would literally be happy if it happened Now
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m0n0chr0m3m1lk · 24 days
i am 98.94% certain that two of my acnh villagers are dating lol, bastards just stared at each other and then spoke twice within the same few minutes, both conversations about how sasha found flip charming and how envious he was of his jawline, my gaydar is screaming in my ear haha, almost makes me want to not throw flip off of the island.
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tortoisedmdd · 2 years
Digital Culture - Blog 2 - Animal Crossing and the "Third Place"
Would Animal Crossing New Horizons been classed as a third place during the Pandemic?
“A Third Place” was a phrase first coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg in 1989 (Butler & Diaz, 2016). It is viewed as a place that is not found in your home or workplace, but is somewhere that you can meet or mingle with a community outside of the stresses of your working/home life. Within these communities you can develop relationships with others and engage in conversation (Oldenburg, 2002). Examples of third places include the gym, a coffee shop, the pub, etc,. Third places can also be found in virtual spaces - via social media, forums and video games (Butler & Diaz, 2016).  It can also be argued that third places could offer psychological support to individuals and communities (Oldenburg, 2002) - something which was definitely needed during the lockdowns of 2020. 
During the Pandemic of 2020 in Ireland, many rules were imposed on the public - working from home if possible, no visiting other's households, exercising outside within a 2km radius and supermarkets being the only place other than your house that you could visit. Living alone in a small 1-bed apartment and working in an IT company at the time - my second place became virtual. Zoom calls and Skype chats replaced in-person meetings and chats in the smoking area. I also lost access to my third places during the pandemic - unable to meet my friends for a coffee or head on a night out to the pub. In a matter of a few days, how I had spent my time completely changed. Luckily I had pre-ordered Animal Crossing New Horizons on the Nintendo Switch before the pandemic hit. I enjoyed playing the game as a child and wanted to experience the same nostalgia. I booked a few days off of work to really immerse myself into the game. 
I had added a number of friends on ACNH - a game which runs on a real-time clock where you decorate your own island, can have friends visit and vice versa. I caught up with friends over voice call and had them visit my island to take a look around, went on an Animal Crossing date with my boyfriend, and even visit museums with friends. I have added pictures of my own experiences below:   
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My birthday was in April, and unfortunately I could not have anyone over. Family visited by putting presents on my doorstep and chatting to me from the required 2 metres away. I still had a nice birthday, but a cute touch was the fact that Animal Crossing had a party for my birthday with all the villagers in my island.  
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It was refreshing being able to update clothes and hair to express yourself in the game, especially as clothing shops and salons were closed until further notice in the real world. Others around the globe were also soothed by Animal Crossing’s release, including those recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. A former heroin addict, Mr. Gorordo, spoke to the New York Times about having clients and friends to his island to have a mini support meeting (Khan, 2020). Gorordo stated that they were able to support others via the game in a way that was not possible due to being self-isolated and in quarantine (Khan, 2020). 
From my own experience, and from reading about others, I believe that Animal Crossing New Horizons could be classed as an adequate third place during the Pandemic - One thing I would say that is lacking would be conversation, I preferred to have a voice call over social media while visiting my friends’ islands, as the only other method of communication was short lines of text that took time to type out. I’m not sure if Animal Crossing is still used as the same kind of third place now as restrictions have been lifted, but it is nice to know that I can seek solace in the game should any lockdown be imposed again. 
Butler, S., & Diaz, C. (2017, August 22). "third places" as community builders. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2016/09/14/third-places-as-community-builders/
Khan, I. (2020, April 07). Why animal crossing is the game for the coronavirus moment. Retrieved October 28, 2022, from https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/07/arts/animal-crossing-covid-coronavirus-popularity-millennials.html
Oldenburg, R. (2001). Celebrating the third place: Inspiring stories about the "Great Good Places" at the heart of our communities. New York: Marlowe &.
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sdpolar · 2 years
Pashmina animal crossing
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Hippeux the Hippo is every prep school bully mashed into a bright yellow hippo's body. Animal Crossing Villager To Kick Off Your Island - Olaf The Anteater To improve the lives of all inhabitants on Animal Crossing islands, players must ensure Maelle's departure. Maelle gives players virtually no incentive to keep her around when another interesting (and kind) Villager could take her place. If her disappointing character design and nasty personality weren't enough, Maelle's boring hobby is limited to walking around with a purse and sometimes wearing head accessories. Maelle's snobby arrogance makes both the player character and neighbors victims to her untamable temper. Related: Animal Crossing Villagers Everyone’s Already Forgotten About Her appearance resembles a disappointed mother ready to scold her child and will likely send most players running. Unfortunately, entering her home will usually require a conversation with one of Animal Crossing's most dramatic Villagers. Maelle's interior decorating skills are her only redeemable quality, as her house takes after a quaint city park, complete with a popcorn machine. Animal Crossing Villager To Kick Off Your Island - Rodney The Hamster Players should make these Animal Crossing Villagers leave as soon as possible. A game created to help players escape the stresses of everyday life should avoid all of these, yet Nintendo's collection of disturbingly antagonistic Villagers persists. The Animal Crossing community has consistently ostracized several Villagers for their nasty attitudes, boring decorations, and failed character designs. Related: Animal Crossing Villagers Players Are Sick Of By Now While it's unlikely for a player to secure all of ACNH's most popular Villagers, there is a startling number that many players won't want around their homes. Unfortunately, Marshall and Raymond are notoriously difficult to find, with some players dedicating hours to hunt the Villagers on Mystery Islands. These Villagers are stylish, kind, and a status symbol for those lucky enough to secure them. Several Animal Crossing Villagers maintained popularity since launch - such as Marshall, Raymond, Marina, and Sherb. If any unfortunate soul makes neighbors of ACNH's meanest Villagers, kicking them off the island is the only way to reestablish peace. Memes of undesirable Villagers have permeated the Animal Crossing: New Horizons community, crafting a clear list of unwanted residents that will only make players' lives miserable. Nintendo placed a limit of ten Villagers per island, meaning players must choose their neighbors carefully or risk drama spoiling their ACNH paradise. If you don't think any of the above situations apply, you can use this feedback form to request a review of this block.Animal Crossing: New Horizons is filled with Villagers to inhabit players' islands, but not all deserve a plot of land. Contact your IT department and let them know that they've gotten banned, and to have them let us know when they've addressed the issue.Īre you browsing GameFAQs from an area that filters all traffic through a single proxy server (like Singapore or Malaysia), or are you on a mobile connection that seems to be randomly blocked every few pages? Then we'll definitely want to look into it - please let us know about it here. You'll need to disable that add-on in order to use GameFAQs.Īre you browsing GameFAQs from work, school, a library, or another shared IP? Unfortunately, if this school or place of business doesn't stop people from abusing our resources, we don't have any other way to put an end to it. When we get more abuse from a single IP address than we do legitimate traffic, we really have no choice but to block it. If you don't think you did anything wrong and don't understand why your IP was banned.Īre you using a proxy server or running a browser add-on for "privacy", "being anonymous", or "changing your region" or to view country-specific content, such as Tor or Zenmate? Unfortunately, so do spammers and hackers. IP bans will be reconsidered on a case-by-case basis if you were running a bot and did not understand the consequences, but typically not for spamming, hacking, or other abuse. If you are responsible for one of the above issues.
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