#activities for kids gold coast
funthingsfortoddlers · 10 months
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We’ve made a list (and checked it twice) of Christmas Activities and Events coming up on the Gold Coast.
You can check it out here => https://bit.ly/3QKqLrx
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Passing the Torch . . .
“Wonderful news tonight as the organization known only as the Animal Salvation Association, a group of individuals set to bring peace to the world through their environmental and political efforts, finally passes on the torch to a new generation of Ocean Explorers.”
“It has been several years since the accident occurred taking the life of Professor and Captain, Samara Jade Kelp, the leader of the infamous Octonauts crew. A team known as the ‘Saviors of the Ocean’. Today we see history as Captain Samara’s legacy is finally laid to rest and a new captain takes the helm of this mighty crew.”
“Her husband, Professor Marin Kelp and head of the A.S.A. says this . . .”
“Mara would’ve wanted this I’m sure, she always had a heart of gold that one! I congratulate Captain Barnacles on his new role, I think she would’ve liked his spirit! He’s a strong one he is and the men and women he’s called to his crew will no doubt be just the same. That being said, we at the A.S.A. made sure to bring in someone we trust! After all most of planet is covered in water, might as well have someone taking care of it!”
“In other news, new waves of gang violence have been picking up along the east coast. As with many others gathering around the lower parts of Africa and South America, just around the center of the Amazonian River. Officials say that they’ve never seen activity quite like this before. Many key witnesses around each of the affected areas have claimed the existence and affects of poachers. But if there’s anything to go off of there seems to always be some valiant soul ready and willing to stop them.”
“Speaking of, Friday night a press conference is set to be held with world leaders over this issue, and the very organization we just covered is invited to join in. That’s right, the A.S.A. has finally caught their attention and at the end of the week there are rumors of an alliance being made between the UN and the A.S.A. So be sure to tune in Friday, Eastern Time to see it live. Now back to the weather . . . ”
Illustration Time: 10hrs 12min
[ This is a Octonauts AU, in no way is this canon to the OG storyline. ]
Ya’ll BTW are you guys kidding me??? 60+ followers???? That’s INSANE ty all sm!!! You have no idea how happy that makes me!!!
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the-umiran-amulet · 9 days
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As Cary had suspected, Benny was a relentless chatterbox. He talked a lot about the stars, of days spent studying them, learning how to navigate by them, reading the stories that their ancestors had come up with about them. Some of the things he said made it sound like he had even been up in the heavens to see them in person. It made Cary laugh about how completely, well, starstruck he sounded about them.
He switched tracks easily enough though, when nudged with another topic. “So how does a noble end up fighting as a soldier? Most of our experiences with your lot, you all do whatever you can to get out of it.”
“Oh? Figured that out, did you?”
“Most people in the lower classes can’t spare the kind of gold it takes for magic lessons.”
Benny shrugged. “Seemed like the right thing to do. Too many of my ‘kinsmen’ are all too happy to sit around at home while so many other people are dying. I thought maybe I could shame them into taking action, or something. At the very least, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t do something to actively help. There are few enough mages fighting this war on our side as it is, maybe I can help to save a few people.”
“And have you?”
“I don’t know. I hope so.”
Later that day, Benny got his bandages removed. Cary wasn’t quite sure what he was expecting, but a mass of copper-colored ringlets wasn’t it. He had never seen such vibrant red hair before. The doctor gave his head one final check, then declared him to be in the clear.
Benny still didn’t leave, though.
“Depleted magicka reserves,” the mage explained when Cary gave him a confused look. “The head wound is what landed me here—along with a few other, smaller physical injuries, of course—but that’s what’s keeping me here.”
“And how does that happen?”
“Overexertion,” Benny said with a shrug. “It was a pretty nasty battle. I’d like to think that me giving it my all is why so many of the other soldiers in my division made it out alive, but I was knocked out at some point, so I can’t say for sure. Last thing I can remember, I was trying to catch my breath, and then a sharp pain exploded in my skull. Whoever it was must have been in a hurry, to just leave me lying on the ground after that, but I’m not complaining. I was still one of the lucky ones.” Cary nodded his understanding. “The doctors here have never seen a case as bad as mine before. I do feel fine now, my head was what I was more concerned about, but I guess it’s their job to worry. I mean, that sort of thing can have long term or even permanent effects on a person.”
“The... depleted magicka reserves, you mean?”
Benny nodded. “Left untreated, it could have permanently damaged my ability to cast spells. But I’m well on my way to recovery now,” he added when Cary gave him a concerned look. “They’ll probably let me go home in a couple more days.”
The thought saddened the twins. Though they had only known each other for twenty-four hours at this point, they had already come to be fond of Benny. Even knowing who they were now, even having heard the rumors of what happened at Southlake Point, he didn’t pry, or push them to describe what they had seen there. Instead he chattered brightly about the stars, or about his siblings (he had five, a mix of brothers and sisters, of which he was the youngest), or his magic lessons he took while growing up. When he did ask them questions, they were about their parents, or what life was like while they were growing up.
“We grew up in Studsboro,” Cary answered at length. “Small town, west of Bricksburg. Mum and Dad still live there. It’s a fishing town, right on the coast, with a thick wood on its eastern side. We played there a lot when we were young, the other kids thought we were too strange to play with.”
“Do you have any siblings?” Benny asked, leaning forward in his curiosity to the point that he nearly fell off his bed. He caught himself before he could do a faceplant on the floor.
Cary nodded. “Our younger brother, Keelan. He’s still at home with Mum and Dad. They didn’t manage to have us until later in life, so he looks after them and helps around the house.”
Benny smiled. “That’s sweet of him.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon trading stories about the mischief they and their siblings got up to as children. Benny’s current tale of how his eldest brother had trained their dog to eat his homework had the twins in stitches. Cary couldn’t remember ever laughing so much before.
“And we found that out the hard way, too. I had just finished my homework, and set it down on the counter to get myself a snack. When I came back like two minutes later, Curly had it all over the floor and ripped to pieces. I mean, you can not imagine the look on my teacher’s face when I had to tell her my dog really did eat my homework, my mom even had to write her a letter to back up my story—”
Cary tried, very unsuccessfully, to stifle his giggles when a nurse brought in their supper. As if the contents of Benny’s tales weren’t hilarious enough on their own, he was also such an animated storyteller. The nurse eyed him warily as she handed over his tray. “I’m glad to see your mood has improved,” she ventured. Cary snorted. She gave Benny his tray before turning and leaving, seemingly in a rush. Benny burst into laughter.
“Have you been terrorizing the hospital staff?”
“Maybe,” Cary admitted with a grumble. “Can you really blame me though, when they kept setting up loud mouthed idiots in here that couldn’t leave us well enough alone? Nosy bastards.” Benny snickered.
“Nah. I think I’d probably be pretty grumpy too, if people kept asking me dumb questions like that.”
The twins couldn’t fight down their melancholy when Benny was finally released a couple days later. They would miss his ridiculous stories and impromptu astronomy lectures (even if they barely understood a word he said when he got going). They glanced up when he emerged from the attached bathroom again, finally wearing something other than the loose shirt and pants provided by the hospital. He looked every inch the noble he was supposed to be, dressed in such fine clothes, his blue silk vest covered in embroidered silver starbursts, the rest of his slightly darker blue suit also trimmed in silver to match. The black leather of his boots looked so soft that Cary almost couldn’t resist reaching out to touch them. Benny only gave him a knowing smirk when he spotted the soldier catching himself.
“It really was nice getting to know you both,” he eventually spoke. Even he could sense the somber atmosphere the room had taken on. “You said you live in Bricksburg, right?” Cary nodded. “Look me up sometime, whenever you get home. I don’t really have any friends, anymore, so I’d like to keep in touch. If that’s all right with you.”
They almost couldn’t believe their ears. Benny really considered them his friends? Cary nodded eagerly. It took him a moment to find his voice again. “Yeah, of course. We’d like that too.” Benny smiled brightly at them before finally waving goodbye and leaving the room.
They weren’t paired with anyone else after that.
It was still another week before the twins were finally declared fit for release, and though they still weren’t cleared to return to active duty, General Mooring had sent them a letter requesting their presence at Headquarters once they were home and able to make the trip.
It wasn’t the letter Alastar was hoping for. That letter never made an appearance, driving their already morose mood even further down.
Their parents and brother had traveled all the way from Studsboro to the hospital in Platon to see them and bring them home. They appreciated the help—it would have been even slower going, trying to manage by themselves when they still required crutches to get around. Though the doctors had removed their cast, the torn calf muscle would take several weeks to heal yet.
The trip back to Bricksburg took four days. Cary and Alastar were both grateful that their parents had insisted on bringing the horse and cart. They had even had the forethought to put cushioning in the back of the cart for the twins to sit or lay on so they would be more comfortable. Nora, Daniel, and Keelan took turns driving so they could all spend equal time with the twins.
“When do you think they’ll let you return to active duty?” their mother asked once they were settled back in their cottage.
“I don’t know,” Cary sighed. “After what happened at Southlake... Well, there’s no telling what they’ll decide. I just hope my record up until that point will be enough to convince them it was a fluke.” Nora sighed and gave her sons a tight hug.
“If not, then maybe I can stop worrying about you boys so much.” Cary managed a weak smile and hugged her back.
“We’ll be fine, Mum.”
“Are you sure you don’t need us to stay?” Daniel asked.
“Positive, Dad. Our leg’s feeling so much better already. We’ll manage.”
“Independent to a fault,” Keelan teased, earning a huff and a ruffling of his hair. He grinned at his brothers as he straightened his hair out again. The twins accepted a final kiss from their mother, and hugs from their father and brother, before their family finally stepped back out through their front door and began their own journey home.
Cary sighed.
Don’t despair yet, Alastar tried to encourage. The General only said to meet with him once we got home. He didn’t give any indication that what he has to say is bad.
“He didn’t give any indication that what he has to say is good either,” Cary muttered in response. “But let’s get this over with.”
They got themselves cleaned up and changed into fresh clothes, then flagged down a carriage to take them to Headquarters, where the General would be waiting for them. Cary stared out of the window during the ride, unable to help the churning feeling in his stomach. Alastar was right—he knew he shouldn’t be jumping to conclusions, but he simply couldn’t help himself, when he had no information whatsoever to go on. His twin did his best to try to help keep him calm, but even Alastar was feeling some apprehension. Sterling record or not, they did just have one hell of a botched battle. There was no salvaging that.
Finally they arrived, and Cary hobbled his way into the building. The guard at the door was kind enough to open it for him, at least. They made their way to the General’s office. “Sir?” Cary called to announce their presence.
“Callaghan,” the General greeted with a curt nod. “About time.”
A stone formed in their stomach, and their apprehension only grew. He didn’t have the patience for all the formal bullshit, and decided to cut right to the chase. “What’s the verdict, sir.”
“Trial. You’re to be dishonorably discharged after.”
Cary closed his eyes against the overwhelming grief. “Yes, sir.”
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greenlantern94to04 · 3 months
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Green Lantern #52 (June 1994)
Mongul, a.k.a. DC's answer to Thanos (a.k.a. Marvel's answer to Darkseid), demands a rematch with Green Lantern! The only problem is that this is a completely different Green Lantern from the one he fought last time (GL #46), but Mongul thinks all humans look alike and can't tell the difference. Does that make Mongul racist, or the opposite of racist?
Mongul has broken out of the hi-tech prison where he'd been serving time for destroying a whole city (and driving the previous Green Lantern insane), and now he wants revenge on the superheroes who put him there. The jetpack-wearing guard he interrogates doesn't know where Superman is (it's not like he's famously associated with one city), but he did see a news item about "Green Lantern" fighting a villain in LA, so Mongul steals his jetpack and flies there.
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("Some guy"? Way to disrespect Ohm, DC's sensational character find of 1994.)
Meanwhile, the new, non-insane Green Lantern, Kyle Rayner, is taking care of the most important part of being a hero: taking publicity photos at the beach.
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Once the photo session is over, Kyle and his girlfriend/PR person, Alex, try to find out what, exactly, his GL ring can do. As far as they can tell it has endless energy, because Kyle's been using it for days without issue and it's not like it came with a battery or something (certainly not one you activate by reciting a corny oath). Also, they already know Kyle is pretty good at flying with it, courtesy of his many hours daydreaming about that as an easily distracted child.
Alex asks Kyle to try to create something he's "intimately familiar with" to see if he can conjure something more elaborate than the simple objects he used during his fight with Ohm. Kyle, who is still a child, projects a 3D model of Alex in a revealing bikini and earns a smack in the head. Apparently, the best use Kyle can think of for his ring right now is "creepy deepfakes."
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Within a few hours of practicing, Kyle seems to have mastered the three basic shapes of nature: babes, guns, and motorcycles. Just when Alex suggests giving the ring and Kyle's imagination a break, Mongul comes crashing down on them and easily breaks the green shield Kyle spent hours perfecting.
Mongul says he's gonna kill Kyle (and "his female," while at it) as revenge for "thwarting" him at Coast City, leaving Kyle very confused -- he probably doesn't even know what "thwarting" means.
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(Or "raiment," for that matter.)
As Mongul slams Kyle's head into the ground, Doomsday-style, Alex desperately points out that they don't even know who he is. Mongul introduces himself as "The killer of Green Lantern... for there is NO ONE to save him!"
Next issue: SOMEONE arrives to save him!
I said on the post for GL #50 that I didn't remember if the homeless guy who was sleeping in the alley when Kyle got the ring ever showed up again. Well, he does show up in this issue... for the last time. His name is Joshua P. Turner, and he's seen talking to some agents at a shady government agency (literally shady, it's very dark in there) about what he saw that night. He also says it's his patriotic duty to give them something he found in the alley after Kyle left: some sort of glowing green rock that, as a kid, I assumed to be kryptonite. All he wants in return is a few bucks. Instead, the agents give him a shanking. RIP Joshua P. Turner, the greatest Green Lantern that never was.
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Or at least I assume they killed him. We never see the body, so it's perfectly possible that they kidnapped Mr. Turner and ran experiments on him to turn him into a hyper-muscular supervillain. After all, we've already seen this particular agency turn a crippled man into a deranged super soldier...
Before escaping the Slab (the aforementioned hi-tech prison's Jersey Shore-like nickname), Mongul releases all the other prisoners to keep the guards occupied. These include Superman enemy the Atomic Skull, Booster Gold enemy Mindancer, Hawkman enemy Airstryke, and, most prominently, Captain Atom enemy Major Force, who was also seen last issue. Hmm, it's almost like they're telling us that guy is gonna do something important...
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Oh yeah, there's also a Khund warrior show's been stuck on Earth since 1988's "Invasion!" crossover, who just wants to thank Mongul for freeing him and tell him he's a big fan of his work. Mongul kills him on the spot, just because he "never liked the Khund." (So Mongul IS racist. Sad.)
The guard that Mongul interrogates/robs mentions that Superman "wasn't seen for a while" (a reference to either "Death of Superman" or the more recent "Mini-Exile in Space" storyline) and then he came back, but there's been "trouble in Metropolis" so he doesn't know where he could be now (definitely a reference to the still ongoing "Fall of Metropolis" storyline, since there's even art of Superman fighting some Lex-Men). Not sure why the guard would think Superman would be anywhere but Metropolis if there was trouble there, though. I like the idea that was trying to protect Superman by playing dumb about his whereabouts, but didn't give a shit about Mongul finding Green Lantern.
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This issue establishes that Kyle's GL ring doesn't have the "being charged every 24 hours" limitation, which doesn't mean it never has to be charged, as he'll soon find out. You might get the impression that the ring's weakness against the color yellow is still valid given how easily Mongul destroys Kyle's shield, but nope, that's just because Kyle's doing a terrible job right now.
If any Mongul fanboys from Khundia or elsewhere object to me calling him a Thanos ripoff, take it up with his co-creator, Jim Starlin, who once said: "I wanted to do my Thanos over at DC. But once I got in there, I wanted to do something different, so we got the whole Warworld in there." So he was "Thanos with a Death Star," basically. I wonder if Ron Marz didn't decide to include Mongul in these issues less because of the Hal Jordan connection and more because he was also writing Marvel's Silver Surfer at the same time, which featured Thanos as a villain/supporting character.
On a related subject, I always thought it was cool that, by destroying Coast City, DC's versions of Thanos and Mr. Fantastic (Hank "Cyborg Superman" Henshaw) kicked off a series of events that eventually led to the DC vs. Marvel crossover... which, sadly, didn't feature Thanos meeting Mongul (he has a staring contest with Darkseid instead). Fortunately Darryl Banks drew that scene anyway, for a Jim Starlin Kickstarter:
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NEXT: Superman! But first, we find out where Hal Jordan's been hiding... (SPOILERS: in Guy Gardner: Warrior.)
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 3 months
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Willie Howard Mays Jr. (May 6, 1931 – June 18, 2024), nicknamed "the Say Hey Kid", was an American professional baseball center fielder who played 23 seasons in Major League Baseball (MLB). Regarded as one of the greatest players ever, Mays ranks second behind only Babe Ruth on most all-time lists, including those of The Sporting News and ESPN. Mays played in the National League (NL) between 1951 and 197
3 for the New York / San Francisco Giants and New York Mets.
Born in Westfield, Alabama, Mays was an all-around athlete. He joined the Birmingham Black Barons of the Negro American League in 1948, playing with them until the Giants signed him upon his graduation from high school in 1950. He debuted in MLB with the Giants and won the Rookie of the Year Award in 1951 after hitting 20 home runs to help the Giants win their first pennant in 14 years. In 1954, he won the NL Most Valuable Player (MVP) Award, leading the Giants to their last World Series title before their move to the West Coast. His over-the-shoulder catch in Game 1 of the 1954 World Series is one of the most famous baseball plays of all time. After the Giants moved to San Francisco, Mays went on to win another MVP Award in 1965 and also led the Giants to the 1962 World Series, this time losing to the New York Yankees. He ended his career with a return to New York after an early season trade to the New York Mets in 1972, retiring after the team's trip to the 1973 World Series. He served as a coach for the Mets for the rest of the decade, and later rejoined the Giants as a special assistant to the president and general manager.
A 24-time All-Star, this tied him for the second most in history. He led the NL in home runs four times and in slugging percentage five times while batting over .300 and posting 100 runs batted in (RBIs) ten times each. Mays was also at the forefront of a resurgence of speed as an offensive weapon in the 1950s, leading the league in stolen bases four times, triples three times, and runs twice; his 179 steals during the decade topped the major leagues. He was the first NL player to hit 30 home runs and steal 30 bases in the same season, the first player in history to reach both 300 home runs and 300 stolen bases, and the second player and the first right-handed hitter to hit 600 home runs. Mays also set standards for defensive brilliance, winning 12 consecutive Gold Glove Awards after their creation in 1957, still a record for outfielders; he led NL center fielders in double plays five times and assists three times.
A classic example of a five-tool player, Mays finished his career with a batting average of .302. At the time of his retirement, he held the NL record for career runs scored (2,062), and ranked second in league history behind Stan Musial in games played (2,992), third in home runs (660), at bats (10,881), runs batted in (1,903), total bases (6,066), extra-base hits (1,323) and walks (1,464), fourth in hits (3,293), fifth in slugging percentage (.557), and eighth in doubles (523); his 140 triples ranked fourth among players active after 1945. He holds major league records for games as a center fielder (2,829), putouts as an outfielder (7,095) and extra-inning home runs (22), and ended his career behind only Ty Cobb in total games as an outfielder (2,842), ranking seventh in assists (188) and third in double plays (59) in center field. Mays was elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame in 1979 in his first year of eligibility, and was named to the Major League Baseball All-Century Team in 1999. Mays was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2015.
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vital-spirit · 5 months
The schoolhouse was abuzz with activity. Childrens’ chatter filled the room in a cacophony of noise, eager to get their jitters out before class began. And with the news of a new student joining the fray, the energy was electric with excitement.
Bingo hated it.
She sat towards the front of her class, her senses being assaulted by the sheer amount of noises and smells bouncing throughout the room. The Lillipup rhythmically shifted her front paws back and forth, uncomfortably aware of everything all at once.
Including the two pairs of eyes digging into the back of her head from across the room.
Well. One and a half.
“Ya see da new kid ova’ dere?” one tiny voice squeaked.
“Ah see ‘em all right,” an near identical voice responded. “Saw ‘er walkin’ ‘round town wit’ a bowie strapped to ‘er shoulder.”
“A nice one?” 
“Reaaaal nice.”
Two chairs simultaneously scraped against the wooden floor as they were pushed out, sending an immediate wave of pure, utter silence throughout the room. In fact, it was now so quiet that the sound of two pairs of tiny paws pitter-pattering against the floor could be heard from the entire room. The footsteps drew closer and closer towards the front of the class until they stopped right in front of Bingo’s desk.
Two Tandemaus stood before her with an eerie, unblinking gaze. Both mice had a heavy gold earring on one ear and a bite taken out of the other. They had heart-shaped tattoos on opposite shoulders: one with “Ma” and one with “Pa”. Spiked brass knuckles gripped in their hands. The two mice looked near identical.
That is, if you ignored the eyepatch covering the scar that traveled down one of their faces.
The one on the right, with two eyes, pointed a finger at Bingo. “You think yer hot shit?”
The Lillipup tilted her head with a puzzled look, “Pardon?”
“Saw that knife ya had on ya earlier,” the other puffed out his chest. “Custom-made n’ everythin’. Must’a cost a pretty penny, didn’t it?”
“Not really…?” Bingo shrugged. Mister Cornelius had given Mister Lucario a pretty hefty discount for it.
The two Tandemaus looked at one another, then back at Bingo. The rightmost mouse spoke up, “Gotdamn, you shit gold or somethin’?”
“Must be one them fancy-pants kids from the coast,” the leftmost sniffed. “Ain’t no one out west got pockets that deep.”
The two leapt up onto Bingo’s desk, suddenly eye level with her. “Let’s see how deep them pockets run.”
“No.” Bingo deadpanned.
Two small hands suddenly grabbed Bingo by her bandana, yanking her forwards and slamming her chin on the table. The Tandemaus with two eyes placed her hands on the top of Bingo’s snout and leaned forwards, trapping her mouth shut. “Right, I fergot yer new ‘round these parts, huh?” she sneered down at the Lillipup. “Mah name is Terri wit’ an I, and this here’s mah brother, Terrii wit’ two I’s.”
“Yessir,” said Terrii the one-eyed mouse. “Our ma n’ pa are the scariest criminals in Little Town.”
“So you best empty them pockets real quick,” Terri jabbed Bingo on her forehead.
Terrii grabbed at the fur on Bingo’s face, “Unless ya wanna find out what a Lillipup looks like without its face fuzz.”
“I don’t got pockets.” She grumbled.
“Oh, yer a real smartass, huh?” Terri straightened her back and stepped onto Bingo’s snout. “Then maybe I oughta knock some sense into ya!” She winds up her fist as she steps closer to Bingo’s face, looking her in the eye.
But one of the other kids, a baby Kangaskhan with a lisp, pipes up.
“Ya thouldn’t threaten her! I thaw her comin’ into town yethterday with Lucario!” They cry, “And! And! And he didn’t drop her off with Mightyena!” The Cubone next to her nods in agreement.
“Yea! Her daddy’s Lucario!” 
The Lillipup blinked. That wasn’t true. Lucario ain’t her daddy.
She opened her mouth to speak, “Wha–”
“Nuh uh!” Terrii said, squinting his eye at Kangaskhan. “Says who?”
“Yeah, dipshit!” Terri scowled with her brother, using Bingo’s forehead as an armrest. “Says who?”
Kangaskhan huffs and stomps their foot, “Thays me! And Cubone! I ain’t no liar! Lucario’th her daddy, I thwear it!” 
“Fer real?” someone else pipes up, slightly fearful.
Bingo attempted to speak up, “He ain’t–”
A Scraggy on the opposite side of Bingo pipes up, practically leaping in his seat. “Yea yea! My big brother— he! He! He’s friends wit’ Mister ‘Cario! And— and guess what? He says that Mister ‘Cario’s back in town n’ he brought a lil’ Lillipup wit’ him and he ain’t droppin’ her off!”
Beside him, another Scraggy, this one much yellower than the first, leaned over in his seat with a smug grin. “Yeah, and we all know who Mista Lucario is. So if I was you, I wouldn’t mess wit’ her unless youse guys wanna get yer shit rocked!”
The Tandemaus twins exchanged a glance with one another, then looked nervously at Bingo. 
Bingo stared unblinkingly back at them.
Slowly and silently, Terri and Terrii let go of Bingo and hopped off the desk, walking back to their seat as the whole class watched. Terri turned back and jutted a finger at Bingo. “You lucky Lucario’s yer daddy, Lillipoop,” and then continued walking.
The Lillipup mumbled to herself, “But he ain’t…”
A yellow blur suddenly popped into her vision— the Scraggy from earlier— taking her paw into his hand and shaking it vigorously in greeting. “HeynicetomeetchuI’mTysonandthisismybrotherRyanwowitmustbesocooltohaveMistaLucarioasyerdaddywhat’sitlike?”
Huhwha– Bingo shook her head softly, an awkward smile on her face, “‘m sorry, pardon?”
The other Scraggy, presumably Tyson’s brother Ryan, stepped in and whispered not-so-subtly, “I don’t think English is her first language.”
“Ohhhhh,” Tyson nodded. He turned back to Bingo and shouted, “HEY. NICE. TO. MEET. YOU. MY. NAME. IS. TYSON!” Tyson gestured to himself for emphasis. “TY-SON!”
Bingo recoiled, clasping her paws over her ears, “Loud…”
The Scraggy shook his head, “Not Loud, Tyson!” 
“Ty I think she wants you to use yer inside voice.”
Her paws slowly fell from her ears with a relieved sigh, “Sorry… don’t really do well with loud. But it is nice to meet you, Tyson.” A lot of these kids just give out their names, huh?
“An’ I’m Ryan!” his brother beamed beside him. “What’s it like having Mister ‘Cario as yer daddy?” he asked with sparkling eyes. “Does he ever take ya to fight bad guys wit’ him?”
“Don’t think we really fight bad guys,” she tilted her head in thought, “But I‘ve been into a few dungeons and he’s been teachin’ me how to fight.” The Lillipup then shook her head, “But he ain’t my–”
“WOAH!!!” both Scraggies said in unison. 
Ryan hopped up and down on his heels, “Ya gotta show us what kinda moves he’s taught ya!”
“Yeah!” Tyson said. “Our brother Scrafty’s taught us some of his best moves—” He got into a fighting stance and started punching at the air to show her, “—but he don’t hold a candle to Mista Lucario!”
“Oh, I dunno… Maybe?” She looked off to the side, “I dunno how to really show what he’s been teachin’.. Dunno if he’ll allow me to have my Blast Seeds and use them willy-nilly.”
Ryan gasped and shouted, “YOU GOT BLA—” before Tyson slapped a hand over his brother’s mouth and exclaimed (slightly more quietly) “You get to use Blast Seeds?!”
Bingo startled for a moment, “Uh– Yeah? My moveset isn’t the most diverse yet.. So havin’ something to act as another move is useful.”
Tyson nodded sagely in contemplation. “Das smart…” He then suddenly recoiled his hand off of Ryan’s mouth with a disgusted face. “Ewwww!!! Did you just lick my hand??”
“Serves you right for shuttin’ me up!” Ryan stuck his tongue out.
“Oh, I’ll shut you up all right!” Tyson wound a fist at his brother, but then stopped mid-wind to look at Bingo. “By the way do you wanna hang out after school?”
“Uh.. sure? I don’t see why not as long Mister Lucario don’t need me for anything..” She responded.
“Yippee!” both brothers said in unison. 
And then Tyson punched his brother in the face.
Scene End.
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exhuastedpigeon · 7 months
Okay. Every single odd number on that list.
I reblogged that post last night and fell asleep almost immediately after 😂😂! Thanks for asking Tanis!!
1. Share a song that makes you think of [fic title] Afraid of Heights by boygenius always makes me think about it hurts to hope for more. I listened to that song on repeat while writing it that no whenever I heart it I think about that fic.
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written? That's like asking me for my favourite child (not that I have kids). I'm sticking with buddie fics here since I have almost 150 fics on Ao3 and that's way too many to think about.
Honestly, there ain't no turning back might be my favourite even though it isn't fully published!
Or I really love gold when you see me too.
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write? Answered here :)
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now? Uhhh too many?? I have 5 'active' wips (meaning I'm actually working on them a little bit) and like 20 other ideas. I tend to get an idea, work on it like my hair is on fire, and then when I lose the beans half the time the wip goes to collect dust.
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written! I try to write every day, even if it's just one sentence! Here's something I updated from the NHL AU today!
Buck’s much less self destructive now, thank you team mandated therapy and a bit of heartbreak, but he still has a big personality. He’s got the kind of personality that used to land him on Don Cherry’s shit list before he was finally kicked off Hockey Night in Canada for being a racist old fuck. But, that personality of his means he’s the kind of guy who the Kings marketing team loves because he’s down for basically anything they throw at him. 
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics? I tend to find a couple of songs that match the vibe I'm going for or that really inspire me and then listen to those on repeat.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? Answered here
15. How do you come up with titles for your fics/chapters? Usually song lyrics! Sometimes a title comes into my head out of nowhere, but usually I end up searching for a lyric that feels right.
17. What’s something you’ve learned about while doing research for a fic? I learned all about the best sunrise views at the southern rim of the Grand Canyon for there ain't no turning back! It made me really want to go to see the sunrise there, even more than I already wanted to before!
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs. This is from my NHL AU! In the fic Buck is Canadian and when they go to Canada on a road trip Buck has to scope out a Tim Hortons immediately.
It would be a lie to say that as soon as they landed in Ottawa Buck went to Tim Hortons, because they landed at 11:45, only a couple of hours after a win in Buffalo. It’s been a long and cold east coast trip - they’re on the road for almost 10 days for this one and Ottawa is the third to last stop.  It wouldn’t be a lie to say that the first thing Buck did when he woke up in their hotel was to jump out of bed, wake Eddie up in the bed next to him, and drag him to the Tim Hortons next to the hotel.  And listen, Buck knows that objectively Timmies is just fine. It isn’t bad, it’s just not actually good either. But he’s a Canadian boy, he grew up on Timbits after practice with Maddie and hanging out in the Tim Hortons parking lots during high school, at least for the couple years he was around before moving to Kitchner to play juniors. Tim Hortons will always have a special place in his heart.
21. Have you ever deleted an entire scene after spending hours laboring over it? If so, why? Yeah, it was a scene that I wrote really early in the writing process and by the time I finished the fic the scene just didn't fit the vibe. I ended up using bits of it in another fic though, so it wasn't all a waste!
23. How do you choose where to end a chapter (if you have multi-chapter works)? I try to find a natural stopping point, but typically I don't write chaptered fics. I think of my 149 on Ao3 only like 15 of them are chaptered, maybe less.
25. Have you ever upset yourself with your own writing? I've made myself WEEP while writing and weep again while rereading later.
27. Is there a fic you were nervous to post/share? Why? I was a little nervous to share it hurts to hope for more because it was a really important fic to me (and really personal to me in some ways). I didn't want people to hate it because it felt so close to my heart.
29. Share a bit from a fic you’ll never post OR from a scene that was cut from an already posted fic. (If you don’t have either, just share a random fic idea you have that you don’t plan on getting to.) I don't think I'll ever finish this fic so I'll share a bit here. When I saw on the fandom wiki that Eddie and Buck were actually probably the same age (1991/1992) I started a fic that's a snippet of each of their lives at the same time period. This is from the Eddie - 18 section.
There was a little plus sign on three separate pregnancy tests. Eddie rests his head on the bathroom counter, hunching over from where he’s sitting on the edge of the bathtub in Shannon’s bathroom. To her credit, Shannon looks like she’s holding it together more than he is. He was leaving for basic in a month and a half, she was supposed to be moving out of state for college in two.  Eddie took a deep breath, then another, before looking up at Shannon again. Her eyes were red rimmed, but otherwise she looked composed. He pushed down the fear that was threatening to crawl out of his chest, up his throat, and out of his mouth and instead said, “Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back.” “I want to keep it,” Shannon said after a beat.  “Okay, then we keep it,” Eddie reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. “What do we do now?” “I have no fucking idea,” Shannon half laughed, half sobbed. Eddie stood up and wrapped her in a hug, holding her to his chest. 
Fan Fic Writer Asks
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ceasarslegion · 7 months
So ive been playing skyrim since it came out all the way back in 2011
Obviously, i was a bit younger 13 years ago. And a lot more naive. Didn't know a ton about how the world worked. I didn't even know that I wanted to go into federal work and I barely paid attention in social studies.
Since Skyrim's release day, I moved to 4 different places, most of those cities I also moved to different homes within. I graduated high school, took a few years to gain work and life experience, performed in multiple professional musicals, moved out on my own on the other side of the atlantic where I was the only one I knew on that entire coast, went to uni, started HRT, got involved in street-level activism, graduated uni with a double degree in political science and cinema (and a minor in history!), dealt with my childhood dog dying, nearly died myself of covid, moved again, got a shitty door to door salesman job, quit, got a shitty retail job, quit, got a job in federal security until I can climb the ladder higher, worked a provincial election for the NDP, and met my boyfriend. This is by no means an exhaustive list.
To say that a lot happens in 13 years is a bit of an understatement.
The first time I ever played Skyrim, I joined the stormcloaks. I was a naive kid who didn't know much about politics or the world. I didn't really know much about how all that jargon worked and only saw them as a rebellion against some kind of tyrant. Worked for me.
My recent run I picked up after all these years because I remembered how many hours and years I spent in elder scrolls games. It seemed that no matter how far away I moved or how different everything seemed, I always had either Oblivion or Skyrim to pick up and escape into. I feel a little lost and disoriented in my life now, and needed something familiar and comforting, so I booted it up again.
I got to the quest where you negotiate a ceasefire between the imperials and stormcloaks until the dragons return is dealt with. "Lets make sure we actually have a skyrim left to fight over, yeah?"
The first time I played, I gave the stormcloaks everything. Why wouldnt I? I joined them, after all.
This time was a little... different. I joined the Imperials, and was willing to seceed more territory to the side I wasn't on. Now I have a formal education in politics, and direct experience within it.
If you want Markarth, we need Riften. Winterhold's strategic position isn't a fair enough trade for Markarth's size and direct access to Skyrim's silver mines. No, we aren't sending the Thalmor ambassador away.
The White-Gold Concordant is too fragile and the Dominion's armies too strong to risk alienating them any further and playing with fire for another Great War. I don't like the Thalmor either, but we need to keep them docile enough to build the Empire's armies again to kick them back out, and for that we need time, so she stays.
You ask why the dragonborn has imperial sympathies? It's not sympathy for an imperialist power, it's recongition that this is the only legitimate possibility for a chance at peace again after all tge secessions and the incident at the Imperial City 30 years ago.
Sometimes you just gotta do dirty work to keep the wheels greased and the cart moving. I understand where you're coming from with a lot of things, Ulfric, but your blind fanaticism has both served the Thalmor's interests by diverting the precious resources of the army that can stand up to them fighting your stupid proxy war, and you have turned into a bigot chasing this traditionalist nord supremacy. You are part of the world, you're going to have to play ball with it. You can't have your secret third option and expect to have a Skyrim to come back to in 10 years.
"Even the dragonborn betrays Skyrim." Yeah, that's how a politician throws a tantrum when they don't get their way. But I won't speak up about the hypocrisy of implying that Skyrim's prophecized jesus-figure hero is somehow a traitor to it just because I didn't hand the victory to you on a silver platter. We got a ceasefire and didn't alienate the Thalmor while we need to buy time to regroup. That's the important part.
I don't know, man. When I was a kid I didn't think any of that through. And this time it came so naturally that it was like breathing for me.
It's a bit of a silly thing to draw comparisons through but I think it says something
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afterglowkatie · 4 months
Since they have time off before the Olympics do tiny and kcc spend this time together? 🤔
they do! they take this time off to spend it by themselves. especially since the last couple of weeks have been so full on and constantly surrounded by others without much downtime together (yk arsenal in melbourne followed by tillies camp)
i’d say they would obviously stay in aus, but spend time up north. probably in queensland, specifically gold coast and they’d hit up all the theme parks. they’d take the little bit of time off they have to act like big kids at the theme parks, going on lots of brunch, dinner and movie dates, lots of mini golf and alike activities. while also taking the time to relax along the beach when the sun is out (i know it’s winter but further up can still have nice beach weather even now)
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grapecaseschoices · 9 months
For the tav backstories ask, how about 3, 7, 17, 23 for all of your tavs hehe (also jsyk I’m gonna properly answer your ask for these after work since I answered the wrong ask game lmaoooo)
[no pressure!! but yay!]
3. Who was your Tav raised by?
Wow you're really making me think!
Sekryd: I think by local guild members, my brain wants to say this. I'm doing a quick and dirty research run and it seems Gold Dwarves don't like anyone, in short. Except each other and mostly humans. LMAO.
I think her parents were traveling merchants. She didn't always travel with them but sometimes she did. When she was left behind in BG I think the guild as a whole helped raise her. Various aunts and uncles and piblings by heart if not name. Mostly though, it was an much older aunt that she saw as a grandmother.
Adair: His nanny on paper, but xyr's servents in reality. Mom was occasionally around and active. But it was mainly her nanny a nd the butler.
Orfeo: Himself. The streets? the occasional sympathetic and/or taking-advantage-of-a-hungry-urchin shopkeep. the occasional sympathetic and/or taking-advantage-of-a-hungry-urchin crimimal. But usually other street kids. But mostly himself.
Kaeliana: I'm still trying to feel around on the durge bg and what I want to work for her. Fel, of course, was one of the people. But I think she had foster or adopted parents for a time -- they were good people. I feel before that maybe a group home?
Integrity: His older sister and an elderly aunt for a time. [This may change but it works; definitely leans towards his protectiveness for tiefling women. Especially the ballsy ones.]
Andy: Too many people. If you could call some of it "raising". People who saw him as either an obligation or a tool. But the people who really raised him were his parents, for a time, and then his older cousin.
Kendis: Her parents and her brother.
7. Did your Tav travel a lot pre-tadpole?
Sekryd: Moderately. Mostly around BG. Mostly for business outside of it. She has passing familiarity with parts of the areas around her city. Waterdeep, Candlekeep. Been to the Sword Coast once.
Adair: To a couple of places extensively but not in the way xe is now. Mostly was a "homebody", in the sense that they had to be at home due to responsibilities [Noble, you see]. But, of course, would visit other nobles and etc.
Orfeo: [This may change] But I feel he was JUST starting out. He probably made out around the city and surrounding areas and was just venturing outward before he was snatched.
Kaeliana: She doesn't remember ... jk. Yes. Seems that Durge got busy and bloody.
Integrity: For a time. Before the hermit life. Call it the indiscretion of youth.
Andy & Kendis: Yes. Andy mostly lmao. Vengeance path!
17. What’s your Tav’s worst childhood memory?
Sekryd: Some other child, maybe another kid of a guild member, borrowing a book of hers and basically returning it like shit.
Adair: Her grandfather didn't really acknowledge her existence [but he was the only child of his beloved - though rebellious - eldest daughter]. But one time he invited her to an event, she was very excited. However, the night was -- not the best ... xe was used to people's muttered comments but usually they never stared xyr down. I guess it's different among your grandfather's people vs other nobles. The cherry on the cake was her drunk grandfather who left for home without her.
Orfeo: Just one?
Kaeliana: Blood. Blood. Bloodbloodbloodblood. She wish she could say it was that but that group home was the pits. Strangely she remembers THAT.
Integrity: Other than the racism, it was good. Most of his horrid memories started at their later teenhood [still a child, arguably. and yes they would argue.]
Andy: Man. ROFLMAO. Where do we begin~~ But no. It will always be his parents. His parents went on a trip and the boat disappeared.
Kendis: When their parents left her behind in the grove. They understand the reasoning, but it doesn't make what happened around it any better. For a time she thought they had died.
23. Share any hcs/anything you want to say about your Tav’s backstory
Sekryd: I believe has a skilled hand with a hammer. She will read. Anything. May be my most curious. That's saying something given Andy, Kendis, and Integrity are in the lot.
Adair: Is surprisingly a guile hero. Surprising because xe tends to lean straightfoward and blunt regularly. But I suppose facing fiends and ogres require the same silver tongue as dealing with nobles. I also picture him dedicated to his people [who have warm up to her and some also are protective].
Orfeo: He tried his hand at criminality [if yall were gonna arrest him for being poor, why not actually do something worth it yeah?]. But not really for him; far too cut throat [towards him .... and you know, maybe other people. Maybe he cares about that too.] Still. He has his moments and remembers some things.
Kaeliana: I haven't reached it all in Act 3. But I think before Orin got her, Kae was starting to wonder. Starting to have a change of heart. Before Wyll. I think it was from being a paladin.
Integrity: I put outlander in his bg but he's a Hermit. He left his grove/people/wte. Fuck them druids.
Tremble for yourself, my man You know that you have seen this all before Tremble, little lion man You'll never settle any of your scores
Your grace is wasted in your face Your boldness stands alone among the wreck Now learn from your mother or else Spend your days biting your own neck
Kendis: Very much still dead not-gf central.
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There is lots of budget-friendly school holiday FUN available on the Gold Coast!
Find some here => https://bit.ly/42Rqh6Y
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allandoflimbo · 2 years
Ashens (Part 43)
Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian.
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Rating: for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy and angry sex. Major character death, mentions of suicide. Bucky and Reader are toxic in this but also very much in love. Heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
++ +
Full story here:
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You get there on a dry and sunny day.
The temperature must've been in the low seventies, and the sky was a pristine blue.
There was not one cloud in the sky.
Breaths held tight and heads held high, you all approached a gate.
On either side of it there were beautiful green sugar maple trees that went on for miles.
The gate was copper, leaves and snow flakes detailing covered its perimeter. The snow flakes circled the top of it, like a crown.
Underneath that, it read welcome, in small letters.
The gate creaked under Steve's hand as he rest his hand in it. He twists the lock, breaking it with skill.
He pushes just slightly and it groans loudly, its doors opening.
Everyone stands there quietly, waiting for hell to break loose, waiting for anything to go wrong, but it doesn't happen.
The bad doesn't happen.
It was quiet and calm as everyone held their breath.
As the doors stretched open and more of the town was revealed, the more it started to sink in for everyone that this was legit. It felt unbelievable.
You try to find Daisy to see if she shows any reaction that could be differently than everyone else's. Sue you for being curious.
You find her.
She stands there next to a couple of other girls, her two kids with her.
The look in her eyes breaks your heart.
You try to put your obvious jealousy, and intense doubt, to the side for one second and just think about how this was a woman whose life was taken from her almost similarly's to Buckys'.
Daisy's reaction was a genuine one, and similar to everyone else's right now.
You watch as she brushes a tear off her cheek and then crouches down to talk to Sophie.
You let out a long breath.
You attention goes back to Steve.
He is the first to walk onto the clear street. He is cautious, still inclined to hold everyone back until he's certain it is safe. He scouts for a few minutes while chatter begins around you again. The voices raise in volume, and the smell of fresh air feels lovely.
You all watch as Steve runs a hand through his hair.
It was as if he was in awe, too.
Eventually, he waves for everyone else to follow, a sign that the coast was clear.
Everyone herds into the little hometown.
It feels surreal.
You're about to make your own way in when you hear someone call your name.
You look over to your right and you see Sharon waving you over.
Furrowing your brows, you hold Katerina closer to your chest. You walk over to her.
You stop in your tracks the moment you see her looking down at what was most likely the reason she called you.
Next to the gates was a medium sized gold plaque on the ground. Around it, overgrown grass.
In dedication to our beautiful daughter, Y/N.
Signed below it was your parent's name.
You felt Bucky's hand on your shoulder as tears blinded your sight.
The only thing that solidified this moment even more was the soft sounds of your little girl right against your heart.
+ + +
You and Bucky were hand in hand as you walked down the sidewalk on the Main street. For all you know, it could actually be called that, but you hadn't looked for any street names yet.
Observance becomes your main activity. It was as if you were seeing the world again for the first time.
The streets were newly paved under your boots.
It clearly had not been used since it was built.
Same went for the sidewalks.
Beautiful brick two-story shops lined either side of the street.
Some of the buildings appeared to have been built with an idea of a restaurant in mind. Maybe even another a coffee shop here or there. A bookstore, as well.
Farther down the road there was a pharmacy and even a gas station.
You weren't sure where the gas would had be supplied from, but it was nice that that option was provided.
You wonder if there was any gasoline actually stored somewhere under the tarmac. How wouldn't that be an international conflict?
You store those mood-ruining thoughts aside. You decide to think about that later.
There were beautiful black light posts that lined the streets, and between every four lamp, a beautiful iron bench.
In terms of decor landscaping it was pretty minimal. There were sugar maple trees all around. Below them, on the streets, there were some fallen leaves that could easily be cleaned up later.
You watched in awe as everyone peaked into each window.
One of the agents, a man, was already opening the door to the pharmacy.
You wondered if there were other pharmacies.
The town seemed big enough.
You still couldn't believe how in perfect condition this place was. The little gate that opened it wasn't big enough to keep looters out, it was mere decor.
Maybe it was because this place was just so isolated. You knew the winters here could be harsh, too.
There was the simple possibility that it had been secluded enough to where it was hard for someone to even come across.
With a sigh and an even more wandering mind, you head started to go to various places as you eyed the shops.
How would money be acquired here? Would there be salaries? There had to be for there to be order.
You're sure that with time, things will be planned and decided. Questions would be answered as everyone came up with them.
You feel Bucky squeeze your hand and it warms your soul.
This town looked big enough for people to start a life again, especially regarding work and making money to buy things. You wondered what other kind of stores there were.
It was too much, almost overwhelming, but it was also amazing.
Obviously, fruits and vegetables would have to be planted again. You wondered if there was a grocery store that sold seeds and any foods that didn't go bad.
You doubted meat and eggs would be available in the near future.
Everything needed to get figured out first.
You feel Bucky run his thumb over the back of your hand. You're pulled away from your millions of thoughts when you feel the ghost of his lips over the back of your hand.
You look up at him, dazed.
"I think as the girl this town was gifted to, you should be first to have the honor of choosing which home you want." He says.
You don't even pause before you answer him.
"You'll help me. It's our home. We'll choose together."
You continue to sight see for about fifteen more minutes.
The town was bigger than you thought.
There was even a park.
You turned onto one random street, a little street that curved into a tunnel of more beautiful sugar maple trees. It was then that you noticed that the streets had in fact been named. Your heart hammers away in your chest when you see what it is.
It was named after your mother.
Oh, you could just cry.
You felt your bottom lip tremble and you held your baby girl closer to you.
It casted a shadow all around you, guarding you from the sun rays.
You pulled on Bucky's hands as you felt a calling.
You walked under the shadows of the trees until, at the end of it, you found a few more homes.
Farmhouse style.
You eye the white one towards the left immediately, already seeing Katerina running in the front yard.
That was the one.
You both wrote down the name of the street and the number on the house and then returned back to the town center in looks for the key.
After talking to some people, you found out they were all in the court building. There was already another agent there, an experienced officer, taking control and helping everyone out.
He gave you and Bucky your key and congratulated you both.
"Do you think we should pick up a crib?" Bucky asks you as you both step outside into the warm sun.
"How would we get it there? We don't have a car. Speaking of do you think they also have cars?"
He gave you a smirk.
"You sound excited."
"I am."
He looks around once more and you watch as the sun hits his face in a delightful way. His eyelashes almost look like they glitter as they flutter over his blue eyes.
"Edward Cullen."
Bucky looks at you confused.
You raise a brow at him and smile.
"You look—nothing, never mind. I mean, you have more color than him. A little."
He looks at you like you grew three heads.
"What are you talking about?" He asks.
"Nothing." You chuckle, rubbing your hand over Katerina's head on your chest.
"Okay," he says with a laugh, "Anyway, I can carry it. We don't need a car. Just a small crib, at least for now." He answers.
You nod.
You both find a small easy set up crib in one of the shops. It's white and simple.
Next, you both decide to go into a little grocery store.
You're both surprised to see there are un-perishable items in stock, or things that would take many more years to go bad.
Fucking Mucinex lasts four years?
You both walk down the isles, picking various items.
You chose some shampoo, conditioners, and shaving items.
Nobody cared if some of this stuff expired. As long as it wasn't food, didn't smell bad, or didn't make you sick.
You were thankful when you found out a lot of stuff didn't expire for another few years. Like canned items or things loaded with crappy chemicals.
You take a few of each.
When you both have your arms full, baby Katerina still safely secured on you, you take it all back to the home.
Your home
When you slide the key in and unlock it, the smell of new wood floors engulf your senses.
It smelled like home. It smelled like a new start.
About four years ago, you all probably would've felt guilty for having this before everyone else's, but with your family next to you, you felt anything but.
You deserved this. Everyone on this earth did. You were part of that everyone.
You wouldn't feel selfish for feeling good about being the first to find comfort for your family...first.
And it was your gift.
In the near future, more people would arrive.
You wanted to be part of the group to make this future possible for the rest of the world.
You were stunned when Bucky flicked on the lights and the lights actually turned on.
"They have their own power source. I noticed it on the way here."
For the fourth time, you say it once more in your head: this was amazing.
You place the groceries on your white island.
The decor around the island was white shiplap and there were three black barstools.
The kitchen had a farmhouse sink, an industrial stove top, and even a rose-gold wall-mount pot filler over the stove.
Black lantern style light fixtures hung down over the island.
It was lovely.
The living room was gorgeous, too.
You wondered for a second if maybe until more housing were built, if people from the outside would have to share housing for some time. Based off the size of the town, you figured it could maybe house fifteen hundred people right now which wasn't a lot.
You weren't sure how things would be done without another war or equally. You wish you knew.
You wish you had the courage to know how to help more.
The words of that young couple at the diner you worked at all those years ago finally rings back to you.
It made this feel guilty. It made you feel terrible.
But. But, then you remember Bucky's words from about two months ago.
"Go chase raspberries, sweetheart."
After putting some of the groceries away, you both go visit the bedrooms.
There were three.
Two of them had a full sized bed and the master bedroom had a king size bed. There was cozy rugs and throw pillows. It was minimally furnished with anything else.
It was just enough to allow you three to start a life.
Everything was furnished already, but you're glad you chose to stop for the crib, because that was the only thing missing.
It takes Bucky no longer than thirty minutes to set it up in one of the bedrooms that you choose for her.
He puts Katerina to sleep and then gently places her in her crib along with some new blankets.
Meanwhile, you take a warm shower. It feels amazing being able to properly shower, or should you say; comfortably shower, for the first time since giving birth.
Your stitches had already been removed a few days ago and you were starting to heal nicely. Just being able to cleanse yourself better and wash your hair properly, felt great.
You slide into some simple pjs you and Bucky had picked up along the way.
You both would go choosing for more things later. You would take advantage of this grace period, even though you were running close to the personal limit that had already been enforced by S.H.I.E.L.D.
Things had to last enough for at least the remaining of the population that would be brought in.
When you're out of the bathroom, and you go check on the baby, and Bucky tells you he will shower too.
By the time he's out, you're cozied up on the bed. The steam and shampoo smelling air seeps into the room as he opens the door.
It made your belly flutter with something you hadn't felt in a few weeks.
He smiles as he looks down at you looking soft and warm.
"You look nice." He says quietly. It almost comes out in a rumble.
Your eyes meet and you can see the pure admiration in his eyes.
He leans down and gives you a deep kiss. You moan as his tongue runs over yours.
You pull away with a smile.
"It feels really nice."
He runs his hand up and down the outside of your left thigh. His eyes go to your lips.
"How's the pain?"
"Not bad at all. It's more just tender now." You moan as you bent your left leg up towards you.
He looks down and watches as his hand drifts up from your thigh and up to your pelvis.
There's a heat between you.
Hell, there always has been.
"Yeah?" He replies so quietly you almost don't hear it.
"Mmm." He responds, leaning down and sharing another filthy kiss with you. It lingers and it's hot and pure damn physical.
You grab the right side of his neck, deepening it.
God, he missed this.
He whines in the back of his throat when you pull away.
"Soon." You say against his lips.
+ +
It's been a few hours since everyone's arrival, and the first meeting happens.
"We looked around and inspected everything," Steve starts, "Doma is safe and truly is an amazing gift."
"We'll open up a vaccination center. Bruce has a majority of the basic equipment he needs now for it. We will open the city bit by bit, and then expand the town and homes as it grows. We will rebuild. We have an upper hand here since a majority of us here are government. We do a check on everyone as much as we can, but we stay orderly and the city continues that way it should be good."
"And the Capitol, that's another mission we are going to deal with because those people are going to want to leave, but if we have all of Hydra in that one spot, it's a huge trap. It's an easy way to get them too. It's just separating them from the public that is the tricky part but we will do it."
Steve is still talking when all of a sudden you feel a thumb over the apple of your cheeks.
You look over to see Bucky searching your eyes in probably the most captivated way he's ever looked at you. It almost stuns you.
His thumb doesn't leave your skin, and the voices around the both of your drown out like a vacuum.
It's just you and him in this moment right now. He swallows thickly and his thumb traces your upper lip.
"You ready?" He whispers.
"For what?" You whisper back just as breathlessly, loving the feeling of his finger on you.
Like he's pulled from a trance, he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth almost overcome with emotion, and he runs it back up over your face and through the top of your hair, pushing it back.
You realized what he was doing.
He was cherishing you and this moment.
"To rise."
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advacademy · 2 years
Check Out the Amazing Facts About Commonwealth Games
It is one of the most popular sporting events in the world, with athletes from across the Commonwealth vying for glory. The Commonwealth Games is a quadrennial global multi-sport tournament in which representatives of the Commonwealth of Nations participate and engage in intense battles with competitors from other nations to proudly imprint their names and those of their nation in gold.
Best Boarding Schools in Indore always give importance to sports activity and you will be aware of the Commonwealth Games. But have you ever stopped to think about the history of the Commonwealth Games or some of the peculiar facts that surround them? From its history to its players, in this Article, we'll take a look at some of the fantastic facts about the Commonwealth Games that you may not know.
What are the Commonwealth Games?
The Commonwealth Games are an international sporting event held every four years in which different teams from across the Commonwealth can participate. Apart from 1942 and 1946, during the war, it has been held continuously since 1930.
From 1930 to 1950, they were known as the British Empire Games, but have since been renamed the Commonwealth Games, as athletes from across the Commonwealth of Nations will take part.
This year, England will host the event from July 28 to August 8 in Birmingham. It will be the third time that the country organizes the event. The country that hosts the event is Australia, having hosted athletes five times since it began.
How Can We Make These Kid-Friendly Games More Appealing?
Ways to make the learning process interesting.
Assign easy experiments for them. 
Learning through excursions. 
Do group projects. 
Encourages children's natural curiosity. 
Show your interests in the classroom. 
Create a multi-themed classroom on the wall.
Show them interesting videos. 
Incorporate games as you teach.
Eight Fun Little-Known Facts About the Commonwealth Games!
Let's find out what are 8 interesting facts about the Commonwealth Games.
1. The idea of ​​setting up a Commonwealth coup during the "Festival of the Empire" organized in honor of the coronation of George Pancham" in 1911.
2. The first Commonwealth Games were held in the city of Hamilton in Canada in 1930. 
3. India hosted the Commonwealth Games for the first time in Delhi in 2010. India won all 101 medals and secured second place in the medal tally at the Commonwealth Games.
4. India's best showing at the Commonwealth Games was in Delhi. India has competed in the Commonwealth Games 16 times. So far, India has won 438 medals (comprising 155 gold medals, 155 silver medals, and 128 bronze medals) at the Commonwealth Games.
5. The 21st Commonwealth Games are in progress on the "Gold Coast", Australia. The current Commonwealth Games have 19 sports. There are 71 teams from 53 countries participating in the XXI Commonwealth Games.
6. The Commonwealth Games represent about 20% of the Earth's land and 32% of the world's population.
7. The Commonwealth Games are the third largest event in the world after the Olympic Games and the Asian Games. In Olympic River-2016; 11,238 players participated, 9,501 athletes participated in the 2014 Asian Games, and 4,947 players are participating in the current Commonwealth Games.
8. So far, only 6 countries have participated in all the Commonwealth Games organized to date. Australia, Canada, England, New Zealand, Scotland, and Wales are among them.
Will your Son One Day be Able to Play in the Commonwealth Games?
Yes, your child is eligible to compete in the Commonwealth Games. If you have a son who is good at sports in advanced learning,  and willing to train hard, he has a chance to play in the 2022 Commonwealth Games. So if her child is born in a country that is part of the Commonwealth, she is eligible to compete. India is included in the Commonwealth, so if her child is Indian, she can compete in the Games.
All you need to do is train your child to be the best he can be from a very young age. So if you have a dream for your child to play in the Commonwealth Games, start working towards it now! Who knows, maybe you see them representing India one day.
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FFXIV Write Day 6- Halcyon
Upon the back of a rose lanner soaring through the clouds, a young woman waves to her friend down below. She promised to meet him for a meal where she would share stories of her travels.
The season had turned to fall, air becoming cool, leaves turning color and falling off the trees. The sound of them rustling was her favorite, so she picked a spot just outside the city of Amaurot that had a bit more foliage. It had been a year since she left, and for the season she would remain. Until the last golden leaf fell from the oak, she would blabber on and on to her companions.
“-and their living patterns on the sea are something else Hyth. When they roost, half sleep on the water and the other half on the bluffs. I think they lay their eggs on the cliffs. They get most of their hunting done at dawn and dusk.” She gives the underside of the giant lanner falcon a scritch “This one took me for a swim if you could believe it.”
He chuckles, imagining the amused but panicked screams from his friend as the bird dives head first into the water. “Quite the journey, is that why you have seaweed in your hair?”
Underneath her porcelain mask her eyes go wide and she blushes. She combs a hand through her hair and sure enough, a line of still wet seaweed rests in her palm. She laughs nervously and tosses it behind her. She hears it squelch and a disgruntled sigh behind her.
“Well that’s certainly a warm welcome…” A familiar voice had her whip her head around to see her friend Hades wiping his face and tossing the vine of seaweed to the ground. His mask, different from the last time she had seen him, was red with white half circles running through it. Oh a lot changed since she left. He takes a seat at the coffee table for three and smiles briefly to her and Hythlodaeus. “How much did I miss?”
“Not much, she was telling me about the lanners off the coast, and her recent swimming activities.” Hythlodaeus chuckles, Hades rolls his eyes and folds his arms. He teases,
“Always messing with the sea, What still looking for that city under the waves?”
She stares at the mask, her mouth in shock for a few more moments almost missing the question entirely. She slams her hands and leans on the table,
“Screw what I've been doing! You have the seat of Emet-Selch! When did you get on the Convocation? Oh I’m so jealous- er congratulations I meant congratulations!”
“Eight months ago now. And please I came here to see you, not talk about me.”
“Hyth you didn’t tell me this is big news!”
“I wasn’t sure our dear friend would have the spare moment what with all the work. Plus hearing of your journeys is much more interesting.”
“And more pertinent to your work.” Hades cuts in, “Kyrillos actually sees the bigger creatures that get approved out in the wild.”
“Oh hush, I’m not asking for a report from her, the tales and the company are much better. Though I did mean to ask, you’re keeping this one?”
Hythlodaeus puts a hand on the large rose lanner falcon that preens its feathers.
Kyrillos nods her head and smiles, “Big birdie wouldn’t leave my side, I helped heal it after it took a bad tumble, plus its hair matches mine don’t you think?”
“Yes both a striking red; I pray it doesn’t also have seaweed under its feathers.” Hades glances at the bird as the other two laugh. She continued sharing stories, about the giant icebergs up north, the vast forests next to the seas, the different colored sands and creations that roamed the waters edge even her failed attempts at finding the underwater city the three of them heard stories about when they were kids.
As the day continued on the sun got lower in the sky. Their shadows stretched as the warm light of sunset reflected across their environment. The first lights from Amaurot started to turn on and the day came to an end. As she said her farewells, two vibrant leaves, red and gold fall from a nearby tree into her hair. She feels it this time, picks them out of her hair and lets out a happy sigh. Red and gold leaves swirl in small cyclones on the ground as she makes her way back home. There was family to visit and stories to be told. Oh how she missed these days.
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obfiveskateboardsau · 2 months
The Importance of Surf Skateboards for Kids and Young People in Australia
Surf skateboarding is a rapidly growing trend in Australia, captivating the hearts of kids and young people across the nation. This unique blend of surfing and skateboarding offers more than just a fun pastime; it provides numerous physical, mental, and social benefits that are crucial for the development of young individuals. Here’s why surf skateboards are becoming an essential part of youth culture in Australia.
1. Physical Fitness and Health
In a time when sedentary lifestyles are becoming increasingly common, surf skateboarding offers an exciting way to keep kids and young people active. Riding a surf skateboard requires balance, coordination, and strength, engaging various muscle groups and improving overall physical fitness. It’s a full-body workout that helps in building core strength, enhancing cardiovascular health, and promoting better posture.
2. Enhancing Balance and Coordination
Surf skateboarding mimics the movements of surfing, which requires a great deal of balance and coordination. As kids practice their moves, they develop these crucial skills, which are not only beneficial for skateboarding but also for other sports and daily activities. Improved balance and coordination can lead to better performance in school sports and reduce the risk of injuries.
3. Mental Well-being and Stress Relief
The act of riding a surf skateboard can be incredibly liberating and stress-relieving. The concentration required to navigate different terrains and perform tricks helps in keeping the mind focused and present. This mindfulness aspect can significantly reduce anxiety and stress levels, contributing to better mental health. For young people dealing with academic pressures and social challenges, surf skateboarding offers a healthy outlet for releasing stress.
4. Fostering Creativity and Self-expression
Surf skateboarding is not just about riding; it’s also about creativity and self-expression. Kids and young people can experiment with different styles, tricks, and movements, developing their unique riding styles. This creative expression can boost their confidence and encourage them to take risks and try new things, fostering a growth mindset that is beneficial in all areas of life.
5. Building Social Connections
Skateboarding communities are known for being inclusive and supportive. Surf skateboarding provides a platform for kids and young people to meet others who share similar interests. These social interactions can lead to lasting friendships and a sense of belonging. Being part of a community also teaches valuable social skills such as teamwork, communication, and empathy.
6. Encouraging Outdoor Play
In an era dominated by screens and digital devices, encouraging outdoor play is more important than ever. Surf skateboarding gets kids outside, exploring their neighborhoods and local skate parks. This exposure to fresh air and sunshine is essential for physical and mental well-being. It also helps in developing a connection with nature and an appreciation for the outdoors.
7. Learning Perseverance and Resilience
Mastering surf skateboarding requires practice, patience, and perseverance. Kids and young people learn to set goals, work towards them, and handle failures along the way. This process of trial and error builds resilience and a positive attitude towards challenges. These life skills are invaluable, helping them to tackle obstacles and setbacks in other areas of their lives.
Surf skateboards are more than just a trend in Australia; they are a tool for holistic development. They provide an engaging way for kids and young people to stay active, build essential life skills, and foster social connections. By embracing surf skateboarding, the young generation in Australia can enjoy a balanced and enriched lifestyle that prepares them for a successful future. So, whether you’re a parent looking to introduce your child to a new hobby or a young person seeking a thrilling and rewarding activity, surf skateboarding is definitely worth considering.
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aviaryridge · 2 months
The Unique Features of Aviary Ridge: A Perfect Place to Call Home
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When searching for a new place to call home, finding a community that offers both affordability and high-quality living is essential. Aviary Ridge in Logan Reserve stands out as a prime example of such a community. With its affordable house and land packages, Aviary Ridge provides an idyllic setting that combines modern amenities, natural beauty, and a strong sense of community. Here’s a look at the unique features that make Aviary Ridge a perfect place to call home.
1. Affordable House and Land Packages
One of the most attractive aspects of Aviary Ridge is its affordability. The community offers a variety of house and land packages designed to suit different budgets and lifestyles. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer, a growing family, or looking to downsize, Aviary Ridge provides options that are both budget-friendly and high in quality. The affordable house and land Aviary Ridge packages ensure that you can find your dream home without breaking the bank.
2. Modern and Stylish Homes
The homes in Aviary Ridge are built with modern design principles and high-quality materials. Each house is crafted to offer a blend of functionality and style, featuring open-plan living spaces, contemporary kitchens, and spacious bedrooms. Attention to detail is evident in every aspect, from the elegant finishes to the thoughtful layout, ensuring that your home is not only beautiful but also practical.
3. Community-Oriented Living
Aviary Ridge is more than just a collection of houses; it’s a thriving community where residents can build lasting relationships. The neighborhood is designed to foster a sense of belonging, with communal spaces such as parks, playgrounds, and walking trails. Regular community events and activities provide opportunities for residents to connect and engage with one another, making Aviary Ridge a warm and welcoming place to live.
4. Proximity to Nature
Surrounded by natural beauty, Aviary Ridge offers a serene and peaceful environment. The community is nestled amidst lush greenery, with numerous parks and nature reserves nearby. This proximity to nature provides residents with ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking. It’s an ideal setting for those who love to explore the great outdoors and enjoy a healthy, active lifestyle.
5. Excellent Amenities
Living in Aviary Ridge means having access to a range of excellent amenities that enhance daily life. The community is equipped with modern infrastructure, including high-speed internet, reliable utilities, and well-maintained roads. Additionally, residents can enjoy convenient access to shopping centers, restaurants, schools, and healthcare facilities, ensuring that all essential services are within easy reach.
6. Strategic Location
Aviary Ridge’s strategic location in Logan Reserve makes it a highly desirable place to live. The community is well-connected to major transport routes, allowing for easy commuting to Brisbane, the Gold Coast, and other key destinations. This convenient access to urban centers means that residents can enjoy the tranquility of suburban living while still being close to the vibrant city life.
7. Family-Friendly Environment
For families, Aviary Ridge offers a safe and nurturing environment. The community is home to several excellent schools, providing quality education options for children of all ages. Playgrounds and recreational areas ensure that kids have plenty of space to play and explore, while the strong sense of community helps parents feel confident in their choice of neighborhood.
8. Sustainable Living
Aviary Ridge is committed to promoting sustainable living practices. The community incorporates eco-friendly features such as energy-efficient homes, water-saving initiatives, and green spaces. These efforts not only benefit the environment but also help residents save on utility costs, making sustainable living an attractive and practical choice.
9. Investment Potential
Investing in a property in Aviary Ridge is not only about finding a great place to live but also about making a sound financial decision. The area’s growth potential and the increasing demand for quality housing make it a smart investment choice. With the affordable house and land Aviary Ridge packages, you can secure a property that is likely to appreciate in value over time.
10. High-Quality Infrastructure
From well-planned road networks to reliable public services, Aviary Ridge boasts high-quality infrastructure that ensures a comfortable and convenient living experience. The attention to detail in the community’s development means that residents can enjoy a hassle-free lifestyle with all the amenities they need at their doorstep.
Aviary Ridge offers a unique blend of affordability, modern living, and community spirit. With its affordable house and land packages, stylish homes, and excellent amenities, it’s a perfect place to call home.
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