#actually so hungry now
i want to eat a chair
why do they look so yummy like huh???
stop making them so tasty looking i can taste it with my eyes
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beeseverywhen · 26 days
Mind blowing that this even needs to be said but
Neat run down of all the ways we're poorer now than in 2010. In case you come across anyone honestly asking 'are we more well off after 14 years of tory rule' no. You aren't. Even a little bit.
We analyse a key point of contention in the general election campaign: the government’s record on pay, housing, energy and food bills
It is a simple question – and it will be at the heart of the general election campaign. After 14 years of Conservative government, people are asking: am I any better off?
The answer for most people is – no, you are not better off.
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randomminty · 5 months
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The og iono fan
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beastwhimsy · 26 days
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I think if he's an immortal cosmic deity he should get cool as flarp powers. to be honest.
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antlerslayer · 5 months
shauna's main issue with jackie was that she felt like she didn't have any agency in their relationship and that jackie dictated all of her actions but if shauna actually communicated how she felt jackie would have obeyed anything shauna told her to do like she'd literally replicate tai's happy wife happy life agenda
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seeminglyseph · 1 year
I think it matters a lot that a) everyone who has seeming offered to help Karna has done so *after* she needed it. And b) was in some way using her and therefore needed her.
In the eyes of a child, if you weren’t there when she needed you, and can’t even help yourself, what good are you to her?
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hotvintagepoll · 3 months
Danielle Darrieux in The Rage of Paris (1938) I thought she was adorable in this scene.
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photofi · 9 months
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residentrookie · 10 months
(8/31) prompt: takeout — 1,213 words (implied nsfw) (regulus conveniently forgets to tell james about his birthday) @jegulus-microfic
Regulus wouldn’t say he has a favorite time of day per say, but if he were held at gunpoint and forced to pick he supposes he’d choose somewhere in the range of 5:30 and 6:00 pm. If you asked him why, he’d tell you it’s because he likes watching the sun go down and not because that’s when James Potter stops by his apartment after his daily trip to the gym. 
And it’s definitely not because he always arrives dressed in his tight, slutty tank tops, skin still glistening with a light layer of sweat, salty and earthy and so distinctively James smelling. 
(In truth, it makes Regulus feel fucking insane, but he tries to hide that bit.) 
Today, when he rips open his door at 5:47 he’s met with that exact sight: James, smiling but slightly out of breath, a duffle bag slung over one toned shoulder that’s of course sinfully on display. Seriously, his fucking arms…
Regulus smiles back helplessly, the smallest uptick of one side of his mouth. He opens the door wider, tilting his head to invite James inside. They’ve been seeing each other for about a month now (and these evening visits have only been a thing for the past week), but James seems to have a routine already set in place. He toes his shoes off by the front door (Regulus never asked him to, but he must have noticed that Regulus always removes his own and followed suit). The duffle bag comes off his shoulder about five steps inside, set neatly against the wall and out of the way, before he turns to Regulus and gives him “the look.” It definitely belongs in the category of “begging” (Regulus is getting better at identifying that one) but as for what he’s begging for? 
Regulus rolls his eyes but huffs a laugh. “Seriously? Again?” 
If the sex wasn't so good, he'd be forced to believe that James' only reason for coming here was to raid his kitchen.
James’ face grows somehow more pitiful. “I forgot to pack a snack after the gym and I’m starving, Regulus, honestly, or I wouldn’t ask—” 
He would, he’s shameless. Regulus doesn’t mind. 
“Fine. But I’m not cooking you anything tonight. It’s Friday. I don’t cook on Fridays.” 
“Okay, fair.” 
Regulus waves a hand behind him as he saunters to the living room. “Anything in the fridge is up for grabs.” 
“Fuck yes,” James says with the enthusiasm of a growing teenage boy (he’s 25). “You know, I would take this opportunity to shower you with compliments but uh,” he pauses, knowing Regulus’ curiosity will force him to glance back over his shoulder, “I’ll save that for later, yeah?” 
James’ cheeky grin only grows as he watches Regulus’ face get hot. With that, he’s ducking his head down into the fridge and Regulus is left to wonder exactly how fast James clocked his praise kink. He supposes he’s not exactly subtle about it. 
“Hey what’s in this brown box, Reg?” James asks a few moments later, his voice muffled as he rumages through the fridge. “Leftovers? Or takeout?” 
Regulus blinks, remembering. “Oh, uh, neither— that one— actually, that’s—” 
James reappears, his face a mask of confusion as he stairs down into the open takeout box. “Cake?” 
Regulus’ face is burning again, but for a completely different reason. “Um. Yeah.” 
“You don’t eat cake.” 
It's true. Regulus told him that once on a date when James insisted on ordering dessert for them. He’d just forgotten to mention his only exception. 
“Well. I do when it’s my birthday.” 
The takeout container drops from James’ hands, forgotten. He stares at Regulus with utter horror, eyes wide and jaw hanging. 
“Y-your— birthday— When? When the fuck did you have a birthday and not tell me about it?” 
Regulus winces a bit at James’ tone, his brother’s earlier words coming back to him. 
James is a birthday guy, okay? Any chance he gets to celebrate the people he loves is like… like a fucking holiday for him. So just let him have it. 
Okay but I am not a “birthday guy," Sirius, Regulus had pointed out stubbornly. His brother of all people, the only other person with first person insight into their upbringing, should know this by now. Shouldn’t I have a say on who does and doesn’t know about my birthday? It’s not a big deal.  
Sirius had sighed, one of those really put upon exhales that made Regulus roll his eyes at the drama of it all. Whatever, Reg. Tell your boyfriend or don’t, I don’t give a fuck. Just know if you don’t, you’ll regret it. 
Not my boyfriend, Regulus had mumbled, resisting the temptation to add the word “yet.” 
“You were out of town,” Regulus points out to James weakly.
He bats the excuse away. “So this past weekend, then. I was with your fucking brother, he couldn’t have mentioned it?” 
“I asked him not to.” 
“Of course you did. Oh my god, I wouldn’t have gone out of town if I knew, I would have planned something— a nice dinner, like steak or something, or no, you like that Italian place in town— and then we could have had a picnic on the beach because it was a full moon and I could have made chocolate covered strawberries because I know you like those, or actually I could have made you a fucking cake since you seem to eat them exclusively on your birthday.” He pauses his rant, looking increasingly agitated and distressed before turning to Regulus, incredulous. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have— I would have—” 
“James,” Regulus says, stepping back into the kitchen, walking all the way up to him. “James. Hey.” It takes a second for the tension in James’ shoulder to drop completely, but when it does, Regulus continues. “My birthday isn’t— it’s not exactly my favorite day of the year. In fact, I try to treat it exactly like every other day, like there’s nothing special going on at all.” 
“But that’s so sad,” James whispers. 
Regulus shrugs. “Not to me. My parents made my birthdays hell. They were family events. It was about everyone in the world except for the person actually turning another year older and I had to wear fucking ties and I hated them and everyone there. And they never let me eat the cake. It was “for guests.” 
James sighs. “Everyday, I think I can’t hate them more…” 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” Regulus admits. “I should have. I know you enjoy… celebrating.” He bumps James’ shoulder lightly with his fist. When he goes to move his hand, James captures it, holding it to his chest. 
“I want to celebrate you however you want to be celebrated, baby.” James’ voice is soft and warm. Regulus closes his eyes and leans into it. 
“However I want, hm?” he murmurs, his forehead resting against James’ chin. “You mean that?” 
He feels James pull away before looking up, brown eyes engulfing him in a sea of sinful intentions. 
“You know I do.” 
“Thought you were hungry,” Regulus says breathlessly, already pulling them away, backing up in the direction of his room. 
“Believe me,” James tells him shamelessly, “I am.”
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reallilystuff · 8 months
back on my drawing bullshit or whatecer....yeag
*haves ur lock @naffeclipse* your oc. her. eel(?) looking lady. havelocked. she is. so so cool looking
pov ur about to become fish food. sleeping with the fishies tonight. uhhh what other fish related prey jokes can i make. uuuuuummm
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oh yheh drawing pile task #1 out of 23568 done yippeee!!!! now i go back into my cave for the next four years
little version without the murky lighting below readmore for funsies
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ɢᴜʜ ʙᴜʜ? ᴡʜᴜʜ? ʜᴜʜ ᴡʜᴜʜ? ʏᴜʜ?
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mag-loopy · 1 year
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“Apple of my eye and the breaker of my heart”
A bit of a doodle because I wanted to draw a very very shiny apple.
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pup-pee · 26 days
otp is angel fangs x snake bites
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moggettt · 4 months
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HERE IT IS!! after Many moons of chipping away at this OC song comic for my scifi-noir android character Whitney and his bodyguard Bast, it is finally as complete as it shall ever be;; I’m proud of the work I put into this one! Pretty niche, but maybe some folks out there will enjoy UuU
ps: there's also a video for easy viewing!
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arctic-mizikio · 1 year
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I miss Enjou so much, if he came back I would also come back to the game ngl
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moomeecore · 8 months
i found a book abt the anti lawn movement at the library & decided to sit out in my yard & read it. but ironically there was a neverending barage of power tool noises making it difficult to focus. so i walked to a nature park near me in order to escape the dreaded sounds. almost stopped at the mowed picnic table area bc i hate walking but fortunately pushed forward and made myself walk up an annoying hill to an area that is a preservation of a native oak savanna & sat down against a tree near the edge of the path & did my reading there. and honest to god that was a 100/10 experience. there was something so powerful abt being in a preserve for a locally native habitat while reading abt the impacts homeowners can have on native plant preservation! it powered up my energy towards my life mission (evangelize abt enviormentally sustainable gardening to every single person who comes within a 10 ft radius of me) by like. 15 points. also a deer walked up to me and that was super cool
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un-monstre · 9 months
All this product placement for soup. It's like the writers were paid off by Big Soup
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