#actually surprised i hadnt made a post about this yet
rassicas · 1 year
In the splatoon fanbase, there are many misconceptions surrounding the relationship between inklings and water. without fail whenever I mention something related to the topic I'll get replies of "actually the canon is [some popular but incorrect theory]" "no they can do this and this canonically [it's actually a headcanon]" "no its really [something NOA made up]"
so to briefly go over The Facts:
Inklings canonically die when submerged in water. And yes, getting "splatted" is them dying for real, respawning is also an in-universe thing that has existed for at least 2000 years and not just a game mechanic. While the dying in water thing originally came from a game mechanic, it has been repeatedly stated that they incorporated this into the inkling's biology. The water weakness is not because of the water itself being toxic. The reason is based in osmosis. in the process of their evolution, Inklings (and octolings) changed a lot, and one of these changes was the ability to transform between a humanoid and swim form. Doing this transformation requires skin that is a thin, semi permeable membrane [this kind of skin is a trait found in real life molluscs]. The evolutionary trade off is that, because of how semi permeable their skin is, the ink inside of their bodies will bleed out when in contact with another liquid. This is the answer given directly by the series' creator. And here it is confirmed that while the water weakness originated from game mechanics, it is very much became a part of an inkling's in-universe biology. Kind of like how a slug will die if you sprinkle salt on it (for a reason that's almost the same as the inklings), but ultimately needs salt in its diet through the food it eats to live, inklings do drink water and other liquids. Its also not like they touch water and immediately explode, it seems they can wash their hands in it and dip their feet in it and be fine.
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Some people think the water weakness is stupid, personally i think its reasonable because Inkling biology is already weird as hell and of how ridiculously advantageous it is to be an ink-based cephalopod. the ink gives them the ability to jump absurdly long distances and cheat death to an extent. they're not losing much by not being able to dunk themselves in water. Anyway point is it sucks that all the relevant canon information on this is one of those japan only things/exclusive to developer interviews and pretty much every time it's brought up in English the localizers make shit up. I plan to make a video about this one of these days, but with how 'controversial' the topic is, and how many little details and connected concepts there are, I've been holding it off because I want to do it right. there's also some specific details that are unclear that I've been hoping would be clarified in the artbook or a dev interview but haven't, I might just have to go for it at this point. for the time being, i hope this post helps clear up a few things!
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baahsu · 1 year
ahem. apologies for yelling!!! but 2. op please do NOT delete ur twitter post (unless You want to, ofc) of my writing!! it made me so very happy to see that you liked my stuff sm that you went thru the effort of putting it on another site- like that is SO heartwarming and kind tf?? 🥺💗❤💙🖤💚
BUT happy yelling aside, im here to do my job and provide more content for ye. of many flavors, actually!! but ill start w this one and then probably continue my insane vscest ramblings in other asks lmao. if you don't vibe with this Mashup of characters then feel free to ignore this :]] <3<3
so. tumblr user baashu. i saw that you were in a ronami mood on Bird App. so. hear me out, maybe. robin, nami, and reiju all have a sleepover (emphasis on the Sleep part, but no one other than those 3 has to know that ;]) on the sunny!! reijus visiting, as she does
and sanji, hearing about this so-called sleepover through the grapevine, decides he's going to be a good nakama and little brother and surprise them with their favorite snacks and drinks!! sleepovers are always better with good provisions, especially for ones that go all night long
however. sanji was not expecting to open that door (yes it was unlocked for plot purposes and he didnt knock because he had like 7 different plates in his hands let me HAVE this) and see his 3 favorite girls going down on one another.
that boys cigarette fell STRAIGHT out his mouth- a tiny noise escaping him as all 3 girls heads snapped to look at him. he was ready to bolt SO fast, throwing the food he made as gently as he could onto a nearby counter and saying sorry about 40 times per second. he wasnt even halfway out the door before an array of arms sprouting from the floor dragged his ass towards the bed
you KNOW those girls are (lovingly, teasingly) bullying him the whole time, calling him sweetly degredating names. yet they refused to do more than that- not allowing him to touch/participate and yet refusing to let him leave the room
nami calling him a pervert, talking about how for every minute he's in there he gets 5% more debt added to what he already owes her (reijus head was between her thighs as she said all this, btw). robins flirtatiously scolding him about bad manners, leaning over to run her fingers across his cheek and neck as namis head layed on her naked lap. and reijus mouth was too busy to comment, but every once in a while she let out a giggle of agreement when one of her other two partners said something that really made blood drip out of sanjis nose
and once pretty boy was all hot and heavy, the only reason he was locked in place being the disconnected arms restricting his movements? they all take their sweet, sweet time in pleasing him.
AND HES NOT FUCKING COMPLAINING LMAO. this idiot got not one, not two, but THREE hot women to dom him, somehow, by just showing up at the right time. he's taking everything they put him through in stride, whether that be sudden overstimulation or tortuously slow edging, he's loving All Of It
they go the rest of the night until the sun is halfway up, the only reason they let him go being because if they didnt, luffy would come barging in, asking when and why breakfast hadnt been made
and so sanji walks out with an exhausted sense of satisfaction, rumpled close, weak knees, and a dopey smile on his face as he thinks about what to make that day to thank his lovely ladies for this equally as lovely gift
...or i should say he *limps* out, actually. what. you think all of of those girls didn't peg that man until he was screaming???
HAHAH OKOK IM DONE IM DONE I HOPE THIS WAS ALRIGHT AND NOT OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE??? you says you ship allsan so. i hold this rarepair of mine up for you to look at with big eyes and shakey hands lmao
ANYWAYS i need to go write like. actual vscest now that i can post on ao3 someday. uh. see you oshdafafafafwy??? <3<3
THEY'RE LIKE THE OFFICIAL BULLYING SANJI SQUAD FOR ME! And sure reiju might go soft on him because reasons, but she has no problem teasing him and calling him sweet names. She can just let the harder stuff for robin and nami while she busies herself with their bodies instead
And imagining all of robin's arms and hands sprouting everywhere and completely pinning sanji down?? It's so good and so hot, so effortless for her and so effective. Not that sanji really needs to restrained, only look from nami and he'd be motionless, but it's just the fact that robin wants to do it and she knows sanji will melt and let them do whatever they want with him afterwards
I can totally picture nami playing hot and cold with him, one second praising him for being a good boy, on the other calling him a pervert, then saying he's so good to them, so attentive, then saying he's crossed a line and he should've knocked, such a bad, naughty boy that he is
Sanji's lucky he didn't need a blood transfusion after all that. But I mean, reiju was right there, he would've been fine and it would've been worth it
Also I just have to mention how sweet it was of sanji to think about getting them snacks 😭 I think he deserves all the praises just for that
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6okuto · 3 years
Heres something more fluffy, post chapter 12 mc taking felix out on a date bc they know how much of a romantic he is- as much as he has tried to hide it. Maybe they got an idea from one of his novels. Or could be a planned confession if they hadnt actually said I love you yet, just bc they know hed like it.
— mc taking felix on a date and saying i love you
help. i sure wish i noticed this earlier BHSBF no it's ok [ here's the date post where felix is implied to have asked mwah ] this is my apology to him btw. sorry felix here's your first i love you
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the fact that they've spent so much time together and sort of figured out their feelings...but haven't gone on a date and felix hasn't been feeling good...it's time for mc to take initiative
mc taking him around and doing !! as many romantic things as possible !!
sharing a drink with two straws, getting matching jewelry, making wishes at a fountain together, picking out a drink or book for each other, pulling his hand along to make him flustered, surprising him with a kiss whenever they can
you know that lady on tiktok that writes poems on the spot when you give her a prompt,, them getting one together :((
but mc still doesn't think it's enough. so they decide to have something special at the end
hear me out. collecting both of their favourite novels and lines out of them and making like...a little booklet with quotes & at the end they ask if he'd like to go on a date
OR. or. a little scavenger hunt where they leave a quote at each location + a hint and they all lead to mc at the end (with sage and anisa's help probably) :[
y'know the tiktok sound that says "as a cold hearted bitch with no feelings about anything if somebody said this to me i would simply perish and die because that's the most romantic thing ever" yeah. all those quotes. all the ones that he'd love. little romantic nerd
"i don't think i knew i was lonely until i met you"
"i would come for you. and if i couldn't walk to you i'd crawl to you."
"i'll give you the world. the moon. the fucking stars. anything you ask, it's yours. i'm yours."
"when i watch you sleep, i feel overwhelmed that you exist."
mc handing him a bouquet of his favourite flowers..(or if it was my funky little scavenger hunt idea there's a flower at each location)
i want you to look me in my eyes and tell me felix would not be completely overwhelmed and (almost) cry
he thinks he's so cool so edgy so mysterious but he's just always wanted something really romantic to happen to him
and mc doing it of their own volition in such a personalized way??
he takes the time to read each and every quote along with any notes mc made, noticing how many he had mentioned to them and how many he had never seen but made his heart flutter
the "i didn't even have a favourite colour" post except with the quotes that mc starred
he looks at them and they say "i know the past few weeks haven't been easy but i just wanted you to know whenever you want help or a break, i'll be here. and if you'd like to go on another date i'd enjoy that, but it's up to you. i love you"
saying "i love you" is probably . a very big thing for him . the romance and intimacy and trust of it all :/
and if felix could verbally keysmash...he would. if he could vocalize "bsdhbfhfbakd??@!#$%#!@?" that's the noise he'd make
but he can't so all he does is kind of stammer and choke
he tries covering up how flustered and emotional he is by saying "well, that definitely ruins my plans for telling you i love you first, doesn't it?"
felix kissing them and saying "thank you, mc. and yes, i'd love to i—i, um," "you don't need to say it if you don't feel comfortable—" "no, no! i just...i can't—ugh. i really did plan to say it first. but i love you, too. truly, with all of me." :(
i'm on the verge rn
felix rereading all the quotes alone, coming into mc's room, and tackling them into a hug & kiss with no warning </3 help girl
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wolferals · 4 years
🌍parallel universes**🌍
arón piper imagine
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„Hey you." you greeted Arón the second you walked in the door and saw the handsome actor sitting on his bed busy with his phone. He looked up for a quick second and nodded at you. Apparently he was VERY busy.
You went straight to his kitchen after putting down your bag in his room to just grab a quick snack after class.
His kitchen was always super messy so you spend some good five minutes cleaning before you actually went on to make yourself a sandwich.
But as you looked into his fridge you figured, simple toast with jam would have to do. How did this guy not starve?
Then you grabbed your sandwich and walked back to his room where you sat yourself down next to him just to see what he had been up to. While eating your sandwich you were watching him scroll through twitter. All the posts were in Spanish so you didn't quite know what was going on but Arón seemed pretty stressed out about something.
„You okay?" you carefully asked and scanned his side profile. He didnt look at you, he just kept scrolling. You noticed his uneasiness. His left hand had grabbed the sheets rather roughly, you could see the veins on his hand popping out.
„Arón?" you asked again but didnt get a response at all.
You kept on watching him internally freak out for a couple of minutes until you were done and grabbed his phone and slammed it next to you on the mattress.
„Whats wrong?" You sounded pissed off but you were actually just concerned.
Arón leaned his head back against the wall before finally looking at you for the first time this afternoon. „I fucked up." he simply said and ran his hand through his curls.
You looked at him in confusion and then responded:"What happened? What did you do?"
He gave you a sad look. After, he took a deep breath and turned around to face you completely.
„When I was dating Juliana (sorry if thats your name), you remember? I sent her this one picture. Only one! And she leaked it and im fucked. Everyone saw it."
You could see the tears forming in his brown eyes.
„Okay." you spoke and grabbed his hand. „Dont worry! Its gonna be fine. Its just a damn picture. What exactly was on it? Your face too?"
He shook his head. „But my tattoos."
You breathed in heavily before continuing:"Its okay, Arón, really. Its just a picture. Doesnt say anything about you. They know you're not sending shit like that to random people."
He laughed a fake laugh and said:"Y/n its a fucking nude. Its my chest and my fucking dick. Do you think they're gonna forget about it? No."
You just looked at him for a while because you werent sure what to say.
„You have to ignore it. They will stop talking about it tomorrow because something else will be more interesting, thats how twitter works. Just calm down please."
He nodded slowly and took another deep breath.
„Just please dont go on Twitter and ignore anything related to that. I dont want you to see that."
You nodded understanding and pressed his hand a little tighter. „Its gonna be alright." you spoke quietly and pulled him in a tight hug. He seemed to appreciate it since he pulled you really close to his chest and placed his flat hand on the back of your head.
„You're a good girl." he whispered and dug his head in the crook of your neck. To be honest, not the smartest choice of words since all you were thinking of now was this picture.
But the way he said it sounded so innocent, he wouldn't have meant it to be dirty.
„You wanna watch a movie?" you suggested as you let go of him. „Hm. Im not really in the mood. Can we listen to some music por favor?" he pouted and looked at you with big eyes.
„Of course." you replied and lied down on your back.
He did the same and put his arm around you so he'd be more comfortable.
„You okay?" you asked once again after he was just staring at the ceiling for a moment.
Arón simply nodded, his eyes not leaving the wooden ceiling. It felt good to be with him. Alone for the first time in a while, it was always someone around, you never got to talk to him, only him.
You then decided to put on some comforting music to maybe calm him down a bit since he was so drained.
Over the course of the first 3 songs you guys were just laying there, no one said a word. Until Arón suddenly spoke up.
„Do you ever think about if theres another world somewhere where all the people we know, and us are different people? Maybe we're friends in this other universe, or we dont know we exist at all."
You turned your head in confusion to his sudden philosophy.
He turned his head as well and you both ended up looking deep into the others eyes.
„Maybe... maybe we're older in the other world. Maybe we're even a couple or married. Maybe we have kids together, got divorced after 10 years and now we only see each other because of the kids. And maybe you've had another guy after the divorce who's treated you better than me. Because I'm sure I'd be the reason for our divorce."
On the one hand you were touched by his cute words but on the other hand it made you laugh how deep he suddenly got, talking about the both of you being an old divorced couple.
„You're crazy." you grinned and looked back at the ceiling.
Slowly you closed your eyes and fully concentrated on the music.
It was silent for a bit until you heard his voice again.
„Maybe i messed up in the other universe, maybe the other Arón ended up alone because he missed his shot, maybe he didnt use the chance to kiss the other y/n when the perfect moment had come. You'd be happy with another man and I would regret not kissing you all my life."
You opened your eyes. Just to see his face inches away from yours.
None of you said a word.
You kept staring into his deep brown eyes while they got closer and closer. He carefully leaned in and you were more than ready to feel his kiss.
„May I?" he whispered against your lips.
With a little nod you accepted and a moment later you felt his plump lips softly pressing against yours.
You expected his kisses to be rougher but you loved the way he kissed you that moment.
The kiss didnt last long, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours.
„You're all Ive ever wanted y/n. And im sorry, if you dont feel the same way thats okay. I just didnt want to regret not doing it." he explained in a soft tone before looking at you again.
You didnt know what to think that second but all you knew was that your body craved him. Your soul was screaming for his touch.
So you did what you had to do.
You pulled him down on the back of his neck to kiss him a little harder this time. He seemed surprised but kissed back immediately. He made you feel alive again, after your last sad relationship you didnt want to be in love again. But this boy made you fly.
After making out for a bit, you wanted more. You tugged on his shirt, telling him to take it off. He pulled away quickly and looked at you. „Are you sure you want to do this?"
You just nodded, your body shaking from the inside. You wanted him to love you the way no one ever did before.
Arón skillfully tore off his shirt and threw somewhere in the room. He then carefully took of yours, looking down at you in awe. „Bonita." he whispered and started planting soft tender kisses on your collar bones, neck and your boobs.
„Joder." he cursed as he kept kissing down your exposed stomach.
You started moaning quietly when he reached the hem of your pants. „Can I?" he asked again.
It killed you how sweet he was. You always thought he'd be the kind of guy to rip your clothes off in a second and fuck you rough but he wasnt acting like that at all.
Slowly he slid your jeans down your legs and threw them on the floor. Afterwards he climbed back on top of you to kiss you softly again. You could feel the passion in the kiss.
„Are you ready?“ he whispered while grabbing a condom from his nightstand. Quickly you pulled down your panties and sat up so he could take off your bra for you.
„You‘re so beautiful.“ arón murmured and grabbed your boobs carefully just to place a kiss on your lips again.
„Lie down bebe.“
You did as he said and lied down on your back. You looked up at him with lustfilled eyes. He looked so beautiful kneeling inbetween your legs, in just his boxers. His abs were glistening in the light and his curls were falling perfectly on his forehead.
You just waited for him to start you didnt notice that he took off his underwear meanwhile.
„Ready?“ he asked again and looked down at your exposed body while he was holding his surprisingly big dick in his right hand.
You nodded and couldnt stop staring at his cock that was already leaking precum into the condom.
„Alright babe.“
You were so horny by now you couldnt wait to feel him inside of you.
Slowly and very carefully he pushed his length in your pussy. You hadnt had sex in a long time so it did hurt a little bit. But nothing you couldnt handle.
He was staring into your eyes while his dick drove further into you inch by inch.
„estás bien?“ he whispered and held onto your waist.
With a simple nod you agreed.
„Can I move, does it hurt?“
You sat up a little bit. „Yeah you can move. Its okay.“
He lied fully on top of you just to see you closer.
„If it hurts tell me.“
You nodded yet again.
And then he pulled out an inch just to push his dick back inside of your walls. And it felt so damn good.
He continued in a slow pace and you softly moaned out. But eventually you needed more and told him.
He grinned and started fucking you faster. Your eyes rolled back into your skull and you moaned our.
„Yes please.“ Arón grabbed your left hand just to place it next to your hand, intertwining your fingers.
„You‘re perfect.“ he groaned while his thick cock was pistoning in and out of you.
With a moan you replied to his statement.
„Baby you feel so good.“ he moaned out loudly. Very loud to be specific. His deep raspy voice threw you over the edge. Your back arched, your eyes rolled back and a loud high pitched moan left your mouth.
„Cum for me baby.“ he encouraged your orgasm and placed kisses on your neck as it hit you like a wave.
He really did make you feel like you were in heaven.
„Im close too honey. Ride me please.“ he suddenly begged after you had calmed down from your orgasm.
You just nodded and watched him pull out and you both switches positions. Carefully you sat on his dick and leaned forwards to hold onto him.
„Hmm fuck so pretty.“ he moaned and bit his lip when you slowly started bouncing up and down his thick shaft.
This angle made it possible for him to go even deeper.
„Bebesita. Faster por favor.“ he groaned and threw his head back. You tried to fuck his dick as fast as you could, just making yourself moan out loud.
Arón had grabbed onto your waist with one hand, and bit his other hand to stop himself from screaming out loud.
You could hear his muffled moans which only encouraged you to go even faster.
„Baby fuck im gonna...“ he tried to speak but his high was faster and his hips started to twitch and his mouth fell open.
A long deep scream left his mouth the second his orgasm hit him. You could feel his hot cum fill up the condom inside of you and it satisfied you to the max.
His body sank down into the mattress again and all you could hear was his hard breathing and your own heartbeat.
Without saying a word, you got off of him and lied down with your head on his chest and his arm around you.
He breathed out loudly and turned his head to face you.
„Joder.“ he laughed still out of breath. You smiled at him and replied:“I know.“
He pulled your sweating bodies closer together before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
„Thank you.“ you smiled at him.
„What for?“ he looked at you in confusion.
„For kissing me.“
He laughed, grabbed your face and kissed your lips once again.
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abedsweaters · 4 years
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And the winners are....
the Patterned Navy Hoodie, the Gray Cardigan 2, and the Black and Pink Flannel!!!!
Vote here in the FINAL SHOWDOWN: 
and then we’ll have the final results and my personal picks for best in season:)
Breakdown below (and of course, bonus qs)
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Bonus Qs:
thanks for the fic recs <3 tbh had read most of them but i kinda expected that lol i was more interested in seeing what everyone else liked
Kinda surprised about these results! i love both these eps but intro to stats is one of the funniest s1 episodes imo. but on the other hand we stan a shirley episode!!
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Rant Replies <3
i feel u i’m dying
i also like that hoodie this season has been filled w tragic losses
good luck!
ahh i love herrrr my family has 3 kitties and i’m thinking about co adopting a cat w my friend when i move for school in august :0
yike feel better :’-(
same!!!! love to have a place 2 live
lololol im kinda surprised by how some of these brackets turned out! to each there own tho
:( oh dude that’s terrible. sending prayers ur way
thank u very much
oddly the day u sent this was the day after i had a dream involving me meeting danny pudi… interesting
lol it’s always good to hear that people enjoy these i have a lot of fun running them
Community Headcanons: What happens to jeff?
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very disappointed in the lack of people who thought he died from influenza
(missing answers from top to bottom: becomes a lwayer again, gets back with... slater?)
We also have a lot of interesting write ins, read below for ur very specific visions of jeff’s future:
I like the idea of him and Britta having a kid together, but not being together romantically. Roomies raising a kid together. (your parents can't break up if they were never together) 
I feel like he could be the school's legal advisor (because they sure do need one!!) I don't ship Jeff with anyone on the show, so either single or totally new person.
i think jeff w britta or the dean are both spectacular options. annie is too young for him
gets with the dean and annunces it over video call w/ everyone (troy included) and literally not a single person has a reaction. he hadnt even come out yet hes just like "uh im dating the dean" and everyone is like. yeah ok and.
why does jeff, the largest friend, not simply eat the other five?
dies when his lexus tragically collides with a truck carrying 16 gallons of inexpensive scotch. the dean hangs that picture of jeff in cat ears and a leather jacket in a greendale hallway to honor his memory.
jeff & britta both get therapy, get together as healthier people, and find more fulfilling jobs! maybe britta works with kids or something cuz i think she could actually be pretty good at that once she overcomes her issues. jeff does something that's competitive and prestigious but slightly less sleazy than his previous lawyer career. and they're just so fucking married. the kind of old couple that still has supersoaker fights
I don’t care as long as he never gets w/Annie. I’m firmly in the ‘the age gap is creepy’ camp. I have very few opinions on Jeff. Like I don’t hate him? He’s just kinda there for me???
finds a hobby he’s passionate about to the point of letting it shatter his (attempted) unbothered façade. has to work really hard to be good at it but loves the satisfaction. his friends are proud of him and for once he’s genuinely proud of himself too. also he starts AA and falls in love with a single parent who frequents the coffee shop near his meetings. this person is like 35 and the relationship is not creepy. the end?
even tho i like jeff as a character my only post canon ideas for him are that he does NOT end up w annie and goes to therapy to become more settled as a person i guess? and also stops drinking
Kudos if u made it all the way to the bottom of this post. See u for the awards ceremony!!!!
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lcofowler · 4 years
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FULL NAME — leopold kristoff fowler
NICKNAME — leo pretty exclusively methinks........ one of his brother’s used to call him krissy to annoy him n stopped after leo finally punched him over it snickers
D.O.B. — november 12th, 1996
STAR SIGN / MOON & RISING — scorpio sun, sagittarius moon, virgo ascending
MBTI — estp - the entrepeneur
MORAL ALIGNMENT — chaotic neutral
MARITAL STATUS & SEXUALITY — single & pansexual
LANGUAGES — english & dutch
TALENTS / HOBBIES — guitar, bass, drumming, partying titters, soccer, wastes way too much time making tiktoks
TOP 5 MUSICIANS — creedence clearwater revival, dababy :/, elvis presley, run the jewels, glass animals
FAVOURITE BOOK — has he ever even read a book................. a genuine good question. definitely liked some comics tho, like the walking dead ones probs
FAVOURITE FILM & TV SHOW — hes tht person whose fav movie is like . step brothers or something. like i unironically think leo loves tht movie n im sry abt it. he jst doesnt rly care wht he watches at all bt stupid humour like tht wld probs entertain him enough if he was watching something on his own / was attached to the walking dead cuz of the comics but otherwise doesn’t watch too many tv, probs watches marj’s Soaps w her whenever he has free time
FAVOURITE VIDEO GAME — i dnt kno much abt video games. he was probs more of an outdoors than video game kid bt feel like he’d like games w a story like life is strange or dumb ones tht rnt taken seriously n u can jst play simply on ur laptop like coming out on top or tht old computer game façade
WHAT DID THEY DO THIS PAST SUMMER? — worked A Lot to make up fr the damage he’d done after his last Episode at a local grocery store, jst hung out n partied w friends mostly otherwise
WHERE HAVE THEY TRAVELLED? — florida n new york mostly in the states before connecticut, amsterdam a lot, greece and italy as well
DO THEY TAKE ANY PRESCRIPTIONS? — has been given a fuck ton of mood stabilizers to try n hes only jst recently started Actually taking carbatrol tht hes been prescribed after basically being begged to by his aunt n uncle
DO THEY HAVE ANY DIAGNOSIS’S? — bipolar i, adhd
FICTIONAL CHARACTER THEY ARE MOST LIKE? — stu from scream (minus the murder lawl), jj maybank from outer banks, valerio from elite, ransom from knives out (minus the murder once more this pattern is getting scary)
ARE THEY EMPLOYED? WHERE DO THEY WORK? — yes they work as a florist at his aunt n uncle’s flower store fowler’s flowers! steve was so proud of all his hard work this summer he promoted leo to supervisor! :D
WERE THEY POPULAR IN HIGH SCHOOL? — he was definitely talked about, but he also went to like 5 diff high schools, people jst basically heard rumours n saw the stupid stuff he did n if they stuck around to see it it was merely bc they wanted to see if he had the balls to go through with his next stupid plan instead of with the intent of friendship or anything like that
DO THEY DO DRUGS? — ya he kinda jst does wtvr
DRINK? — too much yes.
SMOKE CIGARETTES? — not as much as he used to
SMOKE WEED? — a bit mostly if someone else offers it up
WHERE WERE THEY BORN? WHERE DID THEY GROW UP? — he was born in tallahassee but grew up between there n manhattan a lot depended on wht parent wasnt sick of him yet titters
DO THEY PLAN TO GO TO GRAD SCHOOL? — he doesn’t even kno if he’s gna make it thru his undergrad
WHAT ARE THEIR PLANS POST-GRADUATION? — there are none..... he wldnt b surprised if he jst ended up working at fowler’s flowers fr the rest of his life hes jst so comfortable there n has no idea wht hes gna do.
PARENTS NAMES — renata & archibald (mom n dad), marjorie & steven (aunt n uncle, current guardians)
DO THEY HAVE SIBLINGS? NAMES & AGES? — Yeth theres augustus (28), mikhael (26), vaughn (21), n willhelm (18)
DO THEY HAVE PETS? TYPES & NAMES? — mitzie’s a tortoiseshell cat tht lives at marj n steve’s tht he does love quite dearly bt thts it
ARE THEY RELIGIOUS? WHAT IS THEIR RELIGION IF SO? — lawl no, his dad is 7th day adventist tugs my shirt collar but leo hated it growing up, is pretty spiritual tho thanks to marj n steve
HOW MANY PEOPLE HAVE THEY SLEPT WITH? — god. a Lot. 100+ frankly idek........ he jst doesnt care.
WHAT VEHICLE DO THEY DRIVE? IF THEY DON’T DRIVE, HOW DO THEY TRAVEL AROUND TOWN? — he doesn’t have his own car but he borrows his aunt n uncle’s if they’re not using it, rides his bike around a lot
DESCRIBE THEIR FASHION — so . insanely all over the place. jst doesn’t care. once wore a pair of his aunts leggings to a fkin funeral bc he didnt have anything clean. wore a crop top he made with the words ‘this is what gay looks like’ to a job interview. a sweater that said ‘big dick is back in town’ to a family reunion after he hadnt seen his immediate family in like . a year. jst a lot of absurd thrift store finds n wtvr he wants. patterns tht dont match. very proud of his neon green dr martens w aliens on the side. anything loud rly.......
DO THEY BELIEVE ANY OF THE STORIES ABOUT RADCLIFFE? WHICH ONES? — not really, but he pretends he does and relays them all to his aunt to freak her out bc she RLY believes them
A QUOTE THAT DESCRIBES THEM — “It is an act of rebellion to remain present, to go against society’s desire for you to numb yourself, to look away. But we must not look away.”
A SONG THAT THEY WOULD RELATE TO — morning in america - jon bellion
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chaoskatya · 4 years
unfinished brooke x katya hatefuck fic
hi yall :^) so ive had this sitting in my drafts for a WHILE and ive barely dented the actual planned plot but still i felt like it was kind of a waste of what i did write to not ?? idk do something with it? this was originally written for AQ’s rarepair event but irl stuff got in the way so it never got finished, and i kinda lost the inspo to finish it (for now? idk) so here it is, posted unedited in however it was when i last touched it
brooke x katya hatefuck, (well, planned, i obv hadnt written that far) inspired by pics of trixie and brooke together that one time they were weirdly hanging out a lot irl and that one outfit brooke has that looks like that one outfit katya has the polkadot one u know it
“Ugh, I swear, Vi! She really has something against me! I think she hates me!”
Katya punctuates her sentence with a flail of her arms for emphasis before flopping back onto her bed. Violet just rolls her eyes at her roommate’s dramatics, as per usual. This is the third time they’ve had this conversation this week.
“So she’s a little icy, what of it? It’s not like you’re not used to having a mega bitch around, you live with me,” Violet responds plainly, not even bothering to look up from her laptop, “and I don’t think anybody could hate you, Kat.”
Katya huffs at that. “No, I swear, she hates me.”
Katya Zamolodchikova is absolutely sure of three things in her university life: One, Trixie Mattel is her best friend. Two, nothing gets in between her and Trixie. Three, Brooke Lynn Hytes is absolutely making her best fucking attempt.
Katya and Trixie had met last year, Katya being a sophomore in visual arts and Trixie a freshman in musical theater, when Katya had accidentally crashed Ginger’s (kind of pathetic) attempt at being a tour guide for the freshmen of her course. They’ve only known each other for a year, but ever since then the two quickly became inseparable and a year had felt like a lifetime. All of their friends knew, and Katya held it close to her heart, that nothing could possibly stand in their way. That is, until the beginning of this semester.
Trixie had been elected as class representative at the start of their sophomore year, which did not surprise Katya one bit. But that meant that when Canadian exchange student Brooke Lynn Hytes had arrived for the semester, it was Trixie’s job to show her around and make her feel welcomed. And being that Brooke’s degree in classical dance meant her and Trixie had quite a few overlapping classes, the two hit it off and had gotten closer and closer since. It’s only half way through the semester, yet Katya feels as though she’s slowly becoming more and more of a background character in Trixie’s life. They still text each other when they can, but hangout times have slowly grown increasingly thin and so has Katya’s sanity. Not that it’s Trixie’s fault, of course…
“I can’t explain it. But I promise, it’s almost like she’s purposefully occupying Trixie from me! Every time it looks like we might get a chance to even just talk, she’s there coming round the corner asking Trixie for help in one of their classes or for show recs or whatever. And she always looks me dead in the eye, with her stupid fucking smirk, like she knows what she just did! I can’t explain the feeling I get when I see her!”
Katya’s hit full ranting steam now, half hanging off her bed still flailing as animated as ever.
Violet shuts her laptop and turns to face her. “Mama, sounds like you hate her. Sure it’s not just in your head because you’re jealous the amazon’s occupying your barbie?”
There’s a beat of silence. “Jealous? I guess?” Katya scrunches up her face and sits up. “I mean, how could I not be? With her stupid long legs and her flowing blonde hair, like god, Vi, she’s practically perfect! And have you seen her dance?”
Katya turns to pose her question, but Violet is just staring, giving her a look she can’t decipher. She continues,
“So then, fine, of course I’m jealous, but that’s because Trix is my best friend. I barely see her anymore, and when I do she’s always there and I just get so riled up! And I’m sure Trix has started to notice because god I just can’t stand it when she’s near, it just sets me alight in an awful way. I’ve never felt this way about anybody before!” And it’s true, Katya really does not think of herself as someone capable of fully hating someone else. But by god, is Brooke really testing that.
Violet scoffs, turning away to open her laptop once more. “Look Mary, all I gotta say is that that’s an awful lot of emotion for some best friend jealousy. Also, you have a lecture starting in ten minutes.”
Fuck! Katya checks her watch and immediately jumps up to scramble for her belongings, deeply thankful for her roommate’s type A tendencies yet internally chastising herself for allowing her ranting to consume her time like that. She quickly kisses Violet on the cheek and bids her farewell before putting on her boots and heading out of their dorm room to make her best effort to speed walk to class.
But as luck would have it, not that Katya has a lot of it, she quite literally walks right into the subject of their prior conversation. Well, speak of the devils…
“Oh! Trixie, hi!” Katya laughs, immediately reacting to steady Trixie from where Katya had almost knocked her over with the door. From the way she was standing, she figured she had opened the door just as Trixie was about knock.
“Katya! Thank god, I was worried you wouldn’t be in,” Trixie smiles back brightly, smoothing her fluffy golden hair back into place. (Not that it’s ever really out of place, Katya thinks to herself.) 
Katya smiles at her, a sight for sore eyes she thinks, but when she realizes Brooke is standing at the end of the hall waiting for Trixie, her smile doesn’t quite reach her eyes. Whether Trixie noticed Katya’s tension or not, she didn’t let on. At least Brooke had the decency to wait at a reasonable distance.
“Uh, yeah, I was just heading out though,” Katya replies, trying her best to look sympathetic. She doesn’t mind that she’s running late anymore, just feels bad she even has to go. “But did you need something?”
Trixie looks equally as sympathetic. “Yeah, uh, listen, I’m really sorry. I know we haven’t been able to hang recently and I’m really sorry for that, midterms and all…”
“Hey, it’s alright, I knew you were busy. It’s no problem, really.” That’s a lie.
“But now that it’s over, let’s celebrate! Let me make it up to you? Be my date to the Edwards party tonight?”
Katya’s smile softens. As much as she was planning to trade in the party for a well-deserved movie night in with Violet and Pearl, she finds she really can’t say no to Trixie, especially not when she’s looking at her like an apologetic puppy. Whipped.
“Down for anything with you, Barbie. Meet you at the dorm hall at 8?”
Trixie squeals and picks Katya up by the middle, “AAAAAAAH yes!! See you bitch!!”
Katya squirms violently to be put down but laughs it off anyway. She really can’t be too mad at her best friend.
“Anyway, I gotta run, see you later Trix!” She rushes to hug Trixie quickly once more before escaping as briskly yet casually as she can out the door. This fails her when all semblance of casualty is lost as she passes the point where Brooke is, all tall and blonde and beautiful even just standing around. As she passes, her gaze quite obviously steels ahead to avoid looking Brooke in the eye, but she can’t fail to catch the quite obvious smug smirk the Canadian has posed on her painted lips.
Katya managed to make it to class with only 5 minutes late, thankfully just as her professor was entering the other door. She plops down into her usual seat with an audible groan and immediately drops her head in her hands.
Brooke. Stupid fucking Brooke Lynn Hytes. Lately, Katya’s wandering thoughts always go back to her. There hasn’t been a time where her idle time hasn’t been haunted by a certain ballerina chipping away at her precious concentration. She sees perfect long blonde hair, icy blue eyes, and tone legs that go all the way up. 
If she’s being completely honest with herself, she is just a bit jealous of Brooke but not for the reasons Violet insinuates. I mean, sure, she misses Trixie to bits. But that’s only one of the many straws on the camel that is Katya’s completely rational anger. 
It’s not that she’s perfect, either, but that sure adds another straw. Seemingly introverted, but able to capture the hearts of anyone in her path through quick and honest charm. Graceful and poised, where Katya is not, and tall and curvy, where Katya is not. Katya really doesn’t understand how someone can attend 7am dance classes with a flawless mug and still leave rehearsals with not an eyelash out of place, it’s inhuman.
No, it’s that no matter how much others testify on her behalf, Katya does not understand it. She doesn’t know what she did, but she has somehow done something to aggravate Brooke against her, and it bothers her endlessly that she doesn’t even know what she did to incur such spite. Katya doesn’t see any of the charm or kindness that others profess, only smug smirks and cocky passive-aggressive jabs and a seemingly passionate desire to find any way she can to poke Katya’s buttons and prompt some kind of response. She’s lucky Katya has a lot more self control than most, and she’s restrained herself from biting back thus far.
She thinks back to the first time she spotted Brooke, on the first day of the semester when Katya had gotten bored and decided to drop in on Trixie’s representative duties despite explicit instructions not to intrude. She had found her in one of the gardens of the student commons, and instinctively made her way to run up and tackle her before realizing Trixie wasn’t alone and stopping dead in her tracks.
Trixie was sitting next to someone Katya didn’t recognize, which was a surprise in itself because Katya knew next to everybody personally in their modestly sized arts college.  The girl was sitting next to Trixie on a bench, both hands holding one of Trixie’s own as Trixie appeared to animatedly be telling some story. Trixie then finally noticed Katya frozen standing awkwardly at some distance and paused in the middle of her speech to yell at Katya and becon her over. 
“Katya! This is Brooke Lynn, a Canadian exchange student for the semester. Brooke, this is Katya, my best friend!”
Brooke lazily shifted her gaze from Trixie to give Katya the once over, glancing her up and down. Whatever she saw, she suddenly stood up and crowded into Katya’s space, gazing down at her intensely directly from the advantage their clear height difference gave her.
“Well, it’s certainly nice to meet you… Katya.” 
And on her lips, the same painted red smirk. The same stupid smirk that would continuously haunt her until…
“Kat, you with us girl?” Hissed Pearl in her ear, jabbing her hard in the side.
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rqs902 · 4 years
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ITS MY BOY ENYU!!!! ON THE FRONT PAGE???? okay also a big deal for zhaohao and li hao too!!!
ok now into part 2 of the ep
interesting that they focused on junhao for everybody. can understand he probably has the most different and struggle experience so probably more interesting for dramas sake lol im surprised they dont spend more time on shengen, considering his popularity. 
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA JUNHAO FREAKING OUT over the fact that they only learned the dance for 40 mins. LOL thats the level of tyger + kou cong + shengen, i can imagine the struggle of the yang guang nan hai group in comparison AHAHA i just imagine him running down the hall freaking out like HOW DID THEY LEARN THE DANCE IN JUST ONE CLASS WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE 
lollll “theyre all dachang boys” “theyre all zhang yixing’s students” HAHAHAH you know even though he is slightly struggling compared to the rest, he aint bad and theyre all taking it light hearted with laughter so seems like a good learning environment! and he’s confident he’ll get it LOL thats good! i think thats what makes him so amusing 
HAHAHA i love how lin mo just keeps giggling at junhao like he genuinely just finds him so amusing LOL yay for making new friends 
awww bc junhao’s always been a leader i feel like for him to finally feel like hes being taken care of is so nice. i have absolute confidence that this group will treat him kindly. AW HE CALLED HIM MOMO 
im still disappointed they have YET to show zhan yu’s funny/strange personality and this wouldve been a great opportunity bc hes surrounded by friends he’s comfortable with!! like his friendship with kou cong! or akey and lin mo! but sigh...
wow the lyrics are so fitting for lin mo to scream LOL but also ay his vocals?! aw im glad they put in a little rap for shengen and akey! honestly was kinda hoping for more bc they havent had a proper stage together before and i feel like itd be awesome but also junhao and zhan yu vocalization at the end was on point!!
lol all the kids being like zhang pd’s words are so detailed and professional... sigh theyve been missing out until now 
im glad they really pointed out how each member of this team did well! they really all did a great job with each of their parts, and they each got a little part to shine, and when put together, it was a complete performance. im proud of them and happy for them!
aw.... i feel like we’ve been waiting so long to hear lin mo get complimented.... i feel like it’s been since qcyn namanana that we’ve been waiting for him to redeem himself and climb back up to the peak. ugh its been nearly a year and a half. im just so terrified of whats gonna happen next bc im way too skeptical at this point to expect this high to continue, esp with what happened after namanana last time......... but for now, im happy. relieved hes finally getting the recognition he deserves and im happy that hes happy. lol i was also half scared we were gonna get spirit of the knight-ed again with his pink hair (nightmare flashbacks to lin mo and changxi’s deletion from that perf) i dont think ill ever get over that :( i feel like as a lin mo stan, ive been trained to not keep my hopes up and to prepare for the worst bc hes the type of person who just always gets the short end of the stick, it feels like. 
aw the part when they go back to the waiting room and jin fan is waiting for them with an encouraging smile and the whole exchange of "帥的真的帥的" "哇~可以吧" "我沒想到" "那必須的" our leader did them proud :’) 
ugh the part where luo jie calls them and tells them he can’t come back........ heart breaking. i can see why lin ran and xikan would be really affected. lin ran has been luo jie’s go-to since he left and knowing how their usual friendship involves making fun of one another and jokingly complaining about each other, it hits hard when lin ran says he cried his eyes out. it hurts that they didnt get to share the stage again before he left. xikan may not have shared the stage with luo jie during ip, but hes known him since then and has been with him through both rounds here. it interesting bc i feel like the namanana perf was very light hearted on qcyn but i cant see that happening here, esp with their outfits? 
aw shiwei and chaowen taking charge to raise their spirits :’) 
lin ran’s voice fits so well with this song wow! i really like his lines! also lol i didnt know xikan would have abs but okay and tbh im always hesitant about dances with props bc it always is so easy to look messy..... like every slight difference in angle in the way you hold your arms is immediately magnified 
and like sxl’s fan is obviously broken and having performed fan dances myself i know that that’s like the most annoying thing to happen on stage, and can be really difficult to deal with, even tho it happens ALL THE TIME with those types of fans ugh :( 
i mean its super kind of them to leave luo jie’s space empty for him, but its kinda weird to have parts of the audio missing sadly :( and also chaowen’s voice did something weird in the middle there, like its sounds weirdly weak 
wait didnt yixing tell them to close the fan? but they didnt? 
xikan’s facial expressions are perfecttt, good for him! wish they gave more screen time to shiwei during shiwei’s lines lol... but also i cant help but hear lin mo’s voice during that part LOL ugh speaking of which i miss that team dynamic namanana team a on qcyn HAHAHAH hwx being a brat and fjj running around wild and lin mo giving up on them all just laughing like idiots for hours on end while bo yuan just judges them from a corner LOL i love the beginning of the wenxuan and lin mo friendship good times :’)  
HAHAH ENYU AGAIN WITH THE REALEST COMMENTS - i agree AHHAHAH i love these kids too but there was something off about this stage 
im surprised but also not surprised by what the judges are saying 
o didnt realize sxl was supposed to be center but i guess that explains the big puffy thing on his shoulder lol.......... agree with cx tho, even without his broken fan, i think the fans made them look worse bc it just looked messy 
well idk if we’re getting all the stages today but at least jin fan’s is also getting aired! TYGER HUG FOR JIN FAN YESS
jin fan teaching them dance? yes thank you for showing us he is a good dancer. oof jin fan’s just too nice :( hes trying to avoid conflict too much that it caused conflict smh......... lol oscar trying to talk to su er hes having such struggle i feel that bro LOL hes doing really well though, tbh being relatively young, hes really trying his best and is being reasonable. 
LOL HE CALLED HIM JIN FAN GE i forgot jin fan is considered old lol..... jin fan really taking the higher road here and im glad they sat together and talked it out a bit
THE JIN FAN VOICE YESSSS hahahhaha kou cong holding the tyger sign!!
oo is that some of his bel canto-style singing coming through LOL 
AY NICE for hong weihao and oscar to put in some rap 
some of those high notes were a bit questionable at the end but okay jin fan is really claiming that vocal + dance teacher role i see.... interesting 
but agree with yixing that he doesnt need to force himself to do high notes bc his voice is so nice regardless!! yay for oscar getting recognition! im still waiting for jin fan to do a cool dance performance sigh
wasnt expecting an enyu feature BUT ILL TAKE IT 
oof huang enyu saying hes really trying to put himself out there by going for leader and the realest comment that he hasnt considered getting to debut he just wants to pass this round oof and he feels like his opportunities may be cut short bc hes getting old oof
enyu and chenxu crying watching the movie 
AW THEIR HAHA VIDEOS ARE THE CUTEST THING I LOVE THESE KIDSSS so sad that so many of them are at risk of elimination :(  im glad these vocals made their own friend group! I hope itll be a memory they carry forward. they do all have shared experiences as vocals on this show. 
this reaction to junrong’s voice
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same tho :’) but actually all of their voices are so so nice like actually these 5 are all people whose voices ive really listened for on this show, but wow renyu’s voice in particular like really ugh just sounds so pure 
also enyu looks really nice in this performance but thats a side note okay moving on
i mean literally these reactions
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and li hao crying while singing and so many kids in the waiting room crying while watching OOF this perf has got me emotional 
UGH ENYU his plea just.... the way he yelled it bc it mustve taken courage and it mustve been a frustration on his mind for a while now and bc maybe he wouldve broken down if he hadnt yelled it out but im really crying now.... and its so out of character for him that you know he really really is feeling desperate and feels the need to speak out
lol wait gjm posted on weibo about him? is that why hes getting more attention lol..........
i really hope the vocals win :( 
no tygers in the next ep preview? hmmMMMMMmm okay 
well also interesting that they put the other 4 perfs with the elims...... seems sketch but at least most of my kids got to go this week ahhhhhh i feel bad for the other groups already. esp the ones with the kids who arent as popular... 
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luna-obsession-yeet · 5 years
Muzan X Reader (part 2)
[name] pats his back. Muzan was apologizing over and over again, nonstop for the whole 10 minutes or so. He was bawling his beautiful eyes out. [name] didnt bother. She was smilling all throughout, hiding the fact that she is heartbroken by the sins Muzan has committed.
It was finally time to go. It was time for them to seperate. The light does not allow [name] to go where Muzan must head. He doesnt want you to follow anyway.
Muzan has always been so scared of being lonely. He was lonely throughout his human life. But if it means being lonely and you following him, he would definitely choose him suffering. Seeing your sad expression is out of the list.
"Do you own this big big house?" the little image of you smiled. Today, the child Muzan is lonely, not like its anything new but for him, the dark corridors are much more darker and the place seems more like in a peaceful manner with chaos hiding deep. "Must be such a joy to live in such a big big house!" You exclaimed.
"not really." Muzan ought not to reply but his lips moved on its own. He was surprised himself, but didnt bother to show it. Was it your smile? Was it the way how you speak? How did you get here anyway? Were you a daughter of a maid that works under his family? He'd never seen you before.
You have dirt all over your face and clothes yet the kindness is still reeking out from you.
"I feel lonely, everytime. Having a big big house is kind of useless. They say having smaller house means having tighter family bonds. And I rather have tighter family bonds." He smiled bitterly. Maybe it was okay? Maybe he could share his problem to a stranger like you that can appear one in a million times a lifetime? How were you even able to get there? You're bravely venturing to everywhere, he assumes, he thinks youre so adventurous but in reality, you were running away from your own problems.
"Hm? Youre lonely? Then I must come here, so you'll feel less lonely!"
That was an understatement. Muzan says in the back of his mind. Whenever you were there with him, he never got to knew about what lonely means.
When you got used to the tracks, and the way to get in his estate, you bring many toys with you to play with him. His favorite to play with you is chess, he loves it when you checkmate him and scream from delight. Sometimes he'd even defeat you 70x and let you win one game at the end of the day just to see your expressions. It changes from "Im seriously using my one remaining braincell here," to "rooks are to move diagonally??" towards "oh i won?"
You gotta admit though. When you saw him gazing so softly at you while you were sooo thinking of what move you should take, your heart stopped beating momentarily. Muzan doesnt even know why he takes joy in playing with you, I mean, he gets you every damn time with that 'four moves de mate. '
Years gone by - you were getting real better at chess, and both of you were maturing. His sickness is getting worse, he's trying to hide that and you were pretending not to know that. So painfully, the both of you continued on your routines.
This time, he wasnt planning on going easy on you and defeat you with a flash and order you to go home immediately. He was, too, painfully baring the fact that his illness is eating him fast. He cant bare your bright and beaming presence with such a secret that'll destroy the both of you. But a part of him knows, that you know, and that part of him made a deal with your other part not to drop the bomb. He's gonna do everything to get better anyway, so why bother?
Muzan never felt the feeling of loneliness creeping upto his every fiber down to his fingertips whenever you would tell stories: how the village looked, he knew you love the village so much and every people who lives in it, you were well loved and trusted by everyone although they can also think of you as a pain in the butt as you can also be mischievous during your adventures.
So why?
One day, he was healthy enough to actually visit you on your home, to tell you that he was getting more ill as time goes by BUT, he had found a solution - which is to become a demon to be strong enough to protect you, to be with you, to restart with you, to love you - without knowing the fact that demons devour humans. He wanted to tell you that. He wanted you to make a decision for him - some role he doesnt want for anyone to have. He listens to nobody, get ordered by no one, he is absolute, but with you? He needs you more than you could ever think.
Would you be happy for him? Would you oppose? What will be your reaction? You were very unpredictable, he wants to spend his life studying humans - you, but he can only try. You were different on your own way and it was always him getting surprised by your words, actions, philosophy, mindset towards others, the world, everyone, love.
Yep. You surprised him alright.
There was a commotion, in the centre of the village. He checks it out on a wheelchair, being pushed by a maid. He wanted to see what it was about, so if its something you'll enjoy, he'll bring you there, before being a demon.
The both of you have written a list of things you guys wants to do. One of them is to venture everywhere, since you love doing that. And he loves you doing that. The both of you promised to go an adventure one day. The adventure on your mind was to walk around that Estate of his, not leaving one corner left unseen. But he had bigger plans.
The smell of fire reached his nose. He ordered the maid to stop pushing the wheelchair he was in. He sniffs, and suddenly, his heart started beating faster than ever. The bad feeling was involved with you. His instincts were shouting for you. Why you? You can never do such a thing that will make one person hate you to the point of actually hurting you.
The ordered maid pushed the chair towards the source of fire as fast as she can. Muzan cant believe what he was seeing.
It was you. He can recognize you even with a distorted face. Even with fire melting your being. His love of life. His woman. You were screaming in pain. You were tied in wood, villagers watching you burn. They taunted, "She is a curse! She had connections with the cursed boy at the estate! SHE IS CURSED!"
The humans were so stupid back then. What kind of braincell did they have to think that illness is a curse?
Muzan cant speak. His eloquent self felt like being sucked from a void. His throat was burning. His fingers were shaking. His eyes were widening and trembling - what. have. they. done. to. you?
The villagers whom you have loved so much, burned you to crisp. It was his fault. He never should have involved himself with you. If he hadnt, you'd be living and smilling.
Then he thought about himself. He was too weak. His illness was preventing the both of you from being happy, from being inlove, from living with love.
He made his decision. It was the villagers' fault, not his. He will see to it that this village will burn and suffer just like how you did. No one's stopping him. No one will be saved, no, not even that baby crying from the sides.
"Was it a fun adventure?" You asked him. "Did you learn something?" You didnt stop asking. Muzan smiled, "This is also a part of the adventure - us, talking. Hey, [name], You were my greatest adventure."
"You were mine too."
its short, Im gonna 'memo' next time before posting. Asgdhdjdkd this actually sucks big time. But please heart this if you liked it! Feedbacks and comments are also welcome! 💖 English is not my native language so please excuse the grammatical errors.
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thegrimdarkoffice · 4 years
Prolouge (I)
Cleansing the grimdark Office was imperative, even if it meant losing business for a couple of days. While Alice had stated it as an annual cleansing in her announcement, it hadnt actually been a tradition for very long.
She figured it became necessary after the events of last year, when the rouge fusion monster Maso had summoned an ancient demon into her Office, said demon possessing her and terrorizing everyone including her girlfriend, until he eventually grew bored and decided to sacrifice Alice’s body and soul to one of the worst entities in existence – a personification of Despair that had a history of brutally and mercilessly ripping souls apart with emotional torture and had almost succeeded in draining every bit of life from Alice herself if her amazing girlfriend hadn’t fused with a being of Light and a being of Hope to battle the Despair Entity – aka Calypso.
And then there was Alice’s post-trauma depression, her manipulation via another entity who had used her despair and tried to trap her in another Universe along with her lover Melissa, them getting out, Alice catching and torturing the now exfusion-but-still-monster Maso and so on.
So yeah, the grimdark Office was full of it, despair, hopelessness, anger, regret, hatred, you name it. And while Alice ran a business centered around horror and all its flavours, she felt the reminders of last year were wearing her down, reminding her of a weaker, shameful self she had tried to move on from.
But the cleansing wasn’t just self gratification. The energies of the entities - especially Calypso, as She ruled and tarnished the barren Universe the grimdark’s dimension sits in – chipped away at the protections Alice and the others had put up to protect themselves and their customers. It was as important as renovating the physical building and thus she decided it would have to be an annual routine from now on. Maybe even biannual or hell – if needed be she would gladly do it quarterly.
Despite all the setbacks and dramas the grimdark Office had endured, it was still her business. She hadn’t started it alone, but Maelle hadnt been in the picture for years and Alice gladly adopted it as her project. She poured her heart, time and energy into maintaining  it.
A lot of people scoffed at the grimdarks, labelling them as amateurs, or mocking her for not being able to fully defend herself against the multiple attacks which had raged upon them over the years, but despite the criticism, Alice was proud of her business. It gave her something to do, it made her feel important, made her feel in control of her life and her destiny.
Seeing how Alice was only in her mid twenties and came from a relatively normal background, she felt like she had the right to be proud. Not every person can brag about coming back from the dead, surviving demon attacks, creating one’s own magic and outliving tyrannical aliens, gods and primordials all while doing paperwork, handling customers and leading a satisfying lovelife.
She pulled herself out of her thoughts when Willow, a long term employee and one Alice was surprised stuck around for so long, entered the room. Willow gave her a terse nod, letting Alice know that the rest of the Office was cleared and they could begin.
Willow Hagan was an original witch, so to speak. She had a cottage in the woods, a cauldron to cast spells into and a collection of handwritten and -bound grimoires filled with hexes, spells and lunar reminders. Her once flaming red hair was turning silver, the lines on her face and hands getting deeper.
She had been alive for a very, very long time and alone for almost as much. Cursed to never find rest by an angry spirit, she had taken on a sort of cynical nihilism that reminded Alice how bitter true immortality tastes. Yet Willow was never lazy or careless.
Even as she regarded Alice as nothing more than a bored teen who watched too much Sabrina and bought herself a witch hat (Alice reminded her often that she hadnt seen much of that show and had been trapped in hell for years before even becoming a witch, though Willow was never impressed by her tales), she took her job very seriously.
She had joined the grimdarks’ staff under the agreement that once she was no longer needed, Alice will provide her with a quick and – most importantly – eternal death. So far, a due date as not been set.
“We’re ready,” Willow prompted as she stepped over to Alice.
“Good! Birch already closed off the Vault. So we shouldnt have any trouble.” Alice handed Willow a pouch of crystals before pulling out a bag of her own.
They werent crystals, but they looked the sort. Jaded, opaque and glowing faintly from within. In reality, they were formations of compressed magic, as odd as that sounded, Alice loved using them. Every crystal could be made of a certain spell and kept around physically until it was time for use.
She took out a handful and crushed them easily into fine glowing powder in her hand. With that, Alice began to draw sigils, her personal ones as well as those Willow taught her.
Purification. Strength. Harmony. Peace. Endurance.
The two witches moved forward, claiming the space for their own, ridding it of the vibes that had held them all down for so long.
In the flow of their magic, Alice couldnt help but smile. This was where she felt at best, working towards her goal, feeling her actions flow out smoothly, effectively, magic coursing through her fingertips.
Despite the remants of past events reminding her over and over again of the opposite, at this moment she felt unstoppable.
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order-progress · 5 years
I used to have a really entitled outlook on life. In my mind though, I was entitled to my thought processes because it was where my mind existed in the place having had come from a once far more turbulent era. Back then I didn't question things that werent outwardly obvious. I didnt question the unremarkable identities of things that exhibited no distinctions amongst one another. Life was a stream of experience, and I just did the best of choices I decided to arrange, or really actually, more like shuffle choices into a messy pile and pat myself in the back cause I could squint at it my mismatched pile of non related events and not feel guilty for putting off routine, structure and goals.
I guess it isnt so surprising to anticipate that like all my other experiences, disicpline would present itself when and if I needed it to be summoned out of wherever creative and yet very hard to imagine location i would imagine it arriving at some future, ambiguous date, just in time to make no work look like fancier no work and with ribbons on it.
Something very common happened to me, something that is happinning right now all around the world, no matter how many days, or years after i first posted this here.
My boyfriend broke up with me.
I wore my entitlement pretty high that day, because somehow, despite there having been no carefully executed plan made on ky end--some masterpiece scheme of genius where one could really see there existed some reasonable and healthy attention to tackle to fucking problem.
Nope. My mother fucking entitled ass decided id actually be shocked. Not even fake shocked. Thats how you know you have lost touch with your surroundings, because big things happen in your wake..while your awake and yet somehow your stuck on who killed the butler in the library with the candle stick.
What makes this one of the most significant event despite its occurance being fairly common globaly, is that his presence had caused me to become more aware of more of the things I would have otherwise taken in stride, none of these events were remarkable on their own, but collectivelly, I had inadvertantly cleaned up my mindspace to find neatly organized clusters of thoughts no longer blending into the subconcious like 70's urban grafitti.
I didnt hold that moment to some disporportionately skewed sugar coating scale just to get ribbons on them after they were organized,I just acknowledged them, like a breath,where as before, they were simply obstacles or pit stops that would perpetuate the chronic attention deficit I had welcomed into my head. I like to think of ADD as the worlds most innefective street sweepers, they sweep alright, but they just make a bigger mess and then you got things in places they have no business being in.
I was in a place of low self worth because of an accumulated collection of short lived and half assed adventures, disastrous endeavers and the nefarious presence of something so obscured, so black and forboding, made me avoid certain places for simply not wanting to deal with the house keeping it wouldve required to mitigate its destructive intentions.
I kept myself busy to not force the acknowledgent that this would become a source of not only my insecuruties, but then in addition to its ever increasing interconnectedness, its complexity. Its chambers that hardened like a mystical kight of armor, whose drawers were full of destructive objects and thoughts that rattled in their confinement as a means of foreshadowing something so sinister, I could not then yet fathom the destrutive ways its icy talons would engulf and twist into my everyday life simply to create chaos, and it didnt register that this was a problem because amidst this battle royale of fragments and bits of poorly put together patterns, Francisco's presense was a light whose emimation lulled me into a complacecy I hadnt anticipated
It wasnt that in this period, that I conciously made a decision to disregard the growing issue, it was the novelty of being in a loving, beautiful and mature relationship with someone that as each day grew, so did my conviction that this person was becoming the brightest fixture in an ever cramped confined hallway of possibilities.
As I stood there aware of this moment, feeling a satisfaction and a gratitude I had never felt before, I realized that I had come so far on autopilot, it was a move that was almost instinctual, I rolled my sleeves up, put on the rocky theme song, got my gym bag ready, went and bought like every stupid unessecary stupid trinket shit people buy to feel like their getting a handle and a good start on some shit, but really it just becomes the infuriating bag of junk that is now the obstacle between you and the door handle to exit your car and actually start your project.
I felt a sense of urgency, I saw how unequipped I had been and while I was and it was this moment that taught me how much I loved him. I reckognized that somehow I was one of those fucking weirdos that jumped through those seedy ass short cut type scenarios in life to give you the same effect of the real thing in less the time, kind of like a GED vs high school diploma, or plan b instead of condoms.
I recognized that there was an innate element of unneccesary risk involved in many of my accomplishments. The risk was usually always a concious decision that I would accept a certain amount of totally unnecessary consequences that typically would define the life of those people who you catch specific glimpses of in mysterious times like dawn or dusk. And be like..yea i could totally see that guy having to figure out what to do with the llama he inherited as a result of some gamble.
This was no longer an acceptable risk. It wasnt that i thought it was dangerous or scare him away, its that I am not the kind of man that wakes up and sees the problems his factory has and finally knows how to fix it and then just be okay with going to bed and put it off.
This is where I get annoyed again. I knew that I wasnt capable of actively doing something against him, because we both agreed on things, and also neither of us was completely high as fucking kite on methamphetamines while operating a forklift to tune a paino yet.
I couldnt ever feel bad about atheletes who ugly cried after being disqualified for juicing to get an unfair advantage in the sports world.
Yet once again my overwhelming confidence, my lovable man mentality of "fuck a map or tools you got grit, spit and teeth". Prevailed.
Im mad because it was this moment right here. In a sea of me being happy to grow and learn and doing the rignt thing. I saw a place i overlooked, its presence was almost like a marker that there were many other areas i needed to work on, and i got sad.
I didnt feel good enough. I felt like a mess. I felt dissapointed at the pride in nothing I had taken so many times. I was finally proud of the changes i was making again, only to be reminded in a very real way of how I never had structure, never had a fail safe implemented effectively to instead of adopting either anxiety or no fucks about an event that could have been in my power to mitigate, i either didnt even notice I missed it, or didnt care.
As I started seeing the mountain of work I had to do, I wondered what it meant about how effectively i could handle other things moving forward, it was an irrational fear that I had that I would dissapoint him because I wanted us to be happy. But i am an artistic person, people who work with details to make a larger picture learn early on how to work details, and I never evaluated just how shoddy my altertanitive crash course was like getting PlAN B instead of putting a condom on.
I can handle pressure effectively. I can be okay with my decisions. What I cant do is open up a factory, see everything that was negelcted when I now know how to fix it, and then go to sleep like nothing bothered me.
I never in my life found myself in a place where i came face to face with old life and it made me feel sad or humilated. I felt like a fraud for just having gotten lucky that everytning worked out, while he worked hard.
I suddenly felt something I never experienced before, fear in love. The moment where you realize your not a piece of shit because you actually dont want to let someone down, the moment when you feel bad because you walked around in life with luck you didnt give a second thought to and passed it off as hard work. And here was this beautiful man, whose life was suffering and hard work, and you realized all of it at once, and there I was, eager fucking beaver captain america man of the house cause now i feel like a god damned engineer since i could assemble an ikea 3 piece wrench-back the fuck up motherfuckers.
I just felt humbled and i felt driven. I also felt the pressures rise up around me and I dont know why I couldnt look away from the sight of the realization of how id been. And its not like i did it all on purpose, but from that moment on, it was as if I had something to prove to myself that at that time I couldnt understand yet because I hadnt reflected yet. And as I was taking the scenic route on ways to "punish yourself is actually how we fucking motivate ourselves around here cus were fucking men" the bigger I created something inside me that wasnt ever there. And then as the places that I had been tendering to and growing in started to not be kept, pressure in my life at home happened. And for the first time in my entire life I was embarrassed at my life.
I remember the moment I felt it, my mom leaving me at work after I lost my car. I walked 2 miles in the cold because i was infuriated that I allowed another event I could have forseen to happen.
I never in my life reflected this intensley on my actions before. Having him in my life made me realize I had been holding myself to a higher standard because I am at my best when I when I am actively building towards something. I opened a place in me I never saw with those eyes and it hurt me. I tried to let him in, and to be honest, the insecurities of him seeing all that mortiified me..not because I would be seen as a slob or this or that, i was just dissapointed that I for a time during when I needed it the most in my early life, I wasnt necessarily taught healthy ways to do things. Mostly because I came to this country at 10, didnt know english, parents worked all the time until i was 16 and then dad got sick with brain cancer and we caught it after he had a seizure cause dad apperently loved moonlighting as my biggest fan when he would go reading my journal at night.
I didnt know how to explain it to francisco. I was feeling. New concept, i was feeling out of sync, i didnt understand why it hit me so hard. I was trying to look away and orient myself on the present.
I could have just dealt with that. But i suddenly felt raw and vulnerable. My boyfriend and I were getting into arguments because I just wanted us to be closer due to this need i didnt know how to vocalize about what I was going through, and he hesitated because he probably thought id leave him if i saw his dirty secrets.
That was the one thing he really never appreciated about my love. I just knew. If everything else was as evident ..like this feelings and where they came from and how to process them healthy while ...it just all got too much. I didnt know how to tell him what I needed. I just needed him.
I started to feel like i wasnt tethered to the focused areas I was so eager to work in. I just kept telling myself communication is key we will get through it.
Then I the drugs did something I didnt expect them to. They turned off this guilt and switch. They gave me the quiet to make them come down to a more manegeable place where I wasnt overwhelmed anymore.
Because I couldnt process this in words at the time, i didnt know how to express that to him. It led to me feeling guilty for not understanding why i enjoyed doing the drugs aside from the stimulant effect. When i tried to explain it to him, it was like trying to coin a cheesy motto for a doomed cereal commercial in french, basically everuthing sounded like something he had no understamding or could relate to.
I started feeling depressed because i could see that although from his perspective we were fighting..
I was even more frustrated becauese we werent fighting. I was pretty much crying, trying to tell him in french something he didnt understand while he was yelling at me in english about me not respecting him by not speaking english.
This was the worst fucking part. Because part of the issue that led me here was accountabiliyy and communication.
I kept telling him in the only way i knew how.please im sorry i know things are getting worse. But this isnt how we are.
I thought we could get through anything.
In his mind he saw a piece of something, he ignored my emotional attachment to it..and i mean i cant blame him, other people never quit.
But even in those moments i knew i wasnt going to be other people.
And suddenly i was alone. I was depressed. I had realized that it wasnt us that was th issue so i tried so hard to communicate more effectively that he got frustrated and said i talked in loops. I felt so alone because i understood his frustration and i just needed him to trust me. But that was the perfect storm when i just got so alone feeling from his inability to just not look at me how i felt at myself. And i honestly tried to fix it in the middle of him running away and the most painful thing was that he couldnt understand and i didnt know how to say it.
I dont blame him for leaving
But a part of me breaks to my very core to know that if he just literally lookrd at me like yes i was going crZy but i was just hurting and overwhelmed.
All i wanted and needed was him.
The worst. Pain was that he didnt see that.
And i needed to explain it. And he didnt let me.
I felt like i was desperatly trying to express something of real explaination. I just honestly was desperate to because he was running.
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zaptap · 5 years
FINALLY watched wreck-it ralph 2, ive been upset with myself for not seeing it when it was in theaters (i was looking forward to it for so long??? guess thats just depression for ya) but better late than never i suppose
wasnt as good as the first one, which isnt surprising, but it was still a good movie! maybe not a perfect sequel, but a good one at least
i think i also kinda let myself get scared off by the fact that the marketing (early on, at least? idk) was very focused on "HEY!!! you know... this BRAND??? you know this BRAND!!! well... this BRAND... is in the movie!!!!!!"
and that really made it feel like it was gonna be a shallow mess of product placement, especially without any actual plot info to support what theyd shown. as far as i knew ralph and vanellope were just goofing off in Capitalism Land because they were bored or something
but the truth is thats just what marketing is sometimes?? ive seen gravity falls trailers that make it look horrible, but it's my favorite show. when they choose to market something toward kids in a way that strips it of all its substance it's easy to get tricked into thinking that substance isnt there
anyway i knew deep down itd still probably be good, it was made by the same people as the first one and they did have ideas for a sequel back then so it's not like it exists purely from disney greed (though that is a factor)
and watching that movie felt like watching wreck-it ralph, like id stepped into that world again. they did a reasonably good job adapting the internet into that world too i think? at least about as good as we can expect representing the internet to work out
anyway it's Good. ive got more to say but some of it's spoilery and i haven't said spoilers so far and im tired of typing on my phone so i think ill just do a separate post later
ok one more thing tho:
i LOVE how i was dedicated enough to watch the disney princess movies i hadnt yet gotten around to seeing (princess and the frog, brave, moana) in preparation for wir2 (because theyre in it) and DID manage to finish that before the movie premiered, but didn't watch the movie when it premiered...
im glad i managed to see detective pikachu the day it came out though. for some reason it's a lot of effort to go out and see a movie but it's worth it and i need to make sure i avoid accidentally skipping stuff im really excited about
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azrasclaw · 5 years
So what would happen if y/n went with e and the. Kinda just walked off and sat in the living room liek she didn’t wanna be rude and go back to gray but e kinda hurt her when he slapped her for no reason cause all she wanted was love
um. ok so i thought i could do this twist even though this situation wasnt meant to be anything serious at all but i kinda.. failed? dont really think much of this but i’ve kept you waiting so i thought i’d just post it. :/ 
you know e is rougher, oftentimes impatient. you know that at times like these, where you need some attention, gray is the one to go to. but you couldnt help yourself. he was sitting at his desk, looking so damn good in that white shirt. you know he’s busy and you know you’re annoying him but maybe, you just dont know his limit yet. when he snaps, you’re surprised. you hadnt expected him to actually shoo you off to gray like a bratty child. 
you dont go over to gray. you leave the room because you feel so stupid, and embarassed. you lay down on the couch in the living room and scroll through netflix. you havent even chosen what you want to watch when ethan walks up to you hesitantly. 
��baby?” he kneels down in front of the couch, eye level with you. you look at him briefly before rolling your eyes and looking back at the screen of the tv. 
“hey.” he mumbles, trying to draw your attention back on him. he sighs when you continue to ignore him and grips your chin, directing it to his face. 
“i’m sorry, ok?” 
you shrug. you’re usually very headstrong and fierce, in control, and you’re only just learning to give up that control. you’re starting to allow yourself to be vulnerable and soft and cared for. you hate that he’s made you feel bad about it. 
so, no. you dont just forgive easily. you dont give him that control back anytime soon. you go to gray. because he accepts it, accepts you with open arms whenever you need him.
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occasionalfugo · 5 years
but haven't you shipped fugo with adults such as ghiaccio and doppio? and also have drawn sexualized/suggestive art of fugo (a minor)? hypocrite
((look, it doesnt give you a good reason to be mean to me if you simply cant read. but despite this fact im gonna take a chance and explain everything to you here one more time.
i am running this blog as an adult fugo for two fucking real-life years from the very beginning of the blog. and its all in the description and in the rules. he’s 21 years old by now and continues to age.
this is percisely why i’m not flirting or trying to go out with any characters that are minors by their blogs canon, because that would be fucking creepy!!!!!!!!!!!!at this point theres only one narancia that is an adult of the same age as fugo, so i eagerly interact with them when i get the chance, but i still get shit for drawing pretty art with them, saying that im “drawing sexualized minors”. fucking look at the blog descriptions for once, please.
so this brings us to the next point.doppio stuff was a joke. i allowed it to happen because fugo is an adult and because doppio was a somewhat age-less baby gremlin. and it still was never meant to be serious!i dont ship that shit for real and i do not recommend doing that to anyone. i’ve made multiple disclaimer posts even back then when that event was active that i do not fucking support shipping that stuff for real.
then there’s the ghiaccio thing, which i have three things to say about:
1. ghiaccio’s canon age was never mentioned and i, for the life of me, have never seen him as being older than 17 in canon. i was majorly surprised to find out that the fandom for some reason thinks that he’s 20-something.
2. i asked the mod of the ghiaccio blog about the age of their character and i only proceeded with the dating scenario after i found out that their ghiaccio and my fugo are around the same age by their blogs canon.
3. I do not ship that outside of the blogs, i wouldnt go like “hey what if vento aureo fugo and ghia met and dated wouldnt that be hot spicy”. it worked only for our blogs specifically. i didnt suddenly consider every ghiaccio on the planet to be fugo’s boyfriend. which is why that dating mini-event had to come to an end when the mod of the ghiaccio blog didnt have much time to make content for it. i’m not about just creating content out of my head and forcing it down people’s throats, since, again, i do not ship that outside of the blogs!
so at the end of this post i’m gonna say this again:
I’ve started this blog as a 19 year old Fugo. After two actual years of blogging he’s now 21. He’s been an adult in european countries for a while now and now he’s a full adult even in america. If I ever see any of you call my blog’s Fugo a minor again, I’m going to block you, beacause you obviously hadnt read the rules and about of this blog.
I’ve always fucking been on the side of sensible people who dont tolerate freaky bullshit that’s happening in the fandom, yet I get called a hypocrite and being put in the same row as actual fucking pedophiles and incest lovers. All for trying to properly play as an adult version of a character. It’s really upsetting me.
i barely see vento aureo fugo and mine as the same character at this point and i do my best to show that with every single post that my fugo has grown, learned and matured. i see a proper line between a teenage boy and the man from this blog.
i was with kin fugo from back when i was a minor myself and i started this blog as him being an adult because im now an adult as well. to be able to grow together with him further and share similar experiences and be able to relate to him. thats why i’m doing this.
so please, if you don’t want to bother yourself with looking further in what you’re dealing with on my blog and reading some disclaimers, then dont bother yourself with sending me stuff like this. please.))
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sunflowerrichie · 6 years
my boy
chapter 1: eighth grade
“who’s richie?”
“he’s my boyfriend,” she began, her eyes glazed over and a pleased smile on her face. puppy love; something eddie would never get the chance in having with richie.
summary: ever since they met in eighth grade, richie had been disappearing for weeks (even months) at a time, leaving eddie to think they’re on bad terms; though, that’s not really why richie disappears.
warning(s): language.
author: richie (sunflowerrichie)
note: this book is based off real life events, so if the details are too exact, that’s why. i don’t know how many chapters there will be at the moment due to events after the 7th chapter not happening yet, but i will let you guys know when i’m going to post the next chapter.
word count: 2,076
ao3: x
tagging: @addimagination
“who’s richie?” eddie had asked myra, his doe eyes wide and questioning; he briefly thanked whatever god was out there that the girl could not see him, for she’d read right through him. if eddie could go back in time from where he was now, he would’ve never asked that simple question containing only two words, though he already knew this was another one of her unsuccessful boyfriends. there was a comic book in his hand, one he disregarded the second someone new was mentioned.
myra fixed her hair from where she was lying on the couch, responding quickly. “he’s my boyfriend,” she began, her eyes glazed over and a pleased smile on her face. puppy love; something eddie would never get the chance in having with richie. “he’s tall and lanky... got dark, black hair; i’m surprised you haven't seen him around, eddie.” 
myra had met eddie in sixth grade, easily becoming friends with the hypochondriac. the smaller boy made a habit of wiping her desk down with cleansing wipes before she sat in it, and in return, she gave eddie platonic love. his mom loved her; for she was just as neat as her sweet eddie-bear and she vowed to make sure he’s taking his medication on time. she was much like sonia, actually; except for being a believer in ‘love at first sight’.
this wasn’t the first time she’s been head over heels for someone, nor would it be the last, but eddie was used to it at this point. each time, he’d make himself presentable for her boyfriend, and each time, they’d never show much interest in the asthmatic boy.
eddie hummed, feigning carelessness and turning back to his book. “is he in eighth grade, too?” he had asked, flipping the page over, though his ears were perked up and his eyes were no longer scanning the words printed nicely on the paper.
“yeah,” myra responded, her voice like she was up in the clouds, high on euphoria. she snapped back quickly, glancing down at the boy on the floor and catching his eyes. “you should talk to him; i think you would start to like him,” more than you think, eddie would learn to realize. before he could decline the offer, though, she was speaking again. “he likes david bowie... and what’s that one song you like?” she paused, her eyebrows scrunching together. “uh... something about the rains in africa?”
eddie perked up quickly, his hot chocolate colored eyes twinkling with the white marshmallows sculpted deep inside them. “africa by toto,” he had said, his cheeks growing hot. eddie kaspbrak loved music, he always had; and now that he would potentially have someone to discuss this love with, he was immediately hooked. he found out three years later, though, that it did not work out the way he had planned. he snapped out of his daze, his smile still apparent. “is he coming over?”
the girl grinned from ear to ear, unbelievably delighted that her best friend was keen on meeting her boyfriend. she looked down at her phone then, the screen lighting up and reflecting on her face in a green kind of glow, the color of her lock screen. “he said he’s on his way,” myra started. “he lives just down the street, so he’ll be here in a few minutes.”
the short boy was struck with a sort of fear then, subconsciously fixing his hair. he nodded, biting his lip and trying not to act suspicious (though this was normal for him; he was always afraid new people would think he’s too messy, too uncaring). myra didn’t seem to notice, though, and kept staring at her phone with a smile, typing away at the keys. at this realization, eddie stood up and coughed awkwardly. “i’m gonna go use the bathroom.” once he got an ‘okay’, he started walking.
when he came out of the bathroom after a few deep, calming breaths and a puff of his aspirator just in case, his clothes were freshly lint-rolled and perfect, his hair was combed and neat, and his teeth were nice and brushed. his fanny pack was around his waist, keeping him grounded and secure. he heard talking from the living room and walked into the doorway, his hands cupped at his front.
richie tozier turned to him, a wide grin on his face and his glasses askew. eddie let his eyes drift around the boy, taking in every detail he could in the three seconds he allowed himself to stare. richie had a grey shirt on, a white and navy blue hawaiian shirt draped over it. the fabric was loose on his skinny frame, and eddie noticed three cigarettes extended out of his pocket, making the small boy’s hands start to shake. his pants were black and tight, complimenting his long legs. and to top it all off, he had black and white slip-on vans over his green and purple socks. he didn’t match; but it suited him in a way eddie felt jealous of.
“like whatcha see?” the tall boy asked, making eddie blush in realization that he noticed the staring. before he could respond, myra spoke again, catching the asthmatic off guard. he had forgot she was in the room.
“richie, this is eddie,” she gestured towards him. “eddie, this is richie,” and back towards richie.
the glasses-clad boy grinned even harder, making eddie wonder if his face would split in half with the force of the grin. the smaller boy looked over to myra quickly, her giving him a smile and her eyes saying ‘this is normal, don’t be alarmed’. he stepped forward and stuck out his lanky arm, waiting for the small boy to shake it. he didn’t; he was afraid richie would think his hands were too rough (he forgot to apply lotion). “richie tozier.”
one week after richie introduced himself to eddie, the asthmatic was at myra’s house again, same as last weekend. “what did you get for number 6?” the girl asked, flipping her paper over and furrowing her eyebrows. she was across from eddie on her bed, both of them lying on their stomachs and going over their math homework.
“two,” eddie responded easily, writing something down on his paper. he then paused for a while, his hand hovering over his paper as he thought. “what do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked, looking up at her with hope in his eyes. hope that richie would come over again. hope that they’d have another chance to all watch a movie together (he had sat on the ground the whole time, though, trying not to pay attention to the sound of their lips smacking together every once in a while and the bounce of richie’s leg on the carpet). he hadn’t got that close to richie yet, for he’d have to take a puff of his aspirator every time he thought about it; but with richie’s loud mouth and his easy-going attitude, it was slightly easier than he thought.
myra hummed, looking up at him briefly before turning the page in the blue textbook. “i was planning to have richie come over at around ten in the morning,” she spoke, seeming to think them over as they floated out of her mouth. “is that okay?” she blushed slightly, looking back up at eddie.
the small boy nodded, pulling his phone out quickly to set an alarm for nine in the morning. he told himself he’d need time to wake up, but he knew deep down that he really only did that because he wants to look good for the taller boy. “that sounds good,” he smiled, glancing at the time quickly. he stood up then, grabbing his fanny pack and snapping it around his waist again. “be right back, i gotta take my medicine.”
the second it turned nine o’clock the next morning, eddie’s phone was ringing and the sound was echoing through myra’s living room. the small boy groaned and rolled over, shutting off his alarm and rubbing at his eyes. when his mind got a chance to catch up and his first thought was richie, though, he was up and rushing to turn the shower on.
when richie opened the door an hour later, he was grinning and his nose was a different color, the cold, november air outside making his skin blush red.
“spaghetti!” he yelled, immediately taking interest in the asthmatic boy, much to his surprise. “i was hoping you’d be here again!”
eddie blushed deeply, water pooling behind his eyes due to embarrassment. “hi, richie,” he spoke softly, the name unfamiliar on his tongue as he scanned the room for myra (he hoped briefly that he’d get a chance for the name to finally become familiar flowing out of his mouth). “uh, myra will be here in a second, she went to-“
the taller boy cut him off quickly, wrapping his lanky arm around his shoulders. “no worries, short stack,” he started, not coming off offensive but more... fond; as if he’d known eddie since they were in sixth grade, too. “for i, the one and only richie tozier, would not mind hanging out with my favorite eds!” he finished off in a loud, almost ear-ringing, voice, grinning down at eddie, his ocean blue eyes gleaming.
before the brown-eyed boy could respond with a ‘don’t call me that’ and a soft shove, myra was walking through the doorway and richie’s arm was unwrapping itself from his shoulders, leaving him with a heart that had plunged down into his lower stomach. “i see you two have made friends with one another.” friends. all they would ever be.
to that, richie nodded, the grin still on his face. does he ever stop fucking grinning? “we have, haven’t we, spaghetti head?” the words seemed as if they came from another planet, for the sound of blood rushing behind his ears was too loud for the small boy to process what richie was saying.
he excused himself to go use the bathroom then, and when he got there, he realized he might as well have been losing his mind. “keep it together, kaspbrak,” he said to his reflection, swallowing down a lump in his throat. “it’s just richie,” the name was still unfamiliar, “just myra’s new, unsuccessful boyfriend, richie.”
when eddie finally got himself to come out of the bathroom and walk into the living room again, he was stopped dead in his tracks. myra’s pinky was looped around the taller boy’s and words were flowing out of his mouth beautifully.
“-i promise, okay? i’ll always be here for you,” and then he was moving his hand up and extending his thumb to kiss. “i never break a pinky promise.” if only eddie would have known those six words would be repeating through his head painfully for three years afterwards. richie looked like a totally different person when he was serious, eddie then realized. he felt anxiety creep up his body with the question ‘i wonder if i’ll ever be in myra’s spot’. he knew he’d probably have an asthma attack due to richie’s eyes alone.
“me and richie broke up,” is what eddie heard five days later coming through his cell phone speaker, the owner’s voice broken and rough. “i-i didn’t-”
“wait, wait, what happened?” the brown-eyed boy asked, more curious than sympathetic.
“he pinky promised me!” she wailed, ignoring his question and making eddie move the phone an inch or two from his ear. “he said he never breaks pinky promises, and he did!”
eddie stopped talking to myra after that. not because of any particular reason, but just simply because of the fact that whenever he looked at her, all he could think about was richie’s arm around him and richie’s pinky promise and richie’s beautiful, blue eyes. the two boys never swapped numbers, so eddie had to spend the rest of eighth grade wondering if richie was ever really his ‘friend’, or if he was only taking interest in the hypochondriac because of myra.
what he didn’t realize until three months later, though, was that richie actually never did break his pinky promise. he was still there for myra if she needed him, but eddie guesses he lost interest in being something more than acquaintances. richie was good with his words and eddie was destined to be wrapped around his finger sooner or later.
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pinesconessecrets · 6 years
Ice to Meet You
Merry Christmas @ladynightmare12 ! I hope you enjoy the fic!! <: I had a lot of fun with the soulmate AU, since it’s something I’ve always enjoyed. I combined it with the first meetings AU too. Have a great Christmas! <3
Wirt had given up on trying to find his soulmate when he was thirteen. He still remembered the conversation that came after he mentioned it to his mom. She had choked on her tea, wheezing until she’d managed to regain control of herself again. Then began the spiel about, “Oh, sweetie. You’ll meet her at some point in your life, don’t give up now!” and Wirt just sighed. Internally, of course. He didn’t want to upset his mom any further. A good bit of everyone in his grade had found their soulmate, leaving Wirt feeling terribly alone. Sara tried to comfort him, except she ran into her soulmate a few months later; it was some guy named Brian. That was a fun day.
He was a little more than relieved to graduate high school, which meant moving away to a college in a different state. A college in Oregon had caught his eye and he applied, half expecting to get denied. But lo and behold, the college actually accepted him and even had a full ride scholarship too.
Greg was against Wirt moving across the country when he broke the news. Wirt reassured him that he would call every day and keep in touch. He wouldn’t be left out just because Wirt didn’t live in the same house anymore.
Wirt enjoyed the trip to Oregon. His parents rented a small u-Haul for the stuff Wirt could take to put in his dorm. He was lucky enough to score a single person room, complete with his own bathroom. He didn’t think he could have managed if he had to share a dorm and a bathroom, much less having to suffer from public bathrooms.
They made the drive out to be like a mini vacation, taking their time since they left a few days early. Wirt’s nerves almost got the best of him a few times, the realization of him living somewhere that wasn’t with his mom and stepdad. Thankfully Greg managed to quickly distract him before he grew too anxious, eerily able to quickly figure out when his nerves were beginning to act up.
With the help of everyone, it didn’t take long before Wirt’s room was set up. He still had a few things to tweak here and there, like moving his desk closer to the window and hanging up his poems on the walls. He didn’t have much time to be particularly picky about how his room was set up with his parents and brother around.
They stayed in town for a few days, exploring the place with Wirt in tow. It definitely was a college town considering the absurd amount of fast food restaurants around. Like seriously, who needed this many fast food places? At least there were a few cafes for Wirt to hang out in. Cafes were pretty sweet places to chill at and they had a great effect on Wirt when it came to writing poetry. He was excited about that.
Tears were shed by his mom and Greg on the day they had to leave. Greg made Wirt promise to call him every day, and that was a rock fact. Wirt lingered in the parking lot for a bit longer than he intended, staring off into space before letting out a long sigh. He hoped he would be able to survive the semester before Christmas break. His next adventure in life had begun, only to bring challenges he had no way to prepare for.
Wirt got to studying diligently when the semester began. The majority of his classes were the core classes every freshman were required to take, including math. Thank god that he only needed to take two semesters of it due to his major in English. Math was one of his most detested classes; it was the worst. Maybe he was being overly dramatic, but Wirt would rather prefer to listen to someone scrape their nails on a chalkboard repeatedly for hours than be stuck in math class for even an hour. The entire point was above him, and the fact that other kids were majoring in math just blew his mind. They were to be feared.
The semester started out slow but picked up steam as the weeks went on. Midterms came and went, letting Wirt breathe a sigh of relief when his passing grades were posted.
He video called Greg before he went out trick or treating on Halloween, both happy and mortified that Greg decided to go as a garden gnome. Their trip to the Unknown was still very present in their minds years after it happened. At least now it was easier to deal with, and they didn’t have to worry about being sent into a fit of panic when winter rolled around anymore. Wirt admitted that Greg wore the outfit far better than he did, earning a protest of “No, you wore it better!” from Greg. They bickered back and forth until their mom told them to knock it out or else Greg wouldn’t be getting any candy that year. That shut Greg up and he hastily told Wirt goodbye and that he’d show him how much candy he got before going to bed.
Wirt found himself growing progressively more stressed as the end of the semester rolled around. His professors shoved study guides down their student’s throats and made it very clear that passing their finals would make or break their grades. Wirt found himself spending more and more time at his favorite cafe. He would have been surprised that he hadn’t drunk all of their tea if he wasn’t so stressed about passing his finals.
A week before finals, the unthinkable happened.
Wirt was on his way to the Jasmine Brew Cafe, lost in thought about his upcoming math final. It was the one he dreaded the most, and rightfully so. Other students in his class struggled as much as he did. The professor didn’t know how to break down the lesson so other kids could understand what he was trying to teach. Wirt barely managed to understand what the heck he was talking about most the time, and he hoped it would be enough.
Of course, the dork was so lost in thought that he wasn’t watching where he was walking. His foot made contact with frozen ice on the sidewalk, causing him to slip and fall down to the pavement. Wirt miraculously held onto his notebooks, laying on his back, winded from his fall.
Someone with unruly brown hair peered down at him with a look of mild concern. Wirt wished he could turn invisible because he knew that everyone around him saw what just happened.
“Hi there. It’s ice to meet you finally.” The other boy paused, before continuing. “I hope that’s not weird? I’ve seen you around campus before and I noticed you were always alone and I was going to say hi but I always got distracted and oh my god I’m sorry I’m kinda rambling. I tend to do that a lot and my sister always punches me and yep I’m gonna shut up now.”
Wirt’s wrist burned. That was what his stupid soulmate mark said. ‘Hi there, it’s ice to meet you finally.’
He wanted to say something witty back, but all that could come out of his mouth was, “Was that a motherfucking pun?” He rarely cussed, but dangit he was sleep deprived and angry that he was stupid enough to fall and slip on ice.
The other boy blanched, his extended hand frozen in shock. Wirt shuffled to his feet, clutching his notebooks to his chest. An awkward silence enveloped the two, only to be broken by the other boy.
“Do you want to go somewhere warm? Get some coffee or something?”
Wirt broke free of his surprise. “Uh, um, sure. I was heading to the Jasmine Brew Cafe to get some studying done. It’s right up the street here.”
“Cool. I’ve only been there once or twice, so lead the way.” He stuck his hands in his pockets, looking at Wirt expectantly.
“Right.” Wirt turned on his heels and began walking to the cafe, fidgeting with the spiral of a notebook. He knew that he was probably acting slightly like a jerk. Okay, a lot like a jerk. He had spent the majority of his teenage years resenting the idea of soulmates, knowing he’d never find his and that he’d live the rest of his life alone. But look what happened. He ran into his soulmate.
The rush of warm air made Wirt feel grateful for heating, heading to his usual spot by the wall. He sat with his back to the wall, and a large window to his left. Being able to look out into the street helped declutter his mind.
He almost relaxed, until the other boy - his soulmate - slid into the chair across from him. He looked as nervous as Wirt was.
“I’m Dipper, by the way. I don’t think I introduced myself yet.”
“Wirt. It’s um, nice to meet you, I guess,” he mumbled, his awkwardness hitting him like a fricking train. Now that the fact that yep, him finding his soulmate was a thing, was starting to sink in, a feeling of panic also begun to set in too.
“Hey, are you okay? You look like you’re freaking out there a little. I mean, I’m kinda freaking out too, but that’s because I’m super pumped to have finally run into my soulmate.” Dipper looked giddy almost.
Wirt chewed on a nail. “Y-yeah, I’m okay. It’s just… I gave up on finding my soulmate years ago, so I never thought I would actually run into them. I hope you don’t think I’m a jerk or anything because oh my god I feel so bad for being cold to you.”
When Dipper was silent, Wirt looked up to find him holding back a snicker. With the biggest shit eating grin, Dipper replied, “Was that a motherfucking pun?”
“Oh my god.” Wirt groaned, dropping his face into his hands. “Do not use my own words against me.”
“Kinda hard to considering they’re right here.” Dipper rolled his sleeve back, revealing the words scrawled across his arm. God, they were even in Wirt’s own handwriting. How crazy was that?
Wirt reached out to touch the words on Dipper’s arm, stopping short once he realized what he was about to do. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay. I know it’s a lot to take in. But I don’t mind if you wanna take a closer look at them.” His voice was quiet.
Figuring that he may as well roll with the punches, Wirt pulled his own sleeve back, exposing Dipper’s godawful pun written on the inside of his forearm. Dipper didn’t hesitate before running his fingers over Wirt’s pale skin, tracing the scratchy letters of his own handwriting. It looked different from his own, his letters rushed and hurried versus the flowing loops of Wirt’s.
Wirt finally caved and traced the words on Dipper’s arm. The two dorks sat in silence, no words needing to be exchanged as they let the importance of the day truly sink in.
The corners of Dipper’s mouth quirked up in a grin after a while. “So, did you wanna get a coffee and chat? And maybe tell me how you’ve bean all these years.”
Wirt had a feeling the puns weren’t ever going to stop.
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