#acting duo
averaillisa · 3 months
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I think they should be insufferable together. actually
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So we're all aware of the running joke that Izuku does not remember the iconic river scene,
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This one right here. The one that Katsuki is constantly referring back to as "the moment where it all went wrong" and being all dramatic about. His core memory of Izuku being a hero.
But I raise you this... Katsuki does not remember this scene,
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This is the scene where a young Katsuki has just finished winning a fight against some older kids that were being bullies.
The scene that is Izuku flashes back to when thinking about Katsuki's heroic nature.
Because Katsuki does not remember a time when he stood up to Bullies instead of being one.
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gumdefense · 7 months
We have moved past Maya and Franziska wingmanning narumitsu as a society. They would not fucking do that. We need to realise the truth which is that Larry and Gumshoe would try to wingman them and only succeed through failure
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melon-official · 28 days
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the clock's out of sync but we can fix it up, no problem
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sleepis4theweak · 3 months
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This comic is based off my little brother- who I adore to bits- but who also struggles saying "I love you", "I miss you" or "I'm worried about you". Instead of saying those things he tends to do random acts to get my attention and/or cheer me up. When I left for college he brought up a ton of stuff that he had stolen from me over the years and it was honestly very cute. <3
(This is actually months and months old- but I found it the other day and I don't think I ever posted it (maybe???), which is a shame 'cause I remember being really proud of it. If I did post it and I forgot... uhhhh happy repost? Idk)
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saturdaysky · 3 months
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a little divine appreciation
God Gale is endgame for Mayhew, and Mayhew couldn't be more pleased 😌
their mutual wizard disease brought them to some pretty low lows, but hey, ignore the tragedy, they're gods now! first order of business is a little worshiping at the altar 😏
Here's the sketch, which I also like:
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Got majorly inspired by these lovely photos, one of which I used as a pose reference.
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turtleblogatlast · 8 months
Leo has a lot of love for his comics, constantly rereading them (mainly for the art) and overall having a lot of sentimental value for them, especially because reading them is something he likes to do when he’s just existing in a space with his family.
And then the Shredder happens. And then the invasion happens. And then life in general happens. And, suddenly, most of Leo’s comics are either too damaged to fix or gone entirely.
But it’s fine! He’s growing up, so he doesn’t need them anymore. So what if it’s one more bit of childhood lost? It’s fine - it’s fine.
Enter Mikey.
Mikey, who is so, so empathetic and cares so, so much about his family - he notices, and he decides to do something about it.
Unfortunately, most of the comics are vintage, and completely unavailable in any form but digital.
Good thing Mikey is an artist.
So over the course of a month, Mikey secretly takes the time to painstakingly recreate Leo’s favorite Jupiter Jim volume. It’s hard, matching a style like that with only grainy online scans to go off of, but he manages.
He gives it to Leo on a mundane day, out of the blue, with a sunshine smile on his face.
Now- Mikey does all this secretly.
But Leo is very, very perceptive, especially in regard to his brothers hiding things from him. So of course he finds the unfinished work in progress comic about three days in.
He does NOT cry. He doesn’t.
Just as he doesn’t cry when Mikey presents him with the finished thing, nope, not a tear in sight.
His eyes are just wetter than normal as he gives Mikey the absolute biggest hug he could possibly give.
(And if Mikey finds the fridge and pantry always stacked with special ingredients only found in specific parts of the world whenever he so much as mentions wanting to try them, that’s neither here nor there.)
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theminecraftbee · 9 months
so a thing this fandom does that remains FASCINATING to me, as a function of the fact a lot of this fandom is people's first fandom or only current fandom, is just... assume a lot of things it does is a scourge that this fandom has invented or doesn't exist outside of it? or like, is uniquely bad here? and i won't deny that sometimes mcyt fandom is a bit more intense by virtue of numbers, but like...
duo names: confusing fandom-injokes to describe duos and groups tend to be an anime fandom thing specifically for many historical reasons, but they're not uncommon. hey quick--if you haven't been in KHR fandom, can you guess what 1827 is? no? i'll give you a hint: that's actually a ship name. or, ygo fans, tell me the difference between puppyshipping, prideshipping, violetshipping, and rivalshipping. my hint is that they're all kaiba ships and two of them are actually the same ship. good luck!
reducing characters to a specific trait: have you read fic in another fandom before? i would recommend you go do so and come back to me. my example here is "sasuke likes tomatoes", for the record.
common au fanon that's confusing to outsiders: my deep cut here is "when i got into certain tv fandoms i was baffled by the existence of sentinel/guide fics", which is a slightly older tv fandom thing so many of you probably don't know what i'm on about. but trust me: in certain fandoms it's ubiquitous and unless you've watched a completely different tv show you're gonna have to entirely pick it up from reading fic. oh hey, hybrid aus and watcher!grian, nice to see your relative here,
fanon being treated as canon: did you know there's this whole bnha character, naomasa, who is treated as canonically having a lie detector quirk? did you know that, best i can tell, that's not in canon anywhere, it just got echoed through fanon enough that everyone treated it as canon? 'fanon trait becomes so ubiquitous everyone assumes it has to be there' is not a new thing. also, batfamily fans, i have been lead to understand the tim and coffee thing is also this.
characters being treated badly to make a different dynamic look better: the fact we have the term 'character bashing' tells you all you need to know, here. if anything my one complaint on this front isn't even that it's happening--it's that i wish bashing and/or "not [character] friendly" was tagged a little more frequently, haha.
characters being reduced to their family dynamics: tale as old as time. "even the family dynamic thing" yes even that. just because this fandom tended to be particularly ship-adverse in the past didn't mean it didn't do basically the same behaviors as any fandom with shipping did with those dynamics, just gen. and other gen fandoms also do that. yes, down to the "and shipping reduces them to a ship, unlike my gen dynamic, which is very in-character; why can't people just be friends?" thing. some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
characters being reduced to their ships: some of you have to have been marvel fans right.
The Discourse: yeah this is an "actively running show" fandom thing, but also a hiatus fandom thing. ask a homestuck about vriskourse sometime. as much as i hate to say it, it probably made doomsday discourse look cute.
and those are just like... some things i've seen people complain about on my dash recently. idk it just hit me there are probably fans in mcyt fandoms who are assuming that some things (like hybrid aus or duo names) are the kind of things that only happen here, so i thought i'd offer some examples of other places they happen! i also have even more examples if you'd like.
to be clear: this isn't shaming anyone for complaining about any of these things. lord knows i go complain to my friends about it all the time, just the other day i was complaining in the category of 'they keep bashing my guy'. it's more of just... a gentle reminder that maybe we're big, maybe we're loud, maybe we have problems... but these problems aren't always unique.
so uh. we're all suffering together i guess...?
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uuuuuhhhhlana · 3 months
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it felt wrong to not complete the set </3
ofc here’s the ref
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poltergrease · 9 months
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Guess who's now Very interested in whatever tf these two have going on
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greensun · 10 months
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😇 + ⭐️ = 💫 STARHALO?
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mushroomgrenade · 3 months
This. is my THIRD time. trying to upload this. So I know this was a more serious comic but, cmon its funny. Anyways, 'Daddy no more' is now on YT!
Thank you @onionninjasstuff for letting me dub over the (not so) sillies again!
Also guys Im a cool VA Im a professional I swear look I have a demo reel guys guys GUYS-
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cherryskeletoncake · 2 months
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Thinking about techno and quackity in the dream smp… such a unique dynamic <3
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theflagscene · 6 months
These two are unhinged and melting my brain! Billy posted a video of him sneaking up on Babe on Twitter with the caption ‘squirming’ where he grabs Babe’s waist with ONE hand, his waist is damn near Gun Atthaphan level small, I stg. Anyway, one hand, tickles him, Babe squeaks and jumps. Billy then pushes his hips back down with a hand on his ass before tugging on his ear… all completely average normal not at all unhinged behaviour for co-workers lol.
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Babe retweeted, chastising ‘Hands! Hands! Hands!’
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Yes, I’m completely normal about them and not at all feral. Also, can we appreciate that Babe has a pig nose in his bio, yes because the talking CGI pig movies is what we think of when we see his gorgeous face and not at all; wow, he is a babe! 😍
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alittlebirb · 2 years
Some incomprehensible choices of fate from the MCC 25 Pink Parrots!
Wilbur streaming from a warehouse loading bay. The acoustics in the loading bay are atrocious. He lives here now.
The skins! Socket eyes for everyone! They look adorable! (aside from Wilbur)
"Your accent is silly." -Wilbur to Scott, preceding a straight up 30 second long argument over how to pronounce "Grian"
"You are a ridiculous gentleman." -Wilbur
Connor joining to sports vet the players and make sure Scott isn't cheating
Wilbur proposing Connor bet money on him placing 40th
"Are you going to be weak to my shenanigans?" -Wilbur after Grian tells him he's "a tired boy", followed by ABSOLUTE GLEE when Grian elaborates that he might cross the threshold to "silly tired"
Scott asking if looking at Punz in a crop top would push him over the threshold, and Grian snapping back "I think that would wake me up."
"He's always right-back-ing, that guy." -Wilbur about Grian
Wilbur deciding not to vote because "you can't force fate", and Scott and Grian threateningly surrounding him with their vacant socket eyes
"The downfall of humanity happened when we decided we should be influenced by the things we create!" -Wilbur, going on an unhinged yet beautiful rant about THE SYSTEM and EGGS
"I'm going to be the healer, because I'm gay." -Scott
"That's not true! I play healer in WOW all the time, and I'm straight!" -Wilbur
"Wilbur, I'm sorry to break it you, but..." -Scott
"Battle Box makes me feel like I'm always being picked last on the dodgebolt team." -Wilbur
Wilbur SCREECHING "Jojosolos!" in the shrillest possible voice before being BODIED by her
Desertduo...fighting...this feels so wrong...
Grian killing Pete and wondering if he'll be proud of him
Wilbur talking about DND and Grian mentioning how he played once, and was never invited back
Wilbur then inviting him to play with him and Scott, completely undeterred with the warning that he's an "absolute menace"
"I can't nap, I don't like naps." -Scott
"You've never had a good nap, then." -Phil
Wilbur having an internal crisis over having to fight his dear, beloved Ranboo
"Maybe I need to play MCC from liminal places more often!" -Wilbur
"There, by the grace of god, goes Grian!" -Wilbur
Wilbur talking about how he used to have. just Grian. as his skin
Wilbur walking up to Scott, and very seriously asking if he's ever played Club Penguin
"You just want to be Mr. Beast in Minecraft." -Phil
"I want to be Mr. Rock Hopper!" -Wilbur
Wilbur going between his Nook and Cranny in the MD waiting room
"I may have fell asleep." -Grian after the whole team got wiped 10 seconds in
Grian calling Wilbur's tones "dulcet", Wilbur buffering on the definition for a second, and then remembering he used that word in a song
Scott finishing 40th to Grian's 39th, and Grian considering "maybe he doesn't cheat..."
Phil singing a little song about following Scott as he follows Scott
"I'm sad, the sea's too cold to swim now." -Wilbur
Him and Phil arguing over whether he should wear a wetsuit instead
Them making plans to play Raft in real life, and Scott assisting by saying he'll release The Shark (Sharkie Evans) ((we love her))
"Ay Grian, are you awake?" -Wilbur
"Uh." -Grian
Scar's team being their downfall twice throughout the rounds
"I've had a club sandwich, and it's not sitting right." -Wilbur
Grian asking what a club sandwich is, and Wilbur delightedly explaining it to him
Grian NOT being sold on the idea that a club sandwich could be better than a jam sandwich
"This is Green's game. Scar's going to tell me later how proud he is." -Grian
Scott saying he counts his coins meticulously every night, and Grian adding he gives them a lil kiss and tucks them into bed
Grian and Wilbur lamenting over not getting the ~fabulous~ pride coin, with Grian talking about how he sometimes wake up "in a cold sweat" thinking about it
"The gays stay winning! We might have the same rights as everyone else, but we do have a SICK coin!" -Scott
Grian asking Phil to get high for him in GR, and both Phil and Wilbur being VERY down for that
Wilbur crying out that the chickens aren't beasts, they're friends!
The builders absolutely wrecking shop during the Beach Bridge room
Wilbur and Grian planning out his bedtime routine to kick in during the break
Wilbur and Scott arguing over whether it's cocky for him to say people will be sad when he dies, beginning a minutes-long discussion over the circumstances of his death
Wilbur dubbing Phil Team Captain ten seconds before SG starts
"Phil, you are H&M. You've just equipped me." -Wilbur
Phil having to shop around the map in order to find shoes his size
Wilbur proposing that they have an MCC where everyone's parents play, and Grian calling him out that he just wants to meet Grian's mother
Grian taking a nap during the break and leaving his chat in the fumbling? capable? hands of Wilbur
Wilbur becoming even more incomprehensible during this period, and Grian coming back with the most disappointed "I trusted you."
Wilbur trying to encourage free thinking in the chat after an era of Dream and Tommy supremacy
Wilbur desperately attempting to shoo off the swarm of fans that joined during AR because "the bit is over, man!"
Wilbur just. continuing this fight with his chat over AR the entire way through
"I can't let Tim beat me." -Grian
Grian frustratedly saying he's angy tired now, and Wilbur going into an excruciating bit of baby talking through a scenario of giving Grian milk, comfort, and NOT rice cakes (that'll keep him up all night)
Wilbur telling Grian to talk as rapidly as he could in order to enter silly mode, allowing us to learn that Grian's favorite animal is the seal and his least favorite color is Wilbur's shirt
"Me when. Don't ask me about the antithesis of yeah." -Wilbur when he dies in HITW
Scott and Wilbur talking about "intimate stories" they talked about in private
"Grian and I's DMs are not filled with explicit material." -Wilbur (why)
"That you know of." -GRIAN??????
Phil swearing during the last round and Grian saying that he racked up 2 so far (he's been keeping tabs)
Scott and Wilbur talking about "smooth" and "crunchy" colors
Wilbur going on ANOTHER rant about the nature of the universe, and how they are the universe-, and Grian just defeaning
Phil's chat continuously in agony over Wilbur "Wilburing"
"It's when you wave your hands like you're explaining something, but sped up." -Phil
"I think I might come dead last this time. Sleep's important guys." -Grian during TGTTOS
Wilbur and Phil discovering that the chicken is a drone in the decision dome map
Wilbur getting one half of a Swear Point for saying "Fu-!"
Phil ranting desperately in justification over his decision to punch Scar off
"It's punch or be punched in this world!" -Phil
Allll the betrayal during the Shallow Lava map
Wilbur sharing a story about how one time, when he was a kid, a teacher said he was "too creative"
The ABSOLUTE SIN of PKT being chosen over SOT. Someone will pay for this.
Grian and Phil going into a horrendous bit about Wilbur peeing all over the warehouse in order to assert his dominance over his territory
"Did I wash my hands? No I didn't. No I didn't chat." -Wilbur
The ongoing theme of LET FATE DECIDE continuing in their decision to let the game choose the hunter in PKT
Phil screaming in increasingly high decibels as he narrowly escapes death over and over again
Wilbur patenting the Phil Claws™
Grian now owing Wilbur a non-tired game, as he once fell asleep during his Wilburing
Wilbur saying he can take a nap during DB, there's nothing keeping him here, and Grian hitting him with the cute curveball of "you're here! :D"
Wilbur's chat spamming "hot guy" and him confusedly asking about it
"Scar's a hot guy." -Grian
Grian asking Wilbur to commentate this like a golf game, and him obliging in his own Wilbur way
Lizzie and Scott actively cheering against Joel
Wilbur and Scott fighting over whether he gets McDonald's
Pink Parrots finished MCC 25 in 10th place!
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carbonateds-oda · 1 year
hc that ango often forgets that dazai is now an adult and it makes him feel protective over him in ways that makes him feel ashamed, bc that protectiveness wasn’t there when it should’ve been, back when he was still sixteen and in desperate need of it
he shouldn’t wish he could give him a hug or desperately want to grab him by the shoulders and beg him to slow down and stop acting so grown bc it’s too late for any of that now, he is grown and he doesn’t need, nor would he want, that kind of protection from him of all ppl, not anymore
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