#actor Marvin
huffle-dork · 2 years
Switch Swap Crossover (Swapboys AU/Switch AU)
AN: Hello all! You know how much I adore @crystalninjaphoenix ‘s aus- especially Switch! And since they did a crossover for Inverted and Swap- I thought it was my turn to do a crossover! And it’s also their birthday present! Happy birthday Cry! Expect more in the future cuz I got ideas >:3c hope y’all enjoy!
Read Switch | Read Swapboys | Read Cry’s Crossover Series
Chapter 1: Here we go Again?
The room was spinning even with his eyes closed. Ringing was so loud in his ears it made everything spin twice as fast. He felt weak and spent and- was he laying on the floor? Sure felt like it.
Jameson Jackson groaned as the world came back to him with a painful jolt. Taking a pained gasp in- the world came back into full color and noise in an explosion of the senses. He felt panic gripping his heart as he tried to remember how he got here.
They were in the Aspen Street House- facing off with Distorter. He had gotten Marvin again… but Jackie had just managed to pull him out of it. The gentleman was seriously losing blood from his eyes and he was weak from the influence. Meanwhile- Anti and Volt weren’t letting the fucker go anywhere without a fight. Jameson too… and this time he brought help. A magic amplifying stone from Aoife- though neither of them were quite sure what it was meant to do. But, now seemed as good a time as any.
He has channeled his magic into the stone, ready to send out a blast towards Distorter. But then… the walls of the house started to glow and hum with power. The air started to swell with magic- pressure settling down on everyone. Then, each of the people present in the house started to glow like the walls.
“Jackson, what did you do?!” Anti tries to call out, sounding alarmed.
But that was the last thing JJ heard before everything went completely blue.
Now… all he can see is blue again. But- it’s more blue-green… buzzing with electricity. And… glitching? It sounded like a computer.
Speaking of sounds- he can hear familiar shouting to his left.
“Oh you fuckers just wait! I got several knives with your names on them!” Anti was spitting.
Volt was trying to keep his voice level and quiet- but he had that hero tone in his voice. “Anti- stand down… we do not know-“
“You keep threatening us and the shield ain’t going anywhere, bitch!” A new voice called out- sounding raked with the same glitches that buzzed around the magic in air.
Jj pulled himself up right and tried to focus. Through the blue-green magic- it looks like they are in… an office? Or a very corporate looking loft space at the very least. a huge L shaped couch was taking up most of the space. There’s what sounds like a TV behind them, playing parts of a movie. Popcorn is littered on the ground in front of them.
But most importantly- there’s a group of men standing right outside the shield.
The most prominent one is whoever is making the magic it seems. He seems- younger almost. Scrawny build that’s hidden behind clothes that are too big for him. A bandana with a stitched smiley face sits around his neck. He has his hand outstretched to keep the magic going but he himself seems to be glitching too. But… most striking of all…
He looks exactly like Anti. Well… minus the freckles and completely brown hair.
Jameson looks at his companion to his side- where he heard his voice and balks at seeing Anti here in the shield with him… then- who the hell?
The boy with the magic is looking more enraged by the second, but- his eyes give away fear.
“I-I ain’t fucking around so- you guys better tell us who the fuck you are and why you’re here or-!”
“Or what? You gotta throw more shields at us?” Anti snarks, crossing his arms. “Oh yeah I’m soooo scared! Face me like a real man, motherfucker- I’ll even give you a knife to borrow so it’s fair!”
“F-Friends, please! There is no need for violences!” A thick German accented voice calls out. But… that’s not Volt- the hero would never sound so meek and unsure.
And sure enough, Volt is here in the bubble, trying to hold Anti back from attacking the shield.
But- back on the other side… Jameson can see the call came from a tall tealed-haired gentleman in a bright blue suit. He- has the same vibe as Marvin… but he looks exactly like Schneep.
What was going on?
“I’m with Hen you guys- I do not need more blood on this carpet- you and Bro already drive my cleaning bill through the roof, Alt.” Another voice joins in. Jameson looks and jumps- seeing it’s the spitting image of Jackie! But- boy this one looks even more tired then the doctor… and a lot more casual- wearing a red hoodie with the YouTube logo on it and no glasses. Superhero parkour… what was that?
Jameson looks around and can’t help but jump again as he sees the actual Jackie- Dr. Parker- quietly taking all this in to his right. The doctor waves slightly at Jameson with a tight smile before looking back at the chaos.
The magician- Alt, if Jameson had to guess, blushed at the other Jackie’s remark. “S-Shut up! Fuck, where is he anyways?”
There’s a quiet cough to announce someone new. Alt glances their way-
“He was in the bathroom before this began I believe…” Came a signed reply.
Jameson’s stomach dropped as he looked towards the signing hands and- stared back at himself. But- this guy was… more put together in a sense. He was smartly dressed- like a therapist almost. He had round glasses and a kind face- and even though he looked extremely tired, was unusually calm despite all of this.
Jameson’s head spun… what was going on?? He gripped at his hair.
Volt and Anti looked towards the movement. Volt seemed to relax slightly, “Oh good you’re okay…”
“Jackson! Show this bitch real fucking magic!” Anti hissed, still glaring down his doppelgänger. “He looks like one good blast can knock him over!”
Alt grits his teeth, his hair flying up in an unseen wind as his eyes light up brighter. “I wouldn’t underestimate me if I were you, imposter.”
“You’re the fucking imposter!” Anti snapped, fighting against Volt again. Volt gritted his teeth and tried to keep the programmer back.
“Anti- ver damnit! Take a second to calm down!”
The magic in the shield sputters as the kid suddenly and physically glitches- the image of him almost splitting apart before snapping back together. He looks pale.
“W-What did you just call him?” He seems to whisper in dawning horror.
Volt is slow to respond, “Anti… that is his name.”
“Y-You’re lying-“
Anti grits his teeth, “that’s my fucking name, asshole! What’s it to you?! You got a problem with that?”
Alt’s magic increases- the air tasting like metal as he glitches more.
“T-That can’t be your name- that’s my name!” The boy shouts, hand shaking.
Jameson’s eyes widen- and he sees Anti and Volt’s do the same. It’d be something else entirely if they had a more common name… but they both go by Anti- and look almost identical.
Anti frowns, “didn’t that guy just call you Alt-“
The magic suddenly shrinks around them, the air getting darker and more swamped with glitches.
“S-Shut up! All of you shut up!!” Alt screeches, looking more and more unhinged. “N-None of you are going anywhere-!”
“Y-You can’t just keep us here!” Dr. Parker finally speaks, “in fact- you- you have to let us out. One of our friends is missing and he’s injured!”
Jameson’s stomach drops. Oh god…
Where was Marvin?
The other Jackie braved through some of the chaotic magic to get to Alt’s side and puts a hand on his shoulder. “A-Alt! I know what this looks like- but please- you gotta calm down! We have no idea if it’s like last time!”
“I don’t want to take any fucking chances-“ Alt barked, eyes alive with sparking electrcity. “I won’t be tricked- not again!”
“Alt please- we should be giving them the benefit of the doubt, yes?” The teal haired gentleman offered.
Alt grit his teeth, “that’s what happened last time- and I’m not putting any of us through that again!”
He looked really really scared under all that rage.
Jameson looked towards the sparking magic of the shield. He presses light fingers to the surface. Despite its pulsing chaotic nature- it actually felt quite fragile. It was not magically sound. An unpracticed display hardly kept together by its own chaotic nature. Jameson carefully came forward- then pushed his own magic against the barrier.
The shield shattered like glass in an instant. But before all hell broke loose, Jameson got to his feet and sent out a blast of cold air to stop everyone in their tracks and get their attention. He coughed then signed.
“First, let’s even the playing field, shall we?”
Tensions rose- especially between the two Antis as both parties tried to keep them from going at each other.
One figure though seemed absolutely delighted by Jameson’s statement.
The tealed-haired gentleman sprung forward, his eyes aglow with what can only be described as childhood wonder. “Mein gott! You also know sign!”
He quickly signed to Jameson, effectively putting himself between the feud but- calming it somehow. Probably because he seemed to have no malicious intent.
“Hello, new friend! My name is Henrik von Schneeplestein! It is nice to meet you! I very much like your mask!”
Jameson gasps and hears another one join him. He looks to Volt- who seems to have paled. He looks to Jamie and mouths, “Did I read that correctly?” Jameson gives him a hesitant nod.
Volt coughs then points to himself. “Ah…I… I should probably not give out my identity but… given the circumstances… I am also Henrik von Schneeplestein.”
The other Henrik gasps, “Another Henrik? Oh it is so rare to meet others!” The gentleman seems to study his face for a second, “… you have an accent- it is also German?”
Volt seems to stiffen slightly, and looks a bit confused. “Ja?” He replies shortly.
The other Jameson steps up and clears his throat, placing his hand on the other Henrik’s shoulder before starting to sign too. “Please excuse my friend if he seemed rude. He’s hard of hearing- he’s gotten better with his hearing aid but- these things often escape him.”
The kindly man then looks and meets eyes with Jameson again, and smiles.
“I’m assuming… you also go by Jameson? Jameson Jackson?”
Jj slowly nods, then smiles and goes to bow slightly with his cape. “Unless I’m on stage- then it’s the Jaunty Jackson!”
The other jameson laughs quietly and nods with a smile. “A fine stage name! If that’s the case- you all can refer to me as Dr.J.”
“Are we really just- introducing ourselves right now?!” Anti growls, but Volt just keeps him in his arms, studying the groups with a calculating eye.
His Jackie stands up- and makes eye contact with the other one holding back Alt.
“Are you… also Jackie then? Jackie Parker?”
The other Jackie blinks then shakes his head with a smile, “Jackie Mann. Close though!” As he says this- The doctor can see the flash of something gold on his finger- similar to a matching band on his own hand.
“You’re married- does your partner… call you Jackieboy?”
The other Jackie’s eyes widen, “w-whoa- how did you-?”
“My partner does too.” The doctor smiles.
“That’s also the nickname of my YouTube persona- thanks to my wife.” Jackie Mann grins with a laugh, looking proud.
Then- suddenly there’s a snap like a power cable is cut and Alt glitches out of Jackie’s grip and in front of Jameson.
“Okay enough! This ain’t just a casual-meet-up-feel-good-time! I need fucking answers!”
Alt grabs Jameson by his collar and drags him forward. “Who are you people? And why are you here? Are you here to fuck with our minds? Kill us and replace us?”
Jameson quickly shakes his head and waves his hands before signing. “We want to do no such thing, I promise! We- we have no idea how we got here! I just used something new with my magic and- next thing we know I woke up here! That’s all!”
Anti cried out and tried to charge at Alt and Volt was having a hard time keeping him back down, “f-fucking bitch! Let him go!”
And Alt did- almost instantly. But he still glitched back and eyed the others down with a skeptic eye.
“…how do I know you’re not lying?”
“Maybe cuz this is all fucking insane? Why would we lie about something like this?” Anti spit.
Alt glares at Anti then sighs, looking behind them. “…I want Bro’s opinion- where the fuck is he?”
Bro Fantastic was stuck in a nightmare. A horrible nightmare he couldn’t seem to wake up from.
And the nightmare was staring back at him- an unshakable grin on its face as it approached Chase. Tilting its head like a curious animal.
“Well… isn’t this interesting?” The monster laughed, blood dripping down its face. Chase felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“What… are you?” Chase whispered, shakily trying to find something to hold- he couldn’t feel his knees.
Because… even though his mind was starting to fuzz over with gray and it was hard to concentrate…
He knew his own face- especially when it was staring right back at him.
“Mmm scared to speak the truth out loud, Chaser?” The bleeding copy giggled, getting up in Chase’s face, dripping blood on his shirt.
“N-No! Stop it!” Bro shouted, scrambling backwards- he didn’t wanna touch this thing.
The monstrous doppelgänger laughed cruelly, “Wowww! Who’d have thought you’d be such a coward? Kinda pathetic really? What? you scared of me~?” He stepped up and then cracked his neck loudly, tilting it at an unnatural angle. And that’s when Chase can see the blood cascading down the side of his head.
“I-I’m not scared!” Bro tries to argue, but his shaking hands are giving him away. He- he can’t even summon his powers- the edges of his vision are graying out, the room around him looking fuzzy. Ringing is overtaking his ears.
“There’s no reason to be scared…” The copy cooed out in a suddenly calm and smooth voice. He got close to Bro again and the hero was running out of places to run. “In fact… I think the two of us could be great friends.”
The gray figure shot out its hand and grabbed Chase’s neck, pulling him close. Were his nails always so sharp? Chase tries to pull away as the gray takes over more and more of his vision.
“I think… we could get to know each other real well~” the creature whispered, its impossibly wide grin getting even wider.
Chase’s blood was pounding in his ears. He felt something heavy in his hands. Something he never ever tries to use.
The gun feels wrong- yet he finds himself gripping it tighter.
The figure is no longer in front of him- and now Chase is facing the mirror. He meets his reflection’s wide gray eyes, streams of blood falling from them. His hand shakingly starts to rise. The cool feeling of metal hits the side of his head before he even registers the sight of it in the mirror. His hands are trembling and he’s hyperventilating- yet his reflection stares at him stoically. Then- its eyes turn black and the reflection grins wide as it whispers. “Do it.”
The sound of a gunshot goes off.
And then- Chase opens his eyes with a cry, springing back and hitting his head against the bathroom wall. He pants, quickly feeling his head and- oh god oh god did he just-?!
But… there’s no blood there. There’s- no sign that anything he just saw was real… he swallows shakily and then goes to splash water on his face.
What the fuck was that? He… can’t get that creature’s face out of his mind…
He hears the commotion outside and shakes it off- quickly rushing back out towards his friends.
And his reflection watches him go, grinning ear to ear.
Bro bursts into the room, looking pale like he’s seen a ghost. He’s panting like he just ran a marathon.
“Woah Chase! Are you okay?” Jackie calls out, going to put a hand on Bro’s shoulder. The hero shakes himself out and nods.
“Y-Yeah fine…” He takes in that there’s double the people in here now- all looking at him. He blinks and then looks back at the room he just came from. “…Jesus, how long was I in there?”
“Too long man, what the hell were you doing?” Alt growls.
Bro rubs the back of his head. “Uh… well you know-“
Alt pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs, “okay let’s just- catch you up…”
He points at the others and explains, “We got doppelgängers again- another Anti- a Schneep, a Jj and a Jackie.” Alt points to each respective person and they all react in kind, either waving or just acknowledging the hero.
Bro blinks, “well- hi there! Uhh welcome? I’m Bro Fantastic- but… you guys can call me Chase.”
Alt elbows Chase and gives him a ‘wtf’ look. Chase blinks and gives Alt a confused look back.
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Introducing myself?”
“And giving away your name to complete strangers?”
“…who are clearly your guys’ doppelgängers-“
“Yeah! They could be evil like those last guys!”
Chase looks at the relatively calm group of guys- except the goth looking one. He’s kinda scary but- doesn’t look evil.
“…I don’t think they are Alt-“
“I thought the same thing last time and they fucked with my mind, remember?!” Alt explains in exasperation.
“Only cuz you were too stubborn to listen to the first person who actually wanted to help you.” Chase retorted, crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow down at Alt. Alt sputters and then turns away, his face bright red. He quickly hides it under his mask.
Bro looks at the others with an apologetic smile, “Sorry about my brother. He’s… a bit paranoid about these things.”
The others look at their Anti with wide eyes. Anti shakes his head. “D-Don’t look at me! I don’t have a brother!”
Jj looks back at the hero and signs, “I’m guessing this isn’t the first time something like this has happened?”
Bro laughs, “It’s never happened in our town no… but we’ve been in a similar situation.”
Jackie sighed and crossed his arms, “Still not sure how it happened but- we blinked and suddenly we were in another city where there was like… inverted versions of us. All of them were fuckers- except that Anti dude. He was chill.”
Alt mutters from under his mask, “My… former boss is also obsessed with the concept of the ‘multiverse’. Guess it was only a matter of time until something freaky like this happened…”
Volt knits his eyebrows together in confusion, “I guess it is not impossible… but very improbable.”
“Not if there’s magic involved!” Jameson adds with a smile. But then- his smile falls. Magic-
“Wait, we still need to figure out where Marvin is! He was hurt, wasn’t he?”
Dr. Jackie nodded, looking anxious as he adjusted his glasses. “Yeah he was delirious and losing blood from Distorter’s control…”
“Dis…tor-ter?” The other Henrik asked, sounding out the word carefully, having trouble reading the doctor’s lips, “Who is that?”
“This mother fucking… thing that’s been tormenting us for god knows how long-“ Anti muttered. “A fucking gray and bleeding eyed motherfucker- who messes with your head and makes you see things.”
Bro paled, feeling a chill run up his spine. Just like… what he saw in the bathroom, right? Why was it suddenly so hard to remember it exactly? All except… that face.
“I’m sorry-“ Jackie’s voice breaks Chase out of his thoughts, “Did you guys say your friend’s name was Marvin?”
Jameson nods.
Jackie bites his lip and looks around, “oh boy… okay so- if you all ended up here in front of us… and… Chase- nobody just appeared next to you did they?”
“N-No!” Chase blurts out- probably too fast. His ears turn pink. “I… I didn’t see anyone no-“
“Huh… strange- guess their universe doesn’t have a Chase…”
“But anyways- if that’s the case… I think your Marvin might be… with ours.”
“And…why do you sound so nervous about that?” Jameson asks with hesitation.
Jackie and Alt exchange looks before Alt explains slowly.
“Let’s just say… Magnificent isn’t the best bitch to be stuck with. If this Distorter guy is the one who tortures you guys… then ours would be him. Ours is Magnificent.”
Marvin goes flying across the warehouse floor, tumbling and skidding against the concrete like roadkill. He coughs and tries to struggle up- god… where was his cane?
The bitch that threw him loomed over him and laughed wildly, multicolored static flickering behind him in a burst of power.
“Pathetic! Are you truly my counterpart? I would have expected another me to have more fight in him!”
Marvin spit out blood and wiped at his face, trying to catch his breath.
“Yer not really givin’ me a chance to, are ya?” He growls, shakily trying to get to his feet.
The mad magician scoffs, looking his copy up and down with distaste plain on his face. Like he was looking at a bug or gum on the bottom of his shoe.
“I could tell by just looking at you. You’re not even worth my time… not an ounce of magic in you.” He sighs dramatically and throws out his hands, turning from the other and flaring out his cape. “The universe is a cruel mistress! Finally, she brings me something I’ve been searching for- but it falls just short!”
Marvin laughs as he holds himself up against the wall, “Maybe if ya played nicer, the universe would have rewarded ya. Sounds like you just decided to be a bitch t’ough-“
The magician sighs and shakes his head. He turns a glowing eye to look back at the pathetic copy. Then, he teleports so he’s right in front of him and grabs him by the lapel before slamming him back against the wall. Marvin cries out and tries to struggle. The magician’s gaze makes him feel like a cornered creature being studied for science.
“You’d be useless as a puppet to me…” The mad man muses, lifting up Marvin’s chin and twisting it with his claws. “I can feel someone has already laid claim to your mind anyways… too messy to destroy right now.”
His cat-like eyes spark with mischief and he grins, showing sharp canines. “However… you might make a fine addition to my… feline collection~”
“T-the hell I won’t! I ain’t bein’ a part of anyone's collection! And I already have a cat, t’ank you very much!” Marvin protests, fighting in the magician’s grip even harder.
The magician laughs and forces Marvin to look up at him. Then, he snaps and a spiral of purple and green appears in front of Marvin’s eyes. The gentleman’s breath hitches, his body trying to tense up. But it just as easily starts to fall limp, hands slipping off the magician’s and falling to his side. His head falls back against the wall behind him, lips parting to exhale softly as his eyes fall to half mast.
The magician giggles softly before cooing to Marvin, “Very good, pet. Just let it take you… down… down… down…no more pesky thoughts, Hm? There’s no need for any more of those… human thoughts just get in the way… wouldn’t you agree?”
Marvin finds himself numbly nodding.
The magician grins, madness alight in those spiraling eyes. “Mmm yes… much too messy. Too easy for someone else to grab… I’m going to make your life so much better, Marvin… as my pet, you’ll be free. Free from this weak body of yours… free from the limitations put on you. You’ll even have two more good legs! Now… doesn’t that sound nice?”
Marvin finds himself slurring out a sloppy, “yes…”, eyelids fluttering.
The mad man chuckles. “Use your words, kitten, and ask properly. My name should already be on your tongue…
Let your last spoken words sing my praises. Tell me this is what you want, puppet~ Would you like to live out the rest of your days as my simple little kitty pet?”
Marvin’s mind is completely blank. His eyes start to shift to something slitted- something purely feline. It’s hard to get his lips to move- words already seem so hard and unnecessary.
“Yessss Magnificenttt…” Marvin purrs, eyes nearly shut as a blissful smile curls on his lips.
Magnificent grins, “Excellent kitten… let’s get your body to match your mind now, shall we?”
The mad magician then pumps Marvin’s body full of magic. Marvin screams- bones cracking and being rearranged by the burning heat of the magic. It feels agonizing- like being compressed into a tight space.
If Marvin could think- he’d probably be terrified. But, luckily, only his body reacted to the pain. His mind was blank still, untouched.
The transformation ends and out of the sparking magic- is a large brown and cream Norwegian forest cat. It’s soft blue eyes blink up at its master and it meows softly, before going to lick its paw.
Magnificent tsks, “Damnit. Too much personality left in tact. Well… they’re not all winners at the start.” He sighs. He then scoops up the cat and starts to pet it kindly. The cat stares out, as if trying to process something- trying to fire off some kind of thought in its head. But- Magnificent’s soft pets seem to drive off those thoughts and it starts to purr, slumping in his arms.
“Trying to get those human thoughts back, Hm? A valiant effort I’ll say~” Magnificent hummed in amusement. It was always so fun to see them attempt to struggle. “Worry not, kitten… I’ll get you trained… and we’ll get you into a proper appearance in no time~ just like my other lovely pets!”
The madman looks behind him and grins at the dozens of obedient green eyes that grin back at him from the dark.
He then looks back at the cat in his arms and thinks out loud, “or perhaps… keeping you like this could be like a trophy of sorts… like how I planned to keep my cub.” He hummed, the feeling of defeat still stark in his mouth. But- that feeling did remind him.
“Oh yes! Before we do anything more… we must get rid of that awful name of yours. In fact… I’ll be glad to never hear that name again-“ Magnificent growls. He snaps his fingers- and creates another spiral in front of the kitten that instantly captures its attention. It sits up straight, slitted eyes transfixed on the magic, mind completely blanking again.
“Now then… what shall your new name be…?”
“Marvin!” A voice suddenly shouted.
Magnificent turns around to growl, eyes bright with magic. “Who dares to-?!”
A bullet rips through the magician’s shoulder, throwing him back and knocking the cat out of his grasp. The kitten skips like a rock before stilling, staring out blankly. Then- light seems to come back to its eyes. Human light. It quickly gets back to its feet and shakes itself off. That’s… when he starts to panic- taking in his paws and smaller appearance. He starts to turn around in disbelief, yowling in distress. He doesn’t fully step down on his back leg though.
Anti steps into the warehouse and glares at Magnificent, keeping his gun aimed at the magician. “Alright freakshow- where the fuck is our friend?!”
Magnificent clutches at his shot shoulder- the air around him bending and shifting like hot summer air. He laughs, sounding unhinged. “Haha! A new face in my lair… how amusing!” He studies Anti and then teleports in front of him, eyes sparking with intrigue. “But… somehow still a familiar face… you look just like my favorite cub, puppet.”
Anti’s aim falters as he scrambles back, resting his hand at the butt of the gun to keep it steady. “B-Back off! We just want our friend back then we’ll be out of your freaky hair!”
“Is that all?” Magnificent chuckles with amusement. “You’ve come a long way from home… why don’t you stick with me and I’ll make you all feel so welcomed! …just like I did with Marvin~”
“I fucking knew it! Where is he, cocksucker? What did you do to him?!”
Magnificent's eyes flashed dangerously, “The same thing I’m about to do to you.”
He shoots out a hand towards Anti- purple and green electricity heading straight for him.
When suddenly, a shield shoots up and blocks the magic, chipping like it’s made of ice.
The newcomer, Jameson, looks to Anti and gestures to where that cat is still freaking out. Anti gives Jameson a look. Jameson rolls his eyes and signs something quick to Anti. Finally, the other boy seems to nod- but he looks super weirded out by the whole situation.
Magnificent’s eyes light up hungrily at the sight of the new magician. He grins, approaching the barrier with practiced grace, his walk like that of an actor on stage.
“A fresh magician too! Mayhaps the universe has decided to be kind to me after all!” He laughs.
Jameson glares at the other magician with burning blue eyes.
“Ohhh the silent type…” Magnificent observes with a crooked smile. “How rare that is in these parts…”
He teleports behind Jameson- then pushes the other magician up against the icy shield, grinning like a predator over him.
“What refined magic you have!” Magnificent giggles with glee, “What a marvel it is to see such… careful practice put back into magic~” The mad man leans in, hungry for just a taste of this boy’s magic- his fingers light up with purple.
Jameson quickly shoves a hand in Magnificent’s face and sends a blast of ice at him. A thick chunk freezes with Mag’s head inside. He yells in rage and tries to claw it off- he can’t see!
“Now!” Jameson yells hoarsely, pushing away from the magician and running towards the exit, “Run!!”
Anti uses the mad magician’s confusion to scoop up the cat and rushes towards the door after Jameson.
“I hope you’re right about this, Jackson! Or this will be real awkward to patch up later!”
The last thing they hear before reaching the others is the sound of Magnificent’s wild cry of rage.
Magnificent breaks off the ice and slams his fist into the wall, cursing in Latin. But, soon he takes a deep breath and calms down. That magician…
Oh it’s gonna be so fun to make him his.
[To be Continued~]
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septicwriters · 6 months
What I think your favorite ego says about you!
Dark: You are one of two things: you are cool, calm, and collective or, batshit wild. Regardless of which, when you snap, YOU SNAP. Whoever pissed you off better pray to the old gods because the new one ain't picking up his phone. You either seem like you have your shit together, or you really do. There is no in-between.
Anti: Relax? Who is she? Who are eccentric from the start. You are quiet at first, making people think you are shy and just have to warm up to them, when in reality, you are biding your time. Watching your surroundings to see how everyone ticks, and then you strike. Violence is not always your attack, you can also deal out verbal attacks as well. Your RBF is on point.
Wilford: You are that person who is cheerful to hide your trauma. Sorry, but we can still see it. You can't hide a body behind a glass wall. You will smile and give homemade treats and remember everyone's birthday, but everyone once in a while, you will say something to cause everyone's concern to go to an 11. High ADHD levels.
Jackie: You are that one person that is motivated beyond belief. You will wear yourself out with over positivity and helping others and then break down in a public restroom. Crying from stress is a call for attention, even in an empty room (false, cry if you need too) can't drink coffee because it sends your hyperness through the roof and gives you a headache.
Damien: You are the mom friend of the group, you either have snack pouches and juice, or a way to reprimand your friends. You are shy around confrontation, but always quick to come up with a solution to a problem. You wouldn't share homework answered, but would help with the homework. You are the designated driver.
Chase: things you cry at: cat videos, cute kid videos, slice of life anime, cute finales of comedies. You have some sort of an addiction. Coffee, alcohol, cleanliness, art, your hobby, collecting hobbies. Something to keep your hand busy is always needed, helps tame the voices. Your therapist friend begs you to go to therapy, but who can afford it? Definitely not you, and besides, you aren't even that serious. Thinking about death is normal, right? Right?!
Celine: you are the wine aunt. Weather that is literal or towards your friends, that is your title and you where it with pride. Might be some sort of witch. You can become serious quickly, you go from go lucky to problem solver 1-100 real fast. You are always available, even if you're not happy about it. You listen to problems and come up with half good answers. Sorry to say, but arson is not always the answer.
Schneep: you are the therapist friend, and you need a therapist. Carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. Must have perfect grades, perfect attendance, perfect ingernal. Coffee is not breakfast, nor is it good to drink at 3 in the afternoon. Eat some real food, please, granola bars are not going to get you through the day.
Actor: in some way, shape, or form, you are a profectionist. People may get upset about the way things must line up, if your drink is one inch higher than expected, everything is ruined. Everything must be perfect, or it's terrible. You either love art, or an artist yourself who hates your art. When someone tells you you are a profectionist, you lash out in anger. Take a nap, might do you good.
JJ: silent but deadly. Words are very rarely exchanged with those outside your friend group. When someone asks you what you are reading, you lift up your book to show the title and continue to read. You made your own lunches at school. If someone crosses you, you will be passive aggressive about it. Dresses formal for every occasion.
Google: you have anger issues, eldest sibling , reliable one? When someone needs advice, you are the first to go to. You regularly go to those warehouses to destroy things. You don't work well with others, prefer to work alone than In a group. Effortlessly get A's on tests.
Marvin: you are either gay, or the gayest straight person. If there's no glitter, you don't want it. You're temper is fiery, but your significant other wouldn't have you any other way. You have enemies, and your friends are worried about that. You have either mental or physical scars and are self conscious about them. Your scars tell your story, don't be embarrassed. You live in the library and write papers that aren't necessary.
Bing: your favorite Ninja turtle was Mikey. Love Bill and Ted. The life of the party, always trying to be the cool guy. You fail at it, but you don't let that slow you down. You once tried to do something reckless, failed, and said that you'll practice until you do it. You succeed. You do anything you put your mind to. Useless facts, no, no one knew that otters hold hands while sleeping to not drift away, but thank you for sharing. Orange crush is your favorite drink.
Tell me how accurate I am!
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touyubesposts · 2 years
Things that mean different things in my different fandoms:
For Thomas it's a happy learning moment
For Mark it's angst time with a possibility of death
For Jack it's just a scary, scary death
2.Dark sides:
For Thomas, it's Virgil, Remus, and Janus
For Mark, it's Dark (The original dark side)
For Jack, it's Anti (The original glitch bitch)
For Thomas, it's Roman and an opportunity
For Mark, it's ‘Actor Mark’ and Manipulation
For Jack, it's what he has to do to fake cry during his projects, have you seen that?! I was stunned! Speechless!
Thomas’s most severe problem with loops is fruit
Mark is trapped in literal time loops and space tears in the fabric of the universe
Jack is stuck in ‘Fucking circles’ doing things ‘over and over’
Thomas, very calmly, goes through his choices in every episode with each of his sides
Mark doesn’t really get a choice, but you do! You get many choices
Jack really has no choice and is stuck in the middle of whatever the fuck Anti and IRIS are doing
Thomas’s 5 year anniversary babey!
Mark’s universe just has Wilford asking some questions
Jack, please, give Chase a break! He’s just a boy!
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detroitlib · 7 months
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View of jazz musician Benny Carter, actor Lee Marvin and music director Stanley Wilson on the set of "M Squad." Clipping on back: "Jazz musician Benny Carter, center, joins actor Lee Marvin, left, and music director Stanley Wilson on the set of M Squad. Carter has been doing a live background musical score for several of the series episodes. Later the music will be available on records."
E. Azalia Hackley Collection of African Americans in the Performing Arts, Detroit Public Library
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alex-iltempo · 2 years
Oh yeah, it was this legend's birthday yesterday
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