#adrinette playlist
btiessmau · 2 years
Hey guys... I made an Adrinette playlist.. 👉👈
Adrinette Playlist  
Adrinette Playlist
I’m making playlists for every ship on the love square (and probably I’ll do for other ml ships) :)
I might add more songs! If I find new ones that I think fit Adrinette.
Hope you guys like it! I’m new to making playlists haha  😅
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anna-scribbles · 4 months
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inspired by recent events from my sister’s actual real life
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
Liquid State
Part 2
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Underclass hero - Part 2
For Hart @hartwign @neumannhartwig Because music resonates with our artistic energy and is the source of our inspiration.
One day ahead on the @adrinetteapril but... whatever...
Original sketch
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...inspired by Muse
The only Muse song the Re-Verse would ever dare to listen to. One of my guilty pleasures is listening to Chris' voice (he only has two songs and I love them both!)
Kick me when I'm down Feed me poison, fill me till I drown Wake me up before I get pushed out and fall into the night
Warm my heart tonight And hold my head up high And help me to survive
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carpetbug · 8 months
until then you can see the icon and bios for each playlist lol
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i would apologize for the hearts but i made these like. freshman year. and only recently updated them. so i’m keeping them 😸
they’re all around 1-3 hours!
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lesbitorte · 1 year
Did I make 8 different playlists for every side of the love square under their POVs? No, why do you ask👀
(song requests are appreciated💕)
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kindaorangey · 1 year
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adrien's crush playlist | marinette's crush playlist
a pair of playlists about how marinette and adrien are differently but equally obsessed with each other <3
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lady-de-mon-coeur · 1 year
This song is about Adrinette in Transmission, you can't tell me otherwise.
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ladytheebug · 2 years
this playlist isn't "done" but i kinda started losing it thinking about Marinette and Chat singing "Smokin Out the Window" about themselves
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not that anybody asked but i’ve just been listening to hall and oates and legally i have to tell you that out of touch is SO odnlb adrien and marinette
odnlb fans have such good taste in music. literally this song is so good.
"I'm waking up to fantasy The shades all around aren't the colors we used to see Broken ice still melts in the sun And times that are broken can often be one again"
this is an odnlb adrinette poem no one can tell me otherwise <3
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bewitchingomen · 2 years
Hey Miraculous Lovesquare Fans
I’ve started a MLB Lovesquare playlist on Spotify and would love your suggestions for songs. I’m looking for songs relating to any part of the love square. They can be inspired by episodes, fanfic/fanart etc. So reply to this post with your suggestions. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Link to the playlist is below
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dancingcoder28 · 6 months
Okay, so starting today, I'm compiling a playlist of songs that I feel like describe fictional characters.
Starting with Adrien Agreste
Turning Out - AJR
Feel free to recommend songs for any character in the reblogs and in the asks!
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I love playlist Drabble games! Can you do any or all or some of the following?
21, 75, and 136
Hiii!!!! Thank you for the prompt! this was my first time doing multiple so this was a lot of fun to think of.
After looking up the corresponding songs, I ended up only doing 21 and 75 because I felt like they worked so well together with the idea formulating in my head
Also, you didn't specify a lovesquare side, so I just ended up going with Adrinette, I hope that's okay!
Anyways, Song #21 was Stop and stare by One Republic and Song #75 was Obvious from the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack
So this prompt ended up being a partial identity reveal, and yeah, hope you enjoy!
ao3 link
Something Pulls My Focus Out, and I'm Standing Down
Adrien had often marveled at how the simplest, most discrete, most rapid of moments, could have the power to change everything. 
Like, how a split-second decision to stop and tie his shoe, so as not to risk him tripping while he ran off back to class after an akuma attack, led him to… here.
He hadn’t meant to stop here, and if he had known that she would have used the otherwise empty locker room to detransform, he never would have left the boy’s bathroom.
But of course, he hadn’t known. And so, here he was. 
Here he was staring, no. gaping, open-mouthed, his frozen legs feeling like jelly, while the girl he loved, the girl who’s name had captured the every beat of his heart, transformed into one of his nearest and dearest friends.
A friend who was likely afraid of him.
Wincing internally at the slight hitch to his plans of future weddings and children and hamsters, Adrien instead chose to focus on the flood of information that was rapidly filling his brain.
Memories of spending time with Ladybug, as both himself and his masked counterpart, memories of getting to know Marinette as Adrien and of hanging out with her as Chat Noir, all weaved together to form a tapestry of sorts. 
Her kindness towards their classmates melded together with the sensitivity she had for akuma victims. Her bravery as a hero facing the unknown mixed together with her courage at standing up for others. Her creativity in crafting and sewing projects formed together with her resourcefulness amidst battle scenes. All of her traits and quirks and isms morphed themselves into one girl, a girl who was clever and beautiful and good and full of everything that made the world good and pleasant. 
When he thought of it, Marinette being Ladybug was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Adrien felt himself falling even deeper in love with her.
He watched as she fed her kwami and a dull voice echoing in his mind signaled that it would be wise for him to move, but he could not. He was rooted to the spot.
Stuck in place as he was, when Marinette eventually did look up, her gaze lined up exactly with his. 
Her eyes widened to a degree that looked painful and her mouth opened and closed, her voice apparently at a loss for words. 
“Umm Ahhh… A–Adrien?!” She asked in a flustered tone. “What are you doing here? H-how long have you been standing there?”
Adrien licked his lips and cleared his throat, which had become painfully dry. 
“Umm… A-a while. Long enough.”
“Sooo… you saw…”
Adrien gave a sharp nod of his head in response. 
Immediately the shock gripping the countenance and figure of Marinette turned into a tumultuous cocktail of fear, uncertainty, humiliation, and defeat. 
She curled in on herself and balled her fists up anxiously, the look in her eye was something fearing the worst, and she gnawed on her bottom lip helplessly.
The sharp pain at watching her in distress, became too much for him and was the impetus to finally get him out of his stupor.
Finding walking too tedious at a time like this, he all but ran across the room to where Marinette stood, ready and keen to console her. 
“Marinette,” He said, grabbing her shoulders and waiting until she met his eyes. “It’s going to be okay.”
“But…but how do you know that?” She asked, her voice breaking.
“Because I know you. You always know just what to do and what to say, with you I just know that it’s all going to work out. And also…I’m here for you, you won’t have to go through this alone. If you don’t want to of course.” He added the last part bashfully.
Adrien saw the minutest lessening of fear in her eyes and felt the smallest decrease in the tension in her arms, but it was progress, so he couldn’t complain.
Still, Marinette’s face looked pensive. Curious at the expression, he inquired further.
“What is it?”
Marinette seemed to hesitate before answering, then reluctantly gave into whatever was bothering her, for she started to speak. 
“You-you’re not disappointed?”
“Disappointed? What do you mean?”
“I don’t know, I just figured that finding out that Ladybug is just some normal girl that you know, must be kind of disappointing. It must ruin some of the mystique or something.”
At this Adrien chuckled.
“Firstly Marinette, you are anything but ‘some normal girl’,” He watched her smile at this. “You are one of the most incredible people I have ever met. Honestly, of all the people I know, it’s you who is ‘our everyday ladybug’” He said, giving her a playful nudge. She looked down as her cheeks bloomed into a pretty flush.
“Honestly, the similarities between you and Ladybug are so glaringly obvious, it’s a wonder I didn’t figure it out earlier. But to answer your earlier question, no. I am not disappointed, in fact the admiration and lo– um and respect that I had for both Ladybug and Marinette has grown exponentially since finding out you were one and the same.”
He took her hands in his, and her gaze locked to his, the heady blue of her eyes swirled with an emotion unknown to him, but still managed to knot his stomach up with butterflies. 
“It is an honor to get to know your secret.”
Marinette bit her lip once more, but this time there was shyness to the action. Adrien couldn’t help but marvel at how pretty she looked with her pink-dusted cheeks and bright eyes.
Wanting to draw her into talking, her voice honey to his hungry ears, he became the first to break their silence.
“What are you thinking about now?”
“I’m just kind of worried about what Chat Noir will say. I know he really wanted to find out my identity first.”
Adrien couldn’t stop the gleeful smile from spreading across his face. “Oh, do I have something to tell you.”
Thank you so much for the ask! <3
Request a lovesquare side and a number from my playlist for a drabble!
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mlbigbang · 1 year
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2022 Post-Reveal Fic Rec List
It's the end of the year which means it's finally time for the ML Big Bang's yearly fic rec lists! We're really excited to bring you our contributors' favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you're waiting for the Big Bang fics' publication in January.
seven is my lucky number by @miabrown007 49,000 words, Teen, 14/14 chapters
“Dating you, platonically, and moving in with you, platonically, that’s definitely optimal! No problem at all!” Chat Noir said to Ladybug, and realistically, it should have been true. He was having a crush on Marinette for the longest time. *** aka post-reveal pre-relationship roommates. but is it really pre-relationship if they are fake-dating?
"It has some very fun dynamics going on both between Adrien and Marinette and them and the rest of the cast, and some of the most insane [positive] Adrien characterisation I've seen."
"A lovely, fun, roommates-PRPR-fake-dating-college AU that is incredibly well written! It also comes with a playlist, which is fun."
"HILARIOUS. One of my personal favorite things is when the lovesquare is being stupid, and they are oh so very stupid in this /pos."
Making Plans and Other Funny Jokes by @valiantlyjollynightmare 1,367 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
Alya is stuck in the middle of Adrien and Marinette's proposal and she can't even. But she tries. In which Adrien tries to propose to Marinette, and Alya does her best to make him wait until after Marinette proposes to him.
"Alya ft the Big Adrinette Propose-Off!! this fic is extremely cute, with Alye meddling, for a change, to stop Adrien from proposing before Marinette can do it. hilarity ensues"
5 Times Marinette Dupain-Cheng Confessed to the Wrong Twin (and 1 Time She Didn't) by @sunfoxfic 15,000 words, Teen, 6/6 chapters
Now that Hawk Moth has been unmasked and Paris is settling into a supervillain-free daily routine, Marinette and Adrien's lives couldn't be more difficult. Adrien has no money — Gabriel's accounts were frozen — and Marinette needs out of her house because she's never been more at risk of her parents discovering her identity. Luckily, Félix is looking to move far, far away from home after learning that he's a sentimonster, and Paris is where he's decided to settle. And what's wrong with having a couple roommates, after all?
"Moving together with Adrien is something Marinette can be so cool about. Moving together with Félix can't be more challenging than that. Except, when she tries to finally confess her feelings to her long-time crime fighting partner, and stumbles onto the wrong twin 5 times."
Passengers by @valiantlyjollynightmare 84,841 words, Teen, 19/19 chapters
With Gabriel Agreste behind bars, Emilie Agreste in a coma, and Ladybug and Chat Noir’s identities revealed to the world, the two heroes found bitter satisfaction in their victory. Left dealing with too much at once, both focus too hard on pleasing everyone else to take care of themselves as well. Coming to the conclusion that, if they want to be able to help anyone else, they need to help themselves first, Marinette decides it is time for a much-needed break. So she suggests going as far from Paris as possible. And despite his reluctance, Adrien agrees. Heading towards Provence without any real preparations for the trip, they will discover old towns and quaint villages, explore fields of lavender, and finally talk about their feelings. What awaits them is the comfort of one another, a lot of shenanigans and fun, and more than one hotel room with a single bed for them to share.
"PRPR and a roadtrip to the French countryside, what more could I ask for? this fic is so cute and the writing is beautifully evocative. it makes you feel like you're sitting right next to Adrien and Marinette and discover the importance of taking a break from the passenger seat"
Adrien's guide to hamster acquirement by @pauliestorylover 1,367 words, General, 2/2 chapters
“Adrien, mi armour,” Marinette said slowly. “Did you steal a hamster? Again?” There was a hamster in the bathroom.
"Adrien steals hamsters. Need I say more?"
Adrien and His Kittens by @mikauzoran 3,715 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
When Adrien has to cancel on Marinette because one of his foster-children is sick, she comes over to have dinner with the family and help take care of the kids. She also helps Adrien realize that he can have everything he’s always wanted without having to give anything up.
"Adrien being an amazing dad and Marinette being an amazing girlfriend. Such a soft fic!"
Like a princess by plikki 1,024 words, Teen, 1/1 chapter
As he helps his fiancé to get dressed for a gala, Adrien can't help thinking about the reverse process afterwards.
The domesticity and their sheer love hit me hard
Learning to See by @jennagrinsoverml 16,264 words, Teen, 3/? chapters
After 10 days of blind dating in the pods, Adrien and Marinette chose each other and got engaged. But the face to face reveal has thrown them for a loop. For Marinette, she came on this show to get over Adrien, and now she unknowingly fell for him again. She fears that he'll never be able to reconcile his love for Thesis with his platonic feelings for his very good friend Marinette. For Adrien, he's always loved Ladybug and wanted to be closer to Marinette, but he knows Adrien's always made her uncomfortable. He worries that the reveal of his identity has caused her to regret choosing him. They're together but they're still pining away, thinking they feel more than the other does. Will they learn to talk openly and vulnerably, the way they used to in the pods? Or will their insecurities drive them apart?
"This is a part 2 to a previous year's big bang fic and I've been hooked since the beginning!"
Adrien "Featherboi" Agreste by GoosefaceXD 2,049 words, General, 1/1 chapter
Hawkmoth, Shadowmoth, whatever his name is, has finally been defeated. Not only that, but Adrien is a sentimonster. Understandably, it's a rather touchy subject for the two of them. Until Ladybug does a Marinette and calls Chat Noir "feather boy".
"Ladybug and Chat Noir know each other's identities. They also have recently found out that Chat Noir (and, therefore, Adrien) is a sentimonster. There's a lot to be upset about from that. Too bad Chat keeps making bad jokes about it, ruining Ladybug's existential crisis she's having on his behalf. Also too bad she (accidentally) started it. A quick one-shot that's equal parts funny and angsty. A little identity crisis isn't going to stop Chat from being Chat, and that means puns. Lots of puns."
NSFW works
The Moment by @miraculouslymundane 1,786 words, Mature, 1/1 chapter
When was the right moment to tell your superhero partner(platonic) that you've actually been dating for months? Theoretically speaking. When Adrien and Marinette start dating, Adrien also starts noticing a lot of strange similarities between his superhero partner and his new romantic one. As the months stretch on, the coincidences become harder to ignore.
"It's so sweet and so good!!!"
But Can We? by @miraculouslymundane 915 words, Mature, 1/1 chapter
Leaving Ivan and Mylène’s, Adrien and Marinette walked hand in hand back to their place. They tried not to count baby strollers as one after another passed them by. Just a lil thing for a baby fever prompt
"It's so sweet!"
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beatrice1979a · 2 months
Reverse Marinette's first heartbreak
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credits: @adorkastock for this pose
@bgony for alt chloe design.
Yes that's reverse Adrien many months before his haircut.
@generalluxun for Chloe's sunny character concept. Marvelous just Marvelous! Chloe can kill with kindness. Check their reverse fics Note that Alt!Chloe is definitely NOT into Adrien or any man. But I needed a Chloe. Update: read this post here for more about this Chloe. Let's pretend for a moment the Supreme forced her to date Paris' beloved teen celebrity for the Greater Good. What's even scarier is that this brainwashed Chloe would probably comply gladly.
(English is not my first language. So grin and bear it)
They say never meet your heroes or, in this case, your beloved idol. Marinette learned this the hard way.
She was beside herself when she learned that, despite the rumors of having (yet again) a new Supreme-sanctioned girlfriend, the self-proclaimed teen heartthrob Sunshine Boy Adrien was having an informal meet and greet at Le Grand Paris. Just two blocks away from her own home. There was no point asking for permission. Her parents would never allow it. But this chance was too good to let it lapse. 
It was dark and everyone was asleep. She grabbed a few magazines and one of the many pictures scattered all over her punk themed bedroom and, silently escaped her room by climbing down the side wall of her three storey home. She ran into the night and camped, hours before dawn, by the expected location, right near the entrance of the fanciest hotel in Paris. It was chilly and slightly humid as the sun climbed the sky but Marinette didn't pay any mind even as the noisy swarm of fans started gathering all around the area forcing her to push and fight to keep her privileged spot in the queue.
There he was, Adrien Agreste in the flesh, even more handsome than portrayed in the heavily retouched press photos or the official telescreen channels. Her heart skipped a beat and she charged forward to beg for an autograph.
And then she saw her.
His arm around her with such unbearable familiarity. Her golden messy hair precariously arranged in two braided ponytails. Unmistakably her. Blinding her with that sunny personality and that oh-so-hideous saccharine smile plastered on that ridiculously pretty doll-like face: Chloe. Chloe Bourgeois. The snobbiest prissy miss perfect, top-of-the-class loved-by-all daughter of the mayor of Paris. Chloe Bourgeois. Her bully. Her tormentor. The only person who single-handedly made her life a total misery every single day since kindergarten. Even today on this otherwise auspicious day.
She felt something snap and, for a moment, she couldn't move. As she missed her chance, she got shoved and pushed by the hoards of screeching fans hopelessly drawn to the golden pair like moths to a flame. A flame Marinette could no longer see with tears clouding her sight and threatening to ruin her heavy makeup and the magazines she clutched for dear life onto her chest.
Then another spark blew from her heart, and fire swallowed her whole, uncontrolled, until it scorched her feelings and escaped her lips in a shaken broken whisper: I hate you.
I hate you. She repeated and ran as fast as she could until she crashed back in her bed. She ignored the angry protests of her parents and, possessed by an irrational anger, she dragged all the posters, the pictures, the Supreme endorsed propaganda and threw them into the open fire of the large oven at the back of the bakery. She just stood there hypnotized, staring and staring as that pretty boy face writhed in the flames.
When everything was reduced to ashes, she pulled her phone and called that guy who'd been pestering her for the last few months, begging her for a date. And she agreed. Because she also wanted to shine. She wanted to be loved and held tightly, and worshipped even if for just a moment, even if that moment was going to be with that obnoxious, arrogant, stuck-up class president, Le Chien Kim.
But maybe just then she would finally stop feeling like such a loser for having that ridiculous crush for someone who didn't even know she existed.
And with those thoughts she promised to never succumb to the whims of her heart ever again.
But Marinette was right at least for one thing: Adrien Agreste had never even seen her before in his life. Not until a few weeks later when he decided to finally surprise his mother with her favorite artisan macarons and his feet dragged him to the door of the most popular bakery of the 21th arrondissement.
Come let the truth be shared No one ever dared To break these endless lies Secretly, she cries
And I'll hide from the world Behind a broken frame And I'll run forever I can't face the shame
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carpetbug · 29 days
gitchee gitchee goo from phineas and ferb is so adrinette coded send post
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mostmagical · 2 months
For the ask game: 🤩, 🎭, and 👄
🤩 What's the most meaningful comment you've ever received?
I feel so lucky to have received so many lovely comments that just have me on cloud 9... the first one that comes to mind wasn't even a comment on a fic but it was a reply to something I posted about my hundred word drabbles and they said they shared my drabbles with their partner and that..... oh..... I will never get over that 🥺🥺
🎭 answered here!
👄 Your OTP are having their first kiss. What song do you imagine is playing?
ummm besides that perfect music that always plays when adrinette dances...? JUST KIDDING. I mean. I always feel like I'm in the minority here but I am TERRIBLE at making playlists and assigning songs to characters. every so often I stumble upon what I think is a perfect ladynoir song, but I am so bad at remembering to write them down. every love song is them....... SORRY THIS IS SUCH A BAD ANSWER LOL
fanfic writer ask game
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