#adhd wait what episode
summerfullofsnow · 2 months
multiple shows i want to watch vs. attention span which can't keep interest in a show for 12 weeks
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finalgirlmoment · 9 months
Noteworthy details about the first two PJOTV episodes (spoilers)
First of all, every single of them ATE DOWN. just wanted to throw that out there, i'm so so impressed with the cast, everyone was perfect and gorgeous and i'm completely sat for any and all future installments. A fine piece of media. Let's begin.
Percy's confusion and bewilderment finding out that he's a demigod. "You fell in love with God.... like, Jesus????" LMFAO but seriously his frustration in this moment, thinking there's something actually wrong with his brain, feeling lost and confused and hurt and BROKEN. the struggle in that moment is so relatable to people discovering they have some sort of mental illness or neurodivergence, especially when they weren't believed/listened to etc and i think walker played this part beautifully
luke's empathy towards Percy throughout-- his apologies for what happened to his mother at the bottom of Half Blood Hill, him telling P that he relates to the nightmares, the restlessness, the ADHD..... so fucking sick and fucking twisted, I will be sobbing at the ending, gorgeous job on both ends on making this relationship feel very warm and authentic and the trust starting to build. this will H U R T.
CLARISSE. she's so gorgeous and vindictive. Her beauty took me off guard initially, but she's such a spiteful little badass that I completely fell in love with her. I CANNOT WAIT to see more of her characterization, especially into season two. perfection.
Percy burning the blue jelly beans- the thing he'd miss most- out in the middle of the woods at night in a damn can, just to pray to his MOTHER. *sobbing intensifies* i couldn't ask for a more sweet, heartfelt, honest moment. the perfect addition. 10s across the board
Percy's ANGER. OH BOY this was one of my most favorite parts. I feel like we see Percy as a very happy-go-lucky kid altogether but I loved, LOVED to see his frustration and agitation from the very beginning. Everything is so confusing and foreign and all he knows is that 1. he's been betrayed or left behind by everyone he knows and 2. he's been ignored his whole life by his godly parent. His mission is to MAKE HIS DAD SEE PERCY, at ANY COST. Before he even knows who his dad is. He is entitled to feel ALL of this anger and hurt and resentment!!!!!!!
Annabeth calling Percy "sunshine". TOTAL CULTURAL RESET. I gasped. The dawn of a new age of Percabeth. I will be screaming into my pillow about this for the foreseeable future.
The entire characterization of Percy throughout the capture the flag scene. His contrast of being just a kid- flossing (lol), peeing the woods, petting a gecko, just vibing and hanging out VS. being thrown suddenly into attack from his peers that don't care about the rules, surprising himself and everyone around him with his finesse in battle, quick instincts, swordsmanship..... i'm weak fr. I can't wait to see him grow, train, become stronger and more confident.
Overall, I'm entirely floored and beyond happy. I can't wait to see more. 10/10
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martincrushcameback · 26 days
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Haha, stupid <3
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adhd run powers and autism focus powers GO. I love that it took three roos before he's like WAIT HUH?
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teehee eager Martin bouncies
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The immediate slouch to crouch is so fucking cute oh my gods
Also my dad was punched by a kangaroo- Martin would NOT be laughing even if it was a baby that kicked him those things are jacked as fuck.
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What am I supposed to do with his deep voice huh WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO it's supposed to be silly
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Chris's face here is so good and I don't know why but I LOVE it
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"Probably for the same reason I don't want to carry my mom's purse." Is... is it too heavy for you Jimmy? Is her purse full of baby? Does she keep too many weed brownies in there Jimmy???
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Someone get an ambulance on standby, Chris is so dead.
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Cracked_ribs_incoming.png - I am starting to think that the creature power vests must have built in protective padding or his ribs would be broken like a billion times over by now.
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Chris: "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Martin: "We catch the first bus out of here?" STOP IT I LOVE HIM.
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"You ok Mr. Z?" Koki is SO endeared with Jimmy's silly antics and so am I.
Martin being so adhd and more interested in riding inside a kangaroo pouch than getting those keys god what a mood.
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Look at him, he's perfect. No thoughts in there only bounce.
Chris about to get the shit beat out of him while Martin is like hippyhoppy happy bouncie boy wheeee!!! is so silly
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Teehee smol
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Do you think the mama kangaroo thinks Martin is a female because he's blue?
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Literally the best screenshot get eagle'd idiot
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Why he so smol huh what for <3
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I feel like.... someone's bones should still be broken.
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You WOULD like crazy ideas. The bouncing in this episode is animated so adorably
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"It looks like he's trying to dunk him" definitely a kid's show he's actively trying to drown the dingo- oh hey Chris actually said it! They try to drown them holy cow.
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I love that Martin has the little joey hunch through the entire episode. I also love that they give up getting the keys and immediately get them back.
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GODS I love this episode.
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miyuthejellycat · 5 months
This entire episode is me going “wait, hold on-no”
I’m trying to recontextualize things and it’s all just hitting me
I got ADHD, so twists very rarely work on me. I zone in on those story beats so easily. I THINK THIS IS GENUINELY THE FIRST TIME I’VE BEEN “I have no idea where this is going next”
What a good show, love it, have been thinking about ocs the last couple of months
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 2 months
Can you do one for Slash and ADHD reader? Like, Slash goes to rehearsal (she's there too) and she's just so hyperactive 'cuz she forgot to take her meds
A/n: ik this isn’t exactly what you asked, I just started writing and came out with this, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
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You were sitting on the couch watching them run through songs, your mind was wandering and it finally hit you that you’d forgotten to take your meds. You chewed your cheek and tried to think of what you could do, the band before you serving as thinking music.
Of course that thought led to another and soon you were going over the last episode of your favourite show.
Slash sat down beside you and you barely noticed until he said something. “Are you ok?” He asked, the others were all busy talking about a new song, trying to get their own parts down.
Your head snapped to him. “Hm?”
He put his around over your shoulders. “I asked-“
“Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” He stared at you a moment. “I forgot my meds.” You said, biting your cheek. Slash gave a small nod.
“Do you want me to go get them?”
You shook your head. “I’ll be fine, it’s just one day.” He hummed. “How about I go get you guys some food?”
“You’ll get us food?” Steven called, interrupting Axl. “Italian? Mexican?”
“There’s this new pizza joint just down the street, why don’t you go there?” Duff suggested.
You held you hands up. “I’m not paying.” Duff and Steven groaned.
“Take my wallet.” Slash muttered, handing you a ripped up leather wallet. You hesitated a moment before taking it. You noted down everyone’s orders and went down the street, repeating the orders in your head.
“Two pepperoni, Hawaiian, two meat lovers.” You muttered over and over. “Hawaiian wasn’t even made in Hawa’ii” you mumbled. “It was Canada, where’d they get Hawaiian, pineapple? Or ham, they make cook pig in a hole in the ground or something. Is that even real?” You kept thinking about it as you walked.
“There’s a pig island in Hawaii, you know.” A man told you. You had no idea who he was or how long he’d been following you.
“There is?” You asked.
“Yeah, ship hauling pigs crashed and the pigs learned to swim, now they just live there.” You liked the idea of it, pigs roaming an island and in the water, little snorts everywhere.
“That’s cute, it’s Hawa’ii, by the way.” You said.
“Really?” The man asked. You shrugged.
“I remember hearing that somewhere, makes sense if you listen to the language.” The man took in your words.
“Cool.” He said plainly. “Is there a reason you’re standing here?” You glanced around and saw you were just outside the pizza place Duff was talking about.
“I came for pizza.” You said, looking up at the sign.
“Why didn’t you go in?” You shrugged.
“I don’t know.” You stayed there an extra moment before going inside, waving goodbye to the man.
While waiting in line you kept glancing back to the man. He wore a hoodie that had seen better days, a patchy beard and shorts that didn’t start out as shorts nor were they intentionally made into shorts.
You stayed in line and made a mental note to get him a slice.
When you got back to their rehearsal room you had a big cheese pizza with a slice missing. “What happened to variety?” Axl asked as he reached for a slice.
“Do you want it or not?” You bit. Axl hesitantly took a slice. Slash was next to you, an arm wrapped around you. Steven and Duff were talking, an argument brewing and Izzy was pushing it on.
“So, why’d it take you so long?” Slash asked, his voice low as he leaned against you.
“I met a guy.” You said through a mouthful of pizza. Slash stared at you. “A homeless guy, he was nice and talked to me about Hawa’ii.” Slash nodded though he didn’t seem to understand.
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mrmistakemakeroy · 2 months
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how i see "The helper" episode . (i have diagnosed adhd and autism fyi: everyone is different so take what i say with that context <3 not all autistic people are like me so please understand this is more based on my experience personally)
Really weird post i know but hear me out. When i watch "The helper " i immediatly think about having meltdowns as a little kid or just any age in general wether online or irl.
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^ Like if you`re looking at it like i am, you can understand why id say it feels like hes having a meltdown / breakdown because something that makes sense to him most of the time, now makes no sense at all to him / freaks him out |
| (Being unable to help people because they do not need his help which he is not used to , thus making him react way worse then most people would sense it is something very special to him Like how people will have specific special intrests or hyperfixations etc) personally i freak out and get meltdowns when my pc is broken or needs fixed and i cannot draw whatsoever for long peroids of time. )
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and how you / i would immediatly feel ashamed , nervous and guilty afterwards , or just generally exhausted or depending on the person feel like a burden on the people around you.
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(also for this next part yes i know this is implied to be sylvia`s idea but it still makes me wanna tear up because it hits home way too hard) and other people will immediatly treat you as a "trouble maker" that has to be dealt with , punished or pushed aside even tho its something you cant help and sometimes cant even understand .
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the dialogue espeically is a gut punch for me.
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"ohh.. So this is the guy you want out of town "
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" i get it " he`s hurt , and ashamed of himself. and its probably a stretch but i feel like this has happened before because of how he says " i get it . " then he tries to turn it into a positive as per usual to his character writing , thats how much he loves helping people.
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its his special intrest / hyperfixation <3333 so of course he can try to turn it into something fun . and the rest of the episode goes on as he Does what they asked him to. and they immediately reward him for throwing himself out of their way .
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(this genuinely makes me so mad i`m sorry fuck those towns people man you could`ve just talked to him instead GRAHHHH) and how he gets super happy after FINALLY pleasing them.
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hes so silly :33
also this last bit makes me angry a little
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"thanks" ( im going to eat your soul stfu /halfjoke )
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"happy i could help!! "
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"that makes two of us " (BONUS) ALSO I WANT TO MENTION the scene where he tries to " stop " lord hater. I feel like this is him being pushed to his absolute limit to a point he tried to do something very out of character just for the comfort and relief of "doing something good" like hes reverting to the basics of "being a good guy " just to get that comfort of helping someone again.
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it reminds me of that Version of himself in "the wanders" where the piece of himself that holds his trauma / what made him want to help everyone is still not inside of him yet, and he goes on a rant about how he is going to stop lord hater
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"wander are you okay ?? " "im MORE then okay "
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"Now come trusty steed , its time to stop that HEARTLESS evil doer LORD HATER ONCE AND FOR ALL !! "
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"wait what-" "stop ?"
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"YES! i am a good guy , and he is a bad guy. " "AND I STOP HIM ! "
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------------------- HELPPPPP.... seriously tho sorry for the long rant about this episode but it genuinely hit home so hard that i have cried multipule times unironicly because of it. Reminder that im veiwing this through my own experience of growing up on the spectrum (adhd + autism specifically) not everyone on the spectrum will be the same as me when it comes to this episode. I had to get this out of my system because it was eating at my brain sorry yall 💔💔💔
if i made any typos or worded anything weird its becuase its harder for me to write long posts plus as of writing its 01:17 on my computor clock.
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sunshinechay · 3 months
So I finally caught up on My Stand In after being 3 episodes behind due to irl reasons.
The last three episodes have been a lot and while I’m sad to have missed the weekly discussions, I’m also kind of glad I watched all three at once because it gave me the opportunity to get to watch Ming’s progress rapidly rather than waiting (which my ADHD brain is very happy about) and the one thing really stuck with me through all three episodes.
Of the three who knows Joe is Joe, Ming is the only one to figure it out completely on his own. He doesn’t overhear anything, he isn’t told by anyone. Even the priest (is that what he is? Citation needed) won’t give Ming the straight answer he seeks. Joe is neither dead nor alive but a secret third thing, his soul has transmigrated to another body entirely.
Before, when he didn’t know, we got the small kernels of change. Ming is much more straight forward than he used to be. While he was never one to mince words, he is more truthful and up front, even with Joe 2.0. He is honest with him from the start about exactly what he wants. He doesn’t tell Joe the real reason why he wants it, but that’s understandable given that no one else is willing to believe Ming when he says Joe is still alive. So why tell this new stand in why you want him to be so.
Then he figures it out. He puts together the context clues and believes the impossible because he’s the only one who never gave up hope that Joe would come home, would come back to him. Joe does come back to him and Ming immediately sets out to ensure that Joe exactly where he stands in terms of how Ming feels about him. Ming needs Joe to understand exactly what he wants. Ming is probably always going to be the type of person who will use underhanded tactics in certain situations, but it’s completely understandable why he uses the contract to keep Joe with him.
Ming offers up explanations where Joe didn’t ask for them, because he knows that Joe deserves them, whether or not he asks for them. He wants Joe to understand that he regrets a lot of his past actions, including what he did for Tong at the end. Ming had all but admitted that if he could go back and change it, he would.
Ming is willing to confront so many issues head on. He is learning to deal with his emotions in a way that is more productive for them all. He has started to feel more of his emotions out loud in a way he didn’t before. He promised himself he would change if Joe ever came back and so far he has kept his promise. He will better himself and he will grow. He will no longer be stagnant.
He is even willing to tell his father that he is dating Joe. The mere mention of it clearly terrifies him more than he has the words to express, something that Joe picks up on right away and tries to protect both of them from. Preemptively breaking up with Ming to try and save them both a worst heartbreak than simply breaking up.
Tong had spent so much of the show attempting to prove again and again that Ming is under his thumb. He knew that Ming was in love with him in the past and still believes he is now, but he is wrong. Ming will no longer allow himself to be manipulated by Tong and by extension his mother. So he will shoot their ace out of the sky by doing the one thing that terrifies him the most. He will tell his father that he is gay. That he is gay and dating a man. A man named Joe.
He will accept what comes next because the only other options is to lose Joe and Ming absolutely will not do that for a second time. He is willing to lose everything, as long as it means he doesn’t lose Joe.
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quodekash · 4 months
FUUUUUUUUUUUCKing hell theyre gonna kiss today????
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hes so grumpy already I love this so much
the silent conversations chain and toey are having with their eyes oml I cant
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pls this is so funny
theyre both deeply in love with someone else so it's jsut so unnatural to them
BUT ALSO id like to mention that the first thing chain did when he had to pretend to be hitting on toey was put his arm around his shoulders and rest his hand there. which is what he's literally ALWAYS doing with pun, no matter when it is, he's always standing next to pun with his hand resting on one of his shoulders
its like he associates his time with pun as being in a romantic relationship 👀
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theyre lost in their own little world 🥺
this is too funny, the cuts from "chain. chain what happened next." to ✨soulful dramatic guitar music✨
im sad they didnt actually kiss but also im not surprised
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half convinced theyre already dating, they just cant be bothered saying anything so theyre waiting for others to ask them about it
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if I ever have a romantic partner, this is what I want
I cant explain it, I just wanna run up to them with pure joy and excitement, and for them to hold me back by just pushing against my skull
it just seems perfect, idk why
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genuinely think I might be more invested in their friendship than all the romantic relationships in this show
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im fucking CRYING
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my king matt, this was so unnecessary and I love everything about it
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why does it suit him so well tho
they should kiss again I think
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I feel everything about this image on a spiritual level
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look its really funny but I do feel bad cos this day is not even a little bit fun for him
like q is having a complete shit time
poor chain doesn't love amusement parks but he has to go on the rides with toey to keep up the facade cos toey loves these rides 😭
and its even worse realising Q also seems to love amusement parks, so he would be having a fucking amazing time if he could just go on all the rides next to Q cos they both love it so much 😭😭
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fuckin FINALLY
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I mean to be fair it was REALLY obvious
im surprised no one noticed earlier but also its a bl so im not at all surprised to find out theyre all fuckin dumbasses
a lot of the time watching bls ill be like "I want that" but its usually as a joke
but THIS?? the fucking adhd bastard (me) who just wants to be near their partner and compliment and always stimming and just having a swell fucking time while the other one loves them but is mildly tired but also in adoration? FUCKIN GIMME
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also how the fuck has Q not realised, theyre all so fucking obvious
also also I cant explain it it just feels deeply as though pun and chain are for real dating they just havent told anyone yet
ill make a post about it all at some point maybe (I definitely wont)
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hear me out tho, this gets even funnier if he's actually already in a committed relationship that no one knows about yet
I dont think it's secret dating, it's just 'not super obvious dating to try and see JUST how oblivious all our friends are. its been three years at this point and still no one's said anything. we're starting to lose all hope.'
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I love tan so much, the little wave
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what the FUCK
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what the FUCK FUCK???
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[insert that gif of the crowd of people in the bar going insane]
holy fucking shit dude holy fucking shit
my legs are literally shaking idk if I can do this
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im gonna be here all day
I dont even need to watch the rest of the episode now
I can just go to bed if I want and watch the rest later or smth
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dude I cant wait for q to realise that toey is milk frappe guy
omg making out in a haunted house, what a dream
the workers watching on the security cameras probably had a blast that day
how funny would it be if there'd been a scare actor in the shadows in that room with them and they'd been about to scare them but they were too shocked with that tender kiss to remember they have a job
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he needs to lie on his bed and just stare at his roof and think about that for a while
tbh same
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look at him 🥺 he's so lost in that memory
welp on that note I think im done for now
I might finish the ep with my silly thoughts+screenshots later but for now tis the time for sleep
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and we are back on the hyperfixation train-
seriously i cannot stop with the never-ending brainrot when it comes to randy cunningham so, if anyone is genuinely interested in seeing more rambles about this show because honestly the gears are turning lol, both due to my incoming crossover and just- things in general?
it’s late, the ideas aren’t flowing as well as i’d like right now, so in the meantime have a series of random headcanons
RC9GN Headcanons
~ Since magic is a thing in the universe, I’ve always envisioned that creatures from Japanese folklore/legends/etc coexist with humans- however they mostly appear in other plane of existence and don’t interact with mortals at all- i know this doesn’t make sense yet but it will,, when it’s not past midnight lol
~ I’m firmly convinced Plop Plop and Howard could be part of the same bloodline (Howard is 100% a descendant of Plop Plop, this is just canon lol i was there i was uhhh, howard’s shirt /lh)
~ this is practically canon but Plop Plop is?? practically immortal?? Could the same apply to the First Ninja? (because he’s now just sort of in the nomicon- like is he technically immortal bc his soul’s trapped in it so to speak)
~ ADHD Randy. Like how could he be anything but? I mean look at him
~ Julian is 100% some breed of ND, as is Howard. I make the rules this is canon now
~ Can I please just have the idea that Randy continues the mantle of being the Ninja post-grad? Like, don’t mind wipe him i’m begging- but also, consider he does forget and then something happens where it triggers his memories back- could make an au out of this but not right now,
~ There’s no way half the characters are straight lmao
~ I just watched the reveal episode and I like to think Viceroy sabotaging the robot because, well, Randy’s 14-
~ absentee parents for Randy- like. how does he get away with half the things he does? where even are his parents
~ Howard clearly has abandonment issues. I seriously need this being a thing more often-
~ caretaker Howard- to what level would the suit protect Randy?? I genuinely think Howard patches Randy up whenever he gets injured bc of literal ROBOTS
~ Randy 100% has self esteem issues?? (living in shooblivion was a perfect example of this-)
~ Heidi also has ADHD
~ Adoptive Parent First Ninja. I will not accept anything less-
~ Randy is a summer child. Howard was born in winter-
~ Game Developer Howard? I need this
~ Randy is a bit of an artist. He can already play instruments- so I say let him know how to dance, maybe not an expert but he knows his moves; also, he can sing- he does vocals in his and Howard’s band
~ not really an hc but if i don’t get more lore for the tengu i might actually go insane lol (what is the connection between the ninja and the demon bird-)
~ so. Randy, this kid- istg if this wasn’t an episodic, lighthearted kids show, he would be so traumatized. ptsd for Randy
~ Asian Randy- I’m not sure which one just yet
~ another Randy hc- I need Randy being a descendant of the Norisu 9-
~ Theresa your crush on Randy is so freaking obvious-
~ SIR, hello?? Not exactly a headcanon but I swear to everything- Randy and Debbie are a disaster waiting to happen. The identity reveal has me screaming, and honestly I wanted more; aka I need a more angsty version of the same episode istg
~ am I the only seeing Mort pseudo-adopting Randy??
~ there will be more to come but not right now- this pup is taking a slumber,, they are eepy
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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summerfullofsnow · 8 months
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kscheibles · 1 year
fall rendezvous (college bf! au)
content warnings: f! reader, fluff, smut, unprotected p in v sex, oral sex f! receiving
word count: 2.2k
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The crisp morning air bites at your nose as you walk across campus after your 8 a.m. discussion class. You’re not used to New England weather; the chilly air causes your nose to run even when you’re bundled up in sweatshirts and coats as you are now. Matty makes fun of you every time, but his actions betray his true feelings. He always takes the opportunity to hold your hands in his and breathe hot air onto them. He likes being your solace. Your comfort.
As a matter of fact, that’s what you need him for now. Chase, the obnoxious legacy student in your Art History section, was insistent on devaluing the thematic interests of indigenous artists. Unfortunately, you’d had to take matters into your own hands when the TA looked as if it was too early for her to put a stop to his bullshit for the third time this semester. You’d ripped him a new one, but as a result, you were now simultaneously riled up, tired, and in need of a comforting hug from your boyfriend. You lug your book bag across the quad, texting Matty when you’re finally near his dorm.
You wait a few moments at the door, still reeling. As soon as the door swings open, revealing Matty’s crooked, slept-on curls and perfect, knowing smile, you can feel the anxiety in your body ease up. You run into him, almost knocking him off his feet as his arms come around to envelop you. The smell of his cologne and detergent and sleep fill your nose and seep into your brain, relaxing you like a drug. It’s instant with him. He gets into your bloodstream. 
“Mornin’ darlin’,” he mumbles into your ear. You smile into his navy hoodie, looking up into his sleepy eyes.
“Mornin’,” you coo. Matty grabs your hand and leads you up the stairs, unlocking his door and letting you in. You’re greeted by the smell of fresh coffee. Matty goes over to the coffee pot and pours you a mug as you toss your bookbag on the floor and take your shoes and socks off. You survey the place, taking inventory of the two beds, one belonging to his roommate, Ross, who has a 9 a.m. lab. He won’t be back for hours, bless him. Matty’s bed is at a different height than usual. He’s lowered it a bit, for god knows what reason. You chalk it up to a manic ADHD episode where he decided he had to rearrange his room in order to do his homework properly – you know this kind of thing isn’t uncommon for him. You love the ways in which his brain is different from yours. He sees and gets excited by things you never could and you admire him endlessly for it.
“What’s with the bed?” you ask as Matty passes you a mug of steaming coffee. You take another whiff – hazelnut, he must have gotten a new blend to mark the beginning of fall – before sipping on it, feeling it ground you back to reality. Matty quirks his eyebrows playfully, smirking as he does. 
“Well I wanted to try something actually,” he starts, cozying up to your side and resting his chin on the top of your head. “You know we were having all that trouble last week when I was trying to fuck you standing up?” 
Your head snaps around and you meet his eyes, smiling. What a boy, you think. 
“Anyways, I couldn’t stop thinking about it the other night while I was waiting for Ross to come back from the library so we could play Mortal Kombat so I crushed a Red Bull and adjusted the bed to be just a bit lower than my hips.”
You put your coffee down on his messy bookshelves filled with mythology volumes, dogeared paperback copies of Kafka, and plastic video game cases. You bring your arms up around his neck and kiss him softly on the mouth. 
“I suppose you wanna try it out then?” you ask, teasingly. Matty moans into your mouth and walks you back towards the bed until your thighs hit the mattress. You fall down onto your back and Matty’s instantly undoing the button of your jeans, pulling your pants and underwear off in one fell swoop. His head falls between your legs instantly, kissing your inner thighs, lifting your legs over his shoulders, and then licking you from your hole to your clit. 
You whimper at the contact. He’s so warm and wet and good. You squirm under his tongue, instinctively looking for friction. You swear you can feel his lips curl into a smile around your clit as you begin to buck senselessly, arrhythmically into his mouth. He captures your clit in his mouth, sucking at it devotedly as his left hand comes around to pin you down to the bed by your hips.
“God, you make me feel so good,” you moan as his fingers begin to swipe listlessly at your entrance. His head leaves your body long enough for you to read the need in his eyes. His pupils are completely blown out, lips glistening with your pleasure. “I love you,” you breathe. It’s the only thing you can think when you see the picture between your thighs: your sweet boy on his knees, cozy in his hoodie, and looking up at you for reassurance that he’s eating you right, even though he’s done it a hundred times before. He bends down, kissing your lower tummy tenderly.
“I love you, too,” he smiles up at you, “Can I fuck you now, sweet girl?”
You nod, intoxicated with pleasure and grinning. Faintly, you hear his clothes shuffling as he rids himself of his sweatpants and underwear, pumping himself a couple of times to be sure he’s ready for you. You hear the condom wrapper crinkling. Then you feel him, sinking inside you slowly. You feel dizzy despite having your eyes closed. Matty folds your knees into you and begins to push in and out of you slowly, rocking you into ecstasy. With your feet to the sky, you start to feel the chilly autumn air seep into you through your extremities and into your core, distracting and uncomfortable.
“Matty, I’m cold,” you whine, grabbing at your feet to warm them up. Leave it to your university to skimp on heating during the freezing Connecticut fall. 
“Oh fuck,” he mutters, pulling out of you briefly, “Can you stand up a minute, darling?” You do, hissing as your feet hit the cold, ground, and watching him dumbly as he unmakes his bed, fluffing his comforter up and holding in his arms. He wraps it delicately around your shoulders, holding you to him in a hug that feels like complete and utter safety. “You wanna lay back down?” he whispers into your hair. You nod and Matty helps you back onto the bed. You slowly lean back until your spine hits the mattress and plant your feet back on the flat surface. He notices before even you do, “Your feet still look cold, are you okay?”
You look down at them, realizing only now that they’ve gone completely numb. You meet Matty’s eyes bashfully. “Will I still be hot enough to fuck if you lend me a pair of fuzzy socks?”
Matty blushes and nods, kissing you sweetly on the forehead. “Always,” he assures you before padding over to his chest of drawers and finding a pair of wool socks to don you with. He puts them on you himself, rubbing your toes through the thick material to bring the weight back into your body. 
“I feel like Cinderella,” you quip. 
“You are,” Matty smiles, your feet still in his hands, “My perfect princess.”
“Okay don’t get too into my feet now,” you giggle and Matty drops them immediately.
“You’re right,” he turns fake serious all of a sudden, “Don’t even know how I was paying attention to them when you’re all spread out for me right here.”
You smile sweetly as he buries himself in you again, savoring that perfect, holy meeting that makes you see stars every time.
Your mouth falls open and your brows furrow inadvertently as you feel Matty fill you up. He touches every part of you, holding on to your tits and legs and anything else he can get his hands on as he begins to fuck you in earnest. He’s losing himself, grasping at any straw of reality that could keep him grounded. Your hand comes around to encircle the wrist of his hand that's bruising your right breast. You whine with each snap of his hips into yours but still manage to get his attention and talk him through it. 
“I’m right here, Matty,” you say, “I’m yours. Making me feel so good, baby.” His eyes meet yours, black with desire. Matty’s confided in you that he has a tendency to dissociate a little during sex. It helps when you touch different parts of him, stimulate him in new ways so that he stays present, and when you speak to him so he can remember that he’s doing it for you, too. He appreciates how seriously you take it and loves you even more in the moments he can tell you’re trying to care for him. 
Matty’s hand moves from your breast down to where his body meets yours, trapping your clit between his fingers and rubbing you in tandem with his thrusts. It causes another wanton cry to escape your lips.
“Please stay just like that,” you beg, “Please, please, I’m so close baby.” He nods, sweaty curls sticking to his forehead as he drags your body impossibly closer to his own. 
“Being so fucking good for me baby,” he manages, “Such a good girl. You’re for me.”
“All for you, baby,” you repeat, “I’m so fucking lucky you make me feel so good.”
“Gonna make you cum, baby. Can I?” he asks, leaning over you even further, chasing both of your orgasms. Your head falls back into the bed as he does. Like a marionette with her strings cut, your head bobs uselessly against the navy sheets as Matty rubs you and fucks you faster.
“I’m almost there,” you warn, “Stay just like that. Please, please.” You’re not even sure what you’re begging for anymore. Your brain is too far gone to be rational. You tense up as you feel your orgasm creeping up on you. 
“Relax for me,” you hear Matty’s voice in your ear, “It’s gonna feel a lot better if you relax, baby.”
You do. Instantly, you feel the band of pressure in your stomach snap as your orgasm washes over you from head to toe. You can feel yourself pulsing around Matty’s dick, over and over, beginning to feel overstimulated as he continues his assault on your used cunt. You swat tiredly at his hand on your clit. He moves it to your hip, holding on to you for dear life.
“Just another second baby,” he breathes, “You can be a good girl and take it a little while longer, yeah?” You nod uncontrollably, blissed out and needy. You need him to cum, need him to feel as good as you do. 
“Please, Matty, need you to cum inside me.” Matty slows to a stop above you, panting.
Matty falls onto your chest, bent over at the hips, panting into the duvet that cocoons you. Your hand meets his curls immediately, holding tight to what you couldn’t reach moments ago. You push his hair back from where it’s fallen onto his forehead, revealing his flushed face. Your thumbs ghost over his perfect cheekbones. You stay there, present for him, as he comes down, smiling at him when he finally meets your eyes. 
“Hi,” you muse.
“Hi,” he pants, letting his head touch the comforter again and pulling out of you. Your hands fly to his shoulders, brows furrowing as you try to still him. “Shhhh, baby, just a second,” he coos, standing up and tying the condom off before chucking it god knows where. He unwraps you and pulls the covers over the both of you as he nestles back into the comically small bed. He kisses the crown of your head when you find your way into the crook of his shoulder. 
“Thank you, I love you,” you say into his chest. 
“You too, baby,” he whispers, “Always look out for me you’re so good to me baby.” 
You lean up to kiss him, warm and sweet and soft. 
“This bed is really small,” you laugh into his mouth.
“That’s why I had to fold you up to fit,” he quips in return. 
“Will you take me to get a coffee, then? I think the one you made has gone cold.”
“Sure, baby,” he says, rubbing your bicep when you spring off the bed to get dressed. Matty gets up too, scrounging for his long discarded clothes. 
He chucks his blue Nike hoodie at you. “I know you were planning to steal that anyway.” You smile, shucking it on over your sweater. As you bend over to put your shoes on, Matty comes up behind you steadying you as you wobble with only one shoe on. You use his shoulders to steady yourself. He leans in, kissing you slowly and unhurriedly like he could do it all day.
“You ready to brave the cold?” he teases. 
“If I’m with you,” you pout. He giggles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and looping his arm around your neck.
“Come on then, baby,” he beams, “I’ll keep you warm.”
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thefooloutboy · 2 months
all the things wrong with lestat de lioncourt according to the dsm-v and psychological theories
In this post, I, a psychologist, will psychoanalyze and diagnose Lestat de Lioncourt, a well-known vampire in gothic literature.
Part I: DSM-V Diagnosis
1.0 Neurodevelopmental Disorders
1.1 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD):
ADHD is a persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development.
Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 9 for inattention: 
Often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks: He can’t read.
Often does not follow through on instructions and fails to finish schoolwork, chores, or duties in the workplace: He does not ever follow instructions.
Often has difficulty organizing tasks and activities: He fails to keep his house and belongings organized.
Often avoids, dislikes, or is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sustained mental effort.
Is often forgetful in daily activities: He’s bad with doing chores and running errands.
Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 9 for hyperactivity and impulsivity:
Often unable to play or engage in leisure activities quietly: He’s always making noises.
Is often “on the go,” acting as if “driven by a motor”: He is usually unable to be still for extended time.
Often talks excessively: He is a yapper.
Often blurts out an answer before a question has been completed: He completes people’s sentences and he cannot wait for his turn in conversation.
Often interrupts or intrudes on others: He butts into conversations and he intrudes into or takes over what others are doing.
To be diagnosed with ADHD, one must display at least 10 symptoms out of 18. Therefore, Lestat can be diagnosed with ADHD.
2.0 Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders
2.1 Delusional Disorder:
Delusional Disorder is characterized by the presence of one (or more) delusions with a duration of 1 month or longer. Lestat’s disorder is the Mixed type, meaning that not one single type of delusion predominates, but there’s a mixture. His disorder includes:
Grandiose type: Belief that one is famous, omnipotent, wealthy, or otherwise very powerful: At the end of S2.E8, we see Lestat practicing piano with a block of wood and thinking he’s going on tour.
Jealous type: Belief that their spouse or lover is unfaithful: He constantly watches Louis to see if he will cheat on him or not.
Persecutory type: Belief that they are being conspired against: In S1.E7, we see Lestat thinking Louis and Claudia are conspiring something against him and he makes Antoinette spy on them. (In the persecutory type, it does not matter if the person is actually being conspired against, it’s the obsession that counts.)
2.2 Schizoaffective Disorder:
Schizoaffective Disorder is characterized by an uninterrupted period of illness during which there is a major mood episode (major depressive or manic) concurrent with at least 2 criteria out of 5 of schizophrenia.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms of schizophrenia (A):
Delusions (mentioned above)
Hallucinations: He is haunted by Claudia.
Lestat also displays the main symptom of a major mood episode, which is depressed mood. We can see his depression and the symptoms of his schizoaffective disorder (delusions, hallucinations, and depressed mood) portrayed in several episodes, but mainly S2.E8.
3.0 Bipolar and Related Disorders
3.1 Bipolar I Disorder:
For a diagnosis of bipolar I disorder, it is necessary to meet the following criteria for a manic episode. Lestat displays 5 symptoms out of 7 for a manic episode in S2.E7:
Inflated self-esteem or grandiosity.
More talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking.
Distractibility (attention too easily drawn to irrelevant external stimuli).
Increase in goal-directed activity.
Excessive involvement in activities that have a high potential for painful consequences.
The trial is followed with a depressive episode on his side, therefore, he displays the two distinct ends of Bipolar I: manic episode followed by a depressive episode. Lestat, according to this, can be diagnosed with Bipolar I Disorder.
4.0 Depressive Disorders
4.1 Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder:
Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder is characterized by severe recurrent temper outbursts manifested verbally (e.g., verbal rages) and/or behaviorally (e.g., physical aggression toward people or property) that are grossly out of proportion in intensity or duration to the situation or provocation. 
In many episodes, we can see Lestat being verbally and physically aggressive towards Claudia and Louis, let alone many others that he later kills. In the DSM-V, it is concluded that Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder and Bipolar I Disorder cannot coexist, so it is not safe to say Lestat 100% have this disorder, but I thought it was worth mentioning as he displays the symptoms for it.
4.2 Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):
Dysthymia is characterized by a depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated by either subjective account or observation by others, for at least 2 years.
Lestat displays 4 symptoms out of 6 for Dysthymia in S2.E8 and later in the song Long Face:
Poor appetite or overeating: ‘I'll get fatter when we break up.’ In this lyric, he mentions how he overeats (or rather overdrains people).
Low self-esteem.
Poor concentration or difficulty making decisions.
Feelings of hopelessness.
In the DSM-V, it is stated that there has not been a manic or hypomanic episode during the period of Dysthymia, which we cannot be sure if that is the case with Lestat, as I diagnosed him with Bipolar I earlier. However, S2.E8 and the Vampire Lestat era happens well after S2.E7, so we can assume that he had not had a manic episode and his mood disorder turned into Dysthymia.
5.0 Anxiety Disorders
5.1 Separation Anxiety Disorder:
Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized by developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety concerning separation from those to whom the individual is attached.
Lestat displays at least 4 symptoms out of 8 for Separation Anxiety Disorder:
Recurrent excessive distress when anticipating or experiencing separation from home or from major attachment figures: He constantly tries to make Louis stay because he is scared of him leaving.
Persistent and excessive worry about losing major attachment figures or about possible harm to them, such as illness, injury, disasters, or death: ‘Did you hurt yourself?’
Persistent reluctance or refusal to sleep away from home or to go to sleep without being near a major attachment figure.
Persistent and excessive fear of or reluctance about being alone or without major attachment figures at home or in other settings: He tries to win Louis back because he is scared of being without him.
Therefore, it is possible to say Lestat can be diagnosed with Separation Anxiety Disorder, as he himself mentions how he does not like being left behind.
6.0 Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
6.1 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD):
OCD is the presence of obsessions, compulsions, or both.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms out of 2 for obsessions:
Recurrent and persistent thoughts, urges, or images that are experienced, at some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and unwanted, and that in most individuals cause marked anxiety or distress: In S2.E8, he mentions his recurrent thoughts about Claudia and how he cannot get over it.
The individual attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, urges, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action.
Lestat also displays symptoms out of 2 for compulsions:
Repetitive behaviors that the individual feels driven to perform in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rigidly: He plays the piano as he did with Claudia to get rid of the obsession.
The behaviors or mental acts are aimed at preventing or reducing anxiety or distress.
To be diagnosed with OCD, any of these 4 symptoms is necessary, and Lestat, arguably, displays all of them, so he is diagnosed with OCD by me.
7.0 Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
7.1 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD):
PTSD is a disorder that develops in some people who have experienced a shocking, scary, or dangerous event. There are several criteria to be diagnosed with it.
Lestat displays 3 symptoms out of 4 for exposure to actual or threatened death, and serious injury:
Directly experiencing the traumatic event: Claudia and Louis attempted to kill him.
Witnessing, in person, the event as it occurred to others: He was there to watch the Trial and he witnessed Claudia dying.
Learning that the traumatic event occurred to a close family member or close friend: He learned that Louis tried to harm himself.
Lestat displays 4 symptoms out of 5 for presence of  intrusion symptoms associated with the traumatic event:
Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the traumatic event: He cannot get the death of Claudia out of his mind. He also still thinks about Louis harming himself.
Dissociative reactions (e.g., flashbacks) in which the individual feels or acts as if the traumatic event were recurring.
Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event.
Lestat’s PTSD is multifaceted, as there have been several different traumatic events that had shocked him and endangered him (e.g., Magnus, the Trial, S1.E7, the death of Nicki). According to Sam Reid, Claudia will haunt Lestat in S3, so we will see more of his reactions to his PTSD.
8.0 Feeding and Eating Disorders
8.1 Pica:
Pica is characterized by persistent eating of nonnutritive, nonfood substances over a period of at least 1 month. Which is, pretty much, seen in every vampire. It does not take a psychologist to diagnose vampires with Pica. They are Pica.
8.2 Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder:
ARFID is characterized by an eating or feeding disturbance as manifested by the person avoiding certain foods. As can be seen in many episodes, Lestat constantly judges Louis for feeding only from animals instead of humans. Lestat prefers human blood only, making him a restrictive food intaker.
8.3 Binge Eating Disorder:
Binge Eating Disorder is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating.
Lestat displays 2 out of 2 symptoms for an episode of binge eating:
Eating, in a discrete period of time, an amount of food that is definitely larger than what most people would eat in a similar period of time under similar circumstances.
A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode.
In the song ‘Long Face’, Lestat talks about binge feeding after a breakup in which he eventually gains weight from the amount of blood he consumes. Do vampires get overweight? I don’t know, but that’s what he says, so I diagnose him with Binge Eating Disorder.
9.0 Disruptive, Impulse-Control, and Conduct Disorders
9.1 Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a  pattern of angry/irritable mood, argumentative/defiant behavior, or vindictiveness lasting at least 6 months.
Lestat displays 6 symptoms out of 8 for Oppositional Defiant Disorder:
Often loses temper: e.g. when playing chess with Claudia, when Claudia came back and he beat up Louis.
Is often touchy or easily annoyed.
Is often angry and resentful.
Often deliberately annoys others.
Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehavior.
Has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months.
Therefore, it can be easily said that Lestat is not a bad person, he is just mentally ill.
9.2 Intermittent Explosive Disorder:
Intermittent Explosive Disorder is characterized by recurrent behavioral outbursts representing a failure to control aggressive impulses.
Lestat displays 2 symptoms out of 2 for failure to control aggressive impulses:
Verbal aggression or physical aggression toward property, animals, or other individuals: Going crazy after losing in chess, choking Claudia, beating up Louis.
Three behavioral outbursts involving damage or destruction of property and/or physical assault involving physical injury against animals or other individuals occurring within a 12-month period: It possibly happens more for Lestat.
10.0 Personality Disorders
10.1 Borderline Personality Disorder:
BPD is a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Lestat displays 7 symptoms out of 9 for Borderline Personality Disorder:
Frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment: He does everything in order to keep Louis.
A pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating between extremes of idealization and devaluation.
Identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self.
Impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentially self-damaging: Cheating on partners, money spending, substance abuse can be seen in Lestat.
Affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood.
Chronic feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, intense anger or difficulty controlling anger (as mentioned in Disruptive & Impulse-Control Disorders).
As guessed by many people, BPD is the disorder that Lestat relates to the most. He obviously displays a lot of symptoms of it and therefore easily can be diagnosed with it by any professional.
10.2 Histrionic Personality Disorder:
Histrionic Personality Disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts.
Lestat displays 6 symptoms out of 8 for Histrionic Personality Disorder:
Is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the center of attention.
Interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriate sexually seductive or provocative behavior.
Displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions.
Consistently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self.
Shows self-dramatization, theatricality, and exaggerated expression of emotion.
Considers relationships to be more intimate than they actually are.
Lestat can easily be seen as ‘the life of the party’ and if he is not the center of the attention, you best believe he will do something about it. He displays enough symptoms to be diagnosed with HPD.
11.0 Paraphilic Disorders
11.1 Voyeuristic Disorder:
Voyeuristic Disorder is characterized by recurrent and intense sexual arousal from observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors. 
In S1.E1 we see that Lestat likes watching Louis having sex with another woman. Louis asks Lestat, ‘That’s your thing? You like to watch?’.
11.2 Sexual Masochism Disorder:
Sexual Masochism is recurrent and intense sexual arousal from the act of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviors.
When Dreamstat comes back to Louis, there is a scene in which Lestat provokes Louis by saying ‘Kill me again.’, and he laughs as Louis hits him, chokes him, and although that is Louis’ dream of Lestat, I think it’s safe to say Lestat had enjoyed that kind of behavior before. When Louis takes Lestat back, we also see how beaten up Lestat is, and it happens after they have sex.
Part II: Psychological Theories
1.0 Social Exchange Theory:
Social Exchange Theory is a concept based on the idea that social behavior is the result of an exchange process. According to this theory, people weigh the potential benefits and risks of their social relationships. When the risks outweigh the rewards, they will terminate or abandon the relationship. The purpose of this exchange is to maximize benefits and minimize costs.
Lestat lives his life by this theory. He is often driven by his desires and passions. He craves companionship and love but also seeks dominance and control over others. 
Emotional Turmoil: Lestat's intense relationships often lead to emotional conflicts and suffering, both for him and his companions.
Risk of Rejection: His desire for deep connections makes him vulnerable to rejection and betrayal, as seen with Louis.
Loneliness: Despite seeking companionship, Lestat frequently finds himself isolated due to his nature and actions.
Companionship: Lestat values the presence of others, particularly those who can understand his nature and share his experiences.
Power and Control: He often derives satisfaction from having power over others, which boosts his sense of significance and dominance.
Excitement and Adventure: Lestat’s relationships often bring new experiences and adventures, which he craves as part of his rebellious spirit.
His interactions are driven by the pursuit of rewards such as companionship, power, and adventure, while also dealing with the costs of emotional turmoil, conflict, and isolation.
2.0 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs:
This psychological theory posits that human motivations are structured in a hierarchy, ranging from basic physiological needs to self-actualization. Lestat’s actions and motivations often reflect his quest to fulfill these needs, from the basic physiological requirement for blood to his pursuit of self-actualization through personal growth and creative expression.
Vampiric Thirst: As a vampire, Lestat's primary physiological need is the consumption of blood. This need drives many of his actions, ensuring his survival.
Immortality: Unlike humans, Lestat doesn't need food, water, or shelter in the traditional sense. His physiological need is centered around obtaining blood and ensuring his physical survival as an immortal being.
Physical Safety: Lestat seeks to protect himself from threats, both from humans and other vampires. This includes avoiding vampire hunters and rival vampires who may wish to harm him.
Existential Safety: Lestat grapples with the existential nature of his immortality and seeks to find stability in his long existence. This often involves creating and maintaining secure environments where he can exist without threat.
Love and Belongingness:
Companionship: Lestat's relationships with Louis, Claudia, and others highlight his deep need for companionship and belonging. Despite his often domineering nature, Lestat craves intimate connections.
Vampire Family: His creation of a vampire family with Louis and Claudia is an attempt to fulfill his need for love and belonging. He seeks to create a close-knit group that can understand and share his experiences.
Respect and Recognition: Lestat desires recognition and respect from both humans and vampires. His flamboyant and rebellious behavior often serves as a way to assert his presence and command attention.
Self-Esteem: Lestat struggles with his self-esteem, oscillating between grandiosity and self-doubt. He seeks validation through his actions and the admiration of others.
Self Actualization:
Personal Growth: Lestat's journey throughout the series is marked by his pursuit of knowledge, self-discovery, and personal growth. He constantly seeks to understand his place in the world and the meaning of his existence.
Art and Music: Lestat's involvement in the arts, particularly his passion for music, is an expression of his self-actualization. These creative pursuits allow him to explore and express his individuality and inner world.
Transcendence: At times, Lestat seeks experiences that go beyond his own existence, exploring the metaphysical and spiritual aspects of being a vampire. This includes his encounters with ancient vampires and other supernatural beings.
3.0 The Myers-Briggs Test (MBTI):
The MBTI categorizes personalities into 16 types based on four dichotomies:
Extraversion (E) vs. Introversion (I)
Extraversion (E): Lestat is highly extraverted. He thrives on interaction with others and seeks out social engagement, whether with humans or other vampires. He loves being the center of attention, often drawing others to him with his charm and charisma.
Sensing (S) vs. Intuition (N)
Intuition (N): Lestat is intuitive, often looking beyond the surface to understand deeper meanings and possibilities. He is driven by his curiosity and desire for new experiences and knowledge.
Thinking (T) vs. Feeling (F)
Feeling (F): Although Lestat can be calculating and strategic, his decisions are often influenced by his emotions and personal values. He experiences intense emotions and is deeply affected by his relationships and experiences.
Judging (J) vs. Perceiving (P)
Perceiving (P): Lestat is spontaneous, adaptable, and often prefers to keep his options open. He is not one for strict plans or routines and enjoys the freedom to explore and act on impulse.
Lestat's personality aligns well with the ENFP type in the Myers-Briggs framework. His extraversion, intuition, emotional depth, and spontaneous nature define his character and drive his actions.
4.0 Freud’s Ego Psychology:
Freud's model of the psyche is composed of three main elements: the Id, the Ego, and the Superego. Each of these components plays a critical role in shaping an individual's actions and interactions. Through this psychology, Lestat can be understood as a dynamic interplay between his Id-driven desires, his Ego's attempts to navigate reality, and his Superego's moral contemplations.
The Id:
Desires and Instincts: Lestat's Id is strongly represented by his vampiric desires and instincts. His need for blood, thrill-seeking behavior, and hedonistic pursuits are driven by the Id's demand for immediate gratification. Lestat’s frequent indulgence in bloodlust, his desire for power, and his pursuit of pleasure without concern for consequences highlight his Id-driven actions. His transformation into a vampire amplifies these primal desires.
The Ego:
Reality Principle: Lestat’s Ego attempts to balance his powerful Id with the demands of reality. This is evident in his strategic thinking and ability to navigate the complexities of human and vampire societies. Lestat's efforts to create a successful career as a rock star and his ability to form and maintain complex relationships (despite their tumultuous nature) demonstrate his Ego at work. He often calculates his actions to achieve his desires while managing external realities.
The Superego:
Moral Conscience: Lestat’s Superego is less dominant than his Id, but it is still present. His reflections on morality, guilt, and his existential musings show the influence of his Superego. Lestat's internal conflicts and occasional guilt over his actions indicate the presence of his Superego. His moments of introspection, particularly when he questions the morality of his vampiric existence, highlight this aspect of his psyche.
Lestat experiences significant internal conflicts between his Id, Ego, and Superego. His hedonistic desires often clash with his moments of moral contemplation and the need to adapt to reality. He often projects his own desires and frustrations onto others, such as Louis and Claudia. His complex relationships involve elements of transference, where he relives past traumas and desires through his interactions with them.
5.0 Jung’s Archetypes:
Jung's theory of archetypes suggests that there are universal, archaic symbols and images that derive from the collective unconscious. These archetypes manifest in literature and myths, often embodying fundamental human experiences and traits.
The Self:
Integration and Wholeness: Throughout the series, Lestat's journey can be seen as a quest for integration and self-understanding. He seeks to reconcile his various aspects and achieve a sense of wholeness.
The Shadow:
Dark Aspects: Lestat's Shadow includes his violent tendencies, selfish desires, and the darker aspects of his vampiric nature. He often grapples with these parts of himself, leading to internal conflict and moral ambiguity.
The Anima:
Feminine Qualities: Lestat's Anima is reflected in his deep emotional connections and his capacity for empathy and love, despite his often ruthless behavior. His relationships with Louis and Claudia reveal his nurturing and protective sides.
The Persona:
Public Face: Lestat's Persona is highly cultivated, presenting himself as charismatic, charming, and flamboyant. He is a performer both literally (as a rock star) and metaphorically, often masking his deeper, more troubled self.
The Hero:
Quest and Challenges: Lestat embodies the Hero archetype through his constant quest for meaning, adventure, and self-discovery. He faces numerous challenges and often acts as a catalyst for change in the vampire world.
The Trickster:
Mischief and Chaos: Lestat often plays the role of the Trickster, causing disruption and challenging societal norms. His rebellious nature and tendency to create chaos reflect this archetype.
His public Persona, the dark Shadow, the nurturing Anima, the heroic quest, the Trickster's chaos, and the journey towards the Self all contribute to his multifaceted character.
6.0 Attachment Theory:
Attachment theory, developed by John Bowlby and later expanded by Mary Ainsworth, examines how early relationships with caregivers shape an individual's patterns of attachment and behavior in later relationships.
Lestat's early life as a human was marked by complex relationships with his family, particularly his mother, Gabrielle. His father was neglectful and abusive, while his mother was more supportive but distant due to her own struggles. These early experiences likely influenced Lestat's attachment style, contributing to his complex and often tumultuous relationships later in life.
Disorganized Attachment: Lestat exhibits traits of disorganized attachment, characterized by a mix of anxious and avoidant behaviors. His relationships are marked by intense emotions, fear of abandonment, and difficulty maintaining stable bonds. This theory highlights his struggles with intimacy, fear of abandonment, and need for control.
7.0 Social Identity Theory:
This theory explores how individuals derive a sense of identity and self-esteem from their membership in social groups, and how these group dynamics influence intergroup behavior.
Social Categorization:
Vampire Identity: Lestat categorizes himself primarily as a vampire, which becomes a core aspect of his identity. This categorization distinguishes him from humans and other supernatural beings. Lestat's transformation into a vampire and his subsequent embrace of vampiric traits and behaviors mark his entry into this distinct social category. He frequently identifies himself as part of the vampire world, even when challenging its norms.
Social Identification:
Group Membership: Lestat identifies strongly with the vampire community, despite often rebelling against its rules and leaders. His identity as a vampire shapes his actions, relationships, and self-perception. Lestat’s relationships with other vampires, such as Louis, Claudia, Armand, and even ancient vampires like Akasha, reflect his deep connection to the vampire identity. His desire to understand and sometimes reshape the vampire world shows his commitment to this group.
Social Comparison:
Ingroup vs. Outgroup: Lestat often compares himself and his vampire companions to humans and other supernatural entities. This comparison reinforces his sense of superiority and uniqueness. 
His categorization as a vampire, identification with the vampire community, and comparison with humans and other vampires shape his actions and self-perception. The intragroup dynamics, including power struggles, status seeking, and identity crises, further highlight the complexities of his social identity.
8.0 Five Factor Model of Personality:
The Five-Factor Model includes five broad dimensions of personality:
Openness to Experience:
High Openness: Lestat exhibits high levels of openness. He is curious about the world, adventurous, and willing to explore new experiences, both as a vampire and in his human endeavors.
Low to Moderate Conscientiousness: Lestat demonstrates lower levels of conscientiousness. He often acts impulsively and disregards conventional norms or plans.
High Extraversion: Lestat is highly extraverted. He thrives on social interaction, enjoys being the center of attention, and is energized by engaging with others.
Low to Moderate Agreeableness: Lestat shows varying levels of agreeableness. While he can be charming and charismatic, his actions often reflect self-interest and a lack of empathy.
Moderate to High Neuroticism: Lestat exhibits moderate to high levels of neuroticism. He frequently experiences emotional turmoil, existential angst, and inner conflict.
Lestat’s personality, as analyzed through the Five-Factor Model, reveals a complex character with high openness and extraversion, but lower conscientiousness and agreeableness, alongside significant neuroticism. These traits contribute to his charismatic, adventurous, and often tumultuous nature.
In conclusion, I diagnosed Lestat with 18 mental disorders (according to DSM-V) and analyzed his personality through 8 different psychological theories. I don't necessarily say that I am right, but given the psychology degree I have, I am pretty much sure of what I have concluded here with this.
Much love,
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irisbaggins · 7 months
This episode, and the topic of rage and anger is oddly topical for me today. Specifically, another fellow student and I discussed our ADHD, and how we both, independently, sometimes trigger anger/rage on purpose to help us finish tasks. How, whilst we both don't like being angry and the loss of control that sometimes follows, it's an incredibly motivating emotion that's really useful sometimes. Especially in academic settings, when you have to sit down and write yet your brain refuses to do it. We both have done the same thing; engaged in an environment that will purposefully trigger a rage so we can be productive. Anger and rage, when utilised productively, can be an incredible motivator.
And to bring this over to Junior Year, I find Porter's speech to Gorgug in this episode (Vulture Clash) to be true. It rang incredibly true for me. Rage feels good, sometimes, but it's an incredibly useful emotion in certain situations. Yes, it can be a detriment in some, but others? It can be productive, helpful, motivating. It's also why, I think, we see such a shift in Porter's attitude as well; he was pushing Gorgug. Specifically, attempting to make Gorgug stand up for himself. The first scene in Freshman Year that occurs on campus grounds is of Gorgug being mistreated, and apologising for standing up for himself. Gorgug has a habit of trivialising the harm done to him, and of never protecting himself. By consistently attempting to needle Gorgug, Porter was - in a rather fucked up way, admittedly - attempting to challenge that part of Gorgug, to get him to fight back.
Porter, whilst being a Barbarian and loving his rage, also seems to understand what that emotions truly means. He's a multiclass! He has spells, he has things that would clash with rage! So, to hear him speak of rage as a tool, as something that can be good, when aimed at a target, it makes sense. Especially when he finally gets Gorgug to admit why he's uncomfortable with his rage.
As someone who has struggled with anger and rage their whole life, I find myself often uncomfortable with it. I see so much of myself in Gorgug and his relationship with anger, which makes this episode so important to me. Especially when I had a conversation about rage and its utility mere hours earlier. Gorgug was scared of his anger, specifically what he lost by giving into it. By being in a rage, Gorgug can't cast spells, can't help his friends protect themselves with magic or gadgets. He would only be able to protect them with his body, which has failed him before. He couldn't find the usefulness of rage, until he did. Until he was pushed into anger through the events that happened at the Fair, until he let himself be angry about Porter's treatment of him. And then, he's told that it's okay to be angry, that it's okay for him to be angry at the way he's treated. It's okay for him to be angry. Anger can be useful, but also, sometimes it's nice to be angry.
However, anger should not be your only emotion. Porter signed the MCAT, which was not only a promise he made, but I believe also a reminder of the fact. Porter approved of the Artificer classes, meaning Gorgug can multiclass into Artificer. A class he cannot - currently - use rage in. Rage is useful, another tool. Now, Gorgug needs to find the balance that is required of him.
And I for one cannot wait to see where this goes.
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ohhhhhhh my god.
hi I already adore all these characters and I can't wait to get to know them better in just three days (holy shit)
Ahlaam —
Traveler proficient in several magical disciplines
okay so we know there's different kinds of magic, even more than just the Radiance and Ahlaam's sick waterbending. I'm guessing that the Radiance could be the primary magic and the other disciplines are more secondary, maybe?
valuable leader, has more fun than all the other islanders combined, quick to help people smile
I am so glad that Ahlaam is the fun Traveler just like I'd been hoping. It also speaks to Matt's character writing skills because we get like 2 minutes with her in TGOA and that was enough to be like "oh she's a silly one" lol <3
also ayyyyyy confirmation that there are more people on Lincoln Island than just these named characters!
guiding hand, glue that holds Lincoln Island together
....I am suddenly afraid that something could happen to Ahlaam. If she's that important to the island and the Bad Guys know it, then she could be a target to try and make everyone vulnerable and weak.
Dakkar —
serious and intense, unmatched fighting spirit
oh my god I hope he's broody. if he's the opposite to Ahlaam then he's gotta be a tortured, brooding guy, right? please? he can fill the Haunted Soldier Man void AJ left behind!
chiseled by his past & anchored by time, always right here while being somewhere else
hi! 😀 what the fuck does this mean? ❤
fr tho are we going to get more time weirdness beyond just traveling through it??? is Dakkar split between time and/or space?? is that an intentional magic thing, or an invention thing, or a curse of some kind? lab accident? is he conscious of different times/places at the same time? when he's with Rose two weeks in the past, is he ALSO with the others in the present, like some sort of Traveler bridge??? is he even a traveler??? it didn't explicitly say he's a traveler???
his magic is critical to the operation & safety of the island
oh okay, so he could also be in serious danger from the Bads. gotcha. goooootcha. welp, I'm fucked, I'm already attached. Matt Dahan has so many ways to hurt me in three days, lmao. I'm lowkey scared. (Bring it on Mr. Dahan, I will make art as revenge for any and all future heartbreak. 🥰)
fiercely protective of those close to him
...Dakkar, buddy, you're not beating the AJ similarities allegations.
oh god if I wasn't already 99% certain that Morgan won't be in this episode then I would be going crazy over thinking about these two interacting. ...might go crazy over it later, just for fun.
has a knack for science and technology
and if I said Anna is hanging out in his cool traveler lab and that's where she and John reunite— /hj
if Dakkar does technology stuff, could he have created the orreries? I've had a theory that Margaret could have made them (my only evidence is the orrery in her apartment and Kal saying it's fitting that he found her while looking for an orrery) so maybe they had developed them together? idk, just a thought
also, if Ahlaam is the Fun One and Dakkar is the Serious One then I can totally see Sia as the common ground between them—more serious than Ahlaam but more lighthearted than Dakkar. and was Margaret once a part of this group? where does she fit in? OH MY GOD WHAT IF SIA TEAMED UP WITH AHLAAM AND DAKKAR AFTER SHE LOST KAL AND MARGARET???? if Kal was the fun one and Margaret was the serious one....... aough please excuse me while I scream internally for a while.
Captain Addison Arvad —
is on Lincoln Island
how????? Sia didn't know what happened to her, how long has she been here????
enthusiastic, knowledgeable, the kind of person that's used to doing ten things at once
adhd multitasking queen captain, I love her
important part of the story that unfolds for our heroes
she has a dog, Top, who works just as hard as anyone else on the island
okay, maybe Addison didn't see her captain's journal as a Wreck This Journal. maybe Top saw it as a chew toy. maybe her dog tried to eat her captain work.
if anything happens to this dog I swear to god... 😭
Searcher is a type of person with their own set of guidelines and rules
fascinated by this bit. what guidelines and rules are these? are they about morals? about how to use their magic, if they have magic at all? is it about how they engage with the world(s) and the people in it? what are the rules and guidelines for Travelers?
feeling very John Herschel in my living room right now (I have so many questions) and have I mentioned I already adore these characters???
anyway, to conclude this ramble:
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rosielav · 2 years
Rosie's Favorite (currently finished/caught up) Podcasts:
The Amelia Project - silly, quirky, morbid but almost always more jaunty and eccentric than completely dark. Great for anyone who loves 'narrator' or interview type podcasts. If I'm not mistaken, I've posted some of my thoughts on here using the pod's hashtag.
The Mistholme Museum of Mystery, Morbitity, and Mortality - another narrator type podcast, and probably my favorite of all time. The main voice you hear is perfect imo and keeps you engaged in all the right ways, bringing tension where it's needed, and levity where it's funny or odd. Absolutely consumed this podcast with a voraciousness I haven't felt for a bit. Keeps you guessing and always wanting more from every exhibit.
Victoriocity - excellent voice acting, interesting and unique premise and setting, and great plot. One of the podcasts I'm most looking forward to returning :) think steam punk but also it's the 1800s still in weird ways. If you love an old timey British accent, you'll love this haha.
The White Vault - probably my favorite specifically horror podcast, that makes you wait for answers in a craving sort of way, a longing to know what's going on, and not slogging through a bunch of filler to then get answers. It's great, gorey, geographically diverse fun. Interesting mashups of various cultures re: mythology, history, religion(?). Another on my list to watch out for the return of.
Midnight Burger: the quick pitch is - a time traveling diner that always services people in need, no matter what time, space, or dimension they may reside in. Excellent cast of characters, great development, wonderful implementation of a new character(s), and in general a very comfortable vibe to return to (speaking of, once I run out of recommendations I may relisten to this one). Highly recommend if you like sitcoms with time travel splashed with a bit of horror.
Edit: just finished up another one, so time to add it to the list!!
Monstrous Agonies: A radio show advice segment, about, by, and for the Creature Community. If you like WTNV, but find it a bit intense sometimes, or a bit too plot heavy/etc, you'll absolutely love this. Instead of the whole show, you just get the advice segment, but oh ho ho, is it so much more than that. If you're queer, BIMPOC, from a blended/mixed/broken/anything but 'typical' home... I think you'll like it. Very much what I would call 'easy listening', meaning you can just ease into an episode without having to remember a huge cast of characters, a plots b plots C plots meta plots... And it just feels *real*, in that strange and beautiful way WTNV does, but instead of a fictional town, the setting is the real world, with real problems, and real solutions. Sometimes you really do just need to howl or cry or chew on some slippers and that's OK. Highly recommend for ADHD havers or anyone with a short attention span who loves a soothing voice.
Edit: Another absolute banger to add to the list
Wooden Overcoats - how do I even properly describe the experience of this podcast. Let's start with the basics: It's the story of twins who run a funeral parlor on a small island, in a small village. Their family has been running said parlor for hundreds of years, as the only funeral directors on the island. Until one day... They aren't. A man arrives and sets up his own funeral parlor directly across the square, and boy, do things change for those twins. If you've listened to (and loved) Victoriocity, or The Amelia Project, I guarantee you'll enjoy this one. Strange, silly, and interesting things are always happening, except this one doesn't have quite as much drama (well...... Perhaps a different kind of drama. I'd call this an interpersonal dramedy, with emphasis on the comedy). An incredible listen, through and through. I thoroughly enjoyed every single episode, and the ending was quite safisfying :)
Another EXCELLENT addition to this ever increasing list of content!!! I'm not even finished with this one, I just love it so much that I can't help but add it to the list:
Mission Rejected - you know in those spy movies, where the spy gets a secret message from HQ and they say 'your mission, if you choose to accept it...' ok great. Now imagine if 007 said 'no'. This is the story about the backups, the team that takes the missions rejected by the Top Spy Guy. It's got diverse voice acting (in many senses of the word - you can tell the voices apart, it's not exclusively straight cis white dudes, etc etc), wonderful worldbuilding, great pacing, an excellent plot, I really could go on and on. I highly recommend this specific podcast to anyone who wants something light to get deeply invested in, that has a lot of comedy but also develops the characters outside of just their bits. 100/10 no notes
Edit: not sure which podcast/podcast enthusiast rb'ed this yesterday but I'm so glad more folks get to see this list!!! It makes me so happy that lots of folks enjoy this list, a d share their fave ones, and!!!! Aaaggghhhhhhhhh!!! I love podcasts and podcast enthusiasts!!!!!
Also I have another one for yall :3 if you're looking for another improv comedy to add to your list!!!
Hey Riddle Riddle - exactly what you think it is, but also so much more. Three friends/coworkers who also happen to be sensational improv comedians solve riddles and puzzles together, while also introducing bits and skits and reoccurring segments, so it never feels like 'just a Riddle podcast' (whatever that means). I have laughed every single episode, which is a big deal for me (some comedy podcasts only make me laugh every few episodes, and I require at LEAST one laugh per episode). I can genuinely say this is one of the funniest podcasts I've ever listened to, and the absolute best improv I've ever heard. I'm all for committing to the bit, and this one absolutely delivers on both the commitment part and the bit part haha. Seriously can't recommend this one enough if you maybe listen to a lot of drama/horror and need something easy to listen to (easy meaning there's not a plot you have to be intensely listening for, you can just enjoy it casually). 1000/10, please listen and also tell me YOUR favorite riddles :)
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