#add to his already abundant charms
faunandfloraas · 2 months
anytime i watch male idols do girl group dances super halfheartedly- i'm talking limp, not putting their hips into it, not putting their ass into it, not putting anything into i'm always so disappointed... Seo Changbin would never have let me down like this.
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csmiclxtte · 3 months
Short Analysis: Why is Hongjoong a good artist
May change later. Take it with a grain of salt.
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He has a lot of conjunctions in his MC, like a lot.
Scorpio Sun (14°), Venus (16°), Abundantia (15°), Talent (17°), and MC (17°) conjunctions
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Scorpio is a magnetic, mysterious, and alluring sign. In artistic expression, can refer to a style that is more intense, heavy, rough, or dark.
Leo degree (17°) MC adds artistic flare in his chart. Naturally attracts attention.
Sun and Venus together doubles his charm. Presence of self and personality is felt greatly. His workpiece felt very original, very him.
Talent (33154) in this conjunctions puts extra exposure of his skills, professionalism, and capability. People does admit his talents. He is respectable, especially in creative/artistic pursuits.
Abundantia (151) cues abundance around career, public life, love, creativity and artistic pursuits, also inner drive and ego self.
He received many love, recognition, and opportunities by being himself. Generally beneficial career and public life.
In Scorpio, public life is also very transformative. It didn't start as smooth as now. He has to work and go through challenges first.
All this conjunctions are trining Pisces Jupiter (18°)
Everything that touches Jupiter get expanded, so does the Scorpio conjunctions. Imagine: the conjunctions energy are already very intense, and it is multiplied by Jupiter.
Jupiter is in its traditional ruler. Expansion are felt surrounding dream, fantasy, imagination, and creativity.
Creative field does bring him fortune and material gain, since Jupiter is in 2nd house.
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OOB Mercury Sagittarius (6°)
OOB often found in powerful figures. With Mercury, he has an innovative and unique way of communicating or even creating music.
Direct and blunt. His ideas can be shocking, strange, or unusual; but it was received well by the public.
He makes people willingly get on his side. Easily gaining support.
Mercury conjunct Pluto (7°) means he is inquisitive. He has a depth of mind. His words weighs a lot. His mind is his power.
Neptune (25°) conjunct Ascendant
Leo degree (29°) in Asc again means fame / naturally attracting atention.
Neptune rules imagination, creativity, and dreams. It's a strong part of his personality and the way he represents himself.
People might project themselves to Hongjoong too, which I think can make his presence feels close to others.
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Vertex conjunct NN in Leo (28°)
It's almost like Hongjoong is meant to be famous.
Since it's in Leo, self-expression is the main theme.
Can refer to leaving legacy in the world.
In this context, the said legacy may be creative / artistic (Leo). It might be his fated goal.
Vertex-NN (28°) sextile Moon (25°)
An easy flowing aspect. Extra confirmation that emotions & feelings are destined to be expressed.
Self-expression is achieved through creative and artistic field, something that makes him the focus of attention.
And the famous last word...
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Thank you for reading
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Bestie we need a part two 💳💥💥💳💥💥💳💳💥💥💳💳💳 ASAP u can’t leave this beautifully made fanfic without a  sequel, this made me kick my feet in the air and giggle like schoolgirl 😀 lolll I’m down bad for Eddie/riddler
yo call me FedEx because I deliver (not sure this the package you wanted tho)
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Imagine the Riddler being your secret admirer. - Part 2
[Part 1] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5]
What you thought was a single, queer occasion, became something regular. The notes and cards would appear every other day and soon you found yourself expecting them with excitement. You had your own little, deliciously sweet secret. Realizing how the situation might look to others, you didn't dare tell anyone else about the strangeness you've been a part of - they wouldn't understand. People were quick to jump to conclusions, to assume the worst of others even if there was no malice. Just like there was none in the bizarre friendship or relationship, you had with someone whose identity you couldn't even begin to guess.
The question of the secret admirer's identity was something that wouldn't let you sleep. Some occurrences were too tailored to you and your mundane life for the enigmatic person to be someone completely estranged. Like that one day when the whole world seemed to be against you and nothing would go the way you wanted, you found a cinnamon bun with a birthday candle at your doorstep. So whoever they were, they simply cared.
Was there a piece of you that remained wary? Yes, of course, there was - if your life did not transform into a chick flick, it sure became a good buildup to a horror movie. That part of you, however, was silent most of the time. After all, what kind of malice, if any, could reside in a heart of someone who showered you with small gifts and words of affection?
That day, you were greeted with a bouquet of pink and red flowers strung together with raffia. A small tag was tied to the decoration:
What flowers are kissable?
You looked closer at the flowers in the bouquet - they were all of one kind...
"Tulips?" you slowly said to yourself. You couldn't help but laugh. "God, you're so corny."
Shaking your head with amusement, you entered your apartment and went straight to your bedside table to change one mysterious bouquet for another. The previous flowers barely even began to wilt.
"Wish you had a name," you said as your hand caressed the tag attached to the flowers.
Having let out a heavy sigh, you decided to change into something more comfortable. You let your thoughts wander, conjuring up various possibilities about the secret admirer, as you took off your top and pants - completely oblivious to the lovesick voyeur following each of your steps.
He felt a little ashamed for not immediately looking away. But, in the end, it wasn't his fault, was it? How could he ever be blamed for succumbing to your luring beauty? Could sailors truly be responsible for following the siren's song?
Although his eyes were still fixed on you, his mind was already fantasizing about the next gift he should make for you but most importantly - the little wish you had made that he couldn't help but grant. Truthfully, Ed couldn't deny you anything; he was but a humble servant to your ethereal glory.
The next day, when you were about to leave the comfort of your home and face the responsibilities of the real world, you found another envelope laying on the doormat outside your front door. Inside, there was another cheesy card to add to your abundant collection. This one, however, did not have a riddle written on it but a torn-out page from what looked like a vintage collection of poems:
My lady hath of charms her lion’s share; Grace, beauty, wit and a sweet thoughtfulness, Which rests serenely on her gentle face, Sweet as the flowers are, and pure as air.
Below the ripped-out page was a small scribble that made you audibly gasp, although softly: '- Ed'.
"So you do have a name... Eddie." You smiled to yourself feeling how easily the name rolled off your tongue.
His heart stopped for a moment. The world grew silent and the only thing that mattered, truly mattered, was the soft affection with which you spoke his name.
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
Ghostin' (Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader): Chapter 6
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Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Summary: A plan needs to be put in place to defeat Vecna, but the situation may be more dire than anyone realizes. You and Steve take your relationship to the next level.
Warnings: smut--finally! (18+ only, minors DNI) language, S4 is canon, pregnancy, blood, it's a little bit of filler but the smut is worth it
WC: 4k
Divider credit to @firefly-graphics
@kaybee87 @sidthedollface2 @chelebelletx @livsters @atombombbibunny @tattooedkiss13 @manda-panda-monium @charming-winchester @corroded-hellfire @trashmouth-richie @sweet-villain @slightlyvicked @hxllfired @yogizzz @tlclick73 @thefreakofhawkins86 @sheisjoeschateau @harrypotteranna23-blog @harringr0ve @josie955 @luna-munson83 @blhemmings @lxvesickreality @palmtreesx3 @stephierro
It’s been a month since you’d first heard Vecna’s chimes, the night when you’d almost had sex with Steve. You wish you could say that it was also the last time the horrendous sound reverberated in your mind, but that would be a lie. 
You hadn’t told anyone, especially not Steve. The man already approached everything with an abundance of caution; if he knew about how close Vecna was to invading your consciousness, he wouldn’t let you leave the house. And with Little Bean’s arrival only eight weeks away, you can’t afford to start maternity leave early. 
Work is busier than usual, with people trying to book their appointments before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. You’re collecting a copay from a patient when the door swings open, smacking into the wall with a thwack.
“What the–” you stand up as quickly as your new center of gravity allows you, peering over the counter as Will Byers and Dustin Henderson storm into the office. They’re clearly on a mission, though you don’t know whether you want to be involved. The last time you joined them, you’d watched those bats go after Eddie…
“Y/N!” Dustin’s shrill voice rings through the waiting room, much to the patients’ irritation, abruptly interrupting your train of thought. “Oh, thank God you’re here. We have to talk to you.”
“Can I help you boys?” you ask through gritted teeth, trying to hide your annoyance at their outburst in your place of work. “Maybe quietly?”
“Sorry,” Will says sheepishly, shoving his hands in his pockets. “It’s just that…we need to plan our next Vecna attack.”
“Like, now,” Dustin adds, urgency prevalent in his voice. “Will told me that he’s gaining strength more rapidly.” 
You look back at Will, who shrugs and nods, touching the back of his neck. “This morning, I…I felt him. And he’s almost ready to fight like…like he was before.” Before the attack that killed Eddie, blinded Max, and destroyed the town. You shake the memory from your head like an Etch-a-Sketch.
“Okay,” you breathe out, regaining your composure. “I finish work in an hour–”
“We don’t have that kind of time!” Dustin blurts out forcefully, slamming his palms on the counter.
Will just rolls his eyes. “We have an hour,” he amends his friend’s statement. “We’ll all be at my house if you can meet us there after you’re done.” His brown eyes drift down to your bump. “Oh, how are you feeling, by the way? And how’s the baby doing?”
Your posture softens at his thoughtfulness; leave it to Will to be concerned about you and Little Bean in the midst of Vecna’s return. “We’re good,” you say, placing a protective hand over your belly. “It’s been nice having Steve around, helping out…”
Will offers a kind smile, which you easily return. Dustin, meanwhile, is less interested in having a nice conversation. “Now that we’re all caught up, can we get back to, I dunno, saving the world?!” 
“I’ll see you boys in an hour,” you say, ushering them out the door before Dustin can cause more of a scene. Eddie’d always said that the kid was, um, enthusiastic, but you’re really getting to witness it firsthand.
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Before you join the group at the Byers’ house, you have a pitstop to make. Forest Hills Trailer Park has been a second home to you, though you haven’t visited Wayne as much as you should be. You often think about going to see him, but the reminders of Eddie are too painful to bear. The mugs and caps hanging on the wall, all gifts from Eddie to Wayne for various Father’s Days, birthdays, and Christmases. After the earthquake, Wayne used the insurance money to fix up the trailer, but he still slept on a cot in the living room. Eddie’s room remained unused, as though he was waiting for him to return.
“If it isn’t my two favorite people!” Wayne smiles, wiping some crumbs from his beard. “How’s it goin’? Got any new pictures for me?”
You muster up a smile in return, fishing through your bag. “Actually, yes!” You hand him the sonogram pictures, blinking back tears as you watch the older man’s eyes fill up with his own.
“Well, I’ll be,” he says softly, dragging his forefinger over the shiny film. “That’s my grandbaby.”
“Sure is,” you choke out, trying to brush away the tear that slips down your cheek before he can notice.
“Startin’ to look like a real person now,” he continues, head snapping up when he hears your sniffling. “Shit, ‘m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you cry.”
“‘S okay,” you manage. “I mean, I’m seven months pregnant. Grass growing could make me cry at this point.”
Wayne chuckles, pressing a fatherly kiss to the top of your head. “Come in, have a seat,” he offers, and you find yourself sitting next to him on the worn sofa. “How’re you hangin’ in there? Little Bean giving you too much trouble?”
You shake your head. “Just the usual aches and pains. They’re kicking a lot lately, especially while I’m trying to sleep.” Right on cue, Little Bean delivers a roundhouse kick right above your navel. “Wanna feel?”
His eyes widen, unsure of the proper etiquette when touching a pregnant woman’s stomach. You take his cracked, calloused hand and place it where Little Bean’s foot just was. The faint fluttering of a kick brushes against his palm, and he jerks back instinctively before laughing and returning it back to your bump.
“All right there, Karate Kid!” His gray eyes twinkle with joy as he speaks directly to the baby. “Y’know, your dad kicked up a storm when he was in his mama’s belly, too. I have a feeling you’ll be just like him, for better or for worse.” He places his hand back in his lap. “God, I miss that kid so much.”
“Me, too,” you say quietly. “I don’t know how I’m gonna do this without him.” You look up at the older man and choke back a sob. “How am I gonna get up every morning and see a child who looks like Eddie without getting depressed?”
Wayne lets out a long sigh, rubbing the scruff along his cheeks. “I wish I could say it gets easier. I really do. I keep expecting him to barge through the door, rantin’ and ravin’ about Dungeons & Dragons or his music. Shit, I kept tellin’ him I’d go to one of his concerts…” 
“You had to work,” you reassure him. “Eddie knew that. He understood.”
“Thanks, darlin’.” Wayne swipes at his cheeks. “I think about him all the time. I’m sure you do, too.” You nod in agreement, and he continues. “I think about everything he could’ve been if he was alive. All these possibilities—gone.
“But you,” he manages a small smile, “you and Little Bean are like a glimmer of hope in the darkness. I don’t want you to forget that.”
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence until you work up the nerve to ask, “What if I can’t keep them safe? What if something…happens to them?” Like it happened to Eddie, you say silently. Like it happened to Chrissy and Fred and Patrick. Like it happened to Max. Like it could happen to Steve. Or to me. 
“There’s no easy answer to that,” Wayne muses. “We can’t control our kids or the situations they find themselves in. I keep wonderin’ what would’ve happened if I was home when that cheerleader was here. Maybe things could’ve been different.” He looks up towards the ceiling, unknowingly glancing where a gate to the Upside Down once was. “We just do the best we can, and we hope that they learn.”
You start to stand up, stopping when Wayne says, “You’re gonna be an amazing mom. And, uh, I don’t know that Harrington kid too well, but I heard he’s a decent guy.”
“You—you know about me and Steve?”
A blush creeps into Wayne’s cheeks. “‘S a small town. People talk and, uh, there’s not too many expectin’ teenagers who lost their baby’s father in the earthquake.”
You swallow thickly. “Are you mad at me for being with him?” The last thing you need right now is Wayne’s disapproval. 
He shakes his head. “Absolutely not. No one expects you to do this alone. Eddie wouldn’t want that. He would want you to find someone who loves you and loves Little Bean.” His gaze meets yours. “Does Steve love you and the baby?”
“Yeah,” you smile, thinking about how patient, sensitive, and kind he’s been to you. “Yeah, he really does.”
“Good.” Wayne nods, helping you to your feet. “Get some sleep. And if you need anything, you know where to find me.”
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You drive over to the Byers’ place after your shift, stifling a yawn as you knock on the front door. Everyone else is already there, and you feel a pang of embarrassment at being the last to arrive. The insecurity dissipates as Steve practically tramples over his friends to be by your side.
“Hi, my love,” he murmurs into your scalp as he kisses the top of your head. His arms wrap around your shoulders so he can pull you as close as your belly allows. “How was work?”
“Good. Weirdest thing happened today, though,” you tell him, laughing at the puzzled look on his face. “I was just minding my own business when these two hooligans came in, ranting and raving about some monster from this place called the Upside Down?”
Dustin, who’s well within earshot, scoffs at your remark. “Two hooligans? I take offense to that statement!”
“You’re right,” you concede, “it was just one. Will was perfectly behaved.”
The curly-haired boy shows off both of his middle fingers, only to be met with a thwap to the back of the head from Chief Hopper. “Don’t be an ass, kid,” he warns, pulling out a chair for you to sit on. “How’s life treating you, sweetie?” he asks, plopping down next to you. 
“It’s exhausting,” you admit with a tired laugh. 
“I can’t imagine,” Joyce says, handing you a cold glass of water. “Pregnancy was hard enough for me without all this.” She gestures wildly, mimicking the chaos that brings you all together now. 
You drink the water, feeling the condensation on your fingers. Steve’s arms snake out from behind you, hands crossed over your chest. “You can go home and rest, baby,” he whispers in your ear. “We’ve got this covered.”
“M’fine,” you fib, because nothing about this is fine, but you know you can manage to sit and participate in the planning. “Besides, I…I wanna help.”
Steve opens his mouth to protest, but he’s cut off by a balding man with glasses, who stands on a chair to call everyone to attention. His bushy eyebrows pinch together when he sees you, extending his hand and offering a toothy grin. “Murray Bauman: karate expert, Soviet ass-kicker, and matchmaker.” He winks in Joyce and Hopper’s direction. “Now,” he continues, raising his voice. “We need to come up with an idea to defeat this Vecna fucker–sorry, kids–once and for all. We have an advantage that we didn't have before–time to plan.”
“But not too long,” Will jumps in nervously, explaining how he can feel the monster gaining strength.
Murray’s booming voice takes over again. “So, what do we know?” He taps a pen to his bearded chin.
“For starters,” Robin pipes up, “we know that everything’s a hive mind. So if we draw all of the creatures in, we can bring them all down at once.”
“That means we’ll need a lot of manpower,” Murray muses, writing down hivemind on a notepad. He looks up suddenly as Erica grunts out an ahem. “And womenpower, sorry. Jeez, with the semantics.”
“El, Max, and I have a connection to him,” Will says. “If we go into the Upside Down, we can lead you to him easily.”
Lucas places a gentle hand on Max’s shoulder. “Should she be back in there? I guess it’s not safe for any of us, but…”
“We’ll need bait,” Steve says, biting his lower lip nervously. “And he’s only been coming after me so far, so I guess we know who it’s gonna be.” He crosses his arms over his chest, scratching at the stubble that’s formed on his jawline.
“No!” you cry out before you can stop yourself, feeling your cheeks heat up at your outburst. “Steve, what if…” You can’t watch anything happen to him. You’re flooded with the image of demobats swarming towards Eddie, tearing at his flesh as he screams in agonizing pain. Blood seeping between his teeth as he lay there dying. You and Dustin watching helplessly, begging him to stay alive as he took his final breath. “What if he gets you?”
“Sweetie,” Joyce breaks in, rubbing your upper back tenderly, “if this is too much…”
“It just can’t be Steve,” you murmur. “I already lost Eddie; I can’t lose Steve, too.”
Steve shakes his head solemnly. “It has to be me. I’m the one who’s heard—”
“I hear them,” you blurt out. A hushed silence falls over the room. “I hear the chimes. I haven’t had a—a dream yet, but I hear the chimes.”
No one says a word until Steve manages to find his voice. “Why—why didn’t you say anything?” His tone is a mix of sadness, concern, and anger. “How long has this been happening?”
“A month,” you admit sheepishly, and his cheeks flash red. 
“A month? A fu—freaking month?!” This comes from Dustin. Hopper shoots him another dirty look, which he ignores. “What, were you gonna wait until Vecna ripped your eyeballs from your head before telling anyone?”
You can’t help it; tears stream down your face and you get up and walk out of the house. Dustin yelps out an ouch, which you can only assume is from another back-of-the-head slap. 
“Good going, Henderson,” Steve hisses as he chases after you. He catches up to you easily, taking your hand in his. “You gotta talk to me,” he says, gently but firmly. “Tell me everything.”
The malicious, degrading voice inside your head tells you to keep it a secret, that telling him the truth will only make you seem more pathetic, that you’re already enough of a burden. 
But as you look into Steve’s big, brown eyes, you remember the promise you made to him. “It started the night that we almost had sex. I haven’t been hearing it a lot, but it’s enough that I know I’m not just imagining it.”
Steve exhales. “I mean, I know that can’t be a coincidence,” he says. “But I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t say something. Why keep it to yourself?”
“Because people already treat me like I’m fragile,” you explain. “And, I dunno, maybe I am. I mean, I’m pregnant, the baby’s father died…but I wanted to handle this on my own.”
“Baby,” Steve murmurs, gazing into your eyes. “I know you’re new to this whole alternate-dimension, giant-scary-monsters scene, so I’m asking you to believe me.” He takes your hands in his, squeezing gently. “Vecna is the worst one we’ve dealt with so far. None of us, not even Hopper, can do this alone.”
You think for a moment, biting your lower lip in concentration. “Can you fill me in on the plan?” you ask. “I’m gonna go home and rest.”
“Of course.”
“And, Steve?” you continue, and he nods. “Promise me two things.”
“One, you won’t put yourself in extra danger,” you say, “and, two, you let me be part of it. Not going into the Upside Down or anything, but I need to help.”
Steve pauses before responding. You know that he wants to protest, to tell you that there’s no way in hell he’s letting his pregnant girlfriend fight. But he knows that it’s beyond him, beyond you. This is something you need to do to avenge Eddie’s death.
“Okay,” he reluctantly agrees. “Do you want me to come with you? I don’t mind; Robin or Henderson can fill me in–”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean, thank you. But I’ll be fine. I can even put on some music, think of some happy memories. Like the time I kissed you at Family Video.” You smile, leaning on him as you press your lips to his. “I think it went something like that?”
Steve furrows his brows teasingly. “Hmm, I’m not quite sure. Show me again?” He leans in and kisses you, soft and slow and sweet. His hands cup your cheeks, sending tingles down your spine. “And you promise me you’ll call the Byers if you need anything. I’ll come running home, okay?”
You nod, heading towards your car. “I promise.”
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When Steve arrives home a few hours later, you’re sleeping soundly in your bed. You’d barely managed to change into your pajamas before passing out, radio tuned to your favorite rock station. You don’t wake until you hear the apartment door close, with Steve muttering, “shit,” when it slams louder than he’d intended.
“Steve? That you?” you call out sleepily.
“Yeah, ‘m sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to wake you.” He slowly walks into the bedroom, hands plunged deep into his jean pockets. “We, uh, we made the plan, if you wanna hear it.”
“Maybe later,” you say, sitting up and beckoning him over to sit next to you on the bed. “Can I tell you about a good dream I just had?”
He raises his eyebrows. “No Vecna?”
“No Vecna.”
He breathes a sigh of relief. “I’d love to hear it.”
“Well,” you begin, kissing his neck, “it involved you…and me…making each other feel really good.” You let your hand drift to the seam of his pants, and he immediately stiffens, whimpering at your touch. “I want you, Steve.”
“Baby, b-baby,” he stammers, palming himself. “Are you sure? I know today’s…it’s been a lot.”
You shift so that you’re straddling his thighs, sucking a bruise at his collarbone. “So fucking sure.”
Steve slips his middle finger into your cotton panties and runs it along your folds, making you moan. He finds your clit and rubs slow, methodical circles. “Wanna make you feel good, beautiful girl,” he murmurs, using his free hand to grip your thigh. “You take whatever you need, okay?”
“Mhm,” you hum, slowly rocking your hips and increasing the pressure on your sensitive bundle. “‘S perfect…so perfect. Your hands are like magic.” You bring your arms to his shoulders, steadying yourself. He blushes at your praise before sliding the finger into your pussy, pumping it in and out. He starts at a slow pace, gradually increasing it as you clench around him. “R-Right there, Steve.” You start to bring your own hand to your clit, now aching with need, but he stops you, using his thumb to continue where he’d left off.
“Sorry, baby; just got distracted,” he admits sheepishly. He removes his finger from you, and you whine at the loss of contact. He chuckles as he tugs off your panties. “Poor thing. Don’t worry, love; just need to get myself ready.” He shimmies out of his jeans and his briefs, with much more ease than you got out of your panties–thanks, pregnancy–and brings you to the edge of the bed. You wrap your legs around his lithe waist as he lines himself up with your entrance.
Steve pushes inside of you, stretching you deliciously. The moan that escapes your mouth is downright filthy, and you cover your face in embarrassment. He lifts your hands away, saying nothing but peppering your face with kisses.
You pull him closer so he has to rest his palms on the mattress as he thrusts into you, chanting your name and I love you over and over. 
“You’re so fucking gorgeous,” he says, eyes rolling backwards as he bottoms out inside you. “Can’t believe you’re mine. Can’t believe you’re my girl, holy shit.”
“K-Keep touching me,” you instruct him, and he continues rubbing your clit as he pistons his hips. You feel yourself inching towards the finish, though you can’t move your body as like you used to. “Little more pressure, baby. Please.”
“Don’t have to beg me,” he groans, “although I can’t say I hate it.”
“Please, please, please,” you cry, “need all of you, Steve. Your hands, your cock, everything.” Your pussy clenches around his length as you come, shivering with pleasure.
Steve’s orgasm doesn’t happen quite as easily. As soon as he gets you off, something changes. It’s as though you can see the cogs turning in his head; he’s clearly overthinking something.
“You okay?” you ask. “If something’s wrong, you can tell me the truth.”
“Nothing wrong with you,” he says, still thrusting into you, desperate to stay hard. “Just keep worrying that we’re doing something we shouldn’t be.” He tries to avert his gaze from your bump, the bump that’s growing Eddie’s baby, but you catch him.
You shake your head. “We can stop if you want,” you assure him, though you’d be lying if you said you weren’t dreading the moment he was no longer inside you, “but you and I…we’re so right.”
“I know. I just wonder if he’d be mad at me, y’know?” Steve admits, pulling out slowly, much to your dismay.
You think back to what Wayne told you earlier in the evening. “Eddie would want me to be with someone who loves me and Little Bean. He would want me to be happy.” You bring your hand to Steve’s. “And you’re that person, Steve. You’re my person.”
Steve smiles at this, pumping himself with breathy grunts. “Keep talking, babe. Keep telling me how bad you need me.”
“Can’t you feel it?” you taunt. “‘M so wet for you, Stevie. All for you. Just need you back inside me.” He presses the tip of his cock into your needing pussy, hissing as your walls envelop him. “Want you nice and deep.”
“Gonna give it to you,” he moans, dragging himself in and out. “Gonna fill up this pretty little pussy till I’m dripping out of you. Everyone’s gonna know you’re mine.”
“All yours, Stevie,” you echo, and no sooner do you say it is he spilling his hot load into you, sputtering and swearing. 
He slows down his pace, withdrawing with a sigh before helping you fully onto the bed and cleaning you up.
“I love you, Steve,” you murmur into the crook of his neck, belly resting on his stomach and arm draped over his hairy chest.
“I love you more.” He kisses your temple, and the two of you fall asleep naked in each other’s arms.
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“I’m all yours, Stevie.”
You sit up quickly at the sound of a condescending voice, tone pinched and mocking. “Who’s there?”
“Oh, Stevie, I belong to you. Even though I’m having Eddie’s baby, I’ll forget all about him. Like he never existed.”
Steve wakes up at that. “Did you say something?”
You shake your head, trying to speak, but you’re interrupted by the same voice. This time, it’s dramatically deeper.
“Everyone’s gonna know you’re mine. You’re King Steve’s, baby. King FUCKING Steve’s! Wooooo!”
Eddie appears at the doorway, covered in mud and dust. His curly hair is matted with blood. “What a nice show, huh? My girlfriend and my friend fucking each other while she’s knocked up with my kid. Real classy.”
“He’s not real,” Steve mutters. “It’s not really him.”
Not-Eddie chuckles meanly. “I bet you’re waiting for him. Waiting for me to turn into him. But it ain’t gonna happen. Because he’s not here.”
“Go away!” you feebly yell. “You’re not Eddie!”
“Of course not,” he sneers. “Because I’m dead. And you left my body here to rot. So he’s using it, using me to command his army. And we’ll destroy you and this stupid fuckin’ town.”
“Wh-What are you saying?” Steve stammers, grabbing your hand. “You’re like his…his puppet?”
Not-Eddie flashes a bloody grin. “Ironic, isn’t it? He’s my puppet master. My source of self-destruction.” Suddenly, something flashes behind his eyes. The coldness dissipates, and fear sets in. “Help me. He has my soul. Please, someone help–”
And then he’s gone.
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thebluestbluewords · 1 year
Eat More Dirt
The kids from the Isle of the Lost are tiny. They’re also dirty, but that’s easily fixable with some soap and water, and they’ll have that in abundance once they get the kids settled in their rooms. 
“They’re so dirty,” Audrey whispers under her breath. “Are you sure we can’t send them back now? They haven’t even unpacked yet. It would be easier on them.” 
“Be nice,” Ben whispers back, while trying to look like he isn’t. “They’ve had a long drive.” 
Audrey scoffs, very quietly, and flips her hair over her shoulder. “…wish it were longer.” she murmurs, so low that it’s basically inaudible, and therefore fine for Ben to ignore. 
The isle kids have arranged themselves in something like a line along the side of the limo. Two of them, the shorter boy and the taller girl, are staring openly at the school band, who stopped playing basically as soon as the boys fell out of the car. The other two are trying very hard to look like they aren’t staring, and they’re almost succeeding. 
“Welcome!” Fairy Godmother says brightly, “to the illustrious Auradon Preparatory Academy! I’m Fairy Godmother, your headmistress.” 
The smaller girl, the one with the messy purple hair who’s doing the best job at concealing her stare, twitches. “Charmed,” she says, and her voice is rough in a way that Ben usually associates with being sick, except she doesn’t seem sick. “We’re…glad to be here, I guess.” 
“I’m sure you are, dears. Well, we do have a few rules here, the most important of which is to remember that the gates of learning will always be open to you so long as you are here.” 
Purple hair leans back from the overbearing onslaught of Fairy Godmother’s enthusiasm. “Wow. That’s…cool.” 
“I’ll be seeing you all for a little meeting tonight, but for now, let me get myself out of the way so you can meet your student guides!” Fairy Godmother says brightly. Maybe a little too brightly, if the way the girl is pulling back is any indication. 
Ben doesn’t want her to pull back. 
He wants, suddenly and completely, to make these kids comfortable. 
“Hello,” he says, because that’s what he’s prepared. “I’m Ben, and this is Audrey.” 
“His girlfriend,” Audrey adds sweetly, clinging to Ben’s arm like her life depends on it. “Princess of Auroria, heir to the land of the dawn, and head of the cheer squad.” 
The taller girl, the only one who managed to step out of the car rather than falling, perks up at the mention of Audrey’s title. “Princess? I’m a princess too.” 
Audrey’s fingers tighten. “Oh, no. You’re not.” 
The girl smiles faintly. She’s stunning, Ben can already tell. Not that he’s looking, not exactly, but even under the layer of dirt and goth sensibilities, the new girl looks like she expects people to pay attention to her. 
“Princess Evie,” The girl says clearly. Evie. Her name is Evie. “Daughter of the Evil Queen, heir to the Mountain Territories, and presently the princess of the upper trade district of the Isle of the Lost.” 
“The Evil Queen holds no status here,” Audrey says through a smile so bright and fake it could sell toothpaste. “And neither do you.” 
Evie’s smile grows a bit wider. “I hold no status in Auradon, you mean. My land is on the Isle of the Lost, and I think you’ll find that I do hold quite a bit of status there.” 
Audrey’s hand spasms. “You’re not on the Isle of the Lost anymore, but if you’d like to go back I’m sure Ben could accommodate that!” 
One of the kids laughs. 
“No, no,” the handsome, dark haired boy says. He’s still laughing, and it makes him look…younger, maybe? Lighter? Different, somehow, than how he looked before. “We’re good right where we are.” 
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madeupoflowers · 2 years
What are your hidden abilities and gifts?🎇🪄
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Hi my loves! I got another suggested pick a card for you all! It was so interesting reading all of these unique and precious energies.🥰
Piles 1-2 are the top row
Piles 3-4 are the bottom row
(Thank you @vincenzomalfoy🪄)
If you need some guidance on how to choose the right pile, here are some techniques I like to use:
If a specific things sparks a pang of nostalgia or joy in you
If one pile “shines” brighter than the others
Close your eyes and think of a blank slate then open them quickly, which ever “jumped out” in that moment is the one.
Of course, it’s possible to feel drawn to more than one pile and if that’s the case then feel free to read for them both! (For me, sometimes I’ll get an intuitive message when Spirit wants me to read one pile before the other.)
Overall, it’s normal to doubt your gut or intuition at first but please know with practice makes things “perfect”. Don’t be hard on yourself over that! If no pile calls out to you, then that’s valid! There may not be a message here for you(or yet). I will try to add more piles down the line. Remember you all are special and so precious. If you doubt that I’ll have to go Italian mother on your ass and smack you with a wooden spoon.😤😊
Now, enough outta me and enjoy your reading, honeybees!!🐝🤌🏻🧧
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Pile 1
Incredibley emotionally intellent even if you don’t see it. Brilliant thinkers I see genuises here. Its like you are able to intuitively see future outcomes thus giving you an advantage to make the perfect decision. You have the potential to be a great influence and this may be the social media pile. You are perfect for entertainment! I feel those who choose this pile are very charming, versitle and funny! This is the pile where they are able to get people to help you out and vouch for you and your talents! I feel through this gift to wear the perfect mask and act for the right situations and to adapt quickly makes you a magnet for wealth and fame one way or another. What ever it is that thag you feel called to do but feel it’s not logical enough- STOP! That’s the path you will get the most abundance and admiration out of!! Listen to your heart and gut, it’s screaming at you!
Channeled messages: silver dolphin necklace, swim team, clouds, fashion design, glitter pens, ISFP, Libra, Solar plexus chakra, lip stain, sugar, stone carving, Springtime, star shaped glitter, peaches scent.
Pile 2
Hehe, no seriously…👀 You have so much luck when it comes to money and locking down a good deal. If you somehow don’t feel this then you will be in the near future however I truly think you all are strongly in this abundant energy already. You are not meant to be working under anyone as you are meant to be an authority. You are meant to call all of the shots. CEO, sports players, businessmen/women, etc. This is your pile. If you have a dream to break barriers or I feel like being the first female, first trans-individual or first SOMETHING, this is what you are meant to do. Please don’t dim your light, I feel so many people try to!! Especially recently, I feel like you are hiding internal doubts regarding this light and for the love of all things don’t let it win. You have so much potential and beauty on the inside and out. People see this and want to see it as a threat when in reality it’s their own issues not yours. Don’t burden yourself and dim your shine for these low vibrational people. Don’t be afraid to get out of this comfort zone and do something “crazy”, something everyone else is too insecure or shy to attempt! Ground breaker, you are a meant to break molds!
Channeled messages: Serena van der Woodsen, Aries, ENFJ, ringlet curly hair, Solar plexus chakra AND Root chakra!, Emelié, French language, pepper, “best vengeance is your paper”, Arabian nights, gentle bell chiming, scuba diving.
Pile 3
Are these my politicians and activists?? Y’all are destined to speak up against bullshit and call out the shitty system! I saw someone standing at a podium and telling a groundbreaking and passionate speech! You will not glaze over an issue, you hate that stuff! Think the world's leaders are foolish and pathetic for not standing up and standing tall for what they believe in! You are meant to become a great leader yourself and give your all to a cause. I see multiple causes but one is extremely important to you. The ability to be fair and deliver justice unbiased comes so naturally to you. Never afraid to fight for what you believe in. I see debaters here. You never stand back in submission and let yourself be cornered. No, you stand for your morals and values. I see someone who is so much more sensitive than they let others know and thats another amazing ability of yours. I feel much of your opinions and stances on things can be taboo or controversial. Luckily, you know how to keep the wrong people from taking advantage of you and stabbing you where your vulnerable. Yet I still feel “keep your friends close but your enemies closer.”
Channeled messages: desert, ocotillo cactus, writing with a feather, “stop crying over spilled milk”, Virgo, figs, moon bracelet, 5’7, stage anxiety, AHS, maroon, Korea, Malaysia, Brunei, letter ‘J’, climbing over a tan hill.
Pile 4
My spiritual leader piles! Monks, nuns, gurus, preachers, counselors, etc. I feel you are gifted in be able to shine light in the darkness. To bring light and wisdom to those who need it the most. A reliable shoulder and an open ear willing to just listen. You know how to make many confide in you and trust you deeply. Maybe it’s because you dont have a harsh aura to you. You seem simply…good. Benevolent. You are incredible at healing those who have endured so many hardships. Not many in this big world have the levels of patience and grace as you do. Always willing to be of service to those in need. I feel those who chose this pile are starseeds. You came here with a divine purpose to do unconditional love, you aren’t a violent soul and may find it hard to stand up for yourself at times. Don’t fear if you set boundaries, people naturally feel the urge to respect you. There is so much purity and kindness in you even if you don’t think or feel it, doesn’t mean it’s not there! You will bring light, wisdom, strength and hope to this world. I saw a gentle elderly woman sitting on a cough with a warm smile as if she was sharing a story of great wisdom and advice to her grandchildren. Thank you for what you do and are gonna do Pile 4, without your love and wise nature, this world would be in chaos. We need more individuals like you.
Channeled messages: Aquarius, Ceres, Athena, pantheon, leather sandals, Judism, huggable, nose scrunches, vanilla bean, jungles, Thailand, orange and red combination, church, Norway, Danish language, crescent moon, Venusian dominant chart, feathered wings, gentle raindrops, sushi.
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dmwrites · 2 years
“The thing is, like, really, Ren has no real power. His knights are people like Cub and Cleo, like, they’ll turn on him in an instant.” Impulse said. The soup group was sat around their meeting table, discussing the next moves the revolution should take.
“Yeah, he’s all bark and no bite.” Pearl added, smirking. “He’s a tiny little doggie with a tiny little doggie crown!”
“I think we need another prank to really annoy him. Ohh, what if we painted the crastle pink or something?” Gem jumped up and down in her seat.
They all laughed at the idea, and eagerly began to plan their next prank on the crown. Resistance life was fun, with adventure and mischief abundant.
The one-on-one meetings with the king had increased from around once a week to every day. The knights of the square table gathered every day in the hallway, grumbling to each other about this inconvenience, while Ren’s dramatic tones could be heard from behind the door.
“Why on earth are we still agreeing to this?” Cleo whispered not too quietly to the others one afternoon, as Cub was walked in by Bdubs. “This is ridiculous. Once a day? He’s gone mad.”
Joe gave her a twisted grimace. “I mean, someone’s gotta do it, I guess.”
“It’s like reality tv for me.” Iskall said.
Scar just kinda shrugged.
“I mean, this imaginary power has already gotten to his head. You all have got to be seeing what I am.” Cleo looked around at them all.
“You know, you’re sounding an awful lot like those soup group people.” Scar mused, plucking at the string of his bow.
“Oh, come on now, Scar.” Cleo rolled her eyes.
“Cleo! You’re up next!” Bdubs threw open the doors, letting Cub slide past with that dragon head of his, which hit every person as he passed. Cleo stepped forward, still thinking about what she’d said.
“Lady Cleo!” Ren sat at the table, leaning back in his chair with the diamonds in his cloak glittering in the light from the sun.
“Ren.” Cleo sat down rather ungracefully, as her leg was hurting a bit, and arranged her gown around her.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Cleo snorted. “If you’re talking about those damn blue glasses, yes, that was an intentional choice. They don’t go with my outfit.”
“That wasn’t what I was referring to, Lady Cleo, although your failure to adhere to the dress code will be noted.” Ren said, waving to Bdubs, who wrote something down on his laptop. He looked at Cleo again. “I was referring my name.” Cleo said nothing. “You seem to be in an awfully sour mood, more then usual, might I add.” Ren continued.
“I’m always like this, it’s part of my charm.” Cleo deadpanned back. She thought of all the things she could be doing, and sighed. “But daily meetings are an absolute waste of time, you mad dog king.”
“How dare you insult me!” Ren stood up, dramatically pointing a finger at her. “You are a traitor to the crown, you are! I should have your knighthood seized from you!”
“How would we even do that?” Bdubs piped up from his corner, but no one paid him mind.
Cleo chuckled, a low and deeply intimidating laugh that she saved for moments like these, relished a bit, honestly. “Let’s be honest, Ren. You need me. You need all of us, sure, but you’re afraid of me, and you need me.” She stood up, almost stalking Ren across the floor, one leg still a little stiff. “You mad little dog. You do realize you hold no power here, don’t you?
“I hold all the power. You just don’t know it.” Ren hissed back, although he’d let himself be pushed back into a wall, looking about as pathetic as a man could.
“No you don’t. You’re a puppet, and you are nothing without your strings.” She gestured to herself. She was standing inches away from him, and maintaining eye contact, staring down the king.
“Perhaps you’re right, Lady Cleo.” Ren said softly. He glanced back at her, then kind of off to the side.
“Look at me, Ren.”
And as he said that, he moved forward, a wild grin on his face, and Cleo felt something go straight through her. She took a step back and looked down. There was a sword handle buried in her stomach.
“Ren. You do know I can’t feel pain, right?”
“Oh, I know.”
“Then why did you ruin my dress, you moronic-”
Ren grabbed the handle of the blade, pulled it out, and sliced Cleo’s head clean off her neck.
“Guys! Holy fucking shit!” Gem crashed right into Pearl, scrambling to her feet. “Guys, there’s something- it’s horrible!” She was shaking like a leaf and pale, tears in her eyes.
It was morning, and the soup group had gathered on the bridge for their morning coffee/tea/energy drink session, a usually relaxing routine to start the day.
“Gem, what’s going on?” Impulse asked in concern, putting a hand on her shoulder. Gem didn’t reply, but pointed up towards her base. Right on top of the hill was some kind of small shape looking down at them. The sun was just rising behind the limp-looking thing, blocking any identifying features besides outline.
“What is that, like a scarecrow or something?” Pearl asked, shading her eyes. Gem took off towards it without a word and Impulse and Pearl, after shrugging at each other, followed her up.
Green, torn fabric was being tugged by the wind. The greyish skin was beading up with morning dew. And there was something written in red, the same shade as her hair.
“Oh my god, it’s a scarecleo.” Pearl whispered.
Death is not uncommon in Hermitcraft. But this was not death- this was a message. It was ZombieCleo, the actual decaying body, not some armor stand magic. She hung from the stake she was tied to, lifeless, like a gruesome doll of some kind. But she looked off, her skin bulging in odd places and sinking in others.
Impulse took a couple of brave steps forward, and reached for the tear in the stomach of Cleo’s dress. “Oh my god. She’s stuffed with hay like an actual scarecrow. I can see it in her exposed ribs.” Impulse leapt back, shaking out his hands as the full impact of his statement hit him.
“Wha- why?” Pearl walked forward, standing right in front of Cleo’s lifeless form, looking up into her face. “Traitor.” Silence swept through the soup group, a clawing chill that had them looking at one another in unease.
“We need Cleo to tell us what happened.” Gem spoke up finally, tears running down her face. “We can’t leave her like this.”
Pearl knelt down to examine the part of the stake in the ground. “There’s a marking here..” Pearl murmured, tracing the small carving with her finger. “An arrow, pointing down.”
“I can dig.” Impulse said hoarsly, pulling out a shovel. “But I can’t- we need to move her. Please.”
Gem and Pearl cut Cleo down, and carried her best they could into Gem’s castle. They placed her on a table, and Gem looked down at Cleo’s face, moving some bits of hair out of the way.
“Why?” She asked Pearl.
“Warning.” Pearl murmured, watching Gem smooth Cleo’s hair away from her chest, where “traitor” was still clear.
“Guys! I found something! It’s- eugh!” Impulse called from outside. Pearl and Gem dashed out, and found Impulse scrambling back on all fours away from a stained bag. “It’s guts!” Impulse choked out.
“Guts?” Pearl asked.
Gem raced to the bag and peered in. “Oh, these must be Cleo’s guts! We can put her back together!”
“Gem, I don’t think that’s how this works.” Impulse said sadly.
“She’s a zombie. She doesn’t use these anyway. I know we can do this! It’s just like a board game or something!” Gem looked back and forth at the two. “Don’t you want to save Cleo? Know what happened? If she is really a traitor, she is one of us now.”
And so, they set to work. They found that someone had made deep incisions in Cleo already, and so taking out the straw was easy, but horrifying. Gem took to the task of placing the organs back in the right spots, reworking the connections to the brain best she could.
And then there was a gasp, and Cleo’s eyes fluttered closed, then open.
“Cleo!” Gem gasped, still holding the string she was going to use for stitching.
“Holy fuck.” Cleo looked down at herself. “That fucker.” She looked around. “Well, hi soup group. Sorry about the horrors. Gem, give me that string- I’d prefer to do my own stitching.”
Gem handed over the string and needle, eyes wide. Impulse stared at her too. Pearl stood in front of her again, needing answers.
“What happened to you?”
“Ren happened to me.” Cleo muttered bitterly. “Provoked him one too many times, I guess, and he snapped. Killed me and had me brought out here as a message to you guys.” She sighed. “Joe was the one who filled me with straw.”
“Joe?” Impulse asked.
“He was forced to, with Ren holding a knife to his throat. Thank god Joe had the sense to come back here and bury my organs so you guys could find them.” Cleo finished up the stitches and cut it with her teeth.
“We’ve got to stop him.” Pearl said. “We’ve got Cleo now too. Now it’s gone too far.”
“What do we do?” Impulse asked.
“Well, I want Joe.” Cleo said. “We get him, we plan a real fucking revolution, and we take the crown off of that king’s head. He’s gone mad with power and greed. Reminds me of another king dog.” She shared a look with Impulse. “We take that crown and we burn the kingdom to the ground. It’s the only way now. The revolution is now.”
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beloved-brynn · 2 months
*pokes you*
Brynryn, hi hello, how are youuu?
Anyway, since you asked me abt who i ship my mutuals with, i wanna ask you something as well! >:D
What (two or more) characteristics do you personally like about yourself and your mutuals? You can either just say it, explain it, or anything really lol
About myself: I have a love-hate relationship with my grit. Mostly because I know I was born talentless in all aspects (no exaggeration), so every creative endeavor I have is 99% hardwork. And no, my parents don't have writing or drawing skills. I don't need to explain how my mom only knows how to draw "v" birds or how my dad isn't great at English. Absolute shame on them. (jk I love my family, I wish I could just pass my lifespan to hem HAHAHA). So when all hardwork fails, I feel like absolute shit. Second thing probably is my faith. I think I wouldn't be here if I didn't have some level of trust with the universe overall. The rest of me is garbage tho lmao. If I'm an otome game character, I'm 100% the beloved and beloathed trash husbando /srs.
About @leftdestiny-posts: I'm not sure I'd ever encounter an internet mutual like them ever again, and I think their appreciation for life and bluntness/straightforwardness is something to be admired. They're traits I don't have. Shiro and I are very very different people, and I'm not sure why there was a miracle that made us meet lol.
About @a-dose-of-phitre and @estellxli: longest friends I have. I really admire their creativity and skill, and if you want me to be honest, I know full well I'm left behind in those departments. If you know me irl, I'm not exactly the most affectionate person so I'd rather keep this part brief haha. Though, a small addition, I admire estella's communication skills and assertiveness a ton and I wish I had a bit more of Phitre's endearing charm and mannerisms (and height-). I'm super stiff lol.
About @navxry: Probably communication skills as well? When we met, they talked continuously. As much as I know I'm an extrovert and thrive off social energy, I think something in me is holding me back to being as vocal as they are. They also seem to have an abundance of energy. Ahh. Youth. /j
About @mixed-kester: i wish i am surviving engineering as much as she has i wanna quit can i quit also how does she pick colors sht is unfair i always have to open up google chrome to— //hjjjj
About @jessamine-rose: she already knows about my fashion sense or lack thereof, so let's talk about something else. I greatly enjoy her writing style because I know it's not something I'd pull off. Her sentence structures doesn't become verbose, they're incredibly succinct— enough to lead you along. Other than that, probably the way she bounces ideas spontaneously. I wish she sleeps right tho HAHAHA /silly
About @vennnnn-diagram: I probably pestered them too much about how normal people work honestly. I lack social skills so learning about stuff from them makes me feel a bit more knowledgeable without any visible judgement from them. So yeah, add that as one out of two. The second one? Their music skills. I hate learning instruments. I don't know why. I tried plenty. I suck plenty. Everyone in my family are great at playing except me. They're the Bruno Mars to my gambling addiction. WAIT WHY DOES SOUND LIKE THE WORST PICKUP LINE KN EXISTENCE HAHAHAHAHA
About @stardust-for-your-soul: i wish i can write fluff i wish i can write romantic things why can't i think of romantic genshin men headcanons why'd it always have to end in murder— oh and also, I love her prose. Chryseis can turn the mundane to something that oozes with beauty, and I think that romanticism is wonderful.
About @lucienbarkbark: i absolutely do not agree with your love for dazai /silly but I do admire estorea's unapologetic nature. Hell yeah bestie fricking read thag 300000+ chaptered story 😭😭😭 /gen. I find it a challenge to sit down and read nowadays huhu. Also, I like how warm she is to talk to, we haven't DMed much but it feels so hospitable (?) whenever she send fic links. Wish I was more like that. Also, thank you for the oda fics, soldier.
About @meimeimeirin: when mei put the kamisato siblings in a kin tier once (unless memory fails me), i remember silently agreeing so much. She has that "I got most my life together" vibe and I do wish I have that. She's also very open to talking about what she loves, she doesn't hide her affections and it's something I very much look up to if you've seen the things I've written so far lol. I love how vocal she is with appreciating what she has, including some new drinks she tasted, her parents' loving relationship, it's just sweet. The teashop aesthetic definitely suites her vibe. She just seems so... Elegant? Can't be me, I need to cause a mess /silly
About y o u: well first off if I get to have your hands for a day, you'd find weird ass drawings of blonde men on your drawing software. Second, I like your vibes a ton. It hits different. It fluctuates from absolutely chill to saying lowkey out of pocket things and I might be getting gaslit to thinking you're not at all the latter /j
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ghousttm · 2 years
I love him sm udek like im I'd hold him snd never let go if i could
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Small spoilers of season two ⬇️
I'm never getting over anytime he wears clothes
Adds to his already abundant charm
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oceanspray5 · 2 years
Beauty and the Beast in EAH shouldve been Cerise and Daring. All those bits of setup only for them to put Daring directly in another tale as a "prince charming". Rosabella being beauty adds nothing interesting. Cerise already played on the B&tB dynamics pretty nicely.
Having Daring switch fairytales isn't all that productive. Technically he's still the prince charming even if he's the beast. He has no organic growth. Rosabella had to push him repeatedly to consider he needs to do better rather than him coming to that realization himself.
With Cerise, Daring did at least challenge his view on damsels and did it by himself even if it was brought about by necessity. Their story could've been him as the beauty but needing to learn to be kind and less self absorbed. Meanwhile, she's the beast who needs to accept who she is and where she comes from without fearing or being ashamed of it.
This roundabout beauty and the beast retelling not only would have fit the theme of choosing your own destiny but also that sometimes the same story can be told in multiple ways and retain meaning and but deliver a different lesson for every changing generation. It would've subverted the tropes of the original B&tB in a unique and fun way.
I like Rosabella as a character but she really doesn't facilitate the whole "change" motif of EAH, not to mention, as stated earlier, she's already Beauty because of her parents. Daring being her prince just makes him a prince charming directly in another fairytale albeit just a more unconventional one. With Cerise in the tale instead she becomes the Beast and Daring becomes Beauty but the question becomes: who helps who out more.
Daring's abundance of arrogance gets shaved off with Cerise's rough edges and lack of "damsel-ness". He learns humility and the ability to help others even if its through a sense of playful competitiveness that they share. Some of Daring's confidence contrastingly brushes off on Cerise and she no longer fears her identity or her lineage especially since more and more people are questioning their stories because of Raven taking a stand.
Idk... I just felt the Cerise and Daring plotline was a wonderful little setup for B&tB even if there were mere crumbs in it and it was inconsistent. Considering Epic Winter is where the series left off too there's a lot I'm disappointed in, in how EAH "ended" and sad that it didn't get more time to explore.
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I downloaded skyrim again to play this weekend, I remember you having a lot of mods, do you have any recomendations?(i already installed ordinator btw)
Ok, uh, top of my head mind you, don't have my computer and nexus account at hand for now I'm probably giving a more detailed answer later.
First off, remember to get the "Downgrader" patch for Skyrim otherwise you're stuck with AE, which limits your SKSE plug ins choice, some of which are indispensable by now to make the game functional at a large amount of mods (I am around 1.3K mods as of now and it works like a charm honestly).
So, as you mentioned with Ordinator, there's Enai Sion whole package of Overhauls. It's fairly extensive, but does have a couple flaws people usually complain about, mostly about the author being kind of a dick and doesn't really handle criticism well, but also an abundance of random "summons" effects for some of his mods (like, a couple perks of Ordinator are literally all about summoning random creatures on battle start).
In case you want something less extensive and whose author is less of a dick, there's SimonMagus overhauls, usually put as a direct counterweight to the Enai Sion overhauls. It's more "vanilla" friendly tho.
So, for gameplay mods I think it depends on what your character is set up as. There's the usual basic shit of course, UESP, RaceMenu, SkyUI etc, SKSE and all.
There's SPID, which is a SKSE plug in, which will distribute spells, weapons and armours from mods to NPCs. It's needed to make the game far more varied.
Immersive Creatures, Weapons and Armours for some variety of course.
I unfortunately can't remember all my spell mods right now. There's colourful magic which gives you not just spells but also a lot of powerful bosses to fight.
There's a bunch of packs by Mihail that give you more monsters in the game, divided by type (Dwemer, Undead etc). You will need to ZEdit them into a fused ESP tho since they are all ESPs. Otherwise there's the Monster Mash which does the same but it's less fucked with creatures. You can have both but mind you if you do you'll have duplicate monsters, no issues for the game but it will clutter your game with monsters.
Quest mods lets see... The Vicn Trilogy is obviously a must, Vigilant, Glenmoril and Unslaad, then there's Forgotten City (it even got a standalone game on Steam now), Clockwork for a horror mod, then there's... I guess Project AHO if you can handle the slavery apologia, Beyond Skyrim Bruma tho it's still unfinished, Beyond Rich has some major edge in it if you can handle it (like, straight up sex violence and forced birth shit).
They recently released a "Defeat" mod based on the nemesis system from shadow of mordor which turns enemies who kill you into nemesises that get stronger and gain titles and names.
Followers wise there's Khash, Inigo, Lucien, Mharphin if you can handle the Stanley Parable like plot.
Cringe Mods there's Ambriel and Dragon Break, they are really bad but you can have a laugh at it.
Rigmor of Bruma/Cyrodil is also bad but it's more boring honestly. Tho it does have some charm and some really cool characters like Dave the Werewolf or Rose, the issue is everything involving Rigmor tho.
Can't think much else, will add to it later probably tho.
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chaldeanu · 2 months
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afternoon ノ dr. ratio
ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . 4.7k ノ fem reader — vague description of comfy clothes with open buttons and lace ノ either early in the relationship or unspecified BUT with feelings — reader is just visiting ratio in his home ノ oral . both receiving ノ long foreplay . fingering ノ it is so messy and domestic ノ doing it raw . cumming inside ノ sappy and sweet dialogues here and there ノ love confessions during a rough fucking session yum! ノ fluff . comfort . smut — the full course :)
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the golden rays of the afternoon sun filter through the linen drapes, casting a warm, ethereal glow upon the house.
the classy furniture and one rug, woven with intricate patterns and vibrant hues, add charm to the overall rather minimalistic interior. throughout the room, various relics and books, both old and freshly published, infuse the space with a sense of elegancy.
veritas ratio thinks you fit the imagery perfectly, finding you exactly where he expected you to be — on the plush cushions on the sofa, adorned with rich fabrics and delicate embroidery, beckoning to sink into their soft embrace. the gilded mirror reverses the soft light, casting a golden glitter on the place where you sit.
you notice him in the reflection before you turn to face him. he looks magnificent with that charming smile of his.
there is something about your appearance that catches his eyes too — perhaps the way the homey clothing falls over your lap or the loosely open buttons that bring attention to your chest? or maybe it’s the lace that hugs your curves.
whatever it is, the fact is that he has always thought you beautiful, even though he rarely compliments anyone. and now you appreciate the peaceful afternoon in his living room as if it was your own.
“hi… how’s work?” you ask to start the conversation.
“work? challenging. however, i would not engage in it if it were overly facile. i enjoy mental stimulation.” his voice sounds proud yet elegant, his figure confident. he stands up straight as a candle, while the back of his hand is close to his chin. appearing more like a statue than a human being.
“mhm… taking a break, then? to clear your mind?”
“yes, indeed. there is only one thing that can help me relax at this hour… that one activity i dearly love when time is in abundance…” his grin is soft and smug as he walks closer.
his approach does not scare you — in fact, it is rather endearing.
enough time for you to put down the book you were reading before he leans against the headrest and asks for your hand.
the contact makes you embarrassed. veritas ratio keeps smiling and leaves a sweet peck on your knuckles. another one on your wrist. and then on your forearm, travelling up along your body.
before you realise, he is already kissing you passionately and finds a way to touch your waist under the comfy clothes, tickling and teasing the skin. when it comes to your attitude, you get shy when he touches you like that — a contrast to his unwavering demeanour, how easily you sway under his confidence.
as his hands trail down, caressing you in sensitive spots and brushing against your thighs, his lips never stop tasting yours, occasionally drawing little patterns along your neck.
he likes you, loves you in some ways even, though it would require another page of explanations — sometimes he just wishes to make sure you know of his fondness, while using you to get rid of the stress that occupies his brain.
“may i touch you? will you spread your legs for me?” he murmurs with that haughty smile of his.
it feels weirdly empowering to hear him say something like that, especially knowing he isn’t used to asking others such questions. you do as he asked, letting veritas’ long fingers slip past the thin layers of fabrics.
you shiver with delight and anticipation as his cool digits press firmly onto your burning flesh. his palm shifts carefully, just barely, testing out what his moves have on you. his other one is resting on your chest, pressing your body deeper into the sofa and holding it still.
in no time, one finger parts your pussy apart and penetrates you in the most careful manner possible — it’s gentle, almost too cautious to be real, ensuring that he’s not setting a pace your body cannot match until you’re warm and wet.
“mmh… that’s an unusual way to rest from work. you’re still thinking too much, you know?” you say with a dreamy sigh, starting to enjoy all these little sparks he extracts from your insides.
veritas chuckles.
“indeed, i am. however, my thoughts now are focused solely upon pleasing you,” he answers. “i must say… i prefer this state of mind.”
you moan softly, but immediately feel ashamed of your reaction, as if it were inappropriate for such sounds to be voiced. veritas looks pleased, though, watching with intent as his digit slides further into your core, easier. you wish you could reach out to touch him in return, but he’s sitting upright and away from your needy hands — so you resort to hugging a pillow close to your chest.
there is a sizable tent forming in his trousers and you wonder if he will allow you to taste him later.
the idea is so exciting and your inner walls squeeze his digit as it sinks with each slow thrust. the firm tip of his thumb rubs gentle circles on your clit, sending jolts of pleasure up your nerves. nothing gets past his cautious eyes. he peers at you intently, drinking in the sight of your squirming form.
instead of adding another digit, he lowers himself down the couch and parts your knees even wider, giving his head room between your legs.
the feeling of his soft, slick tongue slipping over your glistening pussy is heavenly, and your grip on the pillow tightens, as the motions become more demanding, exploring your folds and the area around your opening. his finger continues the agonisingly steady rhythm, guiding you into the bliss.
each flick of his wet muscle has your breathing speed up a notch. veritas doesn’t rush things though. he’s well aware of every move he makes and the impact it has on you — yet you can tell there is something about him that stays collected as he continues.
even through the haze of your lust, you sense that he’s trying to figure out if there are more ways in which he could satisfy you.
just when you think the stimulation will be enough to get you there in a few moments, his hands retreat and his mouth latches onto your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing the ecstasy to arrive immediately. the unexpected sensation has you cry out, and clamp your thighs around his head for a moment before forcing them back open again. he continues as if nothing happened and slowly coaxes a wave of arousal, swallowing hungrily as it spills onto his face. he does not cease his actions, not until your entire being trembles with release.
withdrawing reluctantly, he licks his lips before giving you one final, sweet peck on your slit, listening to your hiccups. then he rests his head against your lap and looks up with a smirk.
“given the look on your face,“ he comments before reaching for the wipes from under the coffee table and cleaning the mess off your folds and from his chin, “this was far more beneficial than i anticipated…”
“let me touch you too…” you whine weakly, still coming down to your senses, each caress of his palm on your inner thigh making you bounce.
pondering over your sweet plea for a moment, he moves up until straddling your chest, his muscular legs on each side of your frame and his pants in front of your face. the view makes your body tremble in excitement. working on opening his slacks, he keeps the eye contact with you, the amber of his irises warmly burning onto your face.
his cock springs out and slaps lightly against your cheek, his hips inching further down. you immediately grasp the opportunity to swirl your tongue around the tip and lap at the hot flesh eagerly.
not to waste any more time with what’s right before you, you start sucking until you hear a soft chuckle from him.
“quite lovely, this sight of yours.”
your lips pop around the hard girth and you smile while panting, his hand petting your head gently.
“hmm… you can use my mouth, if you want to,” with an adorable giggle, you kiss the glossy head and pump the base lazily with your fist.
his eyes light up at that idea as he slides his shaft more down your throat, making you groan with effort as you struggle to keep up without gagging.
the burning ache of your jaw, combined with his quiet praise, is enough to light the fire in your own core again, your fists clasping around his hips for support as he fucks your mouth in shallow thrusts.
“i would prefer not to make you uncomfortable. this is enough…” he says with a dark timbre in his voice, staring right into your teary eyes.
unable to speak, you only take him deeper, his length tapping at the back of your throat and catching him by a surprise. breathlessly, but no less excited, he smiles and gets the hint that you wish to continue.
“very well then,” he begins to buck his hips, working his way to a better angle, taking care to not go too rough.
your nose bumps against his underbelly from time to time as he eases further. it’s an odd yet pleasurable mix of being choked and suffocating, but it’s the sight of him that’s driving you insane — someone who’s done everything with perfection is now panting above you, a peachy tint of blush on his face as he gets hot.
it doesn’t take much to bring him close to the edge — perhaps it’s been too long since he got some relief, or perhaps it’s your performance that impresses him. either way, it feels wonderful to witness how much he’s enjoying it, and even more, when silent moan slips down his tongue and he stills your head with his cock buried in your mouth.
it takes all of his endurance and patience to refuse to cum, the damp warmth of your throat and mixed saliva with his precum teasing too much out of him. especially when it runs past your lips in a single drop as you cough lightly…
slowly pulling out, veritas holds the head of his still hard dick to your face, stroking himself to ease the strain and the need for release. you blink innocently while he smears the drool around your mouth and cheeks, collecting some at his fingertips to let you suck them clean.
“mhm… very good,” he sighs. “i would ask for more from you… there are plenty of other things we could explore together, in case you are willing.”
he quickly kisses your forehead as you hum happily, nodding and agreeing.
“i will get you water, wait a moment.” he helps you to sit up.
when you drink from the glass he brought, veritas watches with a smile as if he were proud to see you gulp it down, waiting for you to finish.
“will you stay with me overnight? i would love to feel you close during sleep,” he asks with an unexpected, yet honest tenderness in his tone.
it makes your heart race to know that he’d want such closeness with you. you are about to give in when he continues.
“well, you know me — i never ask unless i need something. if you have anything planned, i can take you to your place instead… that is, if you are comfortable with that,” his words trail off quietly.
the last drops of water trickle down your throat and you cough once more to get rid of the sticky residue from the insides of your cheeks, but then you smile at him, flushed and glowing.
“of course i want to… i’ve been missing you quite a lot lately, you know?” you purr at him, cradling his face in your arms as you shift closer.
a pair of sharp brows quirks up with interest. the amber of his eyes shines in golden hues of the afternoon and you swear you can hear him chuckle softly. suddenly, the couch seems warmer, but it’s not from the thin rays of the sun that peek from behind the curtains.
“what an interesting reply. you cannot hide it from me anymore… your yearning,” he notes confidently.
“neither do you.” you point out.
at that, he flips you flat over his lap, your tummy resting on the sofa while your ass perks up nicely right under his hands. a firm slap on your butt has you yelping in surprise.
“true… it appears i cannot, though that was not the answer i was looking for, dear.”
the little squeaks you made only help his palm to fall more freely, spanking you like that — it meets your flesh again gently, playfully even, but he allows the sting to linger this time.
but he does not relish in granting you pain, even if so brief, so his fingers slide down between your legs again.
he can feel that you are still wet from your earlier orgasm — yet there is something in the way his touch makes you shiver, his deft digits trailing along your heated, slick skin, that makes him more eager to get you squirm in his hold again.
“what a marvellous thing you are… just where i want you to be.” he coos.
in a blink of an eye, you find yourself pressed against the embroidered cushions, your clothes once more doing absolutely nothing to cover you up when they get pulled to the side. all you can do is to cry out when his thumb slides inside and he starts circling your clit with his index.
“fuck!” you pant in disbelief, his clever digits setting the perfect tempo, slipping in and out easily while rubbing your sensitive button.
veritas doesn’t utter a word — he seems to be studying the way your body reacts to his movements, gauging your every gasp and twitch. when he finds a pattern that makes you moan louder and cling to the fabric, he does not stop until your pleasure bursts in its peak.
there is no break for you — he uses your thighs to grind his cock into full hardness again, enjoying the feeling of your velvety walls hugging his thumb.
then it stops abruptly, as he’s pulling out with a satisfied grunt.
“would you allow me to feel you in a different manner?” he asks with his chin on your shoulder and his breath ghosting against your neck.
he leans down and presses another kiss just below your ear, his teeth grazing on your sensitive skin, followed by his lips moving down your nape, his tongue licking and tasting as he goes.
“it will certainly take all my remaining energy to make this day unforgettable for you. i truly hope that you will forgive my boldness in that matter,” his whispers travel through the waves of your senses.
there is no strength left within you to lift your head or talk — the impression of his hands gliding over your flesh, massaging your back before sliding lower to cup your ass is maddening. your lips part in a soft groan of pleasure when you feel his naked erection pressing in between your cheeks, sliding languidly between your folds.
“may i?” his voice is tight, like his patience has run thin as he pushes the tip in just a few inches.
you whine helplessly, rutting against the pillows and the couch, desperately seeking friction. you can barely breathe properly, trying to speak while he slides deeper, the pressure of him stretching you against your limit already making you squirm.
“yes, please… f-feels amazing.”
without wasting any more time, veritas draws his hips back only to drive himself in and to pin your body onto the sofa with his weight. it is overwhelming, he fills you up just right, your body convulsing as he brushes a particularly sensitive spot.
there are no more coherent thoughts from you. you cannot help but keen in pure delight, clawing the cushion, his hands resting on your hips.
the first few strokes are slow and shallow, allowing you to ease into the new sensation and enjoy his manly frame surrounding you. he does not miss a single beat — it takes him mere seconds to realise you will probably bruise with his forceful grip on your body, and he backs off to hover over you again, leaving your backside exposed.
“ouch, thanks.” you gasp out in relief, freed from his strength, a moment later asking shakily. “you’re doing alright?”
“ah, well. i cannot complain… in fact, i would appreciate more of this tight heat around my cock… and i can surely fulfil your wishes as well,” he promises, his thrusts picking up the pace.
it is almost overbearing with how rough he treats you now, your clenching pussy spurring him on as he pounds you mercilessly. you squeeze your eyes shut and bite your lip, while he forces you to accept each swift pump of his girth until you lose yourself.
“should i be gentler? make it more bearable for you?”
“no… really,” you murmur. “fuck me until you are content. please…” you whimper.
your heart is about to jump out of your chest as it thrums against the upholstery. veritas is right behind you, his grip returning on your hips, pulling you backwards each time he bucks his hips forward.
he’s much more demanding now, taking everything he wants from your body as he slams himself in and out with desire, fucking you faster and harder, yet his face shows nothing more than serenity as he continues, completely composed as his pelvis snaps against your backside.
he doesn’t respond, too focused on satisfying his need as he bounces your butt. the tension is rising in you with every stroke, as you bury your face into the pillows and drown your sobs into it.
veritas pushes in as deep as he can go, before slowing down until he comes to a stop, nestled comfortably inside of you.
his chest rests against your back and he finally moves his arms, wrapping them around you from above, pulling you close. you try to turn your head to see his face, but he won’t let you, placing soft kisses along your hairline instead.
“you should get used to it by now. i want you to remember the feeling of me inside of you… for quite some time, at least. besides, we both know you prefer this position, don’t you?” his voice is warm as he speaks in a whisper.
“i love this,” you answer with a struggle. “ngh… you make me so happy,” you add, nuzzling the pillow with a fire dancing on your cheeks.
a rich chuckle resonates in his chest. he lies perfectly still for a while, his length throbbing against your core and bringing a strange comfort with it — in moments like this, it is almost hard to believe he could be capable of being mean.
just when you think you’re getting drowsy, he presses another sweet kiss against the crook of your neck.
“i am delighted to hear that.” he shifts, his tip nudging your inner walls once again and making you whimper. “i do hope i am doing well in treating you appropriately, though. if there is anything you wish for, tell me.”
“well… perhaps you could move.” you wiggle your bum a bit, brushing your swollen core against him.
the sound of his laugh is music to your ears, especially as his gentle hand pulls away to take a firm hold of your butt and starts caressing the supple flesh.
with deliciously slow motions, he rocks his hips forward and back. the slapping sound of his skin against yours growing in volume, despite your own wailing. incredibly tight and sensitive in the cage of his arms — you yield.
“want you… please, yes…” your moans seem to spur him on even more.
veritas pulls back only to snap his hips into you in one strong thrust, the base of his thick girth crowding you entirely, your arousal providing more than enough slick to take him in. your thighs quiver with every stroke, but you feel delirious as you eagerly take whatever he decides to give.
a quiet mewl escapes your lips when he reaches an angle that allows him to rub his shaft right on all the sensitive spots — the sensual massage makes you weak and unable to form words.
the other hand is resting on your nape, keeping your face planted firmly into the pillows. the gentle hum of his voice only adds fuel to the fire igniting deep within your loins, but you can’t deny the pleasure you derive from listening to his ranting, his velvety tone vibrating in his throat.
“hmph, and you shall have me…”
it is possible to tell, even through your pleasured haze, that you have started to satisfy his needs — your tight, soaked cunt gripping him in a way that has him craving for the finale.
he places his lips next to your ear and sighs before his next words.
“i cannot be lenient with you… it seems i really am attracted to that naive individual whose actions brought us to this very desperate situation.”
this makes your heart flutter with affection towards him, yet you do not move. his tender touch and loving words, however, are enough to make you swoon as he keeps speaking, his eyes falling half-lidded.
“this is not the first time i found myself thinking about how beautiful you look while lost in passion. and i really, really would like to help you to come undone. soon.”
the last thing he says before focusing solely on driving his hips flush against yours.
each long thrust is paired with a grunt from him as he rams in and out of your abused hole, your body trapped under him as you lay limp against the plush sofa, while he pins you down.
you feel him everywhere, his hands groping you wherever he finds space between the pillows, his cock pumping relentlessly between your legs as his lower abdomen rolls smoothly against your butt.
you try to suppress your wailing, but a choked moan still slips from between your lips. his chin resting on your shoulder while his cheek rests on your head, close, almost like cuddling. your legs are already shaking, the sensation is so overwhelming that it brings tears to your eyes, your clenching pussy driving him absolutely crazy, the muscles spasming around him forcing his eyelids shut as he begins to breathe heavily.
veritas drops his voice an octave, whispering against your hair as he keeps up the fast pace, not giving you time to recover. he’s close too — your whole body trembles beneath his weight.
“yes, come on… cum for me,” he says with a raw, husky tone.
without the support of the pillows, your forehead sinks into the sofa and you feel him curl his fingers in your hair. he tugs softly at the locks as he holds onto you and uses his other hand to keep you steady for him.
there is no way for you to prevent your legs from twitching violently as the wave hits you at full force, your entire frame shuddering while he fucks you through your release.
his movements get jerkier with each thrust, but he does not pull out to spill onto your skin — instead he rides your high while chasing his own until he stiffens, releasing himself deep into you with a groan.
he collapses on your back, panting heavily as he covers you completely. the room is spinning as he drifts in his pleasure, his palms roaming across your body while you feel your toes going numb, the muscles of your pelvic floor throbbing painfully.
veritas doesn’t seem to pay any mind to the mess you’re both lying in — as long as he stays inside you, he cares not what happens to the couch, it shouldn’t be that bad. his breathing is shallow as he peppers soft kisses over your neck and shoulders before moving up your nape to nuzzle your hair.
his arms encircle your waist, pulling you close, his chest against your back. your head is dizzy, and the room seems to have gone dark as your lids drop down.
“hey, sleepyhead. are you okay?” veritas mutters when you shift slightly beneath him.
you hum quietly, too spent to talk yet, and wrap your hands around his wrists to stop him from sliding them any further than they already have. he presses a soft kiss into your temple and turns your head sideways.
his fingertips brush along the line of your neck before settling against your skin, rubbing tiny circles. you take a few breaths before lifting your lashes to find yourself staring straight at veritas’ face — he is watching you all the same with soft eyes and hot flush on his cheeks.
“did i hurt you?” he whispers, concern showing clearly in his voice.
you shake your head gently. he doesn’t let you speak yet, his pads continuing their path downwards along your spine until he stops with one palm against your lower back, soothing the quivering muscles.
“it was intense for you,” he states rather than asking.
a shiver runs through your body. veritas gives you a warm smile and slowly eases himself from your battered cunt, a squelch following the action and making you both laugh softly.
“how do you feel? better now?” you ask once your thoughts become clear again, looking at him as he props himself up to clean the mess, again.
“a lot, actually.” he responds. he gets a bit flustered when your gaze stays fixed on him. “and i apologise for my rough behaviour. you know i wouldn’t dare to—”
“i enjoyed it. a lot, too,” you interrupt him mid-sentence, though with your weak voice it was more of his mercy to pause to let you talk.
“really?” he looks surprised, incredulous.
“i always have… enjoyed everything you have done to me,” you tell him in all honesty and sigh softly, your eyes flickering up and meeting his as your body sluggishly turns to the side. “you’re just very considerate in bed. the opposite of selfish. you put me first every time, and that makes me happy,” you smile through tired expression.
veritas purses his lips. instead of answering immediately to your unexpected confession — that made him quite flustered, which he wouldn’t like to admit — he focuses on wiping you clean from the slick mix of essences leaking out of you and running down your legs, while humming thoughtfully.
you bite your lip, staying silent. your hand finds its place on his thigh, resting there in a calming manner, his leg trembling under your touch.
when he speaks again, it is nothing more than a whisper.
“i am pleased to hear that you’ve noticed,” he says with a total composure laced in his words, his fingers holding a bunch of tissues between the two of you.
you hum contently, taking his free hand into yours and raising it to your lips, planting soft, little kisses on the back of his palm, trailing his knuckles and then the sides of his wrist.
you can tell he is stunned, but doesn’t seem to mind, or show any sign of displeasure. he returns to his original task after a second, carefully cleaning you before standing up and fixing his pants, placing a loving kiss on your cheek and excusing himself to make some tea for you to drink, since it will soon be dinnertime.
he goes back into the kitchen while you lie undressed on his couch, your heartbeat finally starting to calm down. through the high of satisfation and tiredness, you notice the details on the rug, small indents in the threads where the coffee table was placed before. and the golden embossing slightly worn from the covers of the books he’s reading, probably from the touch of his pads.
you like this place, it feels like your home too.
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ৎ୭ ₊ ˙ ⊹ . author’s note ノ if i missed any mistakes, i will cry, editing this took years off my life. BUT i really hope it was sweet and worth reading <3 i personally think this is my new favourite fic of mine, i got too emotional writing and fixing it :’) but i love this man so so much — so it was worth it!
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3cssndr3 · 3 months
The Vitamin C
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She went to Pasig Elementary School and Malagasang I-G Elementary School for her Elementary education, and Gen. Tomas Mascardo Nation High School for her High School education. She is the Hermione Granger of the family with her brain and hard work to reach her goals and to maintain it in such a young age.
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Her name is Celine Bianca De Leon, a girl who already live for fifteen years in this vast stage. She came in this world on the twenty-eight day of the first of the twelve chapters of the book, year of two thousand and nine. She entered the door of this world at the City of Quezon.  Her parents are Cecilia De Leon as her mother and Bobby De Leon as her father. She also have an older sibling whose name is Bea Cassandra De Leon.
In the past, she used to be a dwarf. A small height and a deep brown skin. She used to have curly bushes and a small neck. She used to adore wearing tight clothes and shirts that have short sleeves, and she used to cling to his father. But now, she evolved to a kind-of tall teenager, long silk hair, and a skin of light brown. She’s still on the chubbier side, but that just adds to her charms. She now wears clothes that fit to her and clothes that is considered as fashionable for this generation.
Celine had a nice childhood. With a loving family, enough food to eat, and toys to play with. Her parents regards her as their lucky charm. As when she was born, wealth began to pour into their household, thus, she was treated with a golden spoon in her mouth. But despite that, she led a humble and nice life.
Celine, her name, like the vitamin, gave energy to her family, specially to her older sibling. Even though they fight like cats and dogs, they love each other even if they sometimes act like it was disgusting to express their love to each other.
Celine was never fond of books and rather prefer music and movies than the abundant amount of texts in a piece of paper. She loves Taylor Swift and Blackpink, she may even have an obsession at this point. Her favorite color now is violet, just like her one of favorite desserts which is Ube.
Corn, corn, corn, that’s what she always think of. One of her favorite foods is corn. She liked it with butter and cheese, simply boiled with salt, or as binatog. Any kinds and forms of corns will be devoured by her when she sees one. Her favorite dish is sinigang as it sang its song in her taste buds. And her favourite dessert is a cookies and cream ice cream, as she feels ae if  she’s gliding on a mountain whenever her tongue touches the cold treat.
Celine used to live in Pasig when she was young. There, she was a spoiled kid, getting what she wants, throwing a tantrum if that is not the case. Her mother spoiled her rotten, buying any toys that the girl wants, any clothes that she grabs, and any food that her mouth desires. That’s why, some of her peers and her older sibling thinks she is a spoiled kid who does not know self restraints. This continue, until her father decided that it was enough.
When she was a thirteen year old, her father always stopped her mother from buying things that Celine will not need. Hence, she saw her father as the villain in her movie, always the man who hinder her to her happiness, the man who have a steel of a fist, and a man who is hard to persuade.
However, as years passed, she understood why the villain did that. The villain wanted her to learn how hard it is to earn and save money, how unnecessary it is to keep buying toys that she does not need any longer. So, the villain in her movie became a teacher, a teacher who sometimes is violent, but taught many valuable and important lessons to her.
Now, she lives in Cavite and is already in ninth grade of her education, she is a student who is active in her club, an academic achiever ready to reach the stars, and a daughter who is willing to sacrifice for the sake of her own family.
She is the main character in her own movie that just started her own story.
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0 notes
Drink Up - Geralt of Rivia x reader
Summary: Traveling for hours on end can become exceptionally loathsome, but with a bottle of something strong to pass the time, things get very interesting indeed.
Warning: reader and Jaskier talking about sexy times, reader getting drunk and things get entertaining, the trio being goofs tbh
-reader is part of my Geralt series (Of Monsters And Men)
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With not a whole lot of entertainment sprouting forth from the nearby scenery of the continent most days, or by the unfortunate lack of abundant random wanderers to cross your path. You’ve become accustomed to imploring very creative ways in amusing yourself while wayfaring the roads with your two favorite traveling buddies.
A Witcher, to handsome for his own good, and a lovely yet mildly annoying bard.
You’ve been currently hiking on this forest trail for half the day without much to pass the time. Sure Jaskier has delved into giving you all a show with his ballots and fantastic lute playing skills. But there’s only so much of that angelic voice you can take before it turns into the most goddamn irritating thing you’ve ever heard.
Also you’re pretty damn certain that Geralt could have been one more strum away from knocking the bard out cold, thus pleading for you to leave him there for the next unlucky fellow who decides to wander by.
The sun on the other hand keeps her great golden colors beaming across the landscape, warming the earth to a comfortable temperature on this calm spring afternoon. It’s been a good hour since anything interesting has happened and this stick you keep flipping around in your hand is not cutting it.
Pressing onward, your mind suddenly sparks with an idea, surly an idea that will stir up some much needed conversation on this rather dull trip though the peaceful woodland. Smirking to yourself, you glance to your right where Jaskier is walking with lute in hand, oblivious to your growing mischievousness.
Then your crimson gaze trails a small distance ahead where Geralt sits atop of Roach, his snowy head faced forward as he relishes in the quiet of the green woodland. Gods he looks like a proper knight, with that dark armor, sword on his back, and all that manliness seated atop his grand stead. Hmm, delicious.
Casually twirling your stick here and there, you turn your attention over to Jaskier who’s looking away from you, “Psst...Jaskier.” You whisper, making sure Geralt can’t hear.
The bards head snaps over to you in an instant, a new intrigued curiosity overtaking him, “Yes?” He whispers back just as quietly, blues darting over to Geralt who’s none the wiser.
You casually shrug, using your normal speaking voice now, “Just wanted to make sure you haven’t forgotten your name.”
His face falls, “Y/N.” He whines disappointedly, “Come on I’m bored as shit.” Complains Jaskier like a whiny little toddler before he huffs and pauses for a moment to think. Suddenly he taps the side of your bicep with the back of his hand, you raise a curious brow as he shrugs, “You got any good stories?”
Searching your extensive past of palpable events for a moment, your face quickly lights up, “Ohhh better then a story. Get a load of this shit.” You muse while pulling out a bottle of wine from your traveling pack, “Stole this from some pricy vendor. Figured it’d have some purpose sooner or later and right now I need it sooner.” You chuckle while popping off the spongy cork and taking a hearty swig.
Jaskier lets out a breathy laugh as he watches you fully enjoy your stolen beverage, “Not sure if I should be impressed or concerned.”
“Don’t worry I’ll share but only if you indulge me.” You quip before taking another gulp before bringing the bottle to your side, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand before speaking, “I have a question for you my dear lover boy.” You inquire with a wiggle of your brows.
Jaskier smirks, ready for the challenge and some wine, “Ask away.”
Whipping your stick around, you point it at the bard, “Okay. And be honest, I can tell if you’re not.....what’s the best part of a woman?”
Jaskier nods, his face shifting into one of legitimate deep thought as he takes a considerable amount of time to contemplate the possibilities, “Well, I guess I’d say I’m decently fond of a good smile,” Admits the bard before he lets out a small chuckle, “cause if they don’t have one it’s regretfully difficult to watch them enjoy themselves if you understand my meaning.” Adds Jaskier, nudging your arm with his elbow as you roll your ruby irises.
“Hmm alright well you’re a fucking snooze.” You deadpan as he suddenly lets out a burst of laughter.
“Oh I didn’t realize you wanted all my inner most personal tastes, is that it then?” He wonders as you chuckle at his little half offended outburst.
“Tell me what gets you all hot and bothered and I’ll indulge you in my own appetites.” You add slyly, giving him a mischievous wink while continuing to twirl your stick and sip more of your strong liquor. Damn this stuff is strong.
He nods in understanding, a cheeky smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he decides to indulge you, “Well the lady asks, where to start?” Questions Jaskier.
“Oh I don’t know. Let’s say, personality aside cause we’re not here for that shit right now..” You swat the air theatrically before taking another sip of your drink, “...what do you think? Firm or soft, maybe even a little saggy?” You suggest, making a squeezing motion with your one hand while your stick is tucked underneath that arm.
“I’d say both. A breast is a breast.” He confirms Jaskier with a laugh.
“A man of all dishes served I see. I respect the inclusion of diverse variety.” You add with an honest nod of approval. “Alright. Are scars a turn off if severe?”
“Taverns are dark for a reason Y/N.” Muses Jaskier with a knowing look causing you to snort with laughter.
“Fair point.” You wheeze.
“Okay Y/N/N, my turn.” Inquires Jaskier as you hand him the liquor.
“Lets hear it.”
He gives you back your bottle, “So....what’s so intriguing about that old grumpy wolf up there?” Questions Jaskier as he nods towards Geralt who’s minding his sweet business from his perch on Roach. No doubt probably listening.
Biting your lip, your eyes linger on the broad leathered back of your silver haired lover, “Are we talking physically or personality wise?” You wonder while turning your attention back to the bard, your voice lowering a couple octaves, “cause let me tell you he’s not much for words most times...” You lean in closer to Jaskier before whispering, “but I can get him moaning so goddamn fast.”
“Oh gods. Please tell me everything.” Presses Jaskier with a laugh as you take another sip from the bottle. Shit, you’re already feeling buzzed, guess it is much stronger then once previously thought.
Giving Jaskier a fangy smirk, you point the stick in Geralt’s general direction, “You asked so you’ve been warned. This man can come absolutely undone within minutes, literally all I gotta do is call him some cute names and lick his cheek...you know, feel him up a bit. Get him feeling all loved and appreciated you know?”
“Really?” Inquires Jaskier, enjoying your progressively drunken shpeel of personal info regarding yours and Geralt’s sex lives.
“Oh fuck yeah, but what really gets him off, is if I undress in front of him and then get all dominant and rough you know. He loves that shit.” You explain with a smile as Jaskier stares at you in awe. “He’s a moaning mess after I put on the charm, practically cumming at my command. The fucking power I have.” You mumble proudly with a shake of your bottle, though you try and keep your voice down.
“Y/N, you are, quit the woman.” Points Jaskier like a proud father watching his daughter marry to a prestigious lord of great wealth.
“I know.” You add with a shrug, clearly self confident and half drunk by now, “I’m a seductress what can I say?” Taking a moment to drink some more wine as Jaskier holds in his laughter.
He watches you trip on nothing before regaining your bearings a second later, “So uh, how you feeling?”
You give him a fangy grin, raising your bottle in salute, “Fantastic.”
“That’s good.” He muses, clearly not believing you, “How’s the wine?”
“Delectable and worth every coin!” You whisper yell, raising your bottle once more, the dwindling contents swirl around, some drops falling out as you bring the glass back down to your side.
“I thought you stole it?”
You snort, “I did.”
“Hmm alright, maybe uh....maybe slow it down on the intake Y/N?” Says Jaskier, taking notice of your new inebriated state and knowing all to well what you’re like when fully drunk of your ass.
“Fuck off bard I’m fine.” You mutter with an elated snicker before starting to giggle like a drunken jester in a kings court, causing Geralt to turn his head to the side in interest before shrugging and looking down the trail once again.
“You sure?” Half worries Jaskier, though in truth he’s absolutely living for the situation unfolding in front of him, “I’d rather not have you puking later.”
Scoffing you take another sip, “I’m not getting sick Jaskrr, I’m just horny.”
Brows raised in surprise, he coughs, “Oh, that’s um...good....I think?”
Almost tripping over a jutted out root, you bite your lip while eyeing up Geralt hungrily, “Now that....is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen and you know what?”
“What should I know?” Wonders Jaskier with interest, making no faults to decrease how he’s clearly egging you on.
Grinning with a face full of mischief, you snicker, “Well....I can say I’ve seen his dick.” The bards eyes widen in amusement as you continue, “Which is...by the way....very lovely and large, he knows how to please a woman if you know what I mean.” You mumble quickly with a wink as Jaskier snorts.
“Oh, that’s good to know. What else is nice about him?” He agrees while successfully baiting you on further.
“Hmm mhmmm. Big muscles, Jask, big muscles.” You emphasize while leaning into the bards side and squeezing his less then impressive biceps, “Oh and he’s so good at hugging and cuddles.” You squeak with joy, shaking Jaskier as you swoon over Geralt, “Ugh, I love it when he’s shirtless and he looks at me and I just....ugh I’ll take my pants off so goddamn fast.”
Shoving his face into the crook of his arm to keep from laughing, Jaskier does all in his power to refrain from losing it while you lean away, stumbling around on the trail, oblivious to how hilarious he’s taking everything you just confessed to him. The biggest lovestruck grin dancing across your features as you stare longingly at Geralt’s leather clad back. A flash of lust rising in your smiling expression as you eye him up.
“I want.” You mutter, throwing your stick to the side as you make a childlike grabby motion with your hand.
“Y/N he’s on a horse.” Explains Jaskier as you make a face.
You scoff, sending Jaskier another dirty look, “You don’t understand.”
“Y/N it’s the middle of the day and we’re in an unknown forest.” Warns the bard, “Not exactly the time or place for whatever is brewing in your head.”
“Nuthin’s brwing in me head Jask.” You slur, tripping once again before just barely catching yourself.
Jaskier gives you a less then convinced expression, seeing straight though your terrible lying, “I don’t believe you.” He says while you frown.
“But he looks so delicious.” You whine with a dramatic pout, “And I’m so fecking horns right noww ‘cause of....wull, I just’am!” You grumble, turning your head to face Jaskier with an angry little frown before a mischievous smile begins to form upon your lips.
Jaskier blinks, knowing all to well what drunk you is capable of, “Y/N. Don’t you dare.” He warns.
“Waterr you gonna do bart?” You challenge, pushing him though its a weak assault that does nothing significant, “Fight me? I’ll kick your little pixie ass.”
Shaking his head, Jaskier takes a cautious step away from you, “Definitely not. Actually you know what? He’s all yours, go get him Y/N.” Urges Jaskier, really anticipating the possible beautiful disaster that may just soon enough present itself.
Raising your brows in pleasant surprise, you down the rest of your bottle, “Ha! Yu’r not as stupi’s ass’he says yur. I knews it. All along, nev’r a doubt in my mind really.....I sw’r it........promise.” You slur, the alcohols affects really starting to delve into your system.
Jaskier’s brows furrow in confusion, not one hundred percent sure how he should take that, “Well, that’s good I suppose.”
“Yes.........it is....... isn’t it.” You agree with a couple quick nods that look like a small child who’s trying desperately to get their parent to agree with them, “Okay, I’m go’in ta get h’em ov’tha house now.” You pause a moment, brows furrowing in thought as you grab Jaskier by the shoulder, “Horse. That’s uh, what I mean.....yeah.”
Jaskier opens his mouth to say something but you’re already stumbling quickly down the beaten trail much faster then he’d anticipated. You zero in on Geralt’s fine leather armored back, your vision slightly blurred and your legs a bit wobbly from the strong alcohol you’ve managed to make empty in less then ten minutes.
Shaking the fuzziness from your head, you drop the empty bottle in the dirt before hustling to Geralt’s side. Stopping quickly, halting a moment to gather yourself before walking onward, continuing side by side next to his feet and Roach’s middle.
Geralt hums before casually turning his head to find your beaming face with the dark of your eyes as big as a ceramic plate. Raising a brow, the Witcher throws Jaskier an odd look before shifting his attention back down to you.
“Y/N?” He mutters, not sure if you’ve eaten something you shouldn’t have or were recently hexed by some random fairy nearby. 
Letting out a little burp, you hold your hands close to your chest all the while giving him the biggest smile, “I’m....in’loe....v..uh, love....with’u.”
Geralt let’s out a humored snort at your intoxicated self while you await his answer to your grand declaration of love that he was indeed able to understand, “Sorry, I’m taken.” He quips, obviously teasing you though you’re to drunk to realize this.
Frowning you look at the ground in disappointment, “oh.” You whisper sadly causing Geralt to legitimately feel bad until your whole demeanor shifts to heated aggression, “That fucking bitch!” You shout coherently through a small slurred wavering in your angered voice, scaring some perched crows from their keep as well as a couple of innocent rabbits.
Geralt listens to the muffled laughter of Jaskier as you throw your hands up in aspiration before letting out a colorful stream of curses, “No good dirty whore faced dog shit horse shit bitch who’s clamed h’em ferr the’own!”
“Do’snt mak’any sense! I have a sw’urd! I can run....really fast! I’m half vampurrr goddammit!” You shout into the woods, struggling to keep your words together, “I’m pre-destinated...pre-dun.....pre-dragons....destiny, de-destined to be seductive! I am sexy!” You shout dramatically.
“Okay, Y/N let’s not wake something or someone with ill intentions.” Interrupts Geralt as you make two frustrated fists, your face appearing rather angered, crimson eyes dancing with hellfire.
“No!” You snap before turning an accusing dagger up at him, where you got that he’s not sure, “Tell me..who’s this-this donkey wumunnn! So I can...grrr....so I can uh, so I can...” Quickly looking down, you struggle to put away your dagger back into it’s designated sheath, you frown once again before shifting your face into a fake, yet rather convincing smile, “I just’uv sum’thins to say to’er. Thas’all. Promise.” You add sweetly, grin as shiny as a barrel of shimmering pearls and honestly a bit sadistic if he didn’t know any better.
Chuckling at your adorable drunken antics, Geralt shrugs, “She’s from a far away land. About a couple leagues from here northwest.”
“Wha’else.” You demand urgently, tone authoritative and hostile.
“She’s pretty tough, and very beautiful.” Teases Geralt as you scowl in irritation for this unidentifiable cunt who’s taken your man.
“Disgustin.” You scoff, flicking a hand upward as you mutter, “Go’un.”
“She’s got the most lovely body I’ve ever seen, and her laugh is more angelic then all the greatest singers in the entire continent.” He confirms with a handsome smile that would have you swooning like a fair maiden if not for how filled with hatred you are right now. 
“Blah.” You dismiss while sticking out your tongue in disgust, “Com’un giv’m a name. Then I’ll handle the’rst.”
“I don’t want you to hurt her.” He mutters with a shrug, holding back laughter at your amusing facial features.
“I won’t.” You sass, making a face before mumbling, “Jus’wanna talk....re’memr.”
“I don’t think I believe you Y/N.” Affirms the handsome Witcher much to your frustration.
“I jus’wanna fucking talk!” You growl as Jaskier cackles in the background, clearly enjoying this conversation though you can’t understand what’s so funny.
Snapping your head in his direction, you squint your eyes at him menacingly before yanking off a hanging thin branch and launching your new makeshift weapon full force in his general direction. He yelps in surprise before ducking, the wooden assault just missing his face by mere inches.
“Dear gods Y/N!” Gasps the bard with wide eyes as you snicker at his dramatic reaction.
“Fuck’ov h’was gonna tell me!”
“No he wasn’t!” Argues Jaskier while fearfully clutching his lute to his chest, afraid you might start swinging.
“H’was and I’m gonna fuck’n kill that bitch!” You snap angrily as Roach snorts, having not a single iota what the hell you’re saying. Only that you sound like some wounded beast on their last hour.
Rolling his baby blues in annoyance, Jaskier shouts back, “There is no other woman or man or any fucking forest nymph that Geralt has any sort of eyes for! You-you crazy woman!”
“How’u know? He doesn’t tell you shit!” You yell back, emphasizing the last word with some heat.
���He does! For your humbled information.” Protests Jaskier sassily while Geralt silently listens to you two idiots scream at one another in the middle of some large lumbering forest. His drunken lover and his, perhaps he could say it, friend who happens to be a bard.
“Oh really?!” You challenge, “Wel’in who’s this fuck’in cunt who’h said he’s with’en? Huh?!” You shout back.
Jaskier let’s out a stream of incomprehensible mumbles before throwing his hands into the air in frustration, “That’s because this woman is you, you drunken bat!”
“I’mnut drunk! Nor’m I a bat!” You yell, ignoring the fact that he confirmed you’re indeed Geralt’s lover, “I didn’evn drink tha’mush!”
“You drank the whole bloody bottle!” Claims Jaskier, much to your great shock and bewilderment, that Geralt struggles to keep himself from losing it atop of Roach.
 You scoff, clearly not believing a single thing out of this bards mouth, “I dunt see’a bottle!”
“That’s because you threw it somewhere!”
“Wel’wy woulda’ do’tha?” You snap, hands fanned out to each side in puzzlement like an angry castle pigeon standing up to a hulking statue.
“Oh I don’t know...let me think for a brief moment here...oh right! Because you’ve drank more then a king on his wedding night!” Shouts Jaskier as Geralt rolls his golden eyes, moving to jump off of Roach.
Standing oblivious to your Witcher who’s no more then five feet away from you now at ground level, your eyes start to grow darker as your frustration grows in this hazy state you’re in. “Mayb’if I knuck you’ot wit’a lute then’ull shut up!” You slur, taking a threatening step forward.
The bards eyes widen in fear for a moment as he sends Geralt a desperate glance, “Geralt!”
“Y/N.” Mutters Geralt gently in that grumbly voice of his, causing you to immediately turn in his direction.
Eyes softening, you instantly break out into a joyful fangy grin, “Yes.” You mumble happily, eyes shifting from his boots to his face as you shamelessly check him out.
“Come here.” Beckons your beautiful Witcher with a pleasant smile upon his plush lips, his arms soon reach out for yours and quickly enough they intertwine.
You blink back your slightly blurred vision to witness as Geralt’s lips flicker from your mouth to your shimmering irises of ruby red, a second later he pulls you flush against him for a heated embrace. Just want you wanted. 
Your lips move passionately against his own, a delighted smile forming as you enjoy the feeling of his tongue inside your mouth. Then all to soon he pulls away and your lips are left empty and wanting so much more.
Pouting you make an adorably angered face, “Wul’that wasn’t nearly s’long as it coulda been.” You grumble bluntly, suddenly yawning as you try desperately to keep focused on his face. His beautiful face. So pretty, so kissable, so lovely.
Dark spots skip and flare through your fading vision until without warning your legs feel like they’ve turned to pudding, giving out from underneath you in an instant and all you’re able to witness is Geralt’s lovely face before....
Waking up from a deep sleep, your eyes open to the sound of a fire crackling nearby, the sweet smell of grilled leaks wafting into your nostrils that aids in fully awakening your senses. You let out a sleepy yawn, sitting yourself up from your once previous positioning on your rolled out travel sack underneath you.
Sitting criss crossed, you wipe the bleariness from your scarlet irises before sucking in a deep breath and blinking, your sights now set on the campfire in front of you, a beautiful glow of bright oranges and gold. Geralt and Jaskier on either side, both quietly talking to one another before turning to face you. A knowing smile on either of their faces. Oh, Gods what did you do? And how did you even get here?
Shifting your confused gaze from Jaskier to Geralt and back again, you raise a puzzled brow, “Would any of you be kind enough to tell me how the fuck it’s already dark out?”
“What do you mean Y/N? It’s sunny as a summers day.” Confirms Jaskier with an honest smile, blue eyes looking into the fire as he strums a cord on his lute.
Shaking your head, you sniff, “Okay fuck you.”
Jaskier laughs as Geralt lets slip a couple chuckles before explaining, “You drank all of that wine bottle you stole.”
“Shit.” You mutter while rubbing your temples, “Who let me do that?”
“You did.” Adds the bard.
“Did I threaten you? I feel like drunk me was yelling for some reason, my throat kinda feels weird.”
“You were trying to get me to tell you the name of my lover.” Affirms Geralt with a laugh, “Which is obliviously you. Though drunk Y/N thought otherwise.”
“Fantastic.” You deadpan before turning on your side and laying on your back, deciding to relax once again, “So, how’d I get here? I forget after I was telling Jask about...uh, well...doesn’t matter.”
Smiling to himself from the explicit information you slipped to him about yourself and Geralt in the bedroom, Jaskier chuckles at that while Geralt moves to lay down as well, his head close to yours as you both make an L on the ground. “I put a drop of sleeping potion on my tongue and when I kissed you...”
“You gave me tongue and drugged me?” You confirm with a breathy laugh, honestly quit impressed he managed to pull that off so smoothly. Well, then again you were drunk off your ass.
Geralt hums, “It was either that or let you kill Jaskier. It was a tough decision really.”
“What?” Gasps Jaskier, “You had to think about it?”
“And he chose to slip me some enchanted sleeping juice instead. You’re welcome.”
Jaskier scoffs, “Yeah well you wanted to fuck him in the woods so....shut it.”
“We still can,” Mutters Geralt with a smile, face turned a bit so he has a better view of your face, “if you want.”
Smirking back at him, Jaskier almost chokes on his own spit, “I am right here. Right here Geralt. Right here.”
You laugh at the bards dramatics, “We never said you had to watch.”
“Wha-thats besides the point! And just, ugh please don’t....” Whines Jaskier, making a face of disgust before frowning, “or at least just wait for me to fall asleep.”
Laughing, you give the bard an agreeable nod, “Don’t worry we will.”
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clarissalance · 3 years
A sneak peck on the corner of your lips
Pairing: Xingqiu x G/N!reader, Chongyun, mention of Xiangling and Liyue trio
Warning: a peck, hugging, reader and Xingqiu are the same age 
Word count: 3943
Summary: You are going on a ghost-hunting trip with Chongyun and Xingqiu to Mingyun village.
A/N: Last time I said I’m going to write shorter fic, well, my fingers accidentally slip and tada, here it is. I feel like this Xingqiu is a little bit too shy compare to the game but I want to make him blush (or any character in general). This one takes me quite a long time to write but I hope you all enjoy it. Maybe I should write Venti next, I totally forgot his birthday until my feed was flooded with his fanart. I’m sorry Bartobas ;-;   Anyhow, please shower Xingqiu with a lot of love!! He’s the reason why I can pass abyss floor 11. 
Picture credit: Pinterest. ( I really don’t know the author of this picture. If you find the source, please comment so I can add. Thank you (❁´◡`❁) ) 
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Hanging out with the Liyuen trio has always been an adventure full of thrill and excitement. Usually, there would be someone who ends up with all troubles and mischiefs the other two sets up. Chongyun is our center, holding a strike 10 times in a row, while Xiangling sometimes gets bombed by them, but it’s nothing compared to our popsicle boy. Xingqiu, you have never heard of him getting into any troubles, but he has been the famous one in the town for plotting pranks and tricks. The victim is Chongyun, and he’s somehow still very oblivious, despite many times falling into the holes.
Maybe the boy is just too naïve and trusting for his own good. 
“ Xiangling is not coming today. ”  Xingqiu announces, successful getting your attention and Chongyun’s.  “She’s busy with the restaurant, so today, there will be only three of us.” Letting out a commital sound, you return your focus back onto the unfinished charm on your hand, fingers skillfully waving through the strings. 
“ Guess we’re off to Mingyun then.” Chongyun stands up abruptly from his seat, the sound of clothes rustling together. “I got a reliable intel this time about a ghost there.” 
Glance up from the unfinished charm, you shoot a questioning look to Xingqiu, to which he sends you a wink and a charming smile. The source of ‘reliable intel’ Chongyun is telling you here definitely comes from Xingqiu. Somehow, the boy has managed to stay away from the Chongyun’s suspicion list, even after those obvious unrealistic intel disguise as pranks. You wonder how has he manage to deceive the poor exorcist this time. 
“Chongyun, there are only hilichurls in Mingyun village. No one is there.” You state the obvious. How can he fall for this so many times? The light blue hair boy turns at you and tilts his head in confusion, waiting for you to anticipate more details. He is really dense, isn’t he? 
“ So, how did you get intel about a spirit at the place if there is no one lives there?” Letting out a huff, you fold your arm, feet tapping impatiently.  
“ Someone sends me the request this morning.” He pulls out a white envelope in his pocket and hands it to you, smiling a bit enthusiastically. The envelope has no trace that indicates sender, yet the exorcist assures you it’s a reliable source. You have no idea what his standard of ‘reliable' is anymore. 
Inside the envelope is an expensive-looking card, the curving and neat writing dances on the piece. Bringing the paper closer, you can faintly make out the scent of floral perfume mingles with the fresh wooden smell of crisp paper. “By the look, this looks more like a love letter than a request of exorcism to me. You’re sure it’s not from one of the maidens?” A little further away, you can hear the sound of someone choking on breath and a muffled laugh. Chongyun then mutters something about no one would send him a love letter anyway. Oh, so he doesn’t know then. Did this boy live under a rock or something? 
This is too well-crafted for a mere prank. Did Xingqiu handwriting improve this much over the past month? Eyeing the blue boy suspiciously, you carefully watch his interaction with the young exorcist while reading the content. 
This letter is pretty legit, but you’re still very suspicious of a certain someone over there who meticulously crafts this. If you ask, will he answer truthfully or skit around the subject again? 
Putting the card back into the envelop and return them to Chongyun, you finally raise your hand in defeat. Coming with them might be a better solution, in case the exorcist condition gets out of control, you can help Xingqiu carry him back.  
“Fine, let’s see the spirit ourselves then.” You stand up, hand dusting your clothes. “ If we’re lucky enough, we might be able to see the adepti on the mountain before catching the ghost.” Shrugging, you beam brightly at the shoulder-shaking Xingqiu and the scratching-head Chongyun. You can already guess what will happen in the village after so many times witnessing Xingqiu’s prank. Is this what we called… experiences? 
Mingyun village is located on a mountain and surrounded by many dried up ores mines, which result in people leaving their homes and moves to the Chasm and Harbor. As your group slowly trek to the written address, you notice an unusually high activity of hilichurls. It’s common for them to move to an abandoned village but isn’t this a little too much? From broken bridge connect the Guili Plain, there are many groups clustering, wandering among themselves. Even Chongyun tries to avoid them, not jumping on their head as usual. 
Imagine fighting this many hilichurls, you don’t think your group can make it back to the harbour in one piece. Padding quietly, you walk faster toward Xingqiu, hoping to stick close to him. At least if fighting is bounded to happen, he can protect you. The young master still keeps his unfazed face, following Chongyun while eyes glued on his book. You remember he already finished reading this book?   
“ Psstt.” You whisper. “ Are you sure we’re heading the right way? That direction is crowded with monsters.” From here, they can barely see the beast but you can sense an abundant amount over there. 
“ It’s this way. It’s marked on the map.” Chongyun answers, eyestrain on a piece of paper, which results in his misstep and tripping. Behind, Xingqiu looks up and worriedly calls out to be careful. You trust Chongyun map-reading skill, but right now, you’re very concerned about his navigation. How can he navigating if he does not even look at the road? 
As the scorching sun blazing down the heat, big droplets of sweat dripping down your forehead, and your shirt starts to stick on your skin. Ah, you forgot summer has arrived. The path is sun-drenched, not a single shade can be found. The sweltering heat in this village is almost unbearable, despite the area is borderline with Dragonspine. How can not a single breeze from Dragonspine drift to this area? 
As you lazily following the group, your mind starts going into vacation mode. You imagine staying under the shade, enjoy the cool breeze and munching ice cream. The village is quite close to Yaoguang Shoal, maybe you can convince the guys to head down there after they finish their task. In this weather, dipping your feet in the cold water while enjoying popsicles are the best. Stealing some from Chongyun might not be that bad. 
Next to you, the Chongyun and Xingqiu are not affected as much as you, maybe because they carry visions? You wonder how their visions help them to cool down? 
“ Xingqiu.”  You call, hand fanning your face. The boy looks up from his book, humming, unfazed by the boiling weather. Is he not feeling hot at all? Under all of those long sleeve shirt? 
“Can we hold hand?”
As soon as the question leaves your mouth, some things don’t feel right. Did you phrase it, a little bit weird? 
The cerulean-haired boy chokes on his saliva, eyes widen in surprise, almost drop his precious rare novel. You think you definitely phrase it wrong. 
“ Are you okay?” Chongyun turns back abruptly after noticing the coughing sound, his blue eyes filled with worries.
Xingqiu shakes his head and waves his hand, motioning the exorcist to turns back to his map. After a few second of heaving, he finally returns back to normal, shooting you stinky eyes and put his book away. It’s not your fault that he chokes on his own saliva. He chokes it by himself. 
“Why would you want… to hold my hand?” Xingqiu questions, cringing at his cracking voice. 
“Don’t you feel hot under this weather?” You point your finger at the sky, bright rays hitting your face. Xingqiu nods in confusion, still not understand how your request related to this question. 
“If we hold hand, maybe you can share with me some of your coolness.” 
Xingqiu stares owlishly at you, and you elaborate more on how the pyro transfers heat through physical touch, and maybe, hydro has a similar mechanism. 
As you explain, you notice how his shoulders shaking, while his face remains perfectly calm, except for the betraying light curve on his mouth. Is he trying to contain his smile? 
Finally, Xingqiu folds in half and blurts out in laughter, tears forming at the corner of his eyes. In between his howling, the boy breathlessly explains how you misunderstand the elements and visions aren't used for this situation.   
Potato, potato, you don’t believe the mischievous vision-holder over there has never tried using his vision for different purposes other than fighting.  
Your face burns up, you’re not sure if it’s because of the burning sun, or the embarrassment caused by the hydro user over there. Pouting, you turn away from him, stomping toward Chongyun direction instead.  
Hmph, if Xingqiu isn’t going to help you to cool down, then you’d have to ask the exorcist. Somehow, you already know the man is going to hesitate because it might disturb his congenital condition. Well, you’re just going to bribe him with two or three popsicles when you are coming back to the harbour. Nothing a little money can’t fix. And maybe a lot of persuasions too.
As soon as you make your mind, you rush toward Chongyun, calling out for the cryo user. The exorcist is a distance away from you both, and he doesn’t turn back even when you call out for him. Does this mean he didn’t hear the conversation between you and Xingqiu? 
   Casually skipping toward Chongyun, you call for him again-
“Chongyun, can I... ” before, suddenly hands from behind wrap around your neck, pull you into a wall of meat. You wince at the hard collision with the chest, sensation of callous fingers on your shoulder bring your longing desired: Coolness. Surprised by the sudden touch, you shoot your eyes wide open and crane your neck behind, immediately meet with a sly amber orb. 
What is he doing?
Followed by your call, Chongyun curiously turns back and his gentle light blue eyes unwavering. He doesn’t seem to be surprised at this scene. 
Does Xingqiu always this touchy? 
The young exorcist raises his brows at you but behind, Xingqiu waves his hand dismissive, successfully driving the young boy away, even before you can form your word. 
You see the exorcist shrugs and turns his attention back on the piece of paper, heading deeper into the abandoned village, distance between the cryo users and you two starts to grow.
You gawk shockingly into his small figure starts to get smaller, mouth gapes open slightly. 
Did Chongyun just leave you behind? What kind of cold-heart friend is he? He definitely saw you are being held back by Xingqiu, right? 
Behind, you hear Xingqiu mumbles something about Chongyun being ‘unbelievable’, ‘workaholic’ and ‘careless friend’. Shouldn’t you be the one who says that?   
All of a sudden, you realize your back touching his chest, his hands wrap around you from behind. From here, you can smell the faint vanilla and a mix of woody, musk scent. 
He reminds you of old books, the feeling of immersing yourself in a dusty library. 
Blood rushing to your face, and the first thing that comes to your mind is to escape from his hold. The hydro user somehow able to read your mind, his grip tightens, holding you close. 
In an intimate position, with you both fall in silence, your senses suddenly heighten. Even separated by layers of clothes, you can still feel the heat from Xingqiu. The rapid beat of your heart thumping in your rib cage, the coolness from his palm seeping slowly into your skin. 
Somehow his touch doesn’t cool you but heating you up more, your body slowly burns up like a furnace. “ C-can you let me go ?” You stutter, squirming helplessly inside the young hydro user, avoiding his teasing gaze.  
“ You asked me to touch you, so I comply with my liege's request.” 
“ I didn't ask you to touch me.” You quip back at the shameless hydro user, body twisting weakly inside his hold, the sound of clothes rustling. How come you both learn martial arts, yet your strength is nothing compared to him?  
“ This is not holding a hand.” You point out at his long arms wrap just under your neck, sulky. “ And stop hugging me. It’s burning in here.” 
Xingqiu gives you a grin, amber orbs shoot you a questioning gaze. Well, it’s not true. His long-sleeved are rolled up, exposing the long slender arms, now is pressing on the thin layer of fabric, resonating with coolness. It feels like hydro is running under the vein of his arm. His fingers wrap on your shoulder, constantly transferring the calming sensation of flowing water. 
 “Isn’t this position more efficient than holding hand?” The hydro lazily rests his face on your shoulder, smirking devilishly. You have to admit this is much cooler than holding a hand, but this is too intimate. Flustered by his alluring gaze, you turn your head away, feet start moving toward the exorcist direction. 
“W-we sh-ould catching up with Chongyun, he’s quite far away.” Stammering like a mess, you point your finger at the general direction where the exorcist was heading, the image of a light blue boy is getting smaller, slowly mending into the heat under the scorching furnace resting on your head. A chuckle is followed, but Xingqiu doesn’t say anything else, hands still wrap loosely around you, trailing steps after you. 
You are too naïve to think that walking fast will break his hold. The young master of Feiyun Commerce Guild has proved your effort is futile. He effortlessly adjusts to your pace even when you purposefully try to quicken your step or stop abruptly. He doesn’t faze by your antic, instead, leaning close to your ear and blow hot air into your ears teasingly, knowing well how flustered you are. 
From here, you can see Chongyun still having his eyes glued on the piece of paper, still not noticing his companions drift far behind him. Indeed he is careless, maybe you two should keep a close distance to protect him. 
“ Are you getting cooler?” Xingqiu suddenly leans close, his face just a few inches away from yours. 
You hold your breath in silence, heart almost drops at his close proximation. Can he not scare you like that? “ It's getting cooler.” As much as you tempted to elbow the hydro user away, you know how hot it will be without having his arms wrap around you, so you easily give in. 
The two of you keep a decent pace while the boy wraps his hand around you, clinging like a koala. Look around, you realize this place is mostly dry trees somehow manage to root in the barren soil, broken wagons and holed baskets lying around in this place. Luckily, this area has much fewer hilichurls compares to the entrance of the village. Look like they’re also trying to find a shade in this weather. This place is closed to Dragonspine, and you still have no idea how the land doesn’t receive a single cool breeze from the frosted city.  
“Why did you pull me back earlier?” Hesitantly, you ask him. 
Xingqiu let out a confusing sound, not registering your question. Should you elaborate some more?     
  “When I was calling out to Chongyun.” You quickly add, trying to keep your voice steady and casual.  
“ Oh, that.” He hums, his arms tighten around you. Why did he even hold you closer than before? You didn’t try to pry off his hug, why all of a sudden? 
“ Because…  you were… about to ask Chongyun to h-hold your hand right?” Freeze at his words, you twist your neck, curious at the face he is making right now. It’s rare for him to sound this uncertain about something. As a second son of the Guild Manager of one of the biggest trading guild in Liyue, the young man has been trained to speak with perfection. Every word coming from this young man is carefully formulated and spoken with utmost confidence. 
 As you face him, the young man furrows his brows, amber eyes fill with hesitant and worried. Why is he acting like this? A sudden wave of guilt washing your stomach, uneasiness slowly sinks deep into your skin. 
You… are not supposed to call out for Chongyun?
 “ B-but you laugh at me when I explain about the coolness exchange?” Tilting your head in confusion, you can’t help to not follow the hydro user thoughts. He refused you first, wasn't he? It should be normal for you to find Chongyun instead. The exorcist will probably agree to anything as long as he can help. “Wouldn’t it make more sense if I go to find Chongyun instead?” 
“And holding hand with Chongyun? Archon, no!” Your skin jumps as Xingqiu raises his voice, and you have no idea what tickles him. Why fuzzing over something so trivial like this? 
“ We always hold hands. There’s nothing wrong with it.” You can’t help to shoot back. “ You also hold his hand too.” 
“N-no, our holding hand is different.” He can weakly defend, trying to rack his brain out to think of a time when they hold hands. He gives up soon afterwards. “Besides, you shouldn’t be holding hands with anyone.” 
“ For your information, this is much more scandalous than holding hand.” You meekly point out, finger poking on his arm bares smooth skin. Twist back, you lean in closer, eyes crinkle into the shape of crescent moons. “And what’s wrong with us kids holding hand?”   
  Xingqiu can’t help but let out a defeated sigh, face drops down your shoulder and sulky buries his face in the crook of your neck.  His hot breaths tickle the sensitive skin, cerulean locks brushing your cheek. Under his breath, you can barely make out his muffle word, saying something about don’t understand. 
You slowly trek toward Chongyun’s direction, humming along with familiar tunes. Sudden changes from Chongyun and Xingqiu have no longer made you felt lonely or sadden. Boys at this age are unusual. They aren’t being closed with you as before, no longer inching close to you or hugging you from behind. They are more cautious when being close with you, more mindful when your fingers accidentally graze their.  
If you ask them directly, will they answer you why they're acting like a married woman, always jumping every time you innate skinship?   
You have a feeling they probably won't answer that. 
“ /N… Y/N! ”
Abruptly, you raise your head, forehead almost hitting with Xingqiu’s. Your face is a breath away from his, so close that you can see his long lashes fluttering like a butterfly, shying away from the captivating eyes. His porcelain skin is smooth and flawless, a sudden urge tells you to caress it. A blush slowly creeping up his cheek, and finally, the hydro user shies away, staring at the road.   
Xingqiu clears his throat. “ I was talking to you. You were spacing out again?” You can only offer him a sheepish smile. 
“ S-sorry, I was thinking about something.” 
Xingqiu looks up and stares at your face intently like he is trying to make his way into your maze-like mind. You shift away from his fierce gaze, but the hydro user is faster. His fingers easily catch your face, your cheeks fit perfectly into his cool smooth palm. Xingqiu lets out an amusing chuckle, fingers squishing your cheek playfully like a stress-reliever. 
You feel like he has you wrapped around his little finger, literally. 
“I don’t know what you were thinking, but whatever it is, it’s incorrect.” Despite the mean fingers toying your cheek, his voice is awfully soft and reassuring. Is he trying to comfort you? Carefully, you gloss your eyes over to his direction, observing the mischievous feature on his face slowly melts into a soft and mellow. 
Before you can enjoy the rare gentle side of his, the amber eyes slowly gleam with playfulness, and he leans closer, only stops when your face is just a breath away. His hot breath fanning on your cheek, tickling. He is so close to you, so close that if you tilt your head, our lips will meet. 
“ A moment ago, I said that you shouldn’t let any male hold your hand right?” His voice drops low, golden orb flickers like a torch. What is he planning again?  You carefully nod. 
He isn’t going to… bite you right? 
“ You see, holding hand...” The young man chuckles slyly, the arm was wrapped around your neck makes the way down and nudges into your hand, fingers interlocking. " can easily drifting to this." You turn back fully to face him, the other hand still glazes your cheek. 
“ They can easily slip their arm around you into a hug…” Slowly, the coolness in your palm slips away and snakes around your shoulder.  “Then, they can…” Xingqiu’s grip on your cheek slowly relaxes, fingers slowly inch down on your neck. 
Take a big gulp of saliva, you can only widen your eyes, nervously follow at the tracing fingers of his. His long digits don’t stop after wandering around your neck, they slowly creep up, follow your jaw, and then cup on your cheek. The cooling sensation you craved a moment ago now feels like frost nipping on your skin. Heart thumping loudly in the rib cage, you unconsciously hold your breath, waiting for his next move.    
In the comfortable silence, his thump delicately brushes your cheek, caressing the sensitive skin. You notice his touch is loving and delicate, it makes you want to snuggle your face into his palm, enjoying this lasting moment. 
“…then what?” You open your mouth impatiently, voice light and mushy. 
A light pinkish blush quickly dusts on his cheek, you feel the man in front of you tenses up, but he remains his eye contact with you, refuses to avoid your gaze. His lips quiver but nothing coming out. Is he… hesitating?  Finally, you hear him mumbles something quietly.   
“ What ?” You cock your brows and inch closer, eyes training on his plump lip. They remain still. 
Feeling an intense gaze on your head, you feel a light squeeze on your cheek so you curiously tilt your chin up, just to see Xingqiu leans down and presses a light peck at the corner of your mouth.
His plump lips brush yours like a feather, almost non-touching. It’s soft and plush, but the moment only lasts for a few second. Abruptly, the coolness on your cheek leaves hastily, follows by his sleeveless arm around your shoulder. 
As soon as you realize what just happened, the young master of Feiyun Commerce Guild has already dashed away, leaving a burning tomato behind. You shyly lower your head, face heats up profusely.  Fingers slowly draw up to your lip, you recall the feeling of his lip touching yours. 
You feel like you can combust right here and right now.   
Unknownst to you, if you look in his direction, you might have spotted a pair of red ears and his inelegant falling on his butt.   
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blairsanne · 2 years
29: Wishes
Drabbles for December based on this prompt list.
The Hobbit - The Company, Tauriel, Dis
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Fili carried a thick, heavy log into the large hall that was going to be used for the Company’s Yule celebrations.
The whole mountain was in a tizzy about the winter solstice holiday, and the great warriors who reclaimed Erebor were no exception. The log he’d chosen would be placed in the hearth on the solstice, but not before everyone to be present had a chance to add their wishes for the coming year to it.
Fili wrapped twine around the oak log several times, tying it so that other items might be affixed.
Next he pulled out a branch of yew with a few red berries and carefully tucked it under the twine. He thought back on their harrowing journey and wished for the memory of those lost in battle to be carried forward in tales of glory.
Word spread through their merry group, and, over the course of the days leading up to their celebration, they each stopped by to add their own items to the bundle.
Kili tucked dried orange slices under the twine, a bright and festive offering that reminded him of warmer seasons. He wished for a happy year and the swift return of the sun so that he could enjoy outings with his dear ones.
Bofur added several sticks of cinnamon, enjoying their warm scent as he wished luck upon all of Erebor, and those they’d left behind in the Blue Mountains.
Bifur, who’d come with him, added star anise and mumbled a few words to himself in Khuzdul - despite being perfectly able to speak Westron again - looking forward to a year of being better understood by the non-Dwarves under the mountain.
When Bombur came by, he affixed a hazel twig to the growing mass. He took a deep breath, imagining all the new dishes he hoped to learn and perfect to feed his kin over the next year. He gave his belly a soft pat before nodding and walking off.
Oin’s offering was a sprig of mistletoe with several ripe, white berries. He wished good health on all those in their mountain home in the coming year, and for the skills to treat any ailment that arose.
Gloin came by with a few pressed ivy leaves. He carefully tucked them into the bundle, hoping for a safe year for his family; particularly for his son Gimli, who was nearing adulthood.
Nori’s addition was two small, dried pomegranates. He wished for continued abundance in the coming year, and a swift end to their dreary winter.
Dori snuck tiny pine cones between the other items and beneath the tight twine. He hoped for a year of safe, cozy comfort in their mountain home.
Ori tucked a parchment envelope full of whole cloves under the twine, hopeful that they would stay safe and protected in the mighty halls of Erebor. He wished for a year of clear thinking and learning in the mountain.
Tauriel had come to adore life in the Lonely Mountain since moving in with Kili. Dwarf customs were charming, and more than anything she loved watching Kili get excited over them. She tangled delicate baby’s breath into the now-full bundle and said a silent prayer for another year with her dear dwarf.
Bilbo added a bundle of lavender, smiling at all the different things already present. He wished for a peaceful year of happy visits over tea and plentiful seed cakes, and a bit of luck while he navigated all the dwarven customs he was still learning.
Thorin’s addition was a large length of rosemary. He thought back on the difficult path they’d all trod to where they were now, and hoped that as it burned, all weariness and sorrows would burn away with it. He wished for a kingdom of unburdened peace and joy.
When the solstice finally came around, Fili was pleased to see how decorated their yule log was. As he set it into the hearth, he wondered idly who had added each piece, and what hopes they had for the year ahead.
As the group piled into the hall, all talking amongst themselves, exchanging small gifts, and eating food from the plentiful trays, Fili took a moment to lean against the far wall, enjoying the sight. Dis approached him and opened her arms for a hug. He grinned and hugged his mother readily.
“Happy Solstice, Amad. What did you wish for on the Yule log?” She squeezed him a bit tighter before letting go to stand back and look out over their merry crowd with him. “That we’ll all be here to do this again next year.”
December Drabbles Masterlist
LOTR/Hobbit taglist: @fizzyxcustard
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