#adam faulkner stanheight x yn
slasher-male-wife · 1 year
Horror characters taking care of their sick s/o
I'm in my sick Victorian boy era. I'm being dramatic because I have a mild case of the flu. I need to write something to keep myself sane so why not write for some characters I haven't written about for awhile.
Includes: Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, and Pyramid head
Warnings: Reader is sick, some of these characters aren't super smart, mentions of vomit and medication, vague talk of cannibalism and violence
Amanda Young
Amanda has basic medical knowledge and when she sees you getting sick she's quick to get you to stay in bed and will be a little overbearing. She's been taking care of John for awhile and seeing her partner sick makes her very worried.
She's going to spend any free time she has taking care of you. She knows you're going to be fine but that's not going to stop her from becoming your personal nurse.
She wants to avoid using medication unless a doctor tells her to use them. She thinks because medication isn't working for John that must mean it won't really work for you.
She knows to keep some distance but she's still going to be around you and touch you. She might intentionally spend more time around you then get closer to Hoffman to try and get him sick.
She might talk to Lawrence about what she should be doing and your symptoms. If you know that she's a jigsaw apprentice she'll introduce you to him as her coworker. But if you don't she'll either bribe him into seeing you or just take his advice.
She is reminded of what happened at the gas house and if you're sick enough that you start to throw she'll need to leave the room and probably spend some time to compose herself. I strongly believe that what jigsaw did to her really messed her up but she denies it.
Adam Faulkner
Oh my god if he finds out you're sick I hope you're ready for him to try and help but honestly just make a fool of himself.
You're hopefully not living in his apartment anymore and depending on your temperature and the weather he's going to keep your bedroom window open because "fresh air helps".
He thinks that he doesn't have to keep space from you because you're dating and he probably ends up getting sick himself. But no matter how much you tell him to stay away so he doesn't get sick he won't listen.
While he's out working (probably for jigsaw) he'll leave out medication for you to take, food you can heat up or just eat cold, and probably gives you anything you need to stay entertained.
If you call him for anything he's dropping whatever he's doing to go help you. You have to literally tell him several times that he doesn't have to rush home and you can stay on your own while he works.
He probably doesn't have any insurance just by judging his apartment so unless you absolutely need to see a doctor he's going to be the one taking care of you.
Will Graham
His medical knowledge is better than some people in these head canons but it's still not the best. I feel like if it's anything than a mild case of the cold or the flu he's taking you to a doctor.
Probably looks up if human illnesses can transfer to dogs. Either way he's keeping his dogs away from you until you feel better.
Will not let you out of bed unless you're going to the bathroom. He deals with blood and guts for a living so dealing with someone who's sick is probably a vacation for him.
Will is going to try to keep Hannibal away from you while you're sick for so many reasons. But Hannibal is probably going to end up seeing you anyway because Will is going to cave.
If the weather and your health allows he's going to take you outside for fresh air like you're a consumption patient from 1912. He will let his dogs around you if you're outside.
Will guilt Jack into letting him stay home for a few days to take care of you. He is going to bring up everything Jack has ever done to him. "Hey Jack I need to stay home to take care of my partner. I know you'll let me take it off since you made me work while I had ensyphilitis."
Hannibal Lecter
He's a literal doctor but also a fucking weirdo so be careful. He'll still take good care of you but will also take the time to get into philosophical discussions with you while you're half asleep.
He refuses to give you anything store bought to eat. Will literally make crackers and break from scratch for you to eat. He'll lay off on the human meat until you're better.
Will not allow you to use one of his bowls as a "throw up bowl" You're using the bathroom to do so, he doesn't care if you accidentally vomit on his floors because he can clean the floor, but his bowls are too valuable.
He won't let you spend all day looking at screens. Hannibal will provide you with any kind of entertainment you want to get you off screens for awhile. He will get you whatever books you want or any other low energy activity.
Will insist on keeping your space clean. Will wash your sheets often and insists on giving you a bath, the temperature depending on if you have a fever or not.
He will keep a sort of distance from you but will also be near you. He will take precautions of course but he can't stop himself from spending time in your room, talking with you.
Pyramid head
He has little knowledge of human illnesses, because he's a demi god of sorts he never really gets sick. So when he sees you get cold sweats or start having a bad cough he's confused about why it's happening. '
You'll have to educate him on your condition and tell him what he needs to do to help you. I don't think there's any medication you can take in silent hill but he can probably find you something to help.
He also probably can't get sick so he doesn't have to worry about getting too close to you. If you try to pull away from him to hide your cough or sneeze he'll just pull you back. Even if he did get a cold from you he'd get over it pretty quickly.
He'll honestly want to be pretty touchy all the time even when you're not sick because he's never had human contact before. You'll probably have to explain to him that cuddling isn't the best thing when you have a fever.
He's going to try and get you as comfortable as possible while he's busy doing Pyramid Head stuff. It all depends on your condition and you'll have to explain to him what you need.
He also doesn't really understand germs so you'll have to explain them to him and why you need to keep yourself and your area clean and why you can't just throw up anywhere. After that he'll get you something to use for that then just throw it somewhere.
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goatcheesecak3 · 4 months
How about Adam x reader who were dating before the trap, maybe got into a fight, but Adam lives because that’s definitely what happened and they find each other.
Also ur NSFW hcs were good so feel free to sprinkle some spice if you see fit :)
Lost and found
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x gn!reader
Fic type: angst, fluff
Warnings: missing person, medically induced coma
A/n: hello!! Thank you for your request, it was such a cute idea!! There's no nsfw because I couldn't find a way for it to fit into this story, but while we're on the topic I just wanna give a message to anyone who saw my Adam nsfw hcs!! I originally posted the unfinished version by accident, but I've gone back and added more to them since! So make sure you're all caught up on those, in my very biased opinion they're extremely canon teehee :^) all can be found in my masterlist as usual
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You and Adam had dated for two years before finally ending it about a month ago. The relationship was tumultuous to say the least, epic highs followed by epic lows. Being with Adam could be so wonderful at times, the way he kissed you like you were the only person in the world, the way he would have you folded in on yourself laughing. Your memory was filled with long nights spent talking and falling deeper and deeper in love. Adam was good with his words, which was a blessing and a curse- he could make your heart flutter just as easily as he could crush it. Arguments were frequent, and volatile, he always took things too far. Deciding that this was no way to live, with heavy hearts, the two of you called it quits.
You'd heard around from mutual acquaintances that he'd gotten into a pretty rough spot after the breakup, apparently he'd become some kind of stalker for hire? Like a private investigator but with absolutely no credentials or regard for his or anyone else's safety. It didn't exactly surprise you that he'd gone into a somewhat shady line of work, considering his lack of high school diploma there weren't really many options for him, you wished you could help, but you'd both agreed to keep your distance and move on.
One day however, you couldn't help but break the promise you'd made to yourself, and you asked about him. You'd run into his best friend, Scott at a video store, and despite all your restraint, the words tumbled out of your mouth:
"How's Adam been lately?"
"Pfft how should I know? I haven't spoken to that asshole since he totally bailed on my band photoshoot" Scott scoffed, rolling his eyes disinterestedly.
It wasn't like Adam to turn down paid work of any kind, so you decided to pry deeper,
"What do you mean? He just didn't show up?"
"Yeah, no call, no nothing. He hasn't spoken to anyone. Probably thinks he's too good for me and the guys now with his investigator bullshit, but lemme tell y-"
"Wait, he's actually doing that?! That's so dangerous, you don't think he's gotten himself into trouble do you?"
"I don't know, I got my own shit to worry about. Besides, no one bails on me and gets my sympathy. Scott Tibbs don't chase, baby." He said, all too loudly. You could practically see his ego bulging out of his head.
As you left the video store, the interaction played on your mind. After you and Adam had broken up, Scott was pretty much the only person in his life, and he didn't seem to give two hoots about Adam's wellbeing. Essentially, there wasn't a single person on earth who'd heard anything from Adam in the last week, and no one seemed to be trying to find him. You knew his family were estranged, and pretty much everyone else in his life were all acquaintances at best. If he was in trouble, it was up to you to help.
You headed to his apartment, just to see if he was home. Best case scenario he was, and you got some of your cds back, worst case.. well, you didn't wanna think about that.
You crept up the creaky mildewy staircase of his apartment complex until you reached his floor. Something in your gut felt wrong as you got closer to his door, something that you couldn't quite understand. It wasn't fear, it was overwhelming dread. You always thought there was a big difference between those two feelings; fear was wondering if something bad would happen, and dread was knowing in your heart that it would.
You knocked on his door and waited a beat. Nothing. For whatever reason, a voice in your head told you to try the door handle, and to your surprise, it was unlocked. Adam's apartment looked frozen in time, a half eaten bowl of mouldy noodles sat on his coffee table, an empty beer bottle next to it. Everything looked untouched. That was until your eyes made their way to the floor next to his closet- his camera. Smashed to pieces, and left strewn all over the floor. Your eyes darted up toward his redroom, which appeared to have been ransacked.
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. You repeated over and over in your head like a mantra.
Your first thought was that someone he'd been stalking had caught him, followed him home to destroy any damning evidence, then deal with Adam.
Panic set in at this moment, as you rushed through his apartment, desperately hoping he was just passed out somewhere.
"Adam?! Adam?!" You cried out, to no avail.
Of course, the second you had regained enough composure to remember to do so, you called the police and filed a missing person's report. The next few days were filled with police interviews, cutting out and sticking the few pictures of Adam you had onto missing person's posters and plastering them all over the city. You handed them out to anyone who would take them, you gave them to all the venues and corner shops that Adam often went to, and you hounded the police relentlessly.
Sure, Adam was your ex, but my god how you had loved him, how you still loved him. You were the only person in his life who loved him, and you refused to give up.
After 6 never ending days, your phone rang. It was a call from the police.
"We've found a young man fitting Adam's description on the outskirts of the city. He's currently in the hospital in a medically induced coma while the staff tend to his injuries. As he is unable to identify himself at this time, we would greatly appreciate it if you could come down and identify him for us" the voice from the phone said.
This was like music to your ears, you tried not to get your hopes up, but you just knew it was him. It had to be, you could feel it in your heart.
As you stood by the bed of the man, you fell to your knees and wept. He was far skinner, his skin pale and almost translucent, his hair tangled and dirty- but there was no doubt about it, that was your Adam.
"That's him! That's my baby! Oh my god, that's my Adam!" You sobbed, clutching into the police office for support. He looked happy for you.
After a few days, Adam woke up. He was by no means in good shape, but he was alert, he was safe, and he was asking for you. He'd had to speak to police before he could have any visitors, but they'd assured him that you had done a great deal to help them find him, and he was touched.
"I thought I was gonna die in that room.."
"You probably would have, if y/n hadn't tried to find you"
"No one else reported me?"
The cop shook his head solemnly.
"Damn... I gotta see her, i- I gotta thank her,  i-"
He rambled like this for a while, until he was assured that you were able to come visit him.
"Hey, sugar" Adam smiled cockily, despite how weak he was.
You approached the chair next to his bed and reached down to stroke his face lovingly.
"That didn't sound very ex boyfriend of you" You teased.
"Aw come onnnn, I nearly die and you still don't want me back?" He whined, giving you a playful pout.
You chuckled and kissed his forehead,
"I basically saved your life, don't get greedy"
Adam's eyes narrowed, and he looked uncertain, "wait.. are you saying you actually don't wanna get back together?"
You rolled your eyes and pinched his cheek,
"Of course not dummy, I just like watching you squirm"
Adam mustered all of his strength to lift his arms and place his hands on your cheeks, pulling your face towards his.
"You're such a bitch" he mumbled against your lips with a smile
"You're a bitch" you giggled back.
The playful teasing went on for a while, until you were sat in a love filled silence, just holding eachother's hands. Adam was the first to break the silence.
"I'm a changed man, you know, y/n"
"While I was in that room, you were all I could think about. I kept thinking about all the times I hurt you and I knew I needed to make it right. I made a vow to myself that i was gonna get out of there, and I was gonna get you back... and I was gonna love you the way you deserve to be loved. I'm gonna do that, y/n. I'm gonna prove I deserve to be with you, even if it takes a lifetime... which it probably will now that you basically saved my life"
"Yeah, it's gonna be pretty difficult to level that playing field" you smiled jokingly.
"I mean it, y/n," Adam said, his voice serious, "I promise I'm going to devote the rest of my life to loving you, it's the least I could do".
And several happy years later, he's kept that promise.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers and snowball fights head canons
So it's winter and I want it to snow where I am so I'm writing this. This is probably the most slashers I've ever included in head canons before but like I wanna make it up to you guys for being kinda absent lately.
Includes: Brahms Heelshire, Corey Cunningham, Michael Myers, Amanda Young, Adam Faulkner, Candyman, Jason Voorhees, and Billy Lenz
Warnings: Slashers being competative, slashers being kinda mean
Brahms Heelshire
When you throw the first snow ball Brahms is a little confused. Why did you throw snow at him? Are you trying to hurt him?
You're going to have to explain that it's like a game people play, making snow balls and throwing them at each other.
When Brahms hears it a game, he's getting so competative omg. He's going to me bombarding you with snow balls.
He's going to love throwing the snowballs but hate when you actually hit him. He'll whine and hit you straight in the face with a snow ball.
Will insist you cuddle to warm up once you get back inside. He's going to demand it until you listen to him.
Corey Cunningham
He's going to jump when you unexpectidly hit him with a snowball. But once he kinda calms down it is so on.
He's going to have a ball play fighting with you. I have a feeling he likes play fighting in general but like snow balls fights are a lot more fun.
He's not the best as making snow balls but he's got a good arm that he uses to throw them. And he can throw them far too. You're not gonna be safe anywhere.
He'll "let you" hit him with snowballs too just to make it fair. Because he loves nothing more than hearing his s/o laugh and smile.
Will start to worry a bit if you look like you're getting too cold. After you both get inside he's making you your hot drink of choice and cuddling with you to warm up.
Michael Myers
Like Brahms he's going to be confused about why you threw snow at him. You'll have to explain to him that it's a game and he'll probably understand then.
He's going to be so aggressive with this I'm so sorry Y/n but he's brutal. Like he's constantly throwing snow balls at you. Honestly might pin you down and dump snow on any exposed skin he can find.
He doesn't mean to actually hurt you. He just gets really aggressive with play fighting.
Once he gets tired enough he's going to let you start hitting him back and let you "win" the snowball fight.
After getting back inside he's going to try to heat up by himself but if you wanna cuddle to warm up he's not complaining.
Amanda Young
When you first throw the snowball she's going to yelp and then laugh. If you want a snow ball fight you're going to get one Y/n.
Constantly throwing snowballs at you. She's got pretty good aim too. Will make a little pile of snowballs to hit you back with.
I can see her trying to put snowballs down your clothes if she gets close enough. She doesn't mean to be rude she just loves to play fight with you. Please don't be mad at her.
Will let you get her back however. She might be mean but she's fair. It's not fun if you don't get hit at least once.
Will happily cuddle up with you once you're done outside. Probably will want to drink some coffee while doing so but as long as you're there she's happy.
Adam Faulkner
He just wanted to take pictures outside while it's snowing he never wanted to be pelted with snow balls.
Will refuse to play along with this until you hit him in the face, then it's on Y/n, get ready.
He's going to make so many snow balls but fail horribly at throwing them because he has such bad aim.
Won't complain when you warm up with him inside. Will want to go develop his photos though.
Candy Man
He's, like a lot of slashers, confused as to why you threw a snowball at him. Why do you want to hurt him love?
Please explain that it's a game people play and have fun with. He'll quickly explain he can't really make snow balls to throw back at you.
So you'll have to make a pile of them for him so you to can have fun playing together.
Will happily wrap his coat around your body to keep you warm after playing outside in the cold. If you have a fireplace he'll probably light a fire.
Jason Voorhees
Did you just, hit him, with a ball of snow? Y/n what are you doing? Are you mad at him? Please don't be mad!
It'll take some convincing to get Jason to play with you. He'd much rather make a snowman, but if his s/o wants to play with snowballs he'll play with them.
He's going to be gentle and probably just lightly throw them at you. He doesn't want to hurt you at all so please don't be mad when he's not using his full strength to hit you.
Will inist you two cuddle by a fire after playing outside. It's the right thing to do Y/n.
Billy Lenz
Won't even ask questions, once you hit him with a snow ball he's throwing them right back at you.
He'll be very aggressive with throwing them your way and making sure that they hit you. He's not going to just let you win, you have to earn it.
Also might just dump snow down your clothes because he's a bit mean like that.
Won't complain when you cuddle up with him inside the house.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Slashers falling for a server reader
I'm basing this post off of this fic I read awhile ago and have been obsessed with since then. I've never worked as a server before so sorry if this is unrealistic or whatever.
Includes: Doomhead, Leslie Vernon, Adam Faulkner and Danny Johnson/ Jed Olsen
Warnings: Mentions of stalking, reader being photographed without their knowledge
When he first sees that you're going to be his server he's going to smile. He'll be polite and just ask for coffee and watch while you pour it for him.
While he's ordering he's going to pepper in pet names, "What do you recommend darlin'?" "Can I get another coffee sweetheart?" and things like that. He'll only do it after he sees you give him a positive reaction from it.
Will try and talk with you as much as he can while you're taking his order, asking you about yourself and telling you about him if you're interested.
He will leave you a huge tip and his number after he leaves.
Leslie Vernon
He's going to be his usual very cheery self with you. Probably using his personality to his advantage so he can call you pet names too. Will probably say "Hello gorgeous" when you first come to his table.
He's going to be watching you the entire time he's there. Like constantly looking at you and calling you back for whatever he needs. He's going to drink and ungodly amount of coffee just to get you back to his table.
He's already planning out how to stalk you after this. You're his new obsession and he's not going to let you get away so easily.
Like Doomhead he's leaving a huge tip but he's asking for your number instead of leaving his, "So Y/n, can I get your number?"
Adam Faulkner
He's probably there because he was working late on a project and he needed something to pick him up. He'll be pretty shy when you first come around. He'll probably just stare at you for a minute before you ask him if he's going to order. "Are you going to order sir?" "Oh uh yeah sorry."
I can see him trying to sneak a picture of you and probably getting away with it. He's way too awkward to actually ask you if he can take your picture so he's just skipping that step.
Will have you list the specials just so he can hear you talk more. He'll order something standard or ask you what he should get. Will probably accidentally spill his coffee and will feel both guilty and excited when you come over to help him clean up.
He leaves you a pretty good tip with his number. He's pretty much glued to his phone waiting for you to call him.
Danny Johnson/ Jed Olsen
He's polite but also outright flirts with you. "I didn't know such hot people worked here." He will say a ton of stuff like that all throughout his meal. He likes seeing how flustered you get while he's just calmly sitting there calling you hot.
Like Adam he will successfully sneak a pic of you while also already planning on how he's going to stalk you for the foreseeable future until the time is right.
Will try and convince you to sit down with him and talk. Like Leslie he's going to call you over more often than necessary just to talk with you, slightly annoying you but he's hot so you can't be too mad.
Hands you your tip with his number written on a napkin. Even if you don't call him right away he's still stalking you.
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
Halloween slasher event: Halloween photo shoot with Adam Faulkner
Wow almost done with these fics. I'm kinda happy that it's over but sad because that means that Halloween is ending. But at least we get another month of fall. Anyway I haven't written much for Adam and I haven't seen saw for a bit so I'm sorry again if this sucks.
Warnings: A little bit of strong language
Adam has been non stop talking about how much he wants to do a photo shoot for you. He's been talking about how good you'd look on camera and how he'd even print out the pictures so he can frame them.
Then the perfect oportunity fell into your hands. Adam got a gig for taking some product pictures for a makeup company for their Halloween line. You also had some old Halloween costumes laying around so Adam decided to kill two birds with one stone.
You two set up the area you'd be shooting at and Adam helped you get into the costumes and wigs. You were going to be a zombie, a rococo royal person and David Bowie.
You did all the makeup while Adam took pictures of the products you were using. You came out as the skeleton first. Adam couldn't hold back his smile as he positioned you and took the pictures.
You assumed he was using the excuse of positioning you as a way to touch and be close to you. But you didn't mind. Adam took those pictures and constantly praised you for how good you look and how well these are turning out.
You put on the other costumes and Adam couldn't stop himself from constantly praising you for how good you looked. He took so many damn pictures too. By the end of it three hours had passed and he took up an entire chip of photos of you.
When you asked if he was upset about it he said, "Not at all. All these pictures are full of the prettiest person I've ever seen."
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goatcheesecak3 · 4 months
ik probably one thousand people have requested it already and/or you’re expecting it to be requested but PLEEAAASSSEEE may i humbly beg for a morning routine for our fav grungy drowned rat Adam
Morning routine Hcs
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x gn!reader
Fic type: headcanons, fluff
Warnings: brief mention of weed, very tame nsfw at number 4
A/n: hehehe I was waiting for someone to ask for this one <3 and thank u so so so much!! I love doing these hcs, it's funny how vastly different all the characters personalities are lmao
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Adam begrudgingly rolls out of bed at ???? O'clock. It's different every day, but the one constant is that it's always far too late for wherever he needs to be.
If money's been good recently, he'll have plain toast, a black coffee and a cigarette. If money's been tight, he'll just have the cigarette.
On days where he doesn't have to work, you usually stay over- those are his favourite days. There's no rush to be anywhere, so the booth of you sleep in.
When you both finally wake up, no one's super eager to get out of bed. You spend the next hour or so cuddling and fooling around -Adam has a thing for lazy, sloppy morning sex, he says "it'll wake us both up" with that cheeky, half asleep smirk. He looks irresistible with his messy morning hair, so you're pretty much always down.
Afterwards, you both take a shower together to save on the water bill- and to make sure Adam doesn't get too freaked out by being in the bathroom alone. You both give eachother lots of cuddles and playful squeezes, and Adam LOVES it when you wash his hair for him, massaging his scalp and kissing all over his face.
On days when you come over, you usually bring a small bag of groceries, knowing that Adam most likely doesn't have anything in, so you whip up something nice while Adam makes the bed and hangs up any wet towels (a habit that you got him into).
When you make Breakfast it's usually pancakes, they're Adam's number one favourite food in the world, and he LOVES sweet things. He'll cover his pancakes with jam, syrup, chocolate spread- basically anything with a lot of sugar. Anything but lemon juice, he hates lemons because they're too sour.
Sometimes the two of you will take a morning stroll through the city park to feed the birds and squirrels, while Adam takes pictures. One time he snapped a pic of you with a squirrel eating out of your hand, and that picture lives in his wallet now.
Most mornings, however, the two of you just snuggle on the sofa watching beavis and butthead, smoke a little, and make out. He's a man of simple pleasures.
Adam's life has been pretty hectic up until meeting you, so lazy mornings mean an awful lot to him. He loves getting warm and cosy in his tiny little apartment, far away from the rest of the world, just you and him for a little while.
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goatcheesecak3 · 15 days
Chainshipping x gn!reader hcs
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: nsfw at number 9
A/n: absolutely no one asked for this but I want more chainshipping x reader to exist!! Let me know if this is something you want more of
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You met Lawrence and Adam at survivors meetings. Lawrence had approached you first, noticing that you seemed frightened, and had introduced you to his boyfriend, Adam.
You found it quite amusing that they'd found love from one of jigsaws tests, and often joked that you were still waiting for the silver lining of your trap to show itself to you.
You became super close to Lawrence and Adam, the pair of them seemed to care about you a great deal, and loved spending time with you. So much, in fact, that they invited you out with them to bars, fancy dinners, gigs (which were more Adam's thing than Larry's), until you were basically present for every date night.
Often times the three of you would stay out late and return back to Lawrence and Adam's shared apartment. You'd all sleep together in the same bed, you'd usually be in the middle, snuggled up and resting your head on one of the boys' chests, with the other spooning you from behind.
After casually going on dates and cuddling at night for a while, the three of you became aware of your feelings for eachother. Lawrence had very gingerly attempted to bring it up one day, when you were all having a movie night. He didn't want to assume and then make the friendship awkward. Adam, however, did not share his caution. "Look, what Larry's tryna say, is that we think you're hot, you think we're hot, do you wanna be in a throuple, yes or no?" "Adam, you can't just-"
So you became part of their relationship, and it was wonderful, the dynamic just seemed to work. Adam and Lawrence are both very doting partners, they love taking care of you and spoiling you, and you love doing the same for them.
You and Adam like the same type of music, so you go with him to gigs while Larry stays home- he's very grateful for that, since basement shows aren't really his scene.
In a similar vein, you go with Larry to his fancy work dinners, while Adam stays home, which Adam is unbelievably thankful for. He absolutely loathes having to wear a suit and act fancy in front of Lawrence's rich friends.
You and Adam like to get quite mischievous together and wind up Lawrence, particularly when he's at work. If you and Adam ever get it on while Larry's away, you'll take photos and text them to him with captions like "we miss you...". It drives him CRAZY.
Sometimes you come home from work to find Adam and Lawrence fast asleep on the sofa, all snuggled up together. Your favourite thing is to squeeze in between them and go to sleep too, enjoying their warmth
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Masterlist
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Bus stop series
Part 1 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 2 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 3 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 4 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 5 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 6 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 7 (m!reader) (f!reader)
Part 8 (m!reader) (f!reader)
One offs
Hot head (f!reader) (m!reader)
Art teacher
Adam gets a good ending because I said so
Sleepyheads (ft. Scott Tibbs) (f!reader) (m!reader)
Lost and found (gn!reader)
Dear diary (from Adam's mother's pov)
Comfort (gn!reader)
Adam's diary (from perspective of teenage Adam)
Dad bod hcs
Dating hcs
Red flags
Coping mechanisms
Morning routine
Chainshipping x reader
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goatcheesecak3 · 10 months
Dating Adam headcanons
Context: this takes place after he escapes the bathroom (which definitely happened and is 1000% canon)
I've never written for Adam before, so I hope I did our bbygirl justice
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He really doesn't like bathrooms anymore, for obvious reasons. He'll only shower if you sit outside talking or singing to him the whole time. When he gets out, you dry his hair for him all while telling him how proud you are and how brave he is.
He doesn't really keep on top of general chores, so you regularly do his laundry for him or come by to help clean his apartment. With any other guy you might find this irritating, but Adam's got enough on his plate, you're just glad he's letting you take care of him.
This man is CLINGY, if you're not with him he's constantly texting and calling you to make sure nothing bad has happened. When you are with him, he's pretty much always touching you in some way, it could be cuddling, having his arm over your shoulder or just resting his hand on your leg. He says he just finds physical touch comforting, and after all he's been through, you can see why.
Absolutely no one makes you laugh like Adam does, it's what attracted you to him in the first place. He's got such a clever dry wit, it seems as though he's been blessed with the ability to speak in perfect one liners 24/7. He constantly has you either cracking up, or rolling your eyes playfully.
He's incredibly cheeky, even though he's been your boyfriend for a while, he still flirts with you as if he's trying to pick you up at a bar or something. You find the amount of effort he puts into wooing you very cute.
He has a lot of trouble with sleeping. Sometimes his nightmares get so bad that he gets too scared to go to sleep, other times he wakes up in a panic, thinking he's waking up back in that awful room. You've discovered that sleeping with a small lamp on helps with this, so that when he wakes up he can immediately tell where he is, and playing gentle music while he goes to bed seems to calm him. But the most effective thing you've found, is warmth. Back in the bathroom it was freezing cold and damp, so to give him the opposite effect, you buy him a hot water bottle to cuddle at night (as well as cuddling him yourself).
He's pretty broke, so he can't really afford to take you out on fancy dates, but you don't care about that at all. Sometimes he'll take you for an evening walk in the park, which the two of you really enjoy. For special occasions though, he scrapes together whatever money he can to give you a nice night. He'll usually splurge on a steak and some wine and cook you a fancy meal from home, which you eat in his little apartment by candlelight.
Adam has a real sweet tooth, when you come to stay with him you always make a stop in a corner store on the way and pick him up some chocolate or a bag of skittles or something (and a pack of smokes ofc), and every time without fail it surprises him.
Surprisingly, arguments aren't actually that common between the two of you. Don't get me wrong, sometimes Adam can be a bit of an ass, he can be snippy and quick to anger, but you never let it escalate. You understand that he's got good reason to be a little unpredictable emotionally, so you're patient and kind to him, even when he's out of line. You manage to calm him enough to talk through whatever the issue is, and resolve things fairly quickly.
When he talks about you to other people he doesn't ever say "my girlfriend/boyfriend," it's always "my girl/ my boy". Hearing him introduce you to others like "this is my girl/boy, y/n" just makes your heart flutter.
A/n I've never written for Adam before, so pls let me know if you want more!
Check my pinned post for request details and my masterlist!
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated <3
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goatcheesecak3 · 7 months
Bus stop part 7
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
Check masterlist for m!reader version! (If it's not up, send me an ask to remind me!! I always forget to post them lmao)
Warnings: none, just pure fluff
Summary: just a little glimpse into life living with Adam
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Y/n and Adam had been living together for about a month now, and despite the stress of the move, life couldn't be better. The pair now resided in a cosy apartment in a clean, safe, and friendly part of the city. The rent was a little higher than their old places, but with rent being split between the two of them, it was manageable. The walls were covered in an array of posters, artwork (some thrifted, some painted by Adam), and of course, plenty of framed photographs that Adam had taken. While putting up these pictures Adam had remarked over and over again that this made it feel like a "real home." In his childhood home, family portraits were pretty much unheard of, so it was a non negotiable that a picture of Adam, y/n and their new family member- a black cat named Frank- took pride of place on the small mantle in the living room.
Days in this new home would often start with the smell of coffee and toast, but on weekends y/n would sometimes spoil Adam with pancakes and crispy bacon drenched in syrup. This was the case on a particular lazy Saturday morning.
"Adammmmm" y/n whispered from the doorway to the bedroom.
The sleeping Adam responded with a grunt, and a mumbled "five more minutes," before pulling the covers over his head"
"Fine, I guess I'll just have to give all your pancakes to Frank"
That got his attention.
As if he were a sleeper cell, only activated by the word "pancakes" Adam shot out of bed, rubbing his sleepy eyes.
He looked ever so cute in black boxers and a baggy band tshirt, his hair elegantly tousled and his sharp nose twitching at the smell of breakfast.
"Come on, sweetpea," y/n smiled lovingly, holding out a hand for him to take.
Adam took more than a hand, opting instead to hug y/n's waist and lean his tired head on her shoulder.
"You are literally my dream woman" he mumbled, and y/n could hear the smile in his voice.
"If I'd known pancakes were gonna illicit a response like that, I would have made them the first day I met you" y/n chuckled, hugging Adam back and kissing his cheek.
The pair made their way to the beat up sofa in the front room. It was the same one from Adam's old apartment, the same one they'd shared their first kiss on. It was falling apart and needed patching up on a regular basis, but it was too special to throw out. Curled up on the sofa, drinking hot coffee and inhaling their pancakes at lightning speed, Adam and y/n (and Frank the cat) channel surfed all morning. It was a perfectly uneventful day, and after all the chaos that Adam had been through, it was moments like this, the beauty and joy in pure monotony, that just solidified to him how perfect life could really be.
A/n sorry this took so long! I sorta lost my creative spark over the last few weeks due to some mental health issues, but I'm starting to feel like myself again, so hopefully more fics will be out soon! I've got a bunch in the drafts that I've been working on :^)) I know this was short but I hope you enjoyed!
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
Bus stop Pt. 5
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
M!reader version will be out in the next few days :^)
Includes: brief mentions of past violence, allusion to ptsd/trauma, fluff, angsty themes
Summary: after much persuasion, Adam starts going to therapy. After a few sessions he's ready to face one of his biggest fears.
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Adam and y/n sat in the waiting room of the therapist's office. The couple had been together for six months now, and y/n, who had always proudly gone to and advocated for therapy her whole life, had finally convinced Adam to make an appointment. This was y/n's regular therapist, Dr Luther Graham, a grey haired man in his sixties. He was exactly what you would picture if you imagined santa claus working a day job, a plump and rosy cheeked man with a long snowy white beard stuffed into a suit and suspenders. He was the sort of person anyone would feel safe talking to, which is why y/n was so sure that Adam would benefit from a session with him. Of course Adam, who was skeptical about therapy as a whole, was reluctant to pay him a visit, and only conceded that he would be willing to give therapy a try if y/n promised to go with him.
The waiting room felt like a living room from the sixties, with brown walls, art deco chairs (which looked fun, but weren't the most comfortable), and yellow mood lighting. The room felt welcoming, but in a clinical way, as though it was an alien's perception of what a human home was supposed to feel like, Adam supposed. The brown walls were adorned with certificates and plaques boasting Dr Graham's qualifications. Adam assumed that these were meant to inspire confidence in patients that this was a legitimate doctor who knew what he was doing, but for him they only reminded him of his own lack of high school diploma.
Adam's fingers were entangled with y/n's as the pair sat quietly, waiting to be called into the office. He suddenly felt a small squeeze on his hand, and turned to look at y/n.
"You're biting at your lip again, sweetie" she whispered, "what's wrong?"
Adam shook his head
"Just... this is all kinda new to me"
Y/n gave him a sympathetic smile
"Doctor Graham is lovely, I promise, you don't need to be frightened. If you really don't like it once we get in there, we can go straight home, but you'll be so proud of yourself for at least giving it a try"
Adam smiled weakly, and held y/n's hand tighter.
A wooden door creaked open, and out popped a smiling Doctor Graham's head.
"You must be Adam" he beamed, "come on in, I'm sure y/n's already told you about how this all works"
Adam shot y/n a terrified look.
"Oh, Doctor Graham, Adam was hoping I would be able to come in with him for his first session, just to make him feel more safe" y/n said calmly
"That's absolutely fine, whatever makes you most comfortable, Adam" Dr Graham smiled.
In the office were two sofas facing eachother, one which seated Doctor Graham, the other Adam and y/n. The silence was punctuated only by the ticking of an ancient looking grandfather clock, until Dr Graham spoke.
"So Adam, why don't you start by telling me a bit about yourself?
Adam turned to look at y/n, almost for approval. His eyes were asking "can I trust him? Can I tell him about me?"
"Go on, sweetheart, you don't need to be afraid" y/n encouraged him.
Adam let out a deep breath and began to speak.
"My name is Adam, I'm twenty-six and I'm a photographer. Oh, and I was kidnapped by a serial killer a few months back" he scoffed, in that familiar unserious tone.
It wasn't that Adam took what he went through lightly, quite the opposite in fact, it was just that he could only even begin to broach the subject in a jokey manner or else he'd begin to spiral.
"Would you care to elaborate on that last point for me, Adam?" Doctor Graham enquired.
"I don't really like talking about it" Adam replied.
"I understand that, not wanting to talk about a traumatic event isn't unusual. But I'm certain you often think about what you endured. Perhaps you might find some comfort in articulating those thoughts out loud, Adam. Legally I can't tell anyone about what's said in this room, so it would be just as private as your thoughts, only this way you get some advice in return" Dr Graham said.
Adam stared at his feet and considered what the doctor had said. If he was being honest with himself, it sounded like a good deal, but he was still unsure.
"You know, Adam," y/n said,  "maybe you'd feel like you could talk more freely if I stepped outside? People tend to get the most out of therapy when they have privacy"
Adam shook his head
"No, I can't do this without you, don't leave" his voice had a tinge of desperation to it, and his grip on her hand tightened, something which Doctor Graham seemed to pick up on.
"You've made it clear that you feel safer in y/n's company, why is that, Adam? Enlighten me" he asked.
Adam let out a deep breath that he didn't know he was holding.
"Y/n takes care of me and we love eachother, why wouldn't I want her to stay?"
"Well that makes sense, but judging from your reaction when you thought she might leave the room, perhaps it's less to do with you feeling comforted by her presence, but moreso afraid of her absence. Tell me, Adam, have you experienced any significant abandonment in your life?"
Adam was absolutely floored by this, Doctor Graham seemed to be able to read him like a book. His bit his lip and stared at the floor, his body tense and uncomfortable as he shifted in his seat.
"I suppose you could say that, yeah... when I was being held captive there was this doctor who was being held with me, he managed to escape and he said he'd get help but the asshole never came back."
His voice was laced with anger and hurt.
"Thank you for sharing that, Adam, I know that must have been difficult for you" Dr Graham said, "is the fear of abandonment a regular thought for you?"
Adam nodded
"I try not to let it get to me but... I don't know, I guess it's something I worry about a lot"
The conversion got a lot deeper over the hour long session, Adam opened up about his time spent in the bathroom, about how he was scared of the dark and how the sound of metal clanging put him straight back in that room. And of course, how bathrooms as a whole were something he did his best to avoid, only showering if he really had to. Dry shampoo and deodorant had been his best friends for the last few months.
"Well, that about wraps it up for today's session. Well done for being so candid and honest Adam, I hope you'll benefit from this"
"Um... thanks" Adam bit his fingernail nervously, but managed a small smile. He really was proud of himself.
"Do you think maybe... I could book another one of these? For like next week or something?" He asked shyly.
"Of course, I'm very glad you've found this helpful" Doctor Graham beamed, "I'll book you in for the same time next week?"
Later that day, y/n was over at Adam's apartment folding up some of his clothes and putting them away, while Adam sat on the bed bundled up with a blanket draped over his shoulders. He had been feeling somewhat vulnerable after opening up and reliving his trauma earlier on, so he was enjoying being babied a bit. Y/n had made him a warm mug of tea and taken care of any chores he needed doing around the apartment, just to give him some time to recover.
Although Adam did indeed look adorable all wrapped up, he was beginning to smell... ripe was the kind way to put it.
"Sweetheart?" Y/n asked
"I was thinking about what you said earlier, about not liking bathrooms... and I was wondering if I could help you with that?"
Adam froze, his entire body tense and immediately afraid.
"Only if and when you're comfortable, maybe I could run you a bath and I'll get in with you, to make sure you know you're not on your own?"
Adam bit his lip and looked away, embarrassed.
Of course he wanted that in theory, sharing a relaxing bath with his beautiful girlfriend was any man's dream, but the reality? He was frightened. He could barely take a two minute shower, let alone a full bath.
"You don't have to make any decisions yet, but when you're ready I want you to know that I'm here for you, okay?" Y/n said, her voice soft and gentle, as though she were worried that she may scare him away.
Adam nodded, and retreated further into his blanket, feeling uneasy at the prospect of taking a bath.
"Oh sweetheart, come here" y/n said lovingly, taking a seat beside him and wrapping her arms around him, "I don't care how long it takes, I'm never giving up on you baby"
She pressed a kiss into Adam's temple, as his body relaxed and fell into her, clinging onto her tshirt tightly.
A week later,  Adam was due to stay at y/n's house overnight. He'd had an appointment with Doctor Graham earlier on in the day, alone this time, and had reached the conclusion that he was ready to tackle his fear of bathrooms. He was terrified, but he knew it was time. He texted y/n.
Adam: I think I want to try having a bath
Y/n: sweetheart, I'm so proud of you! Do you want to try at my place tonight?
Adam: yeah, I think I do
But I'm still really nervous
I might chicken out at the last minute
Y/n: the fact that you're even considering it is such a huge step, well done baby :) how about when you come over, ill run you a bath and you can decide later if you think you're ready to get in. We'll take this at your pace, okay honey?
Adam: that sounds good. Thank you :)
Adam arrived at y/n's apartment feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He hated feeling so helpless, so vulnerable. He wanted nothing more than to overcome his fear, but it was difficult for him. Every thought in his brain was screaming at him to turn on his heels and run home, but he wanted to be brave, and he knocked on the door.
Y/n welcomed him in with a smile and a much needed hug, before escorting him to the sofa and placing an already made mug on hot chocolate on the coffee table in front of him. She'd made it just the way Adam liked, with marshmallows and lots of cream- he had a real sweet tooth.
"I know you're nervous, but I want you to know that you don't have to do this if you don't think you're ready. Just relax and enjoy your drink, no one's gonna be upset if you don't think you can do it yet" y/n cooed, sensing Adam's fear before he had even spoke.
"Thank you" he smiled weakly, "I was thinking, maybe we could start with me just standing in the doorway to the bathroom, and I can watch while you run the bath? Just to get myself prepared?"
Y/n felt her heart ache. She was so proud of her sweet boy for being so brave, he really was trying, but it just killed her to see him so scared. Something so small, just being in a bathroom made this grown man tremble with fear like a beaten dog. She silently cursed the name jigsaw for doing this to such a sweet man.
"Alright sweetheart, if you think that might help" she replied, wiping a small bit of hot chocolate off of the corner of Adam's mouth, making him chuckle slightly.
Adam finished his drink, and hesitantly followed y/n to her bathroom. It was a simple room, not much that was worthy of note, but one thing which comforted Adam was the cleanliness of it all. No dirt, no grime, it even had a light floral smell emanating from a bowl of potpourri on the windowsill.
He stood in the doorway to the room, hugging himself and watching longingly as his girlfriend fearlessly entered the room. He wished that he could do that too.
"Alright, babe, I'm gonna turn the tap on now, I'll make sure we get the bath nice and warm okay?"
Adam couldn't speak
"Look, I've even got some bubblebath to try and make it feel a bit less serious" she comforted, showing a bottle of lavender scented bubblebath to him.
"O.. okay" Adam nodded.
As the minutes went by, Adam watched as the tub filled up, and the time to actually enter the room drew closer. With every passing second his heartbeat grew stronger, until he swore he could practically taste his pulse. He swallowed a lump that seemed to be forming in his throat and bit his lip, like he always did when he was anxious.
"Are you ready?" Y/n's voice interrupted his train of thought.
Adam shook his head, "I don't ever think I'll be ready" he laughed wearily, trying not to let himself spiral. Despite the way he felt, Adam began to get undressed, pushing through his fear as best as he could.
Y/n had removed her clothes as well and was ready to get into the bath.
"You wanna do this together?" She asked, holding her hand out for Adam to take it. His own hand trembled like a leaf, he breathed heavily through his nose, as he shut his eyes and took a step forward into the bathroom.
"Well done, sweetheart, you're doing so well"
He flinched slightly as his bare feet touched the cold tile ground, a feeling he knew all too well, but soon his feet found themselves on a soft and fluffy bathmat, and his fears depleted.
Stood next to the bath, hand in hand with y/n, Adam stared down into the water. The last time he'd been in a bath was when he had woken up in one, fully clothed, freezing and shackled to a pipe. This was nothing like that, he thought. The water looked warm and enticing, almost welcoming.
"You don't have to if you don't want-"
"No." Adam cut y/n off, "I need to do this. I.. I don't want to be scared anymore"
His words sounded confident, but his voice trembled. Tightening his grip on y/n's hand, he stepped into the water.
Y/n stepped in with him, her soft hands making their way around his body, holding him in a tight hug.
"Baby, I'm so proud of you" she whispered, kissing his cheek.
Adam gulped, he could feel his breaths becoming shallow, but he knew it was now or never.
"If.. if I sit down will you hold me?" He asked, his lips quivering
"Of course honey, I'll even wash your hair for you" y/n replied, her voice calm and reassuring. Everything about her brought Adam peace, she was his personal sanctuary. If she was with him, he could do anything.
With a deep breath, Adam sat down in the bath, leaning back into y/n's chest and letting the warm water run over his body. Y/n was hugging him tightly from behind, placing gentle kisses into the crook of his neck.
"So brave, I'm so proud of you honey"
Adam relaxed into her touch. He didn't say much, just allowed himself to feel her loving hands all over him. The way they carefully massaged his scalp with a sweet smelling shampoo, the way they gently caressed his bullet wound, accompanied by whispers of how handsome he was. An endless string of "I love you" and "I'm so proud of you" was all Adam could hear, not the sound of cold, damp dripping, the rattling of chains, or even his own thoughts. Unbelievably, he felt perfectly calm.
Once the bath was over, Adam got changed into a pair of pyjamas that y/n had bought specifically for when he stayed over. Snuggled up in bed together, he felt a sense of hope for the first time in a while. He was getting better, life was starting to be worth living.
A/n hello! Sorry this took so long to get out, I've had the flu and i haven't been able to write much without falling asleep lol. Sorry this isn't my best work, but I'm sure it's at least enjoyable! Also, I need Adam related suggestions because I'm feeling a bit lost for new ideas lately, so please leave a request! It can be something you might want to see in the bus stop series, or perhaps just a standalone fic with Adam, or some headcanons etc - anything really! I love getting requests :^)
Hope everyone is having a good new year so far! :^)
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
Bus stop pt.4
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
Click here for m!reader version
Check pinned post for masterlist and all previous parts
Includes: fluff, angst
Summary: Adam and y/n establish their relationship, but trouble ensues after a while of dating
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Adam woke up early the next morning, his bedsheets were pulled over y/n sleeping soundly next to him as the sun crept in through the window and gently caressed them both. If the figure sleeping next to him wasn't enough to make him really believe that last night happened, then the evidence of the night before strewn across the floor in the form of clothes and an empty whiskey bottle would hammer the point home. Adam let a shuddered breath escape his lips, the moment was so perfect and fragile, he felt as though even breathing too loud could shatter it.
Adam hadn't really had any perfect moments in his life before, the closest he could think of was when he was five years old, his rascal of a best friend at the time, Scott, had pushed him off his bike and he'd run home crying to his mother. She had cleaned the scrape on his knee, kissed his forehead and told him how brave he was. Of course, that moment was sullied by his angry father smacking the back of his head and telling him to man up. A Ray of hope snubbed out by an evil man.
History had repeated itself for Adam in the jigsaw trap, when he had thought he'd found a friend in Lawrence. The comforting thought of a trustworthy companion coming back to save him, quickly replaced with John kramer himself, and the loss of all hope.
As much as Adam was enjoying this blissful moment in bed next to y/n, his heart raced. It seemed as though whenever he had something good in his life, something immediately came along to ruin it. He wished he could take this moment and bottle it, perhaps turn it into a scented candle or even better, inject it into his veins. He was so so desperate for this to never end.
Y/n stirred slightly in her sleep, rolling over and curling into a ball next to Adam's chest mumbling something that didn't matter. He pulled the duvet over her shoulder and wrapped his arm around her, before going back to sleep himself.
At around noon Adam woke once again, to the sweet sensation of a kiss on his cheek.
"Morning, handsome" a sleepy voice whispered from beside him. Adam peeled his eyes open gradually, before looking at y/n. Her hair was beautifully tousled and her eyes soft and dreamy, it was clear she hadn't been up for long either.
"Morning" he mumbled back with a smile.
"So what exactly is the protocol for something like this? You know, after last night" y/n asked, casually resting her head on Adam's chest.
"Protocol...?" Adam squinted his eyes
"You know, on a scale of "why are you still in my apartment" to "Let's stay in bed and cuddle all day" where exactly do I stand?" Y/n asked with a giggle.
"Hmmm... I gotta admit, the latter does sound pretty good" Adam chuckled, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.
Adam and y/n never had the big "will you be my girlfriend" moment that most couples do, it just sort of happened. From that day onward it went without saying that they were in a relationship. The two of them would often frequent eachother's apartments, just to play house with eachother. Y/n would cook and Adam would do the dishes, Adam would take their clothes to the laundrette and y/n would fold and put them away. They filed the holes in eachother's lives perfectly.
Adam would often make reference to an article he once read about tarantulas and frogs living together in the amazon. The tarantula provided shelter and food for the frog, whilst the frog would protect the tarantula's eggs. He always thought that his and y/n's relationship was a bit like that, they both needed eachother and both helped eachother wherever they could. Y/n found this analogy cute, but was less keen when Adam called her his "little frog". In his defence, he really was trying to be romantic, he just wasn't very good at pet names and the like. It got a good laugh out of y/n though, and so whenever she needed cheering up, Adam would call her that stupid nickname until she cracked a smile.
For a while, everything was perfect, but as the months went by, the honeymoon phase began to wear off, and the couple had their first fight.
It was an evening in march, y/n had been preparing dinner in her apartment and waiting for Adam to come over after work. He'd quit his job as a stalker-for-hire and gotten some work at a small photography firm. The pay was okay, and the hours were decent- and it was far less dangerous- but Adam was no longer his own boss. He hated being spoken down to, and his new boss did just that. Of course, his boss knew exactly who Adam was from the news, and thought himself something of a mother Teresa for taking such a "troubled young man" in and giving him a job- and oh boy did he make sure Adam remembered that.
"There aren't many employers who'd take someone like you, you know. You're very lucky to have this job" he'd remind Adam whenever he slipped up.
On this particular day, Adam had spilled something in the redroom and damaged a few shots from a child's birthday party. It was nothing serious, and the images could be mostly cleaned up, but of course Adam was treated far more harshly that anyone else would have been. A slew of insults and colourful language was directed towards him, including several "I don't even know why I hired you"s and the odd "You're absolutely useless, Stangheight" thrown in here and there. It was safe to say that Adam was in a fairly sour mood when he finally finished work and headed to y/n's apartment.
"Sweetie, what's wrong?" Y/n asked as Adam arrived and threw himself down on her sofa. No kiss, no "Good evening," not even eye contact.
He sat down rubbing his forehead angrily.
"Adam, honey? Tell me what happened" she said, sitting next to him and trying to take his hand, which he quickly pulled away.
"I'm fine, work was just a real pain in the ass today" he grumbled.
"Let me fix you a drink, and we can work this out over dinner" she said, her voice nurturing and kind.
Y/n returned from the kitchen about 30 seconds later, and placed a glass of wine on the coffee table in front of Adam, who still hadn't looked up.
"Dinner just needs a little while longer. Is there anything I can do to help in the meantime?"
Adam shook his head, like a sulking child.
"Adam, please talk to me. We can't fix whatever's troubling you if you don't talk" she insisted.
Y/n was being perfectly reasonable, but to Adam, who had heard nothing but beratement and orders all day, just interpreted "Please talk to me" as yet another order.
"Oh my god y/n, just leave it!" He snapped,  "you don't need to try and fix everything, I'm a grown man for Christ's sake. Stop talking to me like I'm a child."
Y/n was hurt, but he wasn't one to sit there and let a man see him cry, so he fought back.
"Don't you talk to me like that, in my own home as well? What the fuck is up with you?" She bit.
"I'll talk however the fuck I want to"
"Not in this apartment you won't"
"Fine" Adam stood up
"Fine!" Y/n watched as Adam stomped over to the door, and left,  slamming it hard behind him.
Now that she was alone, y/n finally felt safe to cry. She pulled the food out of the oven and set it on the side, no longer feeling hungry, and brought the bottle of wine over to the sofa from the kitchen. She drank Adam's untouched glass and then poured herself a refill. For about an hour, she sat crying softly and watching some mundane sitcom, trying to distract herself. Adam was stressed, stressed people snap, that's understandable. She attempted to rationalise with herself, she'd call him tomorrow they'd talk it through, and Adam would apologise. But she felt little comfort.
Just when she thought about turning in for the night, she heard a knock at the door. Before she opened it, she noticed a little piece of paper sticking through the gap under her door. It was a piece of card folded in half. In the front was a little sketch of a tarantula and a frog holding hands, and inside, written in scruffy handwriting was a note.
Tarantulas have a nasty bite, but they should never bite their frogs. I'm sorry I shouted, I shouldn't have taken my work stress out on you. I love you so much, please forgive me?
Y/n wiped a tear from her eye and slowly pulled the door open. There, Adam stood with his hands in his pockets and his head hung.
"I'm sorry, froggy" he said timidly.
Y/n wrapped her arms around Adam and pulled him in for the tightest hug she'd ever given.
"Forgiven" she whispered in his ear.
"D'ya think we could maybe restart the evening?" Adam asked, smiling awkwardly.
Y/n pulled him by the hand into the apartment and closed the door behind him.
"I think that can be arranged" she smiled.
A/n thank you so much for great response I've had to this story!! My ego is really enjoying being watered and fed for once teehee<3
Comment to be tagged in part 5
Requests are open! I'm looking to write some Adam one shots, so definitely ask if you have any ideas! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist <3
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goatcheesecak3 · 4 months
Bus stop part 8
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x F!reader
M!reader version in my masterlist :^)
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: mention of bullet wound
Summary: two years on from the bathroom incident, Adam decides to make a big change in order to feel like himself again
A/n hello!! It's been a while, but writer's block is slowly dissolving, so I hope you enjoy!!
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10th September, 2003
Today was an exciting day for Adam, he was finally going to say goodbye to a sore reminder of the past. Exactly two years prior, he'd been put through pain so tremendous that he thought he would never see the light of day again, but despite all John kramer's efforts, he had lived. And how far he'd come was nothing short of a miracle, he had a wonderful girlfriend, a nice apartment, and a cat.
He was no longer a stalker-for-hire, nor was he working for an asshole boss at a crummy photography business. A few months ago, a local news station had reached out and asked Adam for an interview regarding his brush with death, and feeling uncharacteristically confident, he'd said yes. The interview had gone down tremendously, and the very same day that it was broadcasted, he recieved a call from an alternative music magazine, (one that Adam had read since he was a teenager), offering him a job as a band photographer, they seemed to like his laid back attitude.
His life had changed in other ways too, somehow he'd let y/n persuade him to reconnect with his estranged family. He called his mother regularly, and he was gradually starting to fix his relationship with his Dad.
It was truly amazing how much had changed in just two short years- yet one thing had remained.
"It's gonna feel kinda weird when it's gone" Adam said, his toothbrush hanging from the corner of his mouth as he stared at his shirtless body in the bathroom mirror.
Y/n hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, but good weird, right?" She asked, wanting to make sure Adam was ready.
"Oh yeah, like, the BEST type of weird. Instead of looking at this ugly thing every morning, I'm gonna see a kick ass snake" he grinned, pointing towards the bullet scar on his right shoulder.
A tattoo cover-up was something Adam had been wanting for as long as he realised it was a possibility, and it only seemed right to get it done on the anniversary of the day he got the scar. He tried to picture himself with a big snake, winding up his arm and across his chest, he thought he'd look kinda badass.
"You sure you'll manage? Your pain tolerance is pretty shit" y/n teased, her cheeky face peering over Adam's shoulder into the mirror.
"C'mere you" Adam smirked, spinning around and grabbing y/n's waist in one swift motion. He held her tightly to his chest with one arm, and tickled her ribs with the other.
"Who's the wimp now?" He sneered, as y/n squealed and giggled, wriggling around to try and escape his grip to no avail.
"Okay! Okay, fine it's me!"
"Nope, I need to hear you say it"
"I'm a wimp! I'm a wimp!" Y/n cried out between giggles, before Adam finally stopped tickling and rested his hands around her waist.
"Thank you.. for y'know, agreeing to come with me today" he said softly, his piercing eyes never leaving hers, "this is a big deal for me"
"Wouldn't miss it" y/n smiled back, kissing Adam gently.
As it would turn out, Adam took the pain of the tattoo like a champ, but he did wince and squeeze y/n's hand a few times as the needle went over the scar. It's not that it hurt all too bad, just that the hot sting in that particular was a little too familiar for him.
"All done man, you wanna check it out in the mirror?" The tattoo artist smiled, wiping down his chest with some antiseptic.
Adam stood up, and slowly walked over to the mirror. His eyes were shut, and his breaths were shallow. He couldn't believe that when his eyes finally opened, he'd be staring at a brand new Adam.
"Hey," y/n whispered, taking his hand, "it looks amazing- you look amazing"
This was all the encouragement Adam needed. He braced himself, squeezed y/n's hand tightly and finally, opened his eyes.
"Wow..." was all he could utter before tears began to well in his eyes. He hastily wiped them away, and swallowed the lump in his throat, not wanting to cry in public.
"Th.. thanks man, it's perfect" he choked out, smiling towards the tattoo artist.
In the small hours of the next morning, y/n woke up to find Adam was no longer beside her in bed. She blinked as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, until the sound of quiet sobs emanating from the bathroom caught her attention. Fearing the worst, she arose from the bed and made her way to the bathroom door, slowly opening it so as not to startle Adam.
There he stood, much like the previous morning, staring at his shirtless body in the mirror.
"Baby?" Y/n asked softly.
Adam turned to look at her, his eyes red and his hands trembling.
"I can't stop looking at it" he spoke softly, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Oh baby, " y/n cooed, wrapping her arms around Adam in a tender embrace.
He rested his head on her shoulder and began to laugh through the tears, "I feel like me again"
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goatcheesecak3 · 4 months
Bus stop part 8
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x m!reader
F!reader version in masterlist :^)
Fic type: fluff
Warnings: mention of bullet wound
Summary: two years on from the bathroom incident, Adam decides to make a big change in order to feel like himself again
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10th September, 2003
Today was an exciting day for Adam, he was finally going to say goodbye to a sore reminder of the past. Exactly two years prior, he'd been put through pain so tremendous that he thought he would never see the light of day again, but despite all John kramer's efforts, he had lived. And how far he'd come was nothing short of a miracle, he had a wonderful boyfriend, a nice apartment, and a cat.
He was no longer a stalker-for-hire, nor was he working for an asshole boss at a crummy photography business. A few months ago, a local news station had reached out and asked Adam for an interview regarding his brush with death, and feeling uncharacteristically confident, he'd said yes. The interview had gone down tremendously, and the very same day that it was broadcasted, he recieved a call from an alternative music magazine, (one that Adam had read since he was a teenager), offering him a job as a band photographer, they seemed to like his laid back attitude.
His life had changed in other ways too, somehow he'd let y/n persuade him to reconnect with his estranged family. He called his mother regularly, and he was gradually starting to fix his relationship with his Dad.
It was truly amazing how much had changed in just two short years- yet one thing had remained.
"It's gonna feel kinda weird when it's gone" Adam said, his toothbrush hanging from the corner of his mouth as he stared at his shirtless body in the bathroom mirror.
Y/n hugged him from behind, kissing his cheek.
"Yeah, but good weird, right?" He asked, wanting to make sure Adam was ready.
"Oh yeah, like, the BEST type of weird. Instead of looking at this ugly thing every morning, I'm gonna see a kick ass snake" Adam grinned, pointing towards the bullet scar on his right shoulder.
A tattoo cover-up was something Adam had been wanting for as long as he realised it was a possibility, and it only seemed right to get it done on the anniversary of the day he got the scar. He tried to picture himself with a big snake, winding up his arm and across his chest, he thought he'd look kinda badass.
"You sure you'll manage? Your pain tolerance is pretty shit" y/n teased, his cheeky face peering over Adam's shoulder into the mirror.
"C'mere you" Adam smirked, spinning around and grabbing y/n's waist in one swift motion. He held y/n tightly to his chest with one arm, and tickled his ribs with the other.
"Who's the wimp now?" He sneered, as y/n squealed and giggled, wriggling around to try and escape his grip to no avail.
"Okay! Okay, fine it's me!"
"Nope, I need to hear you say it"
"I'm a wimp! I'm a wimp!" Y/n cried out between giggles, before Adam finally stopped tickling and rested his hands around y/n's waist.
"Thank you.. for y'know, agreeing to come with me today" Adam said softly, his piercing eyes never leaving y/n's, "this is a big deal for me"
"Wouldn't miss it" y/n smiled back, kissing Adam gently.
As it would turn out, Adam took the pain of the tattoo like a champ, but he did wince and squeeze y/n's hand a few times as the needle went over the scar. It's not that it hurt all too bad, just that the hot sting in that particular was a little too familiar for him.
"All done man, you wanna check it out in the mirror?" The tattoo artist smiled, wiping down his chest with some antiseptic.
Adam stood up, and slowly walked over to the mirror. His eyes were shut, and his breaths were shallow. He couldn't believe that when his eyes finally opened, he'd be staring at a brand new Adam.
"Hey," y/n whispered, taking his hand, "it looks amazing- you look amazing"
This was all the encouragement Adam needed. He braced himself, squeezed y/n's hand tightly and finally, opened his eyes.
"Wow..." was all he could utter before tears began to well in his eyes. He hastily wiped them away, and swallowed the lump in his throat, not wanting to cry in public.
"Th.. thanks man, it's perfect" he choked out, smiling towards the tattoo artist.
In the small hours of the next morning, y/n woke up to find Adam was no longer beside him in bed. He blinked as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, until the sound of quiet sobs emanating from the bathroom caught her attention. Fearing the worst, he arose from the bed and made his way to the bathroom door, slowly opening it so as not to startle Adam.
There he stood, much like the previous morning, staring at his shirtless body in the mirror.
"Baby?" Y/n asked softly.
Adam turned to look at him, his eyes red and his hands trembling.
"I can't stop looking at it" he spoke softly, a small smile appearing on his face.
"Oh baby, " y/n cooed, wrapping his arms around Adam in a tender embrace.
He rested his head on y/n's shoulder and began to laugh through the tears, "I feel like me again"
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goatcheesecak3 · 8 months
Bus stop part 6
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight x M!reader
F!reader version linked in pinned post
Warnings: mentions of past s*icidal thoughts, brief details of s*icide plan
Fic type: fluff
Summary: a year on from meeting y/n, Adam reflects on how far he's come, and decides he's ready to take the next step in his relationship
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Exactly one year ago today Adam had been sat alone at a bus stop. He had been sat, with his hood pulled up, his mind racing with memories of his terrible ordeal. He was the most lonely he'd ever been, no friends, estranged family and isolated from everyone else in the city. He had been contemplating suicide for a while now, and had finally settled on how he was going to go through it. He would get home, drink a bottle of whiskey, write a short note and then swallow every pill in his cupboard before going to bed. Hopefully by the morning he would be dead. He had just formulated the perfect plan, when a voice had pulled him out of his trance, a beautiful man asking him about the bus timetable. This man had been y/n, who was now his boyfriend. He had offered Adam kindness when no one else would, he didn't care about his past, and he saw straight through the angry and defiant facade Adam had put up. Y/n had made every effort to give him undying love and affection, something which Adam had never experienced before in his life. To think that just one year ago he was more than ready to end it all, but y/n had come along at the perfect time to save him. It was fate, he was his miracle. Adam wanted to do something special for him on this day.
Adam didn't have a lot of money, but he'd been saving up as much as he could. He'd taken a little of these savings to purchase some steaks and a nice bottle of wine, and the rest was to go toward the surprise he had in store later.
Y/n arrived at Adam's apartment at eight pm, just as he'd told him to.
"Wow" was all he could say, when he saw the state of Adam's apartment - it was clean for once. He'd pulled his rickety little table and chairs out of the kitchen and sat them in the living room by the window, an array of candles lining the sill.
"I've um.. prepared something nice for you" Adam said awkwardly, feeling slightly shy.
"Adam! This is so sweet" y/n gushed, kissing Adam's face all over, causing him to blush and let out a girlish laugh.
"Come on, sit down, I tried to cook something for once" he smiled.
Y/n took his seat as Adam dished up the steaks and a few vegetables. They were cooked perfectly, but not very well seasoned, since Adam couldn't understand how herbs and spices worked to save his life, but the effort was there and the food was enjoyable. Y/n didn't really care what the food tasted like in all honesty, he was just overjoyed to see Adam's apartment so tidy, to see Adam eating something other than unbuttered toast, to see him wearing clean clothes. He had a twinkle in his eye and a spring in his step, he had done for the last few weeks. He was doing so much better, he'd been working hard and keeping up with therapy and he was like a whole new man. He still had off days, and there were still nights he'd wake up in a panic, but for the most part no one would be able to guess what he'd been through.
"Is it good?" Adam asked nervously, as the pair ate.
"It is! You're getting a lot better at cooking" y/n replied, his reaction earning a happy grin from Adam.
"I umm.. wanted to talk to you about something" Adam said, seeming nervous again.
"What is it baby?" Y/n asked, feeling slightly concerned.
"No no, don't worry it's nothing bad!" Adam scrambled for words, realising how poorly he'd opened, "it's just that I was thinking... I've been saving up and looking at some nicer apartments in the area, you know? I wanna get out of this shithole as soon as I can"
"That's great baby! I'm so happy for you!" Y/n smiled gleefully
"But here's the thing... I was sort of wondering if maybe you'd wanna... like, come with me?" Adam poked aimlesdly at a potato with his fork anxiously, not daring to look up from his plate.
"Are you suggesting that we get a place together?" Y/n asked
"I mean, like, only if you'd want to..." he trailed off nervously, that destructive part of his brain criticising him for even considering that y/n would agree to this, until..
"Oh my god, Adam! I've been thinking the same thing, we could even get a cat!" Y/n grinned excitedly, reaching across the table to hold Adam's hands.
"Really? You think it's a good idea?" Adam smiled, surprised at how well this was going.
"It's a great idea, baby I think now is the perfect time!"
Adam didn't realise how close he was to crying, until tears began to prick his eyes and his throat became tight. He swallowed hard, but it was no use, and he burst into a flood of tears. Immediately, y/n rose from his seat to comfort him. A chorus of "Baby, it's okay" and "Hey, don't cry sweetheart" rained down onto Adam, as he hugged y/n tightly, burying his face in his side. He couldn't speak, he couldn't explain it out loud, not right now. But he knew why he was crying, it wasn't sadness, not even joy, really. It was relief. Immense relief that on this day one year ago, that sweet man at the bus stop had just so happened to ask him about his journey, that he'd thrown his own apathy aside for just one moment to respond to him. Relief that when he arrived home, he waited long enough to recieve that text, to get a ray of hope. A Ray of hope that turned into dazzling sunshine, lighting up every single day of his life and making the world beautiful again. He could have missed out on all of this, but he didn't. The universe had a plan for him, that, he was certain of.
Wiping tears from his eyes, he looked up at y/n, adoringly, as though he'd just fallen in love with him all over again.
"You were the one thing I got right in my life"
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
Bus stop pt 2
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight xM!reader
Click here for f!reader version!
Click here for part one!
Includes: fluff, slight angst, brief mentions of violence
Summary: after meeting at the bus stop yesterday, you and Adam go on a day out together, but when he sees a disturbing article in a newspaper, Adam decides to come clean to you about his past.
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Adam threw on the cleanest clothes he owned and sat at the edge of his bed. He pulled out his phone and reread his text exchange with the nice guy from the bus stop for the thousandth time.
Y/n: this is y/n from the bus stop :) was so lovely to meet you! You doing anything tomorrow? x
Adam: not much, I was gonna hit the record store and maybe go feed the birds in the park. Wanna join me?
Y/n: sounds great! It's sweet that you like feeding the birds, I used to do that with my parents when I was a kid
Adam: haha yeah, I love animals. More than people tbh. I always feed the stray cats in my area, they're so cute
Y/n: wow, that's so kind :) I wish there were more people like you in the world haha! What time should we meet?
Adam: haha thanks :) is 2 good with you? At the stop we got off at yesterday
Y/n: two sounds perfect, see you then!
It was 1:40, he had 20 minutes to get to the bus stop to meet with y/n. He was excited, for once in his life, mooning over his kind words and positive attitude. Adam was most definitely attracted to this guy, but he tried not to think about that, he didn't want to get too ahead of himself, he needed to actually make a friend before he started thinking about a relationship. Despite this, however, he couldn't help but feel almost giddy at the thought of y/n's smile.
He waited patiently at the bus stop where the pair had gone their separate ways the night before, with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. The weather was gloomy and a chill was in the air, but it did little to bring down his mood.
After only a few minutes of waiting, y/n appeared from down the road, and he merrily made his way over to Adam. Adam watched in genuine awe at how sweet he looked, bundled up in a sweater and a tatty scarf, looking elegantly dishevelled and so incredibly cute. Adam felt a blush creep it's way onto his milky white face, and he prayed y/n couldn't read his mind and see what he'd been thinking of him- that's if his pink face didn't betray him first.
"Good afternoon! I like your jacket" y/n smiled, his face practically shining.
Adam looked down at his own attire, he wore a plain black tshirt, a pair of ill fitting worn out blue jeans and an army green jacket. His clothes were by no means weather appropriate, but hypothermia was something he was willing to risk if it meant he would look presentable.
"Heh, thanks. I've had it since I was a teenager"
Just at that moment, the bus pulled up and the pair entered and took their seats.
The windows on the bus were all fogged up, and the seats were cold to the touch. Adam let out a small shiver as he sat down, beginning to regret his decision to opt for fashion over functionality. It would appear that y/n noticed this, and without hesitation, he pulled his scarf up and wrapped it over Adam's shoulder, so that they were both wearing it.
Adam was slightly taken aback by this small act of kindness,
"Wh- what are y-" he spluttered
"Please," y/n chuckled, "you were making me cold just looking at you."
Adam turned to look at him, a shy (and very smitten) smile on his face,
The seats were small and cramped, so their knees touched, and Adam swore he could taste his own pulse when their hands brushed against eachother. Did he do that on purpose? Was that how people flirted nowadays? No, surely he wouldn't be so lucky. When they approached their stop, Adam pressed the button to alert the driver, and began to lift the scarf off of himself so that he could stand, when y/n stopped him. He took the scarf off his own neck and adjusted it around Adam's.
"Keep it on, I don't want you to freeze to death" he joked with a warm, nurturing glow.
Adam felt a calming, protected feeling. Y/n seemed to want to take care of him,  and he felt as though he didn't have to be stoic and brave with him. He relaxed into the warmth of the scarf, savouring y/n's scent as the pair of them stepped off the bus.
"Just down this street," Adam directed, leading them to his favourite record shop. Y/n followed eagerly,  gripping onto Adam's sleeve to keep up with him.
"I can't wait, I used to love record shops in my home town" y/n remarked gleefully.
Adam couldn't help but let himself take a moment to fantasise about a future with y/n. He barely knew him, yes, but good god imagine if he got to know him better? He thought about long evenings spent listening to music with him, watching old movies together, holding eachother close under a blanket. He knew it was unrealistic, but can't a man dream?
They entered the record shop and began to browse.
"Wow, look at this!" Y/n gasped, "there's all the prodigy albums on vinyl!"
Adam approached to look at the rack he was observing, and to his very pleasant surprise, y/n had been browsing the alternative and punk section of the store.
"I've got most of these records at home," he said,  "if you want, you can come over and listen to them at my place"
Y/n nodded enthusiastically
"Oh I will most definitely  be taking you up on that. Don't songs just sound so much better on a record player?" He beamed.
Adam couldn't quite belive what he was hearing. A gorgeous man, with the same interests as him wanted to come to his apartment to listen to music? Surely he was dreaming, this sort of thing only happened in cheesy movies, not in real life.
Much like waking up from a dream, Adam was bitterly snapped back to reality later on in the day when the pair arrived at the park. Just at the entrance stood a little news stand, advertising the latest issue of the local paper. On the front page, in big bold letters read: "JIGSAW KILLER RETURNS, POLICE HOSTAGE"
"What the hell is the jigsaw killer?" Y/n asked, sounding rightfully horrified.
He turned to look at Adam, who's face had turned stark white. His mouth hung open and his eyes were practically bulging out of his head.
Adam had already turned away and began hastily walking through the park. Y/n followed worriedly, jogging a little to catch up to him.
"Adam, what's wrong?"
Adam wanted nothing more than to tell y/n exactly what was wrong. He was sure that if anyone knew how to comfort him, it would be him, he was so lovely, of course he'd be able to. But he couldn't bring himself to tell y/n the truth, he was such a radiant and beautiful person, he didn't want to risk freaking him out and ruining this friendship. His racing mind was halted when y/n spoke once again.
"Come sit down, Adam. You look like you could use it" he said, sitting down on a bench and patting the spot next to him.
"You don't have to tell me what's bothering you, but you do have to tell me how I can help you" he said.
Adam couldn't believe his ears, it seemed as though y/n just knew exactly what he needed to hear in that moment. He was so kind, so attentive, so perfect. So unlike anyone else Adam had ever encountered. His kindness struck a chord within Adam that he didn't know he had, and seemingly unprompted, tears began to well in his eyes.
"Oh, honey!" Y/n gasped, "Don't cry, sweetheart, come here, it's okay" he cooed, wrapping an arm around his shoulder and rubbing his arm.
"I'm sorry, I'm being stupid" Adam choked  as he cleared his throat, trying his best not to cry.
"You're not being stupid, don't say that! Just take a few deep breaths, alright?" Y/n said, still smiling, ever smiling. How did he do that?
Adam breathed slowly, attempting to steady his shaking hands. He knew he'd have to tell y/n about what he'd been through at some point, but he wished he could have gone just a little longer without having to. Just a little longer to be Adam, the animal loving, record playing, charmingly moody guy from the bus stop. He didn't want to have to go back to being Adam, the paid stalker, the jigsaw victim, the self defence murderer. But as they say, all good things must come to an end.
Letting out a deep breath, Adam began to speak.
"I need to tell you something, and I understand if you don't wanna be friends anymore once I've told you"
Y/n's brow furrowed, but he didn't seem afraid.
"I was um.. a victim of that jigsaw guy, the one from the newspaper"
"What?" Y/n said in disbelief.
"He kidnapped me and chained me up in this room with this doctor, said that if we wanted to escape we had to saw our own feet off. A whole bunch of other shit went down, this guy came in the room with a gun and tried to kill me and the other guy, so I had to.." he trailed off and pursed his lips, "anyways, the doctor, he sawed off his foot and got out. I was too fucking scared and I'd already been shot by that point, so I just waited for him to get help. But the asshole never came back. I was in there for a couple days until the cops found me. Doctors say that if I'd been left just a few hours longer I'd be dead now."
Adam's face was expressionless as he started straight ahead at something that wasn't there. His fingers tangled themselves around the ends of the scarf he wore in an absent minded attempt to soothe himself. He could have swore that his heart stopped, the birds ceased their calls, the wind stilled and the world stopped turning for the painstakingly long few seconds he waited for y/n's reaction. He braced himself for the goodbye.
"Wow." he said softly, "you know, I think most people would let something like that turn them into a not so good person. It speaks volumes about your character that you're still so..."
Adam turned to look at him. He was smiling.
"... great" he said.
The look on his face was one that Adam had never seen before. It wasn't one of pity, not even a hint of disgust, just pure, unadulterated kindness. Adam thought he might very have been an angel in that moment.
"So... you still want to be friends?" He asked, feeling slightly more confident.
Y/n pulled Adam towards him by the scarf and looked him dead in the eyes.
"Adam, I want nothing more than to be your friend"
Adam felt himself smile, only slightly in relief, mostly just in pure ecstasy. Things were finally starting to go right for him.
A/n comment if you wanna be tagged when pt 3 is up :^)
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated! I thrive on your validation lmao
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist! <3
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