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brydonlaw · 14 hours
What You Should Know About Property Division in a Divorce
Navigating property division during a divorce can be a complex and emotional process. Understanding how assets are divided is crucial to protecting your interests. This guide provides an overview of what you need to know about property division in a divorce, including the difference between marital and separate property, how courts determine equitable distribution, and the impact of prenuptial agreements. Learn about factors that influence the division of assets, such as the length of the marriage, contributions of each spouse, and future financial needs. Equip yourself with the knowledge to make informed decisions and ensure a fair outcome during your divorce proceedings.
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jodianndonatolaw · 10 months
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Making an estate plan? Our East Islip estate planning attorney can help you plan for your family's future in Suffolk County, New York. For more information contact us at 631-920-3998.
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seat-safety-switch · 1 year
When you’re hungry, you shouldn’t force yourself to keep working. Our bodies have been tuned by millions of years of evolution to prioritize getting something to eat over whatever little weird thing we’re grinding out this evening in our ramshackle, corrugated-steel shed on the side of a major freeway. Don’t ignore it: go eat, and come back to the job refreshed.
I live my own advice, a habit which my attorney and parole officer suggest that I discard. When I was recently working on welding a Ford 9″ solid rear axle into the carcass of a 1968 Corvette birdhouse, so that it could accept the torque from a Triton V10 that “fell out of” a motorhome that got abandoned at the truck stop near my house, I felt hungry. And I stopped working, so I could go eat that food.
There is, of course, a problem. My ramshackle, corrugated-steel work shed is on the side of a major freeway. Although I live in a city that is becoming “walkable,” in practice that actually means that the bars nearby now serve craft beer. I still have to walk 35 minutes across two busy expressways and through a burned-out industrial yard to reach them, much less a Burger King. And let’s be honest, the car I used to get here is not taking me anywhere, until I finish working on it.
Sound familiar? I bet it does. Don’t worry. Where there’s opportunity, there’s an opportunity to make the problem worse. You see, in my shed, I have access to an old South Bend lathe. It spins really fast, and sometimes really slow, and it helps me to cut metal for, say, a replacement chunk of my control arm that fell off trying to merge onto Main Street the other day. What I don’t have access to, as I said previously, is food.
Or at least, not, like, good food. Sure, anyone can bang together a grilled cheese sandwich on a hot exhaust manifold. I was in the mood for something gourmet. Something exotic. Maybe donair, Canada’s favourite adopted food that is of indeterminate ethnic origin? The closest place for that is at my local mall, which was bulldozed into nothingness around 2018. No, I’m going to have to make it myself. From the garage deep freeze came a chunk of frozen, spiced ground beef, and I began to turn it on the lathe, slowly peeling off intricate, delicious shavings. Donair, at home: the impossible dream, and all it cost me was several thousand dollars of industrial equipment, which hopefully nobody notices is missing any time soon.
Now if only I had thought far enough ahead to buy some pitas, but hey - I’m pretty sure this sleeve of Wonder Bread from the 80s will never go bad.
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Hmm... noticed that old Phanty tends to pull this face in regards to the moon rock and his identity.
You know, that face Phoenix pulls when he's trying to force a smile and look all cool and mysterious? That one. And we all know that face is covering for some powerful emotions whenever he pulls it, even in this game.
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^in reference to rumours of attorneys forging evidence, which had ruined his career 8 years prior.
The source of said emotions is very different, but the response is pretty on-point. It's almost scary how well Phanty has the Phoenix act down to is most loaded habits... how long as he been there, just watching him and trying to get a bead on his persona?
It makes Bobby all the more sad in this light. Chances are he knew the detective down to his core and adopted all his mannerisms to near-perfection. Considering that Phoenix had nothing to do with UR-1 or Simon and he STILL managed to pull a good act tells me he is virtually invisible with enough personal interest & time invested in his mark. Which he was!
Fridge horror, everybody!
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alynnl · 1 year
My Objection. (Ace Attorney: Justice for All Ramble)
What I’m about to say is my opinion based off my gaming experience in Ace Attorney. My very biased opinion ahead.
So I have seen one opinion that have been shared by a great deal of the Ace Attorney fandom that I respectfully disagree with.
“Justice for All is one of the worst and/or weakest entries into the series.”
I have been around the internet enough to know that a great deal of the fandom doesn’t like this game as much as the others.  However, I see its value as a bridge between Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney and Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations.  And I also see the overarching themes Justice for All was going for, and acknowledge the efforts to try and show it.
It’s about grief.
Phoenix Wright experiences the apparent loss of his dearest friend Miles Edgeworth and he struggles to cope with it, being unable to even speak his name.  Maya Fey learns that her aunt Morgan was behind a conspiracy to frame her for murder and that her innocent little cousin, Pearl is the only living family she has left.  Franziska von Karma takes out her anger on Phoenix in the courtroom, finding no other way to cope with the empty void left behind by her father Manfred and adopted brother Miles than to secure an absolute victory.  Mimi Miney, Acro and Adrian Andrews all go to extremes (committing or planning to commit crimes) because they lost someone near and dear to their hearts.
It's about purpose.
Phoenix has to really think about who he is, what he's doing with his life, and why when his resolve is tested. Edgeworth states with his words and actions why he stands in the courtroom after a whole year of being absent. Franziska has to rethink her own life in the ending scenes, when she's clearly shown that there is no such thing as a flawless trial. Detective Gumshoe chooses to keep investigating the final case despite (temporarily) losing his job because that's what he feels is right.
It’s about loyalty and trust.
Gumshoe is willing to help Phoenix and Maya on all their investigations, despite being on the prosecution’s side.  Maya trusts Phoenix both times she ends up in trouble. Phoenix trusts the advice of his mentor, Mia as she speaks through Maya and Pearl.  It’s a small moment, but Gumshoe is the first person Edgeworth speaks to, letting the detective know he’s alive and he’s been watching the events that play out in court from a distance.  There’s a major moment where Phoenix meets Edgeworth outside the courtroom, and they cooperate inside of court to make the trial as long as possible to help Maya when she’s taken hostage. Even Franziska comes through for Phoenix and Edgeworth when all seems lost, and they trust that she has brought important evidence to court to truly turn the trial around.
With themes like these (and possibly others I may have overlooked, as I am going completely by memory), I can say that Justice for All is a solid entry in the Ace Attorney series. It shows character and relationship development that was interesting and made sense for the situations the cast was faced with. It was a great story to follow in my first play through of it, and I'm actually curious to see how well it holds up in a later replay where I know all the plot twists.
If you read this far, thank you for hearing me out. What was about to be a rant of fiery passion turned into my gushing about just one part of my newest gaming obsession. I will probably have many more thoughts going forward, since Ace Attorney's writing lends itself to that so well!
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Hey everyone! I don’t have a large post besides this as much as I’d like to since both Geniequestria and Earnest Empathetic Change are already big projects on their own. But thought I’d commemorate today’s date for 10 years ago today I Dream of Twilight Sparke/Ask Genie Twilight began! I’ve had a wonderful time hosting all the genie pony stuff I’ve done in the past 10 years and wanted to give a good look back. 
2012 was the humble beginning back when the blog was mostly just another of the “What if [insert character] was an X” which was pretty common at that time. But as you can see, definitely expanded since then into it’s full alternate universe with additional lore to fill in some holes that the original show never filled. The origin story that started just a month after the blog’s beginning actually proved to be pretty core to later stories and direction the blog went in.
2013 was where I began to get my feet wet in the community working with other blogs and meeting new friends. Navitas and I working together on a crossover (And some crossovers entirely done by me, and approved by him later) between my Genie Twilight and his own along with a genie Trixie. I still have Navitas friended on Steam, but he seems to have definitely long retired from active art life. I miss having him around actively, but I won’t forget the memories I had with him originally. It’s too bad Twixie Genies isn’t archived on Tumblr. Though I believe most of it can still be found on Derpibooru anyway. There was also the Twibrary, though tbh it didn’t really get too far in what some of the others wanted to do. And around 9 years ago, was when I unveiled a direction that would stay even till’ now. With Twilight adopting Spike officially as her son. This was also of course the year of the much controversial Season 3
2014 mostly went into Season 4 back when Alicorn Twilight was new and the most controversial thing in the fandom heh. But Season 4 did end up being my favorite season of the show. And Twilight’s Kingdom still to this day is my favorite episode of the whole show
2015 had the bulk of Return to Saddle Arabia which was a precursor to the more story-oriented updates I would later have with SOTDT and onwards. It also gave Spike a permanent scar as to differentiate him from any other Spike along with the introduction of the Dragon Tear which would get further expanded on 5 years later. Season 5 also had a fair share of some of my favorite episode responses to do. Including an Ace Attorney spoof.
2016 was where I decided to want to expand to a few more genie stories other then Genie Twilight. So I created some alternate scenarios where it was Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash that got genified instead of Twilight. And put them together on a sideblog for more Genie fun. This was also sort of a collar project with other people who did genie pony stuff. Although I’m the only one left still active on Tumblr as they all stopped for their own reasons it seems. This year also of course having Season 6, the season I still am sort of at best lukewarm towards it out of any of the seasons. Though there are some things I appreciate more now then I did back then.
2017, 2018, and 2019 largely were more about just waiting for the episode responses of the final 3 seasons. The ones where Twilight Velvet/Twilight’s Mom (For Season 7) and Scootaloo wished she could transform into a sea pony (For Season 8) at will still rank among some of my favorites and it’s why they’re featured for that year. Seapony Scootaloo even got factored into the future featured in EEC. Things dis get winding down near the end, as I even stopped doing episode responses for every episode if I had no idea how to respond. There’s still at least one or a few Season 8 episodes I never made a response for, and I think most of Season 9 I never have either (And for the most part probably never will. Not out of disdain for Season 9 or anything, in fact I think I found Season 9 largely ok and I was satisfied with the finale. But it was hard to have any real idea to respond to them for most episodes.)
2020’s a bit cheating since for most of the year I did nothing as a certain… pandemic, a stressful election, and everything that went on the year just couldn’t allow me to focus on even hobbies such as my ask blogs. I was too worried about if my family and/or myself were going to get terribly sick from the virus. Though once it was late in the year, things settled down enough for me to start perhaps the biggest story for the blog yet: Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear that was meant to be a culmination of the events of the 9 Seasons with both past and new lore filling in some of the holes the show left over for the IDOTS universe. The story still has a major impact to this day, as much of the focus has shifted onto Starlight Glimmer. Thanks to SOTDT, I really wanted to expand on her as much as I possibly can. Turning a character I was once very lukewarm about, into practically my muse for continuing not just IDOTS but the project that was started the very next year…
2021 also largely followed-up with many comics and mini-stories following after SOTDT (especially Pinkie Pear Pie and Starlight's Sisterly Simulation), but it was also largely beginning of what��s sure to be the largest genie pony project ever by the time it ends. Geniequestria, a blog that definitely ups the ante in terms of rating on either of my past genie blogs. Geniequestria is not meant for the same exact audience that IDOTS was for, it’s much more niche but so much more fun if like me you’re a fan of ponies and have had an interest in genies for years. Where as IDOTS is generally only one pony is a genie, and is meant to be more in line with the show’s tone (Though sometimes going to dark stories the show would never touch. But otherwise…). Could also be enjoyable if you ever were a fan of the Season 5 Starlight, having her become a powerful genie to really relish into her villainous side that while we certainly all remember, it didn't not really last that long in retrospect. It’s a project that I brainstormed heavily started with Creamsicle Delight, and have gotten wonderful help from both NovaSpark and TailMaker. And can’t wait to progress further and further for what I have in store for that blog.
2022 continued Geniequestria, but also the beginning of another big story (Though I’m not really sure it will be as big as SOTDT in the end. Though the way it’s structured it will take longer to get to the end then SOTDT did. Since I’m working on Geniequestria at the same time). Earnest Empathetic Change will have some stuff I’m looking forward to share with you guys as I get to each chapter. And I’ll thank NovaSpark once again for being a huge help with it. EEC may also be the final big story for IDOTS as when it’s over I’m not sure there will be much to really continue. I’m not saying EEC will be the finale of IDOTS. But, when it’s over it’s probably a fair warning that besides potentially new asks. Much of the production may focus on Geniequestria specifically as after EEC, the only other story that may come about. Is whatever I decide to do to end I Dream of Twilight Sparkle whenever that day comes. I hope I get to a day that I feel like I’ve truly finished IDOTS the way I want to. Though there is certainly some directions I still want to take it.
And with that, that’s my brief overview of this decade of Genie ponies. Thanks to everybody who’s followed, liked, replied, sent asks, etc. over the years and I’m glad I still have people around that are interested in my little circle of the internet. And as mentioned on the bottom, I’m not done yet. Even with IDOTS possibly almost done, there will be so much to do on Geniequestria. It’s very possible I won’t even be quite done with all I want to do Genie pony wise in 2025. Eventually it’ll all come to an end as all things do, but as long as I have a story I want to tell and life doesn’t get too much in the way. I’ll keep going! Thank you all ^^
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calliemontgomery · 5 months
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NAME: Calliope "Callie" Victoria Montgomery
AGE: 36
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Female. She/her.
SEXUALITY/STATUS: Heterosexual. | Single.
OCCUPATION: District Attorney
BIRTHDAY: December 28th, 1987
HOMETOWN: Los Angeles, California.
NEIGHBORHOOD: Riverfoak Farms
FACECLAIM: Candice Patton
Born via surrogate, along with her twin brother, Samuel.
Both parents are very successful. Her mother a model, and figurehead. Her father award wining surgeon.
Despite growing up in LA, Covintgon was like a second home to the twins, as that was where their grandparents lived.
Her mother wanted a mini-me for a daughter, one who would love the glitz and glam of Hollywood, instead, she got a girl who wanted to be be successful more like her father.
Only Callie hadn't realized that until a traumatic turn of events took place when she was 15. After a party with her best friend, Harper, they decided to walk home; but they would both be kidnapped.
They were missing for 4 days. Harper would end up killed, while Callie was rescued.
This was extremely traumatic for the young girl, yet, she seemed to bounce back a little too fast. Some would say she never truly dealt with that trauma. It would get worst when the man who kidnapped them would end up free, due to a mistrial.
This is the turning point in which Callie knew she wanted to go into law. Finishing high school, she'd go on to college and law school, topping her classes.
After law school, Callie would move to Covington for good, to be near her brother and his wife.
At 33, she would find herself landing the position of DA. For years she was all work, and very little play. So, it was a surprise that within the same year as her promotion, she'd find that she was pregnant.
in 2019, she gave birth to her daughter, who she named Harper, after her late friend, and Rose after her grandmother.
In 2021, she would adopt a mainecoone cat that she named Stormy.
Despite being married to her work, and a single mother, she manages to keep up both ends rather well. Of course with help of her brother, and his wife, and occasionally her parents. Which she is extremely grateful for.
FRIENDS/FRIENDLY RELATIONSHIP: Despite being a work horse, she is still a rather cool person to hang around. With becoming a mom, on top of her job, it did shorten her free time even more. But her brother does try to get her to go out and have some kind of social life. Or at least, just give her a break. This could be coffee friends, work out friends, even mom friends.
ENEMIES/I DON’T REALLY LIKE YOU: Not everyone likes everyone.
EXES/FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS/HOOK UPS (M/NB): Despite really not having time for relationships, she somehow manages to have a long list of ex-lovers. Very few serious. Most hook ups, as she has needs, and she likes them met. She does have a handful of exes that was serious, and it could've ended badly on either side to be honest. Or well. She definitely dated more freely in college.
BABY DADDY: To be honest, I don't assume she actually knows who her daughter's dad is. In my head, she had slept with two different men around the time she got pregnant. Instead of really figuring out who it was, she kinda just told them both that the other one was the dad. And they went with it. She always knew she wanted to be a mom, and she always figured she'd do it on her own. This way just saved her a trip to the bank. (Even tho deep down, she would love nothing more then the whole fairy tale love story. But she is a realistic, and her career comes before a relationship.)
COWORKERS: Anyone who works in law, cops, lawyers, etc, would very likely know of Callie Montgomery. Rather it's friendly or not, is up for debate.
CLIENTS: Anyone who's been in legal trouble.
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madlori · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
From Buddie fic in progress, “Geologic Time Is Now.” This bitch is up to 20K already and I’m nowhere near done.
quick summary: Buck and Eddie decide to become platonic life partners. Hijinks ensue. Spoilers: they fall in love. Eventually.
[scene: buck is having lunch with some new racquetball friends.]
“But you said you have a son together?” Marcus asked.
“Yeah,” Buck said, smiling as he always did when he thought of Christopher. “We have a twelve year old son, Christopher. Eddie is his biological dad, I adopted him a year ago. We’re talking about having more kids, too.”
“Oh wow, so you are really, like seriously, official partners,” Ethan said. “I’m fascinated by this.”
“Yep, we’re legal domestic partners, power of attorney, life insurance, all the bells and whistles. It’s been about a year now, although I was practically living with them well before that. It’s pretty great. We share all the chores and the cooking, and take care of Christopher. And it’s just like…one long sleepover. We watch the game and take Chris places and work on our house and weed the garden and well…it’s pretty normal stuff.”
“But you’re both straight? Do you still date women?”
“We are and we could, although honestly…it doesn’t feel all that urgent. I could meet someone for a casual thing if I wanted to, but I’m committed to Eddie as a life partner. I’m not interested in meeting a woman who’s looking for something long-term. I won’t risk what I have.” He pulled up his favorite photo, taken by Hen. It was him and Eddie and Christopher at their adoption court date. Christopher was holding their certificate and grinning, Buck and Eddie on either side of him, all of them hugging each other. He showed it to the guys. “That’s my family,” he said, beaming. “He’s Dad, I’m Papa.”
Marcus grinned. “That’s sweet. Wow, your partner is…um, yes, that’s a guy who looks like that.”
“So let me get this straight,” Neil said. “You live with your best friend, co-parent his kid…sorry, your kid…hang out at your house, cooperate on all the life tasks, chill out together, and do fun stuff? And you can still see women and it’s all fine?”
“I mean…basically, yeah?” Buck said.
“Damn,” Marcus said. “That sounds awesome. Hey, I want a bro-husband!”
The others burst into laughter. “Wait, a…a brusband? Bro-band?”
“A HUSBRO!” Ethan cried, triumphantly.
“Oh my God, stop,” Buck said, clutching his stomach. “I’m going to tell him you said that. He was in the Army, he’ll show up and kick your ass.”
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myulalie · 1 year
Tagged by @sterekxhale who LEFT ME HANGING WITH A DAMN GOOD SNIPPET. I unfortunately only have an outline to show for myself today. It's a Sterek - No Hale Fire AU, here are some highlights:
Stiles has a complicated relationship with Jackson, they used to get along as the local attorney and sheriff’s sons, but after Jackson found out he was adopted and Stiles lost his mother, things got ugly. Jackson’s anger issues resulted in a lot of bullying and Stiles’ depression made him the perfect target.
Then, Lydia happened, the last nail in the coffin.
They were both love struck with her strawberry scented pen, long hair and haughty looks. The fact that she outsmarted them in class and in games only made it better, but Jackson always had a head start: as the lacrosse team captain, he earned Lydia’s favors in ways Stiles could never hope to achieve.
Okay so maybe Stiles brought some of the bullying on himself by trying random pickup lines on Lydia while within Jackson’s earshot.
Later that day Stiles and Scott happen to sit near Jackson, Lydia and their entourage in the school library. Lydia sits on Jackson’s lap and the jocks are messing around with a lacrosse ball, passing it over the table, which both disrupts Stiles’ hard earned focus and drives Scott mad with jealousy as he’s still on the bench in the team and has no hope of playing on the field outside of practice with his asthma.
Stiles lets out an exploding sigh and stands up, saying that he’ll go study at the magic shop instead where it’s quiet.
Tagging (if you feel up to it): @polarnachtsblog, @1lostone, @countessrivers, @junemermaid and anyone else interested!
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OC ask for all ur gals, #22-brief history. So that folks can get an intro!
Okay! 22. Give us a (brief, or not) history lesson of your OC(s)
Let me get the uh...the spreadsheet up...
Mercy: Mercy Rose (Bishop) Hamilton, born on 08/02/49 in Florida. She moved to the Boston area after meeting Nathaniel Joseph Hamilton and he finished with his military service. She started out as a defense attorney in a fairly large firm, but left because the partners were a bunch of "jackasses." She started her own firm and would take cases pro-bono to help "the little guy" beat "big old bullies." This tenacity and stubborn streak would aid her well when she woke-up in Vault 111 after Nate was killed and Shaun taken. Despite being a tiny burning torch of rage and grief, she's dedicated herself to finding a way to track down her husband's killers while also forging a home in the Commonwealth and she's not going to let anybody stand in her way to track down her son (pro-tip, she's Highly Disappointed in who and what Shaun became). She eventually falls in love with MacCready, Deacon, and Jake Evans - cobbling together an unorthodox relationship that somehow works - even if Mac never stops bossing people, Jake leaves tools everywhere, and Deacon has the gravitas of a 2 year old.
Sparrow "Emma" Williams: Born 01/03/2269, is 19 when you first meet her. She was born somewhere in Massachusetts, but not in the Boston Commonwealth area. Her parents were farmers on a decently prosperous farm and she was the oldest of three children. When she was 11, slavers attacked the farm. They killed her father, tortured her mother, and ripped her younger brother and sister out of her hands. She got away, but not before she was shot. A neighboring farm took her in as little more than slave labor. She stayed until well enough to travel, moving from farm to farm as she grew older, till she heard of Diamond City. The Great Green Jewel sounded like the best place for an illiterate 14 year old who needed work, so she managed to make her way there. Unfortunately, at 16, the Institute paranoia began to run over into Piper's writings, and Emma - who is so pale she's almost an albino, around 4'9" tall, malnourished, and barely talks - caught the eye of the locals. Convinced she was an Institute plant, they drove her from the city, several men holding her down and branding her so she couldn't Hide The Truth. She fled into the Commonwealth and hid, making do with scavving and living off of what she could steal. When Mercy started setting up settlements, transplants from Diamond City saw her and spread the word that she was Institute. A bounty (that hit 600 caps) for her dead or alive was issued - and Mercy didn't know about it. Fortunately for Emma, she ran into a helping hand - Canary aka Grace Williams. Canary and her partner, Birdie, adopted Emma - who renamed herself Sparrow. She now does work for the Railroad and Mercy. She's dating a synth named Bean and a member of the Railroad, Darcy (Coyote). Francesca "Frankie" Warren is 23 (I haven't gotten her birthdate down yet) and is part of the local band, Cora and the Wailers. The band plays in Annie's Tavern in Jamaica Plains and is one of the biggest draws to the burgeoning town. She grew up near the Dallas/Ft. Worth Crater in Texas, the only child to the High Priest and his Wife of a Fundamentalist Christian Children of Atom cult. The cult believes that Atom is the return of Jesus and true believers will allow themselves to show their belief through division. Frankie was raised to become the wife of her father's second-in-command's oldest - who was only 14 years older than her (blech). When she turned 14, she stole money from the church lockbox and hightailed it West to California where she became a stripper, taught herself to play more than just the banjo and clarinet (she also plays the guitar and trumpet) and joined Cora's band. The band started heading East, hit the Commonwealth, heard about Jamaica Plains - and well, settled in (in the SWAMP as Frankie likes to moan). She's a fiesty 4'10" of blonde hair and big brown eyes that will beat you with a big old stick. She met a "hot" ghoul (she's the first to admit that Beau is one gnarly looking dude - but that man is FIRE) and fell in love...hard. Her and Beau will be heading back West to Texas to rescue her baby sister...that she just found out about when her Daddy showed up to abduct her and drag her back to Texas. Let's just say that Beau's sweet and a gentleman - till you hurt Frankie...and then some of who he used to be comes out to play.
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brydonlaw · 2 days
How to Choose the Right Estate Planning Attorney in Jefferson City
Choosing the right estate planning attorney in Jefferson City is crucial to ensure that your assets are managed and distributed according to your wishes. Brydon, Swearengen & England P.C. offers a variety of representation for estate planning, elder law and conservator/guardianship matters in Jefferson City and the surrounding Missouri region. The firm’s estate planning lawyers work with clients to clarify their unique circumstances, goals, and requirements and then recommend a course that will enable them to effectively and efficiently plan for the future. Visit our website today!
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timeskip · 2 years
Well! I finished Ace Attorney: Investigations 1!! What a wild ride.
(Here’s my thoughts from before I started the final case)
As for my CURRENT thoughts on the game, I really liked it overall!! I thought a lot of the stuff it did with the Yatagarasu was REALLY great, I love Kay, and Lang endeared himself to me by the end lol. I like how he’s like. intensely gay and mean but also he cares a lot about his “pack.” Talk about an alpha male. AND KAY IS SO. She’s so silly she’s just trying her best. She really adopted Edgeworth as her dad. And he keeps telling her not to commit crimes but she wants to do crime so so SO bad.
But my FAVORITE part of AAI was Edgeworth’s thoughts on justice and truth. Obviously it relates to his past with Manfred von Karma and how he was taught to be a prosecutor, but also the way he forms his own identity and realizes that some people are above the law, but he still believes that the truth has to come out and stop them. I think it forms a great parallel of sorts to Phoenix in AA4, if that makes any sense. Like, themes of using evidence you’re not supposed to use, how you have to break the rules to win... But also changing the game for the truth.
Also, I think it’s hilarious that it takes place over the course of like, three days tops, and Edgeworth finds what, four or five dead bodies in that time? What bad luck.
A few more spoilery things under the cut
My least favorite thing about the last case was how LONG it took to get Alba. Like it was just over and over and over him denying anything. It wasn’t fun!!! But I understand why they wrote it like that. They needed him to be confident, for him to be a foe who’s near-impossible to take down. But by the time they showed the THIRD contrivance that SUDDENLY gave them more evidence when ALL HOPE SEEMED LOST!!! I felt exhausted. And then it just KEPT. HAPPENING.
Worth it for Edgeworth going “what would [Phoenix Wright] do? Someone who can turn around any situation...” though!!! I loved that!!!
My big issue I guess is that while I was VERY interested in the Yatagarasu case, and how Callisto Yew BECAME SHIH-NA and FUCKED EVERYTHING UP, it felt like the smuggling thing was important, but wasn’t, like, EMOTIONALLY important to me. So while Alba getting caught is a win, I definitely think it took too long, because the big emotional climax for me was Yew getting caught and the GUN BEING HELD TO KAY’S HEAD. Literally so cool.
Still!!! Overall very cool!!!
Also Franziska’s presence in the game is perfect thank you Franziska for being there and being condescending to your “subordinate” Edgeworth.
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davislawsc · 1 year
Business Name: Davis Law Group
Street Address: 143 Ware St.
City: Greenville
State: South Carolina (SC)
Zip Code: 29601
Country: United States
Business Phone Number: (864) 999-2019
Business Email Address: [email protected]
Website: https://davis.law/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davislawgroupsc/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/davis.law.group/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/davislawgroup1
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDJoPd_1hpolRJBpgsWKPcA
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Description: Davis Law Group in Greenville, SC, is devoted to helping injury victims. In practice since 1984, Attorneys Ric Davis and Will Davis bring a high level of compassion to all kinds of personal injury cases. Our Greenville personal injury lawyers and workers' compensation attorneys legal skills help South Carolina residents who have been injured through no fault of their own in car accidents, truck accidents, worker’s compensation claims, slip and fall accidents, and nursing home abuse. In addition to personal injury cases, Davis Law Group has family law attorneys and divorce lawyers whose experience and knowledge help residents with family law issues such as alimony, child support, child custody and visitation, parental rights, and divorce.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=12575197353009119323
Business Hours: Sunday Closed Monday 9:00AM-5:00PM Tuesday 9:00AM-5:00PM Wednesday 9:00AM-5:00PM Thursday 9:00AM-5:00PM Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM Saturday Closed
Services: Camp Lejeune Injuries, Workers' Compensation, Property Damage, Nursing Home Abuse, Insurance Dispute, Dangerous Drugs, Personal Injury, Slip & Fall, Truck Accident, Auto Accidents, Family Law, Divorce, Custody, Mediation & Co-Counsel, Child Support, Alimony, Auto accident litigation, Catastrophic injury litigation, Medical malpractice litigation, Motorist insurance claims litigation, Pedestrian accident litigation, Product liability litigation, Property damage litigation, Slip & fall injury litigation, Truck accident litigation, Workers' compensation litigation, Aggressive Representation, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Auto Insurance, Bad Faith Insurance, Bad Faith Litigation, Child Support, Civil Litigation Law, Commercial Transactions, Complex Personal Injury, Dangerous Drugs, Dispute Attorney, Dispute Lawyers, Divorce Agreement, Family Courts, Family Law Attorneys, Family Law Disputes, Family Matters, Free Legal Consultation, Home Attorney, Homeowners Insurance, Insurance Coverage Disputes, Insurance Litigation, Law Insurance, Legal Advice, Legal Assistance, Legal Counsel, Legal Separation, Life Insurance, Mediation Services, Medical Insurance, Medical Treatment, Nursing Home Neglect, Property Damage, Slip & Fall, Spousal Maintenance, Spousal Support, Truck Accidents, Work-Related Injuries, Workers' Comp Lawyer, Workers' Compensation Cases, Workers’ Comp Claim, Workers’ Compensation Act, Workers’ Compensation Claims, Workers’ Compensation Laws, Workers’ Compensation Lawyers, Drug Cases, Elder Abuse, Experienced Personal Injury Lawyer, Free Initial Consultation, Identity Theft, Insurance Dispute Attorney, Insurance Dispute Lawyers, Mental Abuse, Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers, Personal Injury Claim, Punitive Damages, Sexual Abuse, Step-Parent Adoption, Trial Lawyers, Workers’ Comp Lawyer
Keywords: greenville family law, family law attorney, greenville divorce lawyer, divorce attorney, custody lawyer, Greenville workers compensation lawyer, workers comp lawyer, alimony in south carolina, personal injury lawyer in greenville sc, car accident lawyer, truck accident lawyer, workers compensation lawyer, slip and fall lawyer, workers compensation lawyer near me, nursing home abuse lawyer, insurance dispute lawyers, personal injury lawyer near me, personal injury attorney near me, car accident lawyer near me, car accident attorney near me
Payment Method: Cash Debit Card Visa Master Amex Discover
Owner Name, Email, and Contact Number: Ric Davis, [email protected], (864) 999-2019
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solarstarmarveldc · 1 year
❝But Me? I Could Keep This Up All Night.❞
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Dionne Alexandria Bryant-Chachere, also known as Solarstar, is an incredibly powerful and privileged Mutant/Kree Hybrid of Haitian descent. She is one of the founding and original members of the original X-Men. She is a Mutant/Kree hybrid who is able to manipulate the sun and stars and moon. Inheriting her mother's mutant abilities of solar and stellar manipulation, she adopted the name Solarstar. She is the daughter of the famous superheroes due, Solarman and Starwoman and is older sister to her twin brother and sister, Jean Pierre Saint Bryant-Chachere and Solana Giselle Bryant-Chachere.
She is a French-Haitian American aristocratic blue-blooded coffee heiress and socialite, hailing from one of the wealthiest and more elite families in Haiti. Both of her parents are both from extremely wealthy old-moneyed Black-Caribbean families who have been wealthy since the eighteenth century.
Born with an impeccable sense of fashion, as well as skill with vintage brands and couture fittings. solar and psychic powers, and an inherent belief that she is better than everyone. She along with her childhood friend and husband, Warren Kenneth Worthington III often use their wealth to fund the Original X-Men Team.
Dionne is a former supermodel and then a successful corporate attorney then defense attorney and human rights attorney with a multicultural aristocratic and blue-blooded upbringing. She has extensive legal education, and she graduated at the very top of her class from the world's most prestigious universities, earning honors like valedictorian and graduating summa cum laude. She graduated from Yale, Harvard, Princeton and Columbia, Oxford University, Brown University, Vanderbilt University, New York University, Dartmouth College, University of California, Los Angeles, and the University of Paris and Georgetown University. She is a crisis manager who runs her own law firm and that specializes in "fixing" political situations and scandals and helping other mutants.
She has a Master's degree in Legal Studies and a Master's degree in Journalism, Political Science and Criminal Law and a minor in Art History and French history and Ph.D. In Law and Political Science and Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Fine Arts and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Government.
When Professor Charles Francis Xavier opened a school for mutants to prepare his students to carry on his dream of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans, Dionne was enrolled as the last student of his first class and the class consisted of her best friend Jean Elaine Grey, Scott Summers, Henry Philip "Hank" McCoy and Robert Louis "Bobby" Drake, Warren Kenneth Worthington III. As Stargirl, she became one of the original X-Men, a group that fights for a world that hates and fears mutants. With the X-Men, Solarstar has had the opportunity to explore the universe in unexpected ways, rising to prominence in the group and displaying herself as a loyal and powerful member of the X-Men.
Her challenging experiences like the death of her and Warren’s beloved daughter, Estelle Worthington have led her to connect with herself and soul she had never believed to possess. She touts herself as a near-perfect mutant specimen with a wide range of powers and talents. She remains a prominent figure in the X-Men and the thriving mutant society, influencing economic, cultural, and diplomatic affairs between mutants and humans.
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Dionne Alexandria Bryant-Chachere is an Omega-level Mutant/Kree hybrid, who is able to control the solar and stellar energy, an ability that she has inherited from her mother. Her mutant abilities are a unique combination of her mother’s mutant and her father’s Kree DNA. Solarstar physiology is a combination of the strengths of both species, resulting in a range of superhuman abilities that make her an incredibly powerful and versatile being.
Descended from a long and ancient line of Haitian mutant witches. Solarstar is a mutant of magical birthright. This means that she was born with the inherent ability to manipulate magic.
With her unique hybrid physiology, Solarstar is a superhuman in essentially all aspects, possessing an immense amount of strength and physical attributes that far surpass those of any normal human being. She possesses vast superhuman abilities, including strength, speed, stamina, durability, agility and reflexes, enhanced vision and invulnerability, heat vision, freeze and wind breath.
Her superhuman strength is capable of lifting automobiles, boulders, and other massive objects with ease. Her strength is near limitless, and she is capable of lifting far in excess of one billion tons. She is a mutant with vast empathic and telepathic and telekinetic abilities. She can read the mind of any sentient being without difficulty, including the subconscious mind, and can even scan the minds of every person on Earth in a matter of moments. The only minds that can cause her trouble are those that are insane. As a telekinetic, Solarstar is capable of very fine control over objects, down to the molecular and even subatomic levels.
Solarstar is a powerful manipulator of solar/stellar energy. Her abilities allow her to absorb and manipulate various forms of energy, including solar energy and electromagnetic fields. Her inherent raw power and potential have been stated to be nigh-infinite, or even incalculable. Solarstar's hybrid physiology is a combination of Mutant and extraterrestrial DNA, giving her a unique set of abilities that make her an incredibly powerful and versatile being.
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goldnewsblog · 11 days
Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Image courtesy of Chelmsford Planning BoardResponding to the MBTA Communities law requiring suburbs to loosen restrictions on multifamily development, the Chelmsford Planning Board adopted a strategy specifically to minimize additional housing development.Board members reassured an overflow crowd of residents that they ruled out parcels that could accommodate a large development, including a 21-acre office park owned by The Davis Cos. near the junction of Routes 3 and 495.“If the state is telling me to do something, I’m going to comply, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy to develop,” Planning Board member Annita Tanini said at the Feb. 28 public hearing. “It’s making as many barriers to entry as possible.”Instead of rezoning vacant parcels that could accommodate housing projects, the board recommended a section of Route 110 already built out with condominium complexes under individual ownership.The board also recommends rezoning the former University of Lowell-Massachusetts West campus, where developer Trammell Crow already has begun construction of a 340-unit housing development .“We also wanted to look at areas that were already highly developed,” board member Chris Lavallee told residents at the hearing, which was continued until March 13. “The reason why is because the likelihood of them being developed in the short term is extremely low.”As an MBTA-adjacent community located next to commuter rail-served Lowell and Billerica, Chelmsford is required to rezone at least 50 acres where multifamily housing is allowed by-right to allow potential creation of 1,477 housing units, representing 10 percent of its existing housing stock.The board estimates only 787 housing units could be built under the rezoning plan they’re recommending, subject to a Town Meeting vote this spring.Still, the board’s strategy generated a backlash at the Feb. 28 hearing. Some residents urged the town to defy the state-mandated rezoning, citing the town of Milton’s recent referendum to overturn its own MBTA zoning law. Some condominium owners said they fear their property values will be diminished, or even taken by eminent domain by the state to build affordable housing.The Davis Companies owns four parcels at 191, 195, 199 and 201 Riverneck Road spanning 21 acres that are part of the former Mercury Systems campus, including a pair of vacant office buildings and vacant land. Lavallee told residents that the Boston developer reached out to the town asking that the properties be included in an MBTA Communities zoning district.“If we zoned areas that are open areas or undeveloped and underutilized, like Riverneck Road, those areas are likely to be developed in the short term,” Lavallee said. “We didn’t want that.”The state Executive Office of Housing and Liveable Communities is responsible for reviewing and approving rezoning plans for 130 cities and towns including Chelmsford that face a Dec. 31 deadline to submit plans complying with the MBTA Communities law. The office did not respond to a message seeking comment on Chelmsford’s proposal.Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell filed suit against Milton after its referendum rejected a rezoning plan approved a Town Meeting last fall.The board’s guidelines for developments in the new zones are designed to encourage low-density development, including maximum 3-story building heights, maximum 200-foot building lengths and a maximum 24 units per building.Planning Board members cited concerns about overdevelopment and additional educational costs in pursuing a strategy that responds to the letter of the MBTA Communities law, if not the spirit.Nearly 83 percent of Chelmsford’s housing inventory consists of owner-occupied housing units, according to U.S. census figures. The town’s median single-family home sales price in January was $578,500, according to data compiled by The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman.
Chelmsford ‘Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning #Chelmsford #Making #Barriers #MBTA #ZoningSource Link: https://bankerandtradesman.com/chelmsford-making-as-many-barriers-as-possible-to-mbta-zoning/ Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Global
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staruniversalnews · 11 days
Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Image courtesy of Chelmsford Planning BoardResponding to the MBTA Communities law requiring suburbs to loosen restrictions on multifamily development, the Chelmsford Planning Board adopted a strategy specifically to minimize additional housing development.Board members reassured an overflow crowd of residents that they ruled out parcels that could accommodate a large development, including a 21-acre office park owned by The Davis Cos. near the junction of Routes 3 and 495.“If the state is telling me to do something, I’m going to comply, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to make it easy to develop,” Planning Board member Annita Tanini said at the Feb. 28 public hearing. “It’s making as many barriers to entry as possible.”Instead of rezoning vacant parcels that could accommodate housing projects, the board recommended a section of Route 110 already built out with condominium complexes under individual ownership.The board also recommends rezoning the former University of Lowell-Massachusetts West campus, where developer Trammell Crow already has begun construction of a 340-unit housing development .“We also wanted to look at areas that were already highly developed,” board member Chris Lavallee told residents at the hearing, which was continued until March 13. “The reason why is because the likelihood of them being developed in the short term is extremely low.”As an MBTA-adjacent community located next to commuter rail-served Lowell and Billerica, Chelmsford is required to rezone at least 50 acres where multifamily housing is allowed by-right to allow potential creation of 1,477 housing units, representing 10 percent of its existing housing stock.The board estimates only 787 housing units could be built under the rezoning plan they’re recommending, subject to a Town Meeting vote this spring.Still, the board’s strategy generated a backlash at the Feb. 28 hearing. Some residents urged the town to defy the state-mandated rezoning, citing the town of Milton’s recent referendum to overturn its own MBTA zoning law. Some condominium owners said they fear their property values will be diminished, or even taken by eminent domain by the state to build affordable housing.The Davis Companies owns four parcels at 191, 195, 199 and 201 Riverneck Road spanning 21 acres that are part of the former Mercury Systems campus, including a pair of vacant office buildings and vacant land. Lavallee told residents that the Boston developer reached out to the town asking that the properties be included in an MBTA Communities zoning district.“If we zoned areas that are open areas or undeveloped and underutilized, like Riverneck Road, those areas are likely to be developed in the short term,” Lavallee said. “We didn’t want that.”The state Executive Office of Housing and Liveable Communities is responsible for reviewing and approving rezoning plans for 130 cities and towns including Chelmsford that face a Dec. 31 deadline to submit plans complying with the MBTA Communities law. The office did not respond to a message seeking comment on Chelmsford’s proposal.Massachusetts Attorney General Andrea Campbell filed suit against Milton after its referendum rejected a rezoning plan approved a Town Meeting last fall.The board’s guidelines for developments in the new zones are designed to encourage low-density development, including maximum 3-story building heights, maximum 200-foot building lengths and a maximum 24 units per building.Planning Board members cited concerns about overdevelopment and additional educational costs in pursuing a strategy that responds to the letter of the MBTA Communities law, if not the spirit.Nearly 83 percent of Chelmsford’s housing inventory consists of owner-occupied housing units, according to U.S. census figures. The town’s median single-family home sales price in January was $578,500, according to data compiled by The Warren Group, publisher of Banker & Tradesman.
Chelmsford ‘Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning #Chelmsford #Making #Barriers #MBTA #ZoningSource Link: https://bankerandtradesman.com/chelmsford-making-as-many-barriers-as-possible-to-mbta-zoning/ Chelmsford 'Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Chelmsford ‘Making as Many Barriers’ as Possible to MBTA Zoning Image courtesy of Chelmsford Planning Board Responding to the MBTA Communities law requiring suburbs to loosen restrictions on multifamily development, the Chelmsford Planning Board adopted a strategy specifically to minimize additional housing development. Board members reassured an overflow crowd of residents that they ruled out … Read More
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