#actual tag: these chucklefucks
And if I said my one wish from season 2 was to see Jim stab Ed (serious goose style, with full - real life - 'being stabbed' consequences). What then. What if I tagged Ed when I said it. Should be fine, right? Not like you're ONLY allowed to post worshipful simpering praise of the characters in the tags, right?
Better yet, I want Izzy to cut something off of Ed and shove it down his throat and THEN let Lucius toss Ed overboard in the middle of the night.
Is this the kind of shit yall wanna see in the Edward Teach tag? Cause we can play that fucking game. BELIEVE me, we can play that fucking game.
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ereborne · 11 months
An open letter, to everyone from this afternoon's meeting:
Christ a-fuckin-live, yes, I do think all these redundancies are really necessary! It's not even that many redundancies, are you fucking joking, I'm not asking for a full and proper PACE plan (yet! not yet but oh you best bet it's coming, you idiot bitches give me a contingency inch and I will take a save-your-ass mile) it is literally training one extra person for each task. One! Do you know how close to the bone we are already running. Do you know the cold sweat that haunts me. One single solitary contingency! I am here begging bare-bellied for the meanest of scraps and you're interrupting me. You are swinging over the gaping abyss of absolute moronity and as I hand-tie the slimmest of career safety nets beneath you, you argue with me!
Every month we voluntarily take our entire system down and hard reset it, because the tooth-grinding inconvenience of a controlled descent is better than the comminuted fractures of a natural crash, but if you would rather the broken bones, that can certainly be arranged. Every day someone asks me to hunt down direly-needed information, and I burrow weasel-like through digital snowbanks until I find the problems and crack their spines between my teeth. Would you like to see how I do it. I have built checks for unreturnable queries into my daily routine, do you think that is a standard practice? It would literally be easier for me to let them break and frame a different one of you for each failure than to continue maintaining them all. If you really want to know about most efficient use of time, I will show you the math. It will look very like the forked end of a crowbar, and I will gladly give you a thorough breakdown! That said,
Please fill out the highlighted lines on the attached form. Your supervisor has been copied on this message. Thank you for your support.
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rusanya-does-edits · 6 months
Something weirdly specific for at least some of us, that we've had in mind for awhile; unfortunately this was the closest we could get with a picrew tbh.
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Like, fortunately for us; while we have some things that irk us with this one, but this hits pretty close in a metaphorical sense at least for the people we're thinking of. Unfortunately for us, some of those are more obvious than others so we hesitated on weather we needed to share this or not LOL.
#stimboard#cn // highly personal#highly personal#GOD THAT PINK IN THE BACKGROUND. SO THREATENING.#THAT “SHE KNOWS” THING A MONTH BACK IN THE GAME SESSION. // OC-related tangent in the tags incoming#(<- hits differently in some situations)#(<- *stares at the plural OCs who we made an entire past for.*)#(<- *stares at the fact their whole thing is. dysphoria made them plural. and THEN they became functionally immortal.*)#(<- you don't skip town for no reason. they lived in a generation where being both would throw them in The Loony Bin)#(<- but only the QUEERNESS became more acceptable later on.)#(<- these bozos are a mirror to our own life and frustration. and that realistically. people are starting to accept endogenics to a degree.#(<- but the world we want and how endos are treated is NOT going to happen next yer. it MIGHT happen in like 20 years.)#(<- “she knows” has been and always will be our greatest fear and pushing through that is HARD.)#(<- So what would it look like INSTEAD to be hiding under queerness. which is still stigmatized as hell)#(<- but you can AT LEAST find a margin of community somewhere that isn't full of abusers and bootlickers/idenity-medicalists for that ID)#NONE OF THIS IS NEGATIVE we're actually kind of glad the GM saw the full implications of that even implicitly -#- getting the shivers just remembering that. But also it's interesting to implement that onto their younger singletsona lmao.#WERE SO PISSED THO THAT WE COULDNT FIND A GREYSCALE MASK THAT WASNT. HORROR OR PARTY. THESE FUCKERS ARE NOT VILLAINS YNKOW.#like how the fuck do we have a hoard of gifs in our tumblr likes and found NOTHING for that specifically lolsob?#yes these ARE the same two chucklefucks we blabbed on and on about for like a week on our main account.#but its their “singletsona”. kind of. kind of sort of. we have wholeass ideas on this narratively.#like we just need to WRITE as in actually write but the issue is every time we do we hit A Wall(tm)#but yeah. anyways. we have headmates playing a TTRPG and we may have projected our frustrations onto two OCs that we don't even play. 😭😭😭
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applecherry108 · 2 years
I may be a ghost on twitter, but nothing brings me joy like reporting the people who post death threats in the tags of ships they hate.
Enjoy your locked accounts until you remove your abusive vitriol, fools.
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bleuberrygliscor · 2 years
hey but seriously, if any of you fuckers make me look at that minecraft guy i will absolutely come to your home and tear your achilles tendons with my own teeth.
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ladykailitha · 2 months
Sir Steve, Knight Protectorate Part 3
Here we are at the last chapter. Thank you for everyone who liked, commented and reblogged, especially those that left lovely comments in their tags.
This isn't the last we'll see of this universe, as the next one I want to do is Christmas. Steve talking to Jonathan about the camera and not just saying it was joint present from him and Nancy.
In this we have some people who just never learn, Eddie getting heart-eyes non-stop now, and the basketball game of the century.
Part 1 Part 2
Larry Wiggins learned nothing from getting decked in the face by Eddie Munson, Steve decided. He had been the worst of the “accidental” bullies.
If there was a massive collusion of some poor bastards, you could make a pretty safe bet that Larry was seen leaving the area. The teachers turned a blind eye to it because and he quotes, “You have no proof he’s doing anything wrong, besides as captain of the basketball team, he’s afforded a little grace because he’s under soooo much pressure.”
Steve was pretty sure he threw up a little in his mouth when he heard that from the principal, the vice principal, the basketball coach, and at least three other teachers despite him doing it right in front of them multiple times.
So just before the winter break it all came to a head and if Steve was honest, he wasn’t surprised when he saw the victim was one of Eddie’s own sheep.
Steve had really needed to pee in history class. It was horrible, but Mrs. Click adored him and let him go to the bathroom, then immediately turned around and told a girl that is she wasn’t on the rag, she had no need to use the bathroom until after class.
He felt bad about that one, because unlike students, Steve couldn’t do jack shit about the teachers. Not without losing whatever status he actually had.
He pushed open the doors to the boys’ bathroom and instantly sagged against the doorway. There cowering in the corner was one of Eddie’s freaks. He had curly brown hair and blue eyes, though one was shut from a reddening welt that no doubt would turn into a black eye later.
Then the bell rang and students came flooding out of their classes, just in time to see Steve dragging Larry out of the bathroom and throwing him against the lockers across from the bathroom.
Before anyone could protest Steve’s over-reaction, the little freshman came limping out of the bathroom.
“Gareth!” Eddie called out and Steve was distracted for a moment by the sound, let Larry out of his grasp.
But instead of taking off like what would have been the smart thing, Larry pushed Steve off of him.
“You would take the side of the little pervert, Harrington,” he sneered. “I caught this little freak checking under the bathroom stalls. No doubt he’s a fag looking for dick to ogle.”
Gareth opened his mouth to protest, but Steve held up his hand.
“Or, he could be,” Steve scoffed, “and get this, looking to make sure no one was in the stalls so he go into the one he wanted? Like a normal person?”
Eddie and Gareth both snorted at the ‘normal’ description, but wisely kept their mouths shut.
Larry rolled his eyes and folded his arms over his chest. “You think you’re so hot, don’t you? You’re not even a senior but everyone around here walks around here kissing your ass and why? Because Daddy’s money. If you were as poor as these chucklefucks, the only kiss you’d be getting is mouth to mouth when someone finally put you down like the dog you are!”
Gareth threw back his head and laughed. Just started laughing and laughing, doubling over from the laughter, tears streaming down his face.
Larry raised an eyebrow. “What the fuck is his problem?”
“His dad owns three of this town’s car dealerships, dude,” Steve said raising both eyebrows. “Like he lives in Loch Nora.”
Larry’s eyes go wide. “What the fuck? Then why is he dressed like trailer trash?”
“Hey!” Eddie growled and moved to take a swing at the guy, but again Steve held up his hand.
“Dude is in designer jeans and high tops and you have to ask that?” he shook his head. “You really are stupid. How did you become captain of the basketball team again?”
Steve tapped his lip for a moment, his other hand on his hip. Then he snapped his fingers. “Oh, that’s right, you mom blew the coach!”
Larry lunged forward to take a swing at Steve but Tommy and one of the other guys on the team managed to pull him back.
“You want to put your money where your mouth is punk?!” Larry shouted, trying to get out of his restraints.
Steve looked him up and down. “You’re on. One on one in the outdoor basketball court. First one to twenty points wins. We need an unbiased ref...” he looked around until he found a black sophomore standing off the side. “You, you tried out for JV this year, right?”
The kid pointed to himself and looked around but Steve nodded. “Yeah, I mean, I didn’t make it, but yeah I play.”
Steve turned to Larry. “That okay with you?”
Larry nodded. “If I win, you quit the team and stop this fucking crusade you’re on.”
The crowd oohed and ahhed.
“And if I win,” Steve said with a knowing smirk, “you step down as captain and make me captain instead. And if you lay a single finger on anyone again, and you know what I mean, I’ll be sure to spill every dirty secret you ever uttered in the locker room. Don’t think that I won’t.”
Larry gulped heavily. The sound loud in the now dead silent hallway.
Steve stuck out his hand and Larry eyed it for a moment. He looked up into Steve’s steely gaze, then at the gathered crowd. He shook the offered hand and pumped it once.
“Saturday 10am,” Steve said with a grin. Larry nodded and Steve walked over to the kid who was going to be their ref and slung an arm around his shoulder. “Hey, kid, what’s your name?”
“Patrick,” the kid mumbled shyly.
“Well, Patrick,” he said, leading him away from the crowd, “the team will be down one player regardless of what happens, you should try out again.”
Everyone is left staring in shock as the two boys walk away talking about basketball.
Nancy, who had been watching the whole thing turned to Tina, “So that was hot, right?”
Tina just nodded, her mouth open and her eyes wide. She fanned herself with her hand and shook her head. “Girl, you fucked up when you let that one get away.”
Nancy bit her lip, but privately agreed. It had been a month, and Jonathan still wasn’t biting. Perhaps...
Perhaps she might have another, tastier option.
The bullying full on stopped as the whole school held their breath. Even the teacher had noticed the whispering in the hall, but time and time again, students would refuse to say why. The nerds sided with Eddie and his club, the popular kids sided with Steve, and everyone one else but the bullies wanted to keep out of it.
When the teachers finally reached out to the kids who were doing the bullying, therefore proving to the whole school the teachers knew, but didn’t care, the bullies had been forced into silence or admit to the bullying.
The morning dawn bright and clear. The frost clung to the windows of the school and a couple of the basketball teammates arrived at nine to shovel the outdoor court as it had snowed the night before.
Steve showed up with longjohns under his shorts and a sweat shirt with the team logo on the front. He stood there, basketball propped on his hip as he waited for Larry to arrive. He was wearing sweats and a t-shirt, headband over his eyes.
Patrick came running up the court waving a whistle. “Sorry I’m late! I couldn’t find my whistle and had to go to the store to get another one.”
Larry grumbled, but Steve just threw Patrick the ball.
Larry and Steve stepped up to the middle line and Patrick stood between them with the ball. The two players shook hands and then Patrick threw it in the air.
Larry got the ball first, but in the end didn’t even matter.
Steve was far and away the better player. Whether Larry’s mom had done favors for the coach to make him captain was irrelevant. Because it soon became clear that he had only gotten the post due to some kind of favoritism.
Steve outmatched him on defense and was the better shot, making more of his shots than he missed.
Larry started panting halfway through as Steve outmatched in a different and just as vital way. Stamina.
Kids from all the cliques were pressed against the fence. Nancy in the front, cheering loudly for Steve along side all of his friends.
Tommy H. was shouting obscenities and Carol was calling Larry names.
But there was the silent section who had come out to watch. The one whose very lives depended on the outcome of the game.
You could call it hyperbole, but Eddie didn’t. It was apt. In those few scant weeks of not having his friends bullied, his grades actually fucking went up. Because he could concentrate on homework, instead of if tomorrow was going to be the day one of the bullies went too far and he lost one of sheep.
He still called out the bullying when he saw it, but now knowing that there were other people watching his sheep too? He could actually rest.
And if that was happening to him? He couldn’t dare to image what it was like for the kids who were being actively bullied. That first breath of relief knowing it wasn’t just a one time thing. That it was going to keep happening. That they were going to be able to just function. Must have felt like a god damned miracle.
Steve moved past Larry and slamdunked his final two points making it to twenty.
Larry sank to his knees as Patrick ran out on the court. “With a score of twenty to fourteen, Steve Harrington wins!”
He raised Steve’s hand over his head like a prize fighter. The gathered crowd roared to life, even those who had been watching silently at the other end of the court. The ones who didn’t understand what a layup was or how fouling worked. They began cheering too.
Steve walked over to Larry and got down on one knee, draping his arm over the other knee. “Some people are bullies because their home life is shit, some people are bullies because they don’t know how to be anything else. And some people just like you who are just fucking assholes who like make others miserable. Get the fuck off my court.”
He stood back up and waved at the crowd.
Steve managed to find an unlocked door and slipped into the locker room for a well earned shower. He still would have to put his gross clothes back on but at least he wouldn’t be dripping in sweat.
He heard the door open and close but decided to ignore it. Whether it was a well wisher or one of Larry’s ilk, he didn’t give a shit. He just wanted to be clean.
“Steve?” a warm and very welcome voice echoed through the empty chamber.
“Eddie?” he called back, poking his head out the shower stall to see him.
Eddie grinned. “There you are, big boy.”
Steve was grateful for the steam already painting his cheeks red so that Eddie wouldn’t see him blush.
“Hey,” he muttered softly.
Eddie came bounding up to him with a big grin on his face. “I went home and brought my PE clothes for ya so you didn’t have to put that sweaty shit back on.” He held up his bag. “We’re about the same size in everything but thighs, so this should get you home at the very least.”
“Oh you’re a lifesaver!” he breathed. “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I know, I wanted to.”
Steve pointed down at his sudsy body. “Just let me finish washing down and I’ll be with you in a moment.”
A few minutes later he shut off the water and called out, “Hey can you grab me a towel?”
“I could...” Eddie teased, “but then I’d miss the show of you waddling naked to grab one yourself.”
Steve’s eyebrows went up. “I wasn’t sure you’d be interested, after all the ball was in your court after your impromptu marriage proposal.”
Eddie licked his lips slowly and stalked over the low wall that separated the showers from the rest of the locker room. He looked Steve up and down, noting the high blush on his cheeks that had nothing to due with the heat. Or at least not the heat of the shower. Steve pushed his hair back and looked Eddie right in the eye.
Eddie smiled and reached out with one finger to trace a water droplet that had slid off of Steve’s collar bone to run for his belly button. Steve’s breath hitched as Eddie licked the water off his finger.
“I’m more than interested,” he murmured, leaning in close. “Just wasn’t sure if the offer was made in jest or if you were serious.”
Steve closed his eyes and let out a slow breath. Then he opened them slowly to see Eddie with his eyes wide and expression hopeful. Steve leaned in and pressed his lips to the other boy’s. It was soft and it was sweet.
Eddie leaned back, blinking. “So yeah, definitely serious then. So how about this, sweetheart, why don’t you get dressed in the things I brought you and you go home and get changed. Then I pick you up around, say... five for dinner at the diner?”
Steve’s face transformed with his smile. “I’d say that sounds like a date.” He kissed him again. Just as soft and just as sweet as the one before.
“I’m going to get cavities if you keep that up,” Eddie teased, walking away.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked tilting his head in confusion.
Eddie came back to locker room. “Getting you a towel, obviously. As much as I wouldn’t mind a sneaky peek, I think I’d rather wait to see you naked, spread out underneath me.”
Steve’s jaw worked up and down but no words came out.
“Catch you later, big boy!” Eddie called out over his shoulder after handing the towel to him.
As he was leaving he bumped into Nancy.
“Oh sorry,” he muttered. “I didn’t see you there.”
Nancy chewed on her bottom lip. “Is Steve in there? I couldn’t find him after the game.”
“Yep!” he replied popping the P. “I brought him some clothes he could change into.”
Her eyes went wide. “Oh!”
“Catch you around, Wheeler,” Eddie said giving her a salute.
As the door swung shut, she could see Steve in there happily singing a love song as he got dressed.
Nancy looked back at Eddie’s retreating form and then back at the now closed door. She sighed. She had a feeling that she was too late in getting Steve back.
He had moved on.
She blushed and ducked her head. Maybe it was a good thing. She needed to work on herself and Steve needed someone who was with him because they wanted to be and not just because he was the current available option.
By the time Steve came back out, she was gone.
1-@mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @zerokrox-blog
2- @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @messrs-weasley @cryptid-system
3- @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv @wonderland-girl143-blog
4- @justforthedead89 @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @forgottenkanji
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @disrespectedgoatman
7- @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @ravenfrog @swimmingbirdrunningrock @lingeringmirth
8- @gutterflower77 @a-lovely-craziness @just-a-tiny-void @w1ll0wtr33 @beelze-the-bubkiss
9- @gringa-rae-jepsen @bluelightsinthevoid @mamafaithful @allmyworldsendwithtears @xxbottlecapx
10- @sadisticaltarts @yeahhhh-suga @ohimamarigold @imamixofeverthing @samsoble
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thechekhov · 2 years
Dungeon Meshi - Quick Reacts (CHAPTER 8: Stewed Cabbage)
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Desperately in love with this volume’s cover art. Those colors!! 
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You know, I didn’t really pay attention the first time but do these little background maps here represent the actual routes they’re taking? 
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it’s gettin spoopy up in here
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he’s right.
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the reason this party is together is because they’re ALL weirdos.
“99% DIRT!” What’s the other 1% Marcille? Is it love?
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explain to me how this little square is so untouched. 
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.......is gardening easier or harder when your garden has to take itself for walks?
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I do appreciate the dwarven pantyshot but what IS this man doing...????? Is he..... extreme gardening? Why did he have these things inside there? What?????????
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..........does that hurt him?????? 😥
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...how DO these things get enough sunlight? aren’t they pretty far down, even from the castle, which seems to get magical sunlight? 
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I, personally, support this man’s illegal golem-raising operation. He provides an invaluable service to the dungeon ecosystem. 
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hmmm. He does make a compelling point though. Presumably even Marcille can run out of mana, which means she might not be able to light fires if she’s too tired. I kinda understand the logic of keeping up with the craft. 
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you know he’ll find out eventually, marcille, it’s no use. nothing can stop his quest for knowledge. 
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Again and again, this is reiterating the fact that this is NOT a standard dungeon. It’s... kept. It’s like a little laser tag place, but turned up to 11. Toilets? MAINTAINED toilets? Woo. 
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Chilchuck is being especially patient with her today. 
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................I’m getting emotional up in here. This man came down to this dungeon and was like ‘someone needs to be the custodian of this land’. Damn. I really need to write a character like this into a campaign. Everyone deserves a Senshi. 
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I thought Sensehi was a fighter, but he... he’s actually a Ranger. He’s literally protecting the entire ecosystem from collapsing by ensuring there isn’t an invasive species that would collapse the balance. 
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This man really said “I’ve known these chucklefucks for a week and a half but if anything happened to them--”
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randomthefox · 2 months
I understand that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but considering quite a lot of people actually LIKE Clutch, do you really need to put the rants about him in his tag? Most people go to that tag because they're fans. You could easily just put them in something like "IDW Sonic" or "IDW critical" and it would be a lot more respectful to his fans.
First of all
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Second of all
>"quite a lot of people actually like Clutch"
Lol no they don't. Go be a liar somewhere else.
Third of all
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If you want me to stop being critical of YOUR thing in YOUR tag for it, then YOU go and tell YOUR peers to stop being critical of MY thing in MY tag for it. Because it is LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to browse the Sonic tag on ANY social media website without seeing jackass chucklefuck assholes talking shit about the games. Why the FUCK should YOU get to avoid seeing criticism of the media you like by corralling it away into its own special little tag, but I don't? Start telling YOUR people to tag THEIR posts that are critical of the video games with appropriate tags like "I'm a massive asshole who hates video games" so I can filter them appropriately. Otherwise fuck off.
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threemouthedcanine · 10 months
"S-some people write incest fanfic to cope"
I DONT CARE, GO FUCK YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Regardless of whether the author is a survivor, whether the fic is 100% perfectly tagged, whether they crossed their t's and dotted their i's, there is such a palpable and obvious difference between creative writing and other artworks that have incestual abuse as a core theme to explore and depict within the artwork, and some weird broads openly fetishistic incest shipfic. It is so fucking LAUGHABLE that y'all keep insisting that because a theoretical few survivors "write and publically post incest fic to cope" it makes it:
1. Automatically value neutral.
2. Above any and all critique, including those from other survivors.
3. Exist within a vacuum where it has no influence on others.
Lets start with number one and by far the most common excuse. To put it simply, these bitches are not Vladimir Nabokov. They are not creating worthwhile or interesting art, it is openly drooling eroticized & romanticized swill that is triggering as all fuck, and the people who flock to it and praise and reshare it are getting off to that eroticized portrayal to the detriment of all other survivors who in fact do not ship incest to cope. We all have seen what works this theoretical "coping artist" produces and regardless of the intention or mental state of the author the end result is still swill, both for its contents and for the presentation of said contents. I do not care.
Its so funny how the theoretical "coping artist" is absolved of all wrongdoing and criticism because they're coping but OTHER survivors are supposed to just suck it up when we're being negatively impacted by the constant fetishistic portrayals of the worst most terrible abuse to ever happen to us. It's not as if we don't try to avoid it, we do. As much as possible. But incest fic writers are determined to put their incest fetishism out into the world where all can see, whether they like it or not.
Do you understand how fucking exhausting it is to enter a character tag for a moment of peace and relaxation and have to close the tag, go to your blacklist, and add it #cw incest #tw incest #incest tw #twincest #incest warning #1nc3st #(specific ship name you barely remember and are hoping you spelled right the first time) because some chucklefuck decided to tag their fic with the character name and a new subtle variation on a warning tag that slipped past the blacklist and you can block them! You can go and block everyone in the notes too just to cover all your bases and hope that you don't get triggered too badly while blocking every name you see for minutes on end.
But there's always fucking more. My blacklist has quite literally hundreds of tags on it and that still doesn't protect me from other peoples negligence. Not to mention the mental toll of having to be so vigiIant, having to constantly keep my head on a swivel for this shit because some vague post about "censorship in art is bad innit" wasn't actually about censorship but about some cunt mad that their incest fic didn't get the praise and accolades they felt they deserved. I'm exhausted.
But if any survivors express anger, hatred, and resentment over this bullshit, we're in the wrong, because don't you know? They're #coping.
Well. As a survivor I cope by telling people who post their incest fic to character tags to kill themselves. Do I also get to be let off the criticism hook scotfree, or is that privilege only for the survivors who happily write the porn you jack off to?
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wahbegan · 2 years
I love Se7en but every time i think of John Doe i get irrationally angry. Seven deadly sins murders is a cool concept, and he managed to fuck up every single one of them.
Gluttony: A fat guy, very original. Fat people are everywhere, why this particular guy? He lived in a shithouse apartment, that he rarely ever left, all alone. Dude, by all counts, had a miserable life. There are chucklefuck foodies eating at fine restaurants, gnawing at three course meals with a price tag that could feed a hundred squawking mouths and then throwing the rest in the sewer because it wasn’t up to their standards and you picked a poor fat guy. A plus, you fucking idiot Greed: Yes, a lawyer, very clever. Except criminal defense lawyers don’t make the best money out of lawyers and do an integral service to the community. Get an ambulance chaser, one of those class-action dickheads who really screws their clients or a corporate lawyer it you must get a lawyer for fuck’s sake, but there are people richer and shittier than them Lust: A girl who committed the sin of hooking. Here let me define hooking real quick. Hooking, verb, informal. To have sex with PAYING customers for MONEY. If she wanted to have the sex that badly, she wouldn’t be charging for it, numbnuts. Kill the John. Better idea, kill any random rapist, you live in Rain City, Home of The Permanent Neo-Noir Filter and dudes who stab their mugging victims’ eyes out for fun, apparently, surely it can’t be that fucking difficult to find one. Sloth: The only one who definitely did deserve to die, and yet for the life of me i have no idea what the fuck the sin of Sloth has to do with his crimes. A drug-dealing pedophile? Great! Oh, you need a lust victim, why don’t you get him instead, dip-ass? Sloth. I know Sloth’s a hard sin to find someone who does it egregiously enough to kill them over, but come the fuck on Pride: Okay, have you ever actually spoken with a model? Models are the most put-upon women on Earth, any pride that they have a thin veneer over a lifetime of damage, insecurities, and self-objectification. Matter of fact, i’m not sure any woman is 100% qualified for the sin of Pride just cause of the (Joker voice) sOcIeTy we live in. In contrast, talk to literally any man at a bar. I guarantee it won’t take longer than 45 minutes to find a mark. Wrath and Envy: Okay, i guess doing yourself for Envy works? Got a long list of sins other than that, chief among them being a prize-winning fucking dumbass, but sure. And Wrath, a dirty cop quick to resort to violence! Excellent! Too bad you decided to get all Medieval and kill his family instead of him, accomplishing nothing. I know you think it proves out your stupid little philosophy, but did the Wrathful person stop existing? No? So it’s no fucking punishment, is it?
Fuck John Doe. Fucking ludicrous, that guy is an asshole. Follow for more fictional serial killer reviews
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 2 months
Waves Crashing on Distant Shores of Time
by MementoMori1999 Everything always comes back to Jason. Everything in Tim’s life revolves around his connection to that chucklefuck. His adoration, his regrets, his life, his death, his rebirth, his rise, his fall, it always goes back to that street boy who stole the Batmobile’s tires one fateful night. Bruce literally designed it to be that way, designed it so that they will be forever connected despite the truth having far less divine providence. You can’t have Tim without Jason. Tim is nobody without Jason. Tim doesn’t exist without Jason. Six long years after a devastating tragedy, Tim and Bruce talk things out and one of them finally learns to move on. Words: 5744, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 7 of A Broken Home Without Foundations Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), DCU, DCU (Comics), Red Robin (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: Gen Characters: Tim Drake (DCU), Bruce Wayne Relationships: Tim Drake & Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Tim Drake Has Issues, Bruce Wayne Has Issues, BOY DO THEY HAVE ISSUES, Meta, Mentioned Jason Todd, Implied Childhood Sexual Abuse, nothing actually happens/happened but I’m tagging just in case, Canon Divergence - Jason Todd's Attack on Titans Tower, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst, Tim Drake-centric, Grief/Mourning, Acceptance, Unreliable Narrator, but he gets better! via https://ift.tt/fnMN7gq
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7rabbi7s · 11 months
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alligatorjesie · 1 year
Man. You’re right @driversfavtwink , I should go outside and touch some grass.
Hey wait a minute.
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I’m already outside.
This reminds me of that time I made a whole post involving an anti and how instead of telling people in this fandom to kill themselves, a thing they had done repeatedly in the past, how to go outside and touch exactly the right type of grass and to spend some fucking time doing that instead of what they were actively doing,
Which was telling people in my fandom to kill themselves.
You don’t even fucking understand just how much grass I regularly touch just to deal with anti shitwads.
And you know what this anti told me after I took all that time to record them a personalized video with extraordinarily detailed explanations on how to take care of this incredibly invasive plant?
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because that’s fucking normal.
Let’s not forget how a few years ago a furry convention I go to every year was chlorine bombed by a nazi fur who was disgruntled when con staff told them we don’t allow nazis into the fucking con.
A very real thing that happened to me and over 7,000 other furries in the middle of the night in winter in Chicago.
Then a few weeks ago I counter protested with the same invasive plant info at a drag show in an attempt to block visibility to a death cult church who regularly pickets any pride events in my town like our own personal westboro baptist church.
They spent the evening telling me and everyone there how we was all gonna burn in a lake of fire.
This is were they set up and spent the next 5ish hours death proselytize a drag show.
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Unlike @miguelsdumbass, I actually don't mind people knowing I'm a real person doing real things like the person I say I fucking am.
I'm not asking a child to show me proof of who the are by the way. They can tell me there the queen of fucking France for all the fucks I don't give. I just want them to fix their fucking tags and get the fuck out of this fandom space. It's the first thing I said to this chucklefuck and it'll be the last fucking thing I ever say to them.
You know, it just seems like hateful people keep encroaching on the spaces I should be safe in but for some reason assholes like you seem to think I'm overreacting when all I'm fucking doing is telling them to Leave if they hate it so much. I don't want 'em here, and the entire fucking fandom/drag show/pride event/convention don't want this hateful shit either.
It seems like I'm having a lot of trouble just going into spaces that were designated for us being interrupted by assholes who can't read the fucking room.
I’m noticing a pattern is all I’m saying.
@Miguelsdumbass here isn’t even the worst one. They’re just a child and really fucking stupid.
Which by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, whats it like living a total lie? I remember when I was your age I lied about working for disney’s animation studios. And people fucking believed me.
The internet and fun and full of stupid people.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is not Jewish because this wasn’t even a thing on their bio until I dared to bring up nazis and that’s all this pee brained moron could think up when being compared to the same group of people who regularly tell me and my friends to kill themselves, which antis do. Telling a whole group of people they should eat shit and die for participating in a thing, that’s some nazi shit you know? The trans thing is new by the way @miguel-o-haras-rp, what argument lead to this one? Are you gonna identify as an attack helicopter next? Who knows what new personality you’ll invent in the coming weeks. A better one we can only fucking hope.
Not until you finally figure out the horrible history of antis and abhorrent anti behavior that's for fucking sure.
Antis, which shitass here openly says they’re a member of;
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have been telling people to kill themselves since fucking time immemorial.
‘Anti’ is a new term but the act of being one isn’t fucking new.
nazis are anti Jewish.
Straight white conservatives are anti anything that ain’t a straight white conservatives.
@miguel-o-haras-rp is anti using common sense genetics to realize multiracial people can look multiracial.
I’ve been around the block. I know hateful people when I see them. The fact you’re defending this person says more about you than me @driversfavtwink.
I do see the irony in being told by a Adam Driver superfan, historically really fucking weird people into some weird shit but whatever you do you boo I ain't a part of that drama, are more normal than the reylos who are just enjoy a fictional canon vanilla fandom and ship, but go fucking off I guess.
I ain't never doxxed anyone. But I know a few adam driver superfans who have.
Daivers are the weird fucking people who obsessively ship Daisy and Adam, the real people and not their fictional Star Wars characters, are not to be confused with "Reylos".
We are not the same fucking thing.
No one is white washing a half white character by stating the half white character looks a little white.
Ya'll are real fucking stupid.
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Antis ain’t your fucking friend.
Antis are fucking scum who tell people the most horrible shit. They’re not any fucking better than that church who pickets my local pride events or that nazi who chlorine bombed a bunch of furries because we didn't like his shitass racist opinions.
and they’re not any fucking better than real nazis, a group of people so passionately hateful they just went straight to killin’ the thing they hated.
I can and will make that comparison because
much like how nazis kept actually killing Jewish people, antis keep telling me and mine to fucking die in just about every group I'm in.
Not just in the reylo fandom, but in the furry fandom, and in the LGBTQ community too.
And that's some nazi shit and it's getting really fucking old.
And if you’re gonna act like one you can leave too shitass, fuck
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lacependragon · 1 year
Once again consumed by the unending annoyance and rage at people caring more about a pair of fictional women kissing (badly animated, at that, it's so fucking stiff) over the treatment of real-life people who are actually, really suffering. Who have been harmed and abused. Who continue to struggle.
Oh, and if it's not the fictional women, it's the bird man.
Like. You'd rather support a sexist, ableist, racist, transphobic, cunty organization and throw them your money eagerly and willingly, while pretending they aren't horrible, to continue being this horrible, all over a pair of fictional women kissing than support trans and queer creators.
When canon is created by a bunch of prejudiced chucklefucks you take the canon FROM THEM and make your OWN while arguing that they need to PAY THEIR FUCKING WORKERS.
Go read your fucking fanfiction! God knows none of you write it. Or else you wouldn't whine so hard about creators taking too long.
"But all shows are like that."
I don't care. I don't buy Spiderverse merch. I don't buy RWBY merch. And I certainly don't beg for a shitty organization to greenlight another season of a show made by shitty people just so I can watch them abuse and belittle and fire everyone ELSE on their crew who ISN'T a fucking freelancer or contract worker.
Write a fucking fanfiction and stop acting like a show who keeps firing EVERYONE WHO CARES ABOUT IT is actually good enough to "justify" (no such thing) the massive harm and hatred of queer and trans people within the workspace, the livelihoods destroyed, and the careers forever tossed aside.
There is no CRWBY.
The writing is shit.
And more importantly: real people are getting hurt.
Write a fucking fanfiction. Stop using the fucking V10 hashtag. And remember that real world people are suffering and that if you condone this suffering, you are shitty.
Writing fic and drawing fanart is great! But seriously you chucklefucks drop the fucking tag.
No show, especially one that is:
fatphobic (only villainous or perverted characters are fat)
colourist & racist (all dark skinned characters are villainous or die, with the exception of fucking EMERALD and Oscar, but we have Hazel, Arthur, and Sienna to start)
ableist (no one is allowed to go without prosthetics, scars exist only for vibes, disability is never given a nuanced discussion, demonization of mental illness, not to mention the entirety of Ruby's storyline in V9)
queerphobic (toxic masculinity is everywhere, Ren's basically the only guy allowed to be remotely feminine, the obnoxious lack of queer men on screen due to RT's well-documented homophobia)
or sexist (yeah you'd think it wouldn't be, but when you consider the amount of V9 that is focused on Jaune at the detriment of focusing on the TITULAR CHARACTER'S MENTAL HEALTH, and considering this isn't the first time, I'm calling it)
...should have this much of a stranglehold on people's lives! It's not fucking worth it!
I love RWBY. I have loved RWBY since the Red Trailer. Those four girls mean a lot to me. I also acknowledge that it is full of fucking flaws that I work very hard to overcome and rewrite in my fanfics.
So, do like me:
Write a fucking fanfiction.
It's better than the show's actual writing, these days, anyway. And this doesn't hurt real life people who RT continues to harm just because, I dunno, they fucking can?
Anyway I'm disappointed in people. You can want V10 without using the hashtag. You can want V10 while speaking up about how people are mistreated and you don't want it to continue. You can want V10 and be happy to wait.
But if you prioritize the tenth season of a fictional web show over fixing the problems within the company, both specifically and as a whole, that are destroying people's lives, then you're just a loser.
Just a fucking internet loser.
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kawaiisatanist · 2 years
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I posted 257 times in 2022
65 posts created (25%)
192 posts reblogged (75%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 179 of my posts in 2022
Only 30% of my posts had no tags
#q - 67 posts
#bug speaks - 54 posts
#bug answers - 22 posts
#aesthetique - 19 posts
#witchblr - 8 posts
#satanism - 7 posts
#theistic satanism - 7 posts
#satanic witch - 3 posts
#antisemitism tw - 3 posts
#need - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#and aside from lilith appropriation literally everything else you said is wrong
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My custom baphomet plush, made from a regular goat plush. I'd like to go back and replace the chest someday, but I'm happy with how the plush turned out as a whole.
50 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
I can't believe that I have to say this, but no, working with demons isn't antisemetic
60 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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My new baby!
75 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
There's a problem in the witchcraft community of calling psychotic people / schizophrenic people "gifted". I've seen people encourage people's delusions, encouraging them to go off their meds to hone their "gift" ect.
We are not gifted, we are mentally ill.
When I have god delusions, I'm not actually a god, I'm just mentally ill.
It's difficult to determine what is reality sometimes WITHOUT chucklefucks on tumblr telling me I'm secretly the next messiah.
85 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Witchcraft doesn't come from the vagina, it never has.
307 notes - Posted September 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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incarnateirony · 2 years
Maybe 2po thinks Dean is still 15x19-15x20 gap Dean like in the script you leaked?
nono, see he had actually previously implied he thought that, then the M&G came and he got super smug about something I was "wrong" on. And I turned over my notes over and over and over and lo and behold there was nothing I was wrong on.
I had to think and meditate, deeply, for a few minutes. I had to feel the IQ bleed from my ears. I let my mental capabilities flap in the wind, until I could hear the wind blowing through my ears and knew, I was at state stupid enough to understand him, then I looked again and realized because a friend said "he thinks you mean purgatory" and I looked back and sure enough someone had said some shit like that, and he just. IDK. Randomly assumed that's what it was, damn my 200 pages of heaven meta or my current heaven and heaven adjacent tags. holy fuck.
Dude. It's the axis mundi. It's a road through heaven, but also through other planes this fandom wouldn't call heaven in its classical sense. Hell at one point they almost connected it to the bunker but didn't have the budget for it. Because guess what, chucklefuck, even earth is part of the heavens, it's just chuck's personal heavenbox. In fact the only planes we don't know of it connecting to are Purgatory and Hell... ish. Because some see a river, and you follow a river to the gates in purgatory and hell sooooo you know whatever. Probably irrelevant. Definitely not the road dean's on, because his car isn't in a FUCKING river, you brainiac.
oh wait now we're getting into complicated thoughts for you. Just. Hey stupid. Read the chart again. Jensen did. Robbie did. And yeah, Bobo did. Whether you squeal about his credits or not.
That's the fucking joke, dipshit. He probably looked wry with that sparkle in his eyes when he said it. Because that's the FUCKING joke. BRO ALL THE AXIS MUNDIS WERE MY BANNER FOR LIKE TWO MONTHS. HOW DO YOU FAIL THIS BAD.
Did he just extract this leap of logic from us comparing the ambiance of a few scenes to purgatory callbacks? Is that the leapfrog he fuckin launched to? Dude, similar isn't the same, it's not even the same gamma. It's just close enough we can spot callbacks. MURPH AND JOHN WERE IN VIETNAM, NOT PURGATORY, NO MATTER THE FAMILIAR VIBES. ARE. YOU. OK.
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